#i also take pokemon requests in general
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aisereththeprince · 6 months ago
If you are still taking requests, please could you draw Colress standing on klinklang and riding it round like a mode of transport?
I still am taking requests, yes!
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I just realised you said "stand" instead of "sit", which probably would’ve been goofier/funnier lol, sorry abt that- at least he’s slaying?
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heracronite · 2 years ago
I think I'm going to try and draw all ponies and pokemon. I think it would be a fun challenge! I'll try doing what @/goatpaste did and redesign the ponies, at least! For pokemon, I might tweak their designs a bit, but most likely nothing major. I need to make excel sheets or smth for all of them so I can easily keep up with everything.
I'll do it over time when I get bored or when I feel like it rather than try to burn through them all at once.
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shiny-kaibernyte · 5 months ago
Hey idk if you write for Grusha, but I really like the way you write! Could I ask for some relationship headcanons for Grusha with a Galarian s/o (who confessed to Grusha in true Galarian fashion, giving him an Applin.)? Its okay if not though :>
Are you kidding me! I love this so much! I have been WAITING for someone to request Grusha, so i thank you for this adorable request! To add an extra little bit of cuteness i am giving you a shiny Applin because he deserves it! I also sprinkled in some general head cannons in there.
No Warnings just fluff
Grusha Relationship Headcannons | Galarian Reader
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Let’s get the Applin thing out the way first: When you presented the Applin to him, he was EXTREMELY confused, why are you giving him a grass/dragon Pokemon? But when he sees your flushed face looking away from him with your arms extended out to him with the little green Applin - The gears start turning.
Then it clicks, you are confessing to him! Finally remembering you are from Galar and not Paldea dude turns bright red. He’d read up on some of the Galarian customs to make you feel more at home in this new region and he did find out about the Applin confession. Though usually the Applin was red. Did you find a shiny one just for him?
This man is speechless, he literally cannot utter a word over his own shaking breath, But he will take the Applin once he’s back down on earth again. And he is not letting the lil guy go.
He is cold all of the time. Even when away from his gym, he is cold. It could be the middle of summer on a beach and he’s there in a winter coat, fuzzy hat and gloves. And yes, he has bought you both matching scarfs, even if you don’t wear it, if you just have it that's enough for him.
Speaking of matching scarfs, you also have matching gloves, hats, warmers, anything. For some reason he just loves matching with you. That reason? Because I said so. That being said he’s also an opposite kinda guy too. If he’s wearing white, you’re in black and vice versa. Essentially its: Colours = Matching, Shades = Opposites.
Will not take you snowboarding unless you practically beg him to take you, or you already did snowboarding or any other winter sports before meeting him. You getting hurt is the last thing he ever wants to happen, so expect him to dot on you alot.
Grusha worries about you ALL OF THE TIME. If you are not in the same room as him, he worries. He is by no means possessive of you, he just cares so much about you that he tends to come off as clingy.
PDA is a no to him. He does not like being touched in public, he can’t explain it, he will rub your arms if you get too cold or give you his scarf though so don’t worry about any cute form of affection like that. 
In private though, kisses, hugs, cuddles, dancing, laughing you name it. Privacy is his thing.
Speaking on privacy, your relationship didn’t get announced until you were closing in on your 1 year anniversary. Thanks to his fame as a gym leader and a snowboarder, his personal life is something he doesn’t get to have.
You are the only thing he has left to keep him grounded so please let him keep you to himself whilst he still can. Before the Media gets they’re grubby paws on you.
The first time he visits your home region is when your relationship goes public. Raihan ain’t about to let this go unposted!
Jealousy is a difficult thing for him. Not because it makes him difficult but because he doesn’t exactly… experience it. When Grusha sees you uncomfortable or someone invading your personal space, he doesn’t go into jealous boyfriend mode, he goes to protective boyfriend mode. Asking if you are okay, if you need anything, if you want to go somewhere, if you want him to leave ect ect. He may not even register that the other party is even there at all.
When he met Leon it was an… interesting experience to say the least. Leon legit spent the first hour of your meeting walking into everything because he was so busy asking Grusha questions about Paldea. Surprisingly enough, Leon is one of the few people from Galar he keeps in contact with. The others being Piers, Melony and Milo.
The only time he ever showed visible irritation was to Raihan. Leon’s questioning didn’t bother him at all, Raihan’s constant social presents however? That got under his skin.
If it wasn’t for the fact you were with him; when Raihan announced your relationship on live he almost punched him. Dude just revealed the most important detail of his personal life to most of the Galar region and new spreads FAST! Things are gonna boil up in him but, instead Grusha just gives him the cold shoulder for the rest of the trip's duration. They have made up since but he still won’t talk to Raihan unless he absolutely has to.
Sleep. He sleeps all the time. If he isn’t training, talking to the media, battling, or spending time with you. This man can be found sprawled out on his stomach, one arm under his head, the other dangling of the bed, legs in some kind of cross pose on the bed, hair a mess
He is an indoor person when it comes to personal time. Grusha spends so much of it outside; being able to lay back on the sofa with you encased in his arms, warming up by the fire is his ideal pass time. 
Cannot cook for anything. He will set the oven on fire and most likely burn his hands trying to put it out. Baking on the other hand now THAT is something he can do. Rika still hasn’t forgiven him for beating her at a gingerbread contest.
He didn’t confess first but he did say I love you first. This man didn;t even realise he had even said it, he was so in the zone just admiring what was happening and boom he said it and now he matches a cherish ball. 
Sleep schedule, what's that? Grusha sleep is completely random. He could be up at 4am and asleep at 12am: Or he's asleep by 10am and awake at 3am the next morning. Sometimes he sleeps for 3 hours, sometimes 15 hours. It's honestly a game trying to guess how long he’ll be out for.
With that said however, he is NEVER late to anything important. Whether that be a day out with you, a gym challenge, a meeting. Sometimes though, if he’s in a bad mood that day he will be late on purpose. 
Sour food is his enemy, his sour tolerance is in the negatives, he might actually die if you gave him toxic wastes so for your sake and his stomach please don’t. 
Hand kisser, that is how he greets you, says goodbye, randomly shows affection. Grusha will lift your hand up, lower his scarf if he’s wearing it and gently kiss the back of your hand then won’t say anything after.
Not a note leaver. If you are asleep and he needs to go, he is waking you up to tell you he is going and that he loves you. “No piece of paper is worthy of his love for you.” At least that's how Tulip put it.
Athletic as hell, he snowboards for Arceus sake! He’s gotta have some athletic ability. Grusha’s climbing ability is honestly scary. This man could give Sneasler a run for its money
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months ago
I sincerely hope I’m sending this request correctly. I wanna ask for a pokemon request where reader has a full Unown team with the Paldea crew reaction(Arven, nemona, penny) and maybe the blueberry academy crew reaction. I love unowns they’re my funky little letter guys. Basically the reader is an Unown enthusiast who only ever has unowns and only ever used Unowns. They have all the forms but the six they use are just the ones they took with them to Paldea. They went through Paldea and became champion with a full Unown team. Same with the bb league. I just think it’d be funny to see everyone’s reactions to that. Their partner mon would be Unown O and the other five you could pick cuz Unown O is my favorite letter. And also if u could write the unowns being affectionate with the reader and vice versa. I just like seeing trainers bonding with their pokemon. Thank you and I enjoy your writing!
(Side note: Honestly if ScarVio was able to have unowns in it you’d bet your ass I’d do a full Unown run. I’ve done it for other games. Was disappointed and sad I couldn’t have any unowns in them, sword/shield too.)
I LOVE the Unowns omg. I got a plushie of V and I'm still trying to get shinies and alphas in PLA
My favorite is F because it looks like a little stick figure but I adore all of them very much <3
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Ever since discovering the Unown in Johto (Ruins of Alpha) and the two additional forms in Kanto (Tanoby Chambers), you found your calling as a trainer.
An Unown trainer, to be precise.
Unown O was the first one you caught, and has been your battle partner ever since!
You've become something of an enthusiast, asking researchers what they've discovered and documenting the Symbol Pokemon as you collected them.
You've caught so many that you actually encountered a shiny or two--each capture being a success.
Their existence, connection to Arceus, home dimension, and "secret power" when more than one are gathered were all fascinating to you and made you wanna learn more.
You even incorporated some of their designs into your outfit: like gloves and socks that had symbols printed on them, keychains and charms on your jewelry and/or backpack..etc.
All 28 Unown grew to love you, and the ones in your party are super affectionate when you bring them out.
Their favorite game is hide n' seek (taking after their "ancestors" from PLA) around your home, and you like to play along.
Ofc people are wary around Unown given their mysterious nature, but you vow to break that stigma by feeding them treats and letting them nuzzle up to you, showing others that they're just like any other Pokémon: companions who deserved as much love and affection as a Pikachu.
After parting ways with your friends in Kanto and Johto, you don't leave without gifting them an Unown that was the first letter in their name (for Blue you left him a Shiny Unown B...which he still brags about to this day).
You decided to move to Paldea to take your Pokémon training more seriously, attending school and showing off your Unown since they're not native to the region.
Your team consisted of O, as well as N, E, F, R, and M--referring to what all 28 are collectively called (One Form).
Despite knowing they can only use Hidden Power and nothing else (plus the drawbacks from having a psychic-only team), you defied all the odds when you took on not one but TWO championships and won.
And of course, the friends you've made during your journey all got to know the Unown personally.
At first, he thought your Unown team had more to it...until he realized that was ALL you brought to the battlefield.
Just funky letters that only knew one move.
"Oh come on, you're never gonna win with a team like that-"
And then you go and beat him with a team like that, and it shuts him up.
But Arven just rolls his eyes to the sky, making the excuse that he's not used to battling, and moves on.
As you get closer to him, though, and help him take down the Titan Pokémon around Paldea, he warms up to your team and admits they're kinda cool.
He'll only shoo them away if he's making a sandwich, not wanting to be crowded (but tbh he can tolerate Unown O's presence more than your 'raidon's).
You presented him with picks inspired by the designs of some Unown (I, K, T, Y, and !) to hold the ingredients together, and he's thoroughly impressed by your dedication to the craft.
You joked about selling them if you ever went into the art of culinary--yet Arven tells you to seriously consider it.
After the fight with the AI Professor in Area Zero, he sees your entire team pop out of their pokeballs, clearly stressed from being locked inside due to the Paradise Protection Protocol.
You never did a battle without them and were afraid they couldn't protect you, but you reassured them you were okay, letting them stay out during the journey home.
Only then does he realize that sure, they're weird little guys that don't seem all-that powerful, but you treasure them all the same.
While she was confused about you not using the Paldea starter the Director offered you..she's HYPED when your real team comes out to play during your first match together: One made entirely of Unown, a Pokémon not even native to Paldea.
She may have read about them in some textbook unrelated to battling and glossed over them.
But to see them in battle left her extremely impressed and asking you dozens of questions afterwards.
They could just change their type when attacking??? She read about Arceus supposedly having that power, but it's awesome that these little letters/symbols can, too!
Despite thinking you'll bore her by having no strategy except "use hidden power", Nemona NEVER wants you to feel discouraged!
She wants to battle your team every time.
As you fight your way through the Pokémon League and all the way up to the Elite Four, she's rooting for you 100%, praising your Unown for overcoming even the toughest terastalized foes.
Knowing your party members, they LOVE praise and are very friendly towards her and her own Pokémon.
If any of them have timid/lonely natures..her words give them a big confidence boost.
And it reflects in their reaction times and how often they'll heal their own status conditions or tank OH-KO hits.
She says you're helping them get stronger every day, but you give her lots of credit, too, for helping you get this far.
While dealing with Team Star, Giacomo's dark team put your Unown through a world of hurt...
Penny had been watching the battle, worried that he was going to be the reason you failed to squander the organization.
Yet by some miracle, your team came out on top!
Only then does she realize you were more than capable of taking down all the bases.
Unown P comes out to greet her while you've doing an LP exchange, and it scared her pretty badly.
Especially as it just...stares. Occasionally blinking once or twice as she tries talking to you.
Conversations are hard enough for her already, and staring doesn't help matters, so she gets ready to leave-
But then its tune changes when you pat it on the head(?) and it trills happily, snuggling up to you.
Penny had to do a double-take, wondering how it managed to look so cute..but she dismisses your concerns when you asked why she made that face.
Later, after revealing she's the leader and becoming your friend thereafter...she still gets anxious around the Unown from time-to-time, but eventually warms up to their presence.
You don't treat them any differently despite their mysterious nature.
If anything, you care for them just like anyone would a cute Eevee: by spoiling them with love, treats, and sweet words of encouragement.
Penny felt like a hypocrite for being scared of them, considering people used to be scared of Team Star--yet they aren't as evil as everyone made them out to be.
They used to be lonely and misunderstood, just like the Unown were before you found them.
BB Academy
When you showed off your team for the first time, Kieran was stunned.. remembering the things he read about them but didn't know they could actually be caught.
All he says when you show him Unown K is "wowzers".
And the journal entries you've logged turned his eyes into stars.
You show him all the photographs of ruins and Unown blending in during your trips to the signboards, rambling about what you've seen and discovered.
He loves listening to your tales..and wishes he could see those places with you.
But what he didn't like, however, was whenever you two had a battle in which your Unown only needed one command to win. You didn't have to try at all.
Even with his team's most supereffective attacks..speed and dumb luck were on your side, crushing his confidence and making him jealous.
It doesn't help when you still decided to keep Ogerpon despite you saying you only ever used Unown.
It wasn't fair.
And ofc by Indigo Disk, Kieran wants nothing more than to destroy your team, insulting them under his breath when he thinks you can't hear him.
You just scowl and cover their nonexistent-ears while they nuzzle up to you--although deep down, you knew he didn't mean those words.
He's just pissed off that he lost sleep and his appetite over training his team, giving them the best moves and items to utilize on the battlefield..only for you to sweep the BB League with a simple command.
He managed to OH-KO one Unown with Incineroar's Darkest Lariat..and that sinister grin you saw on his face was most unnerving.
But you still claimed victory over him and he takes the loss hard.
Down in Area Zero, he's convinced that the "Hidden Treasure" Terapagos can take down your "Hidden Power" team..
But after seeing them form a shield (similar to the crystal one in the Spell of Unown movie) that protects him when the legendary goes rogue..it changed his perspective.
Only then he understood why they were so powerful.
As the Unovian Pokedex said: Alone, nothing happens..but together, Unown are strong and invoke a great power.
When the dust settles, O floats into Kieran's hands, healing the pain in his wrist caused by Terapagos breaking the masterball.
He felt so so guilty for the name-calling and his desires to hurt them. Yet they've all forgiven him.
In a way, Unown remind you of him: small and unassuming, at first glance..but full of great power that's waiting to shine.
During Mochi Mayhem, K stays by his side while he holds off the possessed townspeople and you capture Pecharunt, growing quite attached to him.
And after coming back to the academy, you decide to trade him that Unown, hoping he incorporates it into one of his teams. Be it casual or competitive.
Back in Kitakami, she laughed at your "puny"-looking letter Pokémon, thinking them to be weak as she sics Poochyena and Polteageist on them.
While their dark/ghost moves hit the Unown hard, it's Unown O who takes them down with critical hits..and Carmine got LIVID.
She impressed you're sticking with a team that appeared in ancient texts, although that doesn't dissuade her from teasing you about them for a while.
Ngl you nerding out over Unown facts and studies you've recorded reminds her of Kieran infodumping about Ogerpon.
Your Unown just glare at her, and you gotta call them back to your side before they try attacking her outside a battle.
However as time goes on and she warms up to you, meets Ogerpon, etc..she grows to like them more, too.
Eventually she's cheering them on as they take down the Loyal Three and tank their poison attacks.
By Indigo Disk's events, she comes around to genuinely smile at their presence.
Although she had concerns Kieran's new team would be too overwhelming for them...
Yet your team of hieroglyphics won anyways.
And down in Area Zero's underdepths, they invoked a great power to shield the siblings from Terapagos' attacks, protecting the two people who once hated and mocked them with all they had.
As they both break down in tears, some Unown come out of their pokeballs to comfort them, and O stays on your shoulder as you exit the cavern together.
A few photobomb the selfie you take with the twins back at the academy (as well as Kitakami's festival), but it's alright.
Carmine will allow it because you treasured them and they DID save her and her brother's skin.
While you did struggle during his trial (due to his "Terarium Pokemon-only" rule), the actual battle caught him by surprise when your Unown swept the floor, taking down his dragons.
How Unown F was able to withstand an Electro Shot was beyond him, but it was sturdy enough to finish the fight with a Fairy-based Hidden Power.
After winning, you both take a selfie in commemoration, with you passing F to Drayton like "can we get an F in the chat" and him humbly accepting it.
It was all in good fun, and looking back on it in your scrapbook made you laugh.
But what you didn't feel good about was him rubbing your victory in Kieran's face after you win the championship, further shattering the kid who nearly keeled over trying to make the perfect team to beat you..only for some "letters" to kick him down into the dirt.
"Wow, that's tough..now are you gonna take the F or L, ex-champ?"
He forgot this kid doesn't understand much internet lingo, but Unown F and Unown L didn't appreciate his jokes, and neither did you.
But after the events in Area Zero, you let it go, eventually deciding to trade him Unown D as your way of thanking him for helping you get close enough to knock sense back into Kieran.
Let's face it, he's gonna be staring at your Unown like a Magikarp out of water and ask how they eat..
Or if they eat at all for that matter.
Their eyes just blink and poof, their share of the meal is already gone.
He knows they're psychic Pokémon, but still...
His favorite ones are definitely C (bc of his name) and S (for Spicy), though he's eager to see how your team fairs in battle when you clear his trial.
You warn him it might be "boring" but he acts like you insulted his cooking and begs you not to say that again.
"Every Pokémon battle gets me fired up!!!!! Don't downplay yourself!!!"
Even when your Unown easily douse his Pokémon's flames with Water-based Hidden Power (and Fire for his Exeggcutor), he still had a blast battling you, realizing those little letters are full of vigor and surprises!
He's eager to see what supereffective type they're gonna use next.
When you eventually decide to trade, you contemplate giving him an extra Unown F you had..or a C.
But you settle for the latter, and Crispin promises to feed the little guy well!
Unown are small, simple, and make trilling noises...all checking off her criteria of "cute" Pokémon!
Although knowing they're connected to Arceus--the literal god of all 'mons--is an unnerving fact, she agrees that they're adorable and deserve to be treated as such.
She gets to learn your team's different natures, and likes how you're trying to convince people that they're not as scary as the old legends present them.
They love nuzzling up to you, resting on your shoulder and/or head, twirling around, and playing with the local Minior.
That being said..Lacey gets shocked at the punch they pack during battle, with them using Poison or Steel-based Hidden Power to take down her fairies.
It's always the most unsuspecting Pokémon who are the most powerful.
Even if you worry about the battle being boring since all you can give out is one command, she's gonna turn your pessimistic thinking around!
Unown F is her favorite since it's looks like a stick figure, but Unown L is also pretty neat..yet she wonders why Unown ? and Unown ! look tired all the time...
When you trade her a letter/symbol, she's thrilled to welcome yet another cute Pokémon onto her team!
Considering their affiliations with ruins and Arceus, the existence of Unown have always piqued her interest.
And you so-happened to be a walking encyclopedia of anything related to the Symbol Pokémon, given the journals you've written on their mannerisms.
Amarys likes reading them over, and thinks a quiz involving the Unown Alphabet would be good to have at BB Academy.
On the other hand, after your battle to climb the League rankings, she wonders if you've ever used other Pokémon..only to find out that you never did.
All you know are Unowns.
She won't force you to change your team members, seeing as they were able to beat ALL of the league members--including Kieran.
But she suggests you had one Unown use Hidden Power on its battle partner, who could hold onto a Weakness Policy.
Yet you're adamant, saying "why would I want one Unown to hurt the other just for a temporary attack boost? :((("
Your team members are besties, your cuddle buddies..how could you do that to them???
Amarys is genuinely touched by how much you care for your Unowns, and vice versa.
Speaking of which, Unown A started hanging around her more often..and she cautiously tries to pet it, surprised by its happy trills, but otherwise acts nonchalant.
When you both decide to trade, you give her that Unown and she promises to look after it.
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jackatlas · 3 months ago
commission info!
commissions are currently closed. drabbles are available via my kofi. every £3 gets you a 100-300 word fic! please feel free to dm me with any queries.
i'm currently predominantly taking commissions for fics, specifically yugioh 5ds and death note, though feel free to ask me about anything else - a brief list of fandoms i'm happy to write for will be below the cut.
generally, my prices equate to £1 per 100 words:
a donation to my tip jar will get you 100-300 words
£5 for 500 words
£10 for 1000 words
£20 for 2000 words
£50 for 5000 words
i also write poetry. feel free to send me a word/prompt and a style/form you'd like me to emulate. prices are as below (please note rhyme schemes incur an extra £5 charge!):
£5 for 2-3 stanzas
£10 for 4+ stanzas
i am happy to write nsfw & kink (please message to clarify though). a list of things i will not write is also available under the cut.
some fandoms i am happy to write for:
yugioh 5ds (anime or manga), death note (anime or manga), yugioh duel monsters, yugioh gx, doctor who (nine & ten), marvel (phases 1-3 + wandavision), fire emblem (awakening, sacred stones, fates), the legend of zelda (botw/totk), five nights at freddys (scott era games), pokemon (gens 1-5 + original anime run)
if the fandom you're looking to request isn't on this list, feel free to send a message to clarify!
i will not write:
incest, zoophilia, smut of underage characters, adult/minor ships, noncon, suicide, dead dove, rpf, nsfw self inserts/x readers (though nsfw x oc is fine), hard violence, omegaverse. - this is non-exhaustive, please send me a message if you're unsure.
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blyszczopies · 11 months ago
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I'm now taking commissions for animated pagedolls like these for 45$!
Animated in a wobbly way, reminiscent if the Generation 5 Pokemon sprites. All pagedolls will be 250-300 pixels in height/width. Perfect to use as a decoration for your blog theme or a personal website!
If you're interested, please read the terms of service and how to contact me in the read more. You will also find there a couple more examples of my animations in that style. ^___^
Some older examples of pieces animated in this style, to give you a better idea of what I can do:
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For examples of my completed commissioned artworks overall you can check out this tag on my art blog!
Terms of service:
I take payment through Paypal and I take it upfront; I will not sketch your commission unless you have paid at least half of the price. No refunds if I'm already past the sketch phase. Do not order a commission if you are not sure if you can afford one.
These are not first come first serve. I claim the right to decline a commission for any reason.
I do not work with deadlines. I will do my best to get your commission done as quickly as possible, but I can not promise I will get it done in specified time.
I will send you WIP images of your commission as I work on it, to make sure you're satisfied with the final product.
The owner of the character featured in the commissioned drawing is allowed to use and repost their commission, preferably with proper credit. The commissioned image is only for personal use of the commissioner or the person who owns the character(s) from the drawing.
I claim the right to post a commission publicly. However, upon requests I can keep the commissioner anonymous or refrain from posting their commission online.
I will draw: Quadruped and anthropomorphic animals and fantasy creatures; Original characters and real-life pets; Characters based off a description, if no image is available; Complex designs and several characters in a single image (for an additional fee); Mature themes (blood, gore, nudity, substance abuse, etc)
I will not draw: Humans and highly humanoid characters; Artwork promoting bigotry; Pornography
I might draw: Fanart/fandom characters. Just ask if I would draw characters from a specific media you have on your mind! Same goes for anything not explicitly mentioned here.
By commissioning me you agree to my terms of service. If interested, you can contact either DM me here on tumblr or send me an email to timo666dlugiewlosy(at)gmail.com with everything I could use while working on your commission: reference images, descriptions, various kinds of inspiration sources. Feel free to ramble about the thing you would like me to draw! That will greatly help me get an idea of what you would like me to create for you. ^___^
Thank you so much for taking your time to read this! Have a great day!
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salmonsnakerune · 7 months ago
Commissions open- link in post
With a few extra expenses coming up this month, I'm finding myself a little short of cash- and with work no longer offering overtime, I'm putting this out to gauge interest in the possibility of fic commissions.
I'm a third year Psych major/Literature minor currently, with previous semesters in genre writing, classic literature, and poetry. I can write romance, horror, or general prose, depending on your needs. Poetry isn't ideal, but I can do it depending on the request. My older pieces are here for some brief, oneshot-style examples of my work. I also have original pieces available for view, originally from University assignments that have been submitted and graded at Distinction and High Distinction levels already from previous semesters.
My price is AUD $0.05 per word (industry standard) through a few choices of platforms- Ko-fi, PayPal, bank transfer (for Australians) or Revolut. Updates will be given periodically (no drafts sent), and the final piece will be uploaded after payment. As a rule of thumb, I take 2-3 business days for 500 words depending on fandom, and will give you a timeframe for when your piece will be completed after the form has been filled. The final piece will be sent to you as a raw Word file, and also uploaded to my AO3 account.
Here's the request form link, and fandoms I'll write for are under the cut. If you aren't interested in any of these or don't have anything to spare, please consider reblogging this post for more traction.
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss -Fire Emblem Awakening/Fire Emblem Fates -Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea/The Gray Garden -Pokemon (any gen, preferably games, anime/manga compliant will take longer) -Fear & Hunger/Fear & Hunger: Termina -Trauma Centre/Trauma Team (any game) -Undertale/Deltarune -Starbound (please include a detailed description of your character if not focused on the named main characters) -Splatoon (all 3 main games)
For anything not on this list, please reach out to me to talk about whether I can do it for you. I don't charge extra, but if I'm not familiar enough with the source material, I'd have to decline the request. The Danganronpa series isn't ideal, however I have written for it before and might be willing depending on your request- again, please reach out to me and I'll talk one-on-one with you about it.
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puddingandp1 · 5 months ago
hi!! :3
name: pi / tooni / pudding / whatever tbh but the first one is my preferred alias!
pronouns: she/her or they/them
age: 26 (birthday is dec. 23rd)
artist - 2d, 3d (albeit amateur), pixel art (again, amateur), and maybe bits of animation idk. i'm mainly a digital artist but i'm capable of traditional too
dms - moots only (mostly to keep the b0ts away but also bc i am super shy) sorry ;w;
art trades - moots only, closed for now
i don't do comms (as of yet) or requests (though if we're mutuals i may take in suggestions! :3 i like drawing my moots' ocs and stuff)
please do not repost my art (just reblog my art instead! if you disrespect my wishes i'll probably block you)
blog for the doodles, non-art-stuff, and reblogs is @sorrynopiforyou
additional info under the cut (interests, dni, extra info, links). you don't have to read it but i'd appreciate it if you took the time to!
main interests (i have so much to list that i'm just gonna post the essentials for now lol):
digital circus
the amazing world of gumball
looney tunes
animation / cartoons as a whole
vaporwave and synthwave
80s and 90s stuff - tho i'm into vintage/retro/nostalgia stuff in general
horror stuff (especially games and args)
music of all kinds
i'm a pretty avid selfshipper and fan of oc x canon, or even just having my ocs interacting with canon characters. what can i say? i live for cringe lol. i have a ton of sonas, ocs, and fan characters - i even have a toyhouse if you wanna take a peek! (check the carrd)
i recommend muting the following tags if you're:
not into selfshipping stuff (perfectly understandable if you find it too cringe lol)
or you're nonsharing (obviously no disrespect if you are btw, but for my sake and yours i recommend either muting these, or blocking/muting me altogether if you really can't handle it)
ship tags:
#tadc poolfloat (my oc wigglez x caine from digital circus). not technically self shipping and for the most part it's platonic at this point but it's still oc x canon so it counts
... that's it for the specific ship tags for now lol everything else is just #selfshipping or #oc x canon
i made the pool party, winterland (xmas) and halloween tadc aus! tho two of those aren't really unique
dni if:
basic dni criteria (creeps, bigots, a//i / crypt0 bros, pr0ship [in the sense that, for example, you think shipping kids with adults or relatives together is okay], etc.)
you're under 13 (literally against the rules)
if i suspect you're a b0t i'll probably block you. if you end up not being one i am so sorry lol
hope you enjoy looking at my art. if not... oh well haha
strawpage (wip lol. also behave yourself or be ignored):
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cloudster-clown · 8 months ago
this is a hard request cause i feel like one drawing isn't enough TwT
but i will explain how the au is in my head:
basically eggs are humans that turned into pokemon, in this case right here it's Chayanne and Lullah! Depending on which egg's perspective they will crash-land on a place closest to their parents which I guess will be their partner pokemon kinda? They are like the tutorial part of the game but they can be optional partners you can take with(further into the story though)! Anyways back to death family, Chay and Lullah crash-landed in a forest nearby where Phil and Missa happen to be. They took them in ofc and helped them with their injuries and such(after going through a cave or something). In good ol' mystery dungeon fashion, Chay and Lullah reveal that they are human to Phil and Missa, they are a bit suspicious at first but believe them and are willing to help them return back home. But uh oh! Missa can't save up this much money to feed himself, Phil, and their new friends :( Don't worry though! Missa has connections with soulfire so he can set up a small rescue team for them, he even sewed them their scarfs :D Chay and lullah question why Phil can't be in a rescue team but Phil and Missa were oddly quite about it... Throughout the story Chay and Lullah discover more things about Phil and Missa, Phil being a wanted criminal since he lead a team(a team which caused A LOT of trouble or so the pokemon would say). Find out more about the world and the pokemon that live in it. Oh and also finding out that THEIR SIBLINGS ARE ALSO IN THIS WORLD. Also also they find out that the world is in danger from a certain group of pokemon wanting to control the world :0
ok that's all i have, hope this was a comprehensible ramble lmao
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ya-bug-boy · 1 month ago
Heeey! You write Guzma x male reader?! And i have a request for that!
I was wondering if you can maybe write a meet cute scenario? Well mostly Guz just slowly falling in love with male reader who is a bug type user from a different region? Like he came on vacation to check out the bug types specifically. Reader is a cool adventurer, takes no shit, is a badass and a sweetheart. No nsfw just some fluff of Guz asking Reader out eventually? Or confessing his love before Reader leaves to go back home.
Bonus points if Reader has a Golisopod on his team too!
(I personally have an idea for a regional variant Golisopod that is a Bug/Ice type instead of a Bug/Water, because you guessed it…it’s more cold and meaner. Which means Reader had to wrestle and avoid ice beams from an angry Wimpod, the variant Golisopod is a bit bigger than an average Golisopod, jagged shell, more of a blue color instead of purple, has ice as its claws.) Of course you don’t have to add this part in. Or you can just go ahead and scrap this all together I ramble too much it’s just nice to talk about Pokemon and the men i simp for. 😅
Guzma x Male Bug Trainer Reader
Word got around the island that someone particularly interesting was coming to Alola. Hard to ignore that news when Kukui is repeatedly bombarding Guzma with that information to try and set them up together. The professor finally gets the former gangster's attention when he mentions you're an expert bug trainer and entomologist.
When you finally do arrive, you didn't have the appearance as some dorky lab scientist that Guzma had made up in his mind. You've got a Lara Croft outfit going on, except with a green and brown color aesthetic, equipped with a leather leg bag and utility belt, survival knife, everything a field researcher would need in addition to having a lab coat with the backside of a skeleton embroidered on the back, adorned with monstera leaves loosely draped on your shoulders like a battle jacket. Your grizzly charm with the scars to prove your worth and years of research can't help but to leave an impression on the man, especially given your sunny yet badass personality. That and it's hard to ignore your body.
Guzma was setting up in his head how he was gonna greet you, but you beat him to the punch when you walk right up to him and introduce yourself, saying that you've heard many good things from your professor associate. It makes him kinda fumble his words with how forward you are. The reason why you're here is to obviously catalogue the Alolan bug dex so Guzma takes it upon himself to personally show you around the islands.
Guzma can't recall how many years it's been since he's had this kind of unadulterated, innocent fun with someone. There's no money, booze, drugs, or crimes involved. You easily became someone that he admires and adores, your enthusiasm for bug types is somehow even higher than his.
When it came to battling you, you gave him a rush of adrenaline that hadn't been there since his late teenage years during his Alola trials. He thought his love for battling this intensely was peaked years ago but you manage to bring it back, making him strive ever harder to someday beat you. You had bug types that he's never seen before, making each battle between the two of you a mysterious matchup where he couldn't underestimate you even when the bugs had the same names. When he finally does beat you, the two of you celebrate his victories and he feels a sense of accomplishment, all of his friends looking at Guzma with pride in their eyes.
It had been years since Guzma felt so seen. You came to the islands without knowing of his childhood or his association with Team Skull and Aether Paradise. You immediately respected him as a fellow adult, gave him the friendship with another bug enthusiast he so desperately desired that also gives bug types the respect they also deserve, and just in general is amazing to be around. Despite your short time together, he even felt vulnerable enough to tell you about his rough past, initially hesitating that you might think dirty of him but you just give him the comfort and a friend he really needed. It's been years since he had a heart to heart talk with anyone and you basically did a speedrun that made him feel safe with you unintentionally but that's just because you're that kind of person, who makes other people feel protected, somehow doing all of this in under a week.
Guzma knows that if you leave without telling how he feels about you, he'll regret it more than anything he didn't do. He takes you the flower fields where the Cutieflies like to gather, having done his best to put together a picnic for you. The man isn't the greatest chef but he knows how to put together some bombass sandwiches and buys some convenience store drinks and snacks at least.
While the two of you are enjoying your time together, in a sea of yellow flowers, he watches Cutieflies gather around you, burning that image of you smiling softly at one perched on your fingertips before he tries to confess. He's never been the one to confess first before so it's difficult for him, but you rest your hand on his, smiling at him gently, and you two lock your hands together. Words don't need to be said when you can share a kiss instead.
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adobe-outdesign · 7 months ago
Have you reviewed the Bruce, and particularly my favorite variety of the Bruce (the ULTRA ultra UC version)?
(I don't have any Pokemon review requests in my inbox right now but I do have a few Neopet requests, so I'll go ahead and do one of those.)
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I might as well talk about the history of the Bruce first, because while I don't normally bother going over past iterations for these reviews everyone should know that the first incarnation of the Bruce was a 150 x 150 photograph of esteemed British entertainer Bruce Forsyth sloppily recolored and slapped onto a circle. I literally could not make this up if I tried.
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While the Bruce isn't the only Neopet that started off as a human, it A) was the only one to start with a realistic photograph instead of a caricature, and B) is also the only one to retain some aspects of its human design: namely the signature bow(tie) and the name (plus penguins already look like they're wearing suits in a way).
Visually, today's modern Bruce is pretty cute. It's mostly just a standard penguin, but they've got very appealing faces and a sort of plush chubbiness to them that not a lot of Neopets sport. While pets wearing clothes by default isn't always my favorite thing, the bow does work well with everything else and still makes sense in-universe for anthro Bruces (side note: the irony of an anthro Bruce is not lost on me).
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The body is broken up with distinct markings that are based off of emperor penguins—though ironically, they're based on emperor chicks, to the point where the Baby Bruce is just a slightly smaller version of the regular Bruce. The Bruce does extend the face markings down into an underbelly however, which looks very natural and helps to break up the torso.
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Visually, nothing really changed about the Bruce with customization other than it standing up and gaining a fist. I think I like the converted version a bit more, as while the original pose was cute it was also harder to see aspects of the design (like the tail). The flipper anatomy and general lineart/details have also been greatly approved. Also, the bow became removable, which is a bonus.
Favorite Colours:
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Island: A surprisingly nice take on the colour, the island Bruce has an usually dark brown palette, which pops nicely with the white markings and compliments the flowers and greenery nicely. The markings are well-placed with good thought as to how they interact with the body shape and the green eyes are pretty and draw the color through the design well. The floral accents can also be removed, which provides a pretty nice base colour as well.
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Wraith: The wraith Bruce is quite a bit different than most takes on the colour. Wraith pets are usually flat with intricate body shapes—think like a tattoo. However, the wraith Bruce opts for a more solid body shape that uses subtle gradients and very carefully placed highlights to give it a sense of depth. The face and beak look really good here, and the way the white highlights on the edge of the body fade off into nothing is really cool. My only minor quibble is that I wish there was one thin line indicating the underbelly markings, as the torso looks a bit too solid here.
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Toy: The toy Bruce is slightly redundant because the plushie Bruce is already a thing, but between the two, I do like the toy design a bit more. The flocked and fluffy look is super cute and works great for the pet, and I like the contrast between the hard flippers and beak and the rest of the body. The penguin-like monotone body color is offset by the red bow, which has a nice subtle plaid pattern to it. My only nitpick is that I would've just dropped the single head feather entirely, as it looks out of place and doesn't really make logical sense. Still, good stuff all around.
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siriusly-parker · 9 months ago
—parler’s heavenly matches!!
where i match you w/ a jjk character!
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busy work weekend and stressful life for writers and readers alike, so what better moment for a match made in heaven!!! (or tumblr ig)
how it works. you send a request to my inbox (here) where you describe yourself (or your character in jjk) and i answer with which jujutsu kaisen character i’d match you/your persona with!
how do i describe myself? truly, im not picky, ill take what i can get and answer with what i have! but i’d recommend saying things like your age, your looks, hair, height, if you look like jennifer lawrence lol, your gender preference or general preferences in a partner, what you do in life, what you like, hobbies, what kind of person you are, your little quirks, anything you want! don’t add all that tho hahhaha these are just ideas, plz don’t make your requests too long!
exemples. Hi!! My name’s Bea and i’m 5’6. I love to crochet and i spend most of my time reading or watching movies. I’m more of an introvert but i love to make friendd. I’m pretty quiet, but i open up when you know me better!!
exemples. i work as a teacher at tokyo jujutsu high school and i’m pretty outgoing, though i’m also very secretive of my personal life. i always kind of disappear and no one knows where. i’m kinda short and my hair is brown and wavy. (i also have weird obsession with pokemons lol)
you can find the answered posts by searching! -> #—𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬! ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚💌°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*
i was supposed to post this yesterday night but i got distracted lollll so no cute colored post just normal post at the literal worst engagement time hihi
˖ ᡣ𐭩 likes comment and reblogs are very appreciated!!
UPDATE!! requests are now closed! thank you so much for your support and participation! i may make a new game or open them back up another time, but for now, I can’t possibly answer them all. 𝜗𝜚
— with love, parker ୨ৎ˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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u3pxx · 8 months ago
✱ frequently asked questions!
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hey there, the name’s den/sun! i’m a filipino artist with too many ideas and too little sleep! i mainly post and draw ace attorney, haikyuu, and disco elysium with the occasional dungeon meshi drawing.
i also like good omens, danganronpa, tmnt 2012, undertale/deltarune, mob psycho 100, splatoon, monster prom, fairly odd parents: a new wish, potionomics, and pokemon! :^]c
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rest of the faq under read more (because it's very long lol) | dividers from here! | faq will be updated every now and then
what program do you use?
old answer: i use clip studio paint ex! as of 06/24/2023: i use clip studio paint pro v3 for illustrations and clip studio paint v1 ex for animatics
what brush do you use?
old answer: i mainly use the gasa gaya line pen for sketching and the t-pen for both sketching and inking as of 09/22/2023: i use the koya pen for sketching and inking and the gasa gaya line pen for inking occasionally. as of 12/19/2023: i use the a pen that feels like a pencil (鉛筆を感じる液だまりペン) with the pen pressure opacity turned on for sketching (i also use it for inking occasionally). i don’t ink that much right now but i still also use the gasa gaya line pen for it. as of 03/07/2024: i use both the a pen that feels like a pencil (鉛筆を感じる液だまりペン) and calish ink for both sketching and inking. as of 07/08/2024: i use the dry ink brush on clip studio paint.
do you do commissions?
yes, i do! currently closed right now because i’m a student and art school is hard but feel free to take a quick look here if you would be so interested! :^] however, i do occasionally open 2 slots for sketch commissions whenever i’m in need of some money so watch out for that pftt <3
do you sell prints?
yep! i have an inprnt!
where else can we find you?
you can find me both in twitter, Instagram, and art fight! i also have a youtube where i haven’t posted in 4 years pftt
can we use your drawings?
you can use my drawings for profile pictures, banners, even your little tiktok video edits as long as i'm credited (with a link back to my art account, please!) (also if you did do little tiktok edits with my art can you please send them to me i would be so delighted to see them)  just so we’re clear too, i don’t allow reposting of my art on other social media without my permission or credit. thanks!
can you draw [insert thing here]?
i don’t do requests! and usually, when i ask for things to draw, it depends if i’m feeling up to it so sorry if i don’t!
can i draw fanart of your au’s/oc’s?
YES! please, i’d be so dang honored! and please tag me too if you ever post it so i could see it and reblog it here! :^D (and also gush wail cry and scream about it forever and ever)
what does your username “u3pxx” mean?
it’s just my name den upside down, the x’s are because my old selfsona design had x’s for pupils and i wanted to incorporate that.
what does your tag “pampabait” mean?
pampabait (pam‧pa‧ba‧it) is a tagalog word that loosely means “to make [something] kind”, since the prefix “pampa-” is used to denote the causing of a state and “bait” means “kind”! the way i use it is also kind of referencing the phrase "nasisiraan ng bait" (losing one's mind/starting to feel insane). it's just a tag i use for some wholesome stuff i see that would stop me from going I HATE EVERYTHING FORVEVERRRR
have you played all the ace attorney games?
i have not! only because i got into ace attorney via let’s plays, instead. me and some friends are however trying to finish dgs though we haven’t been able to play for a long time pftt. we’re currently still on dgs2-1.
who’s your favorite ace attorney character?
look at me in the eye, boy. wheezes but it is apollo justice, trucy wright, and klavier gavin.
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#sunnysidedraws - all of my polished drawings or doodles i consider high-effort #sunnysidedoodles - stuff that i wouldn’t consider polished but hey, they’re cute lmao #sunnysideanswers - all of my answered asks #sunnysiderambles - my general thoughts, rambles, or whatever #sunnysidetutorials - answered asks on how i do certain art stuff of mine #sunnysidelb - liveblogs of whatever i’m watching/reading #sunnysideplays - liveblogs of the games i play (it's just pokemon right now lol) #sunnysidepolls - whatever polls i make up #sunnysidezines - for previews and the finished pieces of all the zines i’ve been in
✱ ART TAG DIRECTORY (in case you just only wanna see the stuff i drew for a specific thing)
#sunnysideattorney - ace attorney art #sunnysideomens - good omens art (includes bad omens) #sunnysidedisco - disco elysium art #sunnysidemeshi - dungeon meshi art #sunnysidepotions - potionomics art #sunnysideprom - monster prom art #sunnysidemons - pokemon art #sunnysidefairies - fairly odd parents: a new wish art #sunnysideball - haikyuu art #den’s gavinners tag - includes all of my gavinners ocs art, rambles, asks i’ve answered about them, and other posts that reminded me of them #den’s aa roleswap au - what it says on the tin, includes my art and also art that others made for the au! :’^D i also have a sideblog specifically for it #den’s bad omens - has all my stuff and art others made for my good omens roleswap au! #disco femlysium - art of fem!harry and fem!kim (and everybody else) #den's disco swap - art of my disco elysium roleswap au #disco meshi au - art of my dungeon meshi au for disco elysium
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months ago
time for ur yearly halloween request from me >:3 so idrk if ur still super into pokemon sv (ik it’s on the list but still) but anyways. paldea gang + dlc friends go trick or treating, or to a haunted house, or maybe a halloween party! just some good ol fashioned halloween fun yknow? bonus if u add some funny ghost type shenanigans or make the reader’s bday halloween (i forget if u already did one w the halloween bday lol) -galaxy :3
Yesssss in the spirit of Halloween I shall deliver <3
Also happy birthday, galaxy!
Haunted houses weren't exactly...the group's forte considering what happened with Pecharunt in Kitakami, but you were determined to help your friends conquer their fears of the spooky and unknown.
Plus, it was your birthday, which so-happened to fall on the same day as Halloween.
They couldn't say no, and eventually they all agreed to meet up at nightfall (after your earlier birthday celebration, of course).
Everyone wore their spookiest outfits and headed for the haunted house that was set up in Area 6, where there was also a mellow Halloween party for anyone who didn't want to experience the attraction.
Inside there were just a few generic Halloween decorations, and actors dressed up like the Hex trainer class with zombie motifs and their ghost/psychic/dark Pokémon trained to scare visitors, putting on quite a show.
Upon entering the house, you were able to very quickly put everyone on a scale from most to least brave: Arven, you, Penny, Nemona, Carmine, and Kieran.
Arven did jump at one or two sudden noises, but otherwise thought it was silly that any of this stuff could scare people....
Penny's seen enough horror movies to point out the tropes and make remarks on where the actor are likely to pop up--although one did take her by surprise and she almost dropped her glasses as a result.
Thankfully it was too dark for anyone else to notice.
Nemona genuinely thought one of the actors wanted to battle, and she almost sends out her starter--until you grab her hand and prevent her from wrecking the house, reminding her they're just acting.
She gets flustered and apologizes, and at the end she admits to LOVING the house, eager to go to it next year.
Carmine acts like she's tough shit and ready to defend Kieran....only to be startled and wary of every little noise the house makes.
She refuses to admit that, scoffing if you were to even remotely imply she was scared.
And Kieran is..well..still trying to recover from the "mochi curse" and hides behind you as often as he could (which makes him a prime target for the actors and their Pokémon to spook him), trying to assure himself it's all pretend.
You were worried it was too much for him to handle, but by the time you all get out, he reassures you that it was actually pretty cool.
He wouldn't mind going next year with you all, hoping it'll become a regular thing in this group.
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chickwiththepurpleguitar · 3 months ago
I'm going to give you a prompt my brain gave me but that I haven't made any progress writing. My idea is that Adam from The Bright Sessions is Atypical and his ability is fusing with other people like the gems in Steven Universe. Because this requires some degree of physical, emotional, and cognitive synchronicity, he probably wouldn't discover it until one of the many moments he and Caleb almost kissed before they started dating. Then Adam has to deal with becoming a new person sometimes when he's with Caleb, figuring out who that person is and their name, whether Adam wants to tell his parents about this, how Wadsworth would react, and a slew of other issues. I imagine that Adam's fusion with Caleb would get to experience the world on the stakeouts. The College Tapes would also definitely happen differently, since I'm not sure Caleb could hide his pokemon evolution from Adam if they fused and Adam being Atypical himself deals with many of the problems that caused them to break up in the first place
Me, who's seen zero (0) episodes of Steven Universe, looking at this prompt: hmm... I don't really know what to do with this... but I bet I could get 750 words out of this concept somehow.
Me, 2000 words later:
No but for real, this prompt ended up bringing me SO much joy to write. Once I figured out the general idea I was going for, I really hit the ground running, and wrote the whole thing in just a couple hours! I really hope you enjoy what I came up with!
(and as always with prompts, if I didn't end up writing your idea exactly how you envisioned it, you are of course so allowed to write your own fic with the same idea! Or a continuation of my version! Or you can always request that I write my own continuation! Two cakes, etc!)
This takes place vaguely post-season four. CW for references to Safe House, kidnapping, depression, PTSD, etc. Canon-compliant angst :)
Send me prompts to help me finish my 2024 writing goal!
By this point in his life, Adam Hayes feels like he’s pretty much got a handle on how all the atypical stuff works. There are specifics that keep crawling out of the woodwork to shock him– Damien, for example, as Adam’s recent brush with kidnapping proved, as well as his Aunt Annabelle’s evil villain arc, which Adam is admittedly still getting used to– but the general gist of it all, he’s got down.
The gist being: there are people with superpowers. And there are people like Adam. Normal. Boring. Safe, until they’re not anymore.
He’s not worried about it. Not consciously, anyway. He trusts, for reasons he can’t even explain, that Damien really is gone for good, and that even if he weren’t, Caleb’s beating has officially moved him from the “superpower” category to the “boring” one, leaving him no more threatening than any other asshole white guy.
(He does not let himself think about the fact that Damien was as good as powerless when he hit Chloe with a lamp, or how six months later she’s still dealing with the effects of the resulting concussion he gave her. Adam will simply keep a can of pepper spray in his backpack and continue to convince himself that he will never let his guard down around Damien like Chloe did, should their paths ever cross again).
He has enough other things, better things, to focus on– his Yale application, and then finals, and then preparing to live away from home for the first time ever, and on top of all that, his boyfriend– that for six months, he manages to think about the safehouse incident as little as humanly possible (nightmares notwithstanding). And not once does it occur to him to make the connection between almost being kidnapped by a whackjob mind manipulator and something his mom said to him almost a year ago when he first got her to sit down and talk about atypicals with him: Sometimes abilities start to manifest after instances of trauma.
After all, making said connection would require Adam to admit (even just to himself) that he experienced a trauma, which he has no intention of doing because that would mean he’s even more fucked up now that he already was.
Besides. There are two kinds of people in the world. People like Caleb. And people like Adam. An atypical ability “starting to manifest” is just something that was never going to happen to him.
Until today.
He’s at Caleb’s house, which is always a little bit complicated because Caleb’s parents (not to mention his nosy little sister) are way more likely to be home and “interested in what you boys are up to” than Adam’s. They try not to complain about it, because it’s sort of a miracle that the Michaelses’ only reaction to Caleb’s endangerment at the safehouse was “no more therapy” and not “no more boyfriend,” and the last thing Adam wants to do is give them any reason to change their minds on that, but it is annoying. They’ve learned to be quiet.
Caleb’s sitting up against the headboard of his bed, facing the “just ajar enough to be plausibly called open” door, while Adam straddles his lap, poised purposefully on his knees to be able to roll off and into the desk chair placed strategically next to the bed at the slightest sign of someone approaching.
Like I said. They’ve got a system.
Adam usually enjoys kissing Caleb more than he enjoys just about anything, but he’s not feeling it today. Not even in a “his depression is bad so every sensation is muted and foggy, much less his libido” kind of way, but just like… he’s preoccupied by something.
Caleb must notice, because he breaks the kiss and takes Adam’s face in both his hands so he can look him in the eye. “Hey. You all right?”
Adam opens his mouth to lie, but if he tells Caleb he’s fine then they’ll go back to making out, and he’s not sure he actually wants to do that. So instead, he says, “What am I feeling right now?”
Caleb gets the little crease between his eyebrows that Adam loves and hates in equal measure that means he’s really focusing in on his empath ability. Adam knows him well enough by now to be able to track the turning gears behind his eyes– he can see the moment when Caleb separates his own feelings in his chest from Adam’s and starts to analyze them.
But then his frown deepens, and he says, “I… don’t… know.” His eyes meet Adam’s. “Purple. And like… stretchy. It’s not an Adam feeling I’ve ever felt before.”
Adam sits back in surprise, hands falling away from where they’d been looped around Caleb’s neck. “Wha– seriously? We’ve known each other over a year. I thought you’d have felt all the Adam feelings by now.”
“So did I,” Caleb says, frowning into the distance again. “It’s weird.” Adam’s stomach flips, just as Caleb adds, “Oh, shit, now you’re– sorry, I didn’t mean to make you, like. Feel bad. New feelings are probably super normal.”
Adam rolls his eyes, trying to brush away the guilt eating at him, and whatever he’d been feeling before– the purple, stretchy distraction– intensifies.
“So, uh… what is that feeling?” Caleb asks, rubbing absently at his chest, like Adam’s emotion is causing him some kind of physical discomfort, which does not help much on the “Adam not feeling like a burden” front.
“I don’t know,” he admits, climbing all the way off Caleb’s lap to sit cross-legged in front of him instead. His feet were starting to fall asleep, and his hands feel a little numb– he wrings them, trying to rub feeling back into his fingers.
“Is something on your mind?” Caleb asks, laying a comforting hand on Adam’s knee.
“No,” he starts to say, because there isn’t really except for the fact that he feels a little weird all of a sudden, cold like there’s a draft and a little unsteady, but somehow what comes out of his mouth is, “Damien.”
“What?” Caleb says, voice sharp and close in Adam’s ear in a way it wasn’t before, even though neither of them has moved. “You were thinking about Damien?”
“No!” Adam says, for real this time, and then winces, knowing Caleb can feel the untruth, and amends, “I mean, not– I guess, not consciously, just… I guess maybe I’m always thinking about him? In the back of my mind?”
The purple, stretchy feeling inside him– and damn Caleb’s stupid emotion color metaphors, but that is a good way to describe it– expands even further, pressing tight against his ribs like it’s trying to break out of him, and maybe Caleb can feel that too, because he takes Adam’s hands in both of his.
“I think, sometimes,” Adam continues, words flowing out of his mouth almost without his permission, “I just hate that he got away with it. Like, okay, he spent, what, four months? In a basement cell that Mark was trapped in for the better part of five years? Oh, so his only consequence was having to leave town and be normal like the rest of us? Like that’s so fucking bad? Chloe still gets headaches and you’ve got all this guilt to deal with and Damien just has to be normal?”
The more he talks, the more the purple feeling fills him up, and red hot anger right alongside it, and a distant tiny part of himself knows that he should calm down before he says or does something he’ll regret, and that he’s probably freaking Caleb the fuck out right now, but his vision is starting to white out around the edges, and the purple and red warring for dominance in his stomach are making him feel sick, and for a moment or two, the only thing Adam can focus on is the warm, rough sensation of Caleb’s hands in his his.
Adam blinks, and the world turns upside down.
Or, no, wait– not upside down. Backwards. He’s facing the door now– sitting where Caleb was just a second ago. His anger has dissipated, but the purple stretchy feeling is still there, if settled, somehow, like it’s filled him up enough that he can mostly ignore it.
But something’s still wrong.
Maybe it’s that he feels bigger now. Taller. He brings his hands in front of his face and they’re hands he’s never seen before– big, with thick fingers and skin a lighter shade of brown.
Maybe it’s that Caleb’s gone– nowhere to be seen, the room totally empty, the spot on the bed in front of him already growing cold– or that Adam is too.
Because he’s not… quite… Adam anymore. He’s not Caleb, either.
The thing that’s wrong is that he’s someone new.
He scrambles off the bed, stumbling a little on new big feet, and rushes over to the full-length mirror hanging on the back of Caleb’s bedroom door. He touches his face, and those big hands cup Caleb’s stubbled cheeks. He touches his head, and thick fingers tangle in Adam’s messy curls. He’s wearing Caleb’s jeans, tight around the waist, and Adam’s Black Keys t-shirt, hanging just above his belly button like it’s been cropped. He’s gotta be at least six and a half feet tall.
“Holy shit,” he breathes in two voices, and the purple thing inside him snaps.
Adam hits the floor with a shout, curling protectively around himself out of instinct. Next to him, there’s a twin cry and thud as Caleb is thrown to the ground with equal force. Adma pats himself down, feeling his skinny arms and pianist fingers, the shirt that fits and his hair on his own head.
“Holy shit,” he says again, voice high with panic but purely his.
“What the hell!” Caleb agrees, scrambling back away from him. Adam backs up against the opposite wall, giving Caleb as much space as he can without leaving the room– Caleb doesn’t need Adam’s alarm in his chest on top of his own.
Plus maybe Adam feels like something you shouldn’t get too close to at the moment.
“What was that?” Caleb gasps, staring at him with big, wide eyes.
Adam shakes his head. “I don’t know?”
“But that was– that was you, wasn’t it?” Caleb pats his chest, like he’s still trying to convince himself he’s real and solid– Adam knows the feeling. “How did you do that?”
“I don’t know!”
Footsteps pound up the stairs, and Mrs. Michaels calls, “Caleb? Adam?” She raps perfunctorily twice on the half-open door before sticking her head in and sizing them up: Adam cowered against one wall, Caleb still on the floor and huddled up against the other, both of them looking disheveled and wild, like they’ve been up to who knows what. “I heard a thud, are you boys all right?”
Caleb looks from Adam to his mom, and hurriedly gets to his feet. “Yeah! Yeah, Mom, sorry, we’re– we’re fine.” He takes a calming breath, like he’s gotta prove it, and gives Adam a charged look. “Right, Adam? We’re okay?”
But Adma can’t imagine lying right now, not even just to get the adult out of the room so that he and Caleb can debrief in private. He feels wrong still, and monstrous, and so far from normal it hurts.
“I don’t know,” he whispers, and can’t help the first dark thought that springs to his mind:
Is this how Damien felt?
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juicezone · 1 year ago
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Hi! I'm TL, and I do agere/petre art requests! You can find my queue # and open status on my header! You can also check out this link to see my current inbox details/scheduled posts! Please read the rules below, thank you! It helps to reblog this to spread it around :D
you must obey the dni of this account. especially please do not request or reblog if you are k!nk, nsfw, generally not safe for kids. you will be blocked.
If reqs are closed, you may DM me and ask me to send you a message/heads up when I re-open then!
please be kind when asking :) these are not commissions, i am not required to do them! use your manners- a please, thank you, or general appreciation goes far!
if your request is something i’m not comfortable with doing, i’ll priv answer so you have the option of sending another if you’d like! (this is easiest to do if you're not on anon/you leave an @ of your sideblog! If you're on anon, you just might not see the ask be answered.)
please put separate requests in separate asks! IE: if you ask for Character from Fandom A and character from Fandon B, please send two asks! (Unless you want them together which is fine :P)
not a rule but feel free to give suggestions! IE: “Can you draw character with a green paci” or “can you draw character as a fox pet-regressor?” or “can you draw character and character as cg + regressor?” "character in a dip" (just make sure to specify who is who!) Honestly, detail helps a lot with being able to draw and do the req!! I will draw stuff like characters being upset, crying, ect. I'll draw characters in dips but atm i'm not necessarily comfortable drawing accidents themselves (unfortunately, i had a problem with one post i made + deleted being basically immediately snapped up by unsavory blogs ): so)
I’d prefer to not draw your persona/sona/ect! I don’t mind drawing in a “blank/YN” type character, but I no longer would like to draw personas/sonas/ect. Sorry! Mutuals (as in you follow me and I follow you) are welcome to send me asks/DMs regarding requests of their ocs/self-inserts!
Requests may take a while! I'm doing these for free, I have work, schoolwork, and other things that take up my time. You're welcome to DM me or send me an ask to see if it's still in my inbox (i know tumblr eats messages sometimes). If you pester me, I will delete and block you.
(NEW 2/11/25) Please be reasonable with the amount you're sending. Sending me six different requests within a week is something I will reach out and ask you to pick one and to not do it again. I don't mind if you request multiple times, to be clear! three requests over three months? totally fine! Six in a week? No thanks!
I'll do most any media! It's REALLY best to just ask me!! Bluey, MCYT (characters ONLY. *), Star Trek, Pokemon, Superheroes (marvel, dc, ect), FNAF, Warrior Cats, Nintendo, Disney, Genshin Impact (and similar)**, general kids cartoons, ect -Honestly, it's best to just ask! As long as the media isn't primarily NSFW in the 18+ way, I probably don't mind! **Complex chars like in Genshin Impact are fine as long as you're okay with me simplifying/putting them in different clothes (free free to request them in diff clothes even!!), I find it really hard to draw their canon outfits, sorry!
Harry Potter, Hetalia, IRL People (as in the Content Creator - see below for more detail), Attack on Titan, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Country humans/Country balls/Anything based off the countries, Rick and Morty, DSMP*, The Magnus Archives, Mouthwashing *Will not do dsmp at this time or characters who are primarily based/originated in that fandom - sorry! just not comfortable with it. I understand that most of the people who started in that have distanced themself from Dr/eam but I'm still just not comfortable. Sorry.
Will do: MCYT for example! Because my design is based off their MC skin. It's like actors v their characters if that makes sense Won't do: Things like Sanders Side or Marki/plier ego stuff, because it's like. there's nothing there for referencing other than the literal person. idk its hard to explain TLDR: thats just my comfort level sorry ^^''
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