#i am so sad and angry
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trennoandgreggo · 2 years ago
Jude probably needs a knee surgery soon.. Wow he really overplayed and ruined his body
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agustdblues · 11 months ago
yuri on ice got cancelled officially mappa burn in hell
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chozoremake · 2 years ago
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no but this literally lmao
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punkass-diogenes · 1 year ago
It is virtually impossible to have a real conversation about anti-Semitism anymore and fight it where it really lives, because of this. Israel deliberately appoints itself the actor on behalf of all Jews, runs roughshod over everything and pisses from the diving board, then cynically labels any pushback as anti-Semitism. The result is the further inflammation of real anti-Semitism in which Jews everywhere are assumed to be unequivocally supportive of Israel's fascist despicable behavior BECAUSE ISRAEL CONSTANTLY TELLS EVERYONE WE ARE. As a Diaspora Jew, I am done being used as a moral shield for this shit show of a country and its fascist regime. I am done with watching Jewish trauma get refined into fuel for an oppressive, genocidal war machine. Not in my name. Doykait forever.
just say you fucking hate Jewish people you fucking insensitive piece of shit. god
Some of the bravest people i know personally and some of the bravest people in the United States are the anti-zionist jews marching in the tens of thousands in cities all over the country against Israel's barbaric bombing of Gaza right now. You live in an extremist right wing echo chamber that inexorably ties Judaism to Zionism and the Israeli state.
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itwaslegendary · 7 months ago
my dad mentioned the vienna situation to me and one of the things i told him was that i find it very curious that 3 little girls are killed at a dance class and a week later there’s a terrorist attack planed at the eras tour, to which he replied that both events are unrelated… but i disagree.
the deep hatred for taylor and the fandom has reached a level of insanity that is ending with the life of innocent girls. it is a known fact that taylor’s audience is formed by mostly women and girls (we can also note that lots of her fans are part of the lgbtq community) so it is not a coincidence that it is events related to her the ones being targeted lately.
it’s really scary to see young men being radicalized by the internet. all the misogynistic comments and “jokes” about mass murdering swifties translate to the real world by inciting people to bring said “jokes” to reality and create terror.
the eras tour has been a safe space for women and girls to express their love for an artist in whom they’ve found comfort, to be themselves and have a lovely time. from my experience, it was one of the best atmospheres i have ever been in… and now it is being taken from us… will we women be allowed to enjoy anything? are we allowed to exist at all?
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sparrow-the-tired-lesbian · 3 months ago
Apollo when I’m in a decent mood: Drink water whore take care of yourself dumbass
Apollo when I think he’s mad at me/am in a bad bad mood: It’s alright dear, I’m not mad at you. You’re going to be alright, my sweet.
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3-aem · 1 year ago
struggling with this piece and every time i open layers i get jump scared by how the coloring looks
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nicollekidman · 4 months ago
realizing that people who equate cynicism with intellectual rigor are often just being lazy and pathetic has been so helpful tbh
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konohamaru-sensei · 7 months ago
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ah. it hurts
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manichewitz · 1 month ago
the fact that people are seriously harassing grimes over elon musk doing the nazi salute is making me lose my mind. he is her EX BOYFRIEND, she’s actively in a custody battle over their children, and she’s already said many times that she wants nothing to do with him. imagine if YOUR ex became a nazi and everyone thought that if you didn’t tweet that you weren’t a nazi right away then clearly you were just as bad as they are even if you’ve barely spoken to each other in three years. like can we please leave hating a woman bc of what a man did in 2024 please god
edit: originally i said he was her ex-husband, but they were actually never even married. people are harassing her over an ex boyfriend she broke up with almost three years ago
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send-me-a-puffalope · 7 days ago
i think Vanessa Afton deserves a Henry Emily in the movie franchise to be the found family father she needs to heal.
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mari-lair · 2 months ago
Between TeruAoi, Terukane and Aoikane which one do u think has the most chance of becoming canon with the story rn? I saw a lot of people on twt saying that Terukane has the most chance right now with the new timeline but I don't fully get why
Aoikane was confirmed canon in the old timeline, and it still has the most chance of being canon in the new timeline.
Just look at these panel. These aren't small implications, these are loud "HEY, AOI AND AKANE STILL LIKE EACH OTHER!!" panels.
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Terukane has no chance of being canon, at least, not in an endgame way, the most I can see it happening is Teru having a one-sided crush on Akane. And even that isn't as likely as the overall fandom want people to believe, cause we have gotten a lot of teruaoi hints.
HOWEVER, while unlikely I am not dismissing the possibility of one-sided terukane, cause aidairo has put a lot of effort into keeping Teru's crush ambiguous (like teru not telling his crush's gender when rejecting someone in chapter 1). So there is no way to disprove for sure that Teru doesn't like Akane.
The thing is that teruaoi also can't be disproven unless people go out of their way to have the most uncharitable view possible on the ship build ups. Teru has had so many vague build ups that tiptoe between 'platonic' and 'romantic' with both Aois, to the point even something as impossible as 'Teru like both aois' cannot be explicitly shut down. Not yet. So one-sided terukane wouldn't surprise me if it was canon or if it wasn't.
Now enjoying terukane is one thing, is a good ship with a really awesome and complex dynamic, but the people who genuinely believe they are being written to be canon and that making them canon was always the intention bother me, cause they aren't analyzing the manga, they just... see what they want to see.
I haven't been on twitter in a while but I don't have to be there to know that most terukane shippers there will see the newest chapter and zoom in on this scene to go "LOOK HOW MUCH AKANE CARES!! THIS IS ANOTHER PROOF TERUKANE RELATIONSHIP IS EVOLVING AND WILL BE CANON"
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but they will pretend this part doesn't exist.
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so at least to me, these 'analysis' read less like people that genuinely love the manga and enjoy analyzing every detail to try to foreshadow the relationships that will be explored, and more like people in denial trying to insert their headcanons and preferences into canon " I WANT terukane to be Endgame so I will ONLY see the terukane parts cause that's what matters, everything else in this manga is a mistake so it shouldn't be considered."
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crime-wives · 6 months ago
when emma’s hurt by something, she pushes it down and away and pretends until she can’t anymore. she bends and bends and sometimes she can steady herself, pull herself back from the precipice. until she breaks, and all the hurt springs back and she’s an open wound. a lost girl who’s always running, always afraid. emma fears her pain will make her unlovable. that the people she loves will leave if they realize the breadth of the wounds she carries. emma is bruised knuckles and hard, lonely eyes and an indescribable ache.
regina is more obvious in her hurt. she’s angry. a storm. she wields her pain as a weapon. she is not afraid to be seen in her intensity. often, it’s a mask to cover to the grief she feels. her life has been a series of losses strung together with only her as a constant. love is often the source of her pain. she feels so much hurt because she has the capacity for so much love. beyond the anger is so much self loathing and hatred. anger is the easier of the two. she is rage and she is destruction, and if she can’t find someone to destroy, she destroys herself.
emma grew up angry, regina grew up sad. they both became what they needed to survive.
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timeisacircleofangst · 3 months ago
because guys we've all talked about how Curly had to watch Anya die, but he had to watch Daisuke die too
like yes Curly watched Anya overdose but he also heard Daisuke calling for Anya as he crawled out of the vent. He might not have witnessed his actual death but he saw him all bloodied and distraught at being too late to save her
and I just think about how he felt. How guilty he must have been. You just watched the arguably two most vulnerable people in your crew die and you could have prevented it, but you didn't. You were charged with protecting them they were your responsibility but now they're gone and you get to watch
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giantkillerjack · 10 months ago
Me: I don't like when shows queerbait me.
Other Fans: Well then just watch other shows, dummy!!!!
Me: 👍👍👍 wow what a tidy way to dismiss and invalidate a legitimate reaction to homophobic story tropes! 👍👍👍
The "just leave then" response to people wanting more inclusivity from the stories they love is not just emotionally invalidating - it is also one of the things that keeps storytellers from feeling that they need to improve in the future by making fans feel stupid for demanding better representation in the first place.
This kind of response doesn't just make you sound like a conservative (since this is a VERY popular response that conservatives have when confronted with leftist media criticism), it also fundamentally ignores the fact that there may not BE an equivalent story with good rep to go to after leaving the queerbait-y one behind.
Delicious in Dungeon is special and unique; that's why I genuinely love it. It is that love that makes me want it to do better.
When I see that Shuro is allowed to openly express romantic love for Falin, but Marcille/Falin is relegated to mere implication, it makes me really sad. It may not be a romance manga, but there ARE straight couples, and hetero desire IS on display - which makes the lack of open queerness all the more noticeable.
So when people say "just go watch something else" in response to my genuine sadness and irritation that a beloved story is excluding people like me..... Are you telling me there's a nearly identical queer show - with a similarly active fandom - all about found family learning to cook beautiful foods in a dungeon? Is my favorite-guy-ever Senshi going to be there? Is there actually a place for me to go to??
OR is there only one Delicious in Dungeon, and that's what makes it great?
I think actually folks who respond this way just want me to leave, and they don't really care where I go, so long as their favorite thing doesn't have to stand up to criticism.
Because I don't want lesbian media elsewhere. I want it here, with my friend Marcille. Here, where the seeds of queer romance were purposely planted to hook my attention. What's so wrong with being disappointed if those seeds never grow to bear fruit??
We can like good art and still demand it does better. And we can validate people who are sad it isn't doing better without getting defensive. Critical analysis is healthy and important. It's how good and bad stories are fully understood, and it's how better stories get made.
And while I will try to enjoy the plentiful delicious crumbs I am being served (since it is more than most shows give me), just because I CAN squish a bunch of crumbs together into the approximate shape of a muffin, that doesn't mean I've been served a meal.
More on this topic because I love a good analogy
My original post about queerbaiting in Dungeon Meshi (that inspired this one with the replies I got from it)
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valkyrievanessa · 2 months ago
yeah, reverse 1999 2.2 is probably the worst patch this game had, about the way they represent the location i mean. I am kinda sad about how terrible this patch is, because even with anjo nala slowly becoming my favorite character of the game, this still is the worst chapter yet. I haven't finished yet, i am probably in the middle of the chapter, but shit, the way this chapter show brazil is so bad, so, so bad.
Anjo Nala is a great character, but she is not brazillian sadly (i would love if she was brazillian), she is the best character in this chapter and she is so cute, she acts like a cat. Despite being a Succubus, she is not only about sex, this is something new to a succubus character, often reduced to just sex, sex and sex. She is sexy, a lot, but she don't have sex as her personality, she is, to be honest, really, really cute, her interactions make her look so precious. And a bit tragic too.
Lopera i don't really know what to think about her, she is not bad, kinda the opposite, i am still in the middle in the chapter and her character still is being build. She is from colombia, she looks like a cool character, might pull for her because meta reasons and her design is cool.
Now Mr. Duncan, he makes me uncomfortable, he kinda represents everything wrong with this chapter, something clearly made with little to no study about brazil, about the events that happened here in history. His skin color is only a problem because they put him in that white savior bullshit, the white dude that saves the people from the favelas (that is usually represented as people of color, with is kinda accurate, sadly). The worst part of his character is that he is a veteran brazillian soldier. This decision was taken probably without knowing about the dictatorship that happened here in brazil leaded by the military 5 years before the events of the chapter. If not the white savior bullshit, it would be totally fine if he was white, his skin color is only a problem because of the choice they made with his character.
The way they represent são paulo, one of the biggest cities in the world, is terrible, the clothes of the npcs don't look like someone would use it in their daily lives anywhere in the entirety of latin america in the 90s. The setting of the chapter looks like they wanted to make it in mexico, but was too much offensive stereotypes together, so they put favelas on it and called Brazil and são paulo, without any study or thinking. And the fact that they keep talking about how ABSOLUTE SHIT IS TO LIVE IN THAT PLACE is worse, they made it worse.
I am disappointed with bluepoch and will put that on the survey, usually never do them, but this time i will, shit like this cannot happen again. I don't have plans to stop playing the game, it is one of my favorite gacha games that i play and i have no plans to stop playing because of 2.2, but i am disappointed, a lot, and i hope they never do this shit again, for the gods, please, i really hope they never do those mistakes again.
Also spoilers of 8TH-14. A chapter foccused in the military, on brazil, in the 90s is a shit ideia, after all, the connotations of a chapter focused on the military that happens only 5 years after the end of the military dictatorship could be terrible, but looks like Zeno are the villains in this chapter, with Igor being a villain and all, working with Manus, so it makes less bad, i will discover more as i read the rest of the chapter, in a hope to get out less angry, if the chapter give me enough of Anjo Nala i will probably end more happy than angry if they don't do something worst than they have done yet.
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