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puddii-ng · 2 years ago
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a beautiful museum that lies on the sand of an hourglass ✧・゚
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jamiepaige · 3 months ago
Constant Companions Closeup #9: OBJECT OF AFFECTION
(also on spotify!)
O, wayward soul, I beg of thee an ear; Companionship, a Constant of desire, is all too fleeting. Would thee quell this fire? My love, do you know what you want to hear?
Welcome back to the Constant Companions Closeups - a series of in-depth dives into the songs off of my latest album, Constant Companions! Yesterday was some gay shit (Liaison) and today is some more gay shit (Object of Affection)
I'm usually pretty good about letting go of the things I make and letting them live imperfectly, but there is exactly one released song of mine that I've ever been actively unhappy with the final product of, that I haven't been able to let go of my displeasure with.
Honor Majesty, off of Autumn Every Day.
It's not that it's a bad song, or that it didn't have good ideas! In fact, I genuinely think it shares more with the music I make now than a lot of my older work does. Rather, it was incredibly rushed and full of uninspired choices I made for the sake of completing the song rather than making it the best version of itself, and it ultimately ended up falling incredibly flat relative to what I wanted it to be!
I really like the intersection of synthpop/electropop and fantasy. One of my favorite musicians ever is Baths, whose album Romaplasm is chock full of this exact thematic and sonic intersection, and it's so deeply inspiring to me that it still gets put on whenever I want to dream things up. I've always wanted to make things like that! Bubbly and fantastical, brimming with a sense of magic so pervasive it makes even the mundane seem mystic.
...Also I'm just a fantasy dork okay. I like wizards and shit. Sue me
I've been wanting to make a grandiose and fantastical story song for years, and my single attempt to do so felt like it missed the mark entirely. I did touch on fantasy a couple times on Bittersweet, but ultimately, when I started working on this album, I knew exactly what I wanted to take a second crack at.
The intended story in question here is fairly vague, but to sum it up as literally as possible:
A rebellious, disobedient, gender-questioning prince has mildly inconvenienced "his" royal lineage one too many times. Their solution is to invoke magicks widely regarded as heretical - what's a fantasy monarchy without some hypocrisy - to seal their "son's" soul within an automaton body, rendering "him" a perfect, subservient doll.
This doll is promptly spirited away under cover of darkness by a mage, and is granted free will once again. She experiences the crushing weight of newfound self-awareness and nearly spirals out of control, before realizing the mage who saved her is the same - a doll. It turns out being a magical-mechanical construct has its perks if you are TRANSGENDER. then they overthrow the monarchy and fuck nasty or whatever idk this is where the story gives way to things like "metaphor"
this is a song about artifice and being transgender
Seriously, though, I know that being an electronic-music-producing transgender lesbian with a thing about dolls or robots or whatever is a major endless-store-shelves-of-identical-buzz-lightyear-action-figures moment on my part, but dammit, I own a copy of Logic Pro and a genuine leather wizard hat, I inject estrogen into my stomach fat every Wednesday, and I think ball joints are cute. I'm posting this on Tumblr, for gods sake, I am unconcerned as an active choice
With the exception of Liaison, the entirety of Constant Companions utilizes only three unique vocal synth characters - ANRI, Gumi, and Teto. This trifecta was born organically from simply being the vocal synths I enjoy using the most, and in this song, I wanted to use all three of them almost like one single singer, freely shifting intonation based on the context. I messed with this idea before on Ballroom, my voice meshing and melting into Gumi V3's voice, but it felt especially appropriate for this context; Plus, I feel like there aren't a lot of examples of vocal synths being used/recontextualized in this way, and that's a shame in my opinion!!
I really want to do more story-driven songwriting like this in the future as well. Now that I'm a bonafide VocaloP I've been floating the idea of doing a song series with this trio... I'm mostly just worried I'll want to get too ambitious with it.
Off the top of my head, Object of Affection references at least eight other songs of mine - Honor Majesty is an obvious one, but it also directly samples parts of Autumn Every Day, and lyrically references genuinely just a bunch of things. I'm probably forgetting some, even!
I know I'm the Leitmotif Lover, but it's a lot even by my standards. However, this song's entire existence already served to satisfy a fairly self-indulgent desire, and these days, I don't deal in half measures. I think the final product serves as a lovely little look back at where I've come from, though, and perhaps even a little glimpse into the future!
That all being said, Object of Affection in some sense is also a love letter to a beloved part of my creative process - the voice memo. A lot of the audio I've provided with these posts have been recordings off my phone for good reason! Not only are the chops at the beginning of the song entirely comprised of edited recordings I got on my phone, but the sample at the very end happens to be from a particularly legendary recording, never before heard by the public...
Until now. I present to you an excerpt from "the worst beat on planet earth", featuring none other than unit.0.
That's about it for today!! If you have any questions, I'll gladly answer them below, but otherwise, I'll be back here tomorrow to talk about this album's title track laid askew - My Darling, My Companion!
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cosmicallybound · 2 months ago
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good evening darlings, && happy new year's eve! this year has been a bit of a whirlwind, but i thank each && every one of you for your presence on my dash && in my life. i've had hyeon / this blog for so long that i don't even remember my blog anniversary anymore lol. but, even though 2024 is ending, i wanted to give my thanks && love && i look forward to interacting with all of you in 2025.
@espelharr : i gotta start off with like, my main pookie. cosmic, light of my life . . . i adore the absolute hell out of you. thank you for being one of my main hoes (lovingly) && for sticking with me even when my brain wants to be a bitch. i cannot even begin to explain how your company, both on && off tumblr, has been one of the biggest highlights of my time here. i am always so happy to see you online && active. i cannot wait to see what 2025 brings, && how the babes continue to shoot themselves in the foot around each other.
@attroxx : salem, i know you are currently on break until the new year, but i could never make one of these without you. your presence on my dash is always a gift, && i thank you for being around for so long, that you are truly one of the ogs now. i cannot wait to continue interacting with you && seeing where the wind takes us.
@bulletshot : nana, you absolutely beautiful person you. i kith you on the mouth so hard. though we haven't been mutuals forever, i always look forward to seeing you on my dash. your writing && presence is such a fucking delight to see, && i am so happy to call you a friend.
@goldenfists : joo, my absolute darling. i know we've been moots for a while at this point, but i am so fuckin happy that we've really started to interact a lot this year. you are a blessing to have in my life, && i absolutely want to game && spend time with you outside of tumblr. anyways, i love the pookies together, && i am absolute heart-eyes @ you.
@vulpesse : bun, i know we are more like ships passing in the night at times, but you are one of the ogs at this point, && i could not imagine my dash without you. your presence, warmth, && talent warm my cold, gremlin heart && i watch lovingly from my dash @ everything you do. here is hoping that we get more chances to interact in 2025.
@lronwilled : shep, you absolute cutie you. i know we've only really started to interact in the last few months, but you have become such a mainstay in my life that i could not imagine you not being there. anyways, you are so talented && big-brained && have the biggest di heart. i smooch you on the forehead && offer my love to thee.
@ilbound : maverick, i know you took a break && we haven't interacted a ton in a while, but i missed you!! your presence && writing was missed, && i am glad to see that you are back. your mental health && well-being is always the most important, but i am glad to have you back. i look forward to interacting a ton && throwing the babes at each other.
@deadn30n : alex, the pookie that returned from war when we needed them most. i am smooching you so hard rn. you are an absolute gem, && i promise that my brain has just hated me these past few weeks, i will absolutely be getting to those replies soon. anyways, you are amazing && i adore thee. thank you for being in my life uwu.
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my other pookies, i adore you all so much. thank you for putting up with my bullshit && your continuous support. i am making a few new year's resolutions && plan on abiding by them bc i need more change in my life. one of those resolutions is to be more of a constant presence here. my activity has been sporadic these year, for a multitude of reasons. but never doubt that i adore each && every one of you. thank you for an amazing 2024, && here is to hoping that 2025 is even better.
as always, my discord is available to my moots. @ lunaria_0, for those that would like to add me / chat outside of tungler~!
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redbelles · 9 months ago
5, 18, 69, and 76 for the fic writer meme!
5. how many wips do you have? what fandoms/pairings are they for?
yeah i've got wips
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kidding! (mostly! not really. but only kind of. it's fine!)
i have just. so many fucking wips. don't wanna talk about how many i have because it's embarrassing, actually! this is absolutely because i consider anything i've written words for/thought about for more than a hot minute a """wip""" but that's a me problem, so here, have semi-comprehensive list of wips i'm determined to finish this year:
the chimneys hardly ever fall down masters of the air; post-war john/gale/marge
gonna stand here in the ache the punisher; post-season one frank/karen
our hands are cold, the moon sets low asoiaf/got; post-season eight jon/sansa
butchered tongue still singing berserk; post-canon guts/casca
something in the night gilmore girls; keg max!au jess/rory
don't you hear me howling, babe? shadow & bone; season one canon divergence darklina au
the second hand unwinds (time after time) stranger things; post-season four hellcheer au
and then, for fun, some wips that aren't top priority atm:
prophetic perfect tense dune; always a girl!paul atreides au
i've walked for miles top gun; post-canon icemav road trip au
more than kin and less than kind hotd; rhaenys flambés the greens at aegon's coronation au
the knife i turn inside myself dune; irulan/feyd post-kanly hatefucking + marriage of convenience au
18. do you enjoy research? which fic of yours required the most research?
yeah! i'm a nerd at heart and also i have a burning need to be canon-compliant with both canon and reality, so i love getting into the research weeds when i'm all in on a fic!
the most """research""" i've done for a fic was, astonishingly, for the fucking,,,,, robert baratheon story (that started life as, and i cannot stress this enough, a joke). i spent so many hours on a wiki of ice and fire i'm pretty sure i made up at least 40% of the site's traffic during the calendar year time it took me to write the damn thing. extremely normal behavior!
anyway! i'm actually in the opposite situation with chimneys, which is super weird. i know a staggering amount of information about the post-wwii usaaf/usaf, and i have to actively stop myself from a) infodumping about things like the development of the american bomber fleet and b) trying to make the timeline accurate, because the entire premise of the fic relies on me Ignoring what was actually going on. anti-research. insane! everyone pour one out for @sluttyhenley— she's spent the last two months taking one for the team and letting me rant at her about curtis lemay so i can get it out of my system and spare everyone who's there for porn instead of a dissertation on strategic bombing doctrine <3
69. what are your favorite fics at the moment?
first of all: nice 😏
second: i feel like i've blathered enough about my own fic today that i'm gonna take this as a question about what i've been enjoying as a reader, so! some recs!
moon's low (can't say no) by @meyerlansky delicious introspective curt pov that nuances an already insanely interesting scene! love this for me! in related news, i am barking and frothing at the mouth as i wait patiently for the follow up to dancing cheek to cheek (to cheek)! tumblr user meyerlansky comin' in hot with THEE definitive curt biddick voice!
never saw the sun shining so bright by @sluttyhenley absolutely shrieking about this series! marge deserves the world! and also both of the buck(y)s! good for her.jpeg! i'm lucky enough to be getting snippets of this as m writes it, and i cannot wait for the next few installments to go live
careful fear and dead devotion by @everyangel another john/gale/marge series i'm currently losing my mind over! the marge voice is so delicious, and i love the pre-war angle that underpins the first fic! cannot wait for more!
enter night by @rhaegang monsterfuckers and barry keoghan enthusiasts rejoice! the writing is top notch, the sex is blisteringly hot, and the tension and pacing are superb. rhaegang truly never misses
nothing safe is worth the drive (follow you home) by @yoursummerfrost i never really had a buffy phase, but i came across this fic the other day and boy howdy does it have me by the throat. deeply emotional, very sexy, and written with so much love it's got me thinking about giving the series more than a cursory "well, it was on when i was home sick from school way back when" watch. also! i've devoured every buffy fic they've written since i found this one and i'm happy to report that they're all incredible!
76. how do you deal with writing pressure, whether internal or external?
mature answer: i try to take a step back and remind myself that this is a hobby i am doing for fun and for free and i should calm the fuck down about it
follow up answer: and if that doesn't work, i whine ceaselessly at my writing buddies until i'm over it
send me some fic writing asks!
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tritogeneia · 23 days ago
Fan Casting James Gunn's DC Universe's Teen Titans
I have been on Tumblr for about 10 years now(good god I'm ancient) and have mostly reblogged but today have decided to put my comic knowledge to the test: by fan casting James Gunn's DC Universe's Teen Titans because why not. I will be including pictures and links to Youtube videos when I reference them, but otherwise, enjoy. This was mostly fueled because Creature Feature or whatever it's called had a still that included Starfire, confirming her existence in this universe.
Side note: there's like 50 members of the Teen Titans across comics and I ain't doing all that so to make it easier for me(and you), here is the team I've made to make it more digestible.
Also, I want to make it clear that ages don't really matter here, because this is tumblr, but I do mention them just for sometimes. However, I did try my hardest to actually get actors and actresses in, and not just models because not all models can act, and also because they are called the TEEN Titans, but several of them were on the team when they were in college and not teens anymore.
Obviously, there's the Perez + Wolfman team of Nightwing, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven & Cyborg, but also some of the other obvious ones: Arsenal(Roy Harper), Wally West, Rose Wilson/Ravager, Cassie Sandsmark/Wonder Girl II, Speedy II, Miss Martian, Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle III, Bart Allen/Kid Flash, Kiran Singh/Solstice and, of course, Tara Markov/Terra. That's a lot of people so let's get into it!
Dick Grayson/Robin I/Nightwing
So, there aren't a lot of Romani actors that are both
a) young enough/alive to play Dick
b) actually able to match his skill set
So, I decided to think outside the box a little bit. A youtube video I watched recently casted an actor from the Ms. Marvel show, the one who played the love interest character for Kamala Khan as Dick Grayson. And while I don't think it's necessarily a bad choice, I just don't think it's one that I personally would pick because the actor himself is pretty beefed up. I honestly would have him play Jason instead because of his build. Anyways, for my pick, I decided to essentially look at old maps of Romani populations pre-World War 2, because that's when their populations in Eastern Europe would've been the largest. Romania housed the largest population of Romani people pre-World War 2, and Romania was apart of the Ottoman Empire, and Romani people had civil rights in the Ottoman Empire dating back to the 15th Century.
With all that said, I decided that a Romanian actor would probably be a little bit more fitting, since it was a little more historically relevant(unless a young Romani actor becomes huge in the next few years, in which I will edit this and add them in here instead). Without further ado, my choice for the role of Dick Grayson is... Stefan Iancu.
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Stefan is 27, and has starred in a number of projects since the age of four. Most notably, for people in the states, he was in Killing Eve! I chose him mostly for the reasons above, but also because a lot of his projects have been either physically active projects(such as war/spy/historical wartime projects) and also because he has won several awards in Romania for his acting prowess.
Okay, so this isn't going to be controversial because while I have never seen the show Titans(mostly because half the time the screen is basically pitch black so you can't watch it anyways), I actually don't mind Anna Diop as Starfire. And ever since I saw Megan Thee Stallion's Starfire cosplay for Halloween last year I was FLOORED. So no, I am NOT in the "black women can't play Starfire" camp. I think a black woman SHOULD play Starfire. But who?
To start, she should be tall. Most incarnations of Starfire show her as being as tall as or even taller than Dick. Stefan Iancu is 5'7"(sorry anyone who uses the Metric System- that's about 1.702 meters). So we're aiming for someone who is 5'7 at least or taller. And that person is Tati Gabrielle. So I did originally want someone taller, but Tati is the same height as Stefan and also while I don't exactly love the idea of wedge heels , regular degular heels will also work, or shoe inserts.
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She is slated to play the protagonist in the newest Naughty Dog game, and also starred in You season 3, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Uncharted(movie) and so much more! Miss girl IS the moment.
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
So Beast Boy is a little bit of an interesting case. For Dick and Kori, their backstories are pretty cut and dry. But Garfield's is pretty long and complicated, and also he's been around since the 60's, and he was a member of the Doom Patrol, and also he was experimented on(but sometimes he's not? Comics are weird), but he's smart, but he's also not. And he has a healing factor, but then he doesn't.
So, yeah. For Garfield, I think it would be better to just give him the most basic of basic backstories, and just do that. Since I know this will(probably) only be read by like four people anyways, I will continue on as if you, the reader, know this already. Garfield comes from a family of scientists who live in Africa studying animals and sometimes they're trying to bring back extinct species, and sometimes they run animal sanctuaries. Either way, they are animal lovers. His race isn't necessarily a huge part of his identity, considering he's... you know... GREEN. So honestly any actor will do here.
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And that actor, I have decided is going to be Josh Heuston. So this man is Australian(and tall at 5'11), and he's also very pretty. I am very slightly tempted to switch this man and Stefan Iancu, because LOOK AT HIS EYES AND JAWLINE. But, I stand by my decision, because I did all that research and I'll be damned if I let it go to waste. I think him having green eyes is just the cherry on top. Now, let's move on!
Rachel Roth/Raven
Raven isn't hard to get right and I am tired of people acting like it is. Raven isn't a teenager who is looking for attention or some random kid that's just losing her mind for fun, she's a tormented soul. Her powers are connected to her emotions, so she genuinely can't allow herself to feel any emotion, positive or negative. Think of trying to jumpstart a car. You have to be careful because if you're not you could hurt yourself or mess up your car, right? That's Raven's power in a nutshell. I have OCD, and so I can relate to having that shadow hanging behind me, saying "you are everything bad they think you are", which is still something I struggle with. All in all, Raven isn't someone who just has these crazy freak outs- she loses control because Trigon deliberately makes her by controlling her mind.
Anyways, rant over. Raven is one of my favorite characters of all time so this was more of a passion rant than anything else. My pick to play Raven is Barbie Ferreira!
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Now, I have never seen Euphoria, I honestly haven't really been interested in watching it. It's always felt kind of fetishy and exploitative to me and I don't want to consume content like that anyways, so it's never really been on my radar. But, from the snippets I've seen on social media, I think Barbie can really pull it off, because it seems like she has a skill that I also share- no one ever knows what I'm ever feeling. I'm very good at chameleoning my way through life, and no one can ever read my body language or facial expressions very accurately, because I've mastered just... not giving them up. So Barbie is my choice.
Victor Stone/Cyborg
Victor is definitely one of those characters who needs to be the most human of the team. Getting him right means getting the reason why the Titans work so well right. If you've seen the teaser trailer for the new Fantastic Four movie and saw how they behaved and talked around the Thing/Ben Grimm, Victor is essentially the Titans' version of Ben. He holds the team down, and he also knows what humanity means, even though he's surrounded by Gods and Monsters and often feels like a monster himself. Anyways, for Victor, I have chosen the amazingly talented Jharell Jerome! I was originally going to go with John Boyega, but then decided to go with Jharell because he's from the Bronx, and it was really important for me that for Cyborg at least, that he was African American, so that there was that cultural understanding of POCs in the US and already not trusting police or law enforcement.
With Victor, he basically goes into hiding immediately after his transformation, and it was important for me to have that connection of why he would be so afraid to go outside(aside from the normal, I'm now half robot stuff) and why he would be such a rock for the Titans, and it would give him motivation to be that person for others as well.
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Okay so now that we have the MAIN FIVE Titans out of the way, I'm going to start going into the other Titans that I want to see and would love to see be included, as well as my dream casting for them.
So to start, there's Roy Harper/Arsenal, Wally West and Donna Troy, who are all founding members of the original Titans but haven't been members in decades(looking at you Wally and Donna). Donna I am keeping off this list because her comic background is just so weird and confusing that even I don't get it(and that's saying something), so for everyone's sanity I am keeping her off this list.
For Wally, most of the comics have him either die or "disappear into the speed force" before returning after a while, so I'm thinking of either having him as a background character that's mentioned as dead already OR have him actually just be the Flash because for a really long time Barry Allen actually was just dead for a while and Wally was the Flash.
Roy is simply Roy. He's had three names, has a daughter with Cheshire(this is important later), and sometimes is a clone, sometimes is the original and has 3 other clones, and sometimes he's hooking up with Starfire who's also hooking up with Jason Todd(THANK YOU NEW 52 #THENEW52SUCKS). So let's just take it easy and start with Wally.
So don't throw pitchforks at me, but I actually hate when studios change red headed characters from red headed to people of color. NOT because they're now people of color but because it's really lazy. Like, really? You couldn't just CREATE a new charater with a similar-ish name and call it a day? MCU's Spiderman did it with Michelle Jones-Watson, and it worked perfectly because she's not MJ. Sure, her name is MJ, but it's not Mary-Jane.
Anyways, all this to say that Wally, Roy and Miss Martian will be sporting their red hair because those are my rules. Bart has brown hair so he doesn't count. And Starfire was already established to basically be a woman of color at her creation anyways so she also doesn't count. So, interlude over, let's continue.
Wally West/Kid Flash
So, for Wally, I actually was pretty quick with choosing him because apparently there's an abundance of ginger actors in Hollywood but also I already had someone in mind. And that someone is Cameron Monaghan!
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Now, not only was he hilarious on Shameless, but he's just genuinely talented in general. Most people consider him to be a GOOD Joker in Gotham until the writers did the split personality type thing and ruined all the plot they had built up. And that's a feat few people have under their belt. Especially for a pretty "meh it's okay" TV show. I think he would work as Wally either as the Flash or even as a flashback because he just is able to adapt as an actor, which is what makes him so talented.
Roy Harper/Arsenal
So I also got Roy figured out pretty quick, only because I was looking for someone who just kind looks rough. Roy in the comics usually has a past with addictions, and also he is almost always portrayed with long hair and a trucker hat. So for Roy, I found someone who has long red hair and looks a little rough around the edges(which is fine, I also look rough about 90% of the time). And that person is Caleb Landry Jones!
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Caleb is most well known for being in Get Out, but he's been in other films and projects since then. He was pretty menacing in Get Out, which is also why I picked him, because Roy has a pretty complicated relationship with Green Arrow and even the other Titans at certain points in the comics.
Rose Wilson/Ravager
Okay, so this one might be my magnum opus. Rose Wilson is the second child and only daughter of Deathstroke. As a child, he wanted her to be exactly like him so he blinded her in one eye to match his. Rose has enhanced strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, reflexes, senses, intellect, accelerated healing and decelerated aging. She's also an expert marksman and swordsman like her father.
Originally I was going to try and find a Black woman with albinism to portray Rose, because Rose has stark white hair, just like Deathstroke. But there sadly aren't any actresses that fit the part. So we are going to have to break the mold a little bit.
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Thando Hopa. She's a South African model with albinism. She is the first person with albinism to strike the cover of Vogue magazine. She's a little older than my age cutoff, but honestly she's clearly been blessed with the no-age gene because she looks like she's in her early 20s
Cassie Sandsmark/Wonder Girl II
Wonder Woman is my favorite superhero. There, I said it. She is the moment, and Cassie is probably my favorite sidekick ever because she's just so unique. Something that the writers at DC did that really surprised me is that they actually took tropes from Ancient Greek myths when they wrote Cassie's stories in the early 2000s.
One of Cassie's follies is rage. Like the story of Heracles, she becomes enraged to easily and often just relies on her strength and lets her anger fuel it. So, naturally, Ares gives her a lasso that can channel Zeus' lightning bolts, but only when she gets angry. Ares wants Cassie to be his champion, and often tries to fuel her own anger to convince her to join his side.
Obviously, this is metal as hell and needs to be a plot point, so we need an actress that can actually portray mad. Who can portray that primal feeling of anger and show no remorse for nearly leveling a town because of it. And that can only be done by one person specifically(at least for this role): Samara Weaving.
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I don't know if you guys have seen Ready or Not but she absolutely slays the house DOWN in this. She takes no prisoners, kicks ass, and has no remorse for it. She is absolutely perfect for this role.
M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian
Hoo boy. You thought my rant on Raven was bad? Put your seatbelts on, we are about to enter a new level of rant.
I grew up watching Young Justice. It was the show I would watch everyday before going to school. And M'gann's story of desperately wanting to fit in and doing anything to achieve that? Yeah, super felt. Being constantly rejected or left behind left me clinging to this character like a life line, waiting for life to reel me back in. And honestly? I'm kind of still waiting.
But anyways, M'gann is one of my favorite animated characters, and she is so complex. Her motivations, wants, needs and even attributes are all in an attempt to hide her true Martian heritage.
In DC lore, there are 2 main races of Martians on Mars. Green Martians(duh) and White Martians. They were once the same, some stuff happened, they split, and now they're somehow the same but different? Comics are weird. Anyways, M'gann is a White Martian that 'disguises' herself as a Green so that she can have more acceptance due to the constant rejection and bullying she received as a child. So, she uses the name Miss Martian and shapeshifts her skin green.
This is a SUPER important part to her character and cannot be fudged up. It's the ultimate motivation for her, and her slowly coming to accept it and be more open with her true self.
The reason why I say her appearance is so important is because in the Young Justice show, she ties her appearance to a show that her uncle, Martian Manhunter, used to send to Mars when she was a kid that she latched onto. So, her appearance is super important and it's why whenever I see her being played by someone who just kind of looks normal or doesn't look recognizable, it does a giant disservice to M'gann and her character. So, I chose Sadie Sink as the actress to play M'gann.
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The reason why I chose Sadie is because Sadie is recognizable. You know what she looks like and can instantly say "oh, that's Sadie Sink". I think that either Stranger Things or something similar that Sadie has been in that is very recognizable to the audience should be the reason why M'gann uses this as her "face" essentially, because then it would be more relatable to the audience, and make M'gann's reasonings and motivations more clear. And, they could literally just essentially paint Sadie green it would still work- that's how committed M'gann is to keeping her true form a secret. She doesn't need to be unrecognizable, she needs to look like Sadie Sink but green.
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle III
Oh Jaime, how thankful I am that the Blue Beetle movie exists. Xolo Maridueña is somehow my dream casting and the perfect role for Jaime, so thanks for doing my job for me, Blue Beetle movie!
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Bart Allen/Impulse/Kid Flash
Sooooo, two speedsters on one list? Shocking, I know. But Bart is one of the funniest characters known to comics(at least for speedsters) and that's saying something because Wally exists. There's this great comic of Bart getting a Green Lantern tattoo or something(because he can't get a Flash one, that would give away his secret identity, duh!) and from just him going from tattoo shop to the Titans Tower, he shows the team(who are all thoroughly unimpressed) and it literally disappears due to his metabolism and healing factor. 100 bucks down the drain, my guy.
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This makes me laugh every time I think about it. Truly one for the ages. Also those bangs and headband combo on Cassie? Iconic.
Anyways, I think that Wyatt Oleff would make a great Bart, just because of his one-liners in It and It Part II. I think with a good script, it would be a match made in heaven.
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Kiran Singh/Solstice
So Kiran is someone who is really important because good Desi representation in Western media is lacking, and with the release of Ms. Marvel, that gaping hole of Desi representation is becoming more and more visible. So, I added Kiran because we need good Desi and good South East Asian representation. Kiran has been described by her creators as "a positive spirit - influenced by the various cultures she’s encountered during her travels throughout the world. She embraces life and all the adventure and experiences it offers". She manipulates light and can fly. She basically can blast you with light, and therefore I believe she should be played by someone who just radiates kindness and light and smiles as bright as the sun.
And obviously is Desi or Indian. I was kind of stuck trying to find an actress that fit into this idea that I had until I found her- the brightest star(because all suns are stars) in the galaxy of actresses who could play Kiran- Alia Bhatt.
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She is SO gorgeous and just has that radiant energy, even through pictures. She is also the moment.
Tara Markov/Terra
Alright, now we have a heavy hitter. Terra is definitely one of those characters that is both a good character and a bad character. At her worst, she is a CSA victim that is used and abused by Deathstroke and then tossed aside when he has no more use for her, only for her to then take revenge at the last second, killing both herself and Deathstroke in an act of... self sacrifice? At her best, she is a complicated, abused character who has questionable motive and is manipulated by Deathstroke into betraying her family/team because he has convinced her that he is the only one that actually cares, only for her to break free of those chains and redeem herself and become a hero(thank you Young Justice season 3).
Terra is another one of those characters who you really have to understand to get right. If you don't get her right, then you're misunderstanding why The Judas Contract was such a big deal for the Titans history and why it keeps being adapted. Terra herself is both a martyr and a villain, but she's also someone who makes mistakes and has to work hard to earn forgiveness for those mistakes.
Now, do I prefer her and Beast Boy together or Beast Boy and Raven together? Honestly, I prefer Terra to be Beast Boy's first love- the one that got away, the one that he really thought was going to last forever and it just... didn't. Raven and Terra are so opposite from each other, but they're also very similar.
Anyways, rant aside, I truly believe that Terra needs to be played by a scream queen, because that girl is extremely emotionally stunted(which is totally okay and makes sense with her history) and has these outbursts a lot. So, I chose Jenna Ortega to play her.
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If you haven't seen the clip of Jenna screaming in X, then you need to see it because that girl KNOWS how to scream like she means it.
Mia Dearden/Speedy(aka Artemis Crock/Tigress)
Okay LISTEN. You really didn't expect me to just not include my girl Artemis in this list? Hell no.
So, Artemis in the comics is actually a villain. Like a super crazy big villain. She's actually married to Icicle Jr.. Her father is Sportsmaster, her sister IS Cheshire/Jade Nguyen(told you she'd come back!). But, Artemis has mostly been unused since, which sucks because the Young Justice did such a good job with her. So, I'm bringing her here. I'm kind of mashing both Mia Dearden and Artemis Crock together, mostly because Artemis was never a hero in the comics.
Mia's backstory is really dark- she's also a victim of CSA, and a victim of human trafficking. Now, Mia is eventually rescued by Green Arrow and becomes 'Speedy'. So, I'm kind of mashing their characters, with Artemis' origins being the same, but having her taking the Speedy mantle. So, Artemis is half Vietnamese, half White, but I'm choosing to just have a Vietnamese actress play her, because wigs exist but also, like I've said- South East Asian representation matters. So, I chose Lana Condor(who is Vietnamese) to play Artemis.
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I think it would also be a good subversion of what we're used to seeing from Lana, we're used to seeing her play these rom-coms, and seeing her play a tough and mean character that fights dirty is something that I think that would ultimately boost her even more. Sis can ACT, okay, and I want to see her in more roles, not just the To All the Boys type films.
Alright, so that was all my picks for the 2025 Teen Titans draft. I tried to include as many POCs as possible, but if you have any other suggestions let me know!
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giuliettagaltieri · 5 months ago
hello baby! i missed you so much, how are you? I've been inactive on tumblr to focus on my studies and I have final projects, but I'm sad to see that you've been inactive too!
are you all right? just checking in on you hope you don't mind, i miss you by the way! love to see you active again soon! 🧡 -🌟
OMG HIII! I missed receiving your brilliant asks too! I'm doing great, hopefully you are too. I'm actually in my final year in college and most of my free time is used on catching up on sleep or complying the requirements. I am still writing though but not as much because I really can't find thee time. Hopefully, I can speed up the project and publish again, I miss you guys so much🫶🏻
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amadeusgame · 1 year ago
October Devlog: Substantial Progress and a New Vision
"Amadeus: A Riddle for Thee"
Episode 1 ~ Waltz coming Summer 2024.
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This poster was made for Amadeus's new website: amadeus-game.com
I will gradually be adding information from the linktree to the new site, and including more and more visuals and other media. Keep an eye out over the coming weeks & months. If you'd like more immediate updates (such as knowing when the website has been updated with cool stuff), you can follow on Tumblr or join this Discord server.
As will be discussed in this devlog, creating this poster has influenced my vision for the game's art direction. I hope you find the imagery intriguing... I hope it poses questions that may or may not be answered in the debut episode....
Now, on to the development updates!
Devlog TL;DR
New Mechanics: Significant progress has been made on implementing the desired new mechanics for the full game, discussed in last month's devlog. I am still, tentatively, on track to release an updated public demo showcasing these mechanics by the end of this year.
Art Direction: Certain assets in the game will be inked and colored! This was inspired by the poster and will be a really interesting contrast to the penciled sepia. A screenshot of a scene with an inked talksprite is included in this section to illustrate the idea. Next month I will determine precisely which assets will be inked/colored and which won't, for the most effective outcome.
New Music/Discussion of Artist Block: This section is not an update but more of a free-form discussion of the musical art block I have experienced since leaving grad school. It covers how I worked through it this month, and wrote new music (both for Amadeus and otherwise) that I'm proud of and excited about.
Recreation: Media I engaged with this month for fun and inspiration!
Details below the cut.
New Mechanics
The mechanics I've been working on can be separated into 3 categories: text mechanics, interaction mechanics, and settings/UI. I'll briefly outline where I'm currently at with each.
Text mechanics:
Backlog - IN PROGRESS. There is a readable, chronological backlog of recently-viewed text that can be referenced in case the player skimmed or forgot something. I have created the basic functionality. The next step is making it more elegant to scroll through by making the size of the textbox grow dynamically as text is added.
Text fade-in - FINISHED. Text dynamically appears letter-by-letter, and a slider in the menu controls how quickly it appears. If the player presses space or the proceed button while text is still appearing, it will display the full text all at once.
Auto text - FINISHED. Once the full text in a text box has been displayed, if this option is active, after a set amount of time it will automatically proceed to the next text box without any input. This is off by default but can be activated in the menu, with the ability to adjust the length of time before text proceeds.
Interaction mechanics:
This category overall is IN PROGRESS. I am currently getting feedback on the existing iteration of the new control scheme. It has a few known bugs, but is overall - I think - a good hybrid of point-and-click and keyboard controls. The major features of this control scheme are:
Cursor icon changes when hovering over a point on the screen that can be interacted with. Different categories of interactions have a unique cursor icon for clarity: boots for a point Amadeus will walk to, eye for an item Amadeus will comment on from afar, hand for an item Amadeus will interact with. This also allows the player to click on and inspect items on the screen that are out of reach for Amadeus, which was not possible with the original control scheme.
Hover + space bar can be used instead of a click. I want to avoid requiring constant clicks because of my own wrist problems, while also embracing the control scheme that makes the most sense for this genre. Hovering with the mouse and using the space bar to invoke click behavior seems to be a good hybrid solution for now. There is currently at least 1 known bug with this as-implemented that I hope to work out next month.
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Forgive the default Unity UI assets - my first priority was getting this to work mechanically, and now that it does, I will iterate on a nice design for the menu. All of the following mechanics are FINISHED (or at least, working; numbers/details still need to be tweaked).
Settings Menu: It is extremely important to be able to access the settings mid-text-event so no one gets stuck with text that's too slow or too fast in the middle of important dialogue. Therefore, this settings menu is effectively a pause menu that can be accessed at any time without being intrusive. It can currently be opened by a UI button or the Esc key; this may be changed in the future.
Auto Text Toggle: Currently, a button toggles Auto Text on/off in this menu. I would like to also implement a hotkey that acts as the toggle and is easier to use, but with just the button the functionality is there and works as expected.
Auto Text Delay & Text Appearance Rate: There are UI sliders that customize how quickly text appears letter-by-letter, and how long the text will be fully displayed before auto-progressing if Auto Text is toggled on. I've already received some feedback that my "fastest" setting needs to be faster, so the actual numbers of each range will be tweaked more. But the mechanic works!
There are many more settings to be included in this menu - mono vs stereo sound, discrete volume sliders for BGM/SFX, save and load, view controls - but none of these are implemented yet. I have already routed SFX and BGM to different audio buses so the discrete audio controls should be straightforward to code.
For next month, I want to create the remaining mechanics, fix bugs/respond to feedback in those that have already been implemented, and design a settings screen/UI that is more appealing and intuitive. By next devlog, I hope to have screenshots of a finished, functional, shiny new menu!
Art Direction
This is very exciting, and truthfully, a bit daunting. It would be more reasonable in terms of scope to just focus on finishing the game using the same pencil-sketch aesthetic I used for the demo, and until now, I thought I would be content with that.
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...and, unfortunately, I love this so much that I don't think I can convince myself to go back. Compared to the existing sprites:
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It's just... SO effective. I asked for some external feedback on this as well, and received some good advice and a better sense of pros/cons of pivoting my art direction at this point... but once I saw this, I knew that I personally would not be satisfied if I left the art direction the way it has been so far.
It's almost certainly not feasible for me to ink and color every single asset in this game if I want to release it next summer, though, and I do. Taking my self-imposed deadlines seriously, and making concessions to do so, is the only reason the demo got released. Finishing the full game is an INCREDIBLY high priority to me-- I am only working part-time at the moment, specifically so that I can dedicate as much time and energy as possible to this game. I want to finish this, and that necessitates being realistic about what I can achieve, and having discipline in sticking to my deadlines.
So the question has become, not "do I ink the assets?" - but rather, "WHICH assets do I ink, and to what effect?"
Should I only ink the talksprites and perhaps UI items? Should I use the inked assets vs sketched assets to help distinguish which character is speaking, instead of using transparency? Should I use inked assets only in select scenes or circumstances to serve some narrative end?
I don't yet have an answer to these questions, because I only started experimenting with inking about a week ago. Possibly my most important assignment for next month is to make a concrete decision on this. By the end of next month, I will have updated my GDD's "Art Direction" section to reflect this, and to list out every single asset that will need to be inked so I am aware of how much work I'm creating for myself. And - this is essential - whatever I decide, I must stick to it, and not let myself try to keep adding more effort to every aspect of the game, lest it never get finished. This is getting added only because, as a visual novel, I believe the quality of the visuals is an essential and highly compelling part of the game, so I think in this case it is worth it.
(I've wanted since the beginning to better convey Amadeus's porcelain wrists in the game... color will be a very effective tool for that!)
New Music/Discussion of Artist Block
This section is not an objective progress update, but a discussion on my process as an artist, and how this process has changed now that I am no longer attending music school (and therefore no longer surrounded by other musicians, or given constant deadlines to study, analyze, and make music).
I graduated from a Master's program studying music technology and composition in May. The demo for Amadeus released in July. All of the music for the demo was finished when I was still in school; the two months between graduation and release were spent on mechanics, visuals, narrative, sound design, and polish. The first time I attempted to write new music for Amadeus on my own was in August... and it was slow going.
By reviewing notes from a course on 20th century Harmony, I was able to sketch about 8 measures of music. They were a promising 8 measures! However... they never turned into anything more than that. I couldn't figure out how to develop or extend them, I couldn't see a path forward, and I felt awful comparing this barely-started idea to all of the polished, finished works of music I made while in school. I was stuck for quite a while, not just on this piece but for other music projects outside of Amadeus. I felt unable to write any new, good, original music.
The good news is, as of the time of writing this, I feel that I have overcome that. I don't doubt the problem will resurface again, but I hope that the approaches I used this month to combat it will be of use to me again in the future. I have a finished, brand new composition for Solea's grove! It needs dynamics, finesse, orchestration, mixing, recordings, and lots of detail/love.... but the composition is complete, and it's one of my best. I also have a pianist friend who has agreed to record it for me once I prepare sheet music for her, so like many of my other pieces, this will be a collaboration with another musician. Those are always my strongest and favorite works.
Because I've made such progress, despite things feeling so bleak just a few weeks ago, I want to write a little about what helped me self-motivate and create an environment that is stimulating enough for me artistically to write new music that I'm proud of.
I asked a lot of people for advice. I messaged several of my friends from school about how I felt unable to write good music since I graduated, and asked if any of them felt the same way. And while all of them had a different relationship to the problem, ALL of them had similarly found it difficult to write music recently, and ALL of them had really unique, helpful, and personal insight when we talked about it. This also helped with the fact that I've been feeling isolated since I left school, by reconnecting with these friends.
I re-organized my workspace and catalogued my reference materials. I knew that my space didn't feel "right" for creating, so I removed an external monitor that I barely use and put a BIG box of books, notes, sheet music, handouts, magazines, and other resources related to music directly on my desk at eye level. And per the advice of a friend who works in a library: to avoid losing track of the contents of all of these notebooks, I made index cards listing the contents of each so I can easily reference them without opening them. The process of making these catalog cards also refreshes the information in my brain as I write it down, so I'm more aware of what I have on hand.
Myself and 2 school friends are starting monthly prompt challenges where we share a prompt at the start of the month and use it to force ourselves to Make Something. Crucially, these are low-stakes and it's ok if they suck a little bit. It's just an exercise to keep up with the craft. In school, we constantly worked on half-assed assignments in addition to select high-effort passion projects; those half-assed assignments really did help keep us in shape. So now we're self-assigning them! And also using this as an opportunity to give and receive critical feedback, which helps us continue to grow.
I'll be attending at least one live music show every month! One thing I really miss from school was constantly being exposed to all kinds of music, including that which isn't particularly to my taste. I learned so much from that kind of exposure. Now that I have the names and info of some great venues in my new area, I plan to go to shows at least monthly so I can continue to learn from other artists and remember the unique magic of live performance. And support other artists!
Truthfully, I don't know if any specific one of these steps really solved the problem, or if it was just a matter of the right combination of circumstances to get my brain to feel "right" to make music again. I really like to think that these concrete steps are helping. The wonderful thing about developing a game, though, is that even if I go 3 months being unable to write good music... there is SO MUCH else I can work on that I can still feel proud of myself. In this time, I've already accomplished so much toward my goal of a full episode 1 release next summer. And I think that helps motivate me, too.
As always! I think it matters to talk about other art/media I've interacted with, both as direct inspiration for Amadeus and just as fun, enriching experiences for me as a person. This month I....
Played a couple more Castlevania games: Aria of Sorrow and Harmony of Dissonance. Neither quite hit the spot after Symphony of the Night was so uniquely appealing to me, but I have enjoyed both, and have found Harmony of Dissonance in particular really fun. Its soundtrack is deranged in a way I quite enjoy, and I love the stupid furniture collection mechanic.
Listened, extensively and on repeat, to Professor Layton and Castlevania series music. Normally I wouldn't bother mentioning this here because you can generally assume that listening to melodic video game music on my MP3 player is my default state of being. This month, however, there were several days where I set aside hours specifically to listen to music from these two series as inspiration for some of my own music projects, including Amadeus; so they merit attention. I would like to make a special shout-out to "The Tragic Prince" (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night), "Clockwork" (Castlevania: Circle of the Moon), and "Kodh" (Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy).
Played Slide in the Woods (an itch.io game!) with a friend as a Halloween get-together activity. I was just searching for a Mac-compatible, short, free horror game, and this one came up. It was a really great example of solid, simple game design: it does a lot with just ONE mechanic. By making a game so focused on one thing, it really draws the player's attention to what changes, and is a fantastic reference for pacing and environmental storytelling. If you are interested in something simple and very creepy I recommend it.
That wraps it up for this month! Next devlog at the end of November, but as mentioned at the beginning, you can follow this blog or join the Discord server for more frequent updates. The Discord server is also great if you're interested in playtesting as I continue building out more mechanics. And you'll be the first to know once more bells and whistles are added to the new website! All that and more here: https://linktr.ee/amadeusgame
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sunseteternal · 6 months ago
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About Me
You can call me K because I'm not about putting too much of my personal information out on the internet (there's a lot of creeps out there, peeps)
22 | '02 | She/Her | Straight | American | White
Some of my hobbies include Reading, Writing, Listening to Music, Going on Walks, and Playing Mobile Puzzle Games.
You can also find me on AO3 and Wattpad
AO3: Ks_World
Wattpad: Casuallypretty
*Note: Out of all 3 platforms, I am most active on Wattpad, only because I am still learning how to operate Tumblr and AO3 as a Writer. I am on Tumblr and AO3, but I have mostly been reading fics. Recently, I have been wanting to try out writing on both platforms, but I still need to figure out how to properly use them. So, until then, you can find me more on Wattpad. I am currently in the process of releasing fics, but I thought I would try to spread my name out there more as a Writer by using more than one platform. I have over 100 drafts on Wattpad that I am in the process of writing and have two published stories, but they are currently on a hiatus until I find inspiration for them again. As of Tumblr and AO3, I have nothing in the works yet, but I hope to be releasing content soon as I am trying to get back into writing again. So, please look forward to future works from me! 🧡
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Stan List
I'm a K-Pop Multistan of multiple groups and a few soloists. I'm always getting in to more artists so my stan list is subject to change quite a bit.
*Key: Bias/ Bias Wrecker(s)
Ult Bias ~ K (&TEAM)
BTS - Jimin & Jungkook/ J-Hope & Suga SEVENTEEN - Vernon/ Dino TXT - Taehyun & Beomgyu/ Yeonjun ENHYPEN - Heeseung/ OT6 &TEAM - K/ OT8 BND (BOYNEXTDOOR) - Riwoo & Jaehyun/ Taesan & Leehan Le Sserafim - Yunjin/ Chaewon KATSEYE - OT6
EXO - Baekhyun/ Chanyeol SuperM - Taeyong/ Baekhyun NCT 127 - Yuta/ Taeyong & Jaehyun & Jungwoo & Haechan NCT Dream - Jaemin/ Renjun & Jeno & Chenle WayV - Yangyang/ OT5 NCT Wish - Sion/ Jaehee RIIZE - Anton/ Shotaro & Sungchan & Wonbin Red Velvet - Seulgi/ Irene
GOT7 - Jackson/ Bambam & Mark Stray Kids - Hyunjin/ Felix Twice - Jihyo/ Tzuyu
BLACKPINK - Rosé/ Lisa & Jennie
The Boyz - Eric/ Kevin & Jacob
Ateez - Wooyoung/ Hongjoong
ZEROBASEONE - Hanbin & Zhanghao/ Ricky & Gyuvin
KARD - BM & Jiwoo/ J.Seph & Somin (I DO NOT SHIP! This is just my bias of the guys and the girls)
*Note: I only write fanfics for Boy Groups. Though you may still see some of the Girl Group members from any of the groups I stan show up in my writings as the Female OC's friends.
Other Groups I have listened to (some of them only a song or two), but don't stan (YET):
Boy Groups IKON Pentagon MONSTA X TREASURE VIXX Winner Super Junior Shinee BTOB
Girl Groups Mamamoo Aespa Everglow Itzy Illit New Jeans IVE NMIXX Kiss Of Life Babymonster G-I-DLE
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*The following are solo artists that I have casually listened to, but I don’t stan them as hard as the groups.
Jackson Wang
Lay Zhang
Kang Daniel
Jeon Somi
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Non-Kpop Artists:
Ariana Grande
Justin Bieber
The Weeknd
Camila Cabello
Ava Max
Melanie Martinez
Chase Atlantic
Jonas Brothers
Charlie Puth
Jason Derulo
Chris Brown
Nicki Minaj
Doja Cat
Tate McRae
5 Seconds of Summer
Sabrina Carpenter
Maroon 5
Lady Gaga
Summer Walker
Shawn Mendes
Ed Sheeran
The Chainsmokers
Harry Styles
Bruno Mars
Cardi B
Megan Thee Stallion
Bea Miller
Madison Beer
Dua Lipa
Troye Sivan
Alessia Cara
Selena Gomez
Zara Larsson
Demi Lovato
Ellie Goulding
and Many More ...
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Other Non-Kpop Fandoms:
*Movies/ TV Shows
Maze Runner
Harry Potter
The Hobbit/ LOTR
Star Wars
Marvel (Avengers, X-Men)
OUAT (Once Upon A Time)
13 Reasons Why
TVD (The Vampire Diaries)
Shameless (US)
Umbrella Academy
AHS (American Horror Story)
The Hunger Games
The Outsiders
Fruits Basket
Seven Deadly Sins
SAO (Sword Art Online)
My Neighbor Totoro
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
Demon Slayer
So I'm A Spider, So What?
and More ...
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0 notes
loudmouthedllama · 11 months ago
Re: "Not enough people are speaking out against the bullshit" Here's part of the issue with that as someone who WAS attempting to speak out against the average Tumblr BS: These people will pull any underhanded tactic in order to delegitimize you and take away your platform. They churn the rumor mill and make up lies about you that they spread to other people who have little to nothing to do with you behind your back. I've been a victim of this pettiness and have essentially had to tread on thin ice just to be able to continue using a third party public space, and while it is somewhat cathartic to take away the barest strand of a reason to have someone attack me publicly over stated opinions that had nothing to do with them, it's still vexing on some level that it's something I have to make a case out of at all. Like I'm some tumor on the website simply for sticking to my own lane more often than not and not causing problems behind the scene, unlike a lot of other people. You can't even filter and manage your own space without some people throwing shitfits and getting others to essentially stalk you, especially if you never had a single thing to do with these people in the first place. Not to mention all the egotism and grandstanding they'll do in those same public spaces like they're moral authorities in the RPC. The very same people who criticize "rules for thee but not for me" practice the same exact behavior themselves more often than not, or so I've found. Heaven forbid it's not state-sanctioned outrage, otherwise being upset at these sorts of things and criticizing them makes you too overly "aggro" and "mean" for most people's tastes. A friend of mine has also ended up with a steadily shrinking friend circle because they don't take the usual Tumblr BS lying down and a lot of their longtime friends are chickening out on them for it. Now, I'm not saying we should simply roll over and fall in line to be successful on this website, but just that it should be understood that we will always be outnumbered compared to the rest because everyone else is, if I might dare call them such, either sociopathic or perpetual victims who will inevitably get used by the sociopaths on here. This site is, unfortunately, a niche little safe haven for these types of people on the internet.
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thelaurenshippen · 2 years ago
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I've gotten a lot of new followers in the last few days, I'm assuming because of the twitter exodus and while I imagine most of you are hopping over from following me there, I figured it wouldn't hurt to re-introduce myself to tumblr!
my name is Lauren Shippen and I am a
podcast writer/director/producer
sometimes voice actor
enormous fangirl
longtime tumblr user
my writing usually involves
supernatural/speculative elements
found family
queer stories
imperfect characters who you hopefully still love
stuff that may want to make you yell at me/get a tattoo/write fanfic/draw fanart
when I say I'm a longtime tumblr user, I mean it. I first joined the site in '09 (I recently found my first post, which is still up on my first blog which was about me moving from Blogspot. boy, that sure was 15 years ago, huh?) and have had *counts on fingers....runs out of fingers* a lot of blogs on here. this is my main front-facing tumblr, along with:
@dashboarddiaries (a podcast I do with @overchers all about tumblr!)
@breakerwhiskey (a daily microfiction podcast about shouting into the void at the end of the world and hoping it shouts back)
@thebrightsessions (an audio drama about ppl with supernatural abilities in therapy, I've reblogged a LOT of fanart for it on this blog)
@chambersandfogg (a yearly fiction podcast (with monthly posts!) about two rival magicians who discover they're both immortal. the slowest of slow burns)
@maxinemilespod (my choose your own ending YA mystery! not terribly active at the mo, but hopefully will be if/when we do S2)
@bridgewaterpodcast (my spooky podcast I do with thee Misha Collins and thee Aaron Mahnke - again, not active at the mo, but there's lots of great fanart and yes, I'm the one answering asks over there and probably one of the few folks with the login info lol)
I'm going to try to more consistent on here - maybe not as much as I am on my personal (guys, I spend a lot of time on tumblr), but certainly more than I do on twitter. okay. this post has gotten too long. happy we're all here!
some links:
find stuff
and here, have some playlists.
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sunnibits · 2 years ago
never seen this show in my life but i'm doing my part!!!
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no okay, but seriously, benny boy doesn't even deserve to rank in this one because ofmd is, even from a purely outside perspective, THE 'fuck that old man' show. it is the show that appears to be, for all intents and purposes, uniquely constructed around fucking that old man/those old men. am i wrong???? have all the slutty gifsets pulled me astray?? WHAT IS THE TRUTH
EXACTLY!! You’re SO correct Abbey like come on people does Ed tummy mean NOTHING TO YOU???
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I’m literally so mad about Izzy losing the vote you have no idea. Like yes I understand Benoit is thee tumblr babygirl right now but he comes NOWHERE close to being as fuckable as God’s Perfect Bottom, Israel Fucking Hands. Everyone voting for Benoit is either wrong or GROSSLY uneducated.
Like, yeah, ok, I haven’t actually watched Glass Onion so maybe I don’t get the right to speak on it, but unless I’m missing some hidden side of the fandom that’s posting nonstop about Benoit Blanc’s radioactive pussy??? He has NOTHING, I tell you, NOTHING on the way Izzy Hands has been mass-sexualized by the fandom. The only posts I’ve ever seen about mr Blanc have been funny goofy sillyposts. That is NOWHERE near the level of insanity that Izzy Hands inspires in people.
I have seen the most deranged fucking posts ever created by the human mind about this man. The most fucked up insane porn to ever exist. I mean, truly INSANE amounts of porn art and writing, oh my god you would not believe how much, WHICH THE ACTOR WHO PLAYS HIM LITERALLY ACTIVELY ENCOURAGES!!!!! I mean come ON, Izzy Hands did not MOAN “OOO DADDY” ON SCREEN FOR Y’ALL TO LET HIM LOSE THE FUCKABLE OLD MAN VOTE!!!
This 55 year old grumpy ass man has been bent over a hundred different ways by the fandom, he has been shipped with himself, he has been TURNED INTO AN ANIME GIRL, he has been dubbed a throat goat, a slut, a babygirl, he has been drawn as a catboy, in maid costumes, in cow costumes, there is literally a comic about him on Twitter in which he is literally a TRANSGENDER POMERANIAN DOG WHO GOT KNOCKED UP BY DOG CALICO JACK.
everyone go show your fucking respect to The Most Fuckable Babygirl Old Man to ever exist right now or I’m blowing you up. I know it’s too late for him to win the vote because people are ignorant, shameful fools, but at the very least we can make sure he doesn’t lose without honor. vote izzy hands as that old man you wanna fuck.
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jewul · 2 years ago
my definitive teen wolf world tour rewatch ship tier list awooo let’s go!!
sciles: they are boy best friends 4 LIFE. no further explanation required
thiam: admittedly I was not around for when this became a thing but from whispers on the street i can see the vision. liam dunbar is kinda the mitch marner of teen wolf and fanon thiam has mitch marner/matt martin energy. also as a teenager I remember being violently repulsed by theo but upon rewatch I am allured by his sociopathic ken doll tendencies
stalia: singlehandedly ranks this high because of the sheer combined force of dylan obrien’s and shelley hennig’s charisma DESPITE the fact that they lost their virginity to each other in the basement of a mental institution (so riverdale-coded when you think about it!!). when I was blogging about teen wolf at 15 my tumblr username was babygirlmalia. i wouldn’t leave without you. no i would never leave without you…
scira: this is one is fueled purely by my love for kira and my desire for her to have nice things :3 kira/malia exists as a footnote here because of the brimming potential they exhibited in that one scene. if kira had chemistry with anyone else on the show they’d be up here too
scisaac: LET’S GET ISAAC A BOYFRIEND COME ON WE CAN DO IT!! isaac you and your gay little scarf are everything to me. daniel sharman struggling to do an american accent i love you. sorry stiles but this one is also boy best friends 4 life… mixed in with some healthy tussling. bi4bi4life
sterek: entire civilizations have been reduced to ash over the union of these two characters. but where would we be without them? that’s what I thought
stydia: I can appreciate the dedication to the Longest Slow Burn ever, but this is a lavender marriage. they are dyke4gay, e.g. lydia: (does some sociopathic shit) -line break- stiles: honestly, work
scalia: I wasn’t around for when this came to fruition either but gut instinct says this is UNLAWFUL!! an egregious breach of the bro code!! I am willing to amend this placement if presented with significant evidence that they acknowledged how weird this is when it happens but for now I cannot accept these two together. WHAT ABOUT STILES?? will someone PLEASE think of stiles!!!
derek/braeden: Everyone Is Beautiful and No One Is Horny. to be fair we can apply this to most teen wolf ships but these two together especially make me feel like I’m watching a calvin klein ad. also why does braeden have to sleep in a victoria secret lingerie set. i know that underwire is killing you girl </3
lydia/parrish: despite him being a cop I am actually a parrish enjoyer. I just think he’s helpful and nice. with that said please can we give him an adult love interest. thank you
peter x anyone. i want to see him in a relationship less than I want to see derek’s house burn down again (is this contentious?? sound awf in the comments)
im sorry hayden and liam you did nothing wrong but you are a FLOP. extremely forgettable to me. and for that I am truly sorry
honourable mention goes to liam and mason’s bestie shenanigans. If liam actively participated in more of mason’s gay scheming they’d be up there with the best of them
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hearthandhomemagick · 3 years ago
I'm not sorry for what I am about to say.
You are responsible for your actions or how interpret other people's music or art.
Music and Art are two things meant to express the current or past experiences of the artist in question. It is meant to be relatable to their personal experiences, and others in the world. If large crowds of people relate as well and simply enjoy that music or art, then good for them. Music and Art are meant to be enjoyed, to feel relatable.
Which brings me to this rant I am about to get into.
Just because you do not relate to what Meagan thee Stallion, Doja Cat or Cardi B are rapping or singing about, doesn't mean they don't deserve to be where they are or that they don't deserve to sing about what they are singing about.
I read a very inconsiderate post on here (And blocked the author directly after reading it) stating that the music the above mentioned women are making are, "Hindering and Harming real life people who will never be able to be where those artists are." and how, "These songs give you a false hope that being a THOT is great and these artists are losers." Very watered down sum-up of a lengthy post. But, the writer literally called these successful woman losers while complaining on Tumblr about it.
First and foremost, these women can sing, rap, dance and discuss whatever the fuck they want. They are grown ass woman who worked through a lot of hard shit to get where they are. If they love themselves enough to make songs they enjoy, to write songs about the old them and the new them, to write songs they personally enjoy, you have no reason aside from jealousy to be calling them losers. You are completely discounting the amount of hard work they put into their art under the assumption that no one else will ever be where they are today.
News flash, they did the thing you are claiming is impossible or fake. This very much is their personal reality, and nothing you say can take back their experiences or personal lives. There is no amount of self-righteousness that will validate you insulting someone's success because you feel as though it gives their audience a false sense of hope or "promotes negative activity."
The rest of the world, along with the fans of these artists, can recognize that these artists are creating songs that are a reality for themselves and a majority of their fans. They are also songs for you to have fun with. For you to express yourself, get a little wild and have a good time.
Music is not here to influence you to be a certain way.
You are responsible for your life choices. You are responsible for the shit you do. Not an artist who is responsible for her shit she does in her own person life. I mean, fuck, even Cardi B is more responsible with her children than most of the parents on here. At least she turns off her inappropriate music when her daughter enters a room.
And trust me, I get the argument this person made by saying, "These artists can afford to fix their mistakes and fuck-ups. The people who listen to the music and are influenced by it will never be in the same position."
But, like, A. You don't know where anybody is going to be in life 10 years from now. Any of us are 1 bad hospital bill away from being completely homeless and no one is singing about that or "influencing" you into that position. But it is a very real reality for a lot of people. And B. It is not the responsibility of a singer to make sure you are making the right decisions as a grown ass adult when that artist doesn't even know your fucking name. If you are a child, then it's your parents responsibility to raise you with the appropriate media, not the artists. If you know you are easily influenced by things as simple as music, then you know what to stay away from, don't you? And if you choose to listen to that music and be influenced by it as an adult, guess whose fault that is?
It's not Cardi's, I promise.
Don't go around assuming everyone is exactly like you when it comes to influence. Just because Coke told you to buy their product because "everyone likes it", doesn't mean you start enjoying the product and buying it all of a sudden.
Influence is subtle, but it's not this magical thing that renders you incapable of making personal decisions or having critical thinking skills.
I want to point out that there are Christians who go to church every Sunday, who volunteer for the community and only listen to gospel music that are addicted to Drugs, Molest Children, are Domestic Abusers or are Alcoholics. I promise they aren't listening to Cardi B or any of the artists I've mentioned as a reason to do those awful actions.
Seriously, I don't know why this pissed me off so fucking hard, but it's not a bold statement to discount someone's life experiences or art simply because "I can't relate". It's not a smart statement when you blatantly insult an artist for embracing the person they are while assuming the people listening to the music are somehow incapable of being responsible for their own shit.
God, it's like the video game argument. "Violent Video Games create Violent People" no bitch, unattended violent behavior going uncorrected by grown ass adults is what leads to violent behavior. And even then, it's a personal choice most times to actively not be violent.
Don't be so critical of everyone that you think you're the best human on this planet with no moral downfalls. Don't be so judgmental that you shame people for listening to music.
You also sound like the old folks during the 70's and 80's claiming Rock Music was Satanic and was forcing kids into doing Satanic Shit. It was called Satanic Panic for a reason.
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cto10121 · 4 years ago
Do Romeo and Juliet “Miss” Each Other?
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*le sigh*
So I’m not entirely sure how on earth 2010s era Tumblr came up with this specific joke as the default text, but at least it’s a little more interesting than the garden “hahahaha R&J are just lustful teens!!!” one. Even so, it’s one of those takes that sound clever but are actually just another variation of the whole “R&J wouldn’t last two seconds together!!!!1!” take. Not a serious one for anyone who has read the play, at least.
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I know it’s a joke. But for a joke to be funny, it has to have a kernel of truth, no? And it…doesn’t, really.
Misunderstanding/Miscommunication in R&J
There are plenty of misunderstandings in R&J, though mostly on the Nurse’s part, as she, not R&J, is the one with the most problems with communication. There is 1) the Nurse being too upset over Tybalt’s death and accidentally misleading Juliet to believe that Romeo is dead, instead of Romeo killing Tybalt and being banished.
Nurse. Alack the day! He’s gone, he’s killed, he’s dead!
Juliet. Can heaven be so envious?
Eventually the Nurse finally manages to communicate properly and that misunderstanding is resolved.
There is also the Nurse again, 2) not telling Romeo about Juliet forgiving him for killing Tybalt.
Romeo. Spak’st thou of Juliet? How is it with her?Doth she not think me an old murderer, Now I have stained the childhood of our joy With blood removed but little from her own? Where is she? And how doth she? And what says My concealed lady to our cancelled love?
Nurse. O she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps
As a result, he assumes that Juliet hates him and wants nothing to do with him, with almost disastrous results. After the Friar sets him straight, the Nurse finally gives Romeo Juliet’s ring, and the misunderstanding between him and the Nurse is resolved.
There is also 3) the famous miscarriage of the Friar’s letter due to the plague and Romeo never receiving it, thus knowing the plan. Again, not anything to do with R&J’s relationship, just really bad luck/fate.
Notice how none of these “misunderstandings” arise from the relationship itself, but from other people. The Nurse is the one who accidentally misleads R&J and the letter never arrived to Romeo because of the plague.
R&J Do Not Chill, Not For One Second
R&J not only do not misunderstand or miscommunicate with each other, they don’t even so much as bicker. The closest thing to a snafu these unabashed simp lords get into is this part where Romeo tries to swear his love and Juliet just doesn’t let him:
Romeo. Lady, by yonder blessèd moon I swear, That tips with silver all these fruit tree tops—
Juliet. O swear not by the moon, th’inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.
I would argue, though, that this is not really a good example of an argument or even a negotiation, since it’s clear that Romeo is responding to Juliet’s previous rambly monologue, which showcases her worries, hopes, and insecurities so vividly:
Juliet. O gentle Romeo, If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully. Or if you think I am too quickly won, I’ll frown and be perverse and say thee “nay” So thou wilt woo. But else, not for the world.
Juliet explicitly worries that if Romeo vows, he may “prove false” but she contradicts herself slightly when she tells him to “pronounce it faithfully”—which necessarily means a vow of some sort. (Unless we’re to take this to mean that Juliet would be perfectly assured with Romeo just saying “I love you, really!!!” which…sure, Jan). For all her assurances that she would believe Romeo if he told her he loved her, it’s clear she has doubts. He picks up on this undercurrent easily enough because of course he would and reacts accordingly (Romeo is not a very active listener or pays much attention to detail, but when it comes to Juliet, he is Sherlock freakin’ Holmes).
The only other possible “argument” or disagreement is not really an argument, but merely part of a love game: After the wedding night, Juliet tries to persuade Romeo that what he heard was the lark, not the nightingale, and that it was not time to go yet. Romeo says no, it was the nightingale, Juliet tells him to stay, and it’s all sweet and sad and flirty and tragic all at once, like a reverse “Baby It’s Cold Outside”:
Juliet. It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear. Nightly she sings on yond pom’granate tree. Believe me, love, it was the nightingale.
Romeo. It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale. Look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east. Night’s candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops. I must be gone and live, or stay and die.
Juliet. Yond light is not daylight. I know it, I.
“I really must go” 🎶“But bae, it’s still dark outside”🎶
(There is also R&J’s shared love language and shared metaphors that both employ, either influenced by each other or independently from each other. These simp lords have tons of soulmate vibin’ and imagery in their exchanges, it’s insane.)
R&J both want the same things, to be together, and they both react similarly when confronted with obstacle or disaster. Chances at miscommunication are subverted; Juliet’s anger at Romeo for killing Tybalt quickly gives way to forgiveness, and they reconcile for without trouble for their wedding night. They are consistently on the same page from start to finish.
So In Sum
Characters don’t usually communicate well in R&J, for either feud-related reasons, generational ones, (Friar with Romeo, Nurse with Juliet) or even individual ones. R&J are physically apart for most of the play, so they have to rely on other people to be messengers of their love, which inevitably leads to a lot of trouble communication-wise. But the important thing to note is that the miscommunication is never at their end. It’s at other people’s.
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wizardnuke · 4 years ago
tagged by thee legend @benoitblanc
1. why did you choose your url? it's brekker and rietveld mashed together bc kaz. I love him i looove him
2. any sideblogs? yes! @lobotomycas, which is my very active spn blog, and @gardenagony, which is adjacent to spn but mostly just aesthetics
3. how long have you been on tumblr? on this blog? over four years I think. I've been here off and on for six years tho
4. do you have a queue tag? I do not! am I online? am I offline? who knows!
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? 2012 era avengers my beloveds
6. why did you choose your icon? it's of a guy and a goat. what more could u want.
7. why did you choose your header? it's minimalistic and aestheticy and it's a crow bc six of crows
8. what's your post with the most notes? deep sigh. roanoke post. if u wanna see the whole thing you'll have to go thru the reblogs bc tumblr is terrible. let me rest
9. how many mutuals do you have? to be entirely honest I have NO idea god bless I've been inactive here for the past six months and idk who's here and who isn't
10. how many followers do you have? 4719 and dropping god bless. ure all too afraid of the truth (that six of crows FUCKS)
11. how many people do you follow? 398!
12. have you ever made a shitpost? that's all I ever do. that's what the roanoke post was tbh
13. how often do you use tumblr? im chronically online. daily. can range from several hours (in my defense it's when I'm scrolling at night) to like 30 minutes but it's very very rarely ever not every day rip
14. have you had a fight/argument with a blog before? who won? yes. there are no winners in tumblr blog arguments just tumblr bloggers who feel the need to argue on tumblr. I haven't seriously argued with anyone on here since 2017. I probably lost then
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this post” posts? fuck off <3
16. do you like tag games? I LOVE them
17. do you like ask games? I LOVE them
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? I have no clue who my mutuals are I've been inactive here for six months. mutuals sound off pls
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? yes. all of them. mutuals let's kiss
tagging whoever wants to do it!
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floresdeldoza · 4 years ago
Hi love your blog and I'm glad to see you back posting. But there are lots of us who have been here all this time while you were not active trying our best to keep things going, so maybe you can try to show a little patience and respect? Some things you post come across as condescending. TY!
“TY!” is potentially thee most condescending sign-off I’ve experienced and I work with a lot of older men, but just for the record (1) I have never had nor do I currently have any obligation to “keep things going” on Tumblr with regards to fandom at any point in my life, but good for you; (2) I got an objectively INSANE ask that I did admittedly get a little bullish about, but which I acknowledged on this blog and TO that person specifically and apologized; (3) I am sick of strangers trying to mother me, I am a grown ass woman doing my best and am free to say what I like and fuck off when I want
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