#we have a cool coffee maker. w/ cool things 2 add to it
cpunkbubby · 1 year
"Feeling achy and flu-like with muscle pain or back pain, or having an upset stomach are also common caffeine withdrawal symptoms, although they may go less noticed and less frequently reported." WHAAT TH EHELL.
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mrgrant9559-blog · 6 years
Witch Way Is Right? Part 7
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AN: I’m doing this part mainly because of how dark part 6 was. This part should be adorable and light. To be honest here, I have no idea how or when this is gonna end. It could have a billion parts like @littlemisssyreid ‘s The Tower (no offense to you if you read this, The Tower is iconic). Anyways, here’s part 7!
Summary: (Y/N) is a male witch and also comes from a family of witches. When (Y/N) is backed up in a corner by his brother, who chose the dark path, he is forced to choose his own fate, choosing the light path. This causes an Ecliptic War between Light and Dark Witches. During this war, an eclipse (both solar and lunar) is happening, and won’t end until one brother is left standing. With the help of the Avengers and other helpful heroes, will (Y/N) be able to defeat his brother, or will the world be forever secluded in darkness?
Subject: Avengers x Male!Reader
Characters: Avengers, Reader, Reader’s mystery trainer
Tags: @thegreatficmaster @avengersohyeah @lzzywinchester @uselessace @writeyouin
Word Count: 1.8k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Later That Day:
Reader’s POV:
I surprisingly wake up from a peaceful sleep, despite having to go through that hellish nightmare that Wanda had to wake me from. Once I went back to sleep, I had a really good dream, or at least I think I did. It’s slipping my mind already. As I’m trying to rack my brain about what I dreamt, I get a whiff of a pleasurable aroma. It must be coffee and its calling my name.
As I’m putting my full pj suit on, I try to remember the last time I had coffee and thats when it dawns on me. I have never had coffee before. I mean, I never really had a reason to mainly because it would’ve made me hyper as a young person and I honestly thought it tasted gross, but now that I’m 18, I’m sure it’ll taste good, right?
I walk out of my room and follow the hypnotizing smell of coffee beans coming from down stairs. I start to gallop down the stairs when I hear someone humming? The humming sounds soothing and tranquil, almost like an oceanic breeze with the sounds of crashing waves in the distance. As I approach the smell, which is coming from the kitchen, I get a look at whose making the humming noise. I realize who it is and quickly retreat back to the wall next to the kitchen entrance so that the person doesn’t see me. That person being none other than Steve Rogers himself! Him and Natasha must’ve came back from their mission last night while I was sleep. While I was having that god-awful nightmare.
“Hey, you must ee the new recruit!” a voice suddenly says, causing me to almost jump out of my skin as I look at who was clearly talking to me. It was Steve. Alright, (Y/N) you can do this. Just say hi and walk into the kitchen. Simple, right?
As I start to open my mouth, nothing comes out. My mouth is just flapping about while he lets out a cute, soft chuckle. DAMMIT! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO WEIRD?! “I’m Steve Rogers, but judging by your phone case, you probably know me as Captain America.” He says pointing down at my phone in my hand.
I quickly shove my phone in my pocket. The one person I mostly don’t want to know about my phone case finds out about it. SHIT! I really need to change my phone case. He offers his hand to shake and I grab it firmly and shake it. At least that went well. Suddenly Steve’s eyes widen in surprise. “Thats a really firm grip you got there” he says. Son of a biscuit eating, bulldog. How am I supposed to keep my cool with this guy for 4 more days if all I do around him is awkward shit. Can you really blame me though? I mean just look that those beautiful blue eyes and that shiney blonde hair. And don’t even get me started on those fucking arms of his.
“You want some of this?” he asks pointing down at something.
“Hell yeah!” I say rather loudly. “Wait, I’m sorry, what were you talking about?” I stammered.
“Well, what were you talking about?” he asks with a surprising face.
Dammit, busted. “Uhh… I was.. um,” I started stammering again. “talking about the coffee, of course.” I scoff. Nice save.
“Oh good. Yeah, anyways the coffee maker is over there on your right.” He says pointing towards the coffee maker. “You know where the mugs are, right?” he asks.
“Uhh… No actually I don’t. I just got here yesterday and wasn’t really given the grand tour.”
“Oh, well if you want I’d be more than happy to give you a tour when we’re down with the coffee if you want.” he says.
“That sounds great!” I say enthusiastically. I take a sip of my coffee and grimace in disgust. Man, coffee tastes AWFUL. Steve must’ve noticed because the next thing I know, he starts pouring this milk-like substance in my mug. “What was that?” I asked. Honestly, if he wasn’t Captain America, I’d be pretty pissed off.
“Hazelnut coffee creamer. It should make your coffee taste a whole lot better. Dr. Banner told me about it before he disappeared.” He explains. I start eyeing my mug carefully. Even though the only thing thats changed about it is the lighter shade, I can tell it looks good. “Trust me, its good!” He says convincingly.
Alright, here goes nothing. I take a light sip and sure enough, it tastes amazing. Way better than before. My face lights up and he lets out a subtle chuckle. “You’re right! This tastes great.” I say laughing.
“See, I told you!” He says laughing as well.
In the midst of us both laughing, Tony and Black Widow walk into the kitchen as well. I look over towards the beautiful red head and flash her a smile and a wave.
She smirks at me and returns a wave. “Your (Y/N), right?” She asks while Tony pours her a cup of coffee.
“Yeah and you must be the Black Widow.” I assumed.
“Uh-uh.” She says with the same smirk as she shakes her head. “If you’re gonna be apart of the team, then you call me by my real name. Natasha Romanoff.”
“My apologies, Ms. Romanoff.” I apologize.
“It’s ok, just don’t do it again.” She jokes. I let out a little laugh as she ruffles my hair and goes to grab a seat next to me. I don’t know what it is about her, but I like her. She seems really down to earth with the people she’s familiar with but also like she’ll crush you with her bare hands if you get on her bad side. I guess its safe to stay on her good side, then.
I finish the last bit of my coffee, which was right before Steve was done. He taps the table to get my attention. “Alright, rookie! Ready for the tour?” He asks and I nod my head.
“Ok, you kids have fun now. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Tony says jokingly.
“Cool it, Tony! I’m just gonna show him around the place since no one here has done it yet.” Steve replies.
“Well, if thats the case, then you wouldn’t mind if I tagged along too, right boys?” Natasha says.
“Not at all.” I say. “The more the merrier!”
Natasha gets up from her chair and starts to head towards Steve and I, until Tony adds in something.“Alright, well just make sure you guys are ready for the party tonight.” Tony added. Steve rolls his eyes while Natasha groans.
“What party?” I ask.
“Stark, like his father, loves to throw parties for no exact reason.” Steve explains.
“Except now, Captain, there is a reason and its a pretty damn good one.” Tony says, getting up rest his hand on Steve’s left shoulder.
“Ok, what’s the good reason, then?” I ask.
“It’s for you.” Tony says pointing at me. “We’re cleebrating a new recruit to the team since we haven’t had one in 6 months. Unless, you’re not comfortable with us doing something like this for you.”
Thinking about it, it would give me an opportunity to get to know the team a lot better. Plus, it could take my mind off the current situation I’m dealing with. We’re dealing with. “Actually, I’d love to party with you guys. After what I’ve been through these past couple of days, I could really go for some real fun.” I say causing Steve shake his head in disapproval.
“Great! Which means I have a use for all that champagne I bought a week ago.” Tony says. The mention of alcohol at the party must’ve triggered Steve cause next thing I know, Steve and Tony get to arguing.
“Tony, don’t you think (Y/N)’s a little too young for alcohol?” Steve says.
“Well, he doesn’t have to have any. Unless you want to, (Y/N)?” Tony asks me.
“Uh… W-Well..” I stammer.
“It doesn’t matter if he wants to or not, Tony. He’s only 18!” Steve adds.
“If thats the only problem, Rogers, then we can just have the party in the UK. That way he’ll be at the legal drinking age.” Tony adds. Thats actually a very good idea. In the US, I’m too young to drink. But, if we go to the UK, I’ll be able to since the legal age there is 18. Plus, I’ve always wanted to go to the UK.
I finally gather the courage to speak up for myself. “You know what, Tony? I’d love to have the party in the UK! I’ve always wanted to go there, and I’ll actually be able to celebrate my recruitment. So, count me in!” I say with as much enthusiasm to light up the night sky.
“I like you, kid! You really know a good time when you hear one!” Tony says. Then, he looks up at the ceiling. “FRIDAY, send an invitation to everyone on the Avengers & Friends list to a party we’re going to be having in London, England, UK.”
“Right away, sir!” A lady said with an almost normal sounding voice. She sounded like Siri, but with more emotion. If thats even possible.
“Whose Friday?” I ask.
“Friday’s my personal AI. She’s basically the interface computer system for almost everything I use.” He explains pretty briefly. “Anyways, I’ll let you get back to your two tour guides over there. In the mean time, I have a party to get ready for, and I suggest you guys do the same when your done showing him around. Also, (Y/N) if you want, I can invite your parents too.”
“That’d be great, actually! Thanks again, Mr. Stark.” I say and he winks at me before walking out to the hallway. I turn around and see Steve burning holes in Tony’s back while clenching his teeth in… Anger? I didn’t even know Captain America got angry.
“Ok well we better get a move on. Don’t wanna be late to your own party, do you?” Natasha asks and I shake my head. “Alright then, come with us…”
“Actually on second thought, you guys go ahead without me. I’m gonna take a quick nap before the party starts.” Steve says interrupting Natasha before storming off to the elevator. Damn, I must’ve really ticked him off somehow.
“Alright, lets hurry up then.” She says, paying no attention to Steve’s annoyed tone but noticing the concern writen all over my face. “Hey, don’t worry about him. He gets a little heated when Tony gets his way. Same goes for Tony if the roles were reversed. All he needs is that nap he was talking about and he’ll be back to his star-spangled, self.”
“Yeah, I guess.” I say, trying to sound more agreable than I really am. Natasha hooks her arm with mine and we begin the tour.
Alright so now that I’m done with this chapter, I realize how shitty it is and how much I’m dragging on these situations… Sorry but I really can’t help it. I get so into the character’s dialogue, but I hope you guys enjoyed!! Peace!
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samuelmmarcus · 4 years
Modern Home Renovation
  Hi, everyone! How are you doing? This week has been wonderful so far. The weather is perfect – not too warm but still sunny – and I am learning to slow down a little as summer unfolds…
I am very happy to be featuring Spaces Renewed on Home Bunch again (make sure to see their other projects below). This is not the type of home I usually post on the blog – it’s certainly more modern/contemporary, but I was very intrigued by the story behind it and decided to share it with you. I feel that we can all learn a thing of two from what once was a nightmare for the homeowners and finally became their dream home. This talented builder shares more details below:
“Originally, this coastal gem was a builder basic gone wrong. Outdated and low-end finishes were combined with code violations and install short cuts. A choppy floor plan and dark halls and stairs all led this homeowner to want to start over with a totally new vision and design plan. Through innovated space planning, thoughtful finish choices and deliberate incorporation of outdoor space, we turned this home into an open concept, light and bright modern marvel.” – Marshall & Beth Booth for Spaces Renewed.
  See another beautiful home by Spaces Renewed:
 – California Home Renovation.
 – New Construction Home Inspiration.
  Modern Home Renovation
This San Diego, California home looks more modern and updated thanks to a few changes, which includes as fresh coat of paint color.
Stucco Paint Color
White Stucco Paint Color: “Dunn Edwards Cool December”.
“The kitchen combines matte finish countertops and slab doors, with accent slimline metal accent cabinet door fronts. White high-gloss glass backsplash tiles offer a stark contrast with the more muted tones and textures and creates an interesting light palette in the space.” – Spaces Renewed.
Countertop: Morning Frost Quartz.
Island Eating Area
“The dual tone counters each have waterfall edges on all sides continuing to clean and well-defined lines. The sitting area counter color brings in warmth, which pulls in the natural wood floors and also adds a new layer to the otherwise stark white and stainless steel kitchen. The Miele appliance package is perfect partner for the modern kitchen. Hidden storage solutions throughout the kitchen keep the counters clean and clear of clutter. A breakfast cabinet that hides blenders, juicers, and coffee makers. Pull outs racks contain all spices, oils and stove top utensils. Pull out pantry trays and extra deep drawers hold all the pot, pans and daily goods.” – Spaces Renewed.
Kitchen Island Dimensions: Prep space: 96” length x 48” width. Attached seating: 63” length x 32” width.
Island seating area countertop: DalTile One Quartz Columbus Brown.
Pendant Light: here – similar.
Counterstools: West Elm – similar here & here – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Family Room Sofa Sectional: here – similar – Other Beautiful Options: here, here, here, here & here.
Inspired by this Style:
(Scroll to see more)
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Cabinetry & Backsplash
The kitchen cabinets are painted MDF slab doors in “Showroom White” color by San Diego Custom Cabinets.
Kitchen Backsplash: DalTile Color Wave Ice White CW01 1×6 – Other Beautiful Tiles: here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Faucet: Delta Trinsic Pull Out Spray Kitchen Faucet Stainless.
Kitchen Sink: here – similar.
Cabinet Hardware: Top Knobs Pull Chrome.
Open & Airy
“The open concept we used at the main level combined the kitchen, dining room, and 2 separate seating areas, all in one great space with sweeping ocean views. Even though each space is connected, the areas are well defined and are full of purpose. We deliberate on space planning and floor plan creation to ensure that ‘open concept’ is still refined and dignified. Nana Wall Door systems were used in the kitchen, family, dining areas and master bedroom in order to bring in the view and create the ideal indoor/outdoor living experiences. At the coast, we needed to use a product that could withstand the weathering, as well as offer superior clear openings, access to the numerous patios, and the cleanest site lines possible. This door system was the perfect complement to this amazing home.” – Spaces Renewed.
Interior Paint Color: Dunn Edwards “Cool December” at all walls (added a bit more white to the formula for the ceiling).
Outdoor Living
“Outdoor living spaces are the pride of San Diego! The large format porcelain tiles are neutral in color with a concrete like finish. This product offers superior durability and a seamless visual transition in and out of the home. The large glass door systems have low thresholds to continue the theme of visual openness and easy access to the outdoors.” – Spaces Renewed.
Tile: here & here – similar.
Modern Outdoor Sofas: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Planter: here – similar.
Hardwood Flooring
Wood throughout: Monarch Plank, Windsor collection, Bradfield color – similar here – Others: here, here & here.
“The stairwell had angled landings and closed in tread and risers. This created a dark and cramped pathways 4 flights high! We opened up the staircase to add floating treads and straighten out every angled landing. This design detail reinforces the modern feel throughout, as well as creating more light and space to maneuver.” – Spaces Renewed.
Window Treatment: Stair windows/Master Bath window: Adhesive Privacy Window Film, Prism Mosaic.
Guest Bedroom
Bedroom Paint Color: Cool December by Dunn Edwards.
Bed: West Elm – Others: here, here, here & here.
Nightstands: West Elm.
Dresser: West Elm.
Bedding: West Elm.
Guest Bathroom
“The warm wood porcelain tiles flow seamlessly from the floor into the shower, creating visual connection and openness. The stark white wall tiles, counters and cabinets are clean, bright and modern. Lighted mirror, chrome fixtures and frameless glass shower enclosure complete this space.” – Spaces Renewed.
Countertop: Morning Frost Quartz.
Faucet: Delta.
Floor & Pan Tile: DalTile Saddle Brook Oak Trail – Others: here, here & here.
Wall Tile: DalTile Composition Gesso – Other Beautiful Tiles: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Master Bathroom
“This master bath retreat combines matte stainless fixtures and accents with natural bamboo cabinets creating a space full of interest. The cabinets are wall hung which opens the floor space, making the room feel bigger. The Japanese stainless soaking tub was chosen for both the unique metal finish, as well as the special size, fitting perfectly in this small space. The shower pan mirrors the tub, by using stainless steel mosaic tiles. The shower wall tile wraps into the toilet room, bringing in floor to ceiling interest and texture. A trough sink allows for two faucets, while keeping the counter free from the visual clutter of two separate sinks in this small space. ” – Spaces Renewed.
Faucets: Brizo Odin Wall Mount Chrome.
Wall & Floor Tile: Portfolio, White PF02 12×24.
Countertop: Morning Frost Quartz.
Tub: Signature Hardware – Others: here & here.
  Many thanks to the builder for sharing the details above!
Builder: Spaces Renewed (Instagram)
Photography: Chris cochran Photography.
  Best Sales of the Month:
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. For your shopping convenience, this post may contain AFFILIATE LINKS to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase, at no extra cost to you, so thank you for your support. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
  Wayfair: Home Decor and Furniture Sale.
  Serena & Lily: Summer Tent Furniture and Decor Sale.
  Pottery Barn: Flash Sale Up to 70% off!
  Joss & Main: 4th of July Sale.
  Popular Posts:
White Home with Front Porch.
North Carolina Lake House Tour.Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
California Pool Cabana Design.
Dream Family Home Tour.
Inspiring Charlotte Home Tour.
Black Modern Farmhouse Tour.
California Beachfront House.
California House Tour.
Modern Farmhouse with Wrap-around Porch.
Classic Home with Wrap-around Porch.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: New-construction Home.
Black Modern Farmhouse with Black and White Interiors.
New England style Shingle Home.
California Fixer Upper.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Florida.
California Home Interior Design Ideas.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse.
Follow me on Instagram: @HomeBunch
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
from Home https://www.homebunch.com/modern-home-renovation/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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akcampbellandsons · 7 years
What’s On In And Around Kirkcaldy This Week? (Tues 11th July 2017)
Hi there, and welcome to our weekly round up of things to do in and around Kirkcaldy, Fife and beyond this week.
We hope you get some ideas from it and are liking what we're doing.  If you have anything to add, just leave us a comment below the post.
So, the same layout as usual, stuff to do with families, walkable pets, pubs, restaurants, gigs and things we just think look fun.
Enjoy and have a great week!!  
  Rockpool Wild Walk
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  "Explore the miniature world of the rock pool at Seafield Beach. An exciting underwater safari, hunting for the fascinating creatures of the shallows. What will you find?   Please wear suitable clothing/shoes and dress with the Scottish weather in mind! We’ll be meeting at the Seafield car park. Places are limited so booking is required. Families welcome."   To book your place, call us on 01592 858458, email [email protected] or drop into our High Street Hub, 254a High Street, Kirkcaldy, Wednesday to Saturday, 10am – 4pm.
  See more from original source: http://www.greenerkirkcaldy.org.uk/rockpool-wild-walk
  Looking to get into Tennis now that Wimbledon is upon us?  
Racket Demo Day
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  "Are you looking for a new weapon for the summer season? Do you need something to give yourself an edge over your opponents?   In conjunction with Gannon Sports, on Sunday 16th July from 12 noon, a full range of demonstration adult rackets from the country’s biggest suppliers – Babolat, Wilson, Yonex, etc – will be available for members to try out at the club. So, if you’re looking to treat yourself to that new racket but don’t know what to go for, head down and test them all out. Any orders taken and paid for will be fulfilled within a few days.   There will also be a large range of different makes, models and sizes of children’s rackets available for sale on the day, as well as other tennis goodies."
Kirkcaldy Lawn Tennis Club Boglily Road, KY2 5NF Kirkcaldy, Fife   See more from original source here...  
Walk of the week
  Heatherhall Woods, Ladybank
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  "Heatherhall Woods is a lovely place to walk the dog. It's great in winter as the trees shelter you from the worst of the wind and it's cool in the height of summer. A series of pathways intersect the wood which gives you a choice of routes. It's a great place for kids too, my girls used to love going there when they were younger to play hide and seek and a game they created called 'log loser'"
  A92 just past Fruechie, take the left fork after the bridge. Continue for a few hundred yards and you'll see the car parking area to your left. B937, Cupar KY15 7UH
See more from original source here...
    Pub of the week
  Forresters in Aberdour
    "2015 + 2016 Winners of CAMRA's Fife Pub of the Year.    The Forries is situated in the centre of the village of Aberdour. Ideal for Aberdour Railway Station, Gift Shops & Galleries, Aberdour Castle, the Playpark, Beach & Harbour, Aberdour Golf Course and the popular Fife Coastal Path right on our doorstep.   Our public bar is well stocked, including a choice of 4 Cask Marque Real Ales, 2 Cask Ciders, a fantastic selection of Malts, Rums, Gins, Vodkas and Bourbons.   Live SKY and BT Sport is shown on our large screens in the bar. Pool table, Jukebox and other bar games are available."
  They also allow dogs and have a restaurant.   01383 860809 35 High Street, Aberdour, Fife KY3 0SJ   More from original source here...    
Restaurant of the week
  Annapurna Gurkhas
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  Annapurna Gurkha Restaurant is an authentic Indian takeaway located on the High Street in Kirkcaldy, where we offer the finest Indian dishes for you to enjoy."
  312 High St, Kirkcaldy KY1 1LB 01592 269460   See more from original source here...    
  We couldn't find much happening in Kirkcaldy this week so if you know of anything, let us know and we'll add it in.  This goes for the future as well, just head over t our Facebook page and post anything you think might interest people there.   The Haven Bar & Restaurant, 1 Shore St, Cellardyke.   Saturday 22/07/17 at 9 pm.   Live Rock and Soul music. A mix of covers and original songs by Midland1.   More information from [email protected]  or John on 07766955114    
Music Makers Blues Review
  John Scofield Band w/ Dennis Chambers+Mike Stern & Randy Brecker
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  "Two of the biggest guitar stars of jazz and fusion in a very rare and incendiary jazz guitar double bill – both with all star bands, including the legendary trumpeter, Randy Brecker and drummers, Dennis Chambers and Lenny White.   “Scofield can make his guitar howl, plead, laugh, argue, and preach – deep passion and almost unbearable beauty” (The Scotsman).   A man of many parts, a virtuoso guitarist with a genuine jazz sensibility. He worked with historic figures like Miles, Mingus, Chet Baker and created many historic groups of his own. Uberjam is his hard-groove band playing funk-oriented jazz-rock, propelled by the red-hot Dennis Chambers on drums.   Mike Stern's four-decade career featured stints with Blood, Sweat & Tears, Billy Cobham, Miles Davis, Jaco Pastorius, the Brecker Brothers and Joe Henderson, before he launched a solo career that has propelled to him to a global star. 16 recordings as a leader (six nominated for GRAMMY® Awards) and thousands of high energy gigs, with many of the greats of the current scene – including this band with co-leader and fellow giant of the New York jazz and fusion scene, Randy Brecker.   Two electrifying soloists whose blistering chops combine rock–blues firepower with sophisticated jazz harmonies.   John Scofield (guitar), Avi Bortnick (rhythm guitar/samplers), Andy Hess (bass), Dennis Chambers (drums).   Mike Stern (guitar), Randy Brecker (trumpet), Teymur Phell (bass), Lenny White (drums)"
  Fri July 14th, Festival Theatre: 13/29 Nicolson Street, EH8 9FT   More from original source here...   There's loads of other things going on that weekend for the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival, which you can go check out their page here...   One for the following week:  
Jools Holland and His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra
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  "Featuring Gilson Lavis with special guest Chris Difford and guest vocalists Ruby Turner, Louise Marshall & Beth Rowley + Ten Millenia as support.   The King of boogie boogie, swing and R&B, Jools Holland is back for another energy-fuelled show with his fantastic Rhythm & Blues Orchestra, raising the roof of the Festival Theatre once again.   Despite selling millions of records throughout his career and hosting the most successful British TV music show ever, he’s always up for touring and the amazing electricity his live shows generate.   ‘Later with…Jools Holland’ is now in its 46th series! Jools’ name is synonymous with quality music. His star studded band featuring ex-Squeeze drummer, Gilson Lavis, and regular guest vocalists, Ruby Turner, Beth Rowley and Louise Marshall, are joined for this tour by Jools’ long time Squeeze colleague, Chris Difford."
  Saturday, July 22 at 7:30 PM - 10 PM Festival Theatre: 13/29 Nicolson Street, EH8 9FT   See more from original source here...    
Misc and fun
  Gin Tasting Evening at the Cupcake Coffee Box on Kirkcaldy High Street
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  "Enjoy a Gin Tasting Evening. The Theme will be Scotland. FIVE Gins from Scotland."
  July 15 – July 16 Jul 15 at 7 PM to Jul 16 at 9:30 PM
  See more from original source here...
    Mardi Gras Edinburgh
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  At the Grassmarket in Edinburgh, Saturday 1pm to 4pm.   See more from original source here...
    There you have it for another week, we hope you find something interesting to do here and have a great week, here’s hoping for sunshine!
Disclaimer:  A K Campbell and Son are not affiliated with any event or outing we share here, it’s just stuff we think is fun and so, if you have any problems you have to go to the organisers of the event or whatever, not us.
Basically, we’re not being paid by anyone to post for them or making any money from any sales i.e tickets etc. And, if injured, it’s on your own head. You are legally responsible for yourselves!
Rich might be getting paid for his gig but it has nothing to do with the shop. Plus it’s free to get in anyway. And they’re good!!
What are you up to this weekend, got anything to add?  Comment below.
Hopefully see you in our jewellery shop on Kirkcaldy High Street soon.
The blog post What’s On In And Around Kirkcaldy This Week? (Tues 11th July 2017) See more on: A.K. Campbell and Sons Jewellers Blog
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