#i THINK I might've seen it in the passing once? but I'm not sure at all
the-acid-pear · 4 months
so fun fact: i kinda have an au (and ask blog) for if Henry's wife Martha and son David had survived (the blog is ask-the-miller-family if you wanna send some asks).
long story short: neither of them really like him too much, but especially not Martha.
like, listen. i personally get it if people think that if Martha and David lived, then things would be better. i get it!! because them dying is technically what led to Henry learning about souls and thus getting kind of obsessed with learning about death and how to cheat it.
but...who's to say that he wouldn't have gotten fascinated another way? what if them living only delays the inevitable?
Martha kinda knows what Henry's done, but like. That Was Back Before No Fault Divorce Was A Thing. she knows damn well what Henry's capable of doing and getting away with. and she doesn't want to potentially put David in danger as well.
David views Dave (our beloved purple man) as an older brother of sorts. so take that as you will.
Martha is an alcoholic and has issues with smoking (My Alcoholic Friends by the Dresden Dolls fits her pretty well), and uh. Henry's Bullshit doesn't help.
so now you're probably wondering: does Dave still go by...y'know, Dave since David's still alive?
and i have the funniest possible response to this:
so. Henry's son kinda eventually found out he was agender (he/they) later on in the timeline and started going by Dallas/Dally (based off that one Outsiders character, a book they were really into)
Dave started expressing how he would do anything to become Henry's son. Dally already views him like an older brother.
you see where this is going.
look, Dallas knew this was going to piss Henry off, but they honestly think it's fucking hilarious and also inherited the "Little Shit" gene in the family.
so long story short: Dally just kinda "handed over" the name to Dave. :)
- dogboyjackkennedy
OBSESSED OVER THE NAME PASSING THAT'S GENUINELY SO CUTE..... Though no shade on Dally but if someone told me they wanted to be my shitty parent's kid I'd have gone insane though no bullets enter Dave babygirl stubborn and blind when emotions are on the table so I get it.
Also I feel so bad for Martha fr what a dogshit life to live like even the weight of technically being complicit too bc she'd TRY stopping it but the cost of failure would be so high... Just sooo sad though that's also one of my fave songs so . hashtag girlboss? /silly
I'll def be checking out the blog tho let's hope I can fire enough neurons to send an ask too smfbgntb ^_^
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seriouslysnape · 8 months
Aftermath of a Full Moon
Remus Lupin x Sirius Black x James Potter x Fem! Reader Tags: Fluff. Remus recovering after a full moon. Word Count: 2.8k "You sure you feel alright?"
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Remus' head had been pounding all day.
The sting from the frozen ice pack over his eyes was nothing compared to relentless pounding inside of his skull. It had been going on for hours now, creeping its way in as a mild headache early that morning to escalating to a full blown migraine attack as the day went on.
Now it was an hour past dinnertime, and Remus wasn't any better. Remus hadn't eaten a single thing that day, but with how horribly sick to his stomach he felt, he wasn't sure he would've been able to hold anything down.
This wasn't the worst migraine he'd ever experienced, but it was bad enough to knock him out of commission for the day. He had skipped all of his classes today, too exhausted and too miserable to even attempt to attend.
Remus was nauseated beyond belief. His eyes felt like they were borderline burning they were so hot. He was achy in his neck and shoulders -- and not to mention, the throbbing pain in his head hadn't let up in the slightest.
The most recent full moon had been a hard one. Some months were simply better than others, and this hadn't been the best...nor the worst.
Remus hated how inconsistent he felt after each full moon.
Some months he would bounce back in a day or so. Other months, the recovery could last for weeks -- and by the time he felt better, it was time for the full moon again.
This one was rough on him, and he was definitely feeling it.
He had been in bed all day. He was still wearing what he slept in the night before, and he was lying in nearly the same position that he was in when Sirius and James left for the day.
Remus hadn't seen a stitch of daylight that day. Both because there were a series of thunderstorms rolling through for the next couple days and because he had drawn the curtains, leaving himself in the dark for the entirety of the day.
Any kind of light or noise agitated him, and at this point, Remus was willing to do anything to make it stop. Remus had done nothing but lie still and listen to the rain and thunder. He knew it would pass, but that wasn't any kind of consolation when he was going through at in that moment.
Remus didn't have any clue as to what time it was. It felt like it had been days, but he knew that once James and Sirius returned, that would mean it was the end of the day.
You, James, and Sirius left early that morning when they caught on that Remus wasn't feeling well, and they hadn't been back since to give him some quiet and space. You were worried about him because it always broke your heart to see any of them not at their best.
Remus hadn't given any of you much of a proper interaction that day, which all three of you understood given how bad he was feeling. Still, Remus felt a tinge of guilt for being so distant.
As if on cue, he identified two heavy pairs of footsteps outside the door, which he knew meant the arrival of his two best friends.
Remus was glad his eyes were covered when they opened the door because the light beaming in might've pushed him over the edge.
"Hey mate," James spoke as quietly as he entered, knowing that any kind noise just made it worse. "Any better?"
Remus could only shake his head, swallowing hard and continuing to focus on his breathing.
"If you're still feeling sick," Sirius reached into the pocket of his robes to retrieve a small vial of a medium orange colored potion. "I snagged you a dose of this stuff. I think it's a hard swallow but will settle the nausea."
Sirius left it on the top of Remus' trunk that was on the floor at the foot of his bed, and Remus croaked out a thank you.
"Thanks, Pads. I'll get to it in a minute," He shuddered. "I'm scared to move."
Remus had finally found a position to lie in that was semi-tolerable. He hadn't moved an inch in hours, and he was beginning to lose sensation in his limbs.
Sirius and James left the lights off, using their wands to navigate the room.
You were always a bit nervous whenever Remus was having a hard time after a full moon. He was so sensitive in every aspect after a moon, you always worried you'd make it worse.
That's why you were extra quiet when you moved around and didn't say much -- and when you did speak, you were very soft spoken.
Remus hadn't heard you walk in because of this, and he was feeling bad for not paying you any attention for the last couple days...particularly today when he really went down for the count.
"Where's baby girl?" Remus asked, and your head perked up. "She in her dorm tonight?"
"No, she's here." James flashed you his movie star smile.
"Hi, Rem." You said softly, sticking close to Sirius and lingering around him.
"Hey pretty girl," He responded genuinely, but not even a ghost of a smile appeared on his face. "I didn't hear you come in."
You didn't say anything else, only listening to Sirius and James talk to Remus.
"We brought your assignments," James said, referring to what he had missed in class that day. "It's not that much. You'll have the weekend to do it."
"Yeah. And [Y/N] brought you some leftovers in case you get hungry." Sirius said.
You indeed were holding a wrapped plate of food from dinner, which you had forgotten about until Sirius mentioned it. You left it next to the potion for Remus to get when he wanted it.
"Thanks, bun. You didn't have to do that for me," He said, pressing the ice pack further down onto his eyes. "I'll get to it when I feel more settled."
"Drink that potion, mate." Sirius said. "Promise it'll work wonders."
"Why don't you take it to him, baby?" James suggested, and you silently obliged.
Remus heard your feet creep to the side of his bed, glass vial in your hand and uncorked. Remus reached his hand out, taking it into his grip when you placed it in his palm.
Remus raised his head just enough to gulp down the bitter potion, setting his head back down as soon as it was in his system. He handed the now empty vial back to you, giving your wrist an appreciative squeeze.
He noticed that you scurried away as soon as he dropped your hand, which only made his guilt of neglecting you worse.
"You're staying the night, yeah?" James asked you, referring to how you still had your school bag and shoes on.
You only nodded, setting your bag down gently next to Sirius' bed and unlacing your shoes to go with it. Sirius and James shared a look, both of them picking up on how you were acting.
And maybe, just maybe, you had a bit of a soft spot for Remus that was different from Sirius and James. Seeing Remus like this was hard on you.
And Remus knew he wasn't the most pleasant to be around after a bad full moon. He was irritable, short-tempered, and just overall not feeling well. And there had been a time or two where Remus had snapped at you or said something that hurt your feelings.
Remus always came around and had a conversation with you, apologizing and explaining that it wasn't your fault.
But all it took was one time for you to be pretty shut down when Remus was coming off a full moon.
They knew you were pretty reserved when Remus was like this, so they didn't think too much of it.
It was going to be a quiet night for everybody, since Remus was going to need the quiet and darkness to keep his head from exploding off of his shoulders.
The next hour or so went by, and the three of you were silent as you traversed through the room, choosing tasks that didn't require any noise or high energy.
James was stationed at his desk, using nothing more than his desk lamp to do his homework and work on some Quidditch things. Sirius was sitting on his bed with a deck of cards, working on some new trick he had learned from somewhere. You were laying on your stomach, flipping through a new Muggle novel that you had picked up from a friend.
Remus hadn't said a word, still lying flat with his eyes covered and head pounding. As the minutes passed, you couldn't stand to see him like this.
Most of the time, the best thing to do was to leave Remus alone and let it pass -- but it pained you to see him so pitiful. You closed your book, shifting to go to get off the bed. Sirius caught your gaze on Remus and knew what you were headed to do.
"Hey, pup." Sirius whispered, grabbing your ankle that was next to him to stop you from approaching him. "Moony's not feeling so good. Let's give him some more time, yeah?"
Remus heard Sirius, of course -- it was so quiet there was no way he couldn't. Remus couldn't deny you like that, not after he'd been so far the last couple of days.
"No, s'alright," Remus sat up very slowly, tossing the useless ice pack that was beginning to turn room temperature at the foot of his bed. "C'mere, bunny."
Your eyes looked to James, who only gave you a nod of approval. Still, you didn't move.
"I don't want to make it worse." You fiddled with your fingers, bending them nervously and hearing them pop.
"Not gonna make it worse, my love." He shifted to make room on his mattress, groaning at the aching in his muscles. "Come sit."
Sirius gave your backside a light tap, pushing you into motion. Your feet shuffled to Remus' bed, your body slowly crawling onto his mattress and snuggling next to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist, his hand resting on the outside of your thigh.
"You could never make it worse," He pressed a kiss to your temple, sighing as he held you close. "It was just a rough moon this time."
"Do you feel any better?" You asked.
Truthfully, he didn't. The potion had settled his nausea, but for the most part he still felt like he had all day. But he could tell you were worried, and he didn't see any sense in worrying you further.
"A little bit," He said. "I think I'll drink a dose of Sleeping Draught tonight and be good as new tomorrow."
Sirius was still shuffling his deck of cards, giving you a reassuring smile.
"He's gonna be just fine," He said. "Promise."
Remus nodded in agreement, chuckling when you snuggled closer to him. In a way, he felt better having you close to him. He always loved having you around, and knowing that you weren't sore with him made him feel better.
"I'm sorry I haven't seen you much this week," He apologized, kissing the crown of your head when you rested your head on his shoulder. "I owe you one, hm?"
"No, it's okay. I knew you weren't feeling well." You said.
"You're so patient," Remus laughed. "I don't know how you put up with us sometimes."
Sirius and James both laughed at that because they agreed...and found it ironic considering Remus was the least difficult of the three.
"Can I sleep with Rem tonight?" You asked James, since it was technically his turn to have you tonight.
Remus' heart did a joyful leap, but he looked at James for a response. It wasn't often that there was a change in the rotation, but there were special occasions where you wanted to switch it up -- and most of the time, it wasn't an issue.
"Up to you, mate. I don't mind." He grinned.
Remus looked at you, smiling at your eyes that were all lit up at getting to spend time with him.
"Sure, doll. How about you get one of your blankets from your dorm so you don't get cold tonight?"
The suggestion hung in the air for only a moment, a gentle reminder of the care that was woven into the fabric of your relationship. You were up on your feet in seconds, giddy with excitement as you rushed out of the room to make the journey to your dorm to return with what you would need for the night.
The three of them laughed at your eagerness, taking that as a sign to start winding down for an early night in.
Remus knew he needed to eat something before bed, since he would feel sluggish in the morning if he didn't. Remus reached over the end of his bed, taking his plate of leftovers into his lap.
"You sure you feel alright?" Sirius asked, reaching into his trunk to toss Remus a plastic utensil.
Remus caught it, and started taking small bites and chewing slowly.
"As good as I'm gonna feel tonight," He sighed. "A night of sleep should set me straight."
Remus hadn't realized how hungry he was, which wasn't surprising considering he hadn't eaten all day and had been preoccupied trying to get some relief.
"Do you need anything else?" James asked.
"Nah. I'm alright," Remus replied. "Just don't tell her I'm still feeling bad."
They understood what he meant. Remus never wanted to cause any trouble, and he definitely didn't want anyone making a fuss over him. If he needed help, he would ask.
Remus did his best on eating, clearing about half of what you had brought him from The Great Hall. It wasn't much, but it was enough to provide him some fuel.
Remus showered too, which was the most he had done all day. He stood under the stream of hot water, hoping it would melt away some of the tension and pounding in his head. It didn't do much other than refresh him a bit, but even that was a nice feeling to have.
Remus re-entered the dorm with a fresh T-shirt and sweats, laughing when he saw you were already snuggled and settled in his bed, curled up with your book to get a few more pages in before it was time to go to bed. Sirius and James were also in their beds, finishing up their tasks for the night.
"You always know how to make yourself at home, huh?" He teased.
You looked up from your book, a small smile on your face.
"I guess it's a habit now." You closed the cover and set it aside.
He moved towards his trunk, opening it and retrieving a vial of Sleeping Draught. He swallowed the dark blue potion with ease, hoping it would kick in quickly.
He moved towards the bed, the exhaustion from the day still evident in his movements. But there was a spark in his eyes now, a spark that hadn't been there before. He climbed into the bed next to you, his body sinking into the familiar comfort of his mattress.
His hair was still damp from the shower, the droplets of water catching the faint light in the room. He looked at you, his eyes reflecting a quiet kind of happiness.
He kissed your cheek when he pulled you close, whispering in your ear as you got settled.
"Did you tell Siri and James goodnight?" He asked, and you nodded.
"She did. With plenty of sympathy kisses for little Jamesie." Sirius laughed, and James launched a pillow at his face.
Sirius shrieked and continued to cackle and poke fun at James who really wasn't hurt in the slightest.
"You're fine, baby. Enjoy being with Moony tonight," James smiled genuinely. "I'll have you tomorrow."
You weren't listening much to their conversation. You were more focused on Remus, watching his eyelashes flutter as he kept his eyes closed to keep his head from pounding worse. He could feel himself growing sleepy, and he hoped that sleep would surely take him.
"Are you sure you're okay?" You asked, eyes wide and full of concern.
Remus had been asked that question for what felt like a million times that day -- but he appreciated the care.
"Yeah, my love." He kissed your forehead. "I am."
And Remus would be okay with a little more time. He would wake up the next morning with a clear and pain-free head, with nothing more than some mild fatigue and a desperation to see something other than the walls of the dormitory.
And over the next few days, he would spend his time making it up to you -- spending every spare moment he had with you and giving you as much affection as he could spare.
Remus would be alright. With you, he always would be.
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midnightmah07 · 2 months
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I KNOW THESE ARE SO MANY IM SORRY????? I JUST THOUGHT "hey what would happen if I like. Made a 50s au or something. And then I went crazy. Yeah. Anyways
I'm not really proud of some of these I mostly just like the chibis and the one drawing of Ruggie kissing Daisy's forehead but it is what it is ya can't always win when it comes to art
I'll be rambling more about this au under the cut bc I'm insane
Ok so AS YOU CAN SEE Daisy and Ruggie's meet cute is like. Literally him stealing from her while she was going back home after buying groceries. I'm not quite sure how Daisy realized her wallet was missing, maybe she needed it for something and then she happened to see Ruggie acting all sus looking at something in his hands and she just linked the dots
After that Ruggie agrees to return her the money in exchange for not being reported to the police (he can't risk his grandma being alone if he ever happens to go to jail from stealing) and to walk her groceries back to her home. After that they randomly see each other on the streets and start calling each other as "Mr. Thief" and "Blondie"
They become attached to each other after hearing each other's life stories, of how Ruggie works to help his grandma and him to survive and get a better life, which Daisy admires, and how Daisy is basically abused by her step family after her dad recently passed away; I like to think someone might've disrespected Ruggie once during his job (maybe he was a waiter or something) and Daisy was present, and while Ruggie didn't wanna say anything to not cause trouble Daisy IMMEDIATELY came to his defense
After that they become like super duper close and are seen together a lot. Later after they start dating Ruggie tells her to just run away and come live with him and his grandma which she denies bc what???? No she doesn't want to be dead weight– but after a lot of convincing and after he tells her it wouldn't be for free anyway, that she'd have to pay rent after finding a job, she agrees and goes with him
Also I like to think Grim is just a regular black cat that was with Daisy ever since she was a baby, and he follows her everywhere... So yeah good luck Daisy your rent is now for u and ur cat
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
The 14DWY brainrot is real... >_< were ypu planning on sharing koi ren's design here too or is it discord only for now? remember to drink lots n lots of water today 🐸☔️
i don't rmbr if i included this but can you share any koi crumbs too?
✦゜ANSWERED: aaaaa I'm 14 years late to this ask (/silly), but thank you for reminding me!! I'll add the new Mer Ren design to da queue >:3
I'll also put the Koi Ren (I'm rocking with this new name!!) crumbs under the cut!!
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"Stop rocking the boat, Ren." Without sparing a glance in his direction, you continue to stare out into the vast, open lake. "You'll scare away all the fish."
Had you turned around, you would've seen the faux-deadpan look on his face as Ren takes in the irony of your words. As if to prove a point, he gently swishes his tail in the water, which causes small ripples to form and (eventually) disturb your bobber. "I don't think the boat is the problem here."
"Okay, how about this... One more fish, then we can go back." You finally look back at your scaley companion — who was still leaning against the edge of your tin boat with a lazy smile — and give him a resolute nod. "Promise."
"Sure," Ren casually reaches into the boat to pick and pluck at some of your live bait. "But you said that about the last three fish."
"This will be the last one. I swear."
"You... swear?" You try to ignore the way Ren swallows up one of your minnows as if you weren't using them for bait as he continues to speak, "Like... curse words? Humans sure are weird creatures."
As if realising his comment, Ren's ocean-blue eyes widen slightly and shift towards your form. "N-Not... Not you, though."
With a laugh, you playfully try to nudge him off of the boat. All it does is cause it to tip slightly, but Ren steadies it when you show signs of losing balance.
"Alright. One more fish, then?"
You nod and cast your attention back to your rod once more. You don't even notice the silence — nor Ren slipping away — until you suddenly feel a tug on your line and call out to your companion in excitement. "That was quick!"
Quickly reeling it in, you wonder what kind of fish you'd just caught — it's definitely stronger than you anticipated, given how the rod drastically bends and snaps at every movement from the fish. And just as you see the shadow from the murky depths get closer, the ripples get bigger and cause a stir underneath your tin boat. Standing up now, you try with all your might to reel it on board...
...Only for a mess of black hair to emerge from below and peer up at you with a smug look.
"Looks like you got a big one."
"C'moooon." You practically whine, though you allow Ren to haul himself into your tiny boat and rest his head in your lap. You can still feel his body shake from underneath your touch, no doubt still laughing at his poor attempt at a joke. "This doesn't count."
A beat passes before your fishy companion responds. "...Hm? Fine then."
Another moment of silence follows before he slithers back into the water without another word. Half of you worries that you might've said something to offend him (there was still the tiniest hint of a language barrier between you two). Still, it ultimately leads to nothing as Ren soon emerges once more — only this time, he's hauling the biggest largemouth bass you'd ever seen into your boat.
"This good enough?" He looks at you with wide, blue eyes. "If not, I can probably find a sturgeon and—"
"It's bigger than my boat!"
"Is this what your kind calls... exaggeration? Because your boat is big enough even for me to—"
"—Arghh! It's getting water everywhere! Put it back!"
It was almost comical how Ren tossed the fish over his shoulder and back into the water without breaking eye contact with you.
Another wave of silence hits, yet neither of you seems to move or break the awkward staring contest you'd somehow started. It's then when you notice Ren's grin get bigger — most likely at your resignation and embarrassment — which causes you to fall back into your seat in defeat.
"Fine. Enough fishing for today. Let's head back." Busying yourself with the bucket of fish and tacklebox in front of you, you secure your gear and pack everything away. But it seems Ren had other plans, seeing as he took it upon himself to climb back into your boat and rest his arms on your legs. No longer able to move as freely, you have no choice but to indulge in his carefree whims.
"But you caught me. Aren't you going to bring me home too?"
"As much as I want to," Truly, you do. You've always wanted to show Ren the world outside of Lake Bluemoss. "There's no way I'm carrying you all the way down the mountain."
"You never know until you cry."
"Try." You correct him. "Until you try."
"Your kind sure are funny." Ren nuzzles himself closer. "Perhaps another time, then... Stay here tonight."
Your body pricks up at his words, and you spare a glance at the abandoned boathouse near the dock. Despite its rough and rugged exterior, you and Ren actually made it quite comfy. It had some of your old blankets and sheets thrown over one of the boats to make it comfortable to lounge in — alongside a giant empty tank that you and Ren filled with water for him to sit in as well. Despite the lack of human traction, the place still felt homey and well-loved.
"...I guess I could."
"Then what are we waiting shore?"
You had to roll your eyes at his attempt at a pun.
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asherashedwings · 2 months
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Yippee, new line up. Didn't have as much trouble on this one either.
Idk how much yapping I'll be doing, since I don't really know how much I have to talk about.
But still
Close ups and yapping under the cut
Alternate Universe Girlfriends
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So just like with the Boyfriends, all these Girlfriends are technically all the same person, just from different universes. So I tried some elements of their designs consistent between them all, which stem from my base game Girlfriend design.
Unlike BF, there's a good bit more to talk about with GF since I draw her pretty different compared to her in-game design. The main thing is her more apparent demonic traits, like her horns, tail, and purple splotches. The explanation for this, in universe, is that she doesn't have the full power to cloak herself yet. See, her and her family are "music demons", which gain their power by leeching from music, usually a particular genre. GF hasn't really decided what genre to leech from yet, so she isn't as powerful as she could be. She also has a coat cuz uhhh. Silly. Things like her demonic traits and her coat (Or something of similar shape like a feather boa) would be the things to connect all the AU GFs.
Moving on, we have Herself, who I was looking forward to drawing the moment I started this line up cuz I had just. Such a clear vision of her in my head. Although it was a struggle to put that vision on paper.
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It's hard to put the exact vision into words, but it's like having her form become less defined as it goes downwards, until it's just the wispy silhouette of her hair. There's a certain balance you have to strike with the wispy nature of her form and the trademark Girlfriend hair shapes, and that's what ended up being the biggest struggle. Once I figured that out though, it was pretty simple. Shapes were the most important thing since her coloring is pretty monochromatic. Not counting the black, this design only utilizes two different colors, both being shades of red. Her design includes a feather boa instead of a jacket, mainly cuz I completely forgot about that rule when I got to her and the boa was a lot easier to add than a jacket. It also makes an interesting shape I think.
Next is Funkadelix, and she really wasn't too hard. The main thing was giving her traits from my main GF design, which wasn't hard at all. For her horns I referenced her Halloween attire. Her tail too, sorta, but I mainly just referenced the thinness of it.
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There isn't all too much to say about MDM. There wasn't a lot to change or add. Main addition was the boa, which was admittedly kinda fun to draw in my style for that AU.
Now onto Mix. If you saw my post yesterday about the doodle/sketch pile for this line up, you might've seen a design concept I did for Mommy Mearest, and that was literally just for Mix's design. Except it was virtually pointless cuz I didn't really include any aspects of my MMM into my Mix design. It's fine though, I think she turned out fine. Might take another pass at her in the future when I ACTUALLY have my MMM design figured out.
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Lastly for this section, HD. I actually had quite a bit of fun drawing her. Don't really got much to say about her though. I'm pretty sure she was the first AU GF I gave a boa, so she's the one that started that. It was originally going to be all white, but my good good friend @minxtheeenby suggested it fading into black, and I really like how it turned out.
"Side" GFs
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So first is Belladonn (B-Side). I know I wanted her to appear more sophisticated. That's just always how I imagined her, even back well the mod was still a simple recolor remix mod. There's also something so fun about classy characters that are also dangerous. We need more regal women that carry around bats full of nails. I had a lot of trouble nailing (pun not intended) her hair. The main thing that sets it apart from the traditional GF cut is her side bang (idk hair terms, I think that's what it is), but besides that, not much else. So I had to mess with it a bunch to get something I liked.
Amelia's (D-Side) design was pretty straight forward. The main thing was just adding a few more details to spice it up a bit. Which just happened to be buttons on her jacket and lil heart patterns on her knees. I also wanted her to be short. Cuz idk, she gives short vibes. A lil idea for her that isn't showcased here is that I imagine her pigtail buns actually turn into her horns when she is in her demon form. (Bad doodle, but just to show the concept:)
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Lizzy (G-Side) was kinda fun to come up with ideas for. Most of her design is taken from the fake teasers for the mod, cuz silly. But because her mom is some sort of light spirit.. thing, I wanted to mix that in somehow too. So that's where the white highlights on her horns, hair, and tail come from, but that's not all it added.
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She also has pretty funky eyes, that are somewhat inspired by Shara Ishvalda's eyes
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Also, in that doodle, I imagine all of her hair is floating, I just. Didn't feel like drawing her pigtails cuz I mainly wanted to highlight the eye thing.
The New Yorkers
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With Shaya, I mainly added a bit of stuff to her outfit, since the original is too simple with my design style. I basically just added a bat wing shape motif to her design. Cuz. Cuz vampire. This is also present in her ear shape cuz I didn't want them to JUST be pointed, cuz I wanted her to stand out a bit more from the demon girls. So different ear shape.
I don't really know how much Azalea (Neo) changed. I know I changed her hair a bit (to further differentiate her from GF) and I altered her top a bit but I THINK that's it. I did change her and her family's lore a bit though. Cuz I made them robots. THATS RIGHT, THIS IS WHO I WAS TALKING ABOUT WHEN I WAS TALKING ABOUT MAKING ONE OF THE GIRLFRIENDS A ROBOT. Azalea's pretty android-esc, but I imagine her parents are just full on robots. I can't wait to design them. But yeah, I imagine Azalea is much more human looking because she just wants to be part of human society and her parents love her so they got her the more human looking body so she could live out her dream. We love supportive parents *explosion emoji* *explosion emoji* *explosion emoji*
Not much to say about Grace. I just gave her a bit of melanin cuz apparently she's mixed. That's all I really changed tho.
I don't think I changed Judith MUCH. Her face is a bit more. Wolf-like? Idk. I also TOTALLY didn't reference Clawdeen Wolf's hair when designing her. Totally not.
Vikki (Minus) is grouped with the New Yorkers cuz. There's only one of her. Unlike the Minus BFs. I just made her a lil more goth, since people literally call her "Goth GF". Also made her hair a bit more blocky. cuz. cuz the minus symbol. Shape *sparkle emoji*
Who the Fuck Knows (Miscellaneous)
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So starting with Cherry (Swappin'), in this AU she's actually GF's younger sister. She also already has a music genre to leech from (rap), so she's better at concealing herself. Not much else to say, I did not change her design much.
Nothing much to say about Barbara either, I barely changed her.
Now Astra (Starcatcher) was fun. While I was initially sketching her, I realized that both her alien species and the Alien Hominids have the same style of classic antennae. So I decided "Huh, what if their species are related." So I did that. Not much else to touch on besides that.
Tootsie belongs to @minxtheeenby and is part of their Sunday Night Snackin' AU. I drew her with her wings and tail out, which aren't usually out, but uh. Silly.
Belletrix didn't really change as much as I was expecting her too. The main thing was just. Making her an imp that could exist in the Hellaverse. Which was pretty easy. And then I just made shit up when it came to her outfit cuz it was kinda hard what was going on with that in the first place.
Next is Gabriella, YIPPEE. So she's the GF from Plants vs. Rappers. Vastly different appearance wise though, cuz, yknow. Can't have her look too similar to GF. And just like I did with Dennis, I decided to base her on another zombie from Neon Mixtape Tour: The Glitter Zombie
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Idk, I thought it'd be cutie patootie. And it was. I really like how she turned out. I got lazy when it came to her flag, I did not feel like drawing that shit.
Last but not least is Ashley, the GF from my own AU. Which does not have a name. Idk, it's mainly just an excuse for me to draw anthro Monster Hunter monsters. But yeah, she's an intersex Leostra (Gender neutral term for the Teostra/Lunastra species that @sleepymushrxxm came up with) and I love her.
That's all I got. Gonna hopefully start working on the Pico's here soon.
92 notes · View notes
vettelsdarling · 1 year
Heyyy I’m the one who req the Instagram ff and I loved it so muchhhhhh and I want to ask for another but where it’s like a mix of an actual ff but also an Instagram ff? So here’s my prompt: Mick and Reader are both going through tough times regarding their dads because Michael isn’t doing well and readers dad passed away when she was in her mid teens. She and him are best friends because of her dads connection to his dad and they grew up in close proximity. She comes to all his races (can u do it so that mick is racing for Mercedes instead of George??????) and she is his biggest supporter. After a lot of time, Mick confesses to reader because he’s liked her for a long time and reader agrees to date and they make like a soft reveal on Instagram! Thank youuuu Elllll
𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 𝑰𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒆𝒔
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➪Interesting plot, I like it!
➪Again, I'm pretty new to instagram fics, so I hope I succeeded in bringing your vision to life.
➪Wasn’t completely sure what you meant by “mix”, but I hope this is what you meant!
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Things to note:
❥I took some inspo from “Daddy Issues“ by TNBHD
❥You’re a famous ballerina, daughter of a famous lawyer and business man, Erik Klum (name is made up btw.)
❥You and Mick are 2 years apart
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Pairing: Mick Schumacher x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, a lot of angst, a lot of daddy issues
Word Count: 4.1k+
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“𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒗𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒆𝒔, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒐𝒐.”
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Euripides once said, “To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter.” The saying might've been true, but you never got to experience it for yourself. You never saw him grow old. Your dear father never got to see his sweet little girl grow old either. You missed him every single day.
Your father, Erik Klum, was a famous lawyer, who handled Michael Schumacher’s monetary belongings. That's how you got to meet Mick Schumacher. The famous Formula One driver's son. The two of you practically grew up together. His mother, Corinna, was like a mother to you. Your own died when she gave birth to you. Mick and Gina were like your siblings. They were near your age, so the three of you had no problem getting along.
Your father did his best to provide for you. He funded your dream. Ballet. Your mother was a ballerina who travelled the world to perform. That was how she met your father. He also funded any extracurriculars you had time for along with whatever pampering he believed you needed. He wasn't a mother, so he never really had a clue about what a daughter would want, but he always tried his best. Corinna was there to help him out at times, which you also appreciated more than anything.
When you were coming into your pre-teens, you were sent to a ballet boarding school. Your father had set aside enough cash to get you there, as it was a part of your dream to be just like your mother.
At the airport, everyone came to say goodbye to you. You were moving all the way to France to pursue your ballet. Mick and Gina both cried, but Michael assured them it’d be alright. Your father only cried tears of joy. The way he saw your mother in you made his heart give out. You didn’t think the last thing you’d ever hear him say was,
“You look just like her. I’m so proud of you, my little girl.”
You spent the first couple of years training hard and working your way up the ranks at the academy. The process was halted, however, when you’d gotten a phone call from your father followed by a message.
You couldn’t believe what you were reading. Michael was in a coma. Your father explained it’d happened due to a ski accident. He’d booked you a ticket home so that you could go visit. After all, Michael was like a second father to you.
When you got there, you saw the immense grief etched on everyone’s faces. It happened so suddenly. Nobody had seen it coming. Your heart ached, but you knew it was nothing compared to what Mick and Gina were feeling. The three of you hugged and cried for the most part of that day. You stayed for two more days, grieving with everyone before you inevitably had to go back to France.
You managed to keep your composure whilst at the academy. With the updates you’d get from Mick and Gina, you were reassured. Some time passed, and you’d heard that Michael was out of his coma. It sent a huge wave of relief and helped ease your mind when you were alone. You’d been prone to panic and anxiety attacks.
A couple of more years flew by, and you suddenly got a phone call from Mick. He never really called without texting you first, because he knew you had a strict schedule. Luckily, you had your phone when he called.
“Hello?” You heard from the other end of the line.
“Hey, Mickie, what’s with the sudden call?” You asked.
“You have to get home right now. I’ll explain when you get here. We bought you a ticket, your flight leaves early tomorrow.” You felt anxious. Fear started eating away at your feet, making its way up your legs to your stomach and to your throat.
“Okay,” you croaked. The line disconnected and you immediately ran off to administration to tell them you had a family emergency and had to go home for a while. They gave you two weeks, which in retrospect, wouldn’t be enough for what was to come.
When you came to the airport, you realized your father wasn’t in sight. It was just Corinna, Mick, and Gina. Your heart sank. Had something happened to your father? Your head started pounding.
“Hi darling,” said Corinna and tried to keep her composure.
“My dad… where is he?” You asked with a shaky voice, scared of what her response would be. Much to your dread, your suspicions were confirmed,
“I’m sorry, my sweet girl. I’m so sorry.” She didn’t even have the heart to tell you the words. He was gone. You broke down. Mick and Gina looked absolutely devastated for you. Your only driving force was gone. You were all alone. You couldn’t think straight. All you did on the car ride home was cry out to your father. You couldn’t believe that he was gone. It didn’t seem real to you.
When Corinna pulled into the lot of their place, soon to be yours as well, you got out with the help of Mick. Your head was too cloudy to walk by yourself. You could barely form a coherent sentence.
The funeral was the worst part. You watched as they sank your father’s mahogany coffin into the ground.
“Papa! No! Please don’t leave me, papa!” You screamed as you fell to your knees. You couldn’t take it. You never got to say goodbye to him. You never had the chance to say a few final words to him. He’d been taken from you without warning.
Mick and Gina helped you through the first two weeks, as you had to go back. Since you weren’t an adult yet, your aunt had gained custody of you, and you had to move from Switzerland to Germany. Moving away from all you’d ever known was tough on top of the death of your beloved father.
Years passed by at the academy, and you were a full-fledged Ballerina. You performed in various theatres and at famous events. You’d become somewhat of a household name in ballet. Many called you a prodigy, which you were. Your upbringing was based around ballet.
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You'd still kept in contact with the two Schumacher siblings during all the years you spent in France and Germany. You visited them sometimes for minor holidays, which always lifted your spirits.
Mick had started a career in racing, just like his father. He told you that he'd earned a seat at Mercedes. You had come to his races before. Several times, in fact, when he was with Haas. You were beyond ecstatic when you heard he'd earned a place in a dominant car for the new season. Next to Lewis Hamilton, no less.
You wore one of Mick’s shirts when he came out of the shower. His hair was dripping onto his chest, and he had a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Hey, you should wear one of my new Mercedes shirts to the race today,” suggested Mick. For a while, you’d had growing feelings for Mick, and coming to all his races only made him admire you that much more. He’d come to your performances as well, and it always made you happy to see him amongst the huge audience you normally had.
“Hmm, maybe. Won’t people be suspicious though? I mean, I’d look like your…” you trailed off, hoping he’d finish off.
“No, don’t worry about it! Everyone already knows you’re like a sister to me,” He chuckled and threw you one of his shirts. It had 47 on the back of it. Your heart stung briefly when he said that you were like a sister to him.
The Australian Grand Prix was a strike of luck for you, as your performance was in the same city. You were performing in Her Majesty’s Theatre later that day. You’d practiced ever since you heard about the gig.
“You should wear one of my leotards for my performance tonight. It’s only fair!” You joked, watching as he laughed along with you. Domestic moments like this were what had made you fall in love in the first place. You travelled with him constantly. It was hard to not catch any feelings. You could only wish for him to one day feel the same.
“You’re coming to my dad’s 50th birthday luncheon next week, right? Gina said she’d come. Corinna too,” you asked. There was no race the following weekend, so he agreed to come with no hesitation. You always baked a cake on your father’s birthdays to celebrate for yourself. Sometimes Mick was there to join you. This time was different. It wasn’t just baking a cake and singing a gentle birthday song for your father. You wanted to go all in. He deserved it.
“Klum… I don’t want you to overwork yourself with the luncheon, okay? Let me help you.” Mick was always really considerate of you, which was enough to make your heart melt into a bowl of soup. You wanted nothing more than to spend every single birthday of your dad’s with him.
“Mickie… you know how much it means to me. 50 is a special number. That’s you know… halfway.” You mumbled the last part, but it was loud enough for Mick to hear it.
“I know, I know. If you really think you can do it on your own, of course, I’ll let you. I’m just saying, if you need help; I’m here for you.” You nodded and smiled at him. He gave you a warm smile back. It felt like it hugged you.
“We should probably hurry up, though. We have to be there in time.” Mick quickly found some boxers and other articles of clothes to wear for the day. The two of you were used to seeing each other without any clothes on. It felt natural. Yet, your cheeks were still dusted pink. Whilst he got into his clothes, you found a skirt to go with his shirt. It was barely visible due to the oversized shirt, but you wore it anyway. With the outfit, you wore a pair of white satin high heels you’d been gifted by Jimmy Choo. Because you were wearing his shirt, Mick had coordinated his outfit to match yours. You knew the media would try to gossip about it, but in all honesty— you wanted them to.
When the two of you arrived at the paddock, cameras were already everywhere and ready to snap photos of you and Mick in matching outfits. The paparazzi were ruthless. Anything to get the latest inside scoop. Even though you were used to the attention, you hated having your private life revealed. It was the main reason you never told a soul where you lived. Only the Schumachers, your aunt, and some of the drivers knew. You had a long-time friend from the academy who also knew because she often came over to your place to take care of it whilst you were gone.
Luckily, behind you was Lewis. He got all of the attention with his fashion statement. You adored his sense of fashion, and so did the media.
“Viel Glück, Mickie,” you said when Mick got into the car. You gave him a hug and stepped aside for the engineers and strategists. You were incredibly proud of Mick for landing a place with the silver arrows.
It was lights out and you saw all the cars race almost as if they were synchronized. It reminded you of some of the dances you’d done in the past. Before you mostly did solos, anyway.
You watched as Mick went from P13 and worked his way up to P1. You couldn’t even believe your eyes. It was incredible. With only a few laps left, he was able to fend off the driver behind him and go on to finish on pole. Everyone went to the celebration and when Mick came over to hug all his coworkers, he saw you in the midst and pulled you in for a big hug.
“This is for Erik and my dad. I did it!” Out of excitement, he kissed your forehead harshly and went on to hug the rest of the crew. Though the kiss didn’t have any meaning other than that of Mick’s elated state, it meant the world to you.
The interviewer was none other than Nico Rosberg. He came up to Mick and asked a couple of questions about the competition and whatnot, before moving on to ask about you. Mick was a bit surprised, but he answered with what media training he’d been through.
“I think Klum and I both have a lot in common and we grew up together, so I see her as a little sister. She’s very supportive of me.” It was a perfect response in his mind.
“This is your first win, you must be very excited!” Said Rosberg.
“Naturally. I’m dedicating it to Erik Klum and my father. They are both such important people to me and have shaped me into becoming the man I am today. Well, the man who just won this race.” It was sentimental and all the tabloids would be sure to latch onto that.
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A week later, you were out shopping for ingredients with Mick. You'd spent the night before decorating your house. Apparently, you hadn't been discreet enough.
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sportsgossipc Ballerina Y/n Klum spotted grocery shopping with Formula One driver Mick for Erik Klum’s death anniversary. Are they cosying up together with a celebration?
user1 Is it just me or is this sort of disrespectful to “gossip about”
user2I was about to say the same thing…
user3 This is wrong… Erik died in January. It's for his birthday probably
user4 Leave them alone lol they already got so much shit to handle
user5 First of all: it’s Erik’s birthday. Second of all: If it were his death anniversary, why would you make it into a gossip story??? Third of all: “cosying up together with a celebration”? What is that supposed to mean?
When you came home and went to post a happy birthday post for your dad, you saw a dm from your friend. It showed you and Mick shopping. The photo itself wasn't upsetting in particular. No, the caption is what got you. Mick walked up behind you to see what you were doing. When his eyes locked with the screen, he was shocked.
“They have no right,” said Mick and hugged your waist. You tried to not let it bother you too much and instead posted a story about it, followed by a birthday post for your father.
y/nklum posted a new story, mickschumacher posted a new story
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Liked by mickschumacher and 233,754 others
y/nklum You would be 50 today. I miss you every day. I know it’s been a while, but I will always mark my calendar on this day. Thank you for everything you’ve sacrificed and done for me, happy birthday papa❤️
mickschumacher Happy birthday, Erik❤️
ginaschumacher ❤️❤️❤️
You put your phone aside and started cooking. Gina and Corinna were going to arrive precisely at noon, so you had a good 3 hours to finish everything. You ended up letting Mick help you, as you realized there were way too many things to do.
As time passed, you got the food ready and the guests arrived. Everyone sat down by the table you had in your dining room. Next to you, you’d placed a nice portrait of your father. Before eating, a birthday song was sung in his honour.
“This is amazing, kids. You know what you’re doing!” Corinna complimented your cooking. Your usual meal was hotel food or restaurant food, but if there was one thing you could do well; it was cook. Your father had taught you from a young age, and the academy also required you to start cooking your own meals as you grew older.
“Thank you so much, Corinna, I’m glad you like it.” You smiled. Corinna was more of a mother to you than your aunt. You barely ever saw her even though you had to move all of your stuff over to her place. You spent most holidays with the Schumachers when you weren’t in France. After France, you got a house close to your second family.
“That reminds me! I found your father’s old wedding band in our storage. I figured you’d want it.” Corinna gave you a small box which contained the ring. You couldn’t stop the tears from falling down your cheeks. It was a beautiful gold ring with a tiny diamond in it. You hugged it and thanked her for it.
After everyone went home, you were left with Mick. He offered to clean everything so that you could take a breather outside on your patio.
After he’d finished cleaning, he met you outside. You sat on a wooden porch swing. Before taking a seat next to you, he admired how the sunset hit your face perfectly. You were beautiful. Your legs were crossed over each other and the way your face lit up when you saw him… he could barely contain his feelings for you.
“He was a great man.” Mick finally took that seat next to you.
“I miss him.”
“It’s only natural. I miss him too,” he replied calmly.
“I want him to know how I’m doing,” you whispered, trying not to cry any more than you’d already done.
“He knows. Trust me, he does.”
“Do you think he’s disappointed? Because I can’t sleep alone? Because I can’t sleep without having nightmares of him?” You leaned into Mick’s chest, hearing his heartbeat.
“Not at all. I think he’s proud of the incredible woman you’ve grown up to be.” He rubbed your back and pulled you closer to him.
“Will you stay with me forever?” You asked.
“Of course, Schatz.” Your heart started beating fast. It was the first time he’d ever called you a pet name. Usually, he resorted to your name, a nickname, or your last name. You acted as if you hadn’t heard it so that it wouldn’t create any embarrassing tension between you.
“I’m sorry. I’m being clingy and needy, aren’t I?” You sighed and looked up at the setting sun.
“Never, Liebling. I know that you’ve got daddy issues because I do too.” Hearing him say the actual term out loud made you want to bury your face in his chest and cry until you no longer had any tears left.
“My dad is still… well, you know.”
“Yeah… it must be horrible. I don’t know how it feels, but I’m always here for you.” You snuggled into him.
“I don’t know what I’d do if I had lost him that day. You’re really strong. You should know that. I will always be by your side,” Mick spoke softly.
“If you were mine, I would run away and hide from all of this fame and attention with you. We could enjoy our lives to the fullest extent.” You felt like your heart had stopped. You pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes,
“If I was yours?”
“I tried to keep it to myself… I know you probably don’t feel the same way. I’m an older brother to you, right?” He said with a hint of regret in his voice. You immediately cupped his face with both of your hands,
“You have no idea how happy I am right now.”
“You feel the same way?”
“Of course, I do! I’ve been in love with you for a while now.” You smiled.
“I’ve loved you since you first took off to the academy. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you.” He pulled you over his lap and hugged you tightly as if you were a fragile little thing.
“I love you, Schatz.”
“I love you too, Mickie.”
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A few months had passed before the two of you agreed to go public with your relationship. The timing was perfect because you attended the last race of the season. The two of you still had your reservations about going public, so you played a little game with your fans to see if they could figure it out from subtle pictures. Of course, many of the drivers knew a few weeks after it’d happened, but you’d asked them not to tell.
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Liked by mickschumacherand 355,860 others
y/nklum Came to the show with flowers and carried my heels home for me after❤️
lewishamilton Show was great, keep it up!
landonorris I fell asleep but the parts I saw were amazing👍
y/nklum Why am I not surprised😒
charlesleclerc I know, I'm such a gentleman
y/nklum Hmmm🤔
user2 crying rn
user3 my parasocial relationship is quaking💔
user4 It's Charles😭👍
user5 How do you know?
user4 Didn't you see the comment he made? It's definitely him💀
user5 Oh💀😭
user6 what in the soft launch-
user8 What abt Mick😭💔
user9 He said several times he sees her as a sister💀
user8 Could be lying🤷
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Liked by y/nklum and 538,924 others
mickschumacher Watched another amazing performance❤️ Had to leave early to prepare for a date though…
charlesleclerc Cool, wish I was that flexible😅
y/nklum Thanks💖
user1 Mick???? Soft launching???? Under a y/n post???? This makes no sense
user2 Wait is he referring to y/n or someone else wtf
user3 I thought y/n was dating Charles💀
user4 Bro everyone thought that
user3 Isn’t she though?
user4 Personally I think she is but idk
user5 Why is Mick soft launching at the same time as y/n😭
user6 Lmao he went to a friend’s performance and ditched it for a date💀
user7 rip y/n
user8 Charles is there for her though🥹❤️
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Liked by mickschumacherand 379,688 others
y/nklum Thank you to the random stranger who offered to take a picture of me and him together❤️
landonorris That random stranger was me🙄
y/nklum No, you were the third wheel
user1 Nah that definitely doesn’t look like Charles
user2 Nvm that ain’t Charles unless he dyed his hair💀
user3 isn’t that Mick😭
user4 It looks a lot like Mick. I think it is him…
user5 But didn’t Mick say that he left her performance to go on a date?
user4 No, he said he left early to go PREPARE for a date. It could’ve been a date with her.
user6 I love the subtle Lando slander for no reason😭🙏
user7 If Mick posts something like this, we’ll know what’s going on and who’s dating who💀
mickschumacher and y/nklum
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Liked by landonorrisand 836,190 others
y/nvettel Spending our 6-month anniversary skiing ⛷️ Happy 6 months, Mickie❤️❤️❤️
mickschumacher Happy 6 months, Liebling, I love you❤️
y/nklum I love you more❤️
landonorris Should’ve invited me when I actually wanted to third wheel smh
y/nklum Go skiing with Carlos
charlesleclerc Finally I don’t have to keep quiet about it anymore
y/nklum You came close to revealing it one too many times
lewishamilton Enjoy your vacation guys, congrats🙌
user2 Jeez okay we get it💀
user3 I really thought it was Charles lmao
user4 I always thought they looked good together🙏
user5 childhood friends and now dating? This is the sweetest🥹❤️
user6 I can’t wait for the wedding pics
user7 They better get married
user8 Lando in the comments again😭😭😭
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You thought back to when it all started, as you sat in the ski resort’s outdoor hot tub. It was just you and Mick in a hotel room, both hoping the other felt the same way.
You knew that your father would be proud. You’d fallen in love with a respectable man. A man that he got to meet and know before he passed. A man that you could call home because you could be in any hotel and still feel at home as long as you were with him. With Mick.
You also knew that if you ever were to have children, you and Mick would be sure to tell them all about their grandfathers. How one was a former world champion, and how the other was an unbeatable lawyer. They were both heroes. You’d convinced yourself. You could convince a couple of toddlers.
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗽𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺— 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Demon Yuichiro Tokito
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Decided to draw me own version of Demon Yuichiro from my Double Demon Siblings Au. In which the entirety of the Kny cannon stays the same, other than the addition of Yuichiro's transformation into a Demon. I used refs from both Muichiro's and Nezuko's official art for the poses. Unfortunately I'm not very good at drawing hands. :/
Name: Yuichiro Tokito
Race: Demon, Formerly Human, and Human again by the help of Tamayo.
Age: 14 same as his twin
Gender: Male
Body: Same Height and weight as Muichiro, can become more muscular and slightly taller when fully demon
Personality: Yuichiro's personality as a demon surprisingly is not too different from his personality as a human. However since his transformation into a demon he's become quieter than before and seems to be thinking about things often as if confused, curious, or trying to remember something. He's also prone to acting aggressively if threatened, scared, angry, or he feels his twin is in immediate danger. However unlike Nezuko he actively avoids others' touch even if he sees them as non threats, and is fairly antisocial by nature, but if you say his name or speak to him he will at least look to acknowledge the presence of whoever is talking to him. Very protective of Muichiro and is always at least within his general area. Is often seen as moody or grumpy by nature, but if you're not someone he sees threatening/rude to him/Mui he'll at least tolerate you. If you're someone he actively likes, then he'll be nicer, less grumpy, and may actually do some friendly gestures towards them.
Nothing about their backstory gets changed up to the point the demon stumbles into their home. Yuichiro was used to treating Amane with distain and treating Muichiro as he does in cannon. The events of that night are forever foggy to Muichiro until he regains them later but the visions of his brother would never fade-
Yuichiro bloodied and lying facedown on the floor. The house a complete mess. Blood smeared everywhere. And in the middle of it all was a man smiling as wickedly as sin. Lifting Yuichiro by the neck and bringing the boy closer to his maw. To devour. Eat. Digest. A scream exited from Muichiro's throat. Enough to wake the dead as the demon reached for him- 
Vision red as blood. Vengeance and justice by hands of the innocent.
When Muichiro came to hours later still early enough in the morning to be dark to the demon's body impaled and smashed gurgling on it's own blood. Numb, tired, and mind mostly a blank as he just follows on autopilot back to the bloody home. Opening the door and finding his brother standing up body covered in blood and feasting on leftover raw deer meat they had stored away. However as he saw his brother Yuichiro snapped. Turning on him and launching at his weary brother. For he was no longer a human.
Yuichiro had joined the ranks of demons.
Muichiro wasn't sure himself what had happened. One moment Yuichiro was clawing and biting at his arms, and the next he's hissing and growling brother was pinned underneath him clawing to get away with Muichiro holding him down from above. And then it happens. Muichiro cries. His tears falling into the open eyes of his brothers stinging him and making him blink back up to Muichiro. His crying face and eye penetrating his eyes and as they say, eyes are windows to the soul. And all at once things seem to calm down. Yuichiro stops doing anything. Only lying there quietly and staring at his tired brother who is just crying, and crying and crying. His tears constantly falling into Yuichiro's own wide open eyes and all over his face. It might've only been ten minutes. It might've been an hour. But sometime he passed out and woken up to Yuichiro just sitting there and staring at him. Giving a couple sounds and poking his forehead over and over with an annoyed look on his face. It was daytime and for some reason all the windows and doors were closed and blocked off not allowing any light in.  Muichiro is confused but didn't forget the events of last night. In fact if it was for the fact that their home was literally torn to shreds and blood stains were everywhere, it would've only been written off as a bad dream. 
Yuichiro was not himself..And yet still acted like himself to an extent. He was still treating him with a scowl on his face and the annoyed jabs he'd usually give. Only he didn't act.. human. After Muichiro woke up he scuttled off to the darkest corner of the house where he curled up under a table as if that would shield himself further from.. something. There's not really much time to take anything in before the door is opened harshly and a complete stranger is invading their home. Muichiro freezes and Yuichiro hisses at the addition of more light suddenly being allowed in. The stranger hums as eyes look around the torn home surveying the damage and then taking in Muichiro sitting there bloodied and wide eyed.
The sudden look of horror on Lady Amane's face is only heightened as Yuichiro hisses and lunges at the woman-
I don't know what they're called but Yuichiro's demon crest are those yellow leaves he's always seen with. The same ones in the artwork linked below-
BLOOD DEMON ARTS AND ABILITIES: His abilities as a demon are similar to Nezuko's as he sleeps to regenerate and regain strength, can manipulate his blood a certain way, and has a similar fighting style using his claws and body to lash out and kick. However his blood doesn't provide flames. Instead his blood has an acid burning effect only lethal to others that hold demonic blood infused by wisteria, as a result allowing Yuichiro to be immune to wisteria poisoning. No one knows why this is but Shinobu has theorized that it might be due to the twin's old lumberjacking lifestyle and Yuichiro being around so much trees (possibly including wisteria trees) that his body had built a strange immunity to it. No one knows if this is true but Muichiro is somewhat glad his brother won't die by poisoning. So while people like Muichiro and Tanjiro wouldn't be affected, Genya in his demon form and full bloodied demons such as Nezuko or Kokushibo will be.
Yuichiro can use his fighting style and acidity techniques in many ways. Kicking and slashing his way in a similar form to Nezuko only more aggressively and a bit more recklessly in the beginning. His blood naturally extends a wisteria scent warding aware most smaller demons and allowing Yuichiro to camouflage himself from other demons and sometimes slayers by blending into flowers or Wisteria trees. Yui's deadliest and most efficient attack, Thanks to the mutation in his blood, Yui can turn his blood into a deadly poison that she can then infuse into his nails by clawing hid body to cover his hands in blood. This poison is full of Wysteria and can be smelt in the air, and can be delivered in poisonous jabs at other demons.
He can also use his blood as acid, throwing droplets at a demon (usually the face) to eat away at their skin and blinding them to give himself an opening. However this is the extent of his use and he cannot heal people the same way Nezuko can.
Also on a very important note, while Yuichiro isn't affected by wisteria he absolutely CAN NOT walk in the sun. Sunlight CAN and WILL still burn/kill him like any other demon. This because while Nezuko never tasted human blood, Yuichiro has. Multiple times Muichiro has donated some of his own blood to his brother along with Tanjiro after finding out the Twin's secret and taking pity on someone in the same situation.
Yuichiro also has more of a habit of biting. His fangs are longer and slightly curved inwards like a snake's so when he bites down, they hook in tearing away more flesh and causing more damage to the enemy.
OTHER DEMON FEATURES: On top of gaining his demon crest in the shape of those golden leaves, Yuichiro also sprouts two extra eyes which allows him to survey his environment more and combat threats better. His left arm is also a greyish-tan color from regenerating it as a demon. This color goes away once he's fully human again. He wears the clothing he wore when he first turned, refusing to part with it for some unknown reason. Muichiro repurposed it into a shirt for Yui when he grew older, and bought him a pair of pants and boots made out of the same anti-demon fabric his own Demon Slayer uniform is made from to help keep his brother safe.
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laugtherhyena · 10 days
I don't know what LINUJ was thinking when he chose to make Yoruko's upperclassman and Minako two separate characters but personally I don't really mind it? Mostly cause when I see background characters that don't officially appear beyond a few mentions, I go, "A character that barely has a skeleton of a personality that I can mold to my whims?! WOOO!!" and then proceed to squeeze them like a stress ball. I don't think about Amane (the upperclassman) a lot, especially in comparison to Kojiro, but I think it'd be fun to explore her character as I do have a project idea with her as part of the cast but it's kinda on the backburner of my brain cause I'm trying not to make too many projects at once cause I'm already struggling to juggle a bunch of other stuff at the same time. That being said, on the topic of Amane's pink hair, I actually think it's dyed?? Not sure cause I only just got passed the second bad end with my friend in Chapter 6 so we haven't seen the context of Yoruko's CG where she's in her fantasy, so take this with a grain of salt, but for some reason the wiki labels the CG as Yoruko talking to Minako??? And the woman shown has her hair having faded pink tips, revealing that her roots are actually brown. Ngl, the idea that Minako (still) dyes her hair to the color she has today is really funny but I think that's just the wiki editors messing up on whos who. Sometimes wikis aren't the most reliable source of information when you want to quickly review something without replaying the game and stuff, and I think it makes more sense that in Yoruko's fantasy, she'd be reunited with who she believes is her upperclassman, even if she cares about Minako. And if we take her appearance in the fantasy as truth from what little we can see of her, that means that both Amane and Yoruko dyed their hair for their hostess job (although Yoruko did it to mimic Amane specifically), lmao.
But yeah, I think the sequel cast having connections to the characters of the previous game is a really neat tie-in, even if it's not very strong and it's interesting to explore their connections with each other in fanon. My headcanon with Setsuka and Teruya being sibling figures to each other could be interesting since they actually reunite through their work, and probably spent a lot of time catching up and getting to know each other again. Which makes it hurt even more when Setsuka goes missing. Like, Teruya probably freaked out when he realized he hasn't heard from Setsuka in a long time and tried to push for an investigation to search for her which Kinjo put a stop to due to his own plans with Syobai. Poor guy was probably torn between disobeying orders to find Setsuka since he didn't want to lose another important person in his life or falling in line to Kinjo due to his loyalty to him. But if Kinjo were to suggest that she might've been kidnapped for the killing game, possibly to "fill in space," Teruya probably chose to fall in line since stopping Mikado's killing game would probably be the closest way to save Setsuka, even if he wanted to do more. And we all know how that worked out...
On a much lighter note, in a Non-Despair AU where Setsuka and Kojiro cross paths again after many years, I like to think that they reignite their friendship since I see Kojiro being more upset over Setsuka ghosting him (and Teruya) for years without an explanation than the fact that she cheated and got herself banned in billiards, which probably caused some controversy with his sponsorship for her. Hell, he probably thought she was dead or something with how long he didn't hear from her. That's kinda what happens when you go into hiding instead of confronting the consequences of your actions, Setsuka. But once they get pass the initial awkwardness, Setsuka and Kojiro becomes best buds again. They also become drinking buddies with Teruya (as an adult) chaperoning them, much to his (affectionate) annoyance.
It's crazy to me how he just made this random ass character instead of making Minako herself be the upperclassmen, like that would have led to a much stronger connection between Yoruko and the first killing game's class than Minako just so happening to be the boss at the bar her and Amane worked at.
Slight tangent here but, seriously, Amane Kaira? Two letters away from Akane Taira? I know Linuj has a track record of having characters with similar names in the another series, but this ridiculous. How were we seriously meant to believe this was a real person? Because for the longest time i just assumed that "Amane Kaira" was the fake ID Minako used when she worked at the bar with Yoruko since she mentioned both of them had it because they were minors back then.
As for the wiki, i believe it really is just flat out wrong when it says that's Yoruko talking to Minako (which generated this whole misconception) because those CGs were first uploaded there just a little after Ch6 came out so we didn't had everything properly translated back then and it just never got fixed + just from the little we see of this girl you can tell she's not meant to be Minako
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In addition, the hair color of the girl in the Cg is a soft pink whereas Minako's is a pink closer to a purple-ish (violet-ish, whatever you wanna call it) tone + from both of her sprite galleries Minako's hair really doesn't seem to be dyed when you compare it to characters we know have dyed hair in the series (Emma has visible brown streaks in her blonde hair and Hajime's is really really light at the top for some reason)
And if this isn't enough, Linuj straight up adresses her as her own person in Yoruko's character sheet (translation by ToastCat333)
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So yeah, Amane, the totally real person who is not Minako Tomori! As much as this stuff annoys me, I can't say I'm not a fan of picking minor characters and making up ocs out of them, I'm curious to see what you'll make up of this character.
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tim-lucy · 2 years
Maybe I'm wrong but tim's "it's time for you to move on" also looked a little like defeat. Like he didn't believe he was a good enough reason for her to stay, so he didn't want to be in her way and called it quits?
YES I honestly think it could be interpreted in so many different ways!!
Honestly, Lucy should've moved on ages ago. She should've been assigned to a different T.O. back in season 2 when Tim was offered the sergeant position. There was no discussion when Angela took her detective promotion even though it meant leaving Jackson. Harper stopped training Aaron, Talia stopped training Nolan – it's just how it goes.
They're the only T.O./rookie duo we've seen stay together the entire rookie year and it isn't due to lack of opportunity on Tim's end. Even after her rookie year was over, they still wouldn't give each other up. Tim and Lucy kept using work as a reason to spend all their time together and they never had to decipher what it meant. Work was the perfect excuse (as always!! make out stop crime!!!).
I agree with what you said for sure!! But I also think everything clicked for Tim when Lucy wanted to pass up the UC opportunity. I really believe he knew that part of her was staying for him. It wasn't just because of her guilt over Chris. Tim was the real reason she didn't want to go, so he had to push her away. Once he did, she went.
While it might've been a good opportunity at first, being his aid wasn't furthering Lucy's UC career. She was riding with Tim because she wanted to be around him and, because he wanted to be around her too, he was letting it go on. I think once he realized his feelings, the underlying reason for their partnership became more clear. Obviously, they work great together and Lucy is perfect for him (in every way), but the situation was no longer benefiting her work-wise.
They had more time together than they were ever meant to because neither one wanted to let the other go IT'S FIIIIIINE 😭
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polarisjisung · 2 years
pretty boy
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as far as clichés go you and jisung fit every one, you're everything he wish he could have and he's everything you wish you could be, there's not a detail about him you could forget— except somehow you don't seem to remember his name
genre: romance
warnings: (mildly romanticised) smoking
a/n: overly amplified effects of smoking (like its a joke but not really? nothing too bad tho i promise!) [03/11/23— this is an old work and I'd like to think my writing has improved since so please bare that I mind while reading 💀]
jisung was no advocate of smoking, of skipping school for the sole purpose of getting wasted, of attending those god awful frat parties the night before an exam or slipping out of class just to feel the blunt between your fingers, puffs of smoke leaving your mouth
but for you he'd break all his rules
the girl he'd run into every friday night at precisely 03:19am at the same spot outside the cat cafe in 73rd Street, it was routine
you always seemed to have a small limp in your step, a slight pain in your eyes and a new bruise, or at least a darkened version of the previous somewhere on your body— sure he could think of a few reasons why you might be bruising or they might not be bruises at all but quite frankly how you ended up in that position was not his concern
treating your wounds, however, was right up his alleyway
besides, jisung knew not to worry. he had this undying trust in your words, and so he when you said it was nothing serious, he'd believe you every time
"this might be the worst I've ever seen you," he's quick to note, barely noticing your tired eyes behind the blue bruise and dark swelling that's formed over it. it was a shame, really. jisung had always thought you had beautiful eyes
you can barely let out a quiet chuckle without wincing in pain
"thanks pretty boy, I try my best"
jisung drags you into the convenience store to your left— he somehow finds himself secretly admiring your tough exterior
"you're lucky I'm still around, I was working the early shift tonight"
he wouldn't dare tell you that he stuck around just to be sat here with the cotton swabs doused in alcohol in his hand, pressing gently against your wounds, to make sure you weren't too badly injured, like in those god awful nightmares he'd started having recently— no, that was far too embarrassing and you really had a way to enhance embarrassment when the time came, so jisung had steered clear of that
you hum, and jisung begins to unwrap the band aids for your wounds, the ones he specifically kept out back even when they went out of stock, just in case you passed by, and you always did
his hair isn't its usual light blue tinge under the poor store lighting, this time, it's a purple sort of shade, you notice
"you dyed your hair"
jisung doesn't know what to say, nodding silently
it suits him, in fact it might be his best look yet, but you keep that to yourself— couldn't seem too thankful now, could you?
"so? any wild plans this weekend"
you shrug as he wraps up. this was your first weekend without a single clue what you'd be doing— suddenly, you had no interest in the parties you'd been invited to or the link ups or smoking sheshes you'd spontaneously plan or any sort of mischief or trouble you knew was routine for you at the weekend
admittedly part of it had to do with jisungs golden boy persona
jisung was perfect, quaterback, captain of the dance team, smartest guy you knew, good looking if that wasn't already blatantly obvious and a total sweetheart
and here you were inwardly flushing at his sweet gestures and biting back smiles at his small slip ups— as cliche as the situation might've been you certainly weren't stupid enough to not know what this was and if you had any reason to change it'd be for jisung
besides, damaging his reputation was the least of your intentions. maybe it was jisung who would change you for the better
so no, it didn't appeal to you the same as it once had
"that's a first"
"you tell me pretty boy, any plans?" jisung swear he's heard an angel at the sound of your deep broken chuckle
he looks up at you, dumbfounded, his hand returning to his side after he placed the first aid box, his first aid box reserved especially for you, on the top shelf of the storage cupboard
"I'd like to know"
jisung shakes his head and you get this feeling that you haven't answered his question quite the way he wanted you to
"why do you call me that" he questions, but you don't understand why of all the times he could've asked you, jisung asks you now
jisung had told you his name plenty of times before, but it just never stuck with you, and now, even though you knew practically everything about him, certainly his deepest secrets, his name was an absolute mystery to you
"I think you're pretty." well, you wouldnt say that wasn't a complete lie. It was more a less emphasised truth. you thought he was the prettiest, breathtaking in fact , but that didn't quite seem to have the same ring to it
jisung chuckles deeply, a loud laugh that comes from somewhere in the back of his throat with his head thrown back and his eyes closed slightly, the vibrations clearly visible in his exposed neck
"this black eye of yours seems to be affecting your vision, let's get you home huh?"
he throws his arm over your shoulder, and you walk through the cold night towards your apartment complex, well you assume its cold at least considering jisungs arm around you has your heart beating at heinous rates and you feel as feverish as ever, almost breaking into a sweat
its only when you reach your apartment door that you decide to break the silence and speak up again
"I mean what I said, night pretty boy" and jisung has the door shut in his face before he can even begin to formulate a response
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you hadn't always been a big fan of school uniforms, more specifically the name tag element, you just thought it looked tacky, but when you spot a familiar lilac haired boy, you'd never been more thankful
"psst park" you try and grab his attention and despite noticing jisung decides its best not to get him involved with you at school
you of course, know exactly what he's doing, choosing to walk up in front of him and lean down to grab his attention
"can we talk?" you gesture outside and jisung immediately knows where you're taking him, but complies anyways, it'd be far too much effort to think of a reason to avoid you— especially with his friends watching from beside him
"you couldn't hit a blunt by yourself?"
you shake your head, eyes closed, the image of jisung staring up at you amused from his seat on the fence clear in your mind
"I could, just wanted you beside me"
your advances have been clear as day since the first time you met jisung, but some part of you feels the need to prove that your behaviour to him is much more than your vicariously flirty personality
"you wanna try?"
this isn't the first time you've offered him a blunt, and it wouldn't be the first time he's turned you down, only this time he doesn't, taking a step forward with his outstretched hand
"you're sure?" you confirm, eyes locked, "no pressure or anything pretty boy"
"well then." you shrug."I guess I should give you a few warnings"
jisung rolls his eyes, a quiet fuck it escaping his lips as he takes a long puff, just the way he'd seen you do it, removing the blunt from his lips
"smoking is injurious to health"
"you're injurous to my health, dont see me going around telling you that do you beautiful"
a one hit wonder you think, clueless as to where jisungs sudden spurt of confidence had come from, the pep talk from chenle before you ended up here but you can't say you don't like it
just as he's about to go in again, jisung feels you snatch the blunt from between his fingers
"open your mouth"
you take a hit, pressing your lips to his in an attempt to shotgun the boy before you, the most lazy smile on his lips as he realises what you've done
you smirk, eyes lingering on the park as his stare intently into yours
"cat got your tongue?"
and before you can begin to tease any further jisung grabs you by the neck and joins your lips once again
"no you have"
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knoxic · 21 days
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Cycle of Greed
Azriel x reader | p1 - p2 - p3 - p4
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summary: summary: Azriel suspects Elain is his mate, reader is ignored, Rhysand and Cass are protective of reader, Lucien is a sweetheart
wc: 4,1k
warnings: cursing, cheating, Azriel
a/n: I honestly love this story sm, I wrote the majority of this in like a couple days but I took more time to make sure it was just as I wanted it. Btw I'm still not sure which path I'm gonna take in the end, I'll just keep writing and see what feels right
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"What are you doing here?" Azriel hissed.
"What am I..." You trailed off, shocked by your boyfriend's words. "What?!"
"You's here for the family dinner, obviously." The High Lord's voice echoed in the kitchen, his eyes darkened as Azriel met his gaze. They stared at each other for a while, the tension in the room making your cheeks heat with embarrassment, whatever this was, it had something to do with you.
"Guys– uh, what's– what's happening?" Your voice broke as you tired to speak, uncertainty clouded your mind.
"Yeah... What's happening, Az?" Rhys mumbled, the endearing nickname left his mouth wryly.
"Nothing." Without sparing you another look, Azriel left, his shoulder brushing against Rhysand's, as if he held himself back from bumping him. You tried calling after him, your pleas falling into deafened ears.
"Sweetheart–" Your High Lord closed his eyes, his trimmed brows furrowing.
You wanted to say something, anything, but nothing came out of your mouth. Rhys must've noticed your inner battle, you distantly notice him taking careful steps towards you, stopping when he was close enough that you couldn't look him in the eyes without lifting your head, his fingers slowly took your chin, prompting you to look at him. His eyes were sorrowful as he took you in, he could almost see your heart breaking. Without uttering a word he pulled you into a hug, different from the one he gave you when you arrived, this one was definitely for you.
You weren't sure how much time had passed, rationally you knew it was a couple minutes at most, the weight of many memories of Azriel's strange behavior hitting you at once. How could you not have noticed, the way he talked to you shortly, the way he looked at you– when he looked at you.
You remember finding excuses for him, so many times you had fooled yourself into thinking he was busy with work, or so stressed that he needed his brothers to hype him up. When in reality, he probably just didn't want to be near you.
It was like a switch flipped inside you, your emotions had gone from overwhelming to just barely there, you could still feel that gut wrenching feeling of being rejected, but your mind was clear.
You pulled your head from Rhysand's chest, now you could hear the sweet words he mumbled agaisnt your head, could feel his hand stroking your hair and back.
"Is Lucien coming?" His eyes widened at your words, either at them or the tone in which they were pronounced. Like nothing had happened.
"I– No. No, he said he was too tired from his mission to come." He spoke hesitantly, looking puzzled. You knew Lucien had lied, he does it so much now that it honestly surprised you that Rhys still believed him. Who could blame him for not wanting to come, his mate barely looked him in the eyes, what could he possibly gain from being here? A broken heart at seeing his mate in love with another?
Oh... It seemed so stupid now, how blind you were, how you denied yourself the truth, but now you could see everything.
"I'll go keep him company then."
"Keep company to whom?" Nesta said, walking in without sparing you a glance as she looked around for something.
"Lucien." You answered nonchalantly, it wasn't news to anyone that you were seeking Lucien, you both seemed to do that a lot at family gatherings. Now that you thought about it, maybe you had seen the way things were before and was just pretending not to, Lucien might've done the same. Perhaps you seeked each other out because you were the only ones who could understand.
"But Lucien isn't coming." She gave you a brief look over her shoulder before turning to pull a drawer open.
"Yeah, I'll go to his apartment." Rhys tilted his head, he took a deep breath before stuffing his hands into his pockets and leaning away.
"Why?! You just got here!" She turned fully to you now, glancing at her brother in law, something shifted in her eyes.
It was clear to you now that everyone knew, good, you didn't have to pretend that you weren't bothered by something. You watched them for a moment, Rhysand looked down, brushing invisible dirt on the floor with his shoe, Nesta eyed you up and down, apparently trying to understand how you were going to deal with this. Feyre's giggles approaching the kitchen made all three of you look at each other nervously, the High Lady fell silent as she arrived.
"What's going on?" She spoke slowly.
"Nothing." You didn't want to be there anymore, didn't want to see more faces as they realized you had come to your senses. You pushed off the counter you were leaning against and left the kitchen, no one followed you or tried to stop you, fortunately nobody saw you leave the house.
You walked up the stairs slowly, feeling weighed down, calm steps called your attention, you head snapped up to meet familiar russet and golden eyes.
Lucien seemed surprised to see you, his eyebrows lifting slightly, his hair was up in a bun, a few strands fell down his face and you watched as he pushed it behind his ear, his lips slowly turned into a smile
"You're here." His eyes drifted to the floor, his foot moving as if he was unsure where to step.
"I'm here..."  You contemplated if you should've brought something with you, perhaps drowning your emotions with wine wasn't a bad idea.
"I've got that wine you like." He pulled away from the railing, prompting you to walk up to him.
"You've read my mind." You couldn't help but smile, something about him always eased your mood.
You walked up together, your arms occasionally brushing. His scent enveloped you as you entered his apartment, you've been here many times but it never failed to amaze you how comforting this place was, maybe it was the mixture of Autumn and Spring colors, maybe it was the warmth, or maybe just the feeling of... safety. Here you didn't have to walk on eggshells, didn't have to worry if something you said or did would upset him. You loved Azriel, gods, you really did, but sometimes being around him affected you negatively, and you've turned a blind eye to it for so many years. Azriel still carried too many traumas, and he couldn't heal from them if he kept acting like they didn't exist, like they didn't affect him and the people around him, especially you.
"Go sit down, I'll get the wine." Lucien rested a hand on your lower back, his thumb rubbed circles on you for a moment before he pulled back.
You sat at his couch and immediately felt your aching legs and feet tingle with residual pain. Your clothes and accessories weren't the most comfortable ones, only meant to look pretty, your shoes squeezed your feet even now that you were sat. Before you could lower a hand to rub them, Lucien came back, two glasses of wine in hand, he handed one to you before settling down on the other end of the couch. You two sipped the wine silently, you pondering your thoughts and feelings and Lucien his.
"Did you see her?" He asked quietly, almost unsure.
"I did." You didn't need to ask who, and you hoped he could feel your hurt through your tone. Out of all of your friends, Lucien was the one you couldn't lie to, you didn't even want to, because he was the most likely to understand. If something embarrassing happened to you and left you mortified, he'd tease and laugh of course, but he'd also comfort you and act like it was normal, he'd probably even make something even more embarrassing happen to someone else so the focus wasn't on you. It happened before.
"And," he sighed, "Azriel?" He watched you, looking for something on your face, you weren't sure of what but you saw the moment he found it. You hummed a response, he set his eyes on a random spot on the fireplace, you could swear you saw smoke rising from an old piece of firewood. "What are you going to do?" That was a question you hadn't yet asked yourself.
"I don't know..." You whispered, not trusting your voice to not break if you spoke any louder. You expected him to change the subject, you didn't know what else to say about Azriel and Elain, there was nothing you could do to change their feelings.
"I think..." Lucien trailed off, watching the rest of the wine in his glass before downing it. "I think I'll give up." You felt like he still had something to say so you kept quiet. "I held onto some silly hope that she'd see me as something more... as just something, really," he laughed humorlessly, "I tried so hard, and for what? I always thought that when I found my mate, it would be my 'happy ever after', as stupid as it sounds to say it aloud now. My brother– Eris, used to read me a bedtime story almost every night when I was a kid, there was one night he read one of his own books because– well, it's not important why. It was about two souls fated to be together, in every timeline, in every world, anywhere one existed the other would follow... That was the first time I heard about the mating bond. The idea of having another soul fated to mine... I used to dream of that."
You weren't prepared for that, nothing could've prepared you for that. There was a time you thought Lucien's mouth would be his ruin, you never expected it to be yours.
"Lu..." You whimpered.
"I don't even want her anymore, I think." He rubbed his temples and groaned. "She doesn't want me, she treats me as if I'm the worst male ever! I hate the way they all treat me, I'm so tired of feeling... used. I thought I had left all this sick pain behind when I was exiled but this... I don't want this." His eyes shined with unshed tears, as one rolled down his cheek you threw yourself at him. The wine glass in Lucien's hand met the ground with a thud, the fall softened by the carpet.
You only realized you were crying with him because your cheek slipped against his neck, his immaculate shirt was now crumpled and wet. There was no consolation, no comforting words, just the raw pain crawling out both of your chests. The claw holding your heart slowly softened its grip. Lucien clingged to you like a vine, his hands grasped your clothes and body urgently, his face hidden in your neck.
"What if someone sees us?" Elain squealed, giggles escaping her pink lips.
"Shhh! Rhysand is going to kill me if he catches me here." Azriel whispered placing a scarred hand on her mouth, trying to muffle the sounds coming from her. He watched from up close the moment her pupils dilated, he gaped at the sight and the scent of her arousal hit his tongue. Up until now they had never gone beyond holding hands and lingering touches, that was about to change. Elain's hands found his neck, urging him to bend down closer to her, her tongue darted out to lick her lips, his eyes caught the motion and he couldn't resist the urge to do it himself. The tip of his tongue met her soft lips, just a mere brush, Elain wasn't having that though, her fingers tangled in his dark hair and pulled him down, her mouth open to catch his tongue.
A gentle suck on his tongue turned into a kiss, and a kiss soon turned into clothes scattered across the ground, moans and whimpers leaving their mouths. Azriel slipped his hands under her thighs, marking her neck with kisses and bites, her arms hugged his neck. Elain's moans were getting louder and louder, he tried muffling them with his mouth. He walked towards her bed, laying her down on it, her legs tightened around his waist, the pressure she put making him grind down on her. The only thing keeping them apart was the fabric of their undergarments.
A hand around his shoulders pulled him up, his back slamming agaisnt the nearest wall, his left wing hit the edge of a dresser. Azriel couldn't decide if his breathing was cut short by the force in which he was thrown, or if it was because of the forearm against his neck. He expected it to be Rhysand, it wouldn't be the first time his brother had initiated a physical fight, nor would it be the last. But it was Cassian, his emotion ridden brother, the one who often broke their fights. Cassian snarled, his fist colliding with Azriel's stomach.
"Az!" Elain yelled, almost leaving the bed before realizing how bare she was.
"Stay away from this, Elain!" Nesta snapped, standing in the doorway watching the scene. Elain ignored her, standing up with the sheets wrapped around her body.
"Cass, get away from him! Az wasn't hurting me, I wanted it too." She pulled at Cassian's arm, who didn't budge.
"Yeah, I'm sure you did." He mocked, his eyes locked on his brother. Azriel struggled to push him away.
"Come with me, you and I need to talk." Nesta eyed Elain, "And put some clothes on." She mumbled with disgust. The seer cast them one last look before following her sister.
Cassian made a move to back away, the arm pressing against Azriel's neck slipped away. As he pulled back, the shadowsinger tsked, earning an elbow to the face.
"I don't even know what to say..." Cassian shook his head, strands of hair fell from his messy bun. "I– Gods, Azriel... I can't believe you!" His hands rubbed his face.
"There's nothing to say." Azriel muttered, he at least had the decency to cover his half hard member with his hands.
"Nothing to say?!" The Illyrian breathed out. "Perhaps." He nodded, more to himself than Azriel. "But you know who is gonna have something to say? Your girlfriend. If you've forgotten, I'll remind you. The girl who has loved you for over a century, the one who always stood by your side, the girl who'd rather hurt herself than slightly piss you off. She'd do anything for you, brother... How could you do it?" They stared at each other for a while, Cassian wouldn't stop him if he tried to put his clothes back on, but Azriel didn't seem to mind standing there in only his underwear. The weight of humiliation covered him enough.
The room became a tad darker, shadows that did not resemble his own came to a stop before him, Cassian's hazel eyes met his through the shadow before violet ones took over, the shadow solidified into Rhysand. Azriel opened his mouth to stop his rebuking, but the High Lord's fist collided with his face, the contact emitting a loud crack. The spymaster groaned, his hands tried to inspect his nose but another punch hit his jaw, sending him stumbling back against the wall. Hands pushed his shoulders so he'd stand on his full height.
"Were my orders not enough?! Are you so sick you don't even feel ashamed?" Another fist against his cheek, blood warmed his lips. "How many times do I have to tell you, Azriel? How many more times will you act so stupidly, so reckless?! You have five hundred years on your back and still act like a horny teenager, and that's not even an excuse!" Rhysand kicked Azriel's leg to the side, his knees slamming into the ground. "I don't want to have to tell you the reasons why this– this fucking 'relationship' is wrong, but apparently I'm gonna have to." His fingers gripped the Spymaster's hair, tilting his head back and delivering a punch on his already bruising face. "First of all, you're taken," another punch to his jaw, "second of all, Elain has a mate! Who could damn well invoke a blood duel if he wanted to," another punch, right on his broken nose, making Azriel groan out in pain, "and third– Fucking shit..." The High Lord shook his head, letting go of Azriel's hair, he turned away, Cassian walked closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. There was a moment of silence and Azriel wondered if they were done, as he looked up to be sure, his brothers were looking at each other, no doubt having a conversation in their minds. This was far from done.
His whole body ached, his nose was fixed but still hurt, his stomach tensed with pain everytime he moved. His left wing slumped on the couch, a tendon screamed at him whenever he tried to lift it. He got what he deserved and he was aware of it, but he couldn't help but be upset. The way his brothers treated him, as if their friendship wasn't centuries old, as if he was just their friend's stupid boyfriend.
The front door clicked open, his girlfriends scent reaching his sore nose, mixed with something else. A low growl echoed around the house
"Gods, you reek of him!" Azriel gritted his teeth. Leisurely standing up and limping towards her.
"I had a couple bottles of wine with him." You didn't bother looking at him, your moves unhurried as you took your shoes off. Shadows curled around your body, announcing your boyfriend's presence behind you.
"Oh, that's just it?" Azriel mocked. "I thought you had decided to stay for dinner, why didn't you?"
"Huh, are you really asking me that, Azriel?" You turned to him, his eyes locking on yours with fury.
"Why did you go to him?" He purposefully avoided your question.
"Why? Are you scared I'm gonna cheat on you?" You smirked, anger slowly building up inside you. How could he act like that?
"What were you doing with Lucien, Ace?" He gritted each word out, his shadows growing restless with his unease.
"You think you still have the right to ask me that? And because of Lucien? Gods..." You tried to walk away, Azriel's hand on your arm pulling you back made your building anger start to boil. "What do you want, Azriel? I didn't sleep with him if that's what you're asking..." Your nostrils flared. "Maybe I should've." You snatched your arm from his grip and walked away. The bedroom door was almost closed behind you when a loud smash resounded from the first floor, loud footsteps approaching.
"You can't just walk away from this!" Azriel yelled, pushing the door so hard that it left a dent on the wall where the handle hit.
"Oh, I can't but you can ignore our issues just fine?!" You turned, pointing a finger at him.
"Don't do this." He warned.
"Do what? Verbalize what we've been going through?" You gave him a moment to answer, a chance for him to explain his actions. But Azriel remained silent, watching you as if you'd done something wrong. "We have issues, Az... and I'll be honest and say I turned a blind eye to it, for a really long time. If you wanted to breakup, you should've just said–"
"Why are you speaking in past tense?" He muttered.
"Because it doesn't matter anymore." Your words were well pronounced, no doubt lingering in your tone. "I care about you, Azriel, I really, really do. If you told me you wanted to break up, I would be fine with it, because I love you and I want you to be happy. But you didn't, you lied,  you ignored me, and now you–" you sighed, dropping on the bed, "Gods, you– you think I 'reek' of Lucien, Az? Do you know what you reek of?" By the look Azriel gave you before averting his gaze to the floor, he knew. "You didn't even have the decency to wash away her scent. It's almost like you wanted me to catch it–"
"No! I just got here, I didn't have time. It wasn't my intention." His hands were up in a defensive manner.
"It's that supposed to make me feel better?" You scoffed.
"I– No, I just..." 
"You just?" Azriel didn't answer, still refusing to meet your eyes. "Azriel."
"I'm sorry! Okay?" His head snapped up. "Elain might be my mate, and I want to give it a chance!" Azriel yelled, he had been doing that a lot lately.
"Give it a chance? What the fuck?!" You shot up, your hands slapped your thighs in frustration. "If you told me that earlier, I would let you go. I understand how important finding your mate is for you." Your eyes were stinging with tears, tears you refused to let him see. "Why didn't you say anything? Why?! Did you really have to–"
"I didn't go all the way." Azriel whispered, almost unsure. Perhaps... disappointed.
"What?" you scoffed, "Are you expecting a 'thank you' or something?"
"No, I'm just letting you know."
"Ah, now you decide to let me know..." A humorless laugh escaped your mouth. "Doesn't change the fact that you cheated on me." That was the first time you uttered those words, and the fact that they came out so clearly surprised you.
"Ace..." His eyes slipped close.
"Lucien offered me his guest room, I think I'm gonna take it. Spending a few days away might be best for both of us, I don't want this to end in bad terms"
"Wait, what are you talking about?" Azriel took a few steps towards you, his left hand gesturing for you to hold on.
"What do you think I'm talking about? Weren't you going to breakup with me?" Azriel silently watched you, his eyes twitched slightly with emotions you couldn't place. "I'm saving you the effort. We're over." The awkwardness in the room was almost crushing. Azriel didn't say anything and you both just stared at each other, you didn't know what to say to make it better, and Azriel seemed to be too deep in thought to notice the weird silence.
"Please come visit every once in a while. Rhys and Cass would take turns on killing me if they knew you left because of me." Azriel spoke after a moment. His words made the boiling anger inside you spill.
"That's all you have to say? Really?!" He seemed surprised by your sudden outburst. "Don't worry, I'll keep in contact, whether you like it or not, they're my friends too. About Rhysand and Cassian killing you... I'm not sure there's anything I can do, you did that to yourself." And with that you turned your back and walked to your closet, selecting a few articles of clothing before putting them in a small bag. After gathering enough clothes for a few days, you walked into the bathroom to collect your hygiene products. When everything was packed and ready to go, you went back to the bedroom. Azriel sat at the end of the bed, apparently waiting for you, as soon as you walked in his eyes examined the bags in your hands.
"That seems like a lot of things for 'just a few days'." He all but rolled his eyes at you. You chose to ignore him, making your way to the door without looking at him, before you could leave though, a thought surged through your head.
"Can I just ask you something?" You almost glanced back over your shoulder, but the thought of meeting the hazel eyes you loved so much made you hesitate. You knew they wouldn't show the fondness they usually carried when he looked at you, now it belonged to another female.
"Yes." He spoke quietly, as he usually did with strangers.
"Please don't bring her here." A defeated sigh escaped your lips, "we chose this house together, it holds many happy and important memories... it was meant to be the house we would start our family in. Please, if you intend to live with her someday, chose another house, okay?" Now you couldn't help but look back, just in time to see the emotions take over his features. So many that you couldn't place just one. Azriel's only response was a slight nod, hesitant, his Adam's apple bobbed, as if he tried to clear his throat to speak but decided against it.
Leaving Azriel was tough decision, he was everything to you. For a long time all you cared about was his happiness, and you still did, but what about your feelings? You deserve happiness too. And if you had to find it without him, as hard as it might be, that's what you should do.
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a/n: I giggled so much writing Lucien, like he was just
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taglist: @going-through-shit @crazylokonugget @meritxellao @cleverzonkwombatsludge @paintedbyshadows @mp-littlebit @rcarbo1 @that-one-little-soybean @scatteredstardustt @littlepippilongstocking @lorosette @minnieoo @hailqueenconquer @azriels-shadowsinger @blessthepizzaman @chelsiemp @saltedcoffeescotch @thestartitaness @historygeekqueen @sillyfreakfanparty @entr4p3 @warmdragonfly @clementine111002 @azriel-shadowsingerr @amiime @anuttellaa @loulou0101 @acourtofbatboydreams
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
AH. OKAY. SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT. First off, thank you for blessing us today with three parts. I would've said you're a saint but with how you've been tearing our hearts apart, it begs to differ. So thank you, you wonderful devil (affectionate). ANYWAY. Again, I'm going to tackle this by part because I really don't want to miss anything.
First, when Pocket woke up in that pool of blood my immediate thought was: "oh, maybe it's just her period and she forgot." And I really went on in this whole "well, that's a good thing because at least she's not pregnant" and "wow she really does get bad cramps then" even when she passed out because I know a friend who actually passed out from cramps. I kid you not only after the next part did I realize how much of a dumbass I was 😭 like girl, you don't bleed that much during your period. And my second thought was that it had something to do with the drugs which ??? I don't think you bleed out from overdose. Honestly, I was still waking up when I read that part, my braincells hadn't turned on fully yet. Idk i just ruled out her being pregnant because I was convinced she was poisoned LMAO.
Now their first interaction again went as expected, Pocket being angry and Bucky being a sad puppy. But, it did get a little intense though. The way Pocket reacted to the news was a bit, well, cruel and callous. There's no denying that. Like, I genuinely felt like I didn't know her because she's never typically this mean. But then again, she just found out she was pregnant and had a miscarriage at the same fucking time. AND you have the person who's hurt you, someone you hadn't seen in months in the same room. Bucky was also pushing boundaries with the way he reacted too, because at the end of the day, it is Pocket's choice whether she wants to keep the baby or not. And obviously, he can have his opinion being the father of the child but he's not gonna be the one who'd carry it for 9 months and get his body all fucked up so ultimately, he doesn't get the final say. HOWEVER. Pocket didn't have to be so cruel with that "trash taking itself out" line because it was obvious it meant something to Bucky, especially a man from the 40s who has different views on the whole, fetus doesn't equal a conscious baby etc. Sure, if probably given the chance he'd understand the gist of it, but right in the moment when they just found out the news? It was just a really mean thing to say. But again, they're both running on intense emotions so I can't blame either of them for how they handled things.
With that said, I truly do think this whole thing is going to affect Pocket more than she's letting on. Because they DO NOT NEED A BABY RIGHT NOW and she has all the right to not keep it when she would've found out about the pregnancy. But, with her miscarriage? This is yet another choice that was taken from her. Obviously, with the circumstances bringing a child into it is just never going to happen. But I have a feeling deep down, that she probably wanted it and if things were different she would've kept it. I mean, she said it herself at the last part, it probably was something she wanted too. So once she's calmed down and has the time to truly think about what just happened, it's going to hit her much harder than she's going to expect. I mean, I could be wrong, this is all just my assumptions. But in the next part, she did admit that she cared. So this whole thing is going to add another stack to her already growing guilt.
Now, with these next points, I'm probably going to get so much slack but, hey, I'm just here to share my opinion at the end of the day and some might not agree with it. But when they got back to the safe house, I felt a little iffy about Pocket blaming it ALL on Bucky as to why she's acting this way. Like, yes, he might've been the biggest reason she was pushed towards the edge and was sleeping around and doing drugs but, well, she still has some fault in that too. She can't just say that's what Bucky made her out to be because she still made these choices. Yes, she was acting on hurt and anger that was caused by him and yes he fucked up so bad that it caused her to act this way, but she still has some bit of fault in this too. Not everything, obviously, she wasn't in the right state both mentally and emotionally, but she made some bad choices and she won't be able to get through that and be able to learn from it if she's just going to point fingers.
And again, I'm probably going to get so much slack for this but in my opinion, Pocket needed that scolding when Bucky found the remnants of cocaine. Unfortunate it's coming from the person who hurt her the most but, either way, she needed someone to snap her out of this daze of always wanting to numb herself and actually get to see that there's going to be dire consequences if she kept going this route. Because Bucky was right. It's not even just about the baby anymore. She could've died. Can you imagine what that would've done to the people who cared about her? Sam when he's the one who left here there? Tony who's the person who suggested she go on that mission in the first place? Pocket was losing sight of that, so she really did need Bucky to remind her. And she needed to have that breakdown too. She's been running away for far too long and it's going to end up killing her if she keeps going. I mean, it almost did.
And I will say, you can clearly see how much Bucky has grown, despite it being off screen. With him mentioning that he's not expecting anything back from her, that he's going to accept his fate whether she decides to forgive him or not, it is quite refreshing. Like you can see someone who's clearly seen how much he's fucked up and has realized that what he's done is possibly unforgivable and is willing to accept that he's not going to get the love of his life back. Two months of therapy has done him good. I truly do believe that Bucky will be able to redeem himself because he's already shown some growth. I'm so happy that they're starting to have these conversations now too. It really does seem like they're on the healing path. All they need to do is to talk everything out. Even if it won't end in the getting back together, they could salvage some friendship at least.
Lastly, I know there's this argument that people are being too easy on Bucky. And while I don't condone any of the shit he's done, I mean, he still fucked up. But, I might seem that I'm being too forgiving because one, this is just fiction. If someone was like this in real life I'm out. And two, which is the same with the first one, Bucky's case isn't exactly as black and white as most men are. I mean, he's 106 years old, he's been tortured, used, abused, brainwashed for the 70 years and he can't remember most of it, he's a man out of time and he's clearly not yet healed. And I don't think you can't just take all of that into account as to why he is the way he is. BUT BUT again, this doesn't excuse his actions. He still needs to apologize and grovel and get himself together and fix things and do right with Pocket. It just means that I'm not going to view him as some evil asshole who's malicious and gets off from hurting the people he loves. Because he's not. He's a good man who has a good heart but unfortunately has made some terrible choices due to his circumstances. I mean, that doesn't mean he's immediately forgiven. It just means I can give him a bit of grace and empathy and see where he's coming from you know?
Anyway, I'm going to end this by saying, there's truly no villain between him and Pocket, they're both just so human. So there's really no need to pick sides or to argue who's better than who or who’s fully wrong and who's fully right etc etc. (Well, apart from Judas bc she's clearly the villain in every narrative in this story). This is getting so long, I'm so sorry. But you're amazing, and I truly do enjoy this story so much. Lots of love!
— Jnon 🤍
Hell, beloved bestie!
You know, I will happily take Wonderful Devil over Saint any day of the week, so I thank you, lol.
Pocket was also super in denial when she woke up in the puddle of blood. With everything that had been going on in her life, a pregnancy was by far the absolute LAST thing on her mind. It was more logical to think that someone had broken in during the night to stab her, lol. And I really, really, did push the possible poisoning narrative, just because so many people had clued into her being pregnant, I was like "shit! gotta toss a red herring!"
When Pocket got the news (plus the added stress of Bucky just being there), she was in shock. I hated writing her so callous, but I had to think: If I were in her situation, and I hadn't had the opportunity to really process this, and I was running solely on the anger I felt for my ex, how would I respond in my worst moment? And that's what I came up with. Bucky was right, though, when he told her that she didn't mean it. She didn't. She was just trying to make him hurt, and to convince herself (as well as him) that she wouldn't have wanted his baby.
As for Bucky pushing boundaries, I think that, if things had been different and they found out about the pregnancy earlier, and had had the opportunity to actually discuss it, if Pocket had truly wanted an abortion, he would have supported her. It was just the surprise of the moment, and him being from the 40s where that kind of thing wasn't really openly talked about. They were both feeling immense emotions at the moment, and neither one came out looking their best.
And yeah, when she has time to actually sit down and process everything, it's going to hit her, hard. Unfortunately, that's not going to be able to happen for awhile, and off page, because shit's about to go down real soon, and our story (or, this part of it, anyway) will wrap up before she gets the chance to deal with things.
And no, you are totally right-- it's not all Bucky's fault. Yeah, he hurt her, but Pocket chose to deal with that hurt the way she did. There were so many other things she could have done (hello, what happened to tried and true stress eating? lol), but she chose self destruction. The same way he's responsible for the way he handled Carthage, she's responsible for the way she's handled this. And Bucky definitely needed to open the can of tough love on her. I honestly don't think she would have accepted it from anyone else but him. He said harsh truths that she needed to hear. It's the kick in the pants she needed to stop running and start facing shit.
They'll be doing some more talking in 26, too. And I hope the extent of his growth will show more there.
"He's a good man who has a good heart but unfortunately has made some terrible choices due to his circumstances." THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Yes, this is what I'm trying to show for him. He's just a human, who has been put though extremely shit circumstances. He made some bad choices, much like Pocket has, and he's learning from them!
I so appreciate you saying there's no villain between the two of them. They are just two truly flawed individuals. Cunthage is the only villain in this story! <3
As always, I love hearing from you, and picking your thoughts! You make my day!
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Since I hardly ever read Youtube comments on purpose, much less endeavor to carry on a conversation or whatever with someone on there, I will unfortunately subject you all (although I'm putting it below a read-more, so you have the choice to read it or not) to my critique of a comment on that video that made my eyes nearly roll out of my head.
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I don't know if it's men immediately associating everything done by [presumably cishet] men with masculinity, or if men are also inclined to associate everything done by women with femininity...but...yeah, that's probably the case here.
And, yeah, I'm sorry, but HOW EXACTLY is "In a Big Country" a "boisterous, masculine, joyous song"?! You know, the song with the lyrics "Stay alive"? The song with the lyrics "Pull up your head off the floor/Come up screaming/Cry out for everything you ever might've wanted"? That's masculine? That's JOYOUS? THAT'S PAIN; DEEP, EMOTIONAL PAIN. Dear god. I'm not sure who doesn't seem to understand masculinity or joy here. Is it me?
Because to me, especially, when I hear the line "Stay alive," I hear someone - gender considered or no - who STRUGGLES to [want to] stay alive, so that it is a deeply-felt, fervent wish that everyone who hears it continues to stay alive because that might possibly be his last hope/dream that he can depend on and take a semblance of comfort in. WHERE DOES JOY COME INTO THAT?
I'm...I'm...once again...ONCE...AGAIN...men fail to comprehend the real emotional depth intended in art. Even when originally shared by another man/men (considering what Tony Butler said on behalf of December's cover, I'm giving all of Big Country the benefit of the doubt that they knew what was at stake in the song - emotionally).
I am just shaking my damn head because I think even Stuart would laugh over that comment. I think he'd be like 'Boisterous? Joyous? Okay, show me where.' "Boisterous" MAYBE in their live performances of the song, and YET Stuart's loud and obvious urge to the audience to "stay alive" during those same performances is as genuine and serious as one can get in rock music, I think. No, I don't know who Stuart Adamson was in real life, never met him, never had the chance to know him or talk with him, etc....but from his music considered primarily, and performances and interviews considered second, I do not think he would genuinely entertain that. Maybe - maybe he would humor that comment in a 'Well, I'm just the artist, but once it's shared with the world it's not really mine anymore' type of way, but I don't think he would seriously agree.
And for the last motherfucking time (I WISH!!!), just because a woman/femme sings on a song does not automatically make it feminine. WHAT is it with people and 'perceived gender does something = that thing that was done is now apparently gendered'? Although, of course, that fails to consider that anything "non-feminine" that men do is normal (because men are the default) and anything "non-feminine" that women do is now assigned female [task/title]. Like, jesus, for fuck's sake, it's almost like IT'S JUST THE SHADOW OF THE PEOPLE WE SHOULD BE. (I'm dying on that hill.)
The real thing, in my grain-of-salt of an opinion, about this cover that deserves to be pointed out instead is that it finally reflects the intended emotional depth of the song, supported largely by the added, closing lyrics of the song: "Sometimes it's hard to stay alive." Because that's what Stuart meant by the song. He listed all of his observations about how difficult life had been lately ("I've never seen you look like this without a reason/Another promise falling through/Another season passes by you/I never took the smile away from anybody's face/And that's a desperate way to look/For someone who is still a child"), presented his coping mechanisms ("I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert/But I can live and breathe/And see the sun in wintertime/In a big country dreams stay with you/Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside"), and then said, 'BUT IN SPITE OF ALL THAT, if I can't go through with all of this - if all of these things don't work out for me – I hope they work for you, because I want you all to stay alive; do as I say, not as I do' - "Stay alive."
December's cover of this song sees the original writer's intent and renders it poignantly, lyrically and in the music - and damn well perfectly.
I could've just said that one sentence ^ though, and it would've made far more sense than whatever the hell that dude said about gender expectations. lol
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unboundwanderers · 2 years
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@lunaetis whispered: “All we do is think about the feelings that we hide.” [ abyss lumine to war ! ] STAYING THE NIGHT PROMPTS | ACCEPTING
               He looked up from the shattered casing of The Dalek. For the last few moments, they'd been sitting in silence while The War Doctor had been calculating what The Daleks might've wanted with an alternative abyss, and why they were going out of their way to mount a full-scale invasion against an army and a place of this scope. These Daleks seemed smaller, skinnier, their designs more compact- they seemed to harken back to the earliest design of Dalek this man had ever seen. "Invasion models? But for what purpose?" He looked at the inner casing. A Khaenri'ah guard had destroyed it but was shot by The Dalek during its death. Always taking something with it, even in death. The Doctor let out a sigh as he continued looking inside The Dalek's casing.
               Then this alternate Lumine spoke. She dressed, spoke, and seemed a lot like the Aether he'd met in his Lumine's timeline. 'Prince of The Abyss' he'd been called, so he only assumed Lumine had gone down a similar road, or at least a more tragic one. They'd exchanged words, previously- as this man had gone through a bit of an experience. The Time War was eating away at the gate of this universe, but it hadn't experienced the worst of it, yet- so The Doctor had found himself hopping around different points of this universe's timeline- chasing the invading Dalek army. In the process, he'd accidentally watched this Lumine's life pass in a flash of a moment. "Yes... I suppose." He wasn't really sure how to talk to her, and what to talk about. She seemed eager to convince him of something. "I have nothing to hide, though, I'm afraid. I know what kind of man, I am." He said.
               He had NEVER introduced himself to her, he'd NEVER given her his name. He'd ALWAYS been this figure that seemingly hopped through her life, never aging- never changing. He had muddy brown hair, almost grey-like- tied in an awful bun, but the hairband was a soft white (aged, unfortunately) but it CLEARLY belonged to someone else. So did The Bandaid across his nose. He kept MOMENTOS. The rest of his outfit was a contrast. A brown leather U-Boat jacket, a grey waistcoat, a bandolier, and a faded red scarf. His pants were dark orange and his boots were covered in mud, but hidden by some World War-style Gaiters. In the bandolier, rested only one thing- a cylindrical silver device with a red endcap and a red light on the end.
               "Now why are they attacking, I wonder? They took over the abyss in my timeline fairly recently." He stopped to ponder something. He pulled the Kaled Mutant out from the Dalek casing, throwing the mutated squid aside and looking inside the circuitry. He realized something quickly when he examined it all. He gave each wire a scan with The Sonic Screwdriver from his bandolier. "Oh OF course!! It's The Abyss!! The Howling!! The Void!!" He looked toward Lumine, distracted by the information he'd realized- talking to her as if they were exactly the same as the one he'd met.
               "You see, the Void is OUTSIDE of Time & Space, so it doesn't have any doppelgangers!! It just has one void. It's the space between spaces." He moved to wiggle his hand, "Your abyss kingdoms- they just occupy different spaces, far out from each other! So you think there's only one!! But miles away!! In an abyss nobody can navigate on their own- You have other palaces, the same palaces!! Occupied by DOPPLEGANGERS!!" He pounded The Dalek's casing, letting out a long sigh, "I understand, now." He stood up and looked outside the windows of the throne room. Her Abyss Kingdom was burning, "And we should do the same... navigate the abyss... because I'm sorry, your soldiers are no match for The Daleks." He knew the Abyss could fall to The Daleks before, they'd taken it once in the past- his past- before, and those were primitive models- only a fraction as strong as The Daleks he was facing in The Time War.
                                                                           "Order them to withdrawal."
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missymurphy1985 · 2 years
One Shot Smut Challenge
The Check Up - AU Cillian Murphy X fem!reader One Shot
Warning - Medical Misconduct (😏) - fingering - sex in a doctor's office
Cillian isn't the actor we all know him as... He's your gynaecologist...
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton @jardinsecos @bitchwhytho @gypsy-girl-08 @queenofkings1212 @look-at-the-soul
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Waiting rooms were boring. Painfully boring. A gynae waiting room? Even worse. Full of women who frankly wanted to be anywhere else but here.
And the women who shared the room with you were no exception. Twiddling their thumbs, or playing on their phones, no one made eye contact knowing that on the other side of the door they were all going to have their most intimate areas examined by some random man with a speculum and rubber gloves.
Your usual gynaecologist, Dr. Kate Bradley, was on maternity leave, and had been replaced by a Dr. Cillian Murphy. You'd never met him, but a letter had gone out to all of Dr Bradley's patients explaining the change. You'd heard through the grapevine that a few patients had refused to see him - worried he would be a creepy old pervert who wouldn't take their concerns seriously, but you didn't have an issue. After having your son nearly four years earlier, you weren't bothered about things like that as long as you got what you needed.
And all you needed was your Mirena Coil replacing. A standard procedure you'd had before. Not that another baby was possible - your husband, Daniel's father, and you had separated amicably six months earlier. But heavy periods didn't sound like something you wanted to go back to, so here you were. The last patient to be seen on this rainy Friday afternoon.
"Miss Y/L/N?" The receptionist called and you stood up.
"Dr Murphy will see you now," she smiled, gesturing towards the door. You nodded and made your way over, knocking the door and hearing a deep voice call for you to come in.
"Miss Y/L/N, take a seat," he smiled, offering you a chair as he took the one opposite you by his desk. A warm, friendly smile that instantly made you smile back. His eyes were the bluest you'd ever seen - ocean blue with a shine that lit the whole room up and eased any tensions you might've had.
"You're here to have the coil fitted, right?"
"Do you want me to bring Louise in as a chaperone?"
"Do I need one?"
"Most women prefer it with a male doctor."
"I'm sure I'll be fine Dr. Murphy."
"Very well. If you want to remove everything from the waist down and climb up onto the bed, legs in those stirrups for me. I'll be back in a few minutes."
He left you to it, and you did as he asked. Once in the bed, legs in the air, you steadied your breathing. He was far from the creepy pervert you subconsciously expected. He was absolutely gorgeous.. how the hell you were expected to relax with him between your legs was beyond you...
The time passed quickly, and he was back in the room. You held the small sheet over your knees and took a deep breath. The last coil you had fitted was quite uncomfortable to insert, and you felt yourself tensing already.
He came through and wheeled a small stool in front of you, arranging a selection of speculums and other tools on a tray to his left.
"Are you okay?" He asked, gently squeezing your ankle and looking around at you. You nodded, nervously.
"I know it's not the most pleasant experience, I'll go slow and steady. If I hurt you at any point, tell me and I'll stop, okay?"
"I'm going to open you up - I think I'll use the smallest speculum first. It'll be cold, deep breaths and relax for me." His smooth Irish accent was intensely soothing, and also incredibly arousing... Stop it, YN, he's a gynaecologist and he'll KNOW if you're turned on...
You felt the device at your opening, and immediately tensed, preventing it from entering you.
"You like music?" He asked, standing up and turning the radio on. The music helping a little, if only to distract you.
"Relax Miss YLN, big deep breaths. Let's try again."
Your mind went into overdrive.
Did you shower this morning?
Did you shave?
Oh my god, did you forget to shave one of your legs again?
What if it doesn't look nice..?
"Okay," he said, standing up and placing a hand on your knee.
"What's wrong?"
"You're too tense. I can't get the speculum in."
"Oh... Erm..."
"We can reschedule?"
"No.. no I have to go away with work next week and I won't be back for a while, my periods are too heavy without the coil..."
"You need to relax, YN, I can't get in there with you this tense."
"I'll try and relax... I swear."
His eyes changed slightly. A flash of uncertainty, or was that cockiness?
"I'm gonna try again, one more time. I think I know what might help."
"It's very unconventional. Unprofessional too... Extremely unethical..."
His right hand moved from your knee, but his eyes never left yours. You jumped a little as you felt something brush tenderly against your folds, and bit your lip. He took that as a sign to continue, and you heard his rubber gloves snap as they came off his hands.
"Will you let me help you relax?" He asked, those piercing eyes locked onto yours. You nodded, almost hypnotised by him.
"Close your eyes for me.." you closed them and felt his fingers separate your lower lips, stroking over the flesh gently and taking his seat again.
"I won't need the lubricant for this," he smirked, gathering your slick wetness on two fingers before sliding them over your swollen clit. You covered your mouth to stop the loud cry from alerting the whole clinic, his fingers working their magic over you quickly.
"I need you relaxed. If I let you cum, will you let me inside?" His soft voice was turning you on so much, you were nodding almost frantically. Your hand still covering your mouth, your hips rocking against his fingers. Your eyes looked down - you couldn't see him but fuck, could you feel him. His fingers gliding over your clit expertly - you could feel yourself coming undone quicker than any man had managed before.
"That's it, open that pretty little hole for me," he whispered loud enough for you to hear. Your abdomen burned with desire, your orgasm building to its crescendo.
With a muffled cry, you came, the intensity taking your breath away. You suddenly felt something hard and warm push inside you, and opening your eyes you saw him stood between your legs - the realisation dawning on you. Your juices gushed as he thrust his hips, his cock penetrating deeper.
"Just stretching you YN, fuck you feel so good.. such a tight little pussy..."
"Do you want me to stop?"
"God no..."
He chuckled and gripped your restrained thighs, his cock pounding into you harder. You once again covered your mouth, another orgasm peaking.
"That's it, relax, cum for me again.. good girl..."
"Doctor... Oh god... Right there!" Still muffled, but by the way he kept his angle and hit into you harder, he understood.
"Love feeling a woman's pussy clench as she cums," he groaned, and you clamped your hand harder over your mouth as you reached a second climax, milking his cock as he rutted into you. Once your waves of pleasure calmed, he pulled out quickly, your core clenching at the sight of his upper arm moving as he pumped his own cock. The warmth of his release hitting your mound and groin as he moaned and panted quietly. His eyelids reopened after a few moments, those blue orbs meeting yours with a smile. You mirrored his expression as he ran his fingers through his floppy dark hair.
"Much better," he grinned, and you suddenly felt the speculum inside you. He sat back down, and within ten minutes he'd taken out your expired coil and fitted a brand new one.
Another ten minutes later, once you'd cleaned up and redressed, he joined you back in the room with some paperwork and a pamphlet on the coil. Your head was spinning with what had just happened - in the best possible way.
"I suggest you come back and see me in my private practice next week - just to make sure it's in the right place."
"Private practice?" He helped you to stand and pulled you closer. His lips brushed yours and your spine tingled.
"Address is on the back of that pamphlet. Along with my phone number. I'll see you next week YN."
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axewchao · 2 years
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Revali's mother (aka the only Rito I'll probably ever draw wearing pants), finally drawn up! I think I'll call her… Chizul. Pronounced "chi-zl," like the tool :3
She's only been mentioned a few times, but her role as Rev's adoptive mama is one I wanted to give at least some of the spotlight to. And when I say "some," I mean "a long-as-fuck story since I can't seem to keep my mouth shut when describing OCs how do I stop this-"
In the Pre-Calamity era, Chizul's a talented blacksmith, primarily making swords/spears for her fellow Rito and repairing weapons that've been broken or otherwise damaged. The sound of a hammer hitting metal is practically music to this woman's ears.
One day, while gathering materials for a project, Chizul came across a Rito she'd never seen before, collapsed on the road leading to the Kolami Bridge. He wore a strange hat and poncho, seemingly armed with nothing but a backpack and what looked more like a musical instrument than a bow, now broken. Trying (and failing) to hold back her panic, Chizul managed to help the other Rito regain consciousness, long enough for him to ask her to check his bag, asking if "it" was alright. The "it" in question turned out to be an egg, which only made the blacksmith panic even more.
Both the stranger and his precious cargo were too heavy (and delicate in the egg's case) to be flown back to the village, so the duo were forced to slowly walk their way down the path. As they trekked, Chizul could tell that something was not right with the smaller Rito. He felt limp at her side, his body a little too warm, and his breathing was erratic. The man was clearly ill, and it made Chizul shudder to think about what might've happened had she not found him in time…
Without a second thought, Chizul welcomed the man into her home with open wings. From the moment she was old enough, Chizul had lived alone, and was more than happy to have some company for once. The man wasn't much of a talker at first, only giving quiet "good morning"s and "thank you"s whenever Chizul brought him a meal, as well as keeping a close eye on his egg.
Over time, Chizul's kindness got through to the man, who introduced himself as "Revali." He explained that he was a traveler from beyond Hyrule, and he and his wife were searching for a place to raise their child. He had always been frail and would get sick easily, and entering Hyrule through the Gerudo Desert did not do him any favors. He'd been told about Rito Village from other travelers at the Kara Kara Bazaar, hence why Chizul found him not too far away.
When asked about his wife, Revali only said "…she didn't make it." and never explained further, silently wrapping his wings around the egg as grief filled his eyes. Chizul made sure to never ask again.
Several weeks passed, the day of the egg's expected hatching coming closer and closer. Unfortunately, however, Revali showed no signs of recovering from his illness. If anything, it seemed as though he was only getting worse, despite Chizul and the village healer's best efforts. Once again the blacksmith felt waves of panic over Revali's condition, and the soon-to-be father wasn't faring much better. On the outside, he only looked slightly worried, but in reality a pit was forming in his stomach.
If… if he didn't pull through, then…
He took a deep breath, and called Chizul over to his side.
"I know we've only known each other for a few short months… but there's no one else I trust, let alone know well enough. Chizul, if anything happens to me… will you take care of them?"
Chizul couldn't believe her ears.
"I'm not saying I'm giving up. My wife and I set out on this journey to find a better place to… to be a family. Even after losing her I pressed on, for our little one's sake. But now… I fear my time is running out as well. I want to make sure that at the very least, they'll be alright if my fears turn out to be true. After everything they've gone through, they deserve that much…"
She nodded, too afraid to speak. Guilty as charged, she'd grown to care about the egg by now. She wouldn't dare hesitate to take the little one in, just as she didn't think twice about helping their father. But… she couldn't even begin to imagine how Revali was feeling. Coming so far for his child, only to be met with the fear that he'll never so much as see them hatch? The thought was enough to bring tears to her eyes.
Three more agonizing days passed, before the two finally heard it. A cracking sound, coming from the egg. It was faint, but slowly getting louder.
By now, Revali was too weak to leave his bed, so all he could do was sit and watch in anticipation. Oh, why do Rito chicks take so long to hatch??
Chizul was having the same gripe, deciding to forego her work for the day and spend the next eight hours watching the egg alongside Revali. What was the little one going to be? A boy? A girl? What color would their feather be once they grew in? What about their beak? Was it yellow or was that just a trick of the light?
The little one, who turned out to be a little boy, kept peeping and peeping long after he left his egg. A vocal little thing, "just like his mother" according to Revali, the pride made clear in his voice.
A voice that would never be heard again after that fateful day, Revali's final words being a simple "good night" as he held his son in his arms…
As the years roll by, Chizul carries out Revali's wish, raising his son as her own. This boy, who shared his father's name, would grow to become the greatest archer Rito Village, no, all of Hyrule had ever seen. He would train to the bone and then some, and create a sacred skill all his own. He would become the master of an ancient beast, gaining the title of Champion of his people.
He would raise his bow against an even more ancient evil while his mother watched from below, helping the village fight back against a near-endless onslaught of monsters and now-possessed Guardians.
His mother would watch the once peaceful blue hue of Medoh turn a sickening pink, and hear the bird cry out, as if in pain.
She would fly up without thinking, fearing her son's life.
She would be shot down without so much as a warning.
She would be saved from an instant death by a fellow Rito, who saw and thankfully caught her without plummeting to their death themselves.
She would awaken weeks later, with all of Hyrule left to recover from what felt like the end of the world.
She would be told that Medoh had disappeared, along with its master.
She would be told that her wing would never fully heal, that she was grounded forever.
She would cry silent tears, hoping and praying that someone, anyone, would bring her son back to her. Back home.
And somewhere, buried deep under the snow of the Hebra Mountains, the Rito Champion would wish the same.
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