#i assume this is the one you wanted but I found a ton of other hugs in this ep so thank you for basically submitting like 5 hugs
tokuhugs · 10 months
Daigo & Amy (Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Ep. 48)
submitted by askrikkaiandhyotei
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ckret2 · 3 months
So a while ago some friends were talking about fans who claim the Same Coin theory is canon. And I made the mistake of saying:
Do you know who also has tons in common with Bill? Mabel. Yet nobody claims Bill reincarnated as Mabel. …wait now I want a "same coin but it's Mabel" AU. Funniest Bill reincarnation option. The all-seeing arsonist is making macaroni glitter art. The omnipotent tyrant is crying because a unicorn called her a bad person.
And then I overthought it for two months.
So—AU where after death, Bill's soul shoots 13 years into the past and reincarnates as Mabel. I'll call it ✨ Sparkly Coin AU ✨
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Don't leave yet. Lemme show you why it works. Behold the eerie amount of parallels in their personalities, dialogue, behavior, mannerisms, tastes...
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I could have kept going but my attention span ran out. All right, we all on board now? Convinced we could segue from one personality into the other? Great. Now here's why you should be interested: the juicy post-Weirdmageddon angst potential.
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As long as a small fringe of the fandom still thinks Weirdmageddon is Mabel's fault, why not amp that up x100 and have some fun with it?
Is everyone sold now? Great. Let's get into the details. I've got 8 more pieces of art under the read more.
So the AU starts the instant Bill dies. Thanks to invoking his deal with the Axolotl—one way to absolve his crime, a different form, a different time—the Axolotl gives him a new shape and shoots him thirteen years into the past. Apparently, the Axolotl thought it would be very funny to stick Bill in the family that defeated him.
Which probably made for a jarring transition.
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(It's fine, she's like 10 minutes old, she probably can't even tell who she's looking at. Not being able to tell who she was looking at is what got her into this situation ayyyy)
When Dipper & Mabel come back from Gravity Falls complaining about this triangular jerk Bill, their parents mention that Dipper's name was nearly Bill. See, after they knew they were going to have a boy, one night their mom dreamed about a visitor—some kind of magic pink salamander??—calling her child "BILL." Then at the next sonogram they found out they were having twins, the girl must've been hidden at a weird angle the first time, and they wanted matching names, so they thought, Bill and Bell. But they didn't really like Bell; but eventually they stumbled on Mabel, so to keep the names matching they switched from Bill to Mason. Isn't that the darnedest thing?
(Of course, Mabel and Dipper assume Bill harassed their parents to try to trick them into naming a kid after him. To be a jerk.)
When Bill meets Mabel, he's unaware that she's his future self—Bill's notably bad at doing things like, say, double-checking to see whether he's going to die anytime soon—but like... he can tell something's up.
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Naturally, before visiting Gravity Falls, there were echoes of who Mabel used to be—but nothing anyone would be able to identify without context. All her Bill-ish quirks either smoothed out with time (see: how between second grade and fourth grade Mabel went from being the "freak" to the popular girl in class), or else they were accepted by her family as Mabel-ish quirks.
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After they meet (and kill) Bill, they have the context to understand some of Mabel's behaviors... and unfortunately, some of Mabel's latent Bill-ness starts surfacing after she's been directly exposed to her prior incarnation.
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The part of the Pines family familiar with Bill thinks the worst case scenario is that maybe Bill's survived and is slowly possessing Mabel; but far more likely, they think this is just some weird way of trying to subconsciously process last summer. Mabel doesn't think she's being weird, you guys are being weird, stop giving her weird looks. They get attacked by one triangle and now she can't wear yellow or pick up macrame as a hobby??
(It's not all red flags and uncomfortable triangle imagery, though. When Stan asks her what she'd like as a gift for some important event, she shyly admits that she thinks she's starting to outgrow her plastic gem jewelry and maybe she's old enough to get her first piece of real gold jewelry, if that's not too expensive? And Stan's never been so proud of her. Thirteen years old and already thinking about buying gold!)
But of course, the real fun starts when Mabel finds out.
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That's the face of a girl who's just discovered that she tortured her great uncle. Now imagine running into the brother she possessed.
But I've already spent a million words and thirteen images on this post. If enough folks are interested in the AU maybe I'll expand on it later. Let me know what y'all think.
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heartsforhavik · 2 months
hi i was wondering if you would do headcannons of the yan!fanboy if reader actually noticed him coming to all their shows and events
obsessed (superfan! yandere boy x gn!popstar reader)
warnings: stalking, average yandere tendencies, nsfw, perverted yandere, gender neutral reader, mentions of naked reader but no genitalia addressed, dom reader, reader is compliant with the yandere and teases him a ton, lowercase intended. btw i do not condone yanderes irl.
a/n: i hope y'all know i read every single one of your asks, comments, and reblogs. i appreciate them all and they do brighten my day. i'm just saying this so y'all know that the stuff you send to other writers (not just me) matters a lot!! when you interact it gives them inspiration!!! and motivation!! me personally sometimes i see ONE kind reblog and i immediately get my ass up and start writing something just because of that one person. don't get me wrong, i still love all my lurkers that silently like a ton of my stuff, y'all are important too. anyways i'll shut up now onto the hcs. (btw this ended up being a fic instead of hcs i apologize. i went crazy over this i'm sorry anon LMAO)
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"hey, you look pretty familiar. have you been to a few shows before?" you asked kindly, facing the short man in the front row of the audience.
bayani froze as the stadium's screens pointed to him. he opened his mouth in an attempt to say something, but nothing came out. his face went red and his throat went dry. did you actually notice him, or was he just dreaming?
after a few seconds of waiting for an answer, you shrugged. "sorry, maybe i mistook you for someone else. anyways..."
the yandere boy still didn't move, with his mouth agape, as you continued on with your show. the people around bayani didn't seem to care, assuming that he was just a starstruck fan. but it was more than that. much more than that.
out of the millions of fans that attend your shows and events, you recognized him among them. you noticed him. and he didn't know how to handle it. what was he supposed to say? what would you even talk about? sure, he's seen all of your interviews and heard your music and dissected your lyrics for hours every single day, but would you ever want to interact with him as much as he wanted to interact with you? he was just a lowlife. he had an average job, average amount of money, he lived in a shitty apartment, and he had no friends or major accomplishments. all of his free time outside of work was spent on you. spent on following your every move and investigating everything you've put your hands on. if you ever spoke to him, you'd probably think he was some sort of pathetic stalker.
that thought drove him mad. he couldn't even focus on the rest of your concert. he didn't hear the blaring music and screams from the crowd. he wasn't paying attention to your performance, either.
he could only stand there and imagine the punishments you'd inflict on him if you found out about his obsession. would you call your security to take him away? he'd hope not. if he's going to be kicked and pushed around, perhaps even handcuffed, he'd rather you do the job rather than some random guard. but maybe he'd accept the punishment, only because you were the one who deemed it necessary. he takes your word like gospel, so he'll take whatever punishment you want, even though he would prefer your hands on him while you do it.
his imagination ran wild as your concert finished and you walked off the stage with your dancers. the crowd of fans in the stadium dispersed around him, moving along with their day. but bayani couldn't just move on with his day knowing that you know he exists now. how is he supposed to simply move on from that? he spent a long time making sure you never noticed him. even though he attended every single one of your concerts and events, he did not want to be noticed. he knew he wouldn't be able to handle it. but it finally happened. he finally got a taste of what it's like to be seen by the love of his life. he couldn't just leave it at that. he had to do something about it.
being under your gaze, even if it was only a few seconds, made him feel like he went to heaven. it made all of the hundreds of dollars he spent on you worth it. all of the hours he spent listening to your music and watching videos of you was worth it. it was like he awoke from a slumber. a long, miserable slumber. he had to find a way to thank you. say something to you. he messed up when he simply froze after you saw him. who knows when he'll get another chance like that?
it took a few hours for the stadium to be empty, and the security started to shoo bayani away. but when he went outside, the parking lot was still full. your concert ended hours ago, but there was still loads of cars trying to leave. it would be frustrating, but bayani had to find a way out quickly.
he climbed on the back of a nearby truck and rested his legs there, waiting patiently for the vehicle to move out of the traffic. even though he knew the truck wouldn't go anywhere near your mansion, he knew how to get to your house on foot. he only needed to rest on the truck until the traffic was gone.
after a few hours on the road, he jumped out of the vehicle, and started to walk to your mansion on foot. he didn't need to look up the location online, because he already knew where it was. he visited your home many times in the past, he just never attempted to go inside before.
his veins were on fire and he started to sweat the closer he got. he was starting to have second thoughts about his idea. but there was no time to go back, because he already showed up to your house before he could change his plans.
to get inside, he had to climb up a tree, jump off of it, and land in your backyard. he used that trick often in the past, since it was not his first time going to your house. he often snuck on your property to watch or take pictures of you while you slept.
he tried opening your bedroom window, but it was locked. he had to try a different one.
he went over to a window beside your bedroom, and thankfully, it was unlocked. but the moment he opened the window, he heard the sound of water running and your familiar voice humming a song. were you in the shower?
bayani climbed inside as quietly as possible, and closed the window behind him. his suspicions were correct. he was in your bathroom, and you were taking a shower. your curtains covered up your figure, so he couldn't see you.
bayani looked to the side of the room and saw a pile of your dirty clothes on the floor. he ran up to it and immediately took a large whiff at the pile. it smelled divine to him. he couldn't get enough of it. he quickly spotted your used underwear in the pile and snatched it without thinking, then he stuffed it in his pocket. you wouldn't notice, right?
before he could take the rest of your clothes, the water suddenly stopped. bayani ran to hide, in a spot where you couldn't see him but he could see you. you opened the shower curtains and stepped out with a towel in your hands. you were completely naked, and still drenched in water. bayani felt like he died and went to heaven again that day. he couldn't believe what he was seeing. you were completely naked, right in front of his eyes. ignoring the puddle in his pants, he nervously fumbled around his pockets, trying to find his phone. there was no way he could pass up an opportunity like this. without hesitation, he snapped a photo of you.
but he didn't notice that the flash was on.
he froze, and you looked towards him. neither of you said a word, and bayani saw his future flash before his eyes. you would probably scream for security and he would get taken away to prison, never to see your face again. his life would be over.
"you're the guy i've been seeing everywhere, huh?" you whispered.
"...are you going to, uh... send me away?" bayani gulped.
you thought about it for a moment. this guy clearly cared a lot about you, because you saw him literally everywhere you went. no matter what country you visited, he was always there. even if you didn't tell a single soul where you were going, he was somehow always there. you even saw him on your property a few times, so you knew how crazy he was. but you still let him do it. and you never reported him, either. you knew exactly what he wanted. you could always hear him moaning outside your window, knowing he would have one hand down his pants and a camera on the other.
he was cute, so why not have some fun with him?
"come here." you commanded. he followed your order without thinking, immediately falling down to his knees in front of you.
you grabbed his chin, and made him look up at you. he felt hot tears well up in his eyes as you stared him down. he didn't say a word, but you knew exactly what he was thinking.
you pressed your knee against the wet stain on his pants, and he let out a pathetic whimper. he was getting off on it.
he didn't know what to do. his dreams were finally coming true. he got noticed by you, got into your house, saw you naked, and you finally touched him. he was overwhelmed, and started crying. he didn't mean to look so weak in front of you for a first impression, but he couldn't help it. besides, he'd make a fool out of himself any day for you.
"you're so pathetic.. you've been stalking me for so long, and now you break into my house to see me naked. i could call the police and have you arrested..." you whispered, as you started putting more pressure on his crotch, moving your knee up and down on it, and inching your face closer to his.
he sobbed, “please, don't! i promise, it'll never happen again. i'll stop, i'll do whatever you want, i'll-"
you cut him off by connecting your lips to his, setting his heart on fire. you pulled away after a few seconds, leaving him speechless. there's no way you just kissed him. he had to be dreaming.
and then you moved your knee away from his crotch right before he could cum, making him let out a whimper and crumble to the ground.
"thanks for letting me have some fun with you. we can do this again soon.. if you be a good boy and return my underwear." you winked, walking away and leaving bayani a hard, pathetic, leaking mess on your bathroom floor.
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floatyflowers · 8 months
Dark! Percy Jackson Reverse Harem x Reader|| Chapter Two
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<<< Chapter One
Your eyes widen when you see Chiron being half horse half man.
"You are a centaur"
Chiron chuckles at your shocked expression.
"Indeed, I'm, and I'm here to guide you"
"Thank you, sir"
"Are you not going to greet me, (Wrong name)?"
You turn your eyes to stare at the dark haired dark eyes man with confusion.
"My name is (Y/n)" you correct him before asking "And you are?"
"As in the god who has a cult?"
"That's me, I miss my cult"
You nod in agreement, unsure if that was meant to be humor or a genuine confession.
"Yes, I used to rule an entire cult in ancient Greece. They all worshipped me and offered me sacrifices."
You feel a twinge of unease at the thought of being in a cult, especially one led by a god like Dionysus.
Still, you don't want to be rude, so you just smile politely and say.
"That's... great."
Dionysus nods, seemingly satisfied with your response.
"Well then," he says,
"Shall we continue on? I can show you around the camp and introduce you to some of the other demigods."
Chiron frowns, looking at Dionysus, finding his behaviour strange.
Dionysus is never friendly towards any demigod.
But now, he is offering to show you around.
Chiron never understood the gods obsession with you.
He assumed it has something to do with your powers.
"There is no need, but thank you for the offer, Luke showed me around the camp"
You say before turning towards the centaur.
"I will be going now if that's all"
The moment you take your leave, Dionysus sighs in disappointment.
"If only she was my daughter"
The cabin is all pastel pink and surrounded by flowers and cherubs statues, and it is also close to Aphrodite's cabin, which is not surprising.
But what made you uncomfortable is the glass window in your room.
You will need curtains for that later.
What is surprising is that you found tons of gifts on your bed and your wardrobe is filled with clothes.
And a note that says 'From your beloved grandmother. Aphrodite'
Also there are gifts from different deities.
For example, Hermes gave you a golden caduceus pendant with a blue diamond.
Apollo gave you healing potions.
Ares gifted you a dagger and also has a note with it 'Sharp enough to kill your enemies'
But what astonished you the most is the gift from Etos, it's a music box.
A cherubs music box, when you turn it on, it starts playing very enchanting music.
There is a long letter too.
My sweet demigoddess,
I write to you on this fine day to express my deepest love and adulation for you.
Your strength, courage, and power all demonstrate your divine ancestry, and your beauty and grace shine with the warmth of the sun.
My heart aches for you from far away, and all I desire is to embrace you in my arms and to watch you flourish with all that you are and can be.
This music box is a gift from me, once it starts playing, all monsters will flock away from you.
From your father,
The strong fragrance on the letter makes you calm down.
To be honest, you don't hate Eros even though he never was by your side when you grew up.
Maybe the new life for you here, isn't bad after all.
"Capture the flag? As in fighting other demigods? no thank you"
You say, walking by Percy's side.
The boy showed up at your doorsteps first thing in the morning, and asked you to walk with him.
"Don't worry, I will protect you, if you stay by my side" 
You stop and look at Percy and cross your arms over your chest.
"Why did you tell Luke that I'm your girlfriend?" you inquire.
Percy smiles.
"Because you have always been my girlfriend, remember in grade one where you wanted to marry me and made a promis-"
You quickly stop him, your cheeks heating up from the childhood memories.
"I was a child"
"I don't care, a promise is a promise"
"What if I fall for another?"
Percy shrugs, with the smile still on his face.
"It would be like Icarus flying too close to the sun"
You raise an eyebrow but he continues.
"Another might get close to you but they will never reach you before they fall to their deaths"
Chapter Three >>>
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bueckersgirl · 6 months
Favorite Customer*
(seriously tho, where are the FICS OF HER YALL DO BETTER. 😭)
Paige Bueckers x Fem reader
Summary: Paige goes to the bar to blow off some steam occasionally , and y/n, who works there might have a tad bit of a crush on her.
WC: 1.7K
Warnings: 18+, smut, just straight up filth
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There she was.
Y/n’s customer crush was here.
She sat in the same spot she normally did each time she’d go. Sixth one down from the second row, right next to the window.
She had a blue oversized hoodie worn strictly around her neck with a white tank top underneath. Her pretty blonde hair was put back in a messy low bun that framed her face so perfectly.
Y/n poured out what she usually requested- a glass of cosmopolitan with a tad bit of orange juice and some aperol. She’d also occasionally order a slider but due to the time she’d always come they were usually gone.
It may sound strange but, y/n found herself almost fascinated by her. The way she’d remain consistent on her arrivals, only ever coming twice a week at exactly two thirty in the morning-never earlier or later. She was captivating.
Y/n got used to seeing her there so often it became a part of her schedule that she wouldn’t dare complain about. She would never admit it-of course but seeing Paige after working these long shifts always brightened up her mood and made her day a fuck ton better.
“Hi, ma.”
Y/n was brought back from her thoughts once she heard the breathy voice she’d been desperately craving all night calling out to her from the booth. She glanced up and noticed her already staring with a cute smile across her face.
“Hi, Paige.” y/n replied softly while returning the smile back and handing her the glass she just made.
“I assumed you’d want your regular.”
“You remember my drink order?”
“It’s not a hard drink, really-”
“What did the last person before me order, hm?”
Y/n’s breath got caught in her throat while her mind practically went blank right there on the spot.
“I forgot.” she whispered, causing Paige to smirk widely as she leaned back and chuckled.
Though they didn’t know much about each other, Paige found her absolutely adorable. She’d always notice the way y/n’s cheeks reddened when she’d call her ‘ma’ or any light praises she’d give her on how delicious the drink she made was.
Paige kept her eyes precisely on hers and saw how she was quick to look away making her already smug and wide smirk somehow widen even more. “Don’t gotta get all shy on me now, ma. It’s cool if I’m your favorite customer.” she winked as she sipped her drink.
“Maybe… Woah-.” She muttered softly before she felt herself getting dragged by the hip right next to Paige.
“Sorry if I caught you off guard, mama. I'm just not a fan of the distance while we’re speaking, I’m sure you understand, right?”
Y/n quickly nodded her head in response and felt her cheeks grow warm again as she fidgeted with her fingers.
“I’m- I really should get back.”
“You don’t need to go anywhere, ma, there’s no other customers here for you to attend” she interrupts with a small grin, “C’mon, please?”
Y/n hesitated for a second before sighing then quickly glancing at the other empty booths before unbuttoning 2 buttons on her vest and leaning back.
“See?” Paige hummed as she removed a strand of hair from y/n’s face before having another sip of her drink. “Probably so much more comfortable now huh, mama?”
Y/n smiled then nodded and turned to look at Paige.
Fuck she’s sexy.
She was so stuck in her thoughts she hadn’t realized how hard and long she’d been staring for or that she’d now been looking at her lips.
Before y/n even got the chance to think again, Paige attached her lips to hers then lightly pulled y/n’s face closer to hers in order to deepen the kiss before she slid her tongue in her mouth.
“Wanna get out of here?” She whispered and y/n was quick to comply as Paige grabbed her hand and rushed them out the bar.
They made it to her car and y/n felt desperate. After Paige touched her once she felt herself craving more. She grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her back into the kiss as a quiet moan escaped Paige’s lips.
“Desperate huh, mama? Always could tell you were a desperate girl but never thought you were so needy this quickly, barely even touched you yet and you’re going feral.”
Y/n let out a whimper causing Paige to chuckle as her tongue continued to explore the inside of her mouth with ease. “Trust me though I love your neediness this early on. Making it seem like you’ll die if I don’t touch you enough.”
“You know-” Paige whispered before breaking the kiss and moving on to y/n’s jaw and neck then lightly nibbling on to her ear. “I’ve thought about this so many times you have no idea. Everytime I step into that bar my mind goes crazy. I have had to stop myself from doing this earlier, but-”
She puts her mouth right on her ear and mutters, “If I knew you wanted me this badly I would’ve done this so much sooner, ma.”
She doesn’t even give Y/n the chance to catch her breath as she takes her hand again and guides her over towards the backseat of her car then swinging the door open and stepping aside.
“Lay down for me, ma,” she mumbled, pecking y/n’s lips gently while guiding her in. “Get as comfortable as you need to, want you to enjoy this.”
Y/n immediately settles down into the soft black leather seat before tossing around for a little bit until she found a position she preferred.
Paige quickly landed between her thighs and pulled the door shut. She hovers her body on top of hers, trapping y/n beneath her as she runs a palm up the side of her leg.
“You’re so beautiful, fuck. Can’t wait to ruin you.”
That short statement alone made y/n to moan loudly causing Paige to let out a chuckle. “You really are desperate for my touch are you?”
“Yes-Yes I am. Please touch me.” she whispered before Paige lightly pinched her inner thigh.
“I am touching you, ma. Can’t you feel my fingers running across your pretty thighs, hm? Or did you want me to touch somewhere else, huh?”
“How about here?” She placed her fingertips on her stomach causing y/n to aggressively shake her head, “No-no not there…maybe here?” She then dragged her fingers towards her lower abdomen.
“Getting closer, huh? How about, right here.” Her fingers finally made their way towards y/n’s clothed clit with a rough slap earning an even louder moan from her lips. “Fuck, ma. Can feel your wetness through your leggings…Christ-have you been this wet since you saw me?”
She nodded her head eagerly as Paige started rubbing slow, teasing circles against her. “Can’t believe I got you this worked up-barely did anything was so respectful, then you surprise me with this? Fuck me...”
Paige leaned in and kissed her once more wanting to taste her moans and feed off her desperation. She breaks away from the kiss then starts tugging on her leggings, “Can I take these off you, ma? Wanna feel your dripping pussy rub against me so fucking bad.”
All Y/n could do was whine out in response as she motioned her head up and down quickly, craving her touch more than she needed oxygen to breathe. Once Paige got her approval she was gentle but eager to get her bottoms off. The second she pulled them down she couldn’t help but let out a groan at the wet patch very visible on her pretty little pink panties.
“Lord, ma, you soaked through your panties…” She mumbled while rubbing harder and feeling y/n’s wetness increase more and more with each circle of her finger. Watching her fall apart beneath her with just a few flicks of her index and middle finger across her sensitive clit was a sight that Paige was definitely never gonna be able to get out of her mind.
Paige gently moved her drenched panties to the side and held it there using her other hand. She let out a moan of her own at the sight of y/n’s wet and throbbing clit right there on display for her. Paige began slowly but surely thrusting her finger in and out loving the wet noises of y/n’s pussy filling up the car. After she felt her relax a bit she stuck another one into her before leaving a kiss below her jaw.
“More” y/n whispers faintly, “Please-more..”
“More, ma?” she echoes before adding the third finger, “Fuck you really are needy. Already got my two fingers working now you need another one? So filthy.”
“Paige..So close, please..” y/n moans, arching her back further as Paige increases the speed of her fingers and uses her thumb to rub her puffy clit until she reaches her high.
“Gonna cum, ma? C’mon, give it to me, you know how badly I wanna taste it…Be a good girl and cum for me.”
That was all y/n needed to cum. Before she knew it she was making a mess on Paige’s fingers-and most likely her car seat too-as her body shook and her thighs twitched while Paige slowly removed her soaking wet fingers out from her entrance and into her mouth, moaning at the taste.
“So sweet, mama, could taste you all day, I swear.” she mumbled, causing y/n to let out a quiet whimper as she tried calming down from her high.
“Thank you.” y/n whispered, as Paige leaned down attaching their lips together once more while she pulled her panties up for her.
“You did so good, ma.” she praised, helping her sit back up straight as she stroked her bare thigh. “I was thinking, I’d love to do this again, but only if you’re down of course-”
“Yes, I am definitely down to do this again.” she interrupted quickly, offering her a smile causing Paige to chuckle and peck her on the lips.
“That’s a good girl.”
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httpiastri · 9 months
literally any driver: burying head in crook of neck, night kisses and shutting the other up with kisses
lacii my love <3<3 did this with lando, hope that's fine! merry christmas again, and i hope you enjoy this!! 😁
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"lando, did i tell you about that time when i first met my friend clara?" the words are flowing out of your mouth like you're spitting bars. your boyfriend doesn't even get a chance to answer your question before you've started talking again. "oh my god, it's a great story. you'll love it. so, i was in a french class when my other friend, sarah-"
lando is smiling subconsciously as you ramble on about your adventures, just as you have ever since he picked you up from the club. his fingers help you slip out of your heels – not that you even seem to understand what's going on, way too focused on speaking – before one of his hands lands on your waist. he takes a deep breath to keep his composure and hold back the laughter threatening to burst from his chest at your continuous gibberish, before he guides you to his bedroom with soft touches. he chuckles quietly at the way you almost take the wrong turn and end up in his kitchen, too engaged in your storytelling to remember the layout of his apartment. he isn't surprised, though, because;
alcohol always makes you blabber.
in most situations, you're not the most talkative, preferring to choose your moments to speak with great care. but when you start to get tipsy, it is like you are the world's greatest extrovert. even after getting just a little alcohol in your system, you talk to anyone with ears, somehow assuming that they're really interested in whatever you're ranting about.
thankfully, if you have your friends around, they usually drag you away by your arm, apologizing to the poor stranger to whom you've over-explained the storyline of your favorite movie.
lando learned about this side effect of your drinking early on in your relationship. on your third date, after sharing a few drinks at a local bar, you wouldn't shut up for half an hour, not giving him a second to interject with anything. he'd been surprised, but mostly confused, until he got your text message the following morning: oh my god, i did it... didn't i?
he'd tried to pretend he didn't know what you meant, wanting to put it all behind you, but you'd persisted. i didn't shut up. i never do when i drink. i'm sorry :(
lando was always one to be quick to forgive and forget, not wanting you to feel too bad. everyone does some questionable things when drunk, and he'd seen tons of people act worse than you did. but after that date, there would be uncountably many more occasions of you not being able to hold back when booze was in the picture. award shows, drinking games at home with friends, podium celebrations. once, he even found you outside a club after a race, sitting on the curb with one of your hands petting a stray dog as your other helped you explain the meaning of life. safe to say, he is used to your habits by now.
so tonight, when he picked you up from your night out with a few of your friends, he wasn't surprised that your mouth didn't shut once during the trip back to his apartment. you were excitedly telling him about the people you'd met and the drinks you'd had, so eager to explain every detail to your boyfriend when you were getting into the car that you forgot about everything around you and he had to lean across the console to put on your seatbelt for you.
most of the time, he finds your habit endearing. but sometimes, like right now, it gets just a little tiresome.
"and then, when jamie came around, she was like, what are you doing?, and i was like, i'm just having some fun!"
you're both sitting on the edge of his bed by now, after lando's helped you change into something more comfortable for the night, your mouth still running like you're one of the gilmore girls. you don't even flinch when his hands reach for your cheeks and he stares intently in your eyes – but he can't do anything other than smile.
lando loves your voice. he loves it when you're whispering something in his ear when you're out with friends, when you're ranting to him about some stupid coworker, and maybe especially when you're moaning and whining his name.
but now, he reckons you've talked enough for today. your vocal cords must be sore, and his ears are about to fall off, so it's time to call it a night – and he only sees one way to shut you up.
mid-sentence, lando leans in, pressing his lips to yours. he swallows the yelp you let out in surprise, one of his hands gliding to the back of your neck to keep you close. it doesn't take long for you to relax into the kiss, your lips moving with his while your hands reach for the neckline of his hoodie.
it's so easy to get lost in kissing lando. when he parts the kiss, you find yourself wanting to seal your lips again, already missing the feeling. your mind is now completely blank; all you can think of is the kiss. the man beside you laughs at your hazy expression, utterly amused by how you're suddenly quiet for more than five seconds (something he's sure hasn't happened yet tonight).
when you slowly open your eyes, the very content look on lando's face makes something click in your mind. he sudden kiss, his big grin...
"was i rambling again?"
the silence that follows gives you your answer, and you throw your head back as you let out a little groan. "hey, don't worry about it."
"i really didn't mean to. you know how it is, it just happens, and i don't really feel it as it happens, you know? it's just, the alcohol, it's not my intention. i actually told sarah today that-"
and for the second time, lando pulls you into him, quieting you down with his own lips. this time, as you (for the most part) understand what he's doing, you can't help but giggle into the kiss. your boyfriend matches your smile, taking your bottom lip between his teeth as a joking warning. he lets it flop back against your teeth as he pulls away to look at you again, but you've already lunged forward, head resting against his shoulder.
"i'm sorry," you start, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck. "i really am."
his arms snake around your waist before he leans back against the bed, pulling you down with him and into his side. "don't be," he answers, one of his hands reaching up to the back of your head, stroking your hair. "it's cute. you're cute." you continue hiding in his skin and he makes himself more comfortable in bed, pulling the blanket over you both. "we'll talk more tomorrow, okay?"
he feels you shake your head. "i'm done talking. i've talked enough. you know those tiktok videos where you only have a certain amount of words you're allowed to say every year? that's me. i've run out of words, i used them all today."
"oh yeah, i can tell," lando chuckles, pressing his lips to the top of your head. "close your eyes, baby. tell me about those tiktok videos tomorrow."
"didn't you hear me? i said no more words. i won't talk tomorrow because-"
lando sighs. it's going to be a long night.
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mayghosts · 2 months
🎉- pleasseeee sabrina w/ lunch🙏 and the homoerotic friendship/its complicated trope i am begging🙏🙏🙏
LUNCH: (Sabrina Ionescu x reader)
Summary: You and Sab have been close friends since she moved to New York, but lately things have felt… different
Warnings: its porn with a plot 🫶😁
AN: part of my 500 followers celebration!! I don’t write a ton of smut, so...!!
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Standing at your kitchen counter, you could hear the shower turn off. As you waited for Sabrina to come out you settled onto the living room couch, flicking through the Netflix menu.
Ever since you two met at a party last September, you had become somewhat inseparable. However, with Sabrinas busy schedule and your constant need to travel for work, you guys often found yourself having sleepovers to make up for the lost time during the day. Tonight was just like any night, except for Sabrinas weird behavior.
She came directly from practice, her wet hair in a messy bun and a tee shirt and sweats. Even though she had showered at the arena, she asked to shower again, which was nothing new. It was just the way she looked at you when you opened the door, the slight dusting of pink on her cheeks when you handed her a sweatshirt and PJ shorts to borrow, and the way her eyes lingered as you closed the door behind her.
Maybe you were crazy. Maybe you just didn’t pay enough attention to the details. Maybe things had always been like this. You were probably projecting. Still, in your gut, you knew something had changed. Something is different.
You stood to flick off the lights. Leaving only a soft glow from the salt lamp on the counter and your tv to illuminate the small living room. Grabbing the candy and miscellaneous snacks you had bought earlier, you settled back onto the couch. Waiting for the girl to come back out to finish the last few episodes of Bridgerton.
You smiled, hearing your bedroom door click open. Turning to nag the girl for taking forever, you suddenly felt your mouth watering at the sight of her. Donning your favorite Navy hoodie and a pair of white pj shorts that fit you perfectly (but were a little too short on her), you could feel your cheeks heat up. Pushing the multitude of impulsive thoughts that arose at the sight of her to the side, you grinned at her. “Took you long enough! I bought a bunch of snacks when I went out earlier so feel free.”
She hummed at your words, flopping next to you on the couch. “Did we finish Bridgeton last time I can’t remember.” She immediately scooched next to you, plopping her legs ontop of yours under the blanket. “Uhh yeah… I think we have a few more episodes left! Hold on lets see.”
You clicked anxiously at the remote. Things had been tense between you two before, but you always assumed it was one sided. Maybe you were getting ahead of yourself here, a look and a blush dosen't mean she wants you. Unless....
Staying focused on the TV was harder then you thought it would be. The weight and warmth of Sabrinas legs served as a constant reminder to your predicament. As you zoned out at the wall above the TV you could feel her eyes watching you.
You turned your head to smile at her, "What Sab?" She was silent for a moment, she had that same look on her face from earlier. Gently, she pulled you in, tugging on your sweatshirt. "You are the prettiest girl I know. You know that right?" You sucked in a breath, clenching your jaw at the words. Attempting to pull yourself together you glanced at your lap, before looking up at her again. "Sabrina what are you saying?"
"Kiss me, please?" You let her pull you ontop of her. She quickly licked her lips, gazing up at you. Cupping her face in one hand you rested your other hand around her neck. "Is that really a good idea?" You wanted to kiss her so bad, but things like this never end well. Softly you stroked her cheek with your thumb, waiting for her to make a decision. Maybe you could kiss her? I mean you really wanted to. You watched her lips as she spoke.
"I don't mean to make you uncomfterable if you don't want to I just-" You quickly cut her off mid scentence with a quick kiss. She looked about as shocked as you felt. "So I guess thats a yes?" Grinning at her you leaned in to meet her in the middle.
What started as a light and airy kiss, quickly delved into an intense and hungry kiss. Holding your hips in a death grip, Sabrina kept pulling you closer and closer. The space between you felt nonexistant, with your hands now tangeled in her partly dry hair.
Pulling away from the kiss, you immediately made your way to her neck. Sucking deep purple and red marks into her pale neck as she squirmed beneath you. You could feel her hands slipping under your shirt as she guided you back up to her lips. "Off please." You hummed at her words, letting her pull your sweatshirt off.
Once again you found yourself lost in the kiss. Both of you moving in perfect sync, and her hands all over your chest was enough to distract you from Sabrina flipping you two over and laying you back on the couch.
She pulled away for a moment. Her blonde hair was dangling around her face and her lips were slightly swollen and red. Moving away from your lips, she started her ruthless attack on your neck and colarbones. Her actions left you dizzy in the head, you faintly murmered "God Sab, you're so perfect."
You could feel her smile against the skin on your sternum as she listened to your reactions. Gently skimming her thumb over your nipple, she came back up to capture your whine with her mouth. As she continued to tease you, she slipped a knee between your leg, which only caused you to emit a more embarrasing string of sounds.
"Fuck, you sound so pretty baby." As she pulled away, she made her way back down your torso, leaving red and purple marks in her wake. As she reached the waistband of your pants, she looked up at you. You whined, "Please Sab..."
Grinning at you she responded, "Please what baby? Want me to fuck you?" You nodded eagrly at her words, lifting your hips so she could slide your sweats off.
Situating herself between your thighs, she immediately got to work nibbling on the inside of your thighs. Lovingly, you pulled her hair out of the way, savouring the whine she let out when you accidentally tugged a bit. "C'mon -brina please?" You bucked your hips slightly as her nose brushed your cunt. Listening to your request, she slowly pulled the waistband of your underwear down. Licking a stripe up your pussy.
Immediately your hands found her hair as she continued to tease you with her tounge, before she started with slow circles on your clit. "Fuck baby, you like that?" the whimpers you let out were straight up pornographic as you attemped to buck your hips for more. "More baby please" you tugged at her hair gently causing her to let out a small whine.
She swapped her hand for her tounge, speeding up the pace as she slowly dipped one finger into your cunt. Slowly, she began to pump the finger before adding a second. Your grip on her head only got tighter as you moaned her name over and over. "Fuck Sabrina, I'm so close!"
The desperate tone of your voice and your grip on her hair only seemed to drive her as she reached a hand up to toy with a nipple. Bucking your hips slightly, you squeezed your thighs around her head, cumming hard. She slowed her pace, fucking you through your orgasm.
Pulling her fingers out of your dripping cunt, she hovered above you, gently pressing a kiss to your lips before getting up to find a towle. Gently she cleaned up your mess, before helping you into bed and cuddling you close.
As you lay there, drifting off to sleep, you couldn't help but think how this would all work out tomorrow. As well as how you were gonna get her moaning your name next time.
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jujutsusimp · 4 months
Gojo & Toji relationships with marriage
So I thought about characters relationships with marriage for my latest SMAU You called them “my husband” while ordering food for them. I will probably do a more detailed post about Gojo and Toji backstories at some point, but right now I felt like expanding on my thoughts for the SMAU itself.
It’s silly, but I really try to be as in character as possible when I do my SMAU and sometimes I will think a lot about why they would do this or that, so for this one, I wanted to develop a bit on it, it often brings good conversation^^
Gojo and marriage
I think Gojo hates marriage because of all the pressure he felt on his shoulder from his clan to get a wife and an heir asap. He completely rejected the injunction, not wanting to have one more responsibility on his back. Despite that, I don’t think he hates the idea of marriage in itself as a love commitment. He 100% fantasizes about carrying you bride style out of the venue in your pretty dress, calling him husband. Gojo might look super extravert, but I don't think he is very good at expressing his true feelings deep down, so marrying you is a way to show just how much he is committed, but just the idea of dealing with his family gives him hives.
We know nothing about his clan (even if there are other members alive), but considering what we know about Kamo/Zenin, I am convinced they are insufferable traditionalists and would get very noisy about the whole thing. The second you become his wife, you get tons of expectations to behave in a certain way and become the perfect housewife, of course, he would back you up on it, but it will be exhausting. (Also, his family will probably look down on you if you are not from a lineage of Sorcerer but at this point, they are so desperate to get him married that they will suck it up.)
Toji and marriage
I don’t think Toji is especially superstitious, but I am under the impression he has really bad luck. From day one, with his heavenly restriction and shitty childhood to gamble (I have the feeling he never wins when he gambles), We know he lost his first wife soon after Megumi birth, and we don’t know what happened to Tsukimi’s mom, but since she suddenly disappeared, I am assuming she is dead. It’s unclear if he married some of the other women he courted in between, but it’s possible since Gege clearly says it’s a literal gold digger.
But I also think Toji really loved Mamaguro, and is really traumatized by her death. His life afterward sucked too. So, I liked the idea of him being really happy now that he found you which makes him really scared to jinx himself and to lose his happiness again if things get too serious.
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mandaplease10 · 4 months
A Polin Take Nobody Asked For #5
*Penelope & Colin Aren't Friends*
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Once again, there are complaints about how Pen & Colin were never actually friends because we never see them be friends. We're simply only told they are friends and now we're supposed to believe Colin loves her after saying he would never court.
Well, I am here to tell you why that is wrong. Oh and someone on twitter claimed this season has no narrative... like are we watching the same show??
FYI this is a long post!
Season 1:
Colin dances with Penelope after Cressida spills a drink on her. Even before this, he sought her out to have a conversation with her.
There are several times we see Colin and Penelope speaking at balls or gatherings.
Penelope tries to tell him about Marina and he is grateful for her friendship and care, but he doesn't listen to her because he thinks he knows Marina. Yet, he still took the time to hear her out for the most part.
Once Marina's secret is revealed, Colin apologizes to Pen and recognizes she was just trying to look out for him.
Colin goes traveling the first time because of Pen inspiring him to do so.
Colin singing in the drawing room and lowers his voice/stars at Pen when she walks in.
Season 2:
Their letters - This is a huge element to their friendship and their storyline. Honestly, I would love to have seen what their letters entailed over the years. Maybe one day we'll have a scene of them going through their old letters or something.
Colin's arrival - hello! That look he gives her when he sees her there in the drawing room after greeting his family. I believe had Hyacinth and Gregory not rushed him and Anthony didn't walk in to go to the races, he would have walked over and said something to her.
At the races- he sees Pen and walks over to her. He initiates the conversation and talks about their letters until Eloise ruins the moment.
Another moment he initiates a conversation is when Pen assumes he met someone on his travels and he talks about how he 'found himself' thanks to her letters.
Lady Crane was right about you - He knows that Pen cares for him and is special in his life and the fact that someone else saw that made him open his eyes a little more.
Defending the Featheringtons - Colin stood up to his friend Will when he said something negative about Pen's family and then again when he realized Jack was scheming around.
You are special to me. I will always look out for you - HELLO! Yes, Colin has a hero complex, but he doesn't do this for everyone! He doesn't seek out to help Cressida or other women of TON, but he risked standing up to a "Lord" to save Pen's family from ruin.
You are Pen. You are my friend - Colin literally calls her his friend and holds her above just another woman. Yes, in this moment she was sort of friend zoned, but the fact he still wanted her in his life, means something.
"I would never court Penelope Featherington" - Yes, this was not a good look, but this was also Colin trying to put on a facade in front of the gentleman. Plus, I also believe that in his state of mind, what he was doing and how he is around Pen, is just how they are together, yet in other's eyes, it was very much courting action.
Season 3:
His arrival - Immediately looks for Pen and when he doesn't see her, looks towards her house confused as to why she isn't present.
The Gardens - Smiles when he sees her and is eager to talk to her, upset when she cuts their conversation short.
The ball - Stares at her and watches her from afar and rushes after her when he sees her in distress.
Goodnight Mr. Bridgerton - Tries to joke around with her and have a friendly conversation, but realizes something is wrong. Feels horrid when he realizes why she is upset with him and wants to talk it out, gets upset when she leaves.
The Featherington Garden - Again, he seeks her out because he wants to make things right with her. THIS ENTIRE SCENE IS PRACTICALLY A WHY YOU ARE SPECIAL AND MORE THAN A FRIEND TO ME DECLARATION. If you actually watch this entire scene, you will see that there is genuine friendship and love there.
The Meet Cute - Seriously, the fact that HE remembers how they met AND he was the one who brought it up, says A LOT.
The Drawing Room - He listened to her and brought her to a place that makes her comfortable. He even made sure it was during a time when they would be alone. Also, it is obvious he feels something during the touch of hands and her attempt at flirting with him.
The Ball - They have yet another conversation amongst the two of them and he encourages her to talk to someone. Then they have a laugh. A genuine laugh, one that she never really had with Debling later on... Then we have the little bouts of jealous Colin when she's speaking to Lord Remington. Then how angry he gets when the word gets out about him and Pen and how he rushes after her in worry.
The First Kiss - Once again, Colin is seeking her out... in the middle of the night... bribing her maid for alone time. Like... not just anyone does that. Colin only had to do the one kiss. The one peck because that was all Pen asked for, but guess what? He went in for another one and would have kissed her again if she didn't leave. We can tell on his face, that he felt something he never felt before.
The Dream - Most people don't have romantic dreams about their friends unless there are feelings there.
The Willow Tree - The awkwardness is everything and pure friends to lovers.
I could continue the rest of their moments, but I'm not going to because so many of the same people keep saying the only reason Colin wanted Pen is because of Debling, well guess what everything that I listed above is PRE DEBLING. Yes, there is that moment in episode 1, but it isn't until episode 3 when Debling actively tries to pursue Pen and vice versa.
So, yeah, Polin haters can keep complaining and trying to make excuses as to why they dislike the season, but the receipts are the there to debunk those claims.
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genericpuff · 5 months
Webtoon Canvas is pay-to-win now, I guess.
DISCLAIMER: All of the series I show here is for the sake of comparing statistics and criticizing Webtoons' Super Likes system. I have nothing personal against these series or their creators and I do not want anyone to get the impression that I am encouraging any sort of action against these creators. The following rant is merely my own observations and opinions concerning Webtoons itself as a platform.
I found out today that Webtoon has implemented a Super Likes ranking board.
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This does exactly what it sounds like - it ranks Canvas series based on how many Super Likes they have. Whether or not this ranking board is on a weekly rotation (like the Originals rankings) or just overall, I don't know, but something immediately felt off with this system and it took very little time at all to realize what was really going on here.
When you actually click on the series listed here, it'll tell you how many Super Likes they've accrued overall. The first thing that made me raise an eyebrow was the fact that the Super Likes listed in the ranking boards isn't the same as what's listed in the comics' landing pages, but I chalked that up to a simple delay on WT's end as I can assume the ranking board doesn't refresh at pace with whatever Super Likes are coming in.
But the real red flag was this:
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Limitless : Untold is a series with 1,657 followers and seems to get an average of 35-45 likes per episode.
But it somehow has 1,715 Super Likes?
Anyone who's run a Patreon, Ko-Fi, Ad Revenue, or any other sort of revenue-based system with their content will probably realize how that doesn't add up. The reality is that regardless of how many readers / followers you have, only a small fraction of them will actually spend money on your work or to support you. Not every person reading an Originals series is FastPassing. Not every person reading a webcomic is supporting the creator on Patreon. This ratio is even apparent outside of income-based statistics - for example, not every person who follows will read new updates each week and hit the like button (which is why you can have a comic with 1700 followers that only gets a few hundred views and a handful of likes per update). This ratio can be influenced by all sorts of different things, but one thing that doesn't typically happen is for the ratio to flip itself in this fashion.
To put it bluntly: how can a comic with a high of 45 likes in the past 3 months possibly accrue 1,715 Super Likes since it was launched just last week? You've probably already come to the conclusion on your own, but for those who haven't: there's very strong evidence to suggest that creators are buying their own Super Likes to get on this ranking board.
That's assuming the worst of this, though - after all, maybe some of these creators just have super supportive friends who are tossing them a ton of Super Likes? It costs $1 for 5 of them, in this example the amount of Super Likes comes out to approximately $343 (assuming my math is right lmao) which isn't massive amounts of money but it's, again, still really impressive for a comic with only 40 likes on average.
Bu Limitless : Untold isn't the only one in the rankings board that's like this. In fact, the top three spots are occupied by webtoons with the same tilted ratio.
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But then, suddenly, after those top three positions, the following webtoons Super Likes totals that make a LOT more sense and reflect the usual ratio more accurately:
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The Little Trashmaid, one of the most popular Canvas webtoons of all time and the first one to hit the 1 million subscriber mark in the Canvas section has only accrued 355 Super Likes so far... and you seriously want me to believe a comic like Limitless : Untold with only 0.08% of its readership is somehow genuinely earning five times the amount of Super Likes?
I want to make it clear yet again that I have nothing against the series that have managed to break the system in their own favor. None of this is meant to "slam" them or judge their work or anything of the sort, I'm simply comparing the numbers here and coming to a very reasonable conclusion as someone who's well aware of how ratios like this tend to work in webcomics and content creation. It's just not feasible for the top three comics in the Super Likes ranking boards to organically earn that many Super Likes relative to the sizes of their audiences, especially when compared to the bigger comics that are only pulling in a fraction of that amount. The ratios of Super Likes : actual likes for those bigger comics actually looks reasonable and expected, the ratios for the smaller comics that are sitting at the top are not.
If anything, Webtoons has created a broken system and these creators are simply using that system to their advantage. And I'm not necessarily going to fault them for that because I can get wanting to do whatever it takes to get eyes on your work.
But it does raise the question of what kind of system Webtoons has cultivated here - a system where creators are resorting to Super Liking their own episodes to bump themselves up in the leaderboards.
And before anyone asks me how I can be so sure that these creators are Super Liking their own works - I literally opted into the Super Likes system myself and proceeded to Super Like one of my own episodes.
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(this is like the one helpful thing with my work still being on WT even though I'm not updating there anymore, it lets me test shit like this LOL)
So yes, this is a thing that creators can do and it would certainly explain the massive discrepancy in the ratio of Super Likes : regular likes for these smaller series.
This is literally pay-to-win. And who do we have to blame for this? Webtoons, full stop. Not only for implementing a ranking board for an optional monetization service while still allowing creators to use that monetization system to support themselves as a way to climb up that ranking board, but for creating this gross psychological dependency on the platform as the "only way" to build an audience, to the point that people are now paying Webtoons out of their own pocket just to have their thumbnail visible in a ranking board and maybe get some extra views (and 49% of their money back if they hit that $100 threshold). And on top of all that, further putting on the pressure of competition and 'exclusivity' among many budding creators who are doing what they do for free and for fun. Why are creators now being forced to compete in a metric that's solely determined by how much expendable income their own audience has?
Sure, at least this means creators can get themselves into a ranking board by their own power unlike the other categories that are hand-picked by Webtoons and / or determined by daily stats, but at what cost? The literal financial hit of paying for advertising with extra steps, and the ethical dilemma of essentially paying for potential views with microtransactions. This is no better than paying bots on Instagram to follow your profile and inflate your worth to those who aren't following you. None of it is real, it will not legitimize your work to throw money at Webtoons just to have your thumbnail visible in a ranking board. These are microtransactions meant to benefit Webtoons, not you, the creator.
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bailey-dreamfoot · 1 year
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Ok so, wee explanation + headcannons under the cut.
Ok so assuming you've stuck around for my insane ramblings, heres the gist:
This comic is very much inspired by Factual Fantasy's Comics about Marsh, Natquick, and Calico Jack. And while my personal head cannon does share in the idea of the group working together- I thought it would be hilariously fun to include Inkling, and tbh it focuses more on him than the others anyway.
In the show, inkling doesn't really get out much. There are really only a few episodes where he has a significant role, and even less when he actually participates in missions outside of *insert knowledgeable insight*.
I believe this is for 2 reasons:
He just prefers the comfortable vibe of his library. The book-worm role fits his personality well - enjoying studying or cataloging species alongside Shellington - and he likes spending time with the Vegimals.
His Mobility issues. While he can very easily traverse the watery environments in the base show- in a&b, he doesn't really show much interest in exploring the land until he's told an old friend was the one in need of help. He has the ability, its just difficult- and he knows his limitations.
Inkling has his hover chair, that allows him to move around the octopod relatively easily. However - in the Min episode - they make it a point that he cant take it with him on land, or use it over rough terrain.
My version of Inkling uses an actual wheelchair, so I thought it'd be a neat idea that after that adventure- he'd want to try joining missions more often. And to deal with said mobility issues and limitations- say they got specialized tires for his wheelchair- so he could go join up on land missions more often.
After going on a few more missions with the other Octonauts, he hears about Octoagents Calico Jack, and Professor Natquick joining up with Ranger Marsh to help out in the Everglades- you best bet he jumped at the opportunity to tag along. Think of all the species he could ad to his personal catalogue. They might even discover a few new ones! Leaving the Octopod for so long after being basically the one constant to the place was a bit scary sure - and the other Octonauts were certainly emotional ab him leaving (especially Barnacles) - but maybe a change of scenery would do him good.
Sooo He does that! Professor Inkling meets up with the others on a dock near Marsh's Ranger station and get to work! One of the coolest things they did was collecting egg samples and catching an adult specimen of a newly discovered trapdoor spider! the Pine Rockland Trapdoor. Marsh Has a nursery where he cares for tons of snakes, lizards, insects and birds to make sure they have the best chance for survival. Thats where these eggs are going- to hatch in safety and then be released back into the ecosystem. On top of that, they take samples of the adults venom for study, and inkling is sure to make a detailed report of the arachnid in his many journals brought along with him!
As you may expect, Kwazzi takes after his grandad in his fear of spiders. Jack has seen worse, but It doesnt make it any easier to be close to them. Natquick on the other hand- In all his time in the arctic hes never seen anything as freaky as a spider bigger than a quarter.
Aaand that's it! I'm hoping to do some more comics with the lads in the future, although probably not as detailed as this one. It took more than 2 weeks- please.
Also, I find it kinda goofy that the panels get more detailed as you go along. Thats what happens when the first and last panel were made almost a month apart from each other. 💚
Also also- yes I did do actual research for the animals in the last comic. It was going to be a funnel web spider they're researching, but then I looked it up and found out Funnelwebs don't live in the Everglades. :']
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starryevermore · 8 months
the house of snow (5) ✧ coriolanus snow
the house of snow ✧ a royal coryo au | pinterest board| ao3
pairing: king!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
series summary: the king of panem is in search of a bride. and, for reasons you can never understand, coriolanus snow has set his sights on you. it would never be a happy marriage, you’re sure of that. but none of that matters, because when snow decides he wants something, he will do everything in his power to ensure it is his. 
chapter summary: snow does not like the idea of others playing with his toy.
word count: 2,665
series warnings?: 18+ MINORS DNI, royal au, regency au, arranged marriage, rivals to lovers, obsessive!coryo, jealous!coryo, protective!coryo, eventual smut, eventual pregnancy, more tags to be added later
chapter warnings?: jealous!coryo, pet name (petal), not proofread
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“How does it feel to be Mrs. Snow?” Clemensia Dovecote asked as one of the maids poured you a cup of tea. 
You watched the maid glance at you, curiosity evident in her eyes. Though you trusted your own lady’s maid with much of your thoughts and feelings you thought best to keep hidden from everyone else, you knew that maids in general liked to talk. Or, rather, people liked to talk. You had little doubt that your concerns in marrying Snow had spread throughout the working class. Had it been a mistake to even discuss your feelings, or lack thereof, for Snow with her? Perhaps. But you couldn’t keep silent about it. You had to talk to someone. 
“I am hardly Mrs. Snow yet. I am only engaged, Clemmie,” you said. 
Livia Cardew reached for your left hand. You allowed her to take it. She examined the ring Snow had placed on your finger with much scrutiny. It was a silver band with leaves snaking up to the center, where the silver was molded into rose petals. At the center of the flower sat a large, glittering diamond. Livia loved jewelry and all the finer things in life. She could appreciate a nice ring more than you could. “With a ring like that? The King is making a statement.”
“That I am his?” you clarified. It took everything in you to not roll your eyes. If Livia thought that you were not pleased with your engagement, it would spread through Panem faster than maids’ gossip. Who knew what Snow would do if that happened. Livia nodded. “I was already well aware of his interest, as was the rest of the ton.”
“Perhaps you should remind Lord Plinth of that, then?” Livia said. 
Your brows pinched together. Had she someone found out about how you once argued that you would rather marry Sejanus? Had word somehow spread? You knew Snow would say nary a word about it. At least, you would assume so from how he acted when you only mentioned Sejanus’s name. You tried to think back. Were there any maids or butlers around when you talked to Snow about this? When you talked to your parents? None came to mind, but the mark of a good servant is to not be noticed. (Or so your mother says.) It could be possible that you simply missed them?
You decided to feign ignorance. “Lord Plinth? What do you mean?”
Clemensia laughed. “We all saw how he looked at you while you danced at his mother’s ball! That man looked at you like you were made of diamonds.”
Livia crinkled her nose. “You may as well be, at least compared to him. I can still hardly believe the Former King Ravinstill ever granted that family a title. A dukedom at that! It just wasn’t right.”
You decided to ignore Livia’s ramblings. It was true that the Plinth family did not have the same sort of respect the rest of the ton, who had been born into their titles for generations and generations stretching all the way back to the formation of Panem. It was why your parents were so adamant that you not marry Sejanus. But he was a good, and kind, and gentle man.  “No, that cannot be. Lord Plinth is only a friend. He was the one who told me that…” You stumbled on the word. It felt foreign in your mouth. “…my fiancé was interested in courting me. Why would he do that if he would want to marry me himself?”
“Oh, you poor, naïve thing. It’s a wonder you even got this far in your courtship,” Livia teased. “He was hoping that you would swear off the King and marry him. An act of true love, or whatever the fairy tales say.”
Could that be true? Could that be why Snow was so irate at you speaking of Sejanus? But why would Sejanus ever reveal that to Snow? Snow was so possessive. He would hardly let such a slight go by unpunished. And, yet, Sejanus still lived and breathed. Maybe, then, Snow had deduced this all his own, just as Livia and Clemensia had done.
“Well, it hardly matters now. I am engaged now.”
“If the King is as smart as he was at the Academy, he would marry you soon. To dissuade Lord Plinth from arriving with any last minute confessions that might steal you away,” Livia mused. 
You looked out the window, where Coriolanus the Cat perched. In the distance, you could see the Royal Carriage being pulled down the road. It was nearly time for your daily luncheon with Snow. Though you would always dine at the palace, he insisted on picking you up from your home. To anyone who knew of the routine, it seemed like such a romantic ordeal. A man so desperate to spend time with his love that he would do the silliest things. To you, it was merely another way for him to attempt to control you. 
“That would hardly change anything,” you said. The carriage stopped outside of your home. The coachmen stepped down, then opened the door. Snow stepped out, his eyes immediately seeking yours as he looked up at the window. Despite the distance, you could see the smirk on his face. It made you feel ill. 
“Because you are in love?” Clemensia asked. 
You wondered if Snow could read lips from so far away as you repeated, “Because I am in love.”
Livia looked out the window as Snow walked up to your home. “Do you think he knows about Lord Plinth?”
You blinked. You were wondering the same yourself. However, you knew that this was a question you would probably never get answered. You hardly could even figure out how to talk to Livia and Clemensia about this. How could you ever bring it up to Snow, with his quick temper? “It has never come up.”
“And why would it? I’m sure they have much more…exciting conversations,” Clemensia said with a grin. 
Your heart thumped at the implication. Truthfully, you did not know what happened when a couple were married. Your mother only ever told you that, after the ceremony, the union ended in consummation and that that was where children came from. She always said she would tell you more when you were older, but that day had not yet come. “We…talk about our future together,” you said. 
Clemensia’s grin grew, but before she could tease you further on matters you didn’t have a full grasp on, Snow entered the room. “Good morning, Miss Cardew, Miss Dovecote. Good morning, petal,” he said with a charming smile. “What are we talking about today?”
You opened your mouth to answer, ready to say you were discussing your impending nuptials. You knew that would please him enough to put him in a good mood. But Livia beat you to it.
“Lord Plinth’s infatuation with your fiancé.”
Snow’s jaw ticked. For a moment, you wondered if his mask would fall. But he recovered quickly and said in a teasing voice, “Should I be worried?”
“No, they have deluded themselves into thinking he is interested,” you said, careful to not even refer to Sejanus by his last name. “I told them that it would not have mattered even if he was interested because—”
“Because she’s in love,” Clemensia interrupted, elongating the word “love,” making it sing-songy.
A more genuine smile settled on Snow’s face. His eyes flitted to you. “Is that so?”
But, for as much as you were attempting to placate him, you had to have your fun, too. So, you smiled, and said, “Oh? We were talking about you? My mistake, I thought we were talking about Coriolanus.” 
You picked the kitten from his perch on the windowsill, pressing kisses around his face. He purred, curling up in your arms. For a moment, you thought you saw Coriolanus the Cat look smugly at Snow. But, even if he hadn’t, the annoyed look on Snow’s face was joy enough. 
“She teases me too much with that cat—”
“—our son—”
“—our son,” Snow corrected. “I almost regret giving her the little thing.”
Clemensia laughed and nudged Livia. “They already argue like they’re married.”
“Well, as lovely as this was, we do have a luncheon to attend,” Snow said, holding his hand out for you to take. You moved to cradle Coriolanus the Cat in one arm and slipped your hand into Snow’s. He helped you to your feet, then flashed another smile at Livia and Clemensia. “And do let me know if you have anymore theories about Lord Plinth’s affections. I have to ensure I do not have any competition, don’t I?”
“Oh, stop being silly,” you protested as Livia and Clemensia nodded. 
At that, your mother, who sat quietly in the corner of the room with her sewing, rose from her seat and followed you and Snow out of the home. Since the engagement, she had hardly spoken a word when he was around. A part of you wondered if that was because she no longer felt the need to quiet you since Snow put a ring on your finger. Another part of you wondered if Snow had included her silence in the terms of the engagement. You would, after all, need a chaperone with you until you were actually married, but that did not mean that Snow would want to listen to her protest over every thing you did. 
When you reached the carriage outside, Snow helped you climb in. For a second, you wondered if he was going to ignore your mother. But then he held a hand out for her to take as she lifted herself inside, taking the seat across from you. She had learned after the first luncheon that the spot beside you was to always be occupied by Snow. 
Once Snow took his seat, the carriage began its trek to the palace. You tried to distract yourself, looking out the window and petting Coriolanus the Cat, who was curled up on your lap. But then Snow reached for your hand, which you allowed him to take. From the corner of your eye, you saw your mother wrinkle her nose. You weren’t sure it was inappropriate for him to hold your hand, but perhaps she knew so archaic social rule you were unaware of. Or perhaps she was regretting her scheming, you mused. 
“I do not want you to spend any more time with Sejanus,” Snow said. 
This got your attention. 
You turned to look at him, your brows pinched together. “Because of what was said this morning? Lord…he is a friend.”
“I believe Miss Cardew and Miss Dovecote were correct in their assessment. I do not wish for you to be around him.” At your frown, he added, “At least not until after the wedding. It will only be a month. Give me this.”
“I have given you so much already.”
Snow squeezed your hand, tight. You tried to pull away, but he refused to loosen his grip. He leaned in to you, his breath fanning over your face. You did not like how close he was to you. “I cannot tell if his intentions are pure. I do not wish for you to be harmed.”
“Sejanus would never,” left your lips before you could think of what you were saying.
Snow’s face turned red. “What did I tell you about—”
“He is a friend, Snow. He. Is. A. Friend. You cannot isolate me from my friends—”
“—not your friends. Only him.”
“—just because you have concocted this delusion he is trying to take me from you. Sejanus may act impulsively from time to time, yes. He may not always think matters through. But he is your friend, and he is mine. Do you understand? As far as he is concerned, we are in love. Even if he had been interested in courting me, he would not do anything to hurt either of us. He is not like you.”
“Not like…You are toeing the line, petal.”
“I am not going to stop talking to a friend, even if it is only until we are married, because you are insecure. Snow, have I given you any reason to think that I would not follow our agreement?”
“Have I done anything, save for admitting that I once considered marrying Sejanus, that would indicate I have feelings for him?”
“You have not.”
“Then why are you acting like a petulant child whose favorite toy has been stolen away?”
You watched as Snow’s jaw clenched and unclenched. But before he could say any more, the carriage came to a halt and the door was opened. Your mother was helped out first, then you, and finally Snow. He said not a single word as the three of you were led into the palace toward the dining room. Not until you had passed Coriolanus the Cat off to the butler. 
“Join me in the library for a moment, petal,” he said. 
You caught your mother’s eye. Oh, how you wished for her to say something. But instead, she took her seat at the table and said not a word. Sucking in a breath, you nodded. Snow smiled and took your hand, placing it around his bicep. You had half a mind to dig your nails into his arm, hoping that it might hurt him. You were already walking on thin ice, and you could not imagine such an act would go over well with Snow. 
When you entered the library, Snow shut the large, oak doors behind you. Your blood ran cold. He had not done that the last time you visited the library. Had you crossed the line? Had you gone too far? You were not sure if Snow was a violent man. He had spent some months after leaving the Academy as a Peacekeeper. He was certainly capable of violence. But would he inflict it? On you? 
“Snow, I did not mean to—” you began to apologize, hoping that it might placate him. 
If you thought Snow had been too close to you before, it hardly compared to him grabbing you, one hand on your waist, the other on your face, his lips pressed against yours. You gasped, trying to pull away. This was not right. This was not…You were not even sure if married couples kissed this way. You had only ever seen chaste kisses, never something so…animalistic. You weren’t sure if Snow was kissing you more than he was trying to eat you alive. When his tongue darted out, swiping against your lips, you finally managed to push him away. 
“What the hell was that!?” you shouted. “You cannot just, just kiss someone! We are not married, Snow! You promised that you would not ruin me!”
“Did I? I only recall saying your reputation would never be harmed.” Snow reached for you again. You could not find it in you to push him away, not when he had such a crazed look in his eye. “And it will not be, I will promise you that. If I wish, however, to kiss my fiancée in private, I shall do so.”
“You only did this so I would feel guilty if I tried to leave you for Sejanus, which I have already told I would not do!”
“No,” Snow said. “I did this because you drive me mad.”
“Then lock yourself in an asylum. Do not kiss me.”
One of Snow’s hands left your waist. He reached up, caressing your face. When you did jerk away, he pinched your chin between his fingers. “You are to be my wife. You are to be the wife of a king. I shall treat you however I see fit. Do you understand?”
When you said nothing, he pinched harder. “Do you understand?”
“Only if you understand that I will hate you until the day I die.”
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shy-blue-blossom · 6 months
Colin Bridgerton
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Soft music played as the ton danced with their intended, or family members to escape from the vultures some call mothers. Amongst the spectators stood one of the Bridgertons. Their gaze did not leave one of the young ladies who danced with their father. He was going to ask for a dance but her brother had reached them before him. His eyes focused on her. A soft smile made its home on his face not noticing the young lady's father standing next to him.
"You would think she had the sun in her hands with the way you watch her," Colin jumped at the voice before he turned.
"I do not understand what you mean Lord L/n," He started as he turned back to where the dancers were. Colin continued before the lord could say anything. "She is my sun, my eyes will find and follow her."
"I am happy she found you," Lord L/n said after he saw how Colin looked at his daughter. This caused him to look at Lord L/n with a smile. "I'm guessing you are eager to have your wife back after her mother stole her from you." He jested as he turned to his daughter and son.
"I am," Colin agreed. "How is Audrey finding the season? I'm assuming that is why Lady L/n stole my wife." Lord L/n laughed before he nodded.
"You stolen bride returns."
Colin's head wiped around and a smile as bright as the sun was what greeted his wife. She had a smile just as bright when she noticed him.
"Colin!" She let her brother's arm go and took ahold of his offered hand. He pulled her into him and kissed her hand. The two lovers went into their own world as they reunited after not spending the day without one another.
"You would think he returned from war," A voice came from behind Lord L/n. The two gentlemen turned and saw Viscount Bridgerton. They chuckled at the thought. "But it is nice to know they are both devoted to each other and found a love so strong."
The three gentlemen could agree and watched as they moved to the dance floor.
"Do you not want to go home Lord husband?" Colin was asked.
"Would you deny your husband a dance Lady y/n?" She smiled as she shook her head.
"That would be a crime,"
Colin laughed at that then guided y/n into a dance. They looked into each other's eyes and lost themselves there for the rest of the evening.
The end.
Language of Flowers
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can I request a zooble x reader who super dumb and happy go lucky
Oh, this is going to be fun!
Zooble x happy, positive Reader
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★ You frustrate them to no end. Moreso when you first got stuck in the digital circus. After they've gotten used to you, you are officially labeled as a mild nuisance to them.
★ It's the whole "opposites attract" trope. Your unwavering positivity is unnerving but at the same time magnetic. There are times where they want to yell at you for being too happy, but we both no Zooble won't.
★ Id describe Zooble as being inexperienced in romantic relationships. Not understand why you make them feel the way that they do. Ultimately chalking it up to you just being extra annoying.
★ it would take some help from an outside party, probably Ragatha, for Zooble to realize that they have a crush on you. But once they figure it out it hits them like a ton of bricks.
★ After some healthy denial, they write you a letter explaining the situation to you. Assuming you feel the same, you write them a letter saying that you like them too. Did I mention that Ragatha was the one to deliver the letters?
★ You're a healthy break from the sour mood that Zooble comes with. You even each other out! It's good that you can usually be found together. Or else there would be an unattended y/n and a Zooble who's acting worse than usual.
★ An unattended y/n can lead to: More games to play than usual, an overly paranoid Kinger, lost bowling balls and last but not least; dwindling patience for almost everyone.
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xoxochb · 2 months
Forbidden love trope with Jason grace plss
⋆·˚ ༘ * this love is difficult, but it’s real
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warnings: renaissance era, I changed a bunch of things from the play because shakespeare was on something, one sexual insinuation, tons of dialogue, this honestly isn’t my best work
pairing: romeo coded! jason grace x juliet coded! reader (daughter of ares and aphrodite)
a/n: forbidden love trope? you know my literature loving ass is gonna do something romeo and juliet inspired
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two households, both alike in dignity- just kidding that’s not where this is going
a crowded room, the sound of people talking around you. a banquet set up by your parents- unexpected but it’s typical for them, you assume they’re trying to set you up with another boy when they drag you to meet another prince- percy jackson wishes to take your hand in marriage and your parents agree with it. you don’t even know the man! small talk doesn’t get you places and that seems to be the only thing this boy knows
“lovely weather today” he says
you lean your head against a pillar “I suppose”
“what do you enjoy in your free time?”
“many things”
“such as…?”
he won’t give up will he?
“reading, painting, not very much”
he nods his head “I adore sword fighting, but often swimming when I’m not”
your eyes scan around the room as he continues on about his many hobbies, nothing you care about, although when you think about it you don’t care about percy himself. boys, boys, boys! all mean at this absurd party, why can’t you chose a husband on your own? your eyes stop when they meet electric blue ones, yet covered by a mask, who is this strange boy? you must get to know him!
“could I be excused for a moment? I have to use the restroom”
“yes that’s quite fine, when you get back I’ll tell you about my great adventure over mountaintops”
you give him a half-smile before rushing off. would a mysterious look be okay? or should you approach the boy immediately? yes! let him approach you first
you take a drink from a waiter and lean your back against the nearest pillar. a mysterious look will do you good in this situation
waiting, waiting… will the boy ever talk to you?
“quite a boring banquet don’t you think?”
you turn around, the blue-eyed boy stands behind the pillar, you move to the opposite side with him
“my parents want me married off to that boy” you point to percy across the room who seemingly found another woman to torture with dreadful stories
“do you want to?”
“want to what?”
“marry him?”
you shake your head “who are you?”
he hesitates “why don’t we ditch?”
“I can’t do that”
“why not?”
“my parents will be furious”
“so what? they’re busy anyways”
you sigh “only for a little while”
he takes your hand in his and you allow him to drag you outside the palace to the garden, flower filled courtesy of demeter
“what is your name?” you ask
“If I tell you will you kick me out?”
“why would I do that?”
“you’ll realize”
“so what is it?”
he removes his mask “jason grace”
“oh my gods, son of zeus! I should have known. what are you doing here? our fathers will kill us!”
“I had to see you” he takes both of your hands in his yet again
“why? what is so important that you had to risk your life?”
“I’m in love with you” he puts your hands over his heart, you feel his rapid heartbeat
“I’m sorry?”
“I’ve been pining over you for so long, I came here to ask for your hand in marriage”
“oh my gods oh my gods, we can’t marry and you know that!”
“please. In secret even would be fine”
“how the hell do you want me to secretly marry you?”
“I have a friend who will be willing to do it”
“don’t you think this is sudden?”
“would you rather marry that other boy?”
“I suppose not…”
“then will I see you tomorrow morning?”
marry the son of poseidon who shows interest in every woman, not loyal, and talks a lot, or the son of zeus who has supposedly been in love with you for years and risked his life to see you?
“meet me at my bedrooms balcony, seven sharp” you point to your balcony
“I won’t be late” he gives you a heart-stopping smile
before he runs off he places a kiss on your lips, quick but lovely. you await his next arrival
you hate waking early in the morning. you were the one who arranged the time though and in a half an hour you would be getting married to a boy you barely knew, a handsome one though you wouldn’t complain
you followed your morning routine like usual, careful to stay silent as you assume most of your family will be asleep after the long party the previous night
should you dress fancy since it’s a wedding or casual because it’s secret? makeup or natural look? too many decisions to make! you put on a simple pink dress, nothing too much but still good enough for a wedding. a few touch ups with makeup and check the time on your wall clock 6:58 it reads. he would be here any moment. you rush to your balcony and catch sigh of the blond boy walking up to your castle
you manage to climb over the railing to grab hold of the vines to climb down, nearly impossible to do with your dress on. when you (finally) make it to the bottom you hold up your dress and run to the boy
out of breath you put your hands on your knees but not before holding up a singular finger to indicate you needed a minute
“do you run much?” asks jason
“not at all”
you go back to regular posture as your breathing slows back down “let’s get married now, shall we?”
“we shall”
you loop arms and go on your way to- wait… you don’t even know where you’re going. hope it’s not dangerous
when you arrive you see a worn down house, belonging to who? you don’t know
“the person that’s going to marry us lives in there? Is he certified?” you inquire
“I don’t think so. he’s cool though”
when you walk in the house your greeted by a hyperactive boy, assumed to be around your age
“I’ve been waiting, what took so long?” the boy says
“long walk” jason shrugs “anyways- y/n this is leo, and you already know her so…”
leo beams “great! let’s get this ceremony started!”
not much of a set up, not much of a big ceremony. It was a simple ‘say your vows then kiss let’s get this over with’ for reason one because leo was not legally certified to do this and two because you knew zeus had many eyes and took forms of exotic animals (he could be anywhere- this horrifies you)
not only was leo not certified, he additionally didn’t know how to officiate a wedding. a bunch of nonsense about love spilled from his mouth and you couldn’t find it in you to care anymore
“you may now kiss the bride! but not in front of me, please don’t do that in front of me”
you give him a concerned look. and mouth and mutter an ‘okay’ with a slow nod of your head. he was weird wasn’t he?
once you exited the house you got your chance for a kiss- to cement your marriage. however jason has other ideas
“why don’t we go to your palace to consummate our marriage?”
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request: Can you do one that the sister keeps going out without warning them, like in the middle of the night, and they get suspicious of her dating or hunting alone, and they go after her but turns out she is just having some alone time?
A/N: fluff fluff fluff, so cute I’m gonna cry. I made John somewhat nice at some point even though ewwww. but anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one!!! Requests are open and I’m still working on a ton. Some are just easier to write about while others are taking me a while. I love all of the requests I’ve been getting and I’m so excited for you all to read them!
Dean and Sam Winchester x Sister!Reader
Your life was extremely different from the rest of the kids your age. You were fighting monsters and risking your life every single day. You never knew if you were going to make it out alive at the end of the day and you also never knew if your whole life would crumble beneath you the next. Each day that went by was a blessing and you wanted to remember that. It was hard but if you didn’t focus on the tiny bit of the good in your life then it would be too centered on the bad. You were thankful for each day that you and your family made it out okay because you knew that one day it might end differently. So you held onto those moments. You would leave the bunker at night to sit under the stars and journal about your gratitudes. The alone time was good for you, but you could tell Sam and Dean were getting suspicious. You didn’t know if they heard you leave or if they noticed your absence in the middle of the night, but they were starting to ask questions that made you assume that they found you not in the bunker. They had asked you if you had a boyfriend or if you were hunting alone. You reassured them that that was not happening, but they never let on to why they were asking. So you weren’t actually sure if they knew that you were sneaking out or not.
Tonight you really needed to clear your thoughts and there was also supposed to be an incredible meteor shower so you were super excited to see the shooting stars. You grabbed your journal and went to head out. It was about 11:30pm and you told your brothers you were going to head to sleep an hour ago so you didn’t think they would notice if you left. You passed Dean’s room and heard both of your brothers talking.
“Sam I’m telling you, she’s going to get herself hurt.” Dean sighed.
“We don’t even know what she’s doing. It’s only been a few times in the couple months where we realized she wasn’t in bed.” Sam trailed off.
“She’s still a kid Sam, I don’t need her running all over town by herself in the middle of the night. She could be out with a boy or hell, hunting alone!” Dean said stressed out.
“I know,” Sam sighed, “I’ll go talk to her and figure it out.” Sam finished. You quickly tiptoed back to your room and hopped in bed, pretending to be asleep. You didn’t want them to confront you about sneaking out and leaving the bunker in the middle of the night because you thought that they would prevent you from doing it again. Journaling and looking at the stars were something you really loved and truly brought you some sort of peace so you weren’t willing to give that up.
You heard Sam knock on your door and when he heard no answer from you, he pushed the door open.
“Hey bug, you awake?” He whispered. You stayed still and stayed quiet, pretending to be asleep. He lingered for a few seconds before you heard the door shut and his footsteps get further away. You sighed and realized you’d have to wait a little longer to go out. So you waited until around 12:30. The bunker was quiet and you slipped out the door with ease. You walked on the path outside before getting to your spot. You sat down on the top of the hill that you always sat on and started journaling. After about twenty minutes you sighed and dropped your pen. You laid down and stared at the stars. Though, you didn’t get a second to admire them before you heard someone close behind you. Without thinking twice, you jumped up leaving your journal behind and got ready to run. You felt someone grab your wrist and you let out a strangled cry before reaching to thrash at them.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey it’s Dean kiddo, it’s Dean. It’s okay!” You heard Dean’s voice.
“You scared me!” You whined before bringing your hand to your chest, trying to control your breathing and heart rate.
“Sorry kiddo.” He said sending you a sympathetic look and ruffling your hair.
“I told him not to sneak up on you.” Sam sighed from behind you.
As soon as you heard Sam’s voice you jumped out of your skin and let out a gasp.
“Jesus Sam! I didn’t even know you were here too!” You shrieked.
“See you just scared her too!” Dean smirked.
“Whatever,” Sam huffed.
“What are you two doing here?” You sighed, already knowing that they followed you.
“We noticed that you’ve been leaving the bunker and we just want to make sure you’re safe bug.” Sam explained.
“I’m fine.” You said softly trying to keep it short, but knew there was going to be more questions.
“Really? Because you know damn well you’re not supposed to leave the bunker without at least letting us know, so what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?” Dean pushed. You looked between your brothers and both of their eyes pierced through you, waiting for your answer.
“I’m just journaling.” You said quietly, feeling embarrassed.
“Journaling?” Dean asked.
“Yes.” You whispered, looking down at the ground.
“Well why can’t you journal in the bunker, kiddo?” Dean asked gently, noticing your expression change.
“Well it’s really peaceful out here and I like to look at the stars.” You explained softly.
“Okay,” Dean replied. Your brothers glanced at each other before he continued, “Can we join you tonight then?” He asked. You looked up at him and smiled.
“There’s a huge meteor shower tonight! They said that the best time to see them is between 12-2am so hurry up!” You said excitingly, laying back down. Your brothers chuckled and followed your lead, laying down.
“We’re going to see so many shooting stars!” You smiled.
“Okay bug, we can’t wait to see them all!” Sam said, trying to match your energy and encourage your excitement. You looked at the sky for a few moments before Sam spoke up.
“What were you writing about?” He asked softly, trying to understand where you were at emotionally. You sighed.
“I just want to remind myself of the good that happens every day because if I focus too much on the bad, I’m afraid I’ll lose myself.” You said quietly.
“Okay.” Sam nodded, understanding.
“So I like to journal about the blessings I experience every day and when the day ends and I still have you two in my life it’s always a day to remember and be thankful for.” You finished. Both of your brothers sat up immediately and you sat up after them.
“Hey, you’re always going to have us, alright?” Dean said, looking at you with concern.
“Yeah,” you whispered.
“Nothing is going to happen to us bug, not if we have anything to do about it.” Sam reassured you.
“Okay.” You smiled slightly, nodding and looking back up at the sky.
“Hey kid, all stars twinkle so do you see that one right there that’s not?” Dean asked, pointing to the sky.
“Yes.” You replied, looking up at where he was pointing.
“That’s a planet, so whenever there’s something that looks like a star, but it’s not twinkling, it’s a planet.” Dean explained.
“Wow that’s so cool!” You beamed.
“Yeah I’m pretty sure that one is Mercury, and you can usually always see Mars too, but Mars has a reddish tint to it.”
“Oh there it is!” You exclaimed pointing at the sky to the reddish dot.
“Yup, that’s definitely Mars.” Dean said, smiling.
“That so cool De, I never knew that.” You said.
“Yeah, Dad taught me that a while ago.” Just as Dean finished his sentence, the brightest shooting star flashed across the sky.
“Wow!!! Did you see that?!?” The three of you exclaimed before chuckling at each other’s outburst. Once you all quieted down, you let out a small smile.
“Hmmm maybe that was his sign that everything’s gonna be alright.” You said out loud, finding comfort in the stars.
“Yeah bug maybe.” Sam said softly as Dean rubbed your back, smiling lightly. This was definitely a moment to be thankful for, you thought as you reached for your journal and pen.
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