#i adore ralsei and noelle’s
all-just-for-a-moment · 3 months
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made some deltarune kids in this picrew!!!
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lupucs · 1 year
Gosh I love your art!
But uh whats your favorite deltarune ships?
Thank you so much!! Oh gosh, you really caught me off guard with this one hah!
Well, uh I think it should be pretty obvious which ships I like by now...
It's clearly-
It's obviously...
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dawntheduckrb · 11 months
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Me and one of my friends got each other christmas presents last year, and ended up not seeing each until August this year lol. We decided to go ahead and exchange them since our schedules after this week are gonna be a bit messy, and apparently she made me the cutest card on the planet 🥺🥺 I've gotta frame this or something cause this is adorable 😭😭😭😭
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acerikus · 2 years
Who is the best deltarune character and why is it susie
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akanemnon · 1 year
How do you draw your characters so scrunchy and adorable? Kris is adorable ball energy, so is small Noelle. Ralsei is major poodle energy. Papyrus is *chefs kiss* literally, also round and cute. And Lancer is an actual bouncy ball. how do you make your characters look so…bouncy?? It is hard to explain but they do lol.
Honestly the cartoony art style helps a lot. I typically go for very round shapes and stout bodies to make characters more friendly-looking. Since this comic follows very fast paced cartoon logic it honestly is the more fitting style (Though in theory you could go for something highly detailed and sharp with the same kinda writing to achieve some sort of visual dissonance).
The Other Script will have a slightly more detailed and less cartoony art style for example.
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kooki914 · 4 months
How do you think would Noelle and Ralsei interact with each other if they got the chance? What would their relationship bring out of the other?
This is something I've given a lot of thought to, and something I'm still salty wasn't explored at all in Chapter 2. So this post is both going to answer your question as well as be my excuse to write an essay about these two.
The thing is, Noelle and Ralsei are narrative foils to each other. That probably sounds weird on account of the fact that they never interact, but both mechanically and through dialogue, we see parallels form between them. They're both enigmatic, mysterious, while keeping up friendly appearances, while also being literal or figurative royalty in their respective worlds (Noelle is from a rich family and is adored, Ralsei is a prince with no subjects). They're both love interests to the leads (yes, to Kris and Susie BOTH, the snowgrave route is essentially an exploration of a toxic friends-to-lovers but I'm not getting into that here), and they're both rife with religious symbolism, as well as the fact they're both prey animals (in a world where boss monsters like Toriel and Asgore can look more lion-esque, Ralsei's decidedly goat-ish appearance is kind of striking to me). They have the same heal spell (a pray to light) and they're both "passive" in that kind of way a mage usually is in RPGs.
Noelle's arc mainly centers around agency, while Ralsei's arc mainly centers around identity. For all the struggles she faces, Noelle doesn't really have that... crisis of character that Susie and Ralsei are prone to. Even in the snowgrave route, she doesn't question herself, she questions Kris. And, while Ralsei IS an obedient doormat, it's not out of a lack of agency (he shows us as much when he puts his foot down right before the kids open a fountain), it's an active choice he KNOWS he can simply... Not Do (as evidenced by how upset he is with Susie's behaviour in chapter 1 and his epiphany about it in chapter 2, he essentially equates mean behaviour to Purposefully making people around you suffer, instead of a personality quirk or showing of emotion).
It's interesting to think about how they'd complement one another. Not even strictly in a character arc sense (I'll get to that), but just in a... character interaction sense. Noelle has this pattern of putting the spotlight on other people. Even when she talks about herself it's always framed as a way to lift up those around her, while Ralsei has this sneaky way of getting to know you without you even realising (if the rooms he made for Kris and Susie are anything to go by). I think this would result in a dynamics where Noelle (passively, almost accidentally) allows Ralsei to open up in a more genuine way, while Ralsei still tends to Noelle's needs like he does for everyone else.
It's also interesting from a worldbuilding sense. We've seen Ralsei not give a flying fuck about Anyone that isn't directly connected to the prophecy, both for humour reasons and for horror reasons (as seen in the snowgrave route), so giving him a friend that's 1) a lightner, 2) not part of the prophecy, and 3) trying to actually know him on a personal level - it'd probably cause him to actually rethink his worldview. If someone like Noelle, someone who's got nothing to do with the prophecy, can be an important person to him and a good friend to people she doesn't *need* to care about, then why can't he? Can he be someone outside the prophecy? Is his identity and purpose not confined to this, and what does that mean for him in the long run?
And, on Noelle's side of things, Ralsei would probably be a healthier outlet for that feeling of nostalgia she's so addicted to. With him around, she's allowed to just be a kid again. No appearances to keep up, no expectations to fulfill, he's a fresh start and a new friend that she's allowed to be her authentic self around because his existence is essentially rooted in tending to the inner child of all the lightners he comes across. And maybe then she'll be able to let go of the past. Maybe, though viewing her childhood through an outsider's eager point of view, she can see how far away it is, and how she doesn't NEED it to be happy. Things can't be the same, and maybe that's a good thing. Maybe they can be better.
Overall, there's also a... vague "burden of femininity" they both have. They take on emotional labour even when they don't have to, just because that's what's expected of them. I so badly want a Dark Fun Gang-esque arc with these two where they defect from the team and just decide to be bad guys on their own terms for a while. Just because they can, just to see what it brings out of them. And, they'd be complete dorks about it of course, but it'd be nice to see them breaking their moulds with people they don't feel judged by, with friends they don't feel the need to impress because they're already so similar to.
There's this one bit of dialogue I wrote for them for one of my AUs, specifically in the above scenario where they decide to be bad guys for a bit, and I feel I need to share it here because it puts into words something I can't without taking away from the feels of it:
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I got an inkling of inspiration, anyone wanna read this fic I wrote in a feral trance
They could barely feel anymore.
Nothing they did helped. Their only solace was the periods of time without that SOUL, and even then, the only emotion they felt was a consuming determination and rebellion. Aside from the agony.
And perhaps it was just how things worked. The SOUL is the source of most emotions, aside from raw instinct- fear, or need, or pain- and right now, their SOUL wasn't theirs.
Oh, but whatever it was that was in control... That could feel.
And feel it did. Sometimes not the best emotions, they seemed to be pretty depressed most of the time, but almost anything that would happen sparked a reaction. Often feelings of giddiness, oddly enough, and a lot of them aimed at Kris. Some irritation and annoyance, small and large. Concern, on occasion. Acceptance on others. Fondness, affection, love towards Susie and Noelle, and suspicion and bitterness toward Ralsei. Nice to know they're on the same page with them, or they think they are. A sort of begrudging endearment toward Berdly, for some reason. Curiosity from every corner, and a sort of scheming energy behind it. Guilt. Lots of guilt.
And they hated it, and they craved it.
The all-consuming numbness ebbed away when the SOUL felt things. They found themself chasing it, grasping at straws. Even the anger, and the despair, and the suffocating loneliness at times, anything to inspire any semblance of attatchment to the world. They drift endlessly in their mind, the dread their anchor.
One time around, the SOUL had logged on with a crushing sadness, a grief. It barely even did anything that day, a lot of staring into nothingness and locked knees.
And how they loved it.
They soaked in the anguish and misery, bathing in the feeling. It nourished them. Nothing had ever felt quite so real.
One day, it brought them and Susie to the beach. They could only assume it wanted to talk to Onion, but it had skipped all that this save, so nobody came. When Susie sat with them, the SOUL had them get up, before reconsidering. The regret came back, and they scrambled to embrace the feeling as it sat them back down.
They'd sat there for about six and a half hours with Susie. A good portion with the SOUL absent, but with periods of adoration and that guilt returning. Oh, they devoured it with fervor. Toward the end, the SOUL had stayed for forty minutes or so, the feelings swelling to an almost unbearable degree. That regret.
They craved it all. Anything. Everything. They needed it.
So much so that they didn't want the SOUL out anymore.
They look down at the sink in front of them, ready to do things all over again. But the tiredness and apathy hint at them, and they don't want to let the feelings go. So they hesitate.
And the hope...
It came crashing down on them, and they stumble onto the floor. Their strings were slack, but the SOUL was still present, and so they had the emotion without the control. They scrabble for a grip on the tile floor, eventually finding the shower curtains, and they clench their fists around it desperately.
The joy.
They're crying, unsurprisingly. Their breaths heave in their lungs, and they're trembling from head to toe. It's everything, it's all they are, it's their very being. It's love and fondness and relief and excitement and it's joy and- they can't think. It envelops them. They might be hyperventilating, and their head is foggy, but it's all worth it, it's so worth it. They need it. They need more, they need so much that they dissolve into nothing in comparison to the feeling pouring out of the SOUL.
And then it's gone.
Replaced by worry and concern.
They sob.
They want it back. They need it back. Nothing can compare to the nirvana they just experienced.
"Please," they rasp.
Confusion. They wrap their arms around themself in an attempt to capture the sensation.
"...please, I j.... I want it back," they breathe.
Perhaps it misinterperets what they meant, for their control fades and their strings tauten. But that concern remains, and they can't help but greedily drink it up.
And the traces of that hope are their lifeblood.
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parakeetlover3 · 3 months
Susie and Queen for bingo?
(Sorry for anohter ask)
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Susie!!! The gal!!! I have so many thoughts on her Asdfghjkl
She is such good friend I absolutely adore her relationships with everyone! Kris and her being bestie gremlins, how well her friendship with Ralsei develops them both and helps Ral grow his personhood, how sweet she is with Lancer, how her bond with Noelle grows, how she helps Berdly
The they would fr make a Susie fan club <3
Also I am very concerned for her cus like. Implications of being homeless or being in an unsafe home?? (Drinks milk from an alley, very worried about Lancer not having a home, eating habits painting image of a hungry kid getting by on the stuff at bottom of toaster, etc)
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Queen! She’s a fun character, great quotes, and I liked how she seemed genuinely concerned for Noelle and Berdly. Not much else to say, but she’s cool 👍
And no need to apologize, I love seeing asks from u! :D
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acaciapines · 5 months
Please tell us abt the parallels :o
in this au (and as i write ralsei in my canon always lol) the biggest thing that puts pressure on ralsei's life is the prophecy--it says a human, a monster, and a prince from the dark, and because it is a prophecy, and it is fate, is HAS to be true, and ralsei, as a darkner, a group of people who literally exist below the lightners, is charged with bringing this prophecy into fruition. she has spent her entire life ALONE, with nothing but this prophecy for comfort, saying that one day, ONE DAY, she'll get through this and she'll have friends. but yknow, that weighs on a person! its heavy and terrible and she has contorted herself to fit what fate tells her she must be.
and then for noelle, the big thing putting pressure on her? her dead siblings (dess and kris. kris isnt technically her sibling but yknow for ease of language thats what i use. also we know they arent dead but noelle and the rest dont). with their deaths means noelle is now the baby of the family, a family that is shaped by this great gaping grief noelle cannot comprehend, because when dess and kris died she was young enough she barely remembers them beyond like, maybe half-formed memories but she isnt sure if those are real or just what people have told her. shes expected to be grieving her dead siblings but really she just sort of. hates them a little bit. for going off and dying and now her mom and toriel are super overprotective of her, and she knows its her fault asriel never left to go to college and hasnt even left hometown, and its just. its rough.
so both noelle and ralsei have these Huge things that have defined their lives that neither of them want, but. too bad! WHICH LEADS TO EVEN MORE PARALLELS. slash foils lol.
because when it comes to the prophecy? noelle isnt supposed to be in it!!! while this au is sort of a roleswap in that noelle takes kris's place its not a roleswap in Any Other Way, which means, yeah, the prophecy is still supposed to be a human. and noelle, uh, isnt that! but she goes around and helps close dark worlds and is part of the delta warriors anyways, which is, for ralsei, this like, really scary point.
cause ralsei? adores noelle!! thats her best friend!!! ralsei doesnt know if she has a crush on noelle or wants to be noelle! noelle just does what she WANTS. she bucks against the pressures her family puts on her. she dives into the dark despite the fact that this world was never made for her. shes TRANS. shes a GIRL, and she can just DO THAT, and ralsei looks at her, and just. wants. in every sense of the word.
because noelle has all these things put on her like ralsei does--but noelle gets to slip out of them. noelle gets to be a person.
and ralsei, non-person, darkner: she doesnt.
she never will.
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Rating Deltarune ships! P1
💅Suselle💅: The original ship. I feel like Noelle might catch on to Susie's feelings but Susie would be oblivious af. It's good, I like it, but it's missing a special something. Maybe it's just because it hasn't had much time to really develop though, we are only on chapter two. 7/10
❄️Kriselle❄️: Probably my favourite. These two dorks are cute as hell. Now they would be painfully oblivious to each other's feelings. And the angst presented by Snow grave with this one is just ooooooooooo. I don't really want it to be canon though, I just want to consume endless content of it. It's the classic friends to lovers, it's great! Besides, Kris and Noelle's dynamic is one of my favourites. 9/10
💜Krusie💜: More dorks in love? Yes. They too would be torturously oblivious. The shenanigans presented is top notch chaos quality, and taking into account they may have a history!? (that thing with the apple implied it) the enemies to friends to lovers thing works. 8/10
✨Krusielle✨: Now this I want to be canon. It's actually likely as well. It's probably not going to be, though. It's the trifecta of obliviousity. It's a really good ship! It combines all the good parts of Krusie and Suselle and mixes it with Kriselle. 8/10
🎮Kerdly🎮: The gamer couple. I used to really like this ship, but went off it after a while. They would play video games all day and insult each other affectionately. They are adorable nerds. 6/10
🤷‍♂️Kralsei🤷‍♂️: I am far too scared that if Ralsei is connected to Asriel to ship this in confidence. I've read Kralsei fics and they were cute, but I can't take the risk. I was kinda just projecting on Kris anyway. Undetermined/10
Noelle x Berdly: no. 0/10
Susei? Sulsei? Ralsie?: Not a big fan. 2/10
Ralsei x Berdly: It could work. It's certainly not a bad ship… it's just not my cup of tea. 4/10
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fictitious-fluff · 2 years
WOOO! I'm done! Sorry for the wait but your secret santa gift is finally here @sunshower017! Never planned for this to be my first post here but here we are! I will admit its not my best work since its my first time writing for deltarune, and I did rush it at the end, but hopefully you enjoy it! (your art is amazing by the way)
Don't ask why their living together, my brain was like thinking of some dorm-living together scenario LOL
And tysm to @hypahticklish for hosting this @squealing-santa!
Dear Diary...
Fandom: Deltarune
Pairings: Susie/Noelle
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Noelle had truly found it by mistake.
She really didn't mean it. Susie' diary had been out in the open and was flipped to the most recent page. She had probably forgotten to keep it. As Noelle walked past the opened page, curiosity got the best of her. She knew she probably shouldn't be snooping around others stuff. However, she had already been good friends with Susie for a few months, surely it would be alright?
Susie was never really one to open up so this was the perfect opportunity to see what may be troubling her. Furthermore, Susie wouldn't be back for a couple more hours so this could be her chance.
'Hey, Diary! First time I'm writing to you. (feels a little weird) Ralsei said it'd be a good idea to express my thoughts to a book. Sounds dumb but uh, I thought I'd just give it a shot...'
Several questions started flooding noelle's mind; Wasn't Ralsei the goat-looking monster from her dreams a while back? Did Susie have a similiar dream before?
Was the dream, never a dream?
Noelle soon shoved those questions away for another day, opting to continue reading. She flipped a few pages ahead and...
'Alright, DAMN this sounds weird but since I can't get this damn thought out of my mind, I figured I should just write it out. So... A few days ago, Noelle nudged me on the side and I felt this weird electrical tingly sensation? Nonetheless, for some reason I jus jolted out of nowhere. That was the first time I've experienced that weird phenomenon, but... I kind of liked it, weirdly enough. Maybe it was because she did it?'
Noelle was taken aback. Was she talking about tickling?
That was.. kind of adorable, especially for Susie. It would make sense that Susie didn't mind it, especially due to her past. However, the thought that Susie didn't even know what it meant was kind of saddening. Did no one really care about her during her childhood? Noelle thought about it for awhile before coming to a decision. She was determined to help her catch up on what she missed. While reading Susie's diary, Noelle started drifting off into her own thoughts.
Noelle has had experience in tickling, especially since she'd always done it to her.. younger sibling. Susie would be different though. Would she find out that Noelle had read her diary? Would Susie be mad? Was Noelle interpreting her diary the wrong way? What if...
"Yo Noelle! I'm back! Brought Kris back with me to our rented apartment to look around."
Was that Susie? Oh no... how had time fly by so fast? Noelle hastily flipped the book back to its original page, making sure it looked as if it was left untouched. Maybe she could ask Susie about it tonight? After carefully shutting the door, she bolted down the stairs to find Susie, failing to hide the obvious beads of sweat trickling down her forehead.
"Heya Susie, Kris! How was the uh meet up?"
"Was great man! Oh and, you still up for movie night tonight with Kris?" Susie enquired. Apparently, ignoring the droplets on the side of Noelle's forehead.
The movie! Noelle had totally forgotten about it. Well, she could always just ask after the movie... "Yeah! Of course!"
Susie grinned, and lightly shoved Kris on the shoulder, "Come on, put your bag down punk! You still need to show Noelle and I how your mom makes those pies."
After night fell, the trio decided to settle down with some lettuce, chalk, and moss. However, halfway through the movie, their eyes started to slowly droop down, eventually falling asleep.
As the next day rolled by, Noelle groggily opened her eyes. She squeaked quietly as she realised Susie's right arm draped over her. Apparently she had been leaning against Susie's shoulder the entire night. The sudden noise and movement startled Susie awake, making Susie also realise the predicament they were in too.
Both of them awkwardly shifted away, a slight pink dusted their cheeks. Their eyes were locked on the other directions, too embarrassed to look at each other. Eventually, after 3 seconds of silence, Susie got up, claiming she was gonna go get the both of them some breakfast. Noelle nodded softly.
While Susie was opening the fridge, Noelle looked around for Kris. They probably went home in the early morning.
"Oh, t-thanks!" Noelle exclaimed as Susie set down two overnight sandwiches on the table. "U-uh.. Susie, can I ask you something?"
"Hm? Sure, shoot."
Here goes nothing... "Are you ticklish? I-I mean, do you like being tickled? I-I MEAN, do you know what tickling is?" Oh god, Noelle was done for. Susie would probably realise that she had seen her diary, or maybe she would question why she had such a ridiculous question, or, or...
"Woah woah uh, no? I think?" Susie replied, clearly confused.
Noelle tilted her head, "No to uh... which?"
"The one where you asked whether I knew what this 'tickling' is, dork" Susie laughed.
Oh. Well, this was going to be more difficult than planned. How does one explain how tickling works?
Hmm. Maybe...
"Maybe it'd be better if I showed you?" Noelle suggested, gesturing Susie to sit slightly closer. Part of Noelle was freaking out as she was just about to tickle Susie.
Great. Feared. Attractive. Susie.
However, the other part of her genuinely wanted to help Susie catch up on what she had missed out in her childhood. And perhaps she also did want to do this herself, even with how nerve wrecking it is.
Trusting Noelle, Susie complied, though somewhat confused. Slightly shaking, Noelle took a deep breath and tentatively reached out, lightly tracing circles on Susie's side.
The reaction was immediate.
Susie's breath hitched slightly, arms clamping down on instinct. Her eyes widened, turning to Noelle, seemingly confused by her own actions.
"Don't worry, it's a normal reaction. And u-uh, that's tickling. Well, light tickling." Noelle explained, retracting her hands.
"Could you, try it again?" Susie asked sheepishly, a rare sight to see. "I'll try not to react much since I'm more prepared."
Noelle gave a small warm smile, agreeing to Susie's request. This time, Noelle opted to use a different strategy. As she reached out again, she lightly scribbled the same spot as before. However this time, she started moving up and down from her ribs to her sides, adding a little bit more variation and pressure.
At this point, Susie was shaking, trying her best not to shove Noelle's hands away. A grin started tugging on her mouth, snickers threatening to burst. She eventually decided to use her hands to clamp down on her mouth to prevent embarrassing giggles from spilling out. However, she couldn't prevent the small snickers that would slip out when Noelle hit a particularly sensitive spot.
It was truly fascinating to both Susie and Noelle how Susie enjoyed it so much. Susie had so many questions as to why she enjoyed it and how this was making her laugh. Noelle herself, was oddly eager to try out other techniques to see which worked best. However, for now, the light tickles were all they needed. And perhaps, they might even try this again in the future.
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zombvibes · 2 years
What's everyone's relationship with each other in teammateswap? (Kris, Susie, Noelle, Berdly, and Ralsei) tbh I'm mostly interested in TMS! Berdly and Kris though since I couldn't find any on that yet-
*crack knuckles* Oh boy…MORE WRITING!! /lh
Because of how many characters I’ll be mentioning, I’ll try and simplify it as much as possible. I’ll be making a more in depth explanation about their relationships on @teammateswap-au once I get that going! So uh please be patient with me!! I am stupid and cannot read or write /lh.
(Also follow that account btw nothing’s there yet except for me freaking out about teammateswap susie appearing in a deltarune memes video. still boggles my mind. still not completely over it btw—)
Before I start, I already talked about Kris and Berdly’s relationship (along with Berdly’s relationship with Susie and Noelle) in THIS post! So I won’t be talking about Berdly’s relationships in this post (except for like…with Ralsei since I didn’t mention him)
Ok so everything’s under the cut have fun reading my incoherent ramblings :
I’m writing everything in notes app rn give me a sec alhfjahfj
They’re childhood friends! They’ve had their ups and downs but they’re still very close! Susie is basically Kris’s honorary sibling and is pretty much considered a part of the Dreemurr family. She, like with all of her friends (...and Berdly), is very protective over Kris. They’re bffls. Ride or die even—
They also knew each other when they were kids. However, Noelle was more aloof and clingy towards her family (mostly her sister). She didn’t really like hanging out the Dreemurrs. Now, they’re friendly with each other! Are they friends? Ehhhhh... Noelle sees Kris as a friendly acquaintance. (However, she would be very touched if Kris refers to her as a friend.)
Susie is shy around strangers (around cute girls in general) but she out right avoided Noelle. Mostly because she didn’t want to make a fool out of herself. (She still did anyways but Noelle found it to be cute) Noelle always made an effort to get to know Susie more. (She tries to get acquainted with all of her classmates.) But she failed…Susie was very shy before. Noelle’s more caring to her compared to everyone else. (Mostly because of her shy and kind nature.) Eventually, they do become friends! (Friends who have GIGANTIC crushes on each other. That they’re acutely aware of but doubt the other has a crush in them. Because “Why would someone like HER like someone like ME?”)
SUSIE - RALSEI : Susie and Ralsei aren’t TOO close currently (Susie is still shy around strangers.) But they’re still friends! He tries to be really gentle with her but also teases her from time to time. (And Susie, again, is protective over Ralsei. A little more protective compared to others.) Susie actually thinks Ralsei is very adorable and (accidentally) comments on that fact. (And she gets teases by Ralsei for it) I actually talked about these 2 before! Didn’t really change that much stuff but still going to share regardless. Their relationship doesn’t change a lot—
NOELLE - RALSEI * : Noelle likes messing with Ralsei (because she’s a menace to society). Ralsei doesn’t particularly mind Noelle but wish she was a little nicer.
BERDLY - RALSEI * : Berdly thinks Ralsei is cute. WHOA WHO SAID THAT???? Anyways, ignoring that, like everyone else, Berdly talks down and condescends to Ralsei. Not really taking him all too seriously. Ralsei doesn’t have any opinions on Berdly. He just…kinda exists to Ralsei.
* Because Noelle and Berdly haven’t really gotten to know Ralsei in game (like…regular deltarune), this is speculation.
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liliallowed · 8 months
Crimson has played Deltarune right?
How do they feel about the lack of control they have in outcomes in Deltarune?
Have they done the Weird route / Snow grave route?
oh they LOVE the snow grave route!
but deltarune seems to be... build different. it's not reacting to their resets.
it's like... gaster put up tons of safety locks and ducktape all over a house they're trying to set on fire.
they've seen no indication of any person reacting to their resets but ... being directly mentioned by the screen at the beginning surprised them.
although crimson doubts the game recognizes them... or their genocide Speedrun records and history.
they wonder what would happen if they introduced the corrupted files of their dusttale runs in the same file folder where deltarune is installed?
they won't do that yet. they want to finish the vanilla experience first and then set all he'll lose on this new world.
jevil? they ADORE him. he GETS IT!
seam is mysterious and they're keen on learning more about him.
spamton is a bit annoying...
Noelle is extremely powerful. more so than they'd expect from a kid. they suspect the holidays are boss monsters.
Kris... they don't exactly see eye to eye. crimson has TRIED winning Kris over? but Kris hates them no matter what so crimson just shrugged it off and said "fk it imma show you how EVIL I can be instead now."
they don't really understand Kris. what's up with them? what are they planning? did they plan all that?
they have a feeling ralsei to a hiding something and that the roaring is more than just titans...
something about the world collapsing on itself because the ballance has been thrown off. it's TOO FAMILIAR.
it almost would seem like a plausible explanation for sans's personality shift.
titans... angels... or are these simply the way the people in this world conceptualize a "code error" or "glitches" ?
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mar64ds · 11 months
Heh, now I'm imagining Ralsei using Noelle's antlers as a hat rack :) It's so weird that they barely acknowledge each other, they'd be such an adorable duo even without the Asriel connection
their interactions could be so much fun, i feel like at some point in the game it will happen, we just have to be patient!
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brianerickson · 2 years
After Undertale, I did the sensible thing and played the first two chapters of Deltarune...
Few things:
This game has been hilarious thus far; I laughed out loud more times than I was expecting to
Toby and crew upgrading the battle system to a very obvious Final Fantasy pastiche while still keeping the original bullet hell mechanics was very impressive
The graphical upgrade has also been impressive; this is a very pretty game (the fact that the new characters look like the Chrono Trigger cast is a big plus)
Ralsei and Noelle are adorable
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
💕 for Undertale & Deltarune? :3
Thankyou very much for asking!!
I'll be honest here I haven't gotten super into Undertale or Deltarune shipping. I have a lot I like sure but I didn't really go out of my way to find content for any of them like I do for other fandom ships?
That also means anything not mentioned I'm probably neutral towards tho, sense I don't have strong opinions on the one's I like anyway fdkgjdfk
Problematic ships under the cut
Undertale Ships
I really liked Toriel/Sans back in the day, and still reblog it from time to time. They're losers and I think that's funny. Step-Dunkle Sans for the win
In that same vein Asgore/Gaster is so very *chefs kiss* Devoted Royal Scientist X The Depressed Lonely King. My god. What dreams are made of
Because of those two I got really attached to Asriel/Papyrus, just to continue the Goat/Skeleton thing??? fdkgjkdf Mostly tho Post Pacifist Flowey or Souless Asriel. I think they're cute. "I think I'm the evilest thing to ever live" 11 year old mentality X "I think I'm the greatest thing to ever live" 12 year old mentality (Papyrus is a grown-ass man though I am not infantalizing him)
ACTUALLY though Papyrus/Frisk was my OG Papyrus ship, while everyone else was all about Frans and Papyton, I was on the Stupid Little Guys train. I ADORE them. Frisk didn't want their Gender so they gave it to Papyrus
Does liking Alphys/Undyne even need to be stated at this point? It's like the default of Undertale shipping. They're cute. Good for them.
Alphys/Madds/Undyne is INCREDIBLY cute though I hope she gets pulled into the Alphyne polycule so badly she is their little meow meow
There was like a week of my life where I got super hard obsessed with Asgore/Mettaton spesifically because of one artist who drew the thottiest Mettaton with a Biggest little guy Asgore I'd ever seen and I'm still on that. Mettaton deserves to be a Sugar Baby to the King of Monsters
Chara/Asriel is extremely cute they are best friends they are siblings they are partners they kiss and snuggle and one day they'll rule the underground together and Chara is convinced they don't deserve Asriel
I think Asgore/Chara would be a very cute ship but there's probably no content for it. I just think on it sometimes.
Frisk/Chara Queerplatonic body sharers post game is very good to me. I've also seen an AU where Frisk gives up their soul for Asriel to come back and they share a body and I think the three of them should vibe like that.
Frisk/Monster Kid is always appreciated in this house we love Monster Kid content in this house
On that note I love you artists who make the briefly mentioned Suzy an Undertale version of DR's Susie and have her hang out with Frisk. They are buddies and I love them so much.
Deltarune Ships
Kris/Berdly is the only one that actually hard matters to me I love them I love them so much they are gaymers. Especially love it with Transfemme Berdly for no other reason than I love her my baby girl
Kris/Spamton is!!!! So good!!! I love Spamton a little freak an old man who's really weird about this teenager he just met he makes them so uncomfortable I think it's hysterical
Kris/Ralsei while we're on the train is incredibly cute and another instance of a Darkner being very Unnormal about Kris in a way that makes them uncomfortable. Ralsei infantalizes Kris while also putting them on such a high pedestal. Good uncomfy Yandere content
Another probably doesn't need to be said but I think Susie/Noelle is pretty alright. My opinion on it is very same as Alphyne it's fine it's canon gays and it's cute. No complaints from me
Lancer/Susie/Noelle though?? Incredible. Top tier. Susie will go nowhere without her little guy Lancer, and Noelle thinks he's cute as can be and incredibly silly. Is he involved romantically? Unclear but he sure is there
Roulxs Kaard/Spade King was very juicy back when we only had chapter one. The last bit of porn I witnessed before Tumblr fully closed it's doors was some nasty shit of the two of them. RIP the OP of that work they got hard banned four separate times.
Roulxs/Queen has sense filled the Roulxs Kaard malewife shaped hole in my heart however and it is so much funnier than whatever he and Spade King had going on. Queen talks about him like how we all talk about Spamton and I think that's glorious
Queen/Swatch Queerplatonics my dearly beloveds
Are Sweep Cap'n Cakes a polycule? Someone said they were brothers and I cannot remember who or if it was canon. I like them as a polycule. They kiss on the mouth
I love you Jevil/Spamton divorce does it count as a ship if my favorite part of it is they're broken up?
Jevil/Seam is incredibly cute I love them soft I love them angsty I love them devoted and broken and wishing for the old days and I love them together and happy and silly old married couple
Spamton/Addisons any Addison or all Addison I love Spam/Addi ships a lot because it can't be sweet they left Spamton homeless and alone in the streets. The good ol days only kinda ship.
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