#i cannot imagine caring for celebrities im sorry
junkartie · 9 months
I need to know how Taylor Swift brainwashed so many people into forgetting shes just some billionaire asshole who produces literally 100+ Tons of Co2 emissions every few months. “Eat the rich” girl that applies to your glorified horse-girl too, not just ugly old men. It’s insane. My sisters friend literally has a Taylor Swift Shrine and ritualistically goes to read little notes shes written from her songs for good luck. Yknow what maybe the celebrities are putting rituals into their songs bcz what the helll
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husbandohunter · 1 year
hello!! this is my first time requesting something ever so if i did something wrong im so sorry 😭
but i’d really like to request something with xiao where reader really wants to go to the festival with him but obviously he can’t/doesn’t want to so he rejects them :’) and reader ends up not going and just watches the fireworks alone from afar untilllll xiao comes and sits next to them and it’s just the two of them enjoying each other’s company 🙊🙊 and maybe like an angst to fluff/comfort typa moment
idk idk AHH if u aren’t comfy writing that it’s all good! this scenario just been stuck in my head for a while.
The Lights Bring me to my Qixin [Xiao x Reader]
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Synopsis: He was hard to love, you were easy to love
Genre: angst/comfort, gender neutral reader, You fell first but Xiao fell harder and I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!!
(A/n): tldr; Xiao needs to love himself 😤 also I'm so sorry it took this long anon. And you didn't do anything wrong! Thank you for sucha cute prompt :)
Xiao materializes himself on a bridge, a gust of wind fading beneath his feet. He doesn't move for a certain time, standing still as if he had no presence and just stares quietly. Only the moon was present tonight. No stars. A lone glow emitted right above where he remained and briefly he imagined, there was something melancholic about it. How the scenery made the lights in Liyue Harbor more apparent.
You would have loved to see this.
The adeptus recoils immediately and shakes away from those impending thoughts. No, he musn't dwell too much. He already made his decision. When you asked him to spend the lantern rite together, a voice inside his head acted before he even realized.
That was what he told you. It came out far more blunt than intended, followed by the poor choice of teleporting away. The pain on your face was something Xiao didn't want to think about. Because to him, you were like the city he gazed upon. Best admired from a distance. What affected the adeptus at the cost of what he wanted didn't matter.
His heart tightens. It's better this way.
"Why hello there! Care to join me for a drink this fine evening?"
Xiao spun around and saw Venti crouched on the handle while holding out a ceramic cup. Was he there the whole time or had his senses been dulled? It was hard to tell coming from an Archon.
Normally, he would refuse just as he would with anybody. But a part of him wanted to. Part of him wanted something that would help him take off his mind from those bothering emotions.
The two anemo users share a glass of rice wine pudding under the sky. Venti downs his fourth drink and Xiao glances at the watery reflection held by the glossy rim.
"If I recall, festivals are meant to be celebrated with wine and laughter. Maybe more of the former but it can't be complete without the other!" The bard cheers, his voice echoing around them, "Is the taste not to your liking?"
Xiao frowns, "No."
"No? Hmmm," Venti hums and taps his chin, "That's a shame. You were the second person who told me that."
As if he waited for Xiao to ask him who exactly, Venti proceeded to answer anyways, "As a travelling bard, I like to spread tales of heroic stories far and wide. Just so happened I landed a spot at the Teahouse yesterday. This good fellow sat in a corner, not even reacting to a single word I spoke, hmph!"
The teahouse? Wasn't that the place you always told him about? Repeating exaggerated stories about the mighty Yakshas who fought beside Rex Lapis during the Archon war?
"Ridiculous. Adepti cannot transform to anything but what they're already given. Mortal imagination are incomprehensible these days."
"Though you gotta admit, Bosacious with a serpent guardian sounds pretty cool...hold on, are you...laughing?"
"Did they say anything in particular?"
"Let me think, aha!" The bard snaps his fingers and looks upwards, "They said my interpretation of the story brought back good memories. That it reminded them of someone, which, they didn't tell me the name. But poor thing looked as if they were about to cry."
"...I see," he downs the drink in one gulp.
"Not even curious about who this mysterious person may be?" Venti insisted.
The adeptus huffs quietly and turns his head, "I have no recollection of such events. I must have mistakened them for someone else."
That's right. Whether you were happy or sad doesn't affect him in any way. Xiao knew where he stood. Karmic debt was a heavy burden to bear, it could be contagious and destructive if he wasn't too careful. Although you didn't like whenever he mentioned this, he truly believed that soon the curse will consume him completely. The yaksha's sole duty exists primarily for Liyue and to serve Rex Lapis whenever needed. Everything else becomes insignificant.
It's better this way. Xiao tells himself again. Mortal desires have no substance to him and neither does his own. I really don't care.
Settling down the glass, the adeptus walks toward the opposite direction, his back facing Venti away from the Harbor they watched.
"Leaving just when the celebration started? Someone's in a hurry," Venti chirped.
Xiao looks with downcasted eyes, stopping right at the edge. The trees rustle and a soft breeze picks up, brushing against his skin. It was colder now.
"Sorry," he breathes out, "Tonight, I just want to rest."
You headed home through your usual route, sword in hand, except now there were no monsters to be dealt with.
How strange. Surely the landlord didn't suddenly commission members from the adventurer's guild, at least not regularly. It had been reoccuring for the past couple of days. Hilichurl masks sprawl across the field and whoever left this mess surely wasn't the type to play gently. Judging by how it looks, they were probably an aggressive fighter. A very powerful and aggressive fighter.
"Totally not complaining, though..." you mumbled, still perplex. It would be nice to know who did all this.
Xiao pierces the eye of a ruin guard and grunts as he retrieved his spear forcefully.
Just how many lives does he need to keep taking until he can finally rest? The question occasionally pops into his mind. Though seeing that he was fighting another day is proof enough. These hands were meant for war and destruction. Whatever comes near him, whatever he touches, would wither like a Qixin affected by poison.
When Rex Lapis appointed him, the adeptus said to be treated at his disposal. Xiao was a tool for battle. An extension of his blade and a mind equivalent to the vigor of any weapon. If he was ordered to throw his life away by facing the gods of Celestia, then there would be no hesitation.
But really, Xiao was more of a shield than a blade. He took every blow without complaining and did so for many years. Even if his achievements resulted in no glory, Xiao would remain in the shadows, exactly where he belongs. Just as you would one day come to hate him for hurting you that day, despise him for his silence, and see him as untrustworthy, Xiao would never leave his post. Because...that was his duty. The guardian yaksha.
Yes he'd rather had you hate him. Yes, he distanced himself without explanation and left things unsaid in more instances than one. Yes, it was better this way.
What am I even doing?
Regardless, in this year's lantern rite, he wanted you to enjoy the festival as you did the last. It was the least he could do. Xiao thought by eliminating the monsters that crowded your path would somehow alleviate the trouble he had caused. So he tosses blow after blow, harder than the last, trying to eradicate that pain and these unecessary emotions.
And right before the final strike, he stops. Within the adeptus a Qixin flower sprouted alone amongst the depths of his withered heart. Something that had already been planted during last year's lantern rite. Xiao made his decision. But he hesitated, unable to gather the strength and remove the thorn that bothered him incessantly.
"Adeptus Xiao."
The yaksha's breath races. Your voice. Thankfully he didn't sense any danger and concluded you made your way home safely. Did you eat yet? What were you doing out this late? Xiao waits and listens, once more, watching from a distance.
"Nevermind. I just missed saying your name, that's all."
The hard line of his mouth opens halfway as he tried not to make a single sound. He camaflouges himself among the trees, your back in his view while you hugged your knees close. Xiao leans against the bark, a shadow casting over his features.
He really shouldn't be here. An adeptus has no right to traverse into the realm he does not belong in. Xiao knows better than anyone exactly how the events will turn out between god and humanity. Like dark and light, made to balance the other, but too close would result in one's destruction, and the thought of that terrifies him to the core.
"I wonder if I said something wrong back then," you softly said, "He always did how much of a nag I could be. What if he...was fed up with everything I did...?"
Xiao caught his breath on hold, almost saying something he shouldn't. That's not true! Those words are clawing on his throat. You have no idea how hard it was for him to reject you over and over again. He pushed you away because he was afraid he would hurt you in more ways than one. Do you realize these feelings have been torturing him? Seeing you hurt, on the verge of tears, why can't you just understand that all he wanted was for you to be happy?
"I'm sorry. I had no idea that my actions affected you so much."
Yes. Yes they have, and he was forever grateful for it.
"Are you...happier though? If you're out there."
Silence passes through between the mortal and yaksha, accompanied by the chilly touch of a sky's breathly sigh. Bright rays thinned across the plains built upon Wuwang hills as the sun sets and around your small form. A golden reflection mirrored in the adpetus' eyes. 
He could never.
You hear a thump and the sound of leaves falling down as Xiao unmounted himself from the branches. Seeing him was like a dream, you hardly believed it was real. The man wore an unreadable expression, often carrying the hard edge in every part of his features. However perhaps it was the sunset which hindered your perception. There was something different this time, something you haven't seen before and you were oblivious to.
"You called?"
Even until now the shock hasn't left you completely and you struggled on what to do next, "I did, but," still seated where you were previously, you dared not to blink, "Why are you here?"
Xiao casted his gaze to the side as if unable to look at you any longer, "I should be asking you that question. Didn't you want to see the lantern rite?"
What a silly statement. Of course you wanted to watch the lanterns, and most of all, with him by your side.
You stood up and dusted the grass of your sides, "It's not the same without you, Xiao."
"They're just lights," he dismisses.
"Yeah, now that you mention it, there really are just a bunch of floating lanterns," you shrugged your shoulders, "But not for me. When my siblings passed away, I thought nothing would ever be the same again. We used to make lanterns every year. I didn't have the courage to do them on my own because I just thought there was no point."
For the first time in a while, Xiao stays instead of leaving, "Is that so?"
The adeptus has observed the changes Liyue had gone through. If there is one thing in this world which can carve the core of every human, it was loss. He has known many who were victims to it or were the cause of each grief. An emotion that can warp a man, to something more darker, more distant.
"I was right. Things won't be the same," you parroted, yet grinning from ear to ear, "When we watched the festival with you last year, I realized just because you've lost something good doesn't necissarily mean you won't find it again."
"Don't ever change," his gaze on you was softer now.
"I didn't but you did," stomping up to him, you puffed out your cheeks with an angry look, "What has gotten into you? If I did something to upsetting, don't just get up and leave me hanging! Here I thought I made you so angry which caused you to he in a bad mood around everyone else."
"I-- I apologize..." Xiao nears himself to you, little by little, he examines your countenance, "It wasn't my intention."
"I was worried, you know?"
Although you were showing signs of relief, you continued to bring forth your hands and wipe away the tears building up at the corner of your eyes. What an emotional creature. His Qixin. While you slowly recovered, Xiao waits patiently, with every passing moment filling his withered heart. And then things became clear to him.
It was impossible for the adeptus to severe his bond with this human.
"You can be such a fool sometimes," you meekly stated, sniffling from the cold, "The worry you cause others. Always putting up a mask when you obviously don't want to."
"I know."
"And going off on your own without considering how they feel."
"I know."
He wasn't going to argue against your words and admittedly, well deserved. You let out a breath and the two of you stayed there in comfortable nothingness. No exchanges but the gap mended itself somehow. Xiao hadn't moved all that much even when you were in arm's reach. This man was always so careful and you knew he wouldn't hurt anyone out of his own selflessness.
You took a hold of both his hands and brought them to your face.
"What are you doing?" Xiao retorts, desperately, "You can't touch me."
The nudge indicates that he wanted to pull away, but when you squeezed them a little tighter, his tugs have grown weaker.
"You're saying they do nothing but kill and destroy," whispering, you closed your eyes and reveled in his warmth, "They're rough from years of use but so soft. I can't help think about those horrible things you said about yourself, weren't true at all."
Xiao feels as if he was being washed away in a current he couldn't control. It brings him from his own sense, watching you fondly speak of him with words he didn't think was very fitting. Not a single drop of urge from the adeptus wanted to remove your touch. Like water to the Qixin growing in his heart, a healing balm to his tattered soul, he revels in it.
"Stay with me," you whispered.
How could he refuse?
In the sky, a thousand lanterns lit up among the stars. Xiao wonders to himself, if it would be selfish for an adeptus to dwell in human feelings. The battles he fought over a milennia was enough to make him solidify his identity as a warrior. Yet the new emotions he have come across, Xiao doesn't know when he will ever have the courage to give it a name.
Time. He has plenty.
Whatever the future may bring, Xiao will accept it as long as he can see you flourish into the beautiful Qixin he'd come to cherish.
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zireyka42 · 2 months
Hello stranger or anyone.
I'm not that popular on Tumblr I don't want to be too. I always been a bit artist and I feel like I'm a artist so I just wanted to delete that app as the way of artists do, with A Farewell Speech
That'll probably won't be any beneficial for you but I'll write about some of my feelings about social media and all about nowadays' news.
Have you ever just felt that when you open social media and you felt like no change? I mean I don't know if that's just my problem but social media is not my thing. I opened it again and again and same news about my country, same news about world and same news about Palestine.
Its been 2 years since I opened that account and I'll keep the account maybe years later when I opened this I'll find something different but now I don't want to get used to deaths of little children or innocent people. Because if you see so much about something you'll get used to it at the end. I have a psychology too and I need to keep it normal if I don't want to be crazy one day. I'm not saying I don't care about Palestine or things like that and people in there suffer much more than I do but I don't know. I'm just pissed of these news I think? I'll still do my boycott but I can't do anything further than that, I wish I was able tho and seeing a baby dead... I do not have anything to say about it! Just why?? Was that baby a terrorist? Hell no but still... Why? Why world happened to be a place like no one cares about anyone? Why seeing my friends laughing behind someone else and humiliating them supposed to be normal to me. Why I should be respectful for everyone? Just say "shut up" when you see someone talking about some shit behind someone else. Don't believe it what you've heard till you see with your own eyes because world started to be a place where you cannot trust anyone. Every one of three person is alone nowadays and what's hurting about that, you know? Its TRUE. We are social creations and we are alone? No one wants to care about someone else's problems but when it comes to their problem everyone should listen.
And Im gonna talk about something else too. I trusted Marvel and Disney. And the other celebrities. You've supposed to be the heros I always imagined about. But I learnt that What I grew up with was a lie. Peace was a lie. These children movies taught me how I should help the poor ones, or whoever was got bullied. But now you help the... Bullies. They taught me that I should embrace the differences but what the hell are you doing now? I TRUSTED YOU. I chose you as a good example, as a role model. If you are an actor you should know that children are prone to choose you as a role model that means you.are.the.responsible.one. You are the adult one!
Well. At least I know that Allah will punish these people. Everyone in this earth has a right. I hope that bullies will be punished like in the end of the movies, indeed it'll happen...It's the only thing I can trust about.
Sorry that I couldn't finish my story in this account. But I can tell how you will image the end. "Well once again the candle was burned to help you to find a way out and do you know how to keep the candle lit? Turn your back against the storm. Yes it'll head you to where you started but just isn't it the way of life goes on... Eventually you'll return to soil."
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ncritoshi · 2 months
hi guys! sorry for not posting that much rn but i posted a new noritoshi edit on tiktok !
and i also yapped in the caption why Anything by Adrianne Lenker is Noritoshi core
but let me post it here!
"i don't wanna be the owner of your fantasy" =
im just thinking about his mom's lines when she said to come and find her once he becomes a sorcerer and when she told her new family her wish of reuniting w him again. and the fact that his mom still believes that they will reunited whilst not trying to reach out for him, leaving him as the only one who put in the work of getting them back together as a family. +
"i just wanna be a part of your family" =
also there would be times when he wish theynever separated and things were simpler and he wouldn't have to hold the burden as the future heir.
Basically, this two sentences implied that instead of “one day i’ll be my mother’s son again” , he wishes it would be “i am my mother’s son”
"and i don't wanna talk about anything/anyone, i don't wanna talk about anything/ anyone" =
his constant thoughts of his mother, doing everything for the sake of her, working hard to make a place for her in the clan, asked yuuji why he becomes a sorcerer and his mind just drifted to the thoughts of her. basically everything he work for is for the sake of his mother, anything else other than her is not as important.
"wanna witness your eyes looking" =
this is just based on my interpretation but he wishes his mother was present so she could see him grow as a person, being there at every step of his childhood and teenagehood, seeing him off to school, celebrating him when he nailed his tests, being there on his best and worst days, guiding him and provide him comfort
"i wanna sleep in your car while you're driving" =
UGHH i just KNOW he wants to live a quiet life where he was just his mother's son and not the kamo future heir. where he gets to experience domesticity, away from the clan's high expectations of him.
"lay in your lap while im crying" =
do i have to explain 😭 despite the tough exterior he put up, ik that man is touch starved... i mean he LOVES his mother, almost like he dedicated himself fully to her and the fact he didn't care that he would die after he was exiled from the clan, thinking he disappointed his mother tells us A LOT. he he loves his mother to the point he becomes selfless, always thinking what she would think rather than himself. yeah so. my point is he's a mama's boy (idk) and HE WANTS A HUG! A SHOULDER TO CRY ON ! WARM PAIR OF HANDS PATTING HIS BACK ! LIPS THAT WHISPERS WORDS OF REASSURANCE ARRGGGHHHHHH
extra bc i ❤️ yapping
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i cannot stress this enough i need him to move to slice of life anime. to experience normal life like any other kids, to be close to his mother, to see her face in person and not from the image of her in his mind from years ago.
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😕 his mother never lose hope on him, the way she is confident that he will become a sorcerer and will come find her one day. if a person completes him as a person, it would be her mother. i doubt his father or any other men in his clan see him as a child, rather just a suitable future kamo heir.
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no bc imagine being a fully conscious child and grew up with your mother present until you’re 6, and the clan decided to remove and separate you from your mother? he’s a real idgafer i would’ve burn the place down
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blood-teeth · 1 year
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TMITAWH is 2 years old????!!!!
i cant believe i missed it that sounds so ridiculous to me! in my defense, i was driving for two weeks straight
i don't have anything planned for celebration; i'm so sorry! but i do have some updates!
for those that missed it, tmitawh is now a novel and will no longer be told in an interactive fiction format. this has upset a lot of people. i've lost a lot of followers over this announcement. and i can understand this to some extent, but largely i have to continue to be unapologetic about my choices.
this story is one that has, in every meaning of the phrase, saved my life. writing in this little world has gotten me through some of the darkest times and carried me through to the next day. at some point, IF stopped being a media that was capable of telling the story i wanted to tell.
i'm disheartened by a lot of the anons i've received. some are hateful and unkind. others are upset that they no longer will have the opportunity to pursue Cain or Ezio, and a few mention that they're not interested in reading a lesbian story and will not be reading the book if it ever makes it to publication. i've disregarded the first, but the second cuts the deepest i think.
i have never, ever been shy on this app that i'm a lesbian. i feel as though i've talked endlessly about it. being a lesbian is a huge facet of my identity and being told that, in so many words, a story written for myself, with other queer people in mind, is not for them seems like such a stupid thing to say. like, i didnt write it for you. i wrote it for me. i wrote it for the lesbians who love so violently that they have to hide it away under their clothes, in between their teeth. i wrote it for the lesbians who have been told their love is disgusting, or wrong, or sexy and for a male's pleasure only. i wrote it for the lesbians who are told their love is okay as long as they never show it- as long as they only hold hands at most but never kiss in public. i wrote it for the lesbian who sits in pews and breathes over their hands and wonders if God loves them still.
i'm not sorry to not have written a story catered for you when the whole world is for you. leave me out of your self-absorbed, hateful little orbit.
please know, this blog does not tolerate hatred, bigotry, or harassment in any shape or form. and if you're going to fuck around with me, you sure as hell are going to find out with me.
on a more positive note!
i want to thank you all who have been overwhelmingly positive and supportive of my endeavors!! it means the absolute world to me!! i sometimes hold myself at night and think of all the kind words y'all have sent over these past two years and just sob. never in my life before this could i have imagined sharing my work with people who give a shit and care. it warms me in ways i cannot begin to describe. i love you and i hope you are well as always. my inbox/dms are open ANYTIME if you just want to chat, catch up, rant to me, or tell me about your pet. actually, please tell me about your pet.
Some quick publishing updates:
I'm 20k words out of 90k into draft 2. and i think this is going to be the last draft before i query (?????) i'm really very happy with the muscles and bones of the manuscript. now it's just some meticulous line editing i have to work through.
after this, i'm off to the query trenches. (im scared) if anybody has gone through this process before and has any tips, i'd love to hear them!
here's a little excerpt:
"She grabs hard enough to make sure of her presence, not enough to bruise. Some sick part of the Traveler’s brain says, Yes. Please. More. Press deeper. Press harder. Bruise me. Hurt me. She delights in the heat that blossoms from where the Reverie digs her fingers into skin. Eyes earnest, stubborn disposition to her jaw as the thick muscle there flickers in an implication of anger. “I will find you,” she’s shaping her tongue into a dagger at the Traveler’s throat. “I will find you again, and that is a promise.” The Traveler gasps, tilting her head higher. She blinks and— The Reverie’s mouth is on hers, hot and aching, and the Traveler blinks— Want flavors the Traveler’s tongue, the Reverie’s hands pressed tightly against her collarbone, teeth at her jaw. She blinks and— Is this Before or After?"
i also, stupidly, have officially started a twitter that i want to start working with. i know twitter is dead, but it remains to be very useful for publishing. if you'd like to follow me, im there on @ morganhollow25. i dont know how to use it. im scared to use it. but if you have a twitter maybe follow me there too! i absolutely plan to be on tumblr primarily. i love it here and have grown a tiny home in these webs.
i'll have more updates coming soon regarding FTMTB and other works. thank you all again <3
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heliianth · 2 years
[trumpet noise] free pass 2 talk about Whatever U Want! you can do that anyway but if ur feeling weird abt it here is a reminder that its Cool and Epic to talk about Whatever U Want <3
u sent me this yesterday but im cashing this in as a ticket to gush abt gift of the night fury RIGHT NOW like oufghggdgdhhh i could cry for literally EVERRR abt it there r so many things i loveeee like
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theyre friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fishlegs CANNOT read the room hes all ☺️ while viking-brand christmas is falling apart at the seams HELPPP
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they actually address hiccup shooting down toothless and hes so devastated at the idea that he might be keeping him somewhere he doesnt want even inadvertently like
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hes so Scared to give toothless the auto tail bc "what if he never comes back?" but he cares too much to keep it from him
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and when toothless just takes off without much warning hiccup can only stand there hoping he hasnt been imagining a friendship where toothless only saw a cage like OUghdhg he soggy little meow meow who loves his buddy so muchh :(((((
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this entire scene is gold and gives all the warm dumbass friend group feelings. astrid and snotlout my beloveds <3 <3 <3
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this scene hits SO HARD after httyd2 too like how many times has stoick been celebrating a holiday wishing valka could be there. how many times has he left an empty seat at the dinner table irrationally hoping itll bring her back . "i know what it feels like to miss somebody this time of year" STOP
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everyones FACE like especially snotlout SOBBBB .. the face of a man who was forced to drink yaknog when he was 6......
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astrid Truly did not deserve this she was trying so hard and all she got for it was exploding eggs 😭 girl im so sorry
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zipplebacks are so underrated like look how fucking COOL this one is!!!!!!
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gronckle nuggets <3 <3
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i personally think its criminal snotlout didnt keep the small hookfang noodle
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EVERYONE SHUT UP oghhhggh tgey r truly each otherss Whole Worldd
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lollytea · 2 years
Hunter foolishly being worried how willow n dariuses relationship will play out ( sińce they destroyed his ship n he scared her n teammates)
but gosh HE WAS SO WRONG they become besties n obviously both treasure him dearly but sometimes he cannot wrap his head around over their banter/inside jokes. He s glad tho
Also i d love to have Hunter go for advice what prezent to give to willow (he somewhat knows just needs to put his ideas in order) and it ends up with darius picking out the sweater/jacket/dress n Hunter sewing patches/adding on personal details
Hdhdhd adore them being pentagram buddies imagine it starting as missclick on willows part n sending him a dumb meme but they keep chatting from time to time
//you will be the end of me lolly im supposed to be responsible not looking thru your huntlow tag/lh also happy lolly tagged her posts everyone 🎉/lhj
Like Darius and Willow's relationship is definitely tumultuous and antagonistic and this initially had Hunter very nervous. He had to attempt to be the mediator when the two are about to go at it like feral cats. He's in the middle like "Okay, okay, okay, okay. How about we all just relax?" Only to eventually realize that he does NOT have the social skills to curb whatever the fuck is happening here. If his girlfriend wants to scalp his weekend father, she is far too stubborn to be talked out of it and vice versa. So he has accepted that this is just how its gonna be.
But its so strange because while they bicker constantly, they also seem to have this overly familiar relationship that Hunter doesn't quite understand. He honestly feels pretty locked out of the loop whenever hes with the two but he isn't so much upset by that as he is INSANELY CONFUSED. Like??? What the fuck is going on??? Usually when the three of them are together, Hunter is occupying all his brain power to figure out what the FUCK these two are talking about.
Willow: Boscha keeps vagueing about me on her fensta and it's honestly kinda funny.
Darius: Uck. Well don't just tell me about it. Show me the screenshots. I need to see how petty she's acting.
Hunter: Whats "vagueing"? What's "fensta"? What's a "screenshot"? Why can't you people just use real words?!
Willow: Oh honey, I'm sorry. Well "vagueing" means--
Darius: Google it, gramps.
Willow: Be nice to him.
Hunter: Yeah, be nice to me.
Darius: I am! I just helpfully suggested a place to find answers!
And its shit like. Hunter will show up at Willow's doorstep for a date and just as he's about to knock on the door, Darius will swing it open and stride past him.
Hunter: Darius?!
Darius: Hunter.
Hunter: Wh-you-I-....why were you just in Willow's house?
Darius: Because she's hopeless, that's why. The little purple haired girl is busy today and she needed someone to set her on the right path. Wanted to impress you. Isn't that so very cute? Hair, make-up, outfit, etectera. Of course she didn't care about my plans for the day. Just demanded I get my butt over here and be her little fairy godmother. Real bossy, that girl.
Hunter: Wh--
Darius: Anyway, I did a fantastic job obviously. You're welcome. *Winks and struts away before Hunter can get another word in*
And yes. Yes absolutely. Willow's sixteenth birthday rolls around and Hunter panics big time. Because not only is this her first birthday that he gets to celebrate with her, it's her first birthday he spends as her boyfriend. He knows he wants to patch up a whole dress but it's simply the matter of picking out a dress. And god, if there's one thing Hunter doesn't know shit about, it's fashion.
I feel like, while Hunter is still new to this whole tailoring hobby, Darius is a pro and can probably make some excellent quality clothing. So he makes Willow a dress himself. Hunter helps to the best of his ability.
Hunter: Sorry I think we're just gonna have to buy one. I don't....know her exact measurements.
Darius: That's fine. I do.
Hunter: What?
Darius: I've resized plenty of clothes for her before. That reminds me, I need to teach you to do that. She's only gonna get buffer after all.
Darius makes Hunter promise to not tell Willow who made the dress. ("We can't have her incorrectly assuming I like her.") But Hunter is a SHIT liar so he's just very awkwardly explaining how he just happened to stumble upon it at the market and thought "huh. That would look nice on Willow. Haha....ha."
And of course Willow knows the patches are Hunter's handiwork. But when it comes to the dress itself....
"Wow. It fits me perfectly. It flatters me perfectly. It's my exact style. The colour matches my skin tone. It's...like it was made for me. What a coincidence, huh?"
And Hunter, sweating absolute bullets is like "HAHAH. Yeah. Coincidences are crazy, right?"
Willow decides to let Darius get away with this one. For now. She'll put it in the pocket of her beautifully crafted dress (he put POCKETS in it, holy shit!!!) and use it as leverage once the opportunity arises.
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abixsupernova · 5 months
theres been something on my mind that some people might find disturbing or unsettling, but i have to share it.
whenever i listen to music or saved audios on tiktok i walk or run around when i do so, for most of the time i have to be in constant motion to properly imagine things. but that is not the only thing
i have been doing this since i was a kid, i imagined myself in animation memes, movies or even myself as a youtuber or tiktoker (basically a celebrity) but ever since my reputation in school got ruined, i felt sick and ashamed so i found a character that i can portray my own personality, my own interests and problems onto. so after the WORST week at school of getting bullied and teased to the point where the only thing i could do is lay down on the desk and cry because i knew that if i asked a teacher for help and told them about the popular kids bullying me for my interests and style, it wouldnt end up good. my mind always told me not to because they might say something false about me or might tell the teacher about a bad thing ive done a long while ago. i would come back from school crying and i wouldnt come out of my room once not even to get food or water. the whole situation has left a REAL deep scar in my mental state and for 6 months i have felt burnt out and i couldnt take proper care of myself, i couldnt sleep and had a messed up sleep schedule, i couldnt brush my teeth or brush my hair properly. i felt scared because i knew they had my home adress, they were saying real bad stuff about me in their discord groups and servers that theyd purposely send me invites to just ot harrass me and make fun of me, they have made me insecure about my chest, my stomach (not perfectly flat), my thighs and hip dips. so after all that i found a character that would represent me (even if they werent even a little similar to me) my struggles and interests, and no, im not posting as them, i dont think that i am them, though i cant imagine myself as a cool person anymore, knowing that no one i know thinks im cool, but i think that the character is cool. I feel ashamed of myself so instead of thinking about myself, i think about them. i know this explenation is not exactly what im feeling, and i cant currently find words for it, but i will update the post if i find a way to express.
also im sorry, its not something i usually post, and im sorry if i made anyone uncomfortable or disturbed, i feel really bad about what im feeling and i am scared that people will see me as weird or mentally ill, or think of me as a psychopath or someone that deserves to be put in a mental hospital. i had to say it tho. and i feel disgusted for doing so but i hope you will understand.
ALSO, i will be giving more details soon about the whole „portraying myself as a fictional character” thing that i currently cannot really put into words since this post has been more of a dump about what happened to me at school, so i hope you are all doing okay, bye (im not gonna k!ll myself though, the whole thing happened A REAL LONG WHILE AGO)
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NICO!!!taking like a small social media break because i literally cannot go by a day without fucking live broadcasting my deranged thoughts and i thought i ought to like fucking finish a book i picked upand watch a show and pay attention for once. anyway i just started these violent deligts cause i couldn't stop thinking about that one line from the book you posted and im like..halfway through and i didn't want to talk to you about it until i've finished but SO FAR ITS SO GOOD.LIKE YEEAGH THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR I FUCKING LOVE YOU IM KISSING YOU ON THE MOUTFH. also going through some things and i am..currently obsessed with will toledo and greg hirsch from succession and it makes me sick..in the pathetic loserfag world. for this week unfortunately. just wanted you to know what the fuck has been up in my lame ass life. also id love to hear those riffs you've written for vendetta. uuhm i hope if like the Us celebrates holy week too?? That youre like doing great and having a snazzing time or just fuckin it up silly in general.IM SORRY IM TALKING LIKE THIS I DONT KNOW . i love you so much i am bleeding out on the floor!!!!
loserfag world is such a beautiful place will toledo can absolutely get it . i had a life worth missing moment yesterday and realized if i didnt have you to introduce me to csh i would have felt so empty and hollow like i know we joke and jest abojt car shit headrest but genuinely they've filled up this hole in my heart that i didnt know was even there so thankyou thank you for introducing them to me im bleeding out from love ‼️‼️
and yes the us celebrates holy week so you best be imagining ill be fucking it up holy style <3 and by that i mean just . abstaining from meat today and yknow. going to mass ans whatnot
i always always appreciate you updating me on your silly faggot life because i LOVE YOU and i CARE ABOUT YOU and want to KNOW HOW YOIRE DOING!! i hope the social media break helps you out , you are among gods strongest soldiers for doing that and i hope you find a new hobby or something new to be insane about in a fulfilling and somewhat obsessive way <33 you are my bff (best fag forever) and i love you pls take care<3
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bellafragolina · 2 years
I was wondering if you would be willing to write (if you havent already if so i am so sorry)
An afab! Autisc reader x meli who tends to info dump on him about books they are reading qnd he takes it in stride, with some tsun tsun comments bc haha tall pretty boy cannot emotion properly lmao, and then one day the reader comes and is very sad and quiet due to the village konda just... bad mouthing them bc of their special interest and how they only talk about the books so they just become recluse, but he gets mad and tells them to talk about the books bc he likes hearing them?
(Gosh this is a mouthful im so sorry-)
Hello, love! I will admit to you that since I myself am not autistic, I'm not entirely confident in myself to give a totally accurate portrayal, but I will strive to do my best for you! If you don't like anything about this, please tell me! I'll happily fix it so it's something you enjoy
You were Melli's soft spot. Something about how softly you spoke, yet when it came to the books you'd carry around, you could speak for hours, voice growing with excitement and happiness. . . something about it melted the icy wall around Melli's heart.
He would sit with you in Moonview Arena, Lord Electrode happily resting nearby, and listen to you talk. You had so much to say, so many ideas in your head. He liked your voice, hearing the words spill out of you. He liked how it changed depending on your mood or feelings. He could easily tell whenever you disliked something within your story, or when a character did something you disagreed with
Melli, of course, didn't want you knowing about his soft spot. So he would tease you lightly. He'd call you a book wurmple, wrinkle his nose at the title of your books before demanding you tell him why its so great. Every book you've let him borrow was treated with great care, and given back to you in good condition, with a few of Melli's own opinions attached.
You two would sometimes discuss your books, should you both have read them. You actually liked hearing his opinions and ideas, and though sometimes you argued, you never disregarded him or his feelings. It's partly what pushed from from liking to loving you
So imagine his anger when he arrived at the village for your festival celebration to find you alone, far away from the festivities. He already knew what had you so down, having heard the whispers on his way over. Part of the reason it took him so long to reach you was because he was busy yelling at anyone who had a negative word to say. You were hurting no one, in fact, you saved everyone, so how dare they speak that way of you?
Melli sat at your side, and asked about the book you were holding. You just held it to your chest and murmured about not wanting to annoy him, and his anger grew tenfold. He almost marched off to start yelling again, but forced himself to stay calm for you
He threw aside his own nerves to tell you that you are great, you're a hero, and you are free to speak and do as you please. Those who mind aren't worth your time. The only opinion you should care about is his, for he's the Great Melli, and you're the great hero.
He loves you too much to see you shut yourself down for some snooty villagers.
You smiled at him, showed him your book, and shyly told him it was a love story. Melli smiled in return, and happily settled in for your thoughts on the tale, and how sweet it was that the love interest always somehow knew what to say to make the character feel great <3
I hope this works! Like I said, if it doesn't, let me know, and I'll fix what needs fixing!
I hope you're having a wonderful day, love!
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suguruverse · 3 years
includes - hinata shoyo, bokuto koutaro, miya atsumu and sakusa kiyoomi
a/n - for the sake of these hcs, the reader (you) is their manager <3 pls i love these boys so much!! enjoy <3
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- no bc this is the friendship that i dream about
- im sorry but this friendship is basically you and sakusa just babysitting the other three
- i feel like put of all friendships, they would be the most overprotective idk why i just get the vibe
- all of them are attention deprived babies and will demand for your attention
- if you hang out with only one of them, the other three will start complaining to no end
- one time, sakusa invited you to come to a small cafe with him, and when you posted a selfie of the two of you in the cafe, atsumu literally called you hysterically crying about you neglecting him
- since you work with them and are best friends with them, you’re just always with them??
- and when you arrive at work, sakusa is surprisingly the first to hug and greet you
- but it’s just because he doesn’t want to hug you after atsumu, hinata and bokuto do
- AND AND AND when you arrive, they all get huge smiles on their faces when they see you 
- okay im crying moving on
- as much as atsumu and sakusa seem like the type of people to not listen to anyone, if you ask them to do something, they WILL do it without hesitation
- okay whenever you go interviews with them, it’s a fucking nightmare because they never calm down
- there have been WAYYYY too many dating scandals because 1. bokuto, hinata and atsumu are basically super affectionate golden retrievers 2. you live with omi and always go on grocery shopping dates together
- the other three HATE the fact that you and omi live together so they sleep over all the time
- you guys bring the mattresses out in the lounge room, lay them next to each other, cover them with blankets and pillows and have a movie marathon 😩
- bokuto is just attached at your hip. sorry don’t make the rules
- he just shows you so much affections and he doesn’t give a fuck where he is and who’s looking
- so many of your family and friends thinks that you’re dating all 4 of them
- if they have any fancy events to go to, they always go in a group and bring you as a plus one
- they all let you grab onto them and fidget with their hands or shirts whenever you’re nervous
- having eating competitions with atsumu, bokuto and hinata
- and sakusa has to take care of all of you guys because you ate too much
- whenever sakusa and atsumu have small petty fights, they always have to bring you into it to solve it
- the best hype men until they die
- bokutos insta feed is FULL of pictures of you guys hanging out 😔
- atsumus feed is just selfies of him (half naked mirror selfie’s) and embarrassing pics of hinata and bokuto
- you cannot tell me that these men won’t treat you like a fucking goddess
- they will force you to play volleyball with them
- if you just wanna hang out and chill at the beach, hinata is dragging your ass to the volleyball court and you’re not allowed to say no
- when they’re having a particularly hard practice, you love giving them little goodie bags with their favourite things in them
- they celebrate christmas with you and bokuto is santa every single year
- omi can cook a mean christmas dinner and while he’s cooking, you try to sneak a santa hat on him
- pls imagine doing drunk karaoke with them at christmas
- you have your own manager jacket but they always give you theirs
- and when you can’t sleep, omi cuddles you and tells you bedtime stories 😾
gc name: msby black jackasses (jackal)
sakusa: has anyone seen y/n, it’s pretty late and she’s not home
hinata: she’s still at the gym, me and bo just finished up and she stayed back to clean some more, “manager duties” she called it
bokuto: she said we could!!
sakusa: that was extremely irresponsible, what is something happens to her?
hinata: we’re at the restaurant near the gym, do you want us to pick her up?
sakusa: no need i’m on my way
you: omi!! you don’t need to pick me up, i’m okay 😼
atsumu: sweetheart let him, i doubt he would even be able to sleep tonight if you drove home alone this late
you: it’s okay, me nd bo take self defense classes together 💪🏻💪🏻
bokuto: yeah she tackled me :((
sakusa: i’m around the corner, wait inside until you see my car
hinata: wait like 15 mins
atsumu: why
hinata: me and bo are nearly done eating, omi can you drop us off while you’re at it
sakusa: no, drive yourself, i don’t have room in my car
bokuto: omi please 🥺
sakusa: y/n i’m here
you: coming!!
atsumu: that’s what she said
sakusa: miya shut up
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 years
Hiii!! I've been following your work since the beginning and i just wanted to give u a big squeeze of a hug for blessing us with all of your fics 'cause i feel like we don't deserve u for blessing us with all these wonderful feysand content that u are sharing.
I hope all is well with ur life and in ur studies, and if it's not too much to ask, would you consider writing a feysand au where Feyre & Rhys aren't mates, but are happily in love and in a relationship--when all of a sudden, one of them meets their mate (preferably Rhys..?) or something like that 😚. Won't lie to u that im dying to know what events would play out and how Feyre would react if this scenario happened. Really no pressure to write this or anything just wanted to try my luck with this idea :DD. Thank u!
Bestie, ooof. What are you trying to do to me? Can you imagine how heartbreaking that would be for Feysand to be happy and in love, waiting patiently for the mating bond to snap only to find out they were star-crossed lovers all along? Well you don’t have to imagine it, because I already have. And if I’m going to be in torment over Feysand angst, I’m (affectionately) dragging you all down with me.
P.s. thank you for the submission lovely, I hope you enjoy <3
The Chains That Bind Us
Word count: 1,956
Feyre and Rhysand were happily married. For 300 years, they had basked in what seemed like an infinite stretch of rapture, working alongside and complimenting each other with a grace and chemistry that had always felt predestined. They had always been certain they were mates, but time had flowed on and neither had felt the inkling of that special, magic bond.
They have resigned that perhaps the mating bond will never snap, perhaps that’s simply not what they were to one another, but that was okay. It was enough to be husband and wife, to be High Lord and Lady, to be happy and in love. They didn’t need a mating bond to reaffirm what they felt for one another. Things were already perfect as they were.
Until they weren’t. Until they had journeyed together to Illyria to oversee the announcement of the first all-female battalion. It had been a long term goal of Rhysand and his brothers to finally battle back the long ingrained sexism of Illyrian culture, and the visit was meant to be a celebration. A liberating ceremony, in honor of their mothers and all the females who had been victims of prejudice.
But when the leader of the battalion stepped forward to be acknowledged for her accomplishments, Rhysand had gone rigid at Feyre’s side, his breathing suddenly ragged. His pupils were blown wide, eyes fixed, riveted to the female.
Feyre felt her whole world had imploded in that moment. Especially when that female’s eyes had met her High Lord’s and had frozen just the same, the two bearing matched expressions of awe and disbelief.
She was certain she was going to be sick. Such a thing would be far from befitting of a High Lady, so Feyre had immediately winnowed back to their River House, back into their bathroom where she was instantly emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl.
Rhysand was there not too long after, holding back Feyre’s hair. They said nothing to each other, not until Feyre had recovered enough to turn and face her husband.
She was entirely unprepared for the way her heart shattered to meet his face, to meet those lovely eyes she had loved for centuries. Eyes that had only moments before been staring at another female with so much blind devotion it had torn her open.
“Feyre—” he started.
“I suppose we should have assumed that something like this could happen,” she interrupted, because she couldn’t bear to hear him apologize. Not for something like this, something that was entirely out of either of their control.
“It doesn’t change anything,” he insisted, but there was a strain to his voice that had never been present before. A bite that Feyre was convinced was the result of Rhysand battling against his instincts to return to Illyria, to that female.
“It changes everything, Rhys.”
She was already weeping as she choked the words out, because speaking them made them true. Those few centuries of bliss between them, they were a bubble, a perfectly crafted delusion that had finally popped.
“I love you,” Rhys seethed, as though arguing with himself. “I don’t even know that females name—”
“It doesn’t matter, Rhys. She’s your—”
“Don’t say it,” he begged, his voice a broken rasp. “Please, don’t say it.”
Somehow, that made it impossibly worse. That Rhys had been gifted this incredible, Cauldron-blessed thing, but was scorning it for her sake. Most Fae dreamed of the moment their mating bond would snap, and here was her husband acting as if it was his worst nightmare.
But Feyre knew what it was like for males. She knew he was clawing against every instinct in his mind, screaming at him to go to his mate, to know her name, to claim her. Feyre stifled another sob. Rejected mating bonds could drive a male mad. How could she ever think to do that to him? How could she deny him this piece of himself?
What broke her heart more than anything is that Feyre knew he would. Rhysand would reject his bond, would let that intrinsic part of his soul be torn away, for her sake. If Feyre asked, he would stay. He would stay and be miserable.
“I can’t do this to you, Rhys. I can’t force you to stay with me out of duty. I will not be your jailor.”
“You are my wife,” Rhys choked, reaching for her hand. He drew her palms to his face, allowing her to caress his cheeks. He shut his eyes as he nuzzled into her touch, causing his unshed tears to fall, racing down to collect at her hands. “You are my High Lady. You are the only one I want to be with.”
That wrecked another sob through Feyre’s body, which came out as a harsh exhale as she tried to restrain it. “You’d be a broken male without her, Rhys. The Cauldron—” she sucked in a strangled breath. Some truths were just too difficult to confront— “The Cauldron didn’t intend for us to be together.”
“Damn the Cauldron,” he growled, reaching for her with newfound conviction. “No one and nothing can decide who I love. No one can tell me that you are not who I belong with—who I belong to.”
Feyre allowed him to bundle her in his arms, to press her fiercely against his chest. She knew moments like this were fleeting, where they could hold each other as husband and wife. Already, their love was tarnished. Tainted. Blood spilled onto white snow. How long would it take for this mating bond to seep, to spill into the cracks, to spread until it consumed them? She couldn’t see an outcome where they could stay together unblemished, where they wouldn’t come to resent one another.
“Rhysand, listen to me love,” Feyre said, and found that her voice was steadier than she anticipated. “I care more about you being happy than I care about that happiness being found with me. Do you understand?”
“I would not be happier without you, Feyre.” His voice was ripe with earnesty. When she turned those eyes to meet his, those violet depths were burning, the silver constellations completely eclipsed by molten amethyst. He swallowed thickly. “Do I… want that female? Yes.” Feyre cringed to hear her husband admit it outloud. “But, that is just my instincts. I will be able to manage them with time. This bond is nascent. My love for you? It’s endured for centuries. The cauldron is not faultless; my parents were mates and they were miserable together. I could never imagine someone so perfect to walk beside me as you, Feyre. I do not seek another, no matter what fate has to say for it.”
Feyre allowed the comfort of his words to wash over her. She rested her head against Rhysand’s shoulder, inhaling his familiar scent, letting herself lavish in the rhythm of him, the beat of his heart steady in his chest.
“I will understand if you change your mind,” she whispered. “I do not hold you to your vows. If you become unhappy, if one day you cannot resist the pull you feel towards her… I will not hold it against you. I give you permission to… to leave me.”
Rhys let out a small, rueful laugh before he pressed a tender kiss to her temple. “How could I desert a love that is so selfless? The least I could do in the wake of such a declaration is promise to never see that female again.”
Feyre shook her head emphatically. “Don’t promise me that, Rhys. Just—just promise me that we’ll always be honest with each other. That we’ll always be a team, whether it be as rulers, or as lovers, or… or just as friends.”
“I promise,” he swore. “I vowed on my court and crown that I will love you for eternity. And I still know that to be true, even now. My soul… it might belong to someone else. But my heart, Feyre, it will always belong to you.”
There was something irreparably changed between them. They both knew it, could sense the way it lingered between them. The first crack, and possibly not the last. What they had was fragile now, but they had a gift for being delicate with one another.
The silence hung between them, a wretched, discomfiting presence that had never been there before. Both not quite sure what to say, not quite sure where this put them. She watched Rhysand’s lower lip quiver, understood that it was from the strain of not burdening her with his own turmoil over the situation.
Feyre tutted as she threw her arms around him, recognizing the signs of his crumbling. Rhys bowed his head in shame, burying his face into her chest.
“I’m sorry,” he gasped against her, releasing a sob of his own. “I’m sorry it couldn’t have been you. I wanted it to be you. I’m a failure of a husband, for putting you through this.”
“You are an excellent husband,” Feyre protested, threading her fingers through his hair soothingly. Her voice was still raw. “I don’t blame you for this, Rhys. I love you just the same.”
He lifted his head so their tear-stained faces were level. His eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, still glistening in silver. “What do we do now?”
They clung to each other so tightly, as if they pressed hard enough they could redirect fate, could mold their souls together and correct the misdeed of the Cauldron.
“I don’t know,” Feyre answered, burying her face in his shoulder as if it would hide her from the truth of the world. “I suppose we have no choice but to keep going. We’ll find our footing again. Together. And if we don’t… well, maybe we can wish on the stars.”
There was a huff of air at her ear. A laugh, she guessed, or something like it, something wry and humorless. Rhys moved underneath her, and Feyre pulled away to watch in confusion as her husband rose to his feet.
He extended his hand towards her. Curious, Feyre accepted, allowing him to pull her to her feet. In a blink, they were on the rooftop, beneath the stars. She hadn’t even realized the sun had set until she was staring up at the impossibly bright cosmos.
“Where better to find our footing than under those very stars?”
She turned to him, and Rhys was staring at her the way he had on starfall, all those centuries ago. Staring at her as if she were the brightest star in the sky, as though he looked to Feyre to cast his wishes.
“Will you dance with me, wife?”
Not convinced she was capable of speech, Feyre nodded. Using the hand he still held, Rhys twirled her into his arms. And though no music played, they found their own rhythm, lost in the cadence of each other, spinning endlessly under the stars.
As they swayed under the endless expanse of sky and starlight, Feyre mused how even the brightest of stars eventually burned out, but that didn’t make them any less worth wishing on. That didn’t mean they weren’t worth fighting for.
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
Talk to Me in Korean (Advanced Edition)
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Your boyfriend’s English is basically better than yours at this point.
After an amazing birthday, he decides to use his newfound skills to get ahead and begin planning next years celebration.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Genre: established relationship au, domestic au, idol! jk, this is a part three to my other talk to me in korean installments but they don’t have to be read in order :)
A/N: Hiiii I’m back??? Hopefully??? This past month has been ROUGH (but like 2020 am I rite?) so I’ve been having a ton of writers block but as always, Jungkook has a way of pulling me out of all of the that. I’m sorry this is like my 50000th domestic jk story in a row ok??? I CANT HELP IT, ITS HIS FAULT. okiii anyway I love you, it’s 3am- this is unedited and im so sleepy. I love you again. 
Warnings: smut (18+ only plz), more so dirty talking than anything but stillll 
Fresh coffee.  
It’s the first thing Jungkook smells when his eyes peek open.  
His flush against the white cotton of the pillow that still holds the scent of your shampoo.  
He literally can’t help the grin that erupts onto his lips as he remembers exactly how the night before played out.  
As he remembers exactly where he is.  
He remembers that his members had organized a surprise dinner for his birthday party which included the finest selection of meat, veggies and various other side dishes money could buy.  
Not to mention, they ended the evening the introduction of a giant banana milk themed cake.  
Despite stuffing himself till near immobilization as well as being surrounded by his best friends, nothing could have prepared him for his final gift: you.  
The boys had flown you in from out of town and organized for your arrival in the middle of the party.  
Jungkook may have shed a few tears as nothing could have made him happier than seeing his beautiful girlfriend pushing through the doors of the venue.  
Once the boys had gone to home, Jungkook had taken you up to his room to finish off the evening with birthday sex.  
Predictable? Maybe.
Did either of you care? Absolutely not.  
It had been 3 months since the two of you had seen each other and he was nothing short of desperate for your touch.  
Now however, he’s experiencing a different kind of bliss as the smell of bacon begins to waft in through his cracked bedroom door.  
His smile broadens as he realizes very quickly that the same beautiful woman who had made his birthday so special had woken up early to make him breakfast.  
He cannot begin to imagine how lucky he is but, he plans on using his day off to show you how much he appreciates you.  
In a million different ways...
Running a hand through the raven locks on his head, he pushes himself to a sitting position. Upon doing so, he notices the faint red marks over the valleys and curves of his stomach whilst simultaneously feeling a hint of pain across the middle of his back. He smirks to himself and curiously runs the tips of his fingers over the aggravated flesh of his stomach.  
What a night...
He finally stands up, moving his body in every necessary direction to stretch out the soreness in his muscles before taking note of his current attire.  
Given the events of last night, it surprised him that he had even managed to pull on the pair of white boxer-briefs that currently adorned his figure. He assumed he had fallen asleep naked.  
Jungkook experiences a pivotal moment then, completely on his own.  
He realizes that he doesn’t want to put anything else on.  
To some people, this wouldn’t be a big deal but to Jungkook, its everything.  
When he first travelled to Seoul, he was too shy to remove his shirt in front of his hyungs, let a lone strut around the dorm in his boxers.  
But with you, he’s finally starting to realize that not only is he comfortable with you but, he has a massive desire to express that to you.  
He wants you to have parts of him that no one else has.  
He wants you to know that you’re the only one who gets him this way.  
Without the fancy clothes, the layers of makeup, the band aids on his tattoos, the carefully scripted words and persona...
That you alone have all of him.  
He chuckles to himself, running a hand through his hair once again as he picks on himself for making such a big deal out of something so small.
But he knows that you’d get it and that quickly squashes any of his desire to make fun of himself.  
As he approaches his bedroom door, he feels the ghost of nerves directly in the pit of his stomach.  
Why was he nervous? You’ve literally seen him naked before.
He’s been inside of you more times than he can count so why was he overthinking going out to greet his girlfriend in his boxers?
He rolls his eyes at himself, “Because you’re weird, that’s why...” He mutters to himself before finally pushing open the door.  
His kitchen is off to the left, slightly tucked behind a bit of wall and he is annoyed with the layout of his apartment because he is getting in the way of immediately seeing your pretty face.  
When he does see you however, it’s entirely worth the wait.  
You’ve got a portable speaker set up a safe distance away from your work station emitting a bit of soothing music throughout the kitchen along with a pot of fresh coffee on the island with his favorite Iron Man mug sitting right next to it, awaiting his arrival. There’s a few pans on the stovetop sizzling with various breakfast items that Jungkook doesn’t care to notice at first because his eyes are far too concerned with you.  
And boy does he desperately wish that this was his daily life...
Your wear minimal clothing as well but there are fuzzy socks on your feet and a bit of bedhead adorning your crown and that’s really all that he needs to see to conclude that you are the most fantastic thing to ever grace the planet.  
“G’morning...” He nearly mumbles, placing a hand on the counter.
He ensures his voice is soft enough not to startle you and thankfully his presence emits nothing more but a smile from your lips.
You turn towards him with the same smile, eyes raking over his body shamelessly before returning his greeting, “Good morning birthday boy. Did you sleep ok?”
He chuckles lightly, his head cocking to the side in confusion, “My birthday was...yesterday yeah?”
Your smile grows at his question as you make your way over to the sleepy man before you.
“It was.” You concede and as you near his figure, you slide your hands around his waist, “But I wasn’t with you the whole day so, I’m trying to make up for lost time.”
Immediately, he grins boyishly his capable hands sliding up your body to pull you flush against his.
“But you already gave me so many presents...” He insists, leaning towards your lips, “Remember last night?”
You take a moment to admire how good his English has gotten and silently applaud him for managing to lead such an incredibly busy life and learn a second language all at the same time. You try your best not to vocalize your praise to often though because you know how shy it makes him.  
Before you can answer, he presses his lips to yours, humming gently in his throat and promptly smiling into your mouth.  
As you indulge in him for a moment your fingers gently brush the tan skin across his back. Your touch sends a shiver up your boyfriends back which then gives you no choice but to return the smile present in your kiss.
“Duh...” You murmur which prompts a delighted chuckle to escape his mouth, “How could I forget? You were like superman last night with all that stamina...”
Your observation causes your boyfriend to frown playfully as he points to the mug sitting atop the counter.
“Not superman- Iron Man.” He insists, still holding you close, the warmth of his presence infecting you.  
With a snort, you pull back slightly to catch the glint in his eyes, “I don’t know how me comparing you to Ironman would make much sense babe but, if you want to be Iron Man then how am I to deny you?”
Jungkook smirks, already satisfied with his response before he’s even uttered it.
“I’m like Iron Man because he is a machine...” He wiggles his brows at you, “...and so am I.”
After the look of incredulity that crosses your face, you have no choice but to laugh, leaning slightly away from him to indicate that you have to head back to your breakfast before it burns.
“Alright fair enough-” You concede, still giggling a bit as his grip tightens on your body, his own beautiful smile still present on his mouth, “I gotta finish cooking, or else we’re gonna have burnt bacon for breakfast.”
He shrugs, unimpressed as he uses his inhuman strength to hug you tighter,  “Bacon is bacon.”
This prompts more laughter as he reluctantly walks to the stove with you, your body still encased in his grip.
“I can’t cook with your mega muscles constricting my arms-” You point out, craning your neck slightly to try and meet his gaze, a ghost of a smile on your lips, which is still locked onto a mixture of mischief and joy.
With a furrowed brow he leans in slowly before pecking your lips quickly and finally releasing you, “What is constricting?”
His question is asked from near the coffee pot, his hands gingerly moving his mug closer to him.
He is VERY careful with this particular mug.
“Constricting is like when you squeeze something really really tight-” You explain softly, taking the now well-done strips of bacon out of the pan before laying them on some paper towels.
He’s pouring himself a cup of coffee, his eyes narrowed in focus as he nods, “Ohhh ok- you mean like how snakes do?”
“Yeah exactly!” You smile brightly, turning towards him with encouragement on your face, “that’s why we call certain kinds of snakes constrictors because that’s how they kill their pray. Honestly, it wasn’t the best word choice on my part because, people definitely use the word squeeze more but-”
He shakes his head then, his eyes still focusing on preparing his cup of coffee, “It doesn’t matter- you taught me another new word without even trying to.” He assures you before a cocky smirk comes across his face, “I bet I know more words than Namjoon-hyung now...”
His comment makes you laugh as his competitiveness is something you adore despite the fact that you don’t fully understand it.
“Oh for sure, you probably know more words than I do honestly, with how often you practice.”  
Jungkook smiles broadens at your praise, his eyes finally flitting up towards you, “Probably.”
He laughs along with you now, the sound of your giggling sending warmth into his heart as he brings the mug to his lips.
“You’re a brat.” You point out simply, still smiling because you literally do nothing else with this kid as you begin to fry up the last batch of bacon.
Suddenly, you feel his presence behind you, his strong arms wrapping around your waist whilst his nose burrows playfully into your neck, “Noooo an angel.”
Snorting again, you pretend his lips near such a sensitive area doesn’t affect you as you continue with your current task, “An angel? What on Earth would make you think that?”
Your teasing prompts a bout of snickering to leave his lips as he hugs you tighter to him, the soft scent of his hair sending a wave of comfort through you.
“You call me a good boy all the time...”
Although his comment is meant to be innocent, the way he intentionally lowers his tone causes your thighs to press together.
“I do,” You admit, trying to keep it together as you crack a few eggs into an awaiting pan, “I don’t know if that makes you an angel though.”
Jungkook senses the change in your voice and rather then shy away from the direction the conversation is heading, he decides to go with it.  
“That’s true-” He murmurs and it’s then you can feel the smirk against the curve of your neck, “Especially since you only call me that when I’m making you cum huh?”
This causes your eyes to grow wide and given that your flirtatious boyfriend is staring at you already, there is no way for you to hide it.
So instead you play along, enjoying this new side of him more than you care to admit.
“Exactly.” You mutter, giggling to yourself as you feel a bit of heat on your cheeks, “Go set the table or something- you're going to make me burn the kitchen down.”
With a cheeky giggle, he seems satisfied with his mission to fluster you, placing a kiss to your cheek and rushing off to do as you’ve asked him to.
Breakfast passes without any more of Jungkook’s reckless behavior and you’re thankful for it because, you sincerely doubt that you’d be able to focus on your plate when you have a foul-mouthed buffet sitting across from you.
Jungkook insists on helping you clean up whilst also reminding you once again that his birthday was yesterday and that he doesn’t want any more special treatment.
All he wants is to be with you today.
You honor his request by sitting up a massive mountain of pillows and blankets in his living room and situating yourselves in front of his flat screen.
With the curtains closed and the scent of Jungkook’s sea breeze candle wafting throughout the room, the two of you begin watching a movie together.  
However, halfway through the movie, the plans begin to morph into something else entirely.
Armed with newly found confidence, your boyfriend begins kissing you, his hands making their way towards your hips.
The pace of your breathing picks up rather quickly when he suckles your bottom lip between his teeth, nibbling against the swollen flesh.
“For my birthday- next year...” He whispers into your mouth, eyes fluttering open as he nudges your nose, “I want to kiss you all day.”
His request causes you to smile, your hands slowly sliding up his neck to tuck into the hair at the back of his head, “Whatever you want.”
Your response causes his eyes to sparkle with mischief once more, delighted at how willing you are to give him whatever he wants, “Oh- it’s whatever I want hm? Just like that?”
The way he’s speaking to you makes you a little light headed and rather than try to reign back his bout of authority, you decide to run with it, “Just like that.”
Your response is spoken into his mouth, the kiss between you breaking so he can maneuver you onto your back. For a moment, he braces his hands on either side of your head, his perfect body hovering over you, with only the long strands of his hair and the thin silver chains around his neck reaching for you.  
“What if-” He grins before grinding his hips against you, the swollen bit of his boxers rubbing against your clothed core, “I wanted to be in here all day? Would you let me?”
Through the waves of pleasure, your eyes squeeze shut for a moment before you nod, your fingers beginning to wander up the outsides of his forearms.
“Whatever you want...”
His grin is stable but the pace of his breathing is quickening, indicating his excitement.
He wants more out of this conversation though and decides to press you further.  
“Would you let me put my face down there all day too? You wouldn’t have to cook for me if you did...” He points out before his grin morphs into a smirk as he leans down towards your lips, “I’d get full off your pussy wouldn’t I?”
The switch in languages also indicates his level of arousal as his mentioned before that English is far more difficult when he’s wrapped up in his emotions or in this case, his desires.  
Using your nails, you lightly tickle your way up to shoulders tugging playfully to see if he’ll come to lay down on you fully but he doesn’t budge. He merely chuckles and grinds against you once again.
“Patience...” He parrots a phrase that you often utter to him when roles are reversed in the bedroom and the glimmer in his eyes informs you that he is eating up your reaction to him.
“But I want you...” You whine to him, hoping his thing for hearing you speak his language will be enough to break his resolve but he isn’t ready to give in just yet.
“That’s too bad jagiya, I’m not finish planning my birthday just yet.” Jungkook whines mockingly in return, the innocent curls framing his face contradicting his salacious demeanor, “I want to know how many marks you’d leave on me- maybeeeeee...” He draws out the word as his teeth tuck into his bottom lip, “25? One for every year of my birthday?”
Since attempting to tug him down didn’t work out, you decide to wrap your legs around his waist to further some sort of contact between you two.  
“Twenty five? Your stylists would kill me...” You point out giggling, pushing your now damp panties against the swell of his length beneath his boxers.  
Rather cockily, Jungkook snorts and leans down once again to brush his lips over yours, “I don’t give a fuck what the noonas say, they know how to cover me up and, even if they can’t- people are just gonna have to deal with it.” Another smirk forms on his mouth before he sucks your bottom lip between his teeth, “it would be really hard for them if they fired me don’t you think?”
You gotta admit, his new found attitude is turning you on. It’s not like Jungkook to be so cocky, despite the way some people may think and although you know for a fact that he’s putting it on for you, you have no problem sucking it up anyway.  
“Definitely. BigHit would have hell to pay...” You concede, your words slightly muffled due to the current location of your bottom lip. Once more your hands tangle their way into his hair and you take advantage of this position to kiss him, hoping that will be enough to convince him to drop the teasing.  
He kisses you back with enthusiasm, his lower body relaxing slightly as more and more of him presses against you.  
“You’re wet.”  He whispers, his eyes still closed whilst he continues to peck at your bottom lip, “Are you ready for my dick now?”  
With his inquiry, he grinds against you once more, sending a shiver of pleasure up your spine.  Your surprised that he spoke the second sentence in English as he usually would have switched fully to Korean at this point.  
“Namjoon’s really been rubbing off on you lately...”  
This insignificant comment lights a fire in Jungkook’s chest and prompts him to quickly pin your wrists above your head. His features hold a bit of disapproval but, mostly they hold that competitive look that is so uniquely Jungkook.  
That “I’m going to win just to show you how good I am” kind of look.
“Why does everyone assume that Namjoon is the most perverted huh? Just cause he talks about it the most? He writes a few dirty lyrics and talks about porn and suddenly he’s the only one who wants to fuck? Jagiya- do you want to know why I look so distracted all the time?” He giggles in an almost maniacal fashion, a dark smirk prominent on his lips as he cocks his head, “It’s because I’m usually thinking about fucking you. Everyone always thinks I’m so shy- so innocent, but you’d let them know huh jagi?  You’d let them know how fucking dirty I am wouldn’t you? I don’t think ARMY could handle it if they knew the truth...” Jungkook offers that same type of laughter once again before kissing you once more, “Now answer my question- are you ready for my dick now?”
His words and behavior stun you a little bit but mostly it just sends more arousal to your core and ruins your odds of putting these pair of panties back on when the two of you are done.  
“Yes sir...” You giggle, saluting him playfully as you wrap your legs around his waist again, “I’m so ready for you- please? Can I have it?”  
Your pleas work immediately on your boyfriend, who is already struggling with his level of arousal and before you know it, he is fucking both you of you into orgasmic bliss.  
It’s over too quickly but it’s the kind of fuck that you know it going to prompt a round two.
Or maybe even a round three or four if you’re lucky...
Jungkook’s head is on your chest now, his arms hugging you tightly to his body, his post-orgasmic glow riding him of any of his previously cocky attitude.  
“I like this.” He murmurs, licking his chapped lips and nuzzling between your breasts.
You smile fondly down at him, “Cuddling?”
He shakes his head, his eyes beginning to flutter shut, “Not just cuddling- but you, being here, at my house with me.”
With a kiss to his forehead, you use your free hand to brush his hair from his eyes, “I like being here with you too.”
There is a bit of color that finds it’s way to Jungkook’s cheeks as he utters a suggestion, “You should stay here with me. I will move my stuff around for you...”
It’s such a simple notion and yet it nearly moves you to tears but before you’re able to breach the topic further, his eyes fully close as he relaxes his weight completely.  
Without clarity regarding whether or not he can hear you, you utter your response into his hair,
“Sounds good, roomie.”
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i-merani · 3 years
I wanted to write this one for a while and please bear with me to the end. This post is about how many in the arab world reacted to the war in Ukraine.
First, I think I should clarify that I agree, the west is biased towards Ukraine, yes it is a hypocrite and yes, the response to the struggles of the people in the middle east should be regarded just as urgent and important. I understand your anger (im not just saying this, i will prove it just in a sec).
But as much as I understand your anger towards the west, i dont understand your bitterness towards Ukraine (Well, i do understand it, im just saying its wrong). I see comments saying "im sorry i dont care about white children dying" and replies "you don't have to be sorry." Really? Is that how you are going to react to literal children dying?
But once again, i understand where you are coming from. I saw the recent videos of Israeli forces once again proving their cruelty. I understand that you are angry and you are tired of this injustice and that nobody seems to be on your side. But I don't understand how heartless or how delusional you must be to say that you don't care about Ukrainean children dying becase.… they are white.
Another thing i noticed is how quickly you all believe the disinformation spread by Russia. Ukrainiens are not Nazis or Fascists. Ukraine is a democratic country with a democratically elected president (which i cannot say about Russia).
The reason Putin spread this disinformation is to justify his aggression towards Ukraine (and look its working). The so called "opressed" people in Donbas and Luhanski region are separatist forces which have been there sine 2014 (when Russia first attempted to occupy Ukraine).
I know this sounds like "just another story from the other side" but this is the truth. Nobody is being opressed in Ukraine, no children are killed there (exept only by Russians now).
Remember when I said I understand your anger? Well, I'm going to tell you little bit about my country. (Dont ughh now, it's important i promisee. And don't be lazy to read it).
In 2008 Russia attacked Georgia just as it attacked Ukraine now. Russia followed the same exact plan of first recognizing two regions as independent and then going in to "defend the opressed people."
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I know its in Russian but you can see that apart from the outlined words (which are just changed names of the regions) the whole text is the same. Russia didn't even bother to change the text.
In 2008 Russia took parts of our territories (and here's the part where I prove I know how it feels when you feel there's no one on your side). What do you think the west did at that time? Well, nothing! As you can see, Russia attacked us the same way it attacked Ukraine. But we didn't recieve even the ounce of the support that Ukraine's getting. (Map of Georgia and Russia for size comparison below)
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Compared to Russia we are almost invisible (Georgia is that orange one). And we were left all alone agains this huge monster. We lost a lot of civilians and soldiers but the west did nothing (well, just condemning Russia for its actions). There were no worldwide outrage, there were no sanctions, no tweets from celebrities, nothing. In 2008 we were left all alone in the same situation that Ukraine is in today. So you can imagine my anger, frustration and disappointment. These days the world told us that back then we just didn't matter that much. So believe me when I say I understand your anger, I understand that terrifying sense of injustice and helplessness because I've been there. I think its even worse in case of Georgia because it was the same exact war that Russia started but back then nobody cared about us.
Now you know all this. Despide such injustice we (Georgians) don't think that Ukrainean children deserve death and we don't say "oh they didn't care about us so we don't care about them." Because that's selfish and that's cruel. It's wrong. To say that Ukraineans are Nazis, to say they don't deserve your support because they didn't support you, all of this is wrong.
I understand that you are hurting, I understand that you feel bitter and helpless and you want to accuse someone who is responsible for all this suffering but Ukraineans are not at fault here.
Please don't believe Russian propaganda, please don't believe Putin. I've been there, I know what it feels like when no one stands behind you but that does not give you the right to side with the opressor. Yes, Russia is the opressor just like Israel. And you should know on which side you should stand even if the opression does not affect you (meaning Russia's aggression).
I have never been affected by Israel's cruelty but I know where I stand on the issue because I can clearly see the oppressor. Please don't be blinded by anger (and disinformation) and please make the right choice in this war.
P.S. by Israel i mean Israeli government and not the people themselves
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blookmallow · 3 years
hi i binged through all of salad fingers for the first time in like 8 years and im fixating again here are. My Theories. pls talk to me if anyone else has Thoughts or wants to discuss things. this is really long i am sorry :’ ) 
also shout out to the salad fingers wiki for helping me keep track of details and also for this 
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thought: salad fingers is not violent on purpose he did not mean to kill that kid 
this is less a theory and more “if you slander my boy with accusations i will Get you” but listen. i see people going “but he mURDERED A CHILD!!” because of the oven incident but listen. listen to me. he didnt mean to and cannot be held to the same standard of morality and understanding consequences as a. person who isn’t..... in whatever situation and mental state he has going on
- yes, the kid getting trapped in the oven was his fault. but it was not intentional or malicious and i sincerely doubt he understands what happened or why. 
he was asking for help reaching the fish (there’s no reason to believe he wasn’t just genuinely asking for help. he tears up in gratitude. theres no evidence of him Tricking People Maliciously in any other context i do not believe he would do that) and was distracted by the rusty nail, causing him to let go of the door. it wasn’t “he cares more about rust than about a child’s life” or something, i dont think he can actually hold “hey look at that i gotta check that out” and “i need to hold the door open so the child doesn’t get hurt” in his head at the same time, rust is his favorite stim/an impulse thing that takes over everything else and his perception of reality and the things going on around him changes very quickly and easily. more on that later. but the important point here is it wasn’t a malicious plot, or a neglectful careless action, he literally did not realize letting go of the door would cause harm 
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he stabbed himself accidentally with the nail and passed out for a while (the fact that he immediately bled that much is concerning too, he probably has hemophilia which is. a medical condition outside of his control, as well) and after all that he had completely forgotten about the child altogether (and says “i must have dozed off” so he doesn’t even understand he passed out. and might not remember the nail thing in the first place) 
we don’t see what happened after this, we don’t know how he responds when he investigates the fish and inevitably finds an unexpected charred corpse in there, but i guarantee he won’t remember why its in there or understand that its a corpse. we dont see it again so its. entirely possible he didnt recognize it as a person and either just disposed of it or, uh, ate it. but if he did, it wasn’t with the knowledge and comprehension of it being A Corpse or the memory of how it got there 
theory: on salad fingers and memory / comprehension of death and consequences 
more on that subject
- we see him frequently doing things and then immediately forgetting he did it or forgetting what was happening. he accidentally squishes the bug (which also was not malicious or intentional, he intended to pet it but just. went too hard) and has no understanding either that its dead, or that he killed it. she has gone flat and gooey for some unknown reason. that’s strange. she needs to go have a wash, that’s no way to be. 
he eats the jeremy fisher puppet at one point and then immediately goes “where have you gotten to??” 
he even briefly forgets hubert cumberdale’s name and immediately comes up with another one without realizing it, and then later goes back to hubert cumberdale again with no mention of barbara logan-price 
he refers to the same little yellow guy as “young child” and also Auntie Bainbridge later on. he keeps up the fantasy of... whatever the fuck yvonne was being his child for a pretty long time but then when he arrives at “auntie bainbridge” ‘s house he suddenly forgets why he’s there, and even apparently forgets what yvonne is and uses  ‘her’ as a window rag instead and never mentions it again (I also don’t think she was in the sandwich at the end either. it’s hard to see but the sandwich contents are vaguely brown and theres a visible lump in the black goo behind him. i like the idea that the lil yellow guy made the sandwich for him) 
salad fingers is constantly subconsciously adjusting his reality to fit Whatever Makes The Most Sense At The Time and does not consistently remember things (sometimes even major things. he remembers his puppets the most consistently and still even forgets hubert’s name) or have a concept of cause and effect 
i think he possibly has some sense of recognition, “I’ve seen this person before,” but doesn’t always remember Why he knows them, and his mind just automatically fills in the blank with whatever makes sense to him. he doesn’t remember who the yellow guy is, but knows he knows them Somehow, so, ah, of course, it must be auntie bainbridge out for her sunday stroll :) and he knows he’s there for a reason, but not what that reason was, so he decides it must be time to clean the windows 
- milford cubicle was already dead when salad fingers opens the door, but he has no idea that hes dead. this isn’t even a cause for concern. my, he must be tired, that’s all. he kept milford there until he rotted away, too, so there was never a point where he realized anything was wrong (until he became skeleton. more on That later too) 
- he finds a corpse buried in the yard and rather than confronting the confusing and alarming reality of that situation, why it must be kenneth, back from the great war! at no point does he understand kenneth is definitely dead
theory: kenneth vs glass brother
i think he really did have a brother named kenneth who probably died in the war. could be some subconscious connection between “recognizing” a corpse as his brother, but i dont think he realizes any of that. i think the glass family is probably a trauma based hallucination, but a... well, reflection. pun not exactly intended lmao. on how his real family was and how they treated him
i dont think glass brother is the same brother as kenneth, since salad fingers interacts with them completely differently 
kenneth is a corpse that salad fingers projects a personality on and speaks for, while glass brother seems independent and malicious toward him. i think he had a good relationship with kenneth (so, when salad fingers imagines that he’s here, it’s cause for celebration and he’s projecting onto something inert and “safe”) and also had another brother (who was probably his twin) who bullied him and acted violently, so when that trauma resurfaces, he hallucinates a vicious Other that he cannot control or speak for.
it also tracks that the abusive brother was his twin - he sees himself reflected in the mirror, and something in his own face reminds him of that lost brother until it “becomes” him
he refers to kenneth as his younger brother, and sees him as a being that does not look like him, while glass brother is literally his reflection, so it would make sense if he had one identical twin and one younger brother 
ive seen theories that he had a real sister named bordois too, but i think him calling the bug “little sister” was just. a term of endearment or one of his little odd language quirks, he seemed to be talking to it more like a pet than like a sibling 
theory: regarding mable
- ok people are saying salad fingers killed mable at the picnic but i Really Don’t Think He Did
we never see him acting out violently when he gets scared. he tends to try to escape situations that stress him out, he shrinks, he cries, he goes into his cupboard (which is. incredibly upsetting given the fact he was almost definitely abused by his family) 
he takes on a kind of Authoritative Tone often, he gets sort of ruffled up and disdainful toward things, but that’s not what he does when he’s scared
when he’s actually distressed (rather than irritated) he tends to break down and retreat. this includes when other independent beings act in ways that unsettle and upset him 
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so i dont know where the “he freaked out and killed her” idea is coming from. he suddenly goes from outside at the picnic to having a breakdown in his house so. he most likely just ran 
i think the Only time we see him act out violently is when he decides he has to punish marjory for not getting a haircut like he asked - he tears her hair out, but for me that scene was particularly concerning because it was so unlike him. that was an anger response, not a fear response, though, and he tends to be harsher toward things that he’s actually controlling (I don’t think we ever see him decide to Discipline something that was independent from him other than the horses, and he didnt hurt them) 
ordinarily when something irritates him he just goes “hmph! so distasteful. how rude. i shan’t have this behavior, you know” but doesn’t really actually do anything about it, and moves on
anyway we never see mable again so i think either he freaked out and ran away and she just didn’t come back, or he scared her and she ran away, or both 
there’s a dress visible briefly when salad fingers is making his Flesh Boy which could be mable’s (he did comment he liked it) but it’s not 100% clear, and that doesn’t necessarily mean he KILLED her for it. she could have changed into something else and left it somewhere and he found it. she could have died under unrelated circumstances, and salad fingers found her - he doesn’t comprehend death, so. probably he decided they’ve made amends now and she’s given him her dress as a token of friendship, or something 
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i dont think it really looks that significantly like hers but the fact that it stands out so distinctly from the rest of the Pile could mean something 
but i just feel like if he had killed her we would’ve seen her corpse again, he doesn’t have a concept of murder, or death at all, or consequences, and his memory doesn’t hold out that consistently, so if he killed her, he probably would have calmed down later and then forgotten what he did and came up with a new way to explain the corpse in front of him - oh, how rude of me, mable’s here dozing right off and i havent even offered her a blanket. let’s get you to bed
like, he probably would have dragged her home with him, with the intention of being a good friend/host to his guest, not understanding what happened. he kept milford cubicle around a really long time  
it wouldn’t be like him to have any concept of hiding the evidence
speaking of milford 
theory: regarding milford cubicle 
salad fingers keeps milford’s corpse around until it starts rotting, and then after a very confusing series of events, the corpse is suddenly a skeleton, which surprisingly alarms salad fingers considerably, and then he goes out to find a whole bunch of himselves eating various bits of gore. they give him a present, which is a hat very clearly made of milford’s skin 
my conclusion: salad fingers, in some kind of dissociative fugue state, skinned and ate the remains of milford cubicle himself and turned the remaining skin into a hat. he also saves some of it to make hubert cumberdale (the real boy) later as well, probably forgetting where it came from. he does not realize he’s done this or remember doing it, so his scrambled mind tries to make sense of it with other selves eating unknown flesh, and a lovely hat appearing (which he doesn’t seem to notice is made of flesh) 
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you can also see milford’s original name tag in the drawer later on when he’s building the flesh boy, so. he kept that after the mysterious disappearance of milford’s flesh, apparently. more evidence that that skin is probably also his
some other scattered thoughts regarding the most recent string of episodes and salad fingers’ mental state: 
ive been trying to figure out what the fuckhell happened with the yvonne incident and everything that happened in the birthday episode
im really concerned for salad fingers’ health and mental state, as it seems to be deteriorating 
some yvonne theories ive seen:
1. he ate the burned corpse of the kid who died in the oven, and it made him very sick, which ultimately resulted in a charred mass he couldn’t digest - he steadily gets worse, until his body finally ejects it (yvonne’s “birth”) and after that his health starts to recover again. since the oven incident happens really early on, all the times he mentions his stomach being upset after that until he becomes deathly ill would make sense, so i think this is plausible 
2. the hair he found in the cupboard was actually a parasitic worm that grew in his stomach after he ate it and became yvonne. i think this is Possible, it is a really strangely wormy looking hair, but it doesn’t move and he mentions stomach pains before this, so it seems less likely to me 
3. i also saw the concept that salad fingers is a trans man who suffered a miscarriage at some point in his past and yvonne represents that, and i can definitely see where the idea is coming from but i do think something really physically happened to him in the present time, i dont think it was all a trauma-based hallucination, since the yellow guy reacts to the black ooze and something was definitely making him severely ill 
so. i Don’t Know what the fuck that was about but i think the burnt corpse theory makes the most sense 
on that note: there’s a lot of cannibalism imagery in salad fingers 
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we have no IDEA where he’s getting food from. im pretty sure its been confirmed that he is Not a zombie, we see him bleed, pass out, sleep, etc so it seems like he must be a living person who has ordinary needs. but we see him eat... his own puppets. hairs. sand. the soup glass mother instructed him to make, which made him very sick. he has a working oven but doesn’t seem to have consistent access to water. he had a fish somehow but who knows where it came from. it’s very likely he doesn’t get food often and some of his hallucinations and mood swings could be caused by starvation (and when he does eat, it’s things that are outright inedible or probably not good for him) 
the burned corpse disappears and is never mentioned again (though salad fingers is very sick afterward). milford’s flesh disappears and salad fingers violently hallucinates multiple selves gorging themselves on unknown flesh
and what concerns me the most about that is that he loses a lot of time in that episode 
he passes out in the woods and when he wakes up, it looks like a shit ton of time has passed
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we don’t know how much is reality and how much is his warped perception, but it looks like a tree has grown and his physical condition has deteriorated 
he looks really, really unhealthy and haggard for the rest of the episode 
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i think he had a huge dissociative episode and lost possibly weeks of time, probably due to starvation, and he ate milford cubicle and very possibly other people as well 
so my question is. how often does this happen to him
and what happens to him during that state? does he become violent and dangerous without being aware of it when he returns to himself again? or has he just been ravenously scavenging corpses when he gets desperate enough? 
its possible dr papanak is another personality he has, one that’s “buried out in the woods” that he becomes when he’s in a really, really bad mental and physical state 
he looks much better in the next episode (though that’s also when he has his outburst with marjory. could be that he’s still staving off the violent urges/hasn’t fully come back to himself after the last incident) and I’m really hoping the fact that he was able to finally stand up to his family (at least in some sense) and smash the mirrors could mean he’s making steps toward recovery after whatever the hell all that was 
there’s not really much space to do anything with his life or get much help given the circumstances but watching him slowly losing himself even more is Awful :( 
i hope we get more episodes im so desperate for more information now 
lastly, some random observations 
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i tried to read this newspaper and it looks like it’s actually written in french, which is interesting given that salad fingers seems to be british (but fond of france, and seems to speak french or at least knows one phrase) 
i wonder where he got this, or whether it ever meant something significant to him
theres a lot of evidence that he can’t read (takes no notice of the “harry” nametag and immediately names him something else, “reads” a letter that is actually a newspaper clipping in another language he’s holding upside down, “writes” a letter that is just scribbles) so i dont think he learned his one french phrase from this or anything but, still. vaguely interesting. maybe he has been to france before and brought this back with him for some reason. maybe he’s actually in post apocalyptic france and was just originally from england. We Don’t Know 
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theres a weird little face in the. heater? whatever that is in the background for a second and i dont like it  
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salad fingers leaves horace in charge, but then sees him (as a live horse) in the woods, but then comes back to find him both still on the shelf (as a toy) and in the room (as a live horse, now with his, uh, surgery scars) but doesn’t seem to notice this and doesn’t comment on it 
i dont know what the hell that means other than possibly his reality is even less consistent and logical than usual/a reflection on his mental state deteriorating 
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blissfulparker · 4 years
In between the lines→Professor!Tom
Parings→professor!tom x reader
Summary→Your toms favorite student and wants to make you his TA. But what if the both of you also want a little more?
Warnings→CONTAINS SMUT!! so if you don't feel comfortable do not read. Teacher/student relationship, all characters are over 18!
A/n→ hi! so this is my first professor!tom fic, let me know how you guys like it! this is also one of my first fics where I go into detail with smut but not too much so like I said if you don't feel comfortable don't read! Let me know how you like it! also im extremely close to 8k thank you guys so much!!!!!
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(Not my gif!!)
The desk creaked under you. You shifted for what felt like the millionth time in your seat as you listened to your professor speak. You typed the notes on the board as you listened to the british accent that faded in and out with your day dreams. Mr. Holland wasn't like other professors you had, he was young, probably the youngest professor you've ever seen.
You remember on the first day of school how he asked the class to ask him questions to get to know him. A few girls who thought they were cute for asking, asked about his age and if he had a girlfriend. He only laughed along-but was most likely uncomfortable-and told the class how he didn't have a girlfriend but his age was a secret. How he could be 25 or could be 56. Everyone knew though knew he was extremely young, some even thought that he had to have some sort of affair with a teacher to get a job here at such a young age.
“(Y/n) are you still with us?” His fingers snapped and you came out of your daydream. About forty kids between the age of 18-23 were staring at you. Some girls in the back snickered as he referred to you as your first name, something he rarely did.
“Yes.” You choke out feeling too embarrassed.
“Good, started to worry I was boring you too death.” He jokes pacing back and forth. The students chuckle and you hide deeper in your chair. “I’d like at least one of my students to excel.” He comments with a playful smirk. Some still laugh the others stare at you in envy knowing your intelligence.
He continued with the lesson until the end of the class. Looking at the clock as if he too needed somewhere to be.
“Do we have any questions?” he asked the class, his hands clasped together as he looks around the room and even locks eyes with you at one point. His eyes were soft, gentle but slightly sexy. “No? I guess i'll see everyone on thursday then.” he smiled and everyone was quick to pack their bags and either go home, work, or to their next class. “Essays will be in by friday, if you have questions my inbox for emails is open!” although no one cared enough to listen to his words, even though it was important, everyone was far too focused on their weekend plans.
“Mrs.(y/l/n) if I can see you for a second please?” He pushed himself away from his desk and walked around it. Waiting until all the students left to speak to you. He watches as the door slammed shut from the last student.
“I-I’m sorry for zoning out.” If he was going to call you out for your little daydream then why hadn’t he called out anyone else? You could name the people who had zoned out during his lesson. You could name all the times too. 
He chuckles before picking up his pen and flicking through his papers to find yours. Your essay you submitted two weeks ago. A day early because you always feared something would glitch. It was emailed twice which Tom thought was cute. You had carried an extra copy in your bag Incase he’d lost the one you’d given him. You always came prepared.
The one that caught his eye, you were gorgeous of course. To him at least. You were beautiful. But you also had a Artistic way of writing that spoke to him. Yeah he’s had students here and there where he’s looked at their work and thought how incredible they’ll be in the future but he knew you were already going to be something else.
“That’s not why you’re here.” He licks his fingers as he grabs your paper from the stack. “But thank you for calling yourself out.” His eyes flick to yours and then back to the paper.
“Then why am I here?” You adjusted your strap. It was the first day of spring, the weather was blissful and so you wore a pencil skirt and a cardigan, one only half buttoned up and didn’t leave much to the imagination. He couldn’t—he didn’t want to imagine all the boys who’ve touched you. Promised to love you and failed. Kissed you like they were starving but nothing more.
“This essay is the hardest essay for me to assign besides the spring final.” He explains and you fiddle with your fingers out of nerves. “I hardly ever have anyone get a B. I’ll be honest I feel terrible for assigning it but I have to do it. I always tell my students that all of them tried hard and the grade they got isn’t a reflection on how good or bad they write. And I grade honestly, I do, I don’t cheat students out or anything. Three years ago I got a boy who got a 82%.” He taps on your essay and you’re still confused as to why he’s having you stand here. “You got a 94%.” He places your paper in front of you. You’re proud of yourself, yes, but you’re still confused as to what he wants, a celebration? You to thank him? What did he want?
“You had a spelling error that marked you two points, you had a few sentences that repeated themselves, and capitalization got messy at the end.” He watches you as you look over your paper. Looking at the notes he’s left and the marks. There wasn’t a lot, not a lot at all. Just eight pages filled with tiny notes in sloppy red pen and a few marks at the end.
“Thank you?” You told him. Proud of yourself on the inside, you didn’t know how to express it on the out.
“How did you do it?” He asked to get up and come around the front. Taking the paper back from you he looked for answers.
“What do you mean-“ you started and he cut you off.
“How did you get the A? How did you write your paper? You’re smart, extremely smart. So what is such a smart girl doing in my class?” He asked and you felt yourself heat up.
“Just wanted something easy I guess.” You swallow hard as he comes over to the front again and stands in front of you.
“Easy?” He chuckles. “My class is easy for you?” He takes it as a joke but you don’t see much of what’s funny.
“I guess.” You shrug. You signed up for his class fearing it would be the hardest and it was, you just worked really hard to get the grade you desired.
“Do you know what grade you have in this class?” he asked you and you balance yourself on his desk, his scent was strong. Ocean breeze mixed with something else. Maybe you just now understood why girls fell so hard for him. You now had the front row view of him and could see the pool of honey that made up his eyes, the freckles that danced across his face, how his bottom lip pouted out more when he spoke. How when he gripped the desk a vein popped out of his arm.
“A-a 89%.” you swallow hard and he hums. He was all too intimidating. He was all too much.
“You're my best student you know,” he spoke in a lower voice. “I wanna offer you to be my TA next semester. You'll need practice on your writing more and brush up your analyzing skills but nothing I can't teach you, nothing you don't already know.” his hand too close to yours on the desk. He almost caresses it, almost lets your fingers touch yours. but that makes him creepy, if you didn't want it like he did then that makes him disgusting.
“A TA position?” you asked shocked and he presses his lips together and nods. He has your knees weak, you're melting and he knows it. He knows what he's doing and you can't tell if he wants you as much as you want him.
“Yes,” he moves his hand away slowly from yours as he drags himself back to his chair. He looks up at you and you can see deep behind his soft honey eyes there is something more he wants than you to be his TA. “think about it. Let me know your thoughts and if you have any questions feel free to ask. My office and email are opened all the time so let me know.” he looks at the essay in your hand that you stole back from him and you drop it knowing you cannot keep it.
“Thank you.” you swallow hard once again and hopes he doesn't notice your shaking hands and nervous body. You know you're going to take it, spending more time with the hottest professor and making yourself look good for your future was an obvious yes. You just didn't want to say it immediately in front of him, you wanted to tease him like he did you.
It was 7pm. Mr. Holland had no class right now and his words of his office being open at any time ran through your head. You wore the same outfit as you did earlier in his class, you didn't know how much it drove him crazy but it did. Finding his office was easy, but having to knock on the door and speak to him was the hardest part. You press your ear against the door to hear typing. He was in there so that was promising, you could see a faint light through the glass and a blurry outline of his face as he wore his glasses and looked up at his computer.
Two knocks was all it took, your fist hitting the door twice was all it took to hear the gentle sound of his voice telling you to come in. your fingers wrapped around the golden door knob and let yourself in. the sound of his quick typing stopped as he looked up to see you. So shy and innocent looking at the frame of his door.
“(Y/N), its lovely to see you again.” he sat up more and you cleared your throat as you shut the door behind you.
“I wanna take your offer. A-About the TA position.”you told him strongly but that confidence faded at the end. he has a little smirk forming on his face as he lowers his laptop to give yoy his full attention.
“That was quick.” he pushes his seat out and stands up. “But im glad.” he adjusted the watch on his wrist as he leaned against the front part of his desk. He crossed his feet and the two of you just stared at each other across the room, not knowing what to say or do next. You set your bag at his door assuming you'd be here a little while longer.
“Guess you can help me grade a few essays, get your practice in now.” he moves back over to the other side of his desk and pulls his chair out for you. You walk carefully over to it and take a seat, feeling the leather sink as you sit and the feeling of being in his chair is empowering, the feeling of him standing behind you makes you feel somethings stronger.
“I want you to pick up that pen and mark mistakes you see. Leave notes in the margin if you must but if you're not comfortable with that leave it to me.” he takes a deep breath in and you do as you are told. He still stands behind you as you read the essay. There were spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes here and there, poorly written but you only could assume that the poor kid who wrote it was doing it last minute at midnight. Probably didn’t even have time to edit. His breath hoever is so close to your neck as he hovers over you, you can almost taste the mint gum he chewed.
“He repeated a sentence twice.” you trip over your own words. You turn to look at him and he's staring hard at you. His eyes burn onto your shoulder as it's exposed.
“Then mark it.” he instructs and you blink a few times and he reaches over you to grab the pen but for some reason you grab his forearm to stop him. He’s a lot stronger than you think, alot. He snaps his eyes to you and stops chewing the gum he's been chewing on since the moment you got here.
His jaw clenches and your brain is screaming to let go of his arm, but you can't. You simply cannot let go of his arm and part of you thinks he doesn't want you to let go. He inches closer to your face, feeling the air of your breath as he moves closer to your lips.
“Let go.” he fixates on your lips, how dewy they are from the gloss you wore and how he wanted to press his against yours. You looked down at his arm and felt yourself burn in his chair.
‘Mr. Holland-'' you start but his lips crash into yours, he moves his hand to your waist and you let go finally. They're soft, he knows what he's doing as he moves against your lips. He goes to move both hands to your waist and gets you on the desk. Pushing the messy papers to the side he places you on the desk now holding your face as he kisses you harder, like he's trying to take in every moment of this, trying to remember all of this.
He pushes your legs apart which gives him easy access up your skirt. His hands rub up and down your thighs as he gets closer and closer to your core. Already feeling the heat that radiates off.
You however, you work on his tie. Trying to pull it undone and he chuckles as he feels you struggling. how smart yet clueless you can be about some things
“Like this darling.” just like that he pulls it off and leaves it on the floor going back to kiss you again. Your hands starts on his hair, tugging the perfect curls loose from its gel hold. Although he finds your sweet spot, kissing your neck just below your ear. Hearing your soft moans make him tighten in his pants even more. He wants to rub himself but you are the focus, he wants to watch you cum for him, you melt in front of him. He wants to ruin you for any other boy that tries to do the same.
He hikes up your skirt, having it bunch around at your waist and seeing what you wore underneath only turns him on more. Baby Blue lace underwear that hugged your body just perfectly. His eyes wide in shock as you didn't wear any shorts under, no spandex, nothing. You walked around all day wearing the lacy blue thong and could have exposed yourself at any moment but you didn't. He thought about all the times you wore a skirt to his class, all the different color underwear you could have worn and all the times you've sat there so innocently.
But right now he didn't want to stare, he wanted to take you all in and make you feel good.
“Mr. H-” you start to address but he shakes his head.
“Just Tom, darling.” he kissed the corner of your mouth and proceeded to undo his pants to feel you around him. He starts to pull himself out when he realizes he doesn't have a condom or anything on him. It truly wasn't like him to be like this at work anyways.
“I’m on the pill,” you breathe out, so desperate, so needy. your heavy breath against Tom's shoulder made him shudder. You were begging to have him inside you, begging for his touch. “Just, just try and pull out.” You moved back to look at him and he nodded.
He slid in slowly, throwing his head back as your nails dug into his back. Resting your head against his shoulder as he gently kissed your head.
When the two of you were comfortable enough he started going faster, making you only need him more, trying not to be too loud because you didn’t know who was around. Trying to not think of how wrong it was to be fucking your professor. Was this why he wanted you as a TA? Why he addressed you by your name in class? Made eye contact with you in lessons? All this for now? Built up tension and being so touched starved for one another. Maybe it had been awhile since someone good came around, someone who knew what they were doing. He was good, better than good, he made you want more, you’d almost be upset if there wasn’t going to be more.
His sweet, soft, yet so dirty words helped push you to your own orgasm. Calling you ‘baby’ and reminding you how right you are as he thrusted into you. Rough but sweet. Maybe he would be more sweet in the future, but you wanted him to tear you apart.
“Tell me you're close.” He grunted into your ear, lifting up your face to kiss you. Your eyes hooded in euphoria and you can barely find the words to respond.
“I-I’m close.” You cry. “I’m so close!”
He felt so good you almost had tears running down your cheeks. You hold onto his waist, knowing you’re going to leave scratch marks and maybe a bit of the blue nail polish you wore that chipped away against his skin.
His hand went to your clit, helping you to your orgasm making you moan loud, as you loudly as you could into him. Making sure you were still somewhat quiet though, he shut you up with his lips. Muffled your moan with his hungry kisses.
He pulled out after you, jerking himself onto your thigh, you wanted to help but your body was too weak to respond, something so simple completely destroyed you. Maybe it was only fifteen minutes but he made it feel like an eternity.
Grabbing a tissue from his desk he cleaned you up. Helped you get down and get back dressed, Moving some of the baby hairs from the thin layer of sweat your forehead had.
He dressed had dressed himself back up too, placing back on his tie and running his fingers through his hair to calm some of the curls you tugged on too hard.
He notices you’re still in a daze and comes over to kiss you softly on the corner of your mouth. He was caring, really caring and you could see it. You could see a lot more of him now.
“You alright?” His breathing is still hard as he asks you. His eyes go to the water bottle on his desk and offers it to you. You take it and drink as if you’ve been in the hot summer sun for too long. He chuckles as he adjusts his tie back up seeing how thirsty you were.
“I’m go-great.” You tell him nodding your head. He raises his eyebrows and nods as well, moving papers back into their order reminding himself to clean the desk tomorrow.
“Good.” He gives a lazy smirk as he stops his fiddling and comes over to fix the sleeve on your shirt. “So you’ll be in class tomorrow, we’ll do a simple review and then start taking a look on the final exam-“ he was cut off by your kiss, so egear and soft he tries so hard not to smile into it.
“Easy there, Princess.” He pets your cheek before dropping his hand.
“Don’t talk to me about class when we just fucked on your desk.” You told him and he smirked and kissed again. But he knew it was getting late and a student being in a teachers office for too long would make people suspicious already. He wanted to keep what he had with you, only if you wanted that too.
“Didn’t want to make things awkward.” He told you and you scoffed.
“If I wanted things awkward I would’ve stopped you after our first kiss, not our first orgasm.” You told him and he grew a smirk.
“Oh so it was real.” He’s cocky and you hit his shoulder. He looks over at the clock and sees it’s nearly 8. “You should get going, it’s a little strange when a student is walking out of a teacher’s office late.” He warns you and you nod knowing it’s best. You could only imagine what would happen if you two got caught.
“Right.” You flatten out your skirt and walk over to the front to pick up your bag. He watches your every move, watches as you bend to pick up the bag, watches as you adjust the necklace on your neck. He watches every movement.
“Hey,” he stops you and you turn around. Part of you wants to stay and another part wants to go home and think about what the fuck just happened. “Don’t say anything about this. Not to anyone. Not to your roommates, best friends, no one. If we want to continue your position as a TA we’ll have to keep this quiet.” He told you with almost worry in his eyes and you bite down on your lip and nod.
“I’ll see you in class tomorrow?” You asked and he tapped his fingers on the desk. Nodding as he once again went to try and fix the hair that was messy.
“Of course.” He winks and you heat up again. “If you would like to meet in my office earlier to discuss the position for real then my doors are open.” He reminds you and you almost laugh in his face. That’s what you were supposed to do now but clearly things had a different path.
“I will keep that in mind, Tom.” You use his real name instead of professor. He’s the one that’s blushing under your words.
You open the door very small. Not giving much room to leave but once you’re out you quickly shut the door. Hearing it click and lock automatically as you left. The black paint of professor Holland stared back at you as once again you could see the faint light inside and him sitting at his desk. You turn on your heels, seeing how no one else is in the hall you make your way out. Making your way out was the easy part. But you didn’t know if seeing him again would be all as easy as you hoped.
☆Tagging some people!!! Lemme know if you wanna be tagged!!:
@thollandss @spectacularlyspidey @angelic-holland @tomsrebeleyebrow @joshuaparkers @quitetommy @quackeroos @amsterdam-parker @stealthspideys @honeymoonparker @screamholland
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