#i can't just ask why everyone's ignoring me
hii i was wondering if you could do logan with reader that owns a cat and the cat acts JUST LIKE HIM and he cant stand it until reader points it out. thank you!!!!
I loved this request! I have my own little cat, so I wanted this to be as well written as possible. I'm sorry it took so long to be posted. I hope you like it! If you do, please like, comment, and reblog! It really helps me with motivation to keep posting on here <3
This is my kitten rocket 🤭
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Logan was never afraid to meet anyone in your life. He had met your friends and family; he met your colleagues and even your old roommate, but for some reason, everyone is telling him he should be afraid to meet your cat.
Logan can remember every warning he got from the people in your life when they found out he hadn't met your cat yet. "Oh, that's her baby" "Oh he has brought a lot of joy into her life since she found him, he really is her number one" "That cat hates anyone that comes over-I swear it's crazy" "Her cat is just very territorial, very protective" "Make sure you wear shoes, he goes for the toes."
He scoffed at these warnings, it's still just a cat. He wanted your cat to like him, of course he did but he also wasn't afraid to meet the damn thing. He knew you loved you cat, that was your baby, and you took care of him more than you took care of yourself something Logan hated, but he didn't think it mattered what a cat thought of him.
You usually would stay at his place after a night out, but for the past few dates, you two went back to your place instead. It wasn't a big deal, but you were worried for how your cat would react to a strange man coming into his territory. "He just doesn't like people Lo', I don't want him to lash out at you." He could hear in your voice how worried you truly were, and he tried his best to reassure you that the cat and him would get along just fine.
He lied to you. Logan can't stand that fucking cat and that cat has it out for him too. The first night the cat didn't even come out of hiding, it completely broke your heart and Logan ended up leaving a bit earlier than planned because you were worried for your cat's wellbeing, as he was leaving he heard you cooing at the cat calling him your baby and your handsome man and though he'd never admit it aloud a twinge of jealous did echo through Logan's chest. The next night the cat did come out of hiding, just so he could attack Logan's legs. When Logan didn't kick him across the room like he wanted to you came and put the cat in your bedroom. "I am so sorry!! Are you okay??" You exclaimed while you closed the door to your room before trying to check on his scratches even though they healed before you could. He grumbled... sort of whined a bit too, and honestly, he was enjoying the attention, so maybe he milked the injury? Sue him.
What really pushed him over the edge was your cat literally pushing him over the edge. It was around 1 in the morning, and you had just fallen asleep. Logan was holding you in his arms and trying his best to fall asleep himself when the door to your bedroom creaked open. Logan, now fully awake, sits up, trying not to disturb you and is greeted with a sharp meow and sharp little claws to the stomach. "Mother fucker" Logan mumbled under his breath as he pushed the cat off of him, "why are you even in here?" he asked quietly so he wouldn't wake you but sharply enough to try and scare the cat away. The cat meowed louder than before as if he was arguing back and went to lay on your chest, purring as he curled himself into a ball. Logan was pissed but he tried to stay cool and just ignore the cat, then around 4 in the morning, Logan was awoken to his body meeting your bedroom floor. When he stood up, he looked at the bed and saw your fucking cat in his spot. "That's it." Logan had enough and grabbed a blanket before going to the couch.
You woke him up hours later, very confused as to why he was on the couch and was replaced by a cat in the middle of the night. "Baby?" You asked softly, handing him his cup of coffee, "don't. Just don't." He grumbles and sips his coffee, sending your cat a glare as he walks around smugged.
Logan refuses to lose against a damn cat!
It's just a stupid cat, not even 4 months old yet. So why was he letting its behavior get to him so much? Because it was your cat, and even if Logan wasn't ready to admit it yet he really did love you and for some reason you loved that asshole cat more than the world so for fuck sake that cat will like him even if it is the last thing he does in his very long life.
Honestly, it was truly ironic if Logan took the time to think about it. Your cat was a grump. He didn't want people around unless he allowed them to be around, and even then, he wanted his distance. But not when it came to you. When you were around, that cat was glued to you and had the loudest purr Logan had ever heard, and your cat really did get protective of you. It was something Logan had never seen before. Usually, cats don't care, but if you came home upset, the cat wouldn't settle down until you did, too. If he took the time to really think about it, maybe he could see the resemblance the cat shared with another grump you have allowed into your life that you loved more than the world.
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stxp1dsxmp · 2 days
plz call me Mel btw💕
OMMGGG MEL♡♡♡ HI AND WELCOME TO MY PAGE- but u are DEFINITELY onto something. I can't see him folding, but I CAN see him being EXTREMELY suggestive about it-
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𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠! 𝐴 𝑏𝑖𝑡 𝑠𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒, 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑠𝑜𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟, 𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶ℎ𝑢𝑢𝑦𝑎 𝑏𝑦 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑌𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑌 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑟, 𝑓𝑒𝑚!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝑎 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑏ℎ
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"Damn it, doll, I said I was sorry-" Chuuya had completely forgotten what this arguement was even about. All he remembered was coming home to a grumpy girlfriend before you started complaining to him about the last bit of your ice cream being eaten. How was that his fault? Not everyone can resist an amazing frozen treat, not even a port mafia executive with a god nestled inside of him.
You had noticed his lack of communication after the half-assed apology. Was he seriously zoning out now? That was your last straw. Normally, you were patient, but something about today had pissed you off more than usual, though when you came home craving something sweet to calm you down, it was gone. The last thing you needed was for Chuuya to ignore your complaints.
So with the last remaining tolerance you had, you marched right over to your boyfriend and snaked a finger around the sleek leather of his choker. You watched how his eyes widened as you brought him closer, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of victory at regaining his attention.
Unbeknownst to you, he was actually shocked by your sudden boldness. He couldn't help but feel a bit turned on by it. Honestly, he should be ashamed. Here you were complaining to him, and he was hot and bothered by the sight of it.
As you were about to argue to him a bit more, your plans were ruined by the sound of his husky voice. "If you're so upset about it, why don't I just give you something better?"
You were rendered speechless, taken aback by his suggestion. You didn't know which was worse, the fact that you considered it, or the fact he brought it up. Either way, you were scooped up in his arms, a victorious smirk on his lips as she brought you into the bedroom.
Arguing over ice cream, marking him as the culprit –even though he was, but he could easily buy more ice cream if you asked –, and then pulling him by his choker. You were definitely for an eventful night.
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nknoxe-n · 1 day
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Babydoll ​— ​🇩​​🇴​​🇲​​🇮​​🇳​​🇮​​🇨​ ​🇫​​🇮​​🇰​​🇪​
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Synopsis: They hear there are rumours of you two dating?
Warnings: [pre established friendship]
w.c 700
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Isagi Yoichi: He is initially shocked when he hears about the rumour, I mean who wouldn't be? He and his close friend, dating? He immediately clears the air because he doesn't want anyone to think he's going along with the rumour, and tries to be respectful about it either way. The rest of the day he's a bit of a mess though, did he do something to make people think that you two were dating? Was he coming off as a creepy friend? Isagi will approach you awkwardly later on, wanting to clarify things, but also secretly hoping to gauge your feelings. He'd be hoping for some clarity, even if it's just to clear up his own feelings.
Bachira Meguru: Bachira would find the rumour hilarious. He'd laugh it off initially, playfully teasing you about it. He'd start acting extra affectionate towards you, leaning into the fake dating rumour just to see how others would react. He'd constantly tease you by calling you cute nicknames in public or platonically holding your hand. Bachira would likely lean into the rumour just for fun, using it as an excuse to be more playful and close. "Since everyone thinks we're dating, we should act the part, right?" His teasing would have no genuine romantic interest, though, just because he doesn't want to risk your friendship.
Nagi Seishiro: He's not surprised one bit, he'll make a few comments on it to Reo kind of asking for advice without directly asking, believe it or not there was a long-winded rumour that he and Reo were dating so that's why he's not very fazed. "So, people think we're dating. What do you think about that?" He says it so casually that it catches you off guard. He wants to know how you feel about it of course, if it makes you uncomfortable he could always ask Reo to clear things up because he can't be bothered but if you don't mind it not much will change, and you might notice him sitting closer to you more often and sharing his sweets.
Chigiri Hyoma: He HATES baseless gossip or drama, he doesn't think you two have been acting like a couple at all, at least not enough for people to assume so. Chigiri loves to gossip, but something like this was tacky for his taste and not really his niche of drama. He would definitely sit down with you and have a private discussion, he expresses how the rumour annoys him, but he mainly wants to make sure you're okay (:
Kunigami Rensuke: Kunigami would deny the rumour without a doubt no matter when or where, not because he dislikes the idea of being with you, but because he likes what you two have and doesn't want you to feel weird in your friendship with him. He would be confused and slightly embarrassed by the rumour. Kunigami values honesty, like I said, so he’d be uncomfortable with people thinking he’s in a relationship when he’s not.
Itoshi Rin: He’d be colder towards you in public to try and kill the rumour, but this only makes people gossip more about how he's being 'tsundere.' Internally, though, he's conflicted and irritated with himself for even caring in the first place when he should be focused on soccer. Rin would ignore the rumour and act like it doesn't exist, hoping it will die down on its own. He'd continue treating you the same way, cold and blunt in front of others, but a bit softer when it's just the two of you. If you seem worried about it, he will begrudgingly tell you "don't worry about it, people are idiots"
Shidou Ryusei: Shidou would find the rumour amusing and wouldn't hesitate to stir the pot of gossip even more. "Oh? We're dating now? Why didn't you tell me, babe?" he'd say with a cheeky grin every single time someone asks. However, if he sees that the rumour genuinely bothers you, he'd surprisingly tone down his antics. Despite his erratic and chaotic personality, he doesn't actually want to make you uncomfortable. In a rare moment of seriousness, he’d ask if you’re okay with everything and, depending on your answer, decide how to proceed, but if you say it's fine expect him to buy into the rumours even more, he'd probably even end up jumping someone for you.
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scorching-earth · 2 days
Limbus characters as Yuu’s
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Spoilers for twisted wonderland, Spoilers for Limbus company. Please Limbus company is a free game. it may also be a gacha game, but it's a very free to play friendly game. 
I’ve only finished part 2 and a bit of part 3 of the game, and watched all the intro videos. so all of the Yuu’s are from canto 3 of the story. So only character development for Gregor and Rodion, a little of Sinclair as well. All of the characters use gender neutral pronouns and have the name Yuu. If anything is from the future canto, it is pure speculation on my part! And I will stress that each sinner is BASED off the office character. So each character may not be the same as the in-game sinners. That's intentional on my part so I can have more fun writing for them.
Trigger warnings: self deprecating thoughts, stalking, self harm, minor body horror, manipulation, family issues, the effects of war, swearing, mentions of criminal records, death.
Yi sang sinner #1:
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“...” “I’m not quiet, I just have nothing to say.” “what?” “A mirror bright me here, I’ve finally passed through the window I’ve only watched.”
Yuu is a very quiet person. not because they don't want to talk, they just don't have anything to say. So Yuu mostly listens to what other people say instead. When they do talk it can come as a surprise considering how they talk when they do.
Yuu’s weapon of choice is a dagger. The dagger is a weapon people use in secret. They hide the blade to quickly go in for the killing blow. It shows That Yuu doesn't want to stand out either with its small size. Yuu’s weapon is black in color and has no stand out features on it. Yuu’s weapon wasn't found out for a long time for how easy it was to conceal. 
Yuu’s poetics. When Yuu does talk you can hear them wax poetics, saying some of the most thought provoking sentences possible. Yuu will sometimes just say some flowery language relating to the subject of conversation. After they say something people tend to quiet down since it gets awkward after Yuu says something
Ace and Deuce’s relationship: the two drag Yuu around. Ace tried to pull Yuu into all sorts of trouble with him. All in attempts to get Yuu to do something other than sit around, and think the whole day. Deuce tried to keep Yuu out of the trouble Ace pulled them into. So it's a consistent tug of war situation with Yuu being in all sorts of trouble to them being in none. 
Favorite students: Ace, Deuce, Malleus. Ace and Deuce since Yuu does appreciate them being around Yuu. Malleus because it’s fun to listen to him talk about Gargoyles.
Least favorite students: You wax poetics ONCE to ONE person, and now you have a stalker. Yup Yuu’s least favorite student is one Rook hunt. Yuu can often find Rook quickly. When found out Rook will leave to go watch someone else, or the one Yuu hates more. Rook will jump down from his hiding spot, and try to chat up Yuu. Yuu HATES this, why can't Rook just take the hint that Yuu not interested in talking poetics.
Faust sinner #2:
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“You're not very smart are you?” “don't worry, Yuu Knows everything.” “all as I predicted.” “I am Yuu and I am the smartest person in this world.” 
Yuu’s had an almost supernatural knowledge. Yuu claims to know all, and has yet to be disproved. Ace even asked Yuu what color his underwear was… Ace still hasn't recovered from the embarrassment of that moment. Yet Yuu’s intelligence is very ignored by everyone after that incident. Since no one else wants to face the same embarrassment if they ask the wrong question
Yuu’s weapon of choice is a Zweihander. A long two handed double edged sword. Yuu’s is special since it has two guards, one of the two is under there first hand and has a skull on it. The other is where you'd expect it under the blade and over the grip. This weapon shows off Yuu’s confidence in their own skills. Yuu also sometimes uses their weapon with one hand. Showing off how strong Yuu actually is. Yuu’s skills with their weapon are top notch, so Yuu isn't just a brain but has brawn to back them up. 
Yuu is very egotistical. Ofton stating that they are “the smartest.” Several students dislike this, counting Yuu as an arrogant prick. These students tend to not know how smart Yuu actually is. Yuu doesn't bother correcting them. Since Yuu is smart enough to know it’s not worth the effort. Still some of Yuu’s own friends do find it annoying sometimes how superior Yuu thinks of themself sometimes. 
Ace and Deuce’s relationship. Mother and their dumbass sons. Yuu pulls Ace and Deuce out of trouble and scolds them. It was humiliating at first, but the two ended up getting used to it. Yuu scolds Ace the most, since Ace gets into a lot of trouble. Deuce gets less scolding from Yuu, not to say he doesn't get any. Since Deuce gets into plenty of trouble by himself. Yet every time one of these two troublemakers get into trouble you know Yuu’s soon to follow.
Favorite students: it would be a shock to many saying Yuu’s favorit students are Sebek Zigvolt, and Lilia Vanrouge. The first of these two shocks are Sebek Zigvolt, why would Sebek associate himself with a Human who’s too full of themself. Well after challenging Yuu to a sword duel, and even with others trying to stop this from happening Yuu accepted. Sebek was confident he would win. Only to be shocked when Yuu had him on the floor after thirty seconds. After that Sebek demanded Yuu teach him. Yuu agreed to Sebek’s request, and the two became friends. Yuu came to value Sebek’s companion ship. As did Zigvolt with Yuu’s friendship
The second Lilia Vanrouge, yes that Lilia Vanrouge. So Yuu is strange, so strange in fact that Lilia had picked up on this all the way back in the entrance carmony. Lilia had kept an eye on Yuu after that, anytime Yuu passed him Lilia’s eyes would just linger on Yuu for a second longer than normal. Yuu knew this, after all Yuu knows all. So Yuu had confronted Lilia about this as early as book 2. Asking If Lilia had any questions for them. Lilia did, and got answers for every single one. All in detail, horrible detail, Lilia had chosen to make Yuu’s stay at Night Raven as enjoyable as possible from that moment onwards.
Least favorite students: Yuu diskles Floyd, he’s hard to be around since he’ll just roll his eyes as Yuu scolds him for any wrong doing he’s done, and will to Yuu’s face complain about how Yuu naggs him too much. That's not stating how he’s just unlikeable to be around. Yuu knows how self serving the students are, yet at least the others have tact. Floyed just throws a tantrum when things don't go his way. These things just make Yuu avoid the second Tweel since he’s just a hassle to deal with.
Don Quixote sinner #3:
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“I Don Quixote am a just and noble…. Fixer!” “unjust? Worry not! I, Don Quixote will fix this!” “Someone broke a rule? Worry not, I'll punish them!” “... what do you mean I’m too violent?” 
Yuu wants to be a fixer. Not a knight, a FIXER F I X E R! A fixer is a noble profession (to Yuu). There are champions of justice who help the downtrodden (once more Yuu that's not true).I digress though, Yuu loves talking about fixers. The red mist, the purple drop, the black silence, and the red gaze. All the fixers! Not just the colored ones, the colored ones are the fixers Yuu talks about the most though. Students are sick of Yuu’s ramblings.
Yuu’s weapon of choice is a lance. One that towers over Yuu, it’s a wonder how they hid it for so long. The size is actually nearly twice Yuu’s size. It shows just how strong Yuu really is. Yuu also swings it around with more finesse than expected. Some students wonder what would happen if they used a normal sized weapon. Sebek knows he demanded Yuu use a normal sword for there dule. Sebek’s ego still hasn't recovered. Yuu’s weapon shows confidence, fitness, as well as speed. A lance is a weapon normally used when horseback riding. Knights used it a lot as well.
Yuu’s sense of Justice is skewed. Yuu is a hero of justice for the downtrodden and powerless. Yet Yuu’s sense of right and wrong is all messed up. They Are willing to jump to violence very easily, if not that then straight up murder. Yuu’s “justice” can be manipulated as well. Ace does this a lot, pretending to be powerless sometimes to get Yuu on his side.
Ace and Deuce’s relationship. Ace, as said previously. tends to manipulate Yuu in order to help himself. Ace does care about Yuu, yet recognizes that Yuu is very capable, and can stick up for both of them. Most of the first chapter is Ace realizing how easy it is to manipulate Yuu, and does take advantage of this. Ace will pull back when something he thinks Yuu can't handle whatever Ace got into. So it’s a “I’m the only one allowed to take advantage of Yuu.” situation. Deuce on the other hand pulls Yuu out of trouble. You see, Yuu makes plenty of trouble for themself even without Ace’s help. So the role of responsible one is taken up by Deuce, something totally new to Deuce. Yet this new experience shows him just how much his mother went through raising him, so Deuce is ok with this. It lets him relate a bit more with his mom.
Favorite students: Yuu likes Kalim, his parties are cool and he is super fun to be around. He’s also one of the few students who listen to Yuu talk about fixers without complaining. Making him one of the few students to know how COOL fixers actually are. The only other student who listens to Yuu talk about fixers is Idia! Yuu talks exclusively about Fixers, so Yuu’s world sounds like a shonen anime to Idia. also seeing Yuu fight, Idia is convince Yuu is form a shonen anime.
least favorite student: Riddle WAS the student Yuu hated the most in the beginning for using his power to lord over people, it’s changed after you know Riddle’s character development. Yet I’m sorry to say this, while the two are good friends. And Yuu knows their internal distaste is wrong. Malleus, you can't use your power when something doesn't go your way. Using your power to force what you want on other people is wrong. Malleus has no clue but if he were to use his power, once again (see chapter 7) to force his ideas on another less powerful person. Yuu would be the first to stand up to him.
Ryōshū sinner #4
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“What is it now?” “*sigh* stop bothering me OIWKY.” “You're all pathetic to look at.” “geez you do you really need me to do everything for you?”
Yuu is an ungovernable person. You can't tell Yuu to not beat that guy up. It’s like asking a fish to start breathing air. It can't happen. The only reason why Yuu isn't sitting on a mountain of corpses is because they dont kill kids. It doesn't stop them from threatening it, when bothered too much. Crowley walks on a tightrope every time the two talk, and Crowley walks it like he’s in the circus. Ace and Deuce are the only two people who KNOW that Yuu isn't joking. After all they were there when Yuu killed the blot monster. 
Yuu’s weapon of choice is an ōdachi. It’s a long sword that was used by strong samurai. It can be a work of art in the hands of the right swordsman. Yuu is one such person who wields the ōdachi with such grace. It’s almost mesmerizing to watch. So Yuu’s weapon fits Yuu perfectly since it falls in line with what they think is art.
Yuu speaks in abbreviations. Something several other students do, except for Yuu it isn't something as silly as social media that started this… if you were to ask Yuu about it they would in all honesty tell you to screw off. they just do, and only a few students understand what they are saying. So better go ask them to translate for you then get your head cut off
Ace and Deuce’s relationship. Terrified children trying to keep Yuu from killing someone. Ace and deuce have to hold Yuu back. Ace wonders how Yuu become so murderous like how does someone see death as an artform in the first place? Deuce sees his time as a delinquent in a different light now. Because at least he wasn't KILLING PEOPLE. Deuce can look fondly at his past memories. See that he had friends and a community around him. since you know it took an actual murderer to show him that while he was flawed at least he was human, and not killing people.
Favorite student: Yuu thinks it nice to have Cater around, since Cater translates Yuu’s abbreviations for them. “Yuu please don't kill us sorry for bothering you!” Yuu loves messing with Cater. Sometimes killing his clones since there the closest thing Yuu can kill to human, Yuu makes sure to ask if a clone is a clone. Reminder Yuu doesn't want to kill the real Cater, but killing his clones is just fine. Cater is everything Yuu need in this soft mushy world to keep their skills sharp. Cater has taken up the practice of sword fighting as well, to try and define himself from Yuu. Yuu sees cater as the only positive in this school, and cater sees Yuu as a horror movie monster.
least favorite students: Yuu hates a lot of students. Rook is creepy and Vil is too self centerd for Yuu’s liking. Leona requires Yuu to threaten his life before doing anything for Yuu, since Leona is an adult he is on thin ice just like Crowley! Idia why don't you come out of your room? Is it because of the scary sword person? Well all they want is to get to know you, yet you turn them down every time they ask. Lillia is no fun, always serious and keeping an eye on Yuu. the look on his face when Yuu told him about how they’ve already died was priceless though.
Meursault sinner #5
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“It's not mine.” “Do you have business with me?” “I have no orders to help you.” “I don't understand why you're so mad at me.”
Yuu is emotionally distant. Yuu doesn't express feelings well. They rarely ever talk about themself or talk to others. Yuu doesn't understand other people's feelings either. It makes Yuu a bit socially isolated since they don't talk unless spoken to. Ace and Deuce have to introduce Yuu everytime the two have started to make a game out of it. Whoever can give the better introduction will talk for yuu. Right Yuu doesn't talk unless they are told to talk. 
Yuu’s weapon of choice is a pair of gauntlets. Gauntlets show strength and confidence in one’s own ability to fight in hand to hand combat. Yuu themself is well built and is extremely strong. It also shows how Yuu is willing to take things into their own hands when ordered to. Being in the frontlines shows how Yuu is someone who is willing to protect people. 
Yuu doesn't do anything there not ordered to. Since Crowley had employed Yuu in the prologue. Crowley actually never stopped paying Yuu, since it means that Yuu is willing to do almost anything Crowley asks them. So for every book Yuu was very willing to do all the things Crowley asked him to. Meaning that book 4 almost never happened. If it wasn't for Jamil’s magic Yuu would have never even cooked with the students of scarabia dorm. This also means that Yuu doesn't engage with conversion unless told to by Crowly, and has to be dragged into conversation by Ace and Deuce. 
Ace and Deuce’s relationship. These two are single handedly carrying Yuu’s friendships and social image. The two even made a magicam account for Yuu in an attempt to bolster Yuu’s social reputation. Yuu have a small detected following form this. Ace is the one who comes up with most of the ideas in this duo. Though the magicam account was Cater’s idea. Everything else is made up by Ace. Deuce on the other hand is the support of these operations. Deuce makes Ace’s ideas happen. The two have been frustrated by Yuu’s apathy towards everything that isn't there orders. Sometimes it feels like teaching a brick wall how to feel. Other the two can look back and see how far Yuu has come.
Favorite students: after crowley order Yuu to tell him who his favorite student was Yuu told Crowley that it was Jamil. Him and Jamil have similar jobs in concept so Yuu thinks that he respect Jamil, Yuu just doesn't understand were his contempt towards Kailm comes from. Since Kailm is Jamil’s employer. Sebek had Yuu’s respect as well. Since Sebek works hard and does anything he’s asked to by Malleus and Lilia 
least favorite students: has to be Sliver and Ruggie. Sliver to Yuu is just not respected. He knows his sleeping habits aren't because sliver wants to, yet still Yuu can't overlook them. Yuu had found sliver sleeping in a hallway before. Yuu doesn't even try to wake him up since Yuu wasn't ordered to. Ruggie just isn't Yuu’s kind of person, Ruggle does what he’s told yet doesn't do it to his best ability. So Yuu doesn't respect Ruggie either. 
Hong Lu sinner #6
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“Oh! Is this some sort of fashion statement?” “Help you, sure!” “hm that glass reminds me of one I used to use… what did i say something odd?”
Rich boy sindrom. Yuu doesn't understand half the things around them. Yuu can get dressed in the morning, unlike another rich boy we know. And he can do a lot of basic tasks other rich people struggle with. Yuu isn't helpless, it’s just Yuu doesn’t understand what it’s like to be poor. Sometimes Yuu makes insensitive remarks. Asking if holes in clothing is a fashion statement when someone doesn't have enough money to buy a new uniform. So Yuu has gained some ire from the less fortunate students.
Yuu’s weapon of choice is a long guandao. The guandao is a polearm used in some chinese martial arts. This shows that Yuu has been trained in using this form of martial arts. It shows that Yuu has more finesse than the normal comabant. Yuu is a mid rage fighter, a guandao's shaft can be 3 to 5 feet in length. Showing that Yuu is normally a protected fighter.
Yuu is very adept at reading people. Yes I know how weird it sounds, but Yuu’s family look to stab each other in the back at any turn possible inorder to keep their wealth. Yuu merely learned how to keep themself safe from such family members. So Yuu knew Jamil had no good will towards Kalim the moment book four started. 
Ace and Deuce’s relationship. These two are a lot like how they are in the game, just two friends to admittedly a more air headed and oblivious Yuu. Yet Ace and Deuce are just Yuu good friends. The two sometimes have to talk down students who are about to hit Yuu for their insensitive remarks. Yet their friendship is mostly the same as before.
Favorite student: Kailm by a long shot. The two can relate to each other better. They can share their struggles. It’s unfortunate for Yuu that Kailm doesn't share Yuu’s struggles for power amidst their family, yet the two get along so well. And share so many more struggles. 
least favorite student: hm Yuu doesn't hate anyone too much, but Jamil and him just can't get along. Jamil’s backstabbing nature just doesn't sit well with Yuu, so while Yuu and Kalim are together Jamil receives several side eyes. Nothing outright, but Jamill knows about Yuu distrust towards him.
Heathcliff sinner #7
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“The hell you want?” “you say shit like that again to me I’m going to crack your skull open.” “I’m fine just leave me alone!” “I will see you again.”
Yuu has anger issues. Like if you say even the slightest of snarky lines be prepared to brawl since Yuu will NOT take any of that. Most of their students hold their tongues when around Yuu. especially the overblot victims. Since those guys got to experience Yuu’s wrath themselves. Yet when someone slips uo Yuu is ready and waiting to get in a brawl. Yuu nearly killed another student.
Yuu’s weapon of choice is a bat. A bat with the word revenge written in big white letters. The bat is normally used for baseball. A pass time that families use to get closer and build bonds. Something Yuu never got to do. If there was any indicator. So Yuu twisted this tool for sports into a weapon. Using it to enact their revenge. Using the blunt weapon to splatter brains across the floor.
Yuu isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. They struggle with even going to classes, often skipping. The other students try to help. Yet it just doesn't work. Yuu has resigned themself to being a dumbass. Not like they have anything else other than their anger. Their hatred burns bright and that's all that they need. They don't need to be smart if they can just smash all their problems. 
Ace and Deuce’s relationship. children trying to keep Yuu from killing another student. Except it's a bit different. Unlike sinner 4 this Yuu is a lot easier to stop. Since Yuu is more like a wild beast instead of a practiced killer. Ace has a hard time stopping Yuu. he was the first person to insult Yuu, and the first person to receive Yuu’s death glare. Deuce on the other hand, could stop Yuu single handedly. Deuce hates to admit it but he sees a bit of his past self in Yuu. Yuu talked to Deuce. Admitting that they know that they are not a good person. Knowing that their wrath has, and will continue to hurt people. Deuce tried to rebuke this. Saying that if Yuu just tried-. Yuu stopped him there. There was no use in trying, not after they lost the one person who saw good in them.
Favorite students: shocker here Vil. Yah Yuu will call Vil a pompous douche. Yet at the end of the day Vil has decided to at least try to help Yuu in Vil’s own way. Trying to take care and keep Yuu’s skin clean. It’s not lost on Yuu. Yuu hasn't had someone put this much time into them since- Yuu stopped that train of thought. Vil does complain about Yuu’s scars. Something that does get on Yuu’s nerves. You try living in the city for a day, scars are the least of Yuu’s worries. Also talking to Epel helps Yuu. Epel looks up to Yuu because Yuu just so freakin strong! Yuu has thought about telling Epel that it wasn't just training that makes him strong… It was body augmentation as well. Also Epel is shocked how complacent Yuu is with Vil’s torchouse routine.
least favorite students: leona and Yuu in a room is a recipe for disaster. Each one keeps fighting for the “top dog” spot. (yes I get the ironicism of that statement.) yet these two just CAN'T get along. Yuu hates that “above everyone else” attitude Leona has. Leona just hates Yuu for everything. So you lost something so what Leona has lost more. don't tell leona about Yuu’s ring. He’ll realize near immediately that Yuu did lose something way more important than anything leona’s lost. Ruggie isn't safe either. Ruggie is more rat than hyena to Yuu. That damm rat keeps taking Leona’s side in everything! Yuu has nearly beat Ruggie over this. 
Ishmal sinner #8
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“How could two people be so dumb.” “hey hey hey! Don't go getting into trouble now!” “It's like herding fish in the sea.” “Let's not talk about my past please.”
Yuu is a very sensible person. Taking and following rules. Yet knows when rules need to be broken. Since this world has so many more rules then there old one. It is a wonder how they reel both Ace and deuce in. Riddle has half a mind to tell the two to act more like Yuu. Yet Riddle has seen some of the stuff that makes him question things about Yuu themself.
Yuu’s weapon is a mace and shield. The shield, a weapon for the defensive and closed off. A shield is more protection than a weapon, especially Yuu's. It's completely round so there's no sharp edges to stab people with. (yes this was how shields were intended to be used as both weapon and protection.) It's an extra layer of protection that yuu gets while in the front lines. Yuu does sometimes bash people with their shield though. Yuu’s second weapon is a Kalich mace. The Kalich mace is a very blunt weapon since there are no points to this mace. It shows how brutal Yuu can be, caving in a skull is very easy with a weapon like this. The mace is a close range weapon. Showing how Yuu’s shield mace combo is very effective in close combat.
Yuu is very secretive about their past. Withholding any and all details they can. There are only a handful of things the students have gathered. Yuu was out at sea for most of their life. Yuu clearly has some sort of trauma from back then since they never talk about their time out at sea freely. The last, and exclusive to Octavinelle Dorm. Yuu was a part of a crew, so not the captain. Searching for something called the white whale. Octavinelle has kept this information close to their chest. Since they know it's something only they have.
Ace and Deuce’s relationship. Ah yes Yuu pulls Ace and Deuce out of all of their bs once more. Not much more to say other like hong lu their relationship is very similar to how it is in game. With the exception of sometimes other students think Yuu and Ace are siblings with them both being red heads.
Favorite students: Riddle after book 1 is Yuu’s favorite. The two get along just fine. Yuu is the more relaxed on rules since they are willing to break them if it’s for the greater good, opposed to Riddle’s stricter compliance to them. Yet they two can settle their differences and have tea together. Though Riddle dose wince when Yuu scolds someone. There's a lot of pent up anger that Yuu holds, and Riddle can see it since he was Like yuu once.
least favorite students: the Octavinelle three. Those three fish folk keep prying into Yuu’s past and life. Those there even used magic agenst Yuu in order to pry more information from their lips. You can't blame them! Yuu is like the closest Humans normally get to the sea. Just what is it like to be looking down seeing the merfolk? They only get informatoms that hurts their relationship with Yuu though. 
Rodion sinner #9
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“Hm sure I’ll do it, as long as I get paid.” “Grim dear, you can't be serious, that was on the ground.” “hm need something there?” “I got paid, let's have a feast!”
Yuu will do a lot if paid. Like the only way Crowley was able to get them to do anything is to pay Yuu. even in book 3 when Crowley threatened Yuu with cutting their food budget Yuu just laughed. Since Yuu used to live in extreme poverty, neighbors would drop dead because of hunger everyday. Crowly could cut their budget all he’d like. Yuu knows exactly how to survive with little to no food. If money isn't involved Yuu can be described as lazy not putting effort into anything 
Yuu’s weapon of choice is a battle axe. A versatile weapon that can be used with one or two hands. You can throw axes, you can swing axes. Yuu weapons can even be used as a tool. Such a versatile weapon when in the right, and special hands can turn tides for battle. Unfortunately Yuu isn't special.
Yuu is a laid back person. Their laid back personality makes them very easy to get along with. Yuu tends to talk about food as well. When they do get paid by Crowley they tend to splurge on good food, inviting people over when they do. There's a secret to why Yuu is so laid back. Yuu doesn't care about others' opinions. In Yuu’s own words “I just think. I’m the absolute best and whatever other people think is shit!”
Ace and Deuce’s relationship. These two are best friends with Yuu! Though both get teased to absolute hell and back by Yuu. with Yuu calling them dear or darling (platonically) the two sometimes get embarrassed by this little habit. Like in completely normal conversation Yuu will just drop: “Ace dear that can't be healthy.” or “Deuce dear I don't think that will work.”. Yet the three are inseparable. Ace and Deuce actually don't want Yuu to go home. Wherever Yuu talks about there “home” it’s always full of misery and suffering.
Favorite students: other than Ace and Deuce. Ruggie is often seen around Yuu. Ruggie and Yuu know the pain of poverty. There are three people you’ll find at Yuu’s food parties and they are Ace, Deuce, and Ruggie. Ruggie is also on the bandwagon of Keep Yuu in twisted wonderland. Ruggie if he has extra leftovers, and is not going home anytime soon he will give them to Yuu. The two talk about their pasts, Ruggie was flabbergasted when Yuu told him that they killed the tax collector who was sapping their community of their money. Then they told him about how that wasn't the end and the story didn't have a good ending. Ruggie said he didn't want to hear more, so that Yuu can have a happy ending at least in his eyes. 
least favorite students: rich boys. Yes, any of the rich boys. Look Yuu doesn't have anything against rich people… ok they dont love rich people. But you know Yuu has worked with a rich boy. But these guys. They take everything for granted. Leona is the worst offender. All he does is complain. Who cares if you're second. Yuu was never in the running. Yuu never had a chance Yuu had to take their fate in their own hands and look where it got them! 
extra: Yuu’s gambling habit. Yuu has a habit of gambling the money they earn as well. Wherever is left after their dinner parties. So Yuu’s savings don’t last long. 
Sinclair sinner #10
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“Uh don't say that please.” “why don't we all just calm down.” “Please stop fighting, it will get us nowhere!” “uh you stupid fuckin basterd, I should have let you die a long time ago!”
Yuu is incredibly shy and timid. Yuu can be extremely adverse to confrontation as well. They have a hard time standing up for themself as well. Many students take advantage of their timid nature. You can sometimes see Yuu getting drinks for a student who intimidated them. Crowley has Yuu worked to the bone as well. They just can't catch a break.
Yuu’s weapon of choice is a halberd. A polearm so we have another mid rager. It's evidence of their timid nature. So it’s natural that Yuu is not in the front line. But don't let that fool you. Yuu has a lot of strength. So much so they have actually thrown bigger people with their weapon before. They’ve been underestimated one too many times.
Yuu when at their breaking point will spout the most foul words possible. The first time it happened shocked so many people, and We're not just talking about calling someone a swear word once. Yuu makes a whole string of them work perfectly together. You have to blink before realizing what you've been called. Yuu will also say it with the most pissed face if you get them to their breaking point.
Ace and Deuce’s relationship. These two have to stand up for Yuu. yet when the two ask why Yuu doesn't stand up for themself they just brush it off. “I just don't like the looks they give me.” or “it’s hard to say no.” yet after seeing Yuu after their breaking point. The two understand as to why. Yuu admits they cave to peer pressure too easily. So the two take it on themself to help Yuu. Deuce actually dips into his delinquent past to help Yuu. teaching Yuu how to look tougher and how to ignore others commnet. Ace helps with getting Yuu some thicker skin. You can't let words get to you. So Ace will be there to give backhanded comments. What do you mean it isn't helpful? Yah after a while Yuu kinda blew up at Ace. so Ace realized that Yuu didn't like his help very much. The two do truly care for Yuu though.
Favorite students: Idia and Yuu are too similar in some aspects. Both come from rich families that get money from technology. and lost family members…. Ok so Yuu lost their entire family but pont still stands Yuu and idia understand the pain of losing family. Both have guilt way down on them thinking that they were the reason that their families were dead. Idia sometimes think Yuu is a little too relatable sometimes. 
least favorite students: Sebek. Yuu generally doesn't get how someone can be so loud, dedicated to someone, And how annoying… Yuu could list off many reasons. Yuu has one of the shortest fuses with this guy around. He demands respect while not earning any. Ugh! Yuu has blown up at him more than once, and each time leaves Sebek stunned on how creative Yuu uses those swear words. The two just don't get along, leaving the two alone will start a fight between them for one reason or another.
Outis sinner #11
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“Don't start slacking now!” “I have no respect for any of you, I only respect the executive manager.” “you all really can't do anything without me.” “scoring high on the test wasn't my goal, though it looks like I did well.”
Yuu has no respect for anyone, but who they call “executive manager Dante.”. Yuu almost acts as a drill sergeant when around other people yelling out their mistakes. When people do challenge Yuu. Yuu somehow miraculously is able to do the thing. Yet since this world has a lot of things Yuu can't do Yuu doesn't know how to do Yuu tends to miss some things themself. you can expect if you're doing something wrong, that can be feasibly done by a normal person Yuu will be watching over your shoulder. 
Yuu’s weapon of choice is a kopis. It's a less common weapon. It can be described as a curved blade. While being perfect for hacking and dismemberment Yuu uses the weapon to pearce. Yuu has the know-how, and skill to use it this way. Yuu’s movements are precise and have no openings. You could consider Yuu a true warrior watching them fight, but Yuu would only claim. “This is normal to live, you must know how to fight properly.
Yuu is a wealth of battle tactics. Ofton taking charge of combat and telling other students how to act. There was one barking out orders at the students. Several students hate this. All to make it worse they're fighting in the front. So they are in the most danger. Yuu has even died once because of others incompetence, how they came back is still a mystery to others.
Ace and Deuce’s relationship: Ace and Deuce get yelled at by Yuu way too often. Yuu clearly has high standards. Yet Ace and Deuce were the first two people to see the cracks in Yuus persona. Deuce once made the mistake of asking about Yuu’s world. Deuce then informed Ace about it. The two  understood why Yuu’s always so serious. You see when Yuu died Ace and Deuce were in so much grief. Yuu should have had time to relax in this world, not die! Their world was so hard on them so why did they have to die here? The two hugged Yuu when they came back. 
Favorite students: Lilia, by a long shot Lilia. The former general is the only one who understands what Yuu acts the way they do. It took him taking care of silver to soften up, this “manger Dante” could be the key to making Yuu more friendly. So Lilia is patient with Yuu. even when he’s being yelled at for some slight error he nods and goes along with the scolding. After words he asks if you can show him how they do it. It's all about making Yuu feel comfortable. Yuu dying shook him. He was the first person to get to them. Yuu was never meant to die here. Yuu was meant to become a normal person, that's what Lilia was trying to accomplish. He saw too much of his past self in them. After they came back Lilia started to walk on eggshells around them, Yuu had to be on edge. Lilia’s past self would be. Yet when nothing seemingly changed it made Lilia think about why that would happen. Soon he learns about Yuu world, Lilia wants to keep helping Yuu.
least favorite students: Idia, oh boy Idia has been yelled at too many times to count. Yuu Yells at him in his nightmares. Normally he doesn't care much about nobodies, but Yuu is scary. They have skill, talent and came back from the dead! No one's meant to come back from the dead! So Idia cowers in his room locking doors the moment he gets any sign that Yuu is coming to his room.
Gregor sinner #12
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“I know you're looking at my arm, just ask already.” “Rude, just because I'm different doesn't mean you can spout that shit off.” “Come on, why so serious all the time? Take it easy once in a while.”
Yuu is a unserious joker. they tend to brush things off that others would hold grudges for. Often cracking jokes here and there. they don't want others to have to worry so much about everything. After what happened to them these kids have a better future for themselves. So they're here to be a friend to talk to with troubles.
Yuu’s weapon of choice is their bug arm. Yuu’s weapon is a part of them. It wasn't even Yuu’s choice to have it. It was forced on them! Even so they have it don't they? Might as well use it. Whenever asked about it Yuu just says “one day my arm had changed”. Yuu is very proficient with it. Yet since it’s a part of their body Yuu has to fight in the front line, nothing new about any of it anyways.
Yuu gets a lot of hate for their arm. Look Yuu could only conceal it for so long. It would spread like wildfire since Yuu has a “creepy bug arm”. Yuu hates when anyone calls them a nickname relating to their arm. Well it's nothing new to them anyways. They will get hate wherever they go. So they won't let anyone get to them.
Ace and Deuce’s relationship: These two try to keep everything light with Yuu. they know something is wrong with Yuu, and that Yuu doesn't touch on any of it. Yet there's a clear wrongness whenever Yuu is talking to one of them. Yuu stumbles with their words when caught off guard. Yuu is a horrible liar, while not uncommon Yuu tends to cover up anything about before they came to twisted wonderland. So Ace and Deuce are playing detective trying to uncover Yuu’s past
Favorite students: Trey and Yuu get along just fine. The two have their odd moments yet are clearly friends. Trey is the only one who knows about Yuu’s past. Trey will go to his grave with the knowledge of Yuu’s past. How could a mother experiment on their own son! Even worse, the reason why Yuu was experimented on was because of a war they was forced to participate in. one they was basically the poster child for! Something they didn't want either. Being forced into that position. Trey is a bit more sensitive around Yuu from learning about all that. Ace and Deuce asked on a number of occasions about if he knew Yuu’s past, the answer is always a simple no.
least favorite students: Rook. Having a bug arm fascinates Rook. it looks dangerous, how dose Yuu live normally? Yuu is in fact human Rook checked with the dark mirror. Si how did Yuu even get a bug arm? Yuu feels Rook’s eyes on him all the time. Rook freaks Yuu out!
Vergilius/The red gaze.
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“You want to run that by me again?” “That sounds like the last of my patience burning out. One more misstep and I’ll have that person begging for death.” “rule one no bickering. Rule two If I hear fighting I will get involved, and trust me you don't Want me involved.” “What are you bothering me for now?”
Yuu is scary. Yuu is extremely menacing. The way Yuu hold them self, the way they look is scary, even how extremely calm they are in every situation. Even the beast men cower when under Yuu’s gaze for too long. Everything about Yuu horrifies the students. The fay even avoid Yuu. Nothing about Yuu seems right. Almost no one will approach Yuu. It took two students to nearly be expelled for anyone to even talk to them.
Yuu’s weapon of choice is a gladius. A short sword used by the romans. Yuu clearly has confidence in their close combat if they use something so short. Then when they had to fight the blot monster Ace and Deuce had realized it’s not just some short sword. Yuu’s gladius is heated. It will cut through nearly everything and cut through that blot monster like it was nothing. 
Yuu will not tolerate any rule breaking. Just the threat of Yuu being in the room makes even the worst delinquent a good student. Yuu tends to mostly use cleaning as a punishment, but when a bigger rule is about to be broken Yuu leans over the student and asks “are you sure you want to do this?” something so simple yet so ominous. Yuu is ok with lying, Yuu is ok with swearing, Yuus ok with you eating anywhere. Just don't break Yuu’s two personal rules. 
Rule 1 do not let me see or hear you fighting.
Rule 2 do not litter the floor with cigarettes.
No one has broken these and no one whats to know what happens when you do.
Ace and Deuce’s relationship: these two can be seen walking and talking around Yuu. Yuu doesn't talk to them much but ace and deuce talk to Yuu plenty. Yuu doesn't tell them to leave so the consensus is the three are friends. Ace and Deuce were asked by Yuu why people have been avoiding them. Yuu genuinely didn't know. I mean Yuu is very aware they are scary, and look unnatural. Yet that has never been a problem before. Deuce caved and told Yuu that they are just a bit too scary. Yuu reflected on this for a few moments then asked if Ace and Deuce found them scary. Ace said they don't, like a liar. Yuu then asked if the two could talk to them more. So after that day the two could be seen around Yuu. Yuu isn't the kind to hate everyone, Yuu is a human like any other, so Yuu appreciates good company.
Favorite students: Riddle, Yuu likes riddle the most for following all the rules Yuu has. Riddle never even yells at Yuu even before the first book. While Yuu has absolutely no respect for the queen of hearts rules, like everyone else Riddle was afraid of Yuu. so when two first years from his dorm started to talk to Yuu. Riddle nearly had a heart attack, who would willingly talk to someone so horrifying.
least favorite students: there are very few repeat offenders of rule breaking, yet few doesn't mean none. Floyd is very aware of how terrifying Yuu is. So much so Floyed nickname for Yuu is abyss monster, because that's what it’s like to stare at Yuu’s glowing red eyes. Floyd has yet to break any big rules while around Yuu. he’s been given quite a bit of cleanup duty. Yet on one unfortunate day, Floyd just so happened to have littered while Yuu was pissed. Yuu remembers Floyed for being a repeat offender. That day Yuu touched floyds shoulder, and leaned down to whisper in his ear “are you sure you don't want to pick that up. I’m not having a good day.” Floyd b-lined it for the trash. Floyd never threw it out. Instead of throwing it out, it ended up in his hand for the rest of the day. So now there's a crushed paper cup on the desk in his room.
Yuu’s job: Yuu is not a teen so Yuu works as a member of the staff. What's his job? Good question. He’s really just a security guard who roams around the campus. Yet Crowley main reason for hiring Yuu was to scare students into following rules, it just gets too hard sometimes dealing with them. So Yuu’s terrifying presence is well appreciated.
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“Vroom Vroom.” “Mephi is working very well.” “permission to vroom vroom?” “Charon knows Mephi’s back, front, and north east.
Yuu is very childish, often talking as if objects are alive. Using nicknames when referring to people. Ignoring people when mad at them. Humming songs randomly. Yuu can only be described as childish when acting like this. Some students forget they are a member of staff. It also doesn't help that yuu is short. Some students have mistaken Yuu for a student wandering around campus.
Yuu’s weapon of choice is an oar, an odd choice at first glance. Since an ore is used for bots aren't they? Yet Yuu has proven it’s a very effective weapon, you’d be shocked by how quick Yuu is with their oar. Yet there is an issue with using an oar as a weapon. That is an oar was never meant to be used as a weapon, it has no sharp edges nor any proper way to weld it. Yet Yuu show how manages to kick ass anyways. Well you don't work with the red gaze without picking up on a few tricks.
Yuu has both the beast and worst sense of direction. You see Yuu can get to any place, and will get to it. It’s just Yuu has no sense of direction making turners when they aren't meant to or go past turns that others would normally go through. Yuu only knows the back, front, and north east of their bus. Hell Yuu doesn't even use a map. Yet in the end, against all odds. Yuu get everywhere exactly on time. So I guess that's the reason why Yuu hasn’t been fired.
Ace and Deuce’s relationship: these two stick around Yuu like big brothers. Giving nasty glares to people who dare insult Yuu, or helping yuu when there's an obstacle they can't overcome. Like high shelfs. Ace and Deuce are always willing to lend a hand. The two were sent to get the mage stone Yuu was there to help them. Beating the blot monster was easter because Yuu had fight with them. Ace cant see Yuu as anything but a little sister. Ace has never had a sister. So being able to help and protect Yuu feels good. Sometimes Ace forgets Yuu is older than him. Yet at the end of the day the two are still friends. Deuce on the other hand looks up to Yuu. Yuu is so calm all the time, never getting mad. So Deuce often asks Yuu for advice. like how to pay attention better, or how to stay calm in stressful situations. Yuu’s advice isn't always the best, yet at the end of the day Deuce always takes it to heart.
Favorite students: Yuu likes Malleus, Malleus reminds Yuu of Vergilius. The two seem intimidating to other people and other people don't approach them often. Yet Yuu has always judged people on how they act, not how they look nor on how strong they are. Malleus was just happy when someone finally talked to him of their own volition. The fay was shocked to learn his friend wasn't a student but a member of staff. Even the staff somewhat avoided him. They wouldn't spare more than needed when talking to him. So at least Malleus had a friend on Yuu.
least favorite students: Yuu doesn't trust these two twins. The leech Twins are off putting to Yuu. Jade is creepy, always smiling and being too nice. Yuu can tell Jade is not being honest with Yuu. he often stares too much. Witch off puts Yuu even more. So Yuu tends to ignore or outwrite avoid him. Floyd on the other hand. He’s as much trouble as some of the sinners. So Yuu keeps an eye on him. Often reporting everything and all things to whomever they can. Yuu sometimes wishes that Vergilius was still with them, Floyed tries to get all sorts of rectons out of Yuu. only for you to try and ignore him. Yuu hit Floyd with their oar once. It stopped him for the rest of the day, but he just got more annoying after that.
Yuu’s job: Yuu is a lot older than they look so they aren't even a student. Yuu is unsurprisingly, a bus driver. Yah the mirror can get them anywhere, but where's the fun in that? So for the least Yuu brings students all around the island. Scarring a few in the process with their horrible driving. 
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“...” “*clock sounds*”
Yuu cant talk normally they have no mouth, actually scratch that Yuu doesn’t even have a normal face. If you count a clock as a face in the first place that is. Yet Yuu is unforgivingly human, often getting mad when accused of not being human.. Grimm seems to understand Yuu just fine. As well as all of the main cast as well.
Yuu’s weapon of choice is to have others fight for them. I will tell you all that Limbus is very diegetic, so I’ll let that bleed in here as well. Yuu has made contracts with all of the main cast of twisted wonderland. All have the ability to come back from the dead with Yuu’s help. As long as Yuu is alive, so is all of the main cast. Not only that but Yuu has the ability to, with the help of the dark mirror. dip into parts of the main cast's life and pull out their true potential and power.
Yuu is a bit cowardly. Even submissive at times letting many people do as they please since Yuu is very easily intimidated. Yet Yuu isn't like Sincler in that they'll let people walk all over them. Yuu has proven time and time again that their cowardice has a limit and if other people are in any danger they have to do something to help. Yu claims that not helping people in dangerous situations would keep them up at night.
Ace and Deuce’s relationship: man… Yuu is basically exactly the same as they are in the game. Other then Ace and Deuce having to talk for Yuu occasionally nothing changed, at all.
Favorite students: the most shocking answer is! Ortho! Yes, that Ortho. The robot is the only one who even tries to help Yuu with their memory problems. The robot is also extremely interested in the world Yuu comes from since if people have made prosthetics for their head could there be full body prosthetics? When Yuu reveals that AI isn't actually allowed in their world because the rulers put a ban on making AI, Ortho was shocked. Yuu then explained that they don't have the same news but aren't smart enough or bold enough to even try making an AI
least favorite students: everyone except Ortho. Don't get Yuu wrong there friends, but god the sinners are easier to work with. There's always the “what does it have to do with me” or “what do I get out of it.” crap. The sinners worked for Yuu so at least they allowed orders yet the NRC students always want something out of the deal. They also constantly complain about having to fight for Yuu. IT WAS YOUR DEAL! You could have just gone “no” and had been done with it. But nooooo! You want to come back from the dead without the strings attached. You know how much PAIN it causes Yuu to bring you back! “It can't be that bad.” IT CAN AND IT IS!
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the deeply dispiriting feeling of being told that a handful of friendly strangers in a shared community would like to be part of a group you've proposed, only to hear from none of them and still be the only person in the discord you created when invites are about to expire almost a week later, leaving you paranoid and wondering whether you set it up wrong or just haven't received any kind of acknowledgement because they saw the work you put in setting it up and all realized you are way too much
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arttsuka · 1 month
Thank you 🫂
Virtual hugs are always appreciated :)
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goldenpinof · 2 months
#long talk in tags incoming i guess#i don't understand why people keep following me when everything i do is complaining lately#and not about dnp per se. but about how the work is done and how their team *coughs* martyn *coughs* is handling stuff#i'm just looking at all this mess and i can't agree with basically anything#everything goes against my beliefs when it comes to work organisation. customer focus and etc.#and i'm trying SO hard to mildly help for free. and i'm just getting ignored. but that's like.. basic fixing and shit#any decent company would do it and say thank you for noticing and letting us know#but not irl merch lmao#and it all feels and looks like a massive joke#and i'm so so tired to basically pay for existence of this mess#i'm rethinking a lot of tour related decisions i made. and i know the reason i made them was about travelling more than the show itself#so i don't completely regret it#i'm just so tired of being spat in the face (figuratively speaking) over and over again#and tired of no one taking their job seriously ffs#neither martyn nor dnp nor their fucking editors#and i'm doing all that not for attention or whatever. but because I really care for the words to be correct and for the fucking text..#.. to be in the middle. like idc about the credit or WHO i need to ask for it to be fixed. i just want it to be fixed#so it looks good and how it should look#like. it's not that hard to put a little care into the things you do and getting paid for#I don't understand how it became so normalized. how being a bad manager is okay if you work with a fanbase and you're a 'small company'#a small company who has more than enough money to hire people to check things btw. if only anyone cared#i'm just so so tired of caring. because apparently it's not something everyone else does.#and i can let it slide when it comes to dnp. they are not being literally hired to do it. but others..... yeah#today was a moment when i thought 'that's a perfect opportunity to leave. enough.'#but the tour is in 1.5 months and i have tickets so i can't leave lmao#what kind of joke that is? oh and i know i'm fully responsible for this mild breakdown#personal
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torybrennan · 2 months
show tempe gang crossover with the morris islanders would actually have been the best episode of bones ever. btw
#please ignore the rest of the tags i will just be making things up#okay they start out in carolina but at least half the episode takes place in dc. do not ask me how travel logistics would work#tory spends the entire episode off with tempe doing bone stuff. booth feels upstaged by a 16-year-old girl#so he goes and hangs out with ben who does NOT trust him right off the bat#ben ends up having to run him over to liri at some point because there's crime afoot and tom is busy. they spend most of the ride in silenc#ofc they end up bonding Eventually because they are both obsessed with crazy emotionally stunted redheads named t brennan#tory is more effective than any of the squinterns and manages to piss hodgins off so bad just by existing#coop hangs out in the lab as saroyan tries to kick him out thirty times. he just keeps showing up and she can't prove who's letting him in#(it's tempe.) angela loves tory but tory does not love angela back. saroyan tolerates her. sweets likes her but knows she's hiding somethin#comes to the conclusion that she can read her friends minds and slowly drives himself crazy because obviously that can't be true#tory brings hi along whenever she needs someone with people skills and he is MORE than happy to participate in a hodgins experiment#hi gets to be king of the lab for about ten minutes. shelton hits it off with angela immediately and they solve half the case together#booth fucking HATES hi because he's evasive and really good at the manipulation thing. booth can't win verbal sparring and he gets Big Mad#at one point the four of them are in an interrogation room together (MISTAKE) because tory had them meddling a little too close to the sun#and booth is trying so hard to question them which didn't work even when they COULDN'T read each other's minds#tory figures out who did it and hi steals her thunder a la shrek wasnt vandalized he gave birth#temperance tells tory 'i know you've got a secret sweets told me and even though i don't trust psychology i find he's insightful' etc etc#tory's like well i might be but i can't tell you it's not just my secret and you wouldn't believe me anyway#because let's be real tempe WOULDNT believe her#meanwhile saroyan convinced by sweets paranoia managed to get a sample of tory's blood and test it and is like HEY WHAT THE FUCK#gets hodgins and they just stare at the results together and delve into conspiracy theories. he's like i KNEW there were werewolves#they debate telling tempe but know it wouldnt end well for the kids and decide to get rid of the evidence. but hodgins is SO smug#also angela spends the whole episode trying to convince everyone hi and shelton are dating and no one believes her#they finally see them kiss or something and they're all somehow floored and angela's just like yeah? duh?#if anyone read this i'm sorry and why
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fallen-grace-smd · 3 months
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
I want to scream.
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dazais-guardian-angel · 6 months
went to my first con in 4 years on Friday to meet Kaiji Tang and got a Dazai autograph + video recording of him reading to me. He was the sweetest person (as I knew he would be) and interacting with him was lovely, but also at the same time oh boy it sure was an extremely stressful, ugly wake-up call of what it feels like to live in a world now where everyone around you has blissfully moved on from covid and can enjoy things normally and happily, while you'll forever be trapped in a hellscape of perpetual fear 🫠🫠🫠
#like. to be clear this was the first time i've been literally anywhere but doctor's appointments in 4 years#not just because of the pandemic but because of mental and physical exhaustion#so it was a Big Mistake to go from 0 to 100 and not ease myself into it at all#but at the same time........ it was a fucking hellscape of people. i don't think any kind of buildup could have prepared me for it at all.#it was so much less crowded in 2020 (ironically the very last place i ever went; literally on the BRINK of covid)#and now idk what it's become. a monster con. it was unbelievable.#but i was only there for less than an hour but i was so so so terrified that i very nearly left before even seeing him#i couldn't even fully enjoy meeting him as kind as he was because i was so anxious and distracted#and when i got back to the car i just fucking cried.........#the last five days i've just been sitting in fear waiting to feel Any sort of symptoms#i wore two masks and again was barely there for long but Still#and everyone around me was so chill as if everything was normal and No One was wearing a mask :))))) it's not fucking fair man :)))))#insert the 'they don't know' meme; they don't know how much covid can destroy your body even if you get a 'mild' case#i would never want to be that ignorant even if i wasn't disabled and didn't have reason to worry (but everyone has reason to worry!!!)#but also. ignorance is bliss and it just really fucking sucks man.#it really fucking sucks. why do they get to be happy and enjoying life and not /me?/#why can't i do just ONE thing for myself without having it tainted by anxiety and fear that i'm going to die horribly???#while they get to do fucking EVERYTHING???#if they all just wore masks we could all enjoy ourselves much more comfortably than some of us are now#but no that's too much to ask from people 🙃🙃🙃#shit sucks man. the world sucks. something that should be a happy memory for me was simultaneously the most awful experience#and i don't know how to feel about it now that it's over#he knew that i was afraid and at the end he told me that he hoped to see me again at another event someday#and that made me cry because it felt like dazai telling me to live. and i want to. but i don't know how to when the world is like this now.#i desperately want to be able to see him again someday but right now after how terrifying that was i never want to go to a con ever again..#i wanted to ask him things about the manga and about dazai but i was being rushed and stressed so i couldn't ugh#(and doing that is hard enough anyway cause disability and i have to talk with my phone bahhhh)#at least i was able to give him my note *sigh*
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byanyan · 7 months
anyway I'm still struggling, still mentally & emotionally exhausted, and still just haven't got the brainpower for writing 🙃
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ii-zi · 1 year
Tw animal death tw suicide attempt tw no sé ya a la verga this is too much I just need to tell anything to anyone
The second anything starts looking better everything comes fucking crumbling down one of the cats my father practically forced into being """""outdoors"""" cat without even having a fucking backyard door is fucking dying of kidney failure he hasn't eaten or gone outside since yesterday morning he literally only wants to be around us because he's in so much fucking pain and I want to fucking die my father keeps screaming at me over every little fucking thing and screaming about leaving the house and we're barely getting by with all three of them working full time my little sister almost took her life two fucking days ago and I only found out bc i woke up with her crying after puking out all the shit she took she hasn't even been to the fucking doctor she's only going today because of a fucking cold one of the little cats keeps shitting herself into oblivion because we can't make her stop eating her own shit I want everything to end I want everything to end so fucking bad I don't know what to do anymore I just keep getting worse and worse and everyone's mad at me my sister's worse every day and I cannot even apologize because it'd be worth nothing because I'm so fucking ill I can't even remember her I don't know what to do anymore my little baby keeps posting suicidal shit too I'm fucking powerless in the middle of everything I can't even leave the fucking house without fear paralyzing me I can't do this anymore
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pearl-kite · 2 years
actually maybe I do need to journal a little bit, some existential dread just came and obliterated me out of left field
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kateis-cakeis · 1 month
people are really so weird and so fatphobic huh
(and oops most of my commentary is in the tags XD)
#people really out here acting like some chocolate is gonna kill you#idk maybe you should check how stats and data actually work and not just blindly trust things that get it wrong and such#because hate to break it to ya but increased risk does not equal absolute risk#it just increases the risk which is normally only by a small margin and doesnt mean anything in reality because it doesn't mean that it's#absolutely 100% going to happen that's not what risk or increased risk means#anyway this reminds of when a friend of mine took part in a study#and they were like oh yeah you have a 6% chance of a heart attack in the next 10 years#they asked if they lost weight would that decrease by a lot and the person was like uhh by like 1% it's really not the big deal everyone#makes it out to be people are just fatphobic because that's the society we've built that at all times you must be skinny#or you aren't worth anything or worse when people act like you're such a strain on the system#and that you dont deserve to have healthcare like i will scream#everyone needs to stop being so damn weird about it!!!!!!!!!!#it's literally fine it's so literally fine#you know actually thinking about increased risk with alcohol and smoking - to which is totally your choice and up to you btw#i knew someone who smoked like a chimney and drank like a fish and lived to his 70s and died of something completely unrelated#increased risk is just that increased by a certain percentage which is like not a lot in the grand scheme of things to really put it into#perspective when you have like 1 in 100 chance and the increased risk is 100% that just raises it to 2 in 100 which yes is just 1% to 2%#i will scream when people act like food is going to kill you - especially when it gets so bad people act like fruit is bad for you because#of sugar like i will cry i will start sobbing because all of this is why im pretty sure most people have disordered eating#if not full on eating disorders and that's the real concern how our attitudes make people change their behaviours and develop mental health#conditions because society is just so insistent on this one issue that you can't escape it's bad it's so bad and i hope one day#we get past all this and people can just live how they want without others getting on their backs#fatphobic people are the reason why so many people i know think they're worthless and ugly and i just that's so upsetting to me and yes yes#there's the major issues like doctors ignoring symptoms in favour of just lose weight! and then just send people into the world with 0 help#in that oh and oops now they've got an eating disorder when the problem in the first place was not weight <.<#and even if it was (which it rarely ever is) it's like okay where's the help then because there is no help and then study after study is#like oh btw dieting doesnt work lol and then what do you do what do you do im gonna start screaming hdfghsdfg#anyway sorry these tags are long im just so tired and so frustrated at the world and i hope one day people get over themselves
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babymeow · 5 months
sick of having feelings my own are intense enough and yet my bleeding heart syndrome has me feeling everyone else's as well
sick of putting effort into people that aren't willing to do the same forever being thrown on the backburner until someone wants or needs something
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mrfoox · 5 months
Sooo... Not being able to sleep and crying for 3 hours didn't do me any good huh
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