#i actually jumped out of my seat and i did a happy dance
bugsinshoes · 3 months
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this idea has been rotting in my brain ever since my lovely mutual @nellandvoid made this post with my ocs !! i HAD to make some sort of follow-up scenario sooooo here it is !
laurie also got into her fair share of fights with her bullies in high school, so i can imagine her and silvia bonding over punching people and getting into brawls and whatnot (she wouldn't ACTUALLY fight silvia, i just thought this was a funny haha hypothetical situation)
also bonus live silvia reaction:
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they're freshmen, silvia. ignore them 🙄
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kanmom51 · 2 months
Spot the differences (again)
*This one has been sitting in my drafts for a while now waiting for me to finalize it. Much water has passed under the bridge since, but I still think it is relevant, maybe even more so now that 'Are you sure?' is about to land and this is the type of rhetoric we will be hearing a lot.
This post is a public service for all those that love to nullify Jikook interactions. Those that ot7-fy them. "JM is such a sweetheart, he loves all his members" or "JM is always so happy to see the other members, remember when..."
So yeah, I actually do remember when. And that is why I decided to bring them here for you to judge.
Let's put these two under a magnifying glass side by side why don't we?
RM joining JM in his birthday live.
JK joining JM in his Docu live
Thanks to cr./@jimimn for their amazing gifs, some of which I will be using here.
Start, why don't you, with JM's initial reaction.
JM literally lights up when he notices JK. He stops the video and calls out his name.
He's not happy.
He is overjoyed.
His face literally lights up.
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His whole body is reacting.
He is down right giddy.
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That whole body movement when he calls out to Jaykay again. His shoulders literally dancing - that is what I call a little JM happy dance, exclusively for JK.
When RM walks in JM is happy he's there. Happy. Not giddy.
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And may I remind you that this is JM's birthday live. So RM is popping in to wish JM happy birthday while he's on live. And as expected JM is happy to see him.
Happy and laughing for a sec and then manages, with ease, to have a full on conversation with RM, setting up a chair for him by his side. Expecting RM to join his live.
Yes, JM set up a seat for RM to sit by his side, all while he shooed JK away telling him to take the chair with him.
JM's first question to JK: "why did you lose so much weight?"
All while not being able to keep his hands to himself and going in for his chestie besties.
From the second JK walked in JM could not keep his eyes off him. It's like we were non existent, and he knew that, he knows that is what happens when JK is around during a live, hence him not having one with JK even though he has been asked to do one by JK multiple times.
And that is exactly the reason why JM told him "you can go now".
JM needed to stay in focus. Watching the documentary and focusing on that and us, the audience watching him watch it.
This isn't a person he didn't want to have around.
This is a person that while around would render JM unable to focus on the documentary and us.
So best he not be there.
Even while watching the documentary when JK wasn't there anymore, even then, when the part with JK recording Letter came up, JM wasn't with us.
We always talk about the JM effect, but when it comes to JM and JK, there is definitley a JK effect to be talked about as well.
So, RM comes in to see JM, and JM gives him a stool to sit on and join him. RM wants to take a pic of JM, and JM tells him to "take a pic of this", which is an AI generated elf JM pic he had on screen and that he was showing us himself just a second earlier as RM just came in.
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With RM JM is clearly happy that he joined him. They talk about RM's hair, about having to get a drink together, about JM doing his dance clips. It's a short visit, less than 2 minutes long, and yet they manage to actually form full sentences and have a somewhat meaningful conversation.
And then you have JK's visit, more or less a minute long and all you get is "you've lost too much weight my chestie besties are disappearing" (the second half of the sentence is what he wanted to say, didn't say it out loud but his actions most definitely told us everything, lmao), and "get out of here before I jump your bones", more or less.
Nah, but seriously. They couldn't even have a back and forth conversation. JM shy and unable to talk as JK approached, leaning back for JK to come closer to his mic and JK (for reasons unknown to myself) leaning further down (JK, that's not where the mic is at). JK dumb-founded by JM's weight loss comment and chest fondling, so instead, recovering as quickly as he could, he addresses us. And then JM is "you can go"... going in for a hug and JK is all "I'm sorry".
Now what is he sorry about exactly? Interrupting JM's live? Causing JM to be a total mess (which he totally was)? Or, being a total mess himself (which again, he was as well)?
As JK is leaving he tells JM to have fun with army watching the documentary, and JM again: "hurry up and go" physically helping him to leave.
I have never seen someone who was that excited to see another when they showed up (JM when JK appears) try to get rid of said other as fast and as hard as JM did with JK.
And yes, JK was saying I love you to army (well, that's what we were supposed to understand), but this was JM as JK was leaving.
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Why you so giddy giggly JM?
Is it because you were overjoyed by JK showing up? Was it because you know you malfunctioned? Or was it just because it was JK? Cause that is the effect he has on you.
You know what it brings me back to? The BTB of JM's SMF pt. 2 rehearsals and JK visiting him.
Not only how heavily edited it was but also the fact, and I did mention this in my post at the time, that we didn't get to see them as JK showed up. Unlike other BTBs with other members showing up for JM and us being 'allowed' to see his initial reaction and their greetings, we were robbed of that when it came to JK's visit. I asked why in back then. Rhetorical question. I knew the answer. We basically saw it right here in this live.
And this was RM leaving.
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JM happy to see him, smiling as he was leaving, and back to business no fuss no muss, and definitley no lingering smile that he simply could not wipe off his face.
Look, you don't need a Master's degree in psychology or in the science of facial and body expression to see the difference between the two. And JM, well he's well aware of it. He knows that JK has a special effect on him. He knows that with JK around he can get lost in him. And when you have a live camera rolling at the same time, well that is something that he knows could be detrimental to his health, lol. It's about schedules not aligning for them to have a live together. It's about JM knowing that they cannot handle it (it's not just JM, we saw that very well with JK's deer caught in the headlights behavior in that live - man thought he could handle it and I think he found out that simply ain't the case).
So basically, to sum it all up, here is JM in each situation:
JM to RM:
"Hey mate, how you doing? Come, come, sit right next to me, join me in my live. How are things with you? New hair? We need to get together catch up over drinks? Oh, if you're taking a pic, take this one...here look at my screen. Ok, call me to make a date for drinks. See you..."
Not the exact dialogue, but pretty close I'd say, lol.
JM to JK:
"What are you doing here?" Wait. Chestie besties, gotta ask them how they are doing...Shit. Brain malfunction. "Get out of here before I jump your bones. And take that chair with you so there isn't even the slightest chance you sit here next to me, cause there is no way I will manage to continue this live if you stay".
Yep, those words did not pass his lips (barely any did), but his actions spoke volume.
Bottom line brings me right back to the start of my post.
You can't ot7-fy how JM and JK are with each other. You just can't. No matter how hard you try, the way they are with each other is unlike how they are with any other member, which they both love dearly, there is no question about that. Just not the same way that they love each other.
There is a reason why while dropping promos for "Are you sure?" their "chemistry" is mentioned. There is a reason why people that have seen only the trailer and/or their announcement have raised an eyebrow, the words boyfriends and honeymoon being mentioned (not by Jikookers btw). Because they, those two, their interactions are charged, they are different than with the others. We see it when the others are around as buffers, but we see it so much more when it's just the two of them.
I know that there are those that are waiting for something big to happen in the show, a big revealing scene or what not. I think they are going to be disappointed.
On the other hand there are those that think it's going to be so watered down that what we will be getting is two bros on a trip. I must say that I think they are wrong as well.
Jikook are Jikook. They can't hide what they are to each other. You don't need to see a loving couple making out to know that they are a loving couple. There are so many other tells. And those are things that you can't hide or water down. They are engrained in those two's interactions, facial expressions, tone of voice, and physical interactions or lack thereof as well. All of those can't be watered down or edited out completely. And they know it. Which is why, again, the word "chemistry" was used - they know they can't hide it so they try to give it a name, maybe disguise it a little. All while knowing we can't be fooled. Not really.
So yeah, I keep needing to tell myself this is actually happening. Because this is going to be huge. And it's going to be so much fun and chaotic and happy and just WOW!!
Three weeks to go!!!
And D-1 to Muse!!!
This is going to be friggin' awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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smoothoper44tor · 6 months
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Tortuous love
(⛓️‍💥) Pairing: max verstappen x male! reader
(⛓️‍💥) Summary: Mark is willing to give Max a love he has never experienced before.
(⛓️‍💥) Genre: mostly fluff, angst
(⛓️‍💥) Warning: jos verstappen, child abuse, daddy issues, use of bad language, kinda cheesy, English is not my first language
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   Can you blame Max for finding relive in tortuous love? That’s all his father has ever taught him. Now he’s looking for his rude, soul devouring, soul taking love in everyone, and when he finds that person he holds them deeply with his long arms filled with hate. 
He can’t love like a normal person, and he can’t give a healthy expression of his love to the persons that deserve it. That’s the most likely reason to why Max hated him at the begging. He was easy to love, he liked most of the things Max did or said, admired them even, and called him out respectfully when he did something he did not agree with, he was open about his feelings. Open. About his feelings. A true nightmare of a teammate if you had to ask him, especially after Daniel.
   “God, Max- you’re so fucking amazing” his rookie teammate was hugging him as if his life depended on it, his sweat and the champagne rushing against Mark's blue helmet. He had won, but the brunette finished fourth, the first loser to miss the podium.
Max didn't felt that as a win, his father made sure he knew finishing first was his duty. Mark sure felt that as a win; he was congratulating him, telling him how amazing he was, and genuinely feeling happy for him. Truly a nightmare.
   "Thanks" he murmured, before letting himself be dragged by the crowd of Red Bull employees.
   Months after that, as they were preparing for the Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix, Mark had insisted in flying a couple of days early to enjoy the wonders of Italy. He had been trying to learn Italian for the last month, and Max can vividly remember the brunette hovering all over him with Italian catch-up lines.
When the brunette invited him to join his early flight he did, for some reason. He wasn't sure why he accepted, or why Mark invited him in the first place, but Max was happy about it. 
At least, until he founded out his teammate had also invited Lando. It was understandable, after all, you two started in f1 the very same year, and were also known for having a very deep, heart moving friendship. Max wished he hadn't felt as relieved as he did when he saw Carlos approaching with the papaya pilot. Carlos was never mentioned in the first place, but he was relieved the Spanish was there, hoping he would be enough to take Lando a bit away from Mark, so that way he wo- Wait, why the fuck did he wanted Mark’s attention in the first place?
   “Maxie” He was caught by the very one disturbing his mind. The brunette was giggling, his iPhone headphones hanging from his freckled neck. “You okay? You are not looking that good” Before Max could come with a cheap excuse, his teammate spoke again “I mean you do look good, you- shit! No. I didn’t mean it like- It’s not that I checked you out or anything, I just-" he was flustered, burning red colored all of his face. Max hadn’t even notice, been too focused on the other’s neck and the constellations forming there. 
   “It’s cool, I know what you meant” Mark sat next to him, hiding his face in between his hands. A brief smile danced in the blond face as he spoke again “I’m just thinking” Max leaned against the other, picking his shoulder “What are you listening?” The sudden, unexpected question seemed to erase every sight of blush. He jumped in his seat, practically throwing max one of the headphones in excitement.  
   Perhaps, Max had underestimated Mark’s abilities with language. When they arrived, he started speaking Italian more loosely than expected, not just catch-up lines, but actual sentences.
“You sound great” Max congratulated as the brunette handled him the ice cream he had just asked for. 
“Grazie mille, signori” Max giggled, provoking on the other a soft pink blush. Mark was quick to lace their arms together, as he guided the dutch to the McLaren drivers, that were rambling over their ice creams some meters above them.  
Max was still mad about his DNF in Belgium. He was demolished, not even the previous win in Germany was enough to make up for it. It was his duty after all, and every time he didn’t stand in the highest podium he was neglecting said duty. 
In Italy, he finished eighth. Mark made it to podium, third place. Max wanted to hug him and congratulate his job as much as the other always did. He even ignored his dad calling him out about today just to rush over Mark. They hugged, and it felt great, it compensated all the insults and daggers Jos throw at him later.
“You’re coming to the party, right?” Mark big chocolate eyes were begging him, with a puppy gesture. He was ignoring all the congratulations, all the pats in his shoulder, everything, just for Max. 
“Of course” He giggled, “Can’t miss your party”
Damn, maybe he should have missed the party. Max was blinded by the flashing lights and the stupidly loud music. Mark was nowhere to be seeing.
Daniel was the first person he bumped into. He was already tipsy, and offered the Dutch a shot of tequila. In a normal situation Max would have accepted it, hoping to easy his mind, but right now certain brunette who happened to be his teammate was the only thing occupying his mind, and the last he wanted was to kill that thought.
“Have you seen Mark?” His voice was came out a bit loud, hopping the Australian would hear him in between the nose. A subtle shade of red was covering his cheeks and the top of his ears.
“Markie?” Daniel screamed into him, making Max nod with discomfort. ”He was with Nando I think”
“Nando?” He furrowed his eyebrows at the mention of the Spanish man.
“No, wait. Not Nando, Lando!” Maybe Daniel had drink more than he thought in the first place. “I meant Lando! Yeah!” He screamed with a wide smile. Max gave the man a shy thanks, before starting his search for the other.
Mark was dancing with the other pilot, but soon left him when his eyes meet Max’s. Approaching him.
“You’re actually here” Max couldn’t bring himself to answer, too stunned by the way Mark’s big brown eyes seemed to shine. The man was truly beautiful.
“Can we go somewhere more private?” Max leaned into the other’s neck, almost brushing the freckles that adorned said skin with his lips. Mark shakes over the heat of Max breath hitting over him, gently rubbing the blond’s waist with his hand. He nodded, giving Lando a final look the dutch wasn’t able to describe. “It’s a great party” he said when they made it to the alley, his teammate’s hand was still in his waist, and Max was not going to be one to complain.
“You did well today. I’m not sure if I told you” Max got shy, again, when Mark mumbled his reassuring words. At this point Max found relieve in them, he no longer wanted to scream at him or punch him for them. Max had slowly come to terms with himself.
“I should be the one congratulating you” Max found himself leaning closer to the man, and the heat he emanated. “You did great Mark” His cocky grin expands at the dutch’s words.
“Thank you” Mark had his eyes glued at Max’s as they leaned closer. “Do I get a prize?” His other hand found the blond’s bareback as he still caressed his waist.
“For a third place?” Max mirrored the brunettes cocky gesture. They were centimetres apart, their breathings mixing in a heated sigh, battling to keep their hands for themselves.
“I did great, didn’t I?” Max leaned closer until there was no space left. He was kissing Mark, he was kissing the pink lips his found himself watching so often. Finally.
Mark pressed Max body against his, leaving no space between their bodies either. Right when the heat was emerging between them, Mark cracked a laugh, founding a confused pair of eyes locked at him. “That was great, like actually great”
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brnesblogposts · 7 months
story of us
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pairing: dexter mayhew x reader
a/n: part of a series that’s also on my ao3 wr1tingtoc0pe :)
I met Dexter Mayhew on my last day of university. It was our graduation ball and I was dancing with my friends when he caught my eye, not for the first time however.
I’d always noticed him, I’m sure he’d never noticed me but I saw him, he’s hard to forget. Dexter had this aura about him that could only be described as enthralling, not only that but gorgeous blue eyes and a smile that could kill.
20 years ago
“Hi, i’m Dex” The brightest smile made his eyes light up as he held out his hand towards me, the music and lights seemed to stand still as we made eye contact. It took me a few seconds to register that he was talking to me, after an awkward amount of time I finally shook his outstretched hand. he’d never acknowledged me in the four years we’d been on campus together. I gave him my name and told him I knew who he was already, “ The infamous Dexter Mayhew.” I smiled, as did he and I think my heart stopped for a second.
“Do you want to dance?”
“I mean I kind of already am” I stated plainly.
“I mean with me” He let out a little scoff, not really a laugh but not not a laugh..
“Oh. yeah, sure” I took the hand he held out to me as he lead me to a quieter area of the dance floor, I could hear my friends squealing as we disappeared.
19 years ago
“Dex!” I ran with outstretched arms for an embarrassing amount of time, probably should’ve waited until I was closer to him really.. when I finally reached him I dropped my bags as he stretched out his arms and I jumped into them, wrapping my arms around his neck as he spun me around laughing.
“Someone’s happy to see me,” he took my bags in his arms.
“Actually i’m just happy to be off of that train. Seven hours.. my bum is sore.” I pouted dramatically as we started walking off of the platform and to the car park.
“This time last year we were at the grad ball, can you believe it’s been a year?!” Dexter questioned and I shook my head as the memories of that night ran through my mind.
“I really can’t, i’ve put up with you for a whole year! I deserve a medal.” I spoke exasperatedly and laughed when he gasped,
“you’ve put up with me?? i’ve been putting up with you!” He bumped his shoulder into mine as we reached the car, he opened the boot and put my bags in and then ever the gentleman opened the passenger door for me.
“Dexter Mayhew, what a gentleman,” I quipped as he tipped his imaginary hat at me, closed the door and walked around to the drivers seat.
“We’ve been out of university for a year and I have accomplished nothing.” I sighed as I walked next to Dex down the high street.
“We’re twenty three, we’ve got our whole lives ahead of us, we’ll figure it out.” Dex and I were quite different when it came to our outlook on life, he was all about having fun and living for the moment, ever the optimist with the mindset that everything would work itself out. My mindset was quite the opposite, ever the over thinker. Dex was good like that, he was always there to remind me to be in the moment and to have fun rather than stress about the future.
“What do you think we’ll be doing at forty?” It seems so far away but in reality, it’s not.
“I don’t know what i’m going to be doing tomorrow, let alone at forty” How I wish I could live life like Dex could, no plan or worries about the future. “I will say one thing though. I hope I have children by the time i’m forty” This revelation took me surprise because I didn’t know Dex had even thought about that kind of stuff, “what?” He had a little smile on his face as I gathered my thoughts.
“I didn’t think you thought about that kind of stuff” it was endearing that he had though, Dexter with children.. I mustn’t think about it or I might just melt into a puddle of adoration. Before he respond I spoke again “you’d be a great dad, the best.” Maybe he doubted himself because his smile grew at my words, Dexter Mayhew an aspiring father, never would’ve thought it.
“Do you want kids?” he asked as we entered a quaint café and I waited until we had sat down to answer
“I don’t know. It’s a lot to think about, kids are expensive and there’s so many global issues I don’t know if I want to bring a child into this mess-“ I stopped talking when I saw the sly smile on his face as my eyes found the table, “can you stop staring at me like that, please.”
“Sorry” He seemed to have more to say but he didn’t, “What do you fancy?” You is what I wanted to say, but i’m not that stupid.. I dare ruin this beautiful friendship we’ve forged over the last year.
reblogs appreciated! turn on notifs for this post to be notified for part 2 <3
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bokutooooo · 9 months
𝗛𝗶! 𝘀𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘆𝗺𝗼𝘂𝘀!!
Summary - 𝗬/𝗻 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿'𝘀 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝘆𝗼, 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝘆𝗼 𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗬/𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 "𝗗𝗿𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗤𝘂𝗲𝗲𝗻" 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝗮 𝗳𝗲𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀. 𝗕𝘂𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝗹𝗹 𝗛𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀? ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
WC - 700
POV - Sean
"Y/n I want you to meet Sean, he just moved here and I was hoping you'd teach him a thing or to."
Twinkie had wanted to introduce me to the so called “Drift Queen”, said she was one of the best that I had to get her to teach me. “What’s up country boy? Ready to start driving” now y/n she sure was something, she wore her hair up and wore a short skirt with a white tank top. “I’m ready” I gave her a small smile as I followed to what I’m assuming is her car.
It was a Subaru BRZ with a Matt grey wrap, leaning against the hood was a guy who seemed to be munching on.. a bag of Koikeya chips? He had long greasy dark brown hair and dressed like a homeless man.
“Sean meet Han, he’s the one that taught me” she had slinger her arm around him and he smiled a put out his hand for me to shake. “This yours y/n, it’s beautiful” she nodded and walked around getting in the driver’s seat turning on the engine. Han walked around to her window and whispered something on her ear and she just chuckled and rolled up her window. “You comin’ country?”
"that was sick y/n really happy you showed me, I'm glad Twinkie's got connections." Me and y/n were sitting in her care talking about anything car related really "I'm glad I got to show you, not everyday we get newbies" we talk for a bit longer but suddenly a bright orange Mazda RX-7 pulls up beside her window. Once the driver rolls down the window you see Han with a grumpy look on his face. Y/n starts laughing at Han "what's with the sad face handsome? "C'mon get in, let Sean drive I'm sure he wants to"
"alrightyyy, Sean follow Han and don't crash." she hoped out and sat on Han's lap giving his a kiss on the cheek. Han's quick to speed up and I try to keep up.
As we slowed down Han pulled up to a garage, there were people dancing and music blasting. Once I got out Han and Y/n were waiting for me “not bad country boy” I smiled and we walked deeper into the garage, passing tons of people who were all grinding on each other and jumping to the beat of the music.
Han later disappeared and Y/n was dancing with who I’m assuming are her friends. She did that motion with her finger to come over, we were dancing together and she started grinding on me. That ended quickly when Han dragged her away and up the stairs.
“Why were you dancing all over him like that?” Han was angry that was for sure but I wasn’t sure why. We were never official and he never cared about those kinds of things. “Why do you care? it was just dancing, and we were just dancing”
“Oh come on y/n! You know how I feel about you, how do you think I’m gonna feel seeing you like that?”
“No han! I actually don’t understand how you feel about me! One minute you’re all over me, asking when I can hang out next or asking me out on dates but never actually talking about how you feel.”
I was upset, I mean the one time I’m with another it’s this huge thing but he can leave me and go with however many girls he wants. “That’s not fair, you never want to go further!”
It was silent for a few minutes “listen”
“I’m crazy about you, and I don’t care if some little country punk thinks he has any chance, just go out with me” I thought about it for a second. I don’t know why I was crazy about him to. “Fine, but you have to take me for a ride.”
Okay yayyy my first request 🤗 I hope you like feel free to DM me and any suggestions or more requests. ᰔᩚ
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natailiatulls07 · 1 year
Trick or treat
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Charles Leclerc x female!reader
Summary - You love trick or treating, but your boyfriend has never done it so you set out a mission to change that.
Warning - none I don’t think so
The 23 Halloween Season
I had grown up trick or treating, always have done it ever since I could remember. Dressing up in different costumes every year before going to every house collecting different types of sweets.
So when I found out about how Charles had never gone trick or treating, I set out to make the paddock ready for a halloween night. Managing to get every team to join in, admittedly Redbull was hard but with the help of Max I managed.
It was Saturday, luckily Charles had a good qualify result with front row. So when we got back to our hotel room, where I had two matching Barbie and Ken costumes waiting for us, I could kind of see the confusion on his face. "Surprise! We're going trick or treating!" Jumping up and down with excitement, I could see Charles looking happy with the idea but still confused.
"What around the hotel?" He asked as I calmed down.
"No silly, we're going trick or treating in the paddock!" As soon as the word ‘paddock’ Charles’ face got even more confused.
“Ok, you still look very confused”
“Very is an understatement!” Charles chuckled slightly.
Making our way through the paddock entrance, we were both blown away with how the staff had decorated each team hospitality individually and equally.
Looking down at our costumes, we look amazing. “We look so good!” I say clapping my hands with excitement which Charles just smiles at.
“Oh shit Barbie and Ken! The couple have arrived!” The voice of Lando Norris shouted from just outside the McLaren hospitality. We walked over to him hand in hand.
“Hey mate!” Charles greeted Lando, who was wearing a Batman costume. “Ah Batman, I love this!” I nodding along, showing my agreement to Charles’ comment.
“Of course! I’m actually so excited for this!” Lando excited told us, jumping up and down in his spot.
“Always loved trick or treating but Charlie has never done it so first time for him” I explained Charles’ lack of halloween experience to the Brit. Charles carefully snaking his arm around my waist. “Let’s get to it!”
Moving from Lando, me and Charles started to make our ways to the different hospitalities. Slowly collecting a variation of sweets, bumping into multiple friends from each team.
We bumped into George and Alex who were dressed up as Michael Myers and Ghostface.
"Hey guys, Lily's busy so I'm stuck with this twat!" Alex rolls his eyes whilst side eyeing the Brit to his side. George gives his friend a nudge before giving me a side hug.
"I must say Y/n you really pulled this whole thing of quite well, thank you" I hear him whisper in my ear, sending me a cheeky grin which goes unnoticed by Charles who's in conversation with Alex.
After some time, we all finish up our conversation and Charles drags us towards the next hospitality.
Whilst we were just leaving the Alphine hospitality, who gave out small individual bags of candy corn, we ran into Daniel dressed as a cowboy and Max dressed as Harry Potter.
"Yee haw cowboy!" Charles greets Daniel by tipping his own Ken style cowboy hat. "Have you guys been to the McLaren hospitality yet?"
Max shakes his head curiously. "No? Wait what are they giving out?"
After visiting each hospitality area, Charles found us a small spot to sit and count what sweets we got. In the end, we had a large range of options with some apple bags to snickers.
“You know I can see why you love trick or treating so much, it’s fun” Charles comments after looking through his small bag, a genuine smile taking place on his face.
“Yay I’ve finally converted you to love my favourite Halloween activity!” I did a small celebratory dance in my seat, as to which Charles did a small laugh at.
“Who’s idea was this? We should thank them…” He throws away a small comment unknowingly, opening a snickers bar.
A small almost cheeky smile made itself known on my face. Hesitating I say “Um well it was actually my idea…” Turning his head from the snicker, we lock eyes.
“You know, why I am even surprised?” Charles laughs at the fact that he was so oblivious.
“I had to! I needed to show you the best of Halloween!” Reaching an arm around my shoulder, Charles pulls me into his side with my head distinctively going to rest on him.
He pulls his head down, kissing my temple gently. “I love you so much Cheri…”
Tag list - @ilovechickenwings @carlossainzwho @ipab @erikasurfer @soph1644
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seriesxwriting · 11 months
Could you write a fic where everyone wants klaus like cami, Hayley, caroline but klaus only wants y/n like and when they get inside his house, cami finds a room filled with paintings of y/n (some even nude) and they realise they'll never have him.
Thank you so much for this request I LOVED the idea and really enjoyed writing it<33.
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I want you.
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Pairing- klaus x y/n
Series- the vampire diaries/ the originals
Warnings- kissing, swearing, drinking?
Summary- request <3
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“Amazing party klaus” Marcel smiled with his hand around Rebekah’s waist. He looked at her and squeezed throwing a smile her way. Her hand reached up to his chest and she returned the smile back at him. Finally happy klaus and him were getting along.
“Must you two flirt around me” he raised an eyebrow drinking from his delicate champagne glass. Rebekah turned around looking around at the crowed. “I don’t see y/n yet, is that why your salty?” She smirked at her brother.
“Salty? Me? Never, she’s simply outside with some of the other girls” he shrugged knowing exactly where she was. “We must have missed her” Marcel told her simply. “Indeed you did and so did I, we haven’t had the chance to speak yet” “why don’t you go and get her, the music will start soon I presume, you’ll want her near so you can ask her to dance” Rebekah tapped her brother on the chest.
He smiled at how well she knew him and she returned the knowing look. Klaus reached his head down to his sister’s cheek and kissed it softly. “Thank you sister”.
I was sitting on the benches outside with Hailey, Cami and Caroline sipping our drinks and talking about nothing in particular. The outside seating was quite clever actually as the hall was so crowded with random people and it heated up quite quickly. “I just think red is too bright for a car” Caroline shrugged sipping her drink sitting back on the bench. “My first car was red” I shrugged.
“What type of car was it” “Toyota, it did me a good service” I laughed remembering back to it. “I’m sure it did” hailey giggled catching onto what I was saying. It took a moment but the other two eventually realised and started bursting out laughing. “Was it your first time?” Cami questioned intrigued to know more. “If my first time was in a car I wouldn’t remove it from my memory” I shook my head.
“The cars way too small, my head was hitting the door the whole time” I whispered mid laugh. “Bet it steamed up loads too, must get stuffy” cami raised an eyebrow. “You’ve never done it in a car?” Caroline looked at cami shocked. Even hailey found it to be surprising. “No- and I wouldn’t want to” she laughed. “Who doesn’t want to do what?” Klaus voiced making us all jump out of our skin. He was walking over to us and stood next to where I was sitting. “You startled me klaus!” Cami winned.
“Girl talk klaus, we couldn’t reveal our secrets to you” Caroline put a finger to her lips raising her eyes flirtatiously up him. “You look great- the suit is fitting” cami told klaus bringing his attention to her. “It was on the house” “of course it was, that’s such a klaus thing” hailey spoke.
I watched as the girls tried getting his attention saying literally anything to make him look at them. I sat there in silence watching the show. The way they giggled when he addressed them. Made me feel sick.
His hand fell on my shoulder.
“The real reason I came over was to ask you to dance” he told me staring into my eyes with that famous klaus smile on his mouth. “You- want to dance with me?” I stuttered in shock he’d picked me out of all the girls here. Me and klaus had a complicated relationship. We’d slept together a few times and we’d stop and talk to each other if we bumped into one another but it was a casual thing. I didn’t think he’d choose to dance with me.
“Of course you can have me for a dance, I’m just going to find the restroom and then I’ll look for you” I nodded at him with a little smile on my face. “I’ll be waiting” he took my hand and planted a kiss softly before vamping off back into the party.
“He’s so fucking gorgeous” hailey threw her head back groaning. “Literally heaven sent- god took his time with that man” Caroline laughed. “I’m definitely going to cut in for a dance after” Haliey looked over at me.
She didn’t say it maliciously. It wasn’t condescending, she was just being genuine and letting me know her plans. “Mmm not if I get there first” cami wiggled her eyebrows. “The things I’d do to him if he’d let me”. The girls giggled to each other, making me wonder which one of them would get him. They were all attractive girls each having their own personality and opinions, he’d be a fool to not pick one of them.
“I’m off to the bathroom ladies” I smiled standing up. “Come on girl we aren’t going to let you go in your own” Caroline told me bouncing up from her seat. I tipped the last of drink down my throat before saying. “Great because I have no clue where it is and this house is massive” I laughed as we made our way inside. Us four climbed the stairs taking a left as a gut feeling. “It must be around here somewhere” cami shrugged looking at the mass of doors.
“Try this one” hailey opened one of the doors, but it was just a libary. Full of old books from the ceiling to the floor. “Boring” she slammed the door closed making us laugh. “What about this one” Caroline pulled open the door opposite to it. “Woah- it’s not the bathroom but…” she blinked looking inside. “What is it?” Hailey sped to the door looking inside. Her face became mesmerised and slowly she started walking in. The two girls followed, I felt a bit odd snooping around his house.
It felt wrong. But when I saw what was in the room it felt like privacy didn’t really matter to klaus as much as i thought it did. The room was full of art work, paintings on easels, on the walls, everywhere. They were all of the same thing. Me.
The girls looked at me and I gazed around the room, my eyes were wide in awe. There was portraits, some where I was standing in felids or other dimensions. They were so creative. The ones that caught my attention the most were the nude ones.
I remembered the set I had on in one of the paintings, he’d put me in a position lying me on the bed with a rose in my mouth. They were so creative so extraordinary. He’d only seen my body a few times yet he got it so spot on. The detail and time that had been put into it was incredible.
“Fuck” hailey whispered under her breath as reality sank in. Cami bit her lip looking around the room. Her eyes were sad almost. “Did you pose for him? Did you know he did these?” Caroline asked me quietly.
I shook my head still in shock. “I had no idea about any of these” “they are all of you- every single one of them- there must be over a hundred” cami whispered not even looking at me. “What does this mean?” Hailey turned to me with a raised eyebrow. “I’m going to go find out” I swallowed and before waiting for anyone to say something
I was out of the room and running down the stairs. My eyes scanned the room for him and eventually spotted him talking to a large group of vampires.
I ran towards him swerving past people left, right and centre. Klaus noticed me straight away and stopped his conversation. “Why are you running? What happened?” He quizzed with a worried gleam in his eyes. His hand fell to my arm. “Klaus- why’s there a room full of paintings of me?” I pannted under my breath. I asked him straight out not caring for him to judge me. He’d be a hypocrite to cuss me for breaking boundaries or privacy. 
He just smiled before moving his hand to my face. “Because I want you y/n” he breathed out staring into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat. It punched me in my chest. My stomach flipped as those words filled my ears. “Me?” I blinked as my chest rose. “You have three beautiful girls pining for you and…” “and I want you” he cut me off shaking his head slightly. “All I want is you y/n”. In that moment I lept towards him, pushing my face onto his.
Our lips met in sync and the hand that was on my arm moved to my hip. Klaus pulled me closer to his body. Softly but passionately kissing me back. “Klaus” I whispered pulling only an inch away and leaning my forehead on his. “I want you”. “You’ve got me” he told me kissing my forehead before placing his back against mine.
His eyes wondered from me to the stair case where hailey, Caroline and cami stood watching us. I turned to look at them. They tried to hide the fact they weren’t happy about us being together but they didn’t do it incredibly well.
In that moment the music switched on. Klaus caught my eye again as people started getting ready for it. “May I take you for a dance m’lady” he smirked putting his arm out. “Of course you can handsome” I smiled linking arms with him. And with that we made our way to the face floor smitten with each other.
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Klaus masterlist
The vampire diaries masterlist
All series masterlist
Masterlist of masterlists
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dragonrider9905 · 6 months
Midnight Dances
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Summery: You and Wrecker have a dance at midnight; accidental spilling of feelings. Warnings: None that I can think of; pure fluff.
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Celebrating You Prompt List
Celebrating You Masterlist
@rinksu-no-joo here you go!!!!!! Thank you so much for taking a chance on my writing!!!! I really hope you enjoy this little drabble :) I never wrote Wrecker before this so I hope I did him justice. I really enjoyed doing it. He's such a sweetheart! Without further ado, I present....
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It was nearly twelve. 
You looked at the chrono on the wall of the Marauder and sighed, sinking further into your seat and settling your head in your rest-folded arms, being careful of the long tails that fell from your head. The ship was quiet. The air was still and warm. The summer waves just outside your walls softly rolled onto the beaches of Pabu and you could hear from the open door the soft whooshing of water and swaying of trees. A soft breeze whispered through the night inviting you out.
If montrals could twitch with delight, yours would be. You didn't know where the Batchers were, but you knew they were safe and happy like they ought to be. They’d gone to dinner at Shep’s again so you figured they were still there. You stayed behind to enjoy the time alone while you still could. You loved the boys but sometimes being around them ALL the time could be a bit much…especially if you wanted to spend time with just one of them…Sometimes being alone helped you forget the loneliness you felt.
Smiling to yourself, you straightened. Time be darned, you’d go for a walk! Pabu was always gently lit with warm light and on a night like tonight, so perfect and still, why not?
You pushed yourself up in a heartbeat and skipped down the stairs of the Marauder, an alluring adventure awaited!  
You always enjoyed being out at night on the island. The cold light of the moon and the warm lights of the fire danced on your orange skin in such a way you'd always felt beautiful. The odd mixtures of light illuminated and highlighted the markings on your face. The teal and ocean blue almost looked green and purple in the deceiving truth of certain angles. Lines of two strips that ended in swirls landed where most human eyebrows were. Three diamonds centered on your forehead while thin lines swirled in and around them, retreating to your hairline, crowning you like a princess. On your cheeks, two distinctive but simple swivels that matched your head tails made their way from your temple across your cheeks, stopping right before the chin. You'd like to think the moonlight made you look like a sprite while the fire made you a fierce warrior. 
At least, that's how you hoped a particular someone viewed you.
The Veranda was beautiful at this time of night. It was empty but not devoid. Instead, life sprouted from everywhere! Flowers and trees and music! Music? Where was that coming from?
 “Shep thought some strings would be a good way to celebrate the beginning of swordfish season. Whatdaya think?” 
Nearly jumping out of your skin, you yelped.
“Haha I knew where to find you. Miss me yet?”
Yes, actually.
You smiled bashfully. 
Wrecker cut you off before you had a chance to finish. 
“Well I missed YOU. Dinner was great, as always, but the company wasn't the same without ya. So I thought I'd find ya. Having fun all by yourself?”
You hummed. “Yes, but, I'd have more fun if you joined me.”
“Great! What are we doing?”
You paused for a moment. When by yourself, you usually liked to think and look at the stars or the nature around you. You rarely got to spend time alone with Wrecker to know what to do with only him. Omega or one of his brothers always trailed along. You’d often dreamed of the chance but never got it. You came up with so many scenarios and now you couldn’t recall one. 
You doubted you'd get any thinking in, that weren't thoughts of Wrecker. Plus, if you were going to be alone —together—, you should do more than just think! You should do something! Something that could involve talking! You loved talking to Wrecker. He was always cheerful, finding any way he could light those around him in a glow of happiness. Making you laugh when you were down and giggle in delight when you were happy. 
What would be a good idea….? 
Think think think. Come on! Think of something fast.
Wrecker waited expectedly and patiently, like he always did with you when he asked you a question that made you pause and consider. His head was cocked to the side and a crooked smile graced his face. He looked like he was enjoying something immensely but you had no idea what. He started rocking back and forth from his heel to his toe in a very impish manner. You had to say, you loved that about him. 
Wait…something about the movement…
Then a lightbulb went on.
“Say big guy, wanna dance?”
You held out your hand, cheeks pulled upward in the tightest grin you could make. 
“It'll be fun! Trust me!”
Wrecker hesitated
“I, uh,” Wrecker rubbed the back of his head uncertainly, “I don’t know how to dance.” His face turned red and he looked away, embarrassed. 
“Oh come on, I’ll teach you!”
“I don’t want to hurt you. Stepping on your feet…I’m too big and clumsy and…” he trailed off. “I’d do some damage.”
By the look of complete and utter disappointment on his face, you could tell he wanted to. Wrecker was an open book and you could read him like a page lit by the Tatooine suns…for almost everything. The only thing you couldn’t tell was how he felt about you. 
That was irrelevant though. Right now, what mattered was he wanted to dance.
But he didn’t want to hurt you. 
Sweet, considerate Wrecker. Always thinking of others. 
You hummed thoughtfully, cocking your head to the side in thought, your head tails swaying with the motion. An idea struck and a smile spread across your face into your eyes. 
“I got an idea.”
Lifting to your tiptoes, you delicately stepped onto the tops of his steel toed shoes. Your feet, the fraction of a size of his, fit perfectly on top. 
You were close to him. Closer than you'd ever been before. You were practically in a permanent hug and you were grateful for the armor he was wearing so he couldn't feel how hard your heart was beating. It wouldn't take Hunter's enhanced senses for anyone to notice at that range without the chesptlate’s obstruction. 
Taking a deep breath, you gently guided one of Wrecker's hands to your waist and the other, you weaved your fingers through his, squeezing softly in assurance. 
“Ok, now just let the music guide you. Lift your left foot and step forward. Lift and step to the side. Lift and step back. Good! See!…there! We're dancing!”
Wrecker swayed slowly to the music, fully concentrating on the steps he took lest he'd knock you over and you both would lose your balance. But he held on firmly, like a rock in the sea. Never once did you doubt. Never once did you feel you'd sink. Never once did you think you'd crash and burn because you were on a cloud of heaven being carried away by its angel. 
It was slow. Not even good, clumsy almost. But it was perfect. 
After a few moments of silence, you decided to say something. 
“So, Wrecker, do you believe in love?”
Well that was stupid. Cringing inwardly and repressing an eyeroll to yourself, you felt your face flood with heat. Looking down to let the moment pass, you nearly missed his response. 
A quiet “yes.” Almost a whisper. A very uncharacteristical tone in his voice that made you look up. 
“Good.” You smiled at him. “It’s a beautiful thing. Ever think you’ll fall in love?”
Well that was stupid. 
“But I have to say,” you continued to cover your blunder, “love at first sight doesn’t exist.” You rolled your eyes and continued. “That’s just some silly notion a card and gift store made up so they could sell holofilms.”
Wrecker did a full stop. He lifted his head as if surprised, leaning back so as to look you in the face, searching your eyes and questioning your soul. 
“Then how else do I describe the feeling I got when I first saw you?”
It was your turn to stare agape. 
“Wait…You…love me?”
“Apparently not, according to you.”
Time froze around you. The birds stopped chirping their early morning calls, the ocean silenced it’s waves for you, and the wind stopped its whispers. 
“You love me.” The words came out confident but only in a hushed voice. The realization settling into your bones. You nodded, tears coming to your eyes, then you laughed. 
“You love me?” You nearly shouted this time, throwing your arms up and around Wrecker’s neck. 
Your laughs wrapped you both in a blanket and broke the spell around you. Wrecker wrapped his arms tighter around you and spun with a laugh of his own. 
Setting you down, he placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“I do. I love you.”
You could shout for joy, but that wouldn’t be a good idea considering the lateness of the hour. Instead, you cuddled closer to him, tightening your embrace.
“I love you too, Wreck. So, so much. You made me so happy.”
Wrecker rested his head on yours, careful of the tips that rose gracefully from your head, and started the steps you taught him again. After a moment of silence, he spoke: 
“Say, I like dancing lessons. Maybe we can learn more tomorrow night?”
“Sounds perfect to me.”
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Dividers by @djarrex and @ve-ti-ver
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jinhyun · 1 year
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—drunk words.
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst, college au, dance major hyunjin, art major reader, it's complicated kinda relationship
word count: 8.8k (my apologies once again)
summary: there is a saying about drunk words being sober thoughts. tonight, you really wish that applies to hyunjin.
warnings: drinkingggg (alcohol lol), cursing, one mention of throwing up (no one actually throws up), sexual comments as usual, MINORS DNI!!!!
a/n: so... i can't write anything short for shit when it comes to watercolor apparently 💀 but i've been away for a good while so let me just be self indulgent for my return lmao. anywayyy, this is part 46 of watercolor, i hope you guys enjoy and please, please, pleaaaaase let me know your thoughts and come gossip with me about it, i've missed doing that :')
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Hyunjin was not happy.
Although his eyes had lightened up at the sight of you the moment he spotted you in between the crowd, it did not take a genius to notice he was not his happiest right then.
And how could he? You had been gone for nearly two hours now with no other than the guy you used to have a friends with benefits dynamics going on with. Granted, Changbin was one of his best friends and he trusted him, but that did not mean he would jump up and down with excitement every time the two of you made plans together, much less if said plans involved the two of you alone, without him.
So, it was fair to say, seeing the two of you arrive together at the bar, although he had seen it coming, did only add fuel to the fire that had been growing inside him that night.
"What took you two so long?" Chan asked, and Hyunjin could only internally thank him for saving him from having to ask you that question himself.
"We just got a bit caught up" Changbin admitted, taking a seat on the empty spot in between Lix and Minho.
"Doing what?" Hyunjin couldn't stop himself from bitterly asking, eyes focused on the drink he was currently swirling in his hand.
"Talking" you answered the obvious, catching his attention as you sat beside him on the booth.
And maybe, just maybe, the way you had leaned slightly in against his body and your arm had wrapped around his bicep, the next second taking it one step further by intertwining your fingers with his very receptive ones, was enough to make him feel at ease.
"So?" your eyes moved back to your friends, not without first having given Hyunjin's hand a reassuring squeeze. "What did we miss?"
"Not much," Minho shrugged, taking a sip of his beer. "Just lots of drinking".
"That's it?" you laughed.
"Yeah, we played truth or dare for a while, so you guys missed out on some pretty spicy stuff" Han filled you in with a playful smirk.
"Oh, and Felix hyung got a girl's number" Jeongin informed with a proud yet teasing smile.
"No way!" you excitedly covered your mouth with your free hand.
"Yah, don't make it sound like an impossible occurrence now" Felix whined, earning laughs from all of you. "She just came up to me and, well…"
"Are you calling her?" Bin moved his eyebrows up and down in a teasing manner.
Felix shrugged, a small smile curving up his mouth as he stared into his cup. "Maybe…"
You and Chaeryeong squealed in excitement, not missing another second to start talking Felix into it and managing to get everyone else involved in the conversation, as everyone seemed to have a say on whether Lix should hit the stranger up or not.
Everyone but Hyunjin, you couldn't help but realise.
While all your friends went on and on about their different points, he remained quiet next to you, only listening to what they all had to say, if even that, since he looked more spaced out than anything — his mouth opening every now and then only to take a sip of his drink, as words seemed to be something he refused to let out of it.
"I'm sorry I took too long with Changbin…" you apologised when you guessed what must've been going through his head, speaking low enough for only Hyunjin to hear.
He shrugged, not finding it in him to look up at you. "You wouldn't answer my texts".
A small sigh escaped your lips. "My phone was in my bag, I wasn't paying attention to it. I should've known you'd try to contact me and keep it next to me, I'm sorry".
Hyunjin nodded, yet as expected said nothing.
Biting on your bottom lip, you reached your hand up to cup his cheek and make him look at you. When he didn't protest and his face was now only a couple of centimeters from yours, you pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose.
"I'm really sorry, Jinnie" you apologised once more, this time looking into his already softening eyes. "I promise nothing happened, we were just talking while having dinner and got a bit too caught up in the conversation. It won't happen again, hm?"
You could tell he was not entirely convinced yet, but the small nod and the weak smile he gave you was enough for you to start smothering him with kisses all over his face.
You managed to get a giggle out of him right as your eager lips had been pressed under his chin and reached down to his neck, being stopped by his hand cupping your cheek and guiding you back up, right onto his lips.
It didn't take you long to react and wrap an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss by simply touching his bottom lip with your tongue — that being all he needed to gently pull at your hair and have you tilt your head back, so he could slide his tongue into your mouth and softly meet yours.
"You guys go get a room" Seungmin's disgusted voice had you two faintly pulling away.
"Leave them, they're cute" Cherry pouted.
He shrugged, nonchalantly bringing his cup up to his lips. "We're cuter".
"Ew, and you have the audacity to tease us?" Hyunjin called him out, smoothly resting his arm around your shoulders and letting his hand fall loosely over your chest.
"At least they're not sucking faces right in front of us" Han joined in.
"Not today, maybe" Lix mumbled, earning a glare from Seungmin.
"In Y/N's defense, she hardly ever makes out with Hyunjin hyung in public" Jeongin took your side.
"Oh no, I've seen them" Minho shut his argument down immediately.
"Can we all just agree that both couples are disgusting?" Chan proposed, getting instant affirmation from everyone but the couples in question.
"You guys are just mad that you don't get smooched every day" Chaeryeong childishly stuck her tongue out.
"Then can Y/N go smooch Hwang somewhere else since they get to do it everyday anyway?" Minho asked with a cynical smile.
"Nope," you mirrored his feigned cheerfulness, leaning into Hyunjin's chest as your hand went up to intertwine with his. "I'm asking for forgiveness here".
"Go ask for your boyfriend's forgiveness in his bedroom then" Changbin taunted.
Hearing everyone laugh, you played off the burning feeling in your cheeks with a roll of eyes. "He's not my boyfriend".
The whole table erupted in laughter once more, as they called you out on not believing shit of what had just came out of your mouth.
Everyone knew you were joking, for the lack of label in your relationship did not make any difference when it came to the way the two of you acted around each other — and that was, like an actual, established couple.
But although everyone laughed, not everyone was amused.
So you knew the moment Hyunjin's hold on your hand loosened up and his body tensed up against yours.
You weren't sure why, but suddenly it felt like you had just managed to beat an obstacle only to stumble with another one.
A part of you wanted to believe you were overthinking. The part of you that would always overthink everything and come up with scenarios that would only make you anxious wanted to believe you were doing just that now. The sight of Hyunjin right next to you, however, told you otherwise.
You had physically felt his mood drop the moment you said he was not your boyfriend. You had felt his hand loosen up its hold on yours.
He had carried on with the conversation all of you were having like nothing had happened, laughing and joking around just like he would always do, but you could feel him distant from you. And now that some of them were at the bar and some others at the dance floor, leaving the two of you oh-so-conveniently alone at the table, not a word had been spoken.
He was avoiding eye contact. He was avoiding your touch. Playing the lack of them off by drinking and staring into the dance floor like it was the most interesting sight ever.
You were not making all of that up, you were sure.
What you couldn't fully grasp your mind around was the reason for the sudden drop in his mood. You were not lying. In fact, you were sure you two had joked around like that before and everything had been just fine. Or maybe you had been too blind to realise it had bothered him all along.
Whatever it was about your remark that had managed to touch a nerve of his this time around, you needed to find out so you could make it better.
"Are you mad at me?" you asked, leaning closer to him so you could be soft-spoken and still be heard.
"Why would I be mad?" he answered dryly as ever, no eye contact at all.
You felt your heart sink.
"Was it something I said?" you carefully asked once more.
His unamused eyes —finally— fixed on you. "You know what you said".
"I don't get why you're mad about it, though?" you mumbled, unable to find the right words. "We're not official yet…"
"I know that, Y/N," he snapped. "Trust me, I know we're not official, it's not that I'm mad about".
"Then?" you pushed it.
"Why did you have to go and remind Changbin hyung about it?"
Your eyebrows furrowed in genuine confusion. "I wasn't reminding him… if anything, he knows already".
"Yes, but it's just," he sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair out of frustration. "It's the entire situation, Y/N. Like, you went to our place and stayed there with him alone—"
"I went to see you and you weren't there" you corrected him.
"But you decided to stay there with him when I asked you to come here and even offered to go get you. And then you went out to eat with him, wouldn't reply to my texts, got here way later than expected, and then proceeded to tell him I'm not your boyfriend?" he recriminated, and it finally hit you how wrong it had looked in his eyes and how upsetting the whole thing was.
Your heart sunk once more, this time over knowing you had hurt the person you loved the most, even if you had not meant it.
"Can you try and understand how fucking shitty that felt?"
"I know, and I'm s—"
"Like, how would you feel if I told Yerim you're not my girlfriend right in front of you".
You stayed still, that name alone being enough to feel like a bucket of ice cold water had been poured over you.
"What does she have to do with this?"
"Nothing, it's just an example".
"Why is she the first example to come to mind, then?"
"She just is," he blurted out, growing more frustrated by the second.
"So you still think about her?"
"No! That's not—it's just the closest to your situationship with Changbin".
"There is no 'situationship' between me and Changbin" you made it clear. "We're friends".
"With benefits" he bitterly remarked.
"We were friends with benefits" you corrected. "That ended as soon as you kissed me. We're friends now. Just friends. And he's one of your best friends too, we would never deliberately do anything to hurt you. It's very different to you and Yerim".
"Right, it is very different" he agreed. "Because I never actually got to fuck her".
"And you regret not doing it?" both your words and the venom they held caught him off guard.
"The way you said it made it sound like you would've liked to actually get to fuck her" you couldn't help the small crack in your voice and the annoying gloss in your eyes. "Because if that's the case then be my guest".
"No," Hyunjin shook his head accusingly. "No, you don't get to turn this around and get all defensive and jealous, this isn't about her".
"Well, you just made it about her, Hyunjin" you backed slightly away. "And I do get to be jealous of the girl you wanted to get with so bad that you didn't want her to see you with me".
"It was once, Y/N" he pointed out. "I pushed you away once because of her and then I chose you over her every single time".
You remained quiet, staring at the table as you were unable to look him in the eye right then and let him see the tears that you were hardly holding back.
"Baby," he called you, leaning in to try and make you look at him but with no success whatsoever. "I don't regret not getting with her. Anything I ever wanted with her was gone the moment I kissed you, too. I don't want her, I only want you…"
You said nothing.
"Y/N…" he softly called you once more.
You nodded in response, still not looking up at him.
Hyunjin sighed, feeling his chest tighten painfully at the beaten up sight of you. Suddenly, you felt distant, as if you had built an invisible wall in between the two of you and he could not get through it to save his life.
"It was just an example…"
"And you brought your point across. I would feel very shitty if you ever told Yerim I'm not your girlfriend, whether you said it right in front of me or not. Happy?"
"Baby, that's not—"
"I had already realised I was at fault and was about to apologise, though, because I really do hate that I put you through that with Changbin today and I am really, really sorry about it" your eyes went up to meet his, and although they showed how genuine you were being about being sorry, they also showed just how hurt you were, all because of him. "But oh well, thank you for the eye opening scenario, I guess".
"Everything okay?" Cherry's careful voice snapped both of you out of it, bringing your eyes up to be met not only with her worried expression, but Seungmin's right next to her.
You were fast to nod, sneakily wiping a tear that was about to fall, which did not go unnoticed by Hyunjin. Not sparing him another glance, you stood up to go to Cherry, snatching your hand away from his grasp the second he tried to hold it and make you stay.
"I'm getting a drink, come with me?" you asked Chaeryeong.
She nodded immediately, helping you out of the booth. "Of course, let's go".
On the other hand, Seungmin stood there, eyes scanning the heartbroken expression on his friend's face as he watched you leave towards the bar.
"Do I wanna know?" he asked.
Hyunjin shook his head no in frustration, leaning his head back against the seat and shutting his eyes close as he tried to contain the tears that had just started forming in them.
"Okay, you need to stop drinking" Seungmin stated, placing his hand on top of Hyunjin's glass before taking it away.
Hyunjin glared at him, but ultimately said nothing. Instead, he focused on you from afar.
It must've been a little over thirty minutes since you and Chaeryeong had been sitting down by the bar. He could only see your back from where he was sitting, but he felt at ease when he watched you throw your head back and let out what he could tell was a throaty laugh of yours — one of those genuine ones he loved hearing so much, even more when he was the reason for it.
At least your friend had succeeded at making you feel better after your previous argument.
He, on the other hand, had been sulking next to Seungmin for the past half an hour. Drinking his feelings away had seemed to be the way to go, and although Seungmin had initially decided to just let it slide and keep him company during his self-destructive ways, he could tell when enough was enough.
"Why don't you just go talk to her?" he questioned.
Hyunjin shrugged, leaning back against his seat. "I don't think she wants to hear me out right now".
Seungmin sighed. "What even happened for it to get that bad so fast?"
"I brought Yerim up".
Seungmin blinked in disbelief, feeling astounded to say the least. "What could possibly have happened for you to bring her of all people up".
"I'm an idiot," Hyunjin lamented, reaching for the drink Min had previously taken from him and downing it in one go. "That's what happened".
"And all of this because she got here later than she said she would?"
"No, it's not…" a heavy sigh escaped his lips. "It's much more than that. Mainly about her and Changbin hyung".
"They're just friends, Hyunjin".
"Now they are," he nodded, not being able to let go of their past together. "I just hated that they were alone for so long tonight, and that she felt the need to make it clear I'm not her boyfriend to him".
"So that's what this is about," Seungmin sighed, finally understanding the core of your argument. "You do realise she was just joking, right? Like, we all laughed because it was just that obvious".
"Was it?"
"Come on, man" he nudged him. "Even if you guys are not official, you two are exclusive. Do labels really matter when you both know you're together and serious about each other?"
Hyunjin stayed silent for a moment, trying to process his friend's words.
"We never established we're exclusive…"
"It's Y/N we're talking about" Seungmin reminded him. "She was faithful as hell to you even before you even made a move on her, why would it be any different now that you actually are head over heels for her? And you haven't even looked at someone else all this time, so…" he shrugged. "Some things are just unspoken, it doesn't mean they aren't there".
"I just… got insecure".
"More like jealous" Seungmin mumbled.
Hyunjin smiled weakly. "Insecure, genuinely. Sure, I tend to always get jealous, and I admit there was a bit of jealousy in there, too, but… I just got so fucking insecure when she corrected him, because yeah, she was faithful to me before and whatnot but Changbin hyung was the one exemption to it, and at the end of the day she's the one who gets to make the call and she can realise she'd rather be with someone else and choose Bin hyung over me any time".
"What do you mean?"
"I mean exactly that" he shrugged. "I'm in this kind of trial, trying to prove to her that I'm serious about my feelings for her, and I… if it were up to me we would already be official as hell, but she's the one who gets to decide that, and until then I'm just… hand tied".
"I don't think you are, though?" Seungmin's words got Hyunjin tilting his head in confusion. "I mean… you guys are an actual couple by now, you're pretty much only missing the labels, and I'm sure Y/N would say yes in a heartbeat if you asked her to be your girlfriend".
Hyunjin sighed, nervously biting his lip as he looked in your direction once again.
Maybe you would've before. After your argument, however, he was not so sure anymore.
He just kept fucking up over and over when it came to you, and he was scared all the progress the two of you had made so far, all the proof he had given you when it came to showing you he was serious about you this time, would come crashing down just because of this one slip up of his.
He should've kept quiet. Fuck, he should've shut his mouth the moment you had open yours to apologise. Everything would be so much different now if he learned to just not say the first thing that comes to mind without thinking about it first.
Then again, he had never been good at expressing himself, that you knew very well. Especially when it came to this kind of moments when he felt put on the spot.
He wished he could just turn back time and shut his fucking mouth.
Seeing Seungmin take the bottle of soju away from the corner of his eye, he gave up on both talking and drinking altogether, folding his arms over the table and resting his head on them, as he could feel all the alcohol he had drunk finally begin to hit.
Hyunjin didn't know how long it had been. Maybe twenty minutes, maybe ten. Maybe an hour, or even five minutes? All he knew was that he had passed out for a bit.
He didn't even know if his friends were around anymore or if Seungmin was still by his side, as he could not hear anyone near him. Well, anyone he knew, for the various unknown voices chatting —if not yelling— over the loud music around the bar were already invading his ears from all over.
Stretching out over the table after a good minute and almost knocking down a glass of soju, he finally sat back up. Much to his surprise, nearly all your friends were back at the table. Everyone but Cherry, as she kept chatting with you by the bar.
"Good morning there" Chan greeted with a teasing smile, having the rest join in in a second.
God, he knew he would never hear the end of it now.
"Good morning," he joined them, cynically. "How long was I out for?"
"Like fifteen minutes?" Han answered. "I don't know, I just got here like five minutes ago but I saw you sleeping from the dance floor".
"Yeah, fifteen minutes is a good guess," Minho laughed under his breath. He was probably the one enjoying this the most. "Right, Seungmin?"
All eyes on Min, they were met with his rather distraught expression staring intently at the bar.
"Seungmin?" Minho pushed it.
"Huh?" he snapped out of it.
"How long was Hwang out for? You were with him the entire time".
"Like two bottles" he answered incoherently as his eyes travelled back to the bar.
Chan snorted. "That's not what we were asking but holy fuck, Hyunjin".
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, later focusing them on Seungmin by his side. "You okay, man?"
"Yeah, I just…" his eyes squinted. "Who are…"
As if on cue, everyone followed his stare. And suddenly, Hyunjin knew exactly why his friend felt so distraught.
You and Cherry seemed to have company, and not precisely the kind of it he was okay with. Two guys around your age he had never seen before in his life, who were getting way too close to you, were most definitely not the kind of company he ever wanted for you. Especially not the one dude who was coming awfully near your ear to try and properly speak to you.
"Aw, just like the old days" Minho pretended to wipe a nostalgic tear, earning himself a snort from Han and a small shove from Jeongin next to him.
"Hell no" Seungmin mumbled under his breath, not letting another second go by before rushing towards Chaeryeong.
That was what Hyunjin wanted. To be able to just go up there, grab you and make sure that any other guy knew you were his. For every single person in the world to know you were with him.
Instead, he sat there — watching from afar how Seungmin reached Cherry's side and pulled her to him, glaring at the stranger that had tried to hit on her and telling him something Hyunjin could not quite decipher yet could perfectly guess what it was. Something along the lines of 'she's taken', of course.
Exactly what he wanted to be able to do with you.
He could've sworn Seungmin had told the guy who was trying to hit on you off, too, and although it was not quite enough to make him feel at ease, he did feel thankful to his friend.
Boyfriend or not, there was only so much he could take, however. So, when the very same guy who had invaded your personal space did not seem to care about Seungmin's words nor about your polite rejection —as he could tell by the way you had taken a step back from him and awkwardly motioned with your hands for him to take a hint—, Hyunjin found himself standing up from his spot and sprinting towards you.
"What's going on here?" he asked, towering over you the moment he reached your side.
"Um, n-nothing," your words sounded just as nervous as you looked, eyeing Hyunjin up before you focused on the stranger in front. "This is—"
"I really don't care who he is" Hyunjin shut you down, eyes glaring at the guy. "Back off".
"Now why would I do that?" the man —whose name you had learned to be Junghee a minute ago when he tried to buy you a drink—, replied rather smugly.
"Hyunjin…" you grabbed his hand, stopping him right as you felt him move forward.
"She's clearly not interested, leave her alone".
"Why don't you let her speak for herself then?"
Hyunjin turned around to look at you, silently demanding for an answer, yet simultaneously begging you with his eyes alone not to challenge him this time around — not to do anything that would hurt him any further.
He should know better by now, though. Because although you looked taken aback and anxious even, your eyes were on him. Only him. Not once during all those seconds the two of them had been expecting an answer from you had you merely even glanced anywhere but him.
And that was enough to let him know what you wanted, if not who you wanted.
"She's taken," Hyunjin spat after having turned back around. "Back off".
"That's what that other dude said, but—"
"Dude, I'm her boyfriend. Now go".
Raising both arms in defeat, not without first eyeing you up and down in a way that could easily have earned a punch from Hyunjin, he backed away for once and for all.
Hyunjin shook his head in both disbelief and annoyance, making sure the dickhead actually left before turning around to lock eyes with your cold ones.
"You're not my boyf—" you fell quiet the moment he cornered you against the bar and firmly placed his hand on your nape.
"To some random dude who's trying to make a move on you, yes I am".
You didn't have time to protest, for his mouth on yours had prevented you from doing so before you even had the chance.
Not like you wanted to protest to begin with, as his lips trapping your bottom one in them and sucking on it the way you loved it was all you had needed that night after your fight.
For him to reassure you once again that he was serious about you was everything you needed and more.
You grabbed him by the collar at the same time you wrapped one arm around his neck, feeling like you would die if you didn't have him the closest you could right then. Thankfully, Hyunjin seemed to get the memo, bringing his hands dangerously down to the lowest of your back so he could pull you to him and get rid of every possible centimeter that was left between your bodies.
Somehow backing you up harder against the bar and making sure your bodies wouldn't lose the closeness he had put in between them, he brought a hand up to cup your cheek, smiling into the kiss after you had massaged his tongue with yours.
"You don't get to let other guys hit on you just because of a stupid argument we had" he mumbled against your lips, getting a soft hum out of you when he pulled at your bottom one.
"I wasn't…" you whispered.
"No?" he pulled away for a second. "Is that why you were about to introduce me to him like it was nothing?"
Your cheeks burned in embarrassment. "I panicked, I didn't know what to say".
"Mhm… that better be it" he trapped your lip in his once more. "Because you're mine".
"I'm n—"
"Shhh…" he hushed you with a kiss, making you smile against his mouth. "You are".
"You're an idiot," you chuckled, endearingly looking up at him and gently cupping his cheek. "And you're drunk".
"M—not," he whined, more cutely to your ears than he had intended.
"You sure?" you teased, holding his face now with both hands as he rested his forehead on yours. "You do taste quite drunk to me".
He laughed under his breath, pressing a kiss to your cheek before he leaned down to rest his forehead on your shoulder — arms wrapping tightly around you as he tiredly nuzzled the crook of your neck.
"I may or may not have drunk my feelings away" he admitted.
"And the alcohol is finally starting to hit?"
He nodded, a quite heavy sigh of his tickling your neck.
"You wanna leave?" you asked, gently running a hand up and down his back.
Another silent nod was his answer. "Yeah, just wanna be with you right now…"
You smiled blissfully, planting a small kiss on his temple before your hand held his. "Okay then, let's go tell the rest we're dipping".
One look at your table was all it took for you to realise the two of you had been the main attraction back there. You didn't even notice the moment Chae and Seungmin had left your side and gone back to sit down with the rest, yet there they were, shamelessly gossipping together as they watched you walk towards the table.
The closer you got, the clearer you saw their teasing smiles — and the more you wanted to just turn around and get out of there with Hyunjin already.
"Glad to see you guys are on good terms again" Han teased as soon as you reached the table, motioning with his head towards your intertwined fingers.
"Didn't really appreciate the sight of you two exchanging saliva again, though" Minho pointed out.
"No one told you to look" Hyunjin shrugged.
Minho scoffed. "You were all up in our business, how could we not?"
"As if you weren't shoving your tongue down that one girl's throat minutes ago" you bit back, getting nothing but a proud smirk from him. "Anyway, we're leaving now, so…"
"Are you guys going to Hyunjin's dorm?" Jeongin asked.
"Mhm…" you nodded.
"You're staying there?" Cherry wondered.
You shook your head no. "I'm just d—"
"You're not?" Hyunjin asked in a pout.
You laughed under your breath. "I mean…"
"You guys can always figure that out later, but can I leave with you?" Innie drew your attention. "I'm tired and my dorm is on the way, we could split a taxi".
"That sounds great" you agreed. "Let's go then".
"If that's the case, I'm going with you guys, too" Changbin stood up as well, walking up to you right as Jeongin did.
"Why?" Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed.
"Because you will probably pass out in the car and there is no way Y/N will be able to drag your drunk ass all the way up to our floor alone".
Hyunjin shrugged, pulling you closer to him by the waist. "Whatever, but Jeongin is sitting with us in the backseat".
Rolling his eyes in amusement, Changbin agreed to his friend's conditions. Maybe you had already been forgiven, but he was clearly not on the clear just yet for having kept you from him earlier that night.
The ride home had been easier than you had initially thought, mainly because Hyunjin passed out on your shoulder the second you got in the taxi, and just like that he was no longer able to glare at Changbin like he had done right before getting in the car, even though his wishes of having Jeongin join the two of you on the backseat had been complied with.
He had also been able to walk up the stairs just fine — a bit slow, but just fine. Although he did trip once when there was only one floor left to theirs, and if it weren't for Changbin, who was walking behind the two of you just to make sure, then probably the story would've been very different.
All in all, it had not been that bad. Hyunjin wasn't wasted, to be fair, but all the alcohol he had drunk during that one moment of sulkiness had hit the hardest in the span of his confrontation with the pushy guy at the bar and the ride home.
By the time the three of you reached his room, he didn't think twice before letting go of your grasp around his waist and slumping down face first on his bed — a muffled whine reaching your ears and earning a smile from you that had Changbin shaking his head in disbelief over how head over heels you were for his friend.
"Well, seems like my job here is done, so…"
Reluctantly taking your eyes away from your passed out beloved on his bed, you turned around to look at Bin. "Thanks for coming with us," you smiled. "The trip up the stairs could've been hell if you weren't here".
He chuckled, taking a step towards you. "Yeah, to be honest he wasn't that bad tonight. There have been times when Seungmin and I have feared for our lives trying to drag him up those stairs".
You rolled your eyes in amusement. "I've heard the same kind of stories but with you being the one that has to be dragged upstairs".
"Now who was the snitch" he playfully squared up.
"You guys literally all snitch on each other" you laughed.
Hyunjin unconsciously tossed in bed, making both your heads snap in his direction, and as if on cue, both your stares turned softer — the mood suddenly dropping.
"He was really upset tonight…" Changbin was the first one to bring the topic up.
"Yeah…" you mumbled, intently staring at Hyunjin sleeping. "Maybe we shouldn't…"
"Hang out alone anymore?" he finished with an obvious tone.
You nodded, slowly. "At least until things are more clear between us and he feels okay with it".
"You mean until you guys put a label to what very clearly already is an official relationship" he smirked.
"Stop…" you lowered your head to try and hide the shy smile that had just curved up your lips. "Things are still a bit messy between us… and I hated knowing that I hurt him today and I would hate to hurt him again" a small sigh abandoned your mouth as you looked up to him. "I really love him, Binnie".
"I know you do," he smiled, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Let's just hang out while the others are around from now on".
"Yeah, let's do that" you agreed with a smile.
"Does this count as hanging out alone when Hyunjin is passed out in front of us?"
You couldn't help a throaty laugh from escaping your mouth, finding yourself having to cover it with one hand not to risk waking Hyunjin up, which seemed to be highly unlikely yet never impossible.
"You're staying the night?" he changed the topic, still not being able to erase the smile that had formed on his face over your laughter.
You shook your head no. "I'm just staying with him for a bit".
He snorted. "That's just calling to fall asleep on the floor next to him".
"I just want to make sure he stays sleeping on his side in case he throws up".
"Ew, I knew you were in love as hell but not to the point of being willing to clean his puke up".
"Shut up," you squinted your eyes at him, causing him to hold both hands up as he backed towards the door.
"Okay, I'll leave you to it now. I believe his pyjamas are in the second drawer," he motioned. "Although I guess he could sleep in his underwear alone, I don't know".
"You're changing him, aren't you?" Changbin raised a questioning eyebrow.
"No, you change him".
He scoffed. "You're the one dating him, that's your problem now".
"But you're a boy..."
"What are we, twelve?" he laughed. "Don't act like you've never seen him naked before".
"Okay first, you don't know that" you pointed an accusing finger at him. "And second, he's drunk".
"I don't want to overstep…"
"Trust me, he won't be mad that you changed him to sleep" he smirked.
"Changbinnnn," you begged in a whine.
"Ugh, okay" he gave in, realising there was no changing your mind. "Just go wait outside. And when he gets mad at me for changing his clothes, I'm throwing you under the bus".
"I'll take the risk" you laughed.
Pulling down the white oversized t-shirt of Hyunjin's that Changbin had given you after having successfully convinced you to spend the night before he could leave to his room for once and for all, you couldn't help but feel all giddy. You hadn't worn them many times, maybe one or two, but still, you could never grow used to wearing Hyunjin's clothes. And a part of you couldn't help but not feel like ever giving it back.
The way it had his particular scent you loved so much all over, the way it was long enough to cover just a little under your thighs, the way it felt almost like being in his arms, the way it was his.
Snapping out of it when you heard a heavy sigh coming from the bed, you were met with the cutest sight of Hyunjin tucked into it. Changbin had gone through the trouble, since he knew for a fact you would have a hard time trying to tuck him in if not.
The sheets were pulled up to his chin, in a way you could only see his uncovered face as he laid on his back and how the covers moved slowly up and down with each breath he took.
His eyes remained closed and his breathing calm. You couldn't help but feel bad for the hangover you knew he was waking up with the next morning, although that itself wasn't enough to erase the smile from off your face as you stared at him.
It was ridiculous how soft you were for him, not to say weak. You were so mad earlier that night, so hurt that he had brought up the one girl you were insecure about when it came to his past, that you thought the two of you would go your different ways that night and take a couple of days to make up.
But then there he was, telling a random guy who was trying to hit on you to back off and calling himself your boyfriend, kissing you like you were the only people in the bar, and that was all it took for you to feel at ease again — for you to know you would be alright regardless of the pending conversation you still needed to have.
Physically shaking your head as you were unable to mentally shake off his voice repeating the word 'boyfriend' over and over, causing your heart to soar with every memory of it, you went up to his drawer by the bed.
You took out the face wipes you knew he kept in there and went to the mirror next to it so you could take off your makeup. This wasn't your ideal night routine, but it would have to do for tonight.
"Mm…" Hyunjin's tired voice had your head snapping in his direction, only to be met with his visibly heavy eyes staring at you. "Sexy".
You snorted, feeling your face burn yet refusing to show how flustered you were over his sudden comment. Instead, you shook your head in amusement and threw the wipe into the small trash bin under his desk before you took a clean one out of the package.
"You're awake" you pointed out the obvious, sitting down by the edge of the bed.
"Yeah…" he sighed, eyes unconsciously closing for a moment there. "You looked too good for me not to wake up".
"That makes absolutely no sense" you laughed, leaning in to pull the covers slightly down to his chest.
"Yes, it does" he fought back, grimacing when the cold wipe came in contact with his face yet not protesting as you gently cleaned him up. "You should wear my clothes more often".
"I will take you up on that offer" you smiled, pressing a brief kiss to his forehead before going to throw the used wipe in the bin, too. "I'm borrowing a pair of sweatpants to sleep in".
"Noo, come here," he protested, stretching his arms out of the covers for you to go over there. "I meant you should wear my t-shirts with nothing else more often".
"Oh? You like the sight, Hwang Hyunjin?"
"You know I do" his eyes squinted accusingly.
"And what if I wanna go to the bathroom or the kitchen?" you taunted, folding your arms over your chest.
"If the guys are here then you put a pair of sweatpants on before leaving my room" his dead serious semblance got you grinning. "If we're alone, then it doesn't matter".
"Gatekeeping, I see" you came closer to the bed, enough for him to reach his hand out and grab your wrist.
"Of course," he proudly stated, pulling you down onto the bed with him — his hand resting against your back to pull you closer, later travelling down to the back of your thigh and guiding it over his waistline. "Only I get to see your pretty thighs like this".
This time, you could not hide the prominent heat in your cheeks, having to look down for a second to try and collect yourself, only to be met with his fingers holding your chin up and his lips pressing softly on yours.
Although it had begun tenderly, almost innocently, it was only a matter of seconds before Hyunjin's tongue was opening its way into your mouth, sending shivers down your spine as your hand went to his nape and your fingers were entangled in his brown locks.
It wasn't until his fingertips traced their way up from your thigh to your hip and his hand dug inside the t-shirt of his you were wearing, reaching dangerously close to the curve of your breasts, that you pulled away.
"So you're a horny drunk…" you smirked, almost as if having found his weakness. "Should've seen it coming".
"I always wanna touch you" he pouted.
"Something tells me it's different this time" you let out a breathy laugh, holding his wrist and gently removing it from underneath your top. "So I'm stopping you before we get too caught up".
"But I need you…" he whined, burying his face in your chest.
"You're literally half asleep, what would you be able to do anyway?"
"Don't underestimate me, baby girl".
You felt him smile against your chest in response to the small laugh that had just escaped your throat at his threatening words.
Considering your little banter to be done with after his last statement, Hyunjin's arms snaked around your waist and pulled you somewhat closer to him — as close as the covers in between the two of you allowed him to.
"You okay?" you whispered when you felt him take a heavy breath, tenderly running your fingers through his hair.
"Everything's spinning" he managed to let out as he exhaled.
You chuckled, pressing your lips down on the crown of his head. "That's what happens when you down two bottles of soju in half an hour".
He pouted. "I was… feeling very shitty…"
Your heart hurt at his words, and you were met with his heavy-looking chocolate eyes after he had pulled slightly away from your chest.
Silence filled the room for a minute, words somehow not being needed as you quietly looked at each other.
Wetting his lips, he reached a hand up to cup your cheek, drawing small circles on it with his thumb and smiling when your hand reached up to do the same with his wrist.
"I'm sorry about what I said," he apologised. "I shouldn't have brought Y—"
"I really don't wanna talk about her anymore" you softly cut him off.
He nodded, tenderly grabbing your hand in his and caressing the back of it with his thumb. "I'm really sorry, baby… I never wanted to hurt you".
"Hey, it's okay" you hushed him. "I never wanted to hurt you either. I'm sorry too, Jinnie".
He smiled, tiredly yet ever so blissfully — eyes closing once again right as he brought your hand up to his mouth and pressed a sweet kiss to it.
"I only want you. All to myself. No one else".
"You don't want me with anyone else or you don't want anyone else but me?" you couldn't help but tease.
"Both," his confident tone got a giggle out of you. "But you're the one who gets to decide whether you want to be with me for real now and I just keep fucking up an—"
"Baby…" you called him softly as ever, lovingly running your thumb over his bottom lip and managing to make him open his eyes once more. "You haven't even fucked up".
"I just did tonight, though…"
"Not in a way that will stop me from wanting to be with you" you reassured him with a smile.
"You promise?" he whispered.
You nodded, answering his question by briefly pressing your lips against his. "Remember what I told you the morning after we got together?"
"You told me many things that morning" he smirked, causing you to roll your eyes in amusement.
"About not feeling like you have to watch your every move around me" you reminded him. "I said that as long as y—"
"I don't go to someone else or start feeling trapped again we would be alright…" he completed for you.
"And you haven't done any of those, have you?"
"No, of course not" he sounded almost offended by that question. "If anything you might start feeling trapped with how clingy I got".
A throaty laugh escaped your mouth at that, snuggling closer to him and feeling your heart melt when his hand was naturally placed on the curve of your waist.
Fuck, you loved him.
"What are you saying, I love clingy" you admitted. "And since you haven't done any of those two things I don't really consider that you've fucked up… couples argue here and there, it's okay".
"Are you saying we're a couple now?" he smiled.
You bit your bottom lip, looking away from his eyes as you were at a loss of words and felt your face burn under his stare.
"Go to sleep, Jinnie".
"You haven't answered my question".
"You're drunk" you pointed out. "We'll talk about this some other time".
Hyunjin pouted, but ultimately decided to let it go. "You're staying the night?"
You nodded. "How else am I supposed to take care of your drunken ass tonight?"
"That is very girlfriend of you" he smirked.
You couldn't help the giggle that had just ran past your lips, just like you couldn't help the backflip your heart had just done. "You're going to regret this so much in the morning".
"I won't" he stood his ground.
"We'll see about that tomorrow" you chuckled. "Now go to sleep".
"At least get in here with me," he tugged at the covers for you to get inside. "You're practically naked, don't want my baby to catch a cold".
"Shut up," you laughed under your breath, embarrassed, yet complied with his wishes.
Helping him pull the sheets up, you got inside them with him, who wasted no time to tuck you in with him and tightly engulf you in his arms.
You sighed contentedly when your face rested on his chest, throwing a leg over his waist.
"Better?" he asked.
"Mhm…" your body snuggled closer to him. "This was very boyfriend of you" you couldn't help but tease.
Feeling him smile against the crown of your head, you were greatly surprised by his long fingers pushing your chin up to be met with his plump lips.
"That's what you should've told that one idiot that was hitting on you".
"And who says I didn't?"
He pulled back from your mouth, staring at you with wide eyes as he tried to process the words that had just come out of it. "Y-You did?"
You nodded, quite amusedly.
"You told him I was your boyfriend?"
"Well, I told him I had a boyfriend. He didn't know who you were, so…" you laughed at his cute expression right then.
"And even then he still wouldn't back off?" he scoffed. "God, I should've punched him".
An amused giggle escaped your mouth. "It's fine, I was actually about to just walk away when you got there" you confessed, tenderly running your thumb up and down the corner of his mouth. "You really underestimate how bad I don't want to be hit on by anyone but you, Hwang Hyunjin".
The smile that had just curved up his lips right then could easily be one of your favourites he'd ever given you. There was something about his crescent moon eyes and his dimples that had your heart soaring.
You didn't get to stare at it for long, though, for those same lips that were holding the most beautiful smile you had ever seen were soon to be pressed on yours, somehow managing to show you everything he felt for you yet did not have the right words to express.
Feeling his hot breath tickle your wet lips after the lack of oxygen had broken you apart, you found yourself smiling against his mouth, pecking it ever so lightly and having him do the same the next second.
"Be my girlfriend?" he whispered against your mouth.
Your eyes opened wide, and you were sure they looked elated as ever — for you were elated as ever.
You could scream. You could cry. You could laugh. Everything at once as you were hit by the one question you had at some point believed Hyunjin would never let himself ask you.
You could do so many things right then as you stared into his tired yet genuine eyes, and your heart screamed for you to answer with the 'yes' that had gotten stuck at the back of your throat the second his question reached your ears.
At last, though, you let the rational part of you win for once.
Leaning in to steal a soft, lingering kiss from his cloudlike lips, you looked up at him with a small smile. "Ask me again when you're sober".
Letting out a breathy, defeated laugh, he rested his forehead on yours as he closed his eyes. "Will you say yes?"
You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his nose. "Go to sleep, baby".
Although not entirely satisfied with your answer, he gave it up for once and for all, pulling you back to his chest as he closed his eyes and found comfort in the way your limbs were loosely wrapped around him. You were lucky the alcohol kept dragging him into a slumber, otherwise you would not have heard the end of it until you gave him a proper answer.
In less than a minute, he was fast asleep all over again.
You, on the other hand, were left wide awake while almost inaudible snores abandoned his lips every few seconds — unable to conceal your sleep as everything that happened that night kept replaying in your mind over and over. More precisely, images of your last conversation right before he closed his eyes and went to sleep.
With your heart pumping hard against your chest to the point you were scared it would wake him up, you could only wish he would not change his mind once he woke up. That if he even remembered everything that had left his mouth that night.
Wide awake, you were left thinking of every possible outcome following this night.
Whatever happened, though, drunk words were sober thoughts, and although conflicted over the circumstances they had been spoken on, you could not help the overwhelming happiness taking over your mind and body now that you knew Hwang Hyunjin wanted to make things official with you.
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tag list: @blaaiissee @hyuneytoast @staysuki @tardiscompanion @princehyun-jin @hyuka-luvbot @halesandy @nattisbored @qnjayn @hibuki-chan @purenjuniverse @seungly @suhnnyskiess @midsoulz @kwanisms @esme-ordaz @perriwiinkle @firnze @soobin-chois @moon-320 @multifandomizer @elviransworld @valewoos @ktttwwn @hazzaloveschopsuey @hannahdinse8 @zoe8stay @leechanniee @phenomenalgirl9 @aeminju @threevracha @laryisthinking @wolfietara @iam2out @kingggjaay @cosmic-railwayxo @straykidsficsrecsbaby @marsophilia @choibeomgogi @ddaengpotate @oceanyocean @rinsdesires @jhslmhbtsskz @lixlovesworld @keenlampponyclam @yerimselgi @mal-lunar-28 @littlestarhyun @mingiholic @euphroseia
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e-dubbc11 · 6 months
Trust Your Gut
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of rohypnol (date rape drug), fluff, smooches, mention of a little violence
Word Count: 2.7K-ish
Summary: You keep seeing a very handsome stranger every Friday at happy hour with your work friends. He saves you from a potential dangerous situation
A/N: Miss me? 🤣 I had a lovely vacation, didn’t really look forward to going back to work but I’m happy to be back to writing. And if there’s anything you’d like to see from me, don’t hesitate to send something to my inbox. Come say hi! ♥️ So anyway, I saw a prompt on the blog @creativepromptsforwriting and I wanted to use it. #1061 - “I have wanted to kiss you every time I’ve seen you smile.” “Then why haven’t you yet?”
Oh and I make mention of Tyler Durden, Brad Pitt’s character in Fight Club. If you haven’t seen it, what are you waiting for…it’s classic!
Not much else to say except I hope you like it! ♥️
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
Before you had even set one foot into the bar today, you felt his presence.
That gut feeling you had all day while you were at work, a combination of butterflies and knots danced and twisted around in your stomach as you kept glancing at the time, waiting for the moment you could clock out so you could go and meet your friends for your usual Friday after-work drink.
For the past month, you had noticed him. The way his long dexterous fingers wrapped around the glass of bourbon, the way his throat moved up and down as the amber liquid trickled down his throat, and the clenching of his teeth as his drink hit his stomach.
He was so handsome, mysterious, and sexy as fuck. His eyes looked like two pieces of onyx that shined when the dim lights of the bar hit them just right and you tried your hardest not to seem like you were staring at him but he probably knew you were.
Every woman in that place stared at him. How could they not? Between his handsome face, the fancy suit and tie, those eyes you could get lost in, and a smile that made you weak in the knees, you were irresistibly drawn to him. He could have his pick of any woman but you were surprised that every woman that threw themselves at him, he turned them all down.
Actually, you didn’t care why he turned them down. You only cared that he did turn them down and you didn’t have to watch him leave with someone that wasn’t you but you were too shy to even think of speaking to someone of his caliber.
All of those thoughts disappeared as soon as you saw your friends waiting for you. You were there to have a good time with them, not to gawk at the handsome man in the fancy suit. They had saved you a seat and it happened to be near Mr. Fancy Pants’ table.
Your gut never lied; he was there already.
He was drinking with a few other guys also dressed in fancy suits. Your heart jumped from your chest into your throat and you managed to catch a glimpse of him before he could return your gaze although he probably didn’t even look away from his friends.
“I’m bringing someone for you next week, y/n.” Your friend Jenna said.
Your mind was somewhere else and you were staring off into space so you didn’t exactly hear her.
“What?” You replied.
She glared at you, pointed and asked, “You didn’t pay attention to a word I just said, did you.”
You felt bad and apologized.
“I’m sorry, Jenna. I guess I’m a little distracted.” You replied.
Every woman in the bar had a crush on Mr. Fancy Pants, but you didn’t let it show that you did too. It was difficult but you acted like he wasn’t even there. If there was a way for you to become invisible so no one would see you ogling him, you would do it in a heartbeat.
Stolen glances would have to do…for now.
The following Friday, your standing date with your friends was rapidly approaching and you were nervous about the guy Jenna said she was bringing for you. She said his name is Tyler and he is a personal trainer/boxer at the gym that she and her husband go to. Every time you heard the name “Tyler,” two words popped into your head…Fight Club.
“…And could you try not to mention Fight Club when you meet him? I knew exactly what you were thinking when I told you his name was Tyler.” Said Jenna.
You shrugged and said, “Ok, but you know that happens when I get nervous. I just start quoting movies or blurt out song lyrics. I can’t help it. It’s who I am.” You said with a slight chuckle and batting your eyelashes.
It almost sounded like Jenna didn’t want you to be yourself but she wanted you to be someone else when talking to Tyler but you would try to keep your movie quotes to a minimum, although you couldn’t make any guarantees.
He was nice enough, good looking, and seemed like he enjoyed his job. But he was a little full of himself, dull and didn’t seem like the brightest crayon in the box, nothing like the real object of your affection, Suit & Tie. Everyone in the room was drawn to him.
Without saying a word, he commanded your attention and always seemed in charge of everything. That kind of power over people turned you on, it sent a restless shiver down your spine, and a sudden warmth brushed across your cheeks.
Your blind date, however, droned on and on about the gym, his clients, some of them famous people, which didn’t impress you in the slightest. Your mind wandered, thinking about if Suit & Tie’s taste in bourbon was impeccable like his taste in suits.
Your desire to taste the bourbon on his lips kept getting stronger with every sip he took. The words coming out of Tyler’s mouth were not registering and it sounded like he was speaking underwater. That’s how little you were paying attention to what he was saying.
There was something about Tyler that wasn’t sitting right with you, though. He put out kind of a weird vibe but you couldn’t put your finger on exactly what it could be. Your intuition has never betrayed you before and you didn’t think it would start now.
Setting your empty glass onto the bar, you told Tyler you needed to use the ladies’ room and said you would order another beer when you got back. Emerging from the bathroom, you were startled to see who was standing in front of you. Mr. Fancy Pants. Your stomach lurched upward toward your throat before settling back down and he wasted no time starting the conversation.
“You have a date tonight, I see.” He said softly with a warm smile.
He noticed that he scared you.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologized and extended his hand for you to shake. “Billy Russo…nice to meet you.”
Shaking his hand, you replied, “OH! I’m y/n, it’s really nice to meet you Billy. And yeah it’s—it’s a blind date.”
Billy moved in closer, caging you in against the wall down the long and narrow hallway. The scent of his spicy cologne floated past your nose and he placed his hand against the wall just above your head. He was even more handsome up close.
“Do you like him?” He asked in a serious tone as the line of his mouth tightened a fraction more.
Not really knowing how to respond, you stumbled over your words at first but managed to pull yourself together long enough to answer him.
“Oh…well…I dunno,” You had started to say. “Actually…I feel like there’s just something off about Tyler but I don’t know what it is.” You whispered.
Billy’s endless brown eyes stared into yours. He looked…angry but you weren’t frightened.
“You felt that, huh?” He replied.
Nervously, you nodded.
“Yeah, I felt that too and confirmed it when I saw him slip something into the fresh beer that’s waiting for you on the bar.” He said through clenched teeth.
You covered your mouth in disbelief.
“WHAT?! I purposely didn’t order another beer yet so I could watch it being poured.” You asked in a scared tone.
“Look, I know you don’t know me but I don’t want anything to happen to you because, well…I” Billy trailed off. “Do you trust me?”
Strangely enough, you did. You trusted him like you’ve known him for years.
“Y-yes, I do…Billy.” You answered.
The corners of his mouth turned up into a sly smile.
“Good, because I’ve kinda developed a little crush on you in the four weeks I’ve been comin’ in here. I keep suggesting this place to my team, hopin’ I’d get to see you.” He whispered in your ear, his hand still pressed against the wall, and his slight New York accent peeking through.
His words went straight to your core and instantly goosebumps peppered across your skin as the scent of bourbon escaped his lips when he spoke.
“Really?” You asked, shyly.
Biting down on his lower lip, he nodded.
“Well…I may have a little crush on you too.” You said with a slight smile.
Your hands trembled as you reached for his tie. Sliding it through your fingers, you looked up at him through your long dark lashes, desperately wanting him to kiss you and not caring that you just officially met him a few minutes ago.
Billy Russo was the one person in the entire bar that you felt like you could trust wholeheartedly and that included the trust you had in your co-workers and friends. It was hard to explain but everything about him just felt right.
Billy had inched close enough for the two of you to share the same air, causing you to swallow hard before he spoke again.
“I have wanted to kiss you every time I’ve seen you smile.” He said slowly as he grazed your cheek with his knuckles and tucked a stray hair behind your ear, away from your face.
Billy’s lips ghosted over yours as you asked with a smile, “Then why haven’t you yet?”
Flashing that million-dollar smile, he gently cupped your cheeks and drew your face closer to his before his lips were pressed firmly against yours. They tasted like vanilla with a mixture of sweetness and bite as he continued to kiss you a little harder now. Your stomach dropped when his body pressed up against you and your hands migrated to his raven colored hair.
His kisses were even better than you imagined they would be.
Breathlessly, his name fled from your lips as he kissed up and down the side of your neck. You completely lost yourself in the moment before snapping back to reality and remembered about Tyler, your friends, and the fact that no one has been down this hallway since you came out of the ladies’ room.
“Billy…no one’s come down here looking for either one of us.” You said.
He pulled back and said with a devilish grin, “Oh I got a guy at the end of the hallway preventing anyone from coming down here. I didn’t want any interruptions before I could tell you what that asshole did to your drink.”
“Shit…I keep forgetting about that.” You said, pressing your palm to your forehead.
Billy smirked again. “I’ll take that as a compliment, pretty eyes. Have dinner with me.” He commanded.
“Are you requesting or demanding?” You asked with a warm smile.
He leaned in to kiss you again.
“Please?” Asked Billy.
Without any hesitation, you replied, “Well since you asked nicely…yes, I’d love to Mr. Fancy Pants.”
Billy started to laugh.
“Mr. Fancy Pants, huh.” Said Billy.
You shrugged.
“Well, I didn’t know your name so that’s just how I referred to you in my head.” You said with a slight chuckle. “Suit & Tie was another one I used.”
He laughed at that one too.
“Well, I like both of them.” He said.
Just as he finished his sentence, a voice boomed from down the hall.
“Hey Bill!”
Billy yelled back.
“Yeah, what is it Frankie?!”
“You done warnin’ Miss Pretty Eyes about that fuckin’ scumbag yet?! Says he needs to use the bathroom.” He said, his voice dripping with disdain.
You narrowed your eyes slightly as the corners of your mouth curled into a smile.
“Pretty Eyes? You’ve told other people about the nickname, I see.” You said to Billy.
Billy winked at you and replied to his friend.
“Go ahead, Frankie. Let him down here and then you can watch me work!” Yelled Billy, with a devilish grin.
He was breathless with anger. Clenching his teeth, you watched as Billy’s hand balled into a fist until his knuckles shown white. The same knuckles that were gently brushing your cheek a few moments ago were getting ready to connect with Tyler’s face.
“You’re gonna hurt him, aren’t you.” You said nervously; your hands shaking slightly.
Billy kissed you on the forehead and replied, “Tyler’s walkin’ in to his own personal Fight Club. I’m gonna make sure he’ll think twice before doing that to someone else, y/n.”
The reference to Fight Club made you laugh. Movie references randomly popped into your head at any given time. It appeared that they randomly popped into Billy’s head also. This guy just might be your person.
“Ah, you forgot the first rule of Fight Club, Mr. Russo!” You chuckled a little. “So, do you beat people up professionally orrrrr?” You asked sarcastically.
He gave you another wicked smile and said, “We can talk about that at dinner and then you can remind me what the rules of Fight Club are.”
Immediately after he started walking down the hall, Tyler began running his mouth, telling Billy to get away from me, and “hope he’s ready to have his ass kicked.” When he got close, Tyler took a couple swings at him but missed and Billy proceeded to show him what happens to guys who mess with other people’s drinks.
Shoving Tyler out of the back door, Billy bloodied him enough to where you knew he’d never do that to anyone ever again and had the bartender call the police. When they dumped the beer out, there was some white residue along the bottom of the glass.
“Hey, he took swings at me first. I was just defending myself.” Said Billy, after being asked why Tyler’s face looked like a mangled piece of meat.
Bar patrons and Frank had watched Tyler swing first so they corroborated Billy’s story that he was “defending himself” and Jenna apologized for trying to set you up with such a creep. It wasn’t her fault; how could she have known? But she still felt pretty bad about the whole thing.
“I promise, I’ll never try and set you up again. I’m not very good at it, apparently.” She said, her voice heavy with sarcasm.
“Well maybe if this works out, you won’t have to set me up again.” You said.
Watching Billy talk to the police, you felt a sense of relief, and it scared you to think of what would have happened if he wasn’t there. If he wasn’t watching at that exact moment, something terrible could have happened to you.
Billy had finished talking with the cops when you rushed over to him, crashed into his chest and wrapped your arms tightly around his torso. The shock of it all had worn off and you were left thinking about all of the bad things that could have happened.
He was surprised but returned your embrace as tears streaked down your face.
“Hey, hey it’s ok, y/n. It’s ok. You’re safe.” He whispered against the top of your head.
“Thank you, Billy.” You said with a hitch in your voice, trying not to get your tears on his shirt.
You just kept thanking him over and over again. You had to make sure he knew just how grateful you were to him for today.
“I’ll never let anything bad happen to you…pretty eyes. You can trust me.” Said Billy with a slight smile.
His voice was calm and smooth like warm honey. He soothed you and reassured you that you were alright. Billy’s long arms wrapped around you, his body was a warm cradle for yours, and you fit perfectly against him.
“I know I can, Billy. I don’t know how I know…but I do.” You said as the corners of your mouth curled into a shy smile.
Brushing his beard with your thumbs, you leaned in to kiss him again. Instinctively, you knew there was something off about Tyler but at the same time, your gut told you there was something about Billy Russo that fit just right.
You would just have to remember to really listen to that inner voice from now on when it tells you something important, whether it’s bad or very…very…good.
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialend @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @ittybxttykxttytxtty @mrsbillyrusso @russosafehaven
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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blinkilite · 7 months
I had the amazing privilege of seeing Michael Sheen in Nye a few nights ago at the National Theatre.
The play:
Nye was amazing. Michael was brilliant and in command of the stage the whole time. I am not a big theater-goer. So this was a big deal for me. But seeing him perform on stage was just wonderful. I truly appreciate his skills on a whole new level now. The rest of the cast was brilliant too. They each played multiple roles throughout the timeline of the play. I highly recommend going to see it if you can. He sings! He dances! I cried! I laughed! I’m trying my best to give you a spoiler free review! But I promise you won’t be disappointed. 😊 it’s really really good. 👍 Go! Support Michael and the arts!
My personal experience:
I had a mix of excitement and anxiety all day but it really amped up when I got to the theater. Like omg this is really happening. I took a pic by the poster and it’s obvious I am an excited weirdo. 😆
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Now that I was here, the next step was going to the national theatre gift shop. They had a lot of cute things and a really cool display for Nye.
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I purchased my program and the cashier was very friendly. She complimented my Good Omens pin and said they usually come out stage door so make sure to go around back after, and enjoy the show. 😊 (internally squeeing) I thanked her and we went and got some food and a cider.
We made our way to the doors and were led to our seats. Then I started getting the omg we’re here this is actually happening mentality. We were pretty close. An omg he will be right there! Soon! 😬
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We had 8th row seats 😳 it seemed very close and I was freaking out.
I read some reviews and saw the newly released press photos of the play. So I knew a little what to expect of the show too, but honestly it was sooo good. I don’t want to give away any spoilers because the play is AMAZING. Michael and the rest of the cast did so well. Michael is very active and moved all over the stage. I am so impressed by his abilities as an actor. He fucking sings! And it’s wonderful! And our seats were close enough to see all the micro expressions on his face. 😃 If you have the means to go and see this either in London or later in Wales - GO! You will not regret it.
At the end I took a pic of the actors (though I didn’t get everyone) and I got the very end when Nye can see the impact of his accomplishments.
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Now for the fangirling part of my night. I was trying my best not to be a complete dork. I knew from other fans previously posting that he typically comes out at the stage door after the show. So I had an idea what to expect. He came out pretty soon after the show ended. I’m guessing there were maybe 50-60ppl there. He just started talking to people, signing things, taking photos like this is no big deal. And they would leave and it would be the next person’s turn. Everyone was very considerate of each other and Michael’s time. And he was kind and generous and spoke genuinely to each person and made so many people happy that night. just by being himself and taking some extra time before he went home. He really is an angel. ❤️
Eventually it was my turn. Somehow I didn’t mumble or giggle like an idiot. where did I find the ability to speak? - I really have no idea 🤷‍♀️ I told him the show was amazing. He thanked me. And while signing my program I told him we came over from America for my birthday to see him. He wished us luck in the rest of our trip. I got a selfie with him and internally died. He wished me happy birthday (died again). I thanked him and then it was the next person’s turn. I walked about 50ft away and jumped up and down like an idiot. Hopefully he didn’t see.
But holy shit. 😃
I met Michael Sheen!!!! 😃❤️😃
And he was the nicest person ever. 😃😃😃
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ultralightpoe · 11 months
Thriller - Steve Harrington
Word Count: 675
Warnings: none- just a small blurb
Description: Small halloween blurb.
This is apart of my Halloween event, stay tuned for a new story every hour!
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Happy Halloween!
“Okay, wait. Wait wait wait. WAIT!” Steve gasps, reaching over and hitting the brakes with his hand before Robin could kill everyone in the car.  “Get out. You are done. You are entirely done-”
“You are being so over dramatic right now Steven.” She snaps, turning back to glare at you and Eddie which makes you both jump back. 
“The fuck did I do?” You blurt, and Eddie shakes his head, leaning back so she can’t hit him. 
“Tell Steve he is being dramatic. Right. Now.” 
“Why me? Eddie tell Steve he is being dramatic-”
“You are boinking him!” Eddie glares and Steve whirls around, bumping his forehead with Robins and groaning in pain. 
“Did you really just say the word boinking to my girlfriend?”
“YEAH! IS IT, STEVEN?!” Robin joins in, and you are doing everything you can to not laugh right now, hands covering your face. You imagined how you must look to people passing by and you truly could not contain the laughter anymore. 
The scooby gang, arguing in a car loudly. What an image. 
“What’s so funny over there, daphne?” Eddie asks, glaring at you as Steve turns to smile at you. 
“Oh nothing Shaggy, it’s just you guys are so-”
“If you say dramatic right now I will kill you.” Robin mumbles, pulling at the orange turtleneck. 
“Don’t yell at my girlfriend, Velma.”
“Shut up Steven.”
“Okay why does everyone else get nicknames and I am stuck with-” Before he can finish his sentence Robin lets off the brake, her foot accidentally landing on the gas and the car launches forward. 
Everyone yells as it hits a light pole, Eddie gasping out dramatically as Steve tears out of the car. You move to follow and Robin does too, until Eddie yells.  “VELMA THE BRAKE!”
He leans across the console, putting the car into Park which ends up killing it. 
“You guys….” Steve sighs, decked out in a fred costume, both hands on the hood as he tries to keep his composure. “Just… lets just…. Oh my god.”
“Do you think we are gonna make it to the party in time?” Eddie asks, obviously trying to piss Steve off. 
The glare that he gets is worth it. 
Three hours later and you are all still waiting by the car. Robin is using a stick to draw in the dirt as Eddie is in the field to pee.  You, however, are huddled with Steve in the backseat of his car. 
“This is… jesus this sucks.”
“Why is that?” You ask, playing with the green scarf, staring up at him when he looks down at you.
“This is our first halloween as an actual couple, I wanted us to go out and have fun. Party and make it a memorable night.” He blushes. 
“I can assure you, Harrington, this night is anything by forgettable.” You smile, leaning up to kiss him.  “Besides, I love our friends.”
“Love you too!” Robin calls and Steve groans. 
“Some privacy would be great!”
“Come on, you said the tow trucks were gonna take forever and I think we still have the supplies from the camping trip in the back.” You whisper, hopping out of the car and moving to open the trunk. 
Sure enough there is a radio and a pack of beer, with a couple blankets. 
“Let’s have our own party!” Eddie whoops, snatching the radio to find a station as Robin snatches the beer. 
Steve pulls you into his arms, kissing the top of your head before the beginning of Thriller comes on and you all gasp loudly. 
The rest of the night is spent drinking the beer, and dancing. Finally you all end up passed out in the car, Robin in the passenger seat with Eddie in the driver seat. You and Steve curled up into the back. 
It isn’t until you all wake up the next morning that Eddie asks. “Did anyone actually call the tow truck?”
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lets-laughagain · 4 months
Hi! I saw that you were in 3 shows of Louis in Brasil. Do you mind sharing your favorite moments of each show? If you do mind ignore my ask, I just love reading fan experiences of Louis' shows.
I hope you have a nice day!
hiii i'm sorry it took so long, i was enjoying the rest of my vacation then i got sick due to the different weathers in every city 😬, but anyways here we gooo
i know you asked for my favorite moments but i talk too much and rambled about everything kjsdnadsk
RIO I got to the venue at 7pm, after a lot of traffic and anxiety 🫠, and there was still a big line to get in making giant rooks go on stage 15 minutes later than expected. I had listened a bit to them when the opening acts were announced but i loooved seeing them live, their concert was so much fun, i had a lot on my mind that day but as soon as they started playing my worries were gone like, music is everything really.
The venue's capacity is for 18k people, but i guess there were about 12k there? I'm not sure but, the chairs around me were half empty (a lot of people moved to closer seats), the floor was full but the stands not so much yk. It makes sense when you think it was on a wednesday and a lot of people couldn't make it.
As I went alone to this one and there weren't many people around me it was like me and louis and just letting out all of my emotions. Idk if it happens to anyone else, but I get a lot more emotional when I'm alone at shows. I don't even have much to say here cause I was really there in the moment giving my all, screaming my lungs out to hoth and feeling all this time deep in my soul (the drama lmao).
SÃO PAULO I was really tired after barely a day of rest at home, then packing another bag to curitiba, it was hectic, but thank god i had stands tickets again and my friends got there ealier and saved a seat for me.
Not to paraphrase harry but, that show was loud, loud and LOUD. Seriously, I've never seen so many people scream and jump for an opening act?? I was actually kinda shocked at how full the stadium was, its full capacity is 60k but as they were using only half the space i guess there were about 25k-30k people, it was really packed. Like, that video from outside the stadium that you can hear the screams is kinda crazy if you think it wasn't at full capacity.
This concert left me so proud of him, of how far he has come, like he said with no radio support or anything, seeing him in my favorite venue in my city with so many people screaming for him was something really special. This one was really about US, the fans and louis, i can't say it enough but the crowd was like part of the show too. Also, the big stage, the catwalk, the fireworks, those things made it all so much bigger, like a celebration for where he is now. I'll never forget his face impressed by the crowd like every five seconds, he deserves it all, i love this man to death.
His only wrongs that day tho were wearing that ugly outfit and not singing saturdays on a saturday!!!!
CURITIBA I had slept for like 4 hours, took a flight in the morning and spent the whole day kinda sick and anxious, I really do not know were i took forces to this concert but i did and i gave 200% of myself. I had floor tickets this time so i let myself go and jump around like crazy.
We stayed in the left side of the stage were it was a lot more chill and we could walk around. Most of the time I stayed a bit close to the stage but not so much cause i like having my own space to breath, sometimes I'd get closer to record something. By the encore I found an empty space in the far left of the barricade to see him better during silver tongues.
For me it was the most fun concert, you could see louis was happy, there was a group in front of me dancing and having so much fun together, like he said no one will stand still in a brazilian crowd that's for sure! Also, there was this girl who was talking to us before the concert who found me during the encore and we literally just screamed wdbhg at each other lmao i don't even know her name, but i can't stop thinking about it, it was really funny.
Oh and that outfit!!!! The way i screamed when i saw him in all black, i kept looking at my friends like why the fuck does this man look so good!!! WE WON!!!!
When the barricade moment happened I was only looking at him so I didn't understand what was going on, then by the end my friends said he was with a kid, but only when i got to the apartment we were staying i saw the full context and video, that broke me. He so sweet and precious, it makes everything i did for him so much more worth it than it already was, this plus the donations for Rio Grande do Sul filled my heart with so much love for him.
Also, after the concert we were trying to buy merch, but most sizes were sold out, the line was huge and security was hushing people out of the stadium 🙃 then 10 minutes later we found out louis was playing football at the pitch lmao
Some other points - I absolutely LOVE the stage design, the lights and screens going up and down work so great, it's amazing to witness it live - THE BAND, i don't even need to say anything right? his band is fucking incredible, i live for every single guitar solo from michael - The 2 seconds that takes people to realize that he is singing night changes and wdbhg are the funniest shit istg kskdnkll - People will ask me why I would go to the same concert 3 times, and just istg it IS different, they are all different experiences and i'd do it all over again (which i actually did, cause i saw louis twice and harry 3 times in 2022)
Last but not least, i will to speak in portuguese to thank my friends skjndkjsan
Eu sei que ela não vai ler, mas muito obrigada @hiddlestomlinson por aceitar fazer essa maluquice comigo, por vir até SP, ir pra Curitiba e me aturar por 5 dias seguidos, mesmo com tanto cansaço e doença foi tudo maravilhoso 🥹💜
@delicatepointofview de novo, muito obrigada por me ajudar tanto no Rio e pelo ingresso de última hora, mesmo passando por tanta coisa você foi um anjo 🥹 só conseguimos nos ver de longe, desse 🤏 tamanho, mas da proxima vem aí!!
@somuchstrdst e @icouldbeluckyagain amei encontrar e curtir um pouco do show com vocês!! NÓS VENCEMOS MUITO!!! ste, eu ate tava vendo seu recap hoje tomando café da tarde ajksndkjs
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
hi there!!! how are you?? hope everything is fine 🫶🏻🫶🏻
now, i was thinking something, i started to listen to taylor swift (I'm obsessed with her, and I love her so much 😭❤️‍🩹), and i just know that Aelin would be one of her biggest fans and also reader.
so imagine modern rowaelin taking reader to a taylor concert, like it was her dream and they would do anything for her 😭😭
SENDING LOVE!!! LOVE U!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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Eras Tour headcanon
Modern!Rowaelin x reader
A/n: they absolutely would be swiftys and would have a great time at this concert
When Taylor announced the Eras Tour you were so unbelievably excited
You ran into Rowan’s home office demanding a meeting in the living and then went to Aelin’s office demanding the same thing
You already had the power point set up on the tv as to why the three of you should go to the tour
The two of them sat, letting you finish your presentation with huge smiles on their face
Yeah Aelin and Rowan are Taylor fans and would go obviously but you felt the need to convince them
“And that concludes why we should go to the Eras tour. Thank you. Questions, concerns, hopes, dreams?”
“Obviously we’re gunna go!” Aelin yelled and you both jumped up and down holding hands screaming
The two of you looked to Rowan waiting for his answer, “What ever makes my girls happy. And I love Taylor too. I’m obviously dressing as Midnights.”
You all register for the presale and buy something from her website to give you a boost
By the grace of the Gods Rowan got the email with a presale codes
Aelin was so happy she started crying
The day of the presale you all took the day off work
The three of you got up early, you made a starbucks run while Aelin went and got food and Rowan sat in the living room watching his laptop with Ticketmaster open (we all sat there and watched Ticketmaster an hour before don’t lie)
You were so anxious you could barley eat
You and Aelin did chug your coffees tho which you might regret later
When it was time you were all yelling at the computer to load
Then the worst thing happened….Ticketmaster froze and no one knew what was happening
“What happened? Rowan what did you touch?” “Nothing Aelin! It just did that.” “No no no no no no no no WHAT IF WE DONT GET TICKETS!” “DONT SAY THAT Y/N!”
Of course you and Aelin scroll TikTok to find out what happened
You both made sure Rowan kept his eyes on the computer
When you jumped to the front of the line and could buy tickets you started screaming
Rowan quickly picked out 3 floor seats bc they have money and want this to be a fun experience
And when he hit purchase and actually had the tickets the screaming started again
You were relieved and so very tired
So tired that you and Aelin ended up napping on the couch together for 3 hours
Now the real fun begins
Waiting for the show and picking/making your outfits is sm fun
Rowan goes as Midnights and Aelin can’t believe he picked a fun sparkly blue outfit
Aelin goes as reputation and has the coolest snake bodysuit
You go as Fearless and wear a gold sparkly dress with white boots
When the day came you were all so excited
You drew 13 on your hand and Rowan and Aelin’s
You got to the stadium super early
Got the merch you wanted (all 3 of you got the blue crew neck and a tshirt)
When Taylor took the stage you and Aelin didn’t stop screaming and singing and jumping around
Rowan obviously sang and danced with you guys
You cried during Marjorie
The surprise songs were your favorites
When the show was over you were dead tired
You couldn’t feel your feet and Aelin was begging Rowan to carry her
Rowan had made sure to hire a car for the night so you guys wouldn’t have to worry about driving home
He definitely carried both of you to the car
You were both falling asleep on his shoulder until he suggested McDonalds
The driver stopped and you got so much food
You pig out until you get home
When you get home it’s 1 am and you don’t even think you can change
The three of you just wash your face and strip passing out in a heap on the bed
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missacidburn928 · 1 month
Tasty Tuesday Sample Platter...
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I weekly sample of what I have to offer. Be it a WIP or a completed fic, I'm here to give you a taste.
Well enough to wet your appetite at least...
Hors d'oeuvres for the week of August 19th 😈
Please Believe Me : August Walker x POC!Reader (with a dash of Andy Barber X POC!Reader)
Off To Never Never Land: Older!Eddie x POC!Reader
Eff Being Friends: Steve Rogers x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”, ? x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”, Ex!Thor x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”, Ex!Loki x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
From The Jump: Dean Winchester x POC!Reader "Wildflower"
If You Let Me: Alpha!Jax Teller x Omega!POC!Reader "LuLu"
As all of my samples are 18+ material they can be fun under the cut. MDNI
Happy Feasting Heathens
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“Take it off.”  
“Take what off?”  
“The dress. His stench is all over it and all I can see is him touching you out on that dance floor. Take it off sunshine before I cut it off you myself.”  
“Holy shit. You actually were jealous. Who would have thought.”  
He slips a knife out of his belt and takes a step towards me, twirling it around his fingers. “Now is not the time to push me baby girl.”  
“Okay, okay. Relax, Auggie. I’ll take it off.” I slowly begin to disrobe.   
A growl emanates from his chest when he realizes that I have absolutely nothing on underneath my dress. “Bed. Now. Face down. Ass up.”  
No longer feeling the urge to tempt the beast further, I do as requested. With a sway to my hips and flourish to my movements of course.  
He removes his own suit. Leaving him clad only in his boxer briefs, that can barely contain his tantalizing girth within.  
He runs a hand down my spine. Stopping as he reaches the fat of my ass. “I am going to spank this delectable ass 10 times. 5 for enjoying your seduction of Barber too much and 5 for being bare underneath your dress in public without my knowledge. You are to count every slap. Understood?”  
“Yes, Sir.”  
“Good girl. Now tell me what your safe word is.”  
“Remember, I will never strike you in anger. If you feel it becomes too much, you must use your safe word and everything stops. Understood?”  
“Yes, Sir.”  
“Let’s begin..” He rears his hand back and sends it flying. Striking me right on the meat of my left ass cheek, dead center.  
“One.” I gasp out. 
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“Do you know how many times I have fantasized about being between these soft thighs and seeing just how wet you were for me.” He practically moans. “This pussy is fucking perfection baby girl. A piece of art that can never be replicated. I feast for the flesh as well as the tongue. A never ending ambrosia to which I may gorge myself upon.”
“Holy fuck Eds. I knew you were good with your words when it came to DMing and song writing. But that right there was some seat dampening swoon worthy material. You’re as charismatic as a cult leader. I would gladly kneel before your altar and follow you anywhere if you kept speaking to me like that.”
“Did you mean to say all of that out loud?”
“Not all of it but what the hell it’s true.”
“You are sober right now right?” He asks with sincerity in his eyes.
“Yes, Eddie. I may be horny as hell but I am of sound body and mind. You’re in the clear.”
“Good. I want you to remember every moment of this as it will be a story we tell our grandkids one day.”
“Speaking of forever already?”
“I’ve waited this long to have a chance to make you mine. I’m never letting you go. We already act like an old married couple without all the raunchy bits. Might as well make it official.”
“You gonna wax poetic all night or are you going to show me what I’ve been missing all these years?”
“Always such a fucking brat”
As I open my mouth, a fresh retort on my tongue, Eddie dips his head between my thighs and runs his tongue up my cunt from entrance to clit. Sucking my little pearl into his mouth and rendering me speechless. A whimper is all that escapes my throat.
He barely raises his head from my mound. Eyes closed as he not so subtly licks his lips. “Now I know your wound up real tight baby. So I’m going to go ahead and help you get that first O out of the way. Hold on to something. This is going to be quick.”
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Tony has decided that tonight’s game is Truth or Dare. It seems the man of iron is also enjoying watching the gods get under Steve’s skin.
You take every dare, and they get raunchier by the ask. You give Nat, who is sat next to Captain Cranky, a sultry little lap dance that ends in a heated kiss. Only to be broken up by Steve’s quiet growl.
On your next turn your dared to make Thor get a boner without touching him. You saunter behind the loveseat he is perched on. Leaning in so that you can whisper in his ear. You regale him with all the dirty things you love that he does to you. The way his lightning makes you sing like no other. All stated low enough for only the gods and the super soldiers to hear. Your mission is a success of course. Thor’s unable to hide the ‘hammer’ tenting his slacks as he pulls you over the back of the couch onto his lap and bites down on your throat making you giggle.  
The game continues with Clint having to admit that he most certainly has seen his teammates getting it on when he has been up in the vents. “Some things you can’t unsee unfortunately.” He shivers.
Sam, having confessed who he thinks has the best ass, turns to you. “Truth or Dare Ci?”
“Dare of course. Why change it up now.”
“I dare you to get Loki to genuinely smile.”
You look at him quizzically. “You think you’re so smart. Prepare to be knocked down a peg or three bird boy.”
Standing you walk over to Loki, who has been leaning against the wall, observing all night. With a cheeky smile you wave your fingers and cloak yourselves in darkness that's not only soundproof, but is also time spelled as well.
You lower to your knees and snap Loki’s pants out of existence. The visual of you before him is enough to turn his cock hard as steel in front of your very eyes. You waste no time attaching your lips to the foreskin covered tip. Teasing the sensitive flesh with your tongue before sinking down to the hilt. You pull out all the stops. Sucking his cock until he comes down your throat with a roar. Savoring every drop as he fills your belly.
Removing the spell, it seems to the room as if only 1 minute has passed. It does not go unnoticed that Loki is relaxed while he continues to lean against the wall. Grinning like a loon.
This is when Steve notices your slightly swollen lips and quiet panting. Having been on the receiving end of that look many a time, he seethes. Cracking the glass of whiskey in his hand.
You give your turn to Loki so that you may catch your breath. It’s no surprise to anyone that he chooses Steve. “Truth or Dare Captain?”
“Truth. I have nothing to hide.” He challenges the God of Mischief.
“Alright.” He glances at you quickly. Catching you subtly lick your lips, most likely still tasting of him, grinning to yourself. “When was the last time you got your cock properly serviced and with who?”
Everyone assumes the answer will be you when you were still together a couple weeks ago.
With a cocky grin and sip of his drink he answers as he stares you down. “Yesterday after training with Sharon. She caught me on my way to change in my room and said I looked tense and needed a release. I took her up on her offer. Plus she gives decent head.”
He must have thought that you were going to be upset that he let poor lovesick Sharon suck his dick instead of getting the best head of his life from you. You couldn’t care less actually.
Not when you were getting dicked down in your own post training bath with Thor. It really is a great way to help stretch out and relax your muscles.
“Good for you Steven. You always are so tense after a rough training session. I know I was. Thor helped sort me out though.” You sweetly state.
“Are you serious right now? You two were practically on the verge of killing each other in the training room.”
“Great foreplay. Don’t tell me you never partook in post battle coitus with her. She is ravenous after any kind of rough play.” Thor, the sweet himbo that he is, adds in.
“Fuck this. I’m going to bed.”
“Should I call Sharon to come lick your wounds?”
“Fuck you Ci”
“Sorry not tonight, Cap.”
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Dean has me propped on the trunk of my car as soon as he has his guitar secured inside. His broader frame sandwiched between my thighs as we makeout like the lovestruck teenagers we once were. Forgetting there is such a thing as air we need to breathe.
With reluctance I pull out of the kiss. Dean’s lips chasing mine and providing me a nip to the chin for the inconvenience. I have far naughtier things in mind for our impromptu reunion than just making out in a dark parking lot on my car.
“You gonna let me ride you properly this time pretty boy?”
This gets his attention. A smirkish grin adorning his handsome face.
“No promises. These wicked hips tend to do naughty naughty things that make my brain short circuit. I can't control what my instinctual hindbrain does.”
He squeezes said body part to emphasize his point.
“Best crawl into the back seat then. Unless you want to give the bar a show.”
He lifts me off the trunk with a growl and smacks my ass. Walking himself over to the passenger side, my keys still in hand, to unlock the door. Pushing the seat forward to gain access to the back seat.
“After you, Wildflower.”
I bend over to make my way into the back when feel Dean’s hands clamp around my hips.
“Actually Imma need ya to unbutton your fly and slide your jeans down to your calves for me sweetheart. Need to sear you bending over for me so sweetly into my brain.”
I’ve always had a weakness for when Dean got controlling like this. It does something to his voice. Turning it all gravelly and rough, like he can't contain how much he needs me.
So I do as I’m told and unbutton my fly. Lowering my ripped jeans to my knees. Exposing my soaked tiny lilac lace panties to the chill night air.
“Fuuuck. Look at that wet patch. This all for me baby girl?”
He runs his thumb down the damp gusset. Resting it on my clit with just the right amount of pressure to make me squirm. 
“Get in the back seat Wildflower. And keep that delectable ass up in the air for me.”
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“You and I have some things we need to work out. Are you up for it Little Moon?”
“Does this have something to do with you overhearing me singing?”
“That’s part of it.”
You sigh. “Okay. Give me your worst.”
He grabs the waistband of your shorts, snapping them against your skin. "First I need these off of you. We're gonna have this talk with you warming my cock so you understand just how serious I am." 
With a determined look and slick quickly dampening the crotch of your shorts, you stand up on shaky legs. With an initial push down over your ass, you shimmy them the rest of the way before taking a step out and kicking them off to the side.
His eyes devour your bare lower half, biting his lip as he runs a palm along the bulge in his jeans. “Mmm. Good girl. You really would do anything for me huh?” He hits you with his dazzling smile, the one that always has you weak in the knees. “Come here and unzip me, Omega. I want you to pull me out and sit on the evidence of what your scent does to me, darlin’.”
You can feel your slick beginning to slowly leak down onto your thighs, perfuming the air further with your scent. You squeeze them together before stepping forward and doing as your Alpha requested. You bend over at the hip, ghosting your fingers down his torso until you reach the tented denim, releasing his hard length to the light of day. With a quick squeeze to his base, you straddle his lap and slowly lower yourself down onto his thick cock, letting it fill you up inch by inch. 
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look at the possessiveness and lust swirling in his Cobalt blues. Drawing in a deep breath, your lids become heavy, you can’t help but lose yourself in how good his mouth watering scent mixes with your own sweet essence. As you reopen your eyes, he places a soft kiss on your lips, sliding his hand down to wrap around your throat. "Now be a good little Omega for me and pay attention to what I have to tell you."
You nod your agreement. Your tongue, incapable of forming words at the moment.
“I was next door at Op’s, shooting the shit in the kitchen. Downloading him on all this Tara business. When this music drifts in through the window that faces your backyard.” He pushes his thumb under your chin. “Imagine my surprise when Op tells me it’s probably just you playing around out back.”
You swallow against his fingers. “You heard me.”
“Oh yes, Little Moon. I heard every sweet and tortured word you sang.” He smirks at you. “At first I thought you were just singing to sing. Though the words did sound a bit like a confession. It wasn’t until you finished and Diamond got to chatting that I connected the dots. All those precious words were about me.”
"Yes." You whisper out.
"And here I was, getting called out by Op right before the universe comes and drops a neon sign pointed in your direction." He licks his parched lips. "I originally came over here to tease you about getting high and serenading the neighborhood.” He chuckles to himself. “After hearing you say it wasn’t worth the energy to wait around for me and then still called me out on it when I showed up. Well, darlin' I knew I had to rectify that."
"So that's what this little show of Dominance is all about then? Witnessing the power you as a whole have over me?” You give him a challenging look.
“Not at all.” Unbothered by your accusing tone, he caresses your neck, fingers dipping down until they ghost along your collarbone. “This is all to make it clear where I stand. I heard you loud and clear, Omega. No more dancing around it. I’m taking what’s rightfully mine.” He growls out.
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mxnzies · 1 year
oh my god. the jump in quality from the digital ticket to the actual edited version is INCREDIBLE. fucking LOVED the details of costumes, the set, the lighting, the writing on the panels... everything was fantastic! starkid has come such a long way and it was incredible to see the seats filled for the show in the edited version!!!
spoiler thoughts, would love to hear what other people thought! warning for rambling and a lot of caps and excessive punctuation since i can't control my emo-shuns after watching a starkid show, as always 🤪
i was really hoping for the boy jerri/girl jerri moment AND the coffee shop bloopers from the digital ticket to be in this one, but every performance is unique and i'm glad we got to experience the new hatchet-town cameos!
speaking of, i hope the bonus features include bts from the night where the power went out!
high school is killing me is STUCK IN MY HEAD
dirty girl was so fucking good HD. INCREDIBLE
sadly i really wanted some wider shots, especially when everyone was onstage and particularly during the lords in black scene - though it was AMAZING to see the details up close since from the digital ticket we couldn't really see what was happening.
fucking ADORE the "show me your hands" theme playing with curt's cop, and the "inevitable" piano playing when paul and emma were in Beanies. THEY'RE SO CUTE but it makes me sad BUT FOREVER AND ALWAYS RIGHT <3
also the nightmare time theme during the interval!!!
one thing i really miss about these new starkid recordings is that we don't get the stage bows :( i would have absolutely loved if they did something akin to TGWDLM in black friday and NPMD, where the credits roll over the footage of the cast bowing and the claps! the bows at the end of a show are always so fun, it's a great moment of catharsis for everyone and seeing the cast smiling and happy is something i missed here. ESPECIALLY WITH THE ENERGY IN THE HOMECOMING DANCE
will can STEP ON ME as Max. he's so meta and plays the part so well! apparently the role was rumoured to possibly be Jeff's but I'm so glad Will was Max. we needed the fresh blood onstage in the hatchetverse!
it's so incredible Bryce was able to perform onstage and that Jae got a cameo! HELL YES TO THE NIGHTMARE TIME GANG <3
really wish bryce and kim had bigger roles in this musical, especially bryce as before the digital ticket came out starkid hyped her up so much on the socials. BUT SHE NAILED HER VOCALS and when everyone started screaming/applauding when she hit That Note!!!!! YES!!!!!!
love how we can make comments on the recording, seeing everyone so hyped about the show and loving the show is so affirming! i hope everyone who worked on the show is feeling the love!
i still don't really understand the barbeque monologues and feel they're a bit out of place, maybe because it's an american school musical thing?? but lauren fucking owned it!
kim screaming after ruth died. GET IT SLAY ME WITH YOUR RANGE MAAM
compared to my first impressions from the digital ticket, this is a huge step up. some songs were a bit hit or miss, but man i was crying at the end about peter and steph. love how, like the other two hatchetverse musicals, the ending note was fucked up! that being said tho i am keen for starkid to move onto another potential parody OR a new IP outside of the hatchetverse. i'm super keen to see what the future holds for the company! it's absolutely on my bucket list to watch a starkid show live now <3
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