#i cant begin to guess what I would tag this
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Can I ask why you hate Steinbeck? I didn't really like his work either, but it also didn't really inspire any strong emotion in me, so I'm curious about the loathing. Love your analyses and have a nice day!
This was a very lovely message. I'm glad you enjoy my analyses and thank you for the kind words. I'm heinously sleep deprived, but I can't settle because I'm frothing at the mouth over Steinbeck and the Dust Bowl, so maybe providing some context will mollify my seven demons enough to let me rest.
But, I'm drained, so rather than provide any meaningful analysis, I'm going to offer a very brief, broadstrokes, abridged timeline of the Dust Bowl, with emphasis on its historical context, most of which will be haphazardly plucked from myriad sources, which I'll link.
It doesn't capture all, if much of any, of my feelings on the matter, but certainly, it's a snapshot of the bitterest bits.
In 1540, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado of Spain became the first European to venture into the Great Plains. He and his expedition were searching for the mythical golden city of Quivira. Instead, they found Kansas.
From 1804-1806, Lewis and Clarke go on an 8,000-mile hike to the Pacific Northwest, harbingering calamity.
The United States of America, drunk on white supremacy, gold in California, religious fervor, and the glut of the Louisiana Purchase, decided it had a divine right to expand westward across North America. In manifesting its destiny, the US leveraged unconscionabile treaties and laws like the Indian Appropriations Act of 1851 (along with guns, starvation, and illness) to force many Native Americans to reservations in the West.
From the mid 1850s to the mid 1860s, the West and Plains were struck by a severe drought. This really fucked up the bison, who died in vast numbers.
The Homestead Act of 1862 accelerated the settlement of the western territory by granting land claims in thirty states for a dirt cheap filing fee, five years of sustained residency (after which they could file to recieve proof of ownership), and on the condition that settlers "improve their plot by cultivating the land." These areas were the traditional or treaty lands of many Native American tribes.
Most of those who purchased land under the first Homestead Act were not farmers or laborers and came from areas nearby (Iowans moved to Nebraska, Minnesotans to South Dakota, etc). The act was framed so ambiguously that it seemed to invite fraud, and early modifications by Congress only compounded the problem. Most of the land went to speculators, cattle owners, miners, loggers, and railroads.
Many homesteaders believed that all native peoples were nomads and that only those who owned land would use it efficiently. Few native tribes were truly nomadic. Most nomadic tribes had certain locations they would travel to throughout the year. Other tribes had permanent villages and raised crops. As more settlers arrived, Native Americans were driven farther from their homelands or crowded onto reservations.
Influxes of settlers brought marked changes to the region: bison numbers decreased, fences were erected, domesticated animals increased, water was redirected, non-native crops were planted, unsustainable farming methods increased, and native plants diversity dwindled.
[In 1866, by the way, Congress enacted the Southern Homestead Act to allow poor tenant farmers and sharecroppers in the South to become landowners during Reconstruction. Poor farmers and sharecroppers made up the majority of the Southern population, so the act sold land at a lowered price to decrease poverty among the working class. It was not successful; even the lowered prices and fees were often too expensive. Also, the land made available was mostly undeveloped forestry.]
The late 1870s brought more drought in the Plains. Locusts, which were common to the Plains prior to their sudden extinction, thrived in the drought, ate everything in their path, and ruined crops. The 1875 swarm is estimated to have involved 3.5 trillion insects and covered an area of the West equivalent to the entire area of the mid-Atlantic states and New England. These were the worst swarms during the period of European settlement.
In 1875, Congress passed the Indian Homestead Act to give Native family heads the opportunity to purchase homesteads from unclaimed public lands. This was under the condition that the family head relinquished their tribal identity and relations and, again, "improved" the land. The US government did not issue fee waivers, so many poor non-reservation Natives were unable to pay filing fees to claim homesteads. Those who could pay had difficulty accessing the land because of border disputes due to distance and discord between the US Land Office and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. This made white settlements easier to finalize into land ownership.
For the most part, the 1870s drought was followed by a period of wetter than usual conditions that encouraged widespread belief that 'rain follows the plow'. As in, settlers convinced themselves and each other that by cultivating the land using dryfarming crops that needed more water than the Plains could sustainably provide, they could alter its climate, and rains would come.
In 1886, a severe winter killed vast numbers of cattle. This was shortly followed by another severe drought that went on until 1896.
In 1887, Senator Henry Dawes of Massachusetts decided that Native Americans would prosper if they owned family farms, and his Dawes Act carved reservations into 160-acre allotments. This allowed the federal government to break up tribal lands further. Only those families who accepted an allotment of land could become US citizens. Much of the land subject to the Dawes Act was unsuitable for farming, and large tracts of the allotments were leased to non-Native farmers and ranchers.
After Native American families claimed their allotments, the remaining tribal lands were declared “surplus.” The remaining land was given to non-Native Americans. Land runs allowed the land to be opened to homesteaders on a first-arrival basis.
Unable to catch a hint, the 1880s was a feverish period of settler migration to the West, boosted by both the railroad companies and state and federal governments promising land to those who'd settle it, seemingly without regard for the land's actual carrying capacity.
By the late 1880s, the bison population was thoroughly decimated, meaning the threat of starvation for Native Americans was constant, forcing dependence on the US government and its paltry settlements. Railways, rifles, and an international market for bison hides led to ���the Great Slaughter” from about 1820 to 1880, and the bison population plummeted from 30-60 million (estimates vary) to fewer than 1,000 animals. Other factors that contributed to the near-end of the bison: the US military’s directive to destroy bison as a way to control the Native Americans, the introduction of diseases from cattle, drought, and competition from domestic livestock (horses, cattle, sheep).
By the 1890s, drought made clear that the methods of 'dryfarming' used for non-irrigated cultivation of crops, never based on sound science, were wholly inadequate for settling the arid regions of the West. The drought also ended the idea that sturdy settlers, working alone, could manage; the amount of land needed to support even a family was much larger than specified in the Homestead Act but, more crticially, also larger than a family working alone could irrigate. Notably, the 1890s drought was not very dusty, as the Plains were still grassy.
The 1890s drought is partly responsible for the beginning of federally-driven irrigated agriculture with the Reclamation Act of 1902. The act provided for irrigation projects known "reclamation" projects — because irrigation would "reclaim" arid lands for human use. (Unrelatedly, evidence suggests that Native Americans and their precursors may have been in the Plains for at least 38,000 years.)
Theoretically, under the Reclamation Act, the federal government would provide inexpensive water for which farmers would pay, and such payments would then finance the construction of the water projects. The projects' immense construction costs soon proved the premise unrealistic. For example, earlier self-supporting projects created by local initiatives had cost less than twenty dollars an acre. The federal reclamation projects, by contrast, cost an average of eighty-five dollars an acre. Thus, the farmers' share of the federal expenses proved too great a sum for their repayment.
The farmers couldn't pay for their self-sustaining irrigation projects, but Congress extended the repayment periods and continued its irrigation projects. (When repayments still weren't coming in by 1910, Congress advanced $20 million from general treasury funds).
By 1909, most of the prime land in the valleys along the West's rivers had been homesteaded, so to allow dryfarming, which again, the last drought made clear was ill-suited for the arid climate, Congress increased the number of acres for homesteads willing to cultivate lands which could not be easily irrigated. There was a wet period, so the soil was fertile, and settlers, who were still immigrating to the Plains in droves, understood that to mean they were right, rain followed the plow, so they plowed the shit out of it.
In the 1910s, the price of wheat rose, and then, with the onset of the Great War, so did demand for wheat in Europe. So, the settlers plowed up millions of acres of native grassland to plant wheat, corn, and other row crops—still on marginal lands that could not be easily irrigated, even with Congress's pretty dams in every river.
In the 1920s, the war had ended, so the demand for American wheat dropped, and the post-Great War recession sank prices. But, it was also the dawn of tractors and farming mechanization, so settlers went in together on machines they couldn't afford to produce wheat fewer people wanted on land too submarginal to sustain it, and tore that grass up with the wild abandon (like, literally, they abandoned soil conservation practices) of transplants who didn't know anything about the grasslands they were ecologically devastating.
Grasslands, by the way, are fertile because when grasses die, their roots die too, and then their roots decay and fertilize the topsoil into rich earth, which nourishes the other grasses—a self sustaining cycle of life and death. Grasses also have extensive root systems that bind soil particles together, improving soil structure and preventing erosion. Soil erosion occurs when soil is exposed to the impact of wind and water, detaching and transporting soil particles, eventually deteriorating the soil's fertility. Soil erosion can also become dangerous when soil is swept downstream and becomes heavy layers of sediment that disrupt water flow and suffocate aquatic flora or when tossed by the wind so that suspended particles cloud the air, eyes, and lungs.
The Great Plains is the windiest region in North America, namedly because of the airstreams coming down from the Rockies to the West, the shifting pattern of the jet stream in upper levels of the atmosphere, and the fronts of warmer, moist air masses moving in from the Gulf of Mexico to the southeast entangling with the cooler, drier air moving southward from Canada and the Arctic.
Between 1925 and 1930, settlers plowed more than 5 million acres of previously unfarmed land, stripping the soil of its native grasses to expand their fields.
In 1929, overspeculation, excessive bank loans, agricultural overproduction, and panic selling (among other things) caused the US stock market to have a kitten hissy fit, kickstarting the Great Depression.
In 1930, the first of four major drought episodes began in the Plains.
In 1931, despite the lower demand, the settlers leveraged mechanized farming to produce a record crop. This flooded the market with wheat that no one could afford to buy. So, settlers couldn't make back their production costs, so they expanded their fields to try and produce more to make a profit, planting wheat or leaving unused soil bare.
The unanchored soil that was once rich, biological earth became friable, and was swept by high winds into apocalyptic dust storms.
In 1932, the US authorized federal aid to the drought-affected states, and the first funds marked specifically for drought relief were released in the fall of 1933.
[In 1933, Congress created the Tennessee River Valley (TVA). The TVA, under the banner of a sweeping mandate from Congress to promote the "economic and social wellbeing" of the people living in the river basin, decided that too many Southerners were living on the land. From 1933 to 1945, TVA sought to solve the South's economic problems by seizing 1.3 million acres from Southerners and displacing an estimated 82,000 people, many of them illiterate and impoverished, from their homes in order to build 16 hydroelectric dams. They flooded valleys where people once lived.]
[In 1938, President Roosevelt addressed the Conference on the Economic Conditions of the South: "No purpose is closer to my heart at this moment than that which caused me to call you to Washington. That purpose is to obtain a statement—or, perhaps, I should say a re-statement as of today—of the economic conditions of the South, a picture of the South in relation to the rest of the country, in order that we may do something about it: in order that we may not only carry forward the work that has been begun toward the rehabilitation of the South, but that the program of such work may be expanded in the directions that this new presentation will indicate."]
By 1940, 2.5 million people had moved out of the Plains states; of those, 200,000 moved to California. They were not met warmly, and their lives in California were as difficult as the ones they'd left in the Plains, with approximately 40% of migrant farmers winding up in San Joaquin Valley, picking grapes and cotten.
[The Dust Bowl migrant farmers took up the work of Mexican migrant workers, 120,000 of whom were deported from San Jaoquin Valley during the Mexican Repatriation — which refers to the repatriation, deportation, and expulsion of Mexicans and Mexican Americans from the United States during the Great Depression between 1929 and 1939. Estimates of how many were repatriated, deported, or expelled range from 300,000 to 2 million (of which 40–60% were citizens of the United States, overwhelmingly children).]
John Steinbeck published The Grapes of Wrath in 1939, in which he invokes the harshness of the Great Depression and arouses sympathy for the struggles of [some] migrant farm workers. He's praised as having "masterfully depicted the struggle to retain dignity and to preserve the family in the face of disaster, adversity, and vast, impersonal commercial influences." He based the novel on his visits to the migrant camps and tent cities of the workers, seeing firsthand the horrible living conditions of migrant families—
[—and, quite possibly, Sanora Babb's Whose Names Are Unknown, which was written in the 1930s but not published until 2004, since Random House cancelled its publication after The Grapes of Wrath was released in 1939. Babb had moved to California in 1929 to take a job at the Los Angeles Times. When she arrived, the stock market had crashed, the Great Depression had begun, and the promised job dried up. A migrant without a home, she slept in a city park before leaving for Oklahoma in the mid-1930s, where she witnessed the terrible poverty gripping her native state. Eventually, she returned to California to work for the FSA, serving migrant families stranded without a home or a job, just as she had been years earlier. In contrast, John Steinbeck gained much of his understanding of Great Depression conditions in Oklahoma second hand, through reading reports by federal aid workers like Babb and Collins and from his experience delivering food and aid to California migrants from the Southern Plains. The two novels share strikingly similar imagery, so if you enjoyed The Grapes of Wrath, you'll likely also enjoy Whose Names Are Unknown.]
The Grapes of Wrath won the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and it was cited prominently when Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962.
[Steinbeck scholar David M. Wrobel wrote that "the John Steinbeck/Sanora Babb story sounds like a classic smash-and-grab: celebrated California author steals the material of unknown Oklahoma writer, resulting in his financial success and her failure to get her work published...Steinbeck absorbed field information from many sources, primarily Tom Collins and Eric H. Thomsen, regional director of the federal migrant camp program in California, who accompanied Steinbeck on missions of mercy...if Steinbeck read Babb’s extensive notes as carefully as he did the reports of Collins, he would certainly have found them useful. His interaction with Collins and Thomsen — and their influence on the writing of The Grapes of Wrath — is documented because Steinbeck acknowledged both. Sanora Babb went unmentioned."]
Writer Timothy Egan calls the Dust Bowl, "a classic tale of human beings pushing too hard against nature, and nature pushing back."
[To justify itself to Congress and the American public, TVA painted a dim picture of the farms it was going to flood and residents of the South. In films, books, and speeches, TVA pointed to poor farming practices and erosion as the chief culprits in the region’s poverty. Poverty and environmental problems in the South had more to do with lumber and mining industries, which extracted natural resources before abandoning the mountains. But TVA depicted the valleys as “wasted land, wasted people,” as if Southern farmers themselves were to blame.]
When Eleanor Roosevelt visited California in 1940 and saw squatter camps and the model government camps and was asked by a reporter if The Grapes of Wrath was exaggerated, she answered unequivocally, “I never have thought The Grapes of Wrath was exaggerated.” Steinbeck wrote to thank her for remarks: “I have been called a liar so constantly that sometimes I wonder whether I may not have dreamed the things I saw and heard in the period of my research.”
[With a budget in the tens of millions of dollars, TVA devoted just $8,000 and 13 staffers to resettlement efforts. Almost as many tenants as landowners were evicted by TVA, and for this class of “adversely affected” farmers, the agency assumed even less obligation. “It is the very necessity of the tenants having to go which will make them find their own solution to their difficulties,” wrote one TVA staff member.]
Anyway, no, I don't like Steinbeck, and I don't enjoy reading about the Dust Bowl.
[Damning the Valley by Wayne Moore, America's Forgotten History Of Mexican-American 'Repatriation' an interview with Francisco Balderrama]
#i cant begin to guess what I would tag this#anyway. i prefer reading scott fitzgerald. or should i say zelda.
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ti's the season ( of reflection)
#january new year new beginnings reflecting to learn n grow and such#realizing a lot about like my life 2 years ago up to a year ago#vent i guess#i lost a actually all of my friends for a few months because they were all like fighting with eachother n then slowly gained like 2 back and#then those 2 fought n like just actually had no one in my corner for a while even my partner at the time wasnt really there for me and for#so long i was just so isolated but had to like pretend everything was fine and i lost my closes friend who was also extremely to my now ex#having introduced us:/ well i guess after a frw months i was able to connect to 2 new friends and i made of with 2 older ones and i lost#like actually 10 or so good friends which sucks so hard actually and like my mother would say oh well you were going to grow apart going to#different colleges anyways but dam what a nasty way to go there was like weird fighting cant even get into all of it for the year before it#and then i was actuslly genuinely depressed for months and i felt like a responsibility#and duty to break up with my partner because i felt i was not there for them at all#and i felt they didnt understsnd me anymore it was a lot going on but i felt the relstionship wasnt good for them and they didnt deserve it#but then after breaking up with them like that so did not help the lonrlyness n numb all cosnuming feeling x#but then i started at a new place and made a few new friends and i got closer than ever with 2 people and i learned a lot#there are 2 friends i still love who dont get along andni miss when they did they were so close and lodt eachother and i see them both#and theyre both doing better i guess#ill always miss like 3 years ago when the kid in my who thought id never make friends felt so proud for being a genuine part of a group#but even then when i was in the group i always felt like no ones first choice and like jesus thats rough idk#and i mean the whole thing about being someonesfirst chose or best friend i mean people contain multidues ur never gonna be like first frvr#but idk now i have such beautiful kind friends and im not depressed anymore#i remeber the first time i stsrted feeling like emotions again and realized i wasnt numb like i had been for a year it was so crazy#like woah depression is a beast theres just..nothing like such nothingness and i remeebr being like oh my god i actuslly feel something#and i started like remeber things again and crying and now i cry so often its something im so grateufl for over the past year#ive really been able to become my self over 2024 and yeah thats emotional there was a lot going on since like 2018 for me#and its finally settling#and im just sorta shocked now because i feel so much emotion so strongly but i like felt nothing and remebr nothing and just loet myself#for so long#like even before tgat there was a lot going on and i felt so out of control and then ntohing for months and then slowly#slowly because i had a few friends who loved me and i had a new routine and i was away from some people i started being me#2025 the year of being me :') also just learned u can only have 30 tags
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Wylcome back sigmas.. or idk.. help
mmm red light green light,blood, a lot of blood, uh period ahh period uh, 'IVE PLAYED THESE GAMES BEFORE' ahh gi hun, but has gore and a lot of death, spoilers, lots of hand holdinh between TWO players (guess who)
Heyy wassup my peeparoo's, i hope yer liking this series fic or whatevs you call it! Ilysm and ty for liking the last post! THAT WAS THE FASTEST LIKES IVE EVER RECEIVED( *・ω・)ノ TYSMM
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c46f3bdd7318d27f55cc785ce3c818c8/ca23c5b9fc1e65ef-bc/s540x810/55f372915b4e0579b235a8865042041e5b3767ea.jpg)
"That is correct." The square says. 'Hope this'll be fun, whatsoever.' I say in my thought's, focusing on the rushing things that came on my mind.
"...cool i guess, free money from playing kiddie games." I put yet again, both of my hands in my pocket's. But suddenly, a voice of an old woman was heard.
"Good heavens- excuse me." The voice echoed through the room.
A faint sound of a slap, a slap on a cloth was heard as it soon was followed by words. "You idiot-!" The old woman says.
"Mom! Wha- what are you doing here..?" The familliar voice that was heard earlier said.
"Thats what i wanted to ask you! What are you doing here!?" The old woman's voice said angrily.
"Embarassing? If you know what was embarassing, you wouldn't be here!" The old woman continued, i guess the son spoke in a whisper before that then.
"No- we wont, come on! Your leaving." The old woman said again, it appears to be that my calculations were correct, never mind im sounding like a nerd.
'Wow, family drama in such place like this is crazy, haha.' I say in my thoughts.
"Why would you bring a naive old woman here?! Will you take responsibilit if my mom collapses!? HAH?" The familliar male's voice earlier yelled out.
"yong sik- ill stay and do this, you go home.." the old woman said, now that you knew that player's name.
"Stop it! Im already here, i cant just leave!" Yong sik continues.
"But you promised me! You promised never to gamble again!" The old woman continues(i love this diva sm)
As you were standing in line, looking at the players taking their pics as a woman on the speakers had announced something.
"Damn.. this is taking long, my feet are gonna be sore-" i sighed, but the speakers interrupt me.
"The first game will begin momentarily."
Now the line being done, you took a step as it said to you.. "smile." Yeah sure, smile for the picture or cheese?
(The picture is what i potray the reader as! But you can potray the reader however you like, or being yourself! The reader can be any race, weight, or bodyshape! As long as your enjoying it :). )
Music plays as you stood infront of the camera.
"Yeah i wont.. smile." You say, because your smile scared alot of children last time you approached them, yeesh.
You walked out of the photo booth or something ... i really dont know what its called.
The speaker spoke again.
"After having your picture taken, follow the staff's instructions and proceed to the game site." The speaker says as you slowly went up the stairs...
☆ ○o。..。o○ ☆
"Welcome to the first game, all players please wait a moment on the field." The speaker says as you stepped out, there was sand in the ground, the walls were painted like landscapes, and there was a huge hole above all of this.
But the strange thing you noticed is that..
There was a weird doll that represented a figure of a child, it wore yellow and had pigtails, "yeesh that give's me the chills." You said as the sun went to blind your eyes.
The door behind you closed, basically the door was shut behind you, automatically..
"The game is Red light, Green light." It announced.
I prepared myself as i stretched my arm's "first game, easy enough." You say with confidence as you looked at the front.
"Hey! Dont get too cocky missy." Someone said right behind you, ew.
"Nah, id win." You said, your back still facing the man that said you were too cocky, well it was a sheer boost of confidence.
"Cross the finish line in five minutes without getting caught. If you do you pass." The speaker says but suddenly- someone went upfront, it was the familliar voice that you heard earlier. "Everyone! Everyone! Pay attention!" The familliar figure waved and put his hand to deliver attention to him, wow main character energy that much.
"Listen carefully! This is not just a game! If you lose the game, you DIE!" He yelled out.
"Dying from a kid's game? Sounds awfully fake." You said, fixing your hair as strands went up to your face, looking at the.. crazy? You wouldnt call him that, Man.
"That sounds sketchy,"
"Hes crazy."
People spoke, as you laughed a little.
"Hey! What are you talking about?" A random woman says. "Were going to die playin' red light, green light?" The random woman questioned.
The familliar figure responded. "Of course! If they catch you moving, they will kill you! They will shoot from somewhere!" The man says.
"Sounds weird enough." You said, letting out a sigh as you moved your head again, looking at your left, you noticed... player 388 yet again. His head was tilted slightly as he listened to the man's words. Huh, cute- wait. Your only here for money not for love.
"Oh hey its you agai-" you spoke out, but the familliar figure that was in the front spoke again.
"Stay on your toes!" The familliar figure yelled out.
"Ehem, as i was saying, hello... player 388." You greeted him as he glanced at you, his lips were parted as he waved a little bit.
"Ah.. hello again uhm, player 238." He says flashing a small grin, but the familliar figure spoke again.
"If you get caught, YOU DIE! That doll's eyes are motion detectors!" The familliar figure says."Stay on your toes!"
"Well, no time for chatting i guess." I say as i spoke to player 288, he nods as we both stood silent, the tension was akward even if there were multiple people surrounding us.
"What the hell are you talking about???" A random man says. "I think he's trying to scare us so he can win the prize money!"
"Thats right!"
"I agree!"
Multiple people agreed on the man's words as we both still stood akwardly with each other.
"Dont pull any tricks, asshole!" Another guy says.
"You have to believe me!" The familliar figure says. The figure rotate's its head as the weird doll starts to move, its right hand started to raise and cover its eye. You took a deep breath and released it.
"Do not be alarmed or panic! No matter what happens, do not panic and start running!" The figure says.
"Let the game begin."
An alarm suddenly ticks as the doll finally spoke.
"Green light, red light."
You moved, and finally stop, looking at the man that did a gesture that made his arms go down.
"Freeze!" The man yelled, you focused on not moving as your feet began digging in the sand. The sun literally is interfering with this.
The doll rotated its head as its eyes began to weirdly move. 'Ew.... creppy ass doll.' You said, looking at the doll while you spoke in your thoughts.
"Well done! You just need to stay calm like this! We just have to move and stop at the same time!" The man yelled.
"Green light...." you moved fastly as you halted, the man speaking yet again.
"Freeze!" He yelled.
'Being in a jumper while being under the sun, too much coverage, but gotta handle it.' You say in your thoughts yet again.
"Dont move! Stay still! Just relax!" The man yelled.
"Green light.." you ran slowly.
"Red light." The doll chanted.
It repeated again as you took some steps, you really wished there was an AC inside this room, well.. you never experienced it anyway except when going to stores and such.
"Freeze!" The man repeatedly yelled again.
'This is getting boring not gonna lie..' you say in your thoughts again.
The doll moved its head again as you repeated it, repeat repeat repeat, even hid words were repeated.
You freezed yet again, the air hitting you lightly.
But suddenly, you heard a gunshot.
A loud thud echoed through as you stood, now static as a heavy boulder. Then, there was a scream that followed now, people we're moving. Scarlet red coated the back of your jumper as you still stood. Not flinching from the sound at all.
Screams and gunshots continued, more blood soon dripped in the ground, wow you already got stained by someone's blood. Thats that for not knowing what will happen, also maybe consequences in the first round: getting stained by someones blood.
'Just dont move and we'll be good.' The gunshot's were still going as the man yelled again. "Freeze!" One more gunshot followed it.
"You can move forward while the tagger shouts, 'red light green light. If your movement is detected afterward, you will get eliminated."
The doll rotated its head again as you still stood.
It rotated its head for two times untill the familliar voice finally spoke again.
"You'll also die if you donr make it there in time! That doll is a motion detector! But it can't detect motion thats not visible to it!" The man signals its hand open and closed as he continues with his words. "Get behind someone bigger than you! Like your following the leader! Were running out of time! We've got to move!" You moved behind a.. familliar back with that signature small ponytail of their's.
Player 388. Huh this must be a coincidence that your almost being close to him and such.
You suddenly stumbled as you put your hand behind him.
"...sorry." you said, gripping his jumper a little to be a gesture of an apology, you noticed his hand slightly shaking, that made you feel slightly worried.
"No-nono.. its fine.. miss." He said, you can tell he was anxious suddenly.
Two gunshots were soon followed again as the doll moved its head again, getting your grip out of 388's jumper, he suddenly held your hand and ran, then stopped. His hand felt callused compared to yours, his was warm, yours was.. cold.
You were still behind him as you gulped some air.
Now, a line was now formed by individual players. Yet you still focused on.. the game and this feeling i guess.
"Do not move! Freeze!" The familliar man yelled out, but then suddenly, three thuds were heard as it was one gunshot, and the other two were shot at the same time.
The doll moved its head again and his grip on your hand tightened, running, and then stop.
One gunshot followed as he still kept you behind him, wow dude you guys arent even dating or in a relationship yet, get a grip🙏😭
As i was saying, it repeated again, the sound of the sand below crunching as there were another gunshot.
"Hey- 388, why are you holding my hand-" you questioned but he doesnt respond. He still kept holding it as you both halted again one gunshot. Two gunshot.
You two were almost near the finish line as you noticed someone stumble, now shot.
"It wasnt me. She pushed me i didnt move! It was her i didnt move!" The random man said.
A gunshot was soon followed as the familliar man cheered. "Your almost there! You can do it!"
You two were a step ahead on getting to the finish line.
You two both fell inside the finish line as you both grunted, now you were heaving, breathing for air.
"Im sorry uh- miss, i didnt mean to hold your hand." He said, holding a hand out for you to grab.
You held his hand and stood up, dusting the jumper.
"... thanks for shielding me though, i should be the one to apologize for-" he cut's you out.
"No, no its fine." He spoke. You noticed that there was three people running up to the finish line, the one in middle being injured.
The three of them ran, and now arrived at the finish line.
"By the way miss.. whats your name?" The man behind you spoke.
"I think you already heard it being announced but.. [nam-]" there was a gunshot followed as the man died inside the finish line.
You didnt speak after that, knowing it was a time to not speak.
"...[name]. It is.. im- im kang dae ho." He introduce's himself.
The sky suddenly darkens as you both look up, there was sound building up from the other players as it closed slowly.
"Players, its now time to go back to the quarters." The speaker had announced.
☆ ○o。..。o○ ☆
Now you and dae ho were facing each other even in opposite bunk beds, the silence filling both of your eardrums.
"That was..." you said.
"Not great." He said.
Both of you had said it in unison.
The door buzzed open as the pink guards showed up, walking a little bit.
You hid behind your bunk bed in instinct as they approached.
"Congratulations for making it through the first game. Here are the results of the first game." The square said.
The tv immedietly turned on, showing numbers that dropped down. "Out of 456 players, 91 players have been eliminated. 365 players have completed the first game." The square announces.
"Congratulations again for making it through the first game." The square announces.
"Sir please dont kill us!" The familliar old woman's voice begged. "Please dont kill ud im begging you! As for my son's debt, i will do whatever it takes to pay you back! Please forgive us!"
It followed other players begging for their lives, kneeling down, crying. Both you and dae ho didnt mind all of them but just exchanged eye glance's.
"We are not trying to harm you. We are presenting you an opportunity." The square says.
"Clause three of the consent forms!" The familliar man yelled out. " 'the games may be terminated upon a majority vote.' Correct?"
"That is correct." The square answered. Both you and dae ho's head were now turned into the direction of the familliar man, looking at him.
"Then let us vote right now." The man says.
"Of course. We respect your right and freedom of choice." The square continues. "But first, let me announce the prize amount thats been accumalated. "
The square clicks on the remote as the piggy bank slowly goes below along with music and sound effects.
I looked from the side of the bunk bed and stared at the won falling from a tube inside the piggy bank.
"The number of players that were eliminated were 91. Therefore,accumalates to 9.1 billion won." The square says. "If you quit the game now, the 365 of you can equally divide 9.1 billion won and leave with your share.
"How much is that?" The old bitc-man says.
"each person's share would be 24,931,500 won." The square says.
Voice's build up yet again as they all had different answers.
"Thats not enough.."
"We almost died for that.."
Well, it was true. You needed more won. Still too minimum.
"Million? You said 45.6 billion!" A purple haired guy said. Oh you definately could recognize the dude.
"The rule is that, a hundred million won will be accumalated for each eliminated player." The square says.
You perked up from his words that soon followed another. "If you play the next game and more players get eliminated, the prize amount will increase accordingly." The square spoke.
"How much will it be if you survive untill the end?" The annoying- i mean old man spoke.
"as i already told you, the total amount of prize money for all 456 players is 45.6 billion won. Those who make it through all six games, will equally divide the 45.6 billion won." The square answered.
"So if your the only one to survive, you get 45.6 billion?" A random man spoke.
"That is correct." The square answered.
Murmurs start building up again as you noticed dae ho fidgeting with his fingers, signalling him with your hand to ask if he was okay, he nods and gives you a thumbs up.
"So we can take a vote again and decide to leave after the next game?" A random man had spoke.
"As promised in the consent form, you can take a vote for each game and decide to leave with the prize money accumulated to that point. We alwaye prioritize your voluntary participation.. Now, lets begin the vote." The square spoke.
You gestured dae ho to stand up and he does so, walking down to go with the fewer people below.
Both of you were standing behind the several players as you sighed.
"If you wish to continue the game, press the O button, if you wish to end them, press the X button." The square has said as you looked at the ground. "The vote will be held in reverse order of your player numbers, player 456." The man had called out, everyone's attention went to him as you gulped, thinking about what to vote.
You needed the money because it wasnt enough.
"Its all pointless!" Your thoughts had been interrupted as a strange woman that was on the top bunks spoke. "Talk about getting creep's again.." you said.
"You didnt decide when to come into this world, and you cant decide when you leave it either. When and where you die, were already decided by the gods the moment you were born. No matter how hard you try, you CAN never escape it." The woman said.
a button was soon followed as you looked at the flat screen tv, one X. "Once you finish voting, put the patch you are given on the right side of your chest, put the patch you are given on the right side of your chest, and stand on the side you have chosen." The square announces.
A few votes followed as it called dae ho, looking at dae ho who was walking torwards the button, the O went up by one.
After few people again, it was finally your turn. "Player 238." It had announced. The X and O's side turns their face on you as you walked, thinking about the buttons that was plastered on the voting, you finally were infront of it.
You pressed.. O.
After you pressed it, they gave you a blue patch and went to the blue side, the counter went up by one yet again.
Several votes followed as the score is now 87 to 93. Looking at the screen above, someone had spoken up yet again.
"Wait a minute everyone! Wait! You cant do this." The familliar voice had spoken again, looking into the direction of that player, you already knew who it was.
"Come to your senses! Dont you see? These arent all games, we will die if we keep playing! We have to get out of here now." The man had interrupted the voting process.
"Who do you think you are?!"
"Im super man." I answered. It was that annoying old man again.
"Why do you keep egging people on like that? You scared us by saying they'd shoot us before the game even began!" Wow ferocious debate mister.
"Thats right! He was going one abour how we'd die, and i almost did because i got so nervous!" A woman had spoken up, it was followed by a man. "How did you know they were going to shoot us? Are you one of them?" The man had spoken, and that annoying voice came up again.
'Fucking hell this debate makes my head hurts..' i say in my mind, as i went to rub my temples.
"Are you conning us all by pretending to be a player? Who is this guy?!" The old man shoved the man. "Did you plant him to mess with our hands?!" The old man said.
"Thats uncalled for! We wouldn't won the game and survived if it weren't for him!" The guy who seemed to be his bestfriend defended him.
He was correct afterall, but you just needed more money to pay half of the debt.
"And you! I saw how scared you were, and your legs were shaking!" The bff man yelled.
"You should thank him, not treat him like a fraud!" The man yellled. "And who the hell are youuu? Are you conspiring with him?" Another guy said. "Older than you, what are you going to do? Huh? Huh?" It was followed by an old woman's voice gesturinh for them to stop.
"Please dont do this, listen- none of us would be alive if it weren't for this gentleman! So enough with the greed- lets put our live's first and get out of this place- okay?" The old woman cried out.
"Thats right!"
"Lets get all out of here!"
"No we have to keep playing!"
The arguments were cut off as it was followed by the familliar man's voice.
"I have played these games before! I have done this before! I know about the first game because i had played it before! I played the games three years ago! And everyone who was with me.. died here!" The man had said, as voices build up yet again, theyre so noisy...
"They all did?"
"All of them?"
"Really, no way. If they all did, how did you survive alone? Wait. Are you saying you were the sole winner?" A man had said. "Thats right. I was the final winner." The familliar man answered. They were gossiping again soon after. "If we continue the games, every single person here... just like all the people back then, will die in the end." You can hear pain in his last few words. You felt bad but, you still needed the money.
"Bullshit." The old man interrupted again."if you were the sole winner it means you eon 45.6 billion won. If you really did, why would you even come back here?"
"Thats right! Hes lying!"
"Cut the crap!"
"Hes a total nutcase!"
"If someone like you can win, so can i!"
"If you really won it actually works better for us. You can give us some tips, on how to beat these game's." The familliar purple haired dude said, now you do recognize him.
"Thats right! We have a previous winner with us, so what do we have to worry about? Come on lets do this!"
"Come on!"
"Lets make some money!"
"Lets do this!"
"Lets do it!"
"Lets try!"
You just stood there processing what happened as every word of them came to a blur, but the square spoke again.
"From here on, we will not tolerate actions that disrupt the voting process. Now, lets resume the vote."
Few votes afterward, it all led to a tie. People cheered for the tie.
"Lastly, player 001." They all looked into the direction of the man.
"Everyone say O!"
They all cheered as the man went to the voting podium.
All of them were now focused on the man, so were you.
The vote had clicked as the O... won.
Half of the people in O cheered as you covered your ears, now.. all the people retreated to their quarters. You noticed dae ho and ran up to him.
"Hey, dae ho!" You said, he noticed you as you followed him, going to your bunk bed as the opposite of him.
You sat down in the bunk bed and looked at hid patch, you werent alone anyways.
"Hey dae ho.. do you have a reason on why you voted O?" You asked, looking at him. "Yeah.. i do." He said quietly.
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#squidgame#squid game dae ho#squid game season 2 spoilers#squid game s2#squid game#squid game dae ho x reader#squid game fanfic#squid game season 2#daeho x reader#dae ho x reader#kang dae ho#dae ho#kang dae ho x reader#kang daeho#kang daeho x reader#kang haneul#kang ha neul#squid game x reader
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the ShadowClan talk made me look through Brokenstar's BB Tags, and. a) is Lizardstripe still related to Finchflight, if you are keeping Finch-Dawn as a couple (with Dawncloud's age redux)? b) i keep seeing stuff about Snowtuft and killing kits, but i cant find anything actually detailing on that on the blog, and one of the older posts also mentions that Blizzardwing is either his son/grandson AND that Lizardstripe's mother was the kit he couldn't kill. what is all that about, im dying to know.
This is info that's scattered across a bunch of different posts, plus more deets and changes I haven't had a chance to dive into. Snowtuft committed an atrocity which would torment his victims and descendants for generations, for both its legacy and its trauma.
SO I wanna put as much of it as possible into one place for now, so you don't have to go guessing based on older posts. Especially since some of those posts are long outdated, but I haven't contradicted them yet.
To start the story of the two families, it begins with Snowtuft and the bloody end of the Crusade Era.
CONTENT WARNING; this is one of BB's darkest tales. It involves depictions of xenophobic violence, child murder, war crime, PTSD, abuse, and kidnapping. BB!Snowtuft's a bad kitty!
SEE: Kitten Stealing
(Also: After writing it out, I kinda realized this would be great as a BB entry on its own. I should come back and clean this up someday.)
Cedarstar inherited the Crusades from Houndstar, continuing them more out of respect for her legacy than true zealotry.
He had actually been chosen as a deputy because he would run the Clan while she was off gallavanting.
He wasn't a pushover or anything, just prefered logistics. Him and Pinestar were tragically ahead of their time.
...but like other cats of his time, he was from a culture that didn't extend personhood beyond the Clans. So, he continued the Crusades.
Even though they weren't getting easier.
Crystal of Chelford had already used a new tool to carve a red future for the cats of the town...
and what were once defenseless little targets began to unite into organized, armed response teams.
Non-BloodClan "zones" got rarer and rarer.
The territory and underlings of an influential cat named Jay were among the last holdouts, so it's where most of ShadowClan's raids were launched.
And on one of these raids... it happened fast.
Snowtuft turned an alley and was ruthlessly attacked. He defended himself.
In the confusion, another assailant ran towards him. He acted swiftly.
It was reflex! Instinct! He couldn't tell what was coming at him. It was a split second decision.
He couldn't undo what had happened. The kitten was dead, next to its mother.
And the others were screaming, crying, terrified.
Snowtuft doesn't remember what he did next. He doesn't want to.
But Puffballburr does.
She used to see it every night.
She remembers her name, too-- Pixie. And her mom. And her littermates.
And the look that washed over his eyes when he realized the ragged flesh at his feet was a kitten.
Raw shock, electrifying shame, the dawning horror of knowing you've definitely done something that you're going to get punished for.
And when his white, blood-splattered face turned slowly towards her and her wailing siblings, she recognized that emotion too.
It's a very childlike response, really.
He needed to cover up his accident.
And he almost did, too. It was dumb luck that stopped him as he grabbed her tail and dragged her out from her hiding place. One of his clanmates heard the awful racket, and Pixie had survived just long enough.
They took her away, just like any other "honor kitten," but the Clan cats believed this was different somehow.
Something about the naked horror of what Snowtuft did, maybe. Impossible to ignore.
But it's not like he faced any real justice for it, not that Puffballkit could remember seeing. So clearly it wasn't very different at all.
His mate left him, and the older warriors regarded him with a distant sort of "shame." He was ostracized from many circles.
But Puff's siblings had not been "clan cats" so the Warrior Code did not apply to them. He faced social dishonor, not legal.
Ever-merciful Cedarstar did not want to "ruin" more lives.
"Not when the kit is far too young to even remember what happened," he said. But she did remember.
And her name. Her mom. Her littermates. That face.
She just knew, growing up, that she couldn't know about it.
Because Snowtuft was always right there, just around the curve of the den, just behind the cover of the rose bush thorns, listening.
They're ALL Snowtuft.
To admit she remembers it is to admit she isn't one of them. And if you're not one of them, the law does not apply to you.
As a kid, she couldn't articulate it. But she understood it.
Deep down to her brittle, kittypet bones. Her filthy, stillwater blood.
The ungrateful heart that beat in her chest.
Fear expressed as a constant, calm obedience of authority. A permanent dread, as if living in a pack as a sheep in wolf's clothing
So she was quiet, notoriously so.
Whoever her foster was, Puff was like a little white shadow. It's where the warrior name came from, eventually-- a puffball clinging to someone's fur. (after writing this though, half of me wants to start calling her Lambfur or Lambfrost.)
ShadowClan plunged into the Campaign Era with Heatherstar's invasion of the Mothermouth Moorland, and the massacre of some kittypet family became awkward history. Those old enough to remember still kept a distance from Snowtuft... but war took its toll.
War means death and those older members of the Clan are not replaceable.
Younger cats weren't there to see the horror of what Snowtuft had done... and time would make him bolder.
Finding growing sympathy in his apprentices, spurred on by the hardening of the culture in tandem with the official birth of Thistle Law, Snowtuft started to change history.
The official Educator of ShadowClan (still unsure who this was) had one story, and Snowtuft had one too.
"Details" were quietly changed in his. They weren't "kits" but "young cats." They charged out to aid their mother. Then maybe she wasn't their mother. Who knows.
Pullball's name was left out of these stories, on both sides. No need for the kittens to know that she wasn't one of us.
And if she was? That's a good thing for her. Living the life of a Clan cat.
He wouldn't share if "he wasn't asked," but all of his actions, his language, was a silent plea to be asked.
He wanted to forget the whole thing, because of his nightmares, his constant shame and punishment, how hard the whole ordeal made his life-- but he couldn't so it was constantly coming out of his mouth.
There was a deep resentment on his end, towards Puffballburr. How she was part of the Clan now, always reminding him. Like it was her fault.
In the end, Snowtuft didn't blame himself. He blamed everything else. The guilt was killing him a little bit every day...
But not as much as that WindClan cat's claws did. Those killed him a lot in one day!
But Snowtuft's death didn't bring Puffballburr any peace. She just felt... annoyed. Which was strange to her-- she should feel relief, but, she didn't. She was just thinking about how the next battle with WindClan would be harder without an extra set of claws.
Puffballfur is the queen of low empathy, and her emotions are... hard to predict.
Not in a chaotic sort of way, but in a "Huh, interesting, I didn't think that of all things would get me going" sort of way.
She both lives in constant "fear" but also a persistent banality. It's kind of like being in a cage with a chained tiger, but you've marked the exact spot on the floor where the tiger's chain ends.
Imagine getting nightmares that stop you from sleeping, but you know that they aren't going to come true. So you lay there with a throbbing heart, mostly feeling annoyed that you're going to be tired in the morning.
That's her life.
Sometimes when she couldn't sleep, she'd roll on her back in the nest and critique the assassination attempt in her mind.
Did he think his dumb plan through? Or did he just react without thinking? It was going to be obvious he killed a bunch of kids, whether she survived or not.
Or maybe he would have just said that the rogue killed her own kits to prevent them from becoming Clan cats. They'd probably believe that.
Either way it was sloppy. Could have had more kits if he didn't kill her sibs.
She had connections within the Clan. A foster, hunting buddies, apprentice. She was kind to them, especially when they were useful. But...
It feels like she's not like them. Like they have variables to their behavior that she doesn't. Drives and desires that are pointless, sometimes even frustrating.
Like the concept of "honor." Ridiculous. Every single person who talks about it is hypocritical about it in some way, and it causes unnecessary fights in the camp and on the border because of ridiculous ego.
She just performs it because the other cats value it-- and when people like you, you get what you want.
I'm not sure who her mate was, or if it was even just one. In any case, when she found herself pregnant, she declared Queen's Rights. I feel like she might have had a fling with someone, but got annoyed by their clingy behavior.
When her daughters were born, Bracketkit and Lizardkit, she felt pride.
Because... they didn't belong to someone else. They weren't even really ShadowClan's. They were hers.
For the first time since her mother and littermates had been taken away from her, she felt like she was looking at family. People who would always be with her.
But that didn't last...
...because a chance encounter only a few moons later reconnected her with someone who remembered her.
Not a littermate, but an older sister. Marmalade. She couldn't believe that Pixie was alive.
This is a WIP zone because I'm not sure, yet, if I'm keeping Hal's attack on ShadowClan. In any case, they continued to reconnect for moons.
The fact that she was remembered, that she could talk openly about what happened, and that Marmalade wanted her and her kittens to come home made Puffballburr's stomach flutter with excitement. She felt valuable.
And with the war getting worse and worse, this was absolutely the best choice for her kittens as well. They would be safer with BloodClan than they would with ShadowClan.
No longer would she be Puffballburr. Her name was Pixie.
Puffballburr wasn't a bad mother, but it would feel a lot better to be Lizardstripe if she could have the simplicity to just say she was.
Her earliest memories of her mom and her sibling were outside of the camp on a cool, clear spring night, laying in soft marshgrass. Puff was laying on her back with her hind legs bowed out, a kit tucked under each paw, pressed to her fluffy, warm chest. Her face was turned upward, quietly, at the moon, as her daughters slept peacefully.
She's not sure how long after she'd opened her eyes that this memory took place, but Lizardkit looked up towards the bright, starry sky... and she remembered that the light hurt.
Her needs were always taken care of, but Puffballburr hated explaining things.
You learned quick to treat your questions like a valuable resource, and to listen carefully.
Lizardkit was sharp, much sharper than her sister. She caught onto the way that her mother viewed relationships in a very transactional sort of way-- and stayed aware of her balance.
And had to consider the cost of doing the things her mother was fond of, versus what the other kittens and queens in the nursery expected of her.
What Puffball didn't realize when her children were born was that they were family, but they were also ShadowClan. Even if this was not something she had ever felt a connection to.
Deep down, it didn't truly click with her that her children were not extensions of herself.
And when Lizardkit was a child, learning history from the Educator and getting involved in more of the Clan's goings-on, Puffballburr spent less and less time with her. Because she was reconnecting with Marmalade.
When Bracket and Lizard had their apprentice ceremony, Puffballburr was not there.
Lizardpaw's mentor was the infamously powerful, chaotic fighter, Finchflight. Bracketpaw was assigned to Brackenfoot. (There is an earlier post suggesting that Lizi and Finf were going to be related. I decided to make them mentor/apprentice instead.)
Finchflight immediately began to stress the importance of loyalty. Being one of the younger cats who had sympathized with Snowtuft and knowing the secret behind Puffballburr's beginnings, he nurtured a pain within Lizardstripe. Encouraged her to let the distance between her and her family grow.
Eventually, Puffball told her children that they were going to leave ShadowClan. They had family in the town, would be safe there, could start a brand new life together.
And Lizardpaw was shocked.
It was like everything Finchflight had said was true.
And they were going to leave her.
She reacted violently to the suggestion, attacking her mother. Told them that she was going to expose them, lead a patrol right back to their new hiding place, bring them "back home."
In defense of Puffballburr, Bracketpaw brawled with her sister. They fought viciously, until their mother separated them with a desperate, devastating whack to Lizardpaw's head.
Laying dazed on the ground, she heard an apology before passing out.
When she woke up, she was safely protected within a blackthorn bush-- with a nick on the outside of her ear.
She stayed out there for hours, not knowing what to do, where her family had gone, or what she was going to say when she got home.
But, looking at her reflection in a puddle of water, she became so angry at the idea of this being her first scar that she ripped the other ear, on the opposite side.
When the search party found her, they asked what had happened to her. If she had seen her mother or her sister, or if something had gone wrong.
"Nah. Took a nap to get away from them. Ripped my ears on the thornbush."
Later, when she would be interrogated or questioned by people she didn't want to lie to, she would tell a half-truth;
"I did it to myself. Liked how it looked. Last I saw of Puffballburr and Bracketpaw, they were upset I'd done it and left, so I took a nap."
She didn't mind that her Clanmates thought this was weird. She didn't care about whispers that it was all done for attention, or that it was dishonorable to do such a thing and they probably met a predator after storming off, and she didn't even mind the gossip guessing at the "real" reason behind her ripped ears.
The only people who ever got the whole truth were the Forget-Me-Nots. After their disappearance, Lizardstripe didn't talk about her family for years, insisting upon having no further details. Even if it meant that mystery and suspicion would hang around her like a cloud.
Snowtuft's daughter was named Lilyfur. She was a kit when her father slaughtered Pixie's family.
When her mother left her father, she also distanced herself from him. This was something Snowtuft was outraged and saddened by.
But Lilyfur's mother couldn't stand the idea of a kitten-killer trying to stay close to her daughter. How could he look at little babies, the same age as his own child, and kill them?
Lilykit grew up very conflicted. She remembered how much she loved her dad, understood that he was a kitten murderer, but he continued to be so kind to her into adulthood.
It was hard to think of him as someone who could do something so horrible.
Earlier draft had Lilyfur die and her kittens were raised by their kin, Snowtuft, but I'm currently leaning towards Lilyfur being alive but just letting him be an active part of their lives-- in spite of her discomfort.
Because the more time he spent in her life, paradoxically, the more obsessed he became with all the "time he lost out on."
Which ended up including entertaining a lot of conversations about how he'd never done anything wrong, ever, and everyone was mean to him.
Lilyfur: "ok maybe he's not evil but my dad is really annoying <:/ but he's really lonely. He needs me. and i cant take him away from his grandkits"
From this, what Blizzardwing absorbed was the idea that love and forgiveness was always tolerating your family no matter what. This would express itself in his toxic relationship with Hollyflower.
But Blizzardwing now has a sibling. I haven't settled on a name yet-- but I'm playing with him either being Angelshade or Silkflower.
I really like the name "Angelshade" as a reference to the notoriously deadly white mushroom, the Destroying Angel. But also. someone in the audience asked if I could give the prefix "angel" to a cat because it's their name, and I feel a little bad about giving it to a character who is going to be one of the nastiest little background characters in all of BB lmaooooo
i'm so sorry angel (positive), is it okay if there's an angel (derogatory)
ANYWAY, Untitled Blizzardwing Sibling grew up adoring his grandpaw.
Radicalization can be a slow creep. He loved peepaw, so if he was asked when he was young, he would happily repeat the adjusted version of history he was taught.
And then when Snowtuft died, he wanted to remember him fondly. The story slowly changed, becoming more "accurate," just getting more comfortable with the idea of dehumanizing outsiders.
So what, if he killed some kittypet? And if some kits had already been indoctrinated into their kittypet life? It was still a gain for ShadowClan, in the end.
One summer day, without warning, he came home with two little kittens. One was white, one was brown, both had the pinkish tinge of poorly cleaned blood.
He grinned playfully at Brokenstar, and claimed Queen's Rights in a singsong tone.
Because of that rite, no one could ask where he'd gotten those kittens from. But everyone knew he'd done something grim.
Those kits, Whitewater and Brownstone, grew up under the crescendo of Brokenstar's reign, both taking part in the WindClan Massacre.
Whitewater's bloody story includes joining Mudclaw's Rebellion, giving birth to three kits, a souring relationship with her son, condemnation to the Dark Forest, ends in the Battle of the True Eclipse after killing her grandson.
Brownstone's tale includes a relationship with a WindClan cat during the bloodiest period in the history of their two Clans.
And their father's story ends in Chelford, after being exiled from ShadowClan by Nightstar. His canon counterpart is the Unnamed White Rogue from Rise of Scourge, who tries to order Scourge to be his personal servant.
(the other two cats are Braketail, the "Offbrand Brokenstar" pale tabby, and Pirateheart, the gray rogue with green eyes. Glitch Warriors for the pile!)
#better bones au#BB!Blizzardwing#BB!Lizardstripe#Brokenstar's Cataclysm#BB!TPB#BB!Snowtuft#BB!Pixie#Puffballburr#BB!Whitewater#BB!ShadowClan#BB!Snowkin#BB!Puffballkin#Crusade Era#Angelshade#Silkflower
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Chronological ZoLu Fanfic Masterlist [improved]
Guide for people who want to avoid anime spoilers
you can check out the google doc for more updates on this list (There is a total of 53 fanfics on the google doc so far)
Hey Lover! by clouddq
-takes place when zoro is recruited -soulmates AU (pre-timeskip)
I’ll Take This Piece of You by lucerile
-One Piece Live Action -Pre-arlong park but post baratie -(pre-timeskip)
Definitely, Spontaneously by croissantmusain
-One Piece Live Action and regular one piece anime/manga -no spoilers -pre-timeskip
last year i abstained by Augment
-part 1 of a series -(pre-timeskip i think) -No major spoilers
this year i devour by Augment
-part 2 or companion fic of last year i abstained -(pre-timeskip i think) -No major spoilers
I Don’t Talk (I Kiss Things) by lostmagician
-One Piece Live Action -I guess there aren’t any major spoilers -(pre-timeskip)
to fail you would be to fail myself by yinyu_ink
-One Piece Live Action -(pre-timeskip) -takes place after Arlong Park
Found in the Crack of your Palm by The_Furthest_City_Light
-(pre-timeskip) -takes place from the beginning until somewhere after alabasta
catching butterflies by aquietdin
-(pre-timeskip) Takes place sometime between Skypiea arc but before Long Island arc. -You should also watch the G-8 filler arc because I think it’s referenced, but it’s okay cuz it is honestly the best and only filler arc worth watching. (G-8 is right after skypiea)
Gold-Tinted Days by needchocolatenow
-indefinite time period but brook’s there. there’s no spoilers
Ode to an ocean by novks (thychesters)
-(pre-timeskip) -Takes place right before water 7.
Chimes by drcalvin
-(pre-timeskip) Contains spoilers from Water 7/ Post-Enies Lobby. -Takes place shortly after marineford I think. Maybe wait until the timeskip begins before reading this one just in case.
Unable Are the Loved to Die by BasicallyACat
-(pre-timeskip) post Enies Lobby up until sabaody -part 1 of a series
a Losing Game by Angelgotchi
-right after water 7 probs pre-thriller bark -(pre-timeskip)
greed by species_baby
-(pre-timeskip) Thriller Bark
Feelings, what a mess! by drcalvin
(post-timeskip) Very early into the timeskip. I’d say you can read when they’re on the way to fishman island.
Let me carry your scars by arkhamsjason
Heliotrope by LostInClouds
-(post-timeskip) -As long as you reach the timeskip and have made it more or less to when they are sailing to Fishman Island, you should be fine.
The Things we do for Love by LostInClouds
-(post-timeskip) - It’s recommended that you reach the timeskip for this one too and probably before fishman island is also good enough
Feed your plants a little sunlight by swordsmans
(post-timeskip) indefinite time period tho i think Inspired by this comic
Of First Mates and Duty by Whatev3rs
-(post-timeskip) takes place at an indefinite point in the timeskip after return to sabaody arc. -kind of part 1 of another fic
Look at this! by nuftda
-(pre-timeskip and post-timeskip) takes place from the beginning up until some indefinite point in the early timeskip
‘Til You by Whatev3rs
-Post-timeskip -no real spoilers -it’s KIND OF a continuation of Of First Mates and Duty by Whatev3rs
Kizuna by YokoHogawa
-(post-timeskip) after fishman island
His Captain, Captivating by jirachi
-a sequel to Unable Are the Loved to Die -(post-timeskip) takes place up until the end of dressrosa i think
The Five Times Luffy Kissed Zoro, and the One Time Zoro Kissed Luffy by EclecticIsMyMiddleName
-This one takes place throughout the story up until the end of Wano arc. -It’s preferable that you’re fully caught up because it’s so good you might wanna binge it. -see google doc if you want a more detailed description of where each chapter takes place in case u cant wait that long
To the ends of the earth (I'll follow you, worship you, love you) by lunarblossoms
-(post-timeskip) occurs when luffy awakens gear 5
Carnelian and Gold by kermit_coded
-Post timeskip -No major spoilers
I Do the Dumbest Things for You by it_is_i_a_simple_nerd
-(post-timeskip) -Takes place somewhere between wano and egghead
Loyal Till Death Do Us Part by StygianHeart
-(post-timeskip) -takes place after wano and does have some spoilers at the beginning -it takes place in a fictional arc n stuff so its cool
I'm gonna make another masterlist later for the AU fics or maybe add them to this list but you can still find them in the google doc
#one piece#zolu#monkey d. luffy#roronoa zoro#luzo#fanfic#fanfiction#ao3#archive of our own#masterlist#fanfic masterlist#fanfic masterpost#writing#writers on tumblr#fefi speaks
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Thinking about an AU where Techno, Wilbur and Tommy are all the harbingers of the actual entire apocalypse and Phil (just some insane guy) decides that those are in fact his kids and starts gaslighting the absolute shit out of them about it.
Rambles under cut!
I wanna try something where they're just more insidious and passive killers than anything else, theyre mostly just biding their time and watching as wherever they're lingering around gets sicker and just starts withering away.
They're a slow moving threat that just can't be stopped and for some reason (because Kristin thinks its funny) Phil just isnt affected by them.
Phil: Oh Techno's always been like that ever since he was a baby Techno: I have literally never met you a day in my life Tommy: Idk man... you have always been like that Wilbur: Oh my death he's actually getting to us
Its a mix of that combined with that "how did he know I was a gemini" meme
Phil: Wil! I brought you some salmon, I know how much you love it! Wilbur: How the fuck did you know I like salmon Phil: I'm your dad silly, of course I'd know :-)
I just think itd be super fun since Phil in this au is literally just some insane dude. He literally lies about their entire childhood but does it so consistently and so realistically that it throws them off guard.
I also have a few ideas where they start referring to Phil as their dad in the beginning as a sarcastic / mocking thing but accidentally just getting themselves even more adopted as they do it.
Phil: Wilbur put on a coat Wilbur: I don't need one! Techno: Go on, Wil. Listen to dad Wilbur: Ugh fine. Only because dad wants it, though
Stranger: Whos this? Tommy: Oh thats our dad. He kinda just tags along Stranger: Aww thats so sweet! You got his nose and everything Tommy: I- wh- no he's not actually our da- Phil: I know he did! Isn't he the cutest, spitting image isnt he? Tommy: You're not my dad! Stranger: Oh someones embarrassed! Phil: Yeah he's going through a rebellious phase right now
Just a mixture of things like that where it starts as calling him it but then accidentally actually giving him parental authority along with that.
I also wanna explore how Kristin and Phils relationship would be like. Maybe her as death being very bemused by this silly human that just decided she was his wife one day.
She literally visits him in dreams and stuff and he just acts as if they're married and have been for years. He complains about their 'rambunctious kids' and how he has to threaten them with her so that they behave sometimes. She finds it so silly and just cant help but play pretend.
Kristin: Hello, human Phil: My love! Its been so long since I've seen you Kristin: We've never met Phil: Oh don't say that! It hasnt been that long. I've just been far too occupied with our boys to visit too much Kristin: Our boys? I made them Phil: And they came out beautiful! I'm so glad Wil and Tech got your eyes. I was hoping they would.
I think that'd be a core part of this AU as well. Everyone is playing pretend but then it just fuzzies and it all becomes real for them. At first its a joke that Phil is her husband and their father but then they get lost in the fantasy and fun of it all and actually accept him as such.
Phil has no ulterior motives either, he's literally just a strange insane man that heard stories about neotrio and started thinking they were his kids one day. He genuinely believes his delusion and they end up accidentally making it a reality.
He just makes lucky guesses and plausible lies often enough that he's still shiny and new, he's still fun to play with and thats what ends up 'tricking' them all.
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Tag, You’re It | Ethan Landry | v.
Happy, carefree college days meet their abrupt end when every guy who approaches you mysteriously turns up dead.
Warnings: NON-CON, Stalking, Bimbo!Reader, Clueless Reader, Loss of Virginity, Incel Ethan, Cheerleader Reader, Skin Carving (w/knife), Canon Typical Slashing, Voyeurism, Kidnapping, Forced Masturbation, Filming, Blackmail
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
Peering outside the window, you unleash a melancholy sigh. The sky is bright and blue above campus, not one cloud darkening its expanse.
A stark contrast to your somber mood.
You wish you could soak up the warmth of the sun spilling through the glass window of the café, but you’re too high-strung to bask in the sunny weather.
"Here you go," Ethan enthuses, yanking you away from your lugubrious train of thought.
You give him a wobbly smile, accepting the steamy cup he slides between your hands. In the process, your fingers brush against his own, and Ethan’s throat bobs. His gaze lingers where your hand touches his for a few seconds before he scratches the back of his neck and sits in front of you. The spicy, warm scent of the drink engulfs your senses in a blanket of comfort and familiarity. Your lashes flutter in awe as your eyes round.
"H-How did you know my coffee order?"
He shrugs, a lopsided smile canting his lips.
"I think Mindy mentioned it."
"Did she?"
His smile broadens. "I think. How else would I know it?"
You press your lips together. You suppose it does make sense. Still, it astonishes you the heap of little things Ethan has noticed about you since you met him.
Acceptance settles within you beneath his unflinching gaze.
"You're right." You nod then spot the little plate Ethan placed near the edge of the table. Your mouth waters at the sight, your stomach wrenching. When’s the last time you had a proper meal, or something sweet? "Oh, you got me a pastry too." Fingers stretch towards the appetizing treat but retreat as Alana’s voice rings in your head. Sending Ethan a contrite glance, you twist your hands in your lap. "I'm sorry. That's very nice but… I can't accept it."
Ethan’s bushy brows draw together.
"You don't like sweets? I didn't realize."
You wave your hands before you as you rush to elaborate, "I do. It's not that." A deep exhale drops from your mouth. "Alana…the captain of my team. She said we all needed to lose five pounds before the next game. So no one on the team is allowed to have carbs."
Your cheeks come aflame under his intense stare. The anger in his tone startles you.
"That's mean. Who does Alana think she is?" he scoffs. His tone softens as he adds, "Besides, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen. You don't need to change a single thing about yourself."
A spontaneous smile blooms on your face at his compliment and the sincerity laced in his words.
"Thanks, Ethan. That's so sweet." His chestnut gaze beckons you, drifting from your face to the pastry. You nibble your bottom lip, stomach clenching. Alana would be pissed if she knew…but you’re also starving. You don’t ponder for long before reaching across the table for the sweet delicacy. "I guess I'll have it anyway. Just promise me you won't tell her."
"My lips are sealed."
Ethan patiently watches you take a few bites, a grin etched on his boyish features. As soon as the sugar melts on your tongue, your spirits are lifted.
When you’re done eating, he pulls out books, paper and pens from his backpack.
You remember why you’re here and straighten your back.
"So, where do you want to begin?" he inquires, unscrewing the cap from his ballpen and beginning to scribble on a piece of paper.
You fidget and cast your eyes downward.
"I'm not sure," you mumble.
"What do you struggle with most?"
Embarrassment tickles your insides.
"Uh…Everything?" He gawks at you and your face heats. "This class is way too hard for me, Ethan."
He shakes his head, that gentle, encouraging smile never leaving his lips.
"You're selling yourself short." At your crestfallen expression, Ethan offers, "We'll start at the very beginning and work our way from here. How does that sound?"
You gape at him, your chest swelling with hope. For some reason, you nearly expected him to give up on you right here and there.
You know you’re not exceedingly bright and that you narrowly got into college. If it weren’t for Chad and Mindy helping you study for the SATs and giving you tips…you’re convinced you wouldn’t have made it at all.
"Amazing," you chime, plucking a chest-deep chuckle from him.
Hours fly by at the café as Ethan takes time to break down concepts, make you flash cards and draw figures to help you understand the basics of economics.
You lose track of time, hanging to his every slow, patient word. Every time you ask a question, he never gets upset or belittles you, instead going over everything again without ever losing his cool.
While some areas are still fuzzy at the end, you feel a lot more equipped to understand the course material than before.
Ethan encourages you, promising the more sessions you’ll have together, the more things will make sense.
And you actually believe him.
"You're like the best tutor ever."
You bounce in excitement as Ethan giggles.
"I didn't do much."
"Not true. You make complicated stuff sound easy, Ethan."
His cheeks glow pink at your praise.
Leaning forward, you confess, "Even Mindy gave up on helping me with my assignments. She didn’t have the time…or patience. And she’s my best friend." Slanting your head sideways, you beam at him. "You're the smartest guy I know so I appreciate you taking the time."
Ethan ogles at you before clearing his throat and scratching the back of his neck. "Anytime," he says while putting his books back in his bag.
"Can I keep this?" you inquire, gathering the stack of papers covered in Ethan’s neat handwriting. You’re touched that he took the time to explain all this to you.
"Of course, it’s all for you. If you need anything, just text or call me." His inflection lowers as he bashfully looks down. "Even nighttime is fine."
His words summon flashes of the night before. Overwhelmed, tears begin pricking behind your eyes.
"Nighttime…" you quaver. You blink and salty water fills your gaze. Ethan immediately gets up and joins you on the other side of the table, handing you tissues and carefully putting a hand on your shoulder. Once again, you wipe your tears. You wonder how there’s still water left in your body considering how many times you’ve bawled your eyes out today.
"I’m sorry," you blubber.
"It’s okay." He rubs your back, licking his lips before he whispers, "You don’t need to shed so many tears over him, you know?"
A shuddering breath cascades through your throat while you gape at him in confusion.
His jaw clenches, his gaze darkening somehow.
"That alpha douchebro Connor. He doesn’t deserve you crying over him."
"It’s not…" you trail off, shame creeping inside you. You have no desire to revisit the events from last night. Every time you recall them, a wave of sickness takes hold of you.
Ethan continues, his voice even harsher than before, "Truth be told I bet he had it coming." Your jaw drops. Ethan’s shoulders heave and slump as he explains, "I heard he was awful to girls… and that you weren’t the only one he was texting before he died."
Shock ripples through you at this newfound knowledge. It’s dumb and irrelevant now, but you thought Connor genuinely liked you at least.
Sure, he got carried away that night and got a little pushy, but you’re sure he just had one drink too many and wasn’t acting like himself.
Your forehead wrinkles as you chide him, "That’s an awful thing to say. Regardless of what he did…no one deserves to die like that, Ethan."
Ethan sighs and lets out an awkward laugh.
"You’re right. I shouldn’t have said anything. Murder’s like…fucked up, I guess."
"Y-Yes, it is," you reply, taken aback by his casual tone.
Gaze still holding yours, he bends over you and adds, "But he was a lame dudebro, and you can do so much better. I hope you know that."
You sink in the depth of his warm, brown orbs, both flattered yet a little unsettled by his fervent statement.
It’s something even Mindy told you before, that you only fall for douchebags that don’t deserve you, but you never felt that was true.
Still, no one ever said that to you with such emphasis.
"I…appreciate it," you reply, rubbing your puffy eyes as fresh tears threaten to spill.
His large hand travels up and down your back.
"Is there something else by any chance? I’m a pretty good listener."
Heat rushes to your cheeks. There’s no way you can tell him what occurred. The mere idea makes you want to die.
Your mouth trembles as you dip your chin.
"No, there isn’t."
After a few minutes of silence, Ethan’s gentle voice sweeps over your temple.
"Can I do anything to make you feel better?"
Your eyes lift to his, deep brown pools filled with concern.
You mull it over. There is one thing. A thing you sometimes do with your friends, but you’re a bit self-conscious about revealing it to him.
"I…" You emit a thin, unsure laugh. "No, that's silly. You're gonna think I'm, like, so shallow."
His thumb settles between your shoulder blades, caressing softly.
"I won't judge you, I promise. Just tell me."
"When I feel bad…" You squirm and evade his focus, gaze darting about the café as you mumble, "I like to go shopping and eat ice cream afterward."
Ethan snickers, but not in a mean way. Mirth lights up his features.
"I don't think that's silly at all, especially if it helps you feel better." His face softens. "I can take you if you want."
"Really?" Surprise and happiness coalesce in your tone. You hate shopping alone. Your brows knit as a thought resurfaces. "But I promised Mindy and Anika we’ll meet up later..."
Ethan sends you a wide grin.
"I’m sure they’ll understand."
Going on a shopping spree with Ethan is surprisingly fun. He doesn’t mind how many outfits you try, praising your choices every time.
And if sometimes his eyes rest upon you a tad too long, that strange smirk playing on his lips, you let yourself ignore that.
After all, a lot of the clothes you picked display quite a lot of skin.
Boys always stare, you’re used to that.
And it’s just Ethan looking. It’s not like he’s getting any ideas.
When it comes time to pay for your purchases, he stops you before you can collect your wallet, placing a stack of bills on the counter instead.
You give him an open-mouthed stare.
"Ethan?! Are you crazy? That’s a lot of money. You don’t have to-"
He grabs the clothes from you and gestures at the cashier to put them in bags before you can even think of returning them.
"No way I’m letting you pay. My treat, okay?"
His tone gets firmer, quieting your protests.
"I insist."
Your body deflates as you’re stunned by the shift in him, particularly his staunch refusal to let you argue.
"Okay," you concede.
After leaving the store, with Ethan carrying your bags and refusing to let you lift a finger, you get on your tiptoes and plant a kiss on his cheek.
Red spreads on his face as he peers down at you.
"You’re so nice to me," you say cheerfully.
He just smiles at you in that lopsided, mysterious way he does.
"Well, I'd say you more than earned it."
#ethan landry x reader#ethan landry#dark!ethan landry#ethan landry x bimbo!reader#scream vi fanfic#ethan landry x you#scream vi#scream#scream 6
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💌 - sypnosis
inumaki’s worried that he’s a bad kisser, you have more than enough experience in the love department and you just so happen to be his favorite friend…couldn’t you teach him?
tags: suggestive, fluff, lots of kissing, underage smoking, gn reader
you watch the smoke hang in the air, drifting through the enclosed space of your dorm room. the shitty metal fan you’d placed on your bedside desk was doing nothing to wash it away. not that you were complaining though.
you turn your head to the left where inumaki, your best friend, sits on your bed. his lips close around the end of his cigarette, taking in a deep breath before pulling back and letting it blow out.
you watch, almost mesmerized, as his tongue darts over his plump lips and he grimaces at the taste. it didn’t matter how many times you watched inumaki smoke, it was always just as interesting everytime. he had the most eloquent silence, he said a million words without saying a single thing.
he looks at you, catching your gaze. he raises an eyebrow, shifting to rest against your pillows. he rests his legs in your lap, and you draw circles with your thumb on his ankles.
his eyes flick from yours to your lips, then back up. it makes you smirk, a small movement that catches his attention immediately. your chapstick gave your lips a small shine that glinted in the dimmed light of the smoked-out bedroom.
“what’s up?” you ask softly, tilting your head.
inumaki shakes his head, and runs a hand through his hair. after brushing his hair from his eyes, his fingers drift down, clearly attempting to show you something.
they brush over his lips, catching on his cupids bow and then outlining his seam. then he reaches up, leaning forward, and presses those same two fingers to your lips. his hands are warm on your face, applying gentle pressure to your mouth. his fingers linger for a moment, and your cheeks heat pink a little.
“you want me to kiss you?” you guess, a small little giggle breaking past your lips. inumaki nods, almost desperately, and it makes you giggle more.
“why? you’ve never asked me that before.”
he blushes a little, sweet and soft and raises his hands. he signs, “i need practice.” with his hands before looking back to you expectantly. “please.”
“have you never kissed anyone?” you ask, as you begin to crawl up the bed. you lay next to him, hands interlaced on your stomach as you stare up at the ceiling. he takes the cigarette from your hand and puts it out on your bedside table. you cant find it in you to argue about the wood burn it caused.
you turn your head, but he’s already looking at you with that pouty frown of his. “i’ll take that as a no then,” you sigh, settling down. “alright, fuck it, why not?” you’ve been kind of tense lately, a good old fashioned make out session would be sure to ease your aching mind a bit.
you shift on your bed, closer to the center and pat your waist. inumaki understands the gesture, and wraps his legs around your hips. he looks almost awkward, but he trusts you and you trust him.
with your back against the headboard, your hands drift up his sides, fiddling with the hem of his shirt and watching him squirm.
your hands reach up to his neck, feeling his pulse jump beneath your fingertips. then your hands move to his jaw, dragging your finger down the curve of his jaw.
a shudder wracks his body, and he grinds his teeth together. “hurry,” he signs, impatient as always. you roll your eyes, more of a fond feeling then something of annoyance.
you gently tug down on the nape of his neck so your faces are inches apart. he breathes soft pants against your lips as you gently mouth at his neck.
his hands fist in your shirt, curled and trembling. he lets out a soft wet mewl as you work your way up his neck till your reach the corner of his mouth. you press light butterfly kisses to his lips, testing his patience.
he gasps out your name, his beautiful voice singing a dove’s call as your work your lips against his.
his mouth his warm and slippery against yours. it’s messy, and you aren’t necessarily teaching him much. you’re letting him try and copy your pace and flow.
your hands drift up and down his sides, massaging at supple skin between the fabric of his white t-shirt. he groans into the kiss, ever so vocal now that he can be.
his fisted hands unfurl from your shirt, and reach up to cup your face ever so delicately. his thumb runs along your jaw, and then your cheekbone, as your lips move and press against each other.
his body is lithe and lean, pushing and running from your touch, unsure of what to do. you decide to deepen the kiss, taking pleasure in the way his back arches and he lets out a small mewl.
inumaki grabs your hand, his own shaking, and interlocks your fingers. he squeezes your hand three times, before breaking off to breathe.
his lips are red and glistening with spit, and his cheeks have taken on a fiery hue. his hair is all over the place, and his shirt has wrinkles in places you didn’t even know could be wrinkled.
“was that educational enough for you?” you grin devilishly, looking up at him between your lashes. he huffs, but he can’t seem to get rid of the smile on his face as he rolls off his lap and settles next to you.
“thanks,” he sighs, unable to meet your eyes. his cheeks are still a vibrant pink.
“nah, no problem,” you say, pushing back down and laying down properly. he follows suit, laying on his side and taking your hand. he gives it three small squeezes.
you look at him, smile, and squeeze his hand back. three times.
i love you.
#rintarousgirl#fluff#inumaki x reader#jjk inumaki#jujutsu kaisen inumaki#inumaki x y/n#inumaki fluff#inumaki x you#inumaki toge#toge inumaki#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen x gender neutral reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader
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mutuals appreciation post! i've been feeling sentimental about the fact that i met so many wonderful skillfull artists and just great people here in such a short time so i want to tell each one of you a couple of nice words
@miaumiaoumao it amazes me how many art styles you can pull off. that's a very rare skill in my experience and you absolutely slay every time. your silly cartoony comics are always a joy to see, and the way you do lineart in the more realistic styles is asolutely wonderful. im staring at the "peer into the darkness" piece (the second one) while im writing this and i cant stop. the way how it's all pencil-y, grainy and textured scratches some deep itch of mine
@fanaroff i love how squishy and soft you draw your characters. your style is so interesting to me, you push the proportions yet it still looks balanced and right. also your characters often feel very grounded in their environment and space, they feel solid. like i know how they would feel if i could touch them yk? i guess that's what i mean as squishy and soft aha
@myballsitchaurghouchie my god where do i begin. your character designs? immaculate. so eccentric and bold and full of character, i love all of the wiskers-ear tufts-fly aways you give your narinder, and the way you stylise your lamb's wool and goat's hair looks insanely cool. you know how to pull off both extremely soft and gentle atmosphere and extremely dynamic one. i see your art quite infrequently but each time it's a joy to behold
@aniimoni i fell in love with your art from the first glance. despite the fact that the majority of your works that i see are digital ones, they all feel so... tactile? sensory? as if i can feel non existent grafite under my fingers, trace the brush strokes. the art that you do is so very gentle, the care you put into it is obvious even through the screen. also i love your lamb's design so very much. and narinder's penis ears. what can i do
@sriibble don't know if i should tag you since you're not in our weird cultist club and you already know all im about to say but hey, no harm in some praise, is there. i've seen you skills evolve over these years, but honestly each time i see your new drawings i feel like im awestruck for the very first time. the way you work with colour sometimes looks like magic to me, you can take the palette that makes no sense and bend and mold and twist it into something absolutely beautiful. i know you draw without lines or contours but each time i actually see im in awe. maybe i sound cheesy but it feels like you actually create art, like it runs from your fingers and molds in your palms like clay. жесть меня понесло конечно но и ладно. люблю тебя моя радость, чмаф
@greedykrab the way you work with colour is insane omg. your drawings have such pure raw energy to them, the way you draw, messy and confident, is mesmorising amd so so expressive. you convey atmosphere masterfully, that black and red drawing of narinder in the window still scares the shit out of me. i adore your dark warm kinda dirty paletts, i feel like you know very well how colour and lighting behave, your pieces always feel so real
@midia666 your bishop designs are so unique and striking, i feel like they do an absolutely awesome job at being, well, character designs -- conveying personalities through the way character looks. you have such a good grasp on human (and human-ish) anatomy, your linework is so confident yet so gentle when it needs to be. и я всегда радуюсь видя крутых русскоговорящих художников тут. спасибо за ваши труды <3
@donutfloats it's maybe a strangely specific way to start but i love how you draw wide open maws full of teeth <3 you understand anthro facial (muzzle? snout?) structure so well at such level which i strive towards. the clothes you give your charactes are always amazing and i wish i could wear them, and the diverse body types are so pleasing to look at. also mephis is my fav i love them sm
@teruuu i scroll through all of you guy's art tags so i can formulate my thoughts better and oh god ru i forgot how absolutely batshit insane your art can be in the bestestest of ways. all those scribbly lines and sharp teeth and broken colours, absolutely wild amazing and so so vivid. your designs are a delight to look at and even more a delight to draw, your characters are so expressive and fun and your lineless artstyle is so polished and pleasing and nice, it's amazing in a whole different way <3
@linvxtheghost your art lately been such an interesting middle point between lineless and line..full? and your colours are vibrant yet very balanced, it's like you draw with acrilic markers but in didgital, yk?? it's such a cool look! your more soft colouring stule is also so so nice and gentle and glowy i adore it sm. and your sketches are so dynamic and fun!! твои рисунки всегда будут близки моему сердцу леша и вообще ты крутой художник блин. (бтв если ты таки запостишь мои комишки я зареблогаю the shit out of them)
woooow that was a lot but a fun lot! i hope i didn't leave anyone out?? i double checked. you guys are all so wonderfull and skilled im so glad we're mutuals!!! have a great day and take care <3
#ada ramblings#thank you to my r key that desided to stop behaving the moment i sat down to write a post that has dozens of “art” and “draw” in it#do i need to tag anything else??#i think not
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every day is halloween
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fd665e72c65338a344015a800be5dbde/92cba64029124bd0-aa/s540x810/55fdbf2ae73572404f4797e9cf13f5215394aa49.jpg)
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!Reader (Curator!Reader)
Rating: Teen
Tags: reader and Copia have become good friends, sexual tension, romantic tension, Halloween party, Terzo is back on his matchmaking bullshit, slight Terzomega
Words: 2,156
Summary: Halloween always was your favorite holiday.
a/n: Desperately wanted Copia in a Halloween costume so here we are. If you know who either Copia or reader is dressed as I'm giving you a big wet kiss with tongue.
divider by @gothdaddyissues!
“So what are you going to be for the big Halloween party?”
You’ve got your feet up on your coffee table, currently watching Copia poorly guide Lara Croft through a jungle temple. When you found out he likes video games just as much as you do - albeit his games are a little older - you invited him to your quarters every Friday for a game night. These nights usually consisted of the two of you drinking wine and taking turns with your PS5 controller, all the while casually venting about your respective weeks. Lara runs directly off a cliff and you snort as Copia throws his hands up in defeat, tossing the controller onto the couch.
“Eh…it’s a secret,” the tips of his ears are red and a slow grin settles on your face.
“Ooooh,” you tease, adjusting yourself on the cushion so your legs are tucked under you. “Alright fine, I’m not telling you mine either. But it’s so good. You’ll never guess.”
Copia’s mustache twitches in amusement.
“Hmm…give me a hint, cara. Per favore.”
You’re momentarily distracted by the endearment - you still haven’t quite gotten used to hearing that sort of thing from him since Terzo’s party and it enchants you every time - but then your face settles into a pout.
“Now why would I do that?”
“Eh…because we are amici. And I am a terrible guesser.”
You make sure to put extra drama into your eye roll but answer him all the same.
“Fine. ONE hint. It’s a historical figure.”
When he reaches a gloved hand up to stroke his mustache thoughtfully you can’t help but sigh a little. Where did he get off being so damn cute?
“Is it–”
“Don’t guess now,” you say, slapping his arm lightly. “You can ponder it over the next few weeks. Now come on, pick that controller up, Lara has some tombs to raid.”
Grabbing it, he passes it to you.
“Your turn, dolcezza,” he says with a tired look. “It has been far too long a week and I would much rather watch you play.”
Shrugging, you lean over and set your wine glass down on the table and accept the controller from his hand.
“Watch and learn, dear Cardinal,” you smirk as you unpause the game.
He spends the remainder of the evening with his eyes on you and not the screen.
“Progress on your costume coming along?” you ask, bent over with your arms on Copia’s desk. When you see his cheeks redden at the sight of you you realize your compromising position and straighten with a blush of your own.
“Eh…” he begins and clears his throat, fidgeting with the cuffs of his cassock. “Sì. Very well, I think I have all the necessary parts.”
You roll up on your tiptoes with a thoughtful expression. “Me too. Gotta say you’ve got me very intrigued, Copia.”
“D-do I?” he asks, leaning back in his chair trying his best to look casual. He’s chewing on his bottom lip and he reaches up to straighten his biretta.
“Mmhmm. Two weeks and we’ll see who can guess who is who,” you say, rolling back onto the flat of your feet and crossing your arms.
“Ah…is this a challenge now, cara?”
You fix Copia with a positively angelic look and cant your hip, not missing the way his mismatched eyes slide over your form. When he smirks up at you, your knees nearly buckle.
“Well then, signorina, if I can guess who you are or you can guess who I am…then what?”
“You get…a favor.”
“Oh?” He’s stroking his mustache again and this time you have to take a seat because your knees really do wobble.
“Yep, one favor. Redeemable anywhere, anytime.”
“For anything?” the tone of his voice lowers, darkens, and it takes you by surprise. Suddenly you remember that delicious little dream you had where he–
“Sure,” you say lightly, ignoring the implications of such a broad demand. “And if I guess correctly, I get a favor of my own.”
“What if we both guess correctly?”
“Well,” you say, studying your cuticles, “the favors could cancel each other out. Or we just both have favors from one another.”
“Sì, the second option,” he says quickly, tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair.
“Got something in mind?” you ask with a wry grin, wiggling your eyebrows a little. His eyes narrow and he exhales through his nose.
“Perhaps,” he practically purrs, and you have to force yourself to school your face into a neutral expression. Flustered, you rise from your chair and meander towards his office door. When your hand is on the knob you turn to face him again.
“It’s a bet, then?”
He nods solemnly, but you don’t miss the lascivious grin that plays around his painted lips.
Game on.
You’ve finally finished lacing yourself into the decadent black and red gown you purchased and regard yourself in your bedroom mirror. Seventeenth-century looks good on you, with the shape of the stays you wear and the way they heave your breasts up. Reaching backwards towards your bed, you grab the belt you made with small potion bottles and tie it around your waist. Last thing is an elaborate pearl necklace - the icing on the cake. When you’ve completed your look you give a little twirl in place and grin. Copia won’t know what hit him. Walking out of your room you grab your keys and phone and slip them into the discreet pocket inside your dress before heading out of your quarters.
The Ministry Halloween party, you’ve been told, is quite a sight. Terzo described it to you once at the beginning of September as the most lively celebration of the year. You are quite looking forward to seeing the costumes the siblings have adorned themselves with and your little heels tap insistently on the stone floor as you pick up your pace. Approaching the celebration hall you hear an intense muffled din coming through the large wooden doors. Taking a deep breath, you heave the doors open and your jaw drops. There must be hundreds of people in the room, wearing every costume you could possibly imagine. One wall is lined with a long table filled with decadent foods and beverages. Music plays, but is ultimately drowned out by the boisterous noise coming from the crowd that you find yourself navigating. Several siblings smile at you as you pass - just now finally warming up to you - and you’re relieved when you spot Terzo. He’s decked out in head-to-toe black with a cape and a mask over his eyes, a jaunty hat perched on his dark hair.
“Zorro?” you ask with a smile and he beams back at you.
“Do I not look very dashing?” he crows, striking a pose. One of his ghouls emerges from behind you carrying a glass of punch - Omega, you think? - who is wearing his usual mask and short cassock. On his head is a headband with a gold halo attached and when you laugh out loud, you like to think he’s smiling at you from behind the mask. The ghouls and their function were still a mystery to you but you appreciated their stoic presence around the abbey. Terzo accepts the punch from Omega and cozies up to you, throwing an arm around your shoulders.
“Don’t you look delicious tonight, bella,” he purrs in your ear. “Beautiful view,” he says, his eyes lingering on the abundant cleavage your gown produces.
When you roll your eyes and elbow him sharply in the side, you swear you hear the tall ghoul chuckle.
“I assume,” Terzo coughs after collecting himself, “that you are looking for your amato cardinale?”
You open your mouth to both protest and respond when you see Copia cutting through the crowd. He looks incredible. As he approaches your trio you gape at his outfit, having never seen him in anything but his standard cassock before. He’s wearing a tuxedo with a black bowtie and a red cummerbund. On his shoulders is a black cape lined with red satin. His mustache is waxed and hair impeccable, and you notice he’s added some grey at the temples to enhance his natural coloring.
Now it’s Terzo’s turn to elbow you. But there’s no need - Copia is similarly enraptured with your appearance, eyes dancing over the details of your gown and as Terzo did, gazing at the swell of your breasts.
“Bellissima,” Copia breathes and Terzo regards the two of you with something akin to pride.
“Omega,” he says airily, “let us fetch some drinks.”
You barely register Terzo and his ghoul leaving the two of you alone. It’s as if all of a sudden the raucous din from the party around you has quieted as the two of you behold each other. Finally coming to your senses you shake your head and give Copia a wide smile.
“Look at you,” you say, giving him an exaggerated once-over, “aren’t you something?”
“Me?” Copia replies hoarsely, adjusting his tuxedo jacket, “Cara, you.”
You give a little “who me?” wave of your hand, but the violent blush on your cheeks gives away your true feelings.
“Well?” you ask, giving a little twirl, “who am I?”
Copia’s mouth finally closes as he remembers the bet the two of you have created. He puts his gloved hand to his chin and considers.
“Eh…is the costume historically accurate?”
You put on a faux-offended look. “Just who do you think you’re talking to?”
He gives you a sheepish smile and waves his hand at you.
“Hmm…” he studies you intently and you look to the ground in an effort to avoid his gaze.
“You get three guesses,” you murmur. You’re feeling generous tonight, and you’d be lying if you said a part of you didn’t want him to win.
“Artemisia Gentileschi,” he says firmly.
“Ooh, not a bad guess!” you’re impressed by him that’s for sure. “But no, not Artemisia.”
“Ah shit,” he sighs. “But the right era, sì?”
You nod.
He considers you for another silent moment before making a noise of exclamation.
“Julie d’Aubigny!” he says, looking smug. Once again you have to hand it to him for his knowledge of deep historical cuts.
“I appreciate that you acknowledge me as a bisexual icon but nope. I have no sword!”
Copia swears loudly and puts his hands on his hips. Idly, you run your fingers over the potion bottles on your belt. He’s silent for almost three whole minutes before a slow grin spreads on his face.
“Giulia Tofana,” he says, fully sure of himself this time. You grin back at him, giggle erupting from your throat.
“Bingo,” you say, poking him lightly in the chest. “Not too shabby, Cardinal, I’m very impressed.”
He looks like he wants to strut around like a proud rooster and you love the confident air he’s adorned himself with. When he’s finished preening about his victory, he holds up his hands.
“Your turn, cara.”
When you step forward into his space his eyes widen and his breathing becomes more rapid as you stalk around him in a circle.
“I think,” you say as you round his shoulder, “I deserve a hint. I gave you one a month ago and it’s only fair.”
“We’ve discussed him before,” he says simply, adjusting his gloves. Your lips curl upwards.
“Well as I have said before you look an awful lot like Vincent Price. And there’s something so familiar about this get-up, I know I’ve seen it somewhere…”
Copia says nothing but his mustache twitches in an effort not to smile. You open your mouth to tease him and then it hits you like a truck.
“Oh. My God.” you laugh. “No way!”
He’s giggling with you now, knowing full well you’ve deduced his outfit.
“You did not come to this party dressed as Vincent Van Ghoul!” you squeal and he lets out a deep laugh.
“Molto bene, Signora Tofana,” he says, slowly clapping his hands together. You give him a little curtsy just as Terzo and Omega approach you again, bearing several cups of punch.
“For you,” Terzo thrusts a glass of ominous red liquid into your hand before handing another to Copia. You smile fondly at him over the rim of your glass and Terzo gives you a little wink.
“Saluti!” he half-shouts, raising his glass. “To bets! To Sathanas! To love!”
Avoiding all eyes, you clink your glass against the other three and take a deep drink. You don’t know what is in this stuff but you suspect it’s whatever Terzo made you take a shot of at that party. It makes your throat burn and your belly warm.
“Happy Halloween,” you say softly, eyes meeting Copia’s once more.
“Happy Halloween, cara mia,” he says, just as quietly.
You don’t see Terzo looking up at Omega knowingly before pressing a kiss to the side of his mask.
#cardinal copia x reader#cardinal copia x female reader#cardinal copia x f!reader#cardinal copia#the band ghost#the band ghost fic#rachel writes
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Summary: Your friend was invited to a party and she begs you to tag along. While at the party they decide to play truth or dare and your friend knowing you have a crush on the cute guy from your english class, gives you a stupid dare.
pairing: Ethan Landry × gn!reader Drabble
warnings: alternate universe where there's no ghostface or whatever. I've never seen a scream movie before but i like ethan, oc best friend, cursing, making out.
a/n: not my usual fandom but i was just inspired to write this
While staring at your best friend in betrayal all you can think about how much you regret coming.
Only just hours ago you remember sitting on your bed on the phone with your best friend mars while she ranted to you about how much she wanted you to come. "pleeeeeeeeeeeee ease." you roll your eyes, "i don't feel like it mars."
"ugh," you can hear her shuffling through the phone, "just come with me please? for me?" "mars..." "'Il write that english paper youve been dreading for you." "Fine."
You two arrive at the party and you just follow her around the whole time. You notice than is here. The guy who sits next to you during english who you just so happen to have a major crush on. You've never spoken other than him asking if you have an extra pen during class after he forgot his one time. When he gave it back to you he has this charming grin on his face and you fell instantly.
He's standing next to another guy, you think his name is chad? You cant be bothered to care when he looks in your direction and notices you and your stare, his face flushes as he looks down at the cup in his hand. You turn away and look towards your friend whos giving you a suspicious grin. "what." "go talk to him." "no way."
she shakes her head at you and turns away that grin still on her face and you dont like it.
now you know why you didn't like it. Someone had suggested you guys play truth or dare like fucking children and when it happens to be your turn and guess who happens to be the one giving you the dare. "I dare you to..... sit in the pantry for seven minutes, ill send someone into join you." Fucking mars.
You knew who she would send it, "unless you're a pussy." you glared at her as everyone oo'ed. You huff as you get up and walk towards the pantry and slam it behind you dreading the inevitable.
the closet is small yet you keep your back turned towards the door. Its only maybe a minute before the door opens and you feel another presence enter as mars shouts, "Seven minutes starts... now!" You feel a warm body press against yours as the door slams shut.
You don't turn you dont even look before you begin to speak. "Im sorry." Theres a moment of silence, "For what?" Its him. "My friend mars, she's..... She's probably making you do this im sorry." He probably doesn't even know your name and now she has you standing your backside pressed against him.
"No she isn't making me do this." Now this confuses you as you turn your body, you back side brushing against his front and he whimpers slightly as you face him. "What."
His body gets warmer as if to reflect how embarrassed he feels, "She asked if there was anyone who wants to go in there with you." no way. "and you volunteered." you look at him the best you can in the dark as he avoids your face. "Yes."
"Why?" He pauses for a brief moment, "i've always thought you were gorgeous." Your breathe gets caught in your throat. "I've always wanted to talk to you you know since we sit next to each other but i've never known how to start a conversation so when i got this opportunity i just wanted to be near you-" He's rambling so You kiss him.
Once his initial shock wares off he takes your face into his hands eagerly as he kisses you back. you press him back against the door and he hums in delight. "One more minute love birds!" Its chad voice you think. You pull back out of breath, "Ethan-" he slams his lips back against yours, when you press your body against his he whimpers and hums. you hold him against you as theres a knock on the door,
"times up lovebirds make sure you're clothed because im going to open to the door." Ethan pulls away from the door and you two look at each other in daze.
as the door opens you move to whisper in his ear "We'll finish this later." as you spin him around and walk pantry with a satisfied look on your face. "You're welcome you bitch.
#ethan landry imagine#ethan landry x reader#ethan landry x y/n#ethan landry x you#ethan landry#scream six#scream vi#scream#ethan landry drabble
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A Brian Griffin and Song Mingi Story
tags - family guy, ateez, slight mention of mpreg, tequila
3:37pm September 11th 2024
Brian wake up!
An undistinguishable voice shouts across the field running frantically towards Brians limp body. As the man approaches Brian begins to realize who it is and where he is.
“..Chan I told you I never wanted to see you again” Brian mutters.
“Brian you are seriously hurt we need to get you to a doctor” The man exclaims. A look of anger rushes over Brians face
“Don’t you realize Christopher?! It was YOU that did this, I would have never been hurt if you just let me live without you!?”
“I couldn’t stand to watch you hurting, and don’t call me Christopher” Chan lifts Brian up in a hurry and begins to run in the direction of his 2004 Subaru Baja
“I AM NOT GETTING IN THAT THING, You never even check the fucking oil”
“You are about to bleed out and you care more about my Baja than your own well being, why do I even bother?”
As Chan loads Brian into the car he notices the stick lodged into Brians side and goes to pull it out
“DO NOT pull that out Chan! did you learn nothing in First Aid training? Or did you miss that part because you were staring at me the whole time”
“Im sorry” Chan starts the car and speeds off in the direction of the hospital
10:23pm September 11th 2024
I have to leave you now Brian, its for the best
9:30am November 5th 2024
“shut the fuck up” Brian smashes his phone to shut off his alarm
“I should call out, but its Nicoles birthday and the cake is in my fridge, why am I always in charge of this shit, I cant even have fucking chocolate”
As Brian drives to work he tries to remember the night before, 4 tequila shots was enough for him to only remember snippets of what happened and he had had 5. It dawned on him there was a man, a tall man, with a big ass (Brian liked big asses)
“fuck what was his name” Brian muttered under his breath, Brian dismisses the thought and continues his drive to work. After carefully loading the cake into the office fridge Brian hears someone sneak up behind him
“Soooo did you get his number” Brian jumps at the surprise he fully knew was coming
“whos number?”
“the cute guy at the bar! the one you called dibs on” And suddenly everything rushes back to Brian
“I did not call “dibs” Nicole I merely got to him first, and besides no I dont think I did”
“Wellll… I have a suprise… I got it!”
“Good for you, now can you move I have work to do”
“I got the number for you. and you didnt even say happy birthday, you are suck a fuckwad, no wonder Bang Chan left you for me”
“He didnt leave me for you, its a lot deeper than that”
“Still no happy birthday?”
“happy birthday.” Brian muttered as he brushed past Nicole on the way to his desk. Why would he bring Chan up.. its been months now and she knew you hated talking about it, he left you alone in the hospital for 3 days. Nicole swiftly walks up to brians desk leaving a neatly folded napkin with what seemed to be etched by a pencil a phone number was written on it, sloppy but somehow still legible
“… i cant believe she did this” he said under his breath pulling up the imessage app on his phone
“what do I even say, hi its the guy who was hitting on you at the bar last night, or hey I like your ass”
hey its me from the bar last night
which one?
I’m kidding, Im glad she actually gave you the napkin
why wouldn’t she?
dont act like you didnt see her staring at me the whole night, but you were staring too werent you?
yeah maybe i was what about it?
maybe you could meet me back there and you can make it up to me
tonight at 6:30
well I guess I have to, you gave me no choice
Brian slams his phone down
“fuck, what am I doing”
6:23 pm November 5th 2024
As Brian sits at the counter waiting he cant help but wonder what he signed up for, mid daydream he feels a tap on his shoulder
“hey! its good to see you showed up”
“of course Id show up, Im a man of my word”
“You are? you said you were gonna take me into the alley last night”
“I did?”
“No im just kidding Brian, you didnt make any open threats.. yet”
“I have something embarrassing to say.. I dont remember your name.. I had 5 shots.. Sorry”
“haha its okay, Im Mingi, do you want a drink?”
“yeah I mean thats the real reason I’m here”
“Im sure it is” Mingi chuckles as he gestures towards your favorite bartender Kat”
“Katt!!! can we get two of your extra special margs” Mingi almost pleads
“On a Tuesday?? you cant just drink every weeknight”
“Kattttt work is tough, you know that!”
“Ok but your limit is 3, unless you wanna throw me a hefty tip”
“deal.” Mingi turns to Brian
“Have you had one before, they are her best drink”
“Honestly I usually just down shots and go on with my night”
“Thats no fun”
A couple drinks go by, the both of them chatting away learning what felt like everything about one another
“Brian” Mingi interjects
“How about we go back to my place, I have some stuff I can fix us another drink since Kat so kindly cut us off”
“Bye Kat!! and tell Woo goodluck with the ultrasound!l
Both Brian and Mingi walk out of the bar, catching the next taxi back to Mingis place
“What are you a multi-millionaire, this place is huge!?”
“I live with 7 other people, well I used to a lot of them have other places to stay”
“Are any of them home? and who are these people?”
“Just my coworkers, and the only one home is Yunho who is locked up in his room in the basement playing valorant or something”
“Coworkers? what exactly do you do” This hadnt been brought up in the conversation because Brian didnt want to admit he worked a mediocre office job
“Just this like music dance group thing, nothing really”
“Pff ok mr “nothing really” can we go inside its getting chilly”
Mingi leads brian inside into his bedroom
“Your bedroom?? isnt it a little soon and what about the drinks”
“Ill go get them, I just think I heard someone other than Yunho and Im not ready for that conversation, just sit here ill be back” Mingi rushes off into the kitchen preparing two drinks as none other than Wooyoung himself walks in
“What are you doing here?? I thought you were staying at Kats tonight”
“I came to raid the snacks she hasnt been to the grocery store in a week”
“Ugh fine just leave quick”
“Why do you have 2 drinks? What are you hiding”
“Nothing Ive just had a shit day and want to have two drinks while I catch up on Chainsaw Man”
“Ok nerd whatever, see you tomorrow”
Mingi heads back into his room drinks in hand
“Im so sorry, Woo was being a prick”
“Woo like the guy you mentioned to Kat? the ultrasound one”
“Yeah the ultrasound one.. hes a pain”
“What was he prodding you about”
“Nothing really, do you like the drink”
“Its good, pretty strong but good”
“Says the person who exclusively drinks shots” He laughed, Brian couldn’t help but admire his smile and the way his face lights up when he laughs. Mingi stopped laughing to notice Brians eyes locked on his and he suddenly felt himself leaning into Brian
“Shit Brian Im so sorry.. I.. I didnt mean to”
“Its ok, I want to” Mingi leaned in, Brian felt a rush of adrenaline as Mingi leaned in, their faces just inches apart.
like for part 2
#ateez#ateez fanfic#ateez smut#family guy#brian griffin#song mingi#mingi#wooyoung#stray kids#bang chan#subaru#mpreg#kpop
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Platonic strawhat interactions? Here’s some ideas
You and Robin go shopping, You find a cool trinket, but you don’t have enough money
Sanji brings you a snack. A bird flies overhead and -plop- right on the food
Luffy was playing tag with you, Usopp, and Chopper. He uses his gum gum rocket to try and catch up and flies too far
Usopp is holding a game show. The contestants are you, Nami, Zoro and Sanji
Have fun!
Warnings; a POC reader in mind, with curly hair, Bi sanji because i genuinely believe its not cannon it's the truth, chaotic strawhats as usual, reader is interested in marine biology, and is hinted at having water powers (basically water bending), reader singled to have a lot of siblings, Gn!, reader, everyone just loving reader, Other pirates having a crush on reader
A/N; the game show one really spoke to me for some reason and your always so good with request ily, Guess who's working on her one piece script
Words count; 1070 masterlist
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You have no idea how Usopp somehow convinced you and nami to join his little game show. That's a lie you know exactly how he did. Bribing nami with money that he didn't have. Sanji sees nami joining automatically willing to be the next contestant. Zoro joined because Usopp claimed that Zoro was too much of a chicken, scared that sanji would win. The rivalry automatically makes his blood boil. He got you to join by promising he would grow a water plant with you in his garden that you had particularly been wanting to learn more about. Your interest peaked. Now you stand in front of Usopp with poorly built little wooden stands Sanjis’s was made out of cardboard waiting for Usopp to finally get what he wanted. “Welcome my very good friends on this ship, the going sunny owned by the strawhat pirates and welcome our very own contestants Nami, {Na}-”. “Usopp, will you hurry up? I don't have all day for this” Zoro's voice from beside you speaks out. Ussop turns to him slightly offended from not being able to finish his little (cute) ramble. “Well i was almost done but since you rush me so damn much will start cant even have fun without you running your dumb mouth.” mumbling the last part he pulls out some flashcards out of his pocket. “The basic rules of this game are it's basically we're gonna see who knows each other best. It will go by category nami’s first, , then zoro, sanji, then {name}.” You all nod your heads at him, the game seemed simple enough. Usopp goes to your podium first “{Name} how are you today?” you smile “I’m doing great Usopp.” he returns the gesture to you “that's great to hear! Your question about nami is what are her favorite hobbies to do in the meantime when she's not scamming people.” Nami knocks Usopp on the head from her podium “YOU DUMBASS THAT'S NOT ALL I DO Y'KNOW” “HEYYY NO HITTING THE HOST” “USOPP LEAVE NAMI-SAN ALONE YOU HEAR ME”. you turn to zoro to see if he sees all the bullshit that's happening right now. He looks your way as well having a silent communication to at least try to stop the fighting. Before you could do anything the rest of the crew showed up. “What's happening we’ve been looking for you guys for the past 30 minutes” Luffy says while picking his nose. “I’m hosting a game show for the four of them!” Usopp explains excitedly while looking at you. Nodding at the others “yea were just about to get started you should watch!” The others agree they grab a few chairs or opting to sit on the deck floor and are curious to see what type of game show this is. “Alright now that we’ve all settled down we can finally begin. Clearing his throat “now {name} you may answer the question”. You thought hard nami was one of your best friends so it was easy but you had to pick one she licked the most then it was easy. Usopp had noticed you took a few moments “whenever you're ready tell me”. “I have my answer, it's shopping and she also loves to sunbathe”. Usopp looks at his flashcard “you are…Correct!!! Namis hobbies consist of sunbathing and shopping, one of her favorite things”. You smiled to yourself the game was slowly starting to get more fun now that you realize it.
The process had gone on forever every single time you had gotten the answer correct. Knowing your crew very well. Surprisingly the rest of the crew stayed. Robin was reading a book with chopper in her lap but her attention was still towards the game. Franky had been working on little fidgets while sitting there but he was interested nonetheless. Luffy had been lying in a star position. Brook and Jimbei had been engaging in small conversation but they still saw their crewmates go on with their daily shangains. Ussop had asked you a question about what is Zoro's favorite sword. Saying the Wado Ichimonji because his dear best friend gave it to him as a promise that they would both fulfill their dreams. When asked what Sanji's favorite food is answer spicy seafood pasta knowing that he wished he could have cooked it more often. It was your turn for the question to be asked about you. “Alright name your our last contestant and then the winner will win 40 thousand berries.” you look at nami to see the gleam in her eyes when money is mentioned. Usopp goes to Nami asking her the question he had prepared “How many people have a crush on {name}?” Nami scoffs while crossing her arms. Blood rushes to your face being grateful that they can't see it. “That's easy, Law,Kid, and not to mention Marco from whitebeard pirates. ” Usopp nods his head with confirmation and a thumbs up “YOUR CORRECT”. Usopp walks past you with a smile then stops at zoro. “Zoro what is {name} favorite thing to do with the strawhats crew” Zoro seems like he doesn't know but answers with confidence “They love hugging everyone giving people affection throughout the day”. Usopp doesn’t want Zoro to get the points but he does with a sigh of defeat “you are correct”. Ussop moved to sanji that was practically beaming like he was when he got asked nami’s question “Sanji your question about {name} is how many siblings do they have?” Sanji smirks and takes the cigarette out his mouth “Easy they have 4 being the middle child having two older ones and 2 younger” “your correct too” Luffy gets up from his pose from before “Is the game over who wins??” Usopp rolls his eyes “you have no patience y’know that luffy?” “BUT THE WINNER IS {NAME} GET ALL THE QUESTIONS CORRECT YOU GET 40 THOUSAND BERRY that i don’t have right now” Nami jumps from her podium strangling usopp “YOU LIAR YOUR DAMN LUCKY I DIDN’T WIN BECAUSE IF I DID” you go pull her off him just making sure that he doesn't die usopp i don't want the money just the water plant your promised to help me grow okay” usopp tried to catch his breath from almost being strangled to death “yup anything you want {name}” he said horsley maybe you should do more game shows from now on.
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#strawhats x reader platonic#strawhat crew x reader#op x reader#tiajk#one piece x poc reader#one piece x reader#ussop x reader#god ussop x reader#opla ussop x reader
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I met you at a Laundromat
[disclaimer] characters are aged up and fluff! You get robbed....
[characters] Ruggie
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/15e85d550cfc4c2f376698fd731f3bfc/dbc8cb7905b5b229-4f/s540x810/a05e4fa9a37022fbca798e6585913e71e2f7b3a2.jpg)
Being independent has its perks. You have a job, a stable income, you have your own living space, your own car, almost everything going for you is turning out well for the most part
Although not entirely well off because you recently just got out fresh into your adult life, you still find yourself struggling getting accustomed to the new changes
Yes, being independent is nice and all but you sometimes miss home. You can cook for yourself, but nothing beats the way pops makes his stews or how momma makes her delicious chicken curries. Missing the familiar views you’d see when passing through town to get groceries or how you’d go walk in the park sometimes.
You can always visit, but it's the day for you to head on over to the laundromat once again. Your washing machine and dryer unfortunately broke down and until maintenance comes over to fix it your only choice is to go over to the laundromat
It's not so bad really, the only bad part about it though is that you have to go late at night and it's only because your work lets you out late. Not only that but you were in a rush to finish running your errands as well.
Thankfully the laundromat you go to opens till late for people who tend to be busy throughout the day, giving busy people like you a chance to do your laundry!
When you arrive you always note how there isn't a lot of people there to begin with
The single dad is there occasionally, the girl who works at a nearby retail store is here today (seems like she just got off work and straight to the laundromat seeing that her uniform and tag is still on), the kid and his mom is finishing up folding their laundry, a rugged slouched man, and a rather young man with animalistic features
The man with the ears and tail always stick out to you, because well, although you have seen beastmen around the area, he usually is the only one that you see come here at this hour
You think to yourself, “Oh, he must be a busy man” if he usually comes this late at night usually almost all the time that you come here
You cant help but stare at him a little while longer until you notice some movement in the corner of your eye
As you turn around you find that the old rugged man is kneeling down besides you, picking up some fabric softener that he dropped
Though he already finished before you could help him
As he gets up he turns around to make his leave. I guess he finished up washing his load of clothes
As you go back doing and minding your own business, you start thinking to yourself. “Wait… I don't remember him walking out with any clothes. Nor did it seem like he was waiting on anything.”
As you make that realization your eyes widen and you quickly turn back around only to see that the man had disappeared
You search your pockets in hopes that you weren’t a victim to thievery of any kind
And would you look at that? Your wallet is gone.
Rushing out of the place you look both to your right and your left, only to find the man nowhere at a distance.
Goddamn it! All your receipts and your credit cards and memberships and your money and-
“I think you dropped this shishishi~”
A voice calls out to you in a lighthearted manner. As you turn around to find the origin of that voice you’re met with that beastman holding what seems to be your leather wallet
He shakes it in his hand as if you were a little dog being received a treat
As you quickly run over with your worried face, quickly running back to snatch your most valuable item on you currently, you rummage through just in case he took anything valuable
“Relaaax, I made sure everything was there”
As you take note of everything there you let out a sigh of relief, holding it closely to your chest. “Thank you so much. You saved me there” A warm smile on your face.
He whistles out playfully and shrugs, as if it was nothing. “No can do. I’m quite swift myself if I do say so.”
As you two start talking more, you think to yourself what an interesting guy this was. He seemed awfully busy himself, and with all his jobs and special talents- something tells you he’s rather money hungry.
Nevertheless, the night felt so short because of how long you two talked and hit it off the road. It was a shame that you both had to leave so soon, time went by so fast when you had a nice conversation with someone who shares the same chemistry.
As you make your way to your car you notice a piece of paper slipping out from your pocket. As you pic it up, you read what it is written on there: “Come thank me by taking me out for some food sometime :p” And on the bottom a number is written
A chuckle escapes your lips, and you could feel some sort of undefined excitement rush to your chest as you look up into the night sky. It feels like something new is about to happen in your life. Based on your conversation you just had with Ruggie, you know that the both of you have a rather productive and proactive lifestyle. However, you don't mind making time for him and trying to get to know him. I’m sure the same could be said for him as well.
And that my dear children, is how I met your father. At a laundromat ~ ☆
#So ermmmm#kinda been awhile guys lol#my writing has gone to poopoo water unfortunately#But its okay because I've been enjoying life for the most part#I come back with a little writing!!!#jellorambles#twst#twisted wonderland#twst ruggie#ruggie bucchi#twisted wonderland ruggie#ruggie x reader#twst fluff#twst x reader#ruggie x mc
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spooky stuff
howdy yall im back on my bs (biscuit soliloquy) and idk what im doing with my life any more. bold of me to assume that i ever did. in other news:
my latest hyperfixation so to speak is watching daz play through horror games lol i have no idea why its so entertaining but it is. the jumpscares be jumpscaring and i dont have to do any of the work to play so its a win win!
im currently sick to my stomach after watching one lol buuuuuuut i also have a new short story idea hehe!! is more comedic, and honestly seems to me more doable than the falcon & flower.
f&f really deserves better writing lol and ive been thinking how to make it a sensible length without cutting out too much lore that it gets watered down, but at the same time i cant afford the time or braincells to mentally write and im kinda stuck. so idk maybe ill work on chapters that eventually lead somehwere? ill get back to it as soon as my latest batch of braincells hatch 👍
til then lol this new idea is still halfbaked but it made me laugh so here yall go: broke uni student moves to be closer to campus. finds super cheap place to rent and its literally the perfect fit. knowing her luck all too well mc goes and checks the place out, bc surely theres something amiss.
nope! everything as far as her untrained eye can tell is normal and accurate to the advertising, its just that someone died there and lots of people werent comfortable with that. and its no problem for her so she takes it.
after a lil housewarming party consisting of her and her parents lol, some thrifted furniture and an unholy amount of rugs and blankets, mc begins to settle in and all that jazz. her marks are going up, shes sleeping better, its all great. until it isnt
weird stuff keep happening around the property and shes like oh. okay? and moves on. (unbothered queen. we stan)
quick detour; idk how well id be able to write considering this may be my first project, but it would be hilarious i think if shit got progressively weirder and more insane and shes like: *sips apple juice* welp. ive got a quiz tomorrow aint got time for this. or eh that kid had it coming or better yet: is that kite just suspended there? oh would you look at that it caught fire in mid air. cool. i honestly dont know which is funnier
boom the house is haunted. something, or rather someone, has been leaving her signs in the bathroom using the soap, moving around the plates and cutlery, ruining perfectly good upholstery (THAT WAS 73% OFF). its a huge invasion of her privacy and shes having none of it. also she doesnt believe in paranormal nonsense. this is more of an inconvenience to her than anything else. she yells at whatever the fuck is in her walls to show themselves before she contacts HOA >:(
with a pop a very pissed off ghost materialises muttering something about no need for escalations and that bitch gwennifer. she makes the ghost clean up the stuff they knocked over and what have u. and then shenanigans ensue i guess lol
this whole story started with me coming up with a scene where mc makes like direct eye contact with the ghost and plays ayat al kursi. it was significantly funnier in my head but the mental image stuck.
also just for kicks she throws (half assedly) some zamzam water at the ghost and it goes right through them. guys do you see my vision?
"i am here to make your life a living hell.
so not halal mode
one to match the gruesome horrors that lead to my demise...
brotha eugh
...so that my soul can finally be laid t- are you even listening to me??"
authubillah we have seen the evidence
memes for the soul. ill get back to this maybe perhaps one day. goodnight its one am lol and i have a long day ahead of me tmrw :')
the post from the tags lol >:]
#ngl i think the humor will appeal to a very specific audience lol#but i want- nay need- to share this with the world#yall remember that one post where people would use phrases and words with their muslim friends that would send them ?#this is that#ill link it when i find it lol#writing#me stuff#writing stuff#writers on tumblr#once again using that term very loosely#idk im havign fun#im also procrastinating#but this aint about her#penrose#i forgor how to tag
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hello anti-radqueer community
i am a radqueer (well technically radqueer-adjacent) and i'm considering leaving the rqc. i apologize if i am invading your tags /gen if you are interested in listening to my thoughts you can read below, asks/comments/reblogs are welcomed
i feel like im in a situation where both sides don't look good so i just have to choose the 'less worse' one. i dont feel safe in this community much anymore, i get spikes of feeling safe an then spikes of wanting to leave. i've been harassed by people inside the rqc and antis so now my question is.. where do i even belong?
i have i guess what's called atypical dysphoria, as well as psychosis which does not help, which is why i got so attached to transids and the reason i was led into joining the rqc. but i just. cant. with this community anymore.
what really made me question why i was in the rqc was that most people within the community believing that kids/animals etc can consent. i think i turned somewhat of a blind eye to things when i first joined, i had made the huge decision of finally leaving my grxmer and shortly after (like maybe 2 weeks after? i dont remember) is when i ended up joining. i was not in a good state mentally so i just ignored everything bad i guess? but then i felt awful from times, because there were said that just remind me of my ex.
but why dont i just leave? i dont even know how to put everything into words. but a big reason is the fact that i see lots of anti-rqs (not trying to say its all, obviously.) judging, hating, even harassing rqs and i just dont want to be apart of that. because i know there is people in the rqc that are like me. another reason i was scared to leave is because of that, if the anti-rqs hate me and dont want me then why would i ever leave the rqc? its the only place that seemed to want me.
it seemed like the only place that supported me for being a para and having atypical dysphoria. it was the only community that seemed.. safe?
i also dont want to hide my dysphoria.. if i hide it, theres a chance ill go back to identifying as transids and rejoin the rqc. i know there is transid alternatives (which im not super educated on the details of them) but i dont have dysphoria about one, two or a handful of things. im dysphoric or experience delusions about so many things and will people still accept me if i identify as a lot of transid alternative based identities?
idk maybe im just stupid and overthinking it, but its really not that easy to just say "oh yea lemme leave this community." or well im sure it might be for some people but for me, someone who has been in it for.. over a year now actually! its hard to leave the community who seems to love me and join a community that probably has a bunch of people who hate me (since ive been harassed on more than one occasion)
thank you anyone who read this far, i apologize if anything was worded poorly as i had a bit of a hard time writing this and i wouldnt be surprised if there is mistakes. as stated in the beginning, if you want to send an ask, comment, or reblog please feel free too! i will try to respond
anyone may interact. the only people i do not want PERSONALLY interacting (like commenting, reblogging, or sending asks) is fdc or sc users/supporters, sorry!
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