#i always draw humanoid bird characters
houlen-yabusame · 9 months
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mossypidder · 10 months
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I have more reasons but I don’t have the energy to write them right now.
But yeah, I’ve been thinking about what I’d be if I were in Faas and Enya’s universe and I thought I’d be a changeling as well for a while for many reasons, but upon further consideration I think I was wrong. So here’s the first concept art for a my avian persona.
As for the songs (which was one of the main influences on why I started thinking about avians because I realized that over the last six months the majority of songs I’ve been obsessed with have bird centric undertones at the very least) you can find them here
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burnin0akleaves · 4 months
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Here's the draw six fanarts meme I decided to participate in 4 years late
In true burnin0akleaves spirit I didn't ask anyone for requests and just went ahead with all of the characters that have been the most impactful/important to me, so there is a high chance you've seen me draw these guys before.
By the way, unlike the rest of the blorbos here Siyra is an original character and belongs to @nineteen-rats!
Close-ups and rambles under the cut because it's my blog
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Ohh the Dark Urge. My latest obsession. I love his design so much, I'm a slut for white/red color schemes, but I feel like it's a double edged sword that takes you out of the horrors he's commiting at the same time?
Durge is supposed to be murder incarnate, someone that does every fucked up thing related to death imaginable; but when you see a giant lizard eating babies or humping corpses, it dulls the effect a bit since you automatically view it as an animalistic act. Dragonborns are obviously a fully sentient humanoid race in-universe; but when the violence you're seeing is already toeing the line between horrifying and hilarious, seeing a scalie doing it just pushes it over the line. I still think it works really well most of the time and I'm very glad that this is the default durge we get! It's just funny to me that when you choose to play as the giant lizard, the dark and disgusting horror story turns into the hilariously edgy bloodfest.
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Reminding everyone again that Siyra belongs to @nineteen-rats! I love this man so so so much. I am the Siyra fandom. I am the number one Siyra fanartist. He did nothing wrong and I will defend his every decision. I also hope terrible horrors befall him and that his actions keep him awake for the rest of his life. Pookie bear xoxo
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He is on my mind, always. I don't talk about him as much but he's probably still the fictional character who had the most impact on me as a person.
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I got into patrochilles and the Illiad in general thanks to "The Song of Achilles". It was one of the first queer books I got to have in real life and the prose captivated me instantly, I still have it on my shelf. After reading the Illiad itself however, I hate that book so much. I'm sorry it's genuinely beautiful and I get why people like it but I can never forgive that horrible Patroclus characterization after seeing what he was originally like. Achilles too for that matter.
Hades swooped me up into its arms like I was a sick baby bird and nursed me back to health with its portrayal of the two though and for that I am forever grateful. I can't wait for Hades 2, death to Chronos.
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God Half-Life is such an important series for me. My dad would let me play through a few levels since I was a child, he grew up with the games, but I REALLY played through the entire series one summer shortly before dad moved out. He was there watching me play most of it and getting to enjoy someone actually translate the game's dialogue for him for the first time.
Gordon may not speak once but I like the hints of his personality we get throughout the games, most importantly from the way Alyx talks to/about him. I have my own characterization of him obviously but I do really think you can get a good understanding of the kind of man he is meant to be in-universe just by paying attention to his surroundings. Also another reason the games were so immersive for me is that I'm just as in love with Alyx as Gordon is. I must have let her get hit only once or twice the entire time just out of how protective I was over her. I'd topple the entire Combine empire just for her hand in marriage. I rewatched the ending of Half Life Alyx recently and cried.
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I read the entirety of LOTR in one week in 11th grade, carrying that damn brick of a book everyday to school and back. I'm so glad I did honestly. Frodo and Sam are my important little guys and I find myself going back to them when I need something to calm me down in a way no other series except LOTR can. I've read most of Tolkien's work at this point, but nothing captivated me like those two little hobbits. Everytime I read a bad take about their relationship I sketch them making out.
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People liked seeing my drawing process before so here's the original sketch and the little notes I wrote to myself trying to set the mood. I followed like half of them.
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leapdayowo · 10 days
Meihua design exploration
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I used a class assignment as an opportunity to explore designs for my oc Meihua (formerly called Lovis). The final pose wasn’t as compelling as I would have wanted, but I was on a time crunch :P Also I really like Meihua so there will be more drawings/paintings of them in the future :3
Here’s the inspiration board I put together:
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for those interested, here’s some thoughts on the process of getting to this design:
here was the design I had before this assignment for context
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I loosely had been inspired by aoqun hanfu and bijia and going into the assignment I knew I wanted to look more into these garments and styles.
Meihua’s lore is that they were once part of a sentient flame that ate away at a mountain/forest, but one day the flame got cut off from the rest and slowly burnt down to a charred plum blossom log. This log came to life due to these flames and Meihua came into existence in a new form. The magical fire still burns within them, but not nearly as hot and strong (embers/hot coals) and so Meihua is always seeking warmth while trying to avoid burning up or their internal flame being snuffed out. I wanted their body to be humanoid but not perfectly human-like since they were once a tree. That’s why the aoqun sleeves are fitting because they are wide enough to accommodate the irregular shaped limbs. I also imagine that Meiji was taken in by a husband of a wealthy merchant who had a collection of clothes for Meiji to choose from
One thing I realized was that when logs char they crack in a way that resembled how bird feathers were drawn in Chinese artworks and could also look like horns, so I played around with that idea. The tail was not a planned addition, but I really liked the tail designs on creatures in Chinese art so I felt joy when adding it and felt that was reason enough to include that feature. Another thing I noted were the demon eyes. They are very striking and when drawing them they walk a fine line between spooky/uncanny and cute which I found very fitting for Meihua since they are not really a being that should exist but does (and they are not a malicious being).
As I keep working on their design, I think I want to get back to a bit more friendly look while not completely getting rid of their uncanny/spookiness. I also liked idea of them wearing a hat and fur trim to stay warm (reaffirm that they are almost always cold). As much as I like the horns in the final design, I think they need to be shorter because as they are they make Meihua look older and more wise, which is something fitting for the end of their character arc not the start
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 1 year
Personal QSMP design hcs and interpretations (PART 1)
1. q!Quackity
ducktaur. predominantly golden yellow feathers and bright orange duck legs
partial heterochromia (dark brown with bits of bluish-grey)
his wear is different depending on which language he is maining at the moment
Eng!Q has an eyebrow scar, calloused hands, and some browning feathers. Wears religious jewelry and warm-colored clothes.
ESP!Q has ear piercings and blue-dyed feathers. Always has a clip-on tie and cool colored clothes.
Post-Tilin death, he either has their ribbon as a necktie (ESP) or belt (ENG)
has a pin of the QSMP logo always on his person
Brushes his feathers before teaching class
2. q!Jaiden
she is the cartoon character reflected by the mc skin, though is nonetheless perceived as human
she magical girl transforms into the vtuber fit whenever she wants to. Most of the time, it's to fight or to protect Bobby
she transforms using a magical brooch that resembles the emblem on her vtuber fit. she can add stuff on the brooch to alter her transformed appearance (like changing the bird wings to butterfly ones, or having a shiny rainbow mode)
she made a smaller, less powerful replica of her brooch for Bobby so he can get into armor much faster
she "draws" things out of her inventory with her fingers in the air (think the spellcasting of the witches in The Owl House, but with different symbols)
When Bobby died, her transformed look takes on a more dark and brooding appearance
3. q!Roier
he's not a spider hybrid but like, an actual Spiderman—literally got bit by a radioactive spider and everything
alternates between his superhero suit and a civilian fit. like jaiden, he transforms between fits superhero style
can fire webs from his hands, has slight spider sense, and also venomous saliva (so i beg of you, do not get head from this man)
wears natural makeup bc he likes to. he darkens it a little when he feels particularly vengeful (this is canon but yk)
the spiderman traits also apply to Melissa, whose dyed lingerie is literally weaved from spider webs
Post-Bobby death, he wears more blacks (both in civilian and superhero fits) and a lot more eyeliner
4. q!Bad
humanoid looking demon. resembles a void-like shadow in extreme emotional states
distinctly has a glowing halo. it has long horns growing out of it + a shadowy demon tail
has his mc skin's hoodie but sleeveless. collared shirts of any color is usually under that + beige khakis, white socks and various sneakers!
His hoodie has a small embroidered symbol of the Order Theoritas, hidden near the collar of the hood
his hair is long and usually tied loosely. wears glasses as well
sharp canines make him look a bit catty
his reaper get-up is well-sewn cursed cloth. wearing the fit makes his halo and tail larger, darker, and more shadowy
there's a block of diamond + an image of skeppy always on his person
He lets Dapper wear the ghost chat bell as a tail accessory
5. q!Spreen
werebear. He turns into a human during sunny daytimes, and is otherwise an anthromorphic bear-man.
black bear, like the mc skin
fashion sense however matches the CC; generally street-looking even with the bulk of armor
canines and claws glow when he's fighting someone in bear mode. he grows them out fighting during his human state
smells like cigarettes
6. q!Slime
a player equivalent to minecraft slime
prefers taking on a humanoid appearance, and has taken it long enough to master recolorization of said state. feels uncomfortable taking any other form as well
experiences pain when shifting (i mean that's also canon but yk)
behaves like a magma cube in extreme negative emotional states. will resemble one if you piss him off enough
he has no actual clothes, he shapeshifts the appearance of clothing. (q!Mariana has noticed, and he doesn't like to think too hard about it) his most external layer is armor and glasses.
he and q!Mariana have each a piece of Juanaflippa's shell on their person
7. q!Cellbit
human. well, not completely according to genetics but is more or less perceived as one.
The CC but wearing the blockman-cubito's fits
wears eyeliner to hide the eyebags. This doesnt work and only makes his eyes more expressive
a shadow looms the upper half of his face whenever he's being super weird and mysterious. It darkens when he's consciously about to do something really bad in a dramatic anime way; this is much more emphasized if he puts on his goggles
he paints his nails and the paint always trails. these glow sailor moon style when he comes into contact with the blood of any living creature
has a caffeine addiction
The chainsaw scars are deep enough that Cellbit doesn't like looking at himself when changing; he forces it though to remember why he's doing anything at all
Taught Richas how to draw the symbol for the Ordo Theoritas. He also has the symbol pressed into the leather of his gloves
8. q!Wilbur
humanoid man of unidentified species. perceived as human.
really is human looking, minus the pointy ears and prismatic irises
wears clear glasses. yellow sweater + sleeveless brown longcoat + grey jeans + black boots
has a black scarf and red beanie both made of wool and embroidered with gold threaded flowers.
always has a guitar on his person. since tallulah entered his life, he's let her put stickers and draw all over it.
They jam together when they can
may or may not have an enchanted singing voice
part 2
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
I dunno why but people sticking digitigrade feet on humanoid characters always makes me a lil uncomfortable, they always look real unbalanced, like they could topple over, bird feet I seen work (as long as the character is a squished bastard), but digitigrade feet look off?
I dunno much about autonomy and you seem to know more so I wanted to ask, would digitigrade feet work on a humanoid character (aka similar skeleton and proportions)?
Dunno anon, I'm an evo/genetics major so my knowledge on anatomy is less about how it works and more about why it exists in the first place. Also, I'm a furry/monsterfucker, so I'm not really sure what you mean exactly about a humanoid character, since the definition can vary wildly. But I can show you how I think of it and why I think it works just fine on nonhumanoid characters, featuring rough sketches of my fursona, if that helps
(I also stalked around my apartment on my tip-toes to see what way of holding myself was the most balanced and comfortable, which helped)
First off, the legs have to be bowed correctly for there to be a semblance of balance; where the foot touches the ground needs to be roughly in line with where the hips are for them to support the weight of the body. Drawing a leg like a human's with just digitigrade feet won't work, because then it's just a long skinny stick with no equal amount of leg on either side of the lateral line from hip to foot
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Second, you gotta consider the feet. Human feet are pathetic and useless for this style of walking, with their lack of a defined pad, no claws, and their skinny long toes from an ancestry of climbing trees. The foot of a digitigrade animal should have either shorter, wider toes with large toepads and claws for grip, or it should be a hoof, which is excellent for evenly spreading weight. Human feet just don't have enough surface area to make for a stable step without it (and this is also why fursuits tend to have such big paws)
Third, you have to consider an essential aspect of walking with digitigrade legs, and that's body position + augmentations. I'm talking about tails here
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These are really shitty sketches, but notice how there's a line from shoulder to hip to foot in the standing sketch, and how there's an even distribution of weight on each side, with the head balanced by the tail. Tails are pretty damn essential tools when it comes to balance, which is why digitigrade creatures without them can look quite awkward. In the second sketch of me walking, it does look way more unbalanced, but hunching forward helps quite a bit because it puts your center of balance closer to the ground and gives you a chunk of forward momentum that you can work with, not against. To stop, all you have to do is straighten back up. And, of course, there's that tail hard at work again, offering a counterbalance and swaying with your movements to help keep you going. Standing without one would be a hell of a lot harder, and is the main reason why I give Hollow (who has big horns, a forward hunch, and canonically no tail) big ol' raptor claws, as those talons would be doing the work a tail could not
Does that make any sense? I have no idea how a skeleton would work here or if these are even close to your definition of humanoid proportions, but this is what makes sense to me
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muzzleroars · 1 year
Yo :3
So uh, I’ve been looking through your art and I am absolutely in love with it. I love your use of colors and lineart (ESPECIALLY v1 but I’ll get to them). This will mostly just be me rambling about it cause :]
Dude how the fuck do you get emotion so well done. V1 is immaculate, like look at this shit
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You can feel that it’s alien to non robots, but is genuinely curious. I absolutely love how you draw poses. Especially since the characters don’t have faces, body language is key. They feel like they have a personality with each drawing. Always hunched down and extended with no regards to social norms. The attention to detail is what really makes it, the thicker outlines on the character make them pop more, and your take on V1 is clearly thought out well, along with your ultrakill characters.
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While my favorite is v1, Micheal in your aus is especially well written and drawn. His design reminds me a lot of the corpse of king Minos / Minos prime. which I like! It highlights their contrast, how Minos tried to reason with a higher being on an equal level. Micheal acted instead, deeming himself unworthy of said higher being. Both genuinely cared for their citizens, both were royalty. Minos spoke out, Micheal stayed isolated, which only further deteriorated him, unlike Minos, who instead was proactive, reaching out to other layers and kings like Sisyphus. Sometimes you need to know what it’s like to feel consequence in order to succeed. But in the end, both of their bodies are left to rot, unable to succeed.
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Also I really like this one of v1. Their silhouette is distinctive and you’re good at posing :3
Sry. Idk if this is weird or creepy, but I thought I’d share my thoughts with you since I like analyzing stuff.
THE WAY THIS MADE ME SO EMOTIONAL THO....WTF THANK YOU SO MUCH......it's absolutely mind-blowing to me that you pay attention to these little details because i absolutely try to add all of these things intentionally, but i find myself thinking like 'will anyone even care??? about these tiny things???' so it means more than i can say to see that someone does!!!!! like i'm so happy to know that my characterization of v1 comes through, because i really do have a very clear idea in my mind of its behavior and personality that i'm trying to convey through still images. v1's movements are bird/raptor-like and while i give it a very sophisticated, sentient mind, its intelligence is nonhuman and it is a being that absolutely doesn't conform to our standards. v1 is something new, and i want it to be something that clearly has an internal life and a bright mind, yet exhibits very little corresponding human behaviors. plus, it's a bit odd because of its somewhat corrupted software, and so i wanted too for its little hunched posture to show it's sort of a machine gone feral (in the traditional, once was domesticated but is now on its own sense lol) - it was made with a humanoid body shape and so SHOULD stand up straight, but it doesn't anymore. because it doesn't want to. and so!!! i really do draw v1 with a LOT of intention and i put plenty of thought into posing it correctly to both convey its character and its emotion in the piece...and since it's my favorite, i'm so glad i'm doing it justice!!
AND YEA!!! michael definitely has parallels to minos (which i started to think on when i realized their head shape is....kinda similar lol i swear i was just going for crown + blindfold for mike's helmet but oops!!) and i do like their throughlines as fallen rulers, plus their sort of opposing yet ultimately disastrous relationships to their own corpse - minos is separated from his and must watch as it mindlessly tears his city apart while michael is trapped in a flesh prison of his own body, forced to stay within it as it rots away. they are two rulers that would have done anything for their people, and yet both failed them despite again taking opposite paths. minos really had no hope, the external forces of heaven coming down on him in their full authority, though he will forever blame himself. michael departed despite, with god's disappearance, being essentially the highest in heaven - he believed only god could save them though, that he could never become a king from a prince (again, due to heaven's own hierarchy). their meeting would be nothing but utter disaster, but it does make me consider their interactions a little more closely when michael decides to test minos prime's strength (because while michael would have a lot to say about how minos failed his people by defying god, minos would have much to say in turn about a prince abandoning his people at their weakest)
BUT FOR REAL....this message was so amazingly kind and i want to thank you again for sending it my way. it just made me!!!! feel so happy to see that my art is loved and that the work i put into it really means something. honestly it's the best thing i could ask for <3
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spaceraceart · 2 years
Hiii Space!!
I love love love your planet personifications and I was wondering what the lore surrounding moons and other celestial objects (asteroids, comets, etc) is in your Milky Way fandom?? And also also are you comfortable with people making fan characters/oc’s for your Milky Way fandom creation?? (These two questions do actually go hand in hand, I promise haha!!)
- your most cringefail selfshipping follower, Ezra <3
i've actually designed a lot of other objects, include moons, stars, nebulas, etc. i thinnnnk the current count is around 55 characters.
now moons are pretty diverse. the main thing that classifies them as "moons" is just the fact that they orbit a planet (or a dwarf planet or even an asteroid). bc of this, my moon characters as just as diverse. all of the major ones are humanoids (titan, luna, ganymede, europa, etc.) while most of the smaller ones are personified as animals that the planet associates with (mars has two dogs, jupiter has birds, saturn has reptiles, uranus has rodents/bunnies, neptune has fish/amphibians, and pluto has cats). there are a few exceptions tho (like jupiter's inner 4 moons are very small in size, but are personified as little girls). don't have too many good drawings of them, but here's titan, luna, and ganymede!
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the relationship a moon will have with their planet also varies. for jupiter moons, its more familial. for earth and luna, they're very close friends. for saturn moons, the relationship is a little more professional. etc. etc.
as for asteroids, they kinda follow similar rules to moons on if they're a humanoid, and smaller asteroids will be animals or monsters. they kinda just vibe in the solar system lmao. the asteroid belt is led by ceres, the "queen of the asteroid belt". she has a big rivalry with jupiter, who tends to bully her asteroids lmao.
comets are similar again. however i kinda always picture them as shitty lil dardevils who swing by the sun just to hurl insults at him hheheheh. living life on the edge.
god i realized ive written so much and i havent even gotten to stars or nebulas yet adghjgasdh uhhhhhhhh
stars are very fun. they all kinda look like sol but with different colors depending on what kind of light they give off (more red, more blue, etc). theyre kinda the "main" population in the universe and are all weird lil guys. in contrast to planets, the follow pretty strict life cycles, turning into red giants when they get old and exploding, with their corpse then turning into a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole. i tend to picture planets as the most "human" of the personifications, so stars can be kinda weird and a lil more eldritch.
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i'll leave nebulas for later lmao, but thats the basic stuff with my little space ocs!
if you do want to make ocs in my little world (been thinking of naming it something like "geocentric" since earth is the main character lmao), go ahead, have fun! just make sure to link back to me. but of course, the milky way fandom is fairly big with a lot of folks making their own interpretations of the planets, so if ya instead wanna make your own thing outside of my oc world, go nuts!
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princesssarisa · 2 years
the 7-questions-ask: Mickey Mouse
Three facts about them from my personal headcanons:
*No matter how old he gets, he'll always go trick-or-treating on Halloween, and always write a letter to Santa before Christmas.
*His performance as Bob Cratchit in Mickey's Christmas Carol inspired Kermit the Frog to play the same role in The Muppet Christmas Carol. Otherwise, as the leader of the Muppets, Kermit would have felt obligated to play Scrooge, even though he wasn't really suited to the part; but Mickey made him realize he could play Bob, and he gave a speech thanking Mickey for the inspiration at the party following the movie's premiere.
*Every now and then, he stops by Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale to visit not only Walt Disney's grave, but the graves of his second and third voice actors, Jimmy MacDonald and Wayne Allwine (and of Wayne's wife Russi Taylor, longtime voice of Minnie). He makes special arrangements to visit after-hours, so he won't be hounded by fans and so his presence won't detract from the serene, solemn atmosphere for other visitors.
A reason they suck:
His treatment of the farm animals in Steamboat Willie, especially when he shakes and kicks the nursing piglets from their mother and then pokes the mother pig's teats to make her "sing."
A reason they are great:
His friendliness and warmth in general.
A reason I relate to them:
I also love entertainment and fun.
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character:
Mickey and Minnie forever!
Five things that never happened to the character that I believe should have happened:
An official origin cartoon revealing how he met Minnie, Donald, and Goofy, and how he adopted Pluto.
An onscreen appearance by his sister Felicity Fieldmouse, the mother of his nephews Morty and Ferdie, who so far has only appeared in comics.
A cartoon adaptation of The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was – a spookier spiritual successor to his version of The Brave Little Tailor.
An animated cartoon based on the 1990 drawing that shows him consoling Kermit the Frog after Jim Henson's death. I can imagine him telling Kermit all about how he coped with the loss of Walt Disney back in 1966.
A cartoon supposedly showing the making of Steamboat Willie, depicting all the cartoon characters as actors, and making it clear that the farm animals Mickey and Minnie mistreat in that classic short were just fellow actors and not really hurt.
Five people that character never fell in love with and why.
Daisy Duck. She's too hot-tempered and too feathery for his taste.
Clarabelle Cow. She's too tall for his taste.
Clara Cluck. Again, he's not into birds.
Snow White. He would probably see her as more of a sister figure, and besides, she's human.
Jessica Rabbit. She's married, she's humanoid, and in terms of aesthetics, he prefers "cute" to "sexy."
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sablesalem668 · 5 months
How-goes-its? This would make log #5 if I'm correct, I'm tired of going back and forth just to un-remember everything lol.
Some new stuff happening, the first log including sable with all of her abilities is being downgraded into something more believable to a wider audience, or less overpowered (Mary Sue?). I only had her like that because it was to match the other characters made by my friends, but we are no longer friends anymore. But instead of losing sable to that era of my life, she's grown on me rather a lot, so I've decided to keep going with her lol.
On a note continuing with sable, I'm currently mentally mapping out a storyline that I hope to actually become a book one day (Part of the reason I'm downgrading sable). The only abilities sable has now are shapeshifting, teleportation, and I'm still debating on the levitation bit (might include it but only under certain circumstances.).
I kinda really want her fire to be implemented into her design, and dgmw, fire is definitely gonna be a part of her story. But I was just absolutely enthralled with her "sentimental blaze" as I called it, it felt like a cool little way to express myself. But now I don't even know if I should, because idk if it would stir up anything ugly with re-using stuff from a past friendship. I came up with the idea for sentimental blaze, but it was a divergent from a different ability inspired by one of the friends. I don't know, I'll probably figure something out.
But enough about that, I've also been learning how to draw humans after- what, like forever of drawing? I've always only drawn animals, but surprisingly humans have been coming along pretty well. Not awfully great, but I've got the basics of muscular anatomy down from my time with animals. I'm not too great at hair, or faces like at all, but I'm o k a y at drawing bodies. I just kinda wish I were able to draw humanoids with bird legs, I need it for something development wise.
That's almost everything, I'll probably remember more tmr and edit the message, but today I did the first anima(tion?)tic since that split up I mentioned. And just in case this does become a book, nothing in this is canon, everything will be kept a secret (I like my secrets).
Im also in the progress of making human sable in a Lucario onesie (courtesy of the drawing on the right, I couldn't find the credit, but if I do I'll edit the message.) I haven't drawn the hands yet or color yet, but I'm getting to that lmao.
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Added a bird pic too, have a good day/night 💙
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insectoidvoid · 2 years
Attempting to put words to my otherheartedness
I've been thinking about the post regarding how difficult it is to explain what being otherhearted is like. And well, I guess I like a bit of a challenge. I'd also like to attempt to convey my experiences for the sake of anyone trying to figure out if they're otherhearted or not. While otherheartedness is broad and not everyone will experience it like me, I always think it's helpful to have people to compare notes with when questioning.
I'm going to focus on my spider hearttype for this post, for simplicity's sake. I might make another post about my fictional hearttype at a later date. I might not. Idk.
This is kinda long, so I'm putting it under a cut.
There are two main sentiments that I hold that led me to the label spiderhearted:
I feel a familial attachment to spiders
I feel I am a spider-themed person
On point 1:
I feel a maternal instinct towards spiders - something I notably thought I lacked entirely before I realized that the term could apply to other things besides human children. My brain registers basically every spider as my wonderful little child. I'm proud of them for being their spidery selves. I love them so much. Just looking at them brings me joy and comfort.
There is some nuance to this attachment because I feel it while also still seeing and appreciating them as a part of nature. So, it's not upsetting to me to see a tarantula hawk doing its thing or a bird hunting a spider or whatever. That's part of the spider's role in the ecosystem. It's important.
However, it is extremely upsetting to me when spiders are killed for no good reason by people. I don't even want to ever hear about it. It's also upsetting to hear people insulting them in general. I've blocked people just for calling them gross (and I'm not sorry about it).
On point 2:
This is definitely related to one of my kintypes (Widowmaker from Overwatch), but it plays into my otherheartedness in a big way as well.
You know how a lot of fictional characters have an animal as a motif, while still being human/humanoid themselves? I see myself as someone with a spider motif.
And I certainly enjoy presenting myself in this way. I like wearing spider-themed accessories and clothes. (Contrast this to the gear I have for my kintypes, where my aim is to literally look like that species or character instead. I don't have a shirt with a satyr on it, I have well-made costume horns and goat legs.)
And this applies online, too. My main handle is SpiderQueenPC. On sites I don't use as much, it's usually spidergoth.
I just really want people to associate me with spiders, basically. I'm spider-adjacent. That's part of my self-perception right alongside literally being certain species and characters.
On the surprise point 3 that I didn't list above because I don't consider it as crucial as the first 2:
I have some spidery traits. And by this, I mean a couple of things. The first one is pretty direct: I want to eat bugs. Not in the "I hate this animal so I want to eat it" internet comment way. (As I'm sure you can guess, I love bugs in general.) I just... don't see them as necessarily not-food the way most people do. Eating fried mealworms or whatever seems just as normal to me as eating a hamburger.
(Please don't derail this post by starting discourse about meat consumption in the notes. Please.)
The second one is metaphorical. I'm an illustrator. A professional one, now, but I've always drawn as a hobby. Throughout my entire life I have pursued this form of creativity out of what I can only describe as sheer instinct. I can point to inspirations for why I draw the way I do, but drawing in general? That's just innate to me, like eating and breathing. And I see spiders as a good metaphor for this. They, too, create out of instinct.
Otherheartedness is multi-faceted and a little odd and that's what's lovely about it. I'm not sure how much this admittedly somewhat rambly post really conveys the experience, but at least I can say I tried. I encourage other folks in the otherhearted community to give it a go too, if you want to. Thanks for reading.
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tuesday-teyz · 2 years
I finally managed to read the newst chapter!!!
Enderchest and Enderpearl my beloved, they didn't deserve that fate D: I almost bawled my eyes out-
Also, thx to br I binged read a whole lot of Royalty Aus and now I have questions asdfgjk
I'm like 90% sure there are hybrids and stuff like that it Br, but does that mean that magic also exist? Again, I read like 6 different royalty fics this week so everything got mixed up, send help.
Also, I'm curious on how much will Ranboo's memories coming back will affect the plot, I'm so exited waiting to see what will happen in the future!
But please take care of yourself first! <3 As always, your writing always manages to impress me, but feel free of taking all the time you need, I have seen people demand new chapters fast and as a fellow writer I know its no the best thing to happen, so please know that the piority is yourself!
There are actually no hybrids in BR! At least not by textbook definition. It's going to explained in detail in the fic, but basically speaking winged humans aka avians used to be a whole race of its own, on the same level as some mythical humanoid creatures. Confusion comes from the fact that they are called, well, avians. I just didn't see no point in trying to name them something different when inherently, they are the same.
At some point in history avians were every 5th citizen of Antarctic Empire, but now they are nearly extinct, and over the generations of mixing blood with humans, they've lost a lot of their ancestors' features. Tails are gone completely, hair replaced feathers, their vision is much less sharp and their necks are not nearly as flexible.
Most avians are not even born with wings, but can grow them at any point until the age of 16. Even then, their wingspan is much shorter than that of their ancestors and their instincts are severely dulled. Some are born with wingbones already under their skin, but limbs never actually break through and are not much different than spinal deformalities.
Eryn is pretty lucky not only to have strong avian blood, but have his wings grow relatively early. It gets much more painful with age and there are often cases of teenage avians dying newly fledged because people surrounding them don't know how to help. Even if they do survive, flight is not guaranteed. Wings may not form properly, there is nobody to teach them how, avians instincts can't overpower fear of height... There is a ton of factors affecting it.
A fully flying avian in the Empire is treated as one degree below of royalty. Because they are so rare and unique, avians are protected by the crown and the law. Any avian, regardless whether they have a biological family or not, is taken away to be raised by special facilities that are sort of like boarding schools except students they stay there permanently and have age groups as young as 3 years old. From there avians are often adopted into noble families. Nobles can name them heirs, or have them close companions to their own children. It's a great honor for a noble house to be raising an avian, especially if the type of avian matches the bird on their family crest.
Generally, avians live in luxury, but with very little freedom of their own. They are guarded constantly and treated like fragile pieces of glass. Scribes, secretaries, advisors and councelors, stewards - that they can be. But an avian wanting to become a blacksmith, a shipwright, a hunter, a baker or a physician will quickly have their dreams crushed. They are supposed to look beautiful and be admired and cherished and not do much of anything else.
To your next question, I wouldn't call it magic, not really. There are no spells or curses, stones with magic properties, anything of fantasy sorts is just innate abilities coming from the characters' ancestors. Which traits are inherited from non-human ancestors is also pretty much like drawing a lottery ticket. In Niki's admittedly large extended family there are some who have gills as well as lungs, whose skin is partially scaled and is sensitive to sunlight, who have webbed fingers or are blind. Niki's mermaid ancestory doesn't show itself much in anything else but the color of her hair and her ability to see clearly underwater.
If you are curious about which mythical creatures did or did not exist in BR, this is a non-full list:
•Freshwater mermaids (koi mermaids): went extinct because their natural habitat aka lakes dried out;
•Sirens, saltwater relatives of mermaids: the population of them was always small because of intense competition against other sea predators. Took a liking to the taste of human flesh and were exterminated for that;
•Dragons: were too big & not enough food to sustain them. Officially they are extinct but some believe that a few might have survived by having moved into the oceans and feeding on whales;
•Phoenixes: few descendants still live. They don't have healing properties of their ancestors and can sustain injuries, but won't truly die of anything but old age. In rare cases do grow wings, though mostly jusy have plumage along their faces, backs and limbs. If crushed, powder/dust of feathers have reviving properties that can make someone age slower and fix scarred tissue.
•Faerie courts, small tribes of werewolves & werefoxes, selkies and many more.
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Hey 👋, first off I ABSOLUTELY love anything winged humanoid related so you've got yourself another follower. I love it when people give deep thought to these kinds of things and when tails are acknowledged. Secondly I'd like to hear your thoughts on the Winged people species from a series called Maximum Ride?
I swear I had another ask about Maximum Ride somewhere, but i must have forgotten to tag it lol, I can't find it now.
Anyway, I'm very glad you're enjoying my posts! I've spent a lot of years thinking about and improving the way I draw wings and other general anatomy, so it always feels good when I see that my work is being enjoyed and helping someone else :)
As for Maximum Ride, oh boy hello childhood memories! ha! I read the first few books when I was like, in middle school I think? Never finished the series. It was getting too weird and my own quest to improve how I draw wings made me realize how vague and nonsensical the wing anatomy was in the Maximum Ride books. I think my suspension of belief was completely wrecked for good when one character successfully hid their wings under a leather biker jacket. The character descriptions were always so specific about the wingspans! It was a scifi series about humans with functional wings, made through genetic experimentation!
it should have been way more careful about the realism of the wings, but instead it gave us weird things like "oh yeah, a 13 foot wingspan can totally be hidden under a waist length fitted leather jacket. They can all walk into a McDonald's together with hardly a mention of how they hide their wings in public. This kind doctor lady doesn't even notice Max has wings until she's brought her all the way into the bathroom to look at a wound on her shoulder. This absolutely does not contradict with the fact that I keep bringing up their very specific personal wingspans and had an entire very detailed scene about how they learned to use their flight feathers more effectively by flying with wild birds."
Anyway, I don't recall any further explanations in the books about how they managed to hide their wings so easily, so either it wasn't there, was mentioned so vaguely/briefly that it was completely forgettable, or was retconned in with later books I didn't bother to read lol. I know there was like, a Maximum Ride movie, and I did see a trailer for it that showed their wings being Retractable?? They had bloody open gashes on their backs to fold their wings in and out. Honestly that is just So Much Worse than pretending they can just fold their wings really tight under their clothes.
lol hope you enjoy my little rant down memory lane there.
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thereminzone · 2 years
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I haven’t made illustrations in a while so in the meantime here’s some oc refs I’ve made!
[ID: two digital references for my characters, one for doc, and one for cyrille. Doc is designed to look like a humanoid leapoard seal. They are middle aged, with some wrinkles and long white hair. In one drawing they wear a labcoat, black collared shirt that is half untucked, an untied tie, grey pants, dark blue socks, and brown dress shoes. In the other, they wear a dark grey incomplete hazmat suit with the hood pulled down, white boots, and a face mask that has a piece that covers their neck. In both drawings they have one hand in their pocket and the other extended, showing it to be slightly distorted and bright white. A tect box is between the drawings that says: Doc, they/them, about 60. Design notes: hands are “warped” from long term magic use: slightly distorted and lack color. This efffect is spreading up their arms. Long hair, this is kept back in a loose braid. Designed after leapoard seals and silver tip sharks. Normal attire: feel free to draw their labcoat stained and such. Magic hazard gear: gear designed as PPE for dealing with magic (think like a hazmat suit or similar) that doc wears mostly incorrectly. Mask is comprised of two parts: a solid acrylic covering that shields their lower face, and a plastic sheet to protect their neck. Labcoat still worn over the gear, it’s the same labcoat. — the second image is cyrille’s reference: she is a slightly anthropomorphized secreatary bird, wearing a plague doctor mask designed to look like the beak and face pattern of a secretary bird, as well as a dark grey long coat with belts on it and an extra piece that covers her shoulders. She is very tall and thin. In one drawing she is facing directly forward with hands tucked behind her back. In another she is drawn from the waist up, facing the side and making an “aha!” gesture, with the feathers on the back of her head standing up. Text says: Cyrille, 55, she/her. Wears gloves and a mask at all times, very “holier than thou” energy, always very controlled and in perfect order. Text boxes in the middle of the image read “Keeps arms folded behind her back most of the time” and “feathers can move, use them to push more extreme emotion, since her face is covered. Otherwise, they lay flat.” End ID]
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demon-fries · 3 years
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Hello everyone! I've finally decided to open commissions!
A quick disclaimer,
Please do not expect the art to be done quickly, I have a somewhat tight work schedule so please be patient with me!
I have the right to decline your commission, if such thing happens you will not be expected to pay and if I had accepted it previously, you are more then welcome to ask for a sketch as compensation!
Please note that I will always turn down a commission if the character does not have an active reference or image I can access easily.
If the art is used in a public space, I will require some form of written credit.
More info under the cut!
Will Draw:
Animals (Realism Included)
Fan Art
Ship Art
Oc x Canon
Diverse Body Types (Non Fetish)
Fish-like Creatures (i.e. Sirens, Mermaids, Selkies)
Mythological Creatures
Domestic Romance (Kissing, Hugging, Cuddling)
Won't Draw:
NSFW (18+)
Offensive Imagery/Text/Symbols
Minor x Adult
Robots (FNaF Characters are okay, robotic prosthetics are fine too, just nothing like Transformers or Wall-E)
Discuss in DMs:
Suggestive Outfits (Bunny Suits, Lingerie)
Art of Real People (Not Ship)
I’m in/know about a large number of fandoms so it’s very likely I'll know what character you’re talking about (Regarding Oc x Canon or Fanart)
Note, all shading is an additional $5 USD as I find this part very time consuming
Discord Emojis:
Single Full Color - $0.50 USD
Five Full Color - $1.50 USD
Full Body Chibi:
Black and White - $1 USD
Full Color - $2 USD
Reaction Image/Meme Redraw:
Black and White - $3 USD
Full Color - $3.50 USD
Profile Image:
Sketch - $3 USD
Black and White - $6 USD
Full Color - $9 USD
Simple Color Background - +$0.50 USD
More Detailed Background - +$2 USD
Sketch - $5 USD
Black and White - $10 USD
Full Color - $15 USD
Simple Color Background - +$0.50 USD
Sketch - $10 USD
Black and White - $15 USD
Full Color - $20 USD
Simple Color Background - +$0.50 USD
Half Body:
Sketch - $15 USD
Black and White - $20 USD
Full Color - $25 USD
Simple Color Background - +$0.50 USD
Full Body:
Sketch - $25 USD
Black and White - $30 USD
Full Color - $35 USD
Simple Color Background - +$1 USD
Scene (More Then One Character Interacting):
Sketch - $30 USD
Black and White - $35 USD
Full Color - $40 USD
Full Background - +$5 USD
Regarding Additional Characters:
Every character you add the price will be plus the original. Up to three characters can be added
Examples of my work can be found here on Tumblr and on Instagram
Feel free to DM me and ask for more, as I don’t post everything online
Where to Contact Me:
@demon-fries​ on Tumblr
Thank you for reading and have a good day/night!
@father_the_chedder on Instagram
GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL#4525 on Discord
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Cloaks, 1: The humble cloak has a rich history in tabletop roleplaying games, D&D especially with it having its roots based on Lord of the Rings and medieval fantasy. A heavy dark cloak with a deep hood is perfect for instantly creating a mysterious stranger at the other end of a tavern, their face obscured by the deep cowl. A cloak is often a cornerstone of a PC’s appearance and enchanted ones even more so. The following is a collection of unique descriptions of cloaks for DM’s to give to their players as magical or mundane loot and for players to use during character creation to help flesh out their personal style.
A dark grey, military style shoulder cloak clasped by a silver brooch in the shape of a bridge of stone, lit by ruby flames. The back of the brooch bears an inscription that reads: “First in, last out.”
A tattered red cloak that patches itself up whenever the bearer sleeps in a graveyard.
Cloak of the Aardvark: A nondescript light brown cloak, which causes the bearer to develop a slightly longer tongue and a mild but persistent craving to eat ants.
A beautiful cloak whose tattered silk designs resembles the dusty wings of a moth in flight.
A sturdy leather cloak with a large number of interior pockets. Every day at noon, a random worthless object appears in one of the pockets. The item vanishes back to whence it came if not removed from the pocket within one hour. The items are never worth more than a few coppers, never quite useful and are always small enough to physical fit into the average pocket. After inspecting a few of the objects the cloak produces, the bearer experiences the nagging feeling that the cloak is just stealing junk out of other people’s pockets. ---Note: The items that appear are always at the GM’s discretion. I personally recommend making use of the many Worthless Trinket Tables from this blog to get ideas.
A cloak comprised completely of gleaming iridescent feathers. It is heavier and much more durable than a cloak of feathers has any right to be.
An iridescent blue cloak the color of the sea that appears to ebb and flow of its own accord.
A worn patchwork gleeman’s cloak. Each brightly colored square patch is unique and the cloak sports a dazzling array of combinations of colors, patterns, fabrics and symbols.
A well-made black cloak that is completely waterproof. But looks as if something is occasionally...writhing beneath the cloth. This is disconcerting to observers, but the bearer never sees it.
A Randomly Colored oilskin cloak with the phrase “Random Motto” stitched along the interior of the tip of the hood. With the hood pulled low, the bearer can feel the spirit of the motto press against their consciousness, attempting to guide his decisions. The influence is subtle and never forces the bearer to violate any firmly held beliefs.
—Keep reading for 90 more cloaks.
—Click Here for a complete list of every trinket table
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A dark grey, military style shoulder cloak clasped by a silver brooch in the shape of a bridge of stone, lit by ruby flames. The back of the brooch bears an inscription that reads: “First in, last out.”
A tattered red cloak that patches itself up whenever the bearer sleeps in a graveyard.
Cloak of the Aardvark: A nondescript light brown cloak, which causes the bearer to develop a slightly longer tongue and a mild but persistent craving to eat ants.
A beautiful cloak whose tattered silk designs resembles the dusty wings of a moth in flight.
A sturdy leather cloak with a large number of interior pockets. Every day at noon, a random worthless object appears in one of the pockets. The item vanishes back to whence it came if not removed from the pocket within one hour. The items are never worth more than a few coppers, never quite useful and are always small enough to physical fit into the average pocket. After inspecting a few of the objects the cloak produces, the bearer experiences the nagging feeling that the cloak is just stealing junk out of other people’s pockets. ---Note: The items that appear are always at the GM’s discretion. I personally recommend making use of the many Worthless Trinket Tables from this blog to get ideas.
A cloak comprised completely of gleaming iridescent feathers. It is heavier and much more durable than a cloak of feathers has any right to be.
An iridescent blue cloak the color of the sea that appears to ebb and flow of its own accord.
A worn patchwork gleeman’s cloak. Each brightly colored square patch is unique and the cloak sports a dazzling array of combinations of colors, patterns, fabrics and symbols.
A well-made black cloak that is completely waterproof. But looks as if something is occasionally...writhing beneath the cloth. This is disconcerting to observers, but the bearer never sees it.
A Randomly Colored oilskin cloak with the phrase “Random Motto” stitched along the interior of the tip of the hood. With the hood pulled low, the bearer can feel the spirit of the motto press against their consciousness, attempting to guide his decisions. The influence is subtle and never forces the bearer to violate any firmly held beliefs.
A luscious bison fur cloak with horn buttons. The style seems to be that of a backwoodsman bachelor who had more time and energy than actual skill.
A Randomly Colored cloak that always flaps gently, as if pushed by a slight breeze.
A tan leather cloak that writhes as though alive and screams when damaged.
A thick hide cloak lined with a strange blue fur. The fabric is cut to hang on the bearer in a traditionally Random Humanoid Race style.
A feathered cloak which changes its coloring to match whatever bird is closest.
A double lined cloak. One side it is a dull, dreary brown; the inner lining is black. The cowl is particularly capacious.
A full yellow cloak with large silver clasps and symbols of the divine aspect of Random Neutral Domain boldly presented in dark green.
A once-fine cloak, maroon colored with a gold trim, now somewhat torn and worn from age. Careful examination reveals a hidden pocket containing a signet ring with a gold wyvern crest.
A reversible cloak. The outside is black while the inside is a gaudy gold color. The wearer can flip the cloak from one side to the other in just a few seconds using both hands.
A leathery grey cloak made from stitched ghoul skin. This unholy garment is cold to touch and causes revulsion in living creatures that see it.
A dire bear pelt fashioned into a cloak fit for an ogre, bound by a large, crude pewter clasp.
A cloak of griffon feathers set on black velvet. The material is warm, wind resistant and lightweight, perfect for a griffon knight.
A voluminous cloak with a large hood that comes halfway down the bearer's face. The cloak’s exterior is completely waterproof and the wool inner lining is snug, warm and removable. The exterior of the cloak is covered in a whorled camouflage pattern of green’s, brown and blacks. The interior has several pocket of varying sizes making the cloak perfect for wilderness travelling and adventuring.  
A heavy cloak made from the fur of a polar bear. The material is ridiculously warm and will keep its bearer alive and moving despite frigid artic conditions.  
A black cloak embroidered with a web-like pattern in white silk
A brown robe covered with an embroidered pattern of dozens of open eyes. Creatures around the bearer always have the disturbing sensation that they’re being watched.
A blonde cloak woven from human hair, that weeps softly for an hour if blood is spilled in its vicinity. The hair is always clean, silky and shiny no matter what happens to it.
A reversible linen cloak that has an outer layer of fabric in a mottled black pattern and an inner layer of a bright Random Bright Color. Reversible cloaks are worn for the sake of fashion, in theatre performances, or to aid a quick appearance change as part of a disguise. This cloak in particular was most definitely used for the latter as knowledgeable PC’s will notice that the cloak’s clasp has the emblem of a notorious thieves’ guild worked into its design. A practiced bearer using both hands, can undo the clasp, flip the cloak and redo the as an action equivalent to drawing a weapon.
An audaciously red cloak that if worn around certain seedier districts in town might attract the attention of lonely individuals looking for a date for the evening. Their treat of course…
A brown and tan cloak that resembles a massive, flat slug with a bronze clasp covered in patina. When worn, slugs, snails and any creatures resembling them are non-hostile toward the wearer of the cloak until provoked.
A loose fitting bright yellow cloak cut in a feminine style. More than a dozen small silver bells are sewn into the fabric and twinkle with every step the bearer takes.
A ghostly, pale white translucent cloak, that billows on its own volition.
A white cloak whose golden accents glisten (even in darkness) whenever it billows. The mere sight of the cloak bring hope.
A black satin cloak decorated with golden stars.
A sky-blue velvet cloak decorated with vines and flowers along the edges in thick silver embroidery.
A perpetually damp, light grey cloak which always leaves a faint trail of mist in the bearer's wake.
A cloak woven from airy linen, with intricate silver patterns stitched along its edges. The cloak's clasp is an ancient medallion, which radiates a faint aura of wisdom.
A snowy white cloak of thick wool whose many folds hold an aura of purity and peace of mind.
A dirt-stained cloak that was woven in shadow from the burial shroud of a condemned murderer.
A dark hooded cloak, decorated with embroidered comets, moons, and stars along its edge.
A large bearskin cloak that is almost too big for a human to wear comfortably. When the bearer becomes angry, the hairs on the cloak bristle menacingly.
A garish, red velvet cloak, embroidered with gold-threaded patterns of masked harlequins engaged in acts of sinister revelry.
A fireproof cloak made of dragon wing skin, trimmed with Randomly Colored scales. It naturally flutters towards gold no matter the wind direction.
A purple cloak that seems sheer at times and opaque at others. It is soft to the touch and light as a feather.
A swirling multi shaded grey, shiny (Nigh-wet looking) leather cloak that looks more like wet granite.
A tattered and faded, black linen cloak. Although it has seen better days it is perfectly serviceable and instills the bearer with a deep sense of grim determination to keep pushing on despite the odds or costs.
A hooded dark blue cloak with silver edges and a line going down the middle in silver with motif of white flowers embroidered into it.
This cloak is fur-lined and clasped by a golden livery collar. The fabric of the cloak and appearance of the livery collar changes to bear the heraldic insignia and personal colors of the creature who wears it.
An ancient silk robe that shimmer with the twinkling light of a thousand stars.
A heavy cloak fashioned from the scales of a mighty sea dragon. The scales are skillfully joined together and the cloak can be drawn tightly around the body, creating a covering that is light, flexible, yet incredibly tough.
A cloak woven from the hair of innocents, dyed with the blood of sorcerers and imbued with the essence of a star stolen from the night’s sky.
A hard, waterproof sea cloak that resembles a large octopus. The baggy hood looks like an octopus mantle while the cloak itself simulates the rubbery webbing between an octopus’s tentacles and the corners have tentacle-like tassels.
A jute cloak that changes its appearance to match the current season. Its color is bright green in spring a darker green in summer, red and orange in fall, and brown and white in winter. If the material is not exposed to sunlight, the cloak gradually turns grey until it is refreshed by natural light. ---Note: In areas with other natural seasons such as flooding, drought of typhoons the cloak may change to new colors as per DM discretion.
A thick leather cloak, charred and blackened around the edges and always smells faintly of the soot of a recent fire.
A mottled green cloak with a pair of colorfully hemmed slits in its hood. Although impractical for most races, it is perfect for the long ears of the elves with fit comfortably into the slits.
A hooded cloak made of various patches of unidentifiable leather, all obviously from different types of creatures. The cloak fastens in the front with a belt like a bathrobe.
A checker patterned cloak of black and white that imparts the bearer with a deep yearning to play skill-based, board games.
A cloak of faded and patchwork design sporting heraldry of a great many nations and cities. It seems to give a comforting warmth to the bearer and the open road feels more like home with it on. After some time with it on, the bearer may notice a new patch on the cloak; A bloodstained piece of heraldry from the bearer's homeland.
A soft, fuzzy cloak with a buckle on each corner. It is pale brown with a green hill in the middle and a row of red stars above the hill.
Cloak of the Endless Sky: A long cloak fashioned of broad overlapping blue and white ribbons attached at the neck, but not affixed elsewhere. This construction allows access for wings or other appendages to operate freely.  The cloak is clasped with a silver cloud. Instead of ceilings, roofs, tree cover or other overhead objects, the bearer perceives open, clear, blue skies dotted with clouds on all surfaces above himself. The bearer can suppress this illusionary effect at will if needed but while active the bearer becomes immune to the effects of claustrophobia. This is greatly appreciated by bearers capable of natural flight who are often uncomfortable in the caves, crypts and dungeons that adventures so often find themselves in.
A noble's cloak made of high quality cloth, with gold and silver thread stitched into the hem.
A light, loose fitting burlap cloak, with a generous sized hood that can fit over even the largest of helmets.
A shimmering cloak that seems to be spun from pure quicksilver. Its form constantly ripples and flows around the bearer and light dances across its surface.
A rust-red cloak made of slick satin. Rips, tears and stains done to it are instantly mended when fresh blood is poured or prayed over the damaged area.
A draping black cloak that turns into a sparkling mantle of tiny, cascading stars when worn.
A full-cut black cloak that hangs to mid-boot. Cut to overlap on the chest and cover the bearer's arms, it has a high collar and a separate pullover hood. It is embroidered with a white upraised human palm in a circle on the right collar, a purple dragon on the left collar, and another on the center point of the hood (So that it is displayed to the rear when the hood is pulled back).
A white silk cloak embroidered with a large grey spider on the back and webs radiating across its surface.
A cloak of mysterious emergence, fashioned from multiple layers of fine silk. Along the hem is a row of glittering red scales, molted away by a dragon.
A voluminous, emerald-green cloak trimmed with an intricate design done in gold thread. Each of its two clasps is a golden disk engraved with the crest of a long-extinct noble family and set with a small emerald.
A cloak that resembles a tangle of thick, black cobwebs when not worn, but smooths into woven black cloak of coarse threads the moment it’s donned.
An ugly, poorly cured, leather cloak made of mottled leathers stitched together in scabrous, thick seamed patterns. Made from the skins of wild beasts and humanoids, killed by kobolds, it is sized for a small humanoid.
A heavy cloak of black silk and linen that seems to trap shadows in its interior, even during broad daylight. The bearer seems to be partially submerged in darkness in shadowy light or darker.
A cloak made of navy colored linen, as fine as silk but with a durable quality to it. It flutters in even the lightest wind and always billows when its wearer walks. In darkness, the cloak seems to disappear, though its wearer does not. It is embroidered with no patterns, but those who stare at it for long moments see smoky shapes moving in the weave.
A fine linen cloak in a drab olive grey color, with a creamy lining. A scene of a mockingbird singing in a garden is embroidered in black on the back of the cloak, so that the mocking bird faces it’s bearer's on the right panel. When worn, the wearer’s voice becomes more beautiful and resonant.
An inky black cloak that has no features, but its hue is so deep that it makes people looking at it feel slightly vertiginous, as if looking down a very deep hole.
A blue cloak embroidered in green thread with whorled patterns, not unlike a finger print.
A cloak of blue silks embroidered with stormy cloud shapes in black and white thread.
A small sized cloak of auburn fur is lined with black fey silk. A mithril cloak pin is sewn into the collar.
A cloak, made of silks in multihued primary colors that blend and shift as the light hits them, is so sheer that it is nearly translucent. When worn, it seems to flutter and curl with the direction of prevailing light, though wind doesn’t seem to affect it at all. The bearer is lined in prismatic, flattering colors, making him fascinating to watch.
A cloak made of peacock, crow, and swan feathers woven into which are preserved heads of each type of bird.
A deep pocketed cloak of many faded colors, sized for a halfling.
A beautiful hooded cloak of deep blue. When it moves around silver threads become apparent quickly sparking and then disappearing once more, resembling a clear night’s sky. It is also always cool to the touch, like a cool night’s breeze.
A full-length cloak made of woven hair dyed a vibrant red and has a clasp craved of bone, decorated with archaic runes.
A cloak that seems to change color when looked at from different angles. The leather splits into six strips at the shoulder, each having a different color metallic scale at the top with a corresponding chromatic scale at the bottom of the strip. The strips fan out behind the bearer, almost like tails.
A deep green cloak with a voluminous hood, embroidered with gold trim and symbols of cultural significance to the elves.
A cloak of dark leather and gold trim that occasionally shimmers with small sparks of blue energy across the shadowed lining.
A cloak made of a thick oilskin smock, with a button-on hood and fleece lining. The front of the smock has a covered pocket sewn into it and while it feels normal from the outside, the pocket is always pleasantly warm within
A grey cloak made of a textured fabric that allows the bearer to blend into the shadows with more conviction.
A sturdy black cloak with many pockets in various shapes and sizes on this inside. The elbows have been reinforced with oval cuts of black cloth and hood made of a slightly different material.
A cloak of dark leather and gold trim that seems to occasionally shimmer with small sparks of blue energy across the shadowed lining.
An ugly patchwork cloak that has dozens of little pockets sewn into the inside for carrying spell components or trinkets. When first found the various pockets contain one Worthless Trinket, a Random Sealed Glass Vial and a Random Trinket.
A silk cloak that roils with the colors of storm clouds, constantly shifting in shade and hue.
A long cloak made of rat fur, secured around the neck with a rat skull clasp. It's quite warm but also disgusting. It seems to wriggle and writhe of its own accord, and no matter how often it is washed, it reeks of... well... rat.
Cloak of Skin: A cloak made of made of treated human skin. When worn by a creature the cloak transmutes itself over the course of a few hours into looking as it was made out of the bearer’s skin.
A tattered Randomly Colored cloak that seems to constantly have parts of it blinking in and out of existence.
A long multicolored cloak made of crests and insignia’s cut from the cloaks, tabards and lance standards of dozens of dead knights and men-at-arms all sewn together like a quilt.
A cloak with a linen hood simply decorated with the colors of the forest and designed to cast a dramatic shadow upon the wearer’s face, obscuring identifiable features.
A gaudy short red matador’s cape with gilded edges and intricate stitching.
Whispersilk Cloak, Damaged: A mottled black cloak that constantly whispers incomprehensible gibberish when worn. Normally a cloak of this type muffles it's bearer's movement, however this one does not reduce the sound of the bearer's movement in the slightest, in fact the whispering is noticeably distracting. The cloak could probably be repair by a skilled artificer or mage with a knowledge of magical items.
A black, hooded cloak that looks mundane in every single way when the hood is down. When the hood is up observers can only see the bearer’s eyes which are surrounded by a black, star-filled void.
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