#i also dont drink caffiene
p3xxie · 3 months
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My F1nn5ter stuff came in 😊
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hyah-lian · 5 months
hmmmh I was trying to like. Be very online and do a big art challenge thingy but the Yearly Existential Dread/Weird Complicated Feelings are kind of grabbing me and shaking me like a floppy doll
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altruistic-meme · 4 months
just sitting here, crocheting, suddenly wondering why im full of anxious energy and why im vibrating out of my skin. forgot that i took the Caffiene Medicine earlier (midol) jskdkakf it dawned on me and im like OH RIGHT YEAH that'd do it
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master-gatherer · 9 months
soooo i gotta know more about your oc alex after you mentioned him on that terrible daily routine post lmao
So I tried to copy the link for my "Alex Penguino" tag, but I'm currently on mobile so it's not letting me 😑 but that is my OC, Alex
If it's not apparent by the name, he is a penguin. He is also insane. He and his little group are just some silly little characters my bf and I play around with sometimes. We were writing little 6-panel comics with those guys for a while, but then we moved and all my art making stuff was packed up for a bit and I just haven't really gotten back to drawing them (even though bf has some scripts written up).
Anyway if I do post something and tag it as Alex it's important to know I'm talking about this guy:
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cpunkbubby · 1 year
"Feeling achy and flu-like with muscle pain or back pain, or having an upset stomach are also common caffeine withdrawal symptoms, although they may go less noticed and less frequently reported." WHAAT TH EHELL.
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nullbutler · 1 month
interesting things I have learned on the job:
manhattan clam chowder and regular clam chowder are not the same. mostly because the manhattan clam chodder has so much tomatoes in it it makes you go "hey dude i thought we were supposed to have clam chowder today, why did you make vegetable soup"
cream of x is the stuff of legends and its sooooooo easy to eat the right amount of vegetables if its dipped in a sinful amount of butter and cheese
boston cream pies are cakes having an identity crisis. no one from boston actually likes them
green tea has slightly less caffiene than black tea, but unless its uncaffinated, it will still have a minor amount! it also makes you cramp when youre on your period!
caffiene can have a calming effect on some people with ADHD and anxiety disorders (case in point: me)
black tea tastes like basic ass boba tea if warm minus the boba, but that taste is ruined the moment you add sweeteners, then it becomes a very very very underwhelming latté
small portions of applesauce can remedy a stomachache
bread makes you feel fuller longer
similarly you dont have to piss right after you drink water if you drink water on a full stomach
baked potatoes taste good. as in. potato and spoon and maybe butter. like a victorain peasant
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riverthylacine · 2 months
MASSIVE CW: Vent, suicide mentioned, Drug and alcohol addiction, Caffiene addiction, Accidental Overdose, child abuse mentioned, mental health neglect, medical malpractice, mental hospitalization, police brutality, prison mentioned, AND THIS IS A VERY POLITICAL POST (FAR LEFTISM (I am a anarchocommunist)) PLEASE ASK ME TO ADD MORE CW IF NEEDED,
It really bothers me how I will never relate to or feel nostalgic to late 2000s to early 2010s post about elementary school.. I see picture of the inside of buses, school activities, and all of that, I can’t relate to any of it.. I didn’t go to elementary school and I only did 2 months of 7th grade and 1 week as a freshman and 1 fucking day as a sophomore, the rest of my schooling was at alternative schools that sucked and homeschooling which I can’t remember most of it cause at the time I was still actively being abused, I see my three youngest siblings and how they are still in school, how they got to learn and have friends, and I have none of that.. my two older siblings also have been to and completed high school, I have nothing.. I was too autistic and weird and mentally Ill to have done anything, I had been hospitalized twice and fucking spent my whole summer of 2018 (my last year in my home state) in a fucking residential program that said they were duel diagnosis BUT THEY ONLY FOCUSED ON THE KIDS THERE THAT HAD DRUG AND ALCHOL ADDICTIONS AND THEY COMPLETELY IGNORED MY CAFFEINE ADDICTION AND DOWNPLAYED IT SO MUCH THAT I GAVE UP ON QUITING they had FORCED me go to NA, MA, and AA meetings WHEN I DIDNT HAVE TO GO and they ignored my mental health, I LITERALLY HAVE BEEN STRUGGLING WITH SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDER SINCE I WAS FUCKING 4 YEARS OLD AND IT TOOK 17 FUCKING YEARS TO GET A DIAGNOSIS CAUSE NO ONE WANTED TO DIAGNOSE A CHILD AND CAUSE OF THAT I WASNT ON ANTIPSYCHOTICS INTIL I WAS FUCKING 18!!!!! I WAS IN CONSTANT PSYCHOSIS AND I WAS PARANOID ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND I COULDNT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!! AND MY AUTISM AND ADHD WERE NEGLECTED CAUSE MY PARENT WERE TOO FOCUSED ON MY MENTAL ILLNESS AND MY TWO BROTHERS WHO WERE DIAGNOSED WITH AUTISM EARLY ON!!! I WAS DIAGNOSED AT 12 AND THEY DIDNT TELL ME INTIL I WAS 15!!!! I WAS CONSTANTLY DRINKING ENERGY DRINKS SO MANY IN A FUCKING DAY THAT I FUCKING OVERDOSED AND WAS UP FOR 3 WHOLE FUCKING DAYS AND MY MOM STILL DIDNT TAKE ME TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL AND I WAS DOING ALL THAT TO SELF MEDICATE MY ADHD AND I DIDNT GET PUT ONTO STIMULENTS INTIL I WAS 18 AND THEN MY PSYCH TOOK ME OFF CAUSE I DIDNT DO WHAT SHE TOLD ME TO AND I SPENT MONTHS TRYING TO GET A NEW PSYCHIATRIST AND WHEN I DID SHE PUT ME BACK ON THEM WITH NO STIPULATIONS CAUSE ITS FUCKED UP TO DO THAT!!!!AND I MISSED THE LAST 4 APPOINTMENTS WITH HER CAUSE THEY ARE ONLINE ONLY APPOINTMENTS AND I HAVE MEMORY FUCKNG ISSUES CAUSE OF LONG FUCKING COVID SO NOW IVE RUN OUT OF MY FUCKING RITALIN AND I HAVE TO SELF MEDICATE WITH ENERGY DRINKS TO FUNCTION PROPERLY BUT I HAVE A FUCKING HEART CONDITION AND SO NOW MY HEART RATE IS HIGHER THAN AVERAGE (USUALLY ITS 100 AND NOW ITS BEEN AROUND 150) CAUSE I DONT HAVE PROPER STIMULENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cgi-heart-eyes · 5 months
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adwhore · 26 days
soft asks by sunnysideanon
i treat ask games like surveys, we all know this.
what song makes you feel better?
who listens to music to feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
i dont watch movies qwq im sorry these are rough answers
what’s your favorite candle scent?
i usually like winter fruit smells. so plums, pomegranates, grape, deep and rummy sorta scents. i also like rich sweet ones, resin-y smells. i like a nice light floral mix (iris, jasmine, lily, rose) on cleaning days.
what flower would you like to be given?
lillies. any lillies, but i like madonna lillies
who do you feel most you around?
my partner system, but specifically trent. he is me, and ive never felt it more than when we're together. my brothers are a close second.
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
i have gold rings around my pupils i just noticed the other day. they're gorgeous and i have no idea where i got them from genetically-- maybe my mother. she has gold in her green eyes. i'm glad i got something from her eyes, i'm jealous of them. i have insanely enviable hair. my nails are elegant... also enviable. im wicked talented and sharp, nobody can create the way i can-- BITCH???? ok one of my favorite songs paused randomly that was a whole experience. answer cancelled next question
what color brings you peace?
pale green. this isn't bad, though.
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what calms you down?
being alone in my own space. writing music/poetry. having a clean space. music-- hey, i guess that first question was onto smth
what’s something you’re excited for?
grocery run tomorrow, haircut sometime this week. yay.
what’s your ideal date?
taking turns spitting vodka into each others mouths and banging our skulls together til we pass out
how are you?
im fine! a lot of excess energy strangely which is funny b/c i haven't had any caffiene today. that reminds me i need to add energy drinks to my grocery list. eeeeeeee also feeling sappy. in love. so in love hehe
what’s your comfort food?
probably any kind of salad theyre very safe foods
favorite feel-good show?
i dont dream of watching televi-- interview with the vampire.
fairy lights or LED lights?
fairy lights. LED lights make me anxious to look at but now Everyone has them so what do i know
do you still love stuffed animals?
most important thing in your life?
myself, but secondly, my fiance.
what do you want most in the world right now?
a kiss.
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
don't smoke cigarettes and don't tell that girl everything.
what would you say to your future self?
keep doing it, even if it's uncomfortable. trust your gut, not your body.
favorite piece of clothing?
my black turtleneck or my fur coat.
what’s something you do to de-stress?
bounce and moan on it
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
moneyyyy!!! oh, personal. money from their personal bank account!!! (a card. i collect those.)
what movie would you want to live in?
childs play. id fuck that doll and save the little boy JFIOWEJFE
which character would you want to be?
... oh myself isnt an option ok. then id wanna be in clueless and be cher. id like to be rich
hugs or hand-holding?
hugs. i need my hands for other things but i can be hugged forever
morning, afternoon or night?
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
horses, dirt roads, hotel rooms, cigarette smoke.
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sallytwo · 2 years
Any survival tips for cadet life? 😭
Ok I'm answering this dead serious. like 100%
do not stick out. don't be the best in the group and DO NOT be the worst in the group just be there. the more you're recognized the more room you have to fuck up.
its literally just a game. like just follow the orders and act out your part yes it's impractical and stupid but IT'S A GAME!
mio enegery caffiene drops add them to your water before going to bed every night and drink it as soon as you wake up :thumbs_up: if you put 4 in its equivalent to an energy drink.
have something in your room that makes you happy idfk like i realized they don't care if i decorate my desk and just have some mementos and stuff that make me happy and i snuck in a plant and then dont care. what ever !
if you have inspections in the morning put your mattress pad on your desk its 100% easier to roll up in the morning and then you're not sleeping on the ground
find stuff outside cadet lief that you can engage with i mean like my normal irl friends stopped TALKING TO ME when i became a cadet. but you do need a connection to the outside world in whatver form that may take. or you will become a regimental zombie and go insane.
if people invite you to do stuff go out and do it. unless you are going to have a miserable time in which case take time for yourself and chill af. but there is a fine line to balance here.
if its cold outside close the windows when you enter your room and open them when you leave for class/obligations. because then you air out your room and get fresh air in your room when youre gone. it makes sucha huge difference.
spraying cleaner in front of a fan will make your entire room smell nice. also.
find some fun things to do or at least some things to do that get you outside of tha company and stuff. even if its random af just do it man.
if you dont know whether or not to salute someone just do it. maybe you'll look like an idiot if its just a 3/C but if its a reggie and you DONT salute them... brother you're in big trouble !
having nice soaps or lotions or stuff is sooo nice i got these nice solid cologne and they make my day like ten percent better it makes such a difference.
loyalty comes above a lot dont be a snitch dont be a narc but know when sticking your head out for others is gonna get YOU fucked over. also dont be overly loyal to people who arent loyal back.
do not ever get involved in company drama. if it comes down to it just sit in your room all day DONT GET INVOLVED IN DRAMA WITH OTHER CADETS
when marching you shouldn't be able to see the person to your right's shoulder
dont date other cadets /srs
if you are going through a period where youre kind of miserable and depressed and dont want to be here and just want to drop out and go home DON'T CHOOSE THIS TIME TO REPLAY NIGHT IN THE WOODS. IM SERIOUS ON THIS ONE.
okay cadets for life. anon i love you. we can make this together brother.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Thank you for the nice compliments on my last one. I hope this one with Adaman is just as enjoyable as the last one. Also I wanted to say thank you for such a wonderful blog! -Pokeboyanon.
That work needed finishing. It was the only reason he got himself to get out of the arceus forsaken bed he was comfortable in. He felt terrible, like he couldn't keep anything in his stomach, everything was too hot, too dizzy. Too.....Sickly. By Arceus was he sick!?...He shook that off rather quickly. Didn't matter. Work was needed. Work was the thing driving the Wydeer today and if he crashed off the road of sanity so be it. He might've already been losing it anyways with how much he was coughing and how sore his throat felt. He might as well been one of the walking dead as his body spun between heavy and lightheaded with how he looked. Wheezes and coughs were what came out of him and the only language he spoke right now was lack of no sleep and 'I need coffee'-nese, and he didn't even LIKE that new drink that seemed to become popular lately. He winced as his sore throat throbbed and suppressed the urge to cough as it would only hurt more. Darnit he just had to get to the dam kitchen area. He KNEW he should've stayed in bed that day...but he was so close to being done. He knew if he just got enough caffiene he'd be able to make one more day and finish. He tensed in pain from his chest as he coughed a little, face scrunched up. He LOATHED being sick Hated anyone around him being sick....Speaking of which where the heck was everyone? It was unusually quiet for their camp sight \ in the middle of the day. He sniffled again, slumped footsteps echoing out the entire empty place as his runny nose got the the better of him.
Wow...He really did have a cold didn't he?
"ACHOO- ow." The body of the man shook as the sounds of a sneeze echoed through the entire place and if it weren't for his hand quickly latching onto a doorway he was passing, he would've suffered more than just stumbling and landing into the wall...he let out a whimper from his sore throat and head that the sneeze made throb. He scowled. Whatever. If everyone was out doing something he couldn't care less. Right now he had more important things to attend to, like getting his butt awake and figuring out if he wanted to dunk his head in cold water or just see how that Jubilife coffee worked out for him. Another sneeze wracked his body resulted in more scratchy voiced whimpers and mumbles as he walked his way somehow back into his tent with his blurry vision and spinning head. The cold floor sent a shiver down his swaying form- "ACHOO!!" He stumbled and threw his hands out thankfully grabbing onto a shelf, gradually pulling himself along towards the upper cabinets. He reached up a hand and felt around for any spare cups of theirs lying around. Sniffling as he did light headed. Eventually his hand wrapped around a simple white mug and he was able to easier reach it with his slumped body against the counter. ".......ACHOO!!" He shook his head and sniffled. Man he hated having a cold-
A glass shattering rang from the sink as porcelain mug pieces scattered about on the floor. Feet stumbled and at long last he was too slow to reach for the counter instead tumbling to the floor with a thud and sore heap as he laid there...Head spinning. Whimpering. Body sore...and only a cough escaped the sore throat causing more whimpers and sniffles. Footsteps approached but he could only weakly shake. Great Sinnoh! He felt like almost crying-
"AH!! DONT TOUCH DONT TOUCH!! ACHOO!!" He rasped out in a croaky voice that sounded like he was smoking for fifty years as a white flash of pain passed over when two hands grabbed his side out of nowhere all of a sudden, his head slumping as the headache throbbed again from another sneeze.
"What's wrong with you!? Are you ok!?," a voice sounded above him and he winced from the loud volume. "ANSWER ME YOU " Her answer? Another loud sneeze making him whimper and curl in on himself on himself even more and she leaned back a bit before groaning. "Of all the things you can get yourself into you get yourself sick?!"
Hey. That voice sounded familiar. He turned his head slightly up and his vision was too blurry to make out who it was but he had a good idea of who it was. ".....Y-Y/n?"
"Yeah, it's me." She groaned shaking her head. "the one time I stay behind and I find you sick."
"Is not my f-f-fa- AHCOO!" She quickly leaned away as he coughed and sniffled again from the sneeze. "F-Fault..*sniff*...W-Where is everyone?"
She made a cringe face and stared down at his weak form. "They left already. Y'know for the harvest? Did you forget?"
"M-Must've s-slipped my mind. I-...I-I-AHCHOO!!" He whimpered again and curled in on himself until he was in a pained ball. ".....I hurt...."
Her whole demeanor immediately softened as she watched him wriggled on the ground clutching his stomach as he did sniffling. Her hands coming to hover over his body but not touching him due to his past reaction. "Are you ok?!..Can you get up?"
"ACHOO!!....*sniff*" He gave a small hopeful nod to her as the swimming/light headed/spinning feeling intensified and forced him to close his eyes as tears brought him up to the for front. He couldn't act like a wimp in front of her. So whimpers aside he began to push himself up, stumbling and leaning more and more against the counter as his arms shook fumbling around for purchase against the cold floor. A worried and annoyed feeling coming over himself as Jirou didn't move from her spot, as if afraid he'd fall over- "ACHOO!!" His chest let a large pang of pain as he started coughing up again- "AH-" His legs gave out as he doubled over, in a bent over position, one hand gripping the shelf and the other covering his mouth as the coughs kept coming and his body lit ablaze with hellfire! He couldn't stop! It was too much! Dear Almighty Sinnoh make it stop! Black clouded in-
......................Well THAT could've gone better.
In panic, she did the only she could've done at that moment. Go get help! Luckily help hadn't been too far away and was quick to get Adaman's unconscious form to the clan healer quickly and find out what was really wrong with him. He was sick and exhausted with a fever and runny nose. Well it was a relief to her at least, and not too long after the man was carried back into his tent and half woke up enough to blow his nose and take whatever medicine was given to him before clonking out again. While relieved, she was still worried so decided to stick around. Not like she had any plans for the holidays anyways. Which turned into her just reading and checking on him every few minutes...which became every one minute for the past hour still finding him fast asleep under the blankets where they left him. ......He looked cold. She'll go get a blanket after a lil bit....Which in reality was five minutes. Hesitant steps came down the hallway back down towards the bedroom. A blanket resting under one arm. The footsteps soon stopped in front of one door on the right and the boy paused. It took a moment before he was able to reach a hand up to knock on the door.
"Adaman?", a voice forced out almost a whisper. No one answered so she knocked again a bit louder. Just to see if he had woken up while she was away ...Still nothing. So she gently grabbed ahold of the door knob and turned. "Adaman? I-I brought an extra blanket-....Oh."
The dark room made it hard to see but she could make out the sleeping figure over in the corner. His chest rose and fell slowly in his sleep and a smile was present on his sleeping face. She hesitated for a moment, but decided it was best to keep her silent promise of getting him the extra blanket. So slowly stepping in, she gently closed the door behind her with a soft click- She froze when he made a groaning noise but he didn't wake up, only buried his head halfway under the blanket. She sighed in relief before silently walking up to the bed, taking the blanket in both hands she flung it out. Then over the bed in the air. It gently floated down until it draped over his sleeping form. She stared down at the sleeping form of her friend for a moment, before gently smoothing the wrinkles out from the covers-
She froze. .....Slowly her eyes shifted up towards the bedframe. A pair of eyes blinked back up sleepily at her, wild blue and light tan bed head around his face.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh. I..Uh-" She quickly pulled himself away from the bed embarrassed and cleared her throat. Finger twirling around one of her locks of hair. "I-I-I was just delivering t-the blanket cuz you're sick and I t-thought i-it might help. *ahem* ....I-Im sorry if I woke you."
he blinked at her for a moment, before shifting his eyes down to his body. Indeed a new blanket was over his. He then looked back to her with a smile that made her heart skip a beat.
"It's ok. I don't mind. S-Sorry I fell b-b-back there...Must've been e-embarrassing."
"I- uh-.....N-NO! Of course not. You w-were just sick. It happens." Sinnoh she could feel her cheeks growing more pink by the second. His patient eyes and smile always seemed to make her forgive the doofus faster. Luckily he new exactly what to do- "W-Well I-I-Ill let you get back to sleep-" She froze when something grabbed her hand. She soon found out what when Adaman, now slightly sitting up in bed pulled her back a little more.
"Um- Hey. W-Would you mind if we-..." His eyes shifted to the side. Wait. Did he sound nervous? "Cu-.. Cuddle? Y-Y'know. J-Just as friends! I-Im s-still pretty cold from the fever and I thought- ..."
"Uuuuhh-" Her eyes went back to them still holding hands.
" I-I mean. I-Its ok if y-you don't want to. " he let go of his hand-
"What?! NO NO!" she froze when she regrabbed her hand and looked back into his eyes. He seemed to freeze for a moment himself. "I-....I mean I d-don't mind it. I just...I'm not sure if you would want to."
...he smiled. "Well I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't ok."
"Oh. W-Well...Who am I t-t-to deny a request from you...b-but you better not get me sick?"
He chuckled. "I make n-no promises."
he smiled again, before shifting over to make room for another, patting the spot next to him. She hesitated for a moment but gulped down what worries she had left and slowly lifted the blankets, before climbing in. He sat there for a moment un sure, but his face lit up like a million stars when he felt her reassuringly huddle up against his side. He swallowed, hard, before allowing himself to lay back and lay a shaking arm around her. In response she shifted to lay into him more and sighed in comfort.
Sick fics are so cute I swear.
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hyah-lian · 1 year
I lost the odds at the energy drink gamble earlier (drank one, made me sp sleeby)
So im doubling down and hoping THIS one wakes me up
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call-me-lemon · 4 months
I drinked an ice coffee and now my head hurts so bad. Caffiene doesnt give me any energy it just makes me crash immediately but I like the way it tastes so once every year or so I get one of the chilled bottled ones (I dont like warm beverages for some reason I can only drink that shit cold and I dont like the stuff we have at home for whatever reason also the ice we have is made with unfiltered well water so its not exactly safe for consumption. The bottled ones are also expensive so its very rare I ever get them) and to be honest this shit has the same effect on me as melatonin im not even kidding why am I like this please send help im so fucking tired but I actually slept good la st night and I dont want to fuck up my schedule again gjejf jjgnfksncnrbcksfnoviegbsoc kfvnksngnnc
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I fucking hate vague descriptions on drinks. I got this energy drink mix because it was orange creamsicle (best flavour dont @me) and the descriptions for making it said 1 scoop per 8 oz water, so I was like oh theres probably a little plastic scoop inside.
Nope, there wasn't so I looked at the serving size for maybe some guidance on if a scoop was closer to a teaspoon or tablespoon, and serving size is 1 scoop (1.6 g) and like I dont have a fucking micro scale in my kitchen.
and it's especially annoying because like this is an energy drink, and having too much of it can actually cause health issues, it warns me on the package not to have more than 4 servings a day.
Anyway I tried about a teaspoon sized scoop and also only did 2 scoops into a 24 oz size container, and like it tastes really flavourful so I guess that was enough. I'll keep you guys updated if I get caffiene poisoning
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fangtastic-vampyra · 10 months
enough vampires prey on u, u will become one... too.... its annoying how baby vamps feed off people... its really, fucking, annoying.. but you can teach 'em not to, most dont know they do it, or dont know how to stop, (me) and my baby witch friend wakes up from her depresso and drains the living shit out of me, im seeing my aura bleeding...my throat chakra and root chakra, are, fubar, i need to come alive.. wake up with dried up lips, chapstick needed, for this babe, and, also, (i smoke, like caffiene, chill with desert gods on the astral, drink lotsa soda, like wtf we sposed to drink,, we in poverty, rot our teeth out with sugar drink, juice and all, drink the kool aid lol???) And devouring any food in sight, im always, always, writing, and tired asf, something want to kn ow, "what nobody knows"
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bishiglomper · 1 year
Mom was right i didn't like the cardiologist lol
She kept going on about how i need to move and be more active. Like, bitch. My heart has been working overtime, I dont have the capacity to move around! You think I'm just in bed because I'm lazy? It's boring af, I hate being in bed. This morning i went to the kitchen for a drink and i just stood there bracing my head against the door for a minute to catch my breath from the couch to the kitchen. "You need to move more" 🙄JFC
Also I said I drink caffeine free tea and she told me it was bad because it "dehydrates you" 😐 so that's a new one. Last time it was "even caffiene free still has caffeine, cut it out" No one is taking my tea, got it? 😤 stfu
I made my sister come with in case i needed an advocate because I have a hard time speaking if im stressed. With that bullshit though i explain myself and if they still dont like it, well, whatever. Smile and nod. But sissy was highly offended by "move around and exercise" and stood up for me. ☺ yay
So doc was useless. But theyre gonna do an echo in a few weeks. At least its not a holter moniter. Even if the tachicardia gets better it would be nice to know if my heart is ok
My heart is all kicked up again and shit but it was semi-tame during the appointment 🙄 what bullshit.
Anyway, i was looking at my calander and I've been on my secondary birth control for a month. I just ran out yesterday. So that may honestly be the culprit somehow. If it is, hopefully this shit will end soon and i can go back to being only mildly blobbish.
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