#i WILL be passing the toko
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arcade-gann0n · 1 year ago
i didnt say it when i was live blogging but episode 323 is when zoro went from a character i really liked to a character i loved,,,, him putting his foot down and saying 'if usopp can't treat luffy with respect when things are critical, we're better off not having him in the crew' COMPLETELY won me over like thats my fuckn first mate right there
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pikahlua · 9 months ago
MHA Chapter 424 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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2 ワシントン州 ワシントンしゅう WASHINTON-shuu State of Washington
tagline 決戦から数日… けっせんからすうじつ… kessen kara suujitsu... A few days after the decisive battle...
3 ーーーーご覧の通り全国に渡って快晴となるでしょう ーーーーごらんのとおりぜんこくにわたってかいせいとなるでしょう ----goran no toori zenkoku ni watatte kaisei to naru deshou "----As you can see, it will be sunny all across the country."
4 荒れるかに思われたこの一週間でしたが…… あれるかにおもわれたこのいっしゅうかんでしたが…… areru ka ni omowareta kono isshuukan deshita ga...... "This past week seemed like it was going to be rough, but......"
5 予報を大きく外してしまった事お詫び致します よほうをおおきくはずしてしまったことおわびいたします yohou wo ookiku hazushite shimatta koto owabi itashimasu "I apologize for being so far off the forecast."
6 メリルもう変なこと言うなよ〜 メリルもうへんなこというなよ〜 MERIEU mou hen na koto iuna yo~ Meryl, stop saying weird things~
7 しかし洗濯の際はご注意を しかしせんたくのさいはごちゅういを shikashi sentaku no sai wa gochuui wo "However, be careful with your laundry."
8 風はまだ強く吹いています かぜはまだつよくふいています kaze wa mada tsuyoku fuite imasu "The wind is still blowing strongly."
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1 あの日吹いた一陣の風は あのひふいたいちじんのかぜは ano hi fuita ichijin no kaze wa "The gust of wind that blew that day"
2 大きな戦いを経たこの世界に おおきなたたかいをへたこのせかいに ooki na tatakai wo heta kono sekai ni "through this world that went through a great battle,"
3 おーいそれこっち寄越したまえ おーいそれこっちよ��したまえ ooi sore kocchi yokoshita mae "Hey, please move it over here."
4 あ助かります あたすかります a tasukarimasu "Ah, that's helpful."
5 どのような影響をもたらすのかーーー引き続き予報を続けてまいります どのようなえいきょうをもたらすのかーーーひきつづきよほうをつづけてまいります dono you na eikyou wo motarasu no ka---hiki tsudzuki yohou wo tsudzukete mairimasu "what kind of impact will it have?---We will coninue to forecast." (Note: Speech bubbles 1, 2, and 5 would be combined in English to more colloquially say something like: "We will continue to forecast what kind of impact the gust of wind that blew that day will have on this world that has gone through a great battle.")
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1 もうお家建ってるぅ‼︎ もうおうちたってるぅ‼︎ mou ouchi tatteruu!! "The houses are already built!!"
2 タケノコみたいィィ‼︎ TAKENOKO mitaiII!! "Like bamboo shoots!!" (Note: I think what is meant by this line is that the houses are springing up quickly like bamboo shoots.)
3 一週間が過ぎた いっしゅうかんがすぎた isshuukan ga sugita One week has passed.
4 蛇腔戦以降手つかずだった復旧作業が急速に進んでいる じゃくうせんいこうてつかずだったふっきゅうさぎょうがきゅうそくにすすんでいる jakuu-sen ikou tetsukazu datta fukkyuu sagyou ga kyuusoku ni susunde iru Restoration work, which has remained untouched since the battle of Jakuu, is rapidly progressing.
5 戦いの後 たたかいのあと tatakai no ato After the battle,
6-7 アメリカを始めとした多くの国からたくさんの��援が アメリカをはじめとしたおおくのくにからたくさんのしえんが AMERIKA wo hajime to shita ooku no kuni kara takusan no shien ga starting with the USA, lots of support from many countries
8 続々と届いている ぞくぞくととどいている zokuzoku to todoite iru arrived one after another.
9 彼らの戦いを見て動かすにはいられませんでした かれらのたたかいをみてうごかすにはいられませんでした karera no tatakai wo mite ugokasu ni wa iraremasendeshita "As I watched their battle, I couldn't be kept from mobilizing"
10 審査機関から図面貰えたんで しんさきかんからずめんもらえたんで shinsa kikan kara zumen moraetande "I received the blueprints from the inspection authority."
11 建てられるとこから建ててっちゃいましょう たてられるとこからたててっちゃいましょう taterareru toko kara tatetecchaiumashou "Let's start building where we can."
small text 建築基準法もクリア けんちくきじゅんほうもクリア kenchiku kijunhou mo KURIA "They clear the Building Standards Act."
12 オーケー OOKEE "Okay."
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1 超常以前はこの規模の復旧に10年以上はかかったでしょう ちょうじょういぜんはこのきぼのふっきゅうに10ねんいじょうはかかったでしょう choujou izen wa kono kibo no fukkyuu ni 10nen ijou wa kakatta deshou "Before the [advent of the] paranormal, a recovery of this scale would have taken more than 10 years."
2 しかしこれだけの"個性"が寄り集まればきっとすぐにーーー しかしこれだけの"こせい"がよりあつまればきっとすぐにーーー shikashi kore dake no "kosei" ga yori atsumareba kitto sugu ni--- "However, if all these quirks come together, surely soon---"
3 元には戻らないですね もとにはもどらないですね moto ni modoranai desu ne "It's not going back to how it was before." (Note: This is a transition with an excellent double meaning. The doctor is delivering this news to Katsuki about his arm, but the line serves as a poignant conclusion to what was said previously on this same page. The previous lines essentially imply: "Surely if all of us with our quirks come together, everything will go back to how it was before!" The doctor's final word on this page is meant to show that no, things won't go back to the way they were before. Things have changed.)
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1 手術前にもお伝えしましたがこれが最善です しゅじゅつまえにもおつたえしましたがこれがさいぜんです shujutsu mae ni mo otsutae shimashita ga kore ga saizen desu "I told you this before the surgery, but this is the very best [that can be done]."
2 我々も彼の活躍を見ております故…手は尽くしました われわれもかれのかつやくをみておりますゆえ…てはつくしました wareware mo kare no katsuyaku wo mite orimasu yue...te wa tsukushimashita "As we are also watching his [ability to] flourish...we've done everything we can."
3 なんとか接合に接合を重ねて形は留めましたが なんとかせつごうにせつごうをかさねてかたちはとどめましたが nantoka setsugou ni setsugou wo kasanete katachi wa todomemashita ga "We somehow managed to keep the shape by arranging his joints on top of each other, but"
4 リハビリで動くようになるかは…明言できません リハビリでうごくようになるかは…めいげんできません RIHABIRI de ugoku you ni naru ka wa...meigen dekimasen "whether he'll become able to move again with rehabilitiation...I can't state [for certain]."
5 ヒーロー活動を見据えるならミルコのように義肢の選択も… ヒーローかつどうをみすえるならミルコのようにぎしのせんたくも… HIIROO katsudou wo misueru nara MIRUKO no you ni gishi no sentaku mo... "To ensure his hero activities, you can also choose prosthetic limbs like Mirko..."
small text 1 リハビリィ?じゃー切ってくれ リハビリィ?じゃーきってくれ RIHABIRII? jaa kitte kure Rehabilitation? Then just cut me loose.
small text 2 ※決戦前のミルコさん ※けっせんまえのミルコさん ※kessen mae no MIRUKO-san ※Mirko-san prior to the decisive battle
6 いーや良いよ いーやいいよ iiya ii yo "No, it's fine."
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1 俺の"個性"掌 由来だもん おれの"こせい"てのひら ゆらいだもん ore no "kosei" tenohira yurai da mon "The source of my quirk is the palms of my hands."
2 勝己…! かつき…! Katsuki...! "Katsuki...!"
3 それに sore ni "Additionally,"
4 あいつは"持って"すらなかったんだ…… あいつは"もって"すらなかったんだ…… aitsu wa "motte" suranakattanda...... "that guy didn't even have one......"
5 どんなキツイリハビリだろーがやってやんぜ今すぐ どんなキツイリハビリだろーがやってやんぜいますぐ donna KITSUI RIHABIRI daroo ga yatte yan ze ima sugu "No matter how intense the rehabilitation is, let's do it right away."
6 まだ負担の軽い訓練しかダメ まだふたんのかるいくんれんしかダメ mada futan no karui kunren shika DAME "Anything but the lightest of training yet would be bad."
7 は‼︎ ha!! "Hah[?]!"
8 腕よりねまず心臓よ君は うでよりねまずしんぞうよきみは ude yori ne mazu shinzou yo kimi wa "Before your arm, it's your heart first of all."
9 エッジショットの見事な縫合と心肺蘇生がなきゃ君 死んでたんだから エッジショットのみごとなほうごうとしんぱいそせいがなきゃきみ しんでたんだから EJJISHOTTO no migoto na hougou to shinpai sosei ga nakya kimi shindetanda kara "If not for Edgeshot's magnificent sutures and CPR, you would have died."
10 あの状態で戦い切ったのもちょっとよくわかんないのに あのじょうたいでたたかいきったのもちょっとよくわかんないのに ano joutai de tatakai kitta no mo chotto yoku wakannai noni "How you managed to finish a fight in that condition I don't really understand, but"
11 何でその後数キロも移動できたのかワケわかんないんだから なんでそのあとすうキロもいどうできたのかワケわかんないんだから nande sono ato suu KIRO mo idou dekita no ka WAKE wakannainda kara "how you were able to move several kilometers after that I also don't understand."
12 生かされ…応えたという他ない いかされ…こたえたというほかない ikasare...kotaeta to iu hoka nai "You were kept alive*...I have no response other than that." (*Note: This word for "kept alive" means also "let live," "revive," "resusciatete," "bring back to life," "restore," "put to good use," "make the best use of," "capitalize on," etc. I bring it up because the meaning here could change depending on whether or not the story elaborates on this moment in future chapters.)
13 とにかく絶対安静だからね とにかくぜったいあんせいだからね tonikaku zettai ansei dakara ne "Regardless, you absolutely must rest, okay?"
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1 起きたかい おきたかい okita kai "You awake?"
2 まさかオールマイトと同室なんて… まさかオールマイトとどうしつなんて… masaka OORU MAITO to doushitsu nante... "I can't believe I'm in the same room as All Might..."
3 塚内くんの計らいだよ つかうちくんのはからいだよ Tsukauchi-kun no hakarai da yo "It's Tsukauchi-kun's arrangements."
4 そっか… sokka... "I see..."
5 警備が楽なのと病室も有限だからね けいびがらくなのとびょうしつもゆうげんだからね keibi ga raku na no to byoushitsu mo yuugen dakara ne "[It makes] security easy, and hospital rooms are also limited."
6 オールマイト身体は… オールマイトからだは… OORU MAITO karada wa... "All Might, your body..."
7 こんなにボルト入れるの初めてだって言われたね こんなにボルトいれるのはじめてだっていわれたね konna ni BORUTO ireru no hajimete datte iwareta ne "I was told this is the first time they inserted a bolt like this."
8 緑谷少年は? みどりやしょうねんは? Midoriya-shounen wa? "And you, Young Midoriya?'
9 …腕の感覚が少し…ーーー… …うでのかんかくがすこし…ーーー… ...ude no kankaku ga sukoshi...---... "...There's a little bit of sensation in my arms...---..."
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1-2 転弧の命を救ける事はできませんでした てんこのいのちをたすけることはできませんでした Tenko no inochi wo tasukeru koto wa dekimasendeshita "I couldn't save Tenko's life."
3 心に手を伸ばして憎しみが砕けても こころにてをのばしてにくしみがくだけても kokoro ni te wo nobashite nikushimi ga kudaketemo "I reached out to his heart, and even though his hatred was crushed,"
4 転弧は最期まで てんこはさいごまで Tenko wa saigo made "to the very end, Tenko"
5 敵連合のリーダーでした ヴィランれんごうのリーダーでした VIRAN rengou no RIIDAA deshita "was the leader of the League of Villains."
6 臨死体験した身から言わせてもらうと りんしたいけんしたみからいわせてもらうと rinshi taiken shita mi kara iwasete morau to "Let me tell you this as someone who has had a near-death experience,"
7 最期にどんな表情だったかだと思うよ さいごにどんなカオだったかだとおもうよ saigo ni donna KAO (kanji: hyoujou) datta ka da to omou yo "I think it's in the expression on his face at the end."
8 もう…壊したよ もう…こわしたよ mou...kowashita yo You already...destroyed it.
9 それは…… sore wa...... That......
10 明日のおまえら次第だな あしたのおまえらしだいだな ashita no omaera shidai da na depends on you all tomorrow. (Note: I think a more apt, less literal way of saying this in English would be "That depends on all of you tomorrow...who you will be, what you will do.")
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1 せいぜい seizei "To the fullest,"
2 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "do your best."
3 そこに泣いている少年がいなかったのなら そこにないているしょうねんがいなかったのなら soko ni naite iru shounen ga inakatta no nara "If there wasn't a crying boy there,"
4 やっぱり心は救ったのだと思うよ やっぱりこころはすくったのだとおもうよ yappari kokoro wa sukutta no da to omou yo "I think his heart was saved after all,"
5 OFAの使命と共にね ワン・フォー・オールのしめいとともにね WAN FOO OORU no shimei to tomo ni ne "along with One For All's mission."
6 譲渡したんだろう?伝わってきたよ わたしたんだろう?つたわってきたよ watashitandarou? tsutawatte kita yo "You transferred it to him, right? [That much] was conveyed back to me."
7 …はいけれど ...hai keredo "...Yes, but"
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1 まだ残り火が燻っているのを感じます まだのこりびがくすぶっているのをかんじます mada nokori bi ga kusubutte iru no wo kanjimasu "I still feel the embers smoldering."
2 なんで動けるのあんたはああ!!!!! なんでうごけるのあんたはああ!!!!! nande ugokeru no anta waaa!!!!! "How are you able to move!!!!!"
3 かっちゃん! Kacchan! "Kacchan!"
4 無事でよかった…! ぶじでよかった…! buji de yokatta...! "Thank goodness you're okay...!"
5 すみませんオールマイトこの子貴方が無事か心配してたみたいで すみませんオールマイトこのこあなたがぶじかしんぱいしてたみたいで sumimasen OORU MAITO kono ko anata ga buji ka shinpai shiteta mitai de "I'm sorry, All Might. This kid seemed worried about whether or not you were okay."
6 出久くんもごめんね いずくくんもごめんね Izuku-kun mo gomen ne "Sorry to you, too, Izuku-kun."
7 ……残り火って ……のこりびって ......nokori bi tte "......You said embers."
8 え e "Eh?"
9 じゃあそれ… jaa sore... "So then..."
10 おまえ… omae... "you..."
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1 "無個性"に "むこせい"に "mukosei" ni "[will become] quirkless..."
2 うん un "Yeah."
3 でも… demo... "But..."
4 元々なかったものだし もともとなかったものだし motomoto nakatta mono da shi "It was something I didn't have originally, so"
5 惜しいとかはないよ おしいとかはないよ oshii toka wa nai yo "I don't have any regrets."
small text 渡そうと思わないと渡せないモノだし わたそうとおもわないとわたせないモノだし watasou to omowanai to watasenai MONO da shi "Since it's something I can't transfer if I don't want to transfer it." (Note: Izuku is saying he has no regrets about transferring One For All because, by definition, he couldn't have done it if he didn't want to do it. He has no reason to regret something he wanted to do aka he accepted it.)
6 すごい夢を見させてもらったなって感じ すごいゆめをみさせてもらったなってかんじ sugoi yume wo misasete moratta natte kanji "It feels like I was allowed to have an amazing dream." (Note: This is similar to what Star & Stripe said as she died.)
7 どんな汚え手使やあ どんなきたねえてつかやあ donna kitanee te tsukayaa What dirty tricks did you use to do it, (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 5.)
8 "無個性"が受かるんだ "むこせい"がうかるんだ "mukosei" ga ukarunda you quirkless twerp? (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 5. Also note that in this line, Katsuki's memory is that he spoke the kanji for mukosei as "mukosei" aka "quirkless." In the original for chapter 5, the kanji were still mukosei for "quirkless," but Katsuki pronounced it as "temee" for "you bastard.")
9 じゃあ僕はその上を行く じゃあぼくはそのうえをいく jaa boku wa sono ue wo iku Then I'm gonna rise even higher than that. (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 121.)
10 行かなきゃいけないんだ…! いかなきゃいけないんだ…! ikanakya ikenainda...! I've gotta keep growing too! (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 121.)
11 俺に追いつかれてンなよ出久 おれにおいつかれてンなよいずく ore ni oitsukareteNna yo Izuku Don't let me overtake you, Izuku! (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 423.)
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1 えええ eee "Ehhh?"
2 泣っ なっ Na- "Cry-"
3 っちゃん⁉︎ cchan!? "-cchan!?" (Note: The new "Wacchan!")
4 いや… iya... "No..."
5 ええ… ee... "Ehh..."
6 っだァ… ddaA... "Ngah..."
7 マジで… MAJI de... "Seriously..."
8 マジで… MAJI de... "I seriously..."
9 おまえに…何しとったんだろうな俺 おまえに…なにしとったんだろうなおれ omae ni...nani shitottandarou na ore "wondered about what I had done...to you."
10 なんとなく nantonaku "[I thought] somehow,"
11 ずっとこのまま zutto kono mama "[we'd go on] like this forever,"
12-13 競い合って追っかけていくって きそいあっておっかけていくって kisoiatte okkakete iku tte "competing and chasing after each other."
14-16 なんか思ってた なんかおもってた nanka omotteta "I had been thinking something [like that]." (Note: The spaces between Katsuki's phrases and words indicate pauses like he's sobbing.)
17 やめてよらしくない…! yamete yo rashikunai...! "Stop it, this isn't like you...!"
18 とりあえずまだ…残り火あるし…‼︎ とりあえずまだ…のこりびあるし…‼︎ toriaezu mada...nokori bi aru shi...!! "For now, I still...have the embers...!!"
19 身体 弱ってるからメンタルも弱ってんだよ からだ よわってるからメンタルもよわってんだよ karada yowatteru kara MENTARU mo yowattenda yo "Since your body's weakened, your mental [strength] is weakened too."
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1 強くなったんだよ つよくなったんだよ tsuyoku nattanda yo "You've become stronger,"
2 2人とも 2りとも 2ri-tomo "both of you."
3 初めて会った日から随分変わった はじめてあったひからずいぶんかわった hajimete atta hi kara zuibun kawatta "You've changed considerably since the day we first met."
4 あの日駆け出した緑谷少年は あのひかけだしたみどりやしょうねんは ano hi kakedashita Midoriya-shounen wa "Young Midoriya, when you ran out that day,"
5 私にとって最高のヒーローだった わたしにとってさいこうのヒーローだった watashi ni totte saikou no HIIROO datta "you were the greatest hero to me."
6 だが今は皆を奮い立たせる だがいまはみんなをふるいたたせる daga ima wa minna wo furui tataseru "But now you inspire everyone."
7 皆にとっても最高のヒーローだ みんなにとってもさいこうのヒーローだ minna ni tottemo saikou no HIIROO da "You are the greatest hero to everyone."
8 そして… soshite... "And..."
9 これを伝える暇を私にくれた これをつたえるいとまをわたしにくれた kore wo tsutaeru itoma wo watashi ni kureta "you gave me the free time* to convey [all] this," (*Note: In English, the context for this word, "free time," would probably make more sense as the word "chance." Ex. "You gave me the chance to convery all this.")
10 爆豪少年も… ばくごうしょうねんも… Bakugou-shounen mo... "Young Bakugou, you too..."
11 最高のヒーローだ本当にありがとう さいこうのヒーローだほんとうにありがとう saikou no HIIROO da hontou ni arigatou "You are the greatest hero[es]. Thank you so much."
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1 子どもの頃は こどものころは kodomo no koro wa When I was a child,
2-3 戦いが終われば世界は自動的に平和になると思ってた たたかいがおわればせかいはじどうてきにへいわになるとおもってた tatakai ga owareba sekai wa jidouteki ni heiwa ni naru to omotteta I thought that, once a battle was over, the world would automatically become peaceful.
4 けれど keredo But,
5 僕らの物語は終われない ぼくらのものがたりはおわれない bokura no monogatari wa owarenai our story cannot end
6 戦いのあと僕らが明るい未来を示せるまで たたかいのあとぼくらがあかるいみらいをしめせるまで tatakai no ato bokura ga akarui mirai wo shimeseru made until after the battle we can show [you] a bright future. (Note: This is a callback to how Sir Nighteye said the world needs smiles and laughter or else it won't have a bright future.)
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1 更に向こうへ さらにむこうへ sara ni mukou e Go beyond.
tagline 1 少年たちを待つ新たな日常はーー しょうねんたちをまつあらたなにちじょうはーー shounen-tachi wo matsu arata na nichijou wa-- A new daily life awaits the young man and the others--
tagline 2 No.424 エピローグ 堀越耕平 ナンバー424 エピローグ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 424 EPIROOGU  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 424 Epilogue Kouhei Horikoshi
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princescar · 6 months ago
I just find Junko's relationship with men interesting.
Something that always suck with me was Mukuro's first FTE where she talks about having to fend off creeps. She talks about how guys will always call her, wanting to "hang out", and they way she says it feels like shes either regurgitating something she heard her sister constantly complaining about or a genuine complaint from being very protective of her sister. (Or both, probably both)
And honestly, it makes sense. Look at Junko! She's a famous model! Of course weird guys are going to be creepy with her!
But its Junko's personality and how she behaves and how Monokuma behaves that really stick out to me. It's that distinction between Junkuro and Junko that makes me pause.
Junko constantly makes sexually charged jokes, even outside of the Monokuma persona. She constantly harps on about how attractive she is(shes right) and how guys are attracted to her. Her fursona's note about Ryoko literally only talks about how cute she is and that someone could take advantage of her disability if they wanted to. It's very clear that she views herself in a sexual light and knows everyone else does too (and often uses that fact against them, like messing with Soda in UTDP)
Its interesting because Mukuro doesn't act like that when disguised as Junko. The only time she does is in dr0 when she's following JUNKO'S script (ex when shes complaining about virgins for a whole ass paragraph). Mukuro normally reacts like how you would expect a girl to act when you make those remarks about them, disgusted and pissed off.
To me, it seems like Junko views herself as a sexual object while Mukuro doesn't view herself or Junko as that. When she portrays Junko, she portrays her a person, a girl who is worth so much more than what people think of her.
But then I think about why Junko would behave this way, and I think about the Monokuma Theaters.
It feels heavily implied that Junko was not a very popular girl growing up. That her only friends for a long period of time was her sister and Matsuda. That she was very lonely until she became a famous gyaru and still didn't connect with others until she met class 78.
And those Monokuma Theaters have me realizing something. In one about gaming, Monokuma says that he only had one friend, but that friend had lots of other friends and they wouldn't let him join in playing video games with them despite the fact that he knew exactly how to beat it (implied to be Junko's ultimate analysis). And I think about the one where Monokuma never got any love letters so decided to forge one, and a boy took advantage of the situation for his own profit (lying about seeing imaginary writing, idk this game is fucking weird)
And it starts to click, that maybe the reason Junko acts and says the things she does, why she views herself the way she does, is because of the people who she surrounded herself with growing up. That maybe she was desperate for friends that she stuck around shitty guys who were probably Matsuda's old friends.
And i think that's why she's so attached to Mukuro and Matsuda, because they actually care about her. She grew attached to class 78 because they were actually her friends.
I have reached Junko analysis nirvana
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dissvicious · 1 month ago
Alone in Wano - 2 / 2
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A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH for how y'all welcomed the first part of this little flic, I was SO nervous about it and I'm really really happy that it made you feel things! here is the second & last part, thanks again @a-killer-obsession for beta reading, platonically kissing you on the mouth buddy ♥ No content warning but maybe don't read if you're not comfortable with pregnancy & delivery stuff, and KidLaw is mentioned as a joke, maybe light Wano spoilers too
Part 1
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Law looked up at the ceiling, passing a hand on his face and taking a huge breath. He pondered for a moment if he could just leave the abandoned house and leave Nina on her own without checking her up. He rubbed his temple, looking down at the small woman in front of him, and tried to calm his nerves.
“Stop acting like a moron, Pinky-ya. You've lost a lot of blood, and I have more important business to attend. Just let me check if the baby's doing well, and I'll leave you alone.” 
Nina pouted and crossed her arms - a face she used to make to wrap men around her little finger. However that somehow had no effect on this stupid depressive doctor. Maybe her big pregnant belly blocked her cuteness aggression abilities? Maybe he was just an ass. She tilted her head, studying his face. By some ways he reminded her of Wire, which made her nostalgic.
That's not how things were supposed to happen. When Killer - at least the man she'd mistaken for Killer - hit her with his scythes, she lost consciousness and barely remembered anything then. She woke up in the small cabin she shared with Hiyori and Toko, curled in her bed, an immense pain radiating from her lower half. Hiyori did what she could to stop the bleeding but it was clear she needed a doctor to check if the baby was alright. By chance, running to the flower Capital, they bumped into Law, who was looking for his crewmates. Roronoa pushed her against the black haired guy like some kind of heavy packet with a mumbled “needs a doctor for pregnancy shit, Torao” before walking away, leaving both of them flabbergasted, and here she was. 
However, she quickly made clear that in no way Law could approach her, let alone touch her or look between her legs. Each of his attempts to do so ended up with him being hissed at and insulted, her nails threatening to claw his eyes out. There was a persistent rumor running through the new generation that Law and Kid had a quick fling at Sabaody, and even if it was long before Kid and Nina met, even if she never met Law before and even if Kid always denied it, it was enough to fuel her jealousy and hate towards this stupid ass doctor and his stupid ass poseur tattoos and his stupid ass spotted hat. 
“Come on, Pinky-ya,” Law insisted, looking at her with all the softness he was able to gather - which wasn't a lot, “just let me do a quick check up and I'll leave. I'll use my power, I won't have to touch you. Let me check if the baby is ok, at least.”
Nina hesitated, nipping her lips. She caressed her belly and thought for a moment. As much as it cost her to admit it, Law was right. She was worried sick about her unborn child. Since the attack, she suffered from heavy cramps, and she had lost a lot of blood. Tired and worried, she decided to put her ego aside and gave up. She lied on her elbows, uncrossing her arms, silently agreeing to let him do so.
Law closed his eyes and mentally thanked whatever god was listening to him for her cooperation, impatient to be done with this feral girl who seemed to hate him for no reason - not that he cared a lot. He conjured a room and used Kikoku to inspect Nina's body. Immediately, he frowned. 
“What? Something's wrong?” Nina asked in a surprising soft voice.
“How far along are you in your pregnancy, Pinky-ya?”
“About 7 months, why?”
Law put down Kikoku and looked down at her, understanding at the moment that he was far from being done with this girl. 
“You're in labor,” he said bluntly, looking her in the eyes. 
Nina sat up immediately, gritting teeth as she felt an intense pain in her lower abdomen. 
“No,” she cried, “he's too small, he wouldn't survive.”
Law sat on his heels, pondering his options. They were alone, in an abandoned house. With his devil fruit he could stop the labor, but he wasn’t experienced enough with pregnancy to trust his abilities to do so safely. Not to mention the mother lost a lot of blood, and the probable placental abruption the hit induced. There wasn't any good choice in this situation.
“7 months, he has good chances to survive,” Law said, trying to be reassuring.
Nina shook her head, putting her hands on her belly as to protect it from him, tears flooding down her cheeks. “No, no. You’re a doctor aight? And you have some shitty doctor power, so use them to stop the labor, I can’t deliver now, I can’t do it.”
As Law looked down at her, he suddenly felt a wave of pity for Nina. With her hands on her belly and the mix of anger and fear in her eyes, she looked like a feral creature protecting her cub. At this moment, he understood that behind all this though girl attitude and aggression, she was probably deeply scared and anxious.
“Pinky-ya,” Law said with a stern voice, looking right in her bright green eyes, “right here and now the best option for you and your baby is to deliver. If he stays in, with the blood loss and without any good hospital around, I can’t ensure his survival. I’m not sure, but I think your placenta broke. If you deliver, though, I could use my ‘shitty doctor power' to check for any issue and heal them if necessary.”
Nina shook her head again, closing her eyes as tears flooded down her cheeks. She was terrified at the idea of delivering alone without her lovers, without her family, on a dirty floor in an empty house. “I … I can't do this I need Kid and Killer, I can't -”
Law grabbed her knees and looked down at her with a stern glance. “You can, and you will. I won't let you nor your baby die.” 
Nina held his glance, and something in his face provoked a change in her. For the first time she felt that her anger toward him might have been misplaced. It was clear that he wanted to do everything he could to save her baby, and that’s what mattered. She nodded weakly, tears flooding down her cheeks.
“Alright Trafalgar. I trust you.”
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Next hour felt like a torture for both of them. 
Nina was lying on her back, gritting teeth and crying, following Law's instructions as he was trying to help the labor, looking between her legs, trying to fight the urge to run out of the house and vomit on the ground. He saw a lot of body horror in his life but it was the first time he helped with birth giving and to say the least, he wasn't comfortable with the whole thing. If it wasn't to save an innocent baby's life he would have left this shit behind him. 
After trying different positions to help the labor, he gave up and looked at her. “It won’t work. You're too weak after bleeding this much. We need to do a C-section”
Nina whined and looked down at him “Again?!”
“You already had a C-section?”
“Not much of a choice when you're 5’0” and have to deliver a 16 pound baby…”
Law winced. Two C-sections, in a short amount of time… that was risky. But with his powers, he could manage to make it safe for her and her baby. “Pinky-ya, do you trust me?”
Nina surprised herself when she realized the answer was yes. They didn't appreciate each other, that was clear. However, he still went out of his way, stopped as he was going to look after his men, because she needed help and he was the only one able to provide it. Her eyes met his, and a silent comprehension passed between the two of them. Law stood up and raised up his hand.
“Room,” he said with his deep voice, the house around them suddenly glowing in a blue light. He looked down at her, trying to locate her womb and the baby in it with as much precision as possible, using both his devil fruit and his Haki to help him do so. It was the first time he had to do something like this, and he was a bit nervous. 
He took a deep breath to steady, before turning his hand, fingers pointing up. “Shambles.”
What happened next mesmerized both of them. Without any pain or suffering, a round hole opened in Nina’s belly. Her baby, wonderful, amazing, the size of a regular baby despite being preterm, flew up from it, umbilical cord still attached to both of them as Law created a protective bubble around him to replace the amniotic bag. 
For a moment, the whole house went silent, Law and Nina both transfixed by the sight in front of them. The baby already had a mess of blonde hair on his head, leaving little to no doubt to who his father was. For Law it conjured bittersweet images, images of someone he used to know and loved like a father, in another life.
After a few moments, Law snapped back to reality, and used his powers to cut the umbilical cord, proceeding to check for any issues in the newborn before giving him to Nina. 
“I did everything I could,” he whispered, a hint of worry in his voice, “now, he has to scream.”
The silence that followed was deafening. Nina held her baby against her, cradling him softly. 
“Please,” she whispered, “please sweetheart please. Please scream. Please.” 
After what seemed like an eternity, loud screams and cries echoed in the house. Nina burst into tears, hugging her newborn baby, holding him carefully as if afraid to break him, humming the scent of his head, peppering kisses on his little face. 
She looked up at Trafalgar, who was sitting on the ground, catching his breath as well.
“Thank you” she whispered.
“No problem” he answered, and Nina could swear she saw him smile.
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majestick-posts-op · 22 days ago
My little attempt at a few characters from @where-does-the-heart-lie 's fighting game au because i seriously love it so much. Go take a look at their blog if you haven't already.
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All of these being concepts I wanted to explore.
Explanations and stuff:
Went full seamonster with Shirahoshi. I think itfits her and being a little intimidating but actually a sweetheart is so her. She doesn't wear a lot of clothes in canon so I just focused on the hearts details. Her hair already looked like a heart and that's adorable but I also chaged her fish jewlery into heart jewlry to show that her love in where her people are, and she really cares about them. She's very happy to be here.
For Rebecca I completely scrapped her canon clothes and decided to blend in casual clothing (the hoodie and shoes) with her armour and some newtral elements. Making her braids into a series of hearts i think was a good idea, but i mainly added a heart on her helmet to show that her love in rational and her dmotional maturity despite her age and all the shit that goes on in her life. I think she would a model students that's considered of high potential.
For Bonney I liked that in canon she kinda has clothes that adapt to her body growing/deaging and stuff but i wanted her to be... less naked. So i added this tight suit thingy (tried to make it look modern/science like. Maybe a gift from Dr. Vp) that supposedly changes alongside her. Her heart patches on her jacket and knees rappresent her dad and her mom since those are the people she cares about the most. The bear ears on the hat i couldn't pass on.
Carrot i thought fit a more classic schoolgirl vibe, with a uniform. BUT i firmly believe she would wear a million tiny accessories like leg warmers, scruncies, pins, and other stuff. Very colorful, very kidcore. The white in her hair is for her sulong form while the hearts are in her actual ears and fur because... she's just made out of love. Silly.
Boa... another one of my favuorites.... full on ancient greek Medusa makeover. If i had paid attention in class i would flex my italian student knowledge and explain the composition of her clothes but I didn't. Lots of golden jewelry in her hair, which is the main heart since even in canon, Boa uses her love as a weapon. While the second heart is where her jolly roger is in canon because her loves also protects her people. I just think making her a snake woman was the best course of action. Screw beauty standards, embrace reptillian charm.
I wanted Pudding to look like a doll as much as possible. If you compare her to Big Mom's design below, you can see that their outfits have a lot in common like the puffy sleeves and layered skirts. And if you look at the hearts, they are mostly in her hair (the silouettes of her ponytails) and scruncies. This is because Big mom did it and she wants her kids to show love the way SHE wants. But then, if you look even more close, there is one more heart, again in her hair, but around her 3rd eye. Caused by the negative space in her bangs. This reflects the love Pudding has towards herself. Hidden, manipulated by otgers, but still in there. And she has pants below because i think she would tuck in the outer most layer of her skirts to walk around more freely. She knows what a practical fighting outfit unlike her mum...
The kids!!! They don't go to the school yet (at least not the HS section. Maybe there's an elementary/middle school one) but they defunetly want to. Went very simple for them. Tama's outfit borrows elements from Luffy (the shirt) and Ace's (the hoodie) because she looks up to them, and the gloves are practical fir her ability.
While Toko's borrows a few elements from Zoro's (the haramaki) and Sanji's (the jacket) since they are the ones she looks up to. The hearts are on her writs for a "wearing your heart on your sleeve" pun. Because even though she can't show her emotions well anymore, she still feels them nontheless.
Kidd and Killer already embodied the vube if this AU ngl. The hearts reminded me of this awesome Killer cosplay so he is showing off that pose. His hearts are on his masks because he uses his love to hide his insecurities and stuff. But Kidd's hearts are on his robotic arm since his weapons are his love. I think he wouldn't have that many on him since he isn't the most lovely dovely dude in the world so they're subtle. Very simbolic. Didn't change the outfits much, just made them more modern looking. (And yes, those are nipple piercing on kidd's tits. I have hobbies alright?) BUT. If you tool at the pants, you'll notice very clearly that they have matching heart chains of eachothers colours because THEY ARE EACHOTHER'S LOVE!!! I love these idiots.
And finally the villians. For Big Mom I went with a "evil teacher/mad queen" vibe. Not a fan of her canon hair, surprisingly, so I did a beehive that was suppossed to be heart shaped but gravity showed her true colours (bad poetic attempt.) Her hearts are very important. You know that heart tatoo she has on her shoulder in canon? Well, here its on the back on her neck! While these? Because its the only place she can't see, and others don't really either. Because her love has been hidden and forgotten by herself, instead showing off mountains of fake hearts on her clothes and jewelry. Like the fake heaven she tried to create in her country that only ended up being a real hell. And... and... and... I got carried away, sorry. Love a well written female character.
Kaidou is all dragon since i'm keeping the thene if making the zoan fruit users into antrho/hybrid desings. Added a lot of spikes. Its his thing. Made the outfit inspired by his younger age fits and nothing too special BUT i want to focus on the heart pkacement. Because if you look closely at hus arm... yep! Its all hearts, not scales! Because Kaidou's love has also been amounted to just his strenght and his potential, going as far as to do that on his dominant arm. Even the little cracks on his horns are actually heart shaped. Because his failures/weaknesses and strenghts/wins are interconnetted in a way he doesn't even realise because he's too busy locking up his son in a cave.
And lastly Blackbeard would be the final boss or smth. Cryptic life sucking creature. No hearts. I hate him. (His silouette is based after a metastastic cancer cell)
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ts4ritsa · 6 months ago
.•° ✿ meeting an ultimate marksman who’s shy
ft. toko fukawa, kokichi ouma, & shuichi saihara from danganronpa * ˚ ✦
tags / cw ✎ shy!gn!reader, reader is the ultimate marksman, fluff, platonic, requested
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toko might be a bit initially intimidated but also curious when she learns about your ultimate. as a writer she does go off to learn in order to create accurate depictions. she often studied you from afar
getting to actually know you as a person was unexpected, toko wouldn’t have perceived you as the withdrawn type. much less timid. in a way though, it was a common ground, so she didn’t mind it. also since you’re a marksman, toko has a sense of comfort around you
even appreciated it, it brought along many nice moments of silence
kokichi asks you tons of questions about your talent upon meeting you. it might overwhelm you, but kokichi would just smile and laugh. despite this he does find your skill admirable. also is glad that you know how to remain composed and disciplined, even if you tend to shy away from others
considers you a powerful ally, and as time passes, a great friend too
regardless of all the pranks and mischievous schemes kokichi plays on you, he’ll seek to find a genuine connection with you and hold your friendship highly. your ultimates make a relatively solid duo
shuichi felt a bit drawn to you upon meeting you, feeling like your reclusive tendencies clashed with such a demanding ultimate as a marksman. but he still treated you with respect, since he didn’t want to come off as rude to someone like you
when the two of you later form a friendship, shuichi slowly became more comfortable asking you questions about you and your talent. he had always gotten along with you, your quiet yet precise nature matched his, so he found it easy to bond with you
over time as shuichi makes efforts to change, he’ll try to involve you in more social interactions, hoping that you can join him in his journey of making friends and becoming more connected with others
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©2024 ts4ritsa | req by anon
a/n: I don’t generally accept platonic requests but this was a cute idea
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mytheoristavenue · 9 months ago
Thinking if Tokoyami with a bubbly reader that has the same music tastes as him.
You're sitting in the common room humming Ignorance by Paramore and his feathers puff up as he passes behind you. He sneaks a peak at your phone as you're scrolling through your playlist and it's all Flyleaf, Skillet, Evanescence, Paramore, The Killers, Rob Zombie, Coheed and Cambria, ect.
He doesn't know how to react, he just kinda stares until you look up at him and pop out an ear bud to ask him what's up.
"Hey Toko, everything okay?" You smile sweetly.
"I didn't know you liked rock music..." He admits timidly.
"Dude I love rock music!" You laugh. "What did you you think I was into?" You tease, patting the spot beside you inviting him to sit.
"Something sugary if I was made to guess." He responded, taking a seat beside you.
From that point you both go on for hours about different types of metal, different bands, you opinions in them and why. And from there you were inseparable, a match made in heaven.
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bronze-and-silver-keys · 6 months ago
i was telling my sister about the ghost au and she said "i think it would be cool if everyone alive can see the ghosts of the people who were executed because they're the ones who voted for them and sent them to their deaths" and i think you mightve said at one point that the "killer" is a more literal thing but. thoughts on that
I actually had the loopholes of the ghost au on my mind since this post and there are definitely cool things I can do with it, SO I will be answering a lot of the questions brought up by that previous post because I think it would be sick as fuck and add to the uneasy atmosphere of the killing games themselves
Spoilers for THH, SDR2, and NDRV3 below
Can Makoto see Chihiro? (In one of the FTEs he reccomends training with Mondo)
I would imagine Makoto is kind of haunted by all of the people that died in the killing game, including Junko, both figuratively and literally. He'll catch glimpses of their ghostly forms out of the corner of his eye, in the bathroom mirror, in the shadows.
I want to see this boy driven insane by the constant reminder of all the people he couldn't help or felt so responsible for dying. I want more of that scene in DR3 where Makoto volunteers to watch the killing game video and sees everyone that died.
I love Makoto, but I love subjecting him to endless despair even more.
Can Aoi see Sakura?
Can Hiro/Syo see Sakura (because they think they killed her)
Similar to Makoto, Aoi sees Sakura everywhere as a ghostly figure that's not completely there. She'll see her at the end of a hall, turning a corner, and shout her name and bolt after her, only to find it empty as she breaks down from the guilt of not being able to stop her and essentially handing Sakura her own death.
For Hiro it'd be similar, because he believes in ghosts (as shown by his insistence in the 5th trial that Kyoko was a ghost), but he'd be more jumpy.
Genocider Syo wouldn't be as prone to seeing her ghost, but Toko would be the same as Hiro. Seeing her everywhere and being terrified to sleep at night.
Can Nagito see Twogami?
During the first investigation and trial, I think he would be able to see Twogami's silhouette when it hangs around Teruteru and passes silent judgment. I like to think he'd at least feel some guilt over it. Yes, he set this all up to start the killing game, but Twogami did this to protect him. He gave his life for him. How could that person who pulled you back from the fate you created with your own hands, only to fall victim to it himself, just fade away entirely?
After Teruteru’s execution, the sightings of Twogami became less frequent, until they disappeared altogether. Until he died, of course.
Can Sonia see Hiyokos ghost because she told her to go to the music venue to tie her kimono?
The guilt of that would definitely chase her, and only build more after Gundham's death (the betrayal and the thought that she could've stopped him [she couldn't. His fate was inevitable]) and the fifth trial (she knew the bombs were fake, and this piece of information eventually helped condemn Chiaki to her fate).
I would argue she felt partially responsible for Mahiru and Peko's deaths as well. It was her enthusiasm over Sparkling Justice that gave Peko the idea of her cover to be voted as the blackened, and just inspired a large part of the murder overall.
She loves to talk about her interests, but refrains from speaking about them, just in case someone used that information for a murder. She would see Hiyoko in mirrors constantly. Every interaction she had with the Devas hurt more than the last. Nagito and Chiaki are always just out of view.
I never thought about how haunted Sonia would be by just trying to help keep everyone safe, and have some kind of normalcy by making friends and talking about her interests. Huh.
Can Maki see Ryoma (<- Because they swapped Motive Videos and that gave Ryoma less will to live)
Ryoma would hang out a lot in his lab after he died, thinking about his life, what went wrong, why no one was left for him outside of the academy.
The night after the trial, Maki stops by his lab, posture stiff and shifting from one foot to the other, and start apologizing to the empty air. After Kokichi revealed her true talent, she doesn't want to be seen as just a killer. She feels guilty about giving him the motive video, even if she didn't know what was on it. She apologizes for killing him before Kirumi dealt the final blow.
Ryoma suddenly appears before her while she's finally starting to tear up and her throat is closing. There he is in front of her, clear as day, reassuring her that it wasn't her fault. He would've found out one way or another. He should've been stronger, he should've fought for the others inside of the academy and made an effort to be closer to them. He shouldve made them his reason to live. He just wasn't strong enough.
He tells her to live. Even if you have no one out there, live. Live for yourself. Live for the friends you will make in the future. Live for the days when the sun is shining while rain pours down on everything. Live for the trill a cat makes when disturbed by pets during a nap in the sun. Live for all the color in the world, for the music, for the intoxicating scent of sweets and fresh bread. Live, damn it.
Can Himiko see Tenko? (<- Himiko was supposed to die at the seance)
Sometimes, when she can't sleep, Himiko will sit up in bed, and see Tenko's familiar outline sitting in the chair by her bed, watching over her. Every time, she breaks down into a mess of tears and repetitious apologies.
Can Maki see Kokichi? (<- we still don't know if the poison killed Kokichi before the press)
Teehee I'm already writing a fic about this with canon divergence (it's in my pinned post, if you haven't read it please do I'm working on a new chapter) BUT if we stay with canon, with Kaito being the Blackened:
Maki would never see but always hear both of them. She would hear them bickering just out of sight nearby constantly. Both of them would greet her in the morning, wish her a good night. She would be sure she was going insane from the guilt.
If she hadn't intervened and fired the crossbow, maybe she wouldn't have had to go through the heartache that was the entire 5th trial.
Can Himiko see Kaito (<- Gave him the crossbow/weapon to fight Kokichi with.)
This is an instance where i don't think she would have as strong a reason to feel responsible for his death. I believe she would see it more that she did what she could to help him, but have no real power in the whole situation. That doesn't mean she doesn't miss the hell out of him. He was the last remnant of Tenko she really had. They acted so similar.
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hyperfixationjunkie · 14 days ago
Which Danganronpa THH Characters can say the bad word for gay? 🚬
Based off the JakeBlennings shorts!
Makoto Naegi: Since every protagonist is bisexual he obviously gets the pass, but he wouldn't. He's too much of a kind cinnamon roll.
Kyoko Kirigiri: If I said no to this, the lesbians would be on here with my home address as the post title within the hour, she can say it.
Byakuya Togami: he shouldn't, but he'll WILL call you worse things, so that’s for you to deal with.
Leon Kuwata: absolutely not. Respect to this man for wanting to go into the music industry but he is FAR too straight-coded for this.
Sayaka Maizono: She is an idol, and while that is diva, she did try to frame our bi icon protagonist for murder and that revokes her pass.
Chihiro Fujisaki: *smacks table* YES the trans cross dressing baby can say it!
Mondo Oowada: *smacks table* YES the gay bear can say it!
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: *smacks table* YES Mondo's loud and loving husband can say it!
Yasuhiro Hagakure: I’m going to say yes because he gives *big* himbo energy, but I know for a fact that he would use it to mean a bundle of sticks.
Celestia Ludenberg: The second entry on the Dom lesbian icon list, yes she can say it. It's probably still a slur when she says it, but she can.
Hifumi Yamada: Absolutely not.
Aoi Asahina: Absolutely yes.
Sakura Ogami: I mean sure if it means I can take her to dinner.
Toko Fukawa: she can't… yet. Just wait until UDG babygirl, you'll get that girlfriend eventually.
Junko Enoshima: this is not even a question, YES the world-destroying fashion queen can say it, and she will call you it liberally.
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affluent-havoc · 4 months ago
Spoiler Blather Ahead So Be Warned! I personally feel the tragedy would lowkey strip a part of Makoto's identity/make him grow out of this part of himself faster than he would if the tragedy didn't happen. Basically, Makoto mentions how he's a trend follower. His interests are dictated by what's popular. However, with the tragedy, he would be physically incapable of being in tune with the times. As the Ultimate Hope, Makoto would be quite busy. Sure, maybe he could keep up with a few things going on in the world, but he's already far behind by the time he becomes the Ultimate Hope. All of the survivors are. Due to their memories being wiped, they dunno until they are basically face to face with the Mastermind that a year has already passed and they have forgotten that part of their lives. So, they're all be out of the loop both in the state of the world AND whatever hip thing's popular. Furthermore, as time progresses, they all will be busy, having minimal time to keep up with the kids! They got work to do. Not to say that all of them would be out of touch millennials. For Byakuya, I feel he would be very in tuned with the stocks and the state of both Japan and the world. He would already have no interest in the trends of the common people. Not saying he wouldn't learn some stuff from the others but he'd just be that guy that the others would have to explain this new commoner stuff too. There's Kyoko who doesn't care for trends either though being more in the loop than Byakuya. Since she's a detective, being informed of current events would be helpful. Say there was a new app on phones that was shrouded in controversy. By knowing of it's existence, it'd be an aid for any potential cases with it. Kyoko's got good foresight and all. She would by no means be an expert with the trends of course, she too being busy with other tasks, but she'd at least know some info. Meanwhile, I feel Aoi would be in tuned with some stuff but not all. I can see her really being in tuned with swimming related stuff, it being her Ultimate and all and something I don't think she'd drop. So, she'd be the one to update the others on sports news and content. Meanwhile, Hiro is the type I feel would be clueless regardless but also somehow know current trends perhaps via predictions or by chance. Then there's Toko as well who I feel would be a bit more in with the times with her writing, knowing what's in but also staying in her lane. So, she wouldn't know the latest game the kids are obsessed with but she'd know the current books that are out or who the newest rising authors are. For Makoto though, I feel that, once he has time to understand what's going on, he'd be lost a bit on what's trendy. Not saying he wouldn't know anything or wouldn't participate. I feel that he'd be the type of guy who'd go watch Barbie and Oppenheimer for instance but he'd have to be updated a bit since he's a busy man now and can't fully dedicate his time to seeing what's in and what's out. He's not an unemployed teen; he's the Headmaster of Hopes Peak! Though, I feel that he'd be a bit updated on stuff due to the students but still a tad confused simultaneously. Some specific ways I feel he'd turn out during this stage of his life are the following: A) Makoto likes what was popular back in the early 2000's-2010s maybe due to nostalgia, coping, or just out of familiarity. B) He learns of new media, gaining a new sense of taste, maybe becoming akin to new songs and movies from the other survivors or from his students like learning about Vocaloid, indie Internet shows, and kpop. C) He actually becomes akin to new stuff going on (it's just in his genes to be a trend follower) and abandons the old content. D) A mix of the A) and B) where he ends up liking a mix of things, Makoto still liking old content from the 2000's era he remembers enjoying and liking the newer media. This isn't a definitive thought though and I would be happy to see others interpretations on this concept!!! An older Makoto and company would navigate the world, trying their best!
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camels-pen · 3 months ago
i keep putting this off and wanting to write stuff proper, but i'd rather just slap my thoughts and share this rather than perpetually putting this off so!
Usopp fic recs!
(more specifically, a handful with <100 kudos that i love!)
To Who We Once Were by Senna_B
sanji & usopp fic; an excellent temporary amnesia fic, where first it's Sanji who experiences it, and eventually regains his memories only for Usopp to lose his a moment later. really good fic that looks at how Baratie Sanji would fair showing up in the middle of fucking nowhere and having this "guy he literally just met in passing" try to tell him they've been crewmates for years. and then the same thing with Baratie Usopp. the way these two hurt post ts Usopp & Sanji and help them too oh my god. In summary, this fic fucks.
fledge by thathastu
usopp-centric fic; usopp is so concussed, loves to climb trees, and has these heartwrenching flashbacks of his mom. also his priorities are wack lmao, but as he says he's "not liable for any of his actions. because he's concussed". Nami is worried for him the whole time- which i mean rightly so, Usopp's dangling from a tree branch after being blown up, i'd be worried too!
As Children Under the Moon by Senna_B
franky & usopp fic; post-wano, the two of them talking about Toko being taken care of by the villagers and talking about their own childhoods. I like the interpretation of the Syrup villagers as people who were nice to Banchina and Usopp together, but not so much Usopp on his own. That and the way they "didn't want a dead kid on their conscience" but otherwise didn't really care about him, is equally interesting and heartwrenching. Shaking Franky's hand in that I'd love to go back in time and "straighten them out".
Asking for more by lunaticus
sanuso nsfw fic; went in for the smut tag, but really enjoyed the little acts of love and little hints about their relationship outside this moment. augh and Usopp's realization about Sanji being okay with/wanting PDA and Sanji's reassurance was so- god, i really love it. the whole fic flowed really well and felt real yknow? (also the smut was excellent)
under the weather by txmpxrxry
sanusona sickfic; Usopp gets sick and really needs to learn to be doted on more!!!! he's so miserable trying to tough this cold out on his own before he gets snitched on aughhh. and the three of them at the end of the fic are so damn cute together oh my god
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imaginehappyhavoc · 5 months ago
may I order a celeste, kyoko and toko (seperate) x fem reader who's epileptic hcs? Maybe perhaps include how'd they avoid their girlfriend around flashy stuff or how they'd act if their girlfriend had a seizure?
A/N: I myself am not epileptic, but my father is! (Was, rather. He was one of the lucky few who grew out of it.) Please let me know if there is anything I’ve gotten wrong here!
Pairings: Celestia Ludenberg x Reader, Kyoko Kirigiri x Reader, Toko Fukawa x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort if you squint
Warnings: Mentions of epilepsy and grand mal seizures
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Celestia Ludenberg:
♡ Listen, it’s difficult to get Celeste’s favor, but when you do she’s fiercely protective.
♡ She does her best to feign disinterest when you tell her you’re epileptic, but anyone could see her instant changes in behavior.
♡ She starts deliberately avoiding certain places, even ones that she frequents often, because she knows the lights are too stimulating there.
♡ Anytime the two of you are together in a public place, she sticks uncharacteristically close to you. She’ll even link your arms together as you walk so that she can quickly guide you away from unexpected triggers.
♡ Of course, she’ll refuse to admit any of this when asked. She’ll say something along the lines of “What? I simply decided against going there today. I’m quite unpredictable, you know.”
Kyoko Kirigiri:
♡ Even before she was your girlfriend, Kyoko took it upon herself to learn all she could about epilepsy and seizures as soon as she knew you had them.
♡ She only doubled down on her knowledge when the two of you started dating. She even went so far as to take classes on basic first aid.
♡ She develops a sort of sixth sense for this stuff as well. Her natural gift of perception is shockingly useful.
♡ It almost like having a service dog. The moment there’s a single flash, Kyoko’s tilting your head down and walking briskly toward the exit.
♡ She seems to know you’re going to have a seizure before you do. When it happens, she’s ruthlessly efficient.
♡ She knows exactly what to do, and how to do it. If anyone even tries to get in her way when she’s helping you, they’ll be getting a verbal takedown so vicious it warrants therapy.
♡ Otherwise, she just sits behind you, holding you steadily in the correct position and waiting for it to pass. She’ll pet your hair and mumble soothing words, even if she knows you’re past the point of being calmed by them.
Toko Fukawa:
♡ Toko, oh Toko. The poor girl is a walking panic response.
♡ She thought she was prepared for it if you had a seizure, really, she did! It was only when you started to go down that she realized how wrong she was.
♡ For as long as you were conscious, you tried to gently talk her through it. She was definitely absorbing the information, but she just couldn’t calm herself enough to but it into practice.
♡ She ended up calling an ambulance, in the most distress she’d ever felt in her life.
♡ After a while, though, she gets the hang of it.
♡ Her hands will never quite stop shaking, and she’ll always have to control her breathing, but now she can help you through it.
♡ She’ll hold your hand so tight as she leans against your back, keeping you in the proper position and reminding herself that she’ll have plenty of time to freak out after this passes.
♡ While she’s about a subtle as a brick to the face about it, she’ll always keep an eye out for any triggers.
♡ Again, she panics quite easy, so she ends up yanking you in the other direction with a high pitched squeak.
♡ Should anyone flash lights in your face on purpose? May God have mercy on their soul, because Toko surely won’t.
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pikahlua · 1 year ago
MHA Chapter 411 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 感傷には浸らない かんしょうにはひたらない kanshou ni wa hitaranai "Don't get sentimental."
tagline 1 語る継承者達… かたるけいしょうしゃたち… kataru keishousha-tachi... The speaking successors...
2 元よりこの戦いはもう"後継者"に託されてる もとよりこのたたかいはもう"こうけいしゃ"にたくされてる moto yori kono tatakai wa mou "koukeisha" ni takusareteru "From the beginning, this battle has been entrusted to the successors."
3 死柄木弔を討つ しがらきとむらをうつ Shigaraki Tomura wo utsu "Attack Tomura Shigaraki,"
4 今はこれが僕らの存在理由…… いまはこれがぼくらのそんざいりゆう…… ima wa kore ga bokura no sonzai riyuu...... "This is the reason for our existence now......"
5 っかし…このままじゃジリ貧さ再生の壁を打ち破る手立を見つけねーと っかし…このままじゃジリひんささいせいのかべをうちやぶるてだてをみつけねーと kkashi...kono mama ja JIRI hinsa saisei no kabe wo uchiyaburu tedate wo mitsukenee to "But...if things continue getting worse and worse like this, he'll have to find a way to break through that wall of regeneration."
tagline 2 No.411 史上最悪の敵 堀越耕平 ナンバー411 しじょうさいあくのヴィラン ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 411  shijou saiaku no VIRAN   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 411 History's Worst Villain  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 四ノ森さん‼︎ しのもりさん‼︎ Shinomori-san!! "Mr. Shinomori!!"
2-3 九代目を頼む! きゅうだいめをたのむ! kyuudaime wo tanomu! "I leave the Ninth to you!"
4 小僧‼︎ こぞう‼︎ kozou!! "Boy!!"
5 四ノ森さんがーーー しのもりさんがーーー Shinomori-san ga--- "Mr. Shinomori is---"
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1 "危機感知"が "4TH"が "4th (read as kiki kanchi)" ga The 4th (read as: Danger Sense)
2 奪われた‼︎ うばわれた‼︎ ubawareta!! was stolen!!
3 連綿と受け継がれた力…… れんめんとうけつがれたちから…… renmen to uketsugareta chikara...... "A power that's been passed down repeatedly......"
4 先生が難儀した力か せんせいがなんぎしたちからか sensei ga nangi shita chikara ka "So this is the power that gave Master difficulty?"
5 まア maA "Well,"
6 執着はないけどお前を壊せるならいい しゅうちゃくはないけどおまえをこわせるならいい shuuchaku wa nai kedo omae wo kowaseru nara ii "I'm not attached to it, but if I can destroy you then it's fine."
7 こんな…呆気なく…! こんな…あっけなく…! konna...akkenaku...! "Like this...so suddenly...!"
small text イスが… ISU ga... "His chair..."
8 こじ開けてきやがったさ…!俺たち全員分の意志をーー こじあけてきやがったさ…!おれたちぜんいんぶんのいしをーー kojiakete kiyagatta sa...! ore-tachi zen'inbun no ishi wo-- "He was somehow able to pry open [his way in]...! All of our wills--"
9 軽く凌駕してるってのか! かるくりょうがしてるってのか! karuku ryouga shiteru tte no ka! "he's easily surpassing them!"
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1 (黒鞭 発勁)+変速‼︎ (5TH 3RD)+2ND‼︎ (5th (read as: kuromuchi) 3rd (read as: hakkei)) + 2nd (read as: hensoku)!! (5th (read as: Black Whip) 3rd (read as: Fa Jin)) + 2nd (read as: Gear Shift)!!
2 黒鎖‼︎ こくさ‼︎ kokusa!! Black Chain!!
3 へえ hee "Ahh,"
4 こりゃずっと凌がれるワケだぜ! こりゃずっとしのがれるワケだぜ! korya zutto shinogareru WAKE da ze! "so this is how you could stave me off!"
5 "危機感知"を使われてる "4TH"をつかわれてる "4th (read as: kiki kanchi)" wo tsukawareteru He's using "4th (read as Danger Sense)."
6 一番邪魔なお前からだ いちばんじゃまなおまえからだ ichiban jama na omae kara da "You are the one most in my way, so"
7 崩壊を始める ほうかいをはじめる houkai wo hajimeru "I'll begin [your] decay."
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1 「泣いてた」⁉︎「見なかった事にはしない」⁉︎ 「ないてた」⁉︎「みなかったことにはしない」⁉︎ 「naiteta」!? 「minakatta koto ni wa shinai」!? "'I was crying'!? 'You won't pretend you didn't see it'!?"
2 おまえまだ omae mada "Are you still"
3 敵を人間扱いしてンのか⁉︎ おれをにんげんあつかいしてンのか⁉︎ ore (read as: teki/VIRAN) wo ningen atsukai shiteN no ka!? "treating me (read as: villain) as a human?"
4 まだそんなとこにいるのか緑谷‼︎ まだそんなとこにいるのかみどりや‼︎ mada sonna toko ni iru no ka Midoriya!! "Is [that me] still there, Midoriya?" (Note: He means "Can you still see that crying boy there inside me?" basically.)
5 ちゃんと見ろ‼︎ ちゃんとみろ‼︎ chanto miro!! "Look carefully!!"
6 そこに俺はもういない‼︎ そこにおれはもういない‼︎ soko ni ore wa mou inai!! "I'm not there anymore!!" (Note: He means "That crying boy isn't there anymore!!" basically.)
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1-3 ハッ HA "Hahh" (Note: Speech bubbles #1-3 are all heavy panting/breathing noises.)
4 黒鞭を幾重にも巻きつけて防御だけに徹すれば…まだ致命傷は避けられる… 5THをいくえにもまきつけてぼうぎょだけにてっすれば…まだちめいしょうはさけられる… 5th (read as: kuromuchi) wo ikue ni mo makitsukete bougyo dake ni tessureba...mada chimeishou wa sakerareru... If I wrap 5th (read as: Black Whip) around me over and over and focus on only defense...I can still avoid fatal injuries...
5 ボロ… BORO... Crumble... (Note: This is the sound effect of Izuku's mask breaking to bits.)
6 あっマスクが a MASUKU ga Ah, my mask...
7 オールマイトが拾ってくれたマスク… オールマイトがひろってくれたマスク… OORU MAITO ga hirotte kureta MASUKU... The mask All Might retrieved for me...
8 高波に呼吸を妨げられないよう装着したのがついさっき… たかなみにこきゅうをさまたげられないようそうちゃくしたのがついさっき… takanami ni kokyuu wo samatagerarenai you souchaku shita no ga tsui sakki... "You only just equipped it so your breathing wouldn't be obstructed by the tall waves..."
9 かと思えばこんなところに……何というデタラメな力だ… かとおもえばこんなところに……なんというデタラメなちからだ… ka to omoeba konna tokoro ni......nan to iu DETARAME na chikara da... (Literal) "If I think about it, in a place like this...that's a bullshit power..." (Contextual) "Thinking about it, in a place like this...[he's got some] bullshit power..."
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1 …富士山…こんな近くに… …ふじさん…こんなちかくに… ...Fuji-san...konna chikaku ni... "...Mount Fuji...we're this close..."
2 "変速"が切れる頃だ… "2ND"がきれるころだ… "2nd (read as: hensoku) ga kireru koro da... "It's about time the 2nd (read as: Gear Shift) is cut off..." (Note: He means they are reaching Gear Shift's activation time limit.)
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1 奪われたのは"個性"のみ うばわれたのは"こせい"のみ ubawareta no wa "kosei" nomi "All that was stolen was the quirk."
2 身体強化に影響はないようだな しんたいきょうかにえいきょうはないようだな shintai kyouka ni eikyou wa nai you da na "It doesn't seem to have any impact on your physical strength."
3 力自体は各因子ではなくOFAに蓄積されている…回復まで耐えるしかない ちからじたいはかくいんしではなくワン・フォー・オールにストックされている…かいふくまでたえるしかない chikara jitai wa kakuinshi de wa naku WAN FOO OORU ni SUTOKKU (read as: chikuseki) sarete iru...kaifuku made taeru shika nai "The strength itself is stored in One For All, not in each factor... We have no choice but to endure until recovery.*" (*Note: I'm not completely sure what is meant here by "until recovery." Maybe he means "We have no choice but to tough it out until you recover from the Gear Shift blow-back"?)
4 …その力で…今の内に奴から逃げるべきじゃないか…? …そのちからで…いまのうちにやつからにげるべきじゃないか…? ...sono chikara de...ima no uchi ni yatsu kara nigeru beki ja nai ka...? "...With that strength...shouldn't we use it to escape from him now...?"
5 煙…‼︎ えん…‼︎ En...!! "En...!!"
6 さっきのは"危機感知"だったから俺たち助かったんだ さっきのは"四ノ森さん"だったからおれたちたすかったんだ sakki no wa "Shinomori-san (read as: kiki kanchi)" datta kara ore-tachi tasukattanda "We were saved before because of Mr. Shinomori (read as: Danger Sense)."
7 また九代目が一瞬でも触れられたら またきゅうだいめがいっしゅんでもふれられたら mata kyuudaime ga isshun demo fureraretara "If the Ninth is touched again, even for an moment,"
8 今度は誰も逃げられないかもしれない…! こんどはだれもにげられないかもしれない…! kondo wa dare mo negrarenai kamo shirenai...! "maybe this time no one will be able to escape...!"
9 全員奪われてお終いだ! ぜんいんうばわれておしまいだ! zen'in ubawarete oshimai da! "It's all over once everyone is stolen!"
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1 見えてるぞ幽霊!逃げる算段でも話し合ってたか⁉︎ みえてるぞゆうれい!にげるさんだんでもはなしあってたか⁉︎ mieteru zo yuurei! nigeru sandan demo hanshiatteta ka!? "I can see you, ghosts! Were you even discussing escape plans!?"
2 おまえたちは逃げて強くなってきたから おまえたちはにげてつよくなってきたから omae-tachi wa nigete tsuyoku natte kita kara "You all ran away and became stronger, so"
3 逃がさずに壊す にがさずにこわす nigasazu ni kowasu "I'll destroy you without letting you escape."
4 逃げる場所も壊す にげるばしょもこわす nigeru basho mo kowasu "I'll destroy even the places you would escape to."
5 俺がつくる"地平線"をさ…スピナーが楽しみにしてたからさ おれがつくる"ちへいせん"をさ…スピナーがたのしみにしてたからさ ore ga tsukuru "chiheisen" wo sa...SUPINAA ga tanoshimi ni shiteta kara sa "The 'horizon' I will create...since Spinner was looking forward to it."
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1 富士壊してから沈める それこわしてからしずめる sore (read as: Fuji) kowashite kara shizumeru "I'll destroy that (read as Fuji) and then sink it."
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1 坊主…!こいつ…ワザとここへ…! ぼうず…!こいつ…ワザとここへ…! bouzu...! koitsu...WAZA to koko e...! "Kid...! This guy...came here on purpose...!"
2 崩壊が山に届いたら噴火しちまうぞ! ほうかいがやまにとどいたらふんかしちまうぞ! houkai ga yama ni todoitara funka shichimau zo! "If Decay reaches the mountain, it will erupt!"
3 与一さん… よいちさん… Yoichi-san... "Mr. Yoichi..."
4 こいつは…AFOの"後継者"なんかじゃない… こいつは…オール・フォー・ワンの"こうけいしゃ"なんかじゃない… koitsu wa...OORU FOO WAN no "koukeisha" nanka ja nai... "this guy...is not the 'successor' of All For One..."
5 壊すことが愉悦ーーー… こわすことがゆえつーーー… kowasu koto ga yuetsu---... [He takes] pleasure in destroying---...
6 破滅そのものだ はめつそのものだ hametsu sono mono da He's destruction itself.
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1 それも全部 それもぜんぶ sore mo zenbu "All of that, too,"
2 連なっているんだろおまえの中の…どこかに…! つらなっているんだろおまえのなかの…どこかに…! tsuranatte irundaro omae no naka no...doko ka ni...! "is connected inside of you...somewhere...!"
3 私はまだ わたしはまだ watashi wa mada I still
4 あの"人"の"当たり前"を知らない あの"ひと"の"あたりまえ"をしらない ano "hito" no "atari mae" wo shiranai don't know what's 'obvious' to that person.
5 人だよ ひとだよ hito da yo "You're a person."
tagline 壊れゆく日本…デクはあきらめない‼︎ こわれゆくにほん…デクはあきらめない‼︎ koware yuku nihon...DEKU wa akiramenai!! Japan falling apart... Deku won't give up!!
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peacephotography · 1 year ago
Four Lessons for the Long Haul - What Long Covid has taught me on resilience
When the paramedics came for me in the sweltering days of May 2020 it didn’t feel real. I had just passed out in the heat and collapsed headfirst into a radiator. I’d seen paramedics attend to friends and relatives, but in my feverish state, it didn’t sink in that they would come for me. My youthful sense of invincibility quickly faded. I found myself unable to lift my limbs or produce full sentences, and interminable headaches left me in despair. The after-effects are still with me today, in the form of Long Covid.
Now that I have regained some energy, I would like to share some of the lessons that illness has taught me about enduring difficulty in the climate and ecological crisis.
Lesson One: We need courage, not hope
Let the pain be your fuel. Let your total rejection of the status quo give you the courage to transform your life, to stand out from the crowd, and demand transformative action.
Margaret Klein Salamon, Facing the Climate Emergency
For the first few months of my illness, I woke up every morning hoping that I would suddenly recover and have “my life back”. Rather than letting go of what I could no longer do, I kept trying to live as before. But this detachment from the reality of my situation only brought me more pain.
Once I had the courage to face the uncertainty of illness, I let go of anxiously awaiting a miraculous recovery, and relaxed into my situation. In facing my pain and isolation I was able to accept them. They are a state of exile and vulnerability that can be a source of strength for navigating our bittersweet world.
The same is true for facing the climate emergency. If we hope that technology will save us or that criminally negligent governments will suddenly act responsibly, we are recklessly gambling our future on very poor odds. This can only bring pain.  Once we start to tell ourselves the truth about the situation, we can find pride in our honesty and compassion in our grief.  It’s from here that the resolve to take action will emerge.
Lesson Two: Follow your bliss
Joseph Campbell’s saying, “Follow your bliss,” is not an irresponsible phrase that ignores the pain of life but a reminder to receive pleasure and contentment, even in the depths of suffering.
Toko-pa Turner, Belonging
In illness, every day feels like a struggle. When it shows no sign of improving, or worsens, I lose my morale to keep going. It's an exhausting and depressing limbo. In the darkest and weakest hours, I saw my life flash before my eyes and began to dream of people and places I hadn’t seen for a decade. I saw the highs and lows that had shaped me into the man I am today. This gave me some space and perspective to see things from a different angle. From each challenge, there was a learning on how to face hardship. From each joy, an inspiration to live to the full.
Holding on to these feelings helps bring balance to life. In activism, we follow a true passion and through it find our fullest potential. But even this has its limits. Every step along the way we need to find that balance of difficulty and joy for our own wellbeing. Our struggle for climate and ecological action brings many challenges that can lead us to despairing inertia. In my sickness, a joy was as simple as the view from my bedroom window: a falling blossom, a scudding cloud, a wandering snail.
Such joys became my music, my dance, my poetry, my comedy and my sport: ways to relax into whatever challenge chronic pain brought.
Everyday joys can give us the resilience to keep facing what we must face. So as we rebel with all our might against the existential threat posed by the climate and ecological emergency, let’s also cherish what makes our existence so precious. From that reflective space we can find the courage to keep going.
Lesson Three: Words Matter
“The merest schoolgirl, when she falls in love, has Shakespeare or Keats to speak her mind for her; but let a sufferer try to describe a pain in his head to a doctor and language at once runs dry.”
Virginia Woolfe, On Being Ill
As I slowly regained my speech, I struggled to find the words to describe what I was going through. It struck me that there is a serious lack of language on both chronic illness and climate chaos.  If you are unable to express a feeling, you are unlikely to find any solace for it.
For our society to be able to come to terms with the emergency we need a language to relate to in films, literature and TV.  Some of the best I think we have so far are Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, a piercing portrayal of the rise of sexism and racism in an uninhabitable America; The Road by Cormac McCarthy, for its portrayal of the gritty end-point of mass extinction; and early Studio Ghibli films such as Princess Monoke/Nausicaa, whose heroines champion coexistence with the natural world.
However, the vast majority of current work focuses too much on apocalypse scenarios, produced to scare the shit out of us, instead of relatable everyday stories. How about a  climate drama set in water scarce Somalia? Or a northern woman’s heroic adventure to save her hometown from flooding? We need more romances that argue over whether having kids is responsible and comedies that mock the insanity of our toxic system like The Yes Men or Simon Amstell’s Carnage.
Stories are key for an emotional connection to the challenges humanity faces. Our stories of rebellion can be cathartic for climate anxiety and stir a generation of heroes ready to speak out for their futures. Let’s start writing them.
Lesson Four: Belonging
“By reviving a community, built around the places in which we live, and by anchoring ourselves, our politics and parts of our economy in the life of this community, we can recover the best aspects of humanity. We can mobilise our remarkable nature for our own good and the good of our neighbours.”
George Monbiot, Out of the Wreckage
Being housebound and unable to hold conversations without paralysing headaches is extremely isolating. Yet even in the depths of my pain I was able to appreciate the love of our community. Rebels gave me cards, voice-notes, medical advice, paintings and - best of all – cakes, cookies  and biscuits fresh from the oven. The feeling of belonging to and being supported by a community of kindhearted and extraordinary people gave me strength every step of the way.
Together we are building a community that can hold us through the dark days with pride, friendship and joy. We are showing not only the best aspects of humanity but also the solid foundations of a successful social movement. The climate and ecological emergency will shape the rest of our lives. So take every opportunity you can to nourish and prepare yourself for the long journey ahead. You’ll not only be more resilient, but you’ll find more joy.
-- Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this or can think of someone who could benefit from these words please do share it. If you'd like to read more, subscribe to my blog :) Peace, Robin
Photograph: Franck Fife
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dissvicious · 1 month ago
Alone in Wano - 1 / 2
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A/N: it's been an eternity since I posted a fanfic here & I deleted the last one I posted here because I was too self conscious so words can't fathom how much I'm nervous right now lmao. No much content warnings but contain Wano spoilers, canon violence & also apparently it makes people cry. thanks @a-killer-obsession for beta reading, & @wyvernslovecake for letting me play dolls with Shriek ♥
Part 2
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One month.
29 days.
690 hours or so.
Nina sighed, grunting as the baby kicks in her belly kept her from sleeping. She tried to change position in the uncomfortable futon discarded on the ground, to relieve the pressure her womb was applying on her guts - without any effect. She closed her eyes, and, as usual, images of what happened flashed in front of her eyes. Kaido falling in the ground at Ozzy’s birthday party, Kid refusing to submit, the beast pirates destroying the castle and locking everyone in the jails of their ships, sending them to Wano. Quincy, Heat, Wire, Hip, Papas…Thanks to gods, she didn’t see Shriek in the cramped cells. She must have locked herself in her room, just like Nina asked. She silently prayed for her safety and rolled on her back again, looking at the ceiling.
She hadn’t felt this lonely for a long time. Not since she joined the Kid pirates, in fact. She almost managed to believe that life was going to be ok, she almost touched that peace from the tip of her fingers, but Kaido took everything away from her. Nina rubbed her eyes, trying to chase the tears that threatened to flow on her cheeks. One month without Killer tenderly spooning her in her sleep. 29 days without Kid playfully grabbing her ass while passing by in the morning. 690 hours, or so, without passing her fingers through the soft fur of Shriek to untangle it.
Ozzy’s tears took her out of her reverie. She sat up in the futon, and took the toddler on her lap, before opening her kimono to allow him to latch on her breast and take some milk. She passed her hand through her son’s pink hair, looking down at him tenderly. At least, Kaido didn’t separate them. She was so scared at first, when he discarded them to Orochi, saying that a pregnant chick and a toddler was no use for him. Nina wasn’t strong, she didn’t have any power, she didn’t have haki, and without her chainsaw, the only thing she could do to protect her heir would have been to run and sink her teeth into whatever neck presented to her. Thankfully, Komurasaki seemed to have pity for them and asked Orochi to keep her and Ozzy in her court, which Orochi accepted. Not that he seemed to be able to refuse anything to Komurasaki, though. Nina and Komurasaki immediately understood each other on this - Nina, too, had to pretend to like men for her safety in the past. And staying near the shogun, she could maybe learn a thing or two about Kid or Killer’s fate. Ozzy finished eating and she hugged him tight, seeking comfort in the scent of his hair. God, she missed her lovers so much. Ever since he helped her sober up, she had never been separated from Killer for this long. And as much as it cost her to admit, she missed Kid just as much. After years of being used and tossed away, she finally had a home, a family. She just wanted them back.
Loud screams coming from Orochi's banquet dragged her out of her spiraling. She put back her breast in her kimono and held Ozzy close to her chest, mother instinct going full mode as a little girl with a big grin and pink hair ran to her, crying, holding her close as to seek reassurance in her arms.
“Toko… ?” 
Nina bent down and managed with some effort to take Toko under the arm that wasn’t holding Ozzy, finding, by some miracle, space for the little girl, the toddler, and her big round belly.
“Toko… what happened?” 
Toko looked up at her, unable to answer, her breath cut by a burst of laughter. Nina bit her lip to restrain any reaction that could hurt the girl’s sensibility. Even if Komurasaki explained to her the whole shit about SMILE and its effects, she still needed to process that Toko could have a big grin or laugh, but still be sad, angry or scared. One thing for sure, the more she learned about Kaido, the more she wanted him dead.
As she was about to question Toko again, Komurasaki and Kyoshiro barged in the room. Nina's eyes went wide open and she stood up as she saw the blood on Komurasaki's clothes.
“The hell?” she asked. 
Komurasaki seemed to do great, though, and she walked in with a hurry to take Toko in her arms after changing into a discreet, more modest robe than her usual attire and throwing her jewelry on the ground. Nina turned an inquisitive glance to Kyoshiro who frowned at her.
“No time to explain. All of you need to leave the castle.”
Nina frowned, sensing the urge in Kyoshiro’s voice. She nodded and, holding Ozzy close to her chest, she followed Komurasaki and Toko through a secret escape.
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One month.
31 days.
738 hours or so. 
Nina’s eyes didn’t leave the hearth, fire crackling and flames casting a warm light through the little wood shed. Toko was sleeping peacefully next to her, holding Ozzy against her, her permanent grin not leaving her face. Nina looked up at the green haired  woman sitting across her, a protective hand on her belly.
“So what do I have to call you now?” Nina asked. 
Nina studied her face. When they arrived at the secret hideout, Hiyori explained everything to her. How she was actually Oden’s daughter. How she was born on the Oro Jackson, a long time ago. How she had to watch her little brother jump forward in the future thanks to some time travel devil fruit, while her mother was dying in the flames. How a plan to take down Orochi and Kaido was in place, silently building in the shadows for the past 26 years. Once again, Nina met her eyes and a silent comprehension passed between the two women. They both experienced what true loneliness was, they both saw the ugliest face of men. At this exact moment, Nina understood why Hiyori took care of her. Seeing her alone with her baby, pregnant with the second, must have reminded her of her own family. 
“That’s not everything.” Hiyori said, a serious glance on her face. She bent aside and grabbed a newspaper on the ground before giving it to Nina.
Nina frowned and took the journal, and her eyes went wide in shock as she read. The news was about a pirate captain sent to Udon jail, and even if the picture below was only an ink drawing, she couldn’t help the tears flooding down her cheeks when she recognized Kid.
“I need to go there.”
“Nina…” Hiyori started to sigh, but Nina cut her off.
“No, you don’t understand!” 
She looked at Ozzy, still peacefully asleep in Toko’s arms, occasionally twitching in his sleep.
“His father… Ozzy’s father. One of them. He’s maybe there, I can’t-”
Hiyori's tone was stern now, and Nina sighed, knowing already where the conversation was landing. Since Hiyori saved her, they had it on a daily basis. Nina sat down, putting a hand on her belly.
“I know, I know. I’m pregnant. I have to be careful.” 
Hiyori smiled softly, looking up at her with her big, soft eyes, and Nina smiled back. Both women looked at the fire in silence for a moment.
“I hope they’re doing fine.” Nina whispered, caressing her belly softly, where her little one was giving high kicks again. “I can’t live without them.” She cursed herself mentally for being so sappy. 
When did she become so sensitive? After the whole Perona disaster, she thought she was done with romantic bullshit. She was a tough girl, picking up fights in bars and sailing alone, surviving out of thieving and brawlings. She sailed for months, years maybe even, alone, and she held herself alone, even if she had to rely on drugs or sell her body to keep on going. But destiny made her cross paths with Kid pirates, and Killer saved her, and she allowed herself to fall in love again, and then she fell for Kid as well, and the crew adopted her, and she adopted them. And then there were the children, and soon she was surrounded by more tenderness and affection than she could handle. She wiped her tears. Fucking mood swings.
Hiyori seemed to notice her demeanor change, because she moved ever so slightly to wrap an arm around her shoulders, slowly comforting her.
“They’re alive. I would have heard of it if they were dead,” She whispered. Nina nodded, nuzzling against Hiyori's shoulder, closing her eyes.
“I hope so.”
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Nina woke up the next morning, snuggled against Hiyori. She sighed in relief. It was good to feel the warmth of another human being again - well, an adult one. With regret, she withdrew herself from the green haired woman's embrace. She stood up and took Ozzy in her arms, cradling him tenderly. Behind her, the fire was dying slowly. It was cold outside, they would need to light another one, and there was no more dry wood left. She wrapped Ozzy in his carrier and tied it on her back. Hiyori would scold her for not resting but she couldn't help it. She didn't want to feel like a burden. She didn't want to feel useless. Hiyori had saved their life, the least she could do was to ensure her a warm room to wake up in. She walked out of the small cabin and closed the door behind her.
Nina was out in the snow, gathering some dry wood, when a deafening scream pierced the ambient silence. She jolted her head as she recognized Hiyori's voice. Without thinking, she put Ozzy in safety next to the wood carrier, wrapping her vest around him to keep him warm and safe, and ran to Hiyori as fast as her round belly allowed her to. 
Her mind went blank at the scene she was witnessing. 
Hiyori was hidden behind a green haired samurai who looked a bit like the mugiwara sword guy… Roronoa? She was shaking, terrified, holding Toko close in her arms. And in front of them…
This laugh. 
This blonde mane. 
Those icy blue eyes. 
Nina eyes went wide and without thinking, she ran to them as Roronoa was about to attack.
She yelled, throwing herself between Roronoa and his opponent. Hiyori screamed, but Nina couldn’t care less, her focus on the laughing figure in front of her. Tears perked at the corners of their eyes and she took a few steps forward. At this moment, Roronoa didn’t exist anymore, Hiyori didn’t exist anymore, even Ozzy was far away in her mind. The only thing that mattered for her were those beautiful icy blue eyes piercing through the bandages. So soft. So familiar. The eyes that looked at her with adoration every morning and always managed to make her feel safe.
 She took a few steps forwards, wiping her eyes with a relieved chuckle.
“Killer? My lion?”
The blonde looked down at her, a grin plastered on his face. Killer didn’t usually grin without his mask, but after a month without seeing each other, he was probably happy to see her too. She took another step forward, still chuckling in relief. Killer looked down at her, immobile. She looked up at him with pure adoration and sobbed. 
“Killer, I'm so…” 
She froze when he suddenly arched back, letting out a loud burst of laughter. He laughed. Loudly. Killer laughed. In front of perfect strangers. In front of an opponent. 
Puzzled and worried, she held a hand to caress his cheek, an attempted comforting gesture, but before she could touch his skin, she was violently thrown in the snow, kicked in her belly by the wood of his scythes. She felt an intense pain bowing her in half, then, nothing. 
The last thing she saw before passing out was Killer's frame passing by her side as if she was nothing but an insect he brushed off his shoulder. The last thing she heard was his laugh fading in the distance, and then everything went black.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year ago
Stronge S/O with really bad luck doesn't believe in luck
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Toko, Junko, Nagito, Kokichi ]
[ Trigger Happy Havoc ] [ Goodbye Despair ] [ Killing Harmony ]
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× Inspired in Nijisuke (From Kuroha & Nijisuke)
Hehehe I love so much that manga!! Kuroha and Nijisuke are amazing aaaaaaand I been wanting to write this for a loooooong time, maybe I will write inspired on Kuroha at some point too
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Toko Fukawa
Getting into a relationship with Toko could be a little difficult because of her low self-esteem and her bad past experiences, however once she trust you with it she will be more than happy to be with you, also she is pretty obvious with her feelings for you and can be pretty clingy (even if is just her following you around)
Toko is really concern about your bad luck, even if at first she didn't wanted to accept it as such neither it doesn't take her long to do it because there is no other way to call it, she even calls you an idiot for always having excuses for all the things that happen to you
Your bad luck always manage surprised her and make her heart almost stop every time, not matter how much time it pass or even if she start to get used to it, that doesn't stop her from getting worried sick anytime something happens to you. If is something small like something falling on you she doesn't worry much and just looks at you, but whenever is something bigger and more dangerous she always ends having a panic attack and almost faint (even when you manage to leave practically unharmed every time), she isn't able to do anything to help you because she is petrified by fear, but if is with Genocide Syo she will either laugh at it or directly help you (sometimes both)
Is probably that she asked you that if you have always been so unlucky, but more like complaining about it and when you actually confirm it, even saying that you were like this since you were born Toko is shocked, she get all worried again (she is between the worry and the pity) but at least you don't take it too bad (something for what she had complain already because she doesn't understand how can you take it so naturaly)
As much as she hates your bad luck, she LOVES your strength, Toko loves how stronge you are and can't help but have a lot of fantasies about it, she gets all flustered every time she gets the opportunity to touch you (even something simple as hugging you make her flustered)
She is inevitably dragged to the caos of your bad luck from time to time and she constantly complains about it (even sometimes talking as if it was your fault), however you are always quick to protect her from everything, shielding her of the danger and making sure she is unharm, and anytime it happens her heart skip a beat, her fear is quickly replaced by the excitement for it and gets all flustered in a second (she love it so much that she will start to put a lot of scenes like that in her books, consciously and unconsciously)
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Junko Enoshima
Having a relationship with Junko isn't easy but isn't imposible, once you catch her attention is more likely she will actively be near you and trying to get your attention, and when she get a crush she isn't going to be subtle with it, she is pretty obvious with her feelings even before start dating
Your incredibly bad luck and attraction to chaotic situations is one of the main reasons Junko were interested on you on the first place, she loves having a view in the front row of the destruction and caos you leave behind, even without wanting it
More than once Junko had mentioned your bad luck and no matter how many times she mention it you always are quickly to turn her down saying that it is just accidents and that luck doesn't exist, sometimes it annoys her that you have an excuse for everything that happens to you and others time she just find it funny, in any case she is constantly saying it just to annoy you
Junko loves everything your bad luck causes, she ask you from time to time about the past and for how long you had to face this "accidents", knowing that you had been affected by it since you were born it amuses her, one of her favorites activities is hearing your stories about what happened to you on the past
Junko likes quite a lot your strength, not you only have an increadibly attractive body but your had worked on your strength to face all those despering situations, also, whenever she is more calm or feels more romantic she likes to hug you or being hold/carry by you (she likes to show you off a lot)
Also, Junko likes to trigger your bad luck from time to time (more than she should), whenever she feels like it had been a while without accidents or she feels like it would be funny, somehow she always manage to find a way to provoke it, you are used to it and normally are unconcerned about it (a little disappointing in her eyes) but other people not and she loves seeing the others getting so worried and even horrified by it, even herself sometimes worry for you whenever the scenario is a little too caotic and yet she enjoys that feeling
At some point Junko will start to get more involved when triggering your bad luck, putting herself in danger or in situation that can end bad, is a win win for her, she feels the despair she craves for and can make you actually worry for things getting bad, and, as a bonus, you are always there to protect her and she enjoys that a lot too
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Nagito Komaeda
Nagito is not subtle nor discreet with his feelings for you, and even when his feelings can be pretty intense getting into a relationship with him it won't be too easy, when it finally happen it will take him a while to fully accept it
Even when you yourself are really unlucky Nagito tend to blame himself for everything that happens to you, he will never dare to say that you have bad luck and instead blame himself and his own bad luck, although you are always quickly shut him up by you saying that the luck doesn't exist and it was just an accident, the first times he tried to tell you that you don't have to try cover up when is obviously his fault but since you are sincere with it he slowly start to get used to it and, after a while Nagito start to stop blaming himself so much
Nagito is already used to happening all kind of things to him for his bad luck and doesn't mind if you end up draging him in your own caos, however he gets incredibly worried everytime something happens to you, no matter how much times you manage to go away practically unharmed he is always worried sick for you, fearing your dead
Nagito admires you a lot for not giving up for all the caos your bad luck causes you and even put himself down, comparing himself to you and calling him pathetic, but you always reasure him, saying that he just shouldn't let himself get carry away by the negative feelings (making him admire you and love you even more for your inmense hope!). Also, contrary to his lucky cycle where Nagito will have a big good luck at some point, you just have disaster after disaster and he tend to feel bad about it, like if it were his fault, and just hope that his good luck will help you too
Just like he admire your spirit he admires your strength a lot! He says that is really hopeful how you worked so much on your strength to face all that happen to you (again, putting himself down by saying how, on the contrary, he had become weaker)
Sometimes thanks to his good luck the caos and disasters you two usually have to face stop for a while, other times the bad luck of both are agreed to create a inmense disaster, and yet not matter how dangerous it is you are always quick to shield Nagito from it (contrary at him who just accept it) not really caring if you get hurt instead and even after the caos ends you always make sure he is alright, Nagito feels unworthy of such kindness and yet he can't stop himself from being happy for it (even on the verge of tears), he feels pretty embarrassed by this but he feel really safe with you, he feels like when he is with you not even his luck can hurt him
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Kokichi Ouma
It takes a while for you two to get into a relationship since Kokichi tent to be pretty wary over everyone but it isn't imposible, also Kokichi isn't completely obvious with his feeling for you but is notorious his interest on you
It doesn't take him much time to notice your really bad luck, even if you two doesn't have much time since you met he notice it, along with your firmly believe that luck doesn't exist make him really intriged by it, by all of it. Kokichi pass from just watching you closely to see your bad luck act to directly make you pranks (normally are small silly pranks since your bad luck sometimes intensifies it)
Kokichi finds pretty funny how you always have an excuse of why it happens what happened to you, sometimes he just laughs, other times agree or say something even more irational to explain it and other times insist that is bad luck just to mess with you
As time pass and you two grow closer Kokichi slowly start to feel more and more concern for your bad luck, if something falls onto you is funny but being hit by a truck or being in the middle of an explosion is more serious, Kokichi tries to never shows how worried he is, specially in front of others, but he is, no matter how much times you stand up looking really cool almost unharmed he still worries
Is probably that he gets to know about your past experiences with it while joking or even after a prank, mentioning how you had probably been always like this just to be comfirmed by you, saying that you had always been always like this, even being born has been practically a miracle, Kokichi grows even more concern but try to brush it off jokinly, although he want to know more and will try to ask to heard all the stories of what happened to you for your bad luck
Kokichi plays a lot of pranks on you but most of them are just silly and small because deep down he fears that one of those pranks will seriously hurt you (specially if he had already hurt you by accident with a prank before)
Kokichi LOVES how stronge you are (specially if your body is muscular) because he is constantly taking advantage of you, if you are intimidating he will use that to anyone that want to make him pay for all the cruel pranks and jokes, also, anytime it happens he tent to run to your side and hide behind you (probably with crocodile tears) without shame, as well he loves being carried by you so he is constantly in your shoulders or back (even if he had to climb you, he doesn't mind), and he is too embarrassed to admit this but he feels safe with you
He is inevitably victim of your back luck from time to time and most of the time he make you make it up for him, in one way or another, but when he realice how you are always quick to protect him and how willing you are to shield him from danger he is initialy flustered and flattered, when the initial flustered feeling goes away he will think in how to take advantage of this (but he complety loves how protective you can be)
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