#i can see why dean is insane ab him
bloodfreak-boyking · 9 months
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how dare he be so fucking pretty fr
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theo-files · 4 months
Other than Troy, how do you think the rest of the characters would react to transfem!Abed?
ooh okay interesting!! i have a feeling this is going to be a long post because i have five characters to go through so im gonna put a break in the text here.
the easiest one for me is britta. it's shown that she gets very supportive of causes she deems important, even if that leads to her feeling like she's on a higher moral ground or just getting insanely supportive to a degree that it's a little,, uncomfortable?? i feel like she'd have the right intentions but be a little ignorant of how to actually interact with trans people, like she is with her "lesbian" friend paige. i don't doubt that a similar thing would happen with abed when she first finds out, sort of flaunting that she has a trans friend. i also think a similar thing would happen with annie, with her wanting to know the best way to be supportive and britta not having the right idea of how to do that (like when she says it's homophobic to ask questions lol. or at least insinuates that idk it's been a while since i've seen that episode).
but also, abed is her friend and if she noticed she was making abed uncomfortable she wouldn't want that to be the case. i feel like i kinda trashed her in the paragraph above, but britta is a good friend and wants to support abed, yk? basically im saying i think there'd be a bit of a learning curve for britta.
okay next up is shirley! she's very obviously religious. we see her use this as a way to guilt people a lot and also to be homophobic lol. in my opinion this would definitely apply to abed being trans too. I can vividly picture a conversation about how you should accept the body god gave you lol. but i think abed's way of dealing with this would be to,, not! she's just gonna ignore shirley while the other members try and convince her to chillax. eventually, i think she'd have to/learn to accept it. she'd bake abed cookies with the trans flag on them in frosting and they'd mutually accept it as a peace treaty.
then there's jeff. i hope you don't mind if i briefly hijack this post with a transfem jeff winger but we all watched that episode of abed's birthday, so. i think jeff would be 100% chill with it (e.g. it's her life, not mine. why should i care?) but it would also force him to think on some things (e.g. you mean you're ALLOWED to be a different gender??).
let's do annie next! youngest of the group but still slightly out of touch, i think she'd be very accepting from the get-go. maybe a little confused, but i feel like she'd buy a lot of trans pride merch for abed. she just wants her to know she has a safe space, alright?
do i even have to mention the dean? he's excited to know another queer person and very happy that said queer person is in the study group.
uhm okay. so now we've arrived to pierce. y'all remember that one episode i mentioned earlier with britta's friend paige? and how after pierce reads his whole speech someone (jeff?) says that it was oddly supportive? iirc, of course. i think that applies here, too. sorta like pierce is trying so hard to be transphobic, he loops back around to supportive? a real "you'll never be a guy" vibe, if that makes sense to anyone else.
anyways, thank you @superbluebirdgirl for the ask and sorry for how long it took for me to answer!! i honestly forgot it existed oops. hope you enjoyed it!!!
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chubbybloodfreak · 2 years
hello. I just need to ramble for a moment so bare with me. 
So the scene at the end of 9x13 makes me absolutely insane for so many reasons. Dean’s been super salty ab Sam trying to set a boundary with him after finding out ab the Gadreel situation. He’s trying to convince Sam that he “saved” him by doing what he did. He only see’s the intent of his actions and considers the end result (Sam still being alive) to be a success. I feel like he genuinely doesn’t understand how what he did could be super violating and traumatizing to Sam, which makes me feel insane, but some people really are just wired that way, where they can’t empathize with others feelings. Being around someone like is really invalidating and truly does make you feel like you’re going crazy. 
Anyways,, so he feels that Sam is being unreasonable for wanting to distance himself from him, which he makes really clear. You can tell that Sam is hurt by his trauma being overlooked but is about to just give up on the conversation bc Dean clearly just doesn’t get it.  But he kinda stops himself and comes back full force trying to make Dean understand. But Dean comes back with “you’d do the same thing.” which is just SO FAR from what Sam is trying to say. 
Sam wouldn’t take away someone’s autonomy for his benefit. But Dean doesn’t see it as just his benefit, he sees it as both of their benefit, because he feels he was doing it for Sam just as much as he was doing it for himself. So when Sam says he wouldn’t do the same thing, he views it as Sam saying “I wouldn’t do everything I could to save you. I don’t care as much about you as you do me.” but what he’s REALLY saying is “I would never want to hurt someone as badly as that hurt me. I wouldn’t wouldn’t go against someones wishes when it comes to their bodily autonomy and how/if they want to be “saved”. 
And ofc he keeps getting guilt tripped about his feelings/attitude towards Dean for what happened throughout the season and this plays SUCH a huge part in why he tries so hard to save Dean when he becomes a demon (or whatever the next conflict was that led to what happened to Charlie), because he’s now convinced that’s what Dean wants and expects of him and that it equates to him being a good and caring person. Dean’s convinced him that unless he does absolutely everything he can to help “save” Dean, then he’s a horrible person. GAH!!!! I’m losing my freaking mind over here.
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bonniehooper · 3 days
COMMUNITY REWATCH, 2x06: "Epidemiology"
-Why is George Takai doing the voiceover for this episode?
-Well, this Halloween party definitely looks better than season one's.
-I forgot Dean Pelton was dressed Gaga. He looks great.
-Britta as a dinosaur is so cute. I love that they gave Gillian the cutest costumes last season and this season.
-Annie as Little Red Riding Hood is also really cute.
-Okay, Shirley is clearly dressed like Glinda from The Wizard of Oz, but I get the Miss Piggy joke since she is talking like her.
-Rich from Pottery class? I genuinely don't remember him coming back into the show.
-Is Abed and Troy's costume supposed to be Alien related?
-How did the taco meat turn Pierce into a zombie?!?!
-Love the Halloween intro.
-How do you guys not realize that everyone is turning into Zombies?
-I can't believe Troy just put some toilet paper around his neck and wrist and decided he was a "sexy Dracula".
-Rich, Annie, now is not the time to be flirting.
-Dean Pelton please stop being attracted to the disembodied voice on the phone.
-I love how even in zombie mode, Leonard leaves Shirley alone when she threatens him.
-Annie: "There's some kind of infection at the party making people act weird and bite each other. We need to coordinate an evacuation without causing unnecessary panic." *cut to leonard biting someone* Troy: "Holy crap, Leonard's a zombie." Well, there went that idea.
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-*dean pelton locks the doors to the library so no one can leave* Jeff: (pulling on the door) "um? UM?"
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-*jeff punches a lady dressed as a bee* Troy: "You punched a lady bee!"
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-Troy: "Shouldn't we be barricading the room?" Abed: "I don't know. These guys don't seem so-" *looks out the window to see a bunch of hungry zombies* "I will help you."
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-*shows rich checking to see if he was bit and he was* God damn it, Rich!!
-Britta was bit, too? And neither of them told because they thought they were special?!?!?!
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-God damn it, Chang! Why would you throw the skate?! Now they have Annie, and you let them into the only place that might have been safe to hide from the zombies!
-Side note, the soundtrack for this episode is quite good.
-How did Shirley and Chang correctly guessing what the other's costume was turn into a make out session?
-*three cat jump scares* Jeff: "What is up with that cat?!" Troy: "Is someone throwing it?" Abed: "Let's keep moving." Jeff: "Let's not keep moving because there is an insane cat down here." Troy: "But what about the zombies?" Jeff: "Back burner, Troy. This cat has to be dealt with."
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-*jeff getting attacked by zombies, but sees rich in his suit jacket* Jeff: "That's my jacket! My jacket, you're stretching it! You're stretching it!!" Even while being eaten Jeff cares about his fashion.
-Abed: "Go." Troy: "I'm not going without you." Abed: "Troy, make me proud. Be the first black man to make it to the end."
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-Not Troy and Abed with the Leia and Han reference!
-I can't believe Troy just punched the Dean.
-Dean Pelton: "Are you crazy? How are you going to survive those zombies?" Troy: "I'm going to be a nerd." Dean Pelton: "Better have a Plan B!"
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-Why did Troy spank Pierce?
-Troy: "Okay, okay. I've been bit, y'all. Damn. Congrats. You did what zombies do." The annoyance from Troy is so funny.
-Zombie Jeff standing there messing with his phone, while Troy crawls to the thermostat and calls Jeff "cool" is so good.
-I love the fact that Troy and Abed still do their handshake as zombies.
-Zombie Annie studying is so ridiculous.
-I can't believe that Jeff comes out of his zombie state and immediately starts actually texting.
-Were they about to kill Dean Pelton?
-So, they erased their memories?
-Still wondering why George Takai is doing the voiceover.
-Chang leaving a voicemail so that someone would know he slept with Shirley is so funny.
-Troy: "Why did he call me?" Valid question Troy.
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violenceenthusiast · 4 years
ok i had a thought that makes me wanna dip my head in acid but in a soft way...
dean and claire having a father/daughter saturday of fun and low-grade mischief, going to an arcade and joke-fighting over what stuffed animal to get with their tickets and getting slushies and while they’re taking a break to grab burgers claire says “yknow i’ve been meaning to go get- wanna come with me while i get a new piercing??”
and dean pinches in the direction of her ear a little and says “what, you don’t have enough of those already?” as if he doesn’t think they’re the coolest thing.
she waves him off, eyes flicking between the burger in her hands and the table “i don’t know i just thought it’d be something else fun to do today.”
dean’s only half teasing when he asks “you want me there to hold your hand?”
claire rolls her eyes and looks to the side with half a smile, “oh shut up.” but it’s true, she does want him there to hold her hand– she may be a hardcore hunter who will take a knife cut or a monster bite in stride, but she always gets a little nervous before each piercing. maybe having dean there will make it just a little more manageable.
they get to the studio and claire signs the forms, picks out her jewelry, takes a seat to wait while they get ready for her. dean is pacing, looking carefully in each case, at each display. the nice person behind the counter sees him looking and asks “did you want to get something pierced today too?” claire cracks a smile at that and dean looks up at the counter clerk a little wide-eyed, eyebrows raised and mouth half open in surprise, huffs out a breath and looks down as half a nervous smile pulls at the left side of his mouth. he sticks one hand in his pocket and gives one wave with the other as he says “ha. nah, no- just here for her today” as he gestures at claire. he goes to sit with her until the piercer calls them back to the room that’s set up for them.
claire is getting a conch piercing and it’s going more easily than usual- partly because dean is there with her, partly because there are shockingly few nerve endings in the middle of the ear cartilage, and partly because the woman doing the piercing is insanely pretty and insanely good at what she does (she used to be a phlebotomist so she knows a little something about blood, needles, nervousness, and a given person’s propensity for fainting). while the piercer is busy marking the ear, claire looks over at dean in his chair and unable to contain the question any longer asks him, “you ever thought about getting a piercing?”
“me? nah.. it’s just not- i mean they would’ve gotten ripped out for sure by some- by accident.” he was about to say ‘by some monster’ but caught himself before he really weirded out the nice piercer woman. he hadn’t thought about him and piercings in a long time. he had slowly stopped wearing even rings and bracelets as much over the years in case they got caught on something during a hunt (though now he had a new ring on his left hand that he never took off). a piece of jewelry actually in the body was even more of a ridiculous idea for a hunter. but he wasn’t a hunter any more, not really. hadn’t been for about a year. after chuck and getting cas back safe and human.. with sam and eileen running their witchy little hunter hub from the bunker.. it had just seemed like his opportunity and his time to break out of it all. wow okay in that split second he trailed so far off from where he started.. where did he start? ...piercings! right. he remembers being young and not being able to take his eyes off the men in bars with the metal glinting in their ears, noses, lips.. now he knew the staring had been more about the men than the jewelry but it hadn’t not been about the jewelry either. was this one of those things he got to think about now, again, for the first time in a lifetime?
claire takes a moment to make sure she isn’t woozy any more and gets up to go look in the mirror at her new adornment. she smiles and dean snaps out of his own little world to say “you like it?” 
she looks at him through the mirror “love it.” and then, mischievous, “your turn.”
“my turn??”
“oh absolutely.” a moment of raised eyebrows and incredulous silence then, “if you decide you hate it you can just take it out. c’mon i saw your face, you want one you can’t hide from me.”
she’s right. he protests weakly, but she knows him all too well at this point and she’s right and the goading from the piercer only encourages her.
“okay okay fine. but nothing too showy.”
they decide on a rook. it’s not too prominent but it’s definitely there, definitely unique, it will look okay on it’s own if he never gets another piercing, and if he has to jump in on an odd hunt it’s far enough into the ear that it would be hard for it to get caught on anything or ripped out. dean picks a simple, stainless steel piece with a lapis lazuli setting– blue for his husband (though if you asked him he would deny that’s why he chose it. but only at first).
he can’t believe how jittery he is about the whole thing, but this time claire holds his hand. it’s over before it’s begun and he thought it might be painful like the tattoo was, or like any of the number of painful little things that have happened to him over the years but it’s not, it mostly just feels strange. it’s nice to be surprised like that.
dean hops off the bench like claire did and goes to the mirror half expecting to hate what he sees. but he’s surprised for the second time in barely a minute. the glint of the metal in his ear doesn’t just look good, it looks right. like it was meant to be there and he had been awaiting it’s arrival but didn’t know it. something hard to name, something small, something he didn’t know was missing until he found it had just found its way to him, slotted into place and settled in his ribs. he feels quieter but also on fire– like he’d be satisfied to just sit and read a book, like he could face god and win (again).
from behind him claire asks, “like it?”
he smiles. “love it.”
they kick around for a little while longer, each of them forgetting about their new piercings until they catch sight of the other’s or until they catch their reflection in a shop window and take a second to admire the newness. eventually claire begrudgingly admits she has to get back to campus to get some work done. dean drops her off at her dorm with a hug and a “stay out of trouble”. 
dean makes the drive home to cas, just lost enough in happy thoughts and memories from the day that he forgets to put on any music until he’s already half way home. 
he gets to the house and finds cas watering the plants in the living room. he leans in the doorframe, watching his love gently tend to each plant in turn. dean doesn’t say anything, he knows cas knows he’s there and will greet him when he’s finished seeing to his darlings. in the meantime dean gets to delight in the sight of the curve of cas’ back as he bends this way and that to reach the plants, the delicate and reverent care he shows each leaf and vine.
cas finishes his routine, sets the water down and turns to greet dean. he freezes half way to saying hello because something is.. something.. something is... he can’t put a name to it, nothing is wrong but dean is.. shifted. not different.. but different. dean is holding his head oddly turned to the side and it doesn’t help either that dean is smiling around a secret and they both know it. cas narrows his eyes but brushes off the feeling long enough to cross the room and give dean a kiss, quick but whole and familiar. dean turns his head to look at a plant and ask a question about it and “accidentally” reveal his new addition. cas, who hasn’t taken a single step backwards since coming over to kiss dean, of course sees the jewelry immediately and exclaims before dean even has a chance to start his made-up question. 
after some very amusing joke-yelling from both sides, it’s revealed that cas just absolutely loves it. and not that dean was worried cas would hate it but dean was a little worried cas would hate it. or worse, that he would judge it. but cas loves that dean tried something new, loves that he chose something blue, loves that dean seems just that little bit more at home in himself. and from the slight blush in his cheeks and ears, dean can tell cas thinks it’s a little bit sexy too. 
dean keeps thinking about how much he liked getting a piercing. he gets it on a fundamental level now, gets claire and her array of silver and gold. he’s got the taste for it now, the itch. he’s thinking about going back for another one. or two. but what else, what next? he cheekily wonders about picking based on what would drive cas wild. 
...dean goes back in secret a month and a half later to get his nips pierced. it doesn’t stay secret for long. not from cas, at least. 
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slutabed · 4 years
jabed itf anon here!
i am watching community with my mom. it’s her first time watching it, and we just got to season four. (she thought jeff was gonna choose abed for his tango partner in the hunger deans—i feel like that is worth noting.)
CW for the next part of this message: jeff’s G.I.Jeff suicide attempt
but also i would like to discuss the implications of jeff and abed being the ones to help each other out of their internal crises. jeff’s “winger speeches” pull abed out of his happy places and help him accept oncoming change. whereas abed is jeff’s symbol of family in the finale that pulls him out of his head when he’s scared of the future. while im not a super huge fan of season four, i do think it’s interesting that they’re set up as each other’s guidance when they’re struggling. just how they both seem to be afraid of the future and seek out the other’s voice in their heads for comfort. (and then i think this point could also be made for G.I.Jeff when abed is the one to break through jeff’s fantasized world when he’s scared of growing older, but overall im not a fan of how that episode glosses over jeff’s almost suicide, so i’m not really interested in inspecting that episode’s relationship dynamics when i feel jeff’s character and mental health deserved more proper fleshing out in it.)
anyway all this to say i guess i would just like to know what your thoughts are about the way the show sets them up to be each other’s sort of.... anchor.... maybe would be the word?? tether? i’m not sure. i know dan harmon always said they were two sides of the same coin and that post-s6 it would be interesting to see how they now have to exist without the other immediately around. anyway enough of my ramblings. i hope you’re well! <3
jabed intro to film anon ily and I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you lol <3 also I’m putting this under a read more because this got long af lol.
(I'm gonna ignore the whole part of both abed and jeff being dan harmon’s self-insert characters thing bc I think that’s obviously why they’re so developed as characters and work so well as twin sides of the same coin but that’s not as interesting as just taking the characters as they are lol)
but yeah I love the jeff/abed dichotomy! I obviously like jabed as a fun lil side project to my main trobed fixation but even in the trobed universe the jeff & abed friendship is so compelling. they work well because abed is, on the surface, so diametrically opposed to everything jeff wants to appear to be on the surface, and yet the reality is that abed is EXACTLY what jeff actually wants to be: wholly confident in himself, cognizant of what he wants, and unafraid to just go after it. and abed’s view of Jeff as the leading man is a fun little trope that exists within his lens of life as TV, but it’s also representative of the things Abed doesn’t actually think he can have (namely understanding, close relationships to other people, all the things he mentions over time but particularly in Contemporary American Poultry and Virtual Systems Analysis). 
I'm probably one of the few people who actually enjoyed season four (it has its characterization issues but I don’t actually hate it the way most people seem to), and so I really, really love the way the intro and finale mirror each other with Jeff and Abed helping to pull each other out of their own minds. There are a ton of incredible fics by v talented writers on AO3 that address the way Jeff and Abed probably have a lot of equal and opposite issues that they would be really adept at helping each other navigate. 
ahh idk I think I’m rambling here. I’m not sure I have anything poignant to add to this concept except that I do love them as a dichotomy, and whether platonic or romantic, I think it works. I think they both kind of help to keep each other grounded. I think it’s funny that Jeff is sort of the one to pull Abed out of his fantasy and is always sort of the one trying to remind Abed life is not a sitcom, and then at the end of season 4 it’s like he’s almost internalized Abed’s view of things too much and then in turn needs Abed to pull him back out of his own mind. 
The only thing I really??? really?????? really?????????? hate is the moment in Basic RV Repair and Palmistry when Jeff slaps Abed when he’s struggling to differentiate between reality and fantasy. I like season 6 just fine but I feel like they kind of fucked with Jeff’s character for no reason with no true resolution? And treating Abed like that seemed super out of character especially compared to the season 4 way they were able to pull each other out of their fantasy worlds. AND the fact that when Jeff is freaking out about Abed’s movie, Abed is the one to bring him back down to earth, and then just a few episodes later we see Jeff back to not understanding Abed’s perspective and, by his own admission, abusing him for it which is just so ???? to me.
So yeah sorry to take so long to respond to this and basically give you no clear coherent response! The answer is just: yes, I love Jeff and Abed as mirror images/polar opposites/twin sides of the same coin. I think they absolutely work as anchors and tethers to each other and I’m devastated about the way season 6 handles it. But I think the tethers absolutely work and make me insanely emotional about the series pilot and finale because the fact that Abed is the reason Jeff was able to assemble the group at all, and then also the last of the leaving group members Jeff says goodbye to.......I don’t have anything coherent to say about it I just love it a lot. 
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tsurangaconundrum · 3 years
PLEASE talk about kfam spn
your can of worms monsieur. under the cut.
(warnings for attempted suicide and the show has a plotline involving gaslighting, plus this, that i’m writing, has spoilers for major plot twists. if you’re for some reason listening to a podcast that will likely never be finished and has been on hiatus for nearly two years, maybe don’t click) 
For the uninitiated, King Falls AM is a podcast starring Sammy Stevens, new in town radio host, and Ben Arnold, his producer. King Falls is a small mountain town that doubles as a hub for the supernatural, with werewolves, rainbow lights abducting people, Abe Lincoln's ghost in the library, and perdition wood. Sammy and Ben have the cynic/believer dynamic as they deal with the misadventures of the town, it’s solid. 
Now, before I get into plot. I’m going to outright say it, Sammy Stevens and Dean Winchester are the same character. Every non-hunting au of Dean just gives me one Sammy Stevens in my grubby little hands. I’m opening on a list of sammy actions that dean is capable of.
1. fistfighting a politician on a public stage 
2. mhm dad voice compilation
3. upon being asked “who is sammy stevens,” because he’s so repressed and secretive about his past, he doesn’t ever explain himself but is very hurt by the idea that people don’t trust him
4. growing his hair out and eventually ends up with a manbun. It’s so terrible to think about looking at but post confession dean i know you have it in you sir. I just know it. 
5. hating cops (self explanatory)
6. inexplicable giddiness about santa and general enjoyment of the holidays
7. diner food appreciation
We are now entering spoiler and tw territory if you chose to click in against my advice. Sammy is just Dean post canon. If you follow his character arc you just get every Dean rescues Cas from the Empty fic I’ve read this year. Listen to me LISTEN. Love of man’s life is stolen from their home by a mysterious dark entity. Man gives up macho act to go search for him. Man gets so caught up in solving other people’s problems he doesn’t even say why he moved to town for nearly three years, even then only coming out because he was outed. Man attempts suicide via throwing himself into the void that took his lover. It is revealed that the dark entity can take the form of people it has, and mocks man with it. I love you baby please come home. Home is where the heart is and my heart is in the void with jack fucking wright. Like he was never even there like he was never mine. Tell me sobsicles didn’t write any of this. to remind sammy what he’s fighting for, they play an old speech of jack (his fiance) talking about the power of love. like okay cas-coded. 
I have changed no facts about the story. I would love to do a kfam au of spn but it literally already is one. I need to do 0 (zero) work. If you say the words “dean changed his name and moved to a small town calling himself sammy stevens” you’ve done it. That’s it. You’ve got your king falls au. Makes me insane. I can’t write kfamnatural because it’s already written. balls to the walls. anyway anon i hope you’re seeing this and having a nice day. i know i didn’t really say anything new but i sure had fun writing about it! maybe one day i’ll relisten to kfam to do psychic damage and then write destiel parallels because they really write themselves. 
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sweetness47 · 4 years
Too Lazy to Care
Pairing: Dean x reader
This is for the Seven Deadly Sins challenge hosted by @ne-gans​
Word count: 1225
Warnings: possibly smut, language, laziness, Dean being an ass, MATURE 18+ READERS ONLY
Summary: Dean can really infuriate you some days, especially when he’s in one of his moods.
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Yeah, it was one of those days. You know the ones, where your significant other decides to be an ass and almost completely ignore you?
And it made me want to strangle the man.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, Dean is everything a girl like me could want. Strong, devastatingly handsome, rock hard chiseled abs, and those mesmerizing green eyes. Not to mention that panty-melting smile of his.
But his mood swings were something I could definitely do without.
Those were the times where I honestly wondered why I was even in his bed. He would either ignore me completely, give me a peck on the cheek, or worse, he would make love to me, but with an air of duty instead of passion.
As if I were some kind of chore he had to take care of. Chuck forbid I should actually get any response or enjoyment from it.
Sam knew about the mood swings, and he knew what it did to me. He knew my anger, my frustrations, my desire to fucking slap the man senseless. He would make attempts to cheer me up, and most times it worked to some degree, and for that I was immensely grateful. Otherwise I’d be insane and Dean would be six feet under.
No, seriously. When two people love each other, they talk, they communicate their feelings, they make love, cuddle, and keep each other safe. Or at least that’s what I was always lead to believe.
So this morning, Dean wakes up grumpy. Hardly says two fucking words to me. He showers and gets dressed. Now, sometimes this happens if we are dealing with a tough case, or an exceptionally difficult hunt. But today? None of those things are in the menu.
He’s sitting having coffee by the time I enter the kitchen. Sam gives me that look, the one that warns me what kind of day I’m going to have. I roll my eyes, mentally preparing for whatever fate happens to throw my way.
I sit beside him and say good morning, he grunts. Doesn’t even look at me. He has no interest whatsoever in searching for a new case. In fact, he looks positively bored and depressed. Ok, depression, maybe, considering what we do. Seeing innocent people haunted or killed by monsters, demons, spirits…it’s enough to destroy one’s mind. I get that. But keeping it bottled in? Not good for the psyche and definitely not cool for a relationship built on communication and trust.
He slowly saunters to the common room, sinking to the couch and turning on the TV. He doesn’t even care what show is on. He doesn’t even watch it. He just stares off into space, zoning out me, Sam, everyone.
Part of me crumples when I see him like this. My heart aches to take him into my arms and just hold him. I’ve tried that, but he pushes me away and tells me to leave him alone. The first time he did that, I cried all afternoon. Sam held me, stroked my hair as I sobbed uncontrollably on his shoulder. He knows how much I hurt when I see Dean like this. And Dean doesn’t even seem to care.
At some point, he goes to our room and lays down. I’m playing cards with Sam on our bed, but when Dean walks in, Sam leaves, giving me a sad smile as he does. I try to cuddle with my boyfriend, hold him close, show him he can lean on me. He does respond this time, turning to face me.
He kisses me, slowly removing my clothes, while I remove his. But that’s where the romantic part ends. He crawls onto me, not that I mind, it’s why I’m here. I am wet, but not a lot. He thrusts in slow, but it’s uncomfortable because of the lack of juices.
His movements are agonizingly lazy, like he doesn’t want to put in the effort. It’s just a chore. Something he feels like he has to do instead of something he wants to do. I try hard not to cry, I refuse to show him how much it kills me when he does this. I don’t know how much more my heart can take. I love him so much, but this is the one thing that could drive me away.
I wrestle with the thought. I have numerous times. But at this particular moment, it’s more than a thought. It’s slowly killing me. And I know leaving him will completely demolish what’s left of my heart. But for the sake of my sanity, I honestly don’t think I have a choice.
I wait till he’s finished and he falls asleep. Then I quietly pack up my clothes and toiletries and move back to my original room. I won’t leave the bunker, and I won’t leave Sam. They need my help. But I can’t be with Dean. Not now, perhaps not ever again. My heart is already shattered. I’m withering away.
Sam knocks on my door to check and see how I’m doing. I cry again. He just lets me rant and vent, letting me cry on his shoulder again. He’s been my one constant friend in all this. I won’t lose him because of Dean’s indifference toward me.
Dean’s POV
YN has been nothing short of a miracle since she became part of my life. I can’t believe how lucky I’ve been. But, I realized she’s also my biggest weakness.
That’s when I decided I needed to keep her at a distance. Not too much of a gap. I just needed to take an occasional day and cut off all thoughts of her, zone out. It takes every bit of will power I possess to do this to her. But I need to keep my emotions under control.
Because I know it would kill me if anything ever happened to her. I honestly think I would close down completely, give up on life, because YN is my life.
When I do pay attention to her, I just make it seem like I don’t really care. It pains me to see the hurt in her expression, to see how much it affects her. All I want to do is kiss away her tears and her worries, tell her it was all a ruse.
But I don’t. And that was my downfall.
I went too far, let it happen too long.
When I woke from my nap, I saw the drawers open. Her clothes missing. I panicked, thinking she’d left the bunker. Then I saw the note. She was still in the bunker, but had moved back to her own room. YN had left me because of my ‘mood swings’.
I did what I did to keep her safe, to keep us safe.
But I failed.
I lost her to laziness, to sloth.
My face falls into my hands as I let loose the tears I’ve held back, feeling like a complete fool. I deserve this. All of it.
@drkcnry67​ @akshi8278​
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
Mommy’s (Not So) Good Girl-Ch 16
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A/N: My home computer wanted to be a butt today and kept restarting, even when I was no where near it. So I apologize that this update is so late. 
"Yea. Dean, I am so sorry. I-"
"You let him fuck you?"
"No," I answer.
"Yea, like I can believe that," he scoffs. "Abby, I saw the video. I saw you grinding on him. Don't try to deny it. No boy in his right mind is going to resist something so freely offered."
"We didn't fuck," I try again, begging for him to trust me. "You are still the only one I've been with."
The silence in the garage is deafening as I stare at him, wordlessly pleading that he understand that I am telling the truth. 
"That's good to know," Dean says, finally conceding with a sigh. "But Abby you could've messed up everything."
"I know," I say low, hanging my head.
"If you had said my name at any point in that video," he pauses and sighs. "We would've both been in a world of trouble."
"I know." I still won't look at him.
"Lis bout went ballistic hearing you talk like that. Practically interrogated me, trying to find out who Daddy is."
My head snaps up at that. "Wha-what did you say?"
"I played dumb, of course. I told her I had no idea."
"Thanks for that I guess," I tell him, a small grin on my lips.
"Hey, I was covering my ass too baby."
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The smile on my face grows as he calls me by my pet name for the first time since this whole debacle began.
"I'm still your baby?" I ask, hopeful.
"Of course," he answers smiling back at me. "Which is why Daddy got so pissed seeing you rubbing his pussy all over that kid."
My whole body heats up and I step closer to him.
"Still your pussy Daddy."
"Damn right," he says as he reaches out his hand toward me. I take it and he pulls my body to his. "Now, let's talk about your punishment."
"But Daddy," I whined. "I didn't…."
"No, but you wanted to. Were going to. And I had to watch it. You've been very naughty,  lil girl."
I nod and look up at him through my lashes. "So you gonna spank me?"
"Well," he says, dragging the word out. "Since you seem to have a big mouth and like to tell all your friends about me….You're gonna use that mouth to suck Daddy's cock until he cums down your throat."
I smile as Dean steps back and pulls me around to the other side of his car
"On your knees little girl," he demands and I hit the floor.
I watch as Dean unbuttoned and unzips his jeans, opening them and reaching in, pulling his member out. 
"Now put those loose lips of yours to good use."
I lick my lips as I wrap my fingers around the base of his dick.  Talking a deep breath, I open my mouth and let him slide in.
Dean's flavor hits my taste buds and I moan obscenely loud. I have missed his taste, the heft of his cock on my tongue,  the tip breaching my throat as I take more of him in. 
Dean begins panting above me while my head bobs on him. He places a hand on the top of my head and splays his fingers across the crown, putting slight pressure there. 
"God, I missed that mouth!" Dean exclaims in a whisper. 
I smile as best as I can with a fat cock between my lips. Hollowing my cheeks, I suck as he begins thrusting his hips, pushing further and deeper into my throat.
"Holy shit! Fuck, I'm gonna-"
He gets cut off when my mom knocks and steps into the garage. "Dean, hon? You out here?"
I immediately take my mouth off him and drop to the floor, looking up at him wide-eyed.  Holy fuck!
He nods his head to the side, silently telling me to crawl around the back of his car.  I hurriedly do as he suggests, sitting on the floor, hopefully out of sight.
My heart's beating erratically and it's hard to breathe, but I hold it in, barely exhaling through my nose.
"Dean?!" My mom chuckles. "Are you seriously out here jerking off?"
"Uh…...yea?" Dean answers sheepishly. 
"Need some help?" Mom asks and I have to suppress the urge to gag. If only Mom knew that it was my saliva on his dick! 
"Uh…..not here. It's all dirty and greasy and smelly out here, let's take this inside," Dean suggests and I hear the audible sound of his zipper being done up.
I wait until I know good and well that they've made their way back inside and to their room before I move.
I walk back in the house,  knowing it is going to be another night of hearing Dean and Mom going at it, knowing that could've been me. 
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Christmas break
Two days before Christmas, I pull into the driveway and my mouth falls open. The house that I grew up in and always had minimal decorations at this time of the year is decked out in lights everywhere. There are strings of lights around every window, the door and hanging from the eaves. 
Mom has never been a big fan of this holiday and to see the house decorated as inanely as it is is bizarre and insane. In the picture window of the front room, there appears to be at least a 7 foot tree standing there with every limb decorated. There’s even a wreath on the front door!
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Has my mom been possessed? Did someone, or something, take over my mom’s body and personality? Someone who is actually fond of Christmas. 
I walk into the house and can hear the rest of the family in the kitchen so I head that way. As soon as I walk in, I see Dean at the stove stirring eggs, Ben is setting the table and Mom is getting everyone’s drinks.
“Hey Abs,” she says as she passes by Dean who almost hits her with the pan of eggs when he turns around. 
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“Who are you all and what have you done with my family?” I ask, astonished. The three of them laugh and, after sitting the drinks on the table, Mom comes over and hugs me.
“We’re making breakfast, silly.”
“Ooookay,” I say, still shocked at the sight before me. Dean looks over and winks as he serves the food onto individual plates. 
“Want some?” he asks. “I made plenty.”
The four of us sit at the table and enjoy the food, which apparently was all made by the man sitting at the head of the table.
“So, what’s up with all the deco? We have never celebrated Christmas like this.”
“A new tradition,” mom says. “Dean’s family didn’t ever celebrate and we’ve never really, so I thought it was time for us to start.”
I look between the three of them and then nod my head. They all look so happy and jovial. Okay, then new tradition I guess.
“Food’s good,” I say, changing the subject and looking toward Dean, who just smiles shyly.
“Yea, who knew Dean could cook!” my usual silent-unless-he’s-playing-a-game brother pipes up.  I look at him, wide-eyed and surprised he said words to us, to me. “What? It’s true.” he says and then goes back to eating.
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Later that afternoon, Mom comes into my room while I’m reading and sits at the foot of the bed. I close my book and sit up. “What’s up?”
“I think Dean is going to propose,” she says nonchalantly and then looks at me and I can see the excitement in her eyes. 
‘What? No! He can’t propose...no, no no!’ I think to myself but force a smile on my face.
“Oh my god! That’s great,” I lie, convincingly because then Mom goes into a diatribe about how someone has seen Dean at the jeweler’s in the next town over for a week straight, everyday. 
“I mean, it has to be because he is trying to get the ring perfect, right?” She asks, the hope in her voice evident. 
“Sure. Yea, I’m sure that’s what it is,” I continue my fibbing. I hug her although my heart is breaking. 
The next morning, Christmas eve, I wake up and am met with the same thing as yesterday. We all gather in the kitchen and sit down for a family breakfast, this time the scrambled eggs are red and green. I quirk an eyebrow at Dean when he sits the plate in front of me and he smiles. “Food coloring. It’s festive,” he tells me and when I keep looking at him like he’s got a second head he rolls his eyes. “Just eat ba-Abby.!” He winks and then continues to give everyone else their plate.
The food is delicious again today. Ben was right when he claimed Dean could cook. Is there anything this man isn’t good at?!
As we are finishing up, Mom begins to discuss what is still needed for tomorrow’s dinner and Dean offers to go to the store for her. 
“Wanna go with me?” he asks, looking at me. I can tell he is silently pleading for me to agree so I nod.
On the way to the store, Dean turns his truck down a street I know for sure isn’t a shortcut or a faster way to the grocer’s.
“Um, De? Where’re you going?” I ask, a laugh in my voice.
“Just wait a second. There’s something I have to do.”
Dean pulls off to the side of the road into a wide spot where there is no traffic and not a single house in sight.
“If you brought me out here to kill me-” I begin but Dean starts laughing. 
“I didn’t bring you out here to kill you baby.” He reaches over and opens the glove compartment. Pulling out a brown paper bag, he sits it in his lap.
“I wanted to give you your present, just the two of us.”
Oh. OH!
I watch as he pulls a rectangular blue velvet box out of the bag and looks at it for a moment. I can see the name of the jeweler’s on the lid. The same one that he apparently frequented for a week straight. 
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“Baby,” he pauses and then hands the box toward me. “Here. Merry Christmas.”
I take the box in my hand, the velvet is soft to touch. I slowly flip open the lid and my mouth drops at what is inside.
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@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @spnbaby-67​ @tftumblin​ @sea040561​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @squirrelnotsam​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @sandlee44​ @blacktithe7​ @deanwanddamons​ @hoboal87​ @marvelfanbrenda​ @vicmc624​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @elliloumom @stoneyggirl​
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Fight Club. Part 2
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Requested: Yes / No
Synopsis: Part two to fight club.
Word Count: 3,324
“So you and MacKay, on again?” Jane asked as we sat on the bay window in our recently acquired apartment.
“Off again,”
“What?” I cried, “I thought you two were getting passed all your idiotic shit,”
“We were till I saw him with another girl two weeks ago,” I huffed, “He had his arm wrapped around her, so I’ve been ignoring him,”
“I wish you’d told me that sooner,” Jane frowned guiltily,
“What did you do,”
“Baby,” His voice sent chills up my spine, “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you,”
“Didn’t try hard enough,” I muttered picking up my vodka and coke.
“Well after you ignored my first sixteen phone calls, I figured you needed to get the stick out of your arse,”
“I’m going to go see Dean,” Jane muttered as I spun around to face the dangerously hot man I’d been fucking for the past three months,
“Are you serious?”
“What is this about, because I know you don’t believe that I’m fucking another girl behind your back,”
“Really? Because you have before,”
“Low blow,”
“Truthful,” I picked my drink back up as George sat across from me.
“I told you, you’re it for me so what’s going on?”
“I don’t know if we’re going to work George,”
“We’re opposite’s,”
“Who attract, try again.”
“It’s not something I can explain. You’re just… You seem… dangerous—like someone I should stay away from. All the fighting,” I elaborated.
“Dangerous,” He repeated. “Okay, so you do like me, but that scares you because I’m different than the straight-laced guys you fucked before I came back into your life and showed you what a fuck really was?”
“Don’t put words in my mouth.”
“Would you prefer something else?” My mouth dropped open.
“You’re insane.” His blue eyes were piercing.
“You like it.” I shook my head.
“I don’t.”
“If you didn’t, you’d be long gone.” I sighed. I did like it, and this exchange was getting me hot under the collar. “God, you have a pretty smile.”
“Stop that,” I mumbled.
“So back to clarifying…” George cleared his throat. “If that’s my other girlfriend, what are you?” Oh shit. It was a trap. We’d never clarified what we were, we just said we were it for each other, and now I’d gone and baited myself. I folded my legs under myself and pushed up, forgetting about the ankle I’d rolled trying to avoid George on campus. I yelped and fell forward, face-planting into George’s chest knocking us both off balance. George fell off the seat and landed on his ass, and I landed on top of him. George’s tongue poked out to lick his lips, a small silver ball on it.
“Did you?” I whispered amazed at the small silver ball, He’d only gone and pierced his fucking tongue.
“Answer the question,”
It would have been the perfect position under different circumstances.
“I’m just the girl you’re stalking.” George wrapped an arm around my waist, keeping me where I was.
“I think you like me stalking you.” I snorted a very unfeminine snort.
“Well, you’re a criminal, so of course you’d think that.”
“We’re back to that, are we? Don’t you think the stereotype is getting a little old?” The arm around my waist tightened. His eyes dropped from mine and focused on my chest that pressed against his. “I don’t know if you know this, but this shirt is pretty much transparent. I can see your bra through it. And that’s a lot of cleavage you’ve got going on there.” He stuck a finger in it to demonstrate. “If I was your boyfriend, I don’t think I’d be all that happy that you wore it to around campus today. Especially paired with this skirt and knowing what weirdo’s people are.” George’s hand eased lower to my ass giving it a little squeeze.
“I guess it’s a good thing you’re not my boyfriend then, isn’t it?”
“Definitely a good thing,” George squeezed harder and shifted under me. “Way better that I’m just stalking your fine ass.”
We stared at each other for a half-second before I yanked off his beanie, shoved my hands into his hair and plastered my mouth to his.
George cupped the back of my head and rolled us over so he was on top. The seam at the back of my skirt gave way with a huge tear as I forced opened my legs so George could fit himself between them. We dry-humped the living hell out of each other as we made out in the middle of my living room floor.
I grabbed the hem of his hoodie and yanked it up, pulling it over his head when there was a break in the kiss. His white T-shirt came off with it. Under all those clothes was his seriously cut body that’d I’d missed exploring.
“I’ve done another thing since you last saw me,”
“Oh?” He nodded his head, “What?”
“You’ll find out.” I ran my hands over his chest and down his abs. “Badass enough for a stalker?” George asked, that damn dimply smirk curving the corner of his mouth.
“You must be the king of badass stalkers.” I tried to pull him back down for another kiss but George sat back on his heels. He untucked my shirt from my skirt.
“I don’t think you’ll be wearing this shirt again.”
“Why not?”
“It doesn’t have any buttons.” He grabbed the hem on either side and pulled. The buttons popped off, pinging against his ripped chest—seriously, all that fighting did a body good. I didn’t even care that he’d ruined my sort-of slutty professional shirt. I thanked the gods of bra design for the little heart-shaped front clasp on the one I was wearing. I opened it and set the girls free. They were like homing devices for George’s hands. He cupped them immediately, separating his fingers so my nipples peeked through. Jesus. He really did look like a criminal—an incredibly hot criminal who’d broken into my house - technically he was invited, but still.
George ducked his head and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth. I moaned and arched as I fumbled around, searching for the buckle on his belt. Finding it, I freed the clasp and went for the button on his jeans. There wasn’t a zipper to make him easier to access. It buttoned all the way down. It was hard to concentrate while he continued the nipple sucking and biting, but I finally managed to get them all undone. I took a deep breath I missed this part of him, two weeks is too long I wrapped my fingers around his shaft.
“Thank God,” I muttered watching as George lifted his head.
“Worried I wasn’t going to have a dick anymore?” I stroked the length, getting a feel for how much there was once again until I hit something that didn’t feel like it belonged. I looked between us, but it was dark down there. I put a hand on his chest so I could check it out a little better.
“Is that a—” I brushed the steel with my thumb. Not only was George now sporting an above-average cock, but it was also now pierced. I met George’s amused gaze. “I want to know what that feels like.”
“Go ahead and touch it all you want.” George’s mouth went slack as I stroked him a few times.
“No.” I licked his lips. “I mean I want to know what it feels like from the inside.” George grinned.
“Should I assume you’re not talking about the inside of your mouth?” I thought for less than a second. I could do the whole blow job thing another time. Besides, knowing my luck, I’d end up sucking the ball right off the piercing and that would result in a trip to the hospital. I’d been fantasizing about being pounded by George since the last time he’d pounded me, a long two weeks ago. I shook my head.
“Not the inside of my mouth.”
“Just to clarify, are you asking me to fuck you?”
“Yes, please.” George pulled his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans and slapped it on the coffee table beside us. Then he stripped off his pants. George didn’t bother taking off my skirt. He just shoved it up to my hips and dragged my panties down my legs. He lifted his hot gaze to hers. “Did you bedazzle your pussy for me?”
“It’s all sparkly.” I lifted my head and tried to see what George was seeing, but I’d have to pull off a seriously difficult yoga pose to make that happen. He rubbed the crest of my pelvis with his thumb and held it up for me to see: pink sparkles.
“Jane,” I growled remembering how she’d thrown glitter on me to try and cheer me up this afternoon. George nodded as if he understood. He dropped his eyes again, along with his hand. He rubbed a slow circle around my clit, then went lower, sliding a finger inside. “Later, I’m going to eat that pretty little pussy of yours. It’s perfect.” I was sure all my sex parts had just exploded in their own glitter bomb of excitement.
“That sounds like a lot of fun.”
“Oh, it will be.” George grabbed me by the hips and dragged me closer. “Wrap your legs around my waist.” A shiver raced up my spine, goosebumps breaking out across my skin. George circled my clit with the head of his cock, then slid low, teasing me with the tip. “How do you want it, baby?”
“Huh?” I was too focused on the feel of his cock nudging me to hear the question.
“How do you want me to fuck you?” He leaned over me, slipped low, and eased inside. “Hard and fast, or slow and easy?” His question inspired an image of being pretzeled into some porn-star position and pounded. It was exactly what I expected. Except that wasn’t what I got.
George stayed deep, rolling his hips, hitting sensitive places inside my body. I held on to his shoulders, submerged in sensation as that piercing worked its magic and brought her to the edge of an orgasm, then dropped-kicked me right over the edge into heaven.
Sometime in the middle of the night, a police siren’s bloop woke me out of a very dead sleep. Shivering, I turned into George’s arms, seeking warmth. The chill from the night air danced across my naked skin, lining it with goosebumps. We need a blanket, I thought but then changed my mind.
The bright yellow streetlight shone through the apartment windows and across George’s chest. He slept in the nude, like any self-respecting, criminal underground boxer would. Smiling to myself, I turned my attention to his face. Over his strong jaw and scruffy cheeks, his eyes remained shut, his breathing deep and rhythmic.
I would never have ever imagined myself in bed with George as he was now, maybe the George I’d fallen for in high school, but I never thought I’d be with this version of George. I giggled softly. He was so different, but even now he was still the same George.
I shifted to get a better look at him. His dick piercing winked in the window light, cutting through the darkness and her thoughts. I winked back, giddy upon remembering his words. ‘Should I assume you’re not talking about the inside of your mouth?’
The plan formulated in my mind, seizing me from the inside out. Bold I was not. Ever. But with George, something spurred me on. Maybe it was his reckless abandon of convention or the way he pushed me to be free. I felt it warming me again. I wanted to borrow some of his bold. Maybe inherit it a little.
“Midnight snack,” I whispered and slipped from beneath his arm. As I moved, he remained asleep, but his brows furrowed together. His mouth slanted and his arm stretched as if seeking me out. My heart squeezed and my stomach dipped. His long, lean body shifted, scratching against the carpet as he slung an arm over his eyes. The other scratched his stomach before falling to rest against my leg.
Our clothes were strewn across my living room. Belts, shoes, jeans, and then I spied his T-shirt. I pulled it over my head, relishing the scent that surrounded me. Looking down at myself in it, I realised I looked wanton—all mussed and ruffled, the picture of properly fucked.
I needed to get this show on the road.
Tucking my hair behind my ear, I sized up my best approach. I wanted nothing more than to feast on him, savour him fully and feel the ball at his tip against my lips. His hands in my hair. My name on his breath. But I needed to move slowly, gently, for maximum effect.
Careful not to disturb him, I moved into position from the side. The prickly rug rubbed against my belly. It wasn’t helping the butterflies already in there. Deep breaths in and out were my saving grace as I inched my mouth down and around him. Once, twice, three times, and then I was no lady.
Lust roared through me on a moan and took over. All sense of slow and steady went out the window on the breeze. In a flash, he was awake.
“Y/N,” He gasped, muscles bunching beneath my hand as I dipped again. “Y/N, what are—oh, fuck,” I nipped at him playfully. Just a bit, but it was enough for his entire body to snap with tension.
“Midnight snack,” I informed him, dizzy with need as I plunged my mouth around his cock again. One hand cupped him, and I reached the other between my legs to lessen the throbbing. George caught my hand before it hit home. “No,” He ground out, his body angling up off of the rug. I knew he must be getting close. When I tried to reach my pussy again, he slapped my hand away.
“My turn,” He demanded, smoothing his palm over my ass and down my thigh.
With each pass, he got closer to where I wanted him. Needed him. Two fingers traced from my hip to my thigh and back up. He swirled them around until finally, I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Please,” I begged around his cock, rubbing the tip between my lips. I shook my ass in jest. Something to spur him into action
“Oh, baby, you don’t know what you’re in for.” He surged up and slid backward to lean against the couch cushions we’d pulled down last night. His hard cock slipped out of my mouth, and I whimpered a full-blown you-took-away-my-candy whimper. I was fairly certain I pouted as well. “Give it here,” He said with a light slap to my ass. Instead, I crawled away, brushing my knees against the rug, taking my ass out of his grasp as I looked over my shoulder. He’d slouched comfortably like he was ready to relax and watch television, but it just so happened he was naked and his hand was moving up and down leisurely over his cock. His eyes, though. They let me know this was no game to him. He was going to devour me.
With narrowed eyes, I wiggled my ass for him to come to me.
“I said,” He repeated slowly, his finger signalling for me to come forward, “Give it here.”
“No,” I quipped, marching away on all fours. Quickly, he caught my ankle and pulled me back. The rug burn would hurt like hell in the morning, but for now, it did nothing but kindle the fire. His legs were spread, his cock jutted up, and I tried to reach for it …
“Not yet,” He barked, pulling one of my legs over his body so I straddled him, still facing away from him. “Give it here,” He urged, laying his hands on my calves. He massaged, deep and just a tad too hard, and waited for me to catch on to what he wanted.
“You can’t mean…” I dropped my head to look at him from below. Upside down, he peered at me, watching my breasts sway with my shuddering breath.
“I can mean,” He said, smacking his lips as his eyes drank in my pussy. “And I want.” His hands came to rest below her hips, guiding me back slowly.
Anticipation choked me as my pussy came close enough to feel his warm breath.
Shifting, he tipped my hips up to meet his waiting mouth. His tongue dipped and swirled. Slowly, he kissed me. Fucked me with his mouth until my arms, weak like jelly, gave out. I managed to prop herself up at an angle: ass in the air, my forearms on his legs.
“You had your midnight snack,” He said against my pussy. “This is my breakfast.”
I pushed back as George lunged forward, burying his tongue inside me. He ravaged me, unrelenting, unforgiving.
“Holy fu—” I began when I felt the ball, the tiny silver ball wreaking havoc on my clit. His hands came up and slid me apart. Fingers, tongue, lips, and a little teeth. I was melting from the inside out.
“Please,” I gasped, reaching for something to hold on to before I fell. He wouldn’t let me slip. Not yet. Not until he’d had his fill. I knew that even in the haze of my building orgasm. I felt him shift, legs spreading while his upper body shifted to take the weight of my legs onto his shoulders.
Closer to his mouth.
Jesus Christ.
I surrounded him, and he me. My cheek brushed his cock, and he moaned, the vibration rumbling through my entire being.
“You fucked…” I paused, my eyes rolling back, my awareness heightened from the sensations of his lips on mine. “You took. Now I want.” With a cry, I took him in my mouth again and lavished, meeting his actions with my own. For every lick, suck, and nibble, I gave a swallow, a pump, and a run along the shaft with my teeth, which I’d realised he loved.
“Y/N,” A warning, He was going to come.
“George,” An answer, I wasn’t stopping. I was lost in the single-minded focus of making him come, of losing myself to his mouth and—fuck! He added fingers now.
“Come on me,” he begged. He was losing it. We both felt it. Precise movements gave way to harried and frantic actions, that final climb to the top before we both fell over.
One more time I swallowed, deep, and with a groan, he let go. I kept going, enjoying the way all her senses lit up on the build of my orgasm.
“Please, Y/N,” I heard him say. Or I thought I did. I teetered on the wire until he pinched the nerve, and I snapped. Overwhelmed by the emotional surge, I felt tears streaming down my face, running over my nipples and dropping on his still-shaking legs. He slowed, kissing me reverently before helping my weak body into a more comfortable position.
Quietly, we laid together, breathing heavily. I felt dizzy, weak, and happier than I’d been in forever. After a few minutes, George’s breathing slowed to a normal pace. I figured he had typical-man syndrome and had fallen back asleep like a lump after he’d destroyed me, I was wrong.
“My girl?” He whispered lips pressed against my forehead.
“Your girl,” An agreement.
“Wear your uniform to the next fight and let me fuck you in the bathrooms,”
“You’ve only just cum, and you’re already making plans for your next turn?”
“What can I say? You do this sort of thing to me,” He chuckled his arms holding me tighter. “Do you like the piercings?”
“I love the piercings,”
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So I’ve never done one of these fic recommendations lists before but I really want to share some of the amazing work that I’ve read this past month! I’ve definitely read a whole ton more but I was dumb and didn’t think to like draft this list and then just keep adding to it... so I’m just attempting to go through my tags LOL please be patient with my dumbass. 
NOTE: Since I only started doing this recently, a lot of my recommendations are gonna come from a lot of my mutuals but I’m always open to hearing more about other fics!!! If you’ve got an incredible fic that you are super proud of or if you think that I should read something you’ve read, PLEASE SEND IT TO ME! I’m really big on StevexFem!Reader, BuckyxFem!Reader, WandaxFem!Reader, CarolxFem!Reader, and Stucky fics!!!
If you do end up reading these fics, please tag me if you reblog them or comment on them!! I’d love to see your guys’ reactions :) 
PS. if these links dont work for some reason, please let me know so I can update this list because I was very distracted halfway through making this so it might not be perfect!
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1.Walpurgis Night by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “In which Steven volunteers to find a long-lost princess of Starkerbürg. (Fairy Tale AU)” I have no clue why this fic is not given more goddamn attention because holy shit yall, I have never been so grasped by a fic before. If you love medieval/fairy tale type things, you will love this fic. And if you don’t, you’re gonna love it anyways because @anika-ann​ writes SO. FUCKING. WELL. 100% fluff and love.
2. Abs Aren’t Always the Answer by @its-not-captain-america​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve asks Y/N what girls are interested in, trying to impress her. Several shirtless pics later it’s not working.” Y’all want hilarious shit??? What about Steve Rogers always trying to take his fucking shirt off because he has the DNA (and the body) of a stripper? JK that’s not the actual reason but this fic is so funny, I died reading the first 700 times (and the 701st time too... and every time after that). 100% hilarious.
3. Challenge Accepted...? by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader ”Steve’s never been good at quick decision-making when it came to his own safety. After one particularly horrible experience, you find a way to remind him every day to think twice the next time he’s faced with a tough choice. He is not amused.” Steven Grant Rogers you stupid dumb hoe lol. That’s all I’mma say about this fic because it speaks for itself when you read it haha. Banter is iconic in this fic. 100% hilarious.
4. A Matter of Trust by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You and Steve get to go to a mission together after a while; free drinks, partying, dressing-up nicely, stealing blueprints, the usual. You might even enjoy this as a couple.“ This time it’s Y/N that’s kindof a stupid dumb hoe but like that’s okay because when Y/N is a stupid dumb hoe, it’s not as stupid or dumb as when Steve does it. There’s a bit of a carry on between Challenge Accepted...? and this fic! So I would suggest reading that one first and then this :) 100% hilarious.
5. For a Smile by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You see him run past every morning. So you smile, because he looks like a nice person. How could he not be when he smiles back and the world stops for a while to pay respect to such beauty?” So you know how Disney movies totally screwed over some of our perspectives of how guys were gonna come and sweep us off our feet? Yeah. This fic did it too. I’m still waiting for my fairytale fucking moment like this fic but if it never happens, I’ll settle for just reading this over and over again LOL. 100% F L U F F and LOVE.
6. Grease and Pearls by @anika-ann​​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “All you know is uptown; fancy clothes, expensive cars, jewellery outshining one’s personality and exhausting dinners with family acquaintances and business partners. Your life is all planned out; one day, you’ll marry Howard Stark’s son and you’ll be the golden couple adored by press.” This 3-part series slayed me. Like honestly, I’ve never been so torn apart before. Y’all lucky that if you read it, you get to read all 3 parts right away whereas I had to sit and wait for my heart to be torn apart and then stomped on. (Jk anika i love you you know that). Super amazing thing I love about this fic: it’s got links to the dresses that Y/N wears (super cute btw) AND it’s got two different endings so you can decide!!! 100% ANGST and 100% FLUFF? At the same time??? Because of the two endings?!?!?!? NOTE: part 2 got some steamy smut in there so 18+ readers only. I had to take a cold shower after reading it like goddamn.
7. Be Alright by @kayteewritessteve​ ​| Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve goes through a bad breakup, but a sweet voice and a friendly smile helps him realize he can begin again, and that he definitely should.” God this fic. I can’t with this fic. It’s based on the Dean Lewis song Be Alright, which is already one of my favourites, but this fic, ugh, Kaytee knows how to hurt you that’s for sure. It’s so pure and so wonderful. 100% SAD but like it gets better promise.
8. Cold Feet by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
“After two months of dating, you’ve come to a conclusion as exciting as well as a bit irritating: Steve Rogers is a perfect man. He simply has no flaw.Or does he?” Mother. Fucking. Adorable. I dunno if there’s anything else to say except that anika really knows how to make me wish I was Y/N adsoifhosd. 100% F L U F F
9. Hot Chocolate by @vodkaxtonic​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve gets sick and Y/N takes care of him, which involves a lot of Steve’s whining, hot chocolate and cuddles.“ Steve Rogers is a little shit who won’t just accept that he’s sick and needs to be taken care of BUT IT’S SO CUTE AND THIS FIC IS THE BEST!!!! 100% FLUFF!!
10. Home by @evanstush​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “It’s been 2 years since the last battle and it’s now Morgan’s 7th birthday, and well, Tony being Tony, he prepared a small party for her little girl, inviting everyone from the team, including you.” Hnnnggg this fic. Okay so. I love @evanstush​ with all my fucking heart because she’s always been so supportive of me and my fics. That being said I WAS NOT EXPECTING HER KIND ASS TO HURT MY HEART LIKE THIS. But again, it’s okay because it’s got fluff guys. 50% ANGST and 50% FLUFF. Well like it’s 100% both but like I have to split it haha.
11. Cocktails by @writeyourmindaway​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “ ~i really don’t know what to write i’m sorry~ DRINKS!” That’s okay, darling, I’ll write the summary you. HILARITY. WONDERFULNESS. THE WORD BLOWJOB WRITTEN SO MANY TIMES AND IT’S FUCKING GOLD. This is so funny i love it haha. This fic killed me. I should’ve seen it coming (hehe) but i didn’t lol. 100% HILARIOUS.
12. Unadulterated by @writeyourmindaway​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader No summary for this one but again, I shall do the honours haha. It’s part 2 of ‘Cocktails’ and this one is just as adorable and hilarious as the first part! Steve is a cheeky little soft boi and the flirting just makes me feel all sorts of ways <3 100% ADORABLE.
13. Water Wars by @writeyourmindaway | Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader “The team finds a new way to unwind” I love fics where you just see the team get to be normal people!!! Plus haven’t we all thought about how the Avengers would are in a water fight? Is that just me? Don’t have to fantasize about it now because @writeyourmindaway wrote it for you :D 100% FLUFF.
14. Slow Like Honey by @heli0s-writes | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “The gossip that buzzes around in the teacher’s lounge is that sweet, sensitive, divorcé Steve Rogers is hot-for-teacher. His daughter’s first-grade teacher, to be exact.” I binged this whole fucking series. 8 parts of PURE. EVERYTHING. I have never so badly wanted a happy ending in my fucking life. This is an amazing series with so much love put into it, you can tell. I really can’t explain this fic because you really need to just go read it to know how amazing it is. NOTE: Part 4, 5, and 8 have some serious love smut in there so 18+ readers only please. UGH. I love this fic so much. I will continue to keep daydreaming about it and thinking about it all the time. God I love me some Dad!Steve. 50% FLUFF and 50% ANGST (which seriously tore my heart out like I cried).
15. You Make My World Spin by @anika-ann | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “After the Battle of New York and all the mess Tony gets involved in later, Pepper believes he is in a need of an assistant slash tech genius. Enter you. While Tony is not amused by Pepper’s idea at first… he soon warms up to you.” So many insanely wonderful references in this fic, it’s hilarious. Also, Tony being a little shit LOL. Such a hilarious fic!!!! 100% AMAZINGLY HILARIOUS.
16. If You Stumble... by @anika-ann | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “If you stumble…make it part of the dance. In which you ask Steve what your date would look like if you lived the forties. He decides to show you instead. There are few flaws, holes to see through to glimpse beyond that illusion. But what life would be besides boring if everything was perfect? Perfect dress. Perfect date. Perfect gentleman…?” So my dumbass was so excited to read something that anika put out that I didn’t realize this was part 2 of a 3 part series lol I’m dumb yes I know. Anyways, this is part 1 so please don’t be like me and read the first part LOL. ANYWAYS, this was so fucking wholesome. This is definitely one that I need to read again and fully read in order (she’s got part 3 on her AO3, I believe) but ugh. I love the idea of Steve dating in this century, comparing things to how things were done in the old days ufglasodfhsd. I love it. Amazing. 100% FLUFF (I think because well my dumbass hasn’t finished but this part was fluffy :3)
17. @wxstedhexrt‘s poems | Read Them Here! | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes I don’t think Destiny ever gave me a summary of these but (and Destiny, please correct me if I’m wrong in how you want these to be portrayed!) I believe they’re poems written throughout the whole Steve and Bucky timeline. She’s used the Winter Soldier’s words and turned them into a gorgeous set of poems. 100% My favourite thing in the whole fucking world. 
18. The Lonely Tree by @sarahwroteathing​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You have a favorite tree which you make sure to pass every day on your way to class, but one day you find you’ll have to get used to sharing it with a friendly art student.” Holy shit guys this 15 part series was so amazing. It’s 100% PURE FLUFF and PINING and gorgeous. Holy shit. Like I screamed reading the whole goddamn thing. Amazing writing by an amazing human being with some awesome humour haha.
19. @sinner-as-saint​ responding to an anon request? Amazing. | Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Request: May I just spice up your day with the thought of best friend/roommate bucky being jealous when you bring someone home HOT. AS. FUCK. Holy shit. It’s such a short little list of things that Bucky would do but ugh. I was dying reading it. I love me some jealous Bucky smut. 100% angsty fluff? With smuttiness ;) 18+ readers please!!
20. @alloftheimaginesblog​ prompted fic | Steve Rogers x Reader (I could be wrong here but I believe the gender of the reader is never specified? But the ring is a woman’s ring so?? @alloftheimaginesblog​ pls correct me if you want!) Prompt: Finding an engagement ring in one of their drawers. So fucking fluffy I needed a cavity filled after ugh. I loved it so much it was just a gorgeous piece of writing. Steve is a little piece of poop for not hiding that ring better I mean come on, you’re telling me you couldn’t have punched a hole, put the ring there, and then cover it up with like a cabinet or something??? jk i still love you steeb. 100% fluff!
21. Laser Tag by @stargazingfangirl18​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You play laser tag with your boyfriend Steve and his best friend Bucky. Since you’re just a plain ole civilian, you gotta use what non-Avenger skills you have to avoid losing. Hint: those skills involve Steve and kissing.” Iconic. Everything. Wonderful. There is nothing I love more than Steve Rogers being a little sucker for making out with his girlfriend even when there’s a competition. 100% fluff!!!!
22. Under the Rainbow, Draga mea by @binkysteebnpewter​ | Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader I don’t think there’s an official summary ( @binkysteebnpewter​ pls correct me if I’m wrong) but my summary is this: GAYNESS <3 I love me some wlw content so when I saw this pop up on my dash, I couldn’t NOT read. It’s soooo good. This is a Social Media AU and the amount of meme usage in there I- it’s fucking wonderful. It’s still in progress though so you guys will have to pine after this relationship with me. I FUCKING LOVE IT. 100% GAY LOVE <3
23. A Fic in which Peggy Carter plays wingwoman because these two idiots are in love with each other but they can’t see it so our Queen needs to throw it at them by @1she1hulk1​ (please note I made this title by myself because I don’t think there was a title LOL @1she1hulk1​ lmk if you want me to change this xD) | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “the plot is bacially you and Steve go to see Peggy and she tells Steve to finally make his move” Peggy Carter is a fucking Queen and she knows that Steve is falling for you, because he just won’t stop fucking talking about you LOL. Anyways, this is a super cute fic!!!! Please go give it some love because this human being who wrote it doesn’t think she’s a good writer?????? Crazy. 100% FLUFF!!!!
So because this is my first recommendation list on this site, I know I’m definitely missing some amazing fics that I’ve read but never saved (I’m a terrible person I know). So I’m just gonna add them in this list here because they deserve love and attention too!
@wxstedhexrt​‘s poetry. Period. End of story lol. JK. So the ones that I’ve read that are on Destiny’s tumblr aren’t all fandom related (besides the one that I posted above) but they’re still really amazing. I’ve never felt so captured by poems before (mostly because i’m stupid and don’t understand a lot of poetry). Ugh anyways I love her poems so much so please go check them out! CLICK HERE FOR BEAUTY <3
Alright so I know a lot of you guys know @kayteewritessteve​ but if you don’t, she’s this super amazing writer with INCREDIBLE series. (CLICK HERE TO SEE HER FULL MASTERLIST). But one of my most favourite series by her, and one of my favourite series of all time, is: If Only You Knew “You arrive home one day to find a wedding invite for two of your best friends from high school. You knew this day was going to come eventually, but even with that said, you weren’t prepared to return home. At least not after 7 years of avoiding Buckhannon, West Virginia. Or rather, avoiding him; your ex-best friend and the secret love of your life. But maybe it was finally time to face your past, to face him and everything else that happened on that horrible night.”  This 18 (plus an Epilogue) part series will literally have you screaming at your screen being like WHY YALL CANT JUST TELL EACH OTHER HOW YALL FEEL?!?!?!?! 75% angst (because Kaytee likes to hurt us) and 25% fluff BUT the fluff is SOOOOO worth it so it’s like 100% angst and 200% fluff (i was never a mathlete). NOW since, we’re on the topic of Kaytee’s writing, I’d also like to mention: Love and War  “In a harsh medieval world, you set out on a perilous quest that will lead you onto a forbidden land. A land ruled and controlled by a ruthless Warlord King, one who does not look favourably upon trespassers of any kind, and punishes all with an iron fist. You may not know exactly where this quest will end, but what you do know is you will forever be altered by it. And that knowledge alone is what truly terrifies you the most.” so I read this while Kaytee was writing it about a year ago and holllyyyyyy shit. Okay. So. Listen. Fantasy? Check. Romance? Check. Amazing writing? Well it’s Kaytee so yea obviously check. I want to list more things but I don’t want to give it away! This is a 15 part series (plus an Epilogue and Outro) but it goes by so quickly once you’re stuck and waiting for more!!!! 
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wwwafflewrites · 5 years
Imagine Getting Caught in an Ambush with Dean Winchester
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It was really only meant to be a one night stand.
You were the town flirt, twirling your pretty hair and flaunting your curves which were exaggerated by your revealing outfits. With one smile, you had this guy twirled around your fingers before he even knew it. This was your happy place. This is what you were comfortable with.
You had to admit, he was stunning. Freckles, vibrant green eyes, and a million dollar smile. Not to mention his abs. And those shoulders.
You got your usual fix of hot action, but it stopped abruptly when you both heard a noise from outside. You shrugged it off quickly, but he didn't overlook it as easily.
He sat up and you stared at him, shocked as he re-buttoned himself and reached for his duffel bag.
"Hey! What are you—"
He pulled out a gun.
You stared at him in horror. What was he planning on doing with that?
"It's not for you, sweetheart."
And while he was cute, you weren't stupid. "Okay, I don't know what kind of nutjob you are, but I am so out of here!"
"Stay where you are."
In normal circumstances, you would have up and left. You didn't need a man telling you what to do. But this man had a gun, so... you know, that was important.
He opened his mouth to explain, but then the windows rattled violently and the roof echoed like it was raining rocks outside.
You flinched. “What is going on?!”
Then that manly—kind of hot—glare came over his face as he eyed the windows.
“Sweetheart, I’m going to need you to get down.”
You looked at him incredulously, but then the door flew open and multiple figures burst in. You were under the bed like a rocket.
You shivered. It was dusty, the floorboards were cold on your skin, and it was just uncomfortable. You could feel your uneven breath fan onto the mattress and then back onto your face. Not to mention whatever the hell was going on outside.
Dean was grunting and loud, knocking noises erupted in the smaller motel room. A shot rang out, and you then covered your ringing ears. Gunshots had never been that loud in movies.
Finally then, you heard skin on skin, a good punch, and the room was quiet, other than a few shuffles. You held your breath.
"Dean Winchester," a voice drawled. "I'll admit, he's one tough bugger."
Oh no no. No. Dean hadn't won. And since Dean hadn't won, you couldn't come out. Because then they would have you too.
"Sure is," another voice replied.
There was a creak of the bed, and some movement.
"Think he'll threaten us?"
"Almost definitely."
Someone else joined in. "I'll bet $50 he'll use the word 'kill' in the first sentence he says."
"What if he says, like, I don't know, 'you're all going to die' or something?"
They scoffed. "That counts."
"No, it doesn't."
"Fine. But I'm still going with it."
"That's a risky bet."
"Not if it's Dean Winchester."
You were sure to take long, deep, quiet breaths. You had to stay calm. You had to stay calm.
As much as people thought you were fearless, you fought anxiety daily. This, this was another battle. You didn't have any choice but to suck it up and force yourself to breathe. Force yourself to think rationally. All while your heart was running a mile and you were struggling to keep up.
"Hey, you got more rope?"
You shuddered minutely. They were tying him up.
"Yeah, here."
More movement, on the bed, and you prayed. Prayed to every god you knew that this wasn't some kinky thing. Mostly because you were under the bed. They weren't going to... right? What if they... ugh, you just couldn't think about it.
Fortunately, though, at least you thought it was fortunate, Dean began to stir.
He rasped, "I'm going to kill you suckers."
A couple people snickered, another groaned.
"We thought so," someone said sarcastically. "Now, we want to know where the demon tablet is."
Dean began to laugh. Okay, at least you both knew they were psychos. Like, demon tablet?
"I don't have the demon tablet," Dean told them.
You spoke too soon. Everyone here was insane. How did you end up here? Was everyone in this room high? You thought so. Including yourself.
"We know you have it, Dean Winchester. We know you've been trying to decipher it."
Dean scoffed. "You think I could decode that thing? I'm not a prophet, believe it or not."
Your legs were really starting to cramp from being so curled up. And you didn't want to risk adjusting for fear of them hearing you.
"I told you," one of the voices mumbled, supposedly to the others.
"Bunch of eight year olds," Dean muttered, "You sure you're actually demons?"
They seemed to sober up after that. "Of course we are," one growled.
You could almost hear Dean's smile in his next words. "Hey, don't look at me. You're the ones playing the 'I told you so' game."
There was a jerk of the bed.
You flinched, inhaling sharply. Thankfully the bed covered up your gasp with loud creaking. Like the man had lunged at him.
"Again, eight year old," Dean said smugly.
You frowned. Why did your nose itch? Something tickled. You crinkled it, wiping at it silently, but the itch didn't go away. You felt a sneeze coming on.
Oh, shi—
You managed to hold most of it in, but the inhaling portion could not be stifled. You froze, completely still as you waited to see if they heard you.
A head peeked down and smiled wickedly at you.
"Look who we have here!"
You scrambled and curled into yourself, trying to stay out of reach, but one of them had grabbed you by your ankle. They yanked until you were out from under the bed and frantically trying to free yourself.
You heard Dean swear softly.
One of the men cackled and that's when you broke. You swung your other leg and kicked him in the face, pushing him back but not knocking him down. You brought your fist into one of their knees and they cried out.
"How..?" Dean breathed.
You had no chance to answer him. You swung your other fist into the other man's head, and managed to temporarily get their grimy hands off you. God, they smelled something awful. Was that rotten eggs?
You managed to grab Dean's gun from the nightstand, which the men had stupidly placed without thought. They were too confident in themselves. Too cocky.
Speaking of which, you cocked the gun.
They looked at you in terror.
"Shoot them," Dean urged you. "Don't hesitate. I mean it. Shoot them. They deserve that and more."
You hesitated and whispered, "Who could ever deserve death?"
"Demons could, kid. They've killed more people than you've probably met in your lifetime. And if you don't kill them, they are definitely going to kill you later."
The men didn't deny it. In fact, they seemed to agree.
You pulled the trigger. And you pulled it again. And again. And again. Until you were just shooting corpses. Until you couldn't see through your tears. They could have killed you.
Dean had finally broken through his bonds that he'd been tearing at for a good while after trying to keep still. He came over to stand beside you. "Let go of the gun," he said gently, slowly prying your fingers from the weapon. "Just let go."
You did.
Dean looked at you. "I think you're in shock. Hey, it's okay. You did the right thing. Really."
"They could've killed me."
"Yeah, but you fought back. You didn't let them. How'd you do that, by the way?"
You shook your head. "I dunno."
Something on your hand caught Dean's eye. He lifted it to inspect the ring on your hand, which was now bloody. "Iron," he murmured. "You're a genius. You could punch them right in the face. That is just genius." He looked down and began to laugh. "Where the hell'd you get iron toe boots?"
"I don't know, they used to be my dads."
"Your dad had pretty small feet."
Really? That's all you have to say? After we just got attacked by demons or whatever? Your head was starting to spin.
You rolled your eyes. "They're adjustable."
He looked at you strangely. "And the rings? Where'd you get those?"
"...my dad. He welded them himself. He's um... he's gone now."
"Sorry," he said solemnly. He nodded to himself, clearly deep in thought as he traced his finger over the pattern on your ring. "You ever know your dad was a hunter?"
"Hunter symbols. They're everywhere on you. Ring, shoes... jacket, too. Necklace. I'd say he was trying to protect you the best that he could when he died. There's no way those could have fit him, adjustable or not."
"But...what? I don't even… how could I..."
"You mind if I take a look at those? We... uh, Sam and I... we could help you. Because whatever he was warding against, he was convinced they would come after you. From what I can tell, it's probably demons."
"I mean, yeah. I don't ever want them after me again." You shivered, recalling. "Is that it? You just want to help out?"
Dean shrugged. "They were also pretty cool and I want some. But anyway, let's just get out of here. These guys stink something awful."
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callme-barnes · 5 years
Beauty & Brawn (Part 5)
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                                                                                                                                 Summary- You are the top scientist in all of New York, the one that no one knows. Going through the science field as a woman is hardly easy, let alone rewarding. You’re bombarded with misogynistic men who only see you as a pretty face, not knowing that you have the mind of a thousand scientists combined. That is until you meet Tony Stark, the genius billionaire who could quite possibly be the answer to your prayers, and your heart.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
It’s been a while. Catch up here!:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
It was about 6 in the evening and you had officially been staring at the outfit lying on your bed for 40 minutes. This also included the not so healthy talking to yourself that you were having.
Why did you even think you could do this? Do you know how long its been since you’ve gone out? How long since you’ve last worn heels? You’re going to fall flat on your face and he’s going to laugh at you and your evening is going to go exactly like that.
You quickly inhaled and shut your eyes, forcing the negative thoughts to float into the back of your mind before you grabbed the dress and slipped it on over the nice black lingerie you had saved for a special occasion. Not that Tony was going to see your lingerie that evening, but it always felt nice to have something sexy on under your clothes just to give you that extra ounce of encouragement and self esteem.
The dress was long and curve hugging, cinching in at your waist and falling down loose past your hips. The slit going up your right leg was just high enough to show some skin but low enough to leave something to the imagination. It had a nice low U-shape neckline that flaunted your breasts but was also modest. You took in a deep breath and turned around to look in the mirror. It had been such a long time since you’ve seen yourself in anything even remotely fancy that it kind of made you nervous and giddy all the same time. Looking at the clock you saw you still had about an hour and a half to get ready so you walked over to your vanity and began to put on some makeup, turning on your favorite playlist and singing along to help release your nerves.
It was now 7:45 and you were ready to go. Your heels complemented your dress, and your hair fell nicely down your back in large loose waves. You heard the buzzer for your apartment buzz and you quickly took one final breath before quickly walking over and answering it.
“Hello Ms. Y/L/N. I am here to escort you to dinner”&#157;
You smiled and rolled your eyes slightly at his tone and shook your head in amusement
“I’ll be right down”
You quickly walked over to your floor length mirror and checked everything again. You fluffed up your hair, did a couple of quick turn, reapplied some of your lipstick although it was already perfect, and then you grabbed your phone and your small bag and walked out into the elevator.
The ride down was full of anxiety and if anyone else was in the elevator with you you’re sure they would have felt all that energy rolling off of you like heat waves from the sun. The elevator ding sounded and you looked up seeing you were already on the ground floor. You took in one more deep breath in and then walked out when the doors opened. The first thing you saw was Tony’s figure. He was looking down at his watch and twiddling his fingers as though he was just an average man, nervous to to meet a woman for the first time. He never looked up and if anything he probably looked like he was gathering his own thoughts.
You walked over and put on a smile, tapping Tony on the shoulder and he immediately turned his head to take you in. His eyes roamed, from your head right down to the very tip of your feet. The gaze he was giving you made you nervous and you shifted under it before he cleared his throat
“Well if I’ve ever seen a more beautiful woman in my life I couldn’t remember”&#157;
You took the time to let out a nervous chuckle and looked down before looking back up at him
“Thank you. I wasn’t sure how fancy or how not fancy to dress so I’d say this is in between”
Tony shook his head and sent you a smile
“You look amazing. Even if we were going out to watch a movie or eat at a fast food restaurant I still wouldn’t even think about telling you since you might change”
His tone was one of playfulness and you smiled brightly at him
“Shall we?”&#157;
Tony quickly gathered his wits
“Sorry. Yes, yes we shall”&#157;
He stuck out his arm for you to take and you did so without a second thought. Talking to him was so effortless you couldn’t even remember why had you had been so nervous in the first place. You both walked out towards the front of your apartment complex and you saw his very nice black car. He opened the door for you, you sent him a polite thank you and he got into the driver’s side and you were off.
Dinner flew by and now you were both back at the tower going over Tony’s new idea
“I like it. I think it could help a lot of people by giving them access to clean water all the time. How much are we thinking this is going to cost for the countries that want to purchase it?”&#157;
“And that’s where you come in. See I want to do this as more of a humanitarian project. I don’t want this to cost a fortune, if those who need it can’t afford to have clean water now I wouldn’t want them to stress out about being able to purchase this mechanism. I want it to be affordable”&#157;
You pouted your lips out a bit and felt your thoughts racing before a light bulb went off
“We’d have to make it as biodegradable as possible. If you can locate the pieces we need that are either recycled or if they are pieces that are broke and going to be used for scraps, we could get them cheaper, I can fix them and then we wouldn’t have to charge an arm and a leg for it”&#157;
Tony nodded along before smiling
“And that’s why you’re working with me. I’ll start looking for suppliers tomorrow”
You smiled at Tony and fixed your dress. You were seated on top of the lab counter, your legs dangling and your mind racing with all the ideas that you has planned
“So Y/N, tell me more about you. I know the basics, I know you graduated at the top of your university on the Dean’s List. But how is it you’re so good at everything? I know I’m smart, but your brain kind of functions like a little computer and it’s the most, impressive thing I’ve seen in my life”
You looked up at Tony before smiling and wiped your hands on your thighs since they had since gotten sweaty from being alone in the same room with Tony
“Well, that’s because it practically is. When I was a kid, I used to get these horrible migraines in school and the longer I was in school the worst they got. Then in about middle school I had a moment in my chemistry class where we were dissecting an earthworm, and my vision kind of zoomed in a little and I was able to vividly see the entire system of how it worked and what was lying even beneath what the normal eyes could see. I started being able to solve Calculus problems without a piece of paper or a calculator by 7th grade. I just...I don’t know my brain kind of works where, if I’m asked something, I put everything together in my head, sometimes so fast where I don’t even register what I’m doing. I wouldn’t say I can see into the future or something, but my brain goes into overdrive and I’m able to kind of do trials in my head of every possible way something could go and I’m able to accomplish what I can because of that”&#157;
Tony was leaned back against the counter in front of you, listening to everything you were saying almost like he was trying to memorize all of it.
“What about family life? Any brothers, sisters? Mom? Dad?”
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked down
“None. Well, technically I do. But I don”t talk to them anymore”
“Why’s that?”
You took in a deep breath and looked up at him
“When I was in 7th grade, my counselor at school spoke to my parents about me. At first it was because there were complaints from my teachers, saying I must be cheating during tests or cheating during spelling bees and science competitions because I never missed anything. But my counselor was a nice older lady and I trusted her with what I was able to do. She believed in me so she told my parents I should be going to school at a math and science academy or a more top tier school. When I was younger we were poor. We were living 5 in a single room apartment, my mom, my dad, me and my two sisters. They signed me up into a great school like my counselor said. But I had to receive financial aid and scholarships because we weren’t able to afford it. Long story short instead of using the money I was receiving to keep me in school, they were keeping it to themselves and not paying my classes. We owed thousands of dollars to the school so I was kicked out and for high school I was back in public school”
Tony furrowed his eyebrows and looked down
“That’s insane. I can’t believe they’d do that”
“Neither could I. And it only continued in high school. I was getting prize money for doing inventions and projects and winning the competitions. But I never saw that money. I always figured it was the least I could do, since I lived under their roof and they were clothing me and feeding me. But one day I was unable to compete because my teacher wanted to give others a chance. My parents found out, they blew their shit, and I kind of became an outcast after that. I stopped enjoying science and just kind of did mediocre work. At 18 I left for college and I just never kept in contact”&#157;
Tony looked back up at you before exhaling, moving from his previous position to stand in front of you. You were so close you could feel his thighs brushing against your knees and you looked up at him
“Well it was a nice turn of events in a way. Now what they couldn’t appreciate I can. I...I know this might be inappropriate, and please, stop me at anytime, but you are the most gorgeous, smartest woman I’ve ever met. And I want to know more about you, and I want to help you reach any goal you want to conquer. I just, the short time you’ve been here has been so great”
You bit your lower lip
“Tony what....”
But before you were able to get your thoughts out, his lips came to yours and his hands moved to cup your cheeks to pull you closer. You were surprised and your heart was racing, but you felt your body instantly react and you kissed him back. Your hands moved to rest on his waist and he took that as an opportunity to pull himself closer to you. You could feel his heart beating against his chest and you melted deeper into the kiss. He pulled away and opened his eyes to look at you. You looked back but before he was able to say anything JARVIS spoke
“Mr. Stark, Fury is here. He’s called an emergency meeting and would like to meet in conference room 3″
You furrowed your eyebrows unable to decide if you should say something but Tony beat you to it
“He’s always had such amazing timing”&#157;
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jayalaw · 4 years
Community Season 3 Deviation: If Gilbert Were There
This is what I wish had happened at the end of Community, season 3. Dan Harmon, you were not at your peak yet for firing Chekhov’s Guns. This takes place during
The battle seems over. Chang and the Dean’s impersonator have run out, and the school board members lament their stupidity. The Dean and Greendale Seven prepare for a group hug.
Then someone kills the moment. 
Gilbert appears, with a few cops in toe. They had just been marching into the school, on a hunch and some evidence that a wealthy lawyer had gathered. Cacowski has already handcuffed Chang and takes him into custody. He nods in apology at the Greendale Seven, as other cops come in to take in the scene. Some move towards the fireworks. 
Professor Kane is also there. He had resigned, been thinking about his life. Then he realized things didn’t add up; the Dean allowing for children to apply force on campus, Chang advertising that seven students were troublemakers. Something told him to return the night of the party; he hadn’t been banned, after all. A few minutes, and he realized he shouldn’t have ever left. 
Kane is holding the Dean impersonator, having noticed him sneaking away; Kane is no fool. He doesn’t like cops but he hands the guy off to them. The class is relieved to see him.
“Consider my resignation rescinded,” Kane tells the Dean. “My class’s grades should be reinstated.”
It seems like all will be resolved. Then Gilbert marches up to Pierce and smacks him. Everyone is stunned.
“You idiot!” Gilbert shouted. “Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? And you all!”
He points at the study group. They all look cowed in their moment of victory.
“We were not pulling off an elaborate heist to save the Dean,” Pierce says, in a meek voice.  
“You tweeted about it,” Gilbert said in a flat voice. 
“He what?” Everyone looks at Pierce. 
“It was cool!” he said defensively. “One of my favorite films is Ocean’s Eleven!”
Jeff pinched the bridge of his nose. The victory glow fades from Annie’s cheeks.  
“Can you move?” the cops asked. “We need to get rid of those fireworks before someone gets hurt.”
“And we need to take your statements,” another one added.
Everyone moved duly. They crowded the hallway. The board members follow, cake slices in hand.
“How did you get them to believe you?” Pierce asked. “We tried, and the cop didn’t believe us.” 
“I knew something was wrong when your expulsion was announced in a television commercial,” Gilbert replied. “You’ve been going to the school for thirteen years and they’ve never kicked you out. So I used my contacts to ask a few questions, and we found Dean Pelton was late on his rent. His landlord said he hadn’t been home in a few months and missed several fees.“
“I knew no one covered my rent,” the Dean muttered. 
“A few students testified about the party, and Chang bribing the school board.  We also interviewed the child army’s parents about their kids spending their summer holding pepper spray. Most of them are grounded and will be sent to therapy.“
“And I sold my soul to AC Repair school,” Troy said in a low voice.
“You could have asked me for help,” Gilbert said. “I apologized with drinks already. Why didn’t you call me, Pierce?” 
“To be fair you’ve just dropped in randomly, and we’re used to doing stuff on our own,” Abed replied. “You’re kinda like a special guest star to make a cool cameo.”
Gilbert shot him a confused look.
“Ignore him,” Jeff said. “The point is we stopped Chang. Thank you for catching him because knowing this school he would reenroll and all but we-”
“Could have been killed!” Gilbert talked over him. “When are you all going to realize that you don’t have to rely on each other out of pure pride?” 
They are all silent. Gilbert glares at them. 
“I’m sorry,” Pierce said. “Any chance you’ll give me a break if I’m dying soon?”
“You don’t need to fake a heart attack for me.” Gilbert’s frown slowly straightens, and he reaches to hug his brother. “I was already worried you were dead.” 
It’s an odd moment, in the wake of taking down a dictator. Professor Kane signals at the study group to fan out, and start giving their statements. He knows when they need to give family some space.
“Any chance any alcohol was leftover from the party?” Shirley asked. 
“Only one way to find out.” Jeff smiled. “Let’s toast saving Greendale!” 
“Yay!” One board member says. “There’s Irish Cream to go with the cake”
“You stay where you are!” Gilbert pointed at the two men, still hugging Pierce. “I want to know how you let this Chang run the school to the ground.”
The timeline becomes much happier. Chang goes to jail on charges of domestic terrorism and fails to prove he’s legally insane. Gilbert helps Jeff when Jeff’s old firm blacklists him, to build an honest law career, and helps Troy negotiate for a fairer repair school experience. As a result, evil Abed never emerges. He also officially moves in to take care of Pierce, and keep him in line. It means Pierce is never banned from Greendale while the entire board is fired. The Save Greendale community happens two years sooner, with Kane assisting when he can. 
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Fulfilled Lives (3)
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Summary: Dean betrays the reader in more than one way. There’s only thing for her to do…leave.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Jack Kline, Castiel
Warnings: angst, demons, violence, fighting, pregnant reader, fluff, comforting
<< Part 2
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Ready to attack anyone coming through the door Dean shoves you behind his back. Meeting worried blue eyes Dean’s body relaxes.
“We got outnumbered,” Cas says out of breath dragging Sam with him.
“Cas. You scared the shit out of me.” Dean mutters.
“You okay?” You ask looking at Sam.
“Just a scratch. Should see the others.”
“What now? Why don’t they give up?” You whisper.
“As you are pregnant with my baby. Dammit. Son of bitch! I will rip them apart.”
“Maybe I should just…”
“Don’t say it! You will stay here. We all came to protect you.” Dean warns.
“I’m not worth it. Not like Lisa…”
“It’s true. I saw the looks you gave her. You never looked at me like that. I was only a gap filler for you until you find someone better.”
“That’s how I made you feel?”
“I was only fun for a while.”
“No, Baby. Come on. That’s not true. I do love you and the baby. Let us kills those bastards and then we bring you home.”
“I got no home. You were my home but now I know you never wanted me.”
“Y/N stop saying things like that. I’m an idiot. Stupid. Selfish and beyond dumb sometimes but one thing I know for sure. I love you and my baby. We will wait for Donna and Jody. They are close by.”
“I called them on our way. Around half an hour. We should prepare to move out fast. We need to get to the bunker. It’s the only safe place for Y/N and her baby.” Sam gasps.
Blood is dripping down his arm and he looks pale. Before you can offer help Jack is already healing Sam with a simple touch of his fingers.
“I got enough of waiting. We should strike.” Jack says and you shake your head.
“I won’t let anyone die for me. I’m not…”
“Shh…Come here.” Arms wrapped around you Dean tries to make you stop trembling. You are close to giving up. The demons won’t give up and even if you can make it out of the room how far will you come?
“I got a plan!” Sam says.
“Spill it, Sammy.”
“They are too far away to hear the words. We can’t do it that way.” Castiel says.
“Then one of us has to go out and do it.”
“No, Sam! This isn’t a plan. That’s suicide and you know it.” You protest.
“I’ll do it. I got my phone. I can use the recorded exorcism and keep them at bay.” Dean says and you shake your head. Clinging to his shirt you look up at him with watering eyes.
“No, no. You won’t go out there and sacrifice yourself.”
“I need to protect you and our baby. I can handle a few demons.”
“Dean. Please don’t go. I…please.”
“Baby you are safe here. Sammy and Castiel will protect you. Don’t worry.”
“You don’t get it. I love you. You can’t just go out there and die for me or the baby.”
“I won’t die. I play the exorcism and keep the demons away until they leave.”
“Please. Sam tell him that’s insane.”
“It’s the only way, I guess. There are at least 25 demons outside. We can’t kill them all. Jack is still too weak. Cas has seen better times and even with Dean by my side…we have to risk it.”
“Sammy? You should talk him out of this insanity. Please.”
Softly kissing your forehead Dean holds you close for a moment. “I love you.” He whispers before storming out of the room phone already in his hands he starts to play the exorcism while demons start attacking the hunter.
When you try to run after Dean his younger brother must hold you back. Struggling against Sam’s strength you desperately try to break free. Ignoring your pregnancy, you want to help Dean fighting the demons.
Not letting his friend down Castiel runs after the hunter to help him fight the demons. Angel blade in his hands he stands back to back with Dean.
“Watch her. Don’t let Y/N leave the room.” Sam orders. Leaving the room, he joins his brother and Castiel to buy him some time while Jack is blocking your path to not let you run after the others.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus,
omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii,
omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.
Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te...
cessa decipere humanas creaturas,
eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare...
Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ,
hostis humanæ salutis...
Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei;
contremisce et effuge,
invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine... quem inferi tremunt...
Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.
Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire,
te rogamus, audi nos.
Before the last line of the exorcism echoes through the air you see Dean falling to his knees. Clutching his blood-stained chest, he looks into your direction to make sure you are safe.
Pushing the Nephilim aside you run out of the room. Completely lost in fear you just storm toward Dean ignoring anything else.
“He’s okay. Calm down, Y/N.” Sam tries to soothe you, but you can’t hear him. Looking at Dean you check on his wound. It’s not a deep cut but it’s bleeding heavily.
Jack is already by your side to heal Dean before you can break down in the tall hunters’ arms. Too much stress, fear, and emotions let you faint.
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“Is she okay?” Jack asks worriedly.
“I checked on her and the baby. Y/N needs some rest. We should let her sleep for a while.” Castiel says smiling at the young Nephilim.
“I’ll take care of her. Don’t worry.”
“We leave her in your hands then, Dean. Don’t mess up again. We had to handle those demons as you made her leave.” Sam warns.
“Do you think I don’t know that? I hate myself for hurting her. I’m not a good boyfriend. I’m afraid I will not be a good father either, Sammy. Maybe she should find someone better.”
“You were ready to sacrifice yourself to save Y/N and your unborn child. No other man would’ve done that. Okay. You are a good man and you will be a great father. Just get your shit together and win her over again. She needs you.” Sam says turning to leave Dean’s room.
“Thank you. All of you. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
“It’s okay Dean. Now take care of Y/N. That’s enough.”
Nodding at his brother Dean sits down onto the bed to gently stroke your cheek. Slowly opening your eyes, you look up at Dean.
“Hey. How do you feel?”
“A bit weak. Dizzy. Scared.”
“No need to be scared. You are safe. We are back at the bunker. Donna and Jody are taking care of the dead demons. No one will hurt you or our baby.” Dean says.
“Safe. Are the others unharmed? You were bleeding. Are you hurt, Dean?”
“I’m fine. Jack healed the little scratch.”
“That was not just a little scratch, Dean. It was bleeding heavily. You almost got yourself killed for me.”
“I would do it again, anytime to make sure you and my baby are safe. I can’t let anything happen to you or our baby.”
“I don’t want you to die for me. Please. Dean.”
“Shhh…just relax. The baby is alright. Cas checked on you.”
“Will you stay with me?”
“Always. For the rest of my life, I want to stay with you.”
“I want to stay with you too, Dean.”
“Then let’s rest and tomorrow we can talk about the rest of our lives.”
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Holding you into his harms Dean kisses your hair softly. For the first time in his life, he feels like his life is heading into the right direction…
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saventhhaven · 5 years
Fright Night - Part 3
Pairing: none
Tags: werewolf!reader, angst, Halloween, mystery
Word Count: 4,514
A/N: Thanks so much for reading! This is the final part of Fright Night! I hope you enjoyed it!
(Gif not mine)
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Agent Elliot, or whatever his real name was, finished tightening the knots on the ropes that held you in place. You shook your head, trying to blink away tears.
"'FBI.' I can't believe I fell for that." Agent Elliot stood, going back over to Agent Russel, who was watching you as if you were a ticking time bomb, ready to explode. "Why the hell would the FBI care about an animal attack?"
"You think those ropes will hold her?" Agent Elliot asked, ignoring you.
"They'd better. It's not like we just have chains laying around in the trunk." Chains? What, the ropes weren't enough? You tugged at the restraints, testing the strength of them, but it was no use. They had you tied to one of your dining room chairs, your wrists bound to the chair's arms, and your ankles to the legs. Things weren't looking good for you, and you were scared. You pulled again at the ropes, harder this time, and let out a yelp as pain blossomed in your shoulder. At this point, blood had soaked through the front of your gray t-shirt. At your cry of pain, the two men turned their attention back to you. Setting your jaw resolutely, you forced yourself to sit up straighter. Panic was beginning to set in, but they didn't need to know that. Agent Russel crouched down in front of you, and you leaned against the back of the chair, trying to put as much distance between the two of you as physically possible. His entire demeanor had shifted since yesterday. Hell, even since ten minutes ago when the men had gotten to your house.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he warned in a threatening tone. He pulled up the hem of his flannel shirt, revealing a gun tucked into the waist of his jeans. A choked sob tore from your throat, and you hung your head, tears dripping onto your lap. Agent Russel stood again. "It'll be easier for everyone if you just cooperate." You looked up at the man.
"Please," you whispered, "just let me go." He chuckled, though you could tell there was no real humor in it.
"See, that ain't happening. You slaughtered an innocent kid, and that's not gonna fly."
"The girl in my back yard?" you quavered incredulously. "I found her body; I didn't kill her!" You were starting to get hysterical now. None of this made any sense. You turned to Agent Elliot, hoping you could somehow appeal to him. "Please," you repeated. Much to your surprise, his eyebrows knitted together, and he took a step closer.
"Dean, go easy." Dean. That must've been "Agent Russel's" real name.
"'Go easy?'" Dean echoed with disbelief. "She's a monster, Sam! She killed someone! And I'd put money down that she did it again!"
"What are you talking about?" you demanded shrilly. "Dean rounded on you again, his eyes blazing with fury.
"Okay, you can cut the innocent act right now, because whatever you're sellin', we ain't buying. We saw you last night, all right? So, if you stop pretending, this will all be over a whole lot sooner." You shook your head frantically and balled your hands into fists. This had to be some sort of misunderstanding. It was like you were hearing two radically different sides of the same story.
"I was here last night! Asleep! You know, sleep? Like normal people do?" Dean closed what was left of the distance between you in a single stride. He gripped the arms of the dining room chair, getting in your face.
"Then where did all those bruises come from, huh? How 'bout that nasty bullet wound?"
"I don't know!" Your words echoed around your living room, and for a moment, everything else went quiet. Letting out a heavy sigh, you averted your gaze. "That's why I called you two. I can see now that was a mistake." Dean let out a frustrated huff and shoved himself backward with a shake of his head. The man named Sam held out an arm to stop him from going too far.
"What if she doesn't know?" Dean stared at him in silence for a moment before he finally responded.
"You're serious?"
"Don't know what?" you chimed in.
"Remember Madison?" Sam continued, ignoring your question. "She didn't know she was a werewolf either." If the ropes hadn't been holding you in place, you might've fallen out of your chair right then.
"A werewolf?" When the two men had tied you up, you had a hunch that they weren't quite all there, but this was next-level stuff. "You think... you think I'm a werewolf? Oh, my God." You slumped back into the chair. "You're insane. You're actually insane." Dean glared at you before tilting his head in the other direction, signifying to the other man that they should move further away, where you couldn't hear every detail of their conversation.
"Think about it," Sam said lowly. "Why would she call us if she knew we were the ones that shot her?" Dean shook his head as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. You couldn't believe your ears.
"Wait. You two did this to me? The bruises? The bullet wound? It was all you?" You felt sick.
"Well, technically, the bruises were all you, princess," Dean clarified as he sauntered back over to you. "You're gonna be a little banged up when you run in front of a car." You let out a noise that was somewhere between nervous laughter and hyperventilating.
"Oh, God," you whimpered. "Can one of you please tell me what's going on? The truth." Sam opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Dean.
"You're a werewolf. Claw-growing, full-moon-howling, the whole nine." Sam's face scrunched up in distaste.
"You want to be a little more blunt?" he sassed. When Dean only shrugged, he rolled his eyes. "Y/N," Sam tried again, "my name is Sam Winchester. This is my brother Dean. We're not actually FBI."
"Yeah, I gathered that when you practically tackled me and tied me to a chair." You sniffled. They might have been crazy, but at least you were finally getting some real answers. "All right, so if you're not FBI, then what are you?"
"We're hunters," Dean explained. "All that crap you see in crazy Halloween movies? Ghosts, vampires..." He looked at you pointedly. "Werewolves. It's all real."
"And we're the guys that kill them," Sam finished. For what felt like the hundredth time, you shook your head again. This couldn't be possible. Stuff like this wasn't even supposed to exist. It was all just myths and storylines for horror movies. But still... you couldn't deny the fact that you had no idea how you had gotten so beaten up. You looked over at your wounded shoulder, which was still bleeding. Dean noticed you staring.
"Y/N, even if you were sleepwalking, I think you'd remember getting shot last night," he said, practically reading your mind. You blinked once. Twice.
"Okay. If, and I mean if, I were maybe willing to consider the possibility that what you're telling me is true, I'm gonna need more of an explanation." Sam and Dean both pulled up chairs in front of you and took a seat. Dean gestured for you to continue.
"Shoot." All right. Now was the time to ask for verification for all the things that still didn't make sense. You licked your lips.
"Werewolves are supposed to have, like, crazy supernatural healing abilities, right?" Both boys nodded their confirmation. "Then why do I look like I just tried to take on Rocky drunk with a hand tied behind my back?" Dean chuckled, a real chuckle, at your sass while Sam nodded thoughtfully at your question. "If I were really a werewolf, shouldn't I have healed by now?" Sam bobbed his head at your shoulder.
"All werewolves have a weakness to silver," he answered. "That bullet you've got stuck in your shoulder is silver, so it's slowing down the healing process. One of those to the heart, and..." The boys exchanged a look, and you felt your stomach twist as you came to a realization.
"You were trying to kill me last night," you deduced. Dean leaned forward in his chair.
"We didn't know it was you until we got here this morning." Wow, that almost made you feel better. These men just told you they hunt monsters, and that you were one of the creatures they kill. Which led you to your next question.
"Are you still trying to kill me?" Sam and Dean fell silent, which you were sure wasn't a good sign. You sighed. "What you're asking me to believe goes against pretty much everything I know about reality."
"We know," Sam agreed. "It definitely takes some getting used to."
"It's crazy," you reiterated. "...but it's the only thing I can think of that makes sense. Even if it doesn't make much sense." The boys looked relieved. "So, what do we do now?"
"There's a cure," Dean informed you.
"But," Sam interrupted before you could allow sweet relief to sink in. "It's complicated. And risky. It only works one out of ten times."
"And the other nine?" Neither of the men would meet your eyes.
"They die." You swallowed hard, still trying to wrap your head around everything you had just learned. Two days ago, everything had been normal. But now? Well, this was just about as far from normal as you could get. If what the Winchesters were telling you was true - if you really were a werewolf - you couldn't live like this. Being afraid of yourself every time there was a full moon was no way to live out the rest of your life, and you wouldn't want to. Even if there was a 90% chance that you would die, it was a chance you had to take.
"How does this cure work?"
"We need live blood from the werewolf that bit you."
"And I don't suppose you know who that is?" you asked hopefully. When the boys shook their heads in unison, you couldn't say that you were too disappointed.
"Sorry, Y/N," Sam said. Of course, it wouldn't be that easy. Nothing ever was in your life, as you were coming to realize. "It would be ideal if we could figure it out before moonrise. It's the last night of the full moon." You felt the blood drain from your face. That's right. You hadn't even realized. Though, to be fair, you had no reason to know that before about half an hour ago.
"I need a drink," you breathed. Flexing your fingers under the ropes, you raised your eyebrows at Sam and Dean. "I know this is a long shot, but would you consider untying me?" You were hoping they would say yes, but honestly, you wouldn't blame them if they didn't. The boys looked at each other for a long moment, and you would've sworn that they were communicating telepathically based on all the eyebrow-raising that you were witnessing. Finally, they turned back to you.
"And you're not gonna make a break for it?" Dean asked seriously.
"If I had a free hand, I would cross my heart," you promised. That was all the answer they needed. Mercifully, Dean came over and undid the knots on the ropes one-by-one until you were free. You had to say it was tempting. The thought of running that is. You could bolt out the front door, get into your car, and never come back to this place. The Winchesters would be nothing more than a memory, and you could find a way to make the whole werewolf thing work. But that wasn't who you were. If it was all true, and you really had killed that poor girl, that meant you were capable of killing again. And you weren't willing to put the lives of innocent people on the line just to be selfish. So, instead of "making a break for it," as Dean would say, you stood, went into the kitchen, and poured yourself a large glass of whiskey.
Sam checked his watch anxiously as Dean pulled supplies for the cure from the trunk.
"You think this is gonna work?" he asked his brother. Dean shrugged with a small sigh as he threw a glance back at the house.
"I don't know. It worked for Claire, but I don't know how much that says for Y/N." The boys desperately wanted to be able to help the woman they were getting to know, but the truth was, they didn't know if they could. There was no way of telling how long ago she had been bitten, or who bit her for that matter. Too many variables were unknown.
"At least she hasn't fed," Sam pointed out, always trying to look on the bright side.
"Hasn't she, though?" The sound of the Impala's trunk shutting echoed down the street. "What if she was on her way home from a big feast last night? She could've killed again, and fed before we rain into her. And the cure doesn't work if she's fed, you know that."
"I don't think so," Sam disagreed. "The first girl she killed still had the heart, remember?" Dean put the syringe in his pocket as he glanced around to make sure no one was watching.
"Right, and let's talk about that, by the way, because that's one thing I still don't get. Why leave the heart?" he asked. "Seriously, I mean, you said it yourself. Why rip some girl to shreds and then leave the main course?" Sam shrugged. The truth was, he didn't know. There was a good chance that Y/N had fed, and if that was the case, there was nothing the boys could do. But Madison held a special place in Sam's heart, and Y/N reminded him of her. Even if there was the tiniest chance that she could be cured, Sam was willing to risk it all.
"Maybe..." he began, thinking hard. "Maybe it's primal instinct. What if she just kills in the heat of the moment, and then when the moment's over, she stops?" Dean raised an eyebrow skeptically but didn't interrupt. "Werewolves are territorial. Y/N found that girl in her back yard, right? Maybe she gets defensive, loses control..." Sam trailed off as his brother frowned.
"So, what, she goes all I Was A Teenage Werewolf, and then the human part of her realizes what she did and backs off?"
"Yeah." Dean sighed, passing a hand over his mouth. "I know it's a long shot."
"Yeah, no shit," the older Winchester snorted. What Sam was suggesting went against everything their dad had taught them about werewolves. Werewolves lose control under a full moon, kill, and then eat their victim's heart. That's what they had learned. But then, Sam always had been the one to question their dad's teachings.
"Dean." When Dean met his younger brother's eyes, he was surprised by the amount of emotion they held. "I know it seems like I'm grasping at straws here," he acknowledged. "But if there's a chance that we can save this girl's life, I want to try." Dean nodded as he mulled it over.
"I do, too," he finally admitted. With a heavy breath, he clapped his brother on the shoulder. "All right. Let's do it."
You paced anxiously as you racked your brain for the millionth time, trying to think of something - anything - that would tell you who bit you. The problem was, you had no recollection of ever being in a position where anyone would even be able to bite you. When you looked outside at the sky, you had to force yourself to remember to breathe. You and the Winchesters had spent hours trying to scrape together any hint of a lead, but with no luck. You were running out of time.
"How long do we have until the moon rises?" you asked quietly. Sam glanced down at his watch.
"About ten minutes." Practically collapsing onto your couch, you buried your face in your hands as you forced back tears. One of the cushions sank down next to you, and a comforting hand rubbed circles on your back.
"You're gonna be all right," Dean reassured you. It was sweet of him to say that, but you knew he was probably lying through his teeth. How in the hell was any of this going to turn out "all right?" You shook your head and stood again, resuming your nervous pacing.
"Y/N, Dean and I are going to stay right here with you until we figure this out. No matter how long it takes," Sam promised. Dean nodded his agreement.
"That's right." This felt like the end of the world. You knew Sam and Dean weren't going to shoot you unless they had to, but... when it came down to it, they might have to. You sat down on your dining room chair, which was still sitting in the center of the room.
"Tie me up," you ordered. When both boys only looked at you in surprise, you clenched your jaw frustratedly. "Please just do it. It'll make me feel a lot better." As the boys complied, you looked out the window again. The sky had grown darker, and the sun was moments away from dipping below the horizon entirely. You had to bite back tears again. This was by far the most terrifying moment of your life.
"Sam, time check?" You could tell the boys were starting to feel just as anxious as you were.
"Seven minutes." Great. Seven minutes until you transformed into a homicidal monster.
"Does it happen right away?" you asked. Dean, who was crouched in front of you, tying your ankles, patted your knee.
"It's different for everyone," he explained. "Some people turn right away,  but for others, it can take some time." Your bottom lip trembled as you let out a shaky breath. There were so many thoughts going through your head. Should you have called your family earlier? Was turning going to be painful? You looked around your house, trying to take it all in for what you were terrified was going to be the last time. As you looked around, your gaze landed on the bowl of soup that Chloe had brought you yesterday, long forgotten on the kitchen counter. ...Chloe. Wait. Something tugged in the back of your brain, and you focused hard. Small flashes of a memory you didn't know you had popped up in your thoughts, and you felt your heart drop into your stomach.
"Oh, my God." Dean froze mid-knot, and both boys looked at you in alarm. You remembered how your motion-sensor light had been turning on and off by itself a few nights ago, and how you had gone outside in the darkness to check it out.
"What?" Sam asked, coming over to crouch next to his brother. You remembered how a creature from a nightmare had attacked you and knocked you to the ground when you tried to run. "Y/N, what is it?" You remembered the creature sinking its fangs into the back of your shoulder. And you remembered that you saw its face. Forcing yourself back into the moment, you locked eyes with the boys, unable to believe what your memory was telling you.
"It's Chloe," you said shakily. "My neighbor Chloe, she's the one that bit me!"
"And you're sure?" Sam asked. You nodded.
"I'm positive." Sam turned his attention to his brother.
"You stay here with her," he instructed. "I've got this one." Dean nodded and handed him a syringe from his pocket.
"Be careful." You wanted to be relieved, but you knew you still weren't out of the woods just yet. There was no telling if Sam would get back with the cure in time, but even if he did, you were still looking at a 10% survival rate. Not the most encouraging chances. You glanced at Dean, who was lost in thought. 
"Dean?" He snapped out of his reverie, fixing you with a kind smile.
"You hangin' in okay, princess?" You could say yes, but that would be a lie, and he wouldn't believe you anyway.
"No," you replied. "I'm scared." Dean rubbed your arm.
"I'd be worried if you weren't," he said honestly. The two of you sat in the heavy silence for a while longer before you spoke again.
"How long do I have?" The man in front of you rolled up his sleeve to check his watch, letting out a heavy breath as he did so.
"Two minutes." This was it. Two minutes until the moon began its ascent. You couldn't hold back your tears this time as they started to well up again.
"Dean," you choked out. "If I try to hurt you, I want you to kill me. I don't know if Sam's going to make it back in time, and-"
"Hey, none of that," he cut you off. "You're gonna be fine." You laughed.
"You know as well as I do that I probably won't live to see the sunrise tomorrow morning. And that scares the hell out of me," you confessed with a sniffle. "It does. But if there's any chance that I could hurt you, or Sam, or anyone else, I need you to end it." Dean got quiet, unable to meet your eyes. "Dean, please," you begged. "This might be the last chance I get to do something good for the rest of the world." Before Dean could reply, his watch beeped.
"Moon's on the rise," he informed you. You already knew. You could feel it.
For the first ten minutes after the moon started to rise, Dean could tell that Y/N was starting to feel its pull. She was significantly more fidgety - as if she was uncomfortable in her own skin.
"It's happening," Y/N called out with a sharp intake of breath. With those two words, Dean was back at her side in an instant, unsure if there was really anything he could do to help her. She pulled against the ropes as she began to write in pain, her breathing coming faster now.
"Come on, Y/N, you can fight this," Dean coached, although he knew she probably couldn't. "Just listen to the sound of my voice, and-" Y/N threw her head back with a pained scream. "Y/N. Y/N!" Her body trembled as her breathing continued to pick up. But then, she slouched forward, and it all stopped. Dean took a cautious step back. "Y/N?" Y/N's head snapped up, but it wasn't the young woman he recognized. Baring her fangs at him, she let out an angry roar. "Son of a bitch."
With a single, effortless pull, Y/N stood from the dining room chair, and the ropes that held her in place snapped. With another guttural growl, she launched herself at Dean, who was able to narrowly avoid her. The silver bullet still in Y/N's shoulder definitely slowed her down, but not by very much. As she charged Dean again, he took advantage of her momentum, slamming her hard into the wall behind him. She fell to the ground with a hard thud, looking dazed. "Sorry, Y/N." When her eyes locked in on Dean again, he reached for his phone to tell Sam to hurry up, but he wasn't quick enough. Y/N tackled him to the floor, and the phone skittered just out of his reach, effectively foiling any plan of calling Sam. As she pinned him to the floor, Dean remembered what she said: If I try to hurt you, I want you to kill me. Dean's gun was easily within his grasp. He could pump a round of silver into her, and this would all be over with. But he couldn't. "Y/N," he said, though he knew she couldn't hear him. "I don't want to hurt you!" She loomed over Dean, her fangs grew dangerously close to his skin as he tried to push her off. Suddenly, though, Y/N let out a yelp of pain, and Dean was able to get away, where he saw the unmistakable syringe sticking out of her back. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding as he looked over at his younger brother.
"You okay?" Sam asked.
"Yeah," Dean answered. "Good timing."
The next morning, you were already feeling immediately better, aside from the bullet wound that Sam had just finished stitching up. Dean was still in the living room, cleaning up from last night.
"So," you said as you helped Sam pack up the trunk. "From what Dean tells me, you saved his ass last night." Sam chuckled good-naturedly in response.
"Yeah, I guess I did." You gave his arm a fond pat. When you looked over at Chloe's house, you couldn't help but sigh.
"What about Chloe?" you asked. Sam gave a grave nod.
"Dean and I took care of it last night after we made you get some sleep. When the FBI - the real FBI - comes asking, just tell them you saw her the day before yesterday, but not since. After they figure out there's nothing for them to find, they should leave you alone." A cool breeze passed over the two of you, making you draw your jacket in closer around yourself. You couldn't even begin to say how relieved you were that you were still alive.
"How you feelin', Y/N?" Dean asked as he brought another armload of stuff to the trunk. Giving him a cheeky grin in response, you shrugged.
"I'm sort of craving an extra rare steak," you admitted. "But other than that, I think I'll live, thanks to you two."
"I'm just glad the cure worked," Sam said. You nodded your agreement.
"Me, too. You guys headed out now, or do you want to stay for some coffee or something?" Dean shook his head.
"Nah, we've gotta hit the road." You knew you couldn't expect them to stay, what with having to save the world and all, but you had grown a bit attached to the two men over the past twenty-four hours. Before they could object (not that you thought they would), you wrapped an arm around each of them, squeezing tightly.
"Thank you both so much," you whispered. As they were getting into the car, Dean handed you a card with a phone number on it.
"I know it says Agent Russel," he said, "but it's still my number. You ever need anything, just call." You gave a lazy salute, shooting Sam a wink as he smiled at you from the passenger window.
"You got it, agents." And then the boys were gone, leaving you to your thoughts as you went back into the house. Maybe now you could finally enjoy what was left of your vacation. The past few days had been crazy, but you had to say - being a werewolf for Halloween had been interesting to say in the least.
Thank you all so much for reading! Happy (late) Halloween!
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