#i actually didnt even expect to use this ask game XD
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blueflyingturtleontheway · 2 years ago
For characters ask: Elena 3,8,18,27
Hwhsheisje sorry for taking so long to answer, here it is!
3. A song that reminds me of them
Uuuh okay I'm bad at this type of questions, but I suppose Fairytale Life (The Wish) from Disenchanted? I mean, I even made an AMV to that so XD
8. Your favorite outfit of them
Difficuuult honestly, I love her basic dress and that white navidad dress is just *chefs kiss* but for my favourite I think I'd chooooose... Her second adventure with the red shirt and vest. I wouldn't say that this is her best look ever or something, but definitely one I'd like to steal her XD
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
I think quite similar to how she is at the beginning of the show, I think she was quite loud and liked to play pranks and get silly and I think she loved to look for or make up adventures for herself, but I also think she was very protective at least towards Isa and some other younger kids. (Also she absolutely used to admire Esteban, before they started to compete).
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
This question made me realise that I a very boring person who only consumes a narrow range of media- But luckily I remembered that my friend showed me the show Galavant some time ago and goodness!! Elena would get along with Isabela so we'll, they're practically the same person (bar the working for the evil king on Isabel's side but- that was only temporary ok). So I'm sure they'd get along fantastically, they could horse ride, fence, talk about romance~ And they'd absolutely go out on some adventure together.
Ask game
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fruit-salad-ship · 1 year ago
I remember that Plum had difficulty getting Missy to listen to her for a while, right? I have to wonder, in the Ranger AU, does Peach help Plum connect with Missy more? Is there a joyous moment where, after finally connecting fully with Missy, Missy evolves into Dragonair and Peach is looking on proudly as the two are celebrating? And then they both come over to Peach, and thank her, saying they'd never have gotten this far without her help? And then they kiss XD
their start is the same. Missy is unruly, clearly struggling with ADHD, and peach's job back home is to handle difficult pokemon. This little dragon is nothing compared to that. YET STILL at the start when the girls bickered, missy would give away their position, wouldnt listen to commands, was always scooting off, she was a liability.
During their arguing and butting heads phase, peach snuck out at night while plum slept, and took missy with her. They trained in secret so that the groups grade could increase and theyd succeed a lot more missions. Plum learnt of this when missy wouldnt respond to her in the field, but peach whistled once, and plums mon was back in line.
Missy was at this point proof that peach's family methods, which ere barbaric at best, didnt have to be the only way. She used missy as trainign for herself, to learn how to coax a pokemon to do things with a softer touch, reward systems, working with their skills, not just grinding out traits that werent needed for combat.
This of course initially made plum both shocked and then quickly furious. They argued about it. How dare peach go behind her back like that? And of course peach snaps back with the 'i'd not have to if you did your damn job and trained your partner right.' They fight like this for weeks. its tense in the dorm, they avoid each other, all other students wont even TRY to rekindle this mess.
Eventually teachers pick up on their bad energy and send them out to work in the field together, first years, a minor task, nothing crazy, but they'd have to camp out for a long weekend. This gives way to peach actually doing something reasonably mature for her, and apologising. She should have said, or asked, or even shown plum. She wasnt sure it would work, didnt want to offer up faulty training advice to her and seem like she didnt know what she was doing (because this was new territory for peach, carrot not stick methods)
They sort of meet in the middle, and peach starts to show her how to handle missy better. They come back to the academy better off, and the bad energy has passed. Plum learns more and more every day, and the pair train pretty much most evenings after class, tricks and methods masked as games, their pokemon bond, save for val who's always been a distant sort, but she too became tolernat of this new setup.
Eventually in the 3rd year, peach has 6 pokemon on her belt, all of which she loves dearly, and has grown beside. Plum sits happy at 4, and during their final practical exam, faced with a tough foe that was refusing to calm down, Missy evolves, the task is complete, and they pass the final hurdle with flying colours.
Of course the whole time plums been learning how to handle her whole team, but missy was always her first and most precious baby, so that she was now this elegant, strong, capable pokemon was really the icing on the cake for her. Peach just looks at the pair and sees how they mirror each other. Plum really was no different, a little ditsy, but very smart, and elegant, and quick, theyre one in the same, just like she is with val. Its humbling to see them this happy, and perhaps even a little gratifying knowing she had even the tiniest hand in helping them get here.
They have a battle after the evolution, once back at the academy, rested and ready, these little mock fights brought them together, and as their pokemon fought, the girls realised just how far theyd come. plum barely loses, but its to be expected, Val really is a monster, the ace up the sleeve, but the defeat is sweet. they stand there and watch their pokemon mess around in the cool night air, runnign riot in the woods behind the school, sat on a log chatting.
Plum thanks Peach, finally. It comes out so easily after all these years, rivals, friends, lovers? they didnt really know what to call this all. but no matter what, they had each others backs, always. The thank you is shrugged off, peach didnt do it for praise, she did it because it was the right thing to do, but notices the hand on hers appear gently. it stays there, she doesnt flinch away, plum doesnt remove her touch, they watch their pokemon play and sit in comfortable silence.
on the way back, plum takes a gamble, they get ready to sneak back in, clambering up the pipe by their room window, peach pulled sideways by the tug on her hoody that brought her down lower, a warm soft kiss left on her lips that she didnt know what to do about, stood in the dark as plum shimmied her ass up the gutter and into ther room, not a word said.
she stands there. looks at val, looks at booker, they both look back, none know what to say. by the time she gets back in the dorm plums gone to the bathrooms to shower, and shes left sat there wondering what comes next from here? for them?
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x1702x · 9 months ago
So for the ask game what about :
3.Favorite clothing set?
23 Iosefka. Thoughts? ( I know it will probably be a long answer or incoherent screaming but I’m here for it XD)
36. What's the hardest fight in the game?
3. Favorite clothing set?
Choir set! The details are so intrincate I cant help myself :3
23. Iosefka. Thoughts?
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Dont even joke lad...
Yes you're getting a LONG answer!! Ever since my sister snatched Bloodborne for a discount (Which we feared and have not touched until october... COUGHHH) She was one of the few characters I knew of apart from Eileen and Gascoigne, no constance of anyone else there BUT I just had her name in my head just like the other two. I didn't get to see her face until I got around to check her facedata properly and encountered the imposter in me and my sis' first shared run.
Now on proper terms, I found interesting that the VERY Iosefka, was going to be there, I only knew her name, not as an actual NPC lol, I thought the clinic only had her namesake, didnt expect to meet her. I instantly grew fond of her!! Shes a caring lady, and her concern about her patients genuinely made me root for her, like, shes right! I shouldn't sulk there and actually hunt xd
Tbh I grew scared of her when the imposter came around, I was none the wiser about that it wasn't her and thought she had me fooled from the beggining but boy I was wrong once I found out in the credits.
I also find interesting how, considering the time the game is set in aproximately, a woman can both have a doctorate AND own her own gig? Its admirable to say the least! Girl got thru the horrors of med school!!
Anyway, heres your incoherent screaming:
But tldr; I love her sm shes one of my faves
36. What's the hardest fight in the game?
Man fuck that bastard Larry and the Orphan, on the base game I kinda got over Rom a little. I will admit Ebrietas took me a little until I began using Damian as bait (Whoops sorry Damian) but he didnt last so the bait wasn't useful and I had to use my expertise... Gehrman was hard but It has been a while and I don't remember his fight much (Not to mention that for some reason he literally fell off the map when I was fighting??? I cheesed him by accident IM SORRY GEHRMAN!!!)
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insomnicbypasser · 1 year ago
Ho boy what a past two couple weeks am i right guys??? This post will just be me throwing my thoughts at the wall dont expect any sense of consistance im going to be topic hopping probably also just to let you all know this post wont have much if any neg because i honestly font hold those feelings towards purgatory sorry xD however if yall do have neg stuff feel free to have an open discussion in the replies i wanna study yall under a microscope
Alright first of all lets give it up for Bolas guys lets be honest no one not even they themselves thought they were gunna win fr
As a sole Bolas watcher ill have to say these streams have been the most fun ive had watching a stream in a while ive legit fixed my sleeping schedual just to watch these streams lemme tell you
I know that alot of people are unhappy with the ending that we got today but just to remind everyone that i dont think the admins or quackity would do anything TRULY permant without discussion with the cc's
Maxs death was obviously planned days in advance and seeing as the cc's didnt know anything about the eggs conditions or whereabouts i think its safe to assume none of them are actually dead
I trust quackity and qsmp not to do something that would obviously be so unsatisfiying to both the players and the fans, mostly because several months of build up definitely wouldnt lead to that
I think purgatory will be used as a learning experience for qsmp staff as how to make events more enjoyable, and i have no doubt that the week(s) inbetween this purgatory event and the next will be spent working out bugs and making qol changes, we cant expect everything to go perfectly without making mistakes
I think that the ending to purgatory played into the whole theme thats been hammered on over and over again by quackity both in and out of game: this event is made to make you unhappy and uncomfortable. It was tailored to brew conflict and make you unsatisfied, whivh judging by peoples reactions worked very well!
This event is definitely going to make past and future experiences sweeter. Were going to look back on pre purgatory as the good ol days before disaster and look at post purgatory as the catharsis period after a disaster. Puragatory is defintely the growing pains need to bring new life into the server, ots the absence that makes the heart grow fonder.
I have a serious question to ask people down in the replies: how many of you came back to qsmp or started WATCHING qsmp because of the purgatory event. Ill be honest after the first couple months i only tuned into mr charlie slimecicles streams and those were few and far between but after puragtory started i began to feel the insatiable lust for more qsmp so i began to watch recap videos and vods at a horrifiying pace. I started watching other povs because of how well bolas played off of each other and i didnt want to miss a single second of their shenanigans.
This single event has made me more excited for qsmp content then anything in the past couple months. I got a fucking twitter account for christs sake just because i wanted to know wehn people were going live and to see recaps on what the other teams were up too.
I know these past two weeks have been stressful and uncomfortable for some people so i ask yall to take a step back and detoxify so we can come back to this with clearer and fresher prespectives so we can focus on the fun and intruiging aspects of the event
Lets wallow in the angst and let chaos take the wheel with theories and ideas on how everything will pan out from here, i have hope that everything will turn out in the end even if its brought about woth blood sweat and tears :) as long as we all have fun in the end thats all that matters yall
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kurczeno · 3 months ago
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yeah i could rant about it for hours - i knew the game would be... mid at best (didn't expect the shit we got) but the fact that it's set in tevinter was one of a few things i was actually excited for. But that is no tevinter.
Inky too - no personality, no fun. Even if s/he vows to save Solas that doesn't mean giving up after two sentences what is this XDD and the whole "ok ill suffer with you ;))". FOR WHAT?
idk solas is a powerful mage (so is my inky but they didnt even ASK ABOUT UR CLASS XD) maybe he could, idk, make himself useful. But your inky is all like ":) ok lets go"
Veilguard ruins many things: the Crows (painfully inaccurate and yassified - they are not the good guys, bioware morons, read your own story), Isabela (idk, her redesign is absolutely horrible, i mean what is she wearing xd although costumes in general suck in VG), the Inquisitor (besides how the only romance that matters is the Solas one, if you go with Solavellan your Inky suddenly becomes the most pathetic simp? I mean, sure, you vowed to save Solas, but have some self respect girl, please), Dorian (requiescat in pace, dear), necromancy (I actually think the skeleton is cute, but it does kinda ruin the whole idea xd), Tevinter (ugh. just ugh.), the whole series (yes.)
but honestly? having a war in the south offscreen is just such a shitty move and it pisses me off just as much as the other things. Not only it seems more interesting than the actual plot (I could write like 10 more interesting games in DA lore than VG. Including Tevinter and the South.), although it's probably bcs the writing sucks, but also... we've spent the last 3 games in Southern Thedas. Players are kinda attached to these places and... people make fun about killing important characters off screen being lazy and this? this is the laziest, most lame shit ever.
people were annoyed when you killed WYNNE offscreen (and she was kinda dead already and not exactly the most popular, although i do love sassy mommy), this shit is 10 times worse
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eldritchqueerture · 3 years ago
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122 notes • Posted 2021-06-03 17:20:43 GMT
i wanted to go on a rant in tags of a post about mag200 but then i decided im making my own post
i cannot stress enough how much i fucking love tma ending specifically and precisely because of how heartbreaking it is. when i first listened to the podcast i expected some big fucking showdown action guns blazin shit and i was honestly a bit underwhelmed. yes it was Very Sad and Traumatizing but it was over so fast I didnt feel completely satisfied. But I don't think the idea was ever for it to be a guns blazing action showdown at all
you know how a lot of people say that jon's voice while reading the statements helps them sleep? someone asked me what kinda horror podcast makes you want to sleep and it got me thinking. its a kind of horror thats not outright scary and in your face; on the outside it might even seem calm and soothing when stories are read, and the horror only comes out when you actually pay attention and start thinking about things, and as you go through the podcast you start thinking more and more and its getting scarier and scarier the more you realize, like that meme i started realizing and i couldnt stop realizing yknow?
what i absolutely love about the ending is that its exactly this kind of horror. it was never going to be out in your face, dramatic climax; it may seem underwhelming at first but the more you think about it the more heartbreaking it becomes and its Fascinating
140 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 19:51:53 GMT
all girls do is wake up and blog about jonathan sims
276 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 07:32:09 GMT
Hello Jon nation how are we doing??
This is a quick compilation of Adorable Jon moments inspired by this post: https://twigstarpikachutroll22.tumblr...
I enjoyed doing it a lot and if anyone wants me to do another one please let me know!! I know for a fact there are many more quotes to be used because Jon is Beloved, even though I make fun of him a little bit in the video. It's out of love 💜
@twigstarpikachutroll22 look I made it! XD
276 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 17:24:18 GMT
im so in love with the fact that there are so many safehouse fics. im so in love with how we looked at those two episodes and collectively decided that we will write these two characters an eternity in love and safety. and i love every author who looked at the amount of safehouse fics already written and said "there needs to be more". i think this is really really beautiful and it just never gets old
840 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 17:12:10 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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glassartpeasants · 4 years ago
Crying In The Club
 Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, bullying, false love, physical abuse
*Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
A/N: Bruh i didn’t mean for it to be this long. I think i might have gotten to into it. I promise that this was only going to be angst but then i started. This is not as angsty as i thought it was gonna be but i still like it. The ending may seem a bit rushed and to that im sorry OvO
@zuffer-weird-girl finally finished it after many gruesome hours trying to figure out where this fic should lead too XD
It wasn’t a secret to anyone that knew you that you always a a taste in mysterious and secretive men. You just couldn’t help it. You liked the mystery. You were never one to back down from a challenge.
That was until you met Chisaki Kai.
You were introduced to him by the club owner of the place you use to work at. For some odd reason you couldn’t help but fall in love with those mysterious golden eyes. Whenever he was around you, your heart would beat faster then it ever had for any of the other men you have dated over the years.
His voice sent shivers down your spine making you bit your lip. Your co-workers noticed that whenever he came into the club for business reasons you were always the one who needed to be their server. They didn’t question it cause they found the little game of cat and mouse funny.
You kinda knew you were playing with fire when you started to flirt with him. You made sure to do your research before going up to a complete stranger and start flirting with them. You knew that he went by the name Overhaul even though his real name was Chisaki Kai.
5 month’s after you first met him
“Hey Overhaul. What would you like today sir?” You say smiling at the gangster. You may have done some research but you only knew his name, his real name at least.
“Black coffee.”
“Of course sir!” You turn around and walk towards the counter. Even the slightest things made you all pink and blushy. You couldn’t help that you were so damn attracted to this sex appeal of a man. 
“Just ask him out already dipshit.” You snap your head towards the voice, about to go off before you realize it was your boss.
“W-what do you mean boss?” You laugh nervously trying to avoid the subject.
“It’s obvious you like him. Whats the worse that can happen? He could say no.”
“Or he could kill me-”
“That too. But hey, it’s a no unless you ask.” With that final word he turned around and left, leaving you to your thoughts.
You make his coffee before going back to the seating area and giving him his coffee, quickly smiling a quickly running back to the bar to watch him from afar.
Once he picked up his coffee he noticed a small piece of napkin underneath his cup. He was going to complain but before he could he noticed the numbers that was written on the napkin.
“The hell is this?” Kai said as he picked up the piece of napkin with his gloved fingers before looking at you which in return you quickly looked away.
“I believe she gave you her phone number boss. Doesn’t surprise me, she’s been hitting on you for awhile.” Overhaul looked at his clock haired friend.
“Really? I must not have noticed or cared.” Overhaul looked at the paper again before destroying it with is quirk. He had no time for relationships when his drug was close to perfection. He looked in the direction he last saw you in, which you were no longer there.
You were in fact hiding in the emoplyee’s only bathroom crying your eyes out. Why are you crying? You didn’t even know him that long.
‘It could be the fact he just decided to tear it up in front of you.’ You thought to yourself as you felt your mascara running down your cheeks. You probably looked like a hot mess but you didnt care. You were hurt. Rejection hurt in general but for some reason when it came to him, your heart felt like it was disintegrating in your own chest.
“I can’t go back out there. It would be too embarrassing.” You say to yourself as you try to calm yourself down.
“No what’s embarrassing is the fact i just took multiple pictures of you crying on the bathroom floor.” A smug voice laughed at you. You looked up and saw it was one of your ex co-workers. You remembered her. She was the one who was recently fired from her job here since you were doing so well that they decided that they didn’t need her.
“I’m going to print this picture and put it all over the bar how does that sound? Sounds pretty embarrassing if you ask me.” She laughed at your quivering figure on the floor. How would you even show your face at work after that. 
Before she could say anything else you got up, pushed her to the side and ran out the back door, all the while with tears streaming down your face.
You haven’t shown your face there since.
3 months after incident
You were called by your boss over and over again begging you to come back to work. Saying how that the girl was arrested and how nobody even saw the pictures. Which was a complete fucking lie. The girl even sent you the pictures she printed of you hung all around the club. Including some of your co-workers and customers laughing at you.
What if he saw them?
The fact that Overhaul could’ve seen them sent you into a frenzy. How would he look at you now? Probably as some low little girl with no sense of dignity. That’s probably what he thought about you. 
Kai sat at the VIP lounge with his body radiating angry. He had just left the Shie Hassakai base in a rage after an argument with his adoptive father.
His foot tapped rapidly on the ground while his eyebrow twitched. His hands clenching into fist that left his knuckles white.
How dare Pops do this to him?
Pops had told Kai that day that if Kai wanted to become the next head of the Shie Hassakai, that he would have to find a relationship. In Pops words ‘someone to calm you down whenever you upset or stress.’ 
Kai knew that being the head of the Shie Hassakai would be stressful, but he didn’t need someone to ‘calm him down’, he was fine by himself. Even though it pissed Kai off royally, he didn’t want to disappoint Pops. Which lead him back to the club you use to work at.
After the incident of you asking him out he didn’t show back up for awhile. He hated awkward encounters and to see your face after it? Gave him shivers. SO he didn’t show up to said club after a couple months, hoping that by giving it time, everything would go back to the it was.
He heard the familiar footsteps of someone approaching the lounge. He expected to see you but was disappointed when a different server came prancing in.
“Where is (Y/N)?” Considering how long you served him, he knew you by name. So considering that you weren’t there was confusing.
“O-oh! Miss (Y/N) quit a 3 months ago after a incident happened. But what can i get you?” The girl felt scared as she looked at him. He had a reputation for being mean and angry, not to mention how many people he’s killed. So the fact that you were able to go up to him without a problem was kinda cool.
“...Black coffee.”
“Right away sir!” The girl quickly scurried away leaving the man to think. 
He hoped that maybe some coffee would clear his mind and try to figure out of the situation he was put in by his father.
Then it hit him.
If you were willing to go out with him once? Why wouldn’t you try to ask him out again? Of course he would be only using you for his own personal gain, not really caring if you were happy but if he was dating you then Pops would finally get off his ass.
4 months after incident
You were walking by your old job with a mask covering your face wishing that no one noticed you.
But he did.
“Hey you.” You froze up, remembering that enchanting voice. You turn around and are greeted with a close up of the man who kinda screwed you over.
“What do you want?” You say trying to sound confident but you only came across as meek and scared.
“Why did you quit?” He looked down at you. His eyes felt like he was peering into your soul, leaving no room for lies.
“I rather not speak about it.” You go to turn around and leave before you feel a gloved hand grab your wrist and pull you back closer to the male.
“I wanted to talk to you about another thing.” You looked at him, trying to figure out what he could possibly talk to you about.
“Okay I guess...what is it?”
“Would you still like to go out on a date?”
“I...your not making fun of me are you?”
“I may be an asshole but I would like to apologize.” Kai said as he looked at you directly. You were going to say no, since the damage had already been done, but you couldn’t find it in you. There was just something in his eyes that you couldn’t look away from.
First Date?
You were excited to say the least. After he asked you out and you said yes, you agreed to meet him at a cafe nearby on Sunday.
As the days went by, you slowly got more and more excited. How could you not be? After a few shitty months something actually good happens.
“Casual I should dress casual- SHIT ONLY 20 MINUTES LEFT?!” You screeched as soon as you saw the clock. You had already taken a shower. A long one in fact since you knew the man didn’t like germs. 
You grab a simple outfit that you thought would do the trick and quickly put your hair into a ponytail (if you have short hair you can just vibe :) ).
You grabbed your purse and got into your car as fast as you could. You hoped you would make it on time since everyone seemed to be going places that same day.
You managed to get to the cafe 5 minutes early only to see him already there.
‘Nice going (y/n), now he’s gonna think we have horrible time management.’ You curse yourself in your head before walking in and sitting down next to him.
“Sorry, it was really busy traffic.” You giggle nervously as you tuck a lose strand behind your ear.
“It’s fine. Now tell me about yourself.” Straight to the point huh? Well that’s another thing you liked about him. Your little crush probably had sparkled into a whole ass infatuation. 
You only smile before a pink blush covered your cheeks and neck. You let out a little chuckle before you pretty much told him everything. You liked how he was listening to all of it, it made you all giddy inside.
Kai looked at you continue to ramble about non-important things. Well it seemed important to you. But not to him. Like he said before, he didn’t care about you. He just wanted Pops off his ass so he could just be the next head of the yakuza.
Oh god how he wanted to kill you. Your rambling was getting on his nerves. Did you ever shut up? Kai wasn’t a patient man and many people knew this. 
“But enough about me, what do you like to do for fun?” You questions snapped him out of his thoughts and brought him back to this disgusting cafe.
“I’m usually too busy to do anything other than work.” He wasn’t lying. His work was getting the best of him and he had no time to dilly dally around.
“Well that sounds like it sucks, but hey at least your hardworking! That’s a good trait right?” You said trying to lighten up his seemingly sour mood.
“Sure. What kind of education do you have?” His question seemed to have struck a cord with you when he saw your smile drop. He didn’t show it but behind his mask he was holding back a chuckle.
“I n-never went to college....” Kai looked at you with disgust or disappointment he couldn’t really tell. You didn’t even have a college degree. Jeez, your just a lowly spec underneath his shoe.
“Why so?”  You then proceeded to tell him that you needed a job to pay for your brothers medicine and that your family was too poor for college.
So what? Sure you didn’t have the upper hand in life but neither did he and look what he accomplished! God you were so insufferable.
After the date
“I had such a good time! Did you?” You ask as you smile out of extreme happiness. This has been the most happy you’ve been in a long time.
“Yes.” Overhaul looked down at you. His face still as blank as ever. But it didn’t bother you, he was always like that!
“Well that’s good to hear. I should get going now-”
“Come home with me.”
“What?!” Your eyes went wide as you stare at the taller man who only looked at you with a questionable glance. What did he mean by that?
“I want you to meet someone.” Oh thank god it’s only that. You were getting kinda worried that he was jumping into THAT STUFF. But he only wanted you to meet someone.
“Oh okay...who am I meeting?” You ask nervously as you followed Overhaul to the direction he was going.
“My father.” SHIT REALLY?! THIS EARLY?! Okay okay (y/n) don’t fucking panic. Everything will be fine. Everything will be okay, just don’t act super fucking stupid.
“Pops this is my girlfriend (Y/N).” Kai said as he pushed you towards him. Kai could sense you surprise but he knew that you wouldn’t do anything about it. You were to shy for that.
“Ah is that so? Tell me miss (Y/N) how long have you been dating?” Pops looked down at you. Overhauls presence was suffocating as you were pushed to lie just by his presence.
“About two months now. It’s great to meet you!” You smile at the older man who seemed pleased at your response.
“That’s good to hear. I wished you would have told me about her sooner Kai. She seems like a swell lady.” The older man said to his son. 
So people on the street called him Overhaul but in this house he was Kai. Interesting. You turned and looked at Kai a smile on your face but he didn’t seem to notice you. He walked up to his father and started talking to him in hushed whispers. You wanted to lean in closer to what he was saying but decided against it in order to stay on his good side.
One Month Later
As you sat in the back of Overhauls car you couldn’t help but tap your leg repeatedly. Your nervousness getting the better of you as you make your way to the Shie Hassakai base once more.
One week ago Overhaul had told you he wanted you to move in with him. He said it was for ‘safety purposes’ considering you were the girlfriend of the future head of the Hassakai. You were unsure at first but you said yes eventually with enough convincing.
You didn’t have many things in your apartment so moving wasn’t really that hard for you. You had sold a lot of your things just to be able to pay rent. SO you only had stuff that had sentimental value.
You looked around the empty car that was only occupied by you and the driver. Who was another Yakuza member. You pat your knees nervously as you look outside the car window seeing it moving past stores and people.
“I’m here.” You say as you entered the compound. You grab your things and begin to look for Overhaul. 
The silence in the compound was deafening. it felt like it threatened your entire exsitence.
“This way.” You jump at the sound of Overhauls voice coming from behind you. You turn around and meekly follow him into a plan white room. There was a bed a bathroom connected to said bedroom and a closet. You walk into the room looking at it in admiration.
“This is so cool! Thanks-”
You jumped in place and turn behind you quickly. And to your surprise, the door was closed and Overhaul was no where to be seen. You rub your arm meekly and turn around to unpack your things.
You open up your suitcase and begun to take out your clothes and your personal items before going into the bathroom to take a shower.
The next morning
You sit in your lovers office while he talks to his father. You didn’t even say anything this entire meeting other then sit there and look pretty. Honestly you were so close to drifting off but thankfully Pops had asked you a question before you could.
“What do you think is my sons best quality?” You were shocked at such a random question but answered no less.
“There are too many to choose from! His work ethic is outstanding and his confidence is what I like about him. Of course there’s more though.” You smile. You went to move a bit only to accidentally brush a single fingertip on Overhaul’s thigh. You didn’t even notice it honestly.
But he did.
How fucking dare you touch him? How dare you rub your disgusting quirk filled body onto his pure one? You even touched him in front of his father! He was so embarrassed. It took him his entire being not to break out in hives and kill you right then in there. He couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t handle knowing that you thought he loved you when in reality he was only using you to get what he wants. Its not out of guilt it was maybe if he told you, you would be so close to him. That you wouldn’t even speak so he didn’t have to listen to your disgusting ass voice.
He was surely going to punish you after this meeting was over and you both were back in your room.
You walked towards your room after the little meeting having a spring in your step. It seemed like it was all going well. Pops liked you and Overhaul seemed to not be bothered by everything as much anymore.
You open your door to your room only to be pushed in and the door locked behind you.
“Hey what the hell?” You turn around to see a really angry Overhaul covered in hives and a murderous look in his eye.
“Are you o-” Before you could say anything else Overhaul grabbed you by the throat lifting you up in the air.
“How fucking dare you touch me during that meeting?!” You let out a little gasp for air as your legs kicked around trying to find stable ground.
“B-but i thought.” You choke the words out as your vision starts to go black. His grip around your throat getting harder and harder.
“Well you thought wrong. The only reason im with your pathetic ass is because my father said that if i don’t get a girlfriend he won’t make me the leader of the Shie Hassakai.” Tears formed in your eyes as you realized that this entire time was just a ploy to use you for his own personal gain. 
“Why m-me?” You gasped out the words as your entire body felt like it was dying. Your energy going down by the second.
“Cause you were the only one I knew who would immediately say yes.” He let go of your throat and letting you fall to the ground. You hold your throat as you choke and gasp for air. Coughing as air finally entered your lungs once more. You look up at Overhaul who only smacked you on your left cheek.
“Whenever we’re alone you are to not look at me, touch me, or even speak to me. I want nothing to do to you other then use you for my personal gain. You will never mean anything to me understand?” His words carved into your heart like knives. Just as you started to feel like yourself again, another incident comes to fuck it all up.
“I said do you understand?!” Overhaul grabbed you by your hair tugging it making you face him. 
“Yes I understand!” Tears fall down your eyes like a water faucet. Overhauls fingerprints stain your neck as they slowly start to bruise. The red hand-print adorned your face like a tattoo and the grip on your hair felt like he was ripping them all out slowly.
Overhaul finally let you go after you had answered him. Your body lying on the floor shaking in sadness and fear.
“When my father asks you why you have those finger prints on your neck lie about how you got them. Or you will be in even more trouble that your worth.”
“O-okay...” You hiccuped. Overhaul turned around and left the room locking it from the outside.
You grab your knees and bring yourself into a fetal position as your tears make the carpet wet. 
2 months later
After that situation you never really came out of your room. Only when it was necessary. Why would you leave? It seems like every time you do, it always leads to another sort of punishment.
You sit in your room lying on your ed and trying to plan an escape out of this hell hole and a revenge plan on Overhaul.
‘You could tell his father.’ You say to yourself as you let out a sigh. How would you even get close to Pops? Overhaul is around him like bee’s to honey.
‘Do it when he’s in the bathroom! You’ll be protected by him. There’s not way he’d hurt his father.’
You felt a gleam of hope at this newfound idea in which you got up quickly to get dressed a little bit better. 
Once all dressed and ready you walk the halls of the compound silently hoping to find pops and tell him everything that has been going on.
You tip toe around the base as you look over your shoulder repeatedly hoping that Overhaul wasn’t there. You tip toe faster when you hear the voice of Pops in a nearby room.
You open the door and see Pops sitting on a couch talking to someone. Once you heard his voice you go to shut the door but Pops had spotted you before you could make a run for it.
“Ah (y/n), what can we do for you?” Your head was running a million miles per hour as you look at Overhaul who glared at you with his golden orbs.
“Uh Pops can I talk to you privately? I got a surprise for him but i wanted to know your opinion.” That was a complete lie. You would never give that monster anything. But maybe if you told Pops that truth he would punish him and would be able to set you free.
“Oh sure! Kai your girlfriend is such a sweet little thing.” Overhauls widen once he realized you plan. But before he could drag Pops back you had already had him out the door.
“So whats the surprise?” Pops chuckled before you started tearing up and balling.
“Woah woah, what wrong?”
“It’s your son! Don’t believe a word he says! He doesn’t love me! He’s only using me to be the head of the Hassakai! Please you have to help me leave! Every time i do something he doesn’t like he punishes me for it!” You cry as tears stream down your face.
“Is this true?” His voice was calming as it soothed your fear. You looked up at him feeling safe with a bit of hope gleaming in your eyes. You shook your head yes.
“I’m so sorry my son had done this to you I’ll-” Before he could even finish his sentence Kai had touched Pops in the neck, causing him to pass out onto the floor. 
“You really did it now (y/n).” Overhaul took steps towards you as you walked away from him. Your entire body shook as you stared at the ruthless man.
“What did you do to Pops?!” You scream at him. 
“That’s nothing of your concern.” He ran at you with high speed as to catch you. You turn around and begin to run like your life depended on it. Which it did.
“Get back here!” Your tears stained your face making it difficult to see where you were going.
You knew you couldn’t out run Overhaul forever. He was way more fit then you were and was taller too. But through your tears you saw the front door of the compound.
Your heart nearly jumped out of its chest before running even faster using all of your energy to try and make it to the door. You saw your freedom right in front of you, it was there. You could almost feel it-
“Got you (y/n).” You felt your hair being grabbed then tugged backwards, causing you to land on the ground.
“Please..just let me go...”
“After that stunt you just pulled? I don’t think i can do that.” With your hair still in his hand he dragged you back to your room by your hair.
“If your gonna kill me just do it already then you piece of shit!” You scream at him from the top of your lungs. You continue to swear at him and try to escape from his grasp.
Your room door open and you were thrown into it. Hearing the door lock behind you. You rub you head and see Overhaul standing above you.
“Now where to begin?”
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ganondoodle · 5 years ago
I'm so so curious abt ur idea of the Zelda canon pertaining to demise n Hylia?? Who is the ""tiny" man that looks kinda like you" crawling up out of a crack in the ground I'm so CURIOUS. Also I WILL spam tf out of ur notes and I'm only kinda sorry bc I'm just discovering your art now and I'm in love;;; I wanna gush abt ur Hylia design bc FDJDJFJDMS but alas an ask can only be so long;;;; pls talk abt ur hc though I really wanna know!! (AH if you would that is;; thank u for reading gjsjrkg)
ill make it short but even that is gonna be a long read, so strap in:
alright SO; i have not read any zelda mangas, my knowledge of the lore is based on the games for the most part, the “tiny dude” is demise, since as far as i remember its said in skyward sword that he showed up from a crack in the earth. so that was just a silly reference at this point BUT to what my actual PERSONAL rewriting of the whole thing is :
hylia is a servant of the three golden goddesses, she was told what would happen and was prepared to follow her orders, (like lifting skyloft into the sky already before demise even shows up). once he does show up and you know, does his thing of destroying stuff hes stopped by hylia, kind of surprised since he didnt expect any resistence, especially not from another deity, and overconfident as he is gets his ass kicked pretty quickly xD   now, her orders where to seal him away immediately, however, while hes even taunting her to kill him, she decides to neither seal nor kill him, and thus spares him, and the only reason why is that shes intrigued. she has never seen any creature that was even remotely like her, demise seems to be not just a deity, but also somewhat of a mirror to herself. of course demise takes every opportunity to try and attack/ambush hylia, since she ALWAYS shows up whenever he goes off destroying things again, and well, she always wins. so at some point she suggest a deal of some sort, she wont seal/kill him, and he gets to roam the lands freely as long as he doesnt destroy or attack anyone that is. demise accepts but only because he cant seem to get her out of his way at the moment. now then, demise starts to stop by hylias temple (sealed grounds), where she usually resides when shes not needed elsewhere, at first its just an attempt to get her to spill out her secrets or some sort of weakness he could exploit to FINALLY get rid of her, but as times goes on they sorta start to bond even though they tend to fight (literaly sword fight) alot, its more sparring than fighting really, just the more brutal version i suppose, you know, them being deities and not really having a fear of death- all while hylia sort of ignores the reminders the three goddesses give her, she hasnt completed her duty yet fast forward through a lot (i still want to do lil short comics of their interactions) but the patience of the three goddesses starts to run out, so they give hylia on last chance to finally furfill the order she was given so long ago. she has never talked back to them, or outright refused to follow an order, but for the first time, she does, arguing that there is no need to seal demise, since he has since gotten far tamer than he used to be, and hes not fully "evil" theres some good in everyone, even him ... but naturally, the goddesses arent too happy about that ."she cannot escape destiny". they force their will onto hylia, using her like a puppet that shes always been, but now, without any will or thought left, she goes and mercilessly attacks demise, who of course notices that she doesnt seem to be herself, but all he can do is try to defend himself, while not wanting to hurt her either (after all he doesnt REALLY know whats going on after all) its also in this confrontation that fi loses her arms actually trying to stop "not-hylia", but in the end, "not-hylia" seals demise away, however, she herself succumbs to being possessed by three higher deities at once for so long.
and thus, the events of skyward sword make mostly sense still, i am well aware that this is my personal brain fart, and tbh i never planned to even write it out like this, im not very confident in my dumb fan writing and takes on characters, i just hate the "pure good and pure evil with no real explanation given for anything" trope, sorry for the wall of text of bad writing, but im glad you seem to like my design of hylia, i also hate the "pure good maiden looks basically like a human" trope, but all in all, i wouldnt put this much thought and effort into rewriting/redesigning parts of this series if i didnt care, i care alot, maybe too much .. especially about the villains, ........................i put the blame on windwakers end :)
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shiro-0197 · 4 years ago
Aww I'm sure whatever you choose will be the right choice. They're both such great options!! I'll be cheering you on either way, or even if you choose something completely different. It's cool that you've done uni research too. I haven't. I've only researched one 🙃
ikr!! Honestly tho, if I could meet a Haikyuu character for a day, (with the exception of Tooru, because he'd be my first choice🥺🥺) I'd probably choose Kuroo. His science jokes would be top-tier istg :> what about you?
yeah it's really dangerous. They'll probably have a strict lockdown soon, too. Is everything okay over there? Or are the cases high too? :( If they are, please stay safe 🥺🥺)
ooh what cuisines do you mix?? :D I'm sure there's french in there (because of your adorable love for quiches) and maybe some East Asian (because of the noodles?)
Aww that sounds so frustrating, I wish you all the best, bae. I hope it won't bother you in the future, you've got through this!!
KSJDJSHSJ I'm melting your expressions must be really really cute. I'm usually just smiling like a dork, and that smile stays with me even after I reply. my brother once asked me why I was smiling into my maths book. (maths does not spark joy).
omg yes yellow and blue are a really good combination. They're my school colours too. And the Swedish flag colour :D what's your favourite colour btw? Is it white? 😝😝
Yeah I saw a peak in the numbers today. English is second highest so wohoo!!
oh I didn't mean to overwhelm you 🥺🥺 but I'm glad you know I care. I love you, Cookie, I truly to :)
I mean yess?? (Catboy Chishiya was second best) but that drawing you did of us is first :D Speaking of drawings; I'm so soft that drawing of tiny Tooru in the board and his smile was so sweet. thank you, so much!!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 You're the best >.<
Heyyy I'm sorry for not answering earlier again😭😭😭 how was your day? I'm hoping it was alright!!! Mine was pretty good, still kinda tired but I feel better~
Thanks so much!!! It means a lot<3 I didnt really do the research, my teacher did... she really has big expectations of me, it's scary xD One is still something!! To be honest I did ones well and it's not really easy cuz I need to know everything cuz I'm paranoid like that😝
Ohh Kuroo is a great choice😩 he acts like an old man which is probably my second favorite thing about him, right after his chemistry obsession sjdjjwjfkskx
NOOOO that's a very difficult choice.... to be honest I would say Shoyo but I wanna meet everyone else too???!? Like maybe Ukai or Daichi because I need more advice on how to take care of myself physically💀 but if we're talking just someone to hang out with, without anything to worry about then yeah, probably Shoyo. He's so damn small I wanna give him a piggy back ride anywhere we go😩😭
Yeah, it's really the best choice:( I think situation in our place is moderate? I mean, theres less rgan 1000 cases per day in the whole country (?), I dont know if that's moderate, but that sounds better than if was at first😖
Theres a lot, really, we mostly have west and east asian foods? And a few Russian dishes, like pelmeni and vareniki <3 I especially love the potato ones, the cottage cheese ones arent my style😔 well, at least those are the ones we make here hehe~ The quiches I make are actually just something I found because of a game, which is funny but true XD ever since I tried making one with my ✨secret recipe✨ I couldnt stop. Barely anyone even knew that thing existed before I brought it into the picture XD
AWHH you're literally the cutest😭 I make you smile even though maths... that's a huge honor, ma'am. I'm proud😭😭💕
Ohh that's so cool!! That's our country's flag color as well hehe. You guessed it right😝 its white~ but I also really like muted brown and yellow. They're so comforting, you know? Kinda the colors of pastries <3
Ooo!! That's so cool omg, I'm very happy for you🥺
Heheh don't worry!! It still felt nice😋💕💕
Seriously, two of my children are your top two??? I'm in tears, you're giving me goo much credit😭🤍 I'm very glad you liked them, though, I was very happy drawing Tooru and mini Tooru for you hehe😙💕 Love you so much!!! Hope your day went great♡
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1358456 · 6 years ago
Review Response, Destiny #043
The count reached past 10, so here it is. Even with one review being for a chapter that does not exist (???), the count is still past 10. So... yeah!
1) You really made a bitch cry during this chapter, like damn I already guessed it but all my Hoenn favs lost in the waves. Just thinking about what happened to Tate and Liza who are even younger than emerald just haunted me. I had said in a previous review that emerald was gonna lose all his loved ones(by that I mean the ones closest to him) and that’s what happened. One can only pray that there’s even a hint of an ethnically Hoenn population left after this entire ordeal As for everyone else Red and Blue lost their bestie’s and brother but have each other, the Johto kids gained nothing and lost everything, Sinnoh kids are traumatized but otherwise fine, Black and White have each other, and X is probably a level of depressed incomprehensible for the human mind. This story was a fun emotional roller coaster and I’m happy I could be apart of the ride.
Ah, the review for a chapter that does not exist. Given the buggy nature of this, I will consider this review to be for chapter 43.
Emerald has indeed, lost everyone. In fact, if the epilogue scene played out like a video game and you could explore around, on the skeleton around “Emerald Gate”, you’d find a secret chamber containing a lot of worn out journals and two Soul Dew. ... Ouch, huh? And yes, there would be Hoenn population left, having evacuated to the other regions. While most of Hoenn cities have catastrophic casualties, the towns and cities near the fringes but away from the calamity (such as Fallarbor and Rustboro) would have most of their dwellers alive, just evacuated.
Red and Blue are happy (in fact, the popular “rivals” for that pairing are all dead) and will have their own happy ending sooner or later, the Johto folks got a doom ending, the Hoenn folks got a doom ending, Sinnoh got a happy ending, Unova got a happy ending, and Kalos got a doom ending. 3:3. BALANCE!
2) The chapter title honestly reminded me of Avengers: Endgame XD
And thank you as well! It's fun writing Ruby and Sapphire so I don't wanna miss the opportunity. Thank you again! TwT
(Still don’t know anything about the Avengers or whatever)
Thanks so much, Cap! I really love what you did for that segment, and I really appreciate it. I hope we can do something similar once again!
3) That was a great way to end,can’t wait for the other stories to unfold!
Thank you very much. Legacy will certainly get interesting later on!
4) Damn, pretty much all of Hoenn is gone. That's death on a far grander scale than anything I was expecting. Still, the ending is oddly satisfying. Hmm, not sure how else to word that.
Anyway, this entire story is awesome! Kinda wish there was a bit in the epilogue as to what happened with the surviving dex holders, but oh well. Amazing writing as always~
Destiny has the highest death count of all the stories I’ve ever written. Even in terms of named character deaths, SA has the most, since everyone notable in Hoenn are gone. ... It’s a good thing Emerald never got confirmation... “... Even the Shoe Store Guy...”
I was originally going to put in some stuff for the survivors, but they were kind of out of place and incorrect in terms of timeline, as Emerald would seal his two friends and a few days later, the survivors would’ve returned home for their happy endings or whatnot. And thank you!
5) Jeez, what an incredible story. I've been following this since 2014 & all I can really say is damn. Looking forward to keep reading your other stories.
Thank you very much!
6) Why have a cliffhanger ending without a sequel? It's not a horror movie.
Because it’s FUN! Hehe. In truth, I always liked the concept of a teaser ending, especially a teaser ending that shows a new threat/event that it not going to be elaborated on. At least not by the original creators, anyways. Besides, I did this once before back in SA. Never created SA2, you know. Same deal here. Hehehe...
7) Wow...
That was...
Let's just say, I was NOT expecting that.
At all.
Hehe... then it was as intended. Huhuhu...
8) Both of the Unova casts survived?! What is this blasphemy! Hooray for finishing Destiny, really good work. Cya at your other stories.
What a shocker! Black and White lived!!
Ahem. Okay, to be REALLY fair, I did intend to kill White in Destiny. In fact, the “fake Destiny” short story I made years ago (Short Story - Mercy) was supposed to happen exactly in the actual story. White gets mind controlled and convinces Black to kill her to spare her from the torture and to stop her from bringing Unova into ruin by pissing off Kyurem. I just decided to not go with it at the last moment to show some mercy, and because the Kyurem issue will be brought up in another story later on and I didn’t want a repeat. So... now you know! Hehehe...
9) As Ethan Kironus said, "Why have a cliffhanger ending without a sequel? It's not a horror movie." I freakin' hate when someone do that. I'm disappointed and will not read this story, and I regret I ever followed it.
I’m so glad you decided to not read the story after you followed and read it all the way to the very last chapter. Well done.
10) Heheh. You and your cliffhanger endings. They almost always end like that which perfectly sets up for a sequel. Then you never make it to leave us in suspense forever.
Okay. I feel really bad for emerald. Everybody he loves is gone. Like Ruby and Sapphire, he has nothing left. He chose the hard thing to do, however, and spend the rest of his life guarding the orbs. It’s pretty noble, and pretty depressing. At least the others got a somewhat of a happy ending...except for X.
Whats this? Black and White actually lived through a full story?! I didnt think it was possible!
I think this is the most people you killed in a story since everyone in an entire region died.
Anyway, great job with this fic! Its been a very enjoyable one, and I’m glad I got to read it! There truly aren’t enough good stories that involve the dex holders!
Hehehe... them teaser endings!! Though to be fair... I only did it once before with SA. But in terms of “plot based, long story”, there are... 3. SA, Destiny, Legacy. So... with 2 of those stories finished, and 2 teaser endings... 100% rate thus far. Ha!
Poor Emerald indeed. Lost Crystal. Lost Gold. Lost Ruby and Sapphire. Lost even the Trick Master. And later on, loses Latias and Latios. Poor boy. Curious that no one thus far had said “poor Sapphire”. And yes, X had a horribly sad ending too. Because he gets to go home and “bury” Y in Vaniville Town, which means he also has to talk with Y’s mother and tell her of Y’s death. Ohh...
Hehe. About Black and White... To be fair (again), the... er... misconception that I tend to kill Black and White a lot started with how I kind of... tossed them away in SA. And I only had them die in SA because they were post-plot-plan additions. Generation V as a whole debuted after SA started and its plans fully set. So the two did not have a place in the finale thus were thrown away. While it’s true that I bullied the crap out of them in DE, I didn’t really kill them much. ... I think. Ahem. Now, similarly, Sun and Moon both debuted after Destiny began. Which means if I decided to include Sun and Moon in Destiny, they both would’ve died in the final battle to increase the death count. And the misconception that I bully and kill the Alola cast will begin. Maybe. So... yeah. ... That said, I do find a bit of amusement in torturing Black & White, but... hehehe...
Not everyone in Hoenn died, but pretty much everyone. I think the population focused cities are Lilycove (doomed), Slateport (doomed), and Mauville (doomed), so... yeah. A LOT of deaths of faceless nameless people.
Thank you so much! I’ll see you at the other stories!
11) Sorry to give another review, but...
Like I said, wasn't expecting the ending.
The destruction of Hoenn was pretty much the death-wish I asked for. Thanks.
Can't be a 135 story without a cliffhanger ending, can it?
Anyways, as many others have said, the Unovan cast surviving was very surprising.
To end this off (for now), all I can say is that I'm glad I read this. Thanks for giving us a story that can make us feel so many different emotions. There aren't as many out there as there used to be, but you pulled through and that's what mattered.
And to the people who say that the cliffhanger ending was unnecessary... What did you honestly expect? It's a 135 story. Whenever you read one of those, you're always going to be left with one of them. And people actually can LIKE cliffhangers. I'm one of them. No hate to those who disagree with me. I'm just stating my opinion.
(To 135): I'll be back eventually.
You aren't getting rid of me just yet.
Thanks for the story.
You made the “death wish” years after I decided to obliterate Hoenn and its population. So... hehehe. Nice. Works out, eh?
Can’t be a 135 story without one? ... Ehh... maybe. I mean, I guess all the post-endings in SE/DE kind of do that too. Hehehe...
Yeah, yeah. Unova cast... the “usual” targets, apparently.
Thanks for the compliments!
And looking at it strictly, the loose ending is technically unnecessary. And do not cause disputes, s’il vous plait.
“I’ll be back”. ... Do not drive a vehicle through a building? (REFERENCE!)
Well then. I will wait. Thank you!
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sugarplumpofweirdness · 7 years ago
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"7 Days of Fun!"
(A Dare from Anon that i didnt really do right)
AU Where the ndrv3: Saihara, Amami, Ouma, Kirumi, Kiibo, and Maki take turns on taking care of Kaede who suddenly lost her memories of her whole highschool life which kinda makes her childish and oblivious she was! (no killing game and they are all classmates) (while the others look for a cure) (owo)
I guess this is part 3 of 7:
Saihara and Kaedes Day!
So an Anon sent me an ask about this comic and i feel really bad about dropping this in the first place,, so enjoy! OwO)/ 
 Having Saihara look after Kaede made the group feel better since the 'Ouma incident'. Kaede and Saihara was always the closest compared to the others, both were always in tune with each other so theres no doubt it will just be easy for him to take care of her for the whole day.
 Well that's what Saihara also thought. But the situation was very different from what he expected. Because at this very moment, he has Kaede rolled up in the blanket. She was just too 'active' that he couldn't handle her anymore, and now he had no other option but to do this.
"so you're a detective?" Kaede looked at him in the eye, but he can only lower his head to avoid her stare. She was still stuck in the blanket and every time she moved it looked like a worm wiggling, when Saihara noticed this he held back a supposed outburst of laughing. Kaede still stared at him blankly, waiting for an answer to her question, as if this is the first time she asked it.
 "For the last time, I'm not a detective.. I'm just.. Um.. Really observant." he tumbled with his words, classic Saihara. 
 When talking to Kaede he was a bit more open and the chances of him stuttering was pretty low, but it seems having a conversation about him is making his face turn red. He was those kind of people that preferred to talk about anything as long as it isn't about HIM, because he knows that no one will actually be interested in things about him or worse—people will make fun of him.
 Beep Beep! —The sound came from his cellphone, it was an alarm for a 7PM Mystery Solving Case Show. Even though he knew that most of the cases in the show were just scripted he still likes to watch it 'till he falls asleep.
 "oh no, its already dinner time and i haven’t cooked yet." Saihara hastily went downstairs.
"Do you even know how to cook?" Kaede shouted at him, but there was no answer from him.
 *insert the comic here, you can read their conversation after the cut*
Saihara making food, i don’t know how to cook so i, the illustrator don't know what he is planning to cook.
Saihara: Akamatsu-chan.... Didn’t I tell you to stay in your room and get some sleep while i cook dinner for us.......
Kaede: Eh.. How did you know? But i wanna cook! And i wanna help too! I wanna be your assistant, and correct all your wrongs and non-good doings!
Saihara: Ehh.. but I’m doing fine, I haven’t made a mistake so please go back to your room.
Kaede: Are you sure? Right now I can see a lot of mistakes!
Saihara: But I’m alright on my own…
Kaede: Shuuichi-kun, you can’t say you’re okay with working alone, you should be happy that someone volunteers to help you.
Saihara: (Saihara gasps in terror! nah im just kidding, just a lil’ bit shocked) “she remembers my name?!”
Kaede: and besides…. I wanna spend more time with Mr. Detective.
Did i make it too shippy? Yes, yes i did. Why? Because i never do much Saihara/Kaede fanart  compared to my Amaede and Oumaede.. XD
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crystu-cii · 4 years ago
Of course!! 💕💞💕💕💕💞💞
wHEeze okay mood-- I actually went in my backyard with a mask on today(not intentionally, my sister sprayed febreeze and I'm sensitive to fragrances soo-- but the entire time I was like "wtf I'm telling crys about this later" XDD
XD also baby jail- puts a laundry basket over him- there now I'm safe-- dangg never had a pet?? I recommend a dog(specifically shelties/sheltie mixes!! They're beautiful and playful!! And the type of dog I've had all my life :3) I.. ban?? Like ban ban??? Wh????
I am! XDD I'd (at least probably) say something if I wasn't-- of course!!!! 💞💕💞💕💞💞💕
Me too!! I miss hanging out with them :/ but so many live super far sooo :,D OH DEAR-- yeah nonononoooo-- Do Not-- YEAH better safe than sorry nO--
Yeahh, I decided not to take any more creative classes in school anymore anyways--they don't suit me at all-- OH DANG-- YALL REALLY OUT HERE PISSING OFF THE CHOIR TEACHER??? DAMNNN-- XDDD YESSS-- awwwwhh :( oh well, on steam you can mood games sooo-- if you haven't asked for it, I recommend the portal games 👀 they're SO GOOD and I'll simp for both Glados and Wheatley, don't test me (unless you're Glados or Wheatley) /hj BUT THEY'RE SUCH WELL-MADE CHARACTERS-- BUT VALVE CAN'T COUNT TO THREE SOOOO-- (but there is a cool portal 2 mod coming out in April 2021(plus another from the past I think!) that looks incredibly promising!!!) and oooooohh I actually haven't seen much about it 👀 but from what I have seen it looks fun!!!!
opens calendar app-- can I just say it's so rare to meet people born in the early months-- like January and February, especially SO EARLY in the months of just unheard of XD I have a singular other friend born in January, on the 21st-- and I knew a girl who was born February but like I don't really like her or know her well so she doesn't count--
and omgg XDD im lowkey sensitive to fragrances to- when its too much and all- like i would only spray myself with perfume ome to three times while my mom is here doing like tWENTY SPRAYS AND IM LIKE "hEYo BRO I CANT B R E A T H E" /nm- its wild XDD
AND LEGITTT My mOm NEEEDS SLEPPP- quarantine has ruined her so hard- its ironic- I M supposed to be the rebelious one- XDD
WHWHWHEEZE B AB Y JA I L- XDD and yeahh- well my brother has an aussie dog (the one i said their name was also astro xD) but sometimes im just like- "yeah- thats my dog too-" i even mentioned it on a introduce yourself assignment for school xD and omg i dont know my dog types but i searched up what sheltie dogs look like and OMGG???💞 YESS A FLUFFY DOG I always dream of having a dog soo fluffyy- but i expect that it would be a pain to clean up the fur all the time XDD and well i MeAANn- not really ban but like- whenever i speak about pets at all to my mom- it would go like- me: we cant even have ONE pet? | mom: no | me: how about a fish?? | mom: wELL ***-BRINGS UP EMBARRASING ACTION I DID AS A TODDLER-*** ) so i just assume thats her way of saying- no fish. XDD
and phew thats good! the least thing i'd want is make you uncomfortable in any way ;w;; 💞💞 gosh- even hanging out with friends is like russian roulette- XDD before covid and all i would always go to Larie's house every single weekend because my mom would always go there every weekend to play mahjong (its a little gambling game) and i would just be like "YEAH IM COMIN TOO-" - like OMG- literally friend's moms being friends with your mom is just the definition of LIFE GOALS- and it would be so fun every time i go there too- my mom would play with them till midnight or literally up to 3 am- so me and larie would just do the most wackiest stuff- along with eating loads of snacks and watching random shows or anime XDD ahh its only months ago since it stopped but it already feels nostalgic xD
and LEGITTT- WHENEVER we ask them "hey what you gonna dress up this halloween" thEY woULd JusT Be Like "huh halloween whats that--" XDDD but they end up trying to celebrate it with us at the very least- xD anD YEAP WELCOME TO WHEN its the time of the year where the month names start ending with "ber" aka CHRISTMAS CHAOS TIME- /hj xDDD
mann for my school we had to choose between three music electives- band, orchestra, choir- i chose orchestra and it was AWESOME- until it was my last year and THE FUCKING ORCHESTRA TEACHER QU IT (it was reasonable actually- she had a sickness) and the cLASS JUST TURNED TO SHITITITHKAHTLQJF I HATED IT it came from my favorite class to the WORST in an InSTANT im SOBBING- but even the whole school is just utter bull- during that same year- i had six classes(a teacher for each) and guess what- THREE OF THOSE TEACHERS LEFT- LIKE EXCUSE YOU?? my 2020 was already RUINED before even COVID CAME like WTHHH- so yeah it was crazy- at that point we were all in despair and the school became more ghetto than it was before(everyone would keep saying "wErE In The GheTtO RATTATATAAA" every time we reach school grounds- its funny cause its true- XDD) yeah its crazzyy
and Oh YEHAH the mods are sickk- mods make my dont starve together gameplay so much better xDD and ooh i have seen portal before but i never actually played em- i think i was watching the walkthrough of both games just to try to learn what the game was about- but in the end- i forgot everything from what the heck our objectives of the game was other than to solve mind blowing puzzles- XDD but cAN i JUST SAY THE SONGS ABSOLUTELT BOPPED THO? THE ENDING SONGS STILL ALIVE AND WANT YOU GONE GOT ME LIKE in TEARS to how good they were- like i jammed to them for a long ass while xDDD and ohhh i never seen any portal mods before! i didnt even know portal mods were a thing but that sounds SICKKK
and omg xD and wth- now that you mention it- like- SAMEE?? real life wise- the birthdays are scrambbled up- but lately on tumblr almost everyone has their birthdays around the the "ber" times and this has now made me realize it- like omg- XDD
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b1a4seeyou · 7 years ago
Ah! Thank you, anon. (^ ▽^). I have to do a cut cause I didnt expect to be this long haha. And I stupidly reload this page, sorry, please bare with me. ^^”
From this ask
🌷 = favourite blogs 
Hmm, let’s see. I have a lot of favorites but I’ll just go with the ones I really look at!
@theslimeologist - The first Slime Rancher blog I followed! I love their contents. Sometimes they stream a few games which help me pass the time.
@aestheticvalley - The name says it all! Made cute and amazing Stardew Valley mods which I still need to figure out how to use it and very friendly. :D
@ironicicy - THE ONE ART BLOG WHO DREW MY TALES OF XILLIA 2 SHIP, JUDGER!! I love her art style and sometimes filled my Judger needs whenever I see them haha.
@ladyusada, @dimensionslip, @neylakiiroisenkou - These blogs I followed are mostly on updates and translations about the Tales of Series. Not seen often but I really appreciate their effort!!
💕 = tumblr friends 
OHOH BOY, HERE IT GOES!! Sorry, irl friends. Gotta tell the truth.
@hateehateeho & @u-r-n-s - MY CHILDHOOD PALS WHO’RE THE REASON I’M IN TUMBLR!! We’ve been friends for like uh 11 years now? The first one draws a lot and I love her artstyle, you can check it out but mostly she just crap post haha. While the other one rarely logs in but she‘s really good at writing and I’ll be honest, she really beat me on our English writing haha.
@minkh21 - Another irl friend of mine! She normally reblogs on Kpop stuff and writing prompts hehe.
@kirachama, @crytalstellar, @benichi, @plutoparfait, @shadi-ee, @applesr00, @amethystcria, @thehourofthemary, @soinlovewithbandguys, @thew0lfprince - Met these beautiful people in a Mystic Messenger Discord server~! Though I followed them before Mystic Messenger exist but became mutual, thanks to that haha. xD. There’s actually more of them but I’m not sure if I did follow them or forgot their urls.
@jessrine, @nerd-who-draws-too-much - Met them recently, thanks to coincidence and fandom. The first one, to my surprise, is in the same country as me! Yay! The other one does art too. We sometimes talk about Code Realize. xD
📖 = tell a story 
A story?? Hmm….Let’s see. This is probably a short one cause I dont have any interesting ones in the meantime haha. ^^”. So this was like last year’s incident. My family went to this mall to buy some food stock and there’s a grocery store at the lower floor. We were lining at this long queue because there’s only 2-3 counters opened. It was our turn and we’re really in a rush so I was in charge of putting the grocery on the counter, my hands were a lot more faster, not gonna lie. I was too busy with the items, I didnt notice the cashier until I was done. He wore glasses. THAT’S RIGHT, YOU HEARD ME! GLASSES. Anyways, I was really stunned at how professional he looks with the uniform and hairstyle, but my reaction was just “Oh, he wear glasses. Nice.“
BUT THEN, I was helping pushing the items forward to make it more quicker for him. He took one of them and accidentally hit my face. I was so shook but it wasnt that painful. But the one part is how the guy reacted. He was apologizing and his face almost like he’s gonna cry. I told him it was okay and it doesnt hurt. But god, his worried face was really cute, it felt like the world just stopped. He even asked me if there’s anything he could do but I just said “It’s okay, the line is long so I understand that you’re hurrying.“ Even though his face was really guilty but the fact I got to see his clumsy side was really adorable. (-w-)b
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pepperpaprika · 8 years ago
Sheith AU Concept: Assassin!Keith and Retiree!Shiro, a romcom with death threats.
Even if Shiro died, it would change nothing about how he changed keiths life xD 
sob i really want super gritty keith being changed because he met shiro too 
like utter human wreck, thief/mugger, sometimes hooker, actual killer Keith and he meets Shiro and it's just WHO IS THIS GUY?? and shiro would be That Guy who gives this total stranger a bed and food, dresses his wounds, etc. so i guess assassin keith who grew up on the streets Shiro is an educated guy but not soft like Keith expected and the fact is, Shiro has a lot of martial arts/military training and he actually manages to pin Keith which is both hot and alarming to Keith He tries to stab him but Shiro blocks with his metal arm he is basically hugged into submission Keith: /cant move bc shiros on top of him Keith: /growls softly Shiro: I think you need another five minutes, don't you? Shiro: /keeps scrolling twitter on his phone before he leaves, the next morning after the snowstorm, he considers slitting shiro's throat in his bed he almost does it too but he reaches for Shiro and he touches his face instead, drifting his fingers over the hollow of his throat it disturbs him more and he flees out the window from a 3 story building bc when is keith not extra
SC:  tfw you try to slit a homie's throat but you brush your fingers over his face instead no homo
YEP NO BROMO but naturally keith gets busted up again and he's desperate so he goes back to shiros house as a safehouse he doesnt actually intend to go inside just crash in his garage but of course shiro finds him and he's like "next time you could ring the doorbell" cos shiro's had an early retirement and now he spends all day in his house  Keith: *hiss* Shiro: I have food. I hope you like mac and cheese. Keith: ...Mac and cheese. As in the same mac and cheese you fed me two weeks ago? Shiro: Well. It's a fresh batch. Keith: ...Do you own anything else edible besides prepacked macaroni? Shiro: ....I think there's a campbell soup somewhere. Keith: ...Move over. Keith: *banging pots and pans as he makes dinner* I can't believe you graduated from some Ivy League university Keith: So much for the sweet life. *aggressively stirs*
SC: shiro: The school had a mealplan! I didnt have to learn how to cook.
Shiro: *watches attentively* I didn't know i had a chopping knife. Keith: You don't. This is mine. Shiro:...You carry a cleaver with you, too? Keith: *pauses, smirks up at Shiro* Wouldn't you like to know? Shiro: I just don't want you tearing up my sheets in that. Keith: Mm, don't worry if Im' tearing up our sheets, I'll be naked for it. Shiro: *slow blink* You're... different from before.
SC: soooo why's keith hitting on shiro now?
well hes not sex adverse just ??? bc hes never been INTERESTED in it before and he figures this weird feeling must be sexy feelings (its not but hey) Shiro is like "no thankyou, I don't date axe murderers" Keith:I'm not asking for a date. Shiro: And I don't put out without dinner first. Shiro: I'm classy like that. *raises eyebrows* Keith: *holds pan of bubbling sauce* Dinner. Shiro: Three dinners.  eventually of course, people find out where keiths been holing up Lotor barges in and helps himself to everything like he worst houseguest ever then promptly tries to kill shiro Keith is Displeased they have a catfight in the living room and Shiro is just. WHY. TALK LIKE PEOPLE. USE WORDS. Lotor: *has a hand down keiths pants* You certainly picked a strange one. Keith: *shoves him off and knots his belt around Lotor's neck* 
Keith: Back off. Keith: Or I kill you. Right now. Lotor: Temper, and you wonder why mother loves me more. Shiro: ??? mother is their boss but ofc Shiro is just confused bc... WHY IS YOUR HAND DOWN HIS PANTS? but yes eventually actually dangerous people (Keith’s enemies) come for Keith at Shiro's place and probably kidnap him not that Lotor isn't dangerous but he's... flexible Lotor and Keith are probably at the top of their respective fields tbh If you want it done fast, get Keith If you want it done subtly, get Lotor Keith goes after them with the vengeance of a thousand suns only to find his not-boyfriend has successfully dismantled the entire operation "Sorry. I forgot to mention I'm actually reserve CIA" Keith: ...*tries to flee* Shiro: *grabs by the scruff of his clothes* Let's try this again, shall we?
Bonus, lotor was secretly a double agent all along hitting on keith was his way of deflecting, but also it was fun
SC: ohhh double agent for who?
hmm good question i would say the government but i think itd be more interesting if altea and galra were two separate crime factions and shiro is from the neutral party, the government altea is on better terms with gov than galra and lotor was aware of shiro's past career Shiro: you tried to kill me. Lotor: I wanted to see if you'd lost your edge. Champion. Shiro: And traumatizing Keith was? Lotor: He makes the best faces. Keith: HEY Lotor: Do get me some pictures when you actually shag him. Shiro: ..People like you is why I left the life...
SC: so how far did lotor get with keith?
....not very? probably just molesting him he was never very serous about it that would ruin The Game I mean, he'd probably go for it if Keith ever showed any reciprocation or curiosity but Keith just cusses him out and threatens to kill him again I think Lotor plays up the campy flirty gay persona a bit too maybe he's bi, I think. not that it matters xD but yeah Keith retires and lives a peaceful and happy life with Shiro except for when Lotor or Allura or Lance or Pidge or Hunk visits and Coran. Coran most of all Coran brings Shiro food and reminds him why he took up mac and cheese thankfully, Hunk more than makes up for it anyway thats not a street gang AU xD and I already have 2 freaking mafia AUs but hey
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comicteaparty · 6 years ago
April 11th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on April 11th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Kitty Kitty Bang Bang by Moe.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Kitty Kitty Bang Bang by Moe~! (https://tapas.io/series/kkbbcomic)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
hey super~!
Coming in and I'd like to give a big shoutout to that header image on the comic's Tapas(edited)
I dunno, I thought it looked badass
it is a nice header image. although what sells it for me is the logo design. its a really nice logo.
for favorite scene, hmm. ya know, i cant not pick it. the convention scene. that scene legit almost made me cry at how touching it is both with its message about how anyone can cosplay whatever they want regardless of how they look. not to mention the themes of reaching out to others. all wrapped in a nice package of no dialogue so that its the emotions at the center forefront.
Also this guy's hair.
i like his hair and his smile combination. like both scream cocky little shit design wise and i love it cause he kind of is a cocky little shit. XD
Oh yes XD
Cocky little shits are my favorite
another scene i want to show some appreciation too is the scene where we first meet kit's mom. like, i knew it was coming from the chapter title. but i enjoyed the twist it was her step-mom and theres a deeper issue going on. it turned what was easy to guess to something surprising again just by how the story plays out the reveal
https://tapas.io/episode/1370747 This is a pretty good page.
Hm, Doug McClure sounds a awful lot like this chap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUg6e072vgA
anything in particular you like about it super?
The last two panels.
And the followup
dat backside
i really love the back shot composition. like what a great way to show overwhelming odds
Evening. Made it as far as the start of the Bully arc, so late 2018.
Yeah. Also ello
I love also how Doug's got like, a million pouches on his belt
I dunno it's a detial I like
Yeah, the convention stuff was good. Some of those real-life scenarios that made you want to shake people are good when done right.
I'm not sure if I have a big favourite moment, but I have some little ones. Like when that "pinball wizard" thing played as Kit was taking on that nozzle in the gaming store, and it turned out it was the coworker.
The guy at the school in the knight suit, who had the fascination with corndogs. Weird background detail, added some humour to an otherwise tense scene.
i love the corndog knight
i want a spin-off comic of just them
cause i want to know about them
why are they a knight
why corndogs
so many questions
Heh. Made me think of that other bounty hunter, pointy-ears, who also couldn't speak.
Also, did not expect the female reveal there.
And I liked how the scientist flipped out over his research having the higher bounty than himself. Like, that trumped everything else he was in the process of dealing with and he went on a rampage. Amusing.
yeah the scientists in general was fairly hilarious in everything he tried to prioritize. although i enjoyed that at the end of the mission the crystal wound of broken anyway. cause i felt it was fitting given everything it had been through
I thought it was really clever how the rock was used to blind the scientist. Kitty is this weird mix of hyper competent (like when she used the snack habits of that one guy to track him down) and absent-minded (like when she then didn't make a grab for the compound).
I'm not saying that's unrealistic or anything, I can totally see it.
Very "living in the moment" with a dash of forward thinking.
nah i agree shes a really interesting character. like at first i wasnt sure id like her but some of her plans have been pretty spot. and to be fair a lot of the absent-minded ness you could write off as it her being a kid. so of course shes expected to be a kid and not always think through with her actions.
a more comedic moment i liked was at the end of Mor where Kit and Mary both have to stand there awkwardly making their false apologies to the whole school. this page especially cracks me up just cause of the sheer height diff between the two. i think that makes it extra hilarious https://tapas.io/episode/1215017
It's true. And I'm still wrapping my head around the kid thing.
QUESTION 2. One of the comic’s focuses and highlights are the action sequences found within. Of the characters Kit has pursued so far in her bounties, which has been your favorite? Why is that? Likewise, which bounty did you think had the best fight choreography? What do you specifically think makes the choreography the best one? Do you think we’ll see any of the criminal characters again? If so, what could that mean for Kit? Considering many of the villains parody stereotypes and similar things, what other sorts of characters do you think or hope we might see? Lastly, do you believe Kit will encounter more of her professional rivals? If so, what do you think will happen?
its okay i had my struggles wrapping my head around but the convention scene really cemented it for me for some reason. but that might just be personal association of conventions being largely for the youth.
Incidentally, I wondered initially about the use of "der"... and then when Kitty used the term "Hoser" I thought she was Canadian. That proved incorrect, what with the Norwegian thing.
Ahh... yeah, I went to a certain convention for 20 years straight soooo...
Like, I want to ship, but it feels wrong. Normally if they're young I just think of it as cute, or picture them as older, and neither of those things kinda work here.
I wonder how big Kitty's gonna get when she's 20.
i didnt start going to conventions till i was an adult but at the same time my experiences is that theyre largely dominated by the youth. not to say there arent older adults there. but the youth are the ones always around drawing attention to themselves being loud. but i digress, just wanted to give context for why it worked for me
That's fair.
tbh i just assumed she was full grown. cause i was actually only an inch or two shorter than my full height at 13 cause i sprouted up early
As to the question of the moment, I admit I'm not huge on seeing action and choreography, tending to be bigger on characters anyway. Which is probably why that scientist one sticks out so much, since we got his whole backstory and everything.
I am gonna be in for such a shock when my little one grows up, aren't I.
That short gangster guy who stole the boat might return. It was implied.
and i legit cant imagine kit taller cause she literally towers over everyone. although is she still shorter than her dad? cause if she is, shell probably be his height.
I think she is. I'm equally bad at noticing that sort of thing.
id have to look again just cause it wasnt something i was looking for and her dad was only in so many scenes XD
im torn on my answer to this question of the moment. i think i agree i like the scientist the best cause he got a lot of backstory. not to mention when kit was doing their dialogue for them from the roof i was like "nah shes gotta be exaggerating" then we meet the scientist and nope, he really is just that arrogant and she was spot on. so overally he was definitely the most entertaining
but for fight choreography, im picking the first bounty with the spin off kool aid man. i really enjoyed the use of the environment and just the sheer level of destruction that was visited upon that grocery store
She knows her business. I wonder how long she's been at it.
Oh yeah, almost forgot about that one. I liked when Kitty roped the random customer.
i liked when after the fight ended, the old lady asked if the employee who was buried under rubble basically could get her a new box
And that was most difficult one to come up with
The one with the orcs going after cows was also good, not for the fight (which I think was offscreen) but world building. Until then it was sort of, like, what's reality here anyway.
Oh, hello creator.
Hello there all ^^\
Rebel: That was a good scene for setting the tone.
Hello Moe!
Thank you. It's always a challenge to come up with a beginning for a series.
Thanks for this cool comic of yours.
No probs
And yeah all this talk about conventions is reminding me of all the ones I've been going to lately. Comic focused ones and hugely commercial conventions are easily the most populated-by-youth ones.
"Annie" con was a clever name.
It was a little play on words. I always like to make those little puns when I can(edited)
i did enjoy the orcs with the cows. probably just cause of the extreme accent going on in that dialogue. but i also just love this concept that someone would think clearly humans are only good cause they drink milk. like someone really watched those got milk commercials too much.
I very much approve of puns. Also Senshi Kitty.
The head orc was milking his time in the spotlight.
Puns are always good
i do agree with you math that i got the impression well see the gangster who got away from the scientist again at some point. what it means for kit? i could see her being extra determined to catch him since he got away last time. but then maybe thats when well see buff elf chick again who is out for revenge.
Defintely. Orcs have always been my favorite fantasy race to play around with
i do appreciate orcs getting some love in a way cause in my experience theyre really underutilized in a lot of fantasy settings. can find elves everywhere, but nobody wants the orcs.
Well nothing is off the table.^^
Orcs have always been treated as the bad guy or the henchman merely due to their monsterous appearence.
speaking of not elves, i really like that this guy turned out to be the real villain from bully bully https://tapas.io/episode/1348464. partly cause it was a good twist that it was a bully victim becoming the bully. since that is very true to life. but also, selfishly, i noticed this character immediately in the background one time and i was like "ah man what an interesting looking side chara too bad well never learn about him" and then we learned about him.
QUESTION 3. Even in Kit’s dynamic world, she still has some unique mysteries surrounding her. Why do you think Kit is the only female in her family to receive Freyja’s blessing/curse, especially after it’s been so long it’s almost a myth? What do you think the story is behind Kit’s rage modes that seem to take over when she gets mad? What do you think happened to Kit’s mother, and why is Kit so sensitive about the subject of her mother in general? Additionally, why did Mary calling her mother a whore set her off in particular? Lastly, how do you think Kit got involved with being a Bounty Killer? Why do you think her family lets her pursue the career given how dangerous it all is?
Oh yeah the Goblin. I thought it was a perfect opprotunity to not just introduce the Goblins , but I was also playing around with laying out clues in plain site for the reader to notice.
That's smart thinking/writing
There are plans for future stories that are straight up mysteries Kit will have to sovle.
that sounds exciting and like a good challenge for her character too.
in regards to the current question, i want to dissect the fact that kit's specific phrasing about her mother was that mary hadnt even cared who her mother was as a person. and to a degree, i kind of feel like it was projecting that set her off. that kit herself didnt know a whole lot about her mother. so it might not be so much that her mom was called a whore that did it, but that someone would make a bold claim about her mother when kit herself didnt even know her that well and has since lost the chance to get ot know her. but thats just me theorizing.
Back, little one's asleep in the crib again. For now.
Mm hm, It would show that Bounty Killers in the world aren't used for just nabbing a bad guy with a hefty sum on their head. Sometimes folks need someone to investigate with the police's involvement and not ask any questions
Was Kitty maybe given up for adoption? (Is that what makes her worthy of the cat ears?)
The police were handy against the scientist too, for a little while.
That's a good way of expanding upon bounty hunters.
i dont think given up for adoption fits cause mor said shes the step mom which implies kit's father is her biological dad. that and there is one pic where the dad is with the mom
Oh, right. We did see her biological mom in that holiday special though, didn't we? And Kitty must remember enough to have taken up violin playing (on the roof). So... yeah I dunno.
thats interesting to know that the bounties arent just for nabbing bad guys. although makes me wonder what kit is going to do when shes told to do something shady and just not ask questions
Or was that not the biological mom, was that a younger Dar?
I can't see Kit not asking questions.
that was her step-mom. her bio mom we only see briefly in a pic
I wasn't sure if it was her dad remembering another time in that scene though. Like, the previous stuff was a memory.
(I also don't get enough sleep these days.)
i could see how youd get that interpretation but pretty sure it was the step-mom and the bio mom was just in the picture
There are a lot of things I don't want to say because of spoilers and I'll be answering those kind of questions down the road. But to answer the question pretaining to Mary, they do indeed have some History as hinted.
Mary is actually the younger cousin of the short boat-stealing gangster.
It's why her dad went into law.
heh. that is a pretty interesting theory.
(I need to have at least one insane theory and one ship per comic chat. I think it's in my contract.)
puns are also in your contract math. although you already fulfilled that one.
mary's dad kind of spooks me. like hes a really domineering presence and idk if i want to believe hes good or bad.
Truth is, when I created Mary, she was developed as just the rich girl who presented herself as Ms. Perfect while also having the spoiled brat persona as well
Oh right. Well, those come naturally. I wonder if her dad is part orc.
That's one of many ways to describe that
Best way to describe him is that he's a Lawyer... a very wealthy lawyer.
Oh no, he's part Dutch lol
Incidentally, I kind of like that Kit's got both cat ears and human ears, it tends to be how I draw my characters too (even if mine are just headbands). But it does make me wonder how the curse might have rewired her brain to deal with the extra input.
Oooh, a flying dutch man.
all the dads just drink lots of milk
What about Doug.
to be fair if kit's cat ears are more sensitive than her human ones the extra input probably doesnt matter cause one would hear it better than the other anyway. at worst i imagine things just sound even louder XD
It's that special beer.
Maybe it's partly why Kat's so on edge at times.
mm, beer
Wait, what kind of beer we talkin
It's kind of a mix bag with it comes to her ears. Internally they do connect to her regular ears and she can hear through them, but only if she concentrates. Mostly they just act like a short range radar or a sixth sense. Something like spidey's spider sense.
Ah yes, I've notice some folks like our esteem adventurer. Others not so much
QUESTION 4. Besides the action, there is still a lot of slice-of-life material to be had in the comic as well. Do you think Kit will eventually tell Bia about her career? How do you think Bia will react to finding out about it? What challenges do you foresee awaiting Bia and Kit as their relationship continues to develop and secrets reveal themselves? Further, how do you see Kit balancing her school life in general with her job? Will she manage to maintain her grades and everything, or will things prove tougher than she expects? In terms of Kit’s regular life, what things are you hoping to see be explored in how she lives her day-to-day life? Lastly, are there any themes (like bullying) that caught your eye from the slice-of-life segments? What about them did you enjoy?
It's cool that youv'e thought about that.
Honestly, the bounty-hunters clashing, while not necessarily slice-of-life, felt realistic and added depth to the idea of the job. Also revealed how their methods are non-lethal. And was the first ship I considered.
Ah yes, I had a lot of folks doing a double take when I revealed her age.
unrelated to the current question, i really hope we get to see more bounty killers in the story just cause they cant all work out as well as buff elf chick. also id really like to get a feel for the age range cause its concerning the gov was like "nah a 13 year old bounty killer? thats fine"
That's a good point. Did she register under an assumed name?
Seconding Rebel.
Well due to Kit's size, she may or may not of lied about her age when she took the job
Also, I feel like the construction job field gets a lot of work in this universe. We only see Kitty's exploits but there have to be other incidents in the world as well.
Actually, magicians too must be a thing. And mimes.
Did not expect the mimes.
Their are plans to explore other parts of world. One in particular is the Bounty Pick Up units sent to pick up the bounties and make out the reports.
Yes, beware the mimes ^^
I will be exploring a lot more of the Magis and how the magic works as well.
Silent but deadly.
That short magic comic did a good job, I thought.
And I liked the money van guy critiquing the pun.
Hm Hm, well not everything can be a homerun for our little cat girl
yeah i really liked the short magic comic. cause it was funny and really did some good world-building
i also loved the cowboy bank robber
just cause he was a cowboy
and that was ridiculous
Oh yeah, forgot about him.
I wonder how Kitty practices her quick draws.
Where do they lock these guys up, anyway? Regular jails seem like they wouldn't be sufficient.
Yes, you don't see that many cowboys these days. But it was a perfect nod for one of the inspirations of the comic
Cowboys are fun.
Um, they go to regular prison and go through the same process as the law provides^^
Always love one with an appealing design when one shows up.
Very much so
what sort of lawyer is mary's dad?
How do you lock up an orc so that he doesn't just bend the bars?
He's a defense lawyer
He lawyers der fence.
ah so i can say maybe mary's dad defends all these criminals kit tries to send to jail.
It's a possibility and her dad is very much against the Bounty Killer and the Bounty Board in general
ooh, is that so(edited)
Circling back to Bia, it'd be amusing if someone in her family was also a bounty hunter. Kitty admits it and she's like, "oh, okay, I can see how you'd be good at that too".
just to talk a bit about the current question, i do feel its inevitable kit has to tell bia about her job. cause i mean...kit isnt the most undestructive. just takes one time of showing up burnt to a crisp to school to give it away. but i think bia is gonna take it better than kit thinks shell take it. cause tbf, if i was bia i would not be surprised.
tbf i kind of agree with mary's dad. they might be catching criminals, but holy shit that property damage
I feel like Bia might find out not through Kit though. Like maybe even via Kit's brother. Which could strain the relationship.(edited)
especially the property damage caused by the scientist
cause even if they have the money to fix it, it still takes time
Or magic.
Bia finding out Kit is a Bounty Killer is inevitable, and it might happen happen sooner than you think
it could strain their relationship too. though for some reason i feel for bia itd be more about the age thing than the danger thing if that makes sense. cause the career suits kit. just maybe not when kit is still 13, in school, and all that
'Cept her dad is okay with it.
I feel like I'd totally be that dad by the way. Who makes concessions. Then ends up in trouble with mom too.
It is going to a very unique exploring the relationship Kit and Bia have. In many ways, Bia will act more like the straight man of the relationship
Well Edward looks at it more like she's hunting game. expect the part of gutting it and cleaning it for food^^
i just want to say i really love kit's dad and i hope we get to see him more. he seems just so utterly likeable. like a gentle giant
Just want to give a shout-out to the school nun badass. Possibly like the opposite to dad.
He is indeed^^
Since the CTP is wrapping up in a bit, I'd like to wish @MoeAlmighty the best of luck with Kitty Kitty Bang Bang, it's got a great artstyle, story, and some good humor.
Oh right, pretty good stuff done with only black and white too.
Yes, Beatrice is indeed a beast^^
Thank you so much^^
You're welcome! ^^
yeah i loved the nun. especially her epic entrance and this page https://tapas.io/episode/1188530
like everything about that page is perfect
"Keeper of the Lunch Period"
God help the guilty
Probably a bumper sticker on her car.
I'm sure everyone here remembers that one teacher that kept everyone in check at lunch period
best bumper sticker ever
Kitty has some nice exclamations too.
Anyways, cya till next time, and thanks for dropping by @MoeAlmighty
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Moe, as well, for making Kitty Kitty Bang Bang. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Moe’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/kkbbcomic
Moe’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MoeAlmighty
Moe’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/theMoeAlmighty
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tumblunni · 8 years ago
How do I write an autistic villain without demonizing autism by accident? ;-;
I’m not really sure why you’re messaging this to me. I’m really sorry but I’m not an expert on like.. political stuff about autism stereotyping, just because I’m autistic. And it depends on which country you live in, I know that america has a far more visible sort of cultural presence for stereotypes, due to the whole Autism $peaks controversies. I dont live in america and I’m not super smart or anything, so yeah this is a disclaimer that this is just my opinion and you should probably research answers given by other people too. And maybe ask people about the specific circumstances of what you’re writing, like the context of the setting of the story and what the villain is like, etc. I’d be happy to chat to you about that if you need help! (but again, im no expert, lol)
My opinion on the subject is that having an autistic villain is perfectly fine, as long as you’re not villainizing autism. Like...* Don’t make the autism the reason theyre a villain.* Don’t make people scared of them because of the autism, rather than because they’re a villain.* Don’t treat their autistic traits as scary or inherantly villainous.* Don’t make anyone insult them for their autism and act like its justified because they’re evil.
And similarly its bad form to do any of that stuff in regard to any sort of minority really. An example that always bugged me is how Excellus from Fire Emblem Awakening is scary and evil because he’s a murderous monster, yet everyone in the game constantly insults him for the fact he acts ambiguously gay/transgender/effeminate. Like, there’s way too many jokes about people finding him ‘disgusting’ because of some random thing he can’t change, like a sexuality, race or mental illness which plenty of non-evil people have too! It also lessens his impact as a villain because the characters barely even address the actual villainous things he does, and he doesnt seem to have any motive at all. They just ride on the whole ‘the audience will find him gross’ thing as a crutch and forgot to bother writing a good villain.
Oh, and your concerns are indeed valid, yo! Sometimes it is important to think about the context you created a character in, even if you didnt intentionally create any negative messages within your writing.It’s just that the case where a character will be seen as villainizing [minority trait] for being a villain... that’s kind of only in a very specific circumstance? its just that this specific circumstance is very very common in mass media nowadays.It’s ‘The Smurfette Principle’.If you only have one character of a minority in your cast, its easy for an uninformed audience to pick up messages that you’re saying ALL members of that minority are the same as them.If you only have one autistic character and he’s the villain, then you might accidentally be villainizing him. In a world where autistic characters being villainized for their autism is already very common, people could just assume you made them autistic for the same reason all those other writers did- because they think it’s ‘scary’. It feeds the stereotype even if you didn’t conciously intend it that way.
So a very very easy way to fix this problem is just to add multiple characters of a minority into your story, filling various roles from villain to hero to helpful npc. or anything you can think of!
Another good quick fix is to have your villain be autistic, but portray their autistic traits as sympathetic/relateable/a humanizing aspect of them. Not just portraying it as something neutral that doesnt make them scary, but going out of your way to add some scenes showing how they’re just like anybody else. Or even making it one of their redeeming traits!It doesn’t have to outright be something like ‘yo being autistic makes me inherantly good and childlike’, which is a stereotype all to itself, lol. But you could show them experiencing predjudice from another character, in a way that makes the audience sympathise. Honestly having a character attack them for being autistic instead of being a villain would be a good way to do this, as long as that character is actually shown as being wrong for what they’re doing. Or simply showing the villain having common autistic traits, facing common problems, doing common everyday things... that can be enough to portray autism positively. Have them shown doing this stuff outside of the situation of them being villainous. It makes them feel more human and less of an abstract symbol of evil. And because these small glimpses of normality are lightening the mood, they become seen as a positive aspect!
KIND OF AN OFFTOPIC TANGEANT SORRYJust my personal experience as an autistic kid experiencing this story... I personally headcanoned Cyrus from pokemon as autistic. Not because he’s ‘scary and emotionless’, but because his backstory was relateable to me as an autistic person. It’s said that his parents were emotionally abusive, and that he had nobody to turn to because everyone thought he was ‘a creepy kid’. And he was able to find solace by obsessing over repairing machines in his bedroom, and apparantly has trouble understanding people because they can’t be fixed as easily. Stuff like maths and science are kind of a stereotypical Special Interest for autistic children to be given in fiction, I guess because it makes you seem more intelligent when you obsess about that instead of video games, norse mythology, or collecting tiny novelty spoons from around the world XD (Yeah i was a weird kid.)So yeah sorry I went a little offtopic there, but the point is that it might have been by accident instead of intention but that villain has a lot of traits that read as autistic. And when i first played Diamond and Pearl I actually disliked him a lot because of that, I felt like they were villainizing someone who seemed relateable and potentially redeemable. I mean, he seemed pretty depressed too! Give that man some therapy! But when I played Platinum and got to learn his backstory I started to feel like the writers actually did want us to feel sympathetic to him, because of how all those ‘scary’ traits were presented so sympathetically. Like.. the backstory isn’t that he became evil because he was an autistic kid who did creepy things like obsess about machinery and suck at social contact. No, he became a villain because he was abused by his parents, him being ‘weird’ is just intended to make it clear here that he didnt deserve it. It makes him pitiable, it makes him relateable, it makes you feel so much more frustrated that nobody listened to him and saved him from that hell, and nobody even seems to remember him fondly, just because he was ‘weird’. And hell, even his ‘emotion is evil’ philosophy seems very relateable to me as an autistic child. It seems like he learned to seclude himself to avoid angering his parents. That’s the impression I got from his final scene in Platinum, where he finally acts angry at you for beating him, then gets angry at himself for expressing emotion and forces himself to go back to how he usually talks. I get a bit pissed off whenever I see fans of the series claim he actually IS emotionless, lol! This scene made it clear to me that this is just a guy who WISHES he was emotionless, somehow seeing it as the only way to be free of pain. Someone who struggles to deal with his own emotions, or feels like he’s disgusting when he expresses them. And this is VERY relateable specifically to an autistic kid who suffered from an abusive parent! “Quiet Hands” is a kind of common concept that autistic kids might experience, that’s the name for a popular ‘parenting technique’ that really fucks people up. Focusing on making your kid never ‘act autistic’, rather than actually helping them understand things. ‘Quiet Hands’ is specifically about slapping or smacking your kid whenever they show stimming behaviour. (Hand flapping being a common way this symptom can manifest.) We’re taught never to be too loud, and to always always have to restrain ourselves to avoid embarassing our parents. We have to try and learn how to act like ‘normal people’ and become scared of harmless parts of our own brain just because theyre ‘embarassing’, leading to even worse emotional problems as an adult. i mean seriously how is it logical to tell a kid who has troubles with social interaction that they shouldnt even practise it?? Plus its a huge mess to teach these kids to do way more emotional labour than neurotypical kids are expected to do, and then treat them like they’re below average intelligence for not being able to do twice as much as everyone else...
ANYWAY! That’s a thinG! Sorry I went rambling off there about how a particular fictional character touched my heart, lol!I just kinda wish he could be canonically autistic, or if I had similar canonically autistic characters to relate to, instead. So i think having more autistic villains can’t be bad, we’re so badly in need of more autistic characters in general! And villains have a unique perspective of being able to hit our emotions the hardest. I think its easier to cry over someone who has a sad backstory of how they became evil, compared to anything else!So yeah what I was trying to say before I went offtopic is that if the backstory is ‘became evil because autism’, then people will complain. But if the backstory is ‘became evil because someone mistreated them because autism’ then that’s a good way to make people sympathise with autism. Aaaaand I’m bad at explaining this, because autism XD Well, i mean, my personal symptoms and lack of diagnosis til I was an adult means that I’m still working on learning how to communicate correctly, I don’t mean every autistic person writes terrible tl;dr advice posts that degrade into pokemon XDOh man i feel embarassed now, you asked me such a polite question and I didnt know how to answer it very well...I just hope maybe I inspired you to go out and do more research, rather than putting you off with my nonsense!
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