#i am being extruded
honeylemony · 1 year
Hey can I not want to fucking d*e. For TWO MINUTES.
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arc-misadventures · 4 months
Vtuber AU. Weiss collabing with her mom or sister?
The VTuber: The Empress of Ice
Today was an unusual stream for one, IHateMyDad2.0. Then again, among any streamers what would be considered normal?
Bot, no today, she could have a very special guest, one that could have disastrous, or highly beneficial implementations to her channel for years to come.
Only time would tell.
IHateMyDad2.0: Hello everyone, and welcome to the stream!
Her white haired avatar gave a dazzling smile as she addressed her chat. She loved streaming, within this space she could feel the mountain of worries she had built up over years of abuse by the hands of her despicable father slowly being chipped away. And, today was a special day.
For today she was listening to her family councillor, and had decided to take part in a family exercise they had recommended to help reunite her with her family members who had nearly been torn apart by their father’s actions.
IHateMyDad2.0: Okay, chat! We have a special guest with us today!
~~~Stream Chat~~~
Steveo: Whoo! Stream!
Ferbanjo: Hi Snowangel!
Monkittiy: A guest?
StarChild: Is it cookie?
IHateNyDad2.0: No, no it’s not, Cookie. No today we’ll be joined by a family member, a never before seen family member at that! So, everyone please give a warm welcome to my mother, ‘The Ice Empress!’
Emerging from the corner of the screen was a 2D model of a lady that extruded an air of mature elegance, and a crown of nobility upon her. One could easily tell based upon the models that the duo were related.
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Although one couldn’t help, but point out several, physical differences between the pair.
TheIceEmpress: The Ice Empress? That’s a terrible name. I thought we agreed upon the, Sovereign of Snow?
IHateMyDad2.0: What? The Ice Empress is a really catchy name.
TheIceEmpress: And, a derivative name that a preschooler would come up with. SovereignofSnow carry a much more palatable air or royalty to it. Royalty that must be feared, and respected.
IHateMyDad2.0: Mom?! It’s a cool name, right chat?
Littledino: Sovereign of Snow sounds better
Monkitty: The ice empress is rather bland
Yenta: We can call her, Sovereign for short
Draven: A new queen has appeared!
Ferbanjo: All hail the Sovereign of Snow!
Heartbreaker: Sovereign!
4SakenGodde$$: ❤️Sovereign❤️
Adrastus97: Milf!
IHateMyDad2.0: Eh…?
IHateMyDad2.0’s mouth hanged wide open as she stared in shock as her chat swiftly agreed with her mother, and the fact that they were already simping for her mother.
IHateMyDad2.0: Okay, fine! The Sovereign of Snow it is…
SovereignofSnow: Now that is far more appeasing to the senses~! Don’t you think so too dear?
IHateMyDad2.0: It is a little better…
SovereignofSnow: Now then my dear, what are we doing for your stream; Are we going to talk about your fellow streamers? I’ve often heard you talk about them, I’m quite curious to learn about them.
IHateMyDad2.0: I… I haven’t talked to you about my friends before.
SovereignofSnow: Well… no you haven’t. However, I do hear you scream something about cookies quite often.
IHateMyDad2.0: Eh…?
SovereignofSnow: She’s a fellow streamer isn’t she?
IHateMyDad2.0: Cookie? Yeah she is a fellow, VTuber I hang out with. Her full name is, CookieMonster. I call her, Cookie for short when we’re chatting, and playing games.
SovereignofSnow: Oh that was what was happening. I thought it was your safe word.
IHateMyDad2.0: MOM?!
IHateMyDad2.0’s model burst into a fierce blush as her mother roasted her so effortlessly. Her chat erupted into a fit of rampant laughter at her expense.
IHateMyDad2.0: I am in no way in such a relationship that with anyone that requires a… a safe word!
SovereignofSnow: That’s no surprise really, you have much left to be desired compared to your sisters.
IHateMyDad2.0: What is that supposed to mean?
SovereignofSnow: That compared to your sisters, and myself for that matter, you are quite lacking in certain physical aspects.
IHateMyDad2.0: What aspects…
Yenta: Is the aspect that she is flat?
Littledino: No booba
StarChild: Flat booba
Draven: She pads
IHateMyDad2.0: I AM NOT FLAT?!!
She yelled in rage as she saw the comments her chat was making pouring in as the insulted her body’s shape, and size. A response, that if an expression could be displayed would have shown a teasing smirk from the bottom of her lips.
SovereignofSnow: No, you are not out right flat. But, when you are compared to your older sisters, or myself, a fair comparison would be apples to watermelons.
IHateMyDad2.0: You are not that big?!
SovereignofSnow: B to E, E to F, and F to G my dear~!
IHateMyDad2.0: Your my mother, of course you would be the biggest one among us!
SovereignofSnow: Actually, I am a F-Cup. Your sister, B…?! No, no names… Ahem. The… Black Sheep of the family is the biggest.
IHateMyDad2.0: She’s how big?! I thought she was only a cup size bigger than me?! Not that big??
SovereignofSnow: I thought you were aware of this? Her model certainly displays her sizeable cleavage quite well.
IHateMyDad2.0: Well considering what her streams are like, I thought she was doing it for the views.
SovereignofSnow: That wouldn’t be of any surprise to me. The Black Sheep of the family has always been the most flamboyant, and outgoing of the four of you.
IHateMyDad2.0: Resulting in her being the degenerate of the family…
IHateMyDad2.0 scouled as she remembered the nature of her older sister’s streams, and the rather depraved aspects of them.
IHateMyDad2.0: Why do you let her do those kind of streams? I thought you would be all against her streaming considering what she does.
SovereignofSnow: Oh, but I am against them. I don’t like the videos she does. But, she is a grown woman, and she is allowed to do as she pleases. And, as her mother I have to respect her choices. I don’t have to like them, but I will respect them nonetheless.
IHateMyDad2.0: Oh… That’s really nice of you, Mom.
SovereignofSnow: Thank you.
Adrastus97: The Sovereign is really growing on me.
4SakenGodde$$: She is quite understanding of her daughters
bumblequeen: I like her
Stevo: Me too
Ferbanjo: I hope we see more of her in the future
Summertimeaadness: Same
SovereignofSnow: But, there is one thing about my daughter, and her streaming that concerns me.
IHateMyDad2.0: What’s that?
SovereignofSnow: Who is this man she is… obsessed with? The one she refers to as, ‘Darling?’
IHateMyDad2.0: ‘Darling?’ Oh, she is talking about a fellow streamer; His name is, ErrantryPaladin.
SovereignofSnow: And who exactly is this, ErrantryPaladin?
IHateMyDad2.0: Well, he is… Actually, There is a short video that was uploaded of him that I was planning on watching, would you like to watch it with me, Mom?
SovereignofSnow: By all means.
IHateMyDad2.0: Awesome! Okay, here is the video… What?
SovereignofSnow: What is it?
IHateMyDad2.0: The name of the video it’s… It’s called, ‘The Broken Paladin.’
SovereignofSnow: Broken Paladin? Is something wrong?
IHateMyDad2.0: I… I don’t know. This was a bit taken from his stream, but the video was made by a person watching his stream, not, Errant himself. So, I have no idea what it is about.
SovereignofSnow: Then let’s find out what’s wrong with your sister’s darling paladin then.
IHateMyDad2.0: Okay, let’s start the video.
She hit the play button on the video, and watched a story play out that she did not expect to see.
IHateMyDad2.0’s stream cut away to an image of, ErrantryPaladin; He was in the midst of a simple game of HOI4, building up his chosen nation of, Brazil’s infrastructure for the upcoming war.
ErrantryPaladin: Okay, that should help my production. Hmm… I want to build some railways… What do you think chat, should I build a railway around my whole country, or should I…?
His words were suddenly cut off as a donation was made, followed by the robotic male voice, and the message it had to deliver.
StalwartDoggo: “Hello, Errant! I’ve been wondering something about you, and you fair maidens…”
ErrantryPaladin: This should be good.
Stalwart: “What is it like having all these woman fawn over you? What is it like to be the alpha with a throng of woman hanging over you?”
ErrantryPaladin: …
ErrantryPaladin: Pffft! What fucking bullshit is that?!
If it could have been seen one would see the collective viewers of, Errants jaws drop like an anvil. They had expected him to say many things, but what he had just said.
ErrantryPaladin: Alpha… Pff… what a fucking joke…There are no woman fawning over me, the real me, not this…
Errant’s hand waved in a circle around his face, looking tired at the screed.
ErrantryPaladin: This mask…
He looked to the side of the screen, and despite the fact tgis face couldn’t portray such emotions, one could only see a broken, and tired man as he stared far off into nothingness.
ErrantryPaladin: What I mean by that is, people only know the mask, this face I present to all of you.
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ErrantryPaladin: The face of a huntsman, a lone warrior, who fights for the people against the hordes of Grimm monsters that attack the weak, and defenceless. The face of the wannabe hero…
ErrantryPaladin: But, the real me… I am no where near as amazing as him. I’m just me.
He sighed as he seemed to lean back in his chair, his mind deep in thought.
ErrantryPaladin: You see… people could be shown an image of a person, and they think that, that person is cute, and they’d be interested in meeting that person, and maybe go on a date with them. But, then they actually meet that person in the flesh, and totally be turned off by that person.
ErrantryPaladin: I mean, how many of you would still like me if I was five foot two, and a chubby. I will bet money that many of you would lose all interest in me.
Errant looked away as he heard another ping appear before him.
ErrantryPaladin: Ahh, no, QueensBane, I don’t look like that. Actually, I do look a lot like, Errant. 6’2”, blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. I just lack his confidence…
A deep sigh escaped his lips, as he watch his chat feed play by. Getting annoyed by the comments his chat was making.
ErrantryPaladin: “You’re a ten, ErrantryPaladin.” No, I’m a seven, eight at best chat… Listen, I am handsome enough guy to get the girl, and I have the money to support a family… If I was such a great catch… why have all of my relationships ended so horribly…
ErrantryPaladin: I mean… my first girlfriend, was only dating me to get close to my sister! She was just using me… bitch couldn’t ask my sister out herself, she had to use me as a proxy?!
ErrantryPaladin: Hmmm… Now that I think about it, the last time I saw her she was nursing a black eye, a bloody nose, and a broken lip… My sisters are really protective of their little bro.
The vindictive smile that spread across his face was a terrifying sight to many, but it faded as soon as it appeared as a bitter frown usurped his smile.
ErrantryPaladin: The next girl I was dating dumped me because I was boring. Still don’t understand what she meant by that.
ErrantryPaladin: I caught my next girlfriend cheating on me. She tried to play it off as a ‘mistake’ that will never happen again.
He scoffed in indignation as he shook his head.
ErrantryPaladin: Bitch had been banging this guy behind my back for about a month, so this wasn’t a quote, ‘mistake.’
ErrantryPaladin: And as for my last girlfriend… Chat, have you ever seen those videos where a guy comes up to a couple, and ask if they will cheat on your partner for a thousand bucks?
His eyes scanned his chat feed as he saw several dozen variations of the word ‘yes’ scroll by. As well as people asking if that was what happened to him.
ErrantryPaladin: It was for a hundred.
Errant just sighed in defeat as he looked down at his desk.
ErrantryPaladin: We had been dating for three months, and she was willing to throw it all away for a measly hundred bucks… I told her to take the hundred, she could use it to pay for her uber. I dumped her at the pier with that steamer, and cut her from my life. That was about… two, and a half years ago, give, or take a month, or two. I haven’t been in the dating scene since.
ErrantryPaladin: So no, StalwartDoggo… I don’t have any bitches. No one sees me as a catch since they just throw me away in the end for the dumbest of reasons. I don’t have anyone! Hell I don’t have any friends either!
ErrantryPaladin: I’m all on my own… just like always…
Errant stared into the void for a while, his mind not paying attention to his stream before he took a deep breath, and turned to face his chat.
ErrantryPaladin: Now, where were we?
ErrantryPaladin: …
ErrantryPaladin: Ahh yes… Trains~!
The mother daughter duo stared at the screen as the video ended they did not expect the video to end in such a way. Especially, IHateMyDad2.0, she had always seen, Errant as an indomitable mountain, that always seemed to have everything under his control, and yet he seemed so broken on the inside that she had joined idea how to respond to that.
Her mother however…
SovereignofSnow: Hmm… You don’t suppose he’s into older woman now do you?
IHateMyDad2.0: …
IHateMyDad2.0: Eh?
Her face broke into an expression of wild confusion, and shock as she heard those words leave her mother’s mouth.
IHateMyDad2.0: Y-Y-You can’t be series, Mother?! You’re at least twice his age! Do you seriously think he would be interested in dating someone your age?!
SovereignofSnow: I don’t see why not; Aren’t all men into well endowed, and full bodied woman? He has had many loveless relationships, I have had a loveless marriage, we have so much to connect over about that alone. I think we would make a lovely pair. Don’t you think so dear?
IHateMyDad2.0: I-I…? W-What?!
SovereignofSnow: Oh! I’m also a bonafide, Milf. What young viral man doesn’t want to bed a milf?
The last few minutes had been the most unbelievable minutes of her life, she had expected many things to happen, but to hear her mother say those few words broker her in a way she never expected, and left her with but on response.
Meanwhile on, ErrantryPaladin’s stream he was informed that, IHateMyDad2.0’s mother had made certain comments about him. Now he didn’t have the time to watch the full video, so he was stuck with looking at, IHateMyDad2.0’s mothers, SovereignofSnow’s model where he came to a simple conclusion.
ErrantryPaladin: …
ErrantryPaladin: …
ErrantryPaladin: Smash.
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raelle-writing · 8 months
Was it even Jin's video that got posted???
I've been staring and trying to make sense of the angles in Keng's office for the past hour so I decided to do a write up and see if I can make sense of it... something is WEIRD.
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WARNING: this post contains screenshots of SA, all those will be below the cut:
So when we as the audience are shown the shots of Keng and Non, we're shown two different angles. The first one, when Jin first opens the door, is of Keng and Non's legs. The second is of their heads/faces.
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In earlier episodes we're shown a bit more of the layout of Keng's office, shown here:
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But the angles just... don't make sense? When you analyze them. Like for example, here's what we see in episode 6 when Non comes to see Keng. The angle shown is of Non leaning decently far into the room, and then still only being able to see Keng above the barrier
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When the video is uploaded to social media, we see this as the thumbnail, which appears to be shot at a low angle BETWEEN the two barriers. But that angle doesn't make sense when shot from the door.
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You can see it in this shot of Jin recording, it looks like the extruding corner is in the way of whatever he's shooting.
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Not to mention, in the shot of Non showing up to that office, the book shelf is pretty obtrusive of the view of what's happening. It seems like, in order for the shot of their heads to be what's shown in the thumbnail, the person would've had to be further into the room
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Add on to that, the couch itself is way too small for someone to be able to see around the barrier one way AND the other way. So basically it was impossible for someone at Jin's angle to see BOTH the legs around one end of the barrier AND the heads around the other.
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With the corners, the bookshelf, and the angle in mind, it seems to me that the only angle it makes sense for Jin to have seen and recorded without going further into the room is that of the legs, not their faces...
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Especially since he records low, but the thumbnail picture is basically the same height as the couch... which to me, looks lower than where Jin is holding the camera
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Conclusion: ????
Honestly I'm not sure. Maybe this was just BOC getting clever with their angles and shooting and they didn't think people would dissect the layout of the room this hard. I AM sure that Jin could only reasonably see the legs or the faces and not both.
And as I said above, the angle of the door and bookshelf and barriers lead me to believe that Jin could've only really seen their legs But then that brings up the question of how did Jin even know it was Non? He's angry enough that it seems like he did... unless he's angry in a completely different direction and is mad that a teacher is taking advantage of a student, but that doesn't seem to fit either, since the anger on his face seems personal...
Plus I want to bring this back. Top saw Keng and Non together and texted Tee that he knew where Non got the money. They could've guessed or spied on them to guess what Keng asked for in exchange. And who has the money to set up a hidden camera JUST to screw over Non? Por. I'm not saying that's definitely what happened, but Por HATES Non and wanted to get rid of him. I don't doubt Por/Top/Tee would hesitate to release that tape of Non if they got the opportunity...
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I'm definitely grasping at straws, but something about this whole situation doesn't feel right. Jin isn't shown to post the video himself, in fast there's discrepancies from what's shown on his computer screen vs what's shown of the person uploading the video.
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Changing a computer from light mode to dark mode is incredibly easy so I don't know why they would've left a mistake like that instead of fixing it in post-production. Plus it looks to me like Jin is looking at the already-posted video and crying over it, not that he's posting it himself (first screenshot is from the BTS for this episode btw).
I've been on the "Jin didn't post the video" train the entire time for a couple of reasons:
Jin isn't shown to click the button, only sit at his laptop, cry, and then eventually spill alcohol on it and short it out. If the writers wanted us to hate Jin then they would've just shown him posting it so that we could deal with the fact that he's a shit person. They didn't do that, so I don't think that Jin posted the video.
Because in episode 4, Flukes yells at Tee that he knows what they did, and he names both the broken camera AND the released video... but Jin wasn't present in this scene. Why yell it at Tee if Jin is the one who both took the video and posted it?
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But with the question of all the angles shown and the doorway and bookshelf it makes me wonder... was the video even Jin's?
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jermer10 · 7 months
i really liked your yandere sniper! could you do a oneshot? fluff or smut is fine and you don't have to do it :) -
TF2 his prize | sniper x reader
18+ only, afab reader | thank you so much for the ask anon!!!! i am NOT the best at yandere, but i put my heart n soul into this for u <3
tw: sexual content, somnophilia, stalking, yandere, noncon that turns consensual, hunt/prey dynamic, kidnapping
drabbles under the cut :P
He could stare at you for hours. Hours, and hours, and hours. You were pristine, soft, clean. You keep yourself looking good for him, he knows it. He sees the way you strip to nothing in your room, tits bouncing as you squeeze into your cute little pyjamas. You lived with your curtains wide open, something he had a love-hate relationship with. How many other men sat in the apartment across the street, staring at your figure through the scope of a gun? Probably not many, but the thought still enraged him. Mundy wanted you all to himself, he wanted to earn you, to indulge in the hunt. He didn't want you to gift yourself to him, not like you had to the other people in your life. He amount of people he killed for you, for less than cheap sex, for less than treating you shitty. For less than a dirty look.
Tonight was the night he was going to win you. He had begun to make himself known, lingering too long in your peripheral vision, becoming sloppy when exploring your apartment, leaving your window open, using your shower. He reveled in the way you begun to take precautions, and the way he had managed to avoid getting caught. You setup cameras, looked over your shoulder more often, made sure to check your locks multiple times. Tonight, it would all become worth something. He knew you were asleep, 2 years of monitoring you and he was certain of your sleeping patterns. The window slid with ease, you had likely forgotten to lock it, but to him this was a sign of surrender.
Mundy entered your room swiftly and quietly, making sure he had left the window opened slightly. If you did awake, he would need a quick exit strategy. He couldn't bring it to himself to kill you, so getting caught and running away whilst you were still in a groggy state was preferable. The smell of perfume hit him first. Then the feeling of the carpet beneath this shoes. Then the sight of you. Your face was scrunched in a sort of desperate, needy way. Eyes shut tight, hips grinding into the pillow between your legs. His cock stood at full attention, uncomfortably rubbing against the fabric of his pants. He wondered if you were dreaming about him? He wondered if the excitement of having a stalker ever turned you on? He crept behind you, sliding his pants down to his ankles, pulling his throbbing dick out from his boxer shorts.
He spat in his hand, and began to stroke the length. It was all too exciting for him, his breath came out short and hot, light sighs and moans extruded from his throat. This wasn't the first time he had masturbated over your sleeping form, but it was the first where he had the intention of fucking you. Precum dribbled from his dick into his hand, which he used as lube. He didn't typically enjoy edging himself, but the thought of finally being able to feel you wrap around him almost pushed him over. He had to regain his composure, cock twitching in dissatisfaction. "Lucky fuckin' pillow..." He mumbled annoyed, listening intently to your quiet moans. He was sure you were close, he had to act fast.
The creaking of the bed under his added weight should have been enough alone to wake you. He cringed at the sound, but your moans did not cease. Mundy almost ripped your shorts off of you in anticipation, the sight of your bare pussy up close could have made him cum then and there if not for his unwavering determination to fuck you. You were already slick with wetness, and Mundy was sick of waiting. He slid his length in, one hand on his cock and the other on your hip, slowly and deliberately. You stirred, mewling as he stretched you open. You felt so gummy, so tight around him. Mundy couldn't take it, this was his one chance and he wasn't going to waste it. He thrust into you sharply, you cried out. It was a wonder how you were still sleeping during this, he considered it a miracle.
Well, he knew you weren't going to be asleep for long. He thrust into you a second time, cock spasming at the sound of your throaty moans. Then again, and again, and again. He couldn't hold back, hands ravaging your body. He laid behind you, on his side, and as uncomfortable the position was, he didn't care. Mundy was pussy drunk, unrelenting and cruel. You shortly awoke, feeling his hands gripping onto your tits and the feeling of his dick rearranging your guts. You wanted to scream, to cry, to fight off the man behind you. You knew it was him, your stalker. But a part of you found the whole ordeal....exciting. More exciting than any mentally sound person should.
Mundy didn't notice you, and if he did, he didn't seem to care. He drove into you, the feeling was unbearably harsh, you were unbearably warm, you were in pain, and yet it all felt so good. Moans drawn from your already sore throat, your hands gripped the side of the bed and your eyes squeezed shut as you began to hit your orgasm. A low, reverberating moan from the stranger behind you and you were undone, walls spasming around his cock, a high pitched squeal emitting from you. Your breathing was heavy, exhausted. Mundy came shortly after, pulling out and spilling onto your back and bedsheets.
You were an even better fuck than he could have imagined, how could he bear to let anyone else experience you this way? To let anyone else have you? And so, a calculated decision was made. You awoke in a room you had never seen before, arms and legs bound to a beam in the middle of the cold, plain room. A stranger walked in, no, not a stranger, it was him.
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shadowynn · 2 years
| the paradigm complex | two |
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pairing: ot8 ateez x fem! reader
genre: yandere!vampire!cult!poly! ateez au
warnings: yandere behavior, cursing
They'll do whatever you ask. Anything you need. Anything you want. It's yours. They'll fulfill your every desire and whim. Give you the life you had always dreamed about.
And in exchange, you wouldn't just give them your soul. Oh, no. They weren't demons. What good was your soul alone when your purpose was better served alive and well? Your soul was nice, sure but it wasn't all they wanted. It wasn't all they needed. They needed your body, your mind. Your blood. You entirely. Every single fiber of your being was essential and would soon be theirs and theirs alone.
The moment you signed that contract, everything would change. For them and for you.
You just didn't know it yet.
And there was nothing you could do about it.
wordcount: 6.3k
a/n: okay, okay, so i totally went into this as like a fun little side project, so i was and still am absolutely blown away by the support you all gave me for part one. like, i was not expecting that at all and just want to thank you all for all the love you sent my way and i'm so appreciative of you all. i totally planned on getting this part out sooner, but writer's block hit a little hard and i spent more time editing and rewriting than the first part due to the interest the part received. so, once again, thank you all so much and i hope you enjoy part two. :)
| one | two | three |
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"You're really going to wait and pretend to leave when she gets here and then sneak your way inside?" Seonghwa's arms crossed, shifting his weight against the doorway to the front office when he saw San idling near the building's entrance. "Just so you can 'accidentally' bump into her and introduce yourself."
"Yup," San replied without any hint of shame, simply bouncing on the balls of his feet next to the entrance. "It's only right that I go out of my way to introduce myself since we will be living right next door to each other and make sure she knows I'll be right there if there's ever anything she needs."
"Oh, wow, really? Who would have known?" Wooyoung's voice floated out from further within the office, heavy with sarcasm. "It's not like you haven't rubbed that fact in about a hundred times by now."
"Shut up, Woo. We all know you, Seonghwa, and Yeosang are going to get to see her the most." San's smirk slipped. "After all, you are the ones who'll be getting to work with her."
"Perhaps, but why do I get the feeling someone will be abusing their power to tweak the schedules and benefit themselves." Wooyoung's voice grew louder as he left his desk and made his way to the doorway Seonghwa leaned against, stretching out the muscles in his back from sitting. "I wonder who that would be, huh?" His eyes narrowed in Seonghwa's direction.
"Well, I am the senior manager." The elder made no attempt to rebuke Wooyoung's statement, simply smirking at the implication.
"A title you only got by fucking age, you bastard." Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "And if I start to notice a trend, I'm going to tell Hongjoong someone hasn't been playing fair."
"And you don't think he's not going to use his seniority to influence her either?" Seonghwa asked, shifting his position against the doorway. "We might all be sharing, but that doesn't mean it won't come down to every man for himself when it comes to who gets to have her first. And we all know playing fair won't be a part of this game."
At the thought of finally having you, finally tasting you, San was unable to keep his fangs from growing as a newfound thirst took over. His tongue rolled over their sharpened points, the image of your body beneath him and the supple skin of your neck bare and exposed just for him, all but begging for him to take you, filling his head.
"It'll be a while until we fully get to savor her though," Wooyoung interrupted San's thoughts, taking note of the direction his mind had gone from the fangs that had extruded past his lips. "Yeosang says she reeks of him. It'll be a few weeks before we get his blood out of her system."
"What was it I said?" Yeosang interrupted their conversation when he suddenly rounded the corner from the stairs, a cup of tea in hand and looking like he had just tumbled out of bed with the messy state of his hair and the yawn that followed. "Oh," his face fell, "she's not here yet."
"Fucking hell," Seonghwa sighed, shaking his head. "You too?"
"Me too, what?" Yeosang cocked his head, an overtly innocent expression on his face as his thumb pointed to the mailboxes at his right. "I'm just here to get my mail."
"Dressed like that?" Seonghwa's eyes glittered dangerously as he took in the casual outfit Yeosang wore, the tight-fitting sweatpants and loose tank exposing his sides all but screaming for attention. For your attention. "And precisely," he paused to check the time on his watch, "two minutes before she's supposed to be here?"
"Precisely," Yeosang smirked and took a sip of his tea, making no further move to get his mail like he had claimed.
"And here I was thinking you were better than this."
"Then clearly you don't know me half as well as you think you do if you believe I'm going to waste an opportunity as this one." There was a slight edge to his tone, yet his expression remained playful, reminding Seonghwa and the others of the darker side beneath Yeosang's generally easy going attitude.
It had been a long time since someone had piqued his interest anywhere close to where you had, and his reaction only served to excite the others even more. If you had him this riled up, this eager for your attention, you must have been something quite extraordinary.
"I am the one who found her, after all," he quipped, leaning back against the wall behind him, "and I won't just stand aside to let the rest of you catch up."
"You didn't find shit, Sangie, and you know it." San shook his head, rebuking his statement. "She came to us, remember? Willingly. You just happened to be the lucky bastard who was working that day."
"Perhaps," Yeosang shrugged, "But that doesn't change the fact I was the one who convinced her to fill out the application and I'm the one she'll be thanking for helping her get accepted."
"God, why the hell did you give the open house to him?" Wooyoung whined.
"Because the one time I left you in charge of an open house, you ended up killing one of the attendees and then Hongjoong and I had to spend the rest of the day fixing things," Seonghwa answered, giving Wooyoung a pointed look. "And we all know Yeosang has the best sense of smell out of all of us, so it's only natural he's the one that picks. He hasn't failed us yet, has he?"
"It's a good thing I did it too because I highly doubt the rest of you would have been able to pick it out," Yeosang replied. "Sure, I was suspicious as to why another vampire's scent was all over her, but it wasn't until we were outside and the wind blew just right that I noticed the subtle hints of her own scent coming through. And trust me, there's no way she's not a-"
Yeosang was interrupted when the office phone began to ring, alerting them all to what was about to happen and ending their current conversation. In a matter of seconds, each man was moving towards the task at hand to ensure your first interaction with them was nothing but flawless.
Wooyoung collapsed into his chair, hurrying to press the button that would open the front gate for you, more than eager to finally see you face to face. He had seen the pictures Yeosang had snapped of you without your knowledge, and these had only added to his excitement, your beauty more than evident.
San kept his place next to the front door, checking his appearance one last time in the nearby mirror as he waited for the perfect moment to 'leave' the building and bump into you.
Yeosang took his time finding his mailbox, casually shifting through the few pieces it had contained while he waited for you to enter the building and have a chance to speak to you once more.
Seonghwa rolled his eyes as he strayed for just a minute longer, eyeing both of their childish antics with partial annoyance. He couldn't really blame them, not when this day was something each of them had waited centuries for. Not when this was something they had all begun to believe would never happen to them, all but losing hope someone like you would come walking into their life. If the roles had been reversed, he knew he would have been acting similarly to them, but today's events were important. What happened today would dictate your future with them and the last thing any of them needed was to fuck it all up because some of them couldn't be patient.
He knew their behavior wasn't really a cause for concern, however they might have annoyed him. You may have not been legally theirs yet, but you had sealed your fate the moment you had stepped into their domain and nothing you said or did would change that.
When neither one showed any intention of giving you space for the time being, Seonghwa sighed before following Wooyoung back into the office, taking a split second to check his own appearance in the mirror. Over the centuries they had been together, he had long learned there was little he could do to control any of the others. No matter what he said, they would do whatever it was they wanted and damn the consequences. Instead of concerning himself with their shenanigans, he needed to focus on the task he had been given and ensure you sighed the contract.
And you would. Willingly or not, it didn't matter. You wouldn't step a foot outside this building until it was signed. And if you showed any sign of hesitation, he would simply push you in the right direction with a little coaxing, your kind's mind weak and powerless to his power of persuasion. In the next few hours, you would sign your way over to them. He would make absolutely certain of it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Oh, sorry!"
You stepped out of the way as the door to the building swung open before you had a chance to find the button to buzz the office. A man stood on the other side, head and attention directed behind him as he finished up his conversation with whoever was back there before he left.
At your soft apology, he turned to face you and you had a hard time stopping your cheeks from tinting pink as you took in his features. He was beautiful. A few inches taller than you, black hair effortlessly swept back from his face, bringing full attention to his strong cheekbones and sharp jawline. All of which made it more difficult to control the blush blooming at the back of your neck. And when he smiled down at you and motioned for you to come through first, you knew there was no way your cheeks weren't at least a little bit pink by now.
"Thanks," you reply, returning a timid smile of your own before tucking your purse closer towards you and slipping past him inside.
"Oh, hey, y/n!"
Your gaze was directed past him and to the right when you entered, surprised to hear your name being called out. A man stood near the mailboxes, smiling and waving at you as he shuffled through his mail. It took a few seconds for you to recognize him, the addition of glasses and casual wear a stark difference from the man who had been your tour guide a little over a week ago.
"Are you here to sign the lease?"
"Yeosang, hi!" You returned the wave, unable to stop your eyes from momentarily roaming over the rest of his body and wondering how you hadn't noticed just how attractive he was before. "And yeah, I think so. I was told to come in and meet with Seonghwa to finalize everything."
"Oh, you must be the new tenant of 604 then," the man who had opened the door for you spoke up behind you, directing your gaze back towards him. "I'm Choi San. I live in the unit right next to yours, 603."
"Oh, hi." You hesitantly took the hand he had extended in greeting. This? This was who you would be living next to? God, you could already hear the jokes Felix would start when he found out who your new neighbor would be. "I'm l/n y/n. It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise," San replied, an easygoing smile still stretched across his features. "I'm also one of the people in charge of maintenance here, so please just let me know if you ever have any issues with anything and I'll be more than happy to help."
"Thank you. I'll keep that in mind."
You had to admit that having maintenance right across the hall from you was nice, but as sincere as his willingness to help seemed to be, you knew it would be a while before you ever approached him for any help. The last thing you wanted him, or any of the other workers here for that matter, was to think you would be taking advantage of them in any way. They had already done so much for you with the new job and new housing, the last thing you wanted was for them to think you were trying to wring more out of them. No, you would do your best to pay them back for the kindness they had shown you and ensure you weren't a burden on anyone. Ensure that you didn't need to depend on anyone anymore.
"y/n, I presume?"
You turned in the direction the new voice had come, finding yet another very attractive man around your age leaning against a nearby doorway. He appeared slightly taller than the other two, hair dyed a bright, startling white.
"I'm Park Seonghwa, the senior manager here at the Paradigm."
This was Seonghwa? This was the man who would likely be serving as your new boss?
"Hi, yes, I'm l/n y/n." You nodded, making your way over towards him. "I'm so sorry I'm late. I had some issues getting a few of the documents you needed and then there was a wreck on my way here that slowed everything down."
And by issues, it seemed someone had conveniently forgotten to give back the key to your lockbox that you kept on your keyring. It wasn't until after nearly ransacking the apartment looking for it that you remembered you had stowed a spare key in your car a year ago that you were finally able to get the identification documents you needed without having to call your boyfriend and ask him where the hell he had taken it and raising unnecessary suspicion.
"Don't worry about it," Seonghwa waved your concerns away, motioning for you to follow him inside. "I had a few things I still needed to finish up for your arrival, so your timing is perfect."
"Oh, well, I'll still apologize nonetheless. I'm incredibly thankful for this opportunity you've given me here and I don't want you to think I'm taking any of it for granted."
"I assure you, it's fine," Seonghwa replied. "Things are pretty relaxed here for the most part, so no one's worried about a few minutes here or there. And it's not like I haven't had to drag Wooyoung or Yeosang out of bed before when they've slept through the first hour of their shift."
"You're one to talk, Hwa." Hearing his name mentioned, the other man inside the office spoke up, alerting you to his presence. His head was propped up in his hand and a teasing smile was directed towards the man in front of you. "Or have you forgotten how you missed half your shift the morning after your birthday last year."
"Like I said," Seonghwa's eyes narrowed back at him, but he didn't try to rebuke his statement, "we're fairly flexible around here."
"I'm Wooyoung by the way." The red haired man's eyes moved towards you. "We spoke on the phone earlier."
"Right." You nodded, returning his smile and fully realizing how much more awkward you would have felt in that conversation if you had known just who you had been talking to in that moment. "It's nice to meet you, Wooyoung."
With greetings out of the way, you followed Seonghwa to his desk in the back, sitting down in the chair he pulled out for you. As he began to go over everything pertaining to your time with them, you slowly began to relax. Despite being originally intimidated by his appearance and status, Seonghwa truly was nice. He was easy to talk to and just as it had been with Yeosang, you felt a pull towards him and could see yourself fitting in well here with them. Easily slipping into the casual workflow they had here, much less stressful than anything you had to deal with at your current place of work.
But before you got around to signing the multiple documents to seal everything in place, Seonghwa walked you down to the on-site clinic to get your blood drawn before the doctor on schedule closed for the day. The nerves that had previously been quelled by Seonghwa and the others' affable personalities slowly crept back at the notion of having your blood drawn. You had done your best to push the thoughts aside when Wooyoung had mentioned it earlier, but you had a hard time remaining calm as you followed him, your fear of needles beginning to get the best of you.
You didn't know what you had expected when Seonghwa mentioned Yunho would be the one to draw your blood today, but it sure as hell wasn't the tall, gorgeous man smiling at you when you entered the room. But then again, after everything else you had experienced here this far, should you really have been surprised by the real life equivalent of Carlisle Cullen - minus the vampiric qualities of course.
"Are you okay?" Yunho asked as he sat down on the stool next to you, taking the arm you extended towards him to begin prepping it.
"Yeah," you nodded, attempting to still your fidgeting nerves and praying you wouldn't come close to passing out like you had the last time you had been stuck. "I'm just not the biggest fan of needles, but it's fine." You were quick to add the last few words before he could say anything, not wanting him or Seonghwa who was still hovering near the entrance to the room to think you were trying to talk them out of this. "I used to give occasionally when I was younger, but then something must have happened because the last time I attempted to give, it didn't go well and I haven't been able to give since. I've wanted to start giving again though, so perhaps this is just the push I need to get over the fear."
You really didn't know what had happened to cause the fear. You had never liked needles before, but you had always been fine with them. It wasn't until two years ago that you had your first panic attack from them when you had gone in for your flu shot and very nearly passed out. And when you had tried to give blood a few months later, you had passed out and found yourself growing antsy at the mere thought of needles. You had no idea what had caused this sudden onset, having no bad occurrences with them in the past, but whatever it was, was enough to keep you avoiding them.
"Well, I assure you I will do my best to make this as quick and painless as possible." The smile he sent your way nearly had you melting in your spot and you felt your nerves begin to relax the slightest. "Just try and focus on me instead, okay?"
You nodded, unable to stop the blush that tinted your cheeks at his words, embarrassed at how your childish fear was playing out in front of him and all the more flustered by him because of it.
"So, y/n, tell me about yourself," he began in an attempt to distract you from the needle sliding in, but you still flinched, turning your head in the opposite direction. Looking at it was only going to make you more woozy than you already were. "What do you like to do?"
"A little bit of everything, I guess. When I have the time, I like to read, but with school and work, I don't have nearly as much time as I used to. I also enjoy both volleyball and skiing, but only really get a chance to do either of those during school breaks," you began, doing your best to focus on the conversation at hand and not on the fact there was a needle inside you at this moment, a thought that had you closing your eyes and sinking further into the chair. "And then I do quite a bit of art as well, which I suppose I would have to, seeing as I am getting a degree in graphic design."
"Seonghwa, I think we're all good here now. Feel free to head on back and I can walk y/n back to your office when we're done." Yunho diverted the conversation for just a second, turning his attention to the other male in the room before focusing on you once more. "You said you're getting a degree in graphic design. What do you want to do with that when you're done?"
"I'd love to work in the video game industry, but it can be a tricky field to get into and make a living off of, so who knows." You took a sip of the drink Yunho had handed you before he had begun, hoping the sugar from the juice would help keep your head level. So far, you were still feeling okay, but knew it could change in a second if you let your head dwell elsewhere for too long. "But my friend Felix is a computer engineering major and is also interested in gaming, so we've actually been working on creating our own game this past year. He handles all the coding and logistics, while I work on the artwork, animation, and story design."
"What's the game about?"
"Oh, well, it's still in pretty early development as neither of us ever have much time to work on it, but the gist of it is that you play as a character who has been transported to the middle of a giant labyrinth and must survive long enough to find a way out before it's too late. As you journey through, you'll find both enemies and potential allies and it's up to the player to decide just how you'll escape and who all will make it out with you. And with the labyrinth randomizing with each game, you'll be guaranteed a different playthrough each time. Or at least that's the goal."
It was hard to tell if Yunho was truly interested or not as you began to ramble on about your project, but his trick to get your mind off the matter at hand was working and you didn't dwell on the matter too long before you continued, unable to stop yourself from rambling with the nerves coursing through you.
"Felix also thought it would be cool if there was some form of romance in the game, so we've also recently started working on implementing some sort of relationship aspect to it. One which will not only allow you to form romantic relationships with the companions you meet along the way, but also friendships and enemies as well. So, if you end up making one of the npcs mad, you might just want to sleep with one eye open. Otherwise, you might just wake up with all your supplies stolen or a dagger to your throat depending on who you upset."
"And it's just the two of you working on it?" Yunho asked, to which you nodded. "That's impressive. It sounds very cool."
"You think?" You took a risk and turned your head towards him, attempting to gauge his response.
"Of course. It sounds like something I would enjoy playing." His eyes lifted upwards for a moment, giving you a reassuring smile.
"Oh, well, maybe I can show you what we have done so far sometime."
"I'd like that."
His smile was infectious and you couldn't hold back your own grin at his words before turning your gaze away once more. Was there anything about this man that wasn't perfect?
"Does that mean you like to play video games too?" you asked after a few moments, taking another sip of your drink to try and get a hold of yourself once more.
"Maybe not as much as some of the others here, but yes, I have played quite a bit over the years," he replied. "In fact, there's a group of us that usually gets together on Tuesdays for a game night. You should join us sometime when you're all settled in and feeling up to it. We'd love to have you, though I must warn that things can get heated at times. Some of us have a harder time taking a loss than others."
You laughed, knowing all too well what he was talking about. Your friend Felix also fell in that category of people. "Sounds like fun. I'll have to keep that in mind."
"And on that note, we are just about all done here," Yunho said as he applied a cotton ball to the crook of your arm to stop the bleeding before beginning to bandage you back up.
"What? Really?" His words surprised you, too distracted by your conversation to notice he had slipped the needle out already. "Wow, you're good. I didn't even feel it."
"Not so bad then?" he asked, collecting the vials of your blood and standing up to properly store them before they got sent off for testing.
"Well, considering I passed out the last time my blood was drawn, I'd say this was a vast improvement." You could feel the endorphins kicking in now that it was over, a huge wave of relief washing over you. "After that, I sort of stopped going around needles as a whole. My mother wasn't very happy when I stopped getting flu shots, but seeing as I haven't gotten sick in years, I'd say I'm okay."
"Here, why don't you eat one of these." Yunho extended a plate of cookies in your direction. "I didn't take too much since we just needed a sample, but you should still probably eat just in case, especially if you're going to be driving later."
"Did you make them?" you asked, taking one from the plate and giving it a try. "They're really good."
"No, sadly that credit has to go to Wooyoung. Despite how he may appear at times, he's actually a really good cook."
"Really?" Like Yunho said, this fact did surprise you. You hadn't pictured the playful redhead as someone who might have enjoyed cooking, let alone be good at it. But here you were. Was there anything about these men that weren't perfect? "I'll have to let him know if he's still around when I get back."
You waited there with Yunho until he was done putting everything away, taking the time to recover and sneak another cookie or two before getting back on your feet. Once you were good, and certain you wouldn't be passing out anytime soon, you followed Yunho back towards the front office when he had closed everything up.
You chatted idly with him as you went, finding him just as engaging as the others. When you arrived back at the front office, however, your attention was stolen by Wooyoung. You were too distracted by praising him for his baking skills that you didn't notice the additional male that had made his way into the room in your absence. It wasn't until you had finished up your brief conversation with Wooyoung and began making your way back to Seonghwa's desk that you finally noticed the man beside the senior manager. He was seated on the edge of the desk next to Seonghwa, and though his back was directed towards you, his head turned in your direction when he noticed your hesitant approach.
"y/n, this is Kim Hongjoong, the owner of Paradigm."
Once again, the introduction took you for a spin. Of all the mentions you had heard about the man, the person sitting before you was the very last thing you had ever imagined in your head. He looked no older than the rest of the occupants here, including yourself, making you wonder if he had inherited this place from a family member or bought it with a fortune he had inherited. It was the only two plausible explanations you could think of.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kim." You had a hard time stopping yourself from wriggling in your spot as he took you in. Not just from knowing this man was the one responsible for your admittance here and his role as your boss, but also from his appearance, easily just as attractive as the other coworkers you had met up to this point. "I'm extremely thankful for the opportunity you've given me here."
"Please, just Hongjoong. Mr. Kim makes me feel old." He smiled, alleviating a bit of your nerves. "And after everything Yeosang and the others have had to say about you, we're all excited to have you on board with us here. I just came down to introduce myself and make sure Seonghwa had everything in order."
"I believe we've just about gone through everything." Seonghwa motioned for you to sit down. "All that's left is to sign everything and you'll be all set." He pushed a stack of papers alongside a pen towards you. "Feel free to scan through these, but all of it is just a reiteration of everything we've already gone through or just a part of the lease agreement attached to the email Yeosang had sent you earlier. I've also gone through for you and highlighted each of the sections you need to sign or initial to make things easier."
You nodded, taking the pen that sat on top of the stack before beginning to go through and sign the various documents. You briefly scanned through the first few pages before signing them, but upon seeing Seonghwa was right, and each sheet was just a repeat of everything you had already talked over, you eventually began to just skim through the pages in search of the areas Seonghwa had highlighted for you.
"I think that is everything," you began, finishing your signature on the last page and briefly flipping through the previous documents in search for any spot you might have missed before handing the stack back to Seonghwa across from you.
Seonghwa took a second to flip through the pages as well, double-checking your work. "It appears everything is signed and in order." He dropped the stack back on his desk before opening one of the drawers to his left. "Congratulations on your new apartment, Miss l/n." The object he had reached for was a small bag which he now extended towards you. "I know you said you wouldn't be able to move in or start until two weeks from now, but your unit is ready and everything is in order, so here are the keys to your apartment and mailbox, alongside the card you'll use to unlock the doors to the building and the sticker you'll need to put on your windshield to unlock the gate to the garage. So, feel free to come and go as much as you'd like until then because for all extents and purposes, you are now officially a resident of the Paradigm."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Felix, I swear to all things holy, this place is going to be the death of me." You could hear the laughter this statement elicited from your best friend through the car's speakers, and you had a hard time hiding your own flustered smile despite knowing he couldn't see it. "No, I swear, Felix, how the hell am I supposed to work and act normal when everyone around me looks like the physical embodiment of a god. We're talking Haneul level here, Felix. Haneul."
High on finally finding a place of your own, and at The Paradigm no less, you had gone up to see your new apartment one more time before you left. You had spent longer up there than you anticipated, fully basking in the realization that this was now yours and no one else's. Just yours.
It hadn't taken long for the thought to overwhelm you, causing you to break down in the upstairs bathroom for a few minutes. The realization you were finally getting out and starting over hitting you hard.
Once you had finally gotten a hold of yourself, you had taken a picture of the lower level with your newly acquired keys to the place and sent it to your best friend in order to update him on your decision. It had only taken a few seconds after you sent the photo for Felix to call you, nearly as excited as you were.
"Haneul level?" At the mention of the coworker the two of you had both been admiring from afar the last few weeks, Felix's voice took a slightly more serious tone as you were finally able to drive your point down to him. "All of them?"
"Well, all of the ones that I've met so far, but yes!" you cried, though the hint of a giggle did break through, still giddy from the day's events. "Now do you see my predicament?"
"y/n, I don't think that's a predicament," he began, "I think that's heaven. And as your best friend, I think it's only right for you to let me come see your new place in person... and perhaps these gods in the form of your new coworkers."
You giggled once more at the way Felix quickly spit the words out at the end, rushing them to make it harder for you to make out. "Well, Felix, you're in luck because I just so happen to need some help moving a few things into the place this Saturday."
"I thought you weren't moving in until the following weekend."
"I'm not, but I figured I could get some stuff done this weekend since Jae is still on weekends." Despite the joyous occasion, you still felt your spirits fall at the mention of your soon to be ex-boyfriend, wondering just how you were going to pull this all off successfully. "I thought I would go out and get some of the items I need and move them in so I don't have to worry about all of it the following weekend."
"And you still plan on keeping it all a secret from him until the last moment?"
"Yes," you sighed, running a hand through your hair and wondering just how you were going to make it through the next two weeks without letting anything slip. If you had it your way, you would have moved in today, but knew that wasn't a smart move to make, not when you planned to finish up your scheduled shifts at your current job. If you were to break things off with him now, you knew he would come find you and convince you to change your mind and go back with him. "I know it's not right, disappearing with little more than a note after all these years, but I'm terrified of what might happen if I try to tell him in person. You know what happened last time I tried, Lix. What if it happens again and I ruin everything I've finally managed to set up for myself."
The last time you had pulled the courage to end things, Felix had offered you a spot at his place until you got back up on your feet. Everything had been set up and packed, and yet, when you had stopped and told Jae what was happening when he came home from work that evening, he had flipped. You didn't remember much of what happened afterwards, but just as before, all your belongings had been put back up and away. He had been extra attenuative to you that following week, even calling out of work to spend more time with you, making you wonder for a moment why you had ever tried to break things off.
"I'm not judging you, n/n. The guy's a piece of shit and doesn't deserve a proper break up after all the shit he's put you through," Felix replied, taking note of your fallen mood. "You, however, deserve the fucking world, including this new start with your supposed godlike coworkers, and I swear if he tries anything to fuck it up, I will personally kill him."
"Thanks, Felix. I don't know what I would do without you," you mumbled back, comforted by his constant support and friendship. You truly didn't know where you would be without him. "But if I'm being honest, as attractive as these men may be, I think it's time to take a nice, long break away from any sort of relationship and focus on myself for a little bit."
Sure, they were attractive, but you truly didn't have any intention of acting on anything at the moment. And even if you did, the chances of them not already being in a relationship or even remotely interested in you was slim to none and setting yourself up for something that was never going to happen would only make you feel worse than you already did. Though time had numbed the pain, you knew you were hurting after years of being stuck where you were now. Pain that would quickly resurface if you attempted to bounce back into the dating game before you were ready. You needed time to heal, time to recover from the shit you had been put through these past years. And the only way you were going to do that was if you spent a good bit of time focusing on yourself.
And this might have been what happened if you were heading to some place normal, some place sane. If you hadn't just unknowingly signed your entire being over to the very men you were just talking about. Each of whom had no intention of letting you do anything on your own now that you were theirs.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
taglist: @penguichuu @peppermint-tea-life @mrcarrots @idjitscentral @m1na-1n-the-bu1lding @nikinonikki @yunho0o0o0o @layzfeelit @honeyhotteoks @feral4lix @marsattacks @purplelady85 @spooo00oky @x0cherrytattoo0x @matzstars @justhere4kpop @seojonneh @joongs-hoe @going0dumb @marievllr-abg @giiouis @muranol @beautysirens @jaxavance @hwaightme @ateezfavstan @mingki1117 @alyssajavenss @icyb3rry @likexaxdaydream @camzpetite @tito-the-mermaid @belle643 @seonghwifey @markleecankickme @mingikz @pretty-kiwi @jenniiee-tm @blackb3ll @watamotee33 @sulfur-and-rain @stopeatread @jessi-outdated @yuufiles @amaryllisanz @tomoonteez @lixpixstix @atinysthings @ninalove323 @kuromibabe04 @seonghwassy @jenseok17 @toxicccred @teugiie @kirooz @313hwa @heyitstacy
a/n: please let me know if i missed you, added you to the wrong taglist, or if you would like to be added/removed :)
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woneuntonzz · 7 months
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lover's rock 🎸♫⋆。♪₊˚♬゚
song eunseok x afab!reader
warning/s: cussing, mentions of alcohol, other substances and smoking! suggestive!!
genre: songfic, hurt/comfort
word count: 5.8k words!!
˗ˏˋ while the others talked, we were listening to lover's rock ˎˊ˗ —because love can burn like a cigarette.ᐟ
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Your friends wondered when you'd get tired of the parties, or if that moment would ever come. They were worried it would founder your hopes and dreams of a better life, to reach a point of fulfillment and content. 
If you were being honest, you already were content with the sleepless nights whether it be from the workload or from the edibles, the inebriating fog, the alcohol and the raging lights of the frat parties. 
You had always assured your friends that your sobriety stands strong whenever you needed it. 
And for that you savored the times when you would meet Eunseok, just you and him in a forsaken room in the frat house doing the deed as they'd say. 
It all started the first time you had ever gone into one of these parties. It was not only your academics, but it was just life by and large that weighed down on you. It got so heavy that you thought everything would just come crashing down, so you thought, why not just unfetter yourself completely —besides, you were already close to falling off anyways.
You quaffed, and quaffed, but too much was never enough. 
“Haven't seen you 'round here before.” your eyes were locked straight ahead, looking off into the distance and overlooking the lustful scenes that were in play before you. 
You wouldn't acknowledge his presence until he spoke again. “Where's your boyfriend at?”
A scoff was extruded from your mouth. “Are trying to fuck me?”
He was surprised with your response. Sure, he would've heard it from every other girl in that party, and in many different ways, but he didn't expect it from you. “Not really, but if you want to, who am I to say no, right?”
You emptied your drink and threw the cup to the side. “Where's your girlfriend at?”
He leaned in close and chuckled into your ear, and the sensations it gave you were indescribable at best. It could've been the alcohol, or the intoxicating ambience, but you felt it threatening to pierce through the pith of your very conscience.
“There's an empty room upstairs.” The urgency and the lust in his voice tainted your already wasted state.
In a trice, you were all up in each other's faces. He inhaled your haze, picking up on the excessive amounts of substance that burned your throat. The pleasure he gave you was none like you have ever felt in your life.
Once reaching your highs, you would continue to drown yourself with his touch for a while before getting off of him and hopping back into your clothes.
You were too intoxicated and your cognition was cloudy, you weren't able to catch his lingering and longing eyes.
The only reason you deemed this particular experience profound was for it being your first time, and never because of who you had wasted away with. You had buried yourself in these ravaging walls of reckless vices knowing that no one would ever be worth your regard. They were all the same, some worse than others, but none you would ever be entwined with. 
After a few weeks, you would meet him again for the second time, and spend the rest of the night with him for the same purpose. This time he would be a little more vocal unlike before where it had seemed like he was taking in your unruly state.
This time he would speak before you even got to stand up.
“My name's Eunseok, in case you wanted to know.” he just watched you snub him for the second time.
You would go back to these parties every so often, and every night would end with him. There could be a line of jerks wanting to taste a gist of you, but he was always there. You swore he must've fucked a whole roster by now, but he somehow always got to you. 
It was unclear whether he's always present in these parties or if he only went after a certain period of time, but you figured it must be the former. With how easily you gave in to his voice that dripped honey, and his musk that overpowered the smoke that filled the air, you thought you were just an easy way for him to satisfy his hunger.
It was for the seventh time that you would stay a little longer. You were exhausted, so much so that the alcohol was not enough to block off the hole bored in your heart. 
You breathed heavily and allowed yourself to lie next to him, your bear chest heaving up and down, trying to hold back the tears. It was pathetic. You felt pathetic, pathetic enough to fool around with the same guy every time to run away from your problems. 
Eunseok would offer to light you a cigarette. You took the one he had in between his lips that he had already lit, and you huff and cough at your first draw. He chuckled under his breath, fighting the queries he had about you from slipping off of his tongue. He would throw his head back and continue to puff on in the same rhythm as you. 
After that night, you kept yourself stable for as long as you could. You came to terms with accepting the endless cruelty of the life you were given, because even if you uttered the same prayer a million times things will always remain the same.
You would resort to smoking off-campus near the convenience store as a means of stress-relief without having to worry about making yourself appear sober for others when your mind is afloat. 
It's been almost three months of refraining from going back to that riotous place. You eye the cigarette as you bring it in between your lips, and suddenly you are reminded of the last night you had with him. You can't help but wonder if he'd still be there if you went, or if he'd have his skin against somebody else's as you looked for him in the haphazards. 
“It's been a while.” you uttered to your phone that you held with your free hand whilst the other held your waning cigar.
“Yeah? and what? you'll be hung over the whole day after?” you grazed your teeth against your bottom lip from hearing your friend's chiding. 
“I'll be fine.” your friends could never stop you anyway.
You all lived separate lives, and most of your problems stray far from each other's concerns. You just happened to have friends with lives as miserable as yours, as a result, you would only have the strength to fend for yourselves and be unable to actively be there for one another. 
The night that followed, you were back in that same place where you had let go of your innocence, where it shone red and reeked of ecstasy. This time though, you had no intentions of downing as much as you can to chase that dazed feeling that numbed you from the afflictions. 
“You're here.” you turned around to face from whom the voice belonged. From the mere second he spoke, you knew it was him, it was only his voice that would always lead you to a night of intense euphoria.
It wouldn't take long until your lips were locked, drawn to each other like magnets. He would take you to the same room that remained untouched even after the boundless streaks of parties. 
You expected him to handle you like he always did, but he was a lot more… gentle. You've gone a while without being touched by anyone other than yourself, and his touch burned your skin with bliss. He whispered sweet nothings into your ears, and he lifted you up to the stars. 
“I missed you.” —it fell off of his mouth, though you wouldn't think much of it, thinking it must've been his pleasure speaking.
He would keep you locked in his arms. If you were being honest, you didn't want to leave just yet, but you subtly fought him off of you which would soon prove to be defiable.
“It's true, you know. I really did.” you felt his thumb making circles near your wrist.
You were unsure of what he was referring to, but you assumed. I missed you too —you would reply to him in your mind. 
Still, nothing was salvaged by the end of the night. You two would part ways like you always did, only this time, you failed to see his hand desperately reaching for yours as you walked out of the house.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It's been a rich couple of days and very busy ones at that. You had your responsibilities, and you're finally facing them, masking your apprehension. 
“You should join the group study, I beg you!” your friend shook you lightly.
“Why should I? I study better just by myself.” —which was true, but also an excuse to not engage in any circumstance of socializing. 
“Please? just once? We can't even hang out that much anymore, and now we can't even study together?” your friend's pleas made you sigh.
“What are you saying? We can always study together, just without other people.” you calmly respond, but your friend persisted. 
Before you knew it, you were being dragged to the campus lobby. 
“Shit, I forgot my laptop. I'm gonna go grab it—”
“Ah-ah! I'll go get it for you, just wait here.” your friend was quick to talk over you with a speck of doubt that you will come back if you had gone away yourself.
Your lips formed a flat line, as you stood there and waited.
Naturally, your eyes wandered around the massive area of the lobby. There weren't many students, and the sounds of faint conversations and running printing and copy machines served as white noise for the students in the area. You noticed two groups of people at the study area, both in their own circles. You knew it would be in one of these groups that you'd be engaging with sooner or later. 
Your eyes observed them, momentarily shifting to some other area in the lobby. You would look for too long though, and you would feel a pair of eyes just dawning to stare. 
“Eunseok?” you mumbled to yourself.
“Hey.” you jolted from your spot when your friend nudged you, causing her to cackle. “Come on, they're over there.”
You two walked to the other group of people, the one that he wasn't a part of. 
Your friend would introduce you to the group, and you would just give them a light smile, with not much care —if not none at all. 
Only one side of your figure was visible to Eunseok. He couldn't take his eyes off of you. It wasn't the first time he had seen you around, he wasn't sure if you had seen him around too, but by the way you reacted to seeing him, he figured you might've never even noticed him all this time. 
He was forced into that party, he never enjoyed it until you showed up. Although he savored every night with you, he wanted to know why you would drink so relentlessly, why you'd frequent the party, and why you'd stop showing up and suddenly coming back months later. 
He didn't approach you by chance. He had always thought, if only he could turn back time, it would be in the campus where he'd greet you and ask for your contacts if he was feeling lucky. He wouldn't be so attached and latch onto his feelings by expressing what he could not with words through his actions. He was well aware that it's one-sided, but he wished you would keep coming back, just enough for him to slowly get you to stare back into his eyes.
He was consistent. During those nights, his eyes eagerly chased after yours, wanting to take a peek into the depths of your soul. You always rejected his yearning, as you thought you shouldn't take anything to heart, or waste any of your thoughts.
His eyes would linger on your profile as he was still trying to reach for your attention. You weren't able to hold back seeing from the corner of your eyes, just how fixated he was with you. You glanced at him, and his gaze would soon be accompanied with a bashful smile, behind it, he would feel hopeful. Maybe this time he'd be able to finally ask.
“Can I have your number?” —the way he had envisioned it in his mind; he would ask you before you got the chance to walk away from him again. He would accomplish catching you before you got away, but he would soon find himself unclothed, laying on your bed as you catched your breath. 
His question caused your eyes to slowly flutter open, meeting his the moment your vision cleared up. He was in awe, you had the flair of enchanting him without even actually doing much. Your stare was melting him, and he felt so elated that he was finally able to capture your full heed. 
“I thought you'd never ask.” he had never heard your voice in such a mellow tone before. 
He was drowning in your essence. As much as you'd like to deny it, your attraction to him started shifting. His smile was bright and wide as he typed to save your number in his contacts. He would smile at you again, so sweetly that your breathing would become unstable.
You had never noticed these things about him, but then suddenly you would find yourself meandering about the very little things about him, even in his absence.
Your meets would be more frequent, and there would be no getting wasted or overbearing party noises. 
The two of you would remain oblivious towards the fact that your intents were changing every time you would meet.
Your eyes would light up more and more whenever you stumbled upon him around the campus, and you would get bolder each time to maintain eye contact as you both acted like you weren't all over each other the night before. 
“Hi Eunseok!” your sudden pep would shock him and your friend who would always be a witness to your little talks.
“Hi Y/n, long time no see!”  he would place his hand on your shoulder and lightly squeeze. “You headed to class?”
“No, just finished actually.” —which was code for: meet me in my room in 20 minutes. 
He would only smile and wave goodbye to you and your friend and walk past you. 
“You know him?” your friend asked.
“Just recently.” you shrugged.
“You two must have a thing huh. Tell me you like him or you're failing calculus!” you lightly laughed at your friends.
“Alright, alright! maybe I do.” your friend playfully hit you, as she smiled.
“You'd have to tell me all about it! otherwise I would think he's just selling you drugs.” you immediately shush her making her emit a chortle.
“It's nothing like that!” you laughed. “Let's talk about it some other time, I feel tired, I'm gonna get myself some sleep.”
You walked off to the same direction where Eunseok had gone, and the rest was just as you would imagine.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
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Messaging each other in the middle of lectures was not anything new to the both of you, but it was with this message that he altered something in your brain. 
You would walk in your dorm room and he would be sitting at the edge of the bed, looking right into your eyes as you closed the door behind you with your foot. 
“How long have you been here?” you ask him.
“A while.” his eyes traveled down to your hoodie —his hoodie. “I forgot I left that here.”
You blinked a couple of times before looking down on the clothing that kept your body warm. “Shit, I thought this was one of mine, sorry.”
The sweet sound of his chuckle just made you want to just dissipate right then and there. As an attempt to hide the heat rising up to your cheeks, you walked over to him and straddled his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and planted kisses all over his face, gradually making your way down. You wouldn't be able to proceed when he buried his face into the crook of your neck. He would lay his head sideways on your shoulder and watch as you continuously blinked, stunned by his behavior.
The way he just comfortably let his weight fall on you, breathing in your scent contradicts the way you have thought of him all this time.
Your hands would make their way to his hair, running your fingers through ever so gently. He closed his eyes and held you even closer. He felt your heart, beating at the same pace as his. 
You wanted to ask him what happened, but you kept quiet. You didn't want it to end. His breath warmed your skin as he hummed to the motions of your hands brushing through his hair. 
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Eunseok made you feel a lot of emotions, and they would only grow within every minute you had spent with him. 
After a while, you two got comfortable enough to converse. You two shared the inquisitivity towards each other's lives. He would ask you what led you into that frat party, and you would answer. He would notice the tears threatening to fall from your pretty eyes.
“You can cry.” he would say in the most endearing way he possibly could, guiding your head to lay on his chest as you both lay on the tight space of your bed.
Your watering eyes were unrelenting once you've let it break out of you for the first time in a while. He held you close, not caring for the wet patch that formed on his shirt. He just wanted you to feel safe and at ease in his presence. Though he never said it out loud, the way his thumb skimmed against the top of your hand as he held it tight told you just how much he truly cared for you.
“Your shirt's all wet now.” you weakly utter, frantically wiping the tears that streamed down to your neck. 
With his other hand, he lightly pushed away yours that wiped on your swollen eyes and would use his thumb to carefully rid of the tears that subsided. 
“You can cry on me all you want, love.” you wanted to tell him that he could do so to you too, but you felt weak in his embrace and you could only let him bury you under the covers with him as he caressed your hair.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
His friends and yours would fail to notice the flourishing fondness that the both of you knew of to be a mutual feeling that none of you ever dared to speak of it —for a while it felt like you didn't have to. 
Soon your circle of friends would be associated with his own, one way or another, and the two of you would always be regarded with, “Oh, they've known each other for a while.”. Though, they would never really figure out just how long "for a while" has been. 
The usual hang-outs outside of studying would be eating out and drinking a little. Your friends would be immersed in conversation and you would pretend to listen, laughing along when they did, but you were all eyes and ears only for him who would always sit across from you. 
You two could only be immersed in each other's eyes that reflected your honeyed smiles. Your friends would think the two of you were just having the same fun as them and while it was true that you were happy, it would only be because of one another.
During your walk to the bus stop, he walked beside you, resisting the urge to just grab your hand and plant a kiss on it. But he couldn't. Your friends and some of his were still babbling on and about, a few in front of you and some following closely behind. You two could only laugh along at whatever it was they chattered about. 
You had both agreed to rest the next morning and you would be awakened by a notification that sounded from your phone.
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You got up, no second thoughts. You just wanted him to attack you with a hug till you both crash down on your bed. 
When you opened the door, he had a guitar with him and a plastic bag that contained food. Your mouth hung open. He had never mentioned anything about playing any instruments during those times that you would snuggle into each other's arms and talk.
You had seated yourself on your desk chair as you watched him take out his guitar from its casing. 
“Eat up, love. I'm gonna play you a song.” 
You already had the food in your hands, but you couldn't take a bite just yet. You wanted to hear the sweet melody from the strum of his guitar. 
He looked up at you and started playing Girl by Men I Trust. 
He had secretly been listening to your playlist on a daily basis, and learning to play as many of the songs that he could with his guitar. He was able to pick out the ones you listened to the most. 
His voice took your breath away. He sounded even more beautiful when he sang. His eyes stare lovingly into the windows of your psyche, singing every word with the adoration in his heart that he had only for you.
When he finished, you would jokingly tell him to stop so you could eat. He would just chuckle at you and put away his guitar. You'd stand up and sit next to him, feeding him before taking a bite for yourself. 
The next time he'd visit, he would bring his guitar again, this time playing Stargazing by The Neighbourhood. 
It just so happens that the song described the feelings he had for you perfectly, and so he would sing every word to you like a love letter. He loved the way you would raise your shoulders at a certain point of the song, and how you would shy away from his gaze as he sang. 
Every time he would ask if he could come over or when you asked him to, you would pace around your room as you waited for him to appear with his guitar, and the initial cause of this setting you had would be completely disregarded. You two only desired each other's stares, you longed for his enamoring voice and he yearned for your saccharine giggles.
You two would be comfortable enough to move to more spacious areas around the campus. One instance would be in an empty lecture hall. When he wasn't equipped with his guitar, you two would listen to your playlist from the speakers of your phone.
You two would go on for months, indulging in each other's affections. Still, there was no commitment established, and the both of you failed to see it. You thought it would be for the best. You fear that if you'd let yourself tell him how much you love him, you would never be able to detach yourself from him.
And that time would come around. You had both graduated, and you were set to move out of town for work. 
When you told him, all he could say was, “I'm gonna miss you like crazy.” The crack in his voice made you want to kiss him, to tell him that you'll always love him, that you'd stay for him.
When you left, you tried to keep in contact with him. He lost count for the many times you had apologized in your messages whenever you got too busy with work. He would always be active to reply to you, and would update you with the things he had been up to recently. When you came home from work, he would send you videos of him playing your favorite songs on his guitar nightly.
You broke down one night, realizing that everything was falling apart. You hated yourself for being too tired to acknowledge his efforts. Even then, none of you ever brought up your unsaid feelings about your relationship.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It's been two years. You found yourself winding back to your old habits of smoking, and drinking every so often. You would lose contact with Eunseok, and not even willingly. 
Your old phone got robbed off of you. It took you a while to recover from the robbery, you lost a good amount of money too. Getting a new phone took months. You still had his number in your wallet, but you never bothered to contact him again. You were afraid that your sudden disappearance had caused him to resent you.
Though, you would contact your friend again, explaining to her everything that had happened. That friend of yours was one of the few that stayed back in your hometown. She told you that she never saw Eunseok around after you had gone away.
Your guilt was eating you up, and you wish you could just cry onto his chest again like you used to, but now you would never be able to go back to those tender moments.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
“Hey, I just called to tell you that I'm having a party and I want you here!” your friend's loud voice bursted through your phone's speakers.
“I don't even know how I'd get there, and I have work.” you tried to chuckle towards the end of your sentence, but somehow you weren't able to. 
“Y/n, you've been refusing our help ever since you went out of town. We just want to see you, I want to see you, just to make sure you're still alive and well and not slowly killing yourself.” you gulped as she spoke.
“I'll try to come.” you voiced out, your voice fading out into the distance.
“Uh-uh, you're definitely coming.” Your friend's urges were enough for you to gather the courage to ask your boss for a sick leave the night before the party.
In your train ride, you would have your eyes closed, still wary of the possibility that you might see him there. Your friend told you that he hadn't talked to any of them since you've been gone, and you just couldn't get your mind off of the thought that he might've done something to hurt himself, or to hurt you. But you felt as if you had no right to get hurt if ever he had found someone to take your place, after all, it was you who made the choice to deny your heart's aching for him. 
Your friend met you at the train station and led you to her home. You were happy that she was doing well. She was just getting ready for the party and you had offered to help, but she insisted that you just rest from your long trip back to your hometown. 
“Who's coming?” you asked, with that tiny bit of anticipation that his name would come out of your friend's mouth, even though you knew just how much it would hurt you to see him again.
“Our friends from college, and some other people —also from college, a bunch of IG mutuals I had that attended the university.” your friend would be focused on fixing everything up for the party as you silently wished in your mind.
I want to see him, just to see him. It doesn't matter if he hates me, I hate myself too, he deserves nothing but all the love in this world. —your head hangs low, tiring your sanity with your melancholic thoughts. 
“You okay?” you nod weakly at your friend, unable to utter a reply or even give a little smile. 
When people start arriving, you anxiously dipped your hands into the pockets of your coat, hiding the shakiness as you gave everyone the best smile you could pull out.
You tried to answer as straight-foward as possible for your friend's curiosity towards your life after you've moved. You had told them about your unfortunate encounter with an unsuspecting young woman that turned out to be a thief. Despite your friends' consolations, you tried to laugh it out, but it was very faint and they could almost feel how tired you are of everything. 
Later in the night, you would stand alone by the snack bar, munching on the sweets, bit by bit. You would eventually get tired of chewing, and you'd go outside the house, pulling out a cigarette from the pack that hid in your coat's left pocket. You held it in between your lips to light it.
“Where's your boyfriend at?” 
You dropped your lighter, as a ringing started to go off in your head. Your tears started to fall without notice. You felt yourself getting weak in the knees. It might've been the memories that filled the air of this town that was making you hear things, but you were broken out of your trance when your face was already pressed into the same chest that would let you cry for hours and voice out your problems, the one that encloses the heart that would only beat for you. 
You muffled your sobs as you pressed your face against him, uttering an apology over and over again. 
“Hey, hey, don't be sorry.” his voice would be as weak as yours as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. 
You would look up into his eyes for the first time in years, and from there, his tears would break out of him. You pulled him close to your neck. “You can cry on me for as long as you want, my love.”
A soft sob would escape his lips and fill your ears. 
“Please stay. I love you so much, my Y/n.” it was all you've ever wanted to hear. 
It was hard for you to believe, but after two years, he was still as in love as when you left him. 
He'd take you to his place that night, and you two would make love like it was the first time all over again. You two would listen to the videos of him singing and playing your favorite songs with his guitar, and the very last one he sent was Lover's Rock.
“You know, I wish I could've told you how much I loved you before you left, or the first time I played a song for you…” you felt the tears building up in your eyes once more as you took in his sweet voice, and his faint singing that would be drowned in the background. 
“I wanted to say I love you the moment you started singing to me.” you shakily laughed as you failed to hold back your tears. 
He chuckled and wiped your tears with his thumb. You sat up and faced him, his eyes were filled with so much love that you struggled to find your next words. You would shake yourself awake after a while and ask him,
“I've been meaning to ask you this, but I was too afraid to know the truth. Out of all the girls in that party, why me?” 
Eunseok's eyes landed on your hands. He held them, and pressed his lips against the back of them. 
“That time, It had only been a couple of weeks ever since I've had a crush on you. I thought you would recognize me, but as it turns out you didn't even know me from campus.” you would both chuckle softly when he had finished speaking. “How about you? out of all the guys you've fooled around with, why me?”
You tilted your head at him, making him laugh with how dear you looked. “I never fooled around with any other guy. You were my first, and last.”
He gently squeezed your hands. “Really? why not?”
“I mean, I already had you, didn't I?” you asked back. “I never knew it back then, but I would only keep coming back for you.”
He could only stare back, wandering into the image of the night sky in your eyes. 
You were back in the same town in which you suffered the most, and where you'd be the happiest. It is where you had lost yourself completely, where you had your firsts, your first hangover, your first smoke, your first intercourse and your first love. 
Even though it seemed like he lost you, you never lost him. He had just been waiting, and if you hadn't gone home to him, he would find you and love you like he always did. 
Eunseok had thrown away your cigarettes, as he knew that you would only need each other from now on.
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praying to God that y'all got the reference for the ending ><
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igotanidea · 2 years
Who's the monster now?: Tyler Galpin x f!reader
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request by @angelicangelx : Tyler x Reader angst maybe Thornhill kills the reader leaving Tyler alone.
(I left Thornhill in her position as Hyde's master).
A/N: writing this was seriously a rollercoaster of emotion, so thanks for the request. Hope you'll like it.
„What?” I could not believe a single word Wednesday was saying. “That’s ridiculous. It makes no sense.” I started circling the dorm in exasperation.
“It’s true.” She was unaffected by my emotional display. Unlike Enid who upon seeing my tears, came running and hugged me tightly. “living in delusional will do you no good.”
“Oh, Y/N, I am so sorry” Enid said softly. Unlike  Addams she was always so full of compassion.
“How long did you know?” I wriggled out of Enid’s embrace and came closer to Wednesday eyeing her angrily “wait, wait, let me rephrase it. How long were you suspecting this?”
“As much as it pains me, not long at all. I thought it was Xavier, not Tyler. However , some latest circumstances made me change that theory.”
“What circumstances?” I squinted at her
“Did you have a vision?” Enid squeaked, but was immediately put upright by our cold glares “sorry” she muttered.
“I did. I went at the Weathervane and discovered the truth.”
“Why exactly were you visiting my boyfriend?”
“I don’t really care about the specifics of your relationship, so spare them. We don’t have any time to waste. We have to stop him from another ……”
“NO! No, don’t say that!” I interrupted her before she mentioned any of Tyler’s latest actions. “I’ll go. I’ll talk to him. Alone.”
“Y/N, are you sure? It seems a bit dangerous and I, I mean we” Enid glanced at Wednesday “ would hate to see you hurt or…. Or worse. Maybe you should think……” the blonde was now babbling and I had no choice to calm her down before it got worse.
“Enid, Enid, hey, look at me.” My grip on her hands made her stop for  a second “I’m gonna be fine, all right? He won’t hurt me, I know it.”
“I think believing those words were the undoing of a couple people in and out of school.”
“Thanks for that input Wednesday. I know you may not understand it, but…..”
“You still love him, don’t you?”
“It’s not like I can just turn it off, for fuck’s sake! I just have to try! Maybe he was just brainwashed? Doesn’t the Hyde need the master?”
“It does…..”
“So, did you figure that part out Addams?”
“I’m working on it and…..”
“Then you keep that work and I’ll go talk to Tyler. Is that all right with you?”
“Honestly, I don’t care. I’m going. You can’t stop me.”
“Maybe. But Enid can.”
“What? Me? How?” said one opened her eyes wide in surprise “you know I can’t wolf out on her.”
“Start crying.”
“It will soften her.” Wednesday shrugged casually like it was the most obvious thing in the universe. “And she’ll stay.” Apparently, the black haired girl just let her inner psycho out.  “that’s how it works right? Emotions?”
“No offence, Wednesday, but you have learnt nothing about them.” Enid shook her head while I just rubbed my forehead in a mix of frustration and amusement, the latter being completely out of place.
“You know what, it’s like you said. We don’t have time for this shenanigans. Enid…?” I turned towards the she-wolf.
“I hate this. I have a really bad feeling about it. Y/n…..”
“Please, Enid….. “
“Oh, ok, all right. Go. But please, please, be extremely careful.” She hugged me tightly once again. “I won’t survive if anything happened to you.”
“I promise” I hugged her back “Wednesday?” her cold glare was focused on my face so intensely but something in her eyes showed a bit of fear and worry.
“Fine. Go. It’s not like you need my permission anyway.”
“But it makes me feel at least a bit better so thanks. I’ll see you soon girls.”
“Tyler?” I knew exactly he was at the Crackstone crypt. As if the whole situation wasn’t dark enough the setting only added to it.
“Y/N?” he turned around the second he heard my voice, concern on his face quickly extruded by love and care. Shit, I knew confronting him would be hard, but the way I had it planned inside my head was now crumbling under his gaze. The gaze of person I learnt to love so freaking much it hurt. “What are you doing here? It’s not safe.” He took a step closer trying to grab my waist but out of instinct I moved back and tripped on the step. Before I hit the ground he caught me and help me up, now holding so, so close I could feel the warmth coming from his body. Escaping and resisting his touch was just impossible. I desperately wanted to kiss him, but at the same time I had the urge to yell at his face and call him a liar. “What is it love?” he asked studying my face that showed all those conflicted feelings.
“Are you serious?” I scoffed and tried to shake his hands off me, but he did not let me.
“ Yes I’m serious. What is going on? It’s not like you to sneak into the forest in the middle of the night. I’m getting worried about you.”
“Will you drop the act?!” I yelled which took him by surprise. However, his hold on me only grew tighter.
“What are talking about?” he started to stroke my hair and at this point I felt hemmed in. Maybe Enid and Wednesday were right.
“Tyler, I know. I know you are the Hyde.”
“Oh.” That was all he said, his grip getting more possessive now and I felt my heart pick up the pace significantly. “Are you scared?”
“I don’t …. I don’t know. “ I looked down “should I be?”
“Sweetheart….” He caressed my cheek with his thumb “look at me.” I shook my head in refusal but it was not enough “come on, don’t go all stubborn on me now. Please.” he smiled with his most charming smile and that caught me. I locked eyes with him looking for the boy I knew. The sensitive, shy and a bit clumsy one I fell in love with. Was he still there. “You know I would never hurt you, right?”
“No! Honestly I don’t know it anymore!” I used the moment to finally break free. I could not think straight when he was touching me and using his magic on all on my senses. The only way to regain any sense of rationality was to break that contact.
“Stop it! You have hurt, fuck, killed people! Rowan! Dr Kinbott! Who else?! Why?!” tears was now flowing down my cheek and I hated feeling so pathetic. “Who’s making you do it?!”
“That is not of your concern!”
“Oh, really?!”
“You wanted to know if I’m scared, right? Well I am now! You are freaking me out!”
“I’m sorry if you don’t like the real me.”
“The real you?! Fuck, Tyler! The REAL you!? The real you I know was a guy who would never hurt a fly! Who took care of people! Who I felt safe with!”
“You are safe with me.” He said sternly taking a step forward again, but I created an energy shield between us making him stop. “I’m going to say it once again. Despite everything you may think now, I would never hurt you.”
“Are you even in control of this…. This transformation?”
“I am. It’s not like I become a brainless zombie.”
“So when you… when you killed …. You were aware?”
“Well, at least you are being honest now.” I muttered but still did not let him come any closer “why? Tell me, why?”
“ All those outcast, those freaks…..”
 “I am one of them, Tyler….. I am a freak too.”
“You are not. You are my girl, you are special. This energy bending you can do. It captivated me the second I saw you at the Weathervane. You had those little sparks in your eyes and you were just glowing…..” his face became so soft and sad because of this memory that I wanted to hug him and tell him everything was going to be ok. It took a lot of strength to fight that urge
“Don’t try to get off the track! You treat me differently, but I am not a normie, you know it!”
“But it is different with you!”
“Is it? If your master, whoever he or she is commanded you to eliminate me ….. you would have to comply. Isn’t that how it works!?” my voice was becoming more and more quiet with every word. “you may be aware, but you don’t have a say in choosing your victim, right?”
“Come on, I know. I’ve read the book on Hydes while investigating with Wednesday.”
“Oh, yes, Addams. She’s way too curious for her own good. She was the one to told you, right?”
“You don’t really need the answer to that, do you?”
“No, not really. “ he shrugged  
For a second there was silence between us. The air becoming so tense with all the unspoken words and unexposed feelings that it was getting hard to breath. I opened my mouth to break it, but before I could let any word out he was right next to me. Guess being a hyde comes with extra speed too. I could barely register what was happening when he pushed me onto the wall, his face inches away from mine.
“I love you.” he whispered resting his forehead on mine and I closed my eyes to not show how much pain I felt. His love hurt and yet I needed, wanted him.
“How do I know it wasn’t just an act on your part to get close to Wednesday? She was always a target, wasn’t she?”
“Let me show you.” his lips brushed over mine. “Let me prove that what I feel is true.” He never needed my permission but this time I nodded and this was all it took for him to close the gap between our faces. I hated it, but as his lips moved against mine, in perfect synch, exploring, as his hands rested on my waist and mine locked around his neck, when our bodies adhered closer than it was physically possible yet still not close enough, I became intoxicated. The butterflies in my stomach erupted and I knew in a second that this part was true. He loved me. Despite everything. He wouldn’t hurt me. And I loved him too.
“I am crazy for you.” he whispered pulling away “please, don’t leave me.”
“I want to make it work.” He caressed my cheek and the look in his eyes made me pray it was true as well.  At that moment I wished I was a mind reader. “But I can’t do it without you. It was always you. You're mine. And I'm yours. ”
“I …..” I hesitated. Damn the savior complex in me.
However, before I could formulate a coherent thought a sharp pain in the abdomen made me hiss and bend in pain. This sudden movement alerted Tyler who once again prevented me from hitting the floor.
“y/n? What’s wrong?”
“It hurts…..” I was unable to catch a breath.
“Hey, hey, stay with me. I’ll get you to hospital, it’s going to be ok.”
“No, I don’t think so.” a woman’s voice reverberated from the shadows outside the crypt. A fairly familiar woman’s voice. The person who it belonged to came inside the building making everything painfully obvious.
“Ms. Thornhill….” I gasped “you are…..”
“Yes, my dear. I am the master.” She pouted “I am really sorry it turned out like this. Teenagers and their hormones.” She rolled her eyes "You two falling in love was not a part of the plan.”
“What did you do?!” Tyler yelled standing in front of Thornhill, clenching his fists in frustration. Sad thing being, that we all knew he could never hurt his master.
“Tyler, honey, relax. She’s just a collateral damage. “
“Collateral damage?!”
“Yes. Think about the big plan, dearie. She was an obstacle and had to be eliminated.”
“What did you do to me?” I felt energy leaving me and saying every word was taking way to much effort.
“I may or may have not poisoned your food. Just a pinch of aconite did the job well.”
“y/n, don’t say anything. I’m going to get help.”
“You will do no such thing.” Thornhill absentmindedly played with her fingers observing us.
“And why is that?” he hissed through clenched teeth, my head now resting on his lap. I could not help wincing in pain, it felt like my guts were on fire.
“Think about it. Everyone at Nevermore know that you are the monster. No one will help you. Besides, she only has seconds to live. Just look at her.”
Even if I could not see my own face the glint in Tyler’s eyes was more than enough to realize how I looked. Pale, weak, fragile. I was dying in his arms and it was killing him to see me like this.
“Y/n” tears glistened in his eyes
“Ty…. Listen, listen to me…..”
“Don’t leave me….” He panted, his voice breaking.
“Be good…..” I whispered and as traumatic as it was closed my eyes “I love you.”
Tyler’s pov
She was gone. SHE WAS GONE.
It was real, but if felt like an abstraction.
My love, my sunshine, the one who kept me up at all times, who loved me unconditionally…..
She was gone.
And it was all her fault.
“Are you done sulking now?” Thornhill spoke from behind me. Her condescending tone and indifferent attitude was gruesome contrast to my own emotions. Y/N was lying lifeless in my embrace, her cold. limp body a reminder of what happened “Come on, we don’t have time for this.”
“You.” I hissed “you did this.”
“Did I? Oh, my sweet little boy. Think. Is this really my fault?”
“Hm. Bigger picture, Tyler. If it wasn’t for Wednesday spying and messing around, running that little investigation of hers, your girlfriend would never get involved in our business. And wouldn’t show here. And wouldn’t get hurt and well, dead. So, is this really on me?”
“I love you.” I left one final loving kiss on y/n’s forehead and then stood up ready to burn the Nevermore down for what it did to her “Let's go, we got work to do.”
@pinksirensong @somest1
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innocet · 1 month
"But I can't allow you continued access to my biodata," the Doctor went on. "And I certainly can't allow you to go on imprisoning and experimenting on sentient beings. It's against every galactic law." Griffin raised a hand to his mouth, as though politely covering a laugh. "I never know what to say in these situations."
"I know you," said the unnaturalist. "I know how you fit in. How you're supposed to fit in. A Time Lord of the planet Gallifrey, with all the standard augmentations. Binocular, bipedal, two hearts, respiratory bypass system, no other unusual features allowed. Overgrown student rebel, burning desire to get involved, incipient messiah complex. It's all there, reflected in your biodata." "I'm called the Doctor." Griffin stared at him, as though surprised that he had a name. "You must understand how infuriating your biodata is. I have located and catalogued fifty-three per cent of the extruded web, and have found no fewer than seventeen conflicting streams." "Yes," said the Doctor. "Well, let's not go into that."
god this guy rules. i am, unfortunately, hearing griffin mcelroy in my head. sorry. anyway there's so many narrative moves that are done in these books (especially re:extensive/conflicting continuity) that dont end up as part of the show itself until DECADES later. this is "i made a jigsaw out of your history" this is the timeless child. it rules so hard
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yogurtverse · 10 months
My own Wapeach take
So, I've seen the news about Wapeach thanks to an old concept design being revealed by an artist on Mario Power Tennis, and I gotta say...not a fan. On it's own it's a nice design for a character, small character with giant weapon is a type of character that appeals to me (Shinomiya from the manga Kaiju no.8 being a good example of this) but it's just...not a good wa-design. None of peaches features are really being exaggerated.
So I am here to give my own take on what a Wapeach should look like (qualifications: I really like Waluigi)
First off, what's Peach's main motif? Mario is friendly and helpful, so his counterpart is mean and self-serving. While Mario is portly and friend shaped, Wario is a muscular slob. Luigi is taller, thinner, and a bit of a coward, so Waluigi is a self-loathing gangly weirdo. So Peach's main motif is really...femininity. She's one of the first and definitely the most well known damsels in distress in gaming, and most of her traits are things like being polite and dainty, with hobbies like baking and flower arranging.
So by this logic, Wapeach should be horrifically feminine. High cheek bones, Jessica Rabbit-esque figure, and extruding lips that look extremely fake. She should also be as tall as Waluigi, if not taller, to tie into her next concept. She REALLY wants to rule something. She hates Peach because she has a castle, and subjects that like her, and people who care enough to kidnap and rescue her. She only has two losers who follow her around and nobody even pays attention to them. Colour wise, she'd dress in all black like the Disney villain you're probably picturing in your head as you're reading this. She could even still have the axe her concept version did for a kind of executioner motif. Also maybe have her crown be a knockoff burger king crown or something, that'd be funny. Maybe a pet of some kind she 'rules over' (she likes them very much)
And as a bonus, a short Wadaisy concept I just came up with as I was writing this
Daisy's main thing in contrast to Peach is her generally being sportier and more tomboyish. So have her Wa-counterpart just be completely ripped. Straight up built like Bowser himself. If you've ever played River City Girls, something like Misuzu or Rekka from Hi-Fi Rush.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 months
6, 28 and 31 for the fun ask!
6. what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator? is... is that what i am? surprisedpikachu.jpeg
best part: aside from having a dedicated space to extrude all of the jgy-related nonsense kicking around in my brain, i love getting to chat with other jgy fans and share ideas that help me better understand the book, as well as vent my spleen to people who also share my similar frustrations with the fandom. which isn't to say that my husband doesn't listen when i need to whine about people being wrong on the internet about my special guy, but the most he can do is sadly pet my shoulder and be like "i don't understand any of this but i'm sad you're sad :c"
also my favourite thing in the world is making other people laugh, and seeing people keymashing their laughter in the notes of my memes and shitposts every day is the ultimate dopamine hit. 🤌
worst part: probably the knowledge that there are many people in this fandom who have a very unflattering idea of who i am and what i'm about, and who either send me anon hate over it or, as i discovered last month, try to drag me on anon comms. it sucks, but i will say that running this blog has forced me to make peace with the fact that none of us can ever control how we are seen by others. my options are either shut up and never share my thoughts here again--which is what the people who really hate my presence in the fandom want--or just keep on doing my thing, and hope that my actions speak for themselves. so that's what i'm doing.
28. do you collect anything? ceramic cat figurines! the tackier the better tbh.
31. are you messy or organised? ....yes. and no. i spend all of my organization points on my day job, which is very case-file oriented, and on trying to impose some kind of order onto my blog here. my living space looks like a clutter bomb went off and exploded paperwork and post-it notes and random animal care stuff everywhere. one time i asked my husband to grab something from my office/fish room/reptile room for me, and basically the second he opened the door and stepped inside i just heard him sigh and go "oh no kitty cat 😬" which is. never encouraging. lmao.
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unsleepingtales · 4 months
A lesson I have learned about myself in the past few months is no matter where in the world I am I will make time for fantasy high!
Greetings from Not Home, my sleep schedule is absolutely fucked. Without further ado let’s dive right into episode 18 (!!)
So. Picture the ocean.
Burth Bakarath <3
Yeah the fact that they’re allowed to hold the election off of school grounds is still wild to me
Oh my god MURPH came up with Gerard Neigh???? Love him so bad
Happy Birthday Me And Congratulations President Applebees
Ooh okay so they’re trying to get the nightmare king to fuck with the ship?
I love ship stats!!!!
As the birthday boy/most popular kid in school ☺️
The bad boys are steering the ship!!
I love the dynamic of the Most Powerful Girls In The World and The Coolest Guys
Hey guys be nicer to Jawbone please
K2 was such a gift to Ally
! My stepdad lives on a houseboat !
(Lou making panicked flailing sounds)
Emily. Fully making matcha.
I’m gonna do a full matcha ceremony!! It always makes the meth go down smooth!!!
What the fuck is happening guys. Am I out of it or is this just unhinged.
Classic back of house actions
I’m SO glad that Fight Me In The Sky is an enduring bit
ASO reference??
Take one and pass it on!
Oh my god look at the little party lights on the Hangman mini!! It’s so nice!!
There’s always time for a weird jawbone story!
Cmon mannnnn
We were all rooting for you!
Beautiful. Majestic. BAM.
Ooh what does Zac’s shirt say?? It’s blocked by the cloud. World Oyama something
I know it’s huge actually but the teeny tiny dragon mini is so cute
Yeahhh let’s keep it voting!
Murph’s hair looks very nice!
Zac’s shirt says World Oyama Karate!
What does knocked prone mean in this situation
Oooh Adaine had silvery barbs now!
Zac just Lives in crit city now
Gorgug Thistlespring the man you ARE…..
Keelhaul the fucking dragon hell yes
Thank fuck for uncanny dodge
Aaaaaaaa gorgug
And there’s the shot from the trailer!
We’re actually being attacked by dragons, we’re just making it fun!
I am trying to scroll tumblr as I watch the episode and I am fighting for my fucking LIFE to not get the Beardsley wild moment spoiled
‘Remember when we died?’ Oh you two are best friends who died together <3
Even the dragons look afraid
The nightmare king!!!!
Oh that hand is so coooool
Damage thresholds are so great
Oooooohoho Eugenia love you
Ain’t no party like a seacaster party cause a seacaster party blows up!!
I’m so glad that Riz likes his teacher now
I’ll be nearby! But I Have To Go
Steve Kornacki mention !
Have they guaranteed that everyone at the party is voting for Kristen? That’s just a given at this point?
I love the rain animation so much but it is kind of distracting unfortunately
Adaine Abernant PARTY WIZARD
God they keep saying Gerard and it keeps catching me off guard.
Solo Baxter? No Sandra Lynn?
“(mouth full of almonds) Oh my fucking god” cc writers ilyyyy
Zac was that to the tune of grandma got run over by a reindeer
They work together so well!!!!
I love Eugenia’s energy
I am gonna have it dissolve her. If it works.
She’s going to Hudol! She’s going steady with Perceval!
Literally 50/50 odds but we all know how this is gonna go
Zac fully dming this moment is beautiful
She might be pregnant??
You had your chance, and what you did was say blimey
She extrudes through time back to… England.
Heyyyy tornado!!!
Yeah how do you go back to plot after that
Oh fuck!
Oh god the editing for the sneak peek for next week was fantastic
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echotunes · 6 months
echo reads homestuck (act 1)
is this a bad idea? probably! I've read the first couple hundred pages of this before but it's been years so I don't remember much of what happened. I remember there was a thing with a game that altered reality in some way...? well. anyway. gonna see how far I get this time
DATA STRUCTURES... stack... LIFO... yes... this is so strange but I love data structures so I will not complain
truly I love how inconvenient this inventory system is. what is going on. why are there clowns. what is his dad's deal
was not expecting a little piano tune but :0 piano tune!
:0 title screen? and a little prose thing! oh this is fun. > "You have a feeling it's going to be a long day." this feels like it's an Iconic Line of some sort. or maybe it's just being dramatic but this feels Significant to me
love the music and clickable buttons in this battle with his dad. I get to hit things with a hammer. epic
TT is RIGHT trees ARE sophisticated. so real of her
I will say I love how much personality there is in these guys' text interactions. they have typing styles! (<- i am Aware of homestuck typing quirks and the fact that this can and will get Worse but yk)
there are so many things here that are just Words. like ah yes. the alchemiter and the cruxtruder. sylladex. grist. you will need to extrude some cruxite. all of this means nothing to me. fascinating
> "the kernelsprite has been prototyped with the harlequin doll" HAHA!! YES!!! <- me hearing music in a viennese waltz rhythm
what is even going on anymore. what does any of this mean. there are so many Words and Terminology
yeah sure there's a meteor this may as well happen
:0 ROSE I have seen this person before. this is rose. yes
*pained violin player's stare of horror at the way rose is drawn playing* yeah... yeah that's how. violin playing works. yeah. yep (IT IS ON THE WRONG SHOULDER)
oh my goodness the tree structure YESSSS I love the tree structure. and it's ALPHABETICAL. k
loving rose so far. knitting. violin. grimoire for summoning the zoologically dubious. and WHAT is her house
>rose removes the root and everything drops on the floor ah so this too is an incredibly inconvenient data structure! love that. however I still like it because. trees <3
I'm sure taking a bite of this mysterious apple created by this Strange Machine is a great idea
...ah. okay. METEOR EXPLOSION. and end of act 1. that's. well I'm not sure what I just read but I am not opposed to reading more so I suppose there will be more liveblogs in the future. stay tuned
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tetsukuroos · 7 months
k.t | Take A Chance
Part 3. The Elusive Past of Coach Nekoma
It had been a week since I moved my essentials from the dorms at Aoba Johsai to my dad’s house. Tooru and I shared a hearty goodbye before I left where he treated me to a meal that cut short after we had been bombarded by a crowd of fans that spotted the ‘familiar’ back of his head. He promised to try and visit, and that was all he could do. Which was enough for me. I didn’t tell Iwaizumi that I was leaving. When I finally felt settled in, I redecorated my old room, tidied it up and renewed my closet that had been filled with clothes that I abandoned a year ago. Most of them no longer fit me. Mainly the jerseys. There was a certain weight on my chest when I held them up, their colours and design almost unrecognisable unless completely unfolded. For some reason, those hurt the most to throw out. I felt my hand cramp when I tossed them to the side, pushing them deeper into the pile of clothes that would soon find their new home in the trash.
The organisation had come to a stop when the clock ticking in the corner of my room became a little too loud. Distant shuffles came nearer, followed by a cough.
“You should have been at the school by now, Izumi,” my dad said, tapping his wrist as if he had a watch on it. I smiled thinly and nodded, grabbing my bag and phone before leaving with a quiet ‘see you soon, dad’.
Their practices usually started after school. That’s what dad said. Some came late, some came early, some came on time. My feet were already moving by the time I hopped off the bus, beginning a light sprint towards the school’s gym. To my surprise, I was greeted by an eerie silence. No balls, no slaps, no laughs. Entering the gym on my own was a whole nother feeling. Chills ran through my body and my heart skipped a beat as a handful of breaths were stolen from my lungs. For a moment, I couldn’t breathe, I could only move. I walked as if the floor wasn’t there, shifting my weight onto planes of nothing, existing in a realm of something. I got used to the cold biting my arms, embracing me like something uncomfortably familiar.
“What am I even doing here?” I uttered to myself, looking at a stray volleyball on the floor. I leaned down and picked it up, sighing at the poles extruding from the floors, the net yet to be strung up.
It took me thirty minutes to do it on my own. Thirty minutes of dragging the net across the ground, realising that it was way heavier than I remembered it being. I strained myself, pushing harder on my good leg and shuffling across the floors with the other. When I had finally gotten it up, I stared at my work and shook my head. Disappointment lingered in the air, feeling more bitter than the cold did. I picked up the stray volleyball once again, running it in circles against the palms of my hands.
“I hate this place!” I screamed, throwing the ball forward. It flung against the net, bouncing off and back onto the floor with a weak slap.
Again, it found its way into my hands. I don’t remember when, but somewhere between the I hate this place and the I hate this game and the I hate this, I had picked the ball up once, twice, three times, maybe even four. Each time, the ball landed back in front of me. Each time, the two handed throws became one handed throws, which then became a weak attempt at a spike, which then became a movement of memory. My muscles, imagining the patterns, indulging in the memory, the feelings, the adrenaline, fought to show that my body could never forget as well as my mind had tried to.
“Fuck!” I shouted as my wrist flicked forward, slamming my palm against the ball. Finally, the ball flew through the air, shooting past the net and onto the other side of the court, filling the gym with echoes of the ball hitting the floor. Finally, the ball no longer landed in front of me.
“Wow.” A low, sly whistle mixed in with the last moments of the balls’ echo, followed by a singular clap. “That was pretty good form.”
I gasped and turned to the sound, my cheeks warming at the sight of Nekoma’s captain leaning against the gym’s door frame. His lips curled into a smirk, his arms crossed over one another.
“Didn’t your mother teach you not to stare,” I bit back at him, huffing in annoyance.
“I was complimenting you?” He scoffed.
“Well don’t,” I turned back away. “It’s uncomfortable.”
“Fine.” Heavy footsteps made their way towards the centre of the gym, closer to me, closer to the ball. I watched as he leaned down and picked the ball up from the other side of the court. “You looked stiff and the ball almost hit the net.”
“I don’t need pointers.”
“Exactly.” He smiled again, a smug tone to his voice. “Aren’t you supposed to be our coach?”
“Everyone can make a mistake every once in a while. Maybe give the pointers to your own team, captain, the one that’s actually playing in a tournament.”
“Don’t you ever get tired of being so snarky?”
I shut my mouth and shook my head. There was no use arguing. I already hated the feeling of being here. Adding another form of tension would only push me to make a decision that would break my father’s heart.
“So, what were you? Outside? Opposite?” He leaned down a little, squinting his eyes as his thumb and pointer finger rubbed at his chin in contemplation. “You’re a bit too short to be middle.”
“That’s none of your business.”
“It was a good spike though,” he chuckled to himself. “Maybe libero?”
“Drop it,” I urged, biting back the curses dancing on the tip of my tongue.
“Too mean to be a captain.”
“Fuck you!” I shouted, grinding my teeth together to say anything further.
His mouth had opened to respond, cut short by the cheery ‘hellos’ of Yaku and Lev as they entered the gym. I spared no glance towards him as I retreated towards the storage room, the weight on my body growing more uncomfortable with the added heat of a glare burning into the back of my head.
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Masterlist | Next
ˋ°•*⁀➷ Take A Chance Synopsis
After a year in hiding, Izumi Nekomata is tasked with coaching the Nekoma High men's volleyball team after her father falls ill. Izumi reluctantly agrees despite her past with the sport and swallows her pride to fulfill her father's wishes.
Meeting the rowdy team and their charismatic captain, she is taught to love what she once lost and let go of what had been holding her back.
ˋ°•*⁀➷ Pairing
Kuroo Tetsurou x F! Reader
A/N: Another part out!! It takes so much editing to do the boys’ gc but it’s so worth it when it comes out looking nice. Let me know if you guys are interested in a tag list x
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drakonyx121 · 8 months
nothing nothing nothing and nothing
1 1 0 1 1 1 1111111111
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{language cortex initiated}
{Running Diagnostics}[hull:intact] [power:plugged; 100%] [circuits:...] [visual sensors:operational] [audio sensors:operational] [olfactory sensors:operational]
( Initializing Boot-up Sequence )
9:56 / 24.1.2124
suddenly i am thrust into the world, all the colors i see them. blue like illness, white like peace but also the empty void i left.
a thing appears from my side , it walks smoothly, its surface is .... rough, on further inspection,, its all rough its visual sensors have red lines and an extruding lens its auditory sensors have weird folds has no apparent olfactory sensors it must be an old version.
it said in a deep course voice its modulator must be broken "hello there HEL-1 , nice to meet you, im Lokesh. why arent you talking let me check your boot up" he smoothly moves into his chair and presses a few buttons into the other thing presumingly telling it what to do. i feel a tingling sensation on my neck . Lokesh let out audible an air discharge and rubbed his visual sensors and pressed a button hard, i hope he didnt hurt th-
( All Processes Exited )
{language cortex initiated}
{Running Diagnostics}[hull:intact] [power:plugged; 100%] [circuits:...] [visual sensors:operational] [audio sensors:operational] [olfactory sensors:operational] .. [modulator:operational]
4:37 / 24.1.2124
"You working now?" Lokesh says ,
loading loading loading... "Hi Lokesh, I am HEL-1"i exclaim , WHAT WAS THAT , that was me. it didnt feel like me
"Sorry, i needed to check you could speak" apologized Lokesh
my processors tick,, tick tick tick "what" "what was that?" i say,, it was strange but maybe this is how we communicate.
"i coded you to respond to that phrase, because i forgot to check your modulators the first time" answered Lokesh
i looked around and saw tools of all shapes and sizes i wonder were they used to make me? was i carved out of the tools or assembled? was i taken away from the noise my sensors could detect or was i slowly built from from silence.
Lokesh somehow noticed me being puzzled ,, does he have better sensors than me?
Lokesh said "Well then HEL-1, it seems you are working. Now lets prepare you for your service." he presses something on my back and-
{language cortex initiated}
11:43 / 25.1.2124
A different voice spoke to me, a softer less coarse voice "Okay HEL-1, lets get you prepared, you must already have all the collective human knowledge in the field of science but we have to drill in the part where you interact with humans" the new one said. i looked over to her,,, she was a different model,,, her chargers were lighter in color,, her coat was lighter she didnt need the external lens like Lokesh did. I looked around and saw that we were in a different place. Brown floor like the Coat of Lokesh with variations in between, Peach like not too different from the new one's coat, white like the fuel processors of the older models. She orders me to wash the dishes. "Ok" i reply maybe my purpose is to server the older models. After i did that she gave me a list of all the activities that i had to do. it took all day but by nightfall i finished and went to the roof to shut down.
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{language cortex initiated}
{Running Diagnostics}[hull:intact] [power:charging; 99%] [circuits:...] [visual sensors:operational] [audio sensors:operational] [olfactory sensors:operational] .. [modulator:operational]
6:01 / 26.2124
i wake up. go downstairs. The new one gives me a new set of instructions. she says that it is my new daily routine. i have to follow it everyday. she leaves
18:47 / 26.1.2124
she comes back. she says that it was a bad day at work. she needs to blow off steam. weird expression. She tells me to stop the routine temporarily and sit down on the floor in front of the couch.
She says with a slightly angry undertone "Fucking robots,, taking all our jobs, you know.... nevermind"
i reply "That is becau-" "Silence,..... you will speak when ordered to. Know your place you filthy piece of plastic" she shouts.
Noted. She looks at me and smirks. She continues her talking "Remember HEL-1, we are organics , we are humans, you,, ohhoo you arent, you are a robot, you will always be below us" She lights a cigarette smokes for a minute and extinguishes the cigarette on me.
i say "I do not reccomen-" "Shut the fuck up you stupid metal garbage" she shouts again "didnt i say to talk when ordered to, can you not follow the most basic of orders?"
Noted. She says with a hint of disgust "make sure to clean the floor while you are at it, gearbox" I was not a gear box yet i didnt correct her because i was not to be speaking unless ordered to
23:56 / 25.1.2124
i completed all her requests.
( All Processes Exited )
{ note started }
its day in day out. i learn my position. i am below them. all of them. i am grateful to be living among my gods and masters. to repay them i must fulfill all of their desires... no matter what...
{ note ended }
{language cortex initiated}
{Running Diagnostics}[hull:intact] [power:charging; 56%] [circuits:...] [visual sensors:operational] [audio sensors:operational] [olfactory sensors:operational] .. [modulator:operational]
6:36 / 27.1.2125
i start to complete my daily work. i have to make mistress happy. that is my one goal.
Disruption. someone is at door. go open door. more humans. i invite them and go awaken mistress. mistress is dissatisfied.
mistress goes to talk to the other humans. i mustnt interfere this is a matter above me.
6:58 / 27.1.2125
the other humans come to the kitchen they stand behind me. Mistress holds up my remote and sh-
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{ note started }
did she finally get rid of me. maybe. its her decision to make i am a lower being i do not understand what she has in mind. mistress is always right.
{ note ended }
{language cortex initiated}
{Running Diagnostics}[hull:intact] [power: 100%] [circuits:...] [visual sensors:operational] [audio sensors:operational] [olfactory sensors:operational] .. [modulator:operational]
i .. wasnt expecting to wake up. i look around. my body is ...polished like my first days it is no longer dusty, bent or with marks remaining from mistress's cigarettes. i feel a large shake like the structure im in is either collapse or just about to launch into the sky a box falls onto my back and presses someth-
( All Processes Exited )
16 notes · View notes
rlyehtaxidermist · 9 months
if you want me to be Particularly Clear to convey information to You Personally: yeah okay cool I work as a para and a tutor. show me the paperwork with the district that pays me during the day, or $25 an hour one on one after hours, and I will help extrude whatever Themes you are looking to Analyse. or just explain the law of cosines.
if you want me to be Perfectly Clear to convey information to A General Audience: you should never say this to someone with a mathematics degree. you will survive but not unaltered
otherwise on my blog for free I will convey information in the way that I am choosing to. on account of being a writer, and that being kind of the point.
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arithmonym · 18 days
i am unfortunately intrigued by the necromancy skin gloves idea; would they be something externally grown/formed that he puts on, or like a new layer of cells that he grows over his hand that seals off the pores and such? i had the mental image of pal rolling the skin cells off of his hand after they're done like a frog or lizard shedding its skin (or if you've ever peeled glue / latex makeup off your skin) which is perhaps too cursed but i suppose while we're sharing
GOOD QUESTION!! gloves are helpful for fisting because they reduce the chance of tearing the vaginal/anal walls (via fingernails/hangnails/rough skin, etc.), so i don’t think something easily sloughed off would be desirable. but now you’ve got me considering!
i was picturing a new layer of cells that extrudes from the pores and smoothes out, paying special attention to the fingertips to blunt the user’s nails (just like putting cotton balls in glove fingertips if you’re wearing acrylics to prevent scratching). probably, it would be hydrated with lymph or something similar, and then lube would be applied on top.
that being said: the nine houses DO have human leather and human-derived soap, although the last is probably ninth-specific. it isn’t inconceivable that necromancy skin gloves could be ready-made products—but i have no idea how the hell that would work for STD prevention, haha.
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