#i add wally to everything okay leave me alone
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junespriince · 9 months ago
Pride month
Bruce: Alfred, it's time.
Gotham City media: Batman has been seen in his pride month suits, it's wonderful to see Batman support the lgbtq+ community.
Jason: glad you support the gays, but when are you gonna lose the underwear over those suits? It's embarrassing.
Dick, stitching up Wally's suit again (he's inpatient y'all): he won't, the underwear is for the gays.... Don't look at Meower (Twitter but own by our queen Catwoman), my eyes can't unseen the thirst traps
Bruce: I'm just supporting my gay kids, is that so bad?
Tim: yes, mixing Brucie Wayne and Batman thirst traps, horny comments, and the league and villains blowing up your work phone I use is horrible... Aunt Diana shouldn't be calling you baby girl in front of my own eyes.
Steph: also homophobic you wearing that, nah, not on my watch I'm going to make suits so gay so cunty you will serve so bad joker will go to jail without fuss.
Cass: thank god, if I have to see those underwear again I will unadopted myself from embarrassment.
Bruce: the first suit was a good suit, haters gonna hate.
Them: ew... Stop
Duke: hey steph of not too overwhelming, think you can make all of us pride suits?
Steph: on it. Excuse me loser I have a job to do.
Dick: do you want to fix dipshits suit for me?
Steph: your boyfriend your duty to fix his shit.
Dick: he's lucky he's pretty.
Damian: Stephanie, a word on my suit colors... I think I want the trans flag.
Steph: is this you coming out or supporting trans kids?
Damian:... Both.
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cartoonfun2890 · 2 years ago
Marcy Wu The Little Mermaid part 3- Marcy Wu at the Sunken Ship
Marcy Wu and Sprig Plantar swam through the wreckage of the sunken ship, their eyes wide with wonder. The ship had been resting at the bottom of the ocean for years, and it was now home to all sorts of sea creatures. As they explored, Marcy noticed a glimmer of something shiny caught in a pipe."Hey, Sprig, look at this!" Marcy called out, pointing to the fork lodged in the pipe. "I wonder how it ended up here."Sprig swam over, his curiosity piqued. "Who knows? Maybe someone dropped it by accident. Or maybe it's a hidden treasure!"Marcy grinned. "Well, there's only one way to find out." She tugged at the fork, trying to free it from the pipe. After a few moments of struggle, it finally came loose, and Marcy held it up triumphantly."Ta-da! One shiny fork, just waiting to be used," Marcy said, examining it closely. "I wonder if it still works."Just then, a mischievous sea creature swam by, catching sight of the fork. It was a small octopus with bright blue tentacles and mischievous eyes. It darted towards Marcy and Sprig, trying to snatch the fork from Marcy's hand."Hey, give that back!" Marcy exclaimed, trying to keep the fork out of the octopus's reach.Sprig, always quick on his feet, swam in front of Marcy, blocking the octopus's path. "Leave her alone, you sneaky cephalopod!"The octopus pouted, its tentacles drooping. "But it's such a shiny fork! I wanted to add it to my collection."Marcy softened, realizing that the octopus meant no harm. "Well, if you promise not to cause any trouble, you can borrow it for a little while. But you have to give it back, okay?"The octopus's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really? Oh, thank you! I promise I'll take good care of it."With that, the octopus swam away, clutching the fork tightly in one of its tentacles. Marcy and Sprig watched as it disappeared into a nearby coral reef, blending in with its surroundings."I hope it keeps its promise," Marcy said, a hint of worry in her voice.Sprig shrugged. "Well, we can't control what others do, but at least we were able to help. Now, let's go find Wally Ribbiton and tell him about our adventure!"Marcy nodded, her excitement returning. They swam up towards the surface, where Wally Ribbiton, a friendly seagull, was waiting for them on a nearby rock."Wally! You won't believe what we found in the sunken ship!" Marcy exclaimed, waving the fork in the air.Wally squawked in delight. "Oh, Marcy, Sprig, you two are always finding the most interesting things! Tell me everything!"And so, Marcy and Sprig regaled Wally with their tale of the shiny fork and the mischievous octopus. As they laughed and shared their adventures, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendships they had made under the sea. Little did they know, their journey was far from over, and more surprises awaited them in the depths of the ocean.
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years ago
I’m Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 6
Batfamily x Batsis Story
Word Count: 1.7K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst Tags!: @itsnottilly @cloudyskylines @starflyer-104 @iwillstaywiththemforever @justine-en @weirdgirlfromtx @notsostraightweeb @candlestudy @willowoo @peterxwade24 @the-atlantic-french-fry @bad-bouquet-of-emotions @vvipgot7be @pure-princess-97 @atomicsoulhumanspy @foreverthefloor @natatawa-ako (I discounted the names of those whose blogs I couldn't tag! Y'all gotta get that figured out on your end!)
Author's Note: And here we are with the long awaited PT. 6 after like...five days of hiatus. FLASHBACK TIME. Enjoy! -Thorne
The silver doors closed in his face and Wally couldn’t find it in himself to turn around and face the family behind. She wasn’t wrong for being upset and hostile, but something deep down inside naively assumed there would’ve been a teary reunion at the end of the night.
He hung his head and sighed heavily, turning around to pay the piper. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I thought…I thought I could—”
“How could you keep this from us!” Dick interrupted, angrily thrusting the letter towards Bruce. “We could’ve done more to find her! Released some statement about this! Told her earlier that she was wrong!”
Bruce’s face still held that indomitable impassivity as he responded calmly, “Dick, it would’ve caused more problems for us all if we’d released something pertaining to the information on the letter.”
“And making up some bullshit about (Y/N) fucking off to Europe was the betteroption?” Jason retorted, pointing at his father as he accused, “All those letters and pictures she supposedly sent were bullshit too, weren’t they?” He scoffed. “Of course they were. She’s been living here for the last three years.”
Tim, who’d been silent as his brothers delivered their harsh criticisms, murmured, “Bruce has a point guys.”
“Seriously?” Jason replied, eyes wide in shock. “You’re defending this?”
“Putting out the information in the letter would’ve made it seem like Bruce was irresponsible and inattentive to us.”
“But we—”
“Jason, Child Services would’ve conducted investigations into the manor.” Tim leveled him with a serious expression. “They could’ve taken me and Damian if they found things not to their likings.”
Jason went silent in agreement, but his pursed lips told Tim that he didn’t like it, and the rest of them matched the stillness.
Wally collapsed into the seat beside Dick. “I’m sorry, Dick,” he murmured remorsefully. “I thought I could help fix things.”
Dick was silent for a long time, then he sighed and shook his head. “It’s not your fault, Wally. You did the best you could.” He turned his blue eyes onto the speedster. “If anything, it was ours for cornering her.” He rubbed his temples. “I should’ve listened to you the first time when you told me to meet in Central instead of doing…this. She might’ve felt less threatened if we hadn’t ganged up on her.”
Wally looked away, the memory of (Y/N)’s disappearance still fresh in his mind and replaying as if it was still happening.
He could count on one hand how many times things had actually unnerved him to his core, and this one by far topped every instance of dread filled panic. And it certainly wasn’t the ecstatic atmosphere of Wayne-Family-Pizza-Fridays that was drilling him so hard—it was the confession that kept slipping onto his tongue, forcing him to swallow it down to avoid ruining everything.
“Wally, you good?”
His eyes darted to Jason’s, who were uncharacteristically concerned, and he gave a tight smile. “Yeah man, just chilling.”
Jason snorted. “You look like you’ve got a stick up your a—your butt,” he finished when Alfred’s glare hit him.
“Sorry, just thinking about some things.” He took a piece of pizza from one of the boxes, handing it to Cass who silently held her plate out, then proceeded to get himself one. “Don’t let me stop the story,” he quipped, and Jason shook his head, but went back into some story about kicking Two-Face’s ass the other night.
Maybe he should tell Dick later? Wouldn’t that be better than telling the whole family? A frown etched onto his face as he chewed, but it all tasted bitter. (Y/N) didn’t want to be found and she seemed pretty adamant about it as well. Maybe she was right? Maybe they did ignore her a lot. Bruce doesn’t exactly have the best track record of keeping up with all his kids, I mean look at Jason. And then everybody else gets sidetracked in their own lives and things just get forgotten along the way. Was she one of those things? Their own sister? No, they couldn’t—
Laughter exploded across the table, Cass pressing her face into Tim’s arm to stifle her giggles, Stephanie cackling at Tim for snorting soda out of his nose, and that just set everyone off again. Dick and Damian pointing at Tim while their faces turned red from laughing so hard, Jason was crying at that point, and surprisingly, Barbara and Bruce had their heads in their hands. The only one not laughing was Wally.
“I know where (Y/N) is.” He blurted and the table went dead quiet as everyone stared at him.
For a full minute, no one said a word.
“What did you just say?” Dick asked and Wally swallowed, looking at him.
“I…I know where (Y/N) is.” He looked at Bruce and that weighted stare made the words fall right out of his mouth. “She’s been living in Central under the alias Melisandre Hale. Has been for the last three years.”
“What,” Dick started, but shook his head like he couldn’t comprehend. “What are you talking about, Wally? (Y/N)’s in Italy.”
Wally shook his head. “No, Dick, she’s not. And she never was. She left three years ago and has been living a completely different life up until now.”
“Until now?” Jason repeated. “What do you mean until now?”
“Dick and the other Titans came to hang out in Central two months ago and Melisan—(Y/N)mentioned herself. Rather curiously I might add.” He shrugged. “Now that I think about it, that was her way of dipping a toe into the water to see the ripples. To see where she was in the grand scheme of things.”
His eyes drifted to Dick’s. “When I showed you her picture you offhandedly commented on how similar they looked to one another and that night—”
“You went to confront her,” Dick finished, eyes flashing, and Wally wasn’t sure if it was from anger or sadness or some other heavy emotion the eldest brother was feeling about his baby sister. “…How’d she react when you did?”
Wally sighed, slouching in the hardwood chair. “Not in the positive, Dick.” He glanced at Bruce. “She doesn’t want to be found. And she certainly doesn’t want to be met by anyone. Especially…especially anyone here.”
“(Y/N)’s our sister,” Tim retorted. “What do you mean she doesn’t want to meet us?” he was already rising from his seat and that seemed to spark every brother to do so.
Wally’s hand shot out, wrapping around Dick’s wrist. “Dick, I’m being serious. Don’t corner her. Let me handle this.”
Dick tried to pull away, but he held tight. “You will handle this. We’ll all handle it together.”
“You don’t understand, Dick. If you want this to play out the way you’re planning, you need to come to Central alone with me.” He gazed at the others. “We need Dick to do this himself and then we can see about bringing her back here.”
Jason scowled. “With all due respect Wally, she’s our sister. Not yours.”
And with that, Dick pulled away firmly and Wally watched as the lot headed for the cave, the young women and Bruce still seated at the dinner table. He groaned and put his head in his hands, knowing this was going to come back to bite him in the ass.
“Wally,” someone said quietly. “Is she okay?”
He looked up, meeting Bruce’s eyes. His mouth opened, ready to lie, but he sighed and shook his head. “No,” he answered honestly. “(Y/N) isn’t the shy girl I remember. Especially when I confronted her. She was…cold and indifferent.” His mouth drew into a taut line and he stared at Bruce. “This isn’t going to end well, isn’t it?”
Bruce wiped his mouth on the napkin in his lap then stood from his seat, pushing in the chair behind him. “No, Wally. No, it’s not.”
He shook the memory away and instead of looking at any of the brothers, he looked at Bruce. “So, what do we do now?”
“We go find her and bring her back to Gotham, that’s what we do,” Jason griped, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No,” Bruce said firmly. “If (Y/N) wants to stay here, then we’ll let her.”
“WHAT?!” all three of the boys around him shouted in unison, their eyes practically bulging out of their heads.
He merely looked on. “We’ll wait for her to meet us halfway.”
“And what if she tries to leave again?” Dick questioned angrily and Bruce turned his slate gray eyes to him.
“We’ll know.”
“How?” Tim asked. “If she left the first time, what’s stopping her from leaving again?”
Wally cleared his throat and if he were a lesser man, he would’ve cowered under their withering glares as he admitted, “Actually, I tagged (Y/N) with a bug.”
“You did what?” Jason questioned, brows furrowing.
“I tagged a pocket in her purse with a bug when she wasn’t paying attention earlier in the car.”
“And you’re sure she won’t just throw that purse away? She left the house with money and a suitcase of necessities. A purse doesn’t seem that way.”
Wally snorted and crossed his arms. “(Y/N)’s purse is a Givenchy black bag that she found at a thrift store for thirty dollars. She might be a different person after living on minimum wage, but deep down she’s still a billionaire’s daughter who can’t help but love expensive things.” He grinned rather cockily. “She’s not going to get rid of a two-thousand-dollar purse she found for thirty. Even if she throws away everything else she’s got.”
He shifted his gaze to Bruce. “I think waiting for her is a good option, but you might want to do something more.”
“Like what?” Tim asked.
Wally shrugged. “Write her personal letters. The semester ends in three months and she won’t leave before it does, or she’ll have to pay those classes off.” He stared them down. “You’ve got three months to wear her down into staying on grid before she goes off again.” His eyes hardened. “And you know as well as I that if she goes off…we won’t find her ever again.”
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dccomicsimagines · 5 years ago
Mirror Image - Young Justice Imagine
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Requested by Anon -  Can you write where the reader is the male twin of Artemis; who looks just like Sportsmaster, and is planning to dye his hair while thinking negatively to himself because of the unconscious reactions that his mom and sisters give him? And what their reactions would be when they find out?
You sighed, unlocking the door to the apartment. It was late, probably around ten o’clock. You had to meet with a group from school to work on a project. Gotham Academy was all about group work. It made you miss your old school. You were still wondering how you and your twin, Artemis, got scholarships. It was suspicious.
“Who is it?” Paula, your mother, asked. She rolled out into the hallway. Her smile dropped when she saw you. You saw her eyes flash dangerously.
“Mom, it’s me.” A wave of exhaustion washed over you. 
“Oh, sorry con trai.” Paula relaxed. Your heart lifted slightly at the nickname. Her smile returned. “How was your project? Did you get your work done?” 
You kissed her cheek as you went to the kitchen. “Good. We’ll ace the project for sure.” Getting a drink from the fridge, you cursed your genes again. Why couldn’t you have looked more like your mother? You hated that your appearance always made her think of your father first. 
“Artemis is in her room. Will you make sure her homework is done?” Paula watched as you quickly finished your drink. 
“Yeah, sure.” You placed your cup in the sink and left to Artemis’ room. The door was shut with soft music playing inside. You bit your lip before timidly knocking on the door. 
“Mom! I said I’m working on it!” The door opened. Artemis gasped. “Dad.” Suddenly, her fist went flying toward your face, but you ducked just in time. 
You caught her fist. “It’s me, but thanks for that.” Your heart sank. “Mom wanted me to make sure you have your homework done.” 
Artemis yanked her fist out of your grasp. “Sorry, you just look so much like him since you got your last growth spurt.” She crossed her arms, blushing in embarrassment. “I’m working on it.”
“Do you want help?” You found yourself asking her, despite the urge to go lock yourself in your room. 
She made a face that reminded you of the time where she almost stabbed you in the eye with one of her arrows. It was caused by a fight that your father instigated between the two of you. Now you really wanted to run. “I got it.” 
“Fine. Night.” You hurried away and escaped to your room. Locking your door, you sighed, leaning against it. The mirror on your wall glowed from the streetlight drifting in through the window. You glared at it. It shined back your reflection and even you almost thought you were your father for a brief second. You pulled off your shoe and tossed it at the mirror. It shattered, sending glass everywhere.
“(Y/N), what was that?!” your mom asked, her voice coming down the hall. 
“Nothing, Mom. My mirror just fell off the wall,” you said through the door.
Paula knocked on your door. “Are you alright?”
You debated opening the door, but then you thought about how her eyes would narrow as she would first see your father instead of you. “Yeah, don’t worry about me.” 
“Okay.” Paula sounded hurt. You heard her roll back down the hall. 
“I can never win.” You whispered, closing your eyes tiredly.
You adjusted your mask. “Remember we’re not related. Green Arrow just happens to be our mentor. That’s how we know each other,” Artemis said sternly. 
“Yes, you tell me everyday.” You sighed. Artemis relaxed and led you to old phone booth zeta tube in an Gotham alleyway. “And keep my mask on.” 
Artemis turned to look at you. There was the flash of pure resentment before it faded. Even with the mask on, you still looked very much like your father. “You look way too much like Dad.” 
“I get reminded every day.” You nodded for her to go in first. She bit her lip. Guilt flared in her eyes. It made you only feel slightly satisfied. She went inside. The computer spoke and she disappeared in the gold light. 
You entered the zeta tube. The computer’s voice echoed as you closed your eyes at the bright light. You started walking forward to find yourself suddenly walking into the cave. 
“Woah, did you and (Y/H/N) come together today?” Kid Flash aka Wally teased at Artemis. He made kissing noises. You shook your head, smiling when Artemis flipped him off. Wally laughed before zooming off to somewhere. The scent of freshly made cookies floated in the air. 
M’gann flew into the room with a plate of cookies in her hand. “I tried this brookie recipe.” She stopped by you. “Want one, (Y/N)? It’s half cookie half brownie.” 
“Sure, thanks.” You took one and bit into it. It was still warm, melting into your mouth. “This is great, M’gann.” 
She blushed. “You’re welcome.” She flew away. You watched her go to Artemis and offer her a cookie. Finishing off the cookie, you headed to the training room. Conner was inside, lifting weights.
“Hey Conner.” You joined him. He grunted in response. “You want me to add another weight to that? Looks too easy for you.” 
“I’m fine. Everything is fine.” Conner gave you a look that made you glad he didn’t have heat vision.
“You okay?” You raised an eyebrow at him. “Because you don’t sound fine.” 
“Are you okay?!” Conner dropped the weight. It crashed to the floor with a loud echoing boom. “I said I’m fine.” 
You flinched, frowning. “I get it. I’ll leave you alone.” You turned toward the door. Your stomach twisted uncomfortably. 
Conner sighed. “Sorry.” He cleared his throat, picking up the weight to put it away. “I...I went to see Superman. He still won’t talk to me.” You turned back to him, surprised.
“What an asshole.” You smiled, sitting down on the bench. Conner kept his back to you. 
“Yeah, I guess he is,” Conner chuckled. You watched the tension drain out of his shoulders. “It’s just hard. I was always meant to replace Superman if he should fall. It never occurred to me that he wouldn’t want to meet me.” Conner frowned, crossing his arms. “I can’t get away from it. I get reminded every time I look in the mirror.” 
You nodded. “I get it.” Conner looked at you curiously. “I look a lot like my dad to the point everyone in my family thinks I’m him for a second before they see me.” You realized Artemis would kill you for mentioning your family, but you figured it was safe as long as you didn’t mention your family was also Artemis’.
“Most people would be happy to look like their father.” Conner sat down next to you. You gave him a sad smile.
“My father is not a good man.” You swallowed hard. 
Conner snorted. You both fell silent for a long time. A weight left your chest for a time, knowing you were with someone who first saw you for yourself. However, reality came crashing back as Batman’s voice called everyone to the mission room.  Conner got up to leave first, but stopped and looked back at you. “Thank you, (Y/N).” 
“You’re welcome.” You followed him, getting a rare genuine smile from Conner. 
“What are you doing here?” Cheshire hissed in your face as she sat on your chest with her knees on your arms to hold you down. “I told you I don’t need your help.” 
“Jade, it’s me, (Y/N).” You groaned. Jade had grown since the last time she tackled you way back before she ran away from home. You had grown too, but she was still making it hard for you to breathe. 
She relaxed and climbed off you. “Sorry. You just look so much like our father.” 
“Right.” You coughed, sitting up. The mission had gone haywire, and you got separated from everyone else. You were just about to get your bearings when Jade jumped you. “How are you, sis?” 
Jade snorted, taking her mask off. She offered you a hand. You eyed it before taking it and getting to your feet. “You joined the Justice League group with Artemis, didn’t you?” 
“Yeah, and you joined the League of Assassins.” You shook your head, rubbing your sore back. She hit you hard. “I can’t believe you work with Dad.” 
“Shut up. It’s the job.” Jade crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. “Does your group know who our family is? Artemis desperately doesn’t want them to know. She let me go last time we met to prevent me from spilling the beans.” 
“No.” You glanced around, taking in the surroundings. “They think we only know each other because of Green Arrow.” You frowned. “What are you doing here?” 
Jade just smirked before putting her mask back on. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She patted your shoulder. “It was nice to see you, little brother.” She threw down a smoke bomb and disappeared. You coughed, the smoke going straight into your lungs. “You should change your face. They’re going to find out if you keep looking so much like our father.” Her voice echoed in the room.
You caught your breath. “Where did you...” Suddenly, something hit you hard on the back of the head and everything went black.
A bright light blinded you as you opened your eyes. Your head throbbed like it was being run over by a semi truck. “He’s awake,” Batman said as a black form appeared in your vision. The soft surface you laid on shifted.
“Oh, thank god.” Suddenly, you felt arms wrap around you. From the voice, you guess Artemis was hugging you. “Don’t you ever do something like that again.” She smacked your arm.
“Ouch.” You moaned, blinking as the room came into focus. You sat up. The clean white walls of the cave’s med bay surrounded you. It made you want to puke. “Don’t hit me.” 
Suddenly, a bright light shined into your eye. You jumped, but a heavy hand rested on your shoulder. “I’m checking your pupils.” Batman turned off the light and slowly you were able to see again. “They’re dilating normally, but I suspect you have a concussion at least.” 
Artemis held you tighter and you felt sicker. “Is there a garbage can?” You swallowed hard, a metallic taste forming in your mouth. Artemis jumped away from you and stuck a bucket in your face just in time. 
You felt Batman rubbing your back as you gagged. Artemis went to the door. The rest of the team’s voices floated in, but Artemis wouldn’t let them in. It was at this point you realized your mask was off. Your heart sank.
Once you were done, Batman took the bucket away and handed you a glass of water. “What happened?” he asked.
You sipped the water, glancing toward Artemis. Batman followed your gaze. “Artemis, go call Green Arrow,” he said pointedly. She blinked in surprise before stepping out of the room. Once the door was shut, Batman turned back to you.
“I got separated from the others.” You sipped more water as your mouth dried out. “And Cheshire jumped me.”
Batman stared at you. You hated that you couldn’t see his eyes. His mouth was a firm line. “Your sister?” 
You swallowed hard, glancing at the door in case Artemis came in. “Yeah, she thought I was my dad, but then she relaxed when she saw it was me. We talked a little, then she disappeared with a smoke bomb and I got hit in the head.” You touched the back of your head, wincing at the lump there.
He frowned. “What did you tell her?” 
“Nothing.” You shook your head only to have the pain in your head intensify. “Ouch.” 
“Take it easy.” Batman examined the lump on the back of your head. 
“She asked if I was on the Team with Artemis and I said yes. I asked if she was with the League of Assassins and she said yes. That was it, I didn’t betray the Team.” Your eyes widened, chest tightened.
“I know you wouldn’t. Calm down.” Batman pushed you to lay down again, moving your head so you didn’t lay on the lump. “We’re going to have to do a few scans to make sure you didn’t crack your skull. Your mother has already been called and is up to date on the situation.” 
You sighed. “Damn it. I don’t want to worry her.” You closed your eyes, suddenly very tired.
“Rest now.” Batman patted your arm. You tried to relax, but a nagging memory of your father popped into your head. He laughed, saying you were very much his son, pride radiating from him. You didn’t remember when that happened.
“How long did it take everyone to find me?” you whispered, eyes still closed. Batman was still nearby, washing out the bucket. 
“Twenty minutes. Why?” Batman came back to your side. You heard him set the bucket on the bedside table. 
“Was I alone?” A long silence followed and you knew your answer. “Sportsmaster was with me, wasn’t he?” 
Batman cleared his throat. You opened your eyes to look at him. “He was, but he ran off when Superboy attacked him. The rest of the team didn’t see him.” 
You sighed. “Great. Just great.” You closed your eyes, hating your face once more.
Artemis glared at you from the doorway of your bedroom. At least you knew the hatred in her eyes was for you alone this time. “I can’t believe Superboy saw you with your mask off and next to Dad.” 
“I was unconscious, Artie. What did you want me to do?” You shifted on your bed, staring up at the ceiling that was way too familiar for comfort. A week of bedrest was way too long. 
“Wally was asking me why you look so much like Sportmaster,” Artemis exploded, throwing her arms in the air. “I told him I don’t know, because I don’t know you!” 
You flinched. Her words stabbed at your heart.  “It’s okay. I can explain it when I finally get off bedrest.” 
“Robin’s been snooping around too!” Artemis kicked a shoe on your floor. It slammed against the broken mirror that you had placed on the wall again. The mirror crashed to the floor, breaking the rest of the glass. 
“Artemis!” Paula rolled down the hall with fire in her eyes. “Leave your brother alone. He needs his rest.” She saw the broken mirror. “Clean this up now!” 
Your sister stormed off. “It’s fine, Mom,” you said. Paula came to your bedside and rested her hand on your forehead. “Mom, I have a concussion, not a fever.” 
“I know.” She frowned. “I don’t like that your father hit you.” 
“We don’t know if he did.” You bit your lip, looking away from her. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw her eyes flash. She wasn’t seeing you again. Exhaustion washed over you, deep into your bones. “I’m tired.” 
“Yes, rest.” Paula left the room. Artemis came in and cleaned up the glass. You pretended to be asleep. Your heart burned with the determination to take Jade’s advice and change your face. 
You stared at the box of hair dye as you stood in the boys’ locker room at the cave. It took you a long time at the drug store to get up the courage to buy it, and now you had to work up the nerve to use it. 
Today was your first day of freedom after the week on bedrest. The lump on your head disappeared, but you still felt a dull ache once and a while. However, you promised yourself that you would change your appearance today. The cave seemed the safest place to do that. No one was here at the moment.
Taking a deep breath, you opened the box and read the instructions. It was complicated, but you took out the different bottles. You took off your shirt. 
“What are you doing?” Conner’s voice sounded from behind you.
You screamed, dropping one of the dye bottles into the sink. Luckily, you didn’t open it yet. 
Conner snorted, raising an eyebrow. “Seriously? I scared you?” 
“I didn’t think anyone was around.” You lined the bottles up. Blood rushed to your face, unable to look at Conner. He came over and picked up the dye box. You waited for him to say something.
“You’re going to have to do your eyebrows too or it will look strange,” Conner said, picking up the instructions. 
You looked at him with wide eyes. “So you’re not going to talk me out of it?” 
“Why?” Conner blinked. “It’s not like we’re doing plastic surgery or something. Hair color isn’t that big of a deal. M’gann does it all the time.” 
“M’gann’s a shapeshifter.” You bit your lip. Nerves made you jumpy.
Conner grunted, shrugging his shoulders. He set the instructions down and picked up the first bottle. You smiled, glad to have the help.
“I’m home,” you called as you entered the apartment. You had a skip in your step. Your hair a new, shockingly different color. Thanks to Conner, the dye job turned out better than you hoped. 
“Con trai?” Paula came out of the kitchen with a plate in hand. Upon seeing you, the plate dropped to the floor. “What did you do to your hair?” 
“What? I like it.” You smiled when the look of anger and disappointment didn’t come over her. She was finally seeing you first. You could have danced from joy. 
A deep frown came to Paula’s lips. Your joy faltered. “Wash it out of your hair now.” She pointed to the bathroom.
“It’s not going to work, Mom. I’ve already washed my hair and it’s here to stay.” You shrugged, hiding your pain behind indifference. 
Artemis appeared in the doorway. “What the hell, (Y/N)?” Her eyes almost popped out of her head at your hair.
You smiled, happy when she saw you for you. It was working. “What? It’s my hair. I can do what I like.”  You looked at Artemis. Her jaw was on the floor. “Now you don’t have to worry about everyone thinking I look like Dad, huh?” 
“Is that why you did this?” Paula asked, taking your hand. “(Y/N), I’m proud that you look so much like your father. He was...is a handsome man.” 
You wondered if she was sane. A bitter laugh escaped you as you pulled your hand away from Paula’s. “Seriously?” You looked at Artemis who was scowling. “Both of you never see me first. It’s always Dad. Don’t think I don’t see it.” You snapped at Paula before she could speak. The hurt look on her face made you hesitate, but your pain kept you going. “It’s always this flash of anger and hate before you finally realize it’s me. I’m sick of it.” You spun away to your bedroom, but Artemis grabbed your arm.
“That’s not true...” she began, but you jerked your arm out of her grasp.
“You know it is.” You narrowed your eyes dangerously at her. “Come on, weren’t you just yelling at me the other day for having my mask off and making the team wonder why I look like Sportsmaster?” Her eyes dropped. “Yeah, can’t say anything, can you?” Your voice was colder than you ever heard it be before. 
Hurrying to your bedroom, you slammed the door and locked it. Your cheeks were wet with what you thought might be tears, but you told yourself it wasn’t. You didn’t care, yet your cheeks stayed wet for a long time.
“(Y/N), I have dinner,” Artemis whispered through your bedroom door. “It’s your favorite.” Your stomach rumbled at the thought, but you stayed lying on your bed. 
“Go away.” You turned on your side to face away from your door. 
Artemis sighed loud enough for you to hear. Little scratching sounds came from the door before it opened. “You’re going to eat. I don’t care.” Artemis came in. You turned to find Paula’s credit card in her hand. She used that to open the lock, a trick Jade had taught you both.
You narrowed your eyes at her. She glowered back at you. “I’m not hungry, Artie.” You laid back down and turned away from her. 
“Look, I’m sorry.” She set the tray of food down on your bedside table. The smell made your stomach growl loudly. “I’m sorry I made you feel like I was ashamed of you because you were unlucky enough to look exactly like Dad.” 
You turned and took the food, unable to stop yourself. “Whatever,” you mumbled between bites. 
“Don’t whatever me. I’m trying to make amends.” She crossed her arms. “And I like your new hair by the way. I mean I was shocked at first, but you do look good.” 
Raising an eyebrow, you eyed her as you took a bite of food. “You really think so?” 
“Yeah.” She pursed her lips. “You should talk to Mom. She’s hurt, and she cleaning the kitchen to the point where nothing will be left if we don’t stop her.” 
“Can I finish eating first?” You laughed, happier than you had been in a long time. 
Artemis giggled, plopping down beside you and stealing some of your food. “You’re always thinking about food.”
“I’m always thinking about food? You just stole some.” You nudged Artemis, making her laugh. Suddenly, you felt she was your sister again and for the first time in a long time, you were comfortable in your own skin.
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callmeelle22 · 4 years ago
Blue Dream II
Paring: Iris West x Barry Allen
Rating: E
Chapter Word Count: 6, 097
Summary: A series of sporadic dates between Iris and Barry turn into something more, a story in its own making.
Chapter I: Primetime
Chapter II: It's Cool; Summary: His response is to tilt his head to the side and gaze down at her, eyes tracing the length of her legs and the curve of her hips and the dip of her waist. He lingers on her cleavage and this time, when he meets her eyes, she feels it, the sensation like she’s been put on simmer, like he’s warming her slowly, easing her into her own combustion, sparking like the lyrics to this song, and then you, came to save the day and I must say, you may have done some more. (Read below or on AO3 linked on the chapter title.)
Chapter III: Anything
Chapter IV: Comfortable
Chapter V: The Way
Chapter VI: Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
Chapter VII: I'm in Love with You
Chapter VIII: Blue Dream
It's Cool
My escape from everything
Please say you'll be my nothing
And I will give you everything
Man, you are really something else
On Friday nights, Iris spends time alone. She lives in a relatively small apartment near Central City U’s campus where she makes peanuts as a teaching assistant while she completes her journalism master’s. Her weeks are long and arduous, what with attending her own classes and all but teaching the ones she assists. Her evenings are often spent eating turkey sandwiches with one hand and completing assignments with the other. And when those are done, she logs into her blog, What a Life You’ve Lived, and types up the stories people send to her. That part doesn’t make her tired; no, she likes being able to tell others’ stories, likes that they trust a woman they’ve never seen to tell their lives in a way that they might not ever see.
But it’s still why, on Friday nights, she pours herself an overfull glass of wine, fills a pipe bowl with some of the marijuana she gets from the dispensary by Linda’s place, and orders Thai food while she watches something from her Netflix or Hulu queue or sometimes she listens to music. She’s already showered, wearing a pair of green silk shorts and a matching tank top, pretty cream piping along the top of the tank and the hem of the shorts—she doesn't always dress like this when she’s home alone; she just likes the feeling of the silk on her skin when she’s high—and her hair is already wrapped and tied with her scarf when the doorbell rings. She frowns at the door because she’s only just ordered her pad Thai noodles and those spring rolls she likes, and there’s no way the delivery is there yet because she always sets the order for when she’s sufficiently intoxicated.
She figures that it could be her brother Wally or even Linda because they’ve both been known to drop by without calling. A touch annoyed, she goes to the door and swings it open, ready to go off for interrupting what they know is her self-care night. But then she’s stopped short, the music still playing in the background—you caught me at an awful time; see i just lost my smile—because it’s him.
Iris’s liquor-soaked memories don’t do him much justice because there he is, live and solid. He is tall, even taller than she’d thought as she stands in her bare feet. He’s lean, the dark jeans hanging off his hips and his plain gray shirt showing off the corded muscles in his arms. There’s a tattoo sleeve on his right forearm, a complicated bouquet of flowers that doesn't take away from the masculine energy he exudes standing at her door, his hands stuffed in his pockets. She can tell now that his hair is brown and a little bit messy, as if he constantly runs his hands through it. She does a quick scan of the rest of him: dark moles dotting the skin of his throat, thin pink mouth, the hint of a 5 o’clock shadow covering the cut of his jaw. It’s still his eyes, though, that gets her. It’s not only the color of them—somehow blue with hints of moss and gold or maybe they’re like moss with hints of gold and gray—but it’s the way he’s looking at her too. Like they're always searching, and that is what you helped me find; hadn't seen it in a while, looking for what she won't reveal.
She knows that her night set only just covers the swell of her ass and dips down in her cleavage. She knows that she’s scrubbed head to toe in her rosewater body butter. But he, he looks at her like he knows it too. Like he sees all of the tawny brown skin she’s not showing, like he’s seeing something, something more than the wide set of her full mouth and the whiskey chocolate of her eyes.
“Hey,” he speaks, and there’s nothing particularly memorable about his voice, but the tone of it is low, and it sends an involuntary shiver through her.
“I know this is weird,” he continues, “and you can definitely tell me to leave. But I didn’t have your number or even your name, and I’ve been thinking about you all week and…” He tapers off, and Iris lets her eyes travel up the length of him once more.
“Wanna come in?”
She doesn’t know what possesses her to ask—okay, maybe that bit about thinking of her all week helped—but when he nods, a smile easing on his face, her heart starts doing that seizing thing again.
She steps aside to let him in.
He sees the shoes she’d worn to work sitting by the door so he toes off his own sneakers beside them and Iris has to stop herself from acknowledging what they look like next to hers. Instead, she watches as he takes a look around. She’s proud of what she’s been able to do with a consignment shop and limited funds. The focal point is an overstuffed sofa in a light gray and its matching armchair; a multicolored rug with bold hints of sage and orange lies under the dark circular coffee table which is the same color as the bookshelf against her wall, the six shelves teeming with books, as well as the TV stand. She’s got some early artwork by a few Black local artists on her wall, a couple of her favorite quotes printed and framed next to them.
The room feels smaller with him in it. While Iris is no nun, it’s been months since a man other than her brother or dad has been in her home and it feels...strange. The air seems denser somehow, heavy—heavy with the cloud of tension that hovers around them, heavy with the knowledge that the print of this man is still one that she can feel in her body when she falls asleep at night.
She notes that his eyes track the grinder and pipe in plain view on her coffee table and when she faces him again, his eyebrow is lifted.
“Do you partake?” she wonders.
He shrugs. “Sometimes.”
“Will you tonight?”
His response is to tilt his head to the side and gaze down at her, eyes tracing the length of her legs and the curve of her hips and the dip of her waist. He lingers on her cleavage and this time, when he meets her eyes, she feels it, the sensation like she’s been put on simmer, like he’s warming her slowly, easing her into her own combustion, sparking like the lyrics to this song, and then you, came to save the day and I must say, you may have done some more.
He licks his lips. “Yes.”
He tells her his name is Bartholomew Allen.
First, she goes into the kitchen to grab another of the long-stemmed wine glass that the professor she works for had given her as a housewarming gift. Then she eases down onto the sofa before she spreads her arm in an invitation for him to sit too. She pours from the bottle of wine and hands him the glass; he takes it from her, fingers grazing hers where they’re cupped around the bowl.
“My name is Bartholomew Allen,” he says, sort of abruptly.
She blinks over at him, a corner of her mouth lifting. “Your parents named you Bartholomew?”
“It’s a family name,” he adds, and though there’s no hint of embarrassment in his voice when he says it, Iris sees the way his cheeks flush red.
It makes her smile. All she has are the hazy images of him in her head: the way he’d boldly walked up to ask her to dance, how the kisses he’d pressed into her skin had been sure and all-encompassing. There had been no blush to his cheeks that first night when he’d been whispering into her ear; though Iris does recall how the rest of him had turned this same lovely shade of red, like a tinge of wine under his skin, when she had grabbed his ass to push him deeper into her.
In any case, Iris hadn’t thought of him like this, blushing at something as simple as his name and this dichotomy endears him to her.
“But you can call me Barry,” he says after taking a sip of his wine, almost like an afterthought.
“Well, Barry,” she says, “I’m Iris West.”
He looks at her over the rim of his glass. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Iris.”
It’s atypical of her, she knows, inviting this man back into her house like this. Her police captain father would warn her that this is the way that women die. Wally would tsk at her with only slight disapproval, more specifically concerned with the fact that she hadn’t bothered to learn his name before she’d let him climb into her bed. It isn’t a habit of hers, one-night stands (or two nights, she supposes, after tonight) with pale-skinned men from clubs she rarely frequents. But that day, last Saturday, she had gotten an email from the professor of her Feature Writing course with harsh feedback on one of her assignments, and Wally, only in his junior year of undergrad, had canceled their dinner, and she hadn’t updated her blog in what felt like weeks and…
And she’s been in such a space of discontent lately, with the rigid monotony of her days, the school and work and school and work, and she has spent more time than she realizes alone. Her best (and really, her only) friend is in the stages of a building relationship and her dad is too. She’s got people, she does, but they seem so tangential these days. So on Saturday, she’d put on a dress that had shown too much of her brown skin and shoes that had given her more legs than most men know what to do with. And she’d walked down along the aptly named Bar Street, past the uh, I won't love a ho, after we fuck she can't get near me, only bitch I give a conversation to is Siri and the so when are you gonna tell her, that we did that too? until she’d come to the door of something sultrier calling out to her, as seductive and enticing as a siren, and she had answered.
Then, somewhere between her third tequila and her ninth or tenth song, hope that's cool; ‘cause i'm really not trying to, impose but I suppose that, i'm supposed to be here, with you, Barry had come to dance with her, with the long line of his body following her rhythm and the pleasing smell of the lemongrass on his clothes and—for the first time in longer than she cares to admit—Iris had begun to feel.
It explains why she let him come home with her a week ago. It explains why he’s in her apartment now.
“Iris?” She hears Barry call her name, and by the look on his face, she knows it isn’t the first time he’s tried to get her attention. “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” she nods. “Sorry about that. I space out sometimes.” She points towards her table. “Shall we?”
He looks at her a little unsure, as if he wants to say more, but he eventually just nods in agreement. “Sure.”
She leans forward and grabs the grinder. The first time she smoked weed, she’d been a freshman in college. As cliche as it sounds, she’d had a roommate from Colorado who’d brought a stash with her and had offered a hit to Iris once at a house party. She’d liked it immediately, had liked how her brain had cleared, as if someone had wiped away all the writing on a chalkboard, erasing the mounting pressure of being the first university college kid in her family, of being the example for her brother who was ten times smarter and twice as reckless; had liked how much lighter her body had felt, as if she was floating, lying upon a cloud or somewhere even lighter, even higher.
She’s not a heavy smoker, the practice delegated to her Friday night routine and only in the couple years since it’s become legal recreationally in Central City. Still, she can’t help but feel a little nervous right now as Barry watches her pull the small canister towards her and open it. She makes quick work of pinching out a couple nuggets of the blue city diesel she prefers and grinding it up before packing the bowl of the pipe. It’s a pretty thing, made of glass in a dark green with blue and orange swirls. There is the flick of the lighter, and Iris brings the pipe to her lips and inhales.
She can all but feel the smoke flowing through her body, unbending her spine and relaxing her legs, curling in her lungs and moving to her head, making the thoughts there—the stress of classes, the constant sting of loneliness, and even the simmering tension she feels with Barry next to her—start to scatter until they’re no longer noticeable.
She passes the pipe over to Barry, who takes it from her gingerly, the tips of his long fingers brushing her again. She shivers, but she doesn’t acknowledge it, instead leaning back onto the couch, her legs crossed in the seat, as she watches him. He flicks the lighter a couple of times before it lights, and then he fires at the weed and takes a hit. His skin shades the faintest hint of pink and then he pulls the pipe away from his mouth and coughs, a deep cough that waters his eyes.
“You okay?” she questions. He nods as he passes it back. They do this, back and forth, until Barry breathes the smoke in easier and Iris falls even deeper into the couch. That’s when the doorbell rings.
“It’s the food,” she says and Barry is on his feet before she can even make sense of it. “Wait, I have money,” she tries, standing, because this is a mom-and-pop sort of pace and they still do their own delivery instead of going through the more expensive, albeit convenient, routes.
By the time Iris has grabbed her wallet from her purse, Barry is grabbing food and saying “Thanks, man” to Tony, the tall bearded college student who normally delivers it to her.
“Oh what’s up, Iris?” he says to her when she peeks around Barry’s shoulder.
“Hi, Tony. Do I owe you the same?”
“Oh, your boy already got it.” He smiles, a dimple winking at her in his bronze skin. “Y’all have a good night,” he adds and then he winks at her for real before disappearing back downstairs. She backs up to let Barry in the door.
“Barry, you didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to. I’m crashing your night and I’m smoking your weed. It’s the least I can do.”
Iris hums, looking up at him. He’s sort of pretty, she thinks absently, with his eyes like gems and his pink mouth, his expression soft and earnest.
“Come on.”
Iris always orders way too much food, usually with the intent to eat off the leftovers for a couple of meals. It’s a spread, with walnut shrimp, a green/ginger salad, pad thai, Bangkok chicken, and several Thai spring rolls, so it's definitely enough to share. She inhales several forkfuls of noodles while Barry attacks the Bangkok chicken. They eat in relative silence, the music still playing in the background, with eyes are sad, i smile, i think you'll find, you need me just like i need you, yeah; but it's cool, we ain't gotta be nothing, it's true, i'd actually prefer it, yeah; it's on you, it's on you, it's on you.
It’s when they’re done eating, when Iris has placed the containers in the refrigerator and they’re both snuggled deeper into the couch, wine glasses close by, that their night really begins. Iris has packed another bowl and takes another hit. And with a lungful of smoke, she asks,
“What sort of music do you like to listen to when you smoke?”
“I don’t think that I smoke enough to know.”
She hands him the bowl and grabs the remote to the smart tv, pulling up the playlist she’d made for nights like this. It gets longer every couple of days, songs that catch her fancy, songs with beats that sing as much as the artists, songs that seep in like the weed does, running through her like the blood in her vein does. The song plays—and i'm not even gonna front, at first i was just tryna fuck, but you have got me so in love, so deep in love, so please be love—and Iris closes her eyes, savoring the mellow sound of the music.
She takes pulls from her wine glass as Barry smokes and then the actions reverse. They take turns, back and forth, until Iris feels her lids drop, sees the slight haze that covers everything in her sight. Barry is sitting at the other end of the chair, but Iris swears that she can feel him, feel the solid heat of him, feel the touch of him like prickles on her skin. When she gazes over at him, positioning herself so that her back is against the arm of the chair and her painted toes just miss Barry’s thighs, she finds that he’s looking at her again.
“What?” she asks.
He shakes his head, indicating nothing, and the movement is slow, stilted. But then he asks,
“How do you feel, about my showing up here?”
She shrugs. “Surprised,” she tells him. “That you wanted to come; that you remembered where I lived.”
Barry chuckles, a low, gentle sound. “I only remembered because of the wreath, the sunflowers.”
She doesn’t add this, though a surprise, is not one she dislikes. She likes his company, even if she can’t name why.
“Barry,” she calls, to grab his attention again, and the way he tilts his head in acknowledgment makes her think more intently on the words of this song—and I'm not even gonna lie, i wouldn't mind if we just lie, together 'til the end of time, if that is fine with you, it's fine with me—and she shakes her head at the thought.
“Hmm?” he hums, eyes never wavering.
“What made you come here tonight?”
She’s sufficiently high now. She’d been careful not to overstuff herself with food and both the wine and diesel have done their job. She feels both languid and like she’s soaring, all at once. The music helps and she’s waiting in anticipation as she waits for his answer.
It’s slow coming, his answer. Before he responds, he touches gingerly at her bare ankles, fingers skimming along the bones of one and then the other. His fingers are warm and Iris feels the light callouses there, shocked at the sensation of the roughened skin on hers, how the touch sends sparks up the lines of her legs. He brings one of her feet up on his lap, and it seems so small in his hands. He presses his thumb into her instep, glides it down to the heel, and back up. Iris lets out a moan, the sound inaudible over the music—definitely love, definitive love—but the tiny uplift of the corner of his mouth suggests he’d heard it, and he grabs her other foot and repeats the action. Then he says,
“I wanted to know if it was as good as my memory.”
He trails his fingers up her left calf, still kneading her right foot. “I kept thinking of you,” he tells her, “about the taste of your mouth and the grip of your slick, and I had to know if I was only drunk and making it up.”
It’s the sensations that make her respond the way she does. It’s the easy purr of keyboards she hears behind Jhene’s dulcet voice; it’s his touch, how it seems to reverberate through her entire body; it the smell of him, of the room: the fainting smell of the smoke and the rosewater butter on her own skin and what she imagines it’ll smell like mixed with the scent of him that she remembers, the notes citrusy and bright.
“Me too,” she tells him. “I woke up on Sunday and I could still feel you. You were gone and much of you was a memory, but the feel of you was still there and…”
(and I wanted you to still be here, wanted to make a lasting memory, a real one, that would keep me warm when school and wavering friendships couldn’t)
But she doesn’t say any of that. Barry has all but mentioned he’s come over to sleep with her again and she can admit that the thought does have immense appeal, even if it’s not the only thing she thinks she wants from him.
She leans up and moves her ankle out of his grasp; he raises an eyebrow at the loss of contact, but then she widens her legs and reaches for him, grabbing at his shirt to pull him on top of her. He comes willingly, hovering above her, holding himself up with one arm on the top of the couch. All Iris can think about is the weight of him on top of her, how guarded it makes her feel, how secure.
“Is this okay?” he asks, voice quiet against the strain of the music from the television set, though she’d been the one to pull him in. He presses his body down, and her legs part automatically, craving him there again. She can tell that he’s high, in the red of his eyes and in the slow ways he’s talking, weighing every word before he lets it out.
“Yes,” she responds, just as quietly.
This seems like a moment here, one Iris can’t make sense of, not knowing what he’s here for. But he’s looking at her like she’s something, like he sees her, and it’s, it’s electrifying.
So when he leans down and kisses her, she leans up and gives it back, letting his mouth work her over. Barry is a good kisser. He starts out easy, slow, just his mouth moving against hers. His lips are soft and he tastes like wine and, somehow, the sex she knows they’re about to have, and the thought makes her close her eyes as she gives herself over to him. He licks at the seam of her lips, bites down her bottom one, and then licks at her again, demanding entry. She opens for him, eyes fluttering closed as he takes full control of her mouth. He sucks on her tongue, and then her lip again, and then he’s back to working her over with his mouth, the kiss wet and sloppy, increasingly erotic.
He is hard between her warm thighs, the solid long length of him, and she has to touch him. She rubs her hands down his back, over his cotton t-shirt, and then up under, along his spine. He shivers on top of her but doesn’t stop kissing her. She keeps one hand running up and down his back, loving the feel of him beneath her palm, and she fingers along his torso with the other, light touches that make his belly clench, that make his hips flex into her. He hums into her mouth, a sound more like a low growl, and it vibrates through her body, moving until it pulses between her legs. She moans in response, and it is that that breaks the kiss. Barry pulls back to look at her, and she likes that he looks a little bit wrecked. He stares down at her, drinking her in, and she knows what he must see: her thighs parted, with the hem of her silk shorts riding high; one strap of her top hanging off her shoulder, her breasts heaving as she tries to catch her breath; her full lips puffy and likely red from his bites; her eyes wide and blown, the dark of her pupils slowly overtaking the brown of her irises. Even her scarf has half-fallen off, and she should care that her hair will be unmanageable tomorrow. But when Barry tilts his head with a question, she lets him take it off and toss it onto her coffee table, and then he leans up, eyes never straying from hers.
“Barry?” she calls but pauses at the look in his eyes.
He fingers at the bottom of her top. “Take it off,” he tells her.
She responds to the slight command in his tone, clenching her stomach muscles as she leans up just enough to pull her tank over her head. He’s kneeling between her legs now, looking down at her breasts sitting heavy on her chest, nipples puckered under his gaze. He hasn’t even touched her yet, and she’s ready. It doesn’t make sense, how responsive she is to him, but she is, even when he’s just there staring.
“Barry?” she calls again, and she thrusts her hips, infinitesimally. It makes him look away from where he’s trying to memorize the weight of her breasts, the smooth tawny brown color of them, the darker areolas, and even darker nipples.
“What are you doing?” she asks, when he doesn’t respond to her.
“Looking at you,” is his too calm answer.
She nods, but huffs out a little breath in annoyance. “Okay, but can you…” fuck me, is the obvious response, but it doesn’t come out as that; instead, it’s another thrust of her hips, her constantly swelling sex rubbing his hard thigh. Barry licks his lips and looks down at her.
“Can I what, Iris?”
“You know,” she says, and squeezes him with her thighs.
“Hmmm,” Barry murmurs. “I don’t know that I do.”
This time, she catches his gaze, noting the glassy look of his eyes, the color grayer in this light. Iris wants to moan at the sight of him.
“Don’t play with me, Barry,” she grumbles, hoping that if she imbues a touch of menace to her words, he’d go ahead and put her out of her misery.
“No?” He lifts an eyebrow. “You don’t want me to play with you, Iris?”
She can’t answer, because then he’s reaching down and parting her thighs wider, enough that Barry can slide the wide leg of one side of her shorts over and expose her pussy to him. She clenches when the air hits her, and then again when Barry slides the tip of his middle finger down the middle of her slit.
She moans, her breath catching at the end of it when she looks down to watch his pale digit disappear inside of her. He dips in and out and in again, and Iris can’t stop watching it. She’s already wet, and his finger is glistening.
“You sure you don’t want me to play with you, Iris?” he asks her, dipping his finger all the way to the knuckle. He brings it back out, and then begins to rub her own wet over her lips. Down the side of her vulva, up the other side. Parting her lips with just that one finger. Sliding in again to gather more of her slick and start his trek over again.
Beneath him, Iris is...a mess. The one finger isn’t enough; she’s too wet for it and she keeps closing around nothing. But her breathing is only growing more labored and she can't. stop. watching. It should be embarrassing; her shorts are soaked through and Barry is still fully clothed, but she can’t be. The look of his long, rough-tipped fingers playing in the pink of her pussy so wholly arousing that she literally thinks that she can come like this.
“No, I,” she tells him, panting. She licks her lips, tries again. “This is…”
“This is what, Iris?” he asks, his cadence still heavy, and honestly, how the fuck does him just saying her name get her off like this. “Use your words, baby.”
“Fuck,” Iris moans.
Barry has the gall to smile. “That’s one.”
“Fuck you,” she moans again.
“Yeah?” Barry questions and he leans down, pulling his dirty little finger out of her and wrapping that same wet hand—wait, how is his whole hand wet—around her waist. He hovers over her, lips just a breath away from hers. “You ready for me to fuck you now?”
She huffs out a surprised laugh. “God, you’re a little bit of a dick.”
“And you’re ready for it now, aren’t you?”
She gives up on trying to be coy. “Yes,” she nods.
Barry has to stand to get out of his clothes, and Iris tries not to whimper at the loss. He pulls his shirt over his head, and Iris sees that his sleeve of flowers extends to his shoulders. He pulls his pants and boxers down, slipping out of his socks too, grabbing his wallet to pull a condom out before tossing it back down on top of his clothes. She watches as he rips open the wrapper and pulls the latex out, pinching its tip and sliding the condom down his length. He’s long and swollen, thicker, maybe, than she remembers, and she finds herself enamored as she watches him touch himself, fingers caressing the thick head and down his shaft.
“Take those off,” he tells her and she didn’t even realize she still has her shorts on. She peels them off, tossing them to the side, and then Barry is between her legs again. He grips her thighs and spreads them, one knee digging into the sofa close to her chest, the other planted high up on his hip.
He rubs himself along her once, making sure she’s still ready for him, and with a hand gripping her waist, he slides into her. She can feel herself opening for him, stretching to make room for him. He pulls out, just to the tip, and then he pushes back in, deeper, harder, and Iris gasps out a long “oohhh.” He rocks up into her, long strokes, slow strokes, like he’s got all the time in the world. She hears herself, she hears them, the wet sound of her pussy taking him in.
“Listen to you,” Barry whispers as he reaches down and thumbs at her clit. “You’re so wet, baby. God,” he groans. “Do you always get like this?” He fucks into her harder, still maddeningly slow, but fuck if it doesn’t make her swell a little more, gush a little more. “Or is it us? Is it me that gets you like this? Dripping out of that pretty little pussy like this?”
“Fuck, Barry, shit.”
He leans down again, until his chest is brushing her. The action plants him deeper, and he fucks into her, steady, persistent. He’s so close that Iris doesn’t know what to do with herself. He’s holding on to her waist, pinning her down on the sofa, and his pelvis brushes her clit with every downward stroke.
“Bar-Barryyyyyy.” Iris throws her head back, eyes clenched tight as she comes with a low, drawn-out moan, her hips bucking frantically as she squeezes wetly around Barry.
He pulls out of her and starts to move the sofa cushions from the back of the chair. It gives them more room and Barry sits down until he’s half laid out, back against the arm of the chair and legs spread on either side of her, one bracing on the floor.
“Lay on your stomach,” he tells her, “and then push your legs under mine.”
She does as he says, still a little sluggish from her unexpected orgasm. This move puts her ass in the air, and Barry grabs at her hips to bring her back to him. She looks back as he’s lining himself up with her again, and then he’s bringing her down on him, opening her up for him again. They both moan at the contact this time, Iris still sensitive from moments before. But he seems even harder now, even deeper when Iris leans forward to grab onto the other end of the couch. He guides her for a stroke, two, three, until she catches onto his rhythm, and begins to fuck herself back on him. He’s so deep she figures she could feel him hitting the bottom of his stomach if she focused hard enough. She bounces on him, keeping up his slow pace, and he gives her a hard squeeze around the waist for her efforts.
“That’s it, Iris,” he murmurs. “Ride me slow just like that.”
She’s always liked dirty talk; there’s something fully stimulating about a man making it known that he’s enjoying being with you. But this, this is different, and Iris can barely stand how much she’s turned on by him talking to her like this.
“You feel so good, Barry,” she tells him.
“Yeah?” He juts up into her, faltering a rhythm, making her fall even deeper into the sofa, making him fall even deeper into her. “Tell me what it feels like.”
She licks her lips, swallows. She’s never…
“It’s just me and you,” he says, sensing her hesitation. He stills her hips and straightens his torso, bringing her up as much as she can. He turns her head so that he can see her eyes. He moves away the hair that’s fallen into her face and gives her a quick peck on the mouth. “It’s just us, okay?”
She nods, and moves back into the comfortable position, back to grinding down on his dick, squeezing around his dick.
“Shit, Iris, that’s it.”
“You feel good,” she tells him again, firmly. “You’re so thick, so hard, I can’t even…” She falls forward again, and Barry gives her one hard slap down her ass cheek. “Barry!”
He soothes the sting with the palm of his hand, rubbing in small circles.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been so wet in my life,” she confesses, softly, truthfully. And that must have been what Barry was waiting for. He takes over, holding her hips in a death grip and he pounds into her. The slap-slap of his skin on hers is loud, the squelch of her wet, profane. She can feel her belly tighten again, the tell-tale sign that her orgasm is imminent. Barry’s is too, she can tell. His movements are more erratic, slow and then fast and then slow again until reaches out and presses a thumb to her puckered hole peeking back at him. That’s the end for them both. Iris screams out, her back arching deeply, just as Barry stills and empties into the condom, his dick throbbing against her walls as he does. She falls face forward into the sofa, still sitting on Barry, trying to catch her breath. It’s only then that she notices the music still playing from the television—infinite love, yeah; i've been wrong before, but this time I am for sure; it's you; something you did made me feel it deep in my core—and she asks for Alexa to turn the television off.
That throws the room into stark silence, except for the sound of their heavy breathing. She doesn’t know how long they lie there, but Iris thinks she could be almost asleep when Barry shifts up and out of her. She knows that she’s likely gonna have to deep clean the sofa tomorrow.
“Iris,” Barry calls moments later, and she turns her head to the side to see him standing beside her, his soft sex sitting on his thigh. He must have thrown the condom away already.
He chuckles. “Come on, baby, let’s get you cleaned up and we can go to sleep.”
She nods slowly, and sits up, letting him take her hand to lead her into the bathroom. She tries, though she can’t say how much she succeeds, at telling herself that this, that this is nothing.
And it's cool
Think that we're up to something
But it's on you, it's on you, it's on you
It's on you, it's on you, it's on you
It's on you, it's on you, it's on you
It's on you, 'cause I'm cool with nothing, yeah
'Cause even nothing is something
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theteams-notebook · 4 years ago
Character/Moments Playlist!
And here is the beginnings of the character/relationships/moments playlist!
You can find it right here!
And here is the setlist!  Obviously for both playlists, I’ll be adding onto them as more songs are added.
Original 3 (Wally, Robin, Kaldur): Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh, Hellos (This song just makes me think of these three and their friendship)
West-Allen Family: Family Tree - Caylee Hammack
The Team: People Like Us - Kelly Clarkson (Enough said, honestly)
Wally West: Thunder - Imagine Dragons (With how upbeat this song is, it definitely matches her personality)
Cadmus Invasion: Break the Rules - Charli XCX (They literally broke the rules to get into Cadmus)
Wally and Roy (Post-Fallout): Memories - Maroon 5 (After they made up, they definitely sat around and reminisced about their time together before he left)
Wally and Roy (Fallout): I Built a Friend - Sophie Pecora (This is from Wally’s perspective about Roy leaving)
Wally (Pre-Rescue), Roy (Post-Reveal), Conner: Broken - Anson Seabra (All three have felt like they’re not human or less than human at points in their lives)
Robin (About Wally): Favorite Record - Fall Out Boy (He likes to listen to her talk about whatever she likes)
Artemis and Wally: Wake Me Up - Avicii (I don’t have as good of a reason for this one, it just felt... right to make this a song about them)
Wally (About Conner): You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring (She’s been his number one supporter since day one)
Artemis: Bubblegum Bitch - MARINA (This song just radiates Artemis vibes for me, idk why)
The Girls: All Men Are Pigs - Studio Killers (Okay, I know all the girls end up in relationships in the end, but they would definitely jam out to this song)
M’gann: Everything at Once - Lenka (I think it reflects her desire to be whatever people want her to be in order to please them)
Artemis and Zatanna: Jenny - Studio Killers (You can pry Snaibsel from my cold dead hands)
West-Allen Family: In My Arms - Plumb (Moreso for the aftermath of Wally’s rescue)
Robin: Castle of Glass - Linkin Park (This song is nothing but Robin vibes and he would definitely listen to it)
Kaldur: King - Laruen Aquilina (He’s a king in my heart and he deserves all the love for putting up with his chaotic Teammates)
Zatanna and Wally: La La Lainey - Forever The Sickest Kids (They’re BFFs and you can’t convince me otherwise.  They team up to terrorize Robin)
Conner: Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (I feel like this would be a song for him as he was coming into his own and not trying to mimic Superman as much)
Wally and Robin: Alone Together - Fall Out Boy (They’re both troubled souls that found solace in each other)
Wally (About Her Friends): 7 Years - Lukas Graham (Just Wally reminiscing about her friends and how far she’s come)
The Team: Die Young - Kesha (I’m sorry)
The Team: Crazy Kids - Kesha
The Girls: Run the World (Girls) - Beyonce
The Team: Demons - Imagine Dragons (Who thought it was a good idea to put a bunch of traumatized kids onto a Team together?)
The Team: I’m Just A Kid - Simple Plan (Seriously, they’re just kids)
The Girls: Salute - Little Mix (The girls will save the day if the boys aren’t up to the task)
Wally and Robin: Electric Love - Borns (Try and tell me this isn’t a Birdflash song)
Wally West: Yellow Flicker Beat - Lorde (Just straight up Wally vibes up in here)
The Team: Save Rock And Roll - Fall Out Boy (This song just screamed “The Team” to me)
Conner and M’gann: La La - The Cab (A cute song for a cute couple)
Zatanna: She Likes Girls - Metro Station (I HC Zatanna as bi leaning more towards girls)
Wally and Dick: Shut Up & Kiss Me - Orianthi (Enough said, honestly)
Wally (About All Of The Boys, But Mostly Dick): My Best Friend’s Hot - The Dollyrots (Self-explanatory)
The Team: This Afternoon - Nickelback
The Team: New Americana - Halsey
The Team: When We Stand Together - Nickelback
Dick, About Wally: Body Language - Jesse McCartney (Am I going to add more Jesse McCartney songs because he voices Dick Grayson? Absolutely)
Wally (Season Two): Shatter Me - Lindsey Stirling, Lzzy Hale
Bart Allen (Impulse): short kings anthem - blackbear, Tiny Meat Gang
The OG Team (Post Endgame): Dead Hearts - Stars (tfw one of your friends sacrifices herself and then you can't stop thinking about her)
The OG Team (Post Endgame): See You Again - Wiz Khalifa, Charlie Puth (I know this one is cheesy but what can you do? It fits)
Nightwing (About Wally): Gone Too Soon - Simple Plan (Gonna be honest, I saw a Birdflash amv with this song a while ago and it's just been stuck in my head)
Wally (Endgame, In The Vortex): Helena - My Chemical Romance (So long and goodbye)
Everyone, To Dick (Post Endgame): Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths (This kid did some crazy and reckless shit in between Season 2 and 3 because of Wally, you can't change my mind)
Dick, About Wally: The One That Got Away - Brielle Von Hugel
Dick, About Wally: Sad Song - We The Kings, Elena Coats (He definitely feels like half of a whole now that she's gone)
Dick, About Wally: I Hear a Symphony - Cody Fry (Okay this song can go both ways honestly)
West-Allen Family (Post Endgame): Family Portrait - P!nk (I know this song is about abuse, but the shattered family image fits them)
Dick, About Wally: When She Loved Me - Lyn Lapid (I heard this cover on TikTok and I literally hunted it down on Spotify to add to this playlist)
Dick, Kaldur, Roy (Clone), About Wally: Ribs - Lorde
Dick, About Wally: Mr Loverman - Ricky Montgomery (I know I have a lot of these but can you blame me?)
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kiseiakhun · 5 years ago
What are your feelings on Kyle/Jason/Wally. I kinda think it might happen if Kyle had a crush on both. Accidentally tells Wally. Teasing. Jason finding out. Jason and Wally overdramaticly flirting. Dick finds out and Kyle dying from the close proximity of both Jason/Wally Wally/Jason Jason/Kyle Wally/Kyle. And then Flirting/Showing off intensifying. Although I don't really know much about Wally or Kyle. ❤
Hello? This is the greatest ask anyone’s ever sent me. Kyle is a lovey-dovey dumbass who falls in love after two seconds of knowing someone, so like. It’s real. It’s very real. He and Wally would’ve had their thing first? Because of their whole enemies to lovers arc in JL, except - because of that whole dynamic where they started off ragging on each other, I feel like they both would’ve been oblivious to their feelings. Add in a healthy dose of compulsory heterosexuality from Kyle, and yeah... the adults of the League have probably been waiting years for that ship to sail, except the babies just keep being oblivious dunderheads.
(Wally realized in his teen years that he’s not strictly heterosexual, because being on a team with Dick Grayson when you’re male tends to draw out any bent inclinations very, very quickly. It’s just. Kyle is the snot-nosed rookie too big for his britches. He’s a baby? He’s an infant. Wally is not attracted to an infant, wtf.)
And then Kyle goes off on his journey of self-discovery with Donna and Jason. Well, journey of self-discovery for him, because Jason’s ass and body and his devil-may-care tough guy attitude is the culmination of Kyle’s bisexual crisis. Seriously, countdown is basically Kyle going “ugh, that stupid hot sexy asshole is so hot and sexy around Donna, there’s no way she can resist him. Why is he attractive? He needs to stop. I’m going to fight him because he’s TOO HOT.” It’s incredible. If the writers weren’t cowards, countdown would’ve ended with them being in a triad.
Donna’s probably the one who points out that mayhaps... Kyle’s constant mooning over Jason might mean something different... and Kyle’s like wtf, no. And then he actually thinks about it, because Kyle’s one of maybe two (2) men in the dcu who has a semblance of emotional intelligence (idk who the other one is, but I’m sure he’s out there) (edit: it’s Connor. Connor Hawke. Connor is the other man. I was going to say Clark but Clark keeps going to extremes whenever he or his are threatened and. like. he tries, bless his heart, but there’s still a lot of repression going on with him) and he’s like wait. Fuck. Well what do I do with this information!! It’s not like Jason is into guys!!!
To which Donna just looks at him like, how are you so smart yet so stupid at the same time. She remembers how baby Jason mooned over Roy and Dick as much as he mooned over her. She Remembers.
(Also, lbr, Donna’s very experienced by now at dealing with dumb boys in denial about their non-het leanings. See previous statements about being on a team with Dick Grayson. She saw all of it, man. She’s seen so much.)
Cue Kyle, sitting bolt upright in bed after they’ve just wound down for the night and just saying, “Oh my god, Wally.”
And Donna’s just like, yup.
And Jason’s just like ? wtf is that asshole up to now. Whatever, idc, blissfully unaware of Kyle’s bi panic.
Anyway. The world is saved, and they get back to their Earth, and Kyle manages to put it aside because Everything Happens So Much. He’s the Green fking Lantern, okay, he doesn’t have time to deal with sexuality crises, except. Except. It won’t leave him alone?
Like, in his downtime he hangs out with Wally a lot since they’re friends, and oh yes, hello raging crush that he can no longer pretend isn’t a thing, because once Kyle acknowledges his attraction? That is it, man, there’s no turning back from that point. And ik that in canon, Jason threw a snitfit and left Kyle and Donna in the middle of their happy fun space adventure fieldtrip, but let’s say he didn’t have a sudden ooc personality turn because of writer mandate, and he stayed with Kyle and Donna until the end of their journey, and they stayed in touch.
And Kyle realizes, to his horror, that Jason is charming, and funny, and not bad on the eyes, and fuuuuck. This isn’t really helping his stupid dumb crush. Stupid dumb crushes. Goddamn.
(Sometimes Jason even joins him in his Space Adventures because of his new team. More specifically, Kori and her shiny new spaceship that can sustain humans in space conditions, and he is not jealous, shut up, Roy.)
(Roy caught on pretty quickly, because he’s much more empathetic and in tune with other peoples emotions than he pretends to be 90% of the time. Unfortunately, he only uses his powers for chaos.)
Ofc, Wally would start getting curious about Jason eventually because suddenly this kid is fucking everywhere? Dick’s calling on him for intel in the middle of a firefight, and he’s ragging on Roy’s atrocious dress sense, and he’s joking with Donna and Kyle’s giving him the same shit that he used to give to Wally, excuse me. Wasn’t he a villain or something? The last time Wally paid attention to him, he was sawing heads off in Gotham, and now Wally can’t seem to turn without tripping over him. When the fuck did that even happen?
(I’m not sure if Wally ever met Robin!Jason. Hm. Were Jason’s guest-appearances on the team during when Wally was pulling one of his stints of... I don’t WANT to be a hero, I want to be a NORMAL BOY who goes to COLLEGE, even though I literally re-created the Flash’s lab accident down to the letter just so I can have his powers and be a hero and save the world? ... ykw, we don’t acknowledge that era of Wally. This was back when he was a meninist incel or something. Ick.)
... and damn, Wally really can trip over him now, huh. Because he sure did grow up big, and strong, and rugged, and haha fuck now Dick is starting to glare at him, too, and not just at Roy, abort, abort.
...... Wally does attempt to subtly ask Roy, later, if there’s any truth to the statements about him and Jason and Kori that Roy says to Dick to get him all riled up. I say “attempt to” because Wally is bad at subtlety. It’s part of why he and Kyle get along so well. Roy realizes what he’s asking and he about has an apoplexy because Wally? Wally? Now there’s a surprise contender he did not expect, tossing his hat into the ring.
But also. Also... hot.
Roy and Kori are watching all of this while munching popcorn like damn, this is better than TV. Because Kyle’s having his crisis, his Love crisis, and Wally’s having his oh my god why do I find my best friend’s little brother hot crisis, and Jason is just happily oblivious to all of this, because he’s too busy angsting over his dad not loving him enough and dismantling trafficking rings and being the big, bad scourge of Gotham to notice Kyle pining after him like a lovelorn puppy, and Wally eyeing him appreciatively like he hasn’t eaten in a whole hour and Jason is a tender piece of marbled steak roasted on both sides to perfection. He does notice the way Kyle and Wally look at each other, though, because he’s only observant when it comes to the positive emotions of other people. And he is not stepping in the middle of that, tyvm, because from what Roy’s told him the two of them have a looooong history and he does not want to get caught in the middle of that crossfire.
Roy and Kori are both like, what makes you think it’s going to get messy, anyway? And Jason, whose real world examples of functioning relationships are 1. Willis and Catherine Todd, 2. Bruce and Selina, 3. Bruce and Talia, 4. Dick and all his exes, 5. Roy and all of his not-exes because he doesn’t date but people keep falling in love with him anyway and he panics and ghosts them because he is Roy William Commitment Issues Harper, 6. Kori and whatever the fuck she’s got going on with Dick and like, an ex? back on Tamaran? who she might still be married to?? what the fuck, 7. Kyle and Donna and their messy breakup(s)(?) (Jason doesn’t ask, because he Does Not Want To Know) (he’s too busy repressing to realize it’s half because of jealousy), is just like, that’s just how things go.
And Roy and Kori, both having mentally run through all of those ^ options while Jason was thinking of a response, are just like. ... yeah, alright, that’s fair enough.
God, every single relationship in DC is a mess.
Where was I even going with this?
Oh, right. Basically, Kyle is pining like a lovelorn idiot, Wally doesn’t know what the fuck he’s feeling and it’s making him confused, and Jason is ignoring his feelings because maybe if he just represses them hard enough, they won’t spill over and punch him in the face. Honestly, I see Wally making the first move, because his inadequacy issues don’t run as deep as Jason and Kyle’s do, and Kyle’s just like :D and Jason’s like, what the fuck. What the fuck? Because it literally blindsides him, even though it’s stupidly, painfully obvious to everyone else around him.
Either that, or Roy gets sick enough of watching their lovelorn pining, and employs Dick’s help to lock them all in a closet, naked, and fuck it out.
(Dick doesn’t actually disapprove of Jason sleeping with his friends, he just needs to get over his mental block of still seeing Jason as a baby)
Anyway. They’re all a whole-ass mess.
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 5 years ago
TimKon Week Day 3
Prompt: Hurt/Comfort This is the final chapter to The Key to Tim’s Heart. I will be writing a separate story for the last two days.  You can also read it on AO3
Wally West watched as his partner paced across the floor like a nervous bird. "Babe, this isn't helping. I know you are worried about how this weekend can go."
Dick stopped in mid-pace to glare at his boyfriend only for his effort to be ruined as sadness filled his blue eyes, “You don't understand! If we mess this up we could lose Tim forever! I messed up big time with Tim and I never noticed. I turned my back on him when he needed me the most and destroyed his credibility with the rest of the heroes. I need to tell him how sorry I am and hope that someday he can forgive me and let me back into his life and heart.”
Wally knew that Dick carried a deep sense of guilt once he realized how Tim had been pushed to aside, left adrift without anyone to hold onto until Conner and Bart returned.
"Tim found Bruce and I wanted to send him to Arkham! I ripped Robin away from him and gave it to Damian, who needed it but I should have talked to Tim about it first instead of him walking in to see Damian in his uniform." Dick plopped down onto the couch beside Wally and allowed his partner to pull him into his arms.
"Dick, it isn't me that you need to be telling this to but Tim. Tim is the one who needs to hear all of this." Wally spoke gently to Dick.
"I know I just need to gather the courage to do so."
Damian Wayne didn't understand why his father was making him do this or why it was such a big deal that Drake be brought back to the family. He didn't hesitate in saying so.
"It is that kind of attitude that needs to change when it comes to Tim." Bruce had gotten a stern lecture from Alfred, he wanted his grandson back and he made it very clear that Damian's treatment of Tim played a big role in why Tim didn't feel welcomed.
"And the fact that neither you or Master Dick have taken the time to address Master Damian's attitude problems. Yes, I know that he has overcome much since he first arrived but he still believes that his last name gives him the power to look down upon people and his belief that because he is your only blood son that makes him more important than your adopted sons needs to be addressed. As an adult, you have to take him aside and explain why emotional and verbal abuse is wrong as is trying to kill his brother. Master Damian has already taken Master Tim's role as Robin and his older brother."
Bruce carried Alfred's words with him and he looked back onto how Damian treated Tim and saw that his father figure was right, he had allowed Damian to undermined Tim's placement in the family to the point that his second youngest son no longer considered them family. His treatment of Tim didn't help matters. When Tim first came into his life, a bright and shining beacon of light and hope, something that Batman had needed to pull him from the darkness but he had kept a barrier between him and Tim, he made sure that he knew they were partners and only that. He didn't want another son and he let Tim return night after night to an empty home. He knew that Tim was neglected but he still let him go back instead of offering to stay in one of the manor's many rooms.
It wasn't until Jack was dead, Jack who ignored and he had a slight feeling that abused Tim, did Bruce finally start to think of Tim as his son.
"I made my fair share of mistakes with Tim as we all did. It is time to make amends and to show him that we are truly sorry and want him to be a part of this family. If you can't do that, if you can't show Tim even the smallest amount of respect then you can stay home. But I will expect you to think long and hard about how you will feel if you were treated the way Tim was by us and by you. I know that you are just a child and it fell to me and Dick to explain to you how you acted was wrong." Bruce explained gently. He loves his sons, all of them but Alfred was right he should have talked to Damian long ago.
Damian let out a huff as he crossed his arms over his chest, he still saw this as pointless but he could see how much his father and Grayson longed to bring Drake back into the family. "Very well I shall accompany you."
Bruce knew that there was no talking his youngest out of this once he made up his mind he wouldn't change it. "Very well. Just think about what I said."
"I will father."
"Baby bird is finally going to talk to Goldie and B. The demon brat might even be there," Jason announced as he cleaned his guns.
Kory and Roy exchanged a look before glancing before looking back at their partner. "And are you okay with that?" Roy asked he knew that once Jason got himself free of the pit madness and away from Talia's hatred of Tim he had come to see that Tim wasn't his replacement, he had earned his place in the family.
Jason had been enraged when he learned that Tim was gone, had left not only Gotham but no longer considered himself a part of the family. He knows now that his actions towards Tim were wrong and that he wanted to make amends for nearly trying to kill him more than once.
Kory took a seat next to Jason, "Are you going to be okay?"
Jason gave a nod, "I will be after all this isn't about me but Baby Bird. I owe it to him to make amends and I can only hope that someday that he can forgive me for what I did to him."
Kory beamed at him before placing a kiss on his lips, "You are a good man Jason Todd and Tim knows this. After all, you are his Robin. I know you can make things right with him."
Roy grinned as he clapped Jason on the back, "And don't worry we will be there to make sure that you don't say anything stupid."
Jason glared at his other lover, "Thanks I don't know what I would do without you," Jason drawled out.
"Don't worry you'll never have to find out. You're stuck with us."
Tim was nervous, oh he didn't show it but Conner knew his lover well and he could see it.
Wrapping his arms around Tim Conner pulled him back so Tim's back rested against his chest. "Hey, it is going to be okay. I am here for you and I'm not going anywhere. If you need me to I will toss them out if things get too out of control." Conner found himself promising.
Tilting his head back Tim raised an eyebrow at his lover, "You are going to throw Batman out of the tower?"
"Okay maybe not Batman but the rest of them are fair game." Conner doubted that even Clark would be able to get Batman to move when he was on a mission to get his son back into his life.
"Are you sure that you don't want Cass or the others here?" Conner asked quickly changing the subject.
"No, I know that they will mean well but Cassie and Bart are too protective. I don't want Cass, Raven, and Gar to be put in the middle of everything, after all, they care about Dick and Bruce." The last thing Tim wanted to do was to make his family feel like they had to take sides.
Tim's expression turned soft, "Besides I have you here with me and that is all I need."
Conner felt his heart fill with love for the amazing man in his arms, "I love you pretty bird."
"I love you too." Tim rested his head on Conner's chest enjoying the feel of being in his soulmate arms.
There was a tension in the tower as the Batfamily plus Wally, Roy, and Kory arrived at the agreed-upon time.
Tim took a deep breath as he looked upon his family that he had walked away from and he felt a pang of longing in his chest, he missed them deeply.
"Well let us get this farce over with." Damian scoffed outcrossing his arms over his chest.
"Damian!" Dick growled as glanced at his younger brother. Alfred, Cass, and Wally had sat him down and explained or showed in Cass's case how he let Damian get away with things that he shouldn't. That yes while Damian was a child it didn't give him a free pass to attempt to murder someone or belittle them. And that words could leave deep scars and words were one of Damian's greatest weapons.
"If you can't add anything positive to this conversation brat then feel free to leave." Jason glared at Damian.
The youngest huffed out, "I have every right to be here just like you all do."
Wally nudged Dick gently and Dick took it as his cue he was one of the few people who could get through to Damian. "We are here because we want to make amends to Tim and prove to him that we love him and want a chance to earn back his trust. If that isn't why you are here then maybe it would be best if you waited in another room."
Damian couldn't believe what he was hearing, "You're choosing Drake over me!"
"I'm not choosing anyone over anyone. I love you both, you are both my younger brothers. I made a mistake with how I went about in making you, Robin. I don't regret it you needed it but I went about it the wrong way." Dick turned his attention off of Damian and onto Tim.
Tim's breath caught at the sheer agony in Dick's eyes as he approached him.
"I should have talked to you baby bird. I should have explained why it was time you moved on from Robin and spread your wings. I should have explained why Damian needed it and that you were ready for more. I most certainly should have never let you go off and search for Bruce alone, I should have never tried to send you to Arkham." Dick poured his heart out to Tim.
"You did what?!" Jason roared and it was only Kory and Roy's hold on him that stopped him from lunging at Dick.
"I know I did wrong. And I'm so sorry Tim. I'm sorry that I tried to convince your friends you were crazy and that had the hero community turn their backs on you. I'm so sorry that you had no one to turn to when you needed someone the most. I should have been there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry that I was a horrible big brother to you."
It took a second for Tim to absorb everything that Dick was saying to him. "I'm not going to lie Dick you hurt me, deeply. I needed you and you turned your back on me to focus on Damian. I understood Damian needed your guidance and he is doing much better now. It's just I had lost everyone, losing Conner's death destroyed me, and losing Bruce was the breaking point. When I lost Bruce I lost you as well." Tim didn't bother to hide the tears that were falling from his eyes.
Dick moved even Conner's glare didn't stop him as he clutches Tim's arms, "No, no that is the last thing I ever wanted you to feel like. I am here for you Tim always. I know I have done a horrible job in showing that to you and I swear I will do better. If you just give me a chance."
"Why didn't you offer me Nightwing?"
Tim's question took everyone but Conner off guard.
Reeling back Dick stare at Tim, "What do you mean?"
"If we were equals shouldn't that have meant I could have been the next Nightwing? You had taken on the cowl with a new Robin, you could have offered me Nightwing so why didn't you?" It was something that had been bothering Tim for so long.
Dick knew that Tim had a point. "I wasn't ready to let go of Nightwing. I made it no secret that I never wanted the cowl but Batman was needed. But Nightwing was mine, no one else's, and even though you would have done me proud I wasn't ready to let it go. I kept a hold of it, something to cling to when the weight of the cowl became too much but I should have offered it to you."
"If you had I might have never gone looking for Bruce and you would have still be stuck wearing the cowl that made you unhappy. I would have turned down Nightwing because it is yours but it would have been nice just to be considered." Tim explained gently.
"Can you ever forgive me, Timmy? For being so blind?" Dick asked everyone in the room could tell he was itching to hold Tim in his arms again.
"With time I think I can. I just want my big brother back." Tim admitted in a soft voice.
Dick took a step closer, "That is all I want as well to be a big brother worthy of you."
Conner knew what was going to happen before anyone else as Tim moved to embrace Dick. A soft and knowing smile appeared on his face as he watched both men cling to one another, opening crying as they fell to the floor.
"You're good for him."
Conner nearly jumped as Batman commented from his side, he hadn't even seen the man move. "I try to be. Tim deserves to be loved and knows he is loved." Okay, so Conner couldn't resist that little dig.
Jason waited until Dick let Tim go. "Okay so while I won't be as mushy as Dickwing here I will tell you this. I was wrong in how I treated you when I first returned. Sure I was upset about being replaced and by someone who wore the Robin better than I could ever dream of," Jason held up his hand when Tim opened his mouth, "I'm not done baby bird. It wasn't until I was free of the pit madness and Talia's grasp that I started to see and with Kory and Roy's help that you were never my replacement. There is only one Jason Todd just like there is only one Tim Drake-Wayne, we both did the Robin suit proud. So I'm sorry for trying to kill you and I would like a chance to get to know my little stalker and my biggest fan and maybe someday we can call each other brothers."
Tim felt his cheeks heat up at the reminder that he had stalked Jason and that he was his Robin. "I'd like that."
"Good. Maybe you and clone boy can join us on an Outlaw mission, I'm sure you could kick some ass with us." Jason offered with a grin.
"Sounds like fun." Conner returned his grin. "What? You can't tell me you aren't considering it?" Conner asked when Tim shot him a look.
Tim couldn't deny it so he said nothing instead of choosing to focus on Bruce and ignoring Roy and Jason exchanging a fist bump and Kory smile lighting up the room.
Silence fell over the room as Bruce and Tim stare at one another.
"I have never been good with words and I will never find them to explain how you saved me, Tim. Not just from being lost in time but from the darkness that threatened to consume me when I lost Jason. You pulled me back from the shadows and brought light back into my life when the darkness threatened to overwhelm me. I can never thank you enough for all you did for me." Bruce took a step towards Tim. "I tried to keep a distance between us because I couldn't let another person get close to me only to lose you again. I thought I was doing the right thing because you had parents, even though they weren't really parents. It wasn't until Jack took you away from me that I realized you were my son and I lost you."
Bruce took a step closer to Tim, "I lost you again when I did nothing to stop you from leaving after you saved me. I thought that you needed time to heal and find your place as Red Robin, I should have known that you didn't need or want the independence that you already had too much of that. What you needed was to know that you are a part of our family and so deeply loved and wanted. All I can ask for a second chance to prove I love you, my son."
Tim's breath caught as he smiled at Bruce with fresh tears shining in his eyes, "I love you too dad."
Bruce moved and pulled Tim into a huge, one that Tim sank into. It was like the hugs that Dick used to tell him about, the kind of loving hugs Bruce gave before he lost Jason.
Damian had stayed quiet as he listened to the rest of his family speak from their hearts when it came to Drake. "Drake, while we will never be close. But I have to admit that you have your talents. I would like to get a chance to get to know one another. We might never be as close as you are to Todd, Grayson, and Cain but for the sake of our family I would like to try." Damian offered.
That was more than Tim expected from Damian and he knew it took a lot for the younger boy to make such an offer. "I would like that as well."
"Good." Damian nodded.
"Great now that is settled where is the food? I am starving!" Wally clapped his hands together.
Tim shook his head, the tension in the room easing as Wally pouted at them. "I call Bart and let him know that the others can come back and Bart will have enough food to feed both you and him," Tim promised.
"Great! I can't wait to catch up with Bart." Wally all but beamed.
Bruce and Damian was the only ones not to stay, they didn't leave until after Cass hugged Bruce and to no one's surprise, she also managed to get one from Damian as well.
Wally, Roy, Kory, Dick, Raven, and Gar were catching up and exchanging stories while Jason and Cassie exchanged stories about Wonder Woman and Jason made sure to slip in the talk about treating Cass right and seemed to take great delight in Cassie blushing. Cass was helping Bart set out all the food, they needed more than usual to feed everyone as well as two speedsters.
Conner and Tim stood off to the side watching everything, "You know that this changes nothing. My home is wherever you are." Tim admitted softly to Conner.
Conner grinned down at his boyfriend, "Same goes for me pretty bird. You are my home and that will never change."
"I love you, my clone boy," Tim whispered.
"I love you to my Robin." Conner pressed his lips against Tim's and he meant every word Tim was all he needed and he would make sure that he knew everyday how loved he was.  
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nightwingshero · 4 years ago
😊😱🤗💕 I'm throwing this right back at you for Blair, Amikel, Veronica, and Gabriel!! Love you!!
Thank you, love!!!! Love you too! 💓😘 Sorry it took me so long!!! Gabriel and Veronica really made me think...(actually a few of them did.)
😊 - something that makes your character smile?
Blair: Honestly, it’s rather easy to make her smile. Bringing her a fresh cup of coffee is a good way to go. She’s always up for one and those who know her, know her coffee order like the back of their hand. And it’s usually H.R. Wells, Cisco, or Caitlin that’s grabbing her some. Iris will when she’s around (or needs help on something she’s working on--bribes are sometimes legal, okay?), or Barry will be thoughtful and grab one if he knows he’s going to see her. Being around Leonard and Mick makes her smile too, she’s grown fond of those guys.
Amikel: Can you guess? Alcohol! That’s right, that girl smiles when yo bring her a good bottle or glass, because that means you’re trying to be in her good graces, and she can never say no to a free bottle of booze. Grogu doing shenanigans is also a thing that makes her smile, because it’s so damn amusing to her. She’s a bad influence. I’m not sure who makes Din sigh more.
Veronica: Music and stealing. There are a few things, but hanging out with friends is a go-to. She enjoys her time with Dick and Jason at the manor when she’s younger (and older, let’s be honest here). Alice also amuses the hell out of her, because she’s not at all like Harley, and it’s just...V can’t help but be mildly amused. Something that really did make her smile was helping Jason work on his bike in the Cave. Dick trying to make her smile with his light teasing will do it too, no matter how hard she fights it. 
Gabriel: Playing on his guitar or going for drives(either in his Mustang or on his bike.) He smiles slightly to himself when he does that, especially if he’s alone or thinks no one is looking. He does little light chuckle and small smirk thing, and then looks down at his feet when someone makes a joke or says something he just finds funny. But seeing other people smile usually does it, especially if he really cares about that person. 
😱 - something that makes your character afraid?
Blair: It terrifies the hell out of her when the people close to her are in immediate and serious danger, where their lives are very much in the balance. Her losing control of her powers scares her too, because she can become the very thing that hurts, or even kills, her friends. Both of those things have kept her up at night, mostly because she’s witnessed them firsthand. And let me just tell you, Blair doesn’t handle either of those things very well.
Amikel: At first, despite finding it a bit amusing, it’s Grogu’s gift or powers. It’s easy to assume Amikel is nothing but a washed up bounty hunter/assassin who drinks constantly...but she’s a smart person, calculating, and she doesn’t know what it is; she just knows that it’s got to be something bigger. And that terrifies her. Bigger means more trouble, and the last thing she wants is more trouble for herself, Din, or Grogu. Later of course, that fear only grows as they learn more.
Veronica: She will obviously say she’s not afraid of anything. But honestly, she’s scared that she won’t work past her anger or be any better than where she came from. She loves Selina dearly, and is thankful for everything she’s ever done. But she doesn’t want the Catwoman mantle when that time comes, she doesn’t want to be known as a Rogue, or to be a criminal. Is she an antihero? For most of her teen years and some of her young adult years, yes. But she almost kills Scarecrow...it shook her enough to realize that if she didn’t leave...she was doomed to be nothing but a criminal eventually. Veronica is terrified she won’t overcome that.
Gabriel: So...he’s afraid that all he’ll ever be good at is being a criminal, and once he gets his powers, he’s afraid that he’s also only meant to hurt people. There’s a lowkey belief that if he uses it, that it means that he’s meant for bad things because fire is so destructive...he’s seen that first hand. It’s all he’s good at. And add that to the fear of his sister never accepting him again: whether it’s because of the life of crime he had chosen or the meta powers he had gained. That bridge is burned severely (pun somewhat intended--its late, please don’t judge.) Gabriel worries that there’s no redemption for him (but we all know that Wally won’t let that happen, don’t we?)
🤗 - something that makes your character feel warm and fuzzy?
Blair: Literal fuzzy socks and warm sweaters...I’m not even kidding. You will find her (well, she surely hopes you won’t) in her underwear (pajama bottoms--shorts or pants alike) with a warm sweater and thick fuzzy socks. Most of the time with a cup of coffee or hot cocoa in her hands. But honestly, it’s when Leonard does things to show affection. He has a habit of uh...tapping her nose quickly with the tip of his finger. And that actually started out as something taunting, sarcastic, and somewhat patronizing, because Leonard is Leonard. But it grew to something he’ll do when she’s troubled or too focused on something and frustrated. It’s also words of affirmation. Especially from Leonard, Wells, Martin, Oliver, and Barry. Even Mick, if I’m being honest. It’s a nice reminder that she’s cared for and it always makes her feel good.
Amikel: The moments where Din is being a soft dad with Grogu or when Grogu is being absolutely adorable (when isn’t he, though?) She won’t admit it at all, and she might shoot you (or throw a bottle at your head) if you dare say a word about it. But Amikel hasn’t had family in a long time, that’s the closest thing she’s had and having her childhood friend back? They make her feel like she’s part of a family and is cared for. 
Veronica: There are moments that she gets with Dick when they’re younger where they would just hang out on the rooftops of buildings in Gotham. It was like they were in their own little world back then, it made her feel like she had a friend that understood at least some of what she went through. They would often sit on the edge and eat from one of their favorite pizza spots in Gotham, and every time she passes it, it makes her remember it fondly. So, usually going out for pizza is a go-to with her other friends when she’s older, and she will actually take some pizza and sit on a rooftop on her own, too, on a good night on patrol. 
Gabriel: His mother’s homemade meals and positive reinforcement. He’s definitely rough on the outside, but he’s soft on the inside and appreciates affection from the people close to him. Blair rustling his hair (which he moans about--but secretly likes it) or pulling him into a hug, Mick giving him a rare slap on the shoulder, or anything of that nature will make him feel a bit warm because that’s validation he wants. But celebrating his culture (with or without his family) is something that always makes him feel like a kid again, and if he’s not with his family, it makes it feel like he’s with them anyway. 
💞 - something that makes your character feel loved?
Blair: When people pay attention to the little things. Most people don’t really catch most of the things she rambles about when it comes to her work, sometimes it can be hard to understand, but when people remember little details (even if they don’t understand), it makes her feel they care about her and her passions. Like how Leonard throws in how he’s paying attention or when her parents were always supportive of her scientific endeavors. Even having her science nerd friends get on board and show interest in her work means a lot to her. Actions are a big thing too, because that girl is oblivious at times, but actions speak louder than words (so Leonard can be as smooth and sarcastic as he wants, what she notices is him saving her ass on missions.)
Amikel: It’s really hard to explain, so I hope this comes out making sense, but it’s a bit complicated with her, so bear with me. Obviously you have the moments with Grogu where his attachment to her is apparent--that’s the easy answer. With Din, it’s different, and I know this might sound weird, but its his trust in her and treats her like a partner. Amikel doesn’t have the best reputation, and honestly, she’s not a very trustworthy person with the line of work she usually does. She’s not one to be fully without honor, but she’s also...well, she’s had a bounty on her head once or twice herself. So his trust in her as a partner and to trust her with the kid? Yeah, that hits a certain way.
Veronica: It’s when someone makes her feel seen. Veronica is perceived as a lot of things, some true, some not so much. There’s more to her than that, though, and it’s overseen, or she hides it more often than not. So when someone sees her despite all of that? It makes her heart race. And let me tell you, Dick Grayson sees right through her and always has (listen, he’s a damn good detective, alright? Give the boy some credit.) It makes her feel vulnerable, but in a good way when it’s with someone she trusts and loves in return, bot from friends and significant others. Alice and others making it a thing where they
Gabriel: He’s a pretty affectionate person past the hard exterior, so kisses on his cheek or forehead, and hugs (any of these could be platonic or romantic) are something that really hits him in the feels. But it’s when you make him feel...like something more, and you show that you’re not ashamed of him. It makes him feel truly loved when people can look past the criminal piece (because boy is trying to turn a new leaf--to show he’s more than the self destructive nature he’s seen as) and see him as someone worth something. Someone that cares for him for who he is and doesn’t try to make him be something he’s not, and just being there for him and believing in him. As for the affectionate piece, he loves it when you show it openly, unafraid of expressing that you care about him, despite what others feel (he’s got a bit of a rep for you know...being a criminal: thief, arsonist, hired muscle, and he dabbles in illegal street racing...he has a resume apparently...)
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dibs4ever · 5 years ago
Alone time (part 1 of 2)
Future fanfic, Dick and Barbara are caught up in the motions of life and in desperate need of Alone time
Dick groaned flopping back on the couch in the manors sun room.
The room was one of the lesser used rooms in the manor, which is why it was the one that Jason always sat in.
He eyed his brother from the recliner he was sitting in
“You okay?” He asked
Dick sighed “I’m exhausted.”
Jason nodded “Well, a day job as a cop, night job as a vigilante and being a father and husband will do that to you.”
Dick sat up “Nate was so easy. Slept through the night at 8 weeks old. Only cried if he was hungry, didn’t need to be carried all the time. He was mellow and easy going. Leah is 6 months old and ....”
“Evil?” Jason suggested
Dick sat up “My daughter isn’t evil” he narrowed his eyes
Jason shrugged “I heard while Barbara was breastfeeding last week she bit her boob and made her bleed”
“Who told you that?” Dick asked defensively
He shrugged “She told Donna. Donna can’t keep a secret.”
Dick sighed “Yeah, she did that. But babies do that. They don’t realize the power of their teeth. But that aside, cause I don’t want to talk to you about my wife’s boobs”
Jason chuckled
“But I mean this baby, she is so....needy. Cries all the time. Can’t ever make up her mind. Wakes up every two hours. So between both our jobs neither one of us have the time to do much of any sleep what so ever. Then there’s my son.” He rolled his eyes “Yesterday, I had to leave work because the preschool called. Apparently my 3 year old was flipping off of the play structure. Landing gracefully on his feet might I add” he smiled lightly “Anyways. They caught him trying to get other kids to do it....one almost broke his collar bone.” He shook his head “We’re so busy trying to juggle vigilant life with work life and a difficult baby. Then my son acting out for attention.” He ran his hands through his hair “Lets not even talk about my marriage.” He groaned flopping back on the couch
Jason nodded “I see, and how does that make you feel” he spoke in a mock serious therapist tone.
Dick rolled his eyes but before he could reply Barbara entered the room “There you are”
He smiled “Here I am.”
She rolled her eyes “You left me to take care of both of them. I lost Nate....found him in the oven.”
“What!” Dick’s eyes widened
Barbara nodded “Oh yeah” she said sarcastically “Don’t worry it wasn’t on but somehow our freakishly bendy child managed to contour his way onto the stove rack. The baby cried so much she threw up on me and oh here you are chatting it up in the sun room with your brother.”
Dick shook his head “Babs, I haven’t slept in days. 75 hours to be exact”
“Oh I know” Barbara nodded “And I haven’t had this baby out of my arms in 75 hours.” She nodded to the screaming baby girl she was bouncing in her arms
Dick sighed “Well I’ve been working and taking care of our son!” He threw his arms up
“Oh I’m sorry , who’s the one that taught him how to flip.” She put her free hand on her hip
He shook his head “You know as well as I do that the kid is a natural acrobat. Here I’ll take Leah.” He reached for his daughter
Barbara stepped back “No because” she looked at the time “In about 15 minutes she will be ready to feed again and I didn’t bring any pumped milk for a bottle”
“Well if you can’t bother to bring proper supplies.Then don’t bitch to me about not helping” Dick stood up
Jason sat silent. This was the first time he had ever heard Dick speak that way toward Barbara.
She looked at him shocked , apparently she had never heard him speak to her that way either
“Babs I -“ Dick’s face was softened
She shook her head “No, just- ya know what I got this.” she quickly exited the room
Dick groaned then punched the wall. He looked back toward Jason. “Sorry about that.”
Jason shrugged
“We-we’ve been fighting “ he sighed. Dick shook his head “I’m going to try and talk to her.”
“There you go my mini” Barbara whispered to the red headed baby suckling on her breast. She let out a sigh “Baby, you’ve got to stop the crying though. Mommy and daddy love you but...”
“Barbara?” Stephanie said walking into the den
Barbara looked over at her “Hey”
Stephanie looked her over “You okay?”
Barbara nodded “Umm yeah.”
She sat across from her and watched as Barbara rested the baby onto her shoulder.
“How are things with you and Dick?”
Stephanie asked
Barbara looked at her oddly
“Jason texted me thatyou two were fighting” Stephanie explained
Barbara nodded “Yeah....that shouldn’t of happened infront of him.” She sighed
“Can I?” Stephanie outstretched her arms
Barbara nodded passing her daughter to her. “Yeah, we’ve been fighting ...quiet a bit actually” she sighed
“I’m sorry to hear that. But you’ve been busy with...everything” Stephanie defended her
Barbara shook her head “The fighting isn’t what bothers me....we haven’t . We haven’t been intimate in 4 months.”
Stephanie didn’t say anything
“God we haven’t even kissed....we peck lips but I mean really kissed, in 6 weeks.” Barbara sighed. “Which for us is weird. Last week, Leah was sound asleep in her bed....which never happens. Nate was at Wally’s for a play date . He got off work early. I had the day off and we still had a couple hours before patrol.....I was all ready to get in the mood. He completely blew me off and” she shook her head “It’s just weird ya know. We’re together but we aren’t.”
Stephanie nodded as she rocked her niece “Maybe you two need a break.”
She shook her head “Steph we’re in a rut not contemplating divorce.”
“No not that kinda break.” Stephanie quickly assured. I mean like be alone.”
Barbara chuckled “Yeah like that’s possible” she said sarcastically
Stephanie shook her head “I’m serious Barb. Jason can watch over Bludhaven for a weekend. I’ll help Alfred with Babysitting the kids. I’m sure Dick can take three days off from the precinct .”
Barbara took a breath. Thinking for a moment “Maybe you’re right....maybe Dick and I need a weekend to reconnect “
Barbara left Stephanie with her daughter and made her way into threw the manor heading toward the sun room. She found Dick half way at the dining room
“I was heading in to talk to you” she said softly
Dick nodded “me too”
Barbara bit her lip “You go first”
He shook his head “No you”
“Let’s go at the same time” Barbara suggested
Dick nodded, they mentally counted to three
“We need a vacation” they spoke in unison
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theresneverenoughfandoms · 6 years ago
Dress Up
This is so late at this point but happy belated birthday to @chally-wally !!! Sawyer, I am so glad that I know you, and I love you so much, you funky little edgelord. Thanks for being the best online little sibling I’ve ever had
Pairing: Romantic Logince
Warnings: Misunderstandings, angst (with a happy ending) (Let me know if I need to add something!)
Word Count: 1609
Summary: Roman has a secret, one that Logan wasn’t meant to find out.
Roman’s door gently clicked shut as they slipped into their room. Immediately, the polite smile etched into their features from dealing with their mamá’s friends grew into a brilliant grin as they rushed to their closet. After digging for a moment, their hand brushed against a length of soft fabric and they tugged it out from where it was hidden.
Glancing back at their door, Roman breathed a sigh of relief at seeing that it was still firmly shut before switching out their pants for the silky black skirt. It wasn’t their typical colour, but when raiding one’s mamá’s closet, beggars can’t be choosers.
Feeling the sensation of the light fabric brushing against their legs caused giddy giggles to erupt from them as they turned their hips from side to side in front of their full-length mirror. The sight of their red sweater against the skirt sparked an idea within them and they quickly fumbled for their phone. Within moments, Candy Store was blaring as loud as it possibly could be and Roman, with all the attitude of Heather Chandler herself, was belting along. They strutted across the carpeted floor, the skirt flowing with the sway of their hips. Each movement was fluid and practiced, their arms sweeping through the air in perfect motions as they performed the choreography flawlessly.
Roman was so lost in the world of Heathers that when a precise knock came at their door, they didn't hear it. Again, a quick and measured knock. Again, no response from Roman. If the music had been a bit quieter, perhaps the passionate performer would have noticed the fond sigh that came from the hallway. If they hadn't been facing the other way, perhaps they would have noticed that the door was slowly opening. If they had paid attention to the date, perhaps they would have remembered that Logan was coming over that afternoon.
As Roman struck the final pose, they nearly stumbled in shock when a voice came from behind them.
“That was spectacular, Roman. I-”
“Logan!” Roman whirled around and came face to face with their boyfriend, who was smiling at them with a soft affection in his eyes. The same eyes that were trailing downwards and focusing on the skirt. The same eyes that housed a flicker of surprise as they took in the sight. The same eyes that Roman suddenly could not bear to see. “You need to leave! Get out! Get out!” They cried, panicked. Logan found himself pushed out the door before he could get a word in edgewise.
“Roman? Roman, please, forgive me for intruding, I didn't mean to invade your privacy.” He called through the white wood, brushing his thumb absently over one of the glittering stars pasted to its panels.
There was no response.
“Roman, my dear, please. The last thing I want to do is upset you, you're my boyfrie-” Logan was cut off abruptly by a rough voice from behind the door.
“I'm not your boyfriend okay? I'm…” There was a pause and a deep breath. “I'm nonbinary, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I lied to you and you deserve better and I know that you're gay and so I get it, I get it if you can't love me anymore so just, please…” Their voice was wavering with emotion, and Logan's heart broke when he heard it. “Please leave me alone.”
A moment of silence passed.
Then there was the sound of soft footsteps walking down the hall.
And Roman began to sob.
A few days passed, and Roman had not emerged from their room. Their mamá had brought them plates of food but was generally unconcerned as Roman was prone to locking themself in their room at the slightest offence. She was quite fond of recalling the time when Roman had refused to even open their blinds after Zayn left One Direction, as “the darkness is representative of the pain in my heart”.
Of course, this time it was not a band member that they were mourning. Roman lay listlessly on their bed, darkness cloaking the room as they gripped their phone tightly. There had not been a single message or call from Logan since he left, and the actor was a wreck. Their blonde hair was loose and tangled, falling around their face in limp curls. Redness surrounded their eyes and nose, and dried tear tracks covered their cheeks. It was pathetic, they thought, but they couldn't get rid of the feeling of thorns coursing through their veins and twining around their heart.
It was agonizing.
And then there was a knock. A precise, ever so slightly hesitant, but still painfully familiar knock.
“Roman?” Logan's voice was soft, almost scared. “May I please come in?”
A long pause followed the question, and Roman's mind raced, trying to imagine why he came back. Why he took so long to do so.
Why he left.
Immediately, the door creaked open and Roman turned their head to look at Logan. His body was mostly blocked by a large...garment bag? Sitting up, the actor raised an eyebrow and studied Logan’s face, trying to find any trace of mockery.
“I apologize for taking so long to come back, but I wasn’t sure if you would want to speak to me until I made up for my actions somehow so...I...well I found this online but it wasn’t perfect yet so I ordered it and when it arrived I dedicated a few nights to brushing up on my sewing and embroidery skills and I added some details that I hoped would make it more to your liking because...god Roman I love you so much. You are the most incredible partner I could ever ask for and no matter what you identify as I could never stop loving you.” Logan’s eyes gleamed with sincerity, and Roman found themself tearing up again, this time with relief and joy. Logan walked towards where they sat upon their bed and draped the garment bag carefully over the mattress. With the bag no longer obscuring his form, Roman gasped. Instead of Logan’s usual blue jeans, his polo was matched with a sensible black pencil skirt that reached to his knees.
“Oh, Logan you didn’t have to buy a skirt to-”
“I didn’t. I already owned this.” Roman was struck dumb. “Roman,” Logan sat carefully on the edge of the bed and looked them in the eyes. “You are not a disgrace for not fitting into society’s bullshit gender binary.” Roman snorted with bitter laughter but quickly sobered as Logan continued. “You are also not alone. There are many people just like you, unsure and scared, but valid no matter what. You are not alone in this world, and you have the right to live as who you are. We all do.” Logan reached out and brushed a tear off of Roman’s cheek, cupping their face.
“...We?” Roman whispered. Logan smiled softly and nodded.
“I’m agender, Roman. I was admittedly...scared of telling you. Not because I didn’t think you would accept me, but because I didn’t want to tell you and then discover that I was...wrong.” Roman laughed incredulously and collapsed into Logan’s arms, more tears streaming down their face.
“We are so incredibly ridiculous.” They muttered, sinking into the sensation of their partner’s arms wrapping around their body.
“I agree. I propose from now on we attempt to be more open with each other in order to avoid more situations like this one.” Logan’s own voice was slightly choked, as if they were holding back tears. The two remained there for a few quiet minutes, basking in the warmth of each other and letting out the pent-up emotions they had both been gripping so tightly.
Finally, Roman sat up and glanced at the garment bag Logan had brought. Logan followed their gaze and tugged their hands gently to bring them to a standing position beside the bed. They then turned to the bag and opened it, revealing the bodice of a brilliant red gown. Roman’s hands flew to their mouth and they gasped. Logan continued to carefully extract the dress from the bag and once they were holding it up, Roman was able to take in its majesty.
The bodice was embroidered with shimmering golden thread, depicting subtle stylized crowns and roses amongst the pattern. The bright scarlet skirt was voluminous, falling to the floor in differing layers of translucent fabric. Each layer was edged with more golden designs all the way around.
It was stunning.
“Logan.” Roman gasped breathlessly, reaching out to brush their fingers over the gown.
“Do you find it...satisfactory?” Logan asked shyly, studying Roman’s stunned face. The actor’s head snapped up and a brilliant grin stretched across their face.
“Satisfactory? Logan, my love, mi amor, my everything, it’s perfect! You didn’t have to-”
“I wanted to. You deserve to wear something as stunning as you.” Roman squeaked and, after allowing Logan to carefully lay the dress across the bed, tackled them in a hug. They lifted the nerd up and spun them around excitedly before setting them back down and pressing their own lips to Logan’s. The kiss was soft, full of relief and gratitude and love, and Roman pulled their partner closer, determined to never let them go.
“Let’s not have something like this happen again,” Logan said, laying their head against Roman’s chest.
“It won’t. Us nonbinary folks have to stick together, you know?” Roman joked softly, pressing another kiss to Logan’s head.
And together, there in that dim room, wrapped in each other’s arms, the two laughed and cried and maybe even healed, just a little bit.
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fialleril · 6 years ago
that post about the jlu sequels had me giggling with excitement, esp that episode idea with wally inviting shayera to central city!!
okay i sent the previous ask about halfway though the post and let me tell you that i would give my left kidney to see said post realized
Same, anon. Same.
We never actually got a full Wally and Shayera buddy episode in the show. They had all sorts of great moments, and even referred to each other as siblings, which is so great, but I still kinda wish they’d had a whole episode.
Also, even though the JL/JLU fandom pretty much universally agrees that John, Shayera, and Wally are the “little trinity,” there’s never actually an episode that focuses on the three of them as a team and their relationships with one another as a trio. We got John and Wally episodes (but only in Justice League, and I always miss their team dynamic when I get to Unlimited in my rewatch), and of course we got John and Shayera episodes. But I want a trio episode, dang it.
It’s really unfortunate that Michael Rosenbaum was unavailable for the first season of JLU, because probably the best opportunity for a Shayera and Wally buddy episode would have been when she first returns to the League, and she’s feeling awkward and self-conscious and honestly pretty lonely because she doesn’t really have relationships with any of the founders anymore and she doesn’t know any of the newbies and everybody distrusts her and she doesn’t blame them. And then Wally comes dashing up and just welcomes her back with a hug, without a hint of hesitation, just genuinely thrilled to have her back, and Shayera’s just so relieved to have this one person who actually wants to be around her and who treats her completely normally.
Like it should be really awkward because the last time she saw him he was giving her a hug then, too, but it was because she was leaving the League. And before that he was pinned to the ground by a gravity beam in a Thanagarian prison because she told them how to exploit his weaknesses. And sure, she already knows his secret identity, but she knows it because she was a spy and she knows what his face looks like because he, Bruce, and Clark were forced to go undercover as their civilian identities because of what she did. (Later, Wally will always tell her it wasn’t her fault, that she was caught in the ultimate no win situation and that she always did what she believed was right on the basis of the information she had at the time, but Shayera’s not inclined to agree with that herself and sometimes she could almost hate him because she knows that he does believe it, sincerely and wholeheartedly.)
I imagine it went something like this: on Shayera’s first night back on the Watchtower, as she's settling into her bland, hotel-like new room, and debating whether to brave the mess hall for dinner or just go hungry, Wally suddenly shows up at her door with a stack of movies and like ten boxes of pizza. (Nine for him, one for her, or so he claims, but he ends up eating half of hers too.) And she lets him in because really what else can you possibly do when faced with a grinning Flash who looks a fraction of a second away from dropping pizza all over the hallway. Then he zips in, sets the pizza and movies down, whips off his mask and says, “Hi, Wally West, Central City police lab, nice to meet you.” (She’s so surprised by the show of trust that it takes her a while to realize it was an even bigger show than she first thought. Sure, the other founders all know his name and therefore could probably find out all about his civilian life, and she’s sure Batman knows more about Wally than Wally knows himself, but the fact remains that...well. He never voluntarily chose to share his name or his face with her, not before, but there was nothing forcing him to tell her what he does for a day job, especially because just knowing what his day job is kind of pokes a hole in his Obfuscating Stupidity act, and he’s got to realize that and he’s got to realize that she’ll realize that, and the more she thinks about that the more she thinks that, actually, this is kind of a big deal.)
Of course we didn’t get to see any of that in the show. But I do think it’s at least partly implied, because Shayera and Wally are a lot closer in seasons 2 and 3 of JLU than they were in JL. Their banter has become a lot more explicitly sibling-like, and they hang out casually on the Watchtower in a way that Shayera, at least, really doesn’t do with anyone else. She tries to help him get a date, and she knows he needs help getting a date because he turns into a giant helpless dweeb when he’s actually interested in someone, and both of those things are a big change from JL. Hawkgirl teased Flash about his inability to get a date and it was fun and playful teasing but she did actually think he was a wannabe playboy and he did actually want her to think that. That’s changed in JLU. Shayera seems to know that it’s basically all an act, and Wally is perfectly comfortable with her knowing that.
And, of course, she’s the one who pulls him out of the Speed Force. Which I think is not something you’d actually expect, if you only knew the characters from Justice League and hadn’t seen any of their interactions in Unlimited. On the basis of JL alone, I think you’d expect it to be John or J’onn who drags Wally back from the Speed Force. And J’onn is the one to sense that he’s still alive, and John is the first person to grab Shayera’s arm and try to call Wally back*, but it’s still Shayera who plunges her hand into a dangerous vortex of unknown power without a second’s hesitation because that’s her bro.
( *I also think it’s a nice subtle touch that Shayera and John are the two who make a point of calling out to Wally individually: Shayera reaches in and grabs him and calls him by name, and then John chimes in with “I’m here too,” and again calls him by his name. And then Supes adds, “We’re all here.” And, idk, it’s just kind of a great way of indicating, at one and the same time, that they all love him and are doing everything they can to save him, but also that the close relationship Wally has with Shayera and John is of a different kind than his friendship with the others.)
tl;dr: I have a lot of feelings about Shayera & Wally and about Shayera & Wally & John.
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superhero-boogie · 6 years ago
They can't know. Part 2.
(Sup, people? It's the final part. Enjoy.)
Warning; Angst, Fluff, Cursing.
Request ; None. ( Requests are open.)
The noise of your feet repeatedly hitting the floor was the only sound on the desert Batcave while you waited for Babs. You were at the edge; the anxiety making you sweat when you finally heard her motorcycle. She parked next to you taking out the helmet and fixing her hair.
- Can you please hurry? It is a kind of emergency. - You begged.
- Sure, the emergency. - She got off the bike. - The reason you can’t tell me why I need to hack Tim’s computer. And do what again?
- Erase all the camera records since last week. - you promptly answered.
She shook her head, giving a tired sigh before hugging your side.
- Okay, crazy girl. Lead the way.
You took her to Tim’s laptop and waited while she got ready.
- If you keep looking over my shoulder while I work I will kick your ass.
- I’m sorry. I won’t bother anymore.- You backed off - Do you want something to drink?
- Now we’re talking, sweetie. Can you bring a glass of water, please?
You nod, walking out of the cave through the stairs. Your heart calmed down knowing Tim couldn’t figure your relationship out anymore, and since you were vague about the records Babs didn’t know what to look for.
Grabbing your phone you called Wally.
- Hey, babe, can we talk later? - He whispered.
- Of course! Is everything okay? -
- Everything is fine, I have to go, okay?
- Okay, by...- You heard the call end.
You thought that was odd, Wally always answered your calls or leave a message about why he couldn’t talk.
Looking at the dark screen of your phone you mind raced of all the reasons he couldn’t answer your call. Maybe he was at some mission you didn’t know about, Wally could be at some meeting or somewhere phones weren’t allowed. Or, the possibility crawled inside your mind, he could be with someone. Maybe he finally grew tired of a half relationship with you and went looking for a new, fully, one.
The feeling of someone squeezing your throat came back and suddenly you couldn’t breathe anymore. Taking deep breaths you leaned against the wall and sat on one step hugging your legs, your head on your knees.
- Miss Y/N? Are you hurt?
Looking up you saw a worried Alfred.
- Nope, just got tired half of the way up. - Your voice was hoarse so the attempt of a pun didn’t work out.
Alfred sat next to you without saying nothing, and you rested your head on his shoulder.
- Alfred? - You called with a small voice.
- Yes, Miss Y/N?
- Would you be upset with me if I lied to you?
- I may assure you, Miss, nothing you could do would upset me.
You went silence again thinking about what he had said.
- And the others? Do you think they would?
Alfred seemed to think about your question.
- You have to understand, Miss, that this family has been gone through a lot, but no matter what they’re still are a family. And for best or for worse, you’re part of it.
- So... What you’re saying is... Maybe? - Your laugh a little.
- I’m saying that you should trust everything will end up fine.
-... Thanks, Alfred.
- Well, let’s go now, it’s not proper for us to sit on the floor.
With your heart lighter you continued your way.
If you were honest with yourself you knew you wouldn’t stay at the party. You never were a YJ member, so your plan was to say hi to everyone, grab Damian and watch movies. You definitely didn’t want to be a bother especially because that was a time for your brother and your boyfriend.
This without mentioning that you didn’t want to face Wally, especially after thinking those awful things about him.
You were coming back from the kitchen after grabbing some snacks, your hair still wet from your shower, hoping no one saw you as you sneak your way to your bedroom.
But, of course, you weren’t that lucky.
- Y/N! Hey, how are you, girl? - You heard Zatanna call.
- Fuck - You whispered before turning around with a smile.
- Zatanna! Hey! I’m good. - You tried to be discreet even if you felt like everyone one was staring. - Listen, I can’t talk right now. Damian is waiting and I’m not really a YJ member.
- Why don’t you just say hi then? - You got a little frightened at her continuous stare at your throat. She wouldn’t strangle you just because you didn’t say hi, right?
- Well… You see…-
- Y/N. - A different voice said.
You turned and saw Wally with his arms crossed with a suggestive look.
- Wally! - All you could think was “Crap, crap, crap.” - Hi! What’s up?
- Can I talk to you? Alone? - He looked at Zatanna. And you turned to her as well begging with your eyes to her not leave.
- Okay, I’m going, see ya. - She winked not so discreetly at you.
You watched her leave until it was just you and Wally. Seeing no runaway routes you faced him.
- So… What do you want to talk? - Your voice was cheerful.
- Why were you hiding?
- I wasn’t! - You were.
- Please, Y/N. I know you. There’s something wrong? - Wally uncrossed his arms, his hand discreetly holding yours. - You know you can talk to me, right?
Seeing him worrying about you made your heart warm and heavy from guilt.
- I’m fine, Wally, really. I... I got worried about something stupid, but Alfred helped me out. - You intertwined your fingers together. - What did you want to talk?
He corrected his posture and released your hand.
- Yeah. Right. That. I almost forgot. - His face was dead serious without the hint of humor you were used to. - Answer honestly, please.
- Always! - You were starting to freak out again.
- Why don’t you want your family to know about us? Are you ashamed of me?
- What?! Wally, no! I would never...! - You took a deep breath. - Wally. - You put your hands on his cheeks. - Is literally impossible for me to be ever ashamed of you.
He held your hands still, his eyes looking fragile.
- Then why you don’t want them to know I’m your boyfriend?
- Honestly, in the beginning, I didn’t want my family being weird around you in case it didn’t work out. Especially because of Dickie. Then it worked out, and I knew we would never have a moment of peace if they knew and… I just wanted to keep you for myself for a while, but it was a giant snowball effect and I got scared that they would hate me if they found I lied to them for so long. - You held your foreheads together. - But if you want me to tell them, I will. You’re worth it, Wally. And if that means my family being mad at me for a while then be it.
- No, Y/N, not if you don’t feel ready y…
- What the fuck is going on here?!
You jumped apart, your hand going to your heart. Your brother gazed straight to your soul, arms crossed.
- J-Jason! ... Hi, buddy! You see; Y/N here was with something in her eye and I was... - You put your hand on his chest making him stop talking.
- No, Wally. That’s not right. - Wally observed in your eyes looking for any sight of hesitation before taking your hand.
- Are you sure, Y/N? You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.
- I am. I’ve told y…
- I’m still waiting for an explanation, Y/N! - You let go of Wally turning to look at your brother.
- Jay, can you please call everyone over? I promise I’ll explain everything; I don’t want to do it more than once.
He looked like he was having a stroke.
- Please? - You cut him when you saw him opening his mouth.
- I swear to god sometimes you’re just too much. - He angrily turned on his hills.
- Phew. That was close. - Wally messed his hair.
- You don’t tell me. You’re lucky my Dad doesn’t let him carry his guns around me.
- Why?! - Worry flooded his eyes.
- Relax, It’s not what you’re thinking. I’ll tell the story later. Now let’s go face the beast.
- Which one? - You laughed pulling him in the living room direction.
You were facing a little crowd, Wally tense beside you. Jason was quick and really took your word so you were not only facing your family but the whole team too. This without counting the people of Dick’s party. Your Dad’s bat glare almost making you back off.
- What is so urgent that Todd needed to take me out of my room, Y/N?
- Yeah, Y/N, tell us why the fuck I took demon spawn out of his room? Would you?
- Guys, shut up, let her talk!
You gave a grateful look at Stephanie.
- Thanks. Look guys I will need you to let me end, okay? Can you promise me that?
You looked at each one of them strategically avoiding Dick’s questioning eyes. Everyone nodded.
- Me and Wally... - You took his hand. - Have been dating for the past months. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, I truly am, but please don’t be mad at him. It was me who wanted to keep it a secret.
Wally smiled at you and you smiled back.
- We love each other and I would really appreciate if you don’t kill him.
- Me too. - Wally quickly add. You squeezed his hand and lifted your chin.
- Okay, you can talk now.
If anyone asked you it was right there when hell went down.
- The fuck?!
- What?!
- When... How... What?!
The YJ team awkwardly stood there, slowly leaving the room. Almost everyone talked at the same time until your Dad’s calm voice spoke.
- How long have you two been dating? - You bit your lip.
- Almost ten months now, right, babe? - Wally nodded.
- Just two more weeks.
Your Dad seemed to think and intertwined his fingers.
- Ten months?! That much?!
- Who cares, Drake?! - Damian turned to you. - Why him, Y/N? I thought I had taught you better.
- Is no one going to mention the age gap?! Seriously? No one?!
- Oh, shut up, Todd. Who are you to talk? - Damian said. - I want to know why she didn’t tell us. Don’t you trust us, Y/N? - Damian’s question hit you like a punch.
- Well, you guys aren’t exactly giving her time to answer, are you? - Everyone shut up when Cass talked. You stood there frozen, trying hard not to cry.
- Thanks, Cassandra. Guys, I swear we will answer everything. Just take it easy on Y/N. - He bent to whisper on your ear. - Are you okay, babe?
- Y-Yeah... J-Just fine.
The room got silent for some minutes.
- So... this probably isn’t the best time to say I already knew.
Everyone turned to Barbara.
- Wait, what?! - Your eyes could fall off for the much you opened them.
- Do you know how you asked me to erase the records? I got curious and did a face recognition of you on them, so I kind saw you guys making out.
- Yeah, since we’re confessing I should probably say I knew too.
- You too, Tim?! How?!
- Ahn... Barbara didn’t erase the videos from my second backup, and when I saw someone erase them I looked up. Also, sorry, I told Steph; she got curious about why she needed to take me out of the mansion.
- Okay, how many people knew? Raise your hand.
Zatanna shyly raised her hand.
- You don’t even live here! How?!
- Ahn... It’s best if I don’t say anything. Just... you know... - She tried pointing discreetly at her own neck. Suddenly you remembered you took a shower and put none makeup.
You put your hand on your neck as everyone looked at you.
- Why are you with your hand on your neck, sister? It’s not what I think it is, is it?
- You’re screwing my sister, West?! She’s just a baby! - Jason got up going in Wally direction.
- Jay, stop!
Dick and Bruce stood and grabbed his arms, Jason fought for a while before giving up. You looked at Dick, his eyes normally so expressive not showing anything. It scared the hell out of you.
- Y/N, Wally, can you come with me for a second?
You followed Dick, Wally arm around your shoulder as if he was trying to protect you.
- Listen, Dick, I swear we didn’t mean to. It kinda just happened. And I know she’s way younger than me, I swear I would never disrespect her. I’m not even her first! And…
- Wally shut the fuck up! You’re making worse! - Dick raised his hand shutting you both.
- I’m just going to ask two things. - He was dead serious.
You nodded.
- Do you love her? And you love him, Y/N?
- Yes, of course.
- With all my heart, Dickie.
- Why did you feel like you’re needed to keep it a secret from me?
- I didn’t want to disappoint you, man. She’s your sister.
- You didn’t need to. I want you to know that. I’m happy for you, but I want to clarify that I’ll be watching you from now on, so keep your hands to yourself, dude.- Dick looked very scary at that moment. - And I’m kicking your butt if you hurt her, okay?
Wally gulped.
- Clear as water, man. Hands to myself.
- Fine. - He smiled at you before giving you a hug. - I’ll calm things down, you guys wait a minute before coming back.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and hugged Wally, your head on his chest.
- France’s looking pretty good, now, huh? - His chin on the top of your head.
- Shh. Let me just hold you a bit more.
- I’m glad we did it though.
- Strangely, me too. At least we won’t have to sneak around anymore.
- Y/N, I think we both know that’s not true. If anything, we’ll sneak around way more.
You lifted your head looking in his eyes.
- I love you, Wally West. I know we said this a lot to my family, but I need you to know.
- I love you too, Y/N Wayne.- He looked at your lips, slowly closing the space between you. His lips met yours and you melted in his arms, your own arms going up to hug his neck, your finger on his hair. You slightly opened your mouth and Wally put his tongue on your mouth, you brought him closer making a harsh moan escaping.
- What the fuck?!
You jumped, a smile on your face.
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eiswolfzero · 5 years ago
Okay so Sorry if this is totally off from what you were thinking when you drew it, but this is the vibes I got. Wally? Evil. Well, not evil. Not really. He’s been taken over/brainwashed/possessed by someone or some force and has been rouge for weeks, pulling off robberies, hurting people, being completely out of character, rude, vile. Totally not the flash that people know and love. The league has been trying to track him down, capture him, figure out what’s wrong with him so they can fix it...
So the whole team knows Bruce and wally are really close, they don’t know exactly how close but they know it’s closer than either are with any of the rest of them. So Bruce decides to try to confront Wally alone. See if he can get through to him. Convince him to let him help him. You can tell it’s getting through to him, he hesitates and gives Bruce the chance to put a gloved hand on his check and suddenly shocks go through Wally’s body and he pulls away, he has to drop to one knee from the pain
Bruce yells out for him, but waits for the electrocution (that he has no idea the source of, but it wasn’t courtesy of the unnamed badguy) to subside and when it does, flash still on one knee slowly looks up at him, all recognition gone, eyes glowing, looking truly menacing and devoid of mercy. Bruce barely has time to send an sos to the league before his flash, wally, his lover, strikes. He puts up a fight without trying to seriously hurt wally, but in the end the speed and mind control is enough to take the bat down (he’s not dead, but banged up pretty rough. Currently unconscious on the ground of the alley that I forgot to mention they were in. So evil wally tore off the torn cape and leaves Bruce bleeding and bruised on the ground, decides to walk instead of run and turns the corner out of the alley to see the league descending in front of him. He sees the shock in Diana and Clark’s eyes at the sight of him, smirking at them menacingly, holding the bat’s destroyed cape
In his hand, looking like he couldn’t care less about what he’d just done. In the end, it took a lucky fall (or unlucky, depending on who you were asking) to stop him. Can’t run far with a broken leg, which gave jonn and dr fate the opportunity to cleanse his mind of the power being help over it. They also found a microchip that had been placed under his skin, that caused the shock(s). Bruce was okay, recovered in a few days and Wally recovered much faster physically than mentally.
First of all no need to say sorry! A picture is there to be interpreted, especially when no contest is given. So I’m really blown away from your thoughts here. It’s such a neat idea! (and not far off from what I had in mind either heh). I really like the way you let Bruce come close to Wally and that, in the end, only a lucky fall could take Wally down.
Thank god that mysterious bad guy didn’t know Wally’s full potential or he’d have had the perfect, deadly henchman at his peck and call huh?
Loved this!
Alright, since my idea isn’t that long (after writing it down it kinda is just as long) I’ll just..put it here as well! Hope you don’t mind.
So, that picture huh? On Twitter I didn’t really add anything but the tags but on here I actually wrote “Say my name, say my name” in the description. Mainly because it was inspired by the song “Say My Name” from David Guetta (and everyone who’s with him). Hearing that song gives me a similar vibe to your story and inspired that picture:
Bruce and Wally are together. Maybe not happily, openly together but there’s something going on. For a while now actually. They’re content and ready to see where everything goes.
Until something happens. A bad guy appears and takes control (I suspect via magic because you can hardly keep all the founders away with brute force) and for some reason he chooses Wally to use most of his magic on. He doesn’t just take control, no, that would be boring. No, that man slips into Wally’s mind and finds every negative thing he might have ever thought, might ever think and amplifies it. Makes it stronger.
Suddenly Wally’s not so content anymore.
Why can’t people just stop being assholes? Why can’t people just follow the law? Why won’t Bruce actually love him? (because something must be wrong in their relationship. Why won’t they make it official? Why didn’t they tell anyone) nvm that Wally doesn’t care about these things usually.
And so the bad guy nudges and suggests and steers Wally in the direction he wants him to be in: Take down the good guys.
There’s a fight and there’s blood and there’s suddenly Batman’s cape in Wally’s hand, the Flash without his cowl (thewholeworldcanseehimpleaseWallystop) and no speck of dirt on his suit. The only demand? For Bruce to say his name.
They won’t be able to stop him.
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cheetahsprints · 6 years ago
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harriscofest 2019 prompt: void
“Smiles Through the Void”
This one point of comforting light keeps him tethered, keeps him bound so he would not float away into unreachable space.
~2k words
[   Be my friend, hold me Wrap me up, unfold me I am small, I'm needy Warm me up and breathe me   ]
[   Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found Yeah, I think that I might break Lost myself again and I feel unsafe   ]
The world is big. Every day he shrinks. Invisible walls grow until he has no hope of scaling them. There are questions without answers. There are answers without questions. He can’t reconnect the threads unwinding around him.
Existing is painful. It's confusing, exhausting, and difficult. Was it this way before - or has it been the same forever? He can't recall. He can't even try. Something in him claws at the hollowness, searching and searching, a futile endeavor. His anger and sadness are trapped inside, unable to be expressed. He can copy others, but he can't comprehend them in any way beyond basic surface level.
"What's my name Harry?"
Name. He doesn't know name. He doesn't know Harry. The frustration swirls in him, but it's trapped like a tiger pacing in a small cage. There's a beat, a mist that passes through, reminding him of someone who threw things. He stares at his palm.
That sweet voice. It digs into his chest and makes a home there. He continues staring at his appendage, stuck in his loop.
"It's okay. If you can't - if you don't know. You can tell me."
"You're the. You're. One. The one... with." 
He's the one with the hair. The one who can do anything. The one holding his heart. Something about the hair - curly, soft, thick, strong, scented, tickling hair. He knows it in his gut, even though he can't form the - the what? His mouth doesn't move further. The one with the hair leans forward and makes noises into his chest. He touches the hair and curls his fingers into the strands.
He likes it when the one with the hair looks at him, talks to him, smiles at him. Sometimes, his own lips twitch upward in an imitation. He feels hot inside, and his heart beats faster. This one point of comforting light keeps him tethered, keeps him bound so he would not float away into unreachable space. What does it mean?
His hands are always cold. He rubbed his palms together, ineffectively, and wonders what’s missing. The marker is a comfort. For as long as he can still grip the marker, he writes on the board. The one with the hair will hand him the marker when he drops it and smiles at him. One day, he can’t grip it again. There’s no smile. It gives him a chill.
In quiet moments he wants to give into the force collapsing his mind. He wants to let the dark matter run rampant. He wouldn’t mind if the speed force consumed him. The one. He is always there to pull him out. There’s a smile, a glance, or a touch that prevents him from falling into nothing. 
The fast one is too loud. He’s too something. His skin prickles around the fast one. Get away. He walks away. The one with the hair wraps a hand around his elbow and guides him in a different direction. Even if he wanted to, he would be helpless, unable to struggle. Yet, he is not afraid.
Blue swirls. He likes them, coming into existence so sudden and just as quickly disappearing. He doesn’t know what they are, exactly, or how they happen. He does see that the one with the hair makes them. He pulls him through them into a new place.
People look at him. He looks back. What do they want? What do the lines in their faces mean? They do not smile much. When they do, it isn’t the same as the one.
He reaches for the one. In response, fingers slip through his. He can’t tighten his hand, but the one holds him tight enough for both. 
“Pretty,” he says.
“Huh? What’s pretty?”
The one with the hair looks at him, no smile. There are lines bunching up in his face, around his eyes and mouth, that shouldn’t be there. He failed. It takes him a long moment to remember how legs work. He walks over. His hand twitches, wanting to smooth them away, but he can’t force his arm to move. Slowly, he drops his face into the other’s hair. He can’t think, he doesn’t know, but he can feel, feel, feel. The one strokes the back of his neck. He doesn’t move until the one makes him. He’s smiling, but something isn’t right about it. Why?
He runs into things. It hurts. He can’t stop. He plucks at objects that often have the one with the hair rushing to take them away. When he bleeds, the one helps him keep it inside. The one helps him eat, shower, get dressed. He can manage finger foods, even after he can no longer manage the drinks. He can push blocks around and press buttons. The one will smile and murmur encouragement that he can’t understand, but he can feel it, fuzzy in his chest.
He breathes. The one with the hair smells good too. He stares at his fingers. The one tries to show him how to hold things. He can rarely manage it. Wait. Was he good at it once? His eyes burn and feel heavy. There’s wet heat sliding down his cheeks. The one rubs it away and puts his lips there. 
The one says, “Thank God you remember how to use the bathroom. If I had to change you I think I’d cry. Not that I haven’t been… nevermind. It makes sense, since it’s one of the earliest skills you learn. God. No one else seems to give a fuck beyond pitying you… I know they have other pressing issues but still.”
The rumble of the one’s voice is soothing. He doesn’t comprehend what the one is saying, but he smiles and nods. He doesn’t know what crying is. The one should smile. He should always smile.
“You. Need. Smile. More? No cry,” he pleads. The one smiles in response. He’s successful. He adds, “So - saw - so - saw - so - sorry.”
“It’s not your fault Harry. I mean. It is, kind of. But. We’ve all been desperate and made stupid mistakes.”
The one sighs, “Yeah.” 
The one pats him on the shoulder. He mimics the action. His palm feels warm after. He holds it against his face and closes his eyes.
He wants to do it again the next day, but he doesn’t remember how. Eventually, he forgets why he wanted to touch the shoulder of the one with the hair. He feels like he shouldn’t be allowed.
“I can feel,” he blurted out of the blue one day. 
There’s a jolt. Stars and light dance around him, and he can distinguish shapes. He knows what they are, what they mean. What it all means.
“Tell me what you feel,” the one insisted. 
“Can you… possibly be more specific? I know it’s hard but -”
He had enough control of his fingers to brush them on the one’s on the table. 
“I feel you. All you.”
“Got ya. I mean that - I can’t make sense of that - but thank you for sharing it with me.”
He gasps at the information onslaught, the absolute flood of knowledge and memory. As his memories reach his mid-adulthood, it starts to slow severely. He distantly relives events he would’ve rather kept pushed into the deepest parts of his mind. Memories return, the science, math, physics, language, lags behind more and more down the line. It’s there, he can feel it, as of yet lacking the stimulation to be unlocked.
In any case, he gasps and drinks it in like a dehydrated person escaping the desert. He remembers his name. Harrison Wells. Harry. Nicknamed so they could avoid calling him Dr. Wells, actually Thawne, the conniving thief. He remembers Tess, Jesse, so many others from his Earth, Barry, Iris, Wally, Joe, Cecile, their adventures, everything. 
Some parts are not so good, like the war, losing his wife, his daughter’s independence, the horrifying aspects of fighting evil.
He remembers Cisco. He remembers being in love with Cisco.
Cisco’s brilliance shines through the darkness and reaches for him. Harry reaches back across the formerly endless void and finds balance again. Perhaps, it’s proper balance for the first time in ages. Cisco. He reaches for Cisco. They talk, they touch, and Harry feels so warm and at home with the skin contact. His genius hasn’t fully returned. It’s not ready. He’s not of a mind to care yet. He needs to process.
Cisco is his life, his heart, his air. Without Cisco, he’d still be nothing. He quickly understands there are other factors involved. It doesn’t matter. He has to say it. He didn’t have the words before, not even before, before. They wait to be unfolded from his tongue.
“I love you too.” 
Technically, Cisco didn’t speak of love, not in the words. Harry can see it in Cisco’s eyes and heart it in his voice, but he could always feel it in his touch. Even when he knew nothing else, some part of him could feel it and depend upon it. Home. I feel you.
Cisco reacts in a nervous manner, silent and stiff. It isn’t the reaction Harry wants or expects after everything that’s happened. His heart aches. His mind whirls. Harry considers leaving. He has a memory flash of Cisco wiping his tears and kissing him tenderly on the cheek. He doesn’t know what holds Cisco back now. Harry just wants to hold Cisco. He can’t go, not now. 
Cisco does breach him to see Jesse. They have dinner. Cisco reaches to help Harry before correcting himself. He blushes and tucks his hair. Jesse raises an eyebrow, and she wisely doesn’t ask or comment. They talk and laugh, and it sparks hope.
Weeks passed, Harry spending most of it Cisco’s Earth. 
When they’re alone, Harry repeats, “I love you Cisco. Don’t forget that.”
Harry forgot. He never wants to forget again, a single thing about Cisco. He wants to have his center, his gravity. Else he would become lost. 
“Right.” Cisco fiddles with his tools. Harry yanks it from his hands, his soft, warm hands, and throws it across the room.
Cisco whines. “I was using that!”
“I meant it. I know I’m not alone in this -”
“Is this you? Or is it because I - I was the only one who really took care of you. So this -”
“You were the one. But I fell in love with you long before I was brain blasted, Ramon. It merely took being stripped of every single thing except feelings for me to accept it for the beautiful thing that is and stop being terrified.”
“Oh. Okay.” Cisco chews on his bottom lip.  He abruptly changes the subject, “How’s relearning coming along?”
Harry realizes he’s not, out of the two of them, the one truly most scared.
“My brain is surprisingly receptive,” Harry replies, playing along for the moment. “Snow says it’s got more active, open pathways than I probably had as a teenager. I’m breezing through the coursework. It might never be the exact same, but in some ways it’s almost exciting.”
Harry stares at him with impatient expectations. Cisco doesn’t move. Harry takes Cisco’s hands in his own. He strokes the knuckles, focusing on the sensation of skin. He wants to kiss where his fingertips make contact, but he hasn’t yet received permission for that kind of behavior.
“You don’t have to speak the words if you’re not ready. Just let me know, in some way.”
Cisco takes a shuddering inhale. His eyes are shiny. Harry may not like it when he cries. Regardless, if he does, Harry will be there for him. Cisco was there for him, too. 
One of Cisco’s hands slides free. His fingers lightly grace Harry’s cheek. They card through his hair. Low he murmurs, “You’re the one.”
Harry smiles. A smile forms on Cisco’s face a second later, brightening the room and his heart. Cisco kisses the corner of his mouth. Cisco rests for a moment, his breath gusting across Harry’s chin. Harry waits patiently until Cisco surges upward, and they claim each other’s mouths. Cisco plunders him slow, prying his mouth open with his tongue. Harry grinds his fingertips into the warmth of Cisco’s shoulders. Harry feels cherished and grounded. 
He rolls the memories of the progress of his relationship with Cisco through his mind over and over, from the tense animosity to the all-consuming love. He wants to tuck them away into a box where they’d be safe from harm. Cisco sucks on his tongue and bites his lip before he completely pulls away. 
“Damn.” Harry mutters, “This... this connection we have... is amazing, Cisco. What were we waiting for?”
“Tell me about it.”
“I will. In detail, because I can,” Harry responds. He tucks his face into Cisco’s neck. His hair tickles Harry’s cheek. “If you want me to do that.”
“Oh God, yes.”
He moves to wrap his arms completely around Harry, and they just breathe.
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daringyounggrayson · 6 years ago
hi! if you'd like, could you write something with 23 and/or 25 and/or 28 and birdflash? thank you
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Wow, these have only been in my inbox for a century. Anyway, thanks anon and @malepresentingleg for the prompts!
I’m going to be filling 9: “My head hurts.” and 25: “I’m scared.” Enjoy the fic! (Also on AO3)
i’m screaming like a canary in a coal mine but you still can’t hear me
Dick wakes up on a dirt floor. His head hurts, he feels dizzy, and he’s—nauseous maybe? He doesn’t feel right, and his body feels like it’s taken a beating recently. He forces his eyes open, but it’s too dark to really see anything in detail. He slides his hand down to one of his pouches and pulls out a glow stick, cracking it so that a glowing red light shines across his surroundings. About a foot away from his face is his comm, but—just his luck—it’s been crushed.
Something in his stomach drops; he needs help, and now his one mode of communication is gone. He picks up the useless device and places it in one of the pockets, hoping that he isn’t too far away from home.
He pushes himself up and into a standing position, holding onto the wall for support. He stumbles forward (and he does mean stumble; he thinks there’s something wrong with his leg), just barely remaining upright. He keeps one hand against the wall as he walks through what he thinks is some kind of mine. The details of how he got there are fuzzy to say the least, but he can’t shake the feeling that he’s missing someone and that someone else (someone bad) is after them.
The first unknown is answered when Dick turns a corner to find Bruce lying on his side.
“Batman!” he cries out, running to him and falling back down on his knees to shake him. “Batman, can you hear me?”
No response.
He checks for a pulse and breathing, which are both there and fine. Pulse steady and slow, breathing deep and even, almost like he’s just sleeping. He leans in to get a closer look at Bruce’s face only to find wide eyes staring into the middle-distance. “Bruce?” he asks insistently, giving the man’s shoulder another shove.
Dick sits back on his heels, trying not to panic. He has to get them out of here, but walking was hard enough before, and now he’s going to have to carry Bruce out of here. And without a map or any memory of getting here, that’s going to be very difficult.
Good thing difficult isn’t impossible.
He leans forward and drapes Bruce’s arm over his shoulder, and then he hoists both of them up. Even with Dick’s latest growth spurt, Bruce is still a lot taller than him, and he packs way more muscle. Luckily, Bruce is capable of holding some of his own weight. He leans heavily on Dick, though, but at least he takes a step forward when Dick does. Whatever catatonic state he’s been placed in, at least it’s one where he’s complicit. Small mercies.
“Okay,” Dick says, taking another shaky step forward, “we’re just going to keep moving until we find an exit. Easy.”
He doesn’t know how long they’re walking, but he feels like he’s just getting more lost. He knows that if he keeps walking, eventually he’ll find an exit. He just has to stick it out, one painful step after the other. One foot, then the other, one foot, then the—
He kicks something, the sounds of metal clattering against the ground echoing through the tunnel. He leans over with his glow stick stretched out to get a closer look, and a grin spreads over his face: it’s a communicator.
He sets Bruce down and goes to pick it up. He didn’t even think to check Bruce for one—damn his head is fuzzy—and if he had, he would’ve known to look for it on the ground. He’s lucky he didn’t step on it, he’s lucky he kicked it. Had he been one foot over, he never would’ve found it and they would’ve been screwed. But none of that matters because he has a working communicator! Sure, it’s a little banged up, but definitely fixable. He toys with the wires for a few minutes, and when it looks right, he pops it in his ear. He turns the knob to their usual channel, but all he gets is static.
It’s not the worst thing, he tells himself. It’s working, they’re just in too deep to get a good signal. If he keeps walking (as long as he’s actually heading towards an exit and not just deeper into the cavern), eventually he’ll get a signal. He’ll get help, he’ll get them out. He just has to keep moving.
“Please find a signal, please find a signal,” Dick finds himself repeating under his breath after what must have been ten minutes of nothing. He’s messing with the knob again, just trying to get any signal to connect. It’s been minutes and he’s still getting nothing. He should probably just leave it alone, or maybe he should turn around and try to—
He knows that voice almost as well as he knows his own.
“KF, thank god!” The connection is still a little staticky, but it’s there. “Can you track my signal and get a location?”
“Yeah, yeah, just a second,” is Wally’s immediate response. “Wanna fill me in on what’s happening, Rob?”
“Not entirely sure,” Dick admits, pace slowing down. He’s tired, and now that he knows someone is going to come for them, finding an exit on his own doesn’t feel as urgent. “I woke up in what I’m pretty sure is a mineshaft. Batman is in some kind of catatonic state and I don’t think I can carry him much longer.” And Dick’s headache is getting worse, but that’s not a priority, so he doesn’t mention it. Wally has enough information. They’re going to get a medical evac and he can deal with it then. Everything is going to be fine.
“We really need to get new internships,” Wally jokes.
“No kidding.” Dick forces himself to take a few more steps.
“Does anyone know you’re missing?”
“I don’t know. Probably? You’re the first person I was able to reach, and I’m guessing our locators are down.” He did try pressing his panic button a while ago, but it didn’t even blink back at him.
“I’ll call Agent A in a minute; he’s probably worried.” Dick hums in agreement, takes another step. “Got it! Okay, you were right about the mineshaft thing. You’re also not even in Gotham; actually, you’re kind of close to me.”
“Yeah, about thirty minutes out. I’m on a JLA thing with Flash and a few others.”
“Can’t wait to hear about it. Guessing that means it’s daytime up on top?”
“Yup. I have your line saved, just keep it open. I’m going to call Agent A and find Flash to tell him what’s going on. Sit tight.”
Dick takes it literally and sits down on the ground, leaning Bruce next to him against a wall. “You’re the best.”
“I know.” And then Wally’s voice is gone, leaving only static.
When Wally comes back, he doesn’t have good news.
“Okay, so talked to Agent A and I have good news: you actually went on a daytime field trip and have only been gone for about four hours. Communication went down about two hours ago, but that wasn’t entirely surprising. You were also after Simon, so that probably explains your memory loss and Batman’s current state.”
That’s not too bad, two hours isn’t bad. “And?”
“And the not so great news is that the mineshaft you’re in has been shut down because of carbon monoxide.”
“That’s not good,” Dick groans and gets to work on standing back up. How long does it take for that stuff to be deadly? It depends on the levels, he supposes. He should watch for symptoms, but he for some reason he can’t remember the warning signs. He needs to get up and move. How long was Wally gone? How long has he just been sitting here, killing himself and Bruce?
“No kidding. Flash was able to find a map of the place, and you’re not too far from an exit. Doubt the lift is still running, but you have grapples on you, right?”
Dick checks. “Yeah. Which way?”
“North.” Dick pulls out a compass, grateful that Bruce forces him to carry one even though Dick had rolled his eyes at first.
“Cool, we’ve been heading in that direction, actually.” Another small mercy, Dick supposes.
He starts walking again, Bruce feeling heavier than before.
“You’re not having any symptoms, are you?”
“Of what?”
“Uh, carbon monoxide poising? Headache, shortness of breath, that sort of thing?” Wally prompts.
Oh, right, those symptoms. “Headache for sure. Kind of dizzy, and my breathing is—” How is his breathing? It’s kind of laborious, but he’s also carrying Bruce. “—not as easy as usual, but not terrible.”
“And I think you’re starting to get some confusion there, dude,” Wally adds. “How long have you had the headache?”
“Woke up with it. Not sure how long ago that was, though. Maybe half an hour? Forty-five minutes.” He feels like he’s been walking for hours, but that can’t be right.
“And Batman?” Wally asks.
“He seems fine, but I can’t really tell,” Dick admits before unwillingly crashing down to the ground.
“What was that?” Wally asks.
“Nothing, just fell,” Dick says. “I think I hurt my leg.”
“In the fall?”
“No, before. Woke up and it was like this,” Dick explains and stands back up. One foot, then the other, one foot, then the other. Again and again, and soon they’ll be at the exit with fresh air and sunlight and medical attention and Wally.
“And you’ve been carrying Batman on it?” Wally asks.
“There’s not exactly another choice, is there?” Dick rubs his eyebrows. He would kill for a nap right now.
“Right, sorry.” There’s a pause. “I don’t like not knowing whether or not you’re okay.”
“Me neither,” Dick says, tries to take a deep breath.
“We’re already on our way; twenty-six minutes,” Wally tells him. “You’re doing great, just keep moving. Love you.”
Dick tries to fake a smile even though Wally’s not actually around to see it. “Love you more.”
“My head hurts.” He sounds pathetic, but it’s true. Every step makes it pound more, and holding up Bruce is too hard. He feels like he’s going to fall over, and he just needs a break. Five minutes to catch his breath and sit.
“I’m sorry,” Wally comforts from the other line. “But you need to keep going, okay?”
“I’m trying.” He is. But he’s so tired, and Bruce is so heavy.
“The opening should be right around the corner.”
And it is. He gets to the opening Wally was guiding him to, but there’s a problem. A big problem.
“No, no, no, no,” he’s saying, eyes wide as he stares at the debris filling what was supposed to be their exit.
“What is it? What’s happening?” Wally sounds urgent, but Dick doesn’t really process it.
Dick sets Bruce down on the ground faster than he should be capable of right now and practically runs to giant the pile of rock and dirt, landing on his knees hard enough to bruise before he starts to desperately claw at the barricade. “The lift—it’s-it’s caved in. There’s no way out. We’re trapped.” They’re trapped, they’re trapped!
“Okay, okay, stay calm. I’m almost there. Thirteen minutes.”
“How are you going to get us out? We can’t use explosives or we’ll blow the whole place up!”
“We can dig you out.”
“We don’t have time,” Dick argues, and they don’t. The air is getting hard to breathe, and the exertion caused by digging isn’t helping. Everything hurts, he’s tired—he’s going to die. They’re going to die. “I don’t know what else to do.”
Feeling defeated, he stops his digging and sinks down to lie on the floor, already too dizzy and out of breath to go on.
“All you have to do is stay calm and preserve your air. Martian Manhunter was already on his way to help with Batman, so he can just levitate the rocks to get out safely. We’re going to get you out and everything’s going to be okay.”
Except it’s not, because Dick feels like he’s dying and Bruce is unresponsive and his last glow stick is dying out. He’s alone in the dark with a pile of rocks keeping him trapped in what he’s sure will soon become his tomb. He’s can’t see how he’s going to get out of this, and he’s scared. “I’m … Wally, I’m scared.”
“Everything’s going to be okay,” Wally says again. “You’re fine, the situation is just a little overwhelming. But we can handle it, you can handle it.”
Maybe, and Dick wants to believe him, he does—but. Dick feels trapped, and his vision is starting to fade (has been fading). He feels like he’s used up all of his optimism and now he’s having a hard time believing Wally. And Bruce, he was supposed to get him out of this. That’s Robin’s job, to protect Batman. But he failed, and now this is his punishment.
“Bruce?” Dick tries calling. He crawls over to the man, bumping against his shoulder. “Bruce, please, snap out of it.”
“Di—er, Robin. Listen, Batman can’t hear you right now. Just try to stay calm, okay?” Wally says, but his voice is being drowned out by the rushing in Dick’s ears. Why won’t Bruce wake up? Why won’t he listen to him? Can’t he hear him screaming?
He lies back down on the ground, this time right up next to Bruce. It makes him feel like a little kid instead of the sixteen-year-old that he is, but he doesn’t care. He’s tired, his chest and his head hurt, everything hurts. He’s scared and he wants his dad.
“I’m going to get you out of there, I promise,” Wally tells him.
Dick doesn’t answer, just squeezes his eyes tighter and scrambles through the darkness for Bruce’s hand.
“Robin, just say something,” Wally pleads. “Dick, please?”
But even if Dick wanted to say something back, he wouldn’t have been able to. He was already asleep.
Through closed eyelids, Dick can sense a sudden brightness. Still, he can’t move, not even to squint his eyes tighter against the unpleasant light.
That’s him, he should probably answer that. But he can’t quite break the surface of consciousness.
Something pushes against his neck. “… breathing … lips ��� blue.” Words come in and out as he fades in and out of awareness. It’s hard to focus, and none of it makes sense. He can’t tell if it’s just one voice or a hundred. It wouldn’t make a difference to him, he just wants them to be quiet and let him sleep.
His body is lifted upward, and he feels colder and dizzier than before.
“… he’ll … oxygen … get … then Batman.”
He feels that upward pull again, but this one lasts longer and makes his stomach flip. He feels himself gag, and on reflex, he turns his head to the side just before he vomits and retches. Someone’s setting him on the ground and rubbing his back, the world is starting to make sense again.
“You’re alright,” a man is telling him. “I’ve got him, take care of Batman.”
“Can’t breathe,” Dick says, chocking on his words before vomiting again. He’s so dizzy.
Someone squeezes his hand. “Hey, you’re okay. Got you out, just like I promised.” Wally.
Dick moves his head to lean against Wally’s shoulder, and Wally accepts him and rubs his arm.
“Robin?” It’s a JLA paramedic. “I’m just going to check you over and then we’ll get you and Batman to the Watchtower.”
Dick nods as she slips what must be an oxygen mask over his face. He tries to stay awake to answer questions, but his eyelids fall shut before he can even process the first one.
When he wakes up—really wakes up—he’s in a bed with something simultaneously squeezing and rubbing over his hand. There’s also something on his face and trailing down to his upper chest. He remembers hearing snippets of conversations, back at what must have been the medical evac, and then later at what must have been triage. He can’t remember details, just voices and freckles.
“Mmm,” Dick groans as he pulls his eyes open. He’s feeling better, he thinks, but still not great. His head still hurts, and his leg feels weird. Cold.
The something around his hand—another hand, he realizes—squeezes tighter and stops rubbing. “Dick?”
Freckles and red hair. Wally. “Hey,” Dick says slowly, meeting his eyes. “You got us out.”
“Don’t say you doubted the great Wall-man,” Wally says with a wink and Dick smiles and rolls his eyes. “You feeling okay?”
“I think so,” Dick says. He lifts his free hand to feel what’s on his face: an oxygen mask with a bag attached at the bottom; it must be a non-rebreather then. He rolls his leg to test it out, finding the coldness to be from a bag of ice. No cast, so probably just a bad bruise. He’ll take it. “Where’s Bruce?”
“Over there,” Wally says, gesturing at another bed with his chin, and Dick turns his head to follow. “Martian Manhunter says he’ll be out for another few hours, though.”
“But he’s okay?” He has a non-rebreather mask on his face, too. His eyes are closed now, which Dick thinks is an improvement over those piercing yet unseeing eyes.
“Yeah, he’ll be fine. Just needs some time to recover after Simon. Martian Manhunter checked you over, too. He said you were brain blasted—”
“Would that explain the lingering headache?”
Wally gives him a sort of shrug-nod. “Toss-up between that and the carbon monoxide poisoning. Luckily neither were too bad and there shouldn’t be any permanent damage.”
“Yeah.” Something still doesn’t make sense though. “I don’t get why he put B in a catatonic state when he just knocked me out.”
“Apparently, Batman regained consciousness pretty quickly and freaked out on them, so Simon retaliated and did something that would be more permanent. Nothing Martian Manhunter couldn’t fix, though,” Wally is quick to add.
“Huh.” Dick pulls his eyes off of Bruce and looks at Wally again. “Time frame on memory recovery?”
“Martian Manhunter said he would be in later to help with that part, but he wanted to wait until you were feeling better and could think clearly.”
“How long ago did we get back?”
Wally looks over at the wall where a digital clock is hanging. “A little less than an hour ago, but you’ve only been in an actual room for maybe thirty minutes, and Bruce just got here, like, ten minutes ago or something.”
“Someone should probably call Alfred,” Dick says.
“Already filled him in. He’ll pick you guys up once you’re cleared,” Wally says.
“You really took care of everything.”
“I try,” Wally says, the corners of his mouth flicking up into a soft smile.
“Thanks, for getting us out,” Dick says, reaching for Wally’s hand again.
“Course, but you did all the work.”
Without the map—without Wally’s encouragement—Dick thinks he would’ve just stopped moving. He would’ve given up. They’d be dead if it wasn’t for Wally. “Sit with me?”
Wally climbs up onto the bed next to Dick and wraps his arms around him. Dick leans into the hold, letting his head find a comfortable spot under Wally’s chin. It feels warm and safe, and even though Dick doesn’t really feel that tired anymore, he finds himself starting to doze off again.
“Kind of sucks that you have to get hurt for us to be able to hang out,” Wally’s voice rumbles, and though the sentence sounds like it comes from a place of annoyance, his tone is absent of that feeling.
“What are you talking about? We hang out,” Dick counters. As he says this though, he’s trying to think about the last time the two of them hung out. Actually hung out, not just seen each other on missions.
“No, we make plans to hang out,” Wally corrects. “I’m not mad; we’ve both been busy. But I’m about to head off to college, and I feel like I never see you anymore, and that’s not going to get better.”
“We’ll see each other. We could start date night or something.”
“You work at night,” Wally points out. “Besides, you have homework and stuff. Plus, you’re still working on that sleep thing, aren’t you?”
“Okay, date afternoon then,” Dick says, ignoring Wally’s last comment. “I guess we haven’t really been making time for each other.”
“Not your fault.”
“Well it’s not yours either.” He’s missed Wally, too. Texting and random video calls aren’t cutting it. “We should do something this weekend.”
“It’s Sunday,” Wally says with a soft laugh. “And I think you’re stuck here for at least a few more hours, babe.”
“They make oxygen tanks with wheels now,” Dick says, pushing away from Wally to sit up on his own.
“Ooh, fancy. This place has everything,” Wally replies, leaning forward onto Dick’s back.
“Where’s my suit?” If they’re leaving, he’s not going in a gown.
“I really think you’re supposed to stay in bed and rest,” Wally argues, pulling Dick back so they’re resting against the pillows again. Wally has a piece of Dick’s hair and twirling it between his fingers. “I don’t know why, something about oxygen deprivation.”
“I wasn’t going to leave the Watchtower, and I’ll even take these monitors with me,” Dick bargains.
“Sitting,” is all Wally says.
“You’re working against me here,” Dick complains, but he’s accepting that they’re not leaving the room. “I’m just trying to give you a date night.”
“We can do that here.”
Yeah, but Dick doesn’t really want to hang out in the room where Bruce still isn’t conscious and Bruce. He doesn’t want to think about the mine anymore.
“Come on, we can watch a movie or something,” Wally says, rocking Dick a little when he doesn’t respond. “Di-ick.”
“Fine,” Dick gives in, but he’s smiling a little when he does. Wally’s cute when he whines like that. “But next weekend we’re doing something. Actually doing something.”
And Wally always keeps his promises.
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