#i also feel like i really REALLY need to do something creative that doesn't require bain energy
the---hermit · 8 months
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My week continues with reviewing my philosophy notes, and can I say I can't do this anymore? It's become a struggle I am so fed up with repeating the same things over and over. Tomorrow I should be done with my second review, and then I think I will practice answering again those questions that were asked in the last exam, and if I finish before the end of the week I will take time to rest. Today I also got a couple of books to practice my Irish a bit more and get a bit more serious with that. I got two books with lots of exercises to practice, I am very excited about them. Today I started working on Step By Step Irish, and I am really happy with it. The structure is very clear, and it seems to be extremly basic which is exactly what I need. I will write more updates on how my self studying continues. For now I am happy I am doing something to get a bit more serious with it.
Calm hobbit winter activities and productivity:
Read first thing in the morning (I am still reading A Day Of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon, and I am so excited, this book is the perfect place to escape to during these tiring times)
Started my second out loud philosophy review (once again thanks to my beloved father who is helping me as usual, I would have gone insane if it wasn't for him)
Daily Irish practice on duolingo
Worked on two chapters of Step By Step Irish
Cooked dinner for my family
Continued to listen to an audiobook about famous scientists
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bweirdart · 7 months
#mARTch 2024
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text version (with more info!) under the readmore! please check it out if you're confused about anything <3
do i have to draw every day? no!!!! there are skippable days built into the event, please use them whenever you need them! i really don't want anyone getting a wrist injury!
can you share my art? yep! i try to share entries to @bweirdevents daily during the event!! the tags can get busy tho so i might miss some posts OTL sorry
what are the tags? #mARTch is the main tag, but this year you might find posts in #mARTch2024 too!
wait, i'm confused about a prompt... full breakdown of all the prompts below ↓ with helpful hints if you're stuck!
this week is all about your artistic identity ... technically, you don't have to draw anything new this week if you have some art that already fits. the starter days are:
1 ⭐ self portrait who are you? it doesn't have to be you IRL .. if you feel more comfortable drawing a fursona or mascot, that's fine too! if you don't wanna draw, you can also just share old self portraits today and talk about why you drew yourself that way!
2 🤍 inspirations see how this day doesn't have a star? that means it's optional and you don't have to do it at all! but if you really wanna- tell us all about what inspires you to create art! this could be anything from the people that inspire you, the shows you like, the pins on your big messy pinterest board, or concepts that you're drawn to! you can draw something about it, talk about it, or just post your inspirations! anything is fine
3 ⭐ fav thing to draw what do you like drawing most? backgrounds? animals? one specific animal? bust of your oc facing left? cars? the same anime boy over and over and over? no judgement!! show us :)
this is the week we actually start drawing from reference! polished art is not required at all, quick sketch studies are fine! please don't burn yourself out
4 🤍 plant
5 🤍 body
6 ⭐ animal
7 🤍 object
8 🤍 food
9 🤍 face
10 ⭐ hand
these ones are pretty self explanatory! you can do them as realistic studies, or adapt them into your own art style, it's all fine! you can reference from your own photos or from resources on the web.. have fun!
this is the week for playing with palettes and working on your colour theory skills! if you're really struggling with these ones, don't worry about drawing scenes or characters, you can just have fun splashing colours around on an abstract canvas!
11 🤍 RGB a set or primary colours typically used in digital/screen art - red, green and blue!
12 🤍 CMYK a set of primary colours typically used in traditional/print art - cyan, magenta, yellow ... and key (black!)
for both of these days ↑ you can add in black and white. and feel free to combine the two days into one, if you're struggling with a three-colour palette! use all six!
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13 ⭐ WARM COLOURS the warm side of the colour wheel, reds oranges and yellows!
14 🤍 MONOCHROME monochrome doesn't mean black and white ... it means one colour! that can be any colour at all- shades of red, shades of purple, shades of green .. or yeah, grey if you really want!
15 🤍 COMPLIMENTARY complimentary colours are the ones opposite each other on the colour wheel! they're kinda married
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16 🤍 YOUR FAV COLOURS pick any palette that works for you! where's your comfort zone? what looks nice to you? what colour combos do you always go back to?
17 ⭐ COOL COLOURS the cool side of the colour wheel, purples, blues and greens!
this week is all about vibes! try to create something that matches the mood of the prompt .. they're vague on purpose! don't overthink it, just draw from the heart!
18 🤍 SMALL you could draw something that's really small, like an ant .. or draw on a canvas that's really small .. or use a really small brush .. get creative with it!
19 🤍 DANGER try to capture the adrenaline .. the rush .. the fear that you associate with the word danger!
20 ⭐ SOFT soft colours, soft textures, soft vibes ... whatever makes you comfy!
21 🤍 MIDNIGHT darkness and secrecy .. spooky witchy vibes .. the tranquility of a forest at night .. the fun of a late-night party .. there's lots of ways you can take this!
22 🤍 POWER what does this word make you think about? superpowers? control and oppression? literal electrical power? something else?
23 🤍 CHILL chill as in calm? or chill as in cold? who knows .. it's up to YOU!
24 ⭐ LOUD try to draw something that feels LOUD! BRASH! IN YOUR FACE! how can you convey sound through art?
this week is just for enjoying yourself! take it easy and have fun! also .. another reminder! there are skippable prompts! if you're tired and struggling to get to the finish line, please don't hesitate to skip a day!!! or multiple days!! as many as you need!!!
25 🤍 TRY A NEW ART STYLE copy the art style of a show you like, ask a friend if you can try their style, draw the eyes a new way, develop a totally new style on the spot... whatever you want!
26 🤍 DRAW WITH YOUR NON-DOMINANT HAND righties, draw with your left! lefties, draw with your right! ambidextrous nation ... our time to show off!
27 ⭐ DRAW WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED don't peek! try to draw something without looking! if you really want, you can colour it with your eyes open after you draw the lines/sketch with your eyes closed... but please try not to cheat with the actual drawing part!
28 🤍 RE-DRAW SOMETHING OLD find some old artwork you like, or something you feel like you can do better on now, and give it another go!
29 🤍 RE-DRAW A MEME find a silly picture on the internet to redraw .. do you have any in-jokes with your besties?
30 🤍 DRAW A GIFT FOR A FRIEND create something for someone you love <3
31 ⭐ FREE CHOICE final day! you can draw anything you want today! show off your skills! draw something you've been meaning to draw! whatever!
please refrain from reblogging this post after march ends - next year's prompts will be different, thank you! if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to shoot me an ask!
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camilledlc · 6 days
I think Wade Wilson is way more intelligent than people give him credit for. Or, another character essay no one asked for :
This will be based both on comics and movies. Also, spoilers for Deadpool and Wolverine.
I think it's often said that Wade doesn't know how to read situations, as he often acts inappropriately during them. He doesn't seem to sense the mood of the person he's talking to, angering them more often than not, and he doesn't really care about watching his mouth around children, etc. There are tons of examples of Wade being 'stupid', and 'immature', blah blah blah. But I don't think that's quite true.
Wade has also numerous moments where he perfectly reads a situation. He is extremely aware of how others may perceive his scars, he figured Negasonic Teenage Warhead pretty easily during the first movie (when talking about sarcastic comments or whatever, if I remember correctly). He knows how people act and think, and he definitely knows how to assess a situation. When he got Johnny Storm killed, he knew what he was doing. He was into a dangerous situations, just having been kidnapped and he couldn't fight, not even knowing how strong and what powers Cassandra Nova had. But by turning her against Johnny, not only was he able to assess her, but also prove that he wasn't here to cause her trouble. It was a cruel and ruthless action, but it was smart nonetheless.
Besides, people often forgets very important facts about his skills. Wade is an extremely good fighter, and that's partially due to the fact that he's a master at almost every martial arts. He knows a bunch of them, and he is capable of practicing them with impeccable form. He's also a master at espionage, infiltrations, cover missions, etc. He knows how to handle a lot of different weapons, and he is canonically one of the best fighters in the entire Marvel Universe. All of those skills require a certain level of intelligence. Fighting demands to remember the different styles and techniques, as well as enough practice to switch between them easily. Espionage, infiltration, and cover missions demand someone who is capable of discretion and and ability to judge a situation, notice details that no one else would and invent on the spot creative ways to do things. All in all, he has to be extremely smart to be able to do all of that. That's also without counting the fact that he knows how to speak fluently five different languages.
With all of these proofs, it's impossible to say that Wade is dumb. But why does he acts like it?
There is no official answer as to why Wade is this way. The most you can get is that he is extremely mentally unstable. This is the result of both a bad childhood and very traumatizing experiences as a superhero. It is said he was already mentally unstable during his childhood, so I'm inclined to believe that it also has something to do with his brain in general.
What I personally believe is that Wade is someone who gets bored extremely easily. He has ADHD (not really official in the movies, but canon in the comics), and he always seems to jump from one topic to the other. His mind is often considered a mess, and he himself sometimes has trouble keeping up with it. I think that someone like him has to be stimulated at all times, because boredom is definitely the worst thing that could happen to him. Even in the last movie, he seemed to hate his job because of how boring it was, not hesitating to go back into action and becoming more and more himself again as he just do exciting things. He has always been like this, even before he got his regenerating factor. When he did his job, he wasn't always careful and often loud-mouthed. It didn't interest him to just kill people, he wanted a fight. He wanted a back and forth, a sort of game. He needs to feel in danger, needs the thrill of it.
But then he gets his mutation. Suddenly, he can't die, he can't be seriously hurt, nothing has any real consequences. And so the games became boring. What is the point of putting himself in dangerous situations if he's never really in danger? How boring it is to do a job where you're perfectly safe? The only kind of thrill he can find anymore is by having the back and forth verbally. That's when it has consequences, and people actually able to surprise him, to beat him even. Attacking by talking his is one way to not feel bored. He surprises, he shocks, he annoys, but it's always different. Even during the last movie, when he was with Logan, he clearly said they didn't need to fight, yet he couldn't stop edging him verbally, always finding ways to push his buttons.
Wade is a very bored person, with a great understanding of where the limits are. And because he's so good at finding the limits, he's even better at crossing them willingly, sometimes at the expanse of the people he loves, because he can't be bored.
(I also like the interpretation of him just needing to be at the centre of attention, but I think it's a bit more classical and has already been done and re-done. So, this one is a bit trickier and way funnier for me.)
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🌾 tate langdon boyfriend headcanons 🌾
tate langdon x reader
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💜 oh lord, buckle up guys, you're in for a wild one
🧡 he definitely fell first and 100% harder and you can't tell me otherwise
💜 we all know how tate is, he's very clingy and he's very very possessive of what's his. and that's how he views you, you're his and nobody else's
🧡 would definitely stay hidden at first, just so he could watch you for a bit. at this point, there's nothing about you that tate doesn't know
💜 when you finally meet, tate swears he could die all over again and he'd die happy
🧡 tate would definitely act more innocent than he actually is. this boy knows how to cry on command and he will use it to his advantage, don't think just because he loves you that he wouldn't
💜 if anything, he does it because he loves you and he can't have you leave him like violet did
🧡 i hope you like nirvana, because tate will not listen to something that you like if he doesn't enjoy it. he's not very good at that
💜 tate always needs to be touching you. all the time. whether it's an arm around you or holding hands, this boy craves physical touch and to be the centre of your attention
🧡will probably try his best to get your friends to stop hanging around you so he can have you all to himself. will deliberately scare them to stop them from coming to the house
💜 would also certainly lie about ever doing such a thing were you to confront him about it
🧡 tate wouldn't ever want you to ever leave the house., if he had his way that is. would hate it if you chose to spend time with other people
💜 like what did they have that he didn't?
🧡 he would 100% be the type that watches you even when you're asleep. or anytime, really.
💜 would definitely want you to commit suicide, so that you can be with him forever. you of course find this idea insane and don't think he actually means it
🧡 he does. he's 100% serious
💜 i can imagine that tate gives really good hugs though. the warm, bear hugs that you never want to leave because they make you feel so secure and safe
🧡 is very big on comforting you after a bad day. he'll listen to your rants, let you cry in your arms, whatever you need him for and he'll do it
��� let's be honest though, it's probably just another way he gains your trust so that you won't ever think of leaving him
🧡 feels extremely guilty if he ever hurt you in any way, or upset you
💜would probably just disappear for a few days because he can't face the fact that he's hurt you. but obviously he comes back because the boy can't help himself
🧡 tate is your ride or die. he would die for you all over again if you asked him to and alternatively would kill for you if that's what you required
💜 makes silly little handmade gifts for you. tate can't leave the house so he has time to be creative
🧡 it's even better if it's raining outside when he makes them, it sets a nice vibe
💜 loves, loves halloween. the two of you would carve pumpkins together and sit for hours in your room telling ghost stories and drinking apple cider
🧡 if tate had his own way, you'd never meet his mother
💜you do eventually and she probably hates you lmao, but do we really care let's be real here
🧡 tate is the kind of boyfriend that would make a playlist for you as a present
💜 he'd try his hardest to make sure you don't find out about his past. which lasted about 2 months max because you're not stupid
🧡 violet, vivien and moira would try and protect you at all costs. they're like your three guardian angels, whether they decide to show themselves to you or not
💜 i imagine you'd actually get on with violet really well
🧡 this could go one of two ways with tate. he'd love it, both girls he'd loved were getting along, makes his life easier. or, he'd hate it. hate that you choose to spend time with the girl that broke his heart
💜 isn't really big on nicknames tbh, he thinks your name is the most beautiful word he knows, and so he wouldn't dream of calling you anything else
🧡 tate is 100% the little spoon, don't fight me on this
💜 absolutely lives for your affection. he thrives best on it
🧡 would be sweet but low-key toxic, so solid 6/10
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azure-cherie · 9 months
What's in your store for January
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Pile 1 -3
Hello love's hope you had a very happy and fruitful new year , I'm praying for the happiness and well being of all of us one more year together I'm so grateful for each one of youuu
Please choose using your intuition and take what resonates
If you'd like a personalized reading for new year
Paid readings , paid readings 2 , masterlist
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Pile 1 :
First of all what are you guys even dealing with good lord The energy is pretty heavy , I will not be surprised if you have prominent Saturn in your charts this month I believe you are dealing with karmic cycles , Things ending in general, you might be a bit shaken up soon something you thought never would happen will happen
I'm sensing career or home sector fights could be there as well as inner conflicts beware and take precautions don't get too caught up about what others have to say rather choose your own story this also indicates you might soon take a stand for yourself its really required something has to come to an end because the time is over now you are to urge for more ! Financially! Abundance is written for you this time your creativity will pay off I know you like you play with fire but remember life moulds you like a clay some fire glazes some melts you gotta choose your own battles why do I feel like I'm talking to myself lol .
You will understand the worth of spontaneous plans soon sometimes you gotta do stuff for the sake of doing it and you just gotta act wild just be careful about the fact that everyone you go out with isn't a friend every co worker doesn't mean good for you learn to see through people's mask ! Theres one video by persephonesmind its perfect she explains it really well , followed by ten of swords some of you might experience a rock bottom moment however it isn't for everyone but with the world be assured you will pick yourself up this might seem like a bad ending but it's a good one or turn out to be good it's a matter of time bae anyone who tries to play you cheat on you will be ashamed themselves because they will see the purity in your heart .towards the end of the month I see some enemies becoming friends.
Pile 2 :
You're a bad bitch period !! This month is about embodying the best version of yourself move on despite the snakes around you ignore the people you're gonna be investing on something that is worth it it's a sign ! Friendships are something you will be blessed this month new and old you will also actively let go of a fear of yours I heart heights and abandonment issues.
If you're looking for commitment from someone it will be given this month like engagements marriage yay social media fame is also written there would be more family functions to attend to I see more active energy in this pile. You will understand the worth of standing alone and work your intuition through difficult situations .Your dreams might be a clear indicator of something also I feel you're making someone cry or someone is making you cry ask advice from someone who's been there in your situation you can also ignore if the situation isn't as important I also feel ignorance energy I guess it's good because you're also healing from abandonment issues .
You'll be doing some course on money management or get advise from your elders on your resources. Sometimes we make our own problems dont get sucked into that take time but let your loved ones know that you need it ! Also you really need that money management advice as you might end up losing something but I also don't think it will he a bad loss ! Sometimes sacrifices are necessary you might understand the worth of small losses now but that will protect from bigger issues later.
Pile 3 :
I don't dress for women I don't dress for men lately I've been dressing for revenge! That's your main mood this January you're gonna show everyone who didn't believe in you what you're capable of you're going new heights reaching new goals making new ways I'm so proud of you
You have struggled a lot to do this actions manifesting you are getting closer to what you want , might fetch yourself a new leadership position this month you're gonna be an example an epitome of grown beside the struggles because you're so ready to work despite all the sneaking going on behind your back you're gonna be doing the thing needed to defeat your enemies you will undergo momentary defeat and might cry for a while because you might feel all forces are against you this is the time to pour into your inter child
When trauma shows up remember to shadow work nothing ever goes away one needs to heal with it don't get swayed away with temptations and fake promises I heard devil is strong but so is the knight know that your emotional strength will lead you through this you have to be more intune with your emotions but also lead with logic it's a hard balance to learn but once you're on it you become undefeated and you will be I'm so sure about that.
Thank you so much for reading
Have a great day/night ahead ❤️
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paper-mario-wiki · 6 months
hi, i'm not the person who asked you about the life update, but could you elaborate on how being a creator means to live in a world of ideas instead of the real world? i'm just really curious about your reasons for quitting, specially because i want to create things in the future (not necessarily streaming, but anyways), hope you have a good day!
i'll be talking mostly about streaming for the sake of this answer, but this is similarly applicable across a wide range of platforms:
the job of the streamer is, effectively, to be the life of the party every single day. your goal is to be the person that has something interesting to talk about, and is quick with a joke, and has nuanced understandings of certain things, without actually obtaining any sort of "expertise" in anything lest you alienate viewers. short of having a stated goal for a stream, the only goal of the streamer is to let people relax with a voice they enjoy, saying things they like hearing. you can become very strong in different aspects of streaming, like in the production, or as someone who focuses more on a skill they've honed like art or speedrunning, but the demographic of streamers which pulls, by far, the most significant viewership, is personality based streamers.
this becomes more complicated when, for example, you are very interactive with chat, or you stream with multiple people at once. now, to maintain this charismatic sway you have (the one that got you the job in the first place), you must be able to adapt to and bounce off of other people, as you are now no longer performing alone. naturally, there's a need to not only manage your own flow of consciousness, but also to be at least partially in sync with someone else's.
beyond these complications, you must also consider drawing in new viewership. when i was a streamer, i was quite successful, relatively speaking. pulling 300 viewers consistently is something a very slim amount of streamers can actually do, and even then i was still making under 50k a year, which is not bad, but also not good. in paying for my apartment, my insurance, my travel fare, and all the other stuff that living independently draws money out of you with, i was more often in the red than i was in the green. hence, the need to draw in new viewers, which cannot be done without something eye-catching.
think about this: there are, at any given time, TENS OF THOUSANDS of streamers live in your native language on twitch, and they are all FREE TO WATCH. the attention market is sparse because the streamer market is oversaturated. and considering all of THEM want new viewers too, everyone is constantly refining and improving their craft, which requires everyone to move creatively in tandem with each other lest they get left behind.
if you are a streamer making ass-dollars and ass-cents, it becomes easy to begin resenting people like jerma, solely because everything he touches seems to turn to gold. i personally found it easy to feel very disappointed in myself when peoples projects that seemed so simple would take off. it was a constant "why didn't i think of that!" situation, at least for me. and when you don't have the energy to keep that up, or the social stamina necessary to figure that all out while also being upbeat and happy in front of people near daily, it can become very draining.
what i mean specifically when i say the "world of ideas", is like. there would be times where i could schedule out my failures weeks in advance. i'd be so in my own head about the process, i could see the exact path i could see myself taking that would lead me directly to ruin. how playing games i actually enjoyed would steadily drop viewership, or how focusing on my studies would make people forget about me. and of course this is augmented by my anxiety, i know this is absolutely not the case for every streamer, but that overwhelming feeling of needing to find a new game to play, or a new gimmick to use, or a new ploy to get money that doesn't make you feel guilty even though your source of income is mostly queer and mostly poor young adults and your rent is coming up and you're $200 short but you also just had a fundraiser last month about a DIFFERENT emergency but you cant make it a bummer or else people wont want to tune in so you have to make it something fun like "you laugh you lose!" or "$1 art request streams!" while feeling nothing but anxiety while youre trying to sound like youre enjoying yourself even when youre asking 250 people to donate every 30 minutes or so and nobody seems to want to and chat is moving slowly and. and and.
well, it starts to eat away at you.
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sirfrogsworth · 6 months
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I found these replies very frustrating and fairly ableist. Do people not understand that disabilities and functionality vary wildly from person to person? Just because one person can draw with their teeth or feet doesn't mean others can.
And where is my friend supposed to get this magic eye movement drawing tech from? How is he supposed to afford it? And does the art created from it look like anything? Is it limited to abstraction? What if that isn't the art he wants to make?
Also, asking another artist to draw something for you is called a commission. And it usually costs money.
I have been using the generative AI in Photoshop for a few months now. It is trained on images Adobe owns, so I feel like it is in an ethical gray area. I mostly use it to repair damaged photos, remove objects, or extend boundaries. The images I create are still very much mine. But it has been an incredible accessibility tool for me. I was able to finish work that would have required much more energy than I had.
My friend uses AI like a sketchpad. He can quickly generate ideas and then he develops those into stories and videos and even music. He is doing all kinds of creative tasks that he was previously incapable of. It is just not feasible for him to have an artist on call to sketch every idea that pops into his brain—even if they donated labor to him.
I just think seeing these tools as pure evil is not the best take on all of this. We need them to be ethically trained. We need regulations to make sure they don't destroy creative jobs. But they do have utility and they can be powerful tools for accessibility as well.
These are complicated conversations. I'm not claiming to have all of the answers or know the most moral path we should steer this A.I behemoth towards. But seeing my friend excited about being creative after all of these years really affected me. It confused my feelings about generative A.I. Then I started using similar tools and it just made it so much easier to work on my photography. And that confused my feelings even more.
So...I am confused.
And unsure of how to proceed.
But I do hope people will be willing to at least consider this aspect and have these conversations.
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I volunteer with an organization of very high needs disabled people and I have to say, they delight in using AI to put stories together. It even inspires them to make their own edits and additions, though many struggle with typing or verbal skills. I don't want to tell anyone how to feel but it seems like weird ideological purity policing to exclude them from a social event where they might connect to people and find community.
So my first question is: why AI specifically? Why not literally any other method of writing? If they're capable of doing edits/additions, then why can't they first write the story out using speech-to-text, or an AAC device, or dictate it to someone else, and then edit/add to it later?
Coming up with ideas/a plot is creative and requires skill, but it's a different kind of creativity and skill than actually writing it down/connecting those dots. Like, James Patterson doesn't write most of his books; he writes out long outlines for a ghostwriter to work off of, then makes notes or changes to the draft before sending it back to the ghostwriter. It would be unfair to say that he doesn't have any skills at all, but it would also be unfair to say that he wrote all of his books himself when they were actually mostly written by someone else. A lot of the time, movies will have separate credits for the person who came up with the idea and the person who actually wrote the screenplay, because they are separate things requiring different skills.
NaNoWriMo, as a concept, is about practicing the latter skill. You're presumed to have already learned how to come up with ideas – otherwise, what would you work on for a month? The actual work of crafting enough sentences that your story becomes a full text and not an outline is really fucking hard, and that's why so many writers get stalled at the ideas stage and never actually write anything. If you don't have those skills to start, that's okay, because most people don't! The whole point is to practice them over the month! And even if you never hit 50k (I haven't!), you can at least say that you practiced that skill. Even if you only wrote ten words a day because that's literally the most you can do, writing ten words every day for thirty days is still a huge accomplishment!
To use the marathon metaphor from the originating post: both driving a car and running a marathon are skills, but they are not the same skill. If you can't run a marathon – if you are just trying to get to the point where you can walk briskly for five miles without tasting blood when you breathe – reaching that goal is still an accomplishment, even if you're not full on running a marathon. If you are just starting to learn how to drive without having a panic attack, being able to do that is also an accomplishment, even if it's not the same thing as winning the Indy500. Modest goals are still goals and achieving them is a thing to be celebrated.
But I don't think it's ideological purity to say that there's a difference between achieving a very modest goal because the "full thing" is just not feasible for whatever reason, and achieving a totally different goal entirely. "I finally drove to the store and back all by myself!" is genuinely great, but not something you'd necessarily work on in your running group.
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greenboyfriend · 7 months
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choose a fish to fill you with whimsy & glee! (tarot reading)
"what can you look forward to?" image 1: this guy's got it all figured out. he's able to breathe above water due to the bowl of water superglued to his face. one might even assume he has prosthetic legs, or perhaps even feet... image 2: the ideal male figure... you may not like it, but it's a fish with a broom as a tail and no internal organs. image 3: a fish that doesn't resemble anything in particular. no... not at all! image source not everything may resonate with you, and that's ok! take what does & leave the rest. don't force it.
you guys!!! there is something very wonderful in store for you, so long as you’re able to get yourself out of this rut! you may be feeling powerless, suffering some sort of attack, and being forced into the role of the victim. however! justice means to tell you that there is a major change that must be made on your part. instead of letting yourself be victimized, take action! use those emotions you’re feeling to tackle this challenge with passion– take that risk!! don’t be afraid to get creative, too. above all, and no matter what it takes, you’re going to need to address this, and with confidence.  in a broader sense, this situation is teaching you how to overcome a fear of yours. maybe you’re not the best at asserting yourself, but that’s ok! we’re all learning!! take this as a step in the right direction.  the extremely right direction, i might add, as the 9 of cups and justice seem to imply, this will be a very fruitful endeavor for you. the 9 of cups is often referred to as the “wish” card, because it represents having your wish fulfilled. after you take action, i see this result leaving you feeling quite pleased with yourself, and even a little smug! as you may know, justice is no card to be trifled with, so keep in mind that the actions you take regarding this situation will heed important results. do what you know is right and believe in yourself! you can do it!!! all of these cards are reversed-- except 10 of swords-- indicating that they're meant to inform your future actions (in the next few days, or next week). so don't worry if you haven't thought about it too much yet. but please remember that justice does not play! believe in yourself, you'll know when the time is right. there is some 18+ info beyond this point... click the link to read the rest but be warned its literally 2 sentences and NO ONE UNDER 18 SHOULD fucking READ IT! /srs link
(10 of swords, page of wands reversed, 9 of cups reversed, justice reversed)
hello my silly little broom fish. you’ve been working hard! if you haven’t, expect to work hard soon! you will be taking on a new project or adventure, which will require your full attention. i’m thinking, some of you guys might be taking a new class, or be receiving training of some kind. you’re going to need to put your all into this! you may already have an idea of what to expect, but some things will be new, too. take the time to really get into the minute details, tie up loose ends, and recheck, then rerecheck, and rererecheck just for good measure.  this may also be a way for you to expand your horizons, and become a leader. if you have a good idea, share it! you may end up showing others the way, and being a representative of some kind. remember, though, to be painstaking about this, and really brush up on those fine details.  along the way, make sure you’re keeping yourself on course. if you need a moment to reflect and think about where you’re going, consider it a part of the process. while it is also a good idea to consider other perspectives, keep in mind that you’re here for a reason. you may have to assert your position & really push for your way of doing things. again, if someone else has an idea, don’t underestimate it, but don’t underestimate yourself, either! this may take the form of having to resist authority, and you may have to be firm. in doing this, you may also be able to reap a reward of some kind! remember, there are so many people in the world that would push for their perspective no matter what, even if they haven't researched it at all. based on the 8 of pentacles, you most certainly have researched, so believe in yourself! make that stand!!... well, when it comes to. all of these cards are reversed, so this situation is likely to come into fruition in the future-- in the next few days, or possibly next week. mull over it for a while. when you start to see the signs, seize your opportunity!
(8 of pentacles reversed, 3 of wands reversed, 7 of pentacles reversed, 7 of wands reversed)
ok go off!!!! or somefin it’s time to commit to that regimen. whether that’s eating healthier, taking more time for yourself, or, if you’re like me, trying to practice more self kindness, creating an organized structure/routine is likely to help. so, for example, i’ll take my own life into account: i’ll often think certain thoughts can make me feel bad about myself without me totally realizing it, and lately i’ve been trying to change how i talk to myself. i use a systematic approach, in that i recognize the thought, then force myself to replace it with a positive one, instead. it seems silly at first, but the more that i stick to this method, the more success i’m seeing! this is just my example, but can be applied to your own situation! it’s always tough to start something new, but a month or two in, or maybe even a week, you see improvement. & it’s ok to make mistakes! you may be focusing too much on what you lack, or your shortcomings. there may also be setbacks keeping you from achieving your goals, or maybe you’re convinced that you made the wrong decision.  know that it’s always darkest before the dawn!! you may be in a bad place right now, and if you are, consider how you can make things easier on yourself. instead of letting yourself be a martyr, or feel powerless, do what you know will make you feel better. like that new god forsaken ariana venti song, be your own damn best… friend. it’s wise counsel. both of the readings above this are about the future, but for you, i think this is very much about the present. with all cards facing you except temperance, there is a story unfolding, where you complete some unfinished business, and find peace. the peace part is likely in the future, with it being reversed and all, but the time for action seems imminent, or already happening. i think you probably know what you need to do. whatever those plans are that you’ve been sitting on, make them happen! i just keep getting “declare yourself openly”!!! so do with that what you will.  you may even discover some sort of missing truth, keeping you from seeing things fully. you may also be swept up into the tides of change, and witness all the elements fit seamlessly into place. so hey! enjoy!
(the emperor, 5 of cups, 8 of wands, 10 of swords, temperance reversed)
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🎑Pisces in houses🎑
💓Pisces in 1st house-you are a person that people see you as very dreamy, mysterious, compassionate, spiritual. You can also be confused at times. You have your own kind of energy that you give off and believe in things that others don't. You can believe in the illusion of things that others never will. You can have a very calming energy. You can quickly turn yourself into the person of your dreams.
🎨Pisces in 2nd house- you appreciate things that are unique, different, dreamy. Your attitude towards money can be completely different from that of others. You are charming, very good with people and adaptable to any kind of environment. These people love what’s beautiful, but are never greedy. They don’t care that much about their financial situation, so they can spend a lot of time working for their unrealistic dreams. And I really appreciate such people because they will never look at you through money.
💍Pisces in 3rd house- these people have an extraordinary mindset, you can listen to them for hours and hours. You communicate in a mesmerizing poetic way, and you manage to express your personal charm and imagination through writing and speaking. You are also very creative. Natives with this placement can end up seeing what people mean when saying something. You love deep and spiritual conversations. Many times they can escape for a short trip to the sea.
🧸Pisces in 4th house- These people have a spiritual connection with their family. It can also mean that you like being by the sea or that a home by the sea could be perfect for you. You like to live in isolation and to be private, so communication for you usually takes place at home. Their home is where they feel at peace and no longer are in contact with the stress of everyday life. They can be unrealistic with the ones they love and not see them for who they are.
🌅Pisces in 5th house- you find your imagination through creation, searching for talents. Love for you can be something inspiring, and even if you are not very stable, you always know where to find your true love. It’s enough they have a difficult time determining what they want in love, but they surely are attracted to those who can “save” them. Pisces energy generally gives off the energy that you want to help even if you don't say it or want to help people. Or you want to save them. It’s very likely for them to fall in love with people who are psychics or artists, also with those who somehow aren’t very realistic.
🧚🏽‍♂️Pisces in 6th house- Your routine can be a real mess many times. You don't know how to be in a routine because you simply do a lot of things. When it comes to work, you can be a person who doesn't like people or working with them. And you are more inclined to do something that involves your creativity and you can be yourself. You can also be afraid to work. Their faith can merge with their reality, so they need to be patient and wise, as well as follow their path in life, just for them to keep being strong and have enough energy.
🩰Pisces in 7th house- you can dream a lot about the perfect partner or soulmate. You can idealize relationships with people a lot. You require affection and intimacy, as it will be your love language. It’s very likely for these natives to suffer and to feel devastated when pressure is being put on them. If it is for them to be complete, they have to be empathetic and connected with a more ethereal world. Pisces here can as well create a lot of confusion and have them wanting to sacrifice themselves for their lover and the sake of their romantic connection.
🌊Pisces in 8th house- you are aware of the fact that we only have one life to live for, so you don’t spend too much time thinking about it. You can be a person who has a strong intuition. You are aware of many more things than others. Therefore, when their inner shadow gets to be expressed, they can end up suffering from multiple personalities. The more they’re deluded about the chaos they can create, the more they can become destructive. People with this placement are sensitive and when sympathizing, they can direct their intuition in the most positive directions.
💎Pisces in 9th house- you have spiritual journeys. You are mystical and curious about the occult or religious traditions. Pisces are known for creating magic around them, but also for poisoning their environment when it comes to the aspects of life they haven’t explored. Spirituality is very important for them, so they’re always looking for the right philosophy to live by. They want to talk about the meaning of life and to make philosophy. It doesn’t matter what they believe in, their ideals are visionary and they possess a lot of faith.
🦄Pisces in 10th houses-you can dream big about your career. You are curious about the occult and secret organizations. This is why some of them are working in strange fields. When it comes to the meaning of life, this for them is a lot related to self-sacrifice. However, they’re true visionaries because they live in this “other world”. Many can accuse them of being impractical, especially when it comes to work and their public image. They may be attracted to be inspirational, to heal or to become artists, especially in the visual arts. People can see you as a very dreamy person.
🧜🏼‍♀️Pisces in 11th house- they have many friends who may be spiritualists and may be considered sympathizers among them. They have many dreams and goals that they want to achieve. In any case, they know how to idealize anyone and to make others feel like they’re perfect, which is also giving them a good disposition. But it causes extreme pain if they happen to be betrayed. These people would do just about anything for their loved ones. When it comes to what makes their relationships stronger, this is innocence, changes, and rebirth. When a relationship ends for them, they’re being pushed to always take the right path. But they can cling to friendships for a long time.
🦋Pisces in 12th house- you are highly imaginative and inspirational. People born in this placement are often creative, gifted and manifest dreams into life through artistic pursuits. They take their deep emotional depth and turn it into art to heal themselves. They can easily delude themselves because they’re always living in a fantasy world, not to mention they want to escape their vulnerable and sweet side because they were probably forced to be strong and more assertive when young. They can see how spiritual life is, no matter how subtly this is presenting itself. You can always look for your soulmate.
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actuallymoon · 2 months
Hufflepuff! Draco
When it comes to 8th year resorting, people think that Draco would end up in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, but I really think he'd become a Hufflepuff.
He definitely can't be in Gryffindor because he doesn't have the impulsivity or courage required. If we compare him to Lucius, Draco doesn't have the same boldness he does. Lucius takes risks to get what he wants, he dares to wear a mask and go torture muggles at an event where Aurors are surely present, he isn't scared of the consequences and isn't afraid to stick with the dark lord up until he knew that he will certainly lose. Lucius is also not the best 'cunning and charming diplomat'. He uses force or threats while a more Slytherin approach would be to manipulate the other person into thinking that they want what you want. Draco, on the other hand, doesn't particularly enjoy doing these things and seems too soft to actually want to cause harm (which is the way Gryffindor-ish Slytherins act, like Tom and Lucius).
I can see why some people might regard him as a Ravenclaw because of his creativity and wit, but is it truly what he needs? Draco is the embodiment of creativity meeting intelligence. I can't stop thinking about his 'Potter stinks' badges and how they stayed functional years after he charmed them, especially since most charms tend to last a few hours at most. BUT!!! I have a feeling that he wouldn't be improving/changing if he is placed in Ravenclaw. Most Ravenclaws would leave him alone, nobody would try to be his friend because they're all doing their thing. They'll just be civil with him. That is NOT what he needs. He needs to learn how to be compassionate and kind and that could only be provided by Hufflepuff.
We already know that wands reveal aspects about their owners and that Draco's wand core is unicorn hair. That MUST mean something??! When I knew that, I assumed that Draco had a secret nurturing side that yearned to help others. Unicorn hair also is the core with the lowest propensity to dark magic, so I think that it only performed dark spells, because Draco believed that it was for the greater good (aka cleansing the wizarding world and making it a better place for purebloods). In Huffelpuff, other students would immediately be drawn to help Draco adjust, and in the process, Draco might learn how to extend his desire to help to other people, not just purebloods.
There's a lot more I want to say but it's 2am, and I'm certain that the paragraphs I just wrote make no sense, but wtv. This is just one of my tricks into convincing someone here to write an 8th year Slytherin Harry x Hufflepuff Draco fic. Slytherpuff is the cutest ship dynamic I am afraid.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk 🩷🌙
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teecupangel · 10 days
Hi teacup, so I was looking at some of your posts the other day when I heard my sibling playing Minecraft with their friends. These two things happening at the same time sparked an idea.
Enderman Desmond
I just came out of the gym so let's use the blood and creative juices that are flowing in my brain right now.
You know the typical, Des dies, goes back in time as a creature of our choice. Here Desmond is a 3 meters (10 feet) tall pitch black humanoid with really big arms and legs. And he can teleport too!
I really like Endermen, they're my favorite mob. I even have a plushie of one. They're chill and oddly cute until you look at them in the eyes then they turn into a horror movie monster.
I'm picturing Desmond looking like a mix of the many Endermen redesigns or realistic interpretations you can find. Tall and thin, inhuman proportions on the limbs, digitigrade legs clawed hands and feet, his hands don't look or have human proportions, big ol' eyes, and a face and skull are a mix of human and cat, in the sense that it looks kinda flat and you assume it's small until they yawn and you see all of their big teeth and big jaw angle.
Also like cats (and Altaïr) they don't like water, which I find hilarious. And makes sense since The End looks like a desert. So they probably don't know how to swim (like Altaïr) either. (He doesn't take damage from water cause that would be really inconvenient).
Now that I think about it cats also don't like seeing other creatures straight in the eyes. And Endermen do chirp chatter hiss and growl like cats do apart from their crooning. Mischievous and curious like cats since they go around stealing blocks...
Oh stars, Endermen are freaking cats
Des would be a really scary temple guardian to the templars and assassins. Plus he would inspire so many tales and myths about ghosts and tall creatures that disappear when you look directly at them. Maybe a new saying like "don't look the dark in the eyes".
Assassins are already deadly but being able to teleport would make Desmond so broken. And maybe his Endermen purple eyes and particles become golden when touching The Apple and other Isu tech.
Desmond certainly likes being able to teleport and blend in the night but his new instinct makes him unable to look at or be looked at in the eyes.
Altaïr becomes very paranoid cause he keeps seeing from the corner of his eyes the creature in the temple that gave him the apple but when he turns his head to look at it it disappears to only leave purple dust and particles.
Maybe Desmond is transported along with some Chorus fruit and since he is unsure at the beginning what his new body can and cannot eat he cultivates it in secret. And when Al Mualim is defeated a new assassin myth comes forth of a creature of the dark and shadows gifting the brotherhood with a fruit that gives them the gift of traveling in the blink of an eye when consumed. (Which is ironic considering that the temple had the apple of Eden)
I have so many ideas for Enderman!Desmond and Changeling!Desmond. I love to worldbuild.
I kinda like the idea of him being something that cannot is part of the world but, at the same time, not.
Let’s lean into the nightmare feel of an Enderman that doesn’t exist in their world.
Desmond cannot be ‘fully’ seen most of the time. At best, he appears on the corner of one’s eye. Only when he attacks a specific person that people can turn to look at him and, even then, he’s usually shrouded in darkness. Mostly because he always appears during the dark since that’s the perfect cover.
But there is also a ‘requirement’ for Desmond to attack. His target needs to look at him for at least a quarter of a second or attack in his general direction.
Of course, he can decide not to attack and all that happens is that he disappears after a second or so after someone has different maintained eye contact with him.
He can’t technically control his teleportation skills as well. Most of the time, he teleport inside of moving and his will to attack someone makes him come near the target. Instinctively, he knows when he’s going to be attacked and he can teleport instantaneously like an auto-dodge of some sort. It can only work twice in succession before getting a short cooldown though.
He can be harmed like usual and when he’s harmed enough times (which is a rarity), he disappears from their world.
To Desmond, it’s like he goes to sleep. When he returns, all his wounds are gone and he’s usually sent back 24 hours from his disappearance, near the one who hit him last.
When he disappears after finishing his target or a second has passed without him attacking the one who stared him down, he would return like he just took a nap.
As for his teleportation mechanics, no one knows when and why he appears. Desmond himself ‘dreams’ of his ancestors and the people he knew (or his ancestors knew) while he’s napping/sleeping and he appears when he wants to, the location always being the current ‘dream’.
The reason why he exists in a perpetual state of ‘nonbeing’ is because his status as an Enderman is because he failed to anchor himself to a specific time after being the Reader for so long. This failed anchoring changed his Reader appearance to one of an Enderman and he’s forever drifting in the endless timeline seen through the Gray, only able to ‘visit’ them for a short time.
The worst part?
Because of his failed attempt to anchor himself, he forgot everything he did as the Reader.
Including why he tried to be part of the timeline again.
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sleepyburito · 10 months
So. Furina.
Furina is an interesting character. I was mildly annoyed by her at first but I was still intrigued. From day one I thought she was simply a misguided teenager in terms of Archon's but now it turns out, she's a human.
But... she's so much more tragic now that I've thought of it.
Furina may be human but she never truly 'grew up'. She is a child all things considered, but she never truly has gotten to be one. She's probably physically lets say... 19? 20 if we push it? Mentally however... she feels like a tired and stressed teenager who's still figuring themselves out.
She never got to truly be a child or grow up because it was all an act. She was a child putting on the mask of a child.
That's another reason I'm not a fan of the Traveller and Paimon getting her to act in a musical in her story quest. While yes, Furina could use it as a way to turn her trauma into something positive, it is still traumatic and she needs some time before she could consider it.
If Furina is to get back into the creative arts, I feel she'd do better with something that doesn't require her to play a role. Maybe she could learn an instrument instead, learn to express herself properly through a healthy way
I also feel she could use some time away from Fontaine, I've seen people saying she should go to Mondstat and I agree, to learn about freedom where better than the city of freedom.
I also feel Furina and Neuvillette should talk more and express boundaries, not too much at first but slowly to build up the trust they lost after Furina's trial. They're not really anything specific in my mind but they're the only ones who would truly understand and respond in a good way to everything.
This is just my thoughts on Furina's story, this isn't even getting into the burn out and other signs of neurodivergency that I relate to heavily.
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burst-of-iridescent · 10 months
Hi! I love all your posts regarding atla and deep diving into Zuko and Katara's relationship-those analysis's are *chief's kiss* perfect
Anywho, I hope you don't mind me asking, but I'm guessing you heard about Bryke wanting to expand the atla universe, and will be creating a new movies, one of which, with the Gaang as adults, but as far as I know won't have any of the returning head writers like Aaron Ehasz..
so my question is: do you think there is any hope for these movies? Because to me I feel like it might just be a fully animated comic (we all know how those turned out) & just be 2 hrs of Katara and Aang saying "Sweetie" back an forth. Yes I'm still saltly
frankly? no.
and that's not even me saying it as a salty zutara shipper who doesn't want to see kat.aang as an established relationship. i doubt how good these movies are going to be because bry.ke have little-to-no understanding of their characters, especially katara and zuko, and at least since atla, haven't shown the self-awareness to hire a writer's team that can compensate for their shortcomings. i've said it before and i'll say it again: they have great, creative ideas and an excellent eye for stunning visuals and an immersive world. but when it comes to the nuances of characterization and story-building, they cannot do it on their own. lok proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
but more than bry.ke, these movies are also emblematic of a larger problem that i see in multiple franchises: the subordination of creative, meaningful storytelling in service to shameless nostalgia cash-grabbing. ask yourself, do we really need a story about the adult gaang? most of the main plot threads that they could've expanded on from atla have already been (mostly badly) answered in the comics: what happened to ursa, azula's potential redemption, decolonisation, industrialisation vs tradition, the founding of a new air nomad legacy, zuko's struggles as fire lord. any new story would either have to retcon previously established "canon" or put a new spin on old themes. the latter of which i severely doubt bry.ke's capability to pull off, particularly if any level of nuance is required.
atla is slowly but surely heading in the direction of star wars/harry potter/the mcu in producing new material just for the sake of making money instead of truly adding something impactful to the canon. the fact that absolutely no new atla material since the show itself has ever managed to live up to the original is proof that the franchise has no idea what it's doing.
and before someone comes at me to say that it's impossible to ever live up to the original - just take a look at the hunger games revival happening right now. the ballad of songbirds and snakes has been received so well because it isn't just a shameless cash-grab. it's a valuable contribution to the series that expands on the universe and themes of the original trilogy, giving more depth and nuance to the original books instead of detracting from them. because collins adds to the canon only when she has something meaningful to say, and for a franchise that she could have milked to absolute filth, that restraint reflects not only her integrity as a creator, but the value she places on the stories that she tells - which in turn makes her readers value and respect them as well.
and that's a lesson that i think every single storyteller should take to heart. if you want to be respected as a writer, you have to respect your characters and your stories first. because if you, the creator, don't... why should anyone else?
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soracities · 11 months
writers block is killing me, mim. i haven't written anything since ages. but i really want to, i just don't have anything in mind. send help!!
Oh, dear anon....I may not be the best person to ask in this because I generally don't believe in writer's block to begin with; I have dealt with one for years but at the same time I don't see not writing as any more natural or normal a state than writing itself. Neither is "bad" or "good"; they're simply two different processes with different results, one of filling up (not writing) and one of emptying (writing). But because of this, it is, crucially, a cycle to me—like how you fill a cup then empty it again then fill it then empty it again. Sometimes the processes happen so subtly, or so closely together, that we don't notice their separate movements. But sometimes they aren't as synchronised as that. Sometimes there's a long period of filling up that, because of how extensive and deep it is, requires far more time than we would like.
Our imagination and creative impulses don't exist in a fixed, preordained state of On / Off—they are something active and responsive that needs to be nourished and replenished just like our bodies do with fresh and air and food. And sometimes being replenished looks like a passive rather than an active event. So maybe it will help to look at it as less of a "block" anon, and more a state of accumulation. Maybe you're percolating, brewing, marinating, collecting fragments and impressions of the world and shoring them up deep inside you. Maybe it's the time to touch life and be touched by it and allow it to change the landscape inside you, to renew the places you can write from when the time comes but simply live and experience the things that happen to you until that time comes. Maybe you are undergoing deep changes yourself and these need to be allowed to take shape a little more before you can use them as a foundation from which your writing begins.
I don't know if any of this will help and I'm sorry if it doesn't. But I do believe that in moments like this, the best thing you can is not to force yourself or your mind into a state it does not seem ready for at this time because you will only be met with more resistance and more frustration as a result (which will also only harden that resistance further). If you desperately need to write I would recommend a journal, but a journal with no expecations—errant thoughts, observations, things you saw and that made you happy (or sad or angry), a catalogue, really, of the sights and sounds and textures of your day. They don't need to be eloquent or polished (if anything I think it helps if you keep them as spontaneous as possible). The point is to make a habit of noticing the world around you and the experiences you have and also let you feel that you are capturing or expressing something as you write it all down. Alternatively you can also try a stream-of-consciousness exercise every day: write whatever comes to your mind, again without expectations, without hesitation or concern for form or content. I don't know if this will help, but it may ease the anxiety you feel around wanting to write and not being able to simply by providing you with the action in some form.
I hope you find something in here to see you through this, anon x
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Can I request something for yandere merman Kakyoin? :>
My idea is he not actually a merman but a sea witch with octopus body, just like Ursula in My little mermaid. He use his potion to turn into a merman to attract his darling because he know their darling will be afraid of his real form. He want to capture darling to be his mate forever.
Well that's my idea, feel free to be creative with the plot :D thank you so much
Never thought our boy who looks like Ariel was Ursula the whole time... now that I think about it Hierophant Green works perfectly with this. Kakyoin is a mimic octopus which allows him to change his skin and body to look like other things, which combined with magic you really don't stand a chance. This is from Kakyoin's perspective mostly. Reader is gender neutral but more feminine presenting because who doesn't love a pretty enby. I also do masc and andro too but why not mix it up. If you want a particular gender don't be afraid to ask!
Merrow=Nonbinary mermaid
Reel You In
You were perfect...
Bright (e/c) eyes, wide smile on your plush lips, shiny (h/c) hair
A true gem, a real pearl if you will
His treasure
His pretty little merrow
How did he mean you in all your divinity?
Kakyoin was taking stock of his ingredients, after all his magic still required special herbs and items of the deep. His green and white striped tentacles filtered through the vials and drawers. He was low on whale fat and Leviathan scales. Kakyoin sighed it would take him ages to find these rare ingredients. Leviathans aren't usually fond of getting rid of their scales. He'll have to scour the specialty market for these ingredients. The unfortunate thing is it only opens when the ocean is darkest. He gathered his cloak off the large mer skeleton it was hanging off of. He put on his cloak and swam into the darkness.
The market was full of sketchy characters per usual, nobody good came to the Night Market unless they were desperate. It was swarming with thieves, witches, and the usual assortment of outcasts and criminals' merfolk told stories of to make their fry behave. Of course, he was one of them so there was no room to complain. He was browsing the stalls when a heavy force knocked into him. His amethyst eyes filled with annoyance, someone was already trying to rob him, and he just got here. He snatched his satchel back and glared at the offender who apologized?
"I'm so sorry sir, I wasn't watching where I was swimming. Did you lose anything from your bag?" Intriguing. Looking at the figure in front on him he could tell they didn't belong. (h/l) (h/c) styled with a pretty white ribbon (if bald or hijab its tied around your neck). Wide (e/c) orbs full of innocence he'd not seen in a while (your innocent compared to him bro). You were very attractive in his eyes as it's not often to see someone be so decent in his line of work.
"Sir? Sir? Oh no did I hit you too hard?!" The merrow's worried voice broke him out of his thoughts. "Oh, no I'm fine no harm has been done. Mx. ..." You laughed which was a genuine laugh, not one full of malice, just pure joy. Kakyoin wishes he could capture that laugh and put it in a jar. "(Y/N) my name is (Y/N)." Oh, they were so trusting, the naive little thing. "Kakyoin, but you may call me Noriyaki." (Y/N) grinned at this and swished their shiny tail back and forth. "Okay Noriyaki it's so very nice to meet you! Oh no I need to go before the market closes! See you, Nori!" The cheerful merrow swam off leaving Kakyoin paralyzed in awe. Suddenly, finding those materials didn't seem so interesting.
Kakyoin hadn't slept well in a while, thoughts of a special little merrow kept him awake. Your beautiful face invaded his dreams, your laugh haunted his every waking moment, your coquettish smile taunted him so. Oh, you had no idea how much you drove him crazy! He had been neglecting his work to watch you from his seer glass. You were even more irresistible in your day-to-day life.
You were coming back from shopping eagerly talking to yourself about the new tops you bought when you bumped into a cecaelia. You were rather clumsy, weren't you? Now you would apologize profusely and offer this merfolk your aid. What shocked Kakyoin was when you froze at the sight of the person before you and swam away in a panic. How unusual of sweet little you. What could cause such a reaction? He hadn't seen you act so rashly even with the most intimidating fish folk but this ceacaelia made you swim away with fear he has never seen before. Does it mean?
You were afraid of cecaelia.
You were afraid of him.
Kakyoin's fantasy of finding you again and courting you was ruined, all because you were afraid of cecaelia. He was spiraling fast. He smashed bottles and flipped his cauldron over in a fit of rage. He never hated having tentacles in his life but now he wanted to rip them all off. His blue blood leaking from his hands reminding him of his physical imperfection. If only he was born a merman like you... then I idea struck him.
Maybe reaching you wasn't impossible.
Pain, throbbing pain was all Kakyoin felt. His tentacles felt like they were ripped clean off, but it was worth it for the emerald and silver fish tail he had now. Kakyoin was stumbling around like a guppy trying to get used to their fins for the first time. It was taking some practice, but he was getting used to it. Soon he'd be perfect. Perfect for you. Once he's reeled you in, he'd show the real him, but by then
You can't escape
Kakyoin was positively giddy with all the feelings of love he felt for you. All he needed to do was find his beloved but make it seem like a coincidence. After all, you were naive but a bit skittish. All the more reason to keep you safe from dangerous creatures of the ocean and take a delicate approach to get to you. After observing you for so long he knew where you liked to go and when. By now you would be gathering human trinkets at the abandoned ship you frequently explored. He couldn't care less about humans and their dirty little tools, but you loved them so and he loved you. He received a particularly shiny trinket from a recent customer (victim), a shining bejeweled brooch. Something irresistible for a little merrow such as yourself. Kakyoin could practically see the big sparkling eyes you would make at such a priceless treasure.
Kakyoin swam over to a lopsided piece of wood to hide behind and think of how to approach you organically. Muttering to himself plan after plan unaware of the curious merrow eyeing the distressed merman. Kakyoin felt a tentative tap on the shoulder. He flushed as he made eye contact with his darling, who smiled so brightly at him. They were so beautiful when they smiled so sweetly at him. "Did you need help-oh you're that guy from the market um... Norisaki?" You remembered him... sort of. What a wonderful thing!
"Noriyaki, I'm surprised you remembered me." Kakyoin chuckled to himself. You smiled at him before blushing slightly. "It's kind of hard not to since our meeting was so embarrassing." You were the type to allow embarrassing moments to dwell in your head long after they occurred. It was quite cute. "It's quite alright neither of us were truly harmed. Are you usually so hard on yourself?" Your flushed face grew even more red with the last sentence. "Um...I hold my silence?" Kakyoin laughed at your meek response.
"That's quite alright... you know between you and me I happen to come to this sunken ship for human treasures." At the words "human treasures" your eyes lit up like bioluminescent phytoplankton at the thought of finding a kindred spirit. "I didn't know other merfolk liked human things, most of my friends call their things garbage." You looked down sadly as you finished your sentence, tracing the water rotted wooden beam in your hand. Kakyoin placed a hand of yours and stared at you with his mesmerizing purple eyes. "Some people don't understand something's value if it isn't immediately obvious." Kakyoin pulls out the glimmering brooch that shone in the filtered light of the ocean, bringing out the (e/c) of your eyes.
"It's absolutely beautiful." You marveled at the brilliant emeralds and rubies that made up the serpent pendent. In all your trips here, you had never found something so opulent before. Only thing close was a rusty spoon. Kakyoin noticed your eagerness with a tender smile. "You can have it if you want." You looked curiously at the merman seeing if he was being serious. "I'm not going to bite you; you can take it." Kakyoin smiled as the merrow hesitantly took the brooch from his outstretched hand. Yes, everything was going to plan, he imbued that brooch with magic so he could track where you go. Like the serpent in mythology, Kakyoin was not to be trusted.
"Thank you so much Nori!"
"You're welcome, my darling."
His plan was working smoothly as you were practically eating anything he told you straight from his palm. You were so sweet and trusting, it made his heart melt from fervent worship. He adored you more than anyone ever could, that alone should make him worthy of you. However, his fish disguise wore off after 48 hours and he'd be put through hell again to bring back the illusion. It wasn't the slightest bit healthy to keep this act up, but it would be all worth it in the end. When he had you safely in his arms.
His precious little mate
He'd find a way for you to have children, through magic or adoption. That way when you accept him you would be fully bound to each other. Forever. A blue flush covers his faces as he giggles to himself, oh you two would have so many wonderful years together! Just you and him and no one else.
Of course, there were a few road bumps Kakyoin needed to face first.
Your friends were skeptical of his intentions towards you as he looked familiar to a certain sea witch who was known for taking advantage of the poor souls who came to him out of sheer desperation. He couldn't let them continue to poison your mind with their deceitful words (where's the lie tho?). His amethyst eyes glinted with sadistic glee as one by one your friends were placed under his thumb as they came to him for help for problems he caused.
Poor darling, you had no idea why all your friends suddenly disappeared without a trace. The towns people became suspicious of you, thinking you were the reason all these merfolk disappeared. You were ripe with insecurity for Kakyoin to harvest. You fit perfectly in his arms as you sobbed about how life seemed to dole out more that your fair share of problems. "Kakyoin I don't know what I've done to deserve this, do you think my friends hate me?"
Hate you? No one could be capable of hating you, and the wretches who do will be swiftly dealt with. "They aren't worth your tears; good friends wouldn't disappear without telling you. Besides I'm here with you, aren't I?" You gave him that adorable grin that he loved so much. "You're right I have you."
Kakyoin was positively giddy as he swam around his lair, cleaning as best as he could. He convinced you to seek out the guidance of the Emerald Sea Witch, and you took it like the naive, trusting little thing you were. He couldn't wait to show you his real form and seal your souls together via contract. Humming a hypnotic tune to himself and swaying his tentacles sensually, he heard a sweet little frightened voice call out. "Hello, I'm looking for the Emerald Sea Witch."
Kakyoin swam to the darkest corner of his shadowy lair and grinned to himself. His hard work was paying off. Now to reel you in. "You've come to the right place little merrow." He purred sweetly to you. You looked confused as you heard the familiar voice, why did the witch sound like your friend. "My friend told me you might know about the recent disappearances of the merfolk."
He couldn't hold back his chuckle, he had to restrain himself from holding you in his tentacles and peppering you with kisses. You were just too precious. "You'll have to be more specific darling; merfolk are always going missing." You back into the merskeleton where he hangs his cloaks, causing you to squeak with fright. He should have put that away. You were trembling with fear, yet you balled your shaky fists with resolve. Turning to the direction Kakyoin was lounging you spoke shakily. "The merfolk who went missing were my friends, I would like to know if they are alive." The last part made your voice crack with sadness. Seeing you waste your tears on such scum made his cheeks color with rage.
Kakyoin steadied himself and spoke once more.
"I'll make a deal with you little merrow, I'll find your friends and even let you see them..." Your eyes lit up with glee before turning a bit skeptical. "What do you want in return?" Kakyoin smiled widely in the dark, just a little bit more and you'll be in his tentacles. "I want you to give me rare treasure." The treasure he was referring to was you, but he knew that you would foolishly think the pendant would suffice.
"Excellent, just sign here." Kakyoin snapped his fingers and a golden contract appeared in front of you. If you were smarter, you would notice the fine print entailing that the treasure in question, was your soul bound to his for eternity. You took the quill without hesitation and signed your name on the dotted line.
He did it!
You were his!
"Now where are my friends?" Kakyoin rolled a single vial to you, inside were the trapped souls of your friends crying for you to help them. You gasped in terror and attempted to flee. Two tentacles wrapped around your waist and pulled you towards him. "Not so fast my dear you haven't finished your end of the deal; I want my rare treasure."
You sobbed in terror at the appendages you hated your entire life, octopus were your kind's natural predator. "Take it, just let me go." You grabbed the broach out of your worn satchel and threw it in the witch's direction. "I thought you'd be smarter than that (Y/N)." It clicked as to who was the sea witch. "No." You wanted to curl up into a ball as Kakyoin laughed at the misery in your voice. "Now (Y/N) is that anyway to speak to an old friend."
Kakyoin stepped into the glowing light the cauldron produced making you cry out in fear, anger, and betrayal. "You're not my friend, you lied to me!" You pulled further a the grasp of the tentacles attempting to escape the red head, but he pulled you closer and nuzzled his face into your neck. "I know that I have been a bit dishonest with my method of courting you, but I promise to be more honest in the future." "People will come looking for me and you'll be sorry then!" Kakyoin looked you in your frightened (e/c) eyes and frowned. He then plucked the white ribbon from your hair and sent a magical current towards the town.
"No one will look for you if they think your dead my treasure." Kakyoin cooed gently. "Now then lets finish this courting process, I want us to officially become mates." This statement caused more sobbing from your end as a silver collar appeared around your neck.
"Why?" Was all you could muster. Kakyoin swayed hypnotically with you in his arms. "How couldn't I when you reeled me in."
Sorry if the ending sucked I just wanted to make room for new requests and start working more on my reincarnated sins posts and a cult village story with my own yandere ocs. I hope you enjoyed
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