#i am so upset with jinx's death
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tucbilo · 4 months ago
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This is actually what happened and we got a better ending
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angstywaifu · 23 days ago
My Everything - Garrick Tavis
Summary: In a heated argument post mission, Garrick says something he doesn't mean. And sadly his words end up becoming true.
Request by @ri56 Warnings: This does not have a happy ending. This fic has a character death. Do not read if this is something that might upset you.
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I never thought much about how it would feel to die or how I would die. Ironic seeing as my life was full of it. From the rebellion and watching my parents die, to becoming a cadet in the Rider’s Quadrant where death was almost a daily occurrence. And now as I lie here, screaming in pain I thought it would be different. But sacrificing myself for someone I love, I couldn’t think of a better way to go. I’d always protect those I love with everything I had. And this was my everything.
“Where is he?” Someone yells out. Imogen maybe? It sounded like her usual commanding tone.
”I don’t know!” Someone replies as they rush over.
I let out another scream of pain as my dragon cries out behind me. So quiet compared to how loud they usually were. I look up at them, watching how weak their breathing is. Watching as their chest shudders for breath. It won’t be long now. I can feel it. Feel how weak our bond is, feel how weak we both are.
’Where is she?” I hear a familiar voice call out. The voice of the one I’d protected.
From what I could tell they sounded ok. Good. Least they’d survived. Otherwise our move would have been for nothing. He needed to live. He was to valuable to loose. Xaden needed him.
”Over here!” Imogen calls out.
I look over to see her shoving cadets aside to clear the way. The cadets behind them parting as their large figure pushes through the crowd. Their eyes meet mine, the colour draining from their face as they take me in, leaning up against my dragon as I writher in pain. They rush over to me, no longer caring if someone is in their way as they nearly push a cadet to the ground in their effort to get to me.
He kneels next to me, pulling me into his lap as he cradles me in his arms. His hand coming up to hold my face. His hazel eyes are glossed over with tears waiting to spill over. But I know he’s holding them back for me. He doesn’t want me to see him cry. He probably feels like it’s his fault. That he jinxed it.
“What the hell were you doing?” He yells at me as he storms over to where Imogen and I stand.
Imogen rolls her eyes. “Good luck.” She says before walking off towards the kitchen.
I turn towards him, crossing my arms across my chest. “My job. That’s what I was doing.” I tell him sternly.
I wasn’t going to let him put me down for this. I’d been given an order, and I’d done it. And I’d been told to get it done by any means necessary. Which I had. Had it nearly cost me my life? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes. I’d gotten us valuable intel that Brennan and the assembly had needed. Intel that could change a lot for us.
”You could have died doing what you did. What were you thinking sending the rest of your squad away?” He snaps at me as he stops in front of me. His chest rising and falling rapidly, his face twisted into a scowl. Yeah. He was pissed.
”I was thinking I didn’t want to get them killed. Better to lose one person than six.” I snap back.
It was hard not to feel intimidated by him. With his height and build, anyone felt small. And when he was pissed, I felt fucking tiny. But I had done the right thing. And no one had gotten hurt.
”Your life isn’t worth risking over some intel.” He growls out, his hands forming into fists. Something he always did when trying to stop himself from lashing out too much.
”That intel could say hundreds of lives. So yes, it is worth it. And last I checked I am alive and well. And none of us got hurt. I fail to see what the issue is Lieutenant.”
He shakes his head at me, scoffing at my retort as he turns his head from me. “Well maybe you should have gotten hurt and died. Might have taught you a lesson.”
I watch as he turns and storms off back to Riorson House, not even sparing me a glance as he turns the corner.
”You’re going to be ok sweetheart.” He tells me, his voice shaking as his lip trembles ever so slightly.
I do my best to smile up at him, reaching up and placing my hand over his. “No I’m not. We both know I’m not.” I gasp out as another wave of pain washes over me, my hand flying out and grasping his flight jacket.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t hav-”
”Don’t.” I say, cutting him off. “This wasn’t your fault.”
He nods at me, the motion causing a tear to roll down his face, following the line of the scar he’d gotten at Resson earlier this year.
”Why? I could have handled it.” He tells me, his thumb caressing my cheek.
I shake my head. “You’re good Garrick. But you aren’t that good. A-and, he needs you. You’re too valuable. He needs you.”
”He’d make do. I’m not worth your life.” He tells me, his voice more shaky than it was before as he glances up at my dragon.
I haven’t got much time. The bond is silent now. My head feels so quiet and empty for the first time in three years. It feels…. weird. Like I’m missing part of myself. Because I am. My dragon is gone. Meaning I won’t long left.
”Y-you are.” I get out before I cry out in pain, Garrick’s arms tightening as he holds me closer to him as I start to fade.
My hand falls from where it grips his jacket, my head starting to go limp in his hand. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I did.” He rushes out, knowing I don’t have much time left.
I force my eyes open as they start to flutter close. “It’s ok. I f-forgive you.” I get out with a small smile. “Love you Garrick.”
My eyes fall close as the darkness pulls me in. Feeling Garrick start to panic as I slip away in his arms. Barely registering as his lips press to mine before I fade away. I gave my everything for Garrick, and I don’t regret it.
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theautismcorner · 4 months ago
I was talking to my lovely friend about this so I thought I would share:
Warning for Arcane spoilers!!!
I understand being upset about Ekko not getting a happy ending and about Singed getting his happy ending but I think you guys are also kind of missing a crucial point to the story of arcane as a whole. People in real life don't always get what they deserve - good people don't always get good things and bad people don't always get bad things. Arcane is showing you that harsh reality. We don't always get what we deserve, we are all imperfect, and we all make mistakes. Before I get into this next part i want to say that I am not excusing anyones actions but I am explaining them. You can feel however you want about all of these. Viktor thought he was helping people but he was mistaken. Cait was forced into a position she didn't want while she was grieving and made mistakes due to her mental state. Vi made the mistake of leaving Powder which led to her becoming Jinx and them becoming estranged. Powder made a mistake with that bomb which killed her friends and caused the death of Vander and Vi leaving her. Hell - Silco made many mistakes while he was trying to keep his promise to free Zaun (which I have a lot of thought on - maybe that will be a different post). EVERYONE in this show has made mistakes and that's what makes them feel so real and relatable. Humans make mistakes. And no, life is not fair. Powder and Vi deserved to grow up with a mom. Ekko deserved to have someone after all he did to save everyone. Sky did not deserve to die. Viktor deserved to be remembered for all of the good he did but his name was probably not written on a memorial paper and he will be remembered just as a villain. Mel finally lived up to her mothers expectations but her mom died in the process, leaving her with no one after everything was over and she didn't deserve that. I could keep going on forever about all of this but I think y'all get my point by now. Life is imperfect and I love Arcane for showing us this.
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applebuttercringe · 4 months ago
Also this is all my personal opinion written while I am very sleep deprived like 30 seconds after I finished the finale. Take it with a grain of salt.
Jinx’s story is so irresponsible. This is a character whose suffering was shown in great detail the entire series. Her suicide attempts span across the plot. Her arc is about feeling like she ruins everything she touches, and the self harming behaviors that result from it. We watch in detail as she is beaten, screamed at, had happiness dangled in front of her and then ripped away again and again, and all throughout it she makes attempts on her own life. Then the final episode starts with one of the most graphic depictions of her suicide attempts, while a haunting song about the pain of existence and how death is a release plays. It might as well the the suicide theme song. Then the finale ends with her “sacrificing herself” while the same song plays. Smiling through the tears as she finally kills herself.
That is just such an awful end for the character. This reduces her entire arc throughout the series to just an endless pain train with no comfort. Is the moral that this is the only way she could atone, make things right. Are we supposed to believe she really is a jinx? Are we supposed to believe she is better off dead?
It is a grotesquely irresponsible portrayal of depression and suicide.
I know this is extremely individual but as someone who has struggled with self harm and suicidal ideation this scene was just viscerally upsetting.
I am so terribly disappointed in Arcane.
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angiethewitch · 3 months ago
things I did thinking I was being spiritual but it was actually a severe psychotic episode
to preface i am a pagan but let's be honest here this was straight up a mental health crisis
okay let's go
convinced myself there was a very angry poltergeist in my loft after I found out there was an old bed frame up there and it needed my help to move on but instead I threw salt up there and refused to let anyone walk underneath the loft opening
decided I had mastered the art of astral projection and I was travelling to astral planes and I could fly around the world while I was actually just lying there vividly hallucinating
straight up told people that my spiritual guides were gonna kill them like how did I expect them to do anything but laugh in my face
blood magic. like really dangerous stuff. thought I could bring my dead mother back to life by exchanging my life force for her own. hello?
vividly hallucinated my dead mother talking to me and fully believed she was a trapped spirit but nobody else could hear her and it was up to me to save her. all through her funeral she talked to me, she spoke to me for months. took me nearly a year to start dealing with her death and actually begin the grieving process
decided my husband was cursed and made him stand in the kitchen while I walked in a circle around him boiling herbs. poor bloke has dealt with so much
became convinced if I could just cast the right glamour spell at the right time I could breathe underwater and tested this out in the ocean like a very normal and sane individual
thought the wind was actually terrible forces speaking to me and delivering messages just for me so I became terrified of wind because I would have to sit outside and decipher the words that were clearly just for me
sewed a load of crystals onto a t shirt to protect myself from bad energies and called myself "the high priestess" and got very upset when people couldn't understand my power
understood that my cat was not actually a cat and was in fact the spirit of a 2500 year old druid priest sent to guide me in the form of a cat. Still called him Jinx though
started a journal where I detailed all the signs that the end of the world was coming
Read online that the colour red means angry so I desperately avoided the colour red because that meant the world was angry with me
tried to summon satan to terrorise my neighbour who was mean to me and fully believed it would work
decided I was immortal and imbued with the powers of ancient gods which led to some very risky and dangerous situations which I will obviously not detail here
there are many more examples but these are the most ridiculous ones
if you followed me for the witchcraft posts, im sorry. ive had to take a step back from it all for the sake of my own mental wellbeing. spirituality is a huge trigger for me. I tried practicing in moderation, I tried practicing just a little, but it is too much now. I had to unfollow a lot of witchcraft blogs because 1) they all seemed to collectively devolve into conspiracy theories and 2) i had to remove myself from the online witchcraft space. if you were wondering why I don't post about witchcraft anymore, this is why. I barely practice anymore, and when I do, I keep it private so im not encouraged by online validation.
please practice safely. always consider the mundane explanations first.
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venomwrites · 4 months ago
Violet Vanderson died horribly.
Vi taps the pen to her lip. Considers her next move. Caitlyn’s couch is super comfortable and she can hear her working across the room. Vi takes a deep breath, she needs to get in the right headspace. To focus. 
“You seem upset,” Caitlyn says. 
“I’m in your blindspot,” Vi reminders her. 
“You’re huffing,” Caitlyn replies evenly.
Vi rolls her eyes. 
“I heard that.”
“Bullshit. Alright listen to this,” she says and rolls onto her stomach. “Vi Vanderson died horribly. She is survived by her sister who got so high on body paint fumes she forgot Vi spent every second looking for her and would be deeply affected by her death,” she taps the pen to her lip again, “come immediately to pay your respects because as per her last wishes, Ekko is in the coffin and running out of air.”
“Vi!” Caitlyn says her name with equal parts affection and frustration, “that’s horrible.”
“Horrible enough you’d come to the funeral?” She asks hopefully. 
Caitlyn sighs and pushes herself up. Vi rolls onto her back and lifts her head as Caitlyn sits down, slipping her thigh at the nape of Vi’s neck. She’s wearing a pair of soft, expensive pants that turn her thigh into the nicest pillow ever. So nice that Vi barely protests when Caitlyn takes the obituary form and pen out of her hands. She gets one soft noise out before Caitlyn sweeps her fingers through her bangs and scratches her fingertips into Vi’s scalp. 
“She has to come if she thinks I’m dead, right?” Vi mumbles. Caitlyn digs her fingers against her scalp and Vi arches into the touch. 
“Vi Vanderson died horribly because her girlfriend got very annoyed with her writing her own obituary given the number of times she has almost died,” Caitlyn says. 
“You beat me last time,” Vi points out. Caitlyn’s fingers still, “okay okay,” Vi sighs, “Vi Vanderson died horribly because her girlfriend has pretty nails.” Caitlyn’s fingers go back to work. She drags a sound from Vi’s throat, “Vi Vanderson died horribly because this feels fucking great.
“Maybe Vi Vanderson should not be drafting her own obituary,” Caitlyn says. 
Vi has always liked the way Caitlyn says her name. Even when it was said in completely exasperation. When she’s exasperated color goes high on her cheeks and she looks so real and warm, sometimes Vi does shit just to get her to say her name like that. She likes it when she says it softly, when she moans it, she likes all of it. She’s always been Vi to Caitlyn. Violet sometimes, usually when she’s asking something serious or wanting her attention. But then she slips right back into Vi. 
Vanderson had been a gut punch split second decision. They could have just set her shoulder but Vi wasn’t leaving Caitlyn’s side. The only way to stay with someone when they had a gut wound and a gouged out eye was to get yourself admitted. Apparently screaming VI wasn’t enough for Piltover. So she had blurted out the first thing that she could think of. Vanderson. Vander was my dad. I’m from him, he’s with me no matter what I do. Where I go. Like he always has been, even when we’re worlds apart. 
Violet Vanderson. 
“I wouldn’t have to write this stupid thing if she was just—thinking straight,” Vi mutters. 
“Let’s say you write it,” Caitlyn says, “what then? We have to throw your funeral?” She frowns at the paper.
“I guess?” Vi says. Caitlyn makes a noise, “don’t worry I was only joking about the Ekko thing.”
“Vi I am not throwing you a funeral,” Caitlyn says like it’s not a brilliant idea. It’s fair play too. Jinx let her think she was dead, now she can cry over Vi’s funeral, “why don’t you just wait for her to contact you?”
“Because she won’t,” Vi says. She looks up at Caitlyn who meets her gaze with an arch of a delicate eyebrow, “she needs a trap. Wasn’t that on your board?” Caitlyn goes red, “maybe that’s why you never caught her.”
Caitlyn shakes her head and pulls her hand away. Vi almost regrets the teasing until Caitlyn clicks the pen between her wonderful, nimble fingers. 
“Vi Vanderson died horribly because she opened her mouth,” she starts. Vi parts her lips, “and finished the sentence we both know she is about to say.” 
Vi makes a face. 
“You know you like it,” she says, “Vi Vanderson died horribly because her girlfriend has no sense of humor.”
“Vi Vanderson died horribly because she keeps getting lost in the house.”
“Vi Vanderson died horribly because her girlfriend wouldn’t let her go to the fish market after—”
“You did almost die!” 
Caitlyn huffs but she combs her fingers back through Vi’s hair. There’s a sound of creasing paper. Vi opens her eyes to see Caitlyn fold the obituary form into a precise shape. She gives Vi a look and flicks her wrist. The paper makes a precise loop and then dives into the fire. Vi tilts her head to watch it be devoured in the flames. She drops her head back against Caitlyn’s thigh. Caitlyn gives a satisfied smirk and goes back to rubbing Vi’s scalp
“Vi Vanderson died horribly because her girlfriend is very good with her hands.” 
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human-space-heater · 4 months ago
Theory about Jinx in Act 3 of Arcane
Everyone is theorizing that Jinx is going to return back to her psychotic self and won’t want to lead the revolution. But I want to focus on something. We see that it's not Jinx that reignited the flame of the revolution, it's Isha. Isha was the reason everyone at Vander’s statues began to rally around, she literally lit the flame of the revolution on the shoulders of the statue of another rebel. Jinx is going to help the revolution not because she wants to but because this was Isha’s dream of her. This is Isha’s revolution in a way. Jinx couldn’t believe someone as pure and innocent as Isha could look at someone like Jinx and want to be like her. Even Jinx doesn’t want that as seen by the way Jinx tries to end her life (her fight with Vi and her fight with Ekko). 
Jinx is going to help the revolution because she doesn’t want to disappoint Isha. She feels that it's her fault that her little ‘sister’ sacrificed herself, it's part of her curse again. Then I remember what Vi told Jinx in their final fight. 
“You killed her! I won't let you taint her memory anymore.”
Maybe this will motivate Jinx? I don't know. I'm so upset about Isha’s death. We can see that Jinx will most likely cut her hair in the next act. This has been a part of Jinx’s identity for as long as we have known her, even when she was still Powder, she still had a braid. But she cuts it. Why? Is it because with the death of Isha, it's also the death of Jinx AND Powder? Is it because those braids no longer stand for Jinx/Powder but rather Isha? 
Another thing I realized is in the second episode of Act 1, Jinx was giving Silco a water burial. And she says something that stands out.
“Her and you, always bossing me around. And now it’s so quiet. What am I supposed to do with that?”
That’s the episode where we meet Isha, a character who doesn’t speak. A character who motivates Jinx, who gives Jinx a reason to keep going. Isha was influencing Jinx just as much as Jinx was influencing Isha. She stopped Jinx from killing Stink Maw, diverting her attention and presenting an idea that gave Jinx a new perspective. I’m nervous but also excited to see what happens next. 
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The writers are doing phenomenally with navigating Caitlyn's descent into darkness (Ep 1 - 3). She explicitly tried not to let her anger and grief get to her and very consciously tried not to write off all of Zaun as the cause for her mother's death. She said she understood how one act can make you hate, and she tried so desperately to focus her ire on Jinx and not have it spill over onto other people. Even after the assault on the memorial, she tried her BEST to not paint all Zaunites as feral animals. She tried. But of course she's only human. The attack occurred while the wound of loss was still fresh. The scab was ripped off again before the skin beneath it had a second to heal.
It would have been so unsatisfying and so cliche to have Caitlyn, demonstrated to be a very self-aware and smart individual, just flip a switch and hate all of Zaun after the death of her mother. I half-expected to happen, was relieved it didn't occur, and am not upset that Caitlyn is where she is at the end of Episode 3. While the end result is the same, I wish there was more media demonstrating people at least trying to resist kneejerk reactions and black-and-white thinking in the face of pain and loss. We're far more than just monkeys instinctively screaming at an evil snake on sight, after all.
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bwat5-blog · 3 months ago
Let's Play What-If: Arcane
**Spoilers For Arcane**
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The use of the grey by Caitlyn's strike during their mission to Zaun is a subject of A LOT. Of controversy. I understand. I do. But I wanted to write this to pose a little scenario to those who are still so upset by it. I have covered the strike team and their actions, the moral implications and a logical break-down all in heavy detail in other posts. I am not repeating myself here. If you are interested I'd love for you to check it out and I'll even find it myself and send it if you want. We are not getting into that here. I understand there is a whole nuanced and deeper conversation regarding the ethical aspect of this. I repeat. WE ARE NOT DOING THAT HERE. For a very quick breakdown:
What We Know:
Piltover is coming. That is not up for debate. The strike team is alternative to full-scale hex-tech invasion.
The Grey is not fatal. I understand there is of course the possibility we find out differently later but for what we are given, we see many characters exposed with zero fatalities.
They are hunting Chem-Barons, AKA known dangerous crime lords of the undercity. And Jinx. Who has an extreme affinity for explosions. In fact, we even see Loris injured by one of her traps in the cinematic.
The Complaints
A: They don't have to be there: Well as I've said, they are option B. So yes, Caitlyn could shut it down and they could leave the unfortunate reality is at this point things have gone too far. if they leave option A is coming. Somehow I doubt bunch of Enforcers with hex-tech are going to hurt less people than a small team using the Grey in targeted locations.
B: They could accomplish their mission without it: This is certainly possible but this is the question that brought me here for this post. What if they didn't use it?
Purely Hypothetical Scenario:
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Let's say the strike team is coming for old chinless here.
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Okay using my expertly created battlefield strategy map. Without the Grey, that is seven armed guards each with the potential to kill one of the strike team, or, if they are still up and fighting that is seven guards who may need to be killed themselves.
With the Grey, hypothetically speaking course. They are all disabled or runaway and that's that. Even more indoors where it would be more focused. Less violence=less death.
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sinfiltrate · 4 months ago
Act 3 spoilers
I just wanted to voice my opinions on the entirety of act 3, I will be making another post focusing on Jayce because I am disappointed with his story specifically.
Let's start with what I'm happy with!
The display of Mel's magic was amazing. All her scenes were so powerful.
CaitVi is canon! (which was predictable for obvious reasons but i'm still happy for them)
The music choice was perfect, as well as the quality of the episodes, as expected. No matter the storyline's flaws, the art style itself is undeniably gorgeous.
Maddie dies IMMEDIATELY after betraying Piltover, so I'm happy with that. Don't get me wrong, I think the season looked rushed, but the instant karma of that scene was enjoyable. It's well executed shock value.
The Caitlyn/Mel and Ambessa fight sequence was SICK. They really emphasized Ambessa's strength and battle IQ here, and while I dislike her, it was satisfying to watch.
The JayVik ending. Now, I am very conflicted with this, but I'll focus on the positive part. THIS MOMENT WAS SO TENDER!! It revealed how much Jayce truly loved and cared for Viktor, and that Viktor thought Jayce to be the only person who could ever make him acknowledge the importance of humanity. Jayce was his last and only hope, and Jayce proved Viktor right in every timeline.
Jayce defenders, we won. We got an entire episode dedicated to what Jayce and Ekko/Heimerdinger went through, and it proved that JAYCE WAS RIGHT AND HIM AND EKKO ARE OUR SAVIORS THANK YOU 🙏
Jayce looked fine asf. That is a beautiful man and I'm expecting many more edits (pretty please).
Alright, now let's get to what I'm upset about.
Jayce's wasted potential. The way I see it, they just reduced him to a pawn in Viktor's character arc, considering that his life begins and ends with Viktor. It's sweet, yes, and can be counted as a win for JayVik shippers, but I really wanted more for Jayce. And yes, I will most definitely come back to this on my Jayce-centric post.
The lack of reaction to Jinx's and Jayce's "death". I'm honestly not sure if either of them are dead (I am also somewhat in denial). Mel lost her lover, of whom brought out a softer side of herself that she didn't even know existed, and there's no reaction? Not even a scene of her finding out? The same goes for Caitlyn, since she literally saw Jayce as an older brother. Then there's Vi, who's seen completely fine with Caitlyn, and Ekko, who's having the only appropriate reaction, but even so, it's too calm. We'd have to assume that there's been another timeskip, but it couldn't have been long since the war. ALSO XIMENA, Jayce's MOTHER, she's seen putting a paper of Jayce's name to burn and honor him after his supposed death, but her expression is blank. Just simple resignation. I don't know, the lack of reaction had me questioning why I was sad.
No proper reunion scenes besides Ekko/Jinx and Mel/Jayce?????I actually liked Ekko and Jinx's reunion, but Mel and Jayce? Not even close to what I expected or wanted.
This season was rushed; that's something everyone can agree on. I think it was very focused on action rather than the complexity of these people's relationships and minds, while the first season had a balance between both. There just wasn't enough time for that balance with all the information they had to give us.
Honestly, and this is gonna sound horrible but hear me out, I would've preferred it if they had episode 6 be the last episode instead, and used the act 2 to explore Caitlyn's dictator arc and truly emphasize how long Jayce, Ekko, and Heimerdinger had been gone. I know how this sounds, but I really wanted to see more of Caitlyn and her mindset during the whole fascism plot rather than have her throw it all away three episodes later. It would've helped others understand her more, while also acknowledging how blinded she had become with anger and sadness. Also, this would've given more time for people to grow an attachment to Isha and see how she reminds Jinx of Powder!!! Just imagine it, the season closing with Jayce "killing" Viktor, no sign of Ekko or Heimerdinger, and Isha dying would have been even MORE devastating; the ultimate cliffhanger. There's no denying people would've been angry and shocked, but it would've made us want more, just like the first season did. I would be 100% willing to wait 3 or more years for the next season than have such an underwhelming ending.
Okay, I think that's it. Might add more to this post later if I come up with any other critiques, be prepared for the Jayce post because I NEED to talk about him.
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ppupkit · 4 months ago
how are you doing after the last 3 episodes of arcane
full spoilers for act 3 , long rant ahead ( sorry ദ്ദി (ᵒ̴̶̷᷄﹏ᵒ̴̶̷᷅) ). apologies if this is incoherent i ended up pulling an all nighter to watch act 3 and have had a busy few couple of days so i am a very gleeby little maddie atm..
i'm mostly upset and angry about it because it was just handled so poorly... like it was genuinely so ( ._. )"" i've talked about it elsewhere but i don't even really know what to say. i'm so upset about the way they sidelined the important character arcs and actual plot for timebomb sillies and a goofy over the top mel arc that was extremely rushed and didn't even bring the closure it was meant to about her dad and all of that. also 90% of the act being jayvik and it completely ignoring isha , sevika , and for the most part jinx , caitlyn , and vi... it's so disheartening i'm honestly not taking it well i feel just sort of upset and overall down. arcane has meant so much to me and it feels like all of the characters who i love so much just didn't even matter like i went on this journey with them all for nothing. there's so much more i could and would like to say but this is already getting long and i just feel an overwhelming amount of negative emotions at the moment. i'm going to continue making content for arcane ( mostly focusing around maddie , maddiecait , and maddiecaitvi because autism goes crazy ) but i might need a day or two to gather my thoughts and process everything. this act was super disappointing in every way. like i love mel and for the whole rest of the season was curious about her arc but it went from 0 to 100 so fast and was so campy it just didn't even feel like arcane. i think it's so insane that sevika didn't even speak once and that isha wasn't even mentioned like i just can't get past that. also they rushed caitvi's relationship so badly like we needed to see caitlyn's arc fully wrapped up with her coming to terms with all that she'd done , taking responsibility and apologizing to vi. we didn't get any of that though which is baffling to me..... also the implication of vi being a cop , sevika being on the council , vi just brushing over jinx's death ? it's so out of character. also with maddie , i have mixed feelings. i was hoping she'd do something big and i think i can definitely get behind the idea of her being a spy but it just doesn't line up with what was shown onscreen ? it felt like a major copout idk. i have many maddiecait and maddiecaitvi thoughts that i'll post on my main having to do with it but i'm just REALLY wishing we got to see more of maddie behind the scenes and that she got to be more fleshed out onscreen and not just through implications. like i like timebomb they're cute and all but episode 7 just felt so pointless and wasted like we could've used that time to actually be able to flesh out maddie or focus more on caitlyn / caitvi or on jinx and isha. i just don't see the point at all of that episode and i can't get past them just pretending isha never existed in favor of having a cute little timebomb au episode. : \
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hexxbug · 4 months ago
ACT 3!!
I can't believe it's over :((
This is probably more analysis than the other ones I've done lol, spoilers below :o
─ ─ ──┉─ ¡! • !¡ ─┉── ─ ─
AHHHHH so sad, I loved it sm
I was joking throughout ep7 and saying oh this is the closest we'll ever get to timebomb when she hugged him, then when they were working on the hextech AND THEN WE ACTUALLY GOT TIMEBOMB???!!!!!!!!
At first I wasn't a massive timebomb shipper, I preferred them platonically icl but it was SOOO FUCKING CUTE and I've been converted! (mostly, I still think they're sweet as a platonic pairing too but either is good) (the au has definitely won me over lol but I personally still think in the main timeline they'd have a different relationship anyway, maybe Ekko has/had a crush on her and in the finale maybe it was mutual but it needed more time to be fleshed out for me to properly ship it, I generally see Jinx as not really in a place to be interested in romance)(grey romantic/demi maybe???)
I think they should've given us a couple extra episodes because him and Heimerdinger, Mel and the whole Jayce Viktor story did not get enough screen time imo, could've done with a bit more interaction idk
Claggor glancing at Mylo being bros!!
HEIMERDINGER STAYED BEHIND!! NOOOOOO. he was such a silly guy I was very sad
ik yordles basically respawn or whatever but still :((((
Cait being like "who decides who gets a second chance" like it wasn't her busting Vi out of jail like 6 months prior
lowkey wish we'd got to see her go absolutely batshit over Isha's death but I get the direction they went in (or just been able to see more of their reaction and recovery from her death in general)(because that shit was glossed over)
Vi being so upset and destroyed about Jinx, saying she shouldn't have done this and then Cait going mf I practically engineered this whole encounter😭😭😭
VI'S "Cait I don't FUCKING CARE" just marry her already (ngl not the way I thought that confession would go but I'm glad it was pretty happy)
MEL!!!! I love her character design smmmm it keeps getting better and better🤩🤩🤩she needed more time and practice with her powers though, I think they rushed that a bit.
JAYCE. VIKTOR. YOU GAY MFSS LMAO (platonic or romantic they are so in love) I also think they rushed their whole story because both of them were suddenly like "oh yeah besties again✨✨" and I wanted a bit more story there but THEY STARTED IT TOGETHER AND THEY ENDED IT TOGETHER🥲🥲(they basically saved Piltover with the power of friendship lmfaoooo)(jayce's whole monologue to Viktor was absolutely adorable though)
JINX NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm not okay💔 I know it's what she wanted, really, but it felt so flat idk I wish she'd lived and come to terms with every (also I love her and she needs to come back so that's probably why I didn't like it too lmaoo)(ik she fell like a hundred stories or whatever and canon divergence is a thing but my girl is a big part in LoL so maybeeeeee????)(I'm once again in denial....)(COPIUMMM)
Honourable mentions:
Heimerdinger being like "you sure it's 4 seconds???" and Ekko just like •_• "mmmhm yep definitely" poor guy was TRAUMATISED😭😭😭it was so funny to me
Also Heimer's bard moment, him just being able to chill for once hahah<3
All the outfits in ep 7, I loved them! ALSO THE DANCE SCENE!! SO SWEET
LEST!! I wanted to see more of her she was so cool!
The blue haired woman who died:(( rip to a queen
And the guy who took over manning the hex gun🫡
Maddie, ngl I wasn't expecting her to betray Cait but it was unsurprising really, I would've loved to see what she'd make of the aftermath and better terms the city's are on but it was also a very dramatic moment for Mel and I liked the twist lol.
Just the whole union of Piltover and Zuan in the fight against Ambessa and the Herald(I wanted more build up for that too tbh but anyway)
The sweet little Cait and Vi scene at the end🥹
My mum who's been subjected to all of S2 and her main comment at the end was "I'm still a bit confused" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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sisyphusrequiem · 4 months ago
I am absolutely devastated and I am going to gut Ambessa and pull her entrails out through her navel, however I’m here to discuss not really the death of Isha but the lack of character for her.
This isn’t to say she’s a bad character, or anything like that. I fucking adore Isha and she’s one of my favourites, but there was so much more I was hoping they’d add to her that they never did.
Isha is obviously a representation of powder. A wide eyed, curious yet cautious, thieving, building, sweet little girl. Through Isha, Jinx is able to not only care for her in a way she likely hasn’t since Vi, but also learn to love her inner child and come to terms with her past. It’s entirely parallel when Isha dies, using the power of the hextech orbs to kill Vander, and subsequently herself (or, the death of powder). But as much as I adore the symbolism, I was waiting for something that sets her apart from Powder. A piece of her backstory, a clashing personality trait, something that shows she’s more than just a plot piece. It’s never fully explained why she clung so desperately to Jinx, why she joined up with her and Sevika so readily, we can presume that Isha has a past of neglect or mistreatment but it’s never actually mentioned or even implied.
I was so incredibly upset by the death scene (in a: this writing is amazing and devastating type of upset) and I loved what they did with her but I would’ve been so much more invested than I was if there was more to her.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 8 months ago
Delta anon here again and I am loving these most recent posts. I have many ideas now.
For one, if Color was distressed enough about not knowing how Killer is doing, I feel like Delta and Epic would let him call - under the exception that they are allowed to listen in. Color obviously protests this, but they refuse to budge. Because although they do want Color to recover from the abuse and manipulation he's going through with Killer, they also know how bad his panic attacks get when he thinks a loved one is dead. But the immediate minute Killer starts guilt tripping, one single word about it, one of them physically takes the phone away and hangs up while the other restrains Color from stopping him. No hesitation.
And if he sneaks out? Oh, buddy. You have an engineer for a friend. You bet your ASS that Delta somehow managed to put a location chip on him somehow - phone, hoodie, pocket, you name it. He managed to put it in - and incredibly well hidden. So if Color sneaks out? Once they wake up and realize he's gone, they follow Delta's tracker straight to him.
Obviously once they get Color back (and once Delta and Beta are allowed their time of beating the shit out of Killer and probably psychologically fucking him over a bit, too), they first check to make sure he's ok. Then they launch straight into scolding him for it. Because really, what the fuck? We understand that you're worried for him and that you miss him, but that wasn't ok. You need to be ok with not being able to peek over Killer's shoulder (hypervigilance) 24/7 to make sure he isn't doing anything wrong. You can live without him and he can live without you.
Now this is probably about when Color starts trying to defend Killer, or get out of it somehow. They shut that bullshit down instantly.
Delta calls it as it is. It's abusive, toxic and manipulative. And although Color hates it - deep down, he knows they're right. He won't ever admit it to himself, but he knows that if Delta or Epic were somehow in this situation, he would call it what it is, too.
Epic takes a gentler approach, knowing Delta can definitely speak for the both of them, so he focuses more on making sure Color is ok at the moment and isn't getting too upset. He steps in when needed, but let's Delta do the most of the talking. Because Beta is telling him exactly what to say and how it's abusive. Because unfortunately, poor Beta knows what an abusive relationship is like.
Color, of course, would probably try to flip it - he'd try to play therapist again, asking how Delta/Beta knew about abuse, why did they? Yeah, that wouldn't fly either. That also gets shut down very quickly.
The road trip would last a very long time. The bigger a fight Color puts up, the longer it lasts. And then some on the way back. Because like hell are they gonna be letting Killer near right now. They love Color way too much to just sit on the sidelines and watch him be abused and manipulated by a mass murderer.
Oh hello again delta anon so happy to see you!! /gen
Also may i propose some bits of Ekko vs Jinx for either Cross vs Killer or Delta vs Killer.
cuz like. the exhausted walk, the death glare and sneer, the unhinged giggle, and “ooohhh..look who it is! the boy SAVIOR!” either that or ekko can be murder/dust protecting color & delta all the possibilities. or just good old delta protecting color & epic.
(But for my own sanity im gonna say it doesnt manage to ever come to this type of confrontation. please i cant take it i need them to go back to being themselves!! 😭) (thats a lie i love the drama of it all lmao)
and of course delta put a tracker on color lmao. get chipped idiot.
and like..imagine that color has a hard time putting seeing himself as completely blameless simply because killer made him into a forced perpetrator. and hes like i said that or i did that and i hurt him and delta & beta have to remind him of not only the context surrounding all of it—how killer pushed and pushed and manipulated—but also point out that killer and chara and nightmare had this exact same shit going on.
if color can claim killer wasnt to blame for what chara and nightmare made him do, then how can he be to blame for what killer made him do. breaking that cycle baby hell yeah.
oh i wonder how itll all end. Will it keep escalating, will it just be a period of enforced no contact between color and killer until killers able to get it together. or will color and killer run off eventually.
aw god imagine colors interactions with stage 1. id imagine he didnt have a clue what’s going on really—what would he ever think this was okay? where did the logic come from?—and also id imagine hed have missing gaps between the memories of color comforting him and the memories of color punishing him—why? what happened? whywhy? this cant be real what did he do?
because through it all stage 1 would immediately jump to the conclusion that he did something. he cant say why—he doesnt understand, what was he thinking? he cant connect with his other stage’s logic—and yet theres also this sense of..fear. around color.
which is thinks is fucking stupid hes the reason it even happened at all. and the whole thing sets stage 1 back entire leaps and bounds in his process and he keeps his mouth fucking shut and tries force himself to deal with the guilt and shame and misguided fear and ooh all the drama.
hmm does anyone have any ideas for what happens with stage 1 or what just happens next 🤔
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missevelynsstuff · 5 months ago
Okay hi I'm kind of a day late to arcane's new season and I'm still rewatchingthe first season but I'm gonna say something and I hope none of the Caitlyn fans see me badly
Caitlyn has changed so much after the first season ended. She was possibly the sweetest character ever,and she wanted the cycle of violence to stop between Zaun and piltover after what she saw undercity and what she heard from vi and ekko. But my god,her mother's death affected her WAY too much. I haven't seen the season two episodes yet but she could've almost SHOT ISHA. she might be an amazing shooter,but what if jinx's weapon just broke down into pieces then Vi and Isha got injured? Like this revenge made her think "there's someone in the way? Ffuck them." Like WTF???
We've seen this on Miguel O'Hara too. He lost one thing he cared about,and it made him impatient,upset and aggressive towards miles and other people. We've seen after he sent Gwen away,he was trying to reassure himself after one of the other spiders repeated Gwen's words,"we're supposed to be the good guys." He pushed Miles and others not because he hated them,because he had a job to do as a leader.
Do you guys see this reference between Cait and Miguel?? Am I the only one? They push everyone aside just to finish their goal. Omfg IM GOING CRAZAYYHH!!!?!!! anyways thanks for listening😇
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writtenbymylo · 4 months ago
Arcane spoilers‼️
Am I the only one upset about how they barely acknowledged Isha's death in act 3?(and by this I mean the immediately following episode 5 moments, I get they showed it with how it fucked with Jinx so bad everything that happened, happened) I get they only had three episodes to finish up, but they left so many things unanswered anyways. With the way they ended episode 6 it made it look like there would be a bit more clarification on what happened immediately after. Yeah we figured she's dead because Jinx was depressed as hell, but I hate how they used Isha just to kill her off and breeze by the cliffhanger like it didn't happen.
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