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catherinetcjd · 4 months ago
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a Mid-Century Florida-Style Unpopulated Neighborhood my utopiazed TS2 version of the real life Spring Hill which was developed by Mackle Brothers/Deltona Corp in the '60's Isn't it time your sims moved to Florida? ...with minimal CC!
I spent my formative years - ages 8 through 18 - in a place called Spring Hill, Florida. At that time it was just a "place" ...not yet incorporated into a town, with dirt roads if you veered too far off the main boulevard. It had one school (K-8th,) one small grocery, and one gas station with a convenience store - oh, thank Heaven! The whole development was designed as a "retirement" community, meant to entice New Yorkers to buy their Florida-dream-opportunity sight unseen, and move down to the land of eternal sunshine. (And many did!)
Read more on my BLOG »
Cross-posted to MTS and Simblr.
If you want more insight into the Real Life area - here is the wiki link: Spring Hill
Sameville has a total of 93 included lots. 63 are residential lots - one of which is an apartment/trailer park. There is also a cemetery. And there are 23 commercial/community lots. (Plus 6 designated "empty" lots - 4 residential, and 2 commercial.)
Just like the RL Spring Hill was when I moved there in 1974, there is a lot of room to expand this neighborhood. The "city" area is just made up of hood deco buildings and there are many beach lots awaiting your personal builds. Please customize the hood however you want!
Every lot is a clean copy; no sim has ever been in this hood. Each lot was cleaned and compressed with Chris Hatch's Lot Compressor. Everything has been cleaned with Mootilda's Clean Installer. And run through her Hood Checker.
Enjoy! 🦚
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ms-artzy-gurl · 1 year ago
Sim File Share - Filehosting for Simmers
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I made Aspen Island Plus into cc free. I also added a few more lots in all subhoods.
Lots by: @chrisnewbie, @deedee-sims, @executables-sims, @slyndseysims, @plumbtales, @frottana-sims , @fuzzyspork , @sterina-sims , @lavender-noire , @aondaneedles , @yandereplumsim @mikexx2 @simnthea @creesims @rockethorse @goldenbtrfly @alienpod @strangetomato @andrevasims @moocha-muses @danies-simsational-blog @catherinetcjd @grimbunnies mine.
Sims: @aondaneedles @kahlenas @mikexx2 @lilith-sims @slyndseysims @keoni-chan @chrisnewbie @isamajor @charmandersims @littlelittlesimmies @remisims @inperspecter
@simper-fi @pixeldolly @taylors-simblr
Try the sc4 for this neighborhood. I forgot to include the sc4 for this. I'm very sorry... Delete the (M-A-G) and also, -edit.
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deedee-sims · 2 years ago
Quote replies stopped working with the activity page update :( So have some painfully formatted replies under the cut!
@squeezleprime Replied to your post “Socialite Double Bed Just a simple bed addon I...”
I love your Maxis Addons! thank you!
I’m glad! ❤ More is coming, hehe!
@gold33​ Replied to your post “Socialite Double Bed Just a simple bed addon I...”
I love this ratchet bed ohhhh lord my sims are down for some degeneracy lol
Good for them, hehe! 😂
@themeasureofasim​ Replied to your post “@mdpthatsme 4t2 EP10 Corporate Supervisor for TM...”
We love suits!
We indeed do! 🙌
@sylvanahalim Replied to your post “@rented-space Pantless Pixicat Boots with...”
Ooooh I love the jeans!!! So pretty!!! 😍😍😍
Thank you! There are several versions of these jeans on my blog, with different shoes, you can search for high waisted, and they’ll show up if you’re interested 😊
@sylvanahalim Replied to your post “Another bunch of hair retextures! That’s a pretty...”
I know this is a late reply and I’m so sorry if I interfere, but I love 3 of these hairstyles from Newsea, Raon and Peggy, and also Wings and Skysims, they’re very lovely!!! 😍😍😍 I am in fact a very huge fan of Sims 2 👏🏻❤️
Thank you! Yeah, this post is rather old, but it’s never too late to comment! I love these hairs to this day!
@catherinetcjd Replied to your post “Carla and Angelina moved to this house (by...”
Woot! I'm glad you like the house <3 Thank you for using it!
I love your houses! I just need to find the right sims to move in! ❤
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teeayohess · 5 months ago
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a bedroom for myra, a goth vampire girl with a fitness hobby 🦇🖤🏋️‍♀️
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kayleigh-83 · 2 months ago
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Was in a build mode mood today, and quite happy with how this house turned out that I made for the lot bin!
I was feeling inspired and confident to tackle the CFE cheat a little after watching @sissysims wonderful new video of building tips. Finally, not scared of attached garages! I always say I'm more of a decorator than a builder, but I want to get a little more bold with CFE and lot adjuster to get the results I want.
I did also use one of @catherinetcjd's excellent 2-click foundation lots, as a nice shortcut. It created the unexpected slope on the driveway you can kind of see, but I like that accidental detail a lot! (I did fix the driveway clipping through the sidewalk later too). At some point I may give this lot a CC free makeover so I have a version to share, but I was burnt out by the time I got to the end of the build, so not today!
One day this will also probably end up a speed build on my channel - I frequently build empty lots for my bin and film it, then film the part two of decorating often months or years down the road when someone finally moves into it!
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simblrcc-site · 3 months ago
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Simblr.cc - Recap time!
It's almost the end of the year already. And that means: recap time!
While I am working on a user based recap as well for next year, I figured why not share some stats of how things have been going for this year :)
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915 Posts were shared in total! (Mods, gameplay posts, stories, etc).
1.519.911 views on all posts! We're now reaching about 20,000 to 30,000 views every month! Last year that was 10,000~ roughly.
59.165 total downloads! People really knew where to find that download button~! 😉
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843 downloads were shared with the world! Whether cross posted or new, they're all really cool! :)
@monocodoll was this year's favorite!
Check it out here (NSFW)
... But this wouldn’t have been possible without the countless talented creators uploading mods to the site. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing mods on Simblr.cc this year—I truly appreciate it!
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@monocodoll - Vile Ventures - Check it out here (NSFW)
@phoebejaysims - 2t3 Boutique Mod - Check it out here
@greenplumbboblover - Cerise Dress - Check it out here
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Sort of the same as the previous one.... :p
@monocodoll - Vile Ventures - Check it out here (NSFW)
@greenplumbboblover - Cerise Dress - Check it out here
@phoebejaysims - 2t3 Boutique Mod - Check it out here
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Loved, as in "liked" 😉
@phoebejaysims - Betting Mod - Check it out here
@monocodoll - Vile Ventures - Check it out here (NSFW)
@greenplumbboblover - Cerise Dress - Check it out here
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365 new members! Whether you’ve just created an account to explore, drop a comment on an amazing story/mod/post, or even start uploading your own creations—welcome to all of you! 🖖🏻
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Top 5 most notable (and creative) members!
Since they're all creators, go check them out! :)
@julietoon - (profile)
@katsurinssims - (profile)
@catherinetcjd - (profile)
@potential-fate - (profile)
@bellakenobi - (Profile)
A few notable mentions: (In non-specific order!)
And of course, you! Thank you for making this year a really great year! Even if you may not be on this list, you still have a huge important spot in this community of simmers! :) Thank you.
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Merry Christmas & a happy new year! 🎇
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daman19942 · 4 months ago
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WIP - 3t2 The Banyan by Copper_Penny
I sometimes browse the TS3 lot section on MTS for inspiration and I fell in love with this Mid-Century home. So I'm shaking off the building rust by making a TS2 version.
And because I like to make things difficult for myself, I'm also experimenting with @catherinetcjd's two-step foundations for the first time (was a little tricky to figure out the ground-level garage - not fully satisfied with it but its a teachable moment for myself).
It's not done yet so these are just some progress pics. The further I get into decorating the more I'm straying from the original, which is good! Tempted to extend the lot so it can have a real backyard, hmmm.
Might upload it to Tumblr when its done (but not MTS) if I can skinny down the CC a bit. Right now it has 3t2 windows, some custom walls, some decor items, and Life Stories walls and floors.
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sonqgmi-sims · 1 year ago
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Hey everyone! Sharing my favorite Sims 2 Custom Neighborhood Templates! You can view my video here ♥
Some of these are already in game at fresh install! But the ones I downloaded off MTS, I placed here so it's just easier to find them!
SMALL MAPS Arcadia Peaks: Created by Jawusa! Beachfront: Created by himawara106 & deskp! Binville: Created by Justpetro! Hidden Valley: Created by Black Zekrom! Magnolia: In game? Couldn't find a link!
MEDIUM MAPS Aridia: In game! Briney Fjord: In game! Cherry Blossom Ville: Created by himawara106! Driftwood: In game! Gidridge Mountains: Created by Hide on Bush! Oasis Valley: In game! Riverton Heights: Created by mctammer! Sample: In game! Seastack Island: Created by SweetAmberkins! Zane's Hollow: Created by PlyPlay665!
LARGE MAPS Bella Isle: Created by CatherineTCJD! Eagle Hills: Created by Leekeaux! Ford Lake: Created by Waterstar! Gunn Cove: Created by Flabaliki! Isla Segundo: In Game! Lake Crossing Beach: Created by gethane! Sedona: In Game! The Sapphire Divide: Created by Leekeaux! Viper Canyon: In Game!
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freezerbunny-sims2 · 1 year ago
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University house for students. Probably rich students.
Thanks CatherineTCJD for the 2-step foundation template.
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catandsusim · 23 days ago
237 Dark Red Ranch LC CC
Where I live, the narrow city lots necessitated the building of these narrow but deep ranch houses. Whole subdivisions of them. Part of my WW2 collection. 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom.
Download here.
The terrazzo kitchen floor is by CatherineTCJD.
The kitchen wallpaper is by CTNutmegger.
The corner porch column is by Huge Lunatic.
The white carpet is by Michelle.
The crib and changing table are bedding match mods of the Maxis ones by Ms Barrows.
The lovely white flowering bushes are by Reica15.
The living room striped wallpaper is by Well Dressed Sim Kimberly.
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cityof2morrow · 1 year ago
Desert Cliff 006
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Published: 1-24-2024 | Updated: 1-26-2024 (Version 2 Hood View FIX) SUMMARY Here is a desert cliff (original model by WireframeArt, 2021 via Creative Commons Attribution) in FOURS sizes—Low, Medium, High, and Mega. Add a cliff or mix and match several to create unique landforms, visible from both lot and hood view. The High/Mega sizes are large enough to cover entire lots! Also, the interior of the object is visible so you can create scenic caves, grottos, mines, and other mountainous settings.
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Pictured in between Lot 26 (2x3, 2-story) and Lot 25 (2x2, 1-story).
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The mega-sized cliff can cover several lots at once. DETAILS Requires all EPs/SPs. §1000 | Build > Architecture | 1230 poly Seamless textures look best since these objects do not use 1:1 scaling and cliffs will NOT go down with walls. ITEMS Desert Cliff 006 (Low, Medium, High, Mega) DOWNLOAD (choose one) Use only ONE of the following versions in-game at a time. VERSION 001 (V1) You’ll need the Rock TXTR Repository from the Repository Pack (Simmons, 2023) – the top/bottom of cliffs can be recolored separately. You’ll find rock, stone, and earthen recolors on this site under the #ts2recolors, #co2recolors, and #co2repopack tags. VERSION 001 (V1) from SFS | from MEGA VERSION 002 (V2) You need the stone couch mesh from the Stone Super Set (Fractured Moonlight, 2017). Cliffs have one subset and pull all textures from the stone couch. VERSION 002 (V2) from SFS | from MEGA *updated 1-26-2024: improved hood visibility (semi-critical). COLLECTION FILE from SFS | from MEGA *collection file includes items from both versions
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CREDITS Thanks: Partially inspired by Mediville (@teaaddictyt), Super Stone Set repo suggestion (@catherinetcjd, 2024). Simming and Sketchfab Communities. Sources: Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, Stone Super Set (Fractured Moonlight, 2017), Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik), Desert Cliff 6 (WireframeArt, 2021 via Creative Commons Attribution).
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catherinetcjd · 8 months ago
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Modern Boxes
I added a new page to my blog to house all my more "modern" builds (ie: floor plans from 2000 to present.)
Please stop by, and tell me what you think! ;)
My blog = Sims 2 Virtual Realty
Thanksies! CatherineTCJD
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ubervillez · 1 year ago
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Sugo 1/2
Local red sauce joint serving classic Simtalian fare.
Built using @catherinetcjd's 2 step foundation starter pack. I was feeling a bit of a lull but I went out to lunch with some girlfriends last weekend and felt that the Cove needed a lil place like that!
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bustinsims · 9 months ago
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I love these craftsman houses by @catherinetcjd but it's feeling little crowded with so many sims haha.
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kayleigh-83 · 2 years ago
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I saw this beautiful TS4 build by Gryphi yesterday and I was immediately so inspired, I had to see if I could build something like it in TS2! I was actually surprised how accurately I could replicate the rooflines - I’m so happy how this one turned out!
I made a few tweaks to accommodate TS2 build tools and also just my preferences, but it’s fairly faithful to the original. So thanks to Gryphi for such an inspiring build.
This lot comes unfurnished but with any build CC you see here attached. I highly recommend downloading the Bespoke Build and Thorpe Build sets first, as I believe both have a lot of repo’d objects and I use them heavily in this (and most) of my builds!
The driveway on this lot is also functional. This was built on a 2-step foundation (courtesy of @catherinetcjd) so make sure you have this mod so large dogs can access it.
Enjoy! :)
Download (SFS) | Download (MF)
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simblrcc-site · 3 months ago
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Update time~!
It's time for some updates again! It's not a lot, but there is a really cool additional feature now!
Added a proper 404 not found page! It looks something like this:
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💻Edit profile info
Suggested by @catherinetcjd - a new way to assign your homepage!
By default, it initially would give members the feed view, and non-members the homepage. However, maybe you're just visiting Simblr.cc as a member for other reasons...
Now by going to: Hi, YOUR USER NAME > Edit my Info, you will find 2 new fields.
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Default homepage:
Toggle between setting your desired homepage between:
Home, Feed (default),
Choose (the all post types page),
Downloads browse page,
Stories Browse page
Game Preference:
The game preference option grants you the ability to set by default what your homepage should display!
For example: I set my "default homepage" to "Downloads", and my game to "the sims 2", I will always see the sims 2's mods page when visiting the site!
📩 Tumblr Importer
(Sorry for the reblog spam! I haven't found a better way yet to test it without bothering anyone 😬)
Nothing too big! But the importer now does the following:
Grabs your tag and applies it to the reblog post. That way you should get more views as well! :)
It now automatically grabs the Simblr.cc post URL when you published it. That way you don't need to remember every time to add another link to your downloads.
And that was it! Obviously, if you're missing some features, got some bugs, let me know! I would really appreciate it!
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