#i am not super familiar with poly relationships!
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minevn · 7 months ago
Which of the LI would agree to a poly relationship?
I don't think any of them would be into the idea of poly, and most of these are with V poly in mind(except for Aki and Haruto) And ofc none of the siblings would be okay in a poly relationship for obvious reasons, they're siblings that would be weird and gross.
Aki would probably be the MOST open to it with Haruto, Haruto would not be open to a poly relationship though, even if it's a V so that's like out of the question. Aki probably COULD love Haruto romantically eventually, but Haruto would never love Aki back so it wouldn't work out. Also Aki would ONLY be able to ever see a poly relationship with Haruto working out, she's not close enough to anyone else to consider even dating them.
Kage honestly might offer poly as an idea for almost(other then Haruto as stated above) any of the li's because they don't wanna get beat up, so they aren't ACTUALLY into the idea, more so a defense mechanism to protect themselves.
Hoshi, Habiki, and Minato just do not give me poly vibes, Minato and Jun would get insecure at the idea of a poly relationship, "Am I not enough?" type questions. And i just cannot see Hoshi or Habiki vibing with the idea of a poly relationship, Hoshi is a loverboy through and through, he wants to be the only one you love back just as you're the only one he loves, besides I think it'd feel like cheating to him and even the idea would leave a sour taste in his mouth. Cheating(even if its not actually) is a very sensitive subject and he does NOT want to associate you with cheating, he doesn't want to associate you with HER. And Habiki just simply wouldn't want a poly.
Kei and Yani obviously would NOT be okay with a poly, not even with each other, not even a triad.
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drdemonprince · 5 months ago
ENM/Poly circles explicitly discourage real talk around jealousy, and practical considerations around nonmonog in ways that routinely exclude and excise POC and disabled people.
ENM/Poly expects everyone involved to act as though “love” is the reason for every relationship choice. Cliche #1: love isn’t finite. Which… sure. Maybe love isn’t finite, but attention and time sure are— and those are at a premium.
Cliche #2: Love is all you need/love is what makes a family. I am familiar with criticism of this from a family abolition, anticapitalist standpoint, but I have seen this be uncritically repeated by ENM/Poly people. It’s not true that love is what makes a relationship work or not work. It’s also about dumb shit, like geographical proximity and practicality. Good luck being ENM if you can’t regularly host because you have roommates or live at home. Good luck being the gold standard of ENM (out to everyone, including family and maybe even the workplace!) if you are any kind of marginalized. Love is simply not enough. There’s real world shit to consider.
Most ENM/Poly people are white gen x’ers and older millenials for a reason. It’s a framework that works awesome if you have abundant spare space, disposable income to blow, and free time. Plus most ENM/Poly people are heavily in therapy, and just have a fuckton of time to deal with their various baggages… or at least like to posture as though they are doing those things.
Non monog can be liberatory— disabled polycules caring for one another. QPRs! Multiparent households! But ENM/Poly is very lodged in a liberal, hyper-independent Super Good Boundaries Thank You Very Much world of its own, and so most of the “resources” like More Than 2 or Polysecure have hella flaws in that respect.
COME OFF ANON SO I CAN FOLLOW YOU! Because you just said a whole word.
I find "ethical nonmonogamy" and polyamory circles to be viscerally unpleasant and alienating to be in as a crazy, chaotic antipsych person who does not always make choices for carefully therapized, restrained reasons -- and who doesn't believe that most other people do either, no matter how much they claim to.
I don't fuck multiple people to serve some higher purpose; I do it because I'm horny, impulsive, and have a variety of niche fetishes that are really difficult to satisfy.
I didn't choose to be openly nonmonogamous because I nurtured my soul and found that it was abundant with love that I just had to give -- all my relationships already were nonmonogamous at one point or another, either because I cheated or the other person did or both, and I eventually decided to move with my feelings rather than against them, and to stop denying all that is inside me -- all of the hunger and darkness as well as the light.
And I can't say that my nonmonogamy is inherently "ethical" either -- just like my monogamy sure wasn't! I'm a human being, and a crazy one at that, I get jealous, I have emotional blowups, I lash out and fuck other people to make myself feel better or to affirm that I am desired, I make big demands of the people I date, I fail to show up for people consistently, I get hurt, and I hurt others, and I will continually have more to learn. I will also continually have wild animal emotions and triggers, and I won't always deal with them in the way my partner(s) might want me to. I try to avoid hurting other people needlessly, of course, but sometimes your own needs are incompatible with another person's, and hurt is inevitable.
When there is only so much time and attention available in our lives, it's true that somebody's often going to come up short. And ultimately the person that I choose above all others is me. And so, no, I can't say I'm always doing nonmonogamy in some caring yet dispassionate way, or that love is the solution to all problems -- I am driven by passion and need, and sometimes being alive in those ways means getting hurt, or hurting in turn.
I would echo essentially all that you've said. We need time and resources and spaces to enjoy privacy with other people, and if you're not some rich work-from-homer, that shit's all in short supply. I hate the sheen of calm positivity that "ENM" and polyamory folks tend to place on everything -- as if no choices they make are fueled ever by bitterness, dislike, resentment, or hell, fucking white hot irrational DESIRE. With how fair and measured so many of them make their polyamory sound, I don't even see what's fun about any of it.
Sometimes you want to upend your whole life because you're so down bad for a person. Sometimes you hate the shit out of your partner's partners and you say and do little manipulative shitty things to convey those feelings, or to try and blow the relationship up. Sometimes the hours just don't add up and somebody gets shafted. Sometimes you make a promise and then you can't follow through, or just don't WANT to anymore because you have changed.
These are real human realities whether we like it or not, and I find it terribly unrealistic AND unsexy to refuse to acknowledge all the darkness and frustration that comes out in any relationship. I think a lot of the ENM/poly crowd that is white and middle class and heavily therapized is so averse to naming anything edgy or prickly in themselves that they make their spaces actively hostile to anybody who openly expresses negative feelings. That means Black & brown people get tone-policed a ton, "mad" people like me get no-true-scotsmanned out of "ethical" nonmonogamy for ever doing anything messily, and all the romance and sexiness of relationships gets sanded down into a Canva-graphic beige blandness of weekly polycule meetings and processing sessions.
In this world of self-optimization, even fucking and loving other people has to be cast as therapuetic -- our desires must justify themselves by somehow making us better, more capable, more controlled people, But fuck that. Sometimes sex or love is worth exploding your whole life over. The ENM/poly crowd says their way of loving makes them more even-keeled but it seems like a kind of death to me.
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 2 years ago
WIBTA if I tell a couple I'm a mistress for both of them?
this is a long one and a very weird situation but here we go. I (28F) have been seeing two people recently. I've been seeing C (30F) for a little over 5 months and M (29M) for almost 6 months. both relationships are currently in a state of non-commitment, even though I've expressed feelings in both relationships and theyve been reciprocated, but I'm naturally not a super commitment-focused person and both of the people I'm seeing have respected that a lot, so yeah.
anyways, both relationships have been great and I'm incredibly happy w them, and since neither are committed to me I've kind of just assumed that both C and M were likely seeing other people as well even if we haven't talked about it.
WELL. about a week ago C came over to my place to spend the night, which she does like once a week or every other week. she goes to take a shower and I start gathering laundry and grab her stuff to throw in with mine and take her phone out of her jeans. I glance at the screen and see a few texts from a contact called "my love <3"
I was kinda surprised by this because while not talking to me about casual relationships is not something I would care about, the contact name made me think she had a more serious relationship going on, which I don't mind but would like to be informed about.
soooo okay I did an admittedly asshole thing and read the text. and then read a few more. and it became apparent that this was a REALLY committed relationship. like, I love yous, I'll be back home soon, please remember to grab so and so from the grocery store, stuff like that.
the contact picture looked kind of familiar too so I clicked on it to see better and it ended up being a picture of M.
I kind of flipped at this bc this is kind of a ridiculous situation, and I left my apartment for some air. I came back like 30 minutes later and C was waiting for me and confused where I'd been (she didn't see/hear me leave since she was still in the shower).
I apologized to her for looking at her phone but told her that I saw the texts from her partner, and that I was feeling kind of hurt that she hadn't told me that she had a more serious relationship going on, since she knows I value transparency. I specifically did not mention that I was also dating M or knew who he was because I felt I needed to scope out the situation more.
she ended up breaking down in tears and spilled everything. told me that M is her husband, that he doesn't know she's been seeing me, that shes felt so conflicted and guilty because she loves him but has really grown to love me too, that she feels wrong and dirty for keeping everything secret. I'm upset that I've been made into a mistress without knowing, but I try to talk to her about everything, we end up staying up super late talking and crying and pouring our hearts out. I still don't mention that I'm dating M too because I feel like I need to talk to him about this before any big decisions are made on my part.
I ended up inviting M to stay at my place a few nights later, and I confront him about the fact that I know he has a wife (made up something about my friend seeing them out together) and ask why he's kept this from me. his reaction was really similar. guilt, not understanding why he's attracted to two people at once, saying he very deeply loves C and doesn't want to leave her but really loves me too, says he's confused and doesn't know what to do. I don't mention to him that I know C or that I'm dating her.
I asked him if he's heard of polyamory before, and he said yes but he doesn't know anything about it really. I ended up encouraging him to maybe talk to his wife to see if that's something she'd be interested in, but he was terrified that she'd be hurt by the suggestion.
I really do love both of them and don't want to leave them. I've been poly for a long time and am very familiar with navigating ethical non monogamy, and to me this feels a lot like two poly people struggling to come to terms with and accept a facet of their sexualities, and they're just navigating that confusion and self discovery in ways that are...not great. but, I want to give them grace for their mistakes I guess?
so this is the part where I think I might be the asshole if I go thru with it. I've talked with both C and M separately about talking to their spouse about what's been going on and about polyamory in general, and they're both fucking terrified and really don't want to. so, I was thinking of inviting them both to my place at the same time to hash it out (without telling them that the other person will be there, since they still don't know I'm dating both of them). I think once they realize they've been dating the same person things might be easier to navigate, and will force them to confront what's been going on?? but also idk if springing this on them is the best thing I could do, but I really have no idea how to navigate this differently.
to be frank, if they love each other and both love me, my ideal outcome is that we continue things as they have been but with no secrecy and 100% transparency. I'm also afraid that even though they've both been seeing the same person and have expressed interest in polyamory after talking about it with me, they might feel personally betrayed by each other and everything could backfire spectacularly, AND I could possibly explode their whole marriage.
so, WIBTA?
What are these acronyms?
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readychilledwine · 11 months ago
The Ruining of Seraphina
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Summary - Seraphina should have known better than to make a bet against her mate. Especially when losing that bet means being free use for the Inner Circle for a week.
Warnings - all of them, this is a free use open relationship fic. Loose editing 💕 if you squint, there are no errors.
Prompt - Day 7 - Free Day
A/N - I know. You've all been waiting for this one. Happy last @polyacotarweek post! Please keep in mind while reading this, this is both kink and CNM, but the two do not always go together. The smut happens fast, but I tried to keep it enjoyable since this goes through a week, day by day, of Sera being used by the IC. I am willing to expand on any of these days, so I wanted them to be vague yet enticing enough for all of you that the filth was accomplished. For obvious reasons, Elain is not included. It would be super odd to have Sera hooking up with her brother's mate as Azriel watched.
I wrote this with the idea of Sera finding sexual freedom through an open relationship based on other polyamorous people and couples. Being in a CNM relationship can be liberating for someone who grew up with a very strict background, and she felt perfect for this.
💕Poly+Acotar Week Masterlist💕
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“Azriel, I hardly know what this means.” Azriel kissed Seraphina’s palm, leaning It against his face as he smiled up at her.
“For a week, the inner circle will be able to use you however they want when they want. You said you wanted to fuck all of them, here's your chance, my flame.”
You bit, nodding, “And you will be there for all of it?”
“Only if you need. Open relationship, baby, we talked about this.”
“I want you there. Sometimes.”
“Then tug the bond in those instances.”
Monday was the first day it began, and to Sera's surprise, Morrigan was the first to enter her and Azriel's room. She wasted no time, pouncing on Sera and dominating her in a passionate kiss.
Sera smiled as her kissed trailed lower nipping at her lip slightly. “Top or bottom?”
“I've ever laid with another female before. I'm at your disposal, Mor.” She watched the blonde's eyes roll before she forced Sera onto her back. Mor situated herself on Seraphina's face, and instinct took over.
The position was so familiar to her, she replicated the movements she begged Azriel for, pushing her tongue into a tight opening, nose nudging her sensitive clit.
Morrigan was beautiful, but she knew now why her and Eris would never work, and the proof was leaking onto her face, tasting like honey with every drop.
Her hands squeezed Mor's ass and the message was received. Mor took control, hand tangling into red hair as she rode Sera's face.
She made the prettiest noises. Soft breathy moans that shot straight to Sera's core, soaking the bed below her.
In what felt like too short of a time, Mor fell apart on her face, plush lips parting into a silent scream as she did and leaned into the headboard.
She took a few breaths before laying next to Sera. “I really needed that.”
The Autumn female blinked. “You can have it any time.”
Tuesday she woke to fingers in her cunt and a tongue on her clit.
Nesta was, in Seraphina’s mind, the picture perfect female, and as she leaned forward on her elbows, moaning her name as her body began to shake, Nesta just smiled.
The female did not let up for hours, her face was constantly buried between long silky legs, finger in her cunt, mouth whispering to her about the filthy novel she was reading with two female characters.
It led to them covered in sweat, Sera on her hands and knees as Nesta and Azriel were kissing above her. She had her lips around Azriel, sucking him in time with thrusts from Nesta's strap on.
The strap was thick, faked veins running along her soft core and hitting every possible spot. Sera was whining around Azriel, body exhausted and overstimulated from countless orgasms from Nesta.
She came screaming, Azriel following her over the edge as she did. Nesta seemed to find completion as well, nails digging into the other female's ass as she did.
The three of them laid together in the bed, Seraphina reading the novel as Nesta and Azriel spoke. They began to laugh as her face flushed, “Don't act all innocent when I just fucked you with a strap on.”
Wednesday she was cornered by Rhys and Feyre after dinner. The High Lady smiled, pulling her into the room before pushing her on the bed.
For the second time that week, Sera enjoyed a female on her face, moaning as the taste of Feyre hit her tongue. The High Lady was not shy, chasing her own desires as Azriel and Rhysand watched whiskey in hand. The males were all smiles, watching the two of them as Feyre then leaned forward, returning the favor.
It was almost hard to focus, nerves being stimulated while she desperately wanted Feyre to cum for her, but she powered through, loving every second of Feyre's fingers and tongue.
They came at the same time, making both males lose a bet and allowing Feyre to then schedule a time with Azriel for a foursome later, a foursome you eagerly agreed to.
Thursday was a night alone with 3 males carved by Gods. Rhysand had taken her first, finding her in the shower and fucking her until she screamed. He buried himself inside of her as he came, biting her hard before carrying her out to her bedroom. Azriel and Cassian were already on the bed. The shadowsinger was sucking Cassian's cock, watching from hooded eyes as the general moaned for him. Rhysand laid you next to Cass, “Do you want more, or do you want to be forced to watch?” Lost whiskey eyes, blinked back at him, compliant to anything he would want. “You are just a little fuck doll, aren't you?”
Sera used to laugh when Nesta would make jokes about wanting to fuck Eris, Cassian, and Azriel at the same time. “I have three holes,” Lady Death would always smile as she said. Now she understood, and she would confirm to Nesta to take the opportunity if it ever arrived.
Friday morning, Rhys had been long gone, but she woke up to the sound of Azriel's moans. Cassian, the most eager male she had ever met, was between Azriel's legs, sucking his cock. Her mate's eyes were screwed shut, breathing heavy as his hand found Cassian's hair. The general motioned to her mate's wings, and Sera obliged immediately.
She licked the soft membrane, fingers delicately tracing the ridge. “You've been so generous for me this week. Isn’t it your turn, Azzy? Don't you want to cum for Cassian?” Her mated nodded eagerly, pulling her into a heated kiss.
Her and Cassian played with Azriel for hours, not stopping until they were all drenched in sweat and exhausted.
The three of them had dinner alone, Sera telling them about Nesta's fantasy and giving her mate permission to pursue, but not touch her older brother further than kissing.
Saturday was spent with Amren. The ancient being has no interest in her sexually, but they still spend the Day together. Amren wanted to study her powers, believing there had to be more to the female for her to have been with such a powerful male by the Cauldron.
She was correct, but Amren kept it to herself, not wanting to speak of what she discovered, nor how Seraphina scent changed when Amren cut her. No, she'd save that secret for another time.
Sunday was spent with just Azriel, his body desperate for hers, he had warded the door, wrapping her legs around his waist as he fucked her slow and deep, relishing in each breathy whisper of his name.
Sharing her had been fun, but the male had been jealous all week, almost territorial as he her heard moaning another's name. They had both wanted to try an open relationship, and they had both loved it, but they found their limitations.
Azriel groaned as Sera tightened around him, her back arching her breasts into him. “So good, Sera,” she whimpered at his praise, legs wrapping tighter as she lifted her hips more. “I've heard all week how delicious you are, you know that?” She whined as he hit the spot no one had found all week. “But who fucks you best?”
His pace picked up, now slamming into that same spot until her vision began to blur with tears. “Who's Mate are you?”
She could feel that familiar edge. Azriel always brought her to approaching, head buried in his neck as it did, and nails clawing into his back. “Cum. Cum for me, Sera.”
And she did, body so worn and sensitive from endless fucking that she came, moaning and crying his name over and over like a prayer. He spilled into her, biting her neck as he did to leave a bruise, marking his territory and who she belonged to.
He collapsed above her, forearms falling next to her face. He placed soft kisses on her cheekbones, nose, and then lips, smiling as he did. “Good week?”
“The best.”
“Feelings on keeping our relationship open?”
“Yes,” she nodded. “Gods, yes.”
“I think so too.”
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"You've ruined me, you know that?
Azriel kissed her shoulder. "Ruined you or freed you?"
"Freed," she said slowly. "I think you've freed me. Having no limitations on sex is-"
She nodded, kissing him again. "Liberating."
General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria
Poly+ACOTAR Week Taglist
@amara-moonlight @toporecall @littlestw01f @prettylittlewrites @anuttellaa @nayaniasworld @123345566
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augustjoy · 5 months ago
Hi! Idk if you would be comfortable writing it, but I love the idea of Aaron hotchner x reader x Derek Morgan just all being so in love with each other. Thank u Xx
It is complete and will be posted on Wednesday at 5pm MST! I hope you enjoy it!!!
Also I am not super familiar with poly relationships so I hope I did it justice!
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princessfbi · 2 years ago
okey so i need some tv recs for this hiatus 911 fan overall procedure fans i guess that's all the vibe i can think of to ask lol so hit me with your recs
EXCELLENT! So glad you’ve come to me Nonnie. I am honored. This is in no particular order but in terms of general procedurals with similar 911 vibes I’ve got a couple:
1. Sirens
It’s about a paramedic team in Chicago and it’s fucking hilarious. We're talking laugh out loud can still quote it from memory hilarious. There’s two seasons and each episode is about 25 minutes so it’s easy to get through. There is a British counterpart that is also funny but it’s definitely a different tone for sure.
**If you were a fan of Arrow then you'll recognize Josh Segarra
***Also you can scream with me and @lucydonato about the show
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2. ER
I always describe 911 to people as ER for first responders. Part of that is because it’s so episodic. It gets really melodramatic at times and there are a LOT of story lines but for the most part the general stakes keep to one episode at a time and the show gives you permission to let things go which is nice. I’m a fan of the earlier seasons as opposed to the later seasons but Angela Bassett is in the last season. Lots of great guest spots and very character driven.
**Characters do die in this show so be aware of MCD warnings. No one is safe in that show. Except maybe Noah Wylie but that's cus it's Noah Wylie.
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3. Numb3rs
It’s an awesome crime procedural with a twist on it. The oldest brother, Don, is an FBI agent who has his baby brother, Charlie, help him solve crime using math. This show has all the tropes too. Brother relationship, found family, etc etc.
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4. Psych
It’s a procedural with a much lighter tone. Shawn pretends to be psychic and solves crime. It’s chaotic and messy and wonderful and perfect.
**Gives me coming home from the pool and vegging on the couch summer vibes.
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5. Castle
On the same side of the coin, it’s another procedural with a twist. Castle is a successful mystery novelist who helps solve crime. Nathan Fillion for those fans of The Rookie and there's a lot powerful female characters in it.
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6. Murder, She Wrote
MSW walked so that Castle could run. This is an oldie but a good. Angela Lansbury is a mystery writer who solves crime. It’s super cool knowing that she insisted on hiring a lot of older guest stars so that they could continue to be in the union and get their benefits. Also omg the 80s/90s wardrobe. There's also a couple of episodes with other detectives and crime solvers when Angela started to get tired carrying the weight of quality television on her shoulders.
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7. Drop Dead Diva
THIS is such a good law procedural. It has the added bonus as having the same casting director as 911 so you’ll see a lot of familiar faces. But Deb is a model who died and got reincarnated in the body of a plus size lawyer named Jane and it’s the most wonderful little nugget that just existed in its own space. It was SO ahead of it's time on certain issues and it deals with a variety of topics such as body shaming, slut shaming, mental health, etc in such a kind and compassionate and positive way.
**Gives me late summer 'I haven't moved from the couch and omg it's season three' vibes
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8. Scorpion
A team of geniuses (with neurodivergent representation in action genre scenarios) who help solve crime and crisis situations for homeland security. Lots of found family feelings! SO MANY! Big time character driven show.
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9. White Collar
A white collar criminal agrees to help solve crime with the FBI agent who arrested him. Neal is so whumpable and it's one of the few times I've seen a fandom really embrace the idea of a poly relationship in fanon? Idk I wasn't really in it but the fics I saw all seemed to agree that no one would complain if Peter, Neal, and Elizabeth all lived happily ever after with their golden retriever. NOW, I will say this is a Jeff Eastin show and he has a tendency to take the amazing female characters in the show, throw them in a blender, and then bring them back as Frankenstein's monster bride and act like he didn't just ruin their character and it drives me fucking insane. BUT those first couple of seasons are fantastic.
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Ask Me for TV Recs To Get You Through Hiatus
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s-creations · 1 year ago
26 Ways to Feel Mortal - Z: Zeal
26 Chapters based around experiences that newly arrived Geno experiences while trying to find the Star Pieces.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo), Mario/Princess Peach (Nintendo) Additional Tags: Rating for Teen needed for later chapters, but shouldn't be to worrisome, I'll have warnings if I'm worried, Poly relations!, Main characters will always be named, Minor characters will arrive as needed, the chapters are not in a specific order, just meets the needs of the given word, please be aware of spoilers
Zeal: (noun) Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause of objective.
“Mario. …Mario, come on, you said you’d join me this time!”
Said hero let out a low groan as he rolled over onto his back. Part of the ceiling of his small home being partially blocked by Geno’s beaming face. The puppet clearly eager as he waited for Mario to sit up.
“I’m awake,” Mario let out a wide yawn, “I’m awake. Can you make the coffee for me?”
Geno nodded before practically bouncing off the bed and rushing over to the kitchen area. Shifting to sit on the edge of the bed, Mario rubbed his eyes to remove more of the remaining sleep. Eventually letting himself sit and watch as Geno moved around. The puppet hummed softly as he waited for the coffee to finish dripping. Wearing one of Mario’s old and very large red sweaters with his familiar hat and shoes in place.
It had been a few weeks since the Star road had been repaired. Mario receiving a happy surprise from Geno not long after. Who had happily announced that he’d been allowed  to come and go as he wanted to. With the understanding that Geno would need to return to Star Road if the number of wishes grew substantially. Otherwise, Geno could live as he wanted to. Meaning, with Mario.
The hero had immediately offered a place for Geno to stay, more than happy to have the puppet as a roommate. Peach had thrown a large celebration when told of Geno’s return. Turning it into an even larger celebration upon learning the puppet could stay. Mallow had cried when Mario and Geno came for a visit. The newly homed prince happy to see his friend once more. 
There had been a bit of growing nerves when Mario decided the time for Geno and Luigi to meet. The puppet worried about needing to impress the younger brother. However, it was more Mario’s turn to worry as Luigi did not hold back upon teasing his older brother. 
“Such a big hero, can’t just stay with one partner?” Luigi smirked.
“When are you proposing to Peasley?” Mario shot back. 
Geno laughed softly at the brother’s teasing. Happy to know that Luigi accepted the Star being easier than what Geno had expected. 
Now, weeks later, Mario was thrilled to start each day having the puppet by his side each day. Waking up to see Geno eagerly engaging each morning. 
Mario was brought out of his thoughts when a mug of coffee was passed to him. Letting out a small laugh, Mario took a sip before saying, “Am I moving to slow for you?”
Geno playfully huffed before replying with, “Maybe.”
“Alright, alright, I’m coming.”
Geno was already out the door before Mario even moved to fully slide off the bed. Said hero shivering as the morning chill washed in. Shuffling after the excited puppet, Mario takes in the darkened morning sky with a smile. Mentally noting that some of the stars were shining a bit brighter than usual. 
Taking another sip of coffee, he walked up to where Geno was standing. Both leaning on the tall banister, Geno pressing close to Mario while the human wrapped his arm around the other. 
Eyes on the horizon as the darkness slowly changed to pastel sky. 
The sun eventually peeked out from the horizon. 
Both shared a warming kiss as they welcomed a new morning. 
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fowlfics · 1 year ago
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This year's @fandomtrumpshate browsing period is open!
One Piece has 18 offerings from 13 creators! You can see all of them RIGHT HERE or have a look at the sparknotes below!
Bidding runs from 5th March 2024 8 am EST, to 9th March 2024 8pm EST. You can help raise money for non-profit organizations - you can see the full list of those HERE!
For One Piece fanfiction:
Less than 5k:
CaptainSupernoodle (@scribble-dee-doo) - Charity specified (Middle East Children's Alliance *, Never Again Action *, Any/all listed environmental orgs) • Up to M rating •
ShadowSpires (@shadow-spires)- Any Charity • Up to M rating • "For One Piece I'm currently only up to Zou, so I want to focus before that. My main ships are ZoLu, LawLu, and ZoSanLu, with a focus on devotion/loyalty."
Between 5-10k
ladybug114 - Any Charity • Up to T rating • "I can write for either the anime or live action, with the caveat that I've seen about 250 episodes of the anime. I won't write anything that ships Luffy with anyone. I won't write any sexual content."
altokiwi (@altokiwi) - Charity specified (Bellingcat *, Life After Hate, Middle East Children's Alliance *, Never Again Action *, Any/all listed environmental orgs) • Up to M rating • "for pairings, I'm more familiar with Zoro/Sanji, Nami/Vivi, though, I'm super down on writing for almost any f/f ship or rarepairs as well. For gen fics, I'm more familiar with the Strawhats, the Vinsmokes, the Revolutionary Army and the Marines."
juurensha (@juurensha) - Any Charity • Up to M rating • "Zoro/Sanji, Luffy/Law, Robin/Franky, Nami/Tashigi, Zeff/Garp, Crocodile/Mr. 1, Crocodile/Mihawk, Shanks/Mihawk, Yamato/Hiyori"
Emily Fowl (that's me!) - Any Charity • Up to E rating • "I love exploring the themes of brotherhood between Ace, Sabo and Luffy. Additionally, I like making Ace meet Roger and/or Rouge, having Sabo recover his memories early or stretching Luffy's luffiness to its absolute limit. Other characters I'd be happy to write about as the main characters of the fic are the Strawhats, Nika, Law & Rosi, the OG Hearts (Bepo, Shachi, Penguin), Dragon, Roger, Uta, Crocodile & others (feel free to ask!)"
Thursday - Any Charity • Up to E rating • "Especially interested in: poly ships, lgbtq+ characters and identities (especially trans and non-binary characters), found family (or just family) dynamics. i especially love to explore how relationships change and i'm a big fan of queerplatonic and just platonic relationships in general!! i love to include the hurt/comfort trope a lot. i also really love to world-build and i enjoy doing non-traditional things for a lot of different dynamics."
Between 10-20k
Trinipedia - Any Charity • Up to E rating • "Luffy/Zoro, Helmeppo/Koby, Sanji/Zoro, Mihawk/Zoro, Luffy/Sanji
For One Piece fanart:
facethestrange - Any Charity • Up to E rating • "I'm offering colored digital art. Anything between 1-4 characters in one picture. The scope and style is going to be similar to the art in my AO3 profile, no matter how high the winning bid is. (To see representative examples of what you'll be getting, please only look at works from the last 1-2 years - some older ones are a very different style and lower quality.)"
PYRZQXYL - Three offerings; Two are both Any Charity • Up to M rating • Unwilling to address: hard 'no full frontal' rule, erotica otherwise v. negotiable; One is Any Charity, Up to T rating • All are: "PORTRAITURE(S) (up to a triptych) // ILLUSTRATION (of a scene, up to three (3) characters), fanfiction scenes (w. & only w. author's blessing)"
Arandin (@arandin-art) - Any Charity • Up to T rating • "For a book cover with a fully illustrated background 10$ must be added to the minimum amount. Each additional characters represent 5$. My favorite pairings: LuSan, ZoSan or LawSan... But I'm open to your ideas nonetheless."
For One Piece fan labor:
ShadowSpires (also in Section 1) - BETA • Any Charity • Up to E rating • 10-20k range • "For One Piece I'm currently only up to Zou, so I want to focus before that. My main ships are ZoLu, LawLu, and ZoSanLu, with a focus on devotion/loyalty. Open to most other things, though, including Crew Feels!"
altokiwi (also in Section 1) - CULTURE PICKING, SPECIALIST EXPERTISE, TRANSLATION • Charity specified (Bellingcat *, Life After Hate, Middle East Children's Alliance *, Never Again Action *, Any/all listed environmental orgs) • Up to E rating • "Depends how much the bidder contributes.. For translation - 1k words per $4 bid. Expertise and Culture - 1k words per $2 bid. Fan labor details: Culture picking - Mexican culture (everyday life, food, language, etc) Specialist expertise - Medical equipment/devices (particularly in a clinical setting). Engineering in general. Translation - Spanish <-> English. If the text is not your own, please make sure you have the author's permission! (or public blank permission works too)"
For One Piece fan audio & video:
ShadowSpires (also in Sections 1 & 3) - PODFIC • Any Charity • Up to T rating • Less than 5k • "For One Piece I'm currently only up to Zou, so I want to focus before that. My main ships are ZoLu, LawLu, and ZoSanLu, with a focus on devotion/loyalty. Open to most other things, though, including Crew Feels!"
Alistair_Nightly - PODFIC • Any Charity • Up to E rating • "Depends how much the bidder contributes. $10 - up to 10k words; $5 per 1k words after that, capped at 50k words. Stuff I'm especially interested in working with: - Found family - Soulmates - Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers - AUs / Cross-overs / Collabs - Non-hetero relationships (I'm especially indulgent of boy-love & bara, but all flavors are welcome. including hetero) - Adventure stories - Horror/Thriller/Slasher - While I love good mimetic fiction, I am especially fond of speculative fiction"
aaronantium - VIDEO • Any Charity • Up to E rating • "Video details: I will make a music video with a song of your choosing. It can be multi-character, focused on a single character, or a shipping vid. I'll do a minimum of 1 minute and a maximum of 5 minutes (I can do a section of larger songs, but five minutes is the max length for the final vid). [For] One Piece I'm good to work with either live action/animated or both, but if it is a ship vid I don't want to do anything that is incestuous or underaged."
If you're interested in bidding for a One Piece offering, but can't find something you'd like among the ones listed above, don't fret! Plenty of creators picked "any fandom" on their offerings!
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connectionxterminated · 8 months ago
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NAME: Trixie Falls Hopper
GENDER: Transgender Male
PRONOUNS: They/He/Angel/Angelself
SEXUALITY: Biromantic Asexual Poly
AGE: 18
LIKES: Reading, Studying, Waffles, Sweets, Savory Foods, Street Food, Fairs, Carnivals, Carnival Rides, Going for walks, The beach, The ocean, Fluffy things, The moon.
DISLIKES: Enclosed Spaces, Sour candy, Loud noises, Being yelled at, Thunderstorms.
OCCUPATION: I remember working in Granny's diner as a Waiter!
PERSONALITY: I'd say I'm a pretty gentle person! Really loving and really friendly when you talk to me! I'd also say I'm super fun to be around and I won't let you down! If I seem a little reserved I am. Sorry. I am. Bad at speaking! Working on it! I swear!
DISTINCT MEMORIES: I remember entering Storybrooke when I was like, 16, I was like, really fucking lost and that's when Mr. Hopper found me! He took me in, gave me shelter, food, everything one would need to survive. And in turn, I helped him out around the house with chores, cooking and everything else! And then a few months later he actually was able to legally adopt me!
My Fairytale Counterpart was actually an angel. My name was Trixster! I was only an angel in training, learning to help others and grant their wishes. I had a wolf familiar by the name of Ajax. He was my only friend at the time. I miss him a lot. I also remember having a really bad family life in the sense of my family having seriously high expectations. Of course. This was before some kind of curse was placed on The Upper world, nearly causing almost all of us angels to go extinct. I was. Lucky enough to get out of there. In time.
I remember visiting Mr. Gold every once in a while because he was helping me with recovering my magic, because after I entered Storybrooke I ended up somehow losing my magic, so Mr. Gold was nice enough to help me recover my magic!
FUN FACTS: I have really high blood pressure and very low iron. So dizzy spells are super frequent and normal for me. I also have a history of fainting a lot. I am Autistic and I have mild depression. I'm also really skinny because I have a habit of forgetting to properly eat and I can stick my fingers under my ribs. That's. A problem. I also have a ton of scars on my wrists and thighs from self inflicted harm. I'm getting better!! I promise!! I also collect a lot of crystals and animal skulls and stuffed animals!! I have about 56 crystals, 5 animal skulls and 10 stuffed animals as of right now!!
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@residentsofeurydice , @satyrsystem !! Um.. not sure who to tag!! Sorry if you didn't wanna be tagged!! Um.. ahhh!!!! Sorry!!! •Trix🪽
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cha-melodius · 2 years ago
Hi! 15 and 20 for the ask meme?
The final one of these writer asks, thanks for your patience, and thank you for the ask!
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
Titles for sure. Summaries are easy for me, just pick a snippet and then write a pithy one liner to sum it up. 😂 Titles either come to me quickly (often a song title or lyric), or I agonize over it for a while. Some of my titles I love, some I'm kinda meh about.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
How about some meta for Class(room) Warfare (professors AU)?
First off, I am a professor, so this is one of those times when you write what's really close to your life lol. I'd written a professors AU in another fandom, but it was a long fic. This was a nice excuse to do something shorter for these two. When I was trying to dream up ridiculous ways for two professors in two different departments to get at each other's throats, not erasing the boards seemed suitable absurd but also completely plausible. FUN FACT: Last week I got to my classroom and found the board full of unerased writing, and it both 1) irritated me, and 2) made me think of this fic. In case you were wondering how common it is. 😂
(spoilers below)
As I mentioned in the author's notes, most of this was inspired by my everyday life, so I'm not going to get into all of it. Basically if you're wondering, "Do colleges really work like that?" or "Do professors really think/do that?" the answer is almost certainly yes. But here's some more trivia:
Zahra was cast in the department secretary role because every academic knows that department secretaries run fucking everything
PLSC 307, Democracy & International Relations—I think I stole this class title (but not the number, that's random) from my college's poli sci department catalog.
McQuiston College—I knew I wanted them to teach at a small liberal arts college, and I knew I didn't want it to be real (as opposed to my other academia AUs where I have used real institutions). I considered taking random last names off books on my bookshelf, but I didn't want to accidentally write about a real college either. Using Casey's last name was a stroke of inspiration that I was SO happy about.
was junior enough to be unlikely to be evaluating his tenure portfolio some day—little things like this probably mean nothing to most readers but I feel like they add that extra hit of authenticity to any academics who happen to be reading. Pissing of someone who might eventually be on the committee who decides whether or not you get to keep your job is a real fear.
always carried his own markers with him—I've literally never found a working marker already in a classroom. Always carry your own.
Sometimes he wondered—to himself, never out loud—if it was real, or if he was just trying to fit in after he found out that his sister and best friend were dating, like when he was six and decided he was super into horses only because June was.—I carry this little headcanon that in universes where Alex has had some reason to doubt his heterosexuality but still hasn't done anything with it, he worries that he's only trying to fit in with his friends/mimic his sister. Doubting how queer you really are feels very familiar to me and from what I've read seems like a pretty common bisexual experience.
He’d just ignore you, like everyone else does.”/“Hey!” Alex protests, but she ignores him.—This was actually unintentional when I first wrote it but I realized what I'd done and had to keep it.
Dr. Henry Fox-Mountwhats-his-face—This and the subsequent email greetings/sign-offs were inspired by their early emails in the book, though I had to figure out how to do names that weren't based on HRH and such. I think my favorite was "Dr. Acerbic Cocky-Disaster" because if that doesn't actually describe Alex to a T.
Halloween-in-The-Castro gay—Wanted something different than Fire Island on the Fourth of July, was very pleased with this one. If you're not familiar with the history of Halloween in The Castro, do look it up.
Then he proceeds to wrap himself around Alex from behind and hook his chin over Alex’s shoulder to look down at his cooking—Considering how frequently this exact type of moment shows up in my fics in other fandoms, I'm kind of surprised I haven't used it more frequently recently. Anyway, the "peeking over the shoulder while cooking" is definitely a calling card of mine.
He wants, to put it bluntly, to romance the shit out of him—I am only just realizing that I reused this turn of phrase recently lol. It just feels VERY Alex to me.
All right, that's it for now! Thank you again!
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misqnon · 11 months ago
sanji and pudding are cute together as completely platonic friends.. like he is a good FRIEND for her. i think she just needs someone in her life who isnt going to ridicule her for her eye and . like. fully accepts her. and that is who sanji is.
i wouldn't have an issue if it was just like. a one sided crush either. which it kind of is but i don't trust oda to have those intentions. i know its realistic to have kids crush on older people,, and i think its interesting to portray that as long as the adult isnt being creepy and weird. like u can have an adult that is accepting of the kid who's crushing on them. and the adult is also like "this is never going to happen. u should find someone your own age, that would be healthier". it is inherently pretty uncomfortable to have a kid crush on you i would assume, but they could still have a healthy relationship
i also want all the straw hats there!! i dont think i'll be satisfied if they arent all there..
this is so funny, i actually watched that video a while ago (passively. as in i was actually trying to sleep and also listen at the same time). but YEAH i think he is so right... the charm .. the something that zoro has. is not there. thank GOD i didnt miss the fuck...
oh for sure the like 3 layers of translating is probably a big reason for the awkwardness. i (personally) think he has autistic energy outside of that one interview (i think i was kinda unclear which is why i am . bringing it back up) but . ofc. i am not going to diagnose a man I dont know anything about LOL
no shame in this household!!!! there is already plenty to go around
VERY ASEXUAL FRIENDS SEEING UR HORNY POSTING.... SOUNDS LIKE A NIGHTMARE. my very asexual friend does not use social media thank god. i .. i could never let her see me like this ... for her own sake..
u also forgor ur gender for a bit thats so funny..
im very thankful there are at least a FEW nsfw questions about men in the sbs... equality!! but we must strive for equity.. sexualize the men 3x more /hj
i have a friend who knows a bit of japanese but i always feel so bad relying on ppl who know other languages LOL. like.. im sorry ... our friendship means so much more to me than ur job as my translator sometimes... but i think the foreign fans use a translator app, bc im pretty sure oda has said the wording is wonky because of the translator
ive seen a bit of trixie and katya!! im at least familiar with who they are. at my highschool (that i went to for only the last two years i was in school) we had some drag queens come to school for a show.. it was interesting. i had never seen drag in person. and then we also had a drag show with students which wasnt as involved
"for legal reasons (haha get it)" LOL
perfect representation of a sanji courtroom. since u are sanji magistrate ur word is law. literally.
oda can have credit .. as a treat.
it IS compelling tbh but it's. as u kinda said. its mostly just mentioned briefly and then not brought back up. i do NOT want to see it come to fruition.... if they killed each other.... me next
"I WOULD LIKE CROSS GUILD AS A POLY SHIP MORE IF IT DIDNT FEEL MEAN WITH HOW OFTEN THEY BEAT UP ON BUGGY AND ALSO BC I THINK BUGGY BELONGS WITH MR. RED HAIR." YEAH EXACTLY!!!!! i too love a one sided ship. shuggy angst is literally so good.. wait til u catch up theres a . theres a moment. theres a shuggy moment that is SO angsty. they have so many problems they should just kiss and that would solve everything!
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i also heard abt the falling down the stairs meaning suicide thing, but i only heard abt it super recently. ur right she wouldnt have done that!! she was finally feeling like. things were looking up . because of zoro!! he helped her feel better!! n then she died. i agree that he probably sees a promise as an ironclad thing. he would literally die for a promise he made. he definitely isnt stupid either, and is generally pretty untrusting of new people
"Dreams. Ambitions. Drive. Do what that day stole from Kuina. Defeat Dracule Mihawk. Become the world’s greatest swordsman- for both of them." i love this part
"This isn’t a good sign for his current navigational endeavors." HE GOT LOST..... that made me laugh
"Kuina. He doesn’t think of her as often as some might think. He doesn’t dwell on the past, only reflects on it." accurate for zoro!!!!
i feel sad for him :( he sounds a bit. regretful? is that a word.. thnk u for sharing i lov .. i love .. when ppl share their art with me.. thank u..
"but do i ever actually make those things….no. i do not" psh... typical..... /lh
oh boy im so excited to take ibuprofen with u!!!!
yes u got me i like sanji now 😔😔😔😔😔 congrats on converting me😮‍💨 /lh. ill send u another 4kids sanji video to get back at u for this *shakes my fist in rage*
i love seonghwa!!! (obviously!!! since im ot8 !!!)
THE LAW PUN... I DINDT NOTICE AT FIRST .... im so glad u have the hawaiian shirt comic saved. i have multiple pictures of him saved and i refuse to delete them despite my phone storage being rly low.. and im not doing anything with them. im just attached.
look at how much i talk about him... im normal . its only been a month and a half since i restarted one piece and i hadnt talked abt him at all before that.. im normal.
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ok my law thought s are.. well the most recent thought . was actually. uh.
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yeah this was a normal thought. for sure.
this was the thought that led to that .
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i just think u could have a lotta fun with his powers. outside of making abstract art. i want to know what its like to be law . in body. he is tall. and like. i would be able to teleport himself and other things.. which is a big thing when u can't get enough energy to get out of bed. and i have food allergies so i could eat whatever i want.. and i wouldnt have periods... i would automatically be stronger bc he has muscles. yeah.. i wish i could experience all that.
and that is all for now bc i think those r ...intense.. thoughts... to have... or maybe they arent, i dont really have an understanding of what is normal
"i wonder if it relates to his backstory and the possible trans-ness of it?" i was kinda thinking this too.. or like maybe it had something to do with his childhood or something. idk. croc backstory when!!
"he’s after freedom and what use is it if u destory the freedom of others while searching for it for yourself?" YEAH!!! U WORDED IT WELL,,
"HIS 4DUB VOICE PAINS ME PHYSICALLY" *sends another video* (i am actually going to do this but i was planning to anyways so dont feel pressured to watch it or respond LOL)
"i have a playlist where i put my fav one piece shits."
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crying, sobbing at the fact u know abt nika
ok honestly if it was just a bug collection... that would be so cute ... the one piece was the bugs we met along the way
"so i think it might be related to…joyboy/nika/ the SUN…i think maybe its like a. a hat maybe. thats my guess. sun hat. from the original joy boy. its not a good guess but its all i HAVe"
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take this how u will
bartolomeo... maybe he is called the cannibal bc he has big teeth... or maybe its his name from when he was beating ppl up all the time as a .. gang leader? or whatever he was? maybe he "cannibalized" other groups??
end of the e-letter is for memes now
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very very true. when she was sobbing after i left i actually felt so so bad for her ;-; like someone PLEASE get her out of there!! god SAME FOR REIJU. sanji got to escape but reiju and pudding are both stuck with their respective shit abusive families…it sucks. i hope we get to see both of them doing better by the end of the series!!
“i wouldn't have an issue if it was just like. a one sided crush either. which it kind of is but i don't trust oda to have those intentions.” YEA I MADE A POST ABOUT THIS (i think i accidentally queued it) BUT. YEA I DOUBT HE DOES 🙃 looks at shirahoshi. looks at rebecca
also nodding my head no problem i got what u meant about inaki
i still need to finish the opla video. i watch it while i eat lmao
OKAY HE HASNT MENTIONED IT SO I HOPE HE JUST DIDNT SEE IT OR. WILL NEVER BRING IT UP. its funny u say that tho bc my OTHER ace friend very supportively read this vampire zosan fic i wrote and they’re in their own words like violently ace and also sex repulsed and i WARNED THEM that there was a sex scene in that chapter i WROTE A CHAPTER NOTE AT THE BEGINNING WARNING SO and they STILL accidentally read it and texted me SO CONFUSED AND THEN EMBARASSED THEY WERE LIKE “its hot in the room?? wait i dont get it?? 🤨 - WAIT. OH NO-” funniest shit ive ever seen in my life. literally “hey. be careful dont look at that.” “huh? [staring blindly at sun]
actually every nsfw sbs question asked about the men was me. it was all me. next i will be asking the size of katakur- [gunshots]
KJSBDKJ I HAVE TWO FRIENDS THAT SPEAK FRENCH (ONE A NATIVE SPEAKER AND ONE WHO MAJORED IN IT AND NOW LIVES IN FRANCE. WITH THE OTHER FRENCH FRIEND) and when writing scenes where sanji spoke french i was too embarrassed to ask either of them for help but they bullied me into letting them help 😭😭😭 so i feel u so hard 😭😭😭
and ur right, i actually just read a chapter where someone did that from vietnam i believe (they used a machine translator)
i love drag sm!! u made me remember how much i liked it and i watched some more drag clips yesterday lmao. 
okay in terms of the death pact thing i feel like oda drops those things and always comes back to them…i DONT WANT THEM TO FIGHT EITHER BUT ALSO I SOOOO DO. kinda like how reading whole cake island ws painful for me but also i loved it. but i will need to wait a bit before reading it again. i dont think theyre gonna kill each other tho. i think itll be a moment that brings them to a better understanding of each other/their relationship. i dont mean that in a zosan way just literally in canon as crewmates. and i think it will be JUICY bc those bitches have been bickering for over 20 years…and then finally theres a big ultimate final zoro vs sanji battle like dudebros always clamor about. i want to see a setup where they’re forced to face the fact that they dont get along but still care for each other but also what to do when faced with a choice like that against someone you hate but also care for. and what zoro will do. bc i genuinely have a feeling zoro will fight him to the fucking end but not kill him when it comes down to it. even though zoro keeps promises like they’re oaths…so. i think it may be an outside element that stops the Murder from occuring. zoro may or may not actually attempt it KDSNC. its so fun to think about to me. im so ready 
shuggy moment? 👁️i know oda would not make any gay ship canon (probably most ships tbh) but why does shuggy feel like one of the most likely to me. in a weird way. KADJNFVDK. you know how in the og visual novel for clannad the “bad end” was a gay ending with your male best friend. that is canon shuggy to me. oda doing it kinda halfheartedly in a roundabout way for laughs but the fandom is popping bottles (we popping the BIGGEST bottles when shuggy happens tomorrow-)
on zoro and promises and etc etc…do u think zoro will get more development of him as a character by the end of the story? zoro is a character that’s beautiful in his simplicity but sometimes i want to know him more you know?? he’s kinda mysterious in a closed off way even tho we know what he’s about and. i wanna know more abt him. put him in more fucked up situations. i wanna see zoro suffer in a way that isnt just a tough battle.
im glad u liked it !! :D thank u!!
HAHAHAHA SANJI CONVERT !!! LET’S SEXUALIZE THAT BLONDE MAN ‼️(priorities 🫡) (the 4kids sanji video will get back at me. it will. i will suffer but i will do it.)
i have so many random op images saved in my phone…not to mention my laptop’s screenshot folder…WAIT THAT REMINDS ME JFDBVSJD i have an internship at an art gallery and i need a laptop for the job so i use my own but its my personal laptop.. and once i had to test a powerpoint but i dont have word so i had to use my personal google slides account and WHILE CONNECTED to a GIANT PROJECTOR…THIS briefly flashed on the screen before i frantically clicked away. no one saw but i. i did. (for reference this was for pwp night. and i have still nbot finished it)
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i dont talk about sanji in my friend discord server bc None Of Them Watch One Piece but in my dms with my other op friend…let’s look.
on god
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this is from both of us together. BUT STILL
(nodding) no go on what animal parts
law’s powers are SO fun. i wish he switched ppls bodies more often!! its such a fun trope its such a guilty pleasure for me!! also room is just. such a cool ability. i love teleportation characters (thinks about nightcrawler from xmen…my blue king). also THAT LAW COMIC I MENTIONED U IN THE TAGS. JHFVBDKAS THE FOURTH PANEL WHERE ITS JSUT THE SEA CREATURES AND HIS DEAD FACE DOING THE ROOM POSE GETS ME EVERY DAMN TIME
is law tall?? i guess he just seems short in comparison to like. doffy. (looks it up) DAMN THIS BITCH IS 6’3??? 
also funny law story i just remembered. sometimes i sell my art at gay art markets. and one time. at a halloween themed one. there was . this random law cosplayer. which yea its halloween thats a costume but for future reference i want to be clear this was like the only anime cosplay. everyone else was like cartoons or monsters or fairies or cats or some shit. well the law cosplayer is set up right across from me and i had JUST started my one piece hyperfixation so i was Extra Crazy abt it and i was literally flipping out so nervous but excited so i dragged myself over and was like “omg…hi…i love ur law cosplay….i just got into op and i havent met him yet but i see him everywhere…” and they were super nice!! but then. later. i go visit my friend’s booth. and . the ONLY other anime cosplay at the entire event…WAS A SECOND TRAFALGAR LAW. STANDING AT MY FRIEND’S BOOTH. I WAS LIKE ??? anyway i pointed them towards each other after fangirling for a hot moment and they took a pic together. it was very fun
ur thoughts are not intense or strange…well maybe they are strange to others but i am also insane. i promise. i love ur insane thoughts pls continue to share. i will do the same someday when i am less shy and ashamed of my unhinged fandom thoughts (such as making zoro amvs to abba in my head on the way to therapy. <- things that should be in the dsm-5 as a criteria. ps. thats a line my therapist actually said in response to something i did once. lmao)
did u notice that in the opla…they have all the characters who were at rogers execution there as their younger selves (mihawk, shanks,etc) AND THERE’S A AFAB PERSON WHO’S DRESSED SUSPIOCIOUSLY LIKE CROCODILE…I WAS LIKE OH SHIT)
i am going to watch the next 4kidd dub video. i will do it for you. (losing years off my life each time)
WOOPS THE PLAYLIST WAS PRIVATE try it now. if you watch any one video from that list. and this one is short. please make it this one. I LOSE MY SHIT EVERY TIME
lmao. i was talking to my caught up friend about op spoilers today and he wouldnt confirm or deny so many things i said. lmao. rofl, even
“take this how u will” IM SCARED
end of the e letter IS for memes now you’re so correct
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p.s…i know discord is a Le PooPooHead esp recently BUT if you want to add me my username is the same as it is here!! feel free but no pressure
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fighters-megamix · 1 year ago
This blog is drama-free. I will not reblog or engage in callout posts of any kind. You can privately let me know if someone I'm interacting with is dangerous, but that's it. (Note: I DO NOT CONSIDER FICTIONAL CONTENT DANGEROUS, I DON'T CARE WHAT IT IS. If someone is grooming kids or dropping slurs, let me know, but trying to drag me into proship/antiship discourse will result in an instant block)
I define side-muses as muses who are connected to another muse and either may or definitely will show up during rp, but are not open to individual interaction-- asks and such are fine, but I will not be doing any threads with, say, just Paracelsus and no A.B.A
I'm open to talking about shipping, but I don't promise any followthrough-- I'm iffy on it at best.
Related to the previous, I personally play Morrigan and Lilith as being in a relationship, but given that they're. Y'know, succubi, it's an open relationship, so they're still on the table. (we can also AU it however we want, idc)
I also really like the canon relationship between Terry and Blue Mary, and I can't explain why but Terry doesn't give me poly vibes, so I can't in good conscience ship them. Sorry, I know he's a hunk and she's a babe, but they're both taken.
Beyond the canon of the source material, and my own headcanon, there is no overarching canon to this blog. Each thread and interaction exists in its own little space, unless discussed with all involved parties.
I may not be super active all the time. I often hit burnout, or fall into depressive slumps. I'm also rusty as all getout when it comes to RP. With that being said, if it's been, like, a week and I haven't responded to a thread, don't be afraid to let me know. I am a forgetful bastard.
I am crossover friendly, but unless it's something I'm already familiar with, I may need a quick primer on your world/characters. I'll let you know if I need it before we interact.
As many of the series I play don't shy away from more sexually charged topics, neither will I. As such, this blog is 18+. Anyone under 18 will be immediately blocked. I will never get outright explicit but. Again, two of my muses here are succubi, you kind of gotta know what you're getting into from that alone.
That said, younger like B.B. Hood will be spared from the suggestive.
My only hard limits re fandoms I'll interact with are Harry Potter, Attack on Titan, South Park, Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva Boss. Varying reasons but suffice it to say I have no interest in any of them.
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thetwilightr0ad · 4 months ago
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꒰ 𝒟o you mean the twilight road to nightfall? ꒱
welcome!! this is my (not so) secret side blog where I write all about my favs and yours too!!
꒰ 𝒲hat are you making me choose now? ꒱
When you send in a request, plz make sure it comes from one of these so that way I’m sure to be familiar with them and certain to not make whoever ooc!!
Kingdom Hearts
Genshin Impact (wait till i finish natlan archon quests before any character reqs from there!!)
Final Fantasy (7, 13, and 15 only!!)
Kid Icarus
Steven Universe
Ace Attorney (nothing from tgaa plz!! sorry, I haven’t finished it yet!!)
The Legend of Zelda
꒰ 𝒯he road to light… ꒱
I’m not very strict whem it comes to dni’s n stuff, I don’t even really have one. My only rules are that you don’t request outside of the fandoms listed, you don’t send anything regarding r@pe/n0n-c0n, you don’t send any poly relationships (I’m TERRIBLE at writing them, so so sorry!!), and you don’t be mean - that simple!! ^^
꒰ 𝒪r the road to darkness. ꒱
my posts will be filtered by tags, so it’s easier to find things!! I’ll make masterlists once I actually start writing o_O im only posting this now so I can get it out of my drafts… (p.s. -> any queue posts will be when I can't!)
#Neither suits me - anon reqs
#To nightfall - reqs in general
#The twilight road - my work in general
#The middle road - my own indulges :3
#The road to darkness - the super secret stuff 🤭
#The road to light - ok stuff/sfw!!
#The road to the heart - kingdom hearts stuff
#The road to teyvat - genshin impact stuff
#The road to the truth - ace attorney stuff
#The road to skyworld - kid icarus stuff
#The road to hyrule - tloz stuff
#The road to insomnia - ffxv stuff
#The road to midgar - ffvii stuff
#The road to gran pulse - ffxiii stuff
#The road to beach city - steven universe stuff
꒰ ℐ’m taking the middle road. ꒱
ok time to yap about myself (this part is for mobile users btw!! i have a section on web for this!!)
haihai I’m mars!! I go by she/her, I’m an isfp, I lovelovelove cats and spring, i think I like roxas a little too much…and I love 2 write :P
im not necessarily a new writer…but I am new to writing on tumblr TwT
aaaaaaaaaand I’m still in school…aaaaaaaaand I also have something up in the noggin that makes me a little unfocused….so bear with me a bit TwT
꒰ ℐt’s the road to dawn. ꒱
I’m afraid I must say goodbye for now, my lovelies…until next time!!~
0 notes
ddejavvu · 3 years ago
sprinkled donut: poly!marauders where they’re in a d/s relationship (no smut though) and the reader is just having a bad day (and she’s about to get her period too) and needs some comfort and maybe its Sirius who catches her just flopped on their shared bed nearly on a borderline breakdown with her favorite music just playing in the background??
i really really love your work and I’m so sorry with how much requests I have!!! ✨✨✨😭😭
come order something from the bakery!
don't be sorry! i love your ideas :) <3
combined with:
Hiiii!! Can I pls request a sprinkled donut with young Remus Lupin? Something to do with cuddles and kisses when one of them is super tired ? Love u <3
Hi can I get a sprinkled donut. With Spencer/James/Regulus (whichever works better) Where maybe they're cuddling reader and they just kiss readers beauty marks/moles. (I have quite a few all over my body😅) Thanks! Congrats on 3k!!! (i am using this as a separate request i think but i also added it here bc it worked!)
sprinkle donut with james pls :) anything you feel like writing
You expect to feel hands prying at your shoulders or brushing down your back when you hear the door open behind you, but it's a wet nose that you're met with, Sirius staring down at you from the body of the big black dog.
You can barely manage a weak smile at him, and he settles beside you with a low whine. Then you feel hands, Remus's, from the scars that litter his skin, a soft pinch at your cheek.
"What'sa matter, bug?" It's James's voice, and you reluctantly haul yourself up from the bed, staring up at them with a pitiful pout.
"Bad day," You mumble, bringing a hand up to pet Sirius, "Just wanna relax."
James is moving towards the bed with no hesitation, but Remus holds a hand out in front of him, "Can we join you?"
You nod eagerly, "'Course y'can, please hold me."
Remus complies with your request, leaning forwards so that you're able to wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. He scoops you off of the mattress, taking your previous place and letting you rest against his chest as he lays with his back to the headboard.
Sirius's nose is in your face again, and the ticklish sensation elicits a tired giggle from you as you settle against Remus. You press a soft kiss to the dog's snout, turning your head sideways so that your cheek pressed against Remus's shoulder.
James sits beside Remus, leaning down to bump his nose against yours gently. You smile drowsily, eyes droopy as he takes your chin in his hands, angling your head this way and that as he kisses your face.
You suspect he's targeting your moles, the seemingly random pattern of kisses growing more and more familiar by the second. His curls brush lightly against your forehead and the feeling makes you shiver slightly, but Remus's hand presses against your back only moments later, stroking up and down and soothing the strange sensation.
"Love you, bug." James murmurs, his lips brushing against yours as he holds your face, "Get some rest, yeah?"
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veryblushyswitch · 2 years ago
Nancy x Robin x Reader ~ Poly Ship (tickle fic) 🌸
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Summary: Nancy and Robin find themselves falling for one of Eddie’s friends. She plays guitar, loves watching movies, and absolutely loves Nancy and Robin. It isn’t until the three of them hang out that secrets are revealed.
Lee: Reader
Lers: Nancy & Robin
Authors Note: First time ever writing for a poly relationship!! I am going to have the reader in this story go by she/they pronouns, but I will make gender neutral ones in the future. This took me so long- oh my gosh. But it’s finally done and I had such a fun time writing it!! I hope you all enjoy! 🌸 @blushyeleven 🌸
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Bright colored leaves fell to the ground as an autumn wind blew across the football field of Hawkins High School. A crowd gathered in the gym while the assembly for the mid-school year was starting to begin.
“Can’t believe we have one of these in the middle of our lunch period.” Robin complained as she sat herself next to Nancy. The two had been dating in secret for a while now. Steve, Chrissy, Eddie, Johnathon and the kids knew, but other than that completely private.
“Yeah. At least we can sit next to each other the whole time.” Nancy gave Robin a wink which made her blush and playfully nudge Nancy’s leg.
“You’re such a flirt, Nancy Wheeler.” Robin whispered, poking Nancy’s side making her yelp and grab Robin’s hand.
“Only for you, Buckley.” Nancy squeezed her hand gently before interlocking their fingers together.
The assembly seemed to last forever as teachers made speeches and cheerleading routines never ended. It was always nice to see Chrissy perform though.
“This is so boring.” Robin remarked, her leg bouncing out of compulsion.
“Yeah I know, it’ll be over soon.” Nancy rubbed her thumb along Robin’s hand.
As she finished her sentence, a song started to play on the speaker. Nancy and Robin glanced at each other, both trying to hide how anxious they felt. They stared at the girl who was strumming away at her electric guitar.
The familiar riff of Don’t Bring Me Down filled the auditorium. The school decided to have a more rock sound for the pep rally and Y/N just so happened to be invited by the school to play a song.
Nancy and Robin were in love to say the least. They knew you played guitar, but they’ve never actually seen you play. Robin was blushing and Nancy was playing with her hair every now and then to try and distract herself from you.
As the performance finished, the crowd erupted into applause as you walked off stage. Nancy and Robin held hands after they clapped and nodded at each other. When they saw you after fifth period today, they were going to ask you to hang out this weekend.
Never in a million years would you have thought you would’ve had Robin Buckley and Nancy Wheeler inviting you over to hang out.
You’ve had a crush on both of them for quite some time, and you’ve all talked at school when you could, but you’ve never hung out with them outside of all that. You’ve talked with Eddie about how you feel and sworn him to secrecy.
As you approached the Wheeler’s residence, you took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Your heart was practically beating out of your chest as the door handle almost immediately moved and the door opened.
“Y/N!” Robin squealed as she leapt at you for a hug. You laughed at the sudden affection and hugged her back. You two had always been super affectionate individuals and hugs were a must whenever you saw each other.
“Hey Y/N.” Nancy waved from the doorway. Her other hand was playing with the hem of her skirt. She always did that when she was nervous. You started to feel a little anxious at the wonder of what she could be worried about.
“Come on in.” Nancy gestured inside. Robin took your hand and dragged you into the house and headed towards the basement.
“I’m gonna grab a couple drinks then I’ll be down.” Nancy remarked as you and Robin made yourselves comfortable on the couch.
You sat on the middle cushion and grabbed a pillow to hug against your chest. Robin made herself comfortable against your right side, leaning her head on your shoulder and looking up at you. Gosh she is so cute, you thought.
“Hey, Nancy seemed a bit… anxious when I arrived. Is something wrong?” As you asked this Robin sat up and blushed a bit.
“Y-Yeah she’s totally fine. Nothing’s wrong I promise.” She fiddled with her fingers. You felt a bit sad when she sat up. You wished she would lean against you again.
“Okay I’m back, sorry for the wait.” Nancy announced walking down the stairs. She had a water bottle in each hand and a can of coke tucked under her arm.
She handed you and Robin a water while she sat on your left and opened her coke. You all simultaneously took an awkward sip. The air was tense and you had no idea why. Other than all the gay panicking that was happening in your head-
“So… what did you guys think of the show?” You broke the ice as you set your water bottle on the table in front of you. Robin choked a bit on her water making Nancy giggle.
“It was amazing. Robin and I both agree it was the only entertaining part of the whole assembly. Other than seeing Chrissy.” You smiled an blushed a little at that. They really liked your performance?!
“I mean, Tammy Thompson was pretty entertaining if you ask me.” You snickered before all three of you broke into laughter.
It felt good to have the tension disappear. Laughter was the best way to do that when it came to the Hawkins gang.
The next couple minutes were spent talking about everyone’s day and random updates about life. Robin was talking about a work story with Steve when you noticed that Nancy was playing with the hem of her skirt again. She also seemed to be zoned out as she listened to Robin speak.
Robin finished her story and headed to the restroom. You decided to see if you could get Nancy to talk to you. It’s not like it was hard, all three of you talked to each other about everything practically. Something was clearly bothering her and you needed to know what.
“You okay Nance? You’ve been kind of anxious.” You put a hand on her knee. She jumped a bit at the action and turned towards you like a deer in the headlights.
“I-I’m fine. Just have some things on my mind.” She looked away.
“Do you wanna talk about it? You don’t have to if you don’t feel like it of course, but I’m here if you need anything.” You moved your thumb across her knee in a comforting motion making her smile.
Robin walked out of the bathroom and stopped in her tracks when she saw you two. She made eye contact with Nancy before looking back at you.
“Actually…” Nancy began, bringing your hand that was on her knee up to hold in hers. “There is something we both want to talk to you about.” Robin sat back down next to you as Nancy said this.
“Okay. Is something wrong?” You saw the color leave Robin’s face. Either something was wrong, or something was incredibly wrong. “Whatever it is, I’m here for you guys.” You took Robin’s hand in yours that wasn’t holding Nancy’s. “Nothing can change that.”
Nancy still seemed worried, but took a deep breath and managed a small smile.
“So… you know how Robin and I are… close, you could say.” You nodded along as Nancy went on. “Yeah so. We’re girlfriends. And not like fiends who are girls. We’re together.” Nancy started to tear up as Robin tried to hold back a sob while her leg bounced a million miles a minute.
“A-And we don’t want you to think any different of us w-were still us.” Robin started to full on cry as she squeezed your hand.
“Guys…” You began, tears forming in your eyes. “I don’t care about that. I’m so incredibly happy you told me this. In fact, I… I like girls too.” Now you had tears running down your face.
Nancy giggled which caused you to laugh which then caused Robin to giggle through her sobs before wrapping you in a hug. Nancy wrapped around you both as all three of you laughed and cried.
After a few minutes, you all took in some deep breaths and laid back. Nancy and Robin made eye contact then looked back at you. Robin nodded. Her and Nancy agreed they would split up telling you everything. Now it was her turn.
“There was another thing we wanted to tell you. Or more so ask you if the events went well, which they have, and I personally didn’t think it would go this well-” “Robin.” Nancy stopped her girlfriend from going on for too long. “Oh yeah, sorry.” She shook her hands a bit to let some of the nervous energy out.
“Nancy and I, we’re dating. We’re together.” You smiled hearing that again. You always had an assumption considering how close they were. But you didn’t interrupt. “And.. a-and we would like to know if- to know if you would like to date us too.”
Your eyes widened and your face blushed red. Is this really happening? You almost started crying again. You felt paralyzed. With what? Fear? Excitement? Maybe both.
“I… I would love to. Yes! I’ve actually had a crush on both of you guys for a while now! Eddie was the only one who knew and it was this whole thing- And I’m going to stop myself before I start rambling.” You cried with joy and shook your hands with happiness.
Robin and Nancy smiled and started crying again too. Cue another three way hug full of giggles and tears.
“Oh my gosh I can’t believe this is happening!” You shook your hands making Robin do the same. You both stimmed and listened as Nancy giggled at how adorable you two were being. Nancy wiped away her last few remaining tears, reaching for one your’s and Robin’s hands.
You both looked at Nancy with longing eyes as she kissed each of your hands. You felt your ears turn pink making Robin and Nancy giggle.
Robin booped your nose as Nancy poked your cheek. Your eyes widened as you covered your face to hide the blush spreading across your face.
“Awww she’s trying to hide from us Nance~” Robin cooed and poked your side. You squealed and tried to block that spot with your elbow, but it only managed to cover a small part of your ribs since you didn’t want to uncover all of your face.
The two made eye contact before scribbling at your sides. A shriek escaped your mouth as your arms came crashing down against your torso.
You threw your head back in laughter, the fingers moved up and down from your sides to your ribs and even sneaking pokes under your arms.
“Ohohohohoh my gohohosh!” You tried to curl yourself against Robin when Nancy hit a particularly sensitive spot on your ribs.
“What’s that song you were playing at the pep rally?” Nancy asked, a mischievous sparkle in her eye. You tried to protest, knowing where they were going with the playful teasing.
“Don’t Bring Me Down? Yeah I love that song! I always wondered how Y/N played it.” Robin smirked grabbing an arm to pin by the side of your head.
“Me too, Rob. Let’s try together shall we?” Nancy took your other arm and pinned it the same way.
“N-Nahancy! Robin! Plehehease!” You tried to pull at your arms but they were pinned good. They both slowly walked their first two fingers down your arm starting at your wrists.
Your giggles got louder and higher as their fingers spider crawled lower and lower till they were right above your underarms. You brought your legs up against your chest as you tried to prepare yourself for their attack.
“Ready?” Nancy asked Robin. “Go!” Robin yelled. You screamed at contact then burst into laughter as they scribbled from your underarms to your ribs and up and down and up again.
“Don’t bring me down~” Robin sang as she strummed your ribs like a guitar. “No! No! No! No! Nooo~” Nancy joined in pinching your side. They both giggled as the singing seemed to make you laugh more.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” “Pleeeeease- sing another verse?” Robin teased digging a bit rougher into your lower ribs to make you squeal. “Who can say no to that?”
Nancy and Robin sang the chorus once again with your laugh as the background music.
They slowed their hands to give you a break but kept your wrists pinned to the couch. “Don’t worry we’re not done with you yet.” Robin cooed rubbing her thumb against your wrist in a comforting way.
“I didn’t know you were so ticklish~” Nancy teased lightly scratching at your tummy with her nails. This caused you to squeal and kick your legs out. The light scratches causing the butterflies in your stomach to flutter their wings even faster than you thought was possible.
“Hehehehehe! *snort* Nohohohohoho!” The light tickles caused you to snort and hide your face against the couch. Robin and Nancy could’ve died happy right then and there after hearing that noise. Well maybe after hearing it a few more times.
“That was the cutest sound I’ve ever heard!!!” Robin practically screamed. This made you laugh even more and blush at her comment. They continued to pinch and scratch at your stomach. Nancy sneakily poking at your belly button a few times to make you jump.
“Ahahahahaha! *snort* IhI cahahahahan’t!” You snorted and squealed. The light tickles filling your body warmth and happiness. Your body went into fight or flight mode, however, when you felt a pinch to your hip. Nancy jumped back at the sudden scream that was ripped from your throat.
“Ooooh Nance!! You found a tickle spot!!” Robin beamed, her eyes twinkling with delight as she started pinching your hip. You squirmed harder than ever. Your body overflowing with the ticklish sensations yelling at you to escape. Yet it was all enjoyable nonetheless. Every had their breaking point, however.
“OKAHAHAHAHAHAY! OKAY STAHAHAP! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! MERCY! UHUNCLE! PLEHEHEHASE!” You kicked your legs as you laughed those final words. Your next few breaths coming out in small giggles as Nancy and Robin withdrew their hands.
Robin brushed some hair behind your ear that had gotten in your face during all the squirming.
“You’re so cute Y/N.” Robin admired the way your eyes glistened after she spoke. Nancy agreed. “Your laugh is so beautiful and adorable. We’ll have to do this all the time.” She giggled when the comment made you blush. And just when you were calming down from the tickle attack!
Nancy and Robin practically melted at how adorable you were being. Nancy bit her lip before mustering up the courage to kiss your cheek.
Both you and Robin stared at Nancy in astonishment. “Was that okay?” Nancy asked while gripping onto her skirt. You smiled. That smile turned into a smirk as you gently took the hem of her shirt and pulled her lips to yours.
“More than okay.” You said after the kiss. You turned to Robin and did the same. Her face beamed with joy. The three of you then cuddled and soon fell asleep from an emotional few hours. Thus began a journey all three of you wouldn’t trade for anything.
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invisiblegarters · 2 years ago
My Top 5 BLs of 2022
5. Choco Milk Shake
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I would say it should have been poly but I can’t say that without including Uncle Coffeeshop, since he and Milk sort of stole the show for me. A fun, heartwarming, sometimes unexpectedly emotionally taxing story, it would be higher but the end sort of fell apart for me for reasons I can’t really explain. Still, highly enjoyable. Overall rating 8/10.
4. Kabe Koji
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Zany fun except for when it really wasn’t, this drama sort of took me by surprise. Episode 7 in particular elevated it for me by giving me a wholly unexpected depiction of what self-loathing and depression does to both the person feeling it and their relationships. I never found Nekoyashiki so relatable as I did in that episode - it hit me right in the gut, because it was uncomfortably familiar. That episode was the one that made me really sit up and take notice of this show - late in the game, sure, but who cares? 
Aside from that, really enjoyed Tsubasa’s everything, Issei’s whole “super sunny but I will also cut you” thing, and Nekoyashiki’s hair. I loved the character but that hair is glorious and deserves a mention. 9/10
3. Old Fashion Cupcake
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Aaaah, that that thumb bite. A gif of that was the entire reason I watched this drama, and I was happy I did. It’s a slick, well-done drama that deals with getting older and feeling like you’re past your prime, office romances, age gap romances, and lovely, epic pining. The thirst in this one is A+. Also I want pretty much every single dessert that they eat. It’s just very well done. 9.5/10.
2. Semantic Error
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Oh, this drama. I love this drama so very much. It is an example of just how good Korea can be - and showcases that yes, actually, it can serve good kiss. Shots are gorgeous, colors are gorgeous - I love the way they play with red and blue and shades of purple and what these colors represent about the relationship between Jaeyoung and Sangwoo. I love the hyungs and what they say about their relationship. Hell, even the names they give each other on their phones says a lot about where they are. The chemistry is excellent and very shallowly, both of the Parks are gorgeous. And it also features this glorious woman:
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who I adore. Honestly everything just came together for this drama, I’ve watched it too many times. 10/10 and would be number one if not for
1. Eternal Yesterday
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If you’ve even glanced at my blog, this one should come as no surprise. I love it, love it, love it. Everything about it was perfect to me - yes, even the story, tragic ending and all. The meditation on grief and loss was painful as hell but excellent, and I really felt like I was going through the grieving process along with Mitsuru. Soundtrack is most excellent, even if currently I am still unable to listen to either the beginning or ending songs without bursting into tears. Mitsuru is exactly my kind of character, too - the reticent, reserved character who opens up to one person and loves so fiercely that it’s almost palpable. And I can never ever get enough of the way Koichi looks at him, or the sweet, tender way they are with each other. The yearning with this one is strong; even when they’re together you can feel the loss coming, and their every embrace is so full of aching tenderness and the knowledge of that loss, even when Mitsuru is doing his best to pretend otherwise. 
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I fully, one hundred percent buy that these two adore each other beyond all reason, and what’s more, that they want each other, too, which is not something I often get out of JBL. Too often one is selling the romance while the other seems reluctant at best, but not here, and I think that’s what makes it work so well. The heart of this drama is really Mitsuru and Koichi’s love for each other, and if they both weren’t pulling it off it would have fallen flat. Japan really went and gave us some of the best chemistry with the saddest premise, huh? Perhaps the biggest tragedy of this drama is that we’ll never get to see these two star in another BL together, this time with a happy ending (frankly, I’ll be very surprised if we see either of them in another BL again, full stop). 10/10 with the highest possible recommendation (if you can stand the pain).
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