#i am in AWE i cannot believe it's working :O
safyresky · 11 months
28 and 1!
CS Spoilers abound!
Chapter 28: Scene 1
Something sizzled.
Blaise was tearing up. But he was so warm that the tears were evaporating, sizzling away before they could even touch his cheeks.
Jack’s shoulders fell. He jogged over to Blaise, plopping down in the snow beside him. He placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m…I’m so sorry, Dad.”
“I am, too.” A warm arm wrapped around Jack as Blaise pulled him into a very tight side hug. “It shouldn’t have been like this.”
Jack hugged him back, trying to squeeze just as tight. “You didn’t deserve any of this.”
“None of us did. Not you, not me, not your sister…not even him.” Over Jack’s shoulder, Blaise glanced at the Pyros statue. He sighed. “I’m getting too old for this.”
Blaise sounded gruff; more gravelly than usual. Tired.
Jack could hardly blame him. Summoning a giant flow of lava from the depths of the Earth in the North Pole of all places took a toll, he imagined. Especially when the person you were summoning it for was your brother. Twin, even. Jack closed his eyes, tightening his hold around Blaise.
“It’s sad. It’s really, really sad, isn’t it?”
Jack felt Blaise nod in his shoulder. “It is. But it’s also…relieving. It’s over. It’s finally, finally over.” He pulled out of the embrace, holding Jack’s shoulders. “You’re safe. You and your siblings. He can’t hurt you anymore. He can’t hurt you sister anymore. And he won’t hurt your youngest siblings, ever, at all. I’m sorry this happened, Jack. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him from hurting you.”
“It’s okay Dad. It’s really, honestly, not your fault. I mean, I knew us Frosts were crazy, but Uncle P? He’s on a whole new level of his own.”
In spite of it all, Blaise laughed. “Thanks, kiddo.”
Jack smiled. “Yeah. Don’t mention it, Dad.”
Blaise took a deep, steadying breath. “I should’ve listened to your mother all those centuries ago. She’s going to freak when she sees this. When she sees us.”
Below them, the ground began to glow white. Snow curled to life in midair, hovering above the ground.
“I think maybe she already has.”
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shegatsby · 1 month
Love Thy Enemy
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Summary; Y/N Atreides had always been a stranger to the entire galaxy, her bed wasn’t her bed, her home wasn’t her home due to the fact that she was sent to accompany and be sisters with Irulan. She had limited access to her actual family and over the years they grew distant. She thought she would be like Reverend Mother, alone, yet powerful, and soon she would realize that there was no need of being alone when a wild creature had his eyes on her for a long time.
A/n; Hi my little doves, sorry i kept you waiting because i had my uncle and his family over from Germany and we spent quality time and also im working and my work is crazy lately but here i am. Love you all xx (sorry for any typos)
TAG LIST IS OPEN! (let me know if i forgot to tag you)
Warnings; Fighting! SMUT in next chapter!
Words; 3.529K
Chapter Eight ‘’Newly Weds''
She had to admit the food was delicious, she was aware that the meat dishes were exactly the way she prefered it, but she had no appetite, the grand hall was packed, houses all around the galaxy came to her wedding, including her sister-in-law and best friend Irulan, their tables were close so she saw Irulan smiled at her warmly, maybe she was encouraging her or feeling pity, Y/N couldn’t read her face from afar. Various guests brought presents such as; ancient scripts, carpets made of spice, valuable stones to make jewelry.. after a while she lost count.
When it was time to dance Feyd-Rautha bolted to his feet with a stoic expression and extended his hand to his new bride, ‘’May I have this dance?’’ it wasn’t a question he was basically demanding and it was custom for bride and groom to start the dance, the entire galaxy knew it. ‘’Yes, my Lord.’’ She replied and held his warm hand, his fingers grasped her delicate hand, he led her to the obsidian dance floor, when he held her waist she felt a sudden rush to her chest like her blood just gathered there.
‘’Try to smile, everyone is watching us.’’ He said quietly, obviously caring for his reputation and his wife’s. She looked into his eyes first, he was an excellent dancer and she was in awe every time, his blue orbits made her feel like they were the only two people in the grand hall, she felt at ease and automatically the corners of her lips lifted up into a gentle smile, a smile that pleased Feyd deeply but he kept his composure.
Soon other couples joined them, she followed Feyd’s eyes to a couple dancing close to them and she turned to see the couple, Pyramus and his fiancé were dancing…
Y/N’s eyes couldn’t believe what she was witnessing, ‘’Aww, are you hurt little dove?’’ she turned to Feyd, his tone was mocking but his eyes held something else, she could see a storm brewing in those ocean eyes, ‘’He doesn’t interest me anymore.’’ She was telling the truth but in Feyd’s dark mind she was a liar. Feyd didn’t respond and kept guiding the dance however he could feel raw rage building in him. His mind which was led by his uncle for so long was doubting his wife’s reply;
‘’She is lying, isn’t she?’’
‘’One cannot forget someone they once held dear..’’
‘’Were they ever intimate with each other?’’
His twisted mind kept twirling into those dark thoughts but his perfectly chiseled face showed no evidence of it.
Y/N’s eyes watched the guests retrieve to their guest chambers one by one, it was almost dawn and she was tired, her feet were killing her but Feyd stood still like a champion, she wondered if he was tired as well but his composure promised otherwise, Y/N found herself admiring her husband for being strong and when she caught herself doing it she shook her weary head in disbelief.
‘’Congratulations again dear nephew.’’ Baron Vladimir approached in his elevated carriage, towering above them, ‘’Thank you uncle.’’ Feyd’s response was short, Y/N bowed to show respect, Reverend Mother was next to Baron in her black clothing, covered head to toe, ‘’I shall pray for the old gods and the new for your marriage to succeed.’’ She said her eyes only focused on Y/N, she understood Reverend Mother’s true intentions, after all Y/N was one of them and she was trained to read between the lines, Reverend Mother was basically saying that ‘’I’ll pray for you to survive and keep Harkonnens connected to the Bene Gesserit by blood’’ one way or another she had to produce heirs but her plan was to avoid it as much as she could. ‘’Thank you Reverend Mother.’’ She bowed to her as well.
The way to Feyd’s chambers were covered with white roses, it was a custom of the Harkonnes, when the celebration of marriage ends the bride and groom walk back to the groom’s chambers hand in hand among white flowers to consummate the marriage.
Y/N’s heart was beating at full speed, his hand was like a cage to her hand, the hall was so silent that she could her heart beat in her ears, she knew the way to his chambers since she had been occupying it for days. She turned to get a glance of Feyd, her husband… his stoic face made her even more uneasy, she never liked not knowing or not predicting someone’s actions.
When they reached to the black door Feyd let go of her hand to open the door, he walked in and extended his hand, she took his hand again and walked in and her skin froze when she heard the door close.
‘’Do I have to kill him for you to stop loving him?’’ was Feyd’s first words to Y/N since the dance, she knew something was wrong with him.
‘’Pardon me?’’ she turned to face him, they were in the bedroom section, the entire chambers living room, bathroom and bedroom were spotless and decorated with white roses, it smelled nice.
Staring down at her, Feyd’s eyes were dark and intense as he asked the question that had been weighing on his twisted mind  since the celebrations, ‘’Do you still love him even after he sold you off for spice?’’ his voice laced with a hint of jealousy and possessiveness. His gaze remained on her, not entirely convinced by her words earlier when she said that Pyramus didn’t interest her anymore, ‘’Then why does he still have an effect on you?!’’ he asked, his tone tinged with skepticism.
She couldn’t believe that she was being accused of this, ‘’Why would a man who sold me for spice could have an effect on me?!’’
Feyd smirked as her anger flared, relishing the fact that he had gotten under her skin. ‘’it’s a simple question little dove,’’ he said coolly, his lips slightly curled in a smug smile. The mention of her ex’s betrayal ignited a fire within him, fueling his own possessive instinct. ‘’Then why was he eyeing you so intently during our wedding?’’
His questioning made her roll her eyes, was he out of his mind? Well, it was Feyd so anything could be possible. ‘’You should ask him that my Lord!’’
Feyd’s irritation grew at her eye roll and insolent response. He couldn’t help but tighten his jaw in annoyance. ‘’I am asking you little dove.’’ He said firmly, he took a step closer, towering over her in an attempt to assert his dominance. ‘’Explain why he was staring at you like that.’’
Y/N was puzzled, how could she know? She didn’t move away from him, Feyd’s patience was wearing thin. He grabbed her chin forcefully, his grip not quite painful, but firm enough to make his intentions clear. ‘’Why can’t you just give me a straightforward answer? Do you enjoy testing my limits?’’ he growled, his eyes narrowing as he studied her face, searching for any hint of deception.
Y/N didn’t back away from his grip even though it was a bit painful, ‘’As I have said, I do not know anything about him anymore, I left him in my past and I shall not bring him to my present and my future.’’ She replied calmly but she could feel the tears forming at the corner of her pretty eyes, Feyd’s grip on her chin remained firm as he leaned in closer, his gaze unwavering as he continued to question her, ‘’Why should I believe you?’’ he asked, his tone sharp, ‘’You say you’ve left him in the past, but your actions contradict your words. I don’t buy it.’’
He was being unbelievably stubborn, was he threatened by Pyramus?
‘’I was on your side the entire time.’’ She protested, his fingers were digging in her jaw, he noticed the tears forming but remained unyielding, he took a step closer again, his body now mere inches away from her, his breath warm against her lips as he continued to probe, ‘’That might be true,’’ he admitted begrudgingly, ‘’but that doesn’t change the fact that I can sense the lingering connection between you two. Don’t try to deny it. I’m no blind.’’
Maybe he still had feelings for her but she had none left, ‘’I do not know how I can convince you but I don’t love him.’’
Feyd’s hand dropped to his side, she was free from his grasp, he didn’t say anything, didn’t have to because she could see that he was still questioning her with his eyes. He pulled out a pocket knife and moved to the bed, Y/N was watching his every move. He cut his palm and smeared the blood on the side she usually slept, before she could ask he spoke with a cold tone; ‘’In few hours maids will come to take our sheets to my uncle to show him that we have consummated our marriage.’’ He took of his clothes and threw them around, he wasn’t even looking at her side of the room. He was only in his undergarments and he got under the covers, ‘’You should scatter your clothes around the room and get some sleep.’’ His back was turned to her, Y/N did what she was told and with her lacy white undergarments she got under the covers and turned her back to him. Sleep came quicker than usual.
Feyd-Rautha was a lot of things but not a liar, after getting some sleep maids have entered their bedchambers to wake them up for the new day ahead and also to ‘’change the bed sheets’’ when they saw the blood Y/N noticed the small smiles they shared among themselves, her Bene Gesserit training told her that the servants were happy to have her as their new lady. Na-Baroness Y/N Harkonnen.
Breakfast was ready for them but Feyd ignored her and left their quarters to his study room to get some work done, he was a busy man and the house Harkonnen’s future depended on him.
While she was having her breakfast she announced; ‘’I would like to visit Giedi Prime’s orphanage.’’ Her request was an odd one, maids around the room couldn’t comprehend her request, ‘’Now that I am the Na-Baroness I represent my husband. I do not wish to busy his already occupied mind about charity work and other social details. I want to see the conditions of the orphanage and offer my help. Don’t let the workers there know that I shall visit.’’ As an Atreides born and raised ladies of her house tended to more social problems and handled them with perfection. Even though she didn’t wish to marry into Harkonnens now she had duties to fulfill, Reverend Mother’s words hanged in her weary mind, the old lady was right in a sense. Y/N had to survive no matter what and her plan was to gain the public’s affection. Show them what kind of a woman she was and how useful and helpful she could be.
Little spies of Feyd-Rautha whispered into his ear that Na-Baroness wished to visit the orphanage today, she ordered her maids to prepare bags filled with clothes, medicine, toys. Feyd found himself smiling when his spies left. He changed his plans for today and decided to join his wife.
Y/N was waiting for the ship to arrive and take her and her servants to the orphanage when she noticed her servants bowing to someone, it was a hot day and the black sun of Giedi Prime made everything look too shiny white and dark black. Her dress was simple, she wanted to give a nice impression and as her first day being Na-Baroness she had to be careful. A soft wind made the silk grey dress clung to her thighs, it was a modest one, she turned on the open field to see who was coming and saw him in all black head to toe.
‘’You thought I would let you leave the fortress on your own Na-Baroness?’’ his raspy voice was sarcastic yet held a truth to it, it was too dangerous outside for the royals to roam. ‘’As I have proven before I can hold my own but-‘’ she watched him stand next to her, his hands clasped on his lower stomach, he leaned in to hear her clearly and it made her aware once again about the height difference.
‘’I do appreciate it.’’ She finished looking up at him, he did something which surprised Y/N, he kissed her temple with his soft lips, placed his hand on the small of her back, his gesture made the servants stand there in disbelief, they have never witnessed their Na-Baron being gentle with someone, especially a woman…. Y/N noticed the glances the servants shared among each other but paid no mind. She let them whisper, if it meant that she could win the public by simple and soft gestures shared between her and her husband then she was happy to oblige. When the ship arrived Feyd held her hand and guided her inside.
The trip to the orphanage was calm, Y/N and Feyd shared a small room together, she was sitting by the small window, ‘’So,’’ she began watching the scenery before her eyes, nothing but buildings, roads and factories, at a distance she could see a forest but it was far. ‘’There is nothing wrong when you don’t dine with me but if I refuse…’’ she mentioned earlier today when he left without a word. Feyd was getting a drink, he froze with her questioning, didn’t except her to say something about it.
‘’I thought you don’t like my company, matter of fact,’’ he turned to her with a glass of wine in his palm, ‘’you said it yourself before.’’ He was teasing.
Her hands resting on her lap, she started to play with her fingers with uneasiness, ‘’I may have said something like that before.’’ She tried to hide her smirk but he saw.
‘’My Na-Baron, we have arrived.’’ A guard announced and Y/N took deep breaths before they left the ship together.
The sun again blocked her vision for few seconds when the doors of the ship opened, she forced her  eyes to stay open and get used to it. She felt his hand wrapping around her hand and together they got off the ship.
The orphanage was gigantic and white, pure white, the floors were marble with grey veins. When she looked around and found not a single tree or a bush, she thought that had to be changed.
‘’Na-Baron,’’ a man approached them like his life was at stake, he was a tall old man with a long beard and bald head, ‘’And Na-Baroness, congratulations. We pray for this union to bring prosperity and power to us.’’ He bowed, ‘’Thank you Ser.’’ Feyd-Rautha spoke with his formal manner, it was amazing to see him shift that quickly. ‘’If we had known that you were visiting we would have been ready for you.’’ He seemed embarrassed, ‘’Please,’’ she spoke with a soft tone, ‘’Do not fret. I am here to see the conditions of the children who live here and we have brought clothes, medicine and toys for them. May we see inside?’’
The old man was startled by her soft spoken nature, ‘’Of course my Na-Baroness.’’ He bowed again and led them inside.
The walls were grey marble, there was no vibrant colors for children to see and it broke her heart. In a way Y/N was an orphan, being apart from her actual parents and staying somewhere that wasn’t home… Feyd noticed the sudden shift in his wife, her hand went to her chest in a troubled manner, ‘’Are you feeling unwell.. wife?’’ just like her Feyd was also getting used to being married and having a wife. Y/N turned to smile kindly, ‘’I am fine Na-Baron, thank you.’’ She replied shortly, Feyd didn’t pressured her to explain but he made a mental note to observe her closely. Y/N noticed the looks she got from children around her, they watched her walk gracefully in awe, everyone knew the yesterday’s grand wedding and ever citizen wanted to see the Na-Baroness up close. She smiled and bowed her head slightly to the children and watched them blush and avert their afraid gaze to somewhere and look back at her again. As a Bene Gesserit her mission was to make the citizens of Giedi Prime follow the Sisterhood’s prophecies and laws but as Y/N her mission was to win their favor and show them kindness.
Together they looked at the children’s bedrooms, toilet chambers and common rooms for hang out and eating. The building was old thus the furniture and plumbing system as well. Y/N, clearly was aware that everyone was watching her, held her husband’s arm in a loving manner and spoke ‘’My dear, we should renovate this institute in our name so that children here can have the newest technology and luxuries to succeed.’’ Her plan was to move the Baron and Rabban aside and make her name and Feyd’s name more popular among the people. ‘’Such an excellent idea dear.’’ He agreed, it made her eyes shine in hope which he noticed and felt a strange sensation at his chest, the symptom was heart attack but it was impossible. Then what was it? He didn’t linger on it.
Y/N personally gave the children boxes of toys, she talked to them, listened to their dreams and Feyd found himself watching her while he was talking to the workers. His eyes were on her, she was such a natural at being kind and nurturing that he was in awe of it, all his life he was shown nothing but brutality, fight, and blood. Women in his life before were trained to be an accessory in his life style, however Y/N was the opposite and she never tried to fit in, it seemed like she had a mission and she was following it like the paper ship on a lake, flowing in the water’s direction swiftly.
It was getting dark when their work was done, they said their goodbyes and got on the ship to return to the fortress. Not knowing what was waiting for them.
The ride to the fortress was calm one, they sat in comfortable silence, she could feel his eyes every once in a while, thanks to her trainings she could sense if someone was watching her. The question she was pondering on since last night came to her again ‘’Why didn’t he sleep with me last night?’’ It was their wedding night and ever since she was brought here he seemed eager to have her and when it came to it he stayed distant, his action last night left her in disbelief. He literally cut his palm and rubbed the blood on their sheets to trick the Baron and the rest of Giedi Prime but why?
‘’Last night,’’ she found herself speak, Feyd was sitting next to her and she caught his attention, ‘’Yes?’’ his raspy voice brought her to reality, she changed her mind. ‘’Never mind.’’
As soon as they landed a servant came to collect them, said it was urgent and the Baron requested their presence. She followed Feyd, he was holding her hand, guiding her.
Baron was waiting for them at the strategy room, every house had a room like this one to have meetings for war, spice etc. Baron, as always was in his floating device, ‘’Greetings young couple.’’ His voice didn’t match his words, ‘’Hello uncle.’’ He let go of her hand, didn’t go unnoticed by Y/N. She watched Baron witnessed it and smile with victory, she was good at reading expressions.
‘’There is trouble in Arrakis, Rabban is messing up the whole spice production,’’ Baron began, ‘’you have to take his place and deal with Fremen rebels.’’ He was newlywed and Baron didn’t even hesitate to give him an onerous  mission ‘’Me and my wife shall get ready in an hour and-‘’ his speech was cut off, ‘’This matter only concerns you Feyd. Na-Baroness shall stay here and wait for your return. You have consummated the marriage, I’m sure when you come back you will hold your first born.’’
Y/N froze in her state. She was going to be here all alone, Feyd was refusing to look at her because if he did he would slice his uncle’s throat.
The walk back to their chambers was slow and quiet, their fingers brushed and left stingy sensation, when Feyd closed the door behind him the realization hit Y/N. According to Baron, Feyd was suppose to be gone for 9 months maybe more.. she turned to him and his expression broke her heart. He looked like that little boy she met years ago, alone and afraid. ‘’I don’t want to leave you.’’ He confessed which made her throat clench itself in agony, he looked away for a moment, contemplating something in his mind and he cursed under his breath and closed the distance between them, their lips met in passion.
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep8 Musings - Loustat (SPOILERS) Pt2: Reunion
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You don't know the HALF of what Lestat feels for Louis, to let YOUR grimy arse steal his man, just for LOUIS's happiness. ANYTHING for Louis.
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Am I the only one who felt left hanging? We BEEN knew it didn't make sense, but what's your POINT, exactly? If Louis misremembered Lestat whispering, it's just par for the course about the odyssey of recollection. But if Lestat DID do telepathy, is that evidence of...what? That the vampire bond works differently than what's been explained? That he COULD read Lou's mind? AMC, this is AGGRAVATING.
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Your goose is COOKED, my guy.
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The copium & denial pack Louis was smoking as he laughed was 🤌
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That's right, start sweating!
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Master manipulation; cuz he certainly would NOT have, as we soon find out. ANYTHING for Louis. (Dang, Imma have to take back some of what I said about Lestat's character development not having started yet.)
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I was shocked. I was NOT expecting this plot twist. I was ready to throw Lestat out with the rest of the TRASH, in the DUMP. Well dang. Guess I'll only leave him rotting in a TINY landfill.
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I nearly SCREAMED--@nashvillethotchicken and I were talking about Loustat as Bobby and Whitney ages ago! I cannot BELIEVE AMC threw in a New Edition reference in the year of our lord 2024; y'all are diabolical AF, Rolin, STOP IT.
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I wonder if AMC used Hurricane Odette cuz the OG script was set in pandemic!2020, so it would make sense that a year later Louis would head back to NOLA during 2021 when Hurricane Odette last hit.
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That looks like NOLA's Pontchartrain Hotel--lemme find out he bumped into the Mayfairs when Rowan & them were in town, LOL.
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Lestat got more aliases than the KGB; meanwhile Louis just sprinkles his long AF unique AF name all over the place. 🤦 But I guess it's ok, since the tour guide never mentioned him & Claudia by name. (Not Tom Anderson in another finale, LOL.) Louis so offended the tour guide said he ran a voodoo cult. XD
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Fall of the House of Lioncourt-Melmouth.
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You're gosh darned right! THEE Louis of Troy is in the building!
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You love to see it. "A wearisome fledgling; all the millennials are--" not Lestat making PALE PROXIES of rat-catcher extraordinare LDPDL out of millennials. 😭
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Lestat, if you don't get your crazy arse outta here with that bloodstained wooden keyboard Imma ROTFLMFAO.
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NO JOKE, I effed up my friend's whole set when I started screaming "Siri, Pause," cuz my friend's Siri started freaking out and effed up the volume! XD
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(Best scene all season, fight me on this)
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You know this was TEARING Lestat up, cuz of what happened in 1973--I gave Louis to you so you could do BETTER by him than EYE did, and instead it's NICKI ALL OVER AGAIN.
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Imma smack him--this is NOT the time to be self-loathing, Lestat!
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NOLA is my home--and the SAINT is not a city--I'm gonna cry.
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He did. He just forgot, when reality settled in and the allure/nostalgia/glamour wore off. "I tried to make nights awful for you." Not the whole time, Louis. Y'all actually were happy b4--even Claudia said "the easy times" stopped after Florence died; and esp. after Charlie died. Lou can't be blamed for grieving his mom's death, and he definitely can't be blamed for Lestat & Claudia falling out after Charlie. Everything that happened after that--the 7 years of depression--was ALSO Lestat's fault. "I wanted you to suffer, cuz I was suffering;" I'm glad Les just waved that aside and said they BOTH wronged e/o.
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He's not suicidal anymore then! He has nights in front of him to look forward to! So Lou can finally "learn to live honestly" with HIMSELF.
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And Lestat dove RIGHT ON IN with that! He's been carrying that with him for DECADES, worried about Louis & what happened.
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I LOVE that Les' language changes (the way his voice CRACKS and goes so TINY, oml)--he asked Lou in 1973 if he was "ill," and if something had happened TO him; so as to not spook/trigger or blame him--but he can ask more candidly now in a (relatively) "healthier" 2024 if Lou tried to hurt/kill himself; and get a more candid/honest answer. CLOSURE, y'all, I'm gonna cry.
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GOOOOOOD. Don't EVER forget your daughter. Y'all need to have a Claudia Memorial; to KEEP remembering her, as she was in all her vampiric splendour, the good times AND the bad times.
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I KNOW this hurt Louis to his effing core. The way Jacob cried FIRE!
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I'm so glad Lou hugged him--YES YOU WERE, Uncle Les. And you KNOW it; you FELT that bond b/t y'all, even if she never looked at you. The distance b/t y'all was in name only, cuz a little Black girl couldn't have TWO daddies in 1917 and have one of them be white on top of it. I AM YOUR MAKER, sure, but you were her BLOOD FATHER, and she loved you, which is why she hoped you'd help her.
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What are these magical off-mic speeches/pep-talks Louis keeps giving people in Season 2?!? THE PEOPLE WANNA KNOW, gosh darnit!
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I get why Jam said they thought the Loustat ending was "satisfying." It was nice, even though I'd've preferred to see Lestat in the Dubai penthouse at the end. :\
I LOVE THIS, AMC, thank you! ❤️
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were-wolverine · 9 months
percy jackson ep3 live reaction
yesss the attic it looks perfect
the voice crack on “hi” i’m cackling
“oh geez” HES SO PERCY
annabeth immediately i love him.
percy’s gf requirements: has to be willing to push him down a flight of stairs without hesitation
let percy understand the horses PLEASE
“i chose you” i thought it was gonna be like ‘because you’re my best friend’ but nah he is just suspicious of grover dang. “i trust you” DAMN HE REALLY LYING HUH. poor grover totally believes him too. good thing he earns his trust back eventually and remains his best friend forever
“i’m gonna pack the best snacks” HE IS THE BEST KIND OF FRIEND
why tf are there lobster traps in the cabin. WHERE IS HIS BED???
“i think they’re canadian maybe? or from chuck e. cheese i dunno” he’s literally my favorite person ever
“these are… interesting”
thalia’s tree :(
when do they tell percy that grover was thalias protector 🤔
“the most powerful being in the universe’s best idea to save his daughter’s life… was to turn her into a tree?” YEAH FR GET HIS ASS PERCY
bro really does not know how to read the room 💀 “she met a pinecone’s fate” dude she is talking about her dead friend/sister-figure. grover’s literally like “wtf man”
how tf did they get a taxi from long island to the city bro
“i’m sorry to hear that” UR THE BEST ANNABETH
why is grover singing… THEATRE KID ENERGY
“our voting system’s broken” hgjfhdhd
BIG OOF ????
the autism makes decisions so hard very real
“they smell fear” “that’s bees” EXCUSE ME? BEES WHAT NOW??
damn dodds that’s brutal
“perhaps the most formidable demigod child alive” i adore how they make 12 y/o annabeth so fucking powerful. like i really really love that they do that cuz ppl always talk about how powerful percy is but not how powerful annabeth is
defeated by shitty evacuation skills smh
…we’re lost in the woods, somewhere in new jersey
“i didn’t even know they had forests in new jersey” king. what.
ahhh i wish they just made them 13 i really cannot see them as 12 year olds
annabeth IMMEDIATELY knows it’s medusa lol
thinking abt how sally used medusa’s story to teach lil percy that appearances aren’t everything and “not everything that looks like a monster is a monster”. very interested to see what they do with her in this version of pjo
“and i definitely trust my mom” percy is such a momma’s boy i love it
i hope they don’t make her evil pls pls pls. SHES NOT EVIL SHES AN SA VICTIM. “a survivor” :(
“the gift the gods gave me is i cannot be bullied anymore” yes 🙌
girl really said “it’s not a gift it’s a curse” as if she was there 💀 ilysm but clearly the story you’ve heard isn’t what really happened
“so did i” :( she was a worshipper of athena
“i wasn’t like you, i was you”
ANNABETH “that isn’t what happened” GIRL YOU WERENT THERREEEEE
you tell them medusa !! her and percy get matching “i hate poseidon” shirts
team #trust issues
oop. yeah fuck poseidon.
okay yeah i really like this characterization of her. like a good person with a skewed moral compass. or at least good intentions but not great actions
leetle snakes hiss hiss
annabeth watching percy defeat alecto… she literally has heart eyes hehe
you tell them grover!!!!!!
oh he really did choose grover because he trusted him aw :,)
“i am impertinent” ily
the song 💀 this is why they are besties
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You've done it. I've been infected with the virus of A/B/O. I cannot escape it 😔 Congrats \_(•~•)_/
Dude it's like the black plague. I didn't know I was into it until I read what kind of intimacy can be born from the dynamic. For all my infected babes out there <333
Nights like these.
You're in bed scrolling through your Instagram feed when you hear a rough thud not to far away. Followed quickly by your doorbell. You get up cautiously. Now if you knew anything from horror movies you knew the cardinal rule about following the creepy sounds past 1 am. That gut feeling didn't set in though. That ache in the deepest pit of your stomach. That voice in your head screaming "TURN THE FUCK BACK RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!" just never seemed to come.
You look into your peep-hole to see that oh so familiar red hair. Unlocking and opening the door as quick as you can to reveal a scuffed up and bruised Red Riot standing in front of you.
"I didn't wake you, did I?" His ever present smile never faded, not once. God you loved that smile, sharp teeth and all. It triggered a form of cuteness aggression in you. Where all you ever want to do is bite on him and leave a graveyard of marks in your wake. You step aside for him to enter your apartment.
"No, no you didn't. I was awake." Closing the door behind him, not even bothering to lock it again. No one was going to mess with you or your place and even if they did, you knew you were safe in the care of the alpha courting you.
You pulled out a first aid kit that you keep in the kitchen while Kirishima sat down on the couch with a groan. You could see he was in pain and was just putting on a brave face. He does that more often than he'd care to admit.
Sitting next to him taking out a few sheets of guaze and disinfectant.
"Thank you for going through all this trouble but I really didn't come over to get you to patch me up." He let's out one of his signature giggles, followed by a rough cough, which has him wincing.
"Did you really come over, thinking I wouldn't atleast try?" You proceed to clean the deep gash across his bicep. You delicately blow over the ripped skin, shortly after, you see it slowly start to stitch itself back together like it never even happened. Only a scar to show for it. That was your quirk. "Patchwork". You could attach things together, a wonderful tool for a clumsy shithead who is constantly breaking shit accidentally.
You continue to go over each cut with the tenderness of a Saint.
"I'm so lucky." He says with a slight touch of his finger to your cheek, bringing you out of your concentration. When you look into his eyes all you see is the admiration he has for you. Fuck, you smell it on him, it's palpable. You doubt he even realizes the scent he's giving off. It brought a whole new meaning to the saying "there's love in the air".
Now, you by no means would ever presume to think he loves you. Infatuation, sure, but love was hard to believe.
"Is that so?" You lift a playful eyebrow at him and continue your work with a cheeky smile gracing the corners of your lips.
"Ofcourse it is sweetheart." He's beaming now, you've never had to suppress the urge to attack him... in more ways than one. But you'd contain yourself, after all you can't heal him, then immediately hurt him. Even if he might enjoy it. "Remember the day we met?"
"Mhmm the day my life changed forever" You get up from beside him to return the first aid kit to its home before making your way back to him, sitting cross-legged on your sofa facing the big burly alpha who you were slowly getting more and more attached to.
"You were taking pictures in the park. I couldn't take my eyes off you. It was like you caught me in your spell." He gently pulls you closer to him, resting your legs on top of his own, effectively pulling you into his side.
"I knew that love spell from WitchTok would work." You chuckle, your quick wit never ceased to put him in awe. But then you realise what actually has him stunned. Shit.
"Well, I-I didn't mean it like- I mean we haven't really talked abo- fuck I'm an idiot." You cover your face with your hands as your cheeks flush hot red at the position you've put yourself in.
He didn't share in your awkwardness, though, merely pulling you closer to him and ruffling his nose in your hair. "C'mere sweetheart." You can hear his smile as he pulls you into his lap, straddling him. You don't currently have the storage for any more embarrassment in your spirit for it to take the forefront. Your head was bowed, not daring to look him in the eye.
"Can I see those beautiful eyes of yours?" He rubs gently circles into your skin with his thumbs where his hands rest on your thighs.
You take a minute before humoring his request with a cautious peek under your lashes through the cracks in your finger defense. "You can do better than that."
You take a huge breath him, filling your lungs. Running your fingers through your hair, looking up at the ceiling and exhaling before looking him dead on. Your arms crossed over your chest, hands on your shoulders. You were sure you had completely and utterly fucked up.
"There she is." God you love that goofy smile of his, full of warmth.
"I'm sorry, that was dumb." You give an awkward laugh, averting your eyes to the side.
"No, no, no, don't be sorry, sweets." He shakes his head. After a few moments pass he says, "I remember what you told me about your ex, how whenever they said they loved you, they didn't really mean it. I didn't want you to think that if I said it I wouldn't actually mean it. I thought it would be better to let it happen at its own pace, let you get comfortable with the idea of being loved, and appreciated again before bombarding you with it." Now he was the one with blushed cheeks. "I just didn't want to scare you off, I guess." The look on him is so earnest it almost brings a tear to your eye. How was the man in front of you this thoughtful?
It doesn't take much thought before you're leaning forward, arms circling his shoulders, meeting your lips to his. His arms wrapping around you and holding you to him like he never wants to let go. You're so sure this is the best moment of your life. You're positive this kiss is better than any sex you've ever had before. You part from each other, and melt into a hug.
"I wanted to encourage you, that's why I let out those pheromones. I dont know if you even noticed honestly." He whispers into the silence, you can hear a sliver of hurt and insecurity wiggle its way into his voice. It sends a pang of pain to your chest.
You pull back to look him in the eyes. "Ofcourse I noticed!" You say louder than you intended to. Your 2-3 coming out as a 5-6. You quickly regain yourself with a light smile as you take in the sight of him again. "I thought it was an accident, or that I was confused or something." He breaks into a smile, and before you know it, you both are belly laughing at the utter absurdity of it all.
"I love you." You say once the laughs turn to giggles.
"I love you, Sweetheart." He kisses you on the cheek with an exaggerated smooch sound before softly biting down on the fleshy chub of your cheek, making you squeel out a giggle. He loved hearing it, its gotya be his favoritesound on the planet. The sound of your happiness. "And I mean it, no accidents or confusion about it. Must've been a really good spell you found huh?"
God, this man was amazing.
In conclusion I need a man like this. SADGIRL HRS fr
This man always has me giggling, bro. This was so much fun to write
My inbox is open so send me in some asks SFW or NSFW.
See ya'll next time sluts, byeeeee
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pagodazz · 7 months
Noah Maxwell hcs
for @freezingmcxn
I unprivated my Noah playlist just for this
(I honestly didn't know what kind of music to add for him. so I don't know if this will be him much at all)
One thing I can say for SURE is that I do not have the same kind of hcs for him as I do for everyone else, in fact his are very very angst oriented. so.
Tw for drug and alcohol abuse and shit (bc TT just acts like he doesn't have a problem, when bros literally an addict & alcoholic)
but I'm no where as attached to him like I am attaching to other characters so I cannot promise accuracy
Noah is the kind of guy that would sit in bed all day and wait for other people to reach out to him before be makes any attempt to reach out to them, because honestly, I don't think Noah will think of other people when he's alone. He's too focused on whatever he's dealing with to stop and make time for others unless they demand it from him.
He doesn't exactly mean to do it to be rude, he just genuinely seems to forget other people even exist when he's alone. Unless it's Milo or Kevin, sometimes he'll forget them, but they're usually people he keeps in contact with most, so it's hard to push them out of his memory. his excessive drinking and drug use also is no help with his memory, and neither is the collective.
I think Noah often lays awake at night staring into the darkness seeing if he can see the faces of the collective, or even worse, His own face. So he gives up on sleeping, and he decides to focus all his attention to being online.
He probably keeps the lights on after a while, and he'll learn how to ignore the movement he sees out of the corner of his eyes and he'll distract himself by answering questions, or by ignoring everyone and just binging his favorite shows or doing his own half assed research.
I think that Noah tends to get sick alot, to the point where he can barley tolerate any amount of food in his system without feeling the instant need to vomit it all up. He probably even get in his head telling himself that he doesn't even deserve it, he hasn't worked hard enough to get these things he wants.
I imagine he shakes alot, hes almost frozen to the touch. You'd probably have to give him the biggest and softest blanket you have just to keep him kinda warm.
I also believe he gets aggressive when he isn't able to drink or take something, not like he's demanding to have it, but more like everything is annoying him and he's FREAKING THE FUCK OUT over being out. He cannot handle a single moment alone with his thoughts, he knows he will literally LOSE HIS MIND.
He hates silence for sure but he hates the sound of his own voice even more.
Noah is a very delicate man, and he pretty much expects to be treated as such, but he NEVER is. He's kicked and beaten and thrown around and he gets back up, because he has to.
His ribs will ache and his lungs will burn and he'll hate the way he has to scrub the blood off his skin again and again, and he'll hear the sound of everyone laughing at him and he'll just feel so utterly humiliated by everything that he'll just have to completely hide himself.
He'll crumble over and just sob until he can't anymore and he'll find whatever he can take to ease the pain, and he'll take too much and he'll throw himself onto the bed and he'll start his routine all over again in the morning, and he knows that it'll only ever get worse for him.
I think that Noah genuinely blames himself for the things other people are going through, even tho he has an AWFUL time showing it. we can use firebrand and prebrand as an example, they're both so FULL of guilt and that means obviously Noah is too.
Noah honestly thinks if he acts like he doesn't care at all, nothing bad will happen, but that's just not gonna work, because he can't stay away from the collective, they are coming to him. he doesn't have the option for escape like he thinks he does, he only has a choice in how he ends up. As a god or just a man who was useless and pathetic and has nothing to offer the world.
Yyayy okay there's those,,, Patrick and Michael coming up,,, BUT. HONESTLY IM SORRY IF THESE DONT FIT HIM, I genuinely gotta rewatch tribetwelve when I'm NOT stoned out of my FUCKING MIND. I hope one of these works atleast
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shinjisdone · 1 year
(I don't know where to put requests in, so I'll have to put it in ask, I apologize for that.)
Hello! I have to say, your writing style is one of my most favorites, and I'd love to request!(if I can) I don't know if this counts as a disability,(if it does, please ignore this) but could you write headcanons on Riddle Rosehearts and how he would deal with a gender-neutral S/O who's born naturally weak? For example: if the temperature is even a little bit cold, they'll start to sneeze and shiver. On the other hand, if it gets too hot, they'll start to feel faint and weak.
If you do end up doing my request, thank you so much! And if you don't, still, thank you for all your works!!! Don't give up!!!!
Hi! Requests ARE put into the ask box as far as I know so you are doing it correctly!
Oh man, it's always nice to hear that my??? Writing style which is just brainrot??? is one of someone's favorite omg stahp ur making me blush.
I also appreciate the encouragment and I think I am fine with this request. I'll see what I can do.
If it is not done appropriately, please tell me asap.
Riddle Rosehearts with an g/n S/O who is physically fragile
Riddle was most likely aware of your condition before you started dating.
Before that he'd make sure to assist you whenever you saw each other - which became much more often in time.
He was quick to realize - before and during dating - that there are no rules of the Queen he can follow to help you.
Each condition is individual and each person has their own way of handling themselves. Something as superficial as a 'Do this' and 'Don't do that' cannot cut it. He is a bit in a pickle because of it.
When everything's chaotic and blue, at least he always had the rules he could grasp back to whenever needed. But they prove to be not as helpful this time.
At the beginning he asks you what he could do. Rather bluntly at first before explaining that he honestly does not know what he could do to help you, let alone be a perfect boyfriend to you. A title he strives for.
His mother is a magical doctor and since she also wishes for him to become one, Riddle is knowledgeable in many medical areas. But since it's you - his rose, which he embarrassingly admitted at the beginning of your relationship - he does not have the boldness to just proclaim what is good for you and what not.
He feels safer asking you.
SO, after things have been discussed, Riddle believes it is high time for changes. If these standing rules do not fit you, he will create new ones that will.
Teaching each Heartslabyul student on what must be done when you are here. Over for a Unbirthday Party? The heat can be much, always have at least two parasols next to the table. Also set the table a bit futher away from the roses. The pollen could nettle your nose.
Inside playing a cards game? The papers could cut you, we better soften the edges. Yes, Ace, of each and every card.
His worry for your well-being might get overexaggerated...
Understand that this comes naturally to Riddle. Leading and enruling is what he does best and rules have always been a stable in his life. Rules are there to follow and make the lives of everyone better.
You might have to tell him to calm down...don't create new rules just for you. Yes, the sun can be blaring and the rooms cold, but the rest of the dorm don't have to follow new rules like card soldiers just for you.
He will understand...and might feel awful. He fell into this loop of flaws again where he believes rules and laws to be supreme. He, once again, became a tyrant.
Riddle will revoke the rules...but will still remind everyone to keep you in mind. In fact, everyone in the dorm with similiar conditions should be kept in mind...
Yes...maybe that should become a rule. To consider everyone's well-being.
Much shorter and simpler, even for people like Ace and Deuce to follow.
Other than that, Riddle will always personally make sure you are okay. Like a gentleman he will offer his assistance and if you refuse, he will comply. He just wants to let you know he's there, okay?
Offers his arm as he holds a parasol, you two strolling through the garden. Will make you tea himself that is not too spicy or hot (he might need some lessons from Trey). He would offer you his cloak or entire cabinet of clothes if you ask to keep you warm.
He might even buy certain things to make your day-to-day life easier.
A bit more attendive and tends to think a lot about other people and their conditions. He kinda wishes to be more of help...
But well....if you are at least okay and happy with him, then Riddle is fine with just helping and learning from you for now.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Tokyo in April is... Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Kazuma and Ren began their FWB relationship. It has strict rules about how they interact. Ren doesn't face him during sex, the lights stay off, and Kazuma leaves after. They stay friendly at work with no mention of it. They also hook up every day. Kazuma seems to recognize that there's something huge holding Ren back, and decides to be patient and present for now. Meanwhile, Ren put the whole company on his back to save an ad campaign after their actor was caught up in a scandal.
Trigger Warnings for this episode: Striking a minor, discussion of sexual assault, implied harm and suicide attempt, aftermath of implied sexual assault.
One of the fun things about a show where the characters are in an active sexual relationship, is any time you're present for the sex you immediately know that there are emotional stakes in play.
I love Kazuma. I like that he can feel that Ren was tired and needed closeness. I love that he turns that into an opportunity for Ren to do something for him instead.
I'm expecting the color gays to say something about this orange shirt matching the shelves later.
I'd be overwhelmed if I was Ren, too. He has fairly-valid reasons to believe that his feelings were one-sided. He's been protecting his heart in this arrangement, but now he's forced to see how real Kazuma's feelings (which have been expressed clearly since they met again) are.
See, and I totally get Ren misunderstanding Kazuma as teens. This feels a little like Lee Wan and Shin Ki Tae in Our Dating Sim, where Wan just could not comprehend that Ki Tae could also like him.
I don't have the words to convey how sad I am that Ren believed he coerced Kazuma into sex, and felt he needed to say that to their parents because he needed to be honest about all of the events that transpired to ensure that Kazuma received effective care for his condition.
It's awful to watch, but I appreciate a mom striking the self-proclaimed assailant of her son.
An exacto knife? Fuck me.
That was intense. I like delivering the history Ren has kept to himself as he breaks over the answer he's always wanted. That Ryunosuke guy had clearly heard of Kazuma before.
Kazuma is such a boy. They got the jock-turned-diligent-office-worker energy correct.
A home cooked meal shot from the side with the kitchen available in the back. I know that this is probably a fairly standard Japanese apartment layout in Tokyo, but this is sending me all the way to What Did You Eat Yesterday? I like this shift after such a heavy sequence.
Finally, a show for the quiet gays like me. I'm not surprised the same director as Our Dining Table is involved. Those boys were also Quiet Gays (Yes, I know Minoru is bi. Let me have fun). After a rough week or two at work, just taking a day to lazily enjoy each other's company is so nice compared to some date at a sponsored location.
Ren is staying over and we're getting a domestic gay montage. I am living!!
It's hard not to notice that Ren never removes that wristband now.
Oh, timing Kazuma saying that the only thing that matters to him is Ren as Ren strokes Kazuma's sleeping face is the most touching "it's mutual" thing I've seen in a while that also reflects the characters. Kazuma will say it. Ren will show it.
The framing around a coworker leaving, ominous energy about Sanada, warnings from the pissed former employee, the info in the past, and now the actor facing over 1300 sexual harassment charges.... Implications unpleasant about Sanada and that management may already know.
Yes, please dry his hair. You are a BL boy who almost died from being soaked in the rain ten years ago. We cannot repeat our mistakes.
This conversation about just taking a bath was refreshingly gay for me. I like the tacit acknowledgement about mess.
Ah, and there's the overt confirmation about Sanada. That women looked out of it.
This was simultaneously an incredibly sad and heavy episode, but also one of the softest and most domestic things we've had in a while. The Japanese teams are really good at that balance. You can feel Ren finally softening and letting Kazuma in. The rapport between them is solid. They feel older than a lot of the pairings we've had in Japan despite just being in their mid-20s. This is really such a fantastic show.
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eemcintyre · 6 months
"Seawolf: The Pirate's Curse" (2005) review
Surprisingly, honestly... why did I enjoy this? I guess after a couple of major misses for me in the form of "The Kidnapping" and "Beyond Forgiveness", my expectations were appropriately low, but this one actually had some likable characters and humor, and that always manages to rope me in. I have a soft spot for fun, silly action fare like this bc of childhood shows like "The Greatest American Hero", I think.
So, the title never makes any sense... what was it supposed to mean? what curse?
First and foremost, I must say TIG is looking oh-so-very pretty and rugged here- the necklaces, the bandanas, the curly-q hair, the tank tops, the sweaty, the ARMMMSSSS 😩
Initially had absolutely no clue what was going on in the beginning; a bunch of people with weird ass outfits in the dark and I was just like please no don't let that be him in the damn fucking cape and eyepatch and o n e l e g; I was like he can't possibly have one leg the whole time, right?? 🤨
But yeah I was definitely experiencing the "dear God what did I get myself into, cheers to another awful mess" 🫡🥂
Why does half the audio sound dubbed (particularly everything that comes out of Rachel's mouth)? Also props to Rachel for being the most emotionally unaffected person ever bc her reactions were so disproportionately calm to what would happen if my bf was constantly disappearing overseas and totaled my gorgeous pink car
We're getting some very Max Parrish-type hooting and hollering up in here; a concise summary of Thorpe is that he's basically if Max had a boat and was an alcoholic instead of a drug addict
We get another hallmark of TIG's movies with a slew of incredibly cringe one-liners that elicit a physical reaction of pain from me, but for every few there was actually a genuinely funny one here and there, so I'll allow it this time...
The whole "I'm a pirate, my father was a pirate, etc." speech had me ROLLING and NOT IN THE WAY THE WRITERS INTENDED I THINK BC HUH??
When he met Helene in that random room full of paintings I was sure we were supposed to take it that the mission was smth art theft-related. but no she just has a passion for maximalist design ig.
Why does the camera get randomly shaky for no reason? Very avant-garde of them
Am I the only one who thinks that Carlos looks like a Walmart George Clooney? Someone else pls tell me I'm not insane
Always throws me off-guard but it's such fun to see TIG in an uncharacteristically light scene like the one where he's dancing in the parade and surrounded by the circle of dancers in the bar. At least he seemed like he was having a good time in this movie 🎉
Ramon and his lil book and the bar scene of Thorpe and Helene drunkenly arguing w each other and sitting on the side of the road was what really started to sell me
Plus I cannot go without mentioning my appreciation for the way he was holding her knee 👀💕
Love how he spends the majority of this movie just dressed like someone's hot dad who works out, in his cargo shorts, tank top and goatee- oH WAIT IT'S BC HE IS A HOT DAD WHO WORKS OUT IN REAL LIFE
Love how Carlos and all the other villains are devoid of personality or motive except for ~money~, like "the Colonel" doesn't even have a name!!!
Was genuinely stressed that my boy was going to clock himself in the head when he was swinging that rope trying to scale that building
When Helene straight-up PUNCHED HER SISTER IN THE FACE like these ladies have some beef and I need to know where it stems from
This film is another great example of TIG's grossly underutilized comedic potential- a là the map reading scene
Hilarious how Carlos just shrugs like "I don't care, whatever I guess" when who he believes to be Marlena says she wants to say a dramatic goodbye to Thorpe
Ok but how did he not die?? Thank goodness but how??
Even more hilarious how the Colonel, who has had nothing but hatred and murderous intent for Thorpe throughout, is just so touched by Thorpe's being a ✨ big softie with morals ✨ that his vengeful compulsions are soothed and he's content with taking the gold like "hey bro, we're square now <3" and just fuckin walks away
Good on them for giving the treasure back to Mexico
Was legit concerned for too long there that they weren't actually going to end up together and I was screeching
Honestly, I think they could have leaned even more into the humorous aspect and the treasure hunt part of the film; made it a bit more of a National Treasure/Indiana Jones sort of thing, and I definitely would have liked some more character development, esp. for the sidekicks and villains, but overall, I award this film an unexpected 6/10. I had a good time 🙃🩷
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vtforpedro · 9 months
long life update - TWs in tags
It feels like it's been ages. I'm so exhausted and in a lot of physical pain. Going on two months of it being the worst it's been right after a couple of months of the best it's been. Chronic pain + grief + trying to get help from doctors who should have their licenses revoked + dealing with a shit relationship with my mom + a good, decades-long friendship ending + the ongoing disability process with the SSA + LAW FIRMS.
I'm so fucking tired. I don't remember if I updated that the appeals council decided not to review my case because the 'judge followed the law' except that he didn't. So, as it turns out, my original attorney (and he did not tell me this) before he left, wrote that if they denied me, it should go to federal district court.
I'm now working with a NY law firm to take my case to federal court because my current law firm believes it has merit, and I guess they do, too. That's how fucked the decision was, and I'm glad my initial reaction of bewilderment and anger was spot on lol
The good news is, it should only take another year! ._.
My neurologist is the worst doctor I have ever come across and I'm quite literally stuck with him with nowhere else to go. I wish him upon no one. I'm so tired of calling the SSA, getting documents to them, signing things for law firms, contacting law firms, getting no responses, and contacting them all over and over again. I am in incredible physical pain, like this actively makes my neuro stuff worse. Everything makes it worse. I have autonomic testing in a few days, and idk if I'll get through it b/c I have to stop the meds that keep me out of the ER two days prior, and it scares me.
My relationship with my mom is fractured and I don't feel like family therapy is actually helping. I had to end a friendship with someone I love and care very much about but who was growing too comfortable mistreating me and I was giving them too many passes 😞 I've known them for the better part of two decades.
It's been over seven months since my cat Isis died. I don't know how. It feels like she was here just yesterday. Yet, all the nights I've sat and talked to her and wept are all too real. I miss her more than I can say. She was my soul cat. I keep thinking about tomorrow and how she'd be so nosy getting into EVERYthing when gifts are opened at Christmas. Having to stop her, move her, laugh because she was just so n o s y and it was hilarious. And she's not gonna be here for that ever again.
I'm having a really fucking hard time tonight. It's just hitting me how god-awful this year has been and how I have a bad week to look forward to before even getting to the new year lmao I have to stop taking so many of my medications 48hrs before 1.5-2hrs of testing to see if we can find out Yet Another Thing Wrong With Me but knowing my luck it'll be 'no findings' and the mystery of why my core body temp plummets to 93.9 in the blink of an eye won't be solved until I have suffered juuuuust enough.
It never ends. Never. I want to give up. I'm so tired of doing this. I don't want to anymore. It never. fucking. ends.
I absolutely cannot say it's all been bad, though. I've met incredible, warm, welcoming, giving, kind people this year. Y'all have helped me more than you know and I'm so so so lucky to be able to call you my friends. This year has sucked for so many of us, but I want to say I'm proud of you, and I love you all very much.
My fic is gonna be printed in a hardcover zine early next year. I participated in a Big Bang for the first time and that'll also go out early next year. I'm hosting a tiny event in my tiny fandom server that I'm super excited about. I have a raffle prize to write (bagginshield !!!! SO EXCITED to revisit the og otp) and a Valentine's gift to write for another fandom.
I posted 401,000 words this year and wrote many more unfinished wips, plus a long one (90k) that I am very invested in finishing.
I painted and drew so much this year. I improved a lot, too! I got a couple of portraits printed from inprnt to see how they looked, and it was MY art, and they were GORGEOUS. I thought I would hate seeing my art professionally printed, but no! I almost cried. They looked so lovely.
My cat Lilly had health issues almost immediately following Isis's passing, but she is doing so well right now. She's blossomed into another cat, and while she's not my constant companion, she is with me so much more than she used to be. When she walks onto my desk I am to stop everything and hold her like baby in my arms until she decides that's enough (or I really need to move) lmaaao she's such a goober. My heart cat. <3
I'm not doing well right now--my MH is bad. Especially tonight. But it felt good to write the good things.
I'm sorry for my lack of replies and kinda disappearing. I'm running on fumes. I hope next year will bring physical relief so emotional relief can happen.
For those of you facing difficulties of any kind, I am holding your hand in spirit.
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pauls1967moustache · 2 years
Not sure if you’ve done it yet but fic recommendations? I love your writing so much that I’m pretty sure I’ll love whatever’s your favorite fics with these two :)
in no particular order:
for though they may be parted by @downtothe-lastdrop. my fave author in this fandom. i cherish our mutual connection of "but i love YOUR work". anyway choosing this one in particular bc it's a severance au and severance has also captured my brain worms.
Let Me Roll It THEE apple new york trip fic. the only one. this is it.
I Need You Darlin' (So Come Go With Me) by Anonymous. ok, listen. hear me out. i am not an A/B/O person. i only ever try it when i am truly desperate for something new to read. HOWEVER, this one consumed me a lil bit. i started reading this on like sunday night two weeks ago and ended up staying up till 5am, and then i pulled a sicky at work (bc i am not 16 anymore and can no longer read fic till 5am without consequence), and then i spent my "sick" day finishing it, and it was sooooo good. even the sex was hot, despite me being squeamish about A/B/O. could not recommend enough.
Don't Think About It by @merseydreams. everyone's recced and read The Birthday Party, so I'm being contrarian and saying read this one!! (and also The Birthday Party).
When You Are Young They Assume You Know Nothing by Lily_Padd_23. paris fic! this one is soooooo lovely. the atmosphere they set in this makes me want to fall in love this instant! it reminded me of the film Before Sunrise (fave movie). just gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
Other by @scurator. cannot tell you how many times i've read this. unique and sexy and lovely! (as is all of their work! i'm in awe!)
across the river, deep and wide which is orphaned but i believe is also by @scurator but since it's orphaned it doesn't count. they get two. it's my list! anyway, Harold, they're lesbians. also, read the follow up when you're done :)
Away to His Castle by RedheadAmongWolves. i'm such a sucker for bed-sharing and this one is so beautiful, and melancholy.
always, no sometimes by @stonedlennon, this one is so 🥺 (but also so sexy). peak 1967 romance. i read this like "they were in love here" and they were!!!
the way things sometimes are by paisana. they are so sweet and stupid and soft and this one. it captures those feelings of being young and having a mortifying crush so well. made my heart so full when i read it.
i was a younger man then (now) (post hoc) by @fingersfallingupwards. time traveller's wife au!!!!!!!! a perfect fic.
The Last Time I Saw Paris by Celebratory Penguin. if you like paul on the brink (with a happy ending) (rare), then do i have a the fic for you! also: paris! (but not the one you think)
Jugular by sexysadie. this one's all vibes and they are so mean to each other but EYE find that enjoyable so it's a 10/10 from me.
Two Kinds by Lollytree. one thing about me is i love a calm before a storm. set during MMT :)
(I've Got) Everything That You Want by james_winston. hamburg era. they are so funny and silly and stupid here. boys <3 🥰
have to mention life flows within you by @orphanbeat even if it's not (technically) a j/p fic because it is my favourite beatles fic and i have read it 18 million times.
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gorebrain · 2 months
Razorblade Romance
HIM - 1991 - Gothic rock
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I love you - 4
Poison Girl - 6
Join Me - 5
Right Here In My Arms - 6
Gone With The Sin - 3
Razorblade Kiss - 7
Bury Me Deep Inside - 6
Heaven Tonight - 6
Death Is In Love With Us - 6
Resurrection - 6
One Last Time - 5
5.4 / 10
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So, I did not like this album.
This album features this semi-frequent technique which is plastering a weird synthetic sounding filter over layered vocals, which simply isn’t a flattering sound and does the singer zero favours.
Razorblade Kiss had a strong start, a decent following and a great chorus. What a wonderful surprise hidden in a shitty album. This sound and vocal style works so much better, I feel. Shame they don’t use it more, or at least wish to introduce the album with it instead of multiple disappointing songs. You have to painfully work your way up to something decent.
This album is like Type O Negative if they were v-kei. Does that make sense at all? His singing reminds me of the times Peter Steele would remind me of how gross he sounds, nestled into my ear, talking like he has a throat full of something. Type O Negative has amazing instruments to make up for the vocalists gooey voice however. Saying that, I didn’t dislike the instruments in this album, actually. Many times they surprised me. The iconic piano in Join Me made me want more from the song, but the album presented me with many great guitar performances that the vocals just couldn’t compete with.
I feel if you like the sound of this album, you may enjoy v-kei bands like The GazettE, who have a similar feel. Japanese music has something working in its favour, which is that I do not understand it. The lyricism of HIM doesn’t strike me as anything positive, and I do not enjoy its theme of lust over romance. If you wish to play their music while having a high school level hookup in a car in an empty car park, sure, but I don’t expect to this to be playing on a date. I just view this album as tacky.
Do you disagree? If you do, feel free to let me know, but please keep it respectful.
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Personal thoughts of each song below the cut:
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Some of these thoughts were jotted down during my first listening or after my third to forth.
I Love You: The beginning is so, so quiet, but apparently things are being said. Do not turn it up, because your ears will be blasted. I think maybe if I had headphones this wouldn’t be a problem, but I genuinely cannot hear a thing in the beginning, but Spotify says there are lyrics. Regardless, the song is so promising with the instruments and beginning, but the chorus is so awful. I don’t know if it’s some layering thing, but the way they did the vocals is almost unbearable.
Poison Girl: This song isn’t as bad as I thought. Re-listening to it, it’s actually a bit better than I remember. I actually gave it another point because I genuinely like this one. It’s definitely one of the better songs in the album.
Join Me: Unfortunately not a song I like. I wanted to like this, I heard the piano in a video and wanted to check out who was behind it. The song greets you with the iconic instrumental, but I heavily dislike their repeated layered, synthetic vocals that appear in other songs. Just a disappointment.
Right Here In My Arms: Good instruments, a good start. I believe my initial five was because of the bad taste the previous songs left, but listening to it after listening to Gone With The Sin, it’s a significantly better song. That song made me crave this one. Is it a 6/10 song, or is it just that the song after is so bad, me listening back to this one in that order made it so much better in comparison? I am unsure.
Gone With The Sin: Why is he talking like that? What an incredibly uncomfortable piece of music, and a listenable chorus doesn’t make a significant impact on the rest of the song. What is that instrument they’re playing near the end? An otamatone? That isn’t a normal fucking guitar, what is THAT! It doesn’t fit with the tone in the slightest and is jarring, taking you out the piece to question “what the fuck is that?” But I do have a praise for this song. It’s a strategic one, because the song following is made so much better in comparison, and I’d even say that applies to the rest of the album. I had to relisten and think ‘are these songs good, or is Gone With The Sin just so bad that they seem better than they are?’
Razorblade Kiss: This song surprised me with its strong start, though I am familiar with artists having an amazing guitar in the beginning just to never use it again. HIM, however, didn’t disappoint me here. The guitar appears again, and quite quickly. This song is much heavier than previous songs, and has a vocal style in the chorus that is a very good direction. I believe this style of music works in the favour of the singer, and I wish he leant into this more instead of the whispering he does. (The ooh, ooh, ooh at the 1:24 mark did make me physically recoil.)
Bury Me Deep Inside: This song starts off good, and goes back to being mellow. The chorus differs, adding guitar and more emotional vocals. Is it good though? It’s only okay. Definitely worth the re-listen..
Heaven Tonight: The chorus makes this song, and it’s a good one. It’s softer than any previous song I’ve given my praise to, but it’s good. It’s a genuinely catchy chorus I found myself mouthing along to. I found myself even concerned if I had ranked it above a six as I thought it deserved more, to which I had ranked it a seven. Listening to it on the bus, I had realised the chorus is all this song has and I actually don’t enjoy the rest of it, which took it down to a six.
Death Is In Love With Us: When this song came on, I had no memory of it. A very lacklustre song among the rest of the album.
Resurrection: Lightly off-putting, but the instruments pick up. This song is consistent and extremely bearable, not something I’d actively try to turn off if it was playing, though do I like it? It’s fine. Inoffensive.
One Last Time: A mellow song that works as an outro, but it’s nothing amazing. Unfortunately I do not have much else to say about it.
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lemmilemura · 1 year
Hey! I would like to start by saying thank you for providing us with Simon content, you are doing gods work. Anyway, I am on my period rn and suffering, could you write some hc’s of Simon when his S/O has their period and how he would react/how he treats them? Thank you!! X
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I'm gonna cry qwq I feel so appreciated qwq Like actually qwq Y'all are entirely too kind qwq 'doing gods work' I cannot believe this- I will happily provide you all with Simon content, it is very much needed! I'm pretty much in burn-out cuz of school rn, so requests are very welcomed! Alsooooo, if you Anonymous requesters want, you could maybe like, gimme a fake name/an emoji that I can call you! You ofc don't have to! I hope your period is over soon and that you feel better soon <3
All kept gender neutral (cuz not only women get periods) Based on the show
He is all for you staying home and missing a few days of school. He 100% can hack into the systems and change it so you were present. And he 100% will.
Tbh he'll probably also skip the day (s if you have multiple that are just terrible), again he can change it anyways. He'll just have Janae and Maeve send you the stuff you missed
As soon as you call/text him that you're feeling miserable, no matter what time of day it is, he'll get up and to yours, regardless if it's your period or not tbh.
If it is your period, you only have to tell him and before he comes over he goes to buy you some stuff. Snacks, hygiene products you may need, all that stuff because he's a good boyfriend and not one of those pussies who think periods are 'gross' (if anything he's happy you got it cuz that means you're not having a kid xD)
He already usually lets you decide what to do when you hang out, but when you're on your period you have waaaaay more power over him. Need something from a different room? He's getting it. Need to go to the bathroom? He'll help you get there and back. Want to watch some god awful show because it'll make you laugh/your guilty pleasure show? He'll sit through it even if he really fucking hates it. (He lowkey loves if it's like Dance Moms just cuz of all the fucking drama and tomfoolery)
He will be at your beck and call the entire time, your personal butler, human heatpack and entertainment. He will do his best to make you feel better/distract you from the fucking misery.
I hope that was good enough! And again I hope you feel better soon!!! Just imagine Simon's there with you xD I know it would make me feel better (and sadder cuz he's not actually there but shhh)
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ferallester · 9 months
okay I no longer have the energy to finish this, pls enjoy a third of pinof react #3 and my rereaction
oh wow immediate smack with literally zebras and conclussy— DAN
when they said dapwe pinof my reaction was ‘nobody’s called it that’ and then I think someone did so
I fucking love their conversation about the algorithm
their outfits do in fact suck in pinof 7
nose pressure <3
“Spock sideburns” FUCK OFFFFF YOU’RE RIGHT BUT NOW I WANT TO KNOW YOUR TREK OPINIONS (I have already said this but I reiterate it anyway)
“oi!!” *Phil laughs in the background*
I’ve paused on a very Dan derp of his I’m way too tired for this
Phil: *attempts to explain himself and gives up* (dork)
what the fuck is going on in the bottom of Google
grass hair babey!!!!
Dan’s hair evolution apparently boils down to side parting straight to side parting curly
what even were those boxers Phil
piss mention
Phil fails at the singing but not entirely the Scottish accent, nice
fuck the stress mushroom!!!! I’ve never seen how truly gross it was until now tho ewwwww
they make fun of them moving to Dan’s room and then their only reaction to it is that the lighting sucks, okay
wish they’d reacted to the king of the universe moment
Dan fails maths, and worse, I believed him in that second because I was sleepy and on my way to work LMAO
god bless the John Cena memes
phulge 🙄
rubber chicken scream my beloved!!!!
SOUND BARRIER I keep referencing it in my fics help, it’s up there alongside ‘stay still’ ‘stencil’ from the bloopers
the fucking heart hole— 😭
the nacho fic makes me incredibly uncomfortable
Phil shut the FUCK UP we KNOW you’re touching (affectionate)
I’m trying to read their reactions to Phil saying exhaust pipe sexily and currently I’m just getting gay disgust
Phil’s Grandma’s Lore is fucking iconic
hand thing
boys shut the fuck up
I cannot fucking believe their window was open
I also can’t believe Dan actually trusted Phil enough to do a trust fall
old merch talk!!!!
sneeze fetish 😭
love that the sneeze fetish site is not only in New Zealand, but that it’s a government site
pinof 8!! my first pinof!! their haircuts are fucking awful
ADORE the outfits tho
they say that haircuts make them look startled— yeah that tracks
fucking cowards, Bork and Boof are both heckin valid
did we even fucking realise that they were probably trying to get that ad bc I distinctly remember we were just excited to get so much content
Phil can’t spell <3
weird soft launch
YAS CAT!!!! YAS CAT!!!!!!!!!!
violence, “we touch very early in this one” shut the FUCK UP
tiny dan on Dan’s thumb is so fucking funny
Dan is INCREDIBLY violent as a lawnmower
can’t believe Phil said yaoi
Dan meanwhile is just a horny mess who likes Wang™️ (and can I blame him? nah)
the boys, upon hating the mannequin challenge: fuck it we sleuthing
I am too tired to figure out what film posters are hanging up
the weird water edit leading into the boys talking about how they used to edit together 🥺
also fuck I’m only a third through and it’s a quarter past one in the morning, I’m doing the rest of this tomorrow
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s7e2 hello, cruel world (w. ben edlund)
HALLUCIFER Right. You think this fruit-bat fever dream is reality? You come back, I'm sorry, with no soul like some peppy American Psycho, till Saint Dean glues you back together again by buying you some magic amnesia. You’re real. I’m very real. Everything between is what we call set dressing.
heart is breaking for sam already
HALLUCIFER You’re still in my cell. You’re my bunkmate, buddy. You’re my little bitch, in every sense of the term.
in general i am overly literal and what i see is what i get when it comes to show canon but i'm trying so hard to hold tight to the illusion in my mind that hell-torture for sam and dean didn't involve rape but they're making it really fucking hard. there's been other references, i think one in the last ep no less. just keep thinking to myself "gloss over it, they're just being edgy, they don't actually mean it". i start to get real upset if i think about it so yeah.
i know i'm wearing the wincest goggles but again i feel like i am capable of picking up what a show is putting down regardless of a ship i might be invested in, but i feel like i'm losing it with cas and dean's relationship level. i feel like we have seen so little of cas in general, that they keep TALKING about how they're all close but we've seen so little of it?? i'd think with 22 episodes a season they'd have room to establish this onscreen 🥴 but here's dean crying over presumed-dead cas. i guess i'm just gonna have to go with it and stop complaining about sHoW doN't TeLL
god what is this weird music transition into the doobie brothers black water - just because the lyrics work does not mean the music does :P hard left turn after mushy dead cas scene. i fear i have slipped into overly critical mode
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short and gruff version of hannibal tending will graham's wounded hands post-tier
i get that dean's freaked out and scared but he's being such an asshole to sam
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what an exceptionally cruel hallucination they're giving sam. i might need to look up how long he deals with this before it gets fixed because.....
DEAN Yeah, well. I’m not Sam, okay? I keep my marbles in a lead friggin' box. I’m fine. Really.
big fat fuck you, dean. you can't out tough psychosis.
BOBBY Of course. Yeah. You just lost one of the best friends you ever had, your brother’s in the bell jar, and Purgatory’s most wanted are surfing the sewer lines, but yeah, yeah, I get it. You’re – you're fine.
one of the best friends you ever had. ok. O K. (nevermind how depressingly in-the-basement-low the bar is being the number of people he could call friends he's had)
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looks like bobby's computer got an upgrade! seems untitled 1 and 2 desktop has made it to the actual desktop 😂
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s6e4 weekend at bobby's his 3.1 desktop LOL
okay so hell politics, heaven politics, the clear next step is purgatory politics. who is the boss of the leviathans *pulls out the org chart* (god i just don't care)
sam's hallucinating dean now, great. do not like
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DEAN This is real. Not a year ago, not in Hell, now. I was with you when you cut it, I sewed it up! Look!
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little gift to wincest kink writers everywhere, dean helping sam by inflicting pain
DEAN Hey. I am your flesh-and-blood brother, okay? I’m the only one who can legitimately kick your ass in real time. You got away. We got you out, Sammy. DEAN Believe in that! Believe me, okay? You gotta believe me. You gotta make it stone number one and build on it. You understand? SAM Yeah. Yeah, okay.
dean looks like he might fall over he's so relieved.
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DEAN (on phone) You cannot be in that crater back there. I can’t… If you’re gone, I swear, I am going to strap my Beautiful Mind brother into the car and I’m gonna drive us off the pier. You asked me how I was doing? Well, not good! Now you said you’d be here. Where are you?
well this is awful. first hallucifer encouraging sam to kill himself repeatedly and now dean saying this. also do not like.
(also very serious things happening and then that cheesy ass special effects on the leviathan's face -_-)
the winchesters getting an ambulance and going to the hospital for an injury, wonders never cease.
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
Sorry if you've already been asked these for A03 meme: 3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? and 29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
AO3 Wrapped Meme
3. What work are you most proud of
I am lucky to feel proud of all the Bleach fics I wrote this year (which cannot be said of the two non-Bleach fics I wrote this year LOL). But I'm probably most proud of D O N K I because I spent the most time with it and it took the most work. I love the opening with Orihime's weird little neighbor way more than is necessary; I felt like I was writing the first chapter of an entire novel about that guy. I love the Worm TV. I love Orihime and Hitsugaya's shopping trip. I'm proud of being able to make connections between Hitsugaya and Orihime even as they're living incredibly separate lives at that moment. Hitsugaya isn't even mentally present for half the fic because he's thinking about Hinamori, a person he explicitly does not explain to Orihime; and Orihime herself is very much focused on her impending trip to Soul Society to train with Rukia--a plan she also doesn’t disclose to Hitsugaya until the very end--but they still manage to be the person each needs that night.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
I tried to think back and be like, okay, what piece do I really, really remember at the level of the line, or language? One that comes to mind is this one, from From Afar:
"This Aizen guy," Toushirou says, taking another sip of his tea. "He inspires you?"
Hinamori nods. She stares at the leaf fragments at the bottom of her cup. There are futures written in them, somewhere.
"Because he has good handwriting." Toushirou peers up at her wittingly, and oh, she could smack him.
"Because Aizen-taichou taught us all how to do the same," Hinamori specifies.
Toushirou looks thoughtful for a moment, then nods.
They don't speak for a long time. With the sun beginning to set, the puppets aren't telling stories anymore. They've begun to wander, moved by drunkenness or independent spirit, soliciting kan from anyone who seems wont to give it. By dusk, the stories are well past having broken apart. There will be more come morning.
It’s just a piece of casual conversation--not a culmination of anything or a scene that’s intended as a big moment. Hitsugaya and Hinamori are just drinking tea at the tail-end of a weird puppet festival. But I really like it, because from a backstage perspective it was really, really fun to put together.
Because I got to think about what is possibly my favorite dang scene to think about in this entire manga, LOL, Hitsugaya and Hinamori’s first conversation where Hitsugaya, among other things, cautions Hinamori about 3rd Division and Aizen going out for walks alone:
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[Bleach 101]
Because Hitsugaya refers to him as “Aizen no yatsu.” This ensorcels me because it feels either way more familiar than we have any reason to believe Hitsugaya and Aizen are--they aren’t bros?!?--or, failing that, unnecessarily rude, because Aizen is his well-regarded milquetoast colleague.
The “Aizen no yatsu” feeds my reading of the scene that Hitsugaya is specifically trying to let Hinamori know that he’s telling these things to her as a friend, not as 10th captain. And I felt like it would make all the sense in the world if this is a way he’s referred to Aizen since long before he ever met him, was ever 10th captain, was ever planning to meet him. Where Aizen is just some guy Hinamori talks about an awful lot about.
So here’s bb Hitsugaya at some rando puppet festival in Junrinan, asking after “Aizen no yatsu” and referencing the AIZEN CALLIGRAPHY CLASS that Hinamori loves so much (read: that I love so much), so that 35 years later, when he tells Hinamori to be cautious when Aizen goes out walking alone, it is that type of moment and that relationship he means to evoke as context. 
Are these the connections the reader is expected to make in this scene in the fic? I would not expect that, no, LOL. I mean, first of all, Hitsugaya doesn’t even call him “Aizen no yatsu,” because the fic is written in English, and the translation “this Aizen guy” is less specific. This was for me. This was very much 100% for me and my obsession with this panel. XDDDD 
If this scene has an intended takeaway outside of Hitsugaya and Hinamori getting to spend time together, it’s that Hinamori tells us a little bit about why she loves Aizen as much as she does. It’s not just that he’s super powerful, or even that he’s nice. It’s that he is so willing to teach, to share that knowledge. And Hinamori wants to learn.
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