#i click on the link to the tumblr and is a blank blog with a title changed to 'my username now bitch'
thedeafprophet · 3 months
when you click on a link to someones blog from another profile and you find something that implies There Was Drama here and it leads you onto a research spiel into some interweb of drama of people you literarly know nothing about and are entierly unrelated to you
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mornyavie · 1 year
I get why tumbler staff might feel it's a priority to make the site's UI more intuitive to people used to modern social media platforms. But if that's the goal then why does it feel like they're rolling a d20 to decide what UI element to attach a link to?
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phantomcodes · 2 months
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jade | theme by sage
get the code: static preview a full length sidebar theme
features (more info below the cut):
toggle: tags on click, explore tab, sidebar stats, updates
headerbar includes custom title, home/ask/archive/explore links | day/night & tumblr controls buttons
sidebar includes an uploadable image, custom description, optional sidebar stats, optional updates, optional footer
customizable: blog title, description, colors, body & title fonts, and font size
explore tab includes up to 5 extra links and a search bar
npf supported, responsive design, scroll to top, 4 corner options, tabler icons
nothing needs to be changed in the code, everything can be changed in the customize panel!
reblog if using
do not touch the credit
all terms / faq
credits listed in the code / credits page
please consider supporting me ♡
blog name !! important
make sure you fill out the blog name field, this is what will show on the top of all your original posts. to clarify: your blog name is your blog’s url - for example: phantomcodes
responsive sidebar
when the browser window gets too small the sidebar will disappear and become toggleable, the sidebar toggle button will appear on the left side of the header
sidebar footer
leave the sidebar footer field blank if you don't want this!
remember tumblr’s customize panel is buggy, you may have to toggle the options on/off before saving
i’m still on a sort of semi-hiatus, i’ll be around for questions but please check my faq, answered asks, etc. before asking - i will not answer repeated questions!
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thenerdyindividual · 9 months
Y’all I think another fanfic scam is going around.
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[img id: a message from account avawhite inviting me to sign up for ifanfiction.com]
ifanfiction.com is a real site, but when you investigate it, there is a home page stating that their most popular genres are BTS, Werewolf, Billionaire, and Mafia using AI art as cover photos for the genre. It claims that there are 100,000+ stories published with 100 million readers. However if you try to click on any of the genre title cards, it doesn't take you to any actual writing. They also claim to have "professional editors", "fanfic community", and "work respected". The logo they used for fanfic community was a head with AI written inside it which does not inspire confidence.
Going to the authors page, there are a few paragraphs about what the benefits of writing for this site which sound like they were written by AI. They say you can also publish original fiction on that site and they will give you “fixed royalty share and bonuses from the income”. They make sure to say that all fanfic is free on their site, but later claim that users are paying to use the site. The only way to sign up as a writer is to either email the address in the screenshot above, or if you go to author.ifanfiction.com. However upon poking around the author page, there was no TOS. There also does not seem to be a sign up page to be a reader.
I followed the link to their facebook group, and found that there is only one member who is the admin. There are no posts, and the group was not created until December 14, 2023.
I investigated the tumblr that messaged me. This is what their blog page looks like.
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As you can see it is blank like a bot page is. I also checked out their likes. There were only two and both were fic collection posts. They follow 8 people, 7 of whom have updated in the last day and the other updated a month ago. So it’s clear that they are active accounts which is likely how they were followed.
All of this seems really sketchy. I make no claims as to what the site is actually attempting to do, but it seems like it’s a combo of email phishing and AI scraping. I would not recommend trusting this site with any of your work, fanfic or original.
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You never looked at the evidence if you really believe all they have is cropped screenshots. Your rhetoric about unrelated events in the past has nothing to do with your disgusting attitude towards people genuinely hurt and abused by that monster. It's clear all you've done is do exactly what Lily says to do and refuse to look at what her victims post. They are her VICTIMS. THE SAME VICTIMS YOU CALLED PREDATORS BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO CLICK A FEW LINKS AND READ THROUGH POSTS THAT SPOONFEED YOU EVERYTHING SHE DOES.
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Really love how you ignored the fact that I said and I quote "I've watched plenty of videos going into the abuse allegations" and I've even name dropped Ethel (aka Essence of Thought) as an example.
I really loved that. It's adorable. Learn to fucking read.
Also I am a victim of Pedophilia and fyi my abuser actually is a free man because the courts said there was a "lack of evidence". Thanks for reminding of that, asshole.
But let me give you a simple thought experiment that I KNOW you're not going to answer or are going to find a way to weasel your way out of answering:
Lily Orchard stated that her parents were extremely abusive, her sister even stated this in her own blogs and in her interview with Essence of Thought. Her sister's Tumblr Bio even has her bragging about how she was their parent's favorite -- not Lily.
So let me ask you, if Lily's sister was the golden child and Lily was the scapegoat... WHY DIDNT HER SISTER OPEN HER FUCKING MOUTH?
Lily even stated that IF she was such an abusive disgusting asshole her parents would've MURDERED HER. Point blank. PERIOD.
IF Lily's sister was such a favorite, such a golden child, their parents would've killed Lily a long ass time ago.
Now let's look at recent events.
It's been confirmed by Lily and KP herself that KP tried to get Lily and her sister into a call together....
That shit is NEVER a good idea. But what makes this shit even more sus to me is the fact that KP got UPSET when LILY FUCKING ORCHARD was the one to say "No!" LEAVE THE CALL when this idea was brought up. KP stated this.
Do you want to know what this says to me. This says that Lily wasn't the abuser in this situation.
Lily was having a trauma response.
But Lily's sister was the one open to the idea of getting into a call with her supposed abuser... WHAT THE FUCK???
As a victim of pedophilia I can honestly say to you that if someone tried to get me in a call with my bio father - my abuser - I'd run so fucking far I'd change my name and move to the other side of the fucking planet if I had to.
My own mother tried to get me to interact with my cousins, aunts, and uncles from my bio-fathers side of the family and the answer has always been "No!" every single fucking time.
Because I don't want to be anywhere near the IDEA of my abuser let alone anywhere near him.
It makes me sick. So tell me why the fuck is it that Lily's supposed victim, Lily's sister adopts Lily's name, actively reached out to one of her friends and even reached out to her on Deviant Art to INTERACT with Lily?
Everything that the sister does doesn't scream "this a victim of an abuser."
So let's look at what this entire situation says to me.
Lily Orchard didn't want to be forced by KP to join a call with one of her supposed "victims" and is her sister who has been BRAGGING about being their parents golden child and could've gotten her murdered at any time said sister felt like it. Lily said "No!" and left the call.
Predators LOVE to have power over their victims. They LOVE having info on their victims and former victims. It's like crack to them. It always has been. So IF Lily was a predator... Why is it that she's been avoiding her sister? Her supposed former victim...
My abuser used the fact that I was just a naive 7 year old against me all the time. That my mom would never believe me. And he was damn near right until he broke up with my mom in another one of their heated arguments and after a month of him being gone I spilt my guts and my mom kept asking me "Are you sure?" until she finally faced reality and realized that he was in fact a predator.
Can't wait to see how you'll ignore all of this shit and all of these questions in the next ask which I'm 99% sure is going to be you twisting yourself into knots to not answer them and bitch about whatever perceived slite you find in this.
Also before I forget I'm mature enough to see that Lily was obviously annoyed and saw plenty of people whining about her about anime and just took it out in that ask and thus I didn't take it personally. I don't have to take every insult someone gives me personally.
I didn't call her supposed victims predators. You just did though LOL. Way to out yourself there bud.
What I've been doing is pointing out that the shit being thrown at Lily is the EXACT same things that have been thrown and accused at LGBTQIA+ people for years, especially in the current Political Climate. Marjorie Taylor Green and JK Rowling have been throwing pedophilia and grooming allegations at the Trans Community for YEARS.
And what makes this shit all the more suspicious to me is that A LOT of Lily's haters dead name her and misgender her so often it's expected of them and when Lily's sister first came on scene, and this was pointed out by Essence of Thought herself, she misgendered and deadnamed Lily until she realized that Ethel was going to continue to correct her so she had to use Lily's name and gender.
It's no secret that the majority of Lily's haters are transphobes so it's not hard to expect that they'd use the very talking points transphobes have been throwing at the trans community for YEARS.
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tenpintsofsundrop · 1 year
Fanfiction Etiquette 101
(Things You Didn't Know You Need To Know)
So, I have seen some discussions about these things on my dashboard, and I know some people are new to tumblr and new to fanfiction in general, so I decided to put this list together in case it might help people. And this stuff goes for all fandoms, no matter what type of fanfiction to write and post.
Also fyi, this post is mostly for people who write and post fanfiction.
1: Putting A Readmore/Cut On Fanfiction
So a 'readmore' (also known as a 'cut') is the ability to put the body of your fanfiction under a cut off link so that people's dashboards are not clogged up by long sprawling paragraphs of text. This is also helpful if your fic contains smut and people don't want to be subjected to smut - people have to click through to keep reading sensitive topics.
The button for it looks like this on desktop:
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And this bar of options comes up on desktop when you hit 'enter' on a blank line.
And it looks like this on mobile:
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Tumblr put it permanently into the hotbar of options so that it's easier for people to put a readmore on their posts on mobile.
Once you have inputted it, it comes up as a light grey jagged line, showing you where your text cuts off in the main post aka what text is visible before the cut and what's not.
And generally, I think it's a good idea to put the readmore after the first paragraph of your fic, or after the description/summary.
I have noticed that some people put it in after several paragraphs for a longer fic, but I think to make fics easier to reblog, you could put it closer to the top. And even if you're writing smut blurbs, you should put it close to the top to keep smut concealed in case people don't want to read or see smut.
If you don't use a readmore, people are less likely to reblog your fic because they don't want to put a long text wall on other people's dashboards.
2: Using (Stolen) Gifs As Fanfiction Covers
I have seen some discussion about using gifs from google, and people putting a gif that they have downloaded and simply writing under it 'this gif is not mine, please DM me if it's your and I will give you credit'.
It's generally established among gif makers that downloading random gifs and putting them on your fanfiction is bad etiquette. Those are considered stolen gifs.
Even if you say it's not yours and offer to give credit, any gif you repost that is not yours is considered a stolen gif.
Fanfiction writers and gif makers need to work together, not against each other. Reblog gif sets you like, and don't download random gifs, no matter what the source is.
The best way to use gifs as fanfiction covers is to make them yourself or to use the tumblr integrated gif search system.
The gif search system is in the same hot bar as the readmore, labelled under 'gif'.
When you pull it up and click on it, you type in the name of the character you are looking for, and then you can scroll through the results. You can click on a gif to add it to your post, and remove it if you don't like it. So you can try out different gifs to find the right fit of what you're looking for.
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And when you find what you're looking for and put it on your post, it automatically credits the gifmaker.
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And the credit appears like this. And the name of the gifmaker can be clicked and then it takes you to their blog, so you can see who made the gif. This is a much better way to use gifs, because if someone likes a gif they see on your fic post, they can click through to the original gifmaker and reblog it.
Alternatively, using stills from the show/piece of media you're fanfic is about is a great way to avoid using stolen gifs.
2.5: Using Flashing Gifs On Fanfiction
I have noticed that a lot of people use flashing dividers for their fics, and they don't tag it with a flashing warning (#flashing gif or something similar) and they don't see this as a problem.
Using a flashing gif in fanfiction without a warning can negatively affect disabled readers. Not just people with photosensitive seizures, but people with migraines and different types of eye issues.
3: Using Coloured Text For Fanfiction
Speaking of accessibility issues, I have noticed that many people (especially people new to tumblr/new to fanfiction) use Tumblr's coloured text option to differentiate characters in fanfiction - assigning one colour per character with dialogue.
Some people also just use coloured text for the whole body of their fics, just making it straight up unreadable for disabled people.
Using coloured text in fanfiction makes it inaccessible because certain types of colour blindness makes it unreliable to see on a white background, and bright colours can cause eye strain for different types of disabilities.
It is kinder to use the traditional black text for the body of your fic, and any important information (like the content warnings, DNI criteria, etc).
4: Putting Thorough Content Warnings On Fanfiction
Speaking of content warnings - I could (and probably should) make an entire post about this topic alone, because many writers (both new and old) are severely lacking in this department.
Content warnings are supposed to be more for just smut - and if you do have smut in your fic, you should put warnings for that, instead of just releasing for fic into the wild with no warnings at all. Content warnings are supposed to be for anything that could be potentially triggering for a reader - phobias and fears, sensitive topics, uncomfortable or fear-inducing situations, and kinks and nsfw topics.
Tbh I think not enough people put warnings for alcohol and alcohol consumption in their fics, because alcohol is far too normalized to most people, but again - I could probably make a whole post just about content warnings in fanfiction. Basically: if you think your post could be triggering to someone with an addiction or in addiction recovery (or triggering to a sober person who doesn't want to read about drugs or alcohol) - then include those things in the content warnings.
Fanfiction is about informed consent.
People need to be better informed about what the content of your fic is before they consent to reading it. Also, if you're worried about the warnings being too detailed and giving away 'spoilers' for your fic, then you're probably worried about the wrong thing. And you can just put a warning at the very top that says "the content warnings of this fic contain spoilers for the plot of the fic" and let people make their choice if they want to skip the content warnings or not.
Please, write about all the dark or sensitive topics that you want, but just put detailed warnings on your fic so people can be informed about it before reading your fic.
People always appreciate thorough warnings, and they are more likely to read your fic if they are fully informed before clicking into the body of it.
4.5: (Not) Censoring Content Warnings
Tumblr is not tiktok. (Same goes for posting fics on AO3, but this post is mostly about Tumblr fics.) On Tumblr you can say/spell out any word you want without your post being suppressed or taken down - suicide, kill, murder, fuck, abortion, hell, porn, tits, cumshot, etc.
So that means that when you're writing out the content warnings of a fic, you should write them out fully, rather than putting slang or alluding to the topics in a fic. (Again, informed consent.) Rather than saying 'this fic contains SA', say: 'this fic contains sexual assault' or 'this fic contains rape'.
I saw someone using the term 'unalive' in the content warnings of their fic, and tbh, that's what inspired me to make this whole post.
If you're not mature enough to spell out all the topics in the content warnings of the post, you're not mature enough to be writing and posting about those topics.
Also, try not to use terms that need to be looked up/implicit terms. Certain terms for kinks (like dacryphilia or somnophilia) might lead a person to google those terms and find things they don't want to see. So instead of using those terms, just say 'crying kink' or 'sleeping kink' instead, so that everything is spelled out plainly.
This is all I can think of for now. Basically, just be kind to others when posting fics. Be kind to gif makers, disabled readers, and anyone from your fandom who might have an interest in your fic! Be safe and have fun writing! <3
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fakehelper · 1 year
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✦ Okay, I give in. Let's upload our gifs on the beta editor to prepare for a gif pack page. Resources are available at the bottom, so lets get started !!
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So first things first, you can only upload 30 gifs at a time. Now for me, I will always upload as I gif, around every 20 gifs, then upload to the page (this also ensures I don't skip any or have doubles) and keep gifing. That used to mean that I don't have to wait for tumblr to load 300 gifs and die from impatience. For the rest of y'all that means you're going to have to batch upload. I know, I'm sorry.
Note: With the help of @nataliealynlind we discovered that the daily limit is 250 gifs! So if you have more than that, prepare to upload your gifs over the course of a couple days or use a second blog. (imo this is another great reason to upload as you gif! that way you don't have to get stuck at 250!)
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So after you upload your gifs (in this case I only did 10)*, you're going to go to the gear at the top of your post and click it. Then scroll all the way to the bottom where it says Text Editor. This looks familiar, right?
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*Note: If you don't save it as a draft first, your gifs will be in .gif format, not .gifv. This means you can skip removing this tag later on, but I'm not sure if gifs that are uploaded but never saved/drafted will later disappear at some point. To be safe, I would save it as a draft. I just forgot at this part tbh
Well the good news is, you only have to change this once! The bad news is, we don't do Markdown then HTML anymore bc Markdown doesn't strip any of the code anymore 🙃 So just change it to HTML
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Now it should look like this! Fun!
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Okay, now we're going to copy that text and take it on over to our new best friend, the HTML Cleaner! So you're going to want to paste it on the right side of the screen. Your gifs should appear on the left side. If both sides have text, that's how you know you pasted it on the left.
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So in order to get ride of all this extra code, it's going to take a couple extra steps. First, you're going to check these boxes on the left hand side.
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Now, on the right hand side, you're going to enter these under Find and Replace (copy/paste section below!!). I know you're like, uh what? Where the hell did you get those numbers? Well, I got them from our gif post code!
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For easy copy pasting:
Find: <figure> Replace: (leave blank)
Find: </figure> Replace: (leave blank)
So after you add the specific widths for your gifs, you're also going to want to add the following:
Find: .gifv Replace: .gif
Find: alt="" Replace: (leave blank)
Find: /> < Replace: /><
NOTE: If your gifs are usually the same size, I would recommend saving these snippits above on your computer's sticky notes or a draft to copy/paste for future uploads! While I do appreciate the viewer traffic, I'm sure coming to this tutorial every time is gonna get old real fast.
After all that, click Clean HTML
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And now, your code should look like this! If there's still a space between your image links, just click Clean HTML again and it should get rid of it!
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Now your code is nice and clean to put into your gif pages! Not quite sure how to do that? Read the Setting Up Your Sidepage section in this older tutorial!!
HTML Cleaner
My Gif Pack Page Codes
Recommended Gif Pack Page Codes (tag)
Previous Tutorial (How to upload to a Standard Sidepage)
Barebones Code (for previous tutorial)
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orphiclovers · 2 months
Not orv related but kinda new to Tumblr so like what is the behaviour 101 on Tumblr , can I get a few tips , i desperately wanna interact but idk
Okay, I knew I would get something like this. You're already doing pretty well, in that you have a profile pic and have figured out the ask function, so good job. 
Orphiclovers’ guide to Tumblr 101:
1.The number one crucial step that EVERYONE should do, even if you don’t care about the rest. CHANGE YOUR PROFILE PIC to ANYTHING that's not the default one (Though not your face. We don’t generally do that here.) The reason to do this is because it’s almost impossible to tell apart a just created blog from a porn bot. If you haven’t encountered one yet, you will. They're a big thing on tumblr, a completely blank blog created by a bot (sometimes with an attractive woman as the profile pic) that follows you and and sends you ‘hot singles in your area’ type scam messages. If you get one, don’t click any links! Under the message there will be a prompt saying ‘mark this as spam?’ click that and tumblr will automatically report and block the blog.  Some people with huge bot infestations automatically block any blank blog to be safe, and you don’t want that accidentally happening to you, so CHANGE YOUR PROFILE PIC!
2. The other essential blog customization thing is go to Blog Settings>turn off ‘share posts you like’ and ‘share the tumblrs you’re following’. This will hide your likes and the people you follow from every other user. Basically everyone turns this off to have privacy. Otherwise noisy fucks like me can come to your blog and look at all that.
3. You ALSO need to go to Settings>Dashboard>scroll to Prefrences> disable ‘Best Stuff First.’ Having your dashboard (that’s what we call the “Following” tab on Home where you see all the posts) be in chronological order is objectively the best way to be on Tumblr. This is the one social media that doesn’t shove the algorithm down your throat, enjoy it to the fullest. I have never in my life clicked on the ‘Explore’ tab except by accident, and the ‘For You’ tab is also controversial. I don’t recommend it. You can learn to use tumblr with no algorithms and you will feel better.
4. Okay, but there’s like two posts on my dashboard, what do I do? You need to follow people, friend. Go to the search bar and enter a tag for a fandom or character you like. That’s ‘#kim dokja’ or ‘#honkai star rail’ - unlike instagram, you can put spaces between words. It’s not case sensitive, so #Kim Dokja #kim dokja and #KIM DOKJA is all the same to tumblr. I recommend going in tags and not just ‘kim dokja’ because tumblr’s search system is often wonky.
5. Now, scroll through the posts and follow the blogs. That’s it. Now their new posts will show up at the top of your dashboard. Currently, I follow 119 blogs and that’s a pretty decent number. I get new posts every couple of minutes, and if there are no new posts I exit the app. No endless doomscrolling. Also, all the people I follow actually post stuff I want to see.
6. You mentioned wanting to make friends and that brings me to my next tip: Reblog. Reblog, reblog, reblog. Every post you want to click ‘like’ on you should reblog instead. Everytime you want to comment you should reblog instead (and put the comment in the tags).
7. This will put their post on your blog. Most of the posts you see on your dashboard are posts the people you follow have reblogged. It’s hard to wrap your head around, but it’s essential tumblr stuff so I will try to explain it in detail.
Reblogging etiquette
8. Blank reblogs are fine.
9. If you want to say something like ‘good art!!’ or ‘wow I love this theory so much’ put that in the tags of your reblog. The original poster will see the tags you have added, and also anyone who follows you will see the post + your tags. But if they reblog a post from you, your tags don’t come with unless they decide to manually copy them (which people don’t usually do unless they want to respond to something you said in the tags. Then they will copy the tags and put <- prev as in ‘previous’ and respond to them. This is like a whispered conversation you have on op’s post but they will still be able to see all of it so be mindful.) Some people also use the tag system to organize their blogs.
For example, if you reblog art of kim dokja, in the tags you can put ‘#wowowow I’m drooling thank you op, #kim dokja, #orv, #orv fanart’. Theoretically now when you or anyone else goes to your blog’s search function can search #orv fanart and see all the original posts you have made and the stuff you have reblogged with the tag #orv fanart.
Now I will address some common concerns people have before reblogging. “Am I reblogging too many posts in a row??? Won’t the people who follow me get annoyed???” No, they will not 99% of the time. And if they do, they can unfollow you. But okay, if you’re worried about this you can put your reblogs in a queue. Here’s how tumblr themselves describe it: ‘The queue lets you stagger posts over a period of hours or days. It's an easy way to keep your blog active and consistent.’ Basically if you tell it to it will automatically post the stuff you can put in the queue every hour or 15 minutes or whatever you want the interval to be. Check it out.
“Won’t reblogging posts bury my own posts and prevent them from being seen???” No. All the posts you reblog are probably long buried in the OP’s blog too. But as long as they get passed around in reblogs they will get new eyes on them, forever. Also, you can reblog your own posts if you want them put on your followers dash again (usually tagging this as #srb or #self reblog). They will also still be in the tags you put on them originally. Myself, I tag all my posts as #my posts or #my art so anyone visiting my blog can easily check for those specifically (though I don’t know if anyone does…lol. Lmk.)
 “Okay, but I have so many different interests, won’t people hate seeing random reblogged posts about stuff they’re not interested in?” They can deal or unfollow you. But okay, some people create ‘sideblogs’ for every fandom they’re in. This functions as almost a fully fledged seperate blog. For example, you can’t easily tell if a blog you follow is a main one or a sideblog, or what their main blog is (unless they tell you). You only can’t like or follow or send an ask from a sideblog.
In general you don’t add stuff to the text part of a reblog unless you have something significant to add and/or are mutuals with the OP. Mutuals is when you both follow each other. I’m guessing you’re asking me how to get people to follow you back and to that I say idk man. Make posts and talk to them in reblogs and it will naturally happen. 
Also, asks are fun, send people asks (and enable them in setting on your own blog.)
10. Also, give your blog a description and a title. It’s just nice customization. The title can be a quote you like and the description anything you want to tell someone about yourself. Look at how other blogs do it. I think nickname/pronouns/list of fandoms is pretty standard.
Let me know if you want to ask anything else :)
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simdertalia · 4 months
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Hello everybody! I've seen some people saying they don't know how to edit their page, and as a result a lot of blogs that are blank are being blocked & reported as bot pages, or labeled as adult pages (because people are reporting them incorrectly. Actual spam/bot pages should be reported as spam, not adult content, even though some of them contain adult content). After so many reports, I think that a blog will automatically be labeled as such and the user has to contact Tumblr support to change it back.
I've taken some screenshots on my own page with some notes/edits, posted above, to help anyone who wants a quick tutorial on personalizing your page. When you make the edits to your page, remember to click on the blue save button in the top left editing area.
It's quite easy, you go to your main blog page and click on the painting palette symbol. The next thing that comes up is a page with an editing area, I've added notes to the sections that should be edited, the header is a good idea to edit also, but it is mainly ✨your description and avatar,✨ as both helps others separate your account from bot accounts that also have an avatar (often blank, or images of women models) and something in the description (sometimes this is empty, sometimes it is"their name" sometimes a ton of emojis, it varies). Some bot accounts even have the word "sim" in their handle, so the community can't totally rely on a username for indication with that word in it, either (unless it specifically says "simblr" or "ts4" in the handle).
Anyway, the influx of bots has caused some annoying problems for us all here, I made another post about that here, with links to more information. The best way to avoid these issues is to make sure your blog is personalized.
Here is a tag on my page for some free icons if you'd like to grab something cute & quick, or if there is something specific you would like, I'm more than happy to make one for you, so just send me a DM or Ask 💗
If I have blocked your blog by mistake, you can send an Ask to my CC finds sideblog linked at the top of my page, and I am also available on Ko-Fi and Instagram where you can send me a message, I will be glad to fix it right away.
And if you've got a blog that you are painstakingly sifting through your new follows due to all the blank ones, feel free to reblog for your followers 💗
*this original post has been edited for correct wording and more information
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desceros · 6 months
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@fidgetyfawn hi hi so i thought i'd go and give you a very brief tumblr beginner/early intermediate guide since i've also seen some other people around here that may find it useful!!
i'm going to assume you know little to nothing, and this post is good both for people who are just looking to find cool art/fic/whatever, or for people looking to post their own art/fic.
click on the readmore here and i'll give you a bit of a walkthrough for how to get things set up and how to start interacting with people, as well as some basic etiquette!
THIS IS A VERY LONG POST!! pro tip: if you're on desktop, you can use the J key to skip down a post and the K key to skip up. youre welcome
so first things first, when you log in, the first thing you'll see is your dashboard. this is where posts from people you follow will appear.
dashboard management
i can't remember if this is the default or not, but i highly recommend you change your dashboard (almost typed dachshund ATD counter: 1) to chronological order. you can do this by clicking settings on the left, then dashboard (ATD counter: 2) on the right.
personally, i uncheck the 'shorten longer posts' option since it cuts things too short, and further down you'll see the option that says 'best stuff first'. turn that shit off. you'll miss a lot of posts from people you follow if you have it on. actually, everything on that preferences section can get turned off. tumblr is designed to be more curated, and those are all options the staff added trying to emulate things like twitter. they suck. turn em off.
how to find blogs to follow
so now that you've got your dash set up, it's time to get some shit showing up!! you've already started off right by following me, so i can see you know how to do that much. but in case this post breaches containment, i'll put some tips here for people:
if you see people out in the wild that you like who link their tumblrs, go check em out. see if you like what they post. if so, you can follow them. this will put their posts on your dashboard, and they'll get a notification that you've followed if they have those turned on.
once you find someone you like, check out who they're reblogging from. go check out those blogs. see who they're reblogging. go check out those blogs. search for things that you're interested in, and click on the people posting into those tags (more on this later). eventually, you'll be following lots of people who post things that you like, and now you can start really curating your own posting experience.
some people will have a DNI (do not interact) linked somewhere. if they do, it's considered good etiquette to give it a look and make sure you're not gonna step on toes. some people will have a "blank blogs"/"ageless blogs dni" on theirs, or say they'll block you if you're a blank/ageless blog. this is because a lot of bots will have a blank tumblr, so it's a good idea to make some text posts or something saying IM REAL I PROMISE and you can have "i'm an adult"/"18+"/"(your actual age if you're comfortable with it)"/"(an approximation of your age, e.g. 20s, if you arent)" before you get too in the weeds on following people.
sidebar, once you're blocked, it's a bit tacky to go find that person on other platforms or go on anon and ask why they blocked you. just move on and don't take it personally.
how to post shit
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these are the buttons that let you post new shit. when you make a new post, you'll get the post editor popping up. it's actually pretty cool, hot take, but here are the important things to know:
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put your post in the spot. i'm using the text post one here since i post either fanfic or nattering. you can add links to stuff, change formatting, font colors, all that. i'm not gonna get too into the weeds on that since this is a beginner guide, but there are other guides on how to do it slash you should fuck around with it a bit yourself. i will, however, show you the details of the "post now" button
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post now: posts now
add to queue: tumblr has a function where it will automatically post things in your queue. you can find it in your blog detail page, which you get to via account>[click on your blog name]>queue on the right. you can change how many per day go there. a lot of people will have a cutesy queue tag (eg "i love queue" or something punny like that) so your followers will know if it's a queued post or a regular one. this is cute, but not necessary
save as draft: if you want to keep a post for later but not publish it yet, you can save it as a draft. it's in the same place as your queue, but these will stay there until you post it yourself. i do this a lot for posts that i want to keep for their information, or to save art to post for when i'm trying to break up an ocean of asks. very cool feature
post privately: this will make it so that only you can see the post. just a warning though that anything that goes online will be seen by Someone, so i wouldn't put like. deep dark secrets or your ssn here or something. (<- does not use this feature at all hahaha)
schedule: you can have the post drop on a certain time on a certain day. fun for flashbanging yourself later, or reminding yourself of something, etc.
if you put something in your post, it will be "searchable" on tumblr. that means if you have a post saying "i hate tmnt rise" then people who look for "tmnt rise" may be able to see your post. just a heads up. you can make your blog not show up in search results, but if you're someone looking to be found (e.g. a writer trying to post, or someone trying to make friends, etc.) i dont recommend you turn that on. just be aware that if you post things talking shit, you might get some people trolling you. just block them and move on.
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if you click into a post, this thing will pop up. this will allow you to add a picture, a gif, a link, an audio file, a video file, a poll, or a readmore break (shortens the post like i did with this one to make it less intrusive on someone's dashboard).
etiquette note: if your post is going to be on the long side, Especially if it's a text post (for me this is around the 650-700 word mark), put it under a readmore. it's really annoying on mobile to scroll through a bunch of text. also, if you're going to post nsfw (which i will remind you, WILL show up in the public tags!) either have some kind of nsfw tag, put it under a readmore, or both.
on the bottom of your post, you will see the option to tag your posts. some people don't use the tag function at all. i use it religiously. tagging serves two functions: organizing your blog, and sharing your content.
on your blog, you can search posts by tag. this is the best way to search your tumblr, which has a notoriously terrible search function. if you ever want to confidently be able to find things again, tag them something you'll remember. i have a list here of tags i use as an example for some ideas.
secondly, tumblr has a function where you can see what everyone is posting under a certain phrase. you can find this by typing a phrase into the "search tumblr" bar in the upper right. this will largely be posts that are tagged by that thing, or have tags that contain that phrase. (e.g. if you search "tmnt" you will find posts that are tagged "tmnt" but also some that are tagged "donnie tmnt"). this is how you can find new people to find, and fun art to reblog, etc. search for things you're interested in, then go through the tag and find who looks cool.
you'll also find that some people (<- me) will "talk" in the tags. the op of the post Can See These!!! so don't say anything that's rude or that you wouldn't want them to see!!! but this is a holdover of tumblr etiquette from years ago when it was considered rude to reblog art, let's say, and put your thoughts about something in the reblog as its own reblog. the old school of thought is that it disrupted the "aesthetic" of the post, so you'll see a lot of people put their commentary in the tags instead. it's not as obtrusive, but everyone can still see it. there's a joke that your tags will "pass peer review" if someone screenshots them and puts them on the post while reblogging, but that's usually something you'll see on particularly funny posts or creative posts or that sort of thing.
reblogs vs reposts
you will come across people who have "no reposts" or "don't repost my art" in their description or on their blog or on their art. there's a lot of confusion for new tumblr people on what that means.
reposting means that you are downloading the art/fic/whatever, then using the upload function and creating your own original post.
reblogging is when you take the post that the person made, and clicking on the reblog button (third one here):
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reposting things is BAD because it does not give the op original credit and it makes it look like you created the thing. reblogging is GOOD because it shares art/writing/etc with the people who are following you, and encourages community. the double arrows are what keep community alive!!
on that note, likes are functionally useless. that little heart there does nothing for artist engagement. while there is a tumblr algorithm, it's terrible, doesn't really work, and! we've already turned ours off in the beginning, remember? most people will have done this. liking a post doesn't put it on your blog, it doesn't make it so that you can find it later, it doesn't boost the op's engagement. likes do the two things and only the two things:
op knows you saw the post
tumblr puts it into one giant unsearchable pile of things you've liked
that's it! so if you like a post, consider reblogging it. add that fun commentary in the tags we talked about! this is a really good way to make someone's day.
etiquette note; you'll sometimes see people who say "no spam likes". this means that they don't like it when people go through their blog and just hit like on the latest posts over and over and over. it clogs up the notification feed and makes it harder to see the engagement that actually Means something, e.g. reblogs, mentions, replies, etc. i personally don't have an issue with it since you can filter those out if you're looking for something, but if someone asks you not to do it, don't do it. also, if you do it and suddenly find that you're blocked even if you've not done anything wrong, that might be why. some people just don't like it shrug.
how to make friends
tumblr is a social media site, and while it's possible to have a great time on your own just reblogging pretty art and great fics onto your page, a lot of the joy comes from participating in community.
there's a good post here i reblogged the other day for some details, but here are some basic things for a beginner to know:
you can send messages to blogs you like called "asks". you'll find the link to it on the left of the follow button on someone's blog, and a lot of people will have changed the wording. for example, mine is called "request a song." you can send people messages, anonymously if you wish, and tumblr will let you know when the person has answered your message. they may do so publicly (which i always do!), so make sure not to put anything there you wouldn't be okay with all of their followers seeing. don't be rude. but it's the best way to start talking with someone. and most people are very excited to get messages like this!! so don't be intimidated!!
there is a dm system. most people aren't going to have it available except to people they're following, and it has a bit more of an intimate feel than an ask. personally, i only use this function for my mutuals (people whom i follow who are also following me), and i'd be willing to bet that's a common mood about it.
replies: just like you did with the post you started, you can reply to text posts. the op will see it, and you can start talking about a post without having it appear on your blog. it's a nice way to communicate without clogging up your dash/blog, and you did so perfectly!
reblogs: we already went over this, but you can also just reblog posts. the person from whom you reblog will see what you say, and op will see what you say. etiquette here is not to reblog posts if someone asks you not to, and to tag longer posts as "long post" so people on mobile who have that limited don't have to scroll as long
talk to people! be friendly! ask them about their day. if it's an author, tell them your favorite part of their last fic. ask what the inspiration was for this part or that part. i get people sending me songs in that remind them of character moments, and that's fun! draw art of your favorite scene, then tag the author in it! (to tag people, use the @ symbol, then type their username, e.g. @desceros tags me).
find people that are posting the things that you like, follow them, reblog from them, send in asks off anon when they reblog little games asking for them, just. you know. be social. that post i linked has some good ideas if you need help.
if you're coming from ao3, go to the author's profile page. a lot of us have our tumblrs linked there. go to their tumblr. follow them. send in asks about their fics. you'll often find fun fanart, or wips, or that kind of thing!
anyway i think that answered all the questions you had, but you can ask if there's something specific you were looking for i didn't touch. hope this helps!! C:
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phantomcodes · 26 days
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ruellia | theme by sage
get the code: preview v1 / preview v2 personal version of my fansite theme abelia!
features (more info below the cut):
toggle: tags on click, explore popup, & updates box
choose between left or right sidebar
headerbar includes icon/blog title, home/ask/archive links, search bar or explore popup, scroll to top, day/night, & tumblr controls buttons
sidebar includes an uploadable image with a custom description, up to 6 links, & an updates box
customizable: colors, body & title fonts, and font size
npf supported, responsive design, 3 corner options, tabler icons
nothing needs to be changed in the code, everything can be changed in the customize panel!
reblog if using
do not touch the credit
all terms / faq
credits listed in the code / credits page
please consider supporting me ♡
blog name !! important
make sure you fill out the blog name field, this is what will show on the top of all your original posts. to clarify: your blog name is your blog’s url - for example: phantomcodes
responsive sidebar
when the browser window gets too small the sidebar will disappear and become toggleable, the sidebar toggle button will appear on the right side of the headerbar next to the day/night button
explore popup
the explore menu has a search bar, bio text section, up to 5 info stats, up to 4 blogs, up to 4 socials, and up to 8 extra links
the blogs, socials, and links are all optional! leave the first one blank if you don't want these
the sidebar will stick to the top of the page, if you use the updates the sidebar will scroll and the updates box will stick to the top of the page
general notes
many things will not show up if they’re left empty, some examples: if you don’t want the sidebar links leave the sidebar link 1 field blank
remember tumblr’s customize panel is buggy, toggle the options on/off before saving
i’m still on a sort of semi-hiatus, i’ll be around for questions but please check my faq, answered asks, etc. before asking - i will not answer repeated questions!
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fanby-fckry · 7 months
📌 Welcome, friends, foes, and passersby, to my personal piece of fandom Hell.
Have you made your daily clicks yet, today?
If you have money to donate, please take a look at these vetted fundraisers.
18+ Blog
No minors. No bigots. No blank blogs/default icons.
No Minors: I’m an adult posting adult content on my adult blog; I will block you on sight.
No Bigots: “Bigots” includes rad fems, exclusionists, and zionists. Trans people need feminism, too, gatekeeping helps no one, and zionism does not equate to Judaism (implying that genocide is a Jewish value is antisemitism).
No Blank Blogs: For context on why I block default icons, see this post.
I intend to use my block button liberally, but I’m hoping the big text will help at least a little bit.
I also edit this post/my blog theme to include a comical amount of 18+ disclaimers whenever I get fed up with the amount of minors trying to follow me. Idk if it works, but it’s cathartic.
Fandom is meant to be fun, so if you’re here to spread hate, don’t. <3 I’ll just block you, and neither of us will gain anything from it.
This Blog Contains:
Adult content
Problematic media
Fictional depictions of violence and gore
Discussion of potentially triggering content
Please see this post for a list of tags you may want to block.
As a rule of thumb, I tend to tag things #[trigger] cw and use the keep reading feature in extreme cases. Please ask if you need me to tag something.
Viewer discretion is advised; be safe, bloggers.
The Amazing Devil (Band)
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Doctor Who
Fullmetal Alchemist
Good Omens
Harry Potter – I do not support JKR
🖤 Hazbin Hotel
🖤 Helluva Boss
Steven Universe
The Witcher
I tend to cycle through them based on the whims of my wretched gremlin brain. When and why the cycle changes is unknown even to me.
Current main fandoms are marked with a ‘🖤’
About Me:
You can call me Fanby. I’m over 25 years old and use an assortment of pronouns, but mainly they/them, xe/xem, and it/its.
I’m queer in just about every sense of the word and fucked in the head, not in my bed. I have freed myself from the shackles of amatonormativity (10/10, highly recommend) and am living my best life as a polyamorous, (a)sexual deviant.
I don’t owe anyone my exact labels or diagnoses, but I do share them When I Feel Like It™️.
Other Socials:
AO3: Fanby
Pronouns.page: fanby-fckry — flags need updating again, tbh.
Spotify: Fanby
Twitter: fanby_fckry — not very active.
Side Blogs:
Poetry: @refinedandgivenform
Tag Lists:
Note: I’m not always the best at tagging things. Sometimes I make mistakes, mistag or forget a tag. If you notice something is mistagged or missing a tag, please feel free to send me an ask or dm me about it!
Main Tags
Accessibility Tags
Tags to Block
Refs, Recs, and Resources
Fanfic Masterlists:
Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss)
The Witcher
AO3 Exclusives – Links to the AO3 collection
Greatest Hits:
Fake Tumblr Dash Masterpost
Fandom + Tumblr Masterpost
Apollo’s Dodgeball Masterpost
The UHverse Memes/Meta/Etc. – AKA: the Unholyverse; the extended universe for UH3/The Unholy Trinity
The Little Demon AU Memes/Meta/Etc. – working title for my Hazbin Hotel/The Little Mermaid AU
The haiku bot reblogged my post – And then another one
Unintentionally Popular Aroace Alastor Post – And someone drew it!!
I added onto a Helluva Boss post and for some reason it became incredibly popular, to the point of showing up in my top posts for a good amount of time
Fanfiction requests are open to mutuals only.
Please read this post before requesting.
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attraction2him · 1 month
I'm back. I'm confused.
So, some weeks ago i was uploading photos to my drafts. Posting some of them also. Suddenly i get logged out. Just like that. I try logging back in and i get the message: "Your account has been terminated". I stared at the screen for a couple of minutes, then cursed tumblr and just decided to drop this.
Then yesterday i remembered about this photo of myself that i had posted in a moment of severe horniness. I hadn't thought it was going to draw anyone's attention but it got reblogged. More than once. I deleted my post and was about to ask the reblogers to please delete it, but thought "Why not leave it? Let's see what happens." So i just saved the link and decided to keep an eye on it. Anyway,.... as i was saying, yesterday i remembered this post and visited the link. To my surprise i saw the avatar of my blog, not some blank icon or something like that. I clicked and my blog was there!
So,... my guess is that someone must have reported a post on my blog. Tumblr took away my account just like that and after reviewing it and seeing that there was nothing wrong here simply decided to give it back to me.
I feel pissed off. Part of me wants to go back to posting. Part of me wants to just leave it as it is or even delete the blog. This is a side blog. I had thought i had lost my main blog which i've had for over 10 years. I think i'll finish posting what i had in my drafts (assuming they didn't delete everything. i haven't checked yet) and after the drafts are all posted i'll decide what to do. Thank you for reading this and for staying around.
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szhmidty · 2 months
They are closing ranks around the confirmed pornbot
Hm, I'm not sure "confirmed" pornbot is the appropriate language here. The blog in question was known to post porn and known to send sugar daddy messages to random people.
There are real users who do that. If you run a porn blog, you'll run into them. The sticking point for me was that @honoratacarnage, the user who highlighted the sugar daddy spam, is not a porn blog: they're an art blog, and pretty much entirely SFW from what I can tell. Real users who want to roleplay as a sugar daddy don't generally spam random blogs with those messages; it's a waste of time. They spam other porn blogs run by young women, since those young women are more likely to be receptive to such messages. Like, the language "you’re pretty enough to be my sugar baby" just doesn't make sense when I don't think honoratacarnage has ever posted a photo of themselves (I checked their blog archive; there are no photos of them in the photos section). That, to me, heavily implies a bot or scammer who's fishing.
The real smoking gun would be to get a look at the kinds of porn basel-1995 was posting. Pornbots will post what is basically link spam: post after post after post of generic porn with links to cam sites or the like. Real users will sometimes reblog these --- sometimes the generic porn is just good --- but even then it's pretty easy to tell the difference between a bot and a real user from a cursory glance.[1] But, without that smoking gun, I don't think I can be 100% certain they're a bot.
Bot or not, I do think it's fair to call them a scammer. Scattershot "Pretty Babygirl, I Want To Be Your Sugar Daddy" is a common scam tactic: you ingratiate yourself with flattery and promises of money, get their bank details under the guise of needing it to wire over the money, and run off with as much as you can get. I've known people who fell for it, and scams like it. The difference between a scammer and bot is academic in this context; either way I don't think they should be on the vetted list.
But I don't run the list, I don't like how the list is promoted and organized even if I approved of the vetting process, and one of the vetters claims to have a contact in Gaza who can vouch for basel-1995. It's weird and messy. Without being able to audit their process myself, I'm not confident their vetting process actually works, and the whole thing is half moot for me since I believe I can do more good by just donating to aid organizations anyway.
If you do want to donate directly to a palestinian's crowdfunding campaign, I would suggest looking into Operation Olive Branch or Gaza Funds. I can't exactly vouch for either vetting process either, but it's a safe bet each has more resources to vet than random tumblr blogs do, and I'm not aware of any funds that are extremely likely to be scams on their lists.
Also, counter-intuitive as it may be, find a fund that is near completion to donate to.
1: This is actually an irritation of mine. People will get really upset about blank blogs following them, accusing them of being bots. Blank blogs aren't bots: the point of a bot is to generate links for people to click on and follow. They're there for SEO spam and brute forcing engagement through volume. A blank blog doesn't do that. The blank blogs are just lurkers, which is fine. Let them be while they get comfortable and they'll start posting and putting up a real bio/blog header when they feel like it.
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woman-for-women · 1 year
How do you make your infographics if I can ask, and how long does it normally take you to design, do the research, find what quotes you like, etc. I’m very interested in making my own, especially about the drag queen issue but I struggle with adhd and staying on task and get unmotivated easily.
What I use to make Infographics/Posts
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You don’t need anything fancy to make infographics! I’m familiar with Adobe InDesign and the Adobe design suite, but those tools are expensive and are hard to learn.
I use Canva to make my material. I don’t pay for their premium account, so my account is completely free! It gives you templates and design elements to work with. I really like Canva because it helps me quickly design and post material.
How long does it take?
Making posts with just a quote usually takes me 5 minutes per post, so they're pretty fast to make.
My infographic posts take the longest to make. My Intersex and Sex Binary posts took me over 30 hours to research, plan, compile, write, design, and edit. Some smaller infographics like Transmasculine Individuals and Binding took ~4 hours.
A lot of the time is spent on the research stage. The good news is I've compiled a lot of my research into this ~300-page master document! It's full of studies and facts, grouped by topic as a resource for other women. It's so big I've really only scraped the surface in terms of what I've been able to adapt so far.
Feel free to take a look for yourself if you want to make your own posts/material, or if you're just curious! If you're interested in making posts about any of the topics listed, this might help shorten your research. I've also named/linked all my sources, so you can click the hyperlinked sources or Google the name of the study and read the whole thing if it interests you.
Work Process & Motivation
I also struggle with motivation and finishing projects. The key (for me) is to organizing my digital workspace.
If I see a statistic or study that interests me, I stick it into my masterdoc. If I see a Tumblr post with an interesting idea, quote, or fact, I save the post as a draft
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When I have time, I go through my drafts and pick a few posts I feel like adapting.
On Canva, you can search for keywords like "Instagram Post", "Instagram Story" or "Quote" and Canva will give you suggested templates.
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I have a Canva document saved of a bunch of templates I want to use for quotes, for example (you may recognize some of the backgrounds/fonts from my posts):
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When I pick a quote I like, I copy and paste the template square into a blank page on my document where I keep all my quotes and I just edit the text and mess around with the design elements until I'm satisfied.
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I can then easily export my posts!
My process for infographics is similar. I search "Infographic" and save infographic templates I like, then just add in the information when I have the time and motivation.
I get demotivated sometimes, so it helps to do a lot of posts back-to-back when I'm motivated and have time. I then add the posts to my Tumblr queue, so my blog is posting daily, even on days or weeks when I don't have the time, energy, or motivation to make material.
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I know online activism can get really tiring and it can be easy to burn out. Stickering, flyering, reading feminist/woman-centered books to educate yourself, signing petitions and writing letters, meeting with like-minded women, and volunteering for women's shelters/causes are great ways to help women in real life that don't feel as impersonal as a Tumblr blog. If there's a topic you're passionate about, make that infographic or post, but also think about what you can do in real life to advocate for or advance the cause!
I find mailing women radical feminist stickers (which you can order for free here!) is a great way to remind myself that I'm not alone and there are other women like me. Every envelope I pack makes me feel really connected to other women. I also work for an organization that helps women in the Global South and try to read feminist books in my spare time.
TL;DR - Use Canva, spread the word, and try to help women in real life!
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palestaticexchange · 4 months
FAQ... 2
(Feel free to message my inbox, queries will be added here as and when questions are asked)
Do I need to answer the "likes/ dislikes" part of the form?
Nope! If you're not fussed on what is created for you then by all means leave them blank, the only required questions are your URL (so that I can contact you) and your chosen medium. Your partner will have your URL so they can always mooch through your blog if unsure.
Why did you ask for our chosen mediums if the draw is random?
Because I'm genuinely curious! You're a talented bunch!
You keep using the word "partner" will the person I get, get me?
No, I'm saying partner because it's thematic for DE and I can't think of a better general term.
How will the draw be done?
Incognitosanta seemed to work pretty well last time, so I'll be doing that again! (Unless responses from THIS poll indicate otherwise) This means I'll post a link and once live you click on YOUR OWN url to see who you've been paired with!
I will create a random draw, then me and @koreplus will message half of you each with your recipient and their likes/ dislikes. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU'RE FOLLOWING OUR BLOGS IF YOU HAVE "only blogs I follow can message me" ON IN THE SETTINGS!
I want to change my Tumblr URL but I've already filled in the form!
Just DM me @thegrimreaperisanerd I'll make sure I amend it in my notes so that you get tagged in everything correctly :)
Help! I signed up and I'm not going to be able to create something in time! What do I do?!
Things happen, it's okay. However PLEASE let me know ASAP so I can make sure your partner isn't left out on posting day.
What do you mean I have to contact my recipient myself if I've not posted anything by August 5th?
That form question is irrelevant for 99% of people, it's more so that I'm not trying to chase up missing gifts over a month after the upload date... Running/ setting this up last year ended up being moderately more effort than I anticipated. Which is fine! I'm glad so many people were interested!
But, I ended up begging for assistance and @koreplus very kindly became a second point of contact. However, I am just *generally* not very organised, so it's to help mediate some of MY stress.
Like I said: will most likely be irrelevant, but if you don't contact me before upload day (I can try to work with you to help you finish/ potentially assign your partner to somebody else; IF I am given enough notice) and time passes and your partner hasn't received a gift OR an explanation, it's not really fair to them, is it? Nobody likes to feel left out.
Who are you?
Hiya~ Tumblr user thegrimreaperisanerd here. I use they/them pronouns. If you have any experience running/ moderating something like this then don't hesitate to reach out! For the love of God!
We had 56 responses last time, so as this grows (and with this having been done previously) I'm expecting that number to be higher this time. After this summer cycle I would *really* like to give this project away to somebody more capable than myself!
My partner's "likes" are all things I'd rather not create, what now?
The likes section is more of a guideline! I included that in case you draw your partner and think "Well, I don't know this person at all." As long as you create something and put your heart into it then I can't imagine this will be an issue.
Just don't create something from their "dislikes" section, *THAT* is more important!
Huh, since the last Pale Static Exchange was based around the Winter Solstice I kinda thought this one would be based around the Summer Solstice?
Yeah me too~ Teehee~
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