#i also love to drive myself to distraction thinking about what it must feel like to lose so much power and be facing imminent doom and
nysscientia · 1 month
okay but Wyll is like. a prodigy, actually. and I want to talk about that more
like he is a folk hero for a reason. it's not just because he's so nice to people. he is also an incredible adventurer.
when you meet him in the Grove, he is on a level with you—but dialogue makes it clear that's because the tadpole fucked with his capabilities. if you have him around and hear his little interparty exchanges and reactive lines, he talks about things he's done as the Blade of Frontiers, and they include wrestling a giant one-on-one, and fighting a dragon. by himself.
he fought a dragon by himself!!
like (spoilers for end of game), even when you fight a dragon in the finale, you're not doing it ALONE. you have 3 other party members and as many allies as you care to summon. WYLL WAS ALONE IN THE WOODS WITH WHATEVER SUPPLIES HE COULD SCRAPE TOGETHER AS A SOLO ADVENTURER. AND HE FOUGHT A DRAGON.
by all accounts, I think it's reasonable to guess that before the tadpole, he was more powerful than the level 12 cap that's built into the game. and sure, he's a warlock drawing power from a bond, but most D&D lore I've encountered build in the idea that warlocks need a certain amount of skill and prowess to handle the power offered to them by their patron—there's a reason warlocks and clerics still level up, rather than just shooting to the top of the ladder. PLUS, he had to know how to use that power effectively.
and then!! (spoilers for epilogue) if he does the Avernus version of his ending, he's become a ranger within the 6 months since you've last seen him. and not like, he took a level or two in ranger and he's working his way up to it. he tells you about devils he's killed that are on par with the dangers y'all faced in your adventures—and he's doing this either with only Karlach for company, or possibly even by himself (??? I've only ever had him go with Karlach, I can't stand it). so. he is ALSO now one of the most powerful RANGERS in the realms. IN 6 MONTHS.
which makes sense! he wouldn't lose all his adventuring knowledge and skills just because the pact is ended! but to master an entirely new discipline, magic and all, in such a short time??
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honeytonedhottie · 6 months
cultivating creativity and a deeper understanding of self⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍰
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shadow work and prompted journaling is a rly helpful way to get to know urself better. it cultivates not only creativity and a sense of identity, but also healing.
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journal therapy is literally everything and i cannot recommend it enough. some shadow work prompts that you can use to start off are listed below.  
what part of myself do i feel disconnected to and why 
how do i let others invade my boundaries 
what beliefs and behaviors did u adopt from ur family that you now question 
what easily triggers sadness or anger from you. and what might be the deeper reason for this sensitivity
are there desires and ambitions that you feel embarrassed or scared to admit? and why?
journaling mainly involves self expression without fear of judgement. it’s like expressing urself without feeling ashamed so i highly recommend it for anyone who feels like they struggle with self expression. 
working on ur self expression also helps to kind of cultivate a sense of identity and knowledge of who you are and what u value. like i mentioned earlier you can express yourself in so many different ways. i’ll get deeper into the self expression aspect in the post. 
what are you passionate about? what drives u everyday? is it money? academic validation or academic research? maybe it’s romance or a strong desire for something. 
it’s okay. everyone’s answer might be different but there’s no wrong answer. identify what motivates you and what ur working towards. 
give yourself the privilege to do nothing. give yourself the luxury of being bored. when ur not doing anything, this frees up ur mind to think and cultivate ideas and concepts, most of the epiphanies that i have are a result of my alone time. 
when there’s nothing to do, you’re forced to think. and most ppl look for distractions and excuses to not spend time by themselves bcuz they don’t wanna spend time in their thoughts. they don’t wanna just be in their mind and i understand cuz at one point i was also in that position. 
to break this habit and be comfortable in ur own mind you must first be uncomfortable. start small, dedicate a small amount time to just lay and think, let ur mind wander as far as you want. and the next day let ur mind wander for a longer amount of time and so on until you can do this comfortably. 
something that i’ve learned on my journey is that having a creative outlet was rly important for me to be able to cultivate who i wanted to be and to be authentic and original. 
a creative outlet is a way that u can express yourself and your ideas some examples of a creative outlet could be 
pinterest accounts - i have so many pinterest accounts and on those accounts i turn my boards to art. lately i’ve been interested in photography and photos in general so this was rly good for me. 
a blog - starting ur own blog about something that ur passionate about/know a lot about or something that ur learning about is a great way to track progress and document ur journey
a journal - like i’ve mentioned earlier on in the post a journal is the simplest one to do in my opinion and i love it so so much
creating art - whether it’s pinterest boards, paintings, sketches, music, poetry, stories WHATEVER YOU WANT. 
process ur emotions in a thoughtful and efficient way and try looking deeper into ur behavioral patterns and habits. why are you the way you are? 
what are you passionate about? etc etc. cultivate a relationship with yourself through self care and healing work. remember that healing isn’t a linear process and in no case will it be, but i think that u owe it to yourself to know and cultivate urself. 
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emilys-bangs · 26 days
Awww congrats on 200 followers lovely!!! You deserve it, I always find myself rereading your works! So I went to the first section Andromeda, saw prompt #1 “Pull over. Let me drive for awhile.” and thought YES that’s an Emily prompt right there 🤣 I feel like Emily being able to immediately sense reader’s feelings would be super sweet. Like maybe it was rough case/day for reader, Emily steps up, and then starts rambling trying to distract reader so they’re both just laughing and even more in love by the end? Will also read whatever you want to write 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Tysm lovely!!! It amazes me that you reread my fics, I'm so happy you like them🥹!! I changed a tiny bit of this at the end, hope you don't mind <3
Word count: 0.9k
Join my celebration here <3
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You’re upset. It’s not hard to see—shoulders rising to your ears, your jaw set, the skin pulled tight over your knuckles as you grip the steering wheel. Add that to the lack of your usual easy chatter and Emily’s worried, absently picking at the loose skin around her nail as she tries not to make it too obvious she’s staring.
The case was hard on you. The two of you shared a room this time, so she was more in tune with you than she normally is. She heard the sounds of distress you let out in your sleep almost every night, the way you’d toss and turn on the bed for hours after. Emily didn’t say anything, held back her urge to talk to you about it, but she noticed the restless frustration building in you, the way you poured yourself into the case. 
It ended badly, and you’ve been quiet ever since.
She hadn’t argued when you grabbed the car keys, figuring you’d appreciate the small modicum of control, but it’s been almost half an hour and she’s grown uneasy from your still-tight grip on the wheel. Her eyes flick to your face just in time to see the tick in your clenched jaw.
Before Emily can think about it, the words are out of her mouth. “Pull over,” she says softly, breaking the stillness. “Let me drive for a while.”
You give no indication that you heard her; silence makes her words hang in the air, unanswered. Her worry increases when you don’t protest, simply pulling over and unbuckling your seatbelt. 
Emily gets out of the car and makes her way to the driver’s seat just as you’re getting out. She knows her gaze must be hot on your cheeks, but you don’t look at her. Instead, your gaze tips up, and she follows it.
The one road leading out of town is dark. Apart from the headlights of the car and a few spare street lamps, it’s swathed almost entirely in darkness, and the sky above you is lit up with stars.
“Pretty, aren’t they?” Emily murmurs, desperately trying to draw an answer from your lips.
You hum noncommittally and move past her to get back in the car.
Helplessness crawls up Emily’s throat and settles there like a hard lump. She swallows tightly and gets into the car, briefly unmoored at her reaction to your reaction, unsure why it is that she so desperately wants you to be okay.
The silence is back as she drives off. From the corner of her eye, she sees you rest your head on the window and cross your arms, turning away.
Emily is an expert on body language—she has to be—but this time, she can’t sit and watch you drift away from her, further into your mind.
“Did you recognize any constellations out there?” She blurts out, then winces at the stupid question. 
You’re slow to respond. 
“Think I saw…what was that famous one called? The hunter?”
Relief floods Emily’s veins. “Yeah, Orion.” She nods, turning to get a glimpse of you. Your head is still on the window, but your body is tilted toward hers. Her next breath comes a little easier. “It’s arguably the most recognizable constellation in the Milky Way. It lies on the celestial equator, so it’s visible from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.”
“Okay, Reid,” you retort, but the gentleness to your voice tells her you don’t mean any malice. Emily turns and finds a small quirk to your lips; she bites back a smile of her own.
“Yeah, I was a big geek about the stars,” she whispers. Still am. Emily clears her throat. “When I was younger, I used to spend summers in a cabin up in the Alps with my grandfather. He had these huge books about stars and constellations.” You’re quiet next to her, but she sees the way you perk up and shift closer. She never shares her past—or any aspect of her life, really—with anyone, but it’s you, and if it makes you feel even a little bit better, she’ll spell out her whole life’s story for you to hear. 
“The sky was so clear there, it’s insane. I used to draw constellations on the back of my hand and try to search for them in the sky; I spent hours looking up until Grandad called me back. And for each one I’d found, he’d tell me a story.” A wistful smile pulls at her lips. When Emily turns and finds you staring with your head cushioned on your arm, her smile widens.
“Do you want to hear the story of Orion?” She asks softly.
She hears the low whoosh of air as you breathe in, then nod once. “Yeah,” you give her a small smile and warmth spreads all over her body, “I do.”
You’re asleep by the end of it, exhaustion claiming your body, but somehow, at some point, your pinky linked with hers. Both your hands rest on the console now, and Emily looks away from the empty road ahead of her. Your lashes rest on your cheeks, the tense lines of your face relaxing in sleep, and she squeezes your pinky before turning back to the road, her heart somewhat lighter.
taglist: @suckerforcate
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towriteloveontheirarms · 10 months
Let me put my lips to something (Alicent Hightower x Reader)
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synopsis: Neglected by your husband, you find a confidant in Alicent, who is being treated the same way by her own husband. The depth of that trust and friendship however stay hidden to the two of you until one faithfull evening.
warnings: period typical homophobia, more porn than plot, kissing, oral sex, afab reader
word count: 3k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall, @urmomsgirlfriend1
(If you want to be tagged for a specific character/fandom/series or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
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It is late when you knock at the queen´s chambers. You are aware it is, but you don´t know where else to go as well. Trying to keep a neutral expression on your face for the servants that walk by you, your foot taps on the stone floor, until the heavy doors finally open. You can tell Alicent is surprised to see you at this time of day.
“The hour is late. Are you feeling well?” She asks with worry coating her voice.
It takes a while for you to find your own voice as you see her standing in front of you however. She looks so beautiful. Her curly, auburn hair flows over her shoulders perfectly and the dressing gown covering her night dress adulates her figure in the most flattering ways.
“May I come in?” You ask quietly so that only the woman can hear.
“Naturally.” Alicent steps aside to let you in.
Together the two of you sit down at the table in her rooms and suddenly you are more nervous than before your knuckles grazed her door.
“I must say, you look positively radiant this evening.” You compliment her in the hope to distract her attention from the way your fingers pick at each other and you eyebrows pull together. To no avail.
“You are amongst friends. Speak your mind freely. What is wearing so heavy on your soul?” Alicent lays her hand on yours to keep you from hurting yourself. Much like you often did to her. The touch sends a spark of electricity through your arm to your heart, making it stop for just a beat. You weren't sure how it had happened but after you married her eldest son, the queen and you had become a source of comfort for each other. Both neglected by your husbands and left to fend for yourselves against a seemingly uncaring world. Or court at least. And some time in the three years you now lived in the Red Keep, you had found yourself falling for the one person you could never have. Not only a woman, but the queen of the seven kingdoms none the less.
"My Queen. My friend. You know I do not like to speak ill of people, even more so when it is your own son I am speaking about. Yet every day more I feel I am not strong enough for this marital bond. I find myself wishing Aegon would simply divorce me. The silent sisters or even the wall would seem like a simpler lot."
“I feel for you and I do not blame you for such thought, my dear. Yet I must also protest. You possess much more strength than you think. I can see it in your eyes. Your husband may not know how lucky he is in having someone so lovely and intelligent besides him…” She pauses in the middle of her sentence and never finishes it. Searching anything in the room but your eyes.
“I cannot thank you enough for listening to my foolish worries. They must seem so small compared to what you have to endure.” Your hands take a hold of her delicate ones and you allow your thumb to caress the back of them to get her attention again.
Unbeknownst to you that simple action drives her heart to pound against her chest in a much quicker rhythm than before.
“If they burden you they are not foolish at all. Better to voice them in the safety of this chamber than to break from them. I have to admit, I do feel like I am trapped in a gilded cage from time to time. Though your presence has made my suffering more bearable.” An inexplicable blush lays itself over the queen´s pale features at the last sentence.
“I will always be here for you, dear friend. For as long as I breathe.” You squeeze the woman’s hands gently to emphasize the intent in your words. Words that speak of a love far deeper than the one for a mere friend.
One of your hands leaves her touch to rest against her rosy cheek. Your thumb caressing over the warm skin. The air between the two of you seems to crack with tension. Her breath falters under your fingertips and suddenly nothing between you seems like it should be between friends. The underlying feeling of her being your husbands mother is gone entirely. It encouraged you to utter the words you swore you would never tell a single living soul.
“May I confess something else? Something darker than what I laid upon you already?” You feel Alicent nod under your hand. It is your only answer as you avert your gaze in shame at the desire you are about to share.
“I had a dream last night. Stemming from desires I tried to hide and pray away for some time now, but all the praying in the world was for naught.” Your voice is barely above a rough whisper.
“What happened in that dream?” Follows Alicent´s question. Equally as quiet at the seriousness of the moment.
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“I dreamt about you…” The words come out only slowly. “And me. We were lying in bed. You were writhing underneath me in pleasurer at my touch. It was a most sinful, yet beautiful dream.”
Alicent is left speechless, with an even higher beating heart and an animated fantasy. Despite that, her words speak of the opposite sentiment.
“This… this is highly inappropriate. We are both married and even if we weren´t this could never be by the laws of the seven. It would be better for you to retire to your chambers now” The words have so little conviction that you are unsure who she is trying to convince.
Your thumb wipes over her heated cheek once more and before you know it there are mere inches separating her lips from yours. Your eyes meet hers one last time and with a shuttering breath you taste her lips on yours. It´s only for a moment, but that tentative touch heightens your senses massively. When your eyes open again Alicent´s brown ones are already looking back at you. Uncertain, searching in yours for what to do next, for an answer to all this.
“You need to leave. Now. Before this can lead to anything… more…” The brunette stands up, walking out of reach to wrap her arms around herself. The feelings of shame and want clashed inside of her. Swirling in her stomach in a whirlwind of emotional conflict.
“Please, do not send me away so soon.” You plead in a soft tone. Walking after her to lay your hands on her shoulders. “I am begging you, dear friend.”
Alicent doesn´t push them away. Instead she turns around to take your hands once more.
“What are you doing to me?” She breathes.
“I merely wish to love you. To worship you, just like you deserve. Even if it is for one night only. Let me prove the true nature of my feelings to you. I care naught for how sinful these desires are. You are too beautiful not to sin.” You lead your friend to her bed and sit her down beside you. “Will you let me?”
Your hands travel the length over Alicent´s arms with feather light touches as you wait for an answer. Taking in the satin of her dressing gown underneath your finger tips and the silky, smooth texture of her hair as you put it behind her ear.
Her soft lips part to make way for a fluttering breath to escape and then she leans in to lock her lips with yours again. It takes not even a second for you to respond to it. At first they brush over Alicent's lips in a slow, sensual manner. You try not to overwhelm her with everything. That however quickly wanes, when her tongue presses against your lip to silently ask for entrance. Of course you let her in letting her tongue explore your mouth and dance with yours as you do. One of your hands wanders down to open the dressing gown and slips it off Alicent´s shoulders. Wandering up the front of her body, grazing her breasts that were now only clothed in a thin nightdress anymore. The way her heart beats against it clearly tangible. Assuring you that your friend is just as excited as you are. Next your hands gently push the older woman backwards by the shoulder, to lay on the bed as you straddle her hips. Letting your hands wander over her breasts over the fabric of her nightdress once more, a small moan falls sounds off into the room. Her body has long since forgotten what is happening right now is a sin. She feels herself being pulled into the heat of the moment, letting her body go loose to the touches of her friend´s hands. You part from her only for a second, trying to gather yourself. It is so unbelievable that you are lucky enough to be allowed to touch her in this way. Then you place a peck to the corner of her now kiss swollen lips, trailing more passionate, open-mouthed kisses along the length of the side of her neck. Looking down, Alicent's fingers clutch at the blankets, her hips instinctively rising towards yours as your bodies brush against each other. Another moan escapes Alicent's lips, as the tingling sensation your touch leaves behind and that excites her more and more.
“Do you know how long I have desired this...?” Alicent whispers in a voice full of passion, her voice catching in her throat.
“Tell me how long.” You murmur against the hollow at the base of Alicent's throat. Mouthing at it and then kissing further down to her collar bones. Alternating between soft kisses and gentle nibbles.
When the queen´s hips raise off the mattress again, you shift your weight to put a leg between both of her thighs, to assist her in her search for more friction to satisfy the need for more stimulation.
Alicent turns her head to be able to look into your eyes, even though they are blurred because of lust and love and the way her body rubs against yours. Her heart still pounding heavy in her chest.
“Since I first saw you. When you came to the keep after the match was made. Your dress was such a beautiful green and you hair… Oh, your hair.” Alicent's voice trails off as she closes her eyes, unable to keep looking for the moment.
“Keep looking at me. I want to see your eyes.” You whisper into Alicent's ear with a soft dominant tone. Waiting until you have your lover´s eyes on you again to push up the nightdress to reveal her pale skin and the rosy nipples that sit atop her beautiful breasts.
“ I cannot.” Alicent says while trying to hide her face, but she can't manage too.
You grab her chin between your thumb and forefinger to turn her face back to you and  her body is overcome with lust, and her mind is consumed by the image of your hair in her hands. Your eyes looking deeply into hers, with a look as if she had created the world and your lips on her supple skin.
“Look at me.” You whisper with more emphasis. “You are so beautiful.”
“Yes, oh yes.” Alicent whispers in a faint voice, her breath catching in her throat.
She feels her mind go hollow and her heart beating so fast it feels like it is about to explode. She moans again and again as she is overwhelmed with so much more than she has ever been able to desire in her lifetime.
“You are a goddess…” You murmur breathlessly against her breasts. Your tongue swirling around the erect buds until they are painfully hard. Blowing on them to elicit another sound of pleasure, before you close your lips around the peaks of her chest to nibble and suck on them.
Meanwhile your hands find Alicent's hips. Leading them with a firm grip in a slow rhythm to drag against her thigh.
Alicent's breath comes out in hot, shallow breaths. Her entire being is consumed with your touch, her body shaking.
“It's like heaven. It's divine, that touch of yours.” Alicent's breath quickens, yet her mind remains empty of all thought. All she understands is the need to feel more.
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The older woman´s hands let go of your hair and the bedsheets to take hold of your shoulders. Her nails digging into the flesh as you guide her away from your thigh and instead replace it with your fingers. Reverend touches of your fingertips, pull all kinds of sounds from her. Delicious whines and whimpers and needy pleas for more.
“Please, oh gods, please. More… More...” Alicent is on the edge of losing control. Her mouth opens, but no words can form under the small, deliberate circles you rub into the sensitive bundle of nerves that sits at the top of her fluttering cunt.
You can tell Alicent is close to her release. So you capture your lover's lips in another passionate kiss, swallowing her every loud moan as to not get caught by any guards, your fingers lead her over the edge of pleasure.
“Yes! Yes!” That's all her mind can grasp as her entire body shakes with her release.
Once all the pent up energy is out of Alicent´s system and the shaking dies down to a trembling again, You take your fingers, that had caught some of her juices, away from her wet heat and lick them clean.
“You truly are a delicacy. To be savored, not used and cast aside at the whims of men that cannot even begin to process the goddess that you are.” You groan at her sweet taste.
Diving down between her legs, wrapping your arms around them to keep her hips still, you begin to kiss all around her center. Nibbling and sucking a few, easily concealed marks into her flesh. Teasing her long before she finally puts her lips to the queens wet heat. Letting her tongue swipe out to lick a wide stripe through it.
Alicent feels like a bolt of electricity has hit her. Her entire body is consumed with excitement. She does not want you to ever stop touching her. Every touch is a pure delight that Alicent's body and mind crave. It has her panting and heaving for air, writhing underneath you in no time. Not able to stop the feelings she feels building up in her body, she tries to push her lover´s head away, but her weakened arms cannot stop the force of your touch.
Assured by her actions, you suck on the queen's pearl even harder. The feelings of another oncoming release begin to wash over her again, she is taken back to that moment when her body was pushed over the edge. Her nails raking over your back to leave red markings along it. Until they reach the back of your head.
You willingly let Alicent pull your head closer between her legs and think, that if you were to die then and there, tasting your lover's nectar on your tongue, it would be the happiest death. Nevertheless you live and Alicent reaches her second peak. Alicent gasps for air as her entire body is consumed with pleasure. She is convinced that her heart will give out any second now from how hard it beats. She is in the seven heavens. Would be screaming out her feelings, if it wouldn´t be for your hand covering her mouth. You are eager to please the queen, but you are not eager to face the king´s wrath for doing so. Your tongue guides her through her climax. Making sure not to waste a drop of the sweet nectar from between her legs. While under your hand a muffled whine of your name signals her overstimulation. Then you kiss your way up again. Over Alicent's stomach and chest up to her lips.
"You taste so sweet. Truly divine.” You murmur as you give her a taste of herself.
Shifting your weight once more, you lay next to Alicent. The pinky finger of one of your hands entangled with one of hers as your other hand runs lightly over Alicent's bare arm.
“How do you feel?” Alicent feels her heart flutter, as the simple touch and question. She looks towards her lover, her eyes fixed with adoration. Her cheeks become flushed once more as she takes in her love, not only for you but for the way you makes her feel. Safe, loved, content.
“I do not know how you manage to make me feel this way.” Alicent says as she caresses your cheek.
“I am merely a fool in love, lucky enough to share the bed of the most beautiful woman in all of Westeros.” You say as you savor every moment of the sweet touch. Butterflies raging in both of your stomachs.
Alicent cannot take her eyes away from you. The love she bears for her lover, the way all her thoughts and emotions are consumed by the desire for your touch and love makes her smile.
“Come here.” Her voice remains calm, though it trembles slightly due to her lasting breathlessness. “Kiss me again.”
“Anything the queen commands.” You tease her with a wide smirk. Letting her pull you closer, before laying her lips on Alicent's in a slow, most tender kiss. You wrap your arms around the queen. Tracing the length of her spine with the most reverend touches.
Even the softest movement of your fingers send a wave of pleasure down her spine. She cannot hold back any longer. Alicent's body is overcome with a feeling she can barely describe.
“Love me.” Her voice trembles with excitement, though she cannot say much more. All she wants is you.
“You will never go unloved for another day as long as I live. I promise. In the smallest gazes and touches or in the biggest gestures we can allow. I will always love you.” You promise her and the look in your eyes tells Alicent that you mean every single word of it.
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wearelondonhq · 4 months
TWILIGHT SAGA SENTENCE STARTERS.   feel free to change pronouns   /   change the sentence(s) to your liking.  
Happy Meme Day!!! If you want to take part all you have to do is reblog this post. Remember if you reblog to send them out to EVERYONE who also does. Meme lasts from today until the next Sunday (the 26th of May).
❛  i’ve got it,  i’ve got it!  i’m all right!  ❜
❛  you fell down two flights of stairs.  you went through a window.  ❜
❛  i’ll do whatever it takes to make you safe again.  ❜
❛  you’re in here because of me.  ❜
❛  ( name ),  calm down,  everything’s alright.  ❜
❛  you just can’t say stuff like that to me.  ever.  ❜
❛  rip him apart and burn the pieces.  ❜
❛  where else am i gonna go?  ❜
❛  where should i meet you?  ❜
❛  i put a new can of pepper spray in your bag.  ❜
❛  i’d never given much thought to how i’d die.  ❜
❛  c’mon,  we gotta talk boys!  are you being safe?  ❜
❛  dying in the place of someone i love seems like a good way to go.  ❜
❛  i have to go home now.  you have to take me home.  ❜
❛  you were a stubborn child,  weren’t you?  ❜
❛  when everything’s done,  i’m going to come back and get you.  ❜
❛  leave me alone!  it’s over!  get out!  ❜
❛  that’s gonna be a home run,  right?  ❜
❛  i’m gonna make it go away.  i’ll make it go away.  ❜
❛  what am i gonna say to him?  ❜
❛  death is peaceful.  easy.  life is harder.  ❜
❛  i just want to try one thing.  stay really still.  ❜
❛  i can’t hurt him.  ❜
❛  ( name ),  you are my life now.  ❜
❛  this isn’t real.  this kind of stuff doesn’t exist.  ❜
❛  we can do more stuff together.  ❜
❛  you’re not gonna drive home right now.  ❜
❛  ( name ), c’mon. i just—  i just got you back.  ❜
❛  why don’t you lemme drive?  ❜
❛  if i don’t leave now then i’m just gonna be stuck here like _.  ❜
❛  what if he kills one of us first?  ❜
❛  babe,  c’mon,  it’s just a game.  ❜
❛  is it enough just to have a long and happy life with me?  ❜
❛  i’ll keep her safe,  ( name ).  ❜ ❛  you’re ready right now?  ❜
❛  i/we won’t be bothering you anymore.  ❜
❛  i dream about being with you forever.  ❜
❛  if anything happens,  i swear to god.  ❜ ❛ 
❝ I decided as long as I'm going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly. ❞
❝ I said it would be better if we weren’t friends, not that I didn’t want to be.❞
❝ What if I'm the bad guy/girl/person? ❞    
❝ Do I dazzle you? ❞
❝ The right thing isn't always real obvious. ❞
❝ You’re still waiting for the running and the screaming, aren’t you? ❞
❝ I am not really breaking any rules. ❞
❝ You think I regret saving your life? ❞
❝ I always say too much when I'm talking to you. That's one of the problems. ❞
❝ I know love and lust don't always keep the same company. ❞
❝ Do you like scary stories? ❞
❝ No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end. ❞
❝ I miss you. ❞
❝ Distract me, please.  ❞
❝ You really should stay away from me. ❞
❝ It's too easy to be myself with you. ❞
❝ It's not the end. It's the beginning. ❞
❝ Your hair looks like a haystack, but I like it. ❞
❝ I'd rather know what you're thinking - even if what you're thinking is insane. ❞
❝ Can't you just thank me and get over it? ❞
❝ You've got a bit of a temper, don't you? ❞
❝ I don’t like to lie – so there’d better be a good reason why I’m doing it. ❞
❝ Without the dark, we'd never see the stars. ❞
❝ I hate you for making me want you so much. ❞
❝ Immortality must grant endless patience. ❞
❝ I'd rather die than stay away from you. ❞
❝ I love you. It's a poor excuse for what I'm doing, but it's still true. ❞
❝ I wished there was some way to explain how very uninterested I was in a normal human life. ❞
❝ I'm feeling extremely insignificant! ❞
"what  part  of  'mortal  enemies'  is  too  complicated  for  you  to—"
"i  don't  think  you  should  dump  all  your  other  friends  for  your  boyfriend."
"sure,  sure.  i'll  stop  by  your  crypt  after  school."
"do  you  really  think  hurting  her  is  better  than  protecting  her?"
"i  thought  it  would  be  something  faintly  realistic."
"look  after  my  heart  —  i've  left  it  with  you."
"if  i  get  hurt,  it  was  because  i  tripped."
"i'm    not    going    to    hide    out    in    the    forest    while    you    all    take    risks    for    me."
"let's    get    this    stupid    party    over    with."
"i    am    not    really    breaking    any    rules."
"i    wondered    why    i    was    being    so    formal.    must    be    the    nerves."
"how  can  we  be  friends,  when  we  love  each  other  like  this?"
“you  try  very  hard  to  make  up  for  something  that  was  never  your  fault.”
“you  didn’t  choose  this  kind  of  life,  and  yet  you  have  to  work  so  hard  to  be  good.”
“you’re  the  very  best  part  of  my  life.”
“it  was  exactly  what  was  to  be  expected.”
“i’d  rather  deal  with  real  zombies  than  watch  a  romance.”
“can  i  help  you  with  something?  you  look  lost.”
“your  friends  are  a  lot  more  interesting  than  mine.”
“five  foot  four  is  perfectly  average.”
“you’re  like  a  little  doll.”
“do  i  look  like  i  tripped  in  your  garage  and  hit  my  head  on  a  hammer?”
“you  can  be  so  out  of  it  sometimes.”
“i’m  in  the  mood  for  action.  bring  on  the  blood  and  guts!”
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skzstoryvault · 3 months
Erase and Rewind (angst, fluff, smut - Hyunjin - Final part)
good friend Hyunjin
multi chapter story
this chapter: feelings and smut
Chan broke up with reader
Reader is moving on
Hyunjin is being a supportive friend
Featuring insecurities, internalised misogyny and self-hate
This is in no way meant as a commentary on the real persons depicted here. They all deserve the world.
Please be kind.
Please do not report this post. If it's not your thing, just scroll away.
If you're underage, please scroll on, there is nothing for you here.
If you enjoy this story and are reading along, I would love to hear your comments in the replies, reblogs or DMs - however you feel most comfortable.
*** Part 3
You were single for two Valentine’s Days and for two White Days now, and other than staying in and distracting yourself with action movies, you did not feel the seasonal sadness affect you. Not to mention, there were other friends of yours who weren’t big on celebrating those things and who invited you to their houses for casual gatherings. Minho hosted a silent rave at his house one year (which Chan and his girlfriend skipped), Felix invited himself over one White Day, with cake ingredients and his infectious good mood. You were doing great.
This year, for White Day, Hyunjin declared the entire world could fuck off with its lovey dovey shit and he invited you for an art experience at a gallery which provided huge canvases, non-toxic paints and small thongs for the clients to use for painting on each other, then rolling across the canvasses and creating their own unique art pieces. “Uh… this is a literal string. My whole dick is out.” Hyunjin said from the changing booth next to yours. 
“My outfit has no bra. Granted there’s not much that can go in it but I bet you didn’t sign up to see my nips on this God’s fine day.” “Shall I tell the staff we’re not doing it? If you’re uncomfortable?” “How much did you look forward to this, Hyune? And also, this must have been such a headache to organise, for you, with how booked you are. And aren’t you uncomfortable?” “Well, I really wanted to do it. I thought it would be nice for us to have this special thing in common.” 
“Tell you what. Let’s still do it - butt naked. I know you love me and won’t laugh at me, and the same goes for me too.” “Fuck yes!” Hyunjin burst out of his booth, naked and in flip flops. “Jewellery - on or off?” You thought for a bit. “Off, I’d say, we don’t want the canvas to snag. Or for you to be up at three am, cleaning out paint from your custom diamond pieces with the toothbrush.” 
“One less thing to jiggle around.” He said, heading for the canvases. “These really are big.” You exited your booth too, joining him, also in your birthday suit. “Shall we begin? Please, no pastels for me.” By the time he was halfway done with putting paint on you, you noticed him fidgeting and noticed why, as well. “Look, it happens, okay? You’re young and fit, a breeze coming in through the open window can give you a semi. It’s fine.” “It’s not a breeze though, it’s you. “ Hyunjin said. “You’re just so fine, and the fact that you wanted us to do this, even naked… so hot. But don’t worry, I’ll behave. I know how you feel about sex with men lately.” 
“Er, that was almost two years ago. The sex itself is not the issue, the other shit it came with is. And… you think that’s the issue??? Hold up… excuse me for presuming here but… I didn’t think you’d be into me. Chan said you don’t like women.”
“He… what?” Hyunjin gasped so hard you feared he might straight up hyperventilate. “Or… that’s what I understood. I don’t remember the exact phrasing but he said that if you fished in the same pond no one would ever be so much as noticed by girls.” “Well maybe I don’t crop dust my charms all over the world because I’m not about all that. Whenever my hormones are taking the reigns, I use that energy and that drive to make art, to dance, to train, to push myself harder. To be the perfect whore for Stay so they’ll give me the most attention. I really don’t think I have to be a slave to every erection that comes and goes. I guess from the others’ end it might look different.” He said, looking down at his now behaving dick. “Case in point. Although I’ve been insanely attracted to you since we met, but then you went for Channie and I thought, eh, we’re not the same type, I’m not even an option. I’m not as confident and in charge as him and I’m shy so I… decided I would take any kind of place in your life you deigned to give me. But then he broke up with you, like a donkey, I might add, and you were so hurt and defeated, I though it inappropriate to still have a crush on you. I didn’t want to feel like I was friends with you for… predatory reasons. Just know that I think you’re everything and also… there’s these. Warning, I am not trying to be a pervert but look… I’ve had it done in Japan.” The madman. The absolute, perfect, amazing dumbass, you thought, looking at the twin scars. 
You pointed to yours, now faded and pretty much invisible unless you drew attention to them.
“We… we actually match.” You said, feeling tears threaten to spill. “Jinnie… I’m going to cry! But… are you sure? That’s pretty extreme.” “I am crying! And yes, I am very sure. I can always adopt a child who needs love, and between you and me every time I hear people say how beautiful my kids will be with this creepy sort of entitlement… I used to shudder, now I can laugh about it.” He said, scooching closer to hug you. “We’re mixing up our paints. And… and I can’t believe I scrounged up the balls to tell you. And you like it? Like… me?” “Jinnie… you’ve given me back to me this past year plus. And it’s not just gratitude, don’t think you have to work hard to earn my affection, but… you carved out all the darkness from my world and replaced it with your colours. I should be so lucky to have your love, in this way or another. Your love is worth the risk. You’ve taught me there are no guarantees beyond what we choose to give each other today. And I want your love, if you want mine in return.” 
Hyunjin just sobbed harder, everything else forgotten for a long, elastic moment stretching outside of time, in which the two of you sat naked and entangled in the middle of a tarp, covered in colours. Still crying, Hyunjin took your hand and helped you up. He rolled you across your canvas and you moved him across his own. You then stood, together, looking at your finished art pieces from further away. “They’re beautiful, Jinnie.” You said, moving closer to him and taking his hand in yours. “And they match perfectly. Like us.” He said, finally finding your lips with his, enveloping you in his arms and holding you close, glued to him. 
It didn’t even feel like you were naked with him then. He made you feel so safe and seen, you forgot you were supposed to feel self-conscious.
You went back to your place after the gallery, to wash the rest of the colours off and to continue your make-out session. Still damp and with steam coming off of your skins, you collapsed between your sheets together, kissing ravenously, hands roaming and mapping previously off limits parts. You ended up in a tangle of limbs on the bed, Hyunjin’s cock down your throat and his tongue in your pussy. The way you both pulled and squeezed at each other’s skin, trying to get deeper, closer, was matched only by the neediness in your sounds. You had always guessed Hyunjin was the vocal type, now you knew for sure and his gone moans and whimpers made your core clench painfully and your walls slicker. It felt good and normal, that sense of vulnerability you hadn’t liked before nowhere to be found. You knew, deep in the back of your mind, that you and Hyunjin were thick as thieves and even if he did move on from you sexually, he would never cut you out of his life and allow you to fade into the faceless crowd of people who orbit him but are inconsequential to him. He comes without warning, from you running a wet finger over his hole and you pull back a bit so you wouldn’t choke or hurt him, focusing on drinking him down and not spilling a drop. He tastes so clean and familiar, and you know it’s psychological, this part - the thought that taking his come inside you can’t harm you or change the course of your life to a trajectory not of your choosing. This is, of course, in line with how Hyunjin makes you feel in every other way: seen, protected and cared for. Like a precious secret or a superpower. 
You don’t expect to come, you’re too lost in the tsunami of emotions crashing down on you, and usually when there’s a disconnect between mind and body, nothing happens, but this time, Hyunjin pushes you down that steep slide by simply keeping at devouring you with his lips, his tongue, his long and gentle fingers. You don’t expect it, yet you start shaking like a leaf in autumn and feel yourself gush all over his face, an actual scream tearing out from you at how unexpectedly intense it feels. 
By the time you can breathe normally again and can string two thoughts together, Hyunjin is still panting and his skin feels like it’s burning. He’s sweating profusely, like from an hour-long dance practice. His hands are still idly caressing you where he can reach, your thighs, your hips, your belly. 
“Give me a moment and I’ll fuck you until we black out.” He says, his intoxicatingly appealing confidence making you shiver again. “Going to fuck every memory of Channie-hyung from you so you’re all mine.” 
It’s a double-edged sword kind of comment that could land well or really badly, but the fact that he risked it for your own benefit is incredible. 
Hyunjin already pieced all the broken parts of you together and glued them with his gold.  You don’t know why or how, certainly not because you’re special - because you know you’re not. But on the other hand, he went all in too, and if it’s all a cruel prank or some background bet with the boys, it’s a damn high value one. “You being in your head, listening to your mean girl voice?” Hyunjin asks, sitting up and coming to caress your face. “Tell me.” He adds, leaning down to lick your lips into opening, sucking your lower one and then biting into it just the right amount so it stings but doesn’t hurt. “I want you fully here for what I’m going to do to you.” 
His words make you gasp. “I’m still wondering why you chose me. I’m just a girl. Not even the prettiest.” 
“To me you are THE girl.” Hyunjin says, bringing a hand up to caress your lips with careful, featherlight fingertips. “You can learn so much about a person when you dance with them, it’s so intimate and electric. I’ve never felt like this, like I want to take all of you and put you inside me and protect you from the world.” 
His words send pure pleasure sparking up and down your spine, you never expected someone would feel like this about you and he’s right, that feeling when you dance together, that you are one soul in two bodies - you’ve felt it too and it was all-overpowering. 
You close your eyes briefly, against the tide of rushing sensations coursing through you. Underneath, like the dark waters of the ocean, are your feelings, which are also stirring. You could love Hyunjin in the same all-consuming, all-overtaking way he acts towards you. The feeling of safety he gives you is unlike anything you’ve felt before and makes you want to go anywhere he wants to take you. 
You become aware of the closeness of your bodies, the way your heated skins touch almost all over, with Hyunjin now half on top of you, with a leg bent and thrown possessively over you. His cock is pressed against your hip, leaking on your skin there, hard already. Everything about him is so ethereally beautiful, from his pillowy soft lips and his spindly, strong and gentle fingers, to his cock, long and thick and now hard again. You run the hand currently not carding through his hair down along the thigh he had flung across you, and the muscles shift subtly beneath your fingertips. He makes a completely ruined sound, squeezing his eyes shut and opening them to look at you. “Can I? Please, can I?”
“Yes, Jinnie, you can always have me. I’m all yours now.”
“Only mine, too.” He whispers, as though he’s manifesting it for himself. “Help me? I don’t want to mess this up.” You nod, reaching down and guiding him to rest against your entrance. One deep breath later and you’re breaching yourself  before he takes over, pushing in just the tiniest bit. The stretch is just on this side of pain, after so long. You’re turned on out of your mind though, and he can slide in easily, but you want to feel more of that stretch. “Slowly, until you bottom out. I want to feel all of this.” You say, voice coming out raspy and breathless. “Heavens, Jinnie - you feel perfect.” 
He lets out a breath he’s been holding for ages, it seems, lowering his forehead to yours. “I’m afraid to move. If I do, I’ll bust.” He says, his eyes closed. You could be with him like this forever. Him above you, inside you, trembling like a leaf from all the things rushing through him. He never looks more gorgeous than he does in moments like this one, fully naked with you, inside out, no make-up, no retouches. Soon, he does move - halfway propped up on an arm while the other one is under you, pulling you closer and anchoring him to you, wrecked-sounding and with eyes squeezed closed, lower lip chewed up and hair sticking in wet tendrils to his face and neck. He looks like a god. 
It takes him a bit to find an angle and a pace he can sustain, and all the pressing and wriggling around just pushes him closer into you, so close that every movement of his hips is felt in your clit, and you just know it’s a matter of when by now, not if he makes you come. “I can’t… fuck, I can’t…” he pants out in frustration. “I can’t hold it long enough, I’m sorry.” He adds, collapsing on you and peppering apologetic kisses all over your face and neck.
You know he means he can’t hold a steady rhythm in this position, not long enough to get you both to that place where you both fall over the edge. 
“Kneel up, baby. Sit back and spread your legs beneath me.” You guide him. He can definitely do it, he has the strength for it, and the hubris needed to attempt to pull off the switch in position while still inside you. 
“Oh… my… God!” He exclaims when it works and he finds himself with you in his lap, with your legs on either side of him, grinding on his length which is now buried impossibly deeper inside you. His first reaction once he’s sat down and his heels are digging into the sheets is to pull you close and bury his face in your neck, leaving a deep mark at the spot where your neck meets the shoulder. For a moment, he forgets to move up into you, distracted by how much closer he can have you now, how much easier it is to reach your neck, your collarbones, the swell of your breasts, your nipples. “Are you close, baby?” You press out, wanting his focus. If he forgets himself now, the rhythmic squeezing of your walls around his cock buried deep inside you and the maddening, overwhelming feel of his lips and fingers on your nipples will throw you over the edge and leave him behind. And any other time, that would be perfectly fine, but you need him with you this time, the first time of many. 
“Yes, fuck, this is so… it’s everything!” He pants. “I was close since you let me in. I’m barely holding on, so you don’t think I-” He gets cut off by the next squeeze of your walls around his length when you’re seated flush in his lap. “Oh fu-” Hyunjin goes cross-eyed briefly, holding on to you and pulling you close, wrapping his arms around you and locking you in, your front glued to his. 
Seeing him lose it for you, because of you, throws you over the edge too, sparks of pleasure turning into currents shooting up and down your spine, spreading tingles all over you, all the way to your toes. As soon as your heavy breathing goes down a bit, you lean in and kiss Hyunjin, stealing his breath and licking along his now spit-slick lips. He’s going slack beneath you and you push him backwards so he ends up lying down on the bed. You follow, his softening cock slipping out of you, causing you both to whine at the loss of contact and the sound of your bodies separating wetly. 
“That was… holy… I knew it would be good but… because it was with you, it was out of this world. I felt like I died and got zapped back to life.” Hyunjin speaks, his words leaving his chest slowly. He sounds so dreamy and relaxed, like he might fall asleep while talking. “I want to do it again and again, till I can’t move or remember my name. I want to let you try everything on me. Tie me up, fuck me, blindfold me, spank me, pi-” “Jinnie!” You chime from your comfy spot on top of him. “I appreciate the enthusiasm. I guess we have to stay together for a little while so we can try all the things you want.” 
“I want that. I want to try it all with you.” He says, sounding far away and half into the land of dreams already. “Wanna keep you fucked out and pleased all the time. Or… uhhh, do things in your own time? I want to tell Stay about you right away, to sort the haters out and to be able to be together like normal people.” "You don't have to. People are full of hate, Jinnie. I want you to keep being the loveable brat, the prince and the spoiled baby in public. You should be Stay's best and cutest husband, it's good for your career. Better than announcing a girlfriend." "But... won't you hate being kept a secret?" "Babe, I'm being selfish. I don't want the world to be in on our relationship. And well, statistically, we have more of a chance to last as a couple if we don't invite everyone else out there into it." "Then I'll do what feels right for you. I like being an idol and I love being yours now. If I can continue doing both... all the better. And we can keep hanging out like before, I need to see you every day when I'm around here." “Mmm, good thing you said that, I don’t want us to go from being besties to only being strictly dickly.” You say, finding a comfortable spot to snuggle next to your boyfriend. “A lot of people have dicks, but there’s only one of you, my good sweet Hyune.” 
“Don’t stop, go on,” he says, his eyes closed and a smile tugging on his lip corners. 
“You are so good to me, my baby. You gave me my joy back.” You say. “Wanna keep you to myself for so long.” 
You’re not sure he heard the last part, since he’s already snoring softly, like a cat purring itself to sleep. But the words that left your lips are enough of a shock to you already.  It’s the truth. Hyunjin never cared how much of a mess you were. To him, you’re the hottest thing in the world and he gave you more than 100% of himself in every way. 
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laevanders · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes with the caballeros.
Cause I can
Donald, driving José and Panchito: So how was your day?
Panchito: We almost got surprise adopted!
Donald: What?
José: We almost got kidnapped.
Donald: Oh, okay.
Donald: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?
Panchito: Donal' and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
José: *Sighing* What did B do?
Panchito: he chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Donald: Who wants a steering wheel?
Panchito: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time?
José: The car takes a screenshot.
Donald: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Donald: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?
Panchito: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house.
José: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million.
Panchito: Good thinking.
*insert donald having flashbacks to his uncle*
Panchito: How's the sexiest person here~?
Donald: I don't know, how are they~?
Panchito, flustered: I-
José, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Panchito: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Donald: Wasn't C with you?
José: In my defense...I was also left unsupervised.
I feel like this one is canon
José: I told Donal' his ears flush when he lie.
Panchito: Why?
José: Look.
José: Hey Donal'! Do you love us?
Donald, covering his ears: No.
Panchito: Are you sure this is the right direction?
José: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Donald: In that case, we're definitely lost
The squad is trying to con some random guy
Panchito: Um, Jose, why are you pretending I'm this guy's family?
José: We need money!
Panchito: You're scamming him?
José: I was thinking more like flat-out stealing from him?
Panchito: What?! No way!
José: Why not? We already stole Donald!
Donald: Hey guys
Panchito: No, we didn't. Donald can think and talk for themself, they can do whatever they want!
Donald: I wanna steal
Panchito: What do you think Donal' will do for a distraction?
José: he’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Jose: ... or he could do that.
Donald: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Panchito: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.
Donald: Not when you’re playing with José, it’s not. They put words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
Donald: Hey, what are you reading?
José: This is my magic book where any ink spilled shows a scripture of the future, however it bears a curse making it broken, and as such in order to make any scripture appears, I have to do it myself.
Donald: Impressive! I must have it for myself!
Panchito: So it’s just a Notebook?
José: It’s just a Notebook.
José: Everyone, calm down! We're grown-ups, let's deal with this like adults!
Panchito: So, we're just going to wing it and hope for the best?
Donald: Obviously. Now, Zé, pass the shovel.
Donald: Yesterday, I overheard Panchito saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and José replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Donald: Just think about this! I’m your hottest friend.
Donald: No, that’s José… I’m your nicest friend.
Donald: No, Panchito... I’m your friend!
*Zé and Panchi proceeds to shower him with affection*
Panchito: If I die, my funeral will be the biggest party ever and you're all invited.
José: "If"
Donald: Great, the only party I'm ever invited to and they might not even die.
José: I dare you-
Donald: Panchi is not allowed to accept dares anymore.
José: Why not?
Panchito: "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say.
José, to Donald: ...And I need you and Paco to help, and by "help" I mean "do everything."
Panchito: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they’re loved. Donal has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for them.
José: By forcing him to have fun at a party that he don’t want to be at?
Panchito: I knew you’d understand.
José: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body.
Donald: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot.
Panchito: Hmm... I've been drinking soda and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from...
José texting group chat: What flavour of ice cream do you guys want? I’m at the store so be quick!
Panchito: Moose Tracks is good!
Donald: What the fuck is that!?
Panchito: *Gasp* How dare you insult moo-
Donald: No. No no not that. What the hell. Why do you spell flavor like flavour. It’s like you have flavor but then this guy shows up and is like “Oui Oui Would you like chocolate flaVOUR or vanilla flaVOUR.
José and Panchito: what?
Donald: I don’t get it why add the EXTRA u when it’s PERFECTLY FINE AS IT IS!?
José: You done now?
Donald: Yeah ok.
J and P: ...
Donald: ...Can I have the Mint Chocolate chip flavour?
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notoriousbeb · 1 year
I don’t know about you, but my dash is…less than fun right now. SO I decided to do some lyrical analysis, which always distracts me and cheers me up.
Specifically, I noticed Folklore and Evermore have some very strong themes…
Fantasizing About a Path Not Taken / Pining
“As if you were a mythical thing/Like a trophy or a champion ring/And there was one prize I’d cheat to win/The more that you say/The less I know/Wherever you stray, I follow/I’m begging for you to take my hand/Wreck my plans/That’s my man” - Willow
“What must it be like to grow up that beautiful/With you hair falling into place like dominoes/My mind turns your life into folklore” - Gold Rush
“Eyes like sinking ships on waters so inviting I almost jump in” - Gold Rush
“I see me padding across your wooden floors/With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from your door/at dinner parties I call you out on your contrarian shit/And the coastal town we wandered around had never seen a love as pure as it” - Gold Rush
“The old widow goes to the stone every day/But I don’t, I just sit here and wait/Grieving for the living” - Ivy
“Write this down/I’m staying at my parents’ house/And the road not taken looks real good now/And it always leads to you and my hometown” - ‘Tis the Damn Season
And a subset of the same theme: Dreaming about Someone She Thinks She Shouldn’t
“I can’t dare to dream about you anymore” - Gold Rush
“Head on the pillow, I could feel you sneaking in” - Willow
“I can’t stop you putting roots in my dreamland” - Ivy
Personally, I think all this longing and wondering coincided with one of Taylor and Joe’s “rough patches.”
Then, we get Midnights. These feelings haven’t disappeared, and now they’re being channeled into autobiographical reliving of sleepless nights.
Three of these, I believe, are about the same person: Harold.
Many people, myself included, believe Maroon strongly points to him, based on their shoeless karaoke session in a red-toned room in NYC, the hickey he put on her collarbone that a bunch of people saw, her iconic red lipstick, Harry’s god daughter being named Ruby (this one might just be me, but I stand by it), and the fact that a person left behind on an island is called a maroon.
But I haven’t seen anyone making what I call “the rosé connection” to The 1.
Maroon: “Your roommate’s cheap-ass screw-top rosé, that’s how”
The 1: “Rosé flowing with your chosen family”
You know who had roommates like chosen family? Harry.
Also, I have some observations about why Snow on the Beach could be about him, which I haven’t seen before:
“One night a few moons ago, I saw flecks of what could have been lights/But it might just have been you/Passing by unbeknownst to me” - He used to drive by her house in LA at night
“This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen/I searched ‘aurora borealis green’/I’ve never seen someone lit from within” - Reference to green eyes
All that to say, it appears to me that girl spent at least some of 2020 in a heavy state of confusion/longing (that she channeled into some really great fictional settings) and then went on to just lay it all out there in Midnights.
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katsu28 · 2 years
heyy! congrats on 1k xx could i get a candy for male!harry potter pls? preferably marauders era but either is good <33
my pronouns are she/her. i'm an enfp, a ravenclaw & a sagittarius w. a virgo moon. i'm 5''3 with an hourglass figure. my hair is curly auburn & my eyes are dark blue/green.
i would describe myself as observant, witty, empathetic & kind. i can be pretty sensitive which causes me to become defensive. i love meeting new people and i feel like i'm easy to get along with, although i can be outspoken about my opinions.
i like shopping, 60s and 80s rock music, old movies, going to cities, astrology, playing the guitar, and tarot readings. i like to go on spontaneous trips to towns & lakes, but i'm happy doing whatever.
i talk more than i listen although i love to ask people questions & get to know them. ideally i want a partner who's pretty talkative so that i feel as if it's equal. i'm a pretty hopeless romantic and my love language is quality time - i also like physical touch but i have to feel safe around the person.
hii thank you so much my dear!! <3 i would ship you with sirius black!
a gryffindor like himself with a ravenclaw like you might seem like an unlikely pair at first but i think you and sirius would vibe instantly because you're both pretty extroverted and easy to get along with, and especially since you're both talkative. he loves how easy and fun it is to talk to you! you're able to talk to each other or other people for hours on end, and his favorite thing is to have long conversations with you about anything you want! he tries his best to keep your sensitive nature in mind and even though sometimes he might forget to think before he speaks, he always makes sure that you know he's not trying to be mean in any way, he's just kinda impulsive with his words.
60s and 80s rock music and old movies are so his thing too, so he would absolutely adore that you have similar interests. maybe one time he takes you to an old muggle drive in movie or concert for a date! i think it's a common headcanon that sirius plays the guitar as well, so you like to teach each other new things or have a jam session whenever you can! you could teach him about astrology and tarot readings if he doesn't know anything about them, and as much as he wants to pay attention to what you're saying, he'd keep getting distracted by how pretty you are talking about things you love. honestly, sirius would think you're the prettiest girl he's even laid eyes on, and he wouldn't hesitate to tell you all the time.
spontaneous trips with sirius are a must! i can imagine him taking you out on his bike and the two of you just making a day out of exploring wherever you end up, shopping, walking around, going sightseeing—anything you want! his love language is also quality time, and he absolutely loves doing anything and everything with you! and he's also the same way you are about physical touch, but he warms up to you pretty quickly. sirius feels safe enough around you to let his guard down, and he only feels that way about a select amount of people.
i feel like you'd get along pretty well with the rest of the marauders too since you and sirius are quite similar! they would joke around saying "merlin's beard there's two of them 😧" but in reality they like you too and they love how happy you make their best mate.
kait's sweetest celebration!
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cydie · 2 months
ever since last friday, i have been actively battling a very intense pressure in my chest
i wish i could describe it in words
its like the feeling you get just before you cry, coupled with the feeling you get when you get blindsided by something incredibly hurtful like finding out a loved one died or your SO cheated etc
it came on so suddenly? and it started as we were driving back from mum's
trying so hard to remember if something triggered it but as usual i can't seem to access bad memories
the last week has been somewhat of a blur
this feeling really blindsided me. it's the most painful, sinking feeling within my chest and it hurts so bad i feel a ringing in my ears
after tuesday therapy, i sobered up so i could meet matt at the airport
i was okay for a little bit, when i got the apple danish
i can't figure out what this is
but i do notice that matt has the ability to alter it the most
he is able to make my chest hurt less and i think when he hugs me or shows me any kindness/concern i feel safe to cry?
theory 1 is that this is the suppressed hurt that has come from this relationship and its hitting me like a brick - which would explain why matt is able to soothe it the most, bc healing all of the hurts i've suffered would require kindness and validation
but i think its an amalgamation of everything right now
the main thing i think is the feeling unsure about my relationship
bc copping 2 years worth of relationship anxiety must definitely mess with my head
and if there's not enough reassurance to make it right, it would make sense that things would catch up to me
the most overarching overwhelming feeling is the feeling of just not wanting to live
i dont want to die per se, but i genuinely do not want to live this life it sucks
i must genuinely love him so much bc why else would i still be here?
but i also figured that once our lease was over, he'd take the chance to split, because 2 weeks ago he stayed because it was logistically easier and he didn't want to tell me bc he was avoiding it
and i look at everything in the house right now and there's so many memories in everything i have
i'm insanely kicked down right now. i don't have the brain power to handle change. i look at everything i'd have to deal with and i KNOW i do not have it
i am immensely lacking emotional support in my life atm
and i DON'T KNOW where this intense feeling is coming from and how to deal with it
do i need to cry?? do i need to scream cry until i don't feel it anymore???
do i feel chronically lonely in my relationship??
i have never been so emotionally unstable in my life
i'm so scared and worried that i won't be fine tomorrow bc right now i think i've either distracted myself enough or suppressed it enough
or maybe i'm so tired from feeling my body has numbed it out
either way i have enough energy to pretend i'm okay, except i am walking a very fine line
yup thats all the words i have rn i'm explained out
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twinsloveco · 4 months
I hear him play this gentle welcoming song that vibes love and kindness patience forgiveness warmth etc like ...
Come here and forgive me ill let you talk about all your big feelings and be good and faithful this time I promise I am so sorry..
But idk if its true if I'm crazy Adam gaslighted me so God damn much....
But you didn't lie when you told me what u and Adam did... he told me you were a lier...
So I yelled lier and pushed u away ...
You weren't mean this time you just softly said you will keep trying to find a way for me... you were gentle you held me.. we fucked.. I felt delusional and crazy
I asked Adam if I was.. I said am I being played rn? Am I just making shit up cuz that's what I wanna hear or happen or believe is that they care? ..he agreed it was probably that and the witch trying to tear me and him apart and spread seeds of lies and doubt
He only admitted later cuz I was going through his phone of Adam x lucifer pictures he was showing me and I seen something and I knew instantly and made him tell me and he said oh I was gonna yeah ONLY AFT4R YIU SAY THEY THREAT3NED YOU
Mfer smirking and being shitty to me as I purely tried to give him everything and love him thinking hopeful shitboncr again just to find dark shit now I want fucking no one yeah i said right? Oh nope here comes gabriel to fuck with my heart strings in Astral and give me the best time ever wtf man 😭
We both knew he'd you .. get in Adam to reach me..
That's the only time I didn't feel disgusted and sick asf like I can't even kiss the fucker I never could ..he's gross to me and he's fat yeah but that doesnt make him ugly and I know I'm attached cuz of everything but I know I don't want him he MAKES delta kid seraph confused needy want andnused our energies to lure me and weaken me.. ughhh
Now that i know it's yours I'd want out of him and would get so frustrated cus I wasn't getting it.. he's going crazy word salad mad.
Adam showed me a hurtful ss of What you said that set me off that final days ...
He told me not to tell u plz. So I didnt....
[How could I talk about it without outing him? Why tf protect that asshole ? I didn't wanna think of the pain of hurtful things behind my back ... it was too damn much]
And I still don't want to. I don't wanna see it
Maybe one day when I'm fucking okay...
Well guess what? He promised me he would let me gather myself so I could talk to you about shit FIRST in the best loving calm way possible ...and the fucker lied and went and did it while I was fucking asleep sick tired from the long drive and the pain of being torn once again from my person....
He was saying all this shit riling me up getting me freaked out and confused and feeling unsafe don't know who to trust
I see now that's what narcs do to control and distract you so u can't see wtf is going on.
It also keeps you in a dysfunctional state so you need them.. he made me sicker than I was and made me need him and then got mad at me for needing him and blew it out of reality acting like he's being slave driven when all we wanted was him to fucking respect my dad's wishes and clean up after himself ..we'd let shit go for WEEKS trying to be nice and he'd be a dick cold run over us etc dad told him not to lay his clothes ev3rywhere it's not that God damn hard and he continued and continued not giving a fuck cuz he knew we wouldn't kick him out...
He was like that before me and lied and blamed it all on Donald... others are sick of his bs too .. if u can walk out past your clothes and to the bedroom which u must past the washroom first you can grab ur sweaty pants and throw them in the wash wtf and he always word salad ran ignored went weird etc if you tried to ask him why and even try to find a root ground stand so we can help him help himself and us .. for him too. He wouldn't even do that. He said make a plan with me plan it so we did and he still wouldn't we had every damn right to be mad. I shouldn't have to hand hold a grown man and repeat myself a thousand times this is narc abuse and my friends have been helping me learn all their games and now he's throwing choas again because I'm onto him and he's losing control and hopefully you're seeing it too now ..cuz he said he showed it.
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
Depressive Episodes : Owning up to my emotions and allowing the waves of depression to push me through my toughest battles.
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One thing about me, is that I never give up.
Im resilient, even when I don't believe it.
I've never allowed myself to fail, even when at times I knew I was falling. Its just... not in me to let go. I just gotta breathe, man. I can't see myself allowing the world to dig me into my own grave.
But that doesn't mean I havent thought about it.
Sometimes when I can't see the future, I go crazy and can't stop myself from having a manic depressive episode.
Other times, I can see the future, or the idea of it, and still go into a manic episode. So of course.. it doesn't matter when, what or where, when that wave of depression hits.. it starts to get me down to one of those spiraling series waiting to be channeled into something else.
So far, I've learned to creative outlets for my depression. Being honest, and escaping into worlds of creativity like painting, drawing, poetry.. Im still learning how to paint my emotions and make it seem more meaningful. But hey, anything to cure the depressive thoughts. I can't live like this anymore.
But the thing is, depression comes through waves and tries to leave its mark on society due to a painful reality we seem to suppress within. We can't lie to ourselves anymore, things are getting worse, and it seems as if it has no plans on getting better.
Or so they say...
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I have a feeling that depression in our society has a LOT to do with our needs not being met, but ALSO because theres something negging at us to be seen. And its love.
We live in a cold reality, where most people pretend to be in their ego but not in their hearts. The warmth we are needing is in community, but there hasnt been too many spaces for community to fondle in. Depression sticks due to some of the food we eat, the shows and news we digest, the constant negativity that is plastered in front of us day in and day out. You know.. this can tire out a lost soul, and distract you from the primary mission. So to say that depression can be easy to fix, isn't the most practical way of thinking, at least not on my end.
Its taken me 5 years to really get to the nitty & gritty of depression, anxiety, shame, guilt, fear.. etc... and I've come to the conclusion that this thing can be generational as well as something going on in the psyche and needs further analyzation in other to appreciate the whys and the why nots of depression so you can heal it clearer. In most cases, depression can find healing through the arts, but what if thats not your niche? What if theres something more you must succumb to and haven't figured it out?
One of the things I've learned is mathematics. Boy I hated math as a kid cause I 'sucked' and I kept failing, however as I've made it to adulthood, I realize I DO love math, just not the way it was taught. Over time, I've made time to study math and all its different layers, its like a universal code. It helped me remember some parts of my childhood that made it easier to appreciate it. I say this because it's been one thing that's lifted me up along side photography. On of the main things that lifted up my energies into higher vibrations and being able to relieve myself of any depressive wave that entered my energy. Anytime I do feel depression sometimes I sit with it, sometimes I go and find purpose.
Because depression is causing you to lack clarity, focus, drive and remembrance of your souls horizon. Your purpose. Your mission. What reason did you decide to come here, love?
So what I want you all to know is that when your feeling depressed, there is something in you that wants to be notified. Yes those emotions are deep and sometimes rather intense but the only way to get out of the mud is if you get to digging and remembering why you even started doing it in the first place. It's so you can get back to you.
So began to say good bye to your depression, your healing era awaits my love. Depression is only a wave of thunderstorms creating a destiny for you to see that rainbows are on the other side of that tired, daunting feeling.
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tumortunes · 2 years
What I remember when I heard I had cancer:
I remember convincing myself that it would be fine as I entered the mri machine. The uncles did this too for their migraines and everything was normal. Nothing to worry about. My sxs were not like theirs to. They were lasting too long. They weren’t resolving. They were getting worse.
I hated being in the machine. But I pushed thru. I knew i needed to be still to get a clear image. I endured it for an hour. At the end the mri tech said over the PA system that they needed to redo a test. Now I know they were calling their supervisor for next steps. They decided I would go to the closest hospital by ambulance. I didn’t know this yet tho.
They helped me get out of the machine and back into the wheel chair. They rolled me into the control center room that’s before you enter the mri room. They had my scan up and someone important on the phone. The person on the phone told me that I had a large lesion in my head. That I needed to go to the hospital immediately. That I needed immediate attention. It was serious. I know there were 2 other people in the room with me. 1 I liked bc she helped me with the wheelchair and offered to help me get dressed before I changed into the gown for an mri. I was dizzy and so weak. But I was too proud to ask for help.
I remember that I was in shock. I remember asking if I was going to die. I remember my voice breaking when I spoke and hating myself for that. I was trying to show that I was calm and collected. I remember thinking maybe I shouldn’t even ask about my prognosis bc they probs don’t know enough to tell me. I remember needing to ask anyway. Their answer was unsatisfactory tho. They said let’s just get you in the ambulance and the docs at the hospital can answer your questions. Skirted the question but I don’t blame this. It must be hard to tell people they’re dying.
I remember the nurse I liked telling me that my bf was here. She asked if I wanted to see him. I was confused bc I didn’t know Nathan came. I said yes to bring him. And I asked them to call my mom and dad too. I was choking back tears here. Super scared. Super numb. Overwhelmed. Disassociated from my life. This could not be my life.
I remember being wheeled past another pt waiting and seeing they had someone with them. I wondered why they wouldn’t let my parents come with me. Then they asked if I needed help transitioning from the wheelchair to the chair. I think I said no. But I did. And I think that’s when I had my seizure. I remember my vision went blurry and I couldn’t hold up my own weight. Vision blurry like when you stand up too fast. That type of thing. It went away after a little while but I think it really scared the nurses that were helping me.
Nathan got to me first. He kneeled down next to me and held my had. He cried and said he was sorry and that he loves me. I remember comforting him. But not really feeling anything. I remember asking the nurse for help to get my phone. I remember calling mom and telling her that they were calling an ambulance for me. She sounded scared. She asked why I needed an ambulance. She also secretly packed a hospital bag for me with extra clothes. She was prepared for the worst.
I heard later that the nurses who brought my parents and Nathan to see me had talked to them before hand about what to expect. They said the lesion was big. To expect years of rehab. I might not be the same.
I remember my parents couldn’t come into the ambulance with me. I remember the ambulance driver not talking to me at all during the drive. It was just silence and being strapped to the gurney. Just me and my thoughts. I remember wishing he would talk to me. I wanted a distraction. I wanted to be comforted.
Before I got loaded into the ambulance they asked me questions. I couldn’t answer them. They asked for my name and bday and phone number. I remember being scared bc I didn’t know the answers. That was the most frightening part for me. I was losing myself.
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Daddy Orton spoiling his darling, please this Yandere series wants to kill me apparently 😆
Spoiled Rotten Sweet
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Summary: The only thing Randy loves more then spoiling you is you.
Warning: this is Yandere, but it’s a bit softer then some of my other stuff. Randy is also given the honorific of ‘daddy’ in the fic.
Taglist: @fiskers7136 @peachmango-kombucha @kcloveswrestling @bellalutionn @xkennyxomegax @tummyyellin @cuzimacomedian @auburnwrites
“Baby!” You heard Randy’s voice call from the living room. You quickly got up from bed to hurry down the hall. You found the man lounging on the couch, a glass of whiskey in his hand. You bounced over to sit on his lap, your legs on either side of him and his arm wrapped around to hold you steady.
“Hi daddy.” You greeted, letting you hands rest on his chest.
“How was your nap baby?” He took a sip of his whiskey.
“Good daddy.”
“Well, something got here while you were resting.” He gestures to the box sitting on the couch next to him. You look between him and the box a bit, making him chuckle. “Go ahead.” 
You reached over and grabbed it, seeing it had been opened already. When you opened the flaps you were met with a pile of deep green clothe. You reached in to feel the velvet and pulled it up, realizing it was a dress.
“You like it baby?” You nodded, still looking at it. You felt a small pinch on your leg, making you Yelp a bit while looking up at Randy. “I ask you something.”
“I love it daddy.” You whispered, feeling him cup your face in his hand.
“Good, I knew it would look amazing on you tonight.” You frowned at his words a bit confused.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you’ve been so good these past few months. Doing your chores, not breaking rules, and it’s been a year since… the incident. So, I’m going to take you out for dinner.”
You felt your face light up at his words. It felt to good to be true. “Really daddy?” You practically whispered, worried that he would suddenly say he was lying.
“Really.” He assured you, kissing your lips lightly. “Now go get ready for our night out. I want you to look like my pretty little eye candy.” He sent you off to your room with a light pat on your ass.
An hour later you were wearing the long sleeve dress Randy had gotten you, along with some black heels. Your hair was done along with light makeup, just how Randy always liked it.
“Look at you,” you turned to see Randy leaning against the door to the bathroom. He himself was wearing a black suit, adored with a deep green tie. “Looking like a snake. Half tempted to just keep you here for myself.” You must have looked panicked because he chuckled at you and held out his hand.
The two of you walked to the side door, and you watched as he unlocked it. Once it opened he led you into the garage and helped you into the car. Once he got in he turned to you while locking the doors.
“I will only tell you this once. If you even think about trying anything, I will drag you back home and you will never see the outside of this house again.” His eye were staring right at you, and you you knew he fully meant what he was saying. “Understood?”
You nodded, and that seemed to be enough for him. He pressed a button to open the garage, and turned the car on to drive away.
Randy ended up taking you to a fancy restaurant, and although you were distracted by seeing other people, you had a surprisingly good time. After Randy paid for dinner you expected him to simply take you home, but instead he stopped in front of a tattoo parlor.
“Where are we?”
“I have one more surprise for you.” He said before getting out and getting you out. When you walked in the place was empty except for one tattoo artist.
“Hey Josh.”
“What’s up man? This must be the lady?” The guy greeted, looking over at you.
“This is her, you got the area ready?”
“Lead the way.” He gestured to a seat already set up for someone.
“Sit down Babygirl.” Randy told you, making you give him while eyes.
“Calm down.” He whispered, hugging you to his body. “I just want a marking showing who’s you are.” His fingers lightly danced over your color bone. “But, I did ask for something extra.” He showed you a photo. It was a design you were going to get a while ago, before Randy, but you obviously hadn’t. “You get mine, and I’ll let you get that. Deal?”
“…Deal” you agreed after a moment of silence.
A week later you looked at the words that were written across you color bone. ‘Daddy’s Princess.’ The skin was no longer red, and you didn’t know how to feel.
“I love that tattoo so much.” Randy’s deep voice whispered as he walked up behind you. “Now you will always belong to me.” At his words you finally let a tear slid down your face. “Aww, don’t cry. Now I can spoil you rotten for the rest of our life’s.” 
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monster-fricker · 3 years
Chapter 11: The Luggage Chronicles
Male Orc (He/Him pronouns) x Female Human Reader (She/Her pronouns) - NSFW
- Porn without plot as an apology for being busy. Decided to "switch" things up. 😇 -
The book tour officially began tomorrow. There was a small signing an hour outside the city, followed by a three hour drive to your next destination. Time was limited, save for the evenings. Rasdane made sure to remind Oluan of the schedule, although the orc did not need it. He was too anxious to think about much else. You were also anxious- on his behalf, of course, but also due to the sheer enormity of it all. You were in love with him. You were about to go on a lengthy trip with him. And in the midst of the chaos, you were going to meet his family.
That last part was nothing short of horrifying. You considered the etiquette of calling in sick to the visit, much like you would at work. It wasn't a great idea and even worse when you remembered you were unemployed. Maybe calling out was not the best plan. It did not help that the two of you were going to be spending the night there. What was the etiquette of requesting to sleep in the car? It was definitely rude by human standards, but you weren't familiar with orc customs. Maybe they would welcome the idea. You made a mental note of asking Oluan later.
Since the infamous dinner, Rasdane called him everyday. She never explicitly said so, but it was clearly out of concern, a maternal protection for the orc. When you gave her your number, she began calling you too, always asking how you and Oluan were holding up. Despite her worries, Oluan wasn't upset. To the contrary, he was happy, giddy. Saying "I love you" to one another had seemed to take a weight off of his shoulders, gave him more confidence. He admitted that he wanted to tell you for awhile, that he knew he loved you from the second date. You were giddy too.
Both of you had finished packing, though Oluan would repeatedly check his luggage, convinced he must have forgotten something. It was a good thing his hair was loose or else he would be occupied fixing his ponytail from the amount of times he ran his fingers through it nervously. Even in his frenzy, he was gorgeous- dark hair curling along his shoulders, only dawning boxers, his thick green thighs jiggling slightly with every movement. After the fifth instance of him rummaging through his bags, you decided it was time for a much needed distraction.
"Oluan," you cooed, "Come here." You patted the space beside you on the bed and he gave you a sheepish smile before conceding. The furniture creaked beneath his large frame.
"Sorry, I don't know what to do with myself. I hate the anticipation," he confessed, resting his head on your shoulder. "There's a lot to consider. The meet and greets, the traveling..." His voice lowered. "Seeing my family."
You hummed in agreement. "Yeah, there is a lot to consider, but I think I have an idea of what you can do with yourself." Oluan looked up at you quizzically and you winked in return. It took a moment to register, but once it did, he inhaled sharply. You loved how easy it was to turn him on.
You said nothing more, pulling at his waist to signal that you wanted him to straddle you. The orc scrambled to oblige and, as he positioned himself, he leaned down to kiss you. The kiss was chaste at first, experimental. No matter how long you had been together like this, he was still shy, awaiting orders, awaiting you to take charge.
And you did, opening your mouth for him, slipping your tongue in his hungrily. Oluan did the same, snaking his tongue with yours, long tusks pressing hard against your cheeks as the kiss became more passionate, more demanding. When you bit his lower lip, he whined and humped at nothing, then quickly slid his hands beneath your shirt, groping at your breasts, rougher than usual. He pinched your nipples feverishly and you gasped.
"Mm, someone's feeling a little assertive tonight," you murmured against his lips.
Oluan pulled away, ears turning a brilliant shade of dark green. "I- I want to be dominant this time. I'm usually not, but I- fuck-" He grabbed his bulge through his boxers and squeezed. "Fuck. Is that okay?"
Electricity shot up your thighs. Your clit pulsed. You had never seen him dominant and the prospect was driving you crazy. "Take me," you whispered.
That was all the permission he needed and he growled, leaving you to remove his boxers. His massive cock bobbed out and he took it into his hand, stroking it slowly as his eyes swept over you with severity.
"Take off your shirt and panties," Oluan barked. You obeyed, wriggling out of both and suddenly feeling very exposed. "Now spread your legs for me." Despite the order, he forced your thighs apart himself, unceremoniously shoving one thick finger inside of you while swirling his thumb around your clit. A moan immediately escaped your throat.
"You're practically dripping," he smirked, adding another finger and fucking you with them, your juices splashing out and coating the digits. You were bucking into him now, breathing heavy as he added another, down to the knuckle, circling your clit aggressively. "You like that?"
"Fuck. Yes, y-yes. Feels so good." The words tumbled into the air, your brain entirely clouded by your growing climax.
"You going to cum from me finger fucking you, hm?" he chuckled darkly.
You did not respond with anything understandable, moaning and whining wildly, overwhelmed by the feeling of him filling you up, hitting your g-spot over and over again. When he added a fourth thick finger, you came hard, squirting on his hand, body jerking from the stimulation.
Oluan popped his fingers out of you, sucking on them, then shoving them in your mouth, making you do the same. Your teeth scraped along his knuckles and he growled. Suddenly he was sitting on your stomach, holding his weight up with care, as to not hurt you. You felt small, vulnerable beneath his enormity. Your core surged with heat.
He fondled your breasts, growling once again. "These are fucking delicious, you know that?" You shuddered at the words. "Do you know how often I have dreamed about fucking them? Since the day we first met. I went home and jerked off to the thought."
Oluan glided his massive cock between them, heavy and slick with pre-cum, squeezing your tits together to create a perfect, warm hole for him to thrust into, and he did, snarling and cursing under his breath with each plunge. He was beginning to unravel.
"I want you to cum to this." He rutted further, the head of his cock pressing against your lips momentarily. You opened your mouth and sucked at it with every thrust, making him groan. You moved your hand beneath his thigh and began to finger yourself earnestly, throwing your head back deeper into the pillow, eyes snapping shut. "No," he growled, "I want you to watch. I want you to see what you do to me."
You listened, gaze on him as he fucked you vigorously, your tits sore and bouncing, your core reaching climax in spasms. You cried out, shaking all over.
This sent him over the edge and after a few more fluctuating thrusts, Oluan shot hot ropes of cum on your face. You licked at it, still riding out the waves of pleasure.
Once he was finished, Oluan climbed off of your body, hitting the bed with a thud. He eventually grabbed you tissues to wipe off the mess and you wrapped yourself in his arms immediately, planting demure kisses on his chest and neck and cheeks.
"Was that...," he heaved, "too much?"
"It was fucking perfect," you cooed, exhaustion creeping through your bones.
"I'm not usually like that. But, fuck." You both chuckled.
"I love you, Oluan." Your voice was a whisper now and you were starting to fall asleep.
"I love you too. More than I could ever say."
Suddenly, he removed himself from the bed with a start, making you turn your head in surprise.
"Shit. I wonder if I packed an extra charger," the orc mumbled, returning to his luggage.
"Jesus. You're such a fucking nerd."
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skinnyducky · 3 years
the meeting // v.h.
This was probably a bit difficult to write because I didn’t know what approach I wanted to go with. But, I found the best approach that fit my style and I hope you enjoy! Also, I’m going to hold off on pt. 4 of Party at Y/n’s. I don’t really like what I’ve written so far with it and I’m going to rewrite the whole part. But, that means you’ll get more stuff like this so...yippee!
Word Count: 1435, slightly edited
WARNING: fluff, language (i think), sexual jokes, and more fluff
Vinnie rubbed his sweating hands together as he thought about whether or not coming with you to your hometown was a good decision. Sure, he’d be sad for a weekend without you…but that wasn’t worse than having to meet your parents. This was a huge step in your relationship, and something that could make or break it. And that fact that you weren’t even slightly scared made him even more afraid.
“I can’t do this. Maybe you should turn around and drive me back to the airport.” Vinnie sighed, fiddling with his rings.
You laughed, keeping your eyes trained on the road. “Vinnie, there is nothing to be nervous about. My parents are going to love you.”
“You say that now, but what if they don’t?”
“Vinnie, they’re going to love you. I haven’t stopped mentioning you since we started dating. Hell, the minute I told my dad about you and your cars, he cried tears of joy. I’ve never seen him that happy before, and I’m his child.” You explained as you pulled into your driveway. “Look, babe, you have absolutely nothing to be worried about. As long as you’re yourself, they’ll love you.”
Vinnie took your words into consideration, and they filled him with a little comfort. Although, they weren’t enough to completely rid him of his anxiety. But still, he was a lot better now than he was a few minutes ago.
“So, are you ready?” you asked, placing your hand on Vinnie’s shoulder. He looked at you with a worried glance and answered, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
The two of you exit the car and walked up to your doorstep. You knocked on the door and within a few seconds it opened up to reveal your smiling mother. “Y/n!” she cried, pulling you into a tight embrace. She pulled back and looked at Vinnie who awkwardly stood behind you.
“And you must be Vinnie!” she grinned. “The pictures Y/n sent me don’t do you justice! You’re really cute!”
“Mom!” You groaned. She muttered a sorry before turning back to Vinnie.
Vinnie let out a timid chuckle and stuck his hand out for your mom to shake. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Y/l/n.”
Your mom grabbed his hand, but instead of shaking it, she pulled him into a hug. “Enough of that formal crap. Please, call me Y/m/n.” The two broke out of the hug and she ushered the both of you inside, the smell of her famous pasta filling your noses.
“Y/d/n, they’re here!” your mom called, shutting the door.
You heard heavy footsteps come from the living room, no doubt belonging to your dad. The very man rushed towards you and Vinnie with an eager grin on his face. “Y/n!”
“Dad!” you exclaimed, rushing into his arms. He spun you around and put you down, moving his attention to your boyfriend. He cleared his throat, putting on his best intimidating dad act as he stomped over to the boy.
“And I’m guessing you’re Vinnie.”
Vinnie gulped, looking your dad in the eye. “That w-would be me, sir.”
It was silent as the men stared at each other. Then out of the blue, your dad laughed. “I’m sorry, man. I can’t do the whole ‘dad’ act like I used to. Call me Y/d/n.” He shook Vinnie’s hand, much to your boyfriend’s surprise. “Nice to finally meet you, Vinnie.”
“You too, Y/d/n.”
“Y/n told us a lot about you. She mentioned you liked cars.” Your dad pointed out. “I’m a car man myself. Gotta Mustang and a 1953 Hudson Hornet.”
Vinnie nearly lost his shit at your father’s small collection. You could practically feel the excitement radiating off of him. “Really?”
“Not that he drives them though. Don’t let the coolness fool you, Vin. He drives a soccer van.” I teased, making my dad blush.
“I drive the van to work and work only.”
I scoffed, “Sure you do.”
Your mom clapped, gathering your attention. “Well, dinner is done. So, we can go ahead and start eating and catch up.”
“But, honey, I wanted to show Vinnie my cars.” Your dad whined.
“You can show him after, sweetie.”
“Sorry.” Your dad sighed and followed your mom into the kitchen. You and Vinnie exchanged looks and broke out into laughter.
“Like I said, very excited to meet you.” You said, leading him into the dining room.
You and Vinnie sat across from your parents who had brought out the large bowl of pasta. The four of you started eating, catching up on life and what not. Well, at least you and your mom did. Vinnie and your dad were too busy talking about their shared love of vehicles to even be interested in the conversation. Dinner ended, much to the pleasure of your dad. Him and Vinnie headed into the garage where your dad would offer him a beer and show off his collection. You and your mom retreated to the kitchen to wash dishes.
“So, what do you think?” you asked, wiping down a plate.
“I like him. He’s a really good guy.” Your mom responded. “He’s much better than any of the other jackasses you’ve dated.”
“He was so nervous coming here. He thought you and dad wouldn’t like him.”
Your mom scoffed, placing a fork in the drying rack. “Why wouldn’t we like him? It’s obvious that he completes you and that you two are perfect for each other. Plus, I don’t think I’ve ever seen your dad so happy before, and I’m his wife.”
“Hah, I said the exact same thing.”
“It’s true. I wouldn’t be surprised if your dad divorced me for him.” Your mom joked. “Our only concern is that you’re happy, Y/n. And its evident that Vinnie makes you more than that, so as long as he keeps doing what he’s doing…he’s good in our book.”
“Thanks, mom.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Now, let’s finish up these dishes. Real Housewives of Atlanta comes on in a few.”
Around the time you two finished the dishes, your boys came strolling back into the house. You and your mom peeked out from the kitchen, watching in secret as your dad and Vinnie talked to each other.
“…and y’know, I’ve never seen Y/n as happy as she is with you. I can tell that you really care for her,” your dad said, “and as long as you keep doing that, I have no problem with you.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Your dad chuckled, “Now the ‘sir’ is something I definitely have a problem with. I’m not that old, son.”
A smile found it’s way onto your face as you and your mom walked out. “Well, I wouldn’t really consider you to be young.” Your mom quipped, before turning to Vinnie. “He can’t even get it up as much as he used to.”
“Mom!” you shrieked. “What did I tell you!?”
“No sex jokes. Sorry, honey.”
“Especially one’s that aren’t true.” Your dad added. “I’m like a tank; I’m strong.”
You stared daggers at your dad as you stepped beside Vinnie. “Dad!”
“We’re sorry, we’re sorry.” He apologized, finding his way over to your mom. “So, you two headed back to your hotel?” asked your mom.
You and Vinnie nodded, earning a groan from your dad. “Awe, I wish you could stay the night. Although, I don’t think Y/n’s twin size bed would fit the both of you.”
“You’ll see us tomorrow,” you replied. “Remember? We’re going golfing, right?”
“Oh yeah, I forgot!” Your dad said, placing his hands on his hips. “I guess we’ll see you then.”
You and your parents bid your goodbyes—and your dad may or not have cried a bit. He really wanted to spend more quality time with Vinnie. Thankfully your mom was there to console him and keep him distracted long enough for you two to leave.
Once you got into the car, you glanced over at Vinnie to see him smiling. “What’s got you so giddy?” You asked.
“Your dad likes me.”
“I know, me and my mom were spying on you two when you walked in.” You said, starting the car. “My mom likes you too. So, in the end…you had nothing to worry about.”
“I guess not.”
As you pulled out of your parents driveway, you said, “My dad’s right you know.”
“About what? Him being able to still get it up?” Vinnie asked.
You rolled your eyes and giggled, “No, you idiot. About the fact that you do make me happy.”
You watched as Vinnie broke out into a smile. “I do?”
“You very much do.”
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