#i also dont like labelling unlabelled people
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zeronetxt · 3 months ago
this might just be me, but does anyone else have a fictional character that they would rather DIE than ship them with/watch them get into a canon relationship with anybody?
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styxnbones · 10 months ago
throwing this out into the void here mostly just to test how i feel abt seeing it in words, but im starting to think the 100% aroace label is perhaps not serving me quite the way i want it to and maybe harper's Unlabeled Swag (As A Freak With Proximity To The Acespec) was me projecting just tiny bit
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aro-culture-is · 3 months ago
aro culture is hating on the "Just Roommates™" that everyone says and everyone is kinda forcing some unlabeled intimacy to to have a label but they jokingly say JUST ROOMMATES and giggle like it's a codename for "theyre romantically doing things they just dont know it".
Why should everything have a romantic implication im tired of this it literally takes my two brain cells gazillion laps to 'read between the lines' i just wanna automatically say yea this is platonic and then not give a flying fuck Like EVER
also, speaking as someone in their mid 20s? roommates getting together ends so badly like. 90+% of the time. generally, also, people living with someone they've been together with for <1 year. it's not that it can't work out, but... in the early stages of a romantic relationship, you gotta make sure you're healthy both with and without each other. living together is not conducive to that. the main two elements to that, in my brain at least are: healthy with each other = not codependent, and without each other = have an external social network to fall back on.
an alternate thought from a different alter: I also think it's interesting how domesticity is seen as romantic, and not familial by so many. I wonder what cultural elements play into that, because I'm not sure if it's part of amatonormativity, part of the nuclear family shitshow, or what. I might bring that up at an irl a-spec group we go to this week and see what the history prof who loves to tell us her knowledge on such subjects has to say about that.
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garbbitch · 17 days ago
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i have so many thoughts about this so i apologize if this is scattered.
i saw this originally on TORRES’ story yesterday and it honestly made me sick. this disheartening. and something about the way people have been reacting to julien’s new upcoming project as opposed to how they’re reacting to lucy’s is making my heart hurt
like, idk, they’re both essentially at the same level of fame since they were both in boygenius, and yet lucy is getting article after article and interviews upon interviews about her and julien’s press has been relatively quiet beyond the one podcast and the one magazine. while lucy is doing radio, she is getting written about in multiple articles, her music was used for a fashion show. idk, i just feel like people are reacting so differently to each of them and it’s frustrating.
like people like to act like julien is less talented or something when she’s not! i’d even argue more talented but that’s a whole other conversation.
it’s like when the whole summer boygenius was touring everyone only ever talked about phoebe. idk, it rubs me the wrong way.
connected but unrelated thought,
people’s reactions to lucy’s video yesterday also piss me off quite a bit
like, i keep seeing a lot of the same arguments, some that i agree with and some that i dont.
for one, complaining about a lack of representation. ie, they’re all skinny, they’re all white etc.
to that i think there were a couple of reasons. one, she was looking at the submissions for the video the day of the tiktok ban. now i don’t know how it all went down but i’m assuming she probably wanted to reach out to more people but had trouble.
also! as much as i love boygenius and their solo stuff as poc, i’m aware that most of their fans are not poc. those concerts are white asf and that’s fine. but she can’t pull poc out of her ass. she was casting from her fan base. if it’s mostly white, that’s what you’re gonna get in the video.
and another complaint i saw a lot was that it was mostly people who were her friends or were influencers. ie, mattie, naomi, elio idk how to spell his name. and again, i think this was just cause of the tiktok ban, she probably saw mostly people who got the most views in that short window of time she was looking.
another thing i saw was that these people weren’t masc enough or butch enough. and to that i say, shut your mouth. these are real people. you can be frustrated with the way the casting ended up happening and you can recognize that it wasn’t a full view of the whole spectrum of mascs/ butches in the community but attacking the individual people she put in the video is wrong.
i also saw some people complaining that she had elio in the vid and hes a trans man. if he calls himself masc and he auditioned and she casted him that is between them, not us and them. being masc isn’t inherently lesbian. being butch is. if he called himself butch that would be a different story but he didnt.
i also saw people complaining about cara being in it. i personally don’t care for her, but who cares…? she may not be masc presenting in her public appearances but we don’t know her. so get over it…
i also saw people that it was only influencers and her friends in the vid… i get this one, but again. i blame the tiktok ban. we in america thought it was going to be gone gone for a while leading up and a good chunk of time as it was banned. yes that wasn’t the case but i do think she just picked people with the most views, ie, the influencers. i do wish she would’ve been upfront that it’s gonna be a bunch of her friends but whatever. (sorry if i’m repeating myself i have a lot of thoughts.)
i also keep seeing people in the community being rude to lucy and saying she’s just an annoying bisexual. she’s not bi i dont think. and she is quite publicly unlabeled or pan. you can recognize the very white view she has of the community and recognize that she could’ve been more diverse without mislabeling her or bringing up her label at all.
and idk, it’s also so baffling to me that both of these people are getting attacked for just existing but like, julien is dealing with real homophobia and lucy is dealing with very chronically online biphobic assholes. it just baffles me how no one is talking about the real and scary homophobia that julien is experiencing but i swear i’m seeing everyone and their mom jump to attack or defend lucy.
and another thing. i think the general lack of public support for julien is because she’s masc, everyone wants a masc or a butch until you actually have protect them. idk
i’m thinking to much and if none of this made sense i’m sorry.
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maygrcnt · 8 months ago
various disjointed thoughts on eddie diaz;
heres the thing is you have to allow yourself to believe in the idea of an eddie diaz who likes women. you just have to. im not saying it has to be your headcanon or that you have to discuss it or engage with it, but you do have to believe in the idea. Because not only is it dangerous to back yourself so far into a headcanon corner that eventually youll become disappointed by canon no matter what they do simply because it isnt your prefered version of events, but also because things get fun and interesting and COOL when you decide to analyze eddie diaz from a lens that he actually... does like women and did love his wife.
ill start by sharing that my primary eddie diaz headcanon is fully unlabeled eddie, his life has been all about finding the right thing finding the right way doing the right things, i think it would be very freeing for eddie to just exist and be happy without labeling himself. and ill continue by saying that my secondary eddie diaz headcanon is that he is demisexual. demisexual full stop. a lot of people are on the demi and gay train which is cool but i dont see why demisexual cant be the full and real label, we dont have to hold ourselves to the shackles of split attraction model yal!
i think things get so interesting when you look at eddie diaz as someone who just simply cannot feel romantic or sexual feelings for just anyone. the only person hes canonically loved (because he did, love shannon) was someone he described as his best friend. someone he knew for years platonically and then came back to with a newfound romantic love. and then everyone else hes dated on the show has been introduced to him in a romantic light and he cannot find the connection he found as a teenager. i think eddie has serious issues with separating aesthetic versus romantic attraction so he assumes his aesthetic attraction (like how hes immediately taken by how pretty ana is before the skateboard debacle) means hes interested in people while simultaniously not understanding that his romantic attraction actually creeps in like a slow ooze he can never see coming and rarely actually identify. i have no good or fun way to wrap this up nicely. this is the end.
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lavaablast · 9 months ago
My headcanons pt1 (because i self project on everything)
(my opinion remember this is all silly fun) (also i change my mind contantly so expect me to edit this post constantly)
Kai Smith:
the band aid on his eyebrow is there because he has an eyebrow piercing, and he wants to protect it from getting ripped in battle (also doesnt want a scolding from Wu hehe)
self harms but instead of c///ing he burns because well, obvious reasons (less likely to be found out too)
orthorexic, is obsessed with being in peak physical form
hear me out on this one, i know he eats junkfood (so do orthorexics okay every 3d is diferent) anyway he never does it alone. he eats junkood only with other people, and he's always thinking he'll "make up for it" later. so yes he eats junkfood and yes he is orthorexic (felt like i had to defend my point there dsfsd)
body dysmorphia. knows he looks good but doesnt know what he looks like
"if i gave up on being pretty, i wouldn't know how to be alive" or wtv mitski said
has an extensive skincare routine but if anyone asks him he'll just say he "washes his face with cold water"
anger issues, but like he can explode on the ninja too and then he immediately regrets it but its too late which leaves him with... ->
guilt. ALL THE TIME. its in the back of his head wherever he goes
sun aries, moon sagittarius. i wont back down on this (im a sun aries and moon sag)
claims he "doesnt care" but actually cares so much it hurts (especially about Nya/Lloyd he'd do anything for them you hear me ANYTHING)
has strong morals and ideals but will give them up in a second when needed for survival of himself or the ninja (people often see this as a bad thing but he just wants everyone to live no matter the cost)
ironically, can't handle spicy food and is ALWAYS made fun of it by the others
is reckless and takes stupid risks because he does not care for his body whatsoever (the others think he doesnt know whats at stake, he does, but doesnt care when it's just his own saftey he's risking)
lowkey a perfectionist, but has a different idea of perfect than others so they wouldnt know (aka he needs things/himself/stuff he makes to be perfect, but not perfect objectively, perfect to what he thinks is right)
loves his parents because they tried their best, but still resents them. he hates that he does, but he does
cried all of his tears out ONCE after Nyas "death" and didnt cry at all after that, instead taking so much on his plate that he didnt get a single chance to think about it again (it'd be too painul, this was easier) which lead to....->
his grief being put on hold; and only when Nya already was back did it come out and he had no idea why he was feeling this way so he didnt tell anyone (what would he have said, im in agony for no reason at all?) and it was HELL to do it alone
tied to the above; he couldn't ask for help if his life depended on it (literally)
loves too hard
hates too hard
BPD coded (i dont wanna diagnose him but,,, im justsayinnn *whistles while walking away suspiciously*)
trust issues, but lowk all the ninja have them because like,,, just look at what they have to deal w bro
commitment issues because freedom is the most important thing in the world (after Nya/Lloyd) so settling down or commiting to one thing too long feels like threatining his freedom
actually smart (both emotinally and intelligently) but doesnt use his brains capabilities that much
great memory but also shit memory (remembers a whole row of numbers for no reason but forgets he has to pick up lloyd from the arcade..)
hot. thats all i rest my case
loves himself but hates himself
everything and nothing at the same time, everything about him contradicts himself, but also doesnt, but also does
hes a really simple person, really. but also the most complex one youll ever meet.
hates labels, especially being labeled by others (for the reasons above)
likes men but hates labels so,, no labels (not even the label "unlabeled")
infact he has a deep hatred for the label 'unlabeled' because if something is unlabeled, then why are you LABELING IT
red. everything is red redredred RED he loves red
has sibling bracelets with nya and lloyd (kai has green & dark blue, lloyd red & dark blue, nya red and green)
everything has to be red except the things that are black and orange. i rest my case once again
drinks just a bit too much for it to be considered concerning (started at 14)
will yell and scream at anyone who tries to help him (why do they think he needs help? why are they babying him? why cant the see he is capable?)
wouldnt let nya touch a bottle until she was 18 (be thankful nya its for the best)
paints his nails black or red.
has a strand of hair dyed red all the time
perfect teeth even tho he often forgets to brush them (how? fuck do i know)
would be a hyena i he was an animal
hates smartphones so he has a.. push-button phone?? whatever they're called. and he also only has the nokia brand. wont change it for a thing
"hates technology" but couldnt live without video games
loves to try new things but will have a breakdown if he HAS to try new things
stubborn asf, wont ever do anything he doesnt want to, which...->
makes people think he's selfish, but actually he's quite the opposite
selfless in an unconventional way, i'll make a drawing explaining it
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please understand what i mean with that chart because it explains it so well in my brain
thats it for now cfdsfdr
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rab1darachn1d · 11 months ago
bsd trans/queer headcanons for trans visibility day!!(PLS FEEL FREE TO ADD UR OWN I LOVE SEEING PPLS HEADCANONS)
-I see Dazai and Fyodor as both agender in a "im not exactly cis but i also dont exactly give a fuck anymore" Dazai more so because he has a hard time figuring out gender n shit like that and Fyodor bc he cant be bothered to think about that stuff(IM PROJECTING<3)
-I think Nikolai would be genderfluid or gender queer or would not care for labels at all and would use literally ANY fucking pronoun(Maybe hed feel like labels n shit were too constricting??? idk my tranny brain clung so hard to his whole "feeling like a bird trapped in a cage")(IK ITS NOT INHERENTLY TRANS IM NOT TRYING TO MAKE IT TRANS PLS DONT COME AFTER ME I HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS)
-Chuuya and Kunikida are transmasc. no explanation needed(i could go on for HOURS dude you dont understand)
-Nonbinary Gin ofc ofc, how they present depends on the day and i dont think theyd care about pronouns(I believe its canon they prefer to be seen as masc in the mafia for safety reasons?) I could also see them as gender queer
-Lippmann being genderfluid or genderqueer
-Albatross being nonbinary(uses they/he)
-Akutagawa being unlabeled and doesn't care much about pronouns(he has worse things to worry about so i dont think hed give it much thought?)
-Kouyou being transfem
-I could see Atsushi testing out abunch of different labels(he was never taught abt queer stuff in the orphanage and so now hes just tryna figure shit out)
-Rimbaud being gender queer
-T4T Ranpoe guys you dont understand how happy they make me I HATE THEM
-Agender Tetchou and Pangender Jouno is funny to me, it wouldn't be on purpose itd just be a very funny coincidence
-Transfem Lucy and Anne being inspo for her transition makes me sob(I LOVE LUCY I NEED TO TALK ABT HER MORE SHES SO <333)
-following that T4T Atsulucy brings me joy, they could share their experiences "not feeling quite right" when they were both in the orphange
-Trans masc Sigma who will dress both masc AND fem(too all transmasc who dress fem and all transfem who dress masc you guys r so valid<33 your choice of clothes does not dictate your gender and violently bite those who say it does<3)
-Kenji would identify as male but would use any pronouns and not care how people perceive him, I dont think itd bother him as long as everyone is happy and no one fights over it
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8531nimkook · 7 months ago
let me start by saying: i speculate, there are no objective facts here.
it seems like jikook liked whatever they had much better when the group was active: a powerful unlabeled bond between two members of the biggest band in the world. it must've been exhilarating, sharing a deep secret connection and also sharing the most global stage at the same time. why label it? they are bandmates, supposed to have each others backs, supposed to love each other because bts members love each other right? that's what army wants so badly right? so in that context, what they had made some sense.
Now in chapter two, there's no group activity, no reason to see each other often, no excuse. over the many years that they've known each other, i dont think jikook properly developed mechanisms to maintain a relationship in situations where they are not required to be in the same place all the fucking time. relationships require effort when you have no reason to be together always.
my speculation: in chapter two, things got too real? there was now a need to label whatever the fuck the attachment they had for each other was. outside of kpop boyband territory, people actually raise eyebrows when two men get too close. also the looming military service didn't help. it wasn't as fun anymore and idk, they both handled it very differently.
that's why this reconnection in the travel show seems like we're witnessing something very special right on front of us :)
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literallygeeway · 7 months ago
intro post!!
name: just call me caleb
age: dont wanna disclose but i am a minor so please dont be weird!!
pronouns: he/they idk
gender: kind of just unlabeled rn it hurts my head too much to think about
sexuality: also unlabeled. i kind of just like anyone in any way it doesnt really matter idk (but i have a beautiful beautiful gf :3)
favourite artist: my chemical romance!!!
other favourite artists: bikini kill, mommy long legs, mitski, bratmobile, cat valley, hell baby, dazey and the scouts, wet leg, skinny girl diet, the muslims, voodoo church, crass, chumbawamba, panic! at the disco (specifically afycso)
other artists i just generally like (yes i love music): le tigre, the julie ruin, pierce the veil, x-ray spex, pleasure venom, olivia jean, necromancy, catholic spit, picture me broken
hobbies: music (i can play bass, guitar, drums and piano), writing, photography, filmmaking, cinematography, drawing, making bracelets
some other stuff i like also includes: heathers the musical (off broadway) (its the only musical i really like), studio ghibli, the sims 4, omori, undertale, deltarune, stardew valley, ddlc, mouthwashing, sally face, DEATH NOTE!! (im obsessed w L), doctor who, the umbrella academy, arcane, the owl house, bojack horseman, adventure time, good omens and scott pilgrim (the tv show, movie, game and graphic novel :3)
more stuff under the cut - dni, fun facts and some more stuff :3
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fun facts!!!
my favourite colour is dark red
my favourite food is sushi/poke bowl
im learning japanese and french
my favourite movies are parasite, everything everywhere all at once and isle of dogs!! my favourite tv shows are i am not okay with this and the end of the f***ing world
i love wes anderson movies!!
i had two fish called flamey and sir bubbles the fishington when i was younger but they both died so i flushed them down the toilet
i collect bottles and cans (mainly ramune bottles and like three cool cans but still), funko pops (i have two gerard way funko pops - the black parade with the facepaint and revenge red tie) and vinyls (mcr, mitski, bikini kill, the muslims, wet leg, bratmobile and afycso + some 7 inches)
basic dni like homophobic, transphobic, ableist, racist, pro-isreal, islamophobic, etc
mcr haters!! /hj
shipping irl people unless its a joke
transmeds and terfs
people who think trans men cant present femininely and trans women cant present masculinely (im a trans-ish guy who wears skirts sometimes so suck my toe)
people who unironically think gerard way is a trans woman... guys he's said they use he/they pronouns and if he was a trans woman he would probably say something!!
please interact!!
mcr fans
riot grrrl fans (not problematic)
alternative people!!! (emo, punk, goth, scene, decora, etc)
just cool people in general :3
other stuff:
no need to use tonetags with me, dont worry about it
i use !!! and :3 and stuff like that a lot, and i also swear more than the average human should
im alternative but dont have a specific label as i dress in a mix of ways and listen to many different genres of music :3
on here i'm mainly gonna post about mcr, so if you dont like them you probably wont like most of the stuff i post :<
i will probably edit this as i think of more stuff to add and as my interests change but yeah <3
pinterest: literallygeeway
instagram: killj0ysneverd1e (i only use it to look at mikey way and frank iero's stories)
fav user: @patronsaintofbrokenstrings (go follow her rn she is awesome!!)
current song obsessions:
okay thats all, have a great day, bye bye :3!!!!
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rrat-king · 1 year ago
bad guys headcanons?????
or alternatively, bad kids queerness headcanons 👀👀
ok i only have one bad guys headcannon and it comes from me like, incredibly misunderstanding the kalina thing the first time that listened through sophmore year
kalina was apart of sandra lynn's adventuring party before she went to work with pok and thats why sandra lynn could see her (this totally does not work with story cannon but was what i thought actually happened for like, a month before i went back and relistened cuz uh. i got very confused)
bad kids queer headcannons!!
ok sweet kristen is of course a lesbian and i stand by the fact that she is butch(talk to me about stone butch kristen i have thoughts). for sure polyamorous. if you ask her her gender, she will just say lesbian. fine with all pronouns but mostly uses she/her
so i know most people have fig as bi or pan(i even tend to draw her with bi pride shit) but i personally headcannon her as unlabeled. shes very against the system and i dont think she would be into labels as a whole thing just cuz it feels too limiting. she loves who she loves and its no one elses buisness. also poly. i dont have any strong headcannons about figs gender just that anyones interpretation of her is correct to me.
riz is aro/ace. its cannon so i vibe with it. i vibe with cis riz and ftm riz i just feel like he for sure is like. dude to the max. no matter what he is like. all dude all man. like spiderman.
adaine is an asexual lesbian. totally not based off of my best friend who is an asexual lesbian and incredibly adaine coded. for gender i think of her as agender with she/its pronouns mostly because of @20dimensionsoftangerine's properties of fics
fabian is bisexual but in the closet. not because of like internalized homophobia or toxic masculinity(which is dead now) but more because he doesn't realize that not everyone thinks of guys as inherently attractive and appealing. Once he figures it out he will be incredibly annoying about it but so is his right. he's cis and does drag sometimes
gorgug is pan and poly. gender fluid. uses all pronouns. all i know is that i love him
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silverselfshippingchaos · 1 year ago
so in love with the idea of my f/os loving and supporting my sexuality
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legacyofthedamneddsaf · 8 months ago
Hey hey! First off, I love this AU to absolute pieces. It's so damn fun to watch/learn about.
Second of all!! Is it okay to have everyone's pronouns and/or identities?? I just wanna know, not just for the sake of curiosity, but also so I don't misgender them when rambling about the AU(/pos) to some people
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mod talk under the cut!
Sorry this is so long, they're all just terrible and complicated people who have horrible messy relationships with everything. They require intense explanation!!
Legacy: he/him. Also responds to it/its, but wouldn't necessarily label himself that way if asked. Otherwise, he doesn't care much for labels. OOC, he's acespec but doesn't put many restrictions on who he's interested in - he's kind of a slut that way.
Dave: he/him, although he doesn't care too much. Like Legacy, he's unlabelled. His standards are basically "anything that moves," but he's pretty arospec - the only person he'd consider maintaining a serious connection to is Legacy.
Henry: will only accept he/him, he finds anything else very disrespectful. He's bi, but he's not really interested in romance or sex right now, he's too married to his research. (And, like, his dead wife, also.)
Peter: he/him. He actually labels himself! He would call himself transheteroflexible, he just doesn't talk about it all that much. He's got bigger issues.
Blackjack: responds to any pronouns, but if you asked he'd say he/him. He calls himself gay as an umbrella term, but doesn't have any more specifics than that. OOC, he's probably on the arospec!
Dee: she/they lesbian. (she's just like me fr!) She gave a lot of thought to this while she was distracting herself, so they would actually describe themself that way! I personally think she worries a lot about counting as femme or butch while also not having the best conceptualization of either identity. But at least we have lesbians in this godforsaken world.
Jake: if you ask, he'd say "he/it," but he only uses it/its in the fucked up way where he feels like if he chooses the dehumanization then it's totally fine and he actually doesn't care. So, out of canon, he/him! (note: I'm absolutely not saying it/its is inherently dehumanizing, both the other mods use it/its!! I just think Jake has problems in his mind.) He's really repressed about his sexuality, he's (regretfully and messily -s) been with Legacy but his emotions on that are so complicated he tries and fails to absolutely never think about it again. What he has going on with Roger is a lot less fucked up, but he's still weird about it. I don't think he'd call himself any kind of queer, but he's probably bisexual.
Roger: he/him, but he's dabbled with she on occasions. He thinks he's completely romantically destitute and nobody will ever love him, so he hasn't bothered with putting a name to his sexuality, but he's the kind of guy to say "everyone likes men, that's normal!" He is in for some incredibly eye-opening months with the Damned for sure.
this emotionally stunted man is going to go the fuck through it in possibly the worst time and place for it. oh well! -s
Harry: he/him, he'd call himself bi. He knows this because he had a thing with Joe, and he assumes that attraction to women is a universal constant even though he personally leans heavily towards men.
the ancient greeks would like this guy i think -h
Steven: he/him, gay, he's probably the only person here other than Dee to have a solid concept of their own identity! Shoutout to Steven for being uncomplicated
and that was "2 ppl who dont really label themselves or have strong ties to their queer identity try to figure out how a bunch of other ppl would feel about theirs," as translated by arden. you could say that we write what we know -s
yeah, the mods are all different flavors of aro/acespec and genderweird. it's all so difficult forever
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djpachipikachu · 7 months ago
do graves!leosagi ever get tired of their friends/family labelling them?? like maybe leo’s bros make fun of him for having a “boyfriend” and he gets like rightfully irritated by that ?
its Kinda amusing bc eventually leo’s family at least straight up thinks theyre just really good pals and its like wow ! friendship ! in a more oblivious sense like they just kinda shrug and go oh yeah usagi’s here again whatever
originally mikey was insanely insanely suspicious of usagi and what his relationship was with leo (“hes literally just a friend” “YOU MEAN A BOY-FRIEND. AND U NEVER TOLD US.” “what am i supposed 2 say do i update u guys every time i make a friend” “If I See This Fuckinf Rabbit Sleeping In Your Bed Again I’m Telling Dad” “WE WERE HAVING A SLEEPOVER”) (mikey was mainly shocked bc leo invited a friend to sleepover who they didnt know And leo didnt tell anyone there was an extra mouth to feed for brekkie) but once everything was smoothed over usagi just became another regular, similar to how april is
leo himself tells raph that its a little more than that but only raph rly knows it and hes always had a hunch about them so it didnt change much in how the brotjers saw the two
usagi’s family on the other hand is definitely more “Boyfriend? boyfriend? boyfriend? crush? romance?” kitsune teases usagi about how dramatically romantic it must be to fall for a guy he hated in the beginning and usagi is like . so filled with Eugh. This Is Not Romantic. ick feeling that it causes him to be more in denial at how close he’s gotten with leo (in the beginning at least , later on kitsune still teases him but he’s more at ease with how him and leo are, so he always jusy goes “ew no im not kissing him dates r gross” but over time she toned it down to more “ooh is someone missing a certain kappa?” kinda teasing rather than “whens the wedding/has your first kiss happened yet lmao/etc” kinda teasing)
hana calls leo his boyfriend like all the time and like . usagi doesnt rly correct her bc she’s 8 and he doesnt know how to explain that they “arent Really boyfriends sure they do things that couples would do sometimes but its platonic and well you dont rly know what platonic means uh”
so she gets a pass on all her “IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND” comments since usagi is just like “yeagh its leo u wanna say hi”
auntie notices how leo visits a lot and she kinda just is like “okay ur like my kid now. lol.” she thinks they are just best friends bc usagi said they are and who is she to think otherwise, she kinda just absorbs leo (and later on the hamatos) as her own family and doesnt question their relatiomship much
chizu and gen tend to stay out of usagi’s personal business like that But gen did think that leo was a girl for a good while before he was ever introduced to him . and he was like “usagi if you wanna pick up the ladies u need like. do better. than this” “what. What” “like take a shower man” trying to give him flirting/relationship advice without actually knowing leo at all and also assuming usagi is straight
all in all its never really serious if people call them boyfriends or just best friends bc they dont really care to correct anyone it only matters if its like “so did you hit the [insert romantic relationship milestone] phase yet haha” bc that gets tiring to hear constantly
mainly all their family is just like “oh okay” at their relationship since i dont Really want to make the hardships of being aroace or being queer a big point since we already struggle enough with that irl ! a few details here and there about how their unlabelled status confuses some people but generally just a “we’ve seen weirder shit who cares” kinda energy to it
i love rambling . Thank you for the wuestion ily /p
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transmychem · 8 months ago
so first of all i would like to introduce this blog.
this blog is about MY interpretations of mcr songs as being metaphorically (whether on purpose or accidentally…) about being trans.
first thing to clear up is i AM NOT trying to label gerard way who has clearly stated, doesnt like labels, and uses he/they pronouns or “whatever” (which is TECHNICALLY. trans… anything not cis…) ref: the tweet from almost 10 years ago where he said he has always preferred he/they and “people can use whatever” doesnt really have a preference.
so i will be referring to gerard as he or they because this is the only knowledge we have of their label even tho it was YEARS ago…
everything else is gerards business and not mine to worry about, im NOT trying to tell you gerard is trans or anything this is just my theories about the songs and how they MIGHT connect to gerard way or possibly someone completely different.
however i will tell you this, gerard is obviously GNC.
I dont want to get too philosophical about gender tonight… but gnc is not a label. (tbh…to me it is just another label that society pushes so they can get their small minds wrapped around the idea that gender doesnt really exist BUT…) among queer people who appreciate and recognize labels, GNC is used for people who are also “unlabeled”
theyve done drag theyve kissed men they sing about lipstick and lipgloss and dresses and burning in hell, an inherently queer concept… they sing about tragic women, gerard on multiple accounts has come forward about how they have struggled with gender and “identify” or “sympathize” for trans ppl and how they have always identified more with the female gender… whatever that may mean.
MCR is a band that fucks with gender and fucks with societies expectations of gender and sexuality. they fuck with a lot of heavy heavy topics like this.
what im saying is im not “delusional” for interpreting these songs as trans this is just MY INTERPRETATION…
anyway have fun
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bi-lesbian · 1 year ago
I'm a female exclusively and only attracted sexually and romantically to other females. What does that make me?
well its not like i can Assign you a label, bc identities dont work like that. you can use just lesbian, if you want, since it being an umbrella label doesnt mean it cant also apply to your identity. thats the great things about identities though, that you can choose your labeling or even go unlabeled and just live youre life, theyre not prescriptive.
though, if you mean "female" specifically to mean people assigned that at birth, then id just label you an asshole.
otherwise, enjoy the wonders of the vast lesbian experiences of your fellow lesbians if you so choose. bc isnt it great we can all share our joy in being attracted to/loving women no matter how different we may be?
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gayloringinplainsight · 1 year ago
why is all of your "evidence" so contridictory? if she came out on lesbian visibility day and all her past relationships are pr beards, why does it matter the bisexual hints she drops? AND if she IS bisexual, why come out on lesbian visibility day and have so many lesbian flag themed hints? why would she be in pr beard relationships if shes openly bisexual?
Okay first idk why you need to scream at me. Calm the fuck down. And if you don't care about Taylor Swift then I'm not sure why you're on my blog screaming in all caps about her, but let's do this anyways cause I'm in a verbose mood.
Second, it's not my evidence, it's her evidence and her flagging, and I have eyes and a brain capable of a modicum of critical thinking.
And I don't think any of the evidence is contradictory but I kind of understand what you're getting at.
So let me begin by saying that I have no strong opinions on if she's bi or pan or lesbian or fluid or whatever. I think there was a lot of bi flagging in the 1989 era, both bi and pan flagging during the Lover era, and then there's been a lot more lesbian flagging during the Midnights/eras tour period. So if I had to venture a guess I'd say she used to identify as bi and now identifies as lesbian, but I don't feel super strongly about it and I also don't think there's really enough evidence to say for sure one way or another, only that there's more than enough evidence to be certain she's some flavor of queer.
What additionally contributes to the lack of clear answers on labelling is the fact that she does flagging on lesbian visibility day, and then mixes bi flagging and pan flagging in the same music video. But I don't think it's fair to say that if she's (for the sake of argument) bi, then she can only do bi-specific flagging. She can do any kind of flagging she wants, and that doesn't diminish the queer message she's coding. It might also be that she simply identifies as queer or unlabeled, and therefore feels free to mix and match all of these things. Or maybe her label is more complex and reliant on the split attraction model, like bi-romantic lesbian, or homo-romantic bisexual/pansexual.
To address some of your specific statements, she didn't "come out on lesbian visibility day". At least not explicitly. But she flagged very hard and said something that could be construed as coming out in a glass-closeted kind of way.
We also don't know that all of her public relationships have been PRships. They might have been, and I think a lot of them were, but we don't actually know. I think you're also asking, if every public relationship with men was PR, why would she ever flag as bi? But just because the relationships we know about were potentially PR doesn't mean there couldn't have been relationships with men that we don't know about. A great example of this is Martin Johnson, who many people think was a real relationship (and the muse for Dear John).
All this goes back to the point that she can do any kind of flagging she wants. She's not restricted to bi flagging if she's bi, or lesbian flagging if she's a lesbian. Perhaps she vacillates between labels. Perhaps her labels are more complex like bisexual lesbian. Perhaps in addition to whatever her own label is, she wants to give visibility to other queer identities.
Just because we don't know her exact brand of queer doesn't mean the evidence is contradictory. It means we don't know her exact brand of queer.
Lastly, to address your final demand where you want tangible proof except not lyrics or videos or social media posts or hints. Which is a request that's not really based in reality. Because that's exactly where the tangible proof lies. It's in the enormous pile of queer flagging that can't be explained away. It's in the performances where she sings "I want her midnights." It's in her panoply of rainbow outfits. It's in statements like "Gay pride…makes me, me!" It's in all the mv scenes of glass closeting. It's in Jack accidentally outing her. It's in the rep prologue. It's in lyrics that reference hairpin drops and secrecy and religious guilt and fear of being found out. It's in her literally telling us "I prefer hiding in plain sight." This is all queer flagging and if you know how to read it then you can read it. And if you can't or refuse to, then that's on you. If you want to wait for her to shout her identity from the rooftops before you think there's tangible proof, then feel free to wait for that day. I think it will come. But in the meantime, queer flagging IS proof. And the sheer volume and scope and clarity of it makes it tangible.
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