#i am so sorry raon
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(the unstuck pant leg makes his legs look a lil weird but that's alright👍)
#lcf#lout of the count’s family#manhua#manhwa#trash of the counts family#cale henituse#tcf#lcf cale#raon miru#novel#i am so sorry raon#BUT HE'S SO HOT.#the random unstuck pant leg threw me off at first
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I found this on reddit it's not my opinion but it's kind of funny and disconcerting.
What do you think?
( https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/s/uwKw63Cgoc )
"A rant on Trash of the Count’s Family
Alright before I begin I would like to preface by saying that I am a long time reader of the novel and love this novel to death. It kept me company during my darkest and lowest points of my life and I am forever grateful for it !
The rant also in no way affects the brilliance of the story. With that out of the way here it goes:
This is an amazing fantasy novel filled with great visuals, writing, story and top-notch characters. However it has TWO big problems that broke the story smooth sailing for me and I need to rant about it because where I am from I am pretty sure no one reads TCF in a 6000 mile radius.
One big problem was the romance. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NONE OF IT. This is not a problem if the main character doesn’t want romance (he doesn’t nope) but NONE of the main/side characters that has been introduced so far also want nothing to do with romance. It was a little awkward to read the story based in medieval setting where characters are as pure as angels as they come.
Now, you can of course raise the point that romance was never the main focus of this novel (it’s not even a background focus or some D plot) but let’s analyse this novel here for a second okay? This novel is very gore and never ever shy away from very dark themes or stories.
- The main protagonist of the story (sorry forgot his name it’s been a long time) has his entire village with whom he has spent 20 years murdered and burned to ashes, all the men women and children are totally dead.
- The Prince story is also pretty dark and deals with some adult themes about race and identity.
- The dragon raon (is that the name?) backstory is…holy shit some hardcore torture and let’s not forget the revenge torture that happened later with raon eating steak.
- The butler and his butcher son
- The absolute crazy HUMAN EXPERIMENT arc that was happening in the Empire. I mean holy shit they really went into crazy detail about body mutilation and the scientists are absolute psychopaths in how they love their job.
And I am just scratching the surface about how dark this novel is and there’s plenty of it. The point is that it is very adult oriented novel with these stories but on the flip side their romance department is so negligible that even Tom and Jerry had more romance than this.
It actively avoids it like a plague. Why is this an issue? Let me explain.
Simple answer it feels a little jarring or disorienting when you read the novel like going back and forth between watching the looney tunes movie and switching immediately back to a Black Mirror episode.
But I have to give where credit is due. I didn’t notice the romance problem until after some 500+ chapters later (that’s how good the novel story is ) and how did I notice it?
After some battle trying to reclaim the south (north?) tower and this is the part where the Empire’s royalty is on the brink of collapse the redhead girl (I also forgot her name but she is part of the main gang) is extremely tired after a long battle and Cale tries to help her by giving her some healing potions (remember at this point she is the only female character that understands Cale the most and their relationship is the most developed of all) but she says she is so tired she can’t even lift her arms, so Cale (as logic would have it) offers to feed her the potion himself (see completely logical under the circumstances) but Raon the dragon out of nowhere says, “You are too weak Cale! Let me do it”. And I am like…say what? We know the main gang always comments that Cale is weak and all but come on guys we know he isn’t and in fact he’s been through crazy shit. During that battle he never had to fight and was in top condition so that remark from raon made even more less sense.
And then the redhead laughed it off and said “it’s okay I will do it myself” and she does…after a bit of struggle to lift the said bottle.
It’s a small thing but it did break my immersion (it was already broken before, I will explain later). It forced me as a reader to actually “think” about the author intentions something that should never happen when reading a fantasy novel. And it made me go “hmm wait a minute” and then I reflected back on all the 500+ chapters I have read and I came to a realisation that…forget main character romance there is hardly any romance of any proportions from any and every character in this whole novel! It was so impossibly impossible that it teared through the immersion completely.
The second reason for this rant and this is connected to when my immersion showed a small crack. And this reason is purely a preference thing so feel free to ignore this as you want.
I personally believe that when you make a “reborn in a fantasy world” story you absolutely must never collide “our” world with the fantasy world.
Don’t do that.
From page 1 you are setting up this fantasy life, fantasy way of living and thinking, fantasy people, fantasy stories and most importantly a fantasy you. Don’t break this immersion by literally making the world he (Cale) came from an integral part of the story.
When the main protagonist found out who Cale really is and confronted him about it by listing some Korean food items I was a little disappointed because it felt like a parent telling a child that role playing as a prince and over now put the castle made of pillows back in place and do your homework for school tomorrow.
Maybe it’s just a me thing but after that confrontation, every time Cale interacted with anyone be it the redhead, his dragon, butler or anyone it all felt so plastic and fake, like I was overly conscious of the fact that this is a fantasy land filled with fantasy people and well…it made me feel a little lonely."
Wow, this is quite interesting! Thanks for sending me this. Not because I agree – anyone who knows anything about my opinions on TCF would know that the very 2 points that the author of this post has "problems with" are the things that I embrace with great enthusiasm.
So, prepare for a long ride!
First of all, let me make this absolutely clear, the same way this person did at the beginning of their own post; they are allowed to have their own opinion on what they like or dislike. The same way I am allowed to like or dislike certain elements of stories. I don't claim that TCF is a flawless work either – it's just that all the flaws it does have, at least to me, are so minor I don't care about them in the slightest.
I might actually be "brave enough" in the future to actually make my own post about the "flaws" of the story for me, no matter how few. But not today. Today, let's focus on the reddit post.
Now, imagine a person (the author of this post) is given an apple pie in a restaurant.
This person very much enjoys apple pies. They continue to visit the same restaurant and keep ordering this apple pie. But after a while, they discover "two big problems" with the apple pie.
First of all, it does not contain cinnamon. So this person is like – why not! That is, they did not notice before, but it is SO jarring to them now that they know! Because they believe all apple pies should contain cinnamon. Secondly, this apple pie is made out of a species of apples they do not like. In fact, they are convinced this apple species is not fit for apple pies! So, they quit ordering apple pies at this restaurant.
Meanwhile, there's a second regular customer (me) who orders the apple pie at this restaurant. This customer, in fact, is kind of sick of cinnamon. They were so happy they discovered a restaurant that doesn't use it! This person also notices this apple pie has a very interesting texture to it, one they very much enjoy, because of the specific apple species this restaurant uses. It quickly became their all-time favorite dessert.
Obviously, neither customer here is wrong. "The customer is always right in matters of taste" is a saying for a reason (although people usually say only the first half of it, forgetting the second part), and just because I love the "apple pie" in question, I am not going to shame the other person for their own taste.
With all that said, please allow me to address to the post properly, step by step.
First, when addressing the lack of romance as a problem, this is this person's argument: they list major dark moments in the story, like Choi Han's village getting massacred, dark race racism, Raon's torture et cetera. Then they say, "The point is that it is very adult oriented novel with these stories but on the flip side their romance department is so negligible that even Tom and Jerry had more romance than this".
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe… Tom and Jerry had any romance either. That cartoon did not even have dialogue. So like, huh??? What kind of argument is that? Should I say that Tom and Jerry has a critical flaw that is has no talking despite being all about comedy? That it would have been better if it was dubbed or something? Well, there was that one movie I remember from childhood but – never mind, we're getting off track here. This argument kind of, completely falls flat for me.
I get the implication. "TCF is has so many dark themes, it should be mature enough to contain romance as well". Which is, completely off the mark for me, personally. Maturity and romance have NOTHING to do with each other.
There's also the statement that "It actively avoids [romance] like a plague." And I agree, kind of. This story avoids romance on purpose. But It never felt unnatural for me. I was kind of expecting it to pop up eventually, back when I first started reading. I thought for SURE Rosalyn would be somebody's love interest – because she had to be, right?? But it gradually dawned on me that there are so many cool, pretty, strong, independent female characters… And none of them are representing a specific fetish or exist solely to be somebody's wifu. The women are PEOPLE, they are fleshed-out, complex characters who have goals and ambitions and just like for the men, there is no thought about romance here because there is so much going on – most of it world-ending, in fact – that focusing in romance would actually DECREASE the maturity of the story instead of enhancing it.
The author of the post said, "It was so impossibly impossible that it teared through the immersion completely". What, do you need characters getting laid to be truly realistic mature adults or something? I think you have the wrong idea about adulthood… Let me say it again, those people are too busy in this story to focus on dating. Even if Cale himself wasn't so obviously ace, his life has been so crazy since he transmigrated, I have no idea HOW on earth he could have found the time (or anyone else for that matter: just look at poor Alberu, swimming in paperwork 24/7!). He can't even sleep for more than 4 hours per day during the war arc. What I personally would find jarring is exactly this: characters trying to freaking date or play off romantic subplots while the world was LITERALLY GETTING DESTROYED. That would have been so petty and ridiculous.
So, the expectation that there HAS to be romance, just because… I think it is a faulty expectation to have in the first place. And it is NOT unnatural that the characters don't do romance (especially with how many species there are among the cast and the age gaps between them, it would have been awkward to say the least; unless you're the type to like Twilight style of romance). The story put a lot of focus to forge familial bonds between the characters. It doesn't lack in the relationship department, just non-platonic one. And if this is a problem for someone and they find it jarring, well… Again, no cinnamon in apple pie, I guess.
Next, we have the argument that "when you read the novel like going back and forth between watching the looney tunes movie and switching immediately back to a Black Mirror episode". I don't know Black Mirror, but I get it. The author of the post claims that the comedic character interactions – the ones that had been very well established in the first 200 chapters of the story, covering full 2 years in the timeline – are… what, unrealistic? Inaccurate? Cartoonish? I’m not 100% sure what the exact issue is here.
They quote a scene where I assume Rosalyn is too tired to lift her arms and Cale offers to help and Raon says he's too weak and let him do it instead. The author of the post then acts confused, as if it was completely unreasonable, because Cale is not weak. Um…. I don't know if they were not paying attention, but that's just false. Cale is PHYSICALLY weak, despite all his Ancient Powers. That is exactly the whole reason why he keeps coughing blood and fainting and stuff. So it was funny, and in-character, and fitting with the rest of the story – at least in my opinion. If that broke this person's immersion, then fine I guess, but I really don't see the reason. I guess they don't enjoy the "texture" of this "apple pie".
Speaking of texture, the last point pf the post I want to address: the belief that you should not mix "real world" and fantasy. They say, "I personally believe that when you make a "reborn in a fantasy world" story you absolutely must never collide "our" world with the fantasy world. Don't do that". Excuse me, but uh… why? That is not the case at all, for many stories? I mean, you could approach it that way, nothing wrong with keeping it separate. But most classic isekai examples usually stray from that idea, actually. Are you familiar with Chronicles of Narnia, by any chance? Did you know that the magical lamppost that Lucy found in the woods actually came from England? It was a very fun bit of backstory from the Magician's Nephew.
"Don't break this immersion by literally making the world he (Cale) came from an integral part of the story." Why not, man??? It was so brilliantly done! In fact, it was so freaking cool, the way TCF did it! What, is "our world" so boring and terrible you must keep it separate from the fantasy at any cost? It was plot relevant, it gave Cale legit ties to the new world, it fleshed out his character, it was incredible! 10/10! If TCF lost that element, it would have been a great loss.
And even if you don't like the mixing of "fantasy and reality" as something "immersion breaking"… there is one problem with this kind of argument, in TCF at least.
Let me repeat: the man is not from regular, modern Korea! HE IS FROM A FANTASY MONSTER APOCALYPSE DIMENSION!
The whole reveal of what kind of place KRS comes from is what make this story so good to me. It was an incredible twist. The "regular, normal man from modern world" was a red herring meant to hide the fact that he was an ability user from what is basically a superhero world full of monsters! It is not! Regular! Modern! World!!!
"When the main protagonist found out who Cale really is and confronted him about it by listing some Korean food items I was a little disappointed because it felt like a parent telling a child that role playing as a prince and over now put the castle made of pillows back in place and do your homework for school tomorrow." That… you really, REALLY missed the point here, man. That was not the vibe of the scene at all! Choi Han and Cale are both essentially war veterans, mentioning foods from their childhood! This the "Frodo and Sam talking about the flavor of strawberries from Shire at the foot of Mount Doom" from Lord of the Rings type of moment! Only, well, a bit more comedic. Still, it was so touching!! But, well… again, you don't like the taste of the pie, there is nothing I can do about it.
And lastly, there was this paragraph at the end of the post:
"Maybe it's just a me thing but after that confrontation, every time Cale interacted with anyone be it the redhead, his dragon, butler or anyone it all felt so plastic and fake, like I was overly conscious of the fact that this is a fantasy land filled with fantasy people and well… it made me feel a little lonely."
I never noticed such a thing. I do not know if more people felt that way. But I always thought that the characters were well-established and their behavior natural. I am sorry that the immersion break made the author of the post lonely. I hope they can spend time with their friends and feel a little better. Fantasy shouldn't just be a tool to "fill an empty void in your life and escape terrible reality". For me, stories are meant to create something beautiful, to inspire, and to make one consider the possibilities of reality. I mean, if Cale can stop world-ending threats by being brave and making good strategies, why can't I handle the minor problems that reality has to offer? It's all a matter of perspective.
So, that is it. That's my whole response. I hope it satisfies you! Have a great day!
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I have so many thoughts about the sealed god arc i don't even KNOW where to start
I'm just gonna vomit screenshots and analyze them

MOMMY! sorry
MOMMY! Oh my god Violan is so badass and motherly i am absolutely IN LOVE WITH HER!!!! MY MARTIAL ARTS QUEEN I BET SHE KICKS ABSOLUTE ASS
She's so dedicated to protecting her family i absolutely love her character 😭 SHE'S SO BADASS!!! ESPECIALLY WHEN SHE WAS DEALING WITH THE FAKE HILLSMAN BRO I GOT CHILLSS
She'll move mountains for her babies!!!!!
,,,, moving on ヽ((◎д◎))ゝ

Cale cares about raon SO FUCKING MUCH that raon was able to differentiate the 2 people inside of that lackeys body

Kim rok soos indignity test. Bro. BRO.
A slow and painful death!!!!
I want his companions to know about everything he went through just so that they can exact the most SATISFYING REVENGE EVER
I'm sick

Oh my god
These lines are each a stab in my heart
I know he had the least death toll during his time as team leader, but i just know for a fact every subordinate he lost HAUNTED HIM

I'm just saying this was probably the white stars curse ruining his health
Cuz if we recall, the white stars curse included an everlasting pain in his body, each breath he took felt like he was dying
And it's probably this faint because choi jung gun tells kim rok soo that the god of death is trying to take the curse back from KRS so it doesn't affect him
I have more screenshots and thoughts,,, will share them later
#lcf#cale henituse#trash of the counts family#kim rok soo#tcf novel#trash of the count's family#lout of the count’s family#kim rok soo needs a hug#krs needs therapy#tcf#violan#choi jung gun#hate him btw#i hate the god of death too#the ancient powers were so dissapinted to see the kid they protected :ccc#he changed so much#it's so sad
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Can I just say I once thought Alberu and Rosalyn would get married. No, I do not ship them. In fact, this made me almost quit reading the novel 😭😭. I was wrong and I am so happy.
I forget specifics because it was so long ago but it was when the gang is at this library (something something bud illis and mercenaries.) Cale is finally revealing Record. I believe they were looking for more information on Ancient powers but basically Cale is hot, he's sweaty and then they call the Crown Prince.
And during the call, Alberu's thoughts go to '…and I'm never getting married'. I wrote this in my bookmarks: "You saw Cale hot and sweaty and your thoughts went to marriage??". That's not important to the point, just thought I should mention it. But the interesting thing is, during the call, even I don't remember what it was but Alberu and Rosalyn talk about something and something just clicked in my brain.
At this point, tcf to me was not that special YET and it was just another fantasy 1000+ chapter brainrot like the cultivation novels I read, so romance wasnt something I would be surprised at. Plus, I always tried to guess which characters were getting set up to be together.
Something about Alberu and Rosalyn's conversation made me IMMEDIATELY assume that they were an endgame couple. I hated that. 'THEY DO NOT LOOK GOOD TOGETHER'. It actually made me dislike them both a little as characters (I changed my mind don't worry). Especially since it didn't make sense. Rosalyn ran away from royalty to be a mage, why the hell would she be queen of Roan?
But the way they actually did look like a generic couple is what made me dislike it. They did look like a generic fantasy endgame couple but Rosalyn x Alberu doesn't make sense (sorry to any shippers out there if there are). Plus something about the way marriage was mentioned and he had that conversation with Rosalyn, it felt like it was foreshadowing something and I guess I overthought it.
I was right, it didn't make sense, why the hell was I thinking that? When I tell you I SCREAMED and rolled my eyes everytime they interacted afterwards. I still loved them but they do not belong together.
What 'confirmed' it for me was when Cale, Raon and Rosalyn and some other people go to Alberu, eat some cookies after that library thing. Alberu mentions something about his childhood and Rosalyn thinks about how lonely he must've been and how hard it probably was. I didn't get to appreciate this sweet moment cause I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOO"
I got over it as some time passed but I still believed it would happen lol. I started to get comfortable with interacting with the fandom around chapters 600+. That's when I realized Rosalberu (cute ship name tho) isn't a thing in the fandom and there's no fanfics of it. Nothing's happened in hundreds of chapters and no one is talking about them as a couple.
For 600+ chapters, I thought Rosalyn and Alberu would get married. Once again, I'm sorry if this offends the 12 people who ship this, just thought it was funny how I genuinely believed it would be canon
#lcf#tcf#trash of the count's family#lout of the count’s family#cale henituse#alberu crossman#tcf alberu#tcf rosalyn#rosalyn
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I’m on a reread of tcf so expect more lists soon. This is mostly for myself but have it anyways. I’m just past chapter 200 on the reread so the attack with the northern alliance is underway.
TCF TL/PR notes that made me lol
29 Cat washing face reference
1. Something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J_Bl9f-MTA
50 About Toonka (TL: Yet he got shipwrecked…clearly didn’t survive the sea…(PR: Perservering = Survival)
51 ( It’s a small boat that requires oars but has rooms and windows?! o.O )
57 “That’s enough thanks. If you thank me anymore, it will not feel genuine. Same thing with the apology.”
“Got it. Thank you very much.” ( (PR: You had one job.) )
59 Cale could see the still flawless Violan’s eyes turning chilly. ( :O If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this is Beacrox’s mom! )
59 “Yes, daddy.” ( I’m sorry, I just had to. It was the perfect opportunity. )
59 ( … The Henituse family is the Night’s Watch … )
68 Cale knew how Shickler had domesticated the troublemaker Archie. He beat him up. He beat up him so much that the entire ocean seemed to be filled with dust. He really beat him to a pulp while saying that a beating was the best medicine for a troublemaker. ( (PR: I pity Witira and Paseton.) TL: You mean envy. You like the pain as a masochist… )
71 Toonka got up while staggering to the side. At that moment, Cale could hear Raon’s serious voice.
– …Why is he laughing after getting hit? Does he enjoy getting hit? ( Our PR’s masochistic friend. (PR: I’m innocent I swear.) )
74 about Mueller ( (PR: I originally felt pity. Now I am thinking that we can do without one more mage.) )
76 ( (PR: Raon is a yandere…) )
110 Cale looked odd as he suddenly stopped laughing and stoically stood there. A path of silver coins was shining on top of the boiling lava. That silver light meshed well with the red-haired Cale.
“Weak human.”
“Let me know if you don’t have enough! I am willing to give you my piggy bank!” ((PR: IT’S ADORABLE.) ) …
The king of rocks, the Giant Cobblestone that is known as the, ‘Super Rock,’ is in the land of boulders. (Really wanted to call it Dwayne Johnson )
112 Cale could see an old Elf with white hair and beard walking toward them. It was the Elf Chief. However, unfortunately, he did not have time to greet her. (I double checked the raw and it does indeed say beard but it is a woman )
114 The group all looked toward Cale at Ron’s question. He had fainted after coughing up blood. They knew that Cale was a good person who really liked to help others, but they also knew that Cale did not enjoy moving around and getting hurt. (Pfft, you’ve all been scammed to believe he’s a good person! (PR: I mean, he COULD have just ignored the Elves’ plight…) )
118 “Just what are you selling to the Whipper Kingdom that Alberu keeps laughing for no reason when he is alone?”
“… His highness keeps laughing when he is alone?” ((PR: Cale broke him.) )
129 Hannah let out a quiet chuckle. Although her poisoned body was still in pain, she was now full of vitality. Cale gently asked Hannah, who seemed to be imagining the opportunity to get her revenge. (Cale just collects people who want revenge. )
135 He could see that Tasha was looking at him with warm eyes and that the black robe was coming toward him. (Author references Mary as black robe frequently because that’s all you can see. (PR: And I hate it.) )
142 “It has been wonderful having Cage-nim here. If it is okay with you, young master-nim, I hope that Miss Cage can stay here longer.” (Went from Cage-nim to Miss Cage in one breath. New ship? Poor Taylor. )
148 ‘It’s not a matter of if I will be fine or not. I don’t think I’ll be able to differentiate. Once I start to see blood, I can’t stop myself from killing anything in front of me.’ ((PR: Hannah was the one who said that a sea of blood would be beautiful. I don’t think her blood addiction is as bad as Redika, but she definitely still has a blood addiction. Why is everyone in this novel a sadist?) )
151 The Count nodded his head multiple time as he answered.
There was a different kind of smile on his face now. Raon, who was watching the father-son duo chat while remaining invisible, started to speak into Cale’s mind.
– Human, the Count is smiling like you do when you are scamming people! It is amazing! It is very similar! ((PR: I wonder what Deruth’s young scamming years were like…) )
158 “Was it you?”
“What are you talking about, your highness?”
Alberu was certain after seeing Cale eating a cookie with an expression that seemed to be saying, ‘I know nothing.’
“It was you.”
“What was?”
“What did you do to the Vatican?”
Cale started to smile as he bit down on the cookie. ((PR: Cale is an innocent lil child.) )
‘That knight is originally from the slums.’
‘Apparently, he grew up with poor parents and many siblings, but his good character made him popular with the people in the slums and the general public. They call him a Dragon from the river. (This is an idiom for something rare. You wouldn’t normally find a Dragon coming out of a river. (PR: A-Are dragons common in other places then?) )
Alberu shocked to find out choi han is a sword master ((PR: Oh if only he knew Cale’s party’s full strength…) )
160 Huten and Metelona. ((PR: Their names sound like pokemon.) )
164 Cale ~must~ go home and spend the new year with his family ((TL: such a good boy.))
172 “Just one of the many average people.” ((TL: Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-man.) )
174 Cale quickly understood what Hong was trying to say. ((PR: I can’t even read lips, but young master Silver Light can understand animals!) )
#tcf meme#tcf manhwa#tcf incorrect quotes#tcf cale#tcf#tcf novel#tcf part 2#tcf spoilers#tcf humor#tcf TL/PR#cale henituse#cale henituse x slacker life#novel#lcf incorrect quotes#lcf meme#lcf#lcf cale#totcf#lcftcult
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what do you think companion and beel's relationship is like ? Or what companion thinks of raon and beel's relationship
Sorry for taking a while to answer, because I did not read his event that came about. I honestly don't know how often devils walk in the human world, if they do at all, but I like to think that Beelzebub over here likes to frequent the Companion's place of work.
See, the Companion works as a bouncer at this rather small bar that's actually frequented by devils, but the Companions does not know that. Nor a lot of the human patrons that come in as well. It's a funny thing, really, because the Companion has no reason to believe that any of the people at that bar are devils. I mean, why would you? It's just a, "Nice tricks you got there. Unfortunately, you're disturbing this place and I am being paid to kick you out. So out you go."
And out the devils go.
So, their relationship is rather comedic. Beelzebub over here has visited that bar and has caused quite a ruckus just be existing. Probably has forgotten to pay a drink or two because devils he's trying to dodge would find him and oooooh now he has to go, sorry, bye!
So, whenever the Companion sees Beel, will bring up the tab he still needs to pay off. Meanwhile, Beel does not recognize them whatsoever.
If this doesn't make any sense and goes against canon, welp, my bad.
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ó ꒳ ò✿)
Ooh, this seems fun! Thankyou for the ask! (Also, sorry for such a late reply... I just noticed this sitting in my ask box TT)
Sooo top 5 things that makes me happy, huh? Hmm..
1. TCF: I rediscover something new everytime I reread it 😂 It's such a soothing balm over my tired soul at times (if you ignore all that angst hidden in it lol)
Cale: *yet another chapter of him ruining his slacker life with his own hands*
Me and my tired soul: Yessss, I am not the only one who can't seem to get that slacker life! We grieve together for slacker life, Cale 🤝
2. Writing: It's such a wonderful out for my emotion when I feel like I can't keep things bottled up and inflict said emotion on my characters in return- Writing is sort of a cathartic therapy for me.
3. Apple Pies: Yeah, Raon made me like those more than I already did lol. When I first tried to make them, it didn't turn out as well, but it was tastier the next time. Baking the pies was a new learning experience XD
4. Pinterest: No listen to me, I love staring at different fanarts for hours and come up with different wips that will never see the light of day... probably.. hopefully not.. and all the beautiful, funny and incredibly amazing fanworks brings me so much joy. Oh, and it helps with my academics and other stuff too lol
5. Knitting: My grandma taught me how to knit. She was an incredible tailor back in her day and used to make all kinds of clothes for my mum and uncle back when they were kids. She made some for me and my brother back when we were young too, so yeah, learned knitting, sewing and all that kinda stuff from her. She was really happy when she was teaching me cuz my mom has no talent for it 😂. Knitting is a hobby that I greatly enjoy. And it reminds me of my grandma and all the time I spent with her ^^
So yeah, that's my top 5. Once again, thanks for the ask!
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@blueteller this is my sideblog so i couldn’t reply instead 😣 eng isn’t my first language so i hope my explanation will be understandable 😭😭😭 so sorry in advance if it’s not very nuanced. (also i had to like doubletake cause you replied to my post and i thought you were calling me a smartass and a jerk who doesn’t know what they’re talking about 😭⁉️ i literally am so dumb................ [a moment of silence] i was like damnnnn i know im no professional and only translate for... fun?? but i know a little bit jdkdjdkjfkfkff im so sorry unless YOU ACTUALLY ARE CALLING ME ONE???)
i already explained this whole thing multiple times from the reblog from op to couple answered asks about it but yes! but i do believe that the whole argument (if there should be one) should’ve been whether or not the spelling should be /better/ as miru or mireu instead, because they are the most accurate (and if we’re being literal, the only accurate ones for pure korean romanisations.) another new example i would have is when we would romanised surnames like seo or suh, choi or chwe. people use both and can be use interchangeably unless the person put one as their actual government name. nevertheless, they are the same. the only difference would be the easier pronunciation for foreigners who doesn’t speak or know korean. if you consume any korean media and pick up their proununciation and how they romanise/write names, you would know that the ‘eo’ sound is spoken as ‘uh’ and for choi, it is written and pronounced as ‘chwe’ (accurately, though they do let people in western countries pronounce it as choi sometimes... like with lee but it’s pronounced as “ih” literally). of course, there can be exemptions to this rule like no one will romanise a name like eunjae as unjae or eunjeh whereas you can use jaehyun vs jaehyeon. thats why i found it a bit ??!!¥!}¥!¥?_!}_ when i saw them use “mir” and their t/n i was a bit disappointed because they tried to localise a pure korean word. one of my pet peeves and the reason why i learned languages is because i reaaaaaaally disliked it when certain things get lost in translation 😖 and for me, this one felt like it. [as in, it just sounded high and mighty to me the way they worded it but even if you try and google the pure korean word, everyone does romanise it as mireu]. in addition to this, it just makes me a tiny bittttt sad because cale has ALWAYS emphasised the fact that raon’s name is PURE KOREAN so this means a lot to me?!!?¥!}¥!¥ [and tbh, i have translated a few rofan and esp wuxia/xianxia centric novels and manhwas so it was so weird to me when a translator’s thought was to try and romanise a pure korean name like it was a borrowed word. but it’s aight anyways since i do read the raws and just wanted to put my two cents in since a lot of novel readers thought that miru was innacurate] [and like i said before, im not sure if this tl team translate terms like hyung or oppa, etc as is but if they do, i just really don’t understand the type of spite they gotta have for them to try and translate miru/mireu as mir......???]

[ps. regarding this reply hekdjdkjdkf i jus wanna be delulu bc i can’t express my adoration to cale normally..... i do not know how hkddjkdjdwhat it was a platonic proposal (for his money... and his brain tbh) but if im being honest i do wanna marry beacrox unironically.... although i feel like that’s even more impossible....... sighhhhhh]

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Quote replies stopped working with the activity page update :( So have some painfully formatted replies under the cut!
@squeezleprime Replied to your post “Socialite Double Bed Just a simple bed addon I...”
I love your Maxis Addons! thank you!
I’m glad! ❤ More is coming, hehe!
@gold33 Replied to your post “Socialite Double Bed Just a simple bed addon I...”
I love this ratchet bed ohhhh lord my sims are down for some degeneracy lol
Good for them, hehe! 😂
@themeasureofasim Replied to your post “@mdpthatsme 4t2 EP10 Corporate Supervisor for TM...”
We love suits!
We indeed do! 🙌
@sylvanahalim Replied to your post “@rented-space Pantless Pixicat Boots with...”
Ooooh I love the jeans!!! So pretty!!! 😍😍😍
Thank you! There are several versions of these jeans on my blog, with different shoes, you can search for high waisted, and they’ll show up if you’re interested 😊
@sylvanahalim Replied to your post “Another bunch of hair retextures! That’s a pretty...”
I know this is a late reply and I’m so sorry if I interfere, but I love 3 of these hairstyles from Newsea, Raon and Peggy, and also Wings and Skysims, they’re very lovely!!! 😍😍😍 I am in fact a very huge fan of Sims 2 👏🏻❤️
Thank you! Yeah, this post is rather old, but it’s never too late to comment! I love these hairs to this day!
@catherinetcjd Replied to your post “Carla and Angelina moved to this house (by...”
Woot! I'm glad you like the house <3 Thank you for using it!
I love your houses! I just need to find the right sims to move in! ❤
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We Don't Talk About Clopeh
So, uh... I know it's super silly, and the "We don't talk about Bruno" meme is super old by now; but this has been sitting among my files getting dust for over 2 years no, so I figured – why not?? 😅😂
[Rasheel] …So anyway, who's Clopeh? [Rosalyn] We don't talk about Clopeh, no no no We don't talk about Clopeh~! [Choi Han] …But! When the invasion came [Mary] Wyvern invasion came [Choi Han] We were all prepared And Cale-nim's shield brightly shined in the sky [Mary] Cale-nim's shield shined in the sky [Choi Han] Clopeh flew in With a full-of-it grin [Bud] Bastard! [Choi Han] No cursing, Bud, there are children here! [Bud] I'm sorry, Choi Han, go on [Choi Han] I'll be a legend, Clopeh said [Cale] He was delusional! [Choi Han] I smacked him and I said, no way [Cale] Still, he was quite usable… [Choi Han] Capture, interrogation, then- [Cale] -Suddenly he's nuts; but anyway [Everyone] We don't talk about Clopeh, no no no We don't talk about Clopeh~! [Lock] I don't know his deal and I am quite scared of asking Prasing Cale-nim constantly and stalking the young master He invented tech to record Cale-nim every act [Rasheel] Wait, what? What?? [Choi Han] Mary put bombs in his limbs to control his actions Ruthless and mad, skilled actor and spy master Despite getting tortured he's as loyal as he's nuts He's got quite the guts [Archie] A decietful snake Hiding in the grass Planned from very start To stab 'em in the back Yet at Cale-nim's name He gets quite insane [Everyone] We don't talk about Clopeh, no no no We don't talk about Clopeh~! [Mary] Pretended to be the Wyvern Knight of the North [Bud] Oh, wow [Choi Han] But it was Syrem controlling them all along! [Rosalyn] His family fabricated legend Of the lake Tears of God~! [Bud] The gall! [Mary, Choi Han, Rosalyn] His thirst for fame, No power can it stop~! [Raon] He told me He made biography Of the human that got popular [Bud] Wait, really? [Raon] He told me That me and Good Mary Can help with the sequel If we want [Hong] Hey, look, Dodori's on his way! [On] He told me That in Puzzle City There'd be a museum Depicting Cale's glory [Dodri] Wow, I can see it now… [Cale] Hey kids, [Dodri] Oh, I can see it now…! [Cale] I think, no more dessert for you! [The kids] Aw… [Dodri] I can see it now! [Fandom] Yeah, Clopeh About that Clopeh We really need to title Clopeh Are you a Pope yet, are you, Clopeh?? [Cale] Everybody, Beacrox's here! [Everyone] Time for dinner!
#tcf#trash of the count's family#lcf#lout of count's family#humor#tcf humor#meme#tcf meme#clopeh#clopeh sekka#we don't talk about bruno#does this count as parody?#it's just a silly little piece don't mind me
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Hello! You're on my OC Creator Bingo! Unfortunately I'm not familiar with any of your OCs yet and I can't seem to find your Masterlist (I am primarily a mobile user so I apologize if it's available on browser). So I'll just send this in the meantime:
Who is your favorite or one of your favorite OCs? What are they like? What fandom are they from? And who is their faceclaim? I'll hopefully try to make something for you with that OC! Have a lovely day ❤️
- @thechaoticfanartist
hii!! hru hru?? it's very nice to meet you nova!! and yeah i'm really sorry abt my messy navigation, it's not you it's me, i'm the problem bc i still can't decide on a format to use aksdasd
that being said, here are some of my brainchildren that are being rotated around my brain!!
(under a cut so people uninterested can skip)
Jin "Eyre" Raon -- Stranger Things
played by Go Minsi
her first name is Raon, but to most people in Hawkins, her name is actually Eyre
has issues with authority (case in point: gets sent to the police within the hour she arrives in Hawkins
isn't born in Hawkins, isn't raised in Hawkins, doesn't even have any known family or friends in Hawkins
well then, why is Raon in Hawkins, you might ask?
technically speaking, Raon isn't supposed to be in the eighties, if you get what i mean...
you can find her pinterest here!
Slate Kempton -- Original Apply Fic
played by Jonathan Daviss
carved from stone -- metaphorically, not literally
a budding star on the internet, mainly doing povs via short videos
does NOT want to talk about his past, like at all
that might be a bit suspicious, but hey, maybe he's just secretive
we'll just have to see whether there are skeletons in his closets or none...
you can find his (rather unfinished) pinterest here!
Aphrodite -- The Sandman
played by Gemma Chan
gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS goddess of love and beauty right there
more cunning than people would assume a goddess of love should be
not an alluring blushing rose waiting to be picked, but rather a quiet pure myrtle, sitting in the warm sun and sipping on wine
pure, but not innocent or naive
because the wheels in her pretty head are well-oiled and ready, and so are the times in which her main story starts -- a time where the Olympians are more story than deity and the last flickers of the Old Beliefs begin to waver...
her pinterest is here!
#peep slate's unofficial debut 👀#thank you so much for the ask!!#been a bit since i rambled abt my kids haha#oc: jin raon “eyre”#oc: slate kempton#oc: aphrodite#alvita’s answers
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Hi! I am just finishing my propaganda that I was writing on the nomination thingy but didn't have time to finish last night, sooo propaganda for Cale's family (they have no good name:()from lout of the counts family!
(btw I just copy and pasted my original description and added more)
A spoiler warning for Lout of the counts family/ trash of the counts family!
Imma infodump here now sorry, Cale is basically one of the most important people in all of their lives, usually because he saved them in some way shape or form, for example with On and Hong he saved them off the streets from starvation starting not by just asking them to come with him when realizing their situation, but by slowly giving them things usign the excuse it was a bribe to keep them from talking about how he was visiting the man-eating tree. He started by giving bread, then he gave them (Some random street children!) Meat and cake, and then the next day, he noticed how On was limping lightly and bought her medicine and bread, making sure she wasn't hurt.
Now onto Choi han, he was the protag of the novel he's transmigrated into and he was soo scared of him, bcs orignally Choi han beat Cale up, but instead of just avoiding him or just throwing Ron and Beacrox at him (his chef and butler who originally joined choi han after he beat cale up) he decided to go up to him, fully aware he had broken into the territory and very angry and traumatized bcs his entire village just got massacred and he killed all the perpetrators? But he decided to go up to him, and offered him food, a place to stay, and helped him pick himself back up from the ground up and learn how to live again after his second family died, and became Choi han's own third family and sooo much more.
Onto Raon! Raon was a little black dragon that originally went berserk after being tortured for his entire life and killed a lot of the town that he was going to just be passing through, but instead of just rushing through and leaving the town to be destroyed on its own, he decided that he was going to save him from the torture, and let this young dragon choose his *own* life. He saved him and once he set him free instead of taking this strong dragon that could make him the most powerful, popular person in the *continent* he healed him, looked him in the eye and asked him what *he* wanted to do with his life, how Raon would like to live and told him to live how he wanted, he was the first person to ever tell Raon that he could live, that he could do what he wanted. And even when Raon showed up again and told Cale that he would stay with him, Cale only made sure that he was coing to be okay, that if he was going to take care of Raon he might as well make sure that he would be safe and a good guardian.
I'm not sure how far into cale's camily member's I'll get but just to let you know, I am thinking for including basically *all* of his family/allies I am sorry.
Skipping a few people but onto Alberu crossman himself! Alberu was basically alone in the world with his aunt being the only person he trusted, he was paranoid and constantly faking everything about himself. Once he met Cale he slowly began to trust cale (over the vourse of like the first 100 chs?) and began showing his true self, he began to show his true self literally *and* figuratively, he shows his true self as a dark elf in a show of how he trusts cale enough to show the part of him that he's been so paranoid about hiding his entire life. He begins to speak his actual mind rather than just hiding behind fake smiles and fake words that he doesn't actually mean. he begins to let himself laugh and joke around, he begins to actually enjoy himself, laugh a genuine laugh around someone who isn't his aunt. and he gets a family out of him as much as he got one out of his mother.
Lock and the wolf children's turns! They actually came a lot earlier than alberu but ignore that, Lock was like-- 14, 15 I can't remember, and his entire tribe was killed. Rosalyn and CHoi han brought him to Cale and Cale helped him out, he taught rosalyn and Choi han how to deal with his first berserk state. Cale could have just kicked them out and left them in the dark about what to do, but instead he left behind his original plans, taught Rosalyn and Choi han how to take care of lock and made sure that he would recover. Thenn the other wolf children, lock's siblings. When Cale found out they had survived,,, he was surprised to say the least, they were originally meant to die but Cale had sent CHoi han earlier than the novel, saving them in more ways than one. He chose to take in the wolf children and brought them into his home territory, he rebuilt an entire village for them to live in and requested for his father to get them all citizenship. And even after that the continued to help them out, He got them all teachers, hilsman as a sword instructor, Beacrox to take care of them when he couldn't. A bit more on lock, when lock came to him first, Lock told Cale that he wanted to build his own knights brigade to be useful and to pay him back for taking care of him and his siblings. But Cale told him, that he was still a child ,he constantly tells him and all of the wolf children and other kids this, and has he asked his siblings this? Is there anything else you want to do?
I'm kind of randomly switching between characters to talk about sorry.
Rosalyn! She was the crown princess of the breck kingdom but she didn't really want to be a queen, she wanted to be a mage. She was attacked in the roan kingdom by the archduke of breck. Cale sent Choi han to get her and lock like in the original story and saved the wolves. When they went to cale for healing lock, after rosalyn and choi han fought lock he passed her a potion and she said "Potions don't work on lock" and Cale's response was immediately, It's for you. Over the course of the next 100s of chapters, Rosalyn ends up beign the person who understands Cale the most, and Cale continues to sponsor her, making her stronger with gifts of magic stones, magic devices, and eventually she became the commander of the magic brigade and even the magic tower master (the symbol of mages).
Eruhaben-nim's turn! Eruhaben is an ancient dragon who at first was kind of suspicious of cale bcs, Raon a baby dragon was following him around and following his orders, but dragons are usually very proud of themselves and too proud to even talk to a human. Cale tries to get Eruhaben as Raon's teacher and eruhaben agrees. Eruhaben also kind of thinks that Cale is a dragon slayer because one of his powers was once owned by the first ever dragon slayer. Eventually over time of being together, Cale learns that eruhaben is going to die (of old age dragons will fade into nature once they reach past 1000) and so cale chose to try to find an artifact to save him. Cale goes through several tests to get the artifact and goes through a bit ( a lot) of emotional pain when getting to it. There's even one time where the main villain shows up for the first time and he threatens Cale and raon, Eruhaben attacks white star (main villain) and screams "Don't you dare touch my children" because he sees cale and raon as his children<3333. And he nicknamed Cale 'Unlucky bastard' (affectionate) and he's basically Cale's 3rd dad (he bascially has 4 dads)
Good girl Mary now! Mary is a necromancer who Cale brought out of the land of death (the dark elf city). Mary had told Cale and Raon that she dreamed of leaving the underground city one day because she wanted to see the sky, and so they brought her to their own home and let her stay with them. She becomes Raon's bff and helps save the henituse territory, and continues to help them out. One quote of her's thats really fun: "I do not need to hide. I am strong. Vice Captain Hilsman-nim told me that the words of the priest are bullshit. I also wish to be like Choi Han-nim and stand behind you, no matter what happens."
I could add an analysis on all of them but thats long and I can't even count them all, Sorry I this is bothering you!
Have a nice day/night! :)
Ayy propaganda thank you for sharing!
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The Fault in Our Starts
Let's kinda dig up more Zodiac-slanted shizzumz and do some auditing, shall we?
Slept better but again, woke up at around 4 AM. As I was scheduling a meeting next week, I realized that there are two holidays. WHOA. Biking szn na talaga ito, again. YAS.
So, Zodiacs. Let me be clear that this is but a curation of my lived truths as we try to debunk the myths that go with it. Mother dragon gauged all XX and XY based on their signs and birth years. This workflow covers all people I interact with. Friends, family, and ahem, landi tribe. She truly believes that there's bearing in these even when she is a Marian and a devout Catholic. Must be because my godparents are 99% Fil-Chi, but heck, she didn't have a single lucky charm except me, her baby donut. CHZ.
This is the first time that I'm counting whether or not I've dated all the Zodiacs, so I'm not so sure how this will pan out. To add some twist, I'd also try recalling their birth order. Not sure though if I can actually retrieve them from my defunct memory bank. Let's go. Baka may tama na naman mother dragon ko sa deep-ish dive na 'to.
Aquarius. Damn. We're actually starting strong. Only child. Silent but selos levels 10000000000. Creative-ish and thinks too deeply. Will make the effort to be with you wherever and whenever you go. Kaya kang hanapin sa Raon-Quiapo 'pag ayaw mong sagutin phone mo. Borderline stalking which appeared sweet at first, but, fuck. I cannot. Holds back feelings a lot, but had many outbursts, especially when selos levels hit home.
Pisces. Ohhh. This one's interesting. Apart from checking the spelling right now, this one's really devoted. As a Water sign, the emotions are intense; but I guess, more than the zodiac, it's because of being a middle child. We actually started with small talks, that escalated real quick to deep and dark and delulu conversations. Probably, one of the most dedicated ones; but blinded dedication is crazy. How crazy? Willing to wait even when all signs say unavailable.
Aries. OWEEEM. Middle child ulit. UGH. Very, very strong personality and dominant... but hey, it's me! The chaos, the ego battles, the non-stop banters. Magaling mamikon. Once the ego is tamed and vanquished, this Aries will be loyal but will appear distant. Badly put, ayaw umamin ng tama at mali niya. Will show you grand gestures but without the words to back it up. One of the most intense and life-changing encounters I've had, because Aries people are not backing down when they say that they are dead serious. Note: Mom said, Aries is my most ugh ka-sign. :D But hey, dad ko is an Aries. Hahahahaha. Just saying.
Taurus. The zodiac I am staying away from. Hear me out, first. My twin Taurus towers are my strongest and most meaningful connections in my entire herstory. LOL. And, look where it got me... they died too early. I always feel bullied ng Bulls, as in. :( Why so? Give na give na give na give na dinaig pa pagiging self-giving ko.
One of the most graphic date-hiritan-habulan in my book is with Taurus. Bunso, so pabebe matic naman na. Taurus e. Kinda like Aries but in terms of hambog, mas less ng slight. Won't keep up with BS. Won't mince words. Won't back down. Aggressive but with preno and buga na laging pang-gulat. But, very, very, very devoted and has a really, really kind heart and strong spirit. Ilalapag lahat sa harap mo. Ikaw na lang bahala paano mo i-take. Misjudged malimit kasi parang walang pake, pero meron, meron, meron. Also, this Taurus is sakitin kaya no choice but to be maselan. Dahil yata sa Taurus na 'to na 'di nag-reveal ng birthday niya until sa kalagitnaan na ng kaganapan, stress levels 10000000000. I even asked kung talaga bang birthday niya is ____ a few times. Then, ekis na agad. Sorry na kasi. Tinanong pa ako kung anong problema, sabi ko fuck off. Never again. Made up elaborate excuses, too, kasi maka-debate, akala mo Miting de Avance. Hayup.
Note: While I steer clear of Taurus, 2023 has been a Taurus town in my book. FUCK. So 'pag may birthday greetings ako ng Taurus szn, I freeze and retreat, a lot. TBT, though, Taurus may be one of my most intentional signs to date. FML. So, iwas-Taurus szn continues. Hahahahaha.
Gemini. Wala akong matandaan. Sorry. Baka walang nag-stick. Hahahahaha.
Cancer. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Bunso. May pattern ang sign na 'to. Falls in love easily and gets bored a lot. Shemay. Emotions are spot on. Akala mo may Netflix series kang aabangan. Stubborn and will try their best to win you harapan most of the time. Sentimental, homebody and romantic. Very easy to please. UGH. Very interesting din kasi Cancerians are deeply rooted sa family but appears to be lone wolves. Delulu levels 10000000000. Gusto ka ng patirahin agad-agad sa bahay awardee kahit saglit pa lang kayo magkakakilala.
Note: This is the reason why I CTRL + ALT + DEL my feelings and feeling ko talaga Aries-Taurus with sprinkles of Cancer akong nilalang. Ayokong maging tulad ng mga 'to 'pag tanda ko. LOLOLOLOLL.
Leo. Quick one lang 'to kasi cutie kagulo szn, so parang not counted. Bunso, if I remember it right. Hahahahahaha. Though date is full of adventures and misadventures. Ma-ego ang Leo, 'yun lang.
Virgo. SHET na malagkit 'to. Panganay. Vindictive levels 100000. Too traditional that's too boring for me, pero naman, 'wag ka, when no one's around, wagas maging aggressive. Obsession levels 1000000. Buntot levels 100000000000. UGH. Sensitive but will appear independent and unbothered. Likes overhearing conversations online and offline, a lot. So kung gusto mo 'yung "you and me and only us against the world" partner, baka pang-Virgo ka. Try mo.
Libra. Pang-balance talaga. Only child. Hmmm. Another interesting one kasi super calculated ang risk ng Libra na 'to. Kung baga, gusto niya sigurado. Walang mintis. Too peaceful borderline timid but there'd be times na the scales are off. And when that happens, lagot. LOL. Silent snob geek. Pero, what I like best is we had the craziest laughs and I was able to cry din naman because Libra is a good listener. Less doer lang o baka siya lang 'yun as a sedated soul.
Scorpio. Sizzling. Feeling only child. HAHAHAHAHHAHA. Sexual tension is off the roof. And they're not afraid to showcase their goodies even when they're fully clothed. Ganun. Very sentimental and 'yung pagka-deep, madalas 'di ko maarok. Too indie also. LOL. Craves and carves their own space as they wait for the deadly sting.
Sagittarius. I think wala pa rin kasi feeling ko lang naman, kawawa sila since same lang Xmas gift and birthday gift nila. LUH. Anong connect?
So, buti naman, hindi tayo naka-12 out 12 for today's kagulo sa utak session. Reading the stuff above, pare-pareho lang din kasi mga tao. I argue with mom a lot na, kesa i-box 'yung mga tao based sa sign nila, bakit ba hindi na lang maging fair game for all? Lahat naman kasi talaga may flags -red, beige and green, right? Also, as a Cancer myself, while I may have qualities of the Crab, it does not mean that I am all that. Nature versus nurture pa rin talaga. And, I think, zodiac dating is but a grand alibi. Mala-Fallacy of Love. LOL. Hala.
Habol muna sa mga trabahong bahay na tambak because I'm nursing a broken nail na sumagad sa laman nung kuko ko. Pointer finger pa 'to. :( Plus work and hustles weekend because it's a long weekend. I will try my best to down so much work para sa Japan trip kong may 1% chances of winning and winging it. Pampagana forda bonus and bills and bahay in 2024. Plus, really, really excited sa mga kaganapans and at the same time, may halong takot of the unknown as a people watcher. Sigh. Though I'm not part of alignments na pangmalakasan. Start up girl ako, kaya I'm but trying my best to make the most out of what's on my plate as I try to break down silos kahit sobrang daling maging aggressive-aggressive mode because, the silos are thin and shaking. 'Yung pitikin ko lang, giba na; but, iba na ako ngayon. Hahahahahaha. 'Wag lang sa core values ko. Ako lang naman 'yun. Sa tingin ko lang sa takbo ng mga ganaps. PS1: I was backreading posts and my oh my, I realized na this thought fart corner has been evolving. Mas maganda structure ko the past years to be honest. BUT, I do this style because I'd like to keep up with slang and para ma-practice ako mainam for work and life after work. ALSO, mas wala na akong subtext ngayon compared noon na hindi ko na rin malaman kung ano 'yung imagined and ano 'yung reality. Mas buo na rin ako ngayon. Mas hindi takot kahit takot much pa rin. SKL. Bye for now.
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Hi I'm Rachel Niebler So, I'm In The Hospitals Started In June To July Of 2023 Until I'm Getting Out Of The Hospital On August 1st, 2023 To Go Home To Respite House Colbeck, Ontario On Tuesdays To Saturdays And Home In Guelph, Ontario On Sundays To Mondays Starting In The Future, I'm So Sorry But I Was In The Hospital Like I Didn't Like The Hospital, I Hate It, When I Get Home Of My Mom And My Step Dad, I'm Going To Make As A Project For Making Sims 2 Stuff, Sims 3 Stuff And Sims 4 Stuff Of Both Hairs And Clothes On My Tumblr, I Don't Like 4t2 Clay Hairs And I Hate Them, I Like Sims 2 Old And New Downloads Of Ade-Darma, Alesso, Anto, Butterfly Sims, Cazy, Coolsims, Frevi, Helga, Lapiz-Lazuli, Leah-Lillith, Lidiqnata, Marrgareth Parallel Hair, Myos Female Hair 14, Newsea, Nightcrawler, Nouk Tommie Hair, Peggy, Raon, Rosesims, Salem 2342 Sinti Hair, S-Club, Sintiklia, Simpliciaty, Skysims, Stealthic, Wings Sims And XM Flora Sims For Making The Sims 2, Sims 3 And Sims 4 With A Hole Bunch Of These Hair Color Swatches Of The Color Actions To Make And Put On My Tumblr Of Rach.N Sims Tumblr And Downloaded On Sim-File-Share And Google-Drive, I Lived In Colbeck, Ontario Canada And Guelph, Ontario Canada, And On August. 14th, 2023 I Switched From Colbeck To Guelph Respite, Because I Am Living In 2 Houses In Guelph At Hopewell Ooster Respite House And My Parents`s House On Weekends For A Long Time Since August To Future Months Of 2023-2024.
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Tag game: Current
got tagged by @begaydoalchemy !! thank u !!
- Current time: 9:45 (AM for you US peeps smh)
- Current activity: finished up prefarming blades traces to 6/8/8/8. double calyx drops events is a godsend. was listening to a video essay on the bg but the favorite song section made me go listen to stiny on repeat again bc i love inflicting emotional damage on myself so i guess thats what.
- Currently thinking about: so theres this person in the hsr leaks subreddit megathread doing daily renheng insanity ponderings since blades trailer dropped and ive been just losing my mind ever since reading them. anyway i wanted everyone here to get to see them too but didnt wanna repost em bc its just kinda ehhhh to do so. here u go!! suffer with me!!! click the links theres all 3!!! (spoilery warning tho. idr how many leaks refs there are in there exactly but expect some at least)
- Current favorite song: spotify most listened to top5 currently looking like NEON by raon, kissaki by reol, wildfire, cha cha cha (we will never forgive xx swedes watch out) and stiny from KALUSH & jerry heil.
but like let me be clear the only reason reol isnt number 1 is bc the full version of the song only came out like 2 weeks ago and the earlier released shorter anime ver of kissaki is literally 7th on the list.
- Currently reading: ...i mean mostly just renheng fanfic but uhhh. i did read where the crawdads sing from delia owens (just plucked it out from the bookshelf randomly bc i was bored) a month or so back. it was neat but no like particular strong feelings abt it. it was very well written and i liked the flow of the prose a lot. also waiting for crooked kingdom to get a finnish translation bc i got six of crows in finnish and i dont do book series as mixed language sets generally. (also the translation work itself was just like an absolute fucking banger with the imagery and metaphors used like chef kiss)
- Currently watching: no particular show (last thing was when i rewatched fmab a couple months ago) going on but like. random video essays or informative stuff on yt honestly and its mostly for bg noise.
- Current favorite character: gee i wonder. dan heng (past editions included), blade, (big gap here bc i tunnel vision on characters), bailu, luocha, jing yuan i think for specific ones from hsr for now. am looking out for jingliu and fu xuan too i need to study them. in genshin its like. yeah its mr childe ajax tartaglia all the way but i kinda just havent been feeling it for the game much so eh. tighnari, kazuha up there too n arlecchino obvi.
- Current WIPS: what kind of productive person do you take me for??? ig i like. opened word this week to type out some random passage drafts for a ficlet type thing relating to the post i made a while back abt belobogs temperatures wrt dan hengs potential terrible, horrible, no good, very bad scalie time with it but do Not expect any results from that or anything i s2g. ive finished one fic in my life and that was half poetry half madness full one sitting and be done with it type deal
im sorry i have no idea who to tag so like. anyone who wants to do it feel free, mutuals or followers!!! :]
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(tbh, I don't even have the angel cards cuz I'm broke lol🙃, but I'll tell a few thing's what I noticed on other people's post about them either the comics, message's, or stories and theories)
Let's start with Rafael, the dude is like that one insecure kid in the family that always get compared to their other siblings or cousins, Gabriel is the messenger, Michael is the right hand, Rafael wanted to be acknowledged as something, he sees god as kind and benevolent being and being too merciful so he wanted to be the one who punishes evil for him because he loves god and wanted to understand him in some degree, so he judges based on his beliefs wether they're innocent or not and just like other Angel's, his views are always on god and wouldn't acknowledge the God's other creations because he sees them unworthy of God's recognition, bro is already insane (and God didn't even reprimanded this type behavior idk) and had spiraled further since God disappear when peepaw Solomon died, so ever since then he sees all of his decisions and other forms of punishment as a will for/from God in hopes he will come back one day and see his work.
So, the Christmas event happened and most of us know about the chastity belts they wear as to keep them pure for god, and out all of the three seraphim, Rafael is the only one that had his successfully and actually taken off by Raon (that's what they say) and by the time our little rara came back to heaven, bro had his post nut happiness because no joke that the brother actually thought he had ascended into a higher rank than Michael and Gabriel after he experience his first nut (since Lucifer said that Angel's engaged in ecstasies and eventually stop before they climax) Rafael was in a good mood back in heaven during those days that he scared most of the other Angel's.
(that's all bro, I'm new to your blog and love your raon trash talks, sorry English is not my native language btw, you also get a follow, I'll still go a couple of research for the other seraphim)
[ and also After reading a couple of your Lucifer x Companion works I'm hooked, Raon is so rotten to the point I think he wouldn't stop even if ever one day Companion gets married to Lucifer and Raon would just insist that its for the betterment of hell lol bye]
Funny you should send me Raphael of all angels, I was actually starting to write about him. So that's how he's like huh? That's funny. I am going around and reading what I can find about him, especially his card lines because I get the strongest grasp of a character by the way they're talking. And wow, he's a delusional one, ain't he? Also, I take an interest in his relationship with Heaven, since it's pretty clear he has no love for the others that live there, and if need be, will burn that place to the ground if it aligns with his views on God. What a weirdo.
Haaa, my brain has been stuck on how the seraphim would take in interest in the Embittered Companion, and how that would descend into some good old obsession. I know for certain that they didn't take any interest in the Embittered Companion. It's only after spending time in Heaven do things start to descend. Of course, I naturally want each of their obsessions to be distinct from one another. Like, how I imagine Gabriel to take issue with anyone who keeps a feather of the Embittered Companion to themselves, regardless if they were demon or angel. And Raphael, he has a weird sense of when the Embittered Companion is about to become lucid, so he tends to be there and just, stares. And sometimes laughs for seemingly no reason. He's creeeeepy.
Michael, eh, I don't have anything on him right now. Maybe later.
And yes, yes, Ra-on is certainly a rotten little thing, because holy hell man, incel behavior is no joke and that shit is extremely hard to weed out of a person. So, Ra-on is going to be a frustrating character to deal with, but he'll get better eventually. It's just going to be a rather painful process because of how much he's gotta unpack. Thank you for liking it all!
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