#i asked rse
trashbaget · 1 year
i wasn’t tagged to do this but i saw @djdangerlove​ do this a while ago and her post has been sitting in my drafts since aslfkaf
make a color palette of your sun/moon/rising/venus signs with the colors in this thread 
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i think i shall properly tag some loves but no pressure of course aldhsk @enbyeddiediaz @evcndiaz @wh0re-behavi0r @firemedicdiaz @translasso @amourbleue @barbiediaz @knightlywonders
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leavingautumn13 · 11 months
sorry for the ask spam haha. i ADORE the way you draw pokemon and especially camerupt i adore in particular. goals, even. your art slaps!!!
hey, no worries about sending me asks--i love getting them! my inbox is always open for a reason <3
and thank you!! camerupt has been one of my favorite pokemon since i was a kid and it's really gratifying to know other people like my interpretation of them. here are some more for you!
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pokemon-npcs · 3 months
i love the commentary you provide in the tags!
Aaw, thank you! I'm just avoiding adding unnecessary commentary to the posts themselves, since y'all are much funnier than anything I could add!
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084392 · 1 year
i would like to hear abt ur gen 3 rival headcanons 👀 OR anything about trevor or tierno if u want to as well……
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she promptly bumps him down one more to 7 after this drawing bc he tells her her list is "stupid"
anyways sorry i didnt know what hc to specifically put so i just drew this one out😔
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team-aqua-official · 8 months
Archie I had a horrible nightmare you were white and your boobs were FLAT it was so scary
It's ok. White archie isn't real he can't hurt you
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chipsncookies · 2 years
Mansplain (oras Archie)
Manslaughter (spe Archie)
Malewife (rse Archie)
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kosmicvoid · 5 months
i honest to god dont think over diagnosis is real at this point. like nobody has actually been able to give a reason for why that's a thing except for the purposes of fakeclaiming people with like. autism or adhd. the only real argument it has going for it would be better characterized as misdiagnosis tbh
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yourfaveeatsdrywall · 2 years
groudon from pokemon
GROUDON from the Pokémon franchise eats drywall!
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volfoss · 20 days
I need your support to help me survive the war in Gaza
The situation here is extremely dire, with food shortages, malnutrition, unclean water, and the spread of diseases
You can help by donating or sharing the campaign
Please do not hesitate to assist me
0 notes
mj0702 · 6 months
The other Bronze – Part 12
I tell you guys - this was a very complicated birth 😅😅 I hope you enjoy it and next part (if wanted) will be more happy and chaotic again ❤️❤️
I want to thank all me patient anons... and of course @valewosomtb and @samkerrworshipper for having me back in every situation... and new to that list is @georgiaswifey who literally saved me ass from dying this week due to boredom ❤️❤️
After breakfast all of you boarded the bus to St. Georges Park for the first training of Camp. You of course tried to sit next to G just for Lucy to pull you up by your shirt and push you further down the way disposing you next to Mary as she slipped into the row next to you
“You can't be serious?” you growled towards your sister and her actions
“Dixie Chicks serious” your sister smirked back as she pushed you slightly into Mary
“Yeah... you do actually behave like Aubrey” you grumbled as you let Mary pull you into her side without even watching the interaction as she looked out of the window
“You ready for training Bubs?” Lucy asked now and you knew she was just being concerned after what happened a few days ago in Barcelona
“Yeah... if it gets too much I just go into the bosses office... I promise I won't bolt” you reassured her
“Okay... if you need anything Kei and I are always there okay” your sister said insistently
“Yeah I know...” you smiled softly
“Hey y/n” Rachels head shot up from the seat in front of you
“Yeah...” you already saw the glint in her eye which meant fun
“Truth or Truth?” the blonde asked grinning
“Ehrm... truth?” you played along smirking
“Good choice... okay... Have you ever faked sick to get out of a party?” Rachel grinned knowing the answer already
“Not a party but school and training, yeah” you shrugged your shoulders
“Training????” now Lucy looked up from her phone
“Sure... it's like suuuuuper easy.. down a bottle of water and sprint a few meters... boom... getting sick everywhere” you answered nonchalantly “Go on Rache... I'll give you one more”
“Excuse me?? Hold on.. when...” your sister interrupted
“Just before we had that “friendly” against the Arsekiddos...” you shrugged as Beth Mead turned around glaring at you
“It's Arsenal” she corrected you and you saw that she wasn't as serious
“There's a reason why there's an ARSE in Arsenal... and if you cut out the “rse” you get Anal... so... you can't argue with that” you smirked and shrugged your shoulders
You absolutely loved your Arsenal women but it's just as much fun to rile them up
“You just wait Pumpkin... you just wait...” Meado smirked back and you knew the worst thing what would happen would be a noogie “I'll just tell Viv to not bring any stroopwaffle back from camp this time”
“You wouldn't” you exclaimed shocked
“Oh I will...” Beth smirked
“You can't... Viv's me friend” you whined
“I licked it it's mine” Meado smirked evilly
“Oh god... disgusting” you shuddered as she winked at you
“Have you ever been nude in public?” Rache now spoke up again and a few heads turned towards you – including Keira, Georgia and Lucy
“I mean... Less, Toons and I went moonlight skinny dipping last year... does that count as nude in public?” you looked expectantly at Rachel who just bursted out laughing at Lucys horrified face
“Totally counts... got room for another?” now Millie got involved as well
“What's the weirdest thing you've done on a plane?” the larger blonde asked
“I... got on the wrong plane” you mumbled embarrassed as the bus around you interrupted in laughter
“You what? How can you get on a wrong plane??” Millie asked shocked
“It's easy when you're seven and just walk behind a man and the attendant mistakes you for his daughter and just pushes you through....” you fidget with fingers
“Where did you end up??” Mary asked chuckling
“Lucy??” you looked at your sister for help
“Iceland... she ended up in Iceland” your sister growled remembering the exact moment she realized at the airport that you were gone – and how she freaked out when the airport security from Reykjavík Airport contacted her telling her what happened. And how she needed to fly to Iceland to pick you up since you were a minor who wasn't allowed to fly on your own
“Beautiful country” you said wishfully as your sister groaned loudly
“I had to pick you up” Lucy huffed out
“But you can't deny that Iceland is a beautiful country” you shrugged your shoulders
“May I have a throw in as well?” now Leah asks not even waiting for an answer “y/n... truth or truth?”
“You can royally fuck off Williamson” you sneered and suddenly the whole bus was quiet and everyone was looking at you with wide eyes
“y/n!!!” Lucy said sternly “Apologize... Now”
“She first” you said reluctantly
“No... you will stop using your ass as a hat and get a grip” your sister gritted out “She's the Capitan and you will NOT talk to her like this... and if you can't accept her as the Capitan then it's still Leah and you will not talk to Leah like this – the person Leah not the player Leah”
“I wasn't talking to the person Leah” you huffed out “I was talking to the Capitan Leah”
“Okay wow... the different Leahs giving me headaches” you heard Tooney mumble which made you chuckle and had the effect that the situation got a little bit lighter
“Talk to me pumpkin” the blonde said softly as she ushered your sister away to take her place sitting down.
“I'm not talking to the Capitan... because she fucked up” you grunted pushing yourself further into Mary like a three year old
“Then talk to your friend” Leah tried again
“We're in a professional environment...” you grumbled
“Okay...” Leah accepted that she wouldn't get anything out of you just now
She leaned back in now her seat and sighed deeply. After a minute she pushed herself out of the seat walking to the front of the bus. She sat down in the first row next to Sarina
“I need to talk to her in private before training” Leah came straight to the point not even looking at Sarina but keeping her eyes trained forward
“I think so too...” the dutch said lowly “... but first I want to know why you roomed them together”
“I wanted that they maybe talk and whatever caused the riff between them could maybe resolved... I want her on the team too... she's good and she needs something to occupie her... I don't want to ever see her like two years ago.. never again” the blonde said lowly so just Sarina heard what she said
“What happened two years ago?” Sarina asked confused and concerned at the same time
“You don't know?” Leah asked surprised
“No” the dutch shook her head
“She tried to overdose... she called Leila because she got scared and Leila rushed over and basically forced the pills back out... then Leila called Hempo and Hempo called Beth... you know how the chain works... we got her to London on the lie of her missing Millie because even her parents didn't catch on...” the blonde said seriously
“I had no idea” Sarina said shocked
“Neither do Lucy and Keira” Leah said insistently
“No one had the guts to call them?” the dutch smirked
“We would all be dead if they knew... Keira just moved to Spain.. what would you think would have happened if we call her that y/n just tried to commit suicide?” the blonde snorted humourless “But seriously Sarina... I need to talk to her”
“I'll can excuse you for 15 minutes... but Leah... you may be the Capitan but I can tell you know... what happened between them won't be resolvable...” Sarina warned Leah
“You know?” Leah asked surprised
“I was there... I saw what happened... and I'll be honest with you Leah... it was bad” the dutch said as the bus came to a halt in front of St. Georges park “But the only one who should talk about this is y/n herself....”
“OKAY EVERYONE... YOU KNOW THE DRILL!! YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES TO GET ON THE PITCH – LOOK AFTER THE NEWBIES!” Leah yelled as the bus came to a stop and she pushed herself out of her seat facing the team
The players shuffled of the bus one by one the sensible veterans (not Millie and Rachel) showed the new players around and took them under their wing knowing how nerve wrecking it can be. Just as you exit the bus Leah was by your side
“Not you... you and I will go to the office” the blonde said and before you could complain (or bolt) she already had your arm in a death grip pulling you along
“That's literally textbook kidnapping” you said outraged
“If I wanted to kidnap you I would whack you over the head so I would have some peace while kidnapping you” the blonde grumbled as she pushed you into an empty office
You stood in the middle of the room while Leah went over to the big table leaning against it arms crossed over her chest
“Look... I just tried to do what I thought was right – I want you on the team... I need you on the team – I need you FOR the team” Leah started talking but stayed away from you.
She knew you well enough to read your body language which told her you wouldn't accept physical touch from her right now. So she stayed leaned against the table but let her arms fall to her side to signal you that she doesn't mean any harm
“You don't realize it but you are the glue in this team... and I'm sorry that I didn't talk to you about the rooming situation but I wanted to just give you a little push... both of you... I know you were friends and suddenly you two can't even talk to each other... I just wanted to get you to talk” Leah said apologetic
“There's a reason why we don't get along anymore” you said reserved
“I know that NOW...” the blonde rolled her eyes “I mean I don't know WHY but I know there's a reason...”
“So you talked to Sarina” you mused defenesly
“I did... If you wonder she just said it was bad nothing else” Leah said quickly
“So why are you so desperate for us to get along?” you asked weary
“As I said... I want you on and for the team... you know Sarina would give her last... waffle thing for you to join the Lionesses” the blonde tried to make you understand her point
“I can't play anymore...” you plopped down in one of the chairs
“But you can help us win... you have an eye for situations and plays like no one else... but I also know YOU... you might be grown up as a footballer – but as a person you are still a 16 year old girl... and I REALLY want you on this team but I fear that you wouldn't be unbiased...” Leah said softly “I know you can be.. I know you will be... but I needed to do something”
“Very wrong approach” you scoffed
“I know.... and I'm sorry” the blonde sighed
“Okay...” you shrugged your shoulders
“Okay?” Leah asked confuse
“Look... I am the reason LJ is still on this team... I won't tell you what happened because I know you love me and you will try to make it up to me somehow... but I told Sarina to keep her on the team... I told Keira not to do anything... so I may not be her fan personally... but as a player I can act civil and give my unbiased opinion” you told the Capitan seriously looking her straight in the eye
“Keira knows?” the blonde asked surprised
“Not by choice... she overheard something she shouldn't have... but that's beside the point... you fucked up... you apologized... we're good” you grinned “... AFTER you get Viv to bring me back stroopwaffle”
“You really had to get the comment about Arsenal out there didn't you?? How long did you work on that one?” Leah smiled back
“Not long... Leila and Greensie helped... we had fun” you shrugged grinning
“So... we're good Pumpkin?” Leah asked again
“Yeah... we're good Lee” you smiled as you pushed yourself out of your chair walking over to her and let yourself fall into her arms
“I love you Pumpkin” the blonde mumbled into your hair
“Love you too Lee” you mumbled against her neck
The two of you stayed like this for a minute until it knocked on the door and Sarina stuck her head inside
“Need you on the pitch Leah...” was the only thing the dutch said smiling softly seeing you in her captains arms
“Okay... let's go Pumpkin” Leah pushed you two off the table but kept her arm around your shoulders “Let's get out there and be great”
You entered the pitch together with Leah under the watchful gaze of Lucy and Keira but as soon as they saw that you had a small smile on your face and Leah had her arm around you they went back to their warm up
“They made up” Lucy spoke lowly as she stretched next to Keira
“Good... I already have you, LJ and G to keep an eye out for... not to mention Bitsy... if I needed to added Leah to that list too I would have shot myself” Keira mumbled back
“What do you mean me??” your sister exclaimed
“You were a dick to G yesterday and this morning... keep it up Lucia and you and I will have a nice talk once back in Barcelona” the blonde murmured back before standing up being done stretching “I know you actually don't mean any harm to them but I think you don't know how much both of them need your approval”
“It's not like G asked me to give my blessing” Lucy grumbled
“But she will one day” Keira said sternly before walking away
“Hey Liefje...” Sarina smiled as you joined her on the side-line watching the doing some basic drills to get the newbies used to the style and pace of style
“Ehrm.. why are there just 24 players on the pitch?” you puckered your lips and bashed your eyelashes
“Huh?” Sarina started to count the players – with you already knowing who was missing – and then whistled.
The girls came over confused why their coach called them over
“Where is James?” the dutch asked sternly looking at the vets while you had to bite your tongue really fucking hard to keep a straight face
“She was next to me in the locker room” Lucy said confused as she turned around looking for LJ
“Leah?” Sarina looked at her Capitan expectantly
“No clue” the blonde replied “I thought everyone was already out since I had something to take care off...”
Finally LJ emerged from the tunnel looking stressed – and she was barefoot.
“James... you're late... five laps after training” Sarina said strict
“Coach please... It's not my fault” LJ tried to reason with the dutch “It's y/n fault” she send you an evil look
“Moi??” you pointed at yourself innocently “I didn't do anything”
“I'm pretty sure I didn't pack two left cleats this morning... nor did I pack socks with holes in them” LJ sneered towards you
“I mean... I know Less has two left feet James...” you got quickly interrupted by Lessis “Hey... wait.. naah.. sounds about right” before you looked LJ dead in the eye “... but I never thought you have two... your passing is 90 something...”
You knew you were pushing your luck here but after what happened yesterday in your room you didn't give a flying fuck anymore
“You changed my cleats...” LJ growled
“I didn't do anything... if you accuse me of doing something...you better prove it” you growled back using her own words against her
“Okay... enough” Lucy pushed herself between you two to defuse the situation “Bubs... did you change LJs cleats?”
“How and when should I have done this?? You didn't let me out of your sight... I wasn't even allowed to say good morning to me girlfriend” you exclaimed annoyed
“True... you were with me the whole time” your sister mumbled but unsurprisingly Keira threw you a smirk knowing you somehow pulled this prank off
“I KNOW IT WAS YOU!!” LJ now exploded behind Lucy not believing you one bit
“Prove it” you said calm and looked her straight in the eye
“Okay... you do it again... LJ I have a second pair in my locker come on... you can have them” Lucy said as she pulled LJ away so the two of you wouldn't start fighting
“That backfired Bitsy” Keira grinned as she stood next to you
“Keira... sweet lovely Kei...” you grinned evilly “... since when does my sister pack a second pair of cleats?”
“Huh?” Keira looked confused before recovering “Never...”
“Exactly... so take a guess who threw the second pair in her bag?” you smirked seeing your plan enfold perfectly
“Why Bitsy... why would you help LJ?” the blonde mumbled
“Is it help if she has to do a three hour training session in shoes that are not hers?” you mused
“What do you mean?” Keira look at you lost
“The cleats are fitted to Luce feet... so either they are too big or too small... so tomorrow LJ either can't walk or she doesn't feel comfortable in her own cleats anymore and that will affect her play one way or the other” you smirked evil before turning around leaving an stunned Keira behind joining Sarina a little bit down the line.
“Evil Genius” Keira smirked to herself before walking over to Leah and Georgia
“It was her wasn't it?” Georgia asked immediately when Keira joined them
“Of course it was...” the blonde chuckled
“She told me you knew... tell us” Leah said hoping to get something out of her best friend
“No... not my business.... I promised her I wouldn't take any actions and that includes not saying anything because if people like Millie or Mary – or god forbid Lucy - get word of what happened than a pair of mixed up cleats would be LJs smallest problem – Millie would go all brickwall on her and Lucy would go out for the kill” Keira said seriously and even G caught on not to push the matter
“Wow... it must have been bad” now Tooney interrupted
“It was... and that's the last time we'll talk about it” the blonde said sternly fixing Tooney with a glare “Did I make myself clear?”
“Totally” Ella held her hands up in surrender
“Oi... less chatty chatty more runny runny” you yelled over to the four players grinning with Sarinas hands on your shoulders as she stood behind you like a proud mother
“What did I do now??” Lessi asked confused
“You did nothing?” you asked back confused
“You just say “Less chatty”...” Lessi said bewildered
“Not Less.... Less” you tried to make your point clear “as in... not so much... not as in Less Russo”
“Eh?” now you lost Lessi completely
“No talking – yes running” you huffed out
“AH... yeah that makes sense” the blonde finally catched on and smiled brightly
“Good... now run” you shooed her away
“What would you do with them now?” Sarina asked you as you watched the team getting back to their passing drills.
She wanted to include you more since she planned to take you with the team to the world cup
“Are you asking as a head coach – because that would be bad if you had no clue how to prepare a team or as Mama Rina who just tries to get me to sign for the team again?” you smirked keeping your eyes fixed on the pitch
“Neither... just interested” the dutch smiled as she stepped next to you
“Group B doesn't click... you should change players” you said focused
“And group B is?” Sarina asked not knowing which group you dubbed as “B”
“Walsh, Greenwood, Stanway, James, Carter” you mumbled trying to find the problem “Their play is off... switch Walsh for Clinton”
“Keira!!” Sarina yelled towards the midfielder “Switch with Grace”
“Better but still off...” you mumbled again after a few minutes after Keira and Grace swapped their places “G!!!” you yelled and beckoned your girlfriend over which caused Lucys head to snap towards you
“Yeah?” Georgia panted a little bit after she jogged over to you
“Cut the crap” you growled and your girlfriend looked at you with big shocked eyes
“I...” G started to stammer not knowing what to say
“No... cut the crap” you said sternly and even Sarinas eyes widen “I know what you're doing... stop it”
“No idea what you're talking about” your girlfriend mumbles out looking at you sheepishly
“You don't work against her...” you said furious
“I didn't” G defended herself
“You did... your passes to her are sloppy and you know it... IF you play a pass to her that is... I know what you are doing but this matter doesn't concern you” you fixed your girlfriend with a glare
“You are my girlfriend... of course it concerns me... Kei said it was bad and I won't...” Georgia started before you interrupt her
“You won't anything... And right now I'm not your girlfriend... I'm just someone because if I'd be your girlfriend right now this would be highly unprofessional and we don't do unprofessional... and the whole situation... NOT. YOUR. BUSINESS” you now sneered “You will be the player I know you are... the player who plays for her team and country... and not for her team minus LJ”
Now Sarina caught on and was actually impressed how you grew as a person that you don't back down from even telling your own girlfriend off.
“Now cut the crap and get your shit together or I'll convince the head coach that it would be beneficial if you'd run some laps with LJ after training”
Georgia looked at you like she seen a ghost but nodded slowly
“Good...” you huffed “... now go and be the player I know”
Your girlfriend scrambled off quickly and you already could see the change in the whole play after you ripped her head off and screwed it back on in place the right way around
“That was...” Sarina started and you raised an eyebrow at her “... big... I didn't think you would rip your girlfriend a new one”
“If she deserves it I would rip Lucy a new one... I don't need anyone to fight me battles” you huffed still a bit angry
“They don't fight the battles FOR you... they fight battles WITH you” the dutch said softly “And Leah told me what happened two years ago... want to say something about that?”
“Nope...” you popped the “p”
“You know we'll talk about it...” Sarina said and this time it was her who had the sternness in her voice
“Ugh... Williamson really can't keep her gob shut” you groaned
“She thought I knew.. and now I'm thankful for her slip up” the dutch said “... What do you think about a 3v3?”
“5v5 … So G is basically forced to pull her finger out of her ass and start acting like a teammate again” you said back easily accepting the topic change
“If I would be a petty asshole... wait.. I AM a petty asshole...” you grinned at your adoptive mom “swap Greenwood with Bronze”
“Why would I do this?” Sarina raised her eyebrow again
“So my sister is forced to play alongside my girlfriend and not against her” you grinned “This gonna be fun”
Sarina actually swapped teams around a little so it wouldn't be to obvious and in the end team blue contained Bronze, Clinton, Stanway, Carter and James. They were up against team yellow who was Bright, Daly, Walsh, Greenwood and Mead.
“Georgia… drop back and come more in the backside” Sarina yelled with her Dutch accent
Your head snapped up (as did several heads from the team) finding the eyes of your girlfriend immediately as you both start to blush furiously while both of you stated a deer caught in the head light look.
“That’s… that’s not how you say it Mama Rina” you cleared your throat multiple times as you tried to avoid looking at your Sister.
“What did I say wrong?” the Dutch woman asked confused as several of your girlfriends teammates started to snicker and Millie even going so far as in clapping Georgia on the back
“Didn’t know you had it in ya, Stanway” the east midlander said grinning like a Cheshire cat
“oh no that wasn’t her…. That was me… I had it in me” you said offhandly realizing a split second later WHAT you just said as you already saw Lucys twitching eye as she turned towards your girlfriend looking her dead in the eye
“Run” was the only thing your sister said dangerously low.
Georgia already turned around sprinting away with your sister hot on her heels
Millie, Rachel Alex and Mary busted out laughing as Georgia ran past them her face red as a fire extinguisher.
“SORRY BABE!!!” you yelled after her as she sprinted past you your sister not far behind.
“See Bitsy… THIS is why I always tell you to think before you speak” Keira said standing next to you as she grabbed a water bottle.
“I don’t understand what the issue is” Sarina looking confused from one player to the next
“Backside is… your behind… you know Mama Rina” you tried to explain as much as possible with saying too much just for having the Dutch woman staring at you lost
“You basically told Stanway to come in someone ass” Rachel blurted out
“Oh… that’s… unfortunate” Sarina said after the words have sunken in.
“And little Bronze here basically confirmed that that’s what G already did” Millie laughed as she pulled you into side
“I didn’t mean too… it just… slipped out” you whined embarrassed
“I bet it did” Millie bursting out laughing as you punched her in the ribs which clearly didn’t phase her
Just as you wanted to respond what an incredible ass Millie is being your girlfriend sprinted past you again
“Stop her…” you heard her faintly begging voice as her breaths came out labored
“Keira please…” you turned to your basically other sister at this point
“Oh no… I’m not getting involved… that’s the Captains job.. or the head coaches job” Keira grinned widely
“Leaaaaaah…. Pleeeeeeeease” you begged at the England Captain now desperation clear in your voice
“Nope… you started it – your problem” the blonde smirked finding the whole situation highly entertaining
“Ugh” you moaned “you know… at least I get them to run… you weren’t as successful earlier”
You knew it was a cheap dig at Leah reminding her how she tried to get Lucy and Georgia to run only to find Lucy staring daggers at the younger one who preferred to hide behind Millie
“I swear I will pull a napoleon move on you and send you to exile” the blonde captain threatened you but her eyes were shining with mischief
“You can’t do that… Mama Rina wants me here to figure out what’s wrong with you lot” you said quickly turning around to the womens head coach “She can’t do that right?!”
“I mean… she IS the captain…” Sarina smirked
“HA!!” Leah yelled out victorious
“I promise I’ll be quiet” you begged again “but please don’t let her kill my girlfriend”
You looked around to find your girlfriend in the stands climbing quickly over the seats as Lucy followed not as graciously but still close
“At this point one or both of them will get hurt…” you heard Keira muse beside you which caused Sarina AND Leah springing into action
“LUCY!!!” Sarina yelled and whistled loudly and you saw your sister stop dead in her tracks turning around as the Dutch waved her back over
“I nearly had her” Lucy exclaimed annoyed as she stood in front of Sarina
“And I would have been one midfielder down…” the Dutch deadpanned back “… now back to training”
“We talk later” your sister shot you a dark glare which made you shrink into Millies side
“Don’t worry kiddo… she’ll get some energy out and she’ll be much more calm” Millie said reassuring feeling your hesitation
Your girlfriend opted to stay in the stands bending over her hands on her knees as she tries to catch her breath
“Lucy… Georgia… a word please” Sarina called out to both of them which made your sister turn on her heels to walk back to her head coach.
Georgia was a little slower to come down from her place but made it eventually standing next to Leah so she wasn’t in your Sisters reach
“I understand it’s a… rather complicated situation” the Dutch started “… but if you can’t remain professional on the pitch I will not hesitate to send you both home.. I let you have your moments understanding that you both love her… but keep it either to a minimum or best case – leave it completely.. we have a tournament to prepare for and I can’t have two of my best players at each others throats”
“Sorry Sarina” Georgia mumbled ashamed feeling like a small kid that got scolded for having a cookie before dinner
“Yeah… sorry Coach” Lucy chimed in
“And now kiss” you chuckled finding joy in the fact that for once it wasn’t you but Lucy who got told off.
This comment resulted in a murderous glare from your sister, an eye roll from Sarina, a REALLY shocked face (and a tiny scared squeak) from Georgia and a REALLY hard slap on the back if your head courtesy of Leah.
“Good… now go and rejoin the team” Sarina smiled before turning to you “… and you… you will go inside into my office – I’ll join you in a second”
You looked horrified thinking you’re in trouble with the teams head Coach – which people could trust you on… it’s not fun
“You are not in trouble” the Dutch clarified as she saw the horror on your face “I need your observant brilliancy…” she smiled at you encouraging stroking over your head like a mother would
“Which team am I looking at?” you asked after you sighed put relieved
“Spain… they were always very good but since last year they’re killing it… I want to know why and I want a way to throw them off” Sarina said seriously
“Just drug up your players and let them loose… that’ll throw them right off” you mumbled under your breath but Sarina understood you anyway laughing at your grumpy mood
“I heard you had quite the experience in Barcelona, kleintje” the Dutch chuckled before sending you off to her office.
You just settled into the big leather chair which was normally occupied by the blonde head coach herself as Sarina stepped through the door seeing you in her chair. She just glared at you raising an eyebrow waiting for you to move. You did so with a loud groan and a huff before you plopped down on the other side of the big table into one of the chairs
“Sitting in my chair” the blonde tzked under her breath but you saw the smile tugging around her lips “I have a proposition”
Your ears perked up and you looked at her interested
“I want you as part of the Team… we’re preparing for a world cup and I want the best people…” Sarina started looking for any reaction in your face but up to now you didn’t move a muscle
“You know better than anyone I can’t play… my knees are more fucked than Lucys” you said calmly leaning back in your seat
“I don’t want you as a player… I want you as an analyst / assistant coach… I know it’s very unusual with firstly your age and you having no experience in either of these positions but I know how good you are… you pick up on the smallest things and I fully believe you could change the Game.. I also want that World Cup Title” Sarina explained and you saw she was serious about it
“I talked to FIFA about it – no pressure but I wanted to know the legal side of it… as long you have a “guardian” they see no problem since other teams send girls your age as players” the Dutch said furthermore
“Who would that guardian be?” you asked equally as serious
“whomever you want… as long as they have an English citizenship and there isn’t a conflict of interest” the blonde answers your question already knowing this would be the first thing you’d pick up on
“So Lucy is out of question” you mused to yourself
“If you keep it professional she doesn’t have to be ruled out” Sarina said lovingly knowing how much your sister means to you
“No… people could pick up on it and throw a fit… “ you said rolling your eyes
“So you accept?” the Dutch looking at you interested
“I’m not saying yes… but I’m also not saying no” you answered honestly “I need to think about it”
“Of course, mijn kleine Liefje” Sarina smiled lovingly
“You know… at this rate just adopt me already ” you smirked sensing that the serious part of your meeting was over
“Your sister would have my Head if I announce our new analyst “Y/n Wiegman” …” the Dutch deadpanned
“I mean…. I WOULD be funny” you smirked your eyes shining with mischief
“I could also announce you as a Stanway” now it was the blondes moment to smirk as you frantically shook your head
“Oh I bet Georgia and your sister would be over the moon” Sarina teased you
“They might be but I'll be six feet under” you mumbled
“I won't let that happen” the dutch grinned and pinched your cheeks
“What is it with you today Mama” you groaned as you tried to get away from her
“I missed you Liefje... and I'm happy for you” Sarina smiled letting go of you before pulling you into a loving hug “And I'm so so proud of you how you handle the whole situation”
“Thanks Mama Rina” you mumbled a little embarrassed as you pressed your face against her
“Now.... I need you to find a weak spot in the spanish play” the dutch pushed you slightly away from her and kissed your forehead “be great”
You sat down in her chair and started re-watching the spanish games from the Euros. As you expected the spanish play was nearly perfect – but just nearly. You watched every game while your sister, girlfriend, best friends and your platonic soulmate ran sprints and laps and went to the gym for recovery. You didn't even notice how much time has passed as you got mesmerized by the spanish play. The quick accurate passes. The wordless communication between the players. The link between Alexia, Jenni, Aitana and Marionna. It was truly mesmerizing. BUT – you found a weak spot which made you smirk internally. You looked up when you heard the door open again and saw Sarina entering her office.
“Liefje...” the dutch smiled softly “... it's time to leave”
“Already?” you looked confused
“You've been in here for hours... training is over... you didn't even notice me looking after you three times” Sarina said smiling
“Oh... yeah no.. sorry” you scratched the back of your neck embarrassed
“The team is already on the way back to the hotel...” the dutch said as she walked over to you to shut her computer down
“Do I have to walk back??” you blurted out shocked which caused Sarina to burst out laughing
“No... I have a rental” the dutch laughed “But you still owe me laps for interrupting my meeting yesterday” she winked
“Lessi and Toons too” you shrieked
“They already did their laps... come on... one lap” Sarina winked
“I don't have shoes for running” you tried to get out of it
“Run barefoot” the dutch shrugged her shoulders like it was the most obvious answer
Unknown to you she had a plan. She hoped when you feel the grass of the pitch again that you might be more open to be more involved in training.
“You can't be serious?” you looked at her shocked your eyes wide
“One lap” the dutch nodded
“Ugh” you groaned but started to walk past her towards the field
You sat down at the sideline slowly taking your shoes and socks off. Sarina stood back knowing well enough not to disturb you since this was something you need to experience on your own. That was part of the reason she send the bus on the way without the two of you on board. She didn't need prying eyes nor did you. You probably wouldn't do this right now if you knew there were still people around – even if it were just your sister or your girlfriend. You sat there for another minute with bare feet and Sarina saw your eyes were closed and you wriggled your toes a little bit like you remembered the feeling of grass under your feet but at the same time try to memorize it. Then you pushed yourself up and took a few careful hesitant steps before falling into an easy jog. She saw you rounding the corner flag picking up speed down the goal line before slowing down at the next corner flag. Slow easy jog down the opposite sideline, around the next corner flag picking up speed again – not a full sprint but definitely faster before rounding the fourth flag and slowing down again. To Sarinas surprise you didn't stop. You kept on running but she saw a relaxed smile on your face. Not only relaxed but also relieved. Like you just needed the little push – the little push Sarina provided to get you on the pitch again. The dutch knew you never stopped working out so it was no surprise to her that you kept going for another four rounds making it five in total before stopping at your shoes. You bend over your hands on your knees you panted. You weren't completely breathless but you were breathless in the best way. You don't know why but suddenly you feel tears leaving your eyes and a soft touch on your lower back. You leaned against Sarina both of you just standing there you enjoying the support the dutch offered silently and Sarina just enjoyed the moment she get to spend with you. To see you like this meant more to her than any victory in any big tournament – for the last three years every time Sarina looked at you she saw that broken girl on the ground who was clutching her leg crying in pain but you weren't screaming. You were just laying there writhing in pain crying silently. Sarina was quick to pass the field dropping down to her knees next to your body. You looked so broken and so small. Back then she didn’t know what to do at first but the second your hand fisted itself into her shirt she knew she needed to protect you – and get you into a hospital asap. Sarina untangled your hand from her shirt but immediately held onto your hand with her own. She called her best physio who then came running with two medics. The dutch ordered herself to stay calm for your benefit and it was exactly what you needed. Even when the medics turned you onto your back and she saw the blood seeping through your pants.
It didn't matter how much you pretended to be fine Sarina always saw that little crying girl. But not right now. Now she saw one of the strongest people she ever had the pleasure working with. Right now standing next to you while you catch your breath showed her just how much you've grown. You were still a kid by heart she knew – but as a person you grew up so much. You started to fight your fears even if it started small with five laps around the pitch
“I'm proud of you Liefje” Sarina said lowly rubbing small circles on your lower back
“I'm fucking wheezing after five laps... nothing to be proud of” you panted back
“You started to fight your fear... that's something to be proud of... and now come on – I REALLY don't want to end up on your sisters bad side because I brought you back late” the dutch winked and smiled.
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leavingautumn13 · 3 months
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threw a reference together for my version of maxie and his team (sans groudon). he's up on art fight if any of y'all are interested
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Hi, with the deadline fast approaching (11th July) would you be able to share a link to the new English RSE consultation (the one akin to section 28) and this guidance from Brooks on how to answer?
Even apart from the disturbing advice on trans people it has strange advice on fixed age limits for certain subjects such as suicide and sexual harassment and only offers flexibility in teaching about these subjects once a child is identified as being at risk rather than giving schools the flexibility to give all children building blocks to deal with these problems
I only ask cause you're a blog with a big reach and posts I've seen with guidance on how to answer have had very little notes
Yes, I think I posted about this when it first opened, but it's good to have the guidance to answer.
It does take about ten minutes of your time to do, but lads, this is so important. Clickable link to the guidance for how to submit your response here. Please help.
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team-aqua-official · 10 months
hey watch this
WOAH....... WAIT....
hold on
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Where I belong :)
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🔥Lavaridge Gym Official🔥
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Hey all~! I'm Flannery, current Leader of the Lavaridge Pokémon Gym here in Hoenn! I'm 28, trans, bi, and use she/her. I'm always happy to talk any and all things pokémon, so feel free to drop a line anytime!
Love yourself and love being yourself, follow your passions but avoid burning out, and remember--I'm cheering for you! ❤️‍🔥
original content | reblogs | asks! | pelipper mail
OOC: howdy. this is a pokemon unreality blog, set in the same continuity as a fic i'm writing that diverges heavily from the canon of the rse games. you can catch me on @team-magma-official, @official-team-aqua, and @may-maple-blog. this blog does not share a continuity with any other pokémon irl blog except the ones i run.
if you want to set up a story beat, check to see if an ask is okay to send, just want more info, or want to ask me to tw tag something, feel free to dm me.
pelipper mail is on for things that can reasonably be sent by mail, and responses will be written as ooc prose. if you're unsure if something can be sent via mail, feel free to dm me. magic anons are off. anyone can interact, including sapient pokémon, but this is a low-stakes blog so please bear that in mind when interacting.
for full transparency, flannery is trans but i am cis. i will not be using this character to speak over my trans friends about issues that are theirs to talk about, so if you have questions about transgender topics or activism, please do not ask me.
terfs and other transphobes will be blocked.
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stow-on-side · 4 months
ok! remaking this poll because i am silly and made a few mistakes. sorry!
running a poll to see what everyone's favourite era of pokémon was; this isn't asking to choose necessarily based on your favourite game(s) overall, but rather based on the features introduced in each generation OR which generation you think just looks the best! (for example, my favourite games are the rse games, but my favourite era is the ds era!)
please reblog for a larger sample size!
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fandomwe1rd0 · 5 months
Wrote some Rick and Morty angst and comfort based on my headcanon of Morty being scared of public restrooms due to Mr. Jellybean (Fuck Mr. Jellybean by the way, he deserves to rot in hell <3)
Rick and Morty were eating at Shoney's. Morty said "Rick, I have to go to the bathroom, can we go home now?" One part of Rick's unibrow raised "We're in the midd-*burp*-le of a meal, and you wanna go ho-*burp*-me because you need to take a shit? Just use the publ-*burp*-ic bathroom." Morty stared at the public bathroom, as he shook off his thoughts, Mr. Jellybean wasn't even in this dimension. He was freaking out over nothing. He took a deep breath and nodded "G-good point Rick...y-you're right" Rick rolled his eyes "Of cou-*burp*-rse I'm right." Morty rolled his eyes. Egotisical asshole.
He walked in but then he was covered in a cold sweat. He tried to slow his breath, but he couldn't stop himself from hyperventaliting. The memories rushed back, making him dizzy "I'm Mr. Jellybean!" He remembered his head being pushed onto the cold metal sink "Stop fighting me!" He shook his head roughly, he remembered how Mr. Jellybean's drool felt "Just let this happen." He couldn't get even breath anymore, no matter how much he tried, he couldn't get enough air, he eventually fell on the cold floor.
Rick looked over to the bathroom door and at the time, it's been 10 minutes, that's too long right? Morty should be back by now, right? He was tapping his foot and biting his nails. After 5 more minutes passed, he went into the bathroom and saw Morty on the floor. He immiedately went to hold onto him "Morty?!" He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Morty was still breathing, thank god if Morty was gone he would've...his grip on Morty tightened....he didn't even want to think about it.
Morty's eyes eventually fluttered open "R-Rick...?" Rick sighed "You fucking scared me Morty! What the fuck?!" Rick asked in the tone of a parent scolding their child. Morty blinked "I ju-" Rick interupted him "Why did you pass out?" Morty sighed "I-I don't know, Rick! I-I just walked in and..." his face turned pale as he started hyperventaliting again, the memories hitting him like a slap on the face "A-and...and..." Morty was about to pass out again but then Rick held him close "Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare. Stay with me, Morty. Remember to breath." Morty roughly gripped onto Rick 's labcoat and started hyperventaliting, sobbing into Rick's shoulder, then Rick rubbed Morty's back, tracing it in small circle as he whispered "It'll be ok...grandpa's got you..." Morty's body relaxed slightly at those words as he began to breath normally. Still crying softly though.
He tried to get up, but just collasped on top of Rick, and began to cry in Rick's chest while Rick stroked Morty's hair "I've got you..." Rick continued to let Morty cry into his chest, stroking Morty's hair and occassionally kissing his forehead. Eventually Morty calmed down with a shaky breath and Rick asked "You good now?" Morty nodded with a meak smile and Rick picked him up "Maybe we don't need to finish our meal, how about we go home and watch some interdimensional cable. huh?" Morty nodded meakly, too weak to speak. Then Rick walked out of Shoney's, while holding onto Morty.
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