#i NEED that mug
zensdolly · 5 months
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deadsetobsessions · 6 months
There’s a child wandering the streets of Crime Alley. Unfortunately, this is nothing new for the area, riddled with crime and homelessness as it is. However, Red Hood and Nightwing are vigilantes and helping lost looking children is firmly in their job description. Plus, Crime Alley is Red Hood’s. He protects what’s his. With a single shared look, the brothers swung down to the child clad in just a white dress and some thin flats completely unsuitable for Gotham’s worsening weather. Hell it’s be unsuitable for the general poor weather.
“Hey, kiddo.”
The girl’s head swung to lock gazes with the duo, eyes blinking blue- and green? Red Hood allowed his brother- he worked so hard to beat down the pit madness in order for Nightwing to even remain near- to take the lead.
“Oh. There you are.” She said, turning to face them fully. The kid’s face filled with relief.
Nightwing blinked.
“You were looking for us?” His soft voice saved for children firmed into something more serious, more concerned.
“Mmhm. I was looking for Red Hood, but you’re a good bonus.”
“And why were you looking for me, kid?” Red Hood interjects. He knows Dickolas is clocking the same things he is: the kid’s white whispy hair, pale face, and… Lazarus green eyes? It’s more solid now, that she’s looking at Jason.
Dick straightened, eyes going heavy as he looks at this wisp of a girl. He’s fiercely protective of Jason and they’re both equally wary of the League of Assassins. Still, the two of them couldn’t help but let their guard down a bit because this was still a child they’re talking to.
“Because… um. Did you know you’ve died?”
Hood stiffened, hand going towards his guns. Granted, they’re rubber bullets, but the kid clocks that immediately. She threw her hands up in the universal gesture of “I’m unarmed and mean no harm.”
“I- well, to put it frankly, you kind of… stink?”
“Ugh, I’m totally messing this up!”
“Why don’t you start again?” Dick said, shifting into a subtler fighting stance. He kept his voice light, but Jason saw the way his hands inched towards the scrims sticks. Distantly, Jason thought it was hilarious that this tiny kid could evoke that kind of response. Looking into Lazarus green eyes though, he couldn’t find the humor anywhere. The worst thing, though, is that the pit quieted. The rage the bubbled incessantly underneath his skin calmed. Jason did not like feeling bereft of the rage, not when he didn’t know why it was gone. He had just gained control of it, minimally, and to have that control be unnecessary left the vigilantes off kilter.
“Right, okay, sorry. Um, did you, uh, die and wake up surrounded by glowing green stuff?”
Before Jason could reply ‘yes, and why the hell do you know that?’, the kid continued with, “Because me too!”
She did jazz hands as Jason’s and Dick’s brains short circuited. Jason thought he even heard a little “yay!”
“What.” Jason sputtered out. His stomach and heart clenched as he thought about how young the kid looked. Fuck.
“Yeah. So, anyways-”
“Don’t speed past that like you didn’t say what you just said!” Dick interrupted, hand tugging at his hair in distress. His body language slipped from battle ready to extremely distressed. “You died?”
“You were- you were dipped in the Lazarus pits?!” Jason felt the need to address that specific point.
“I mean, it’s not that important? The important thing is- wait, what’s a Lazarus pit?”
Jason froze again. She didn’t know what they were?
“It’s… the glowing green stuff.” Dick answered her.
“Oh. Is that what you were dipped in?” She tilted her head at Jason. He nodded, wariness climbing. “Oh. Well, I mean, that’s not we call it. But the stuff you were dipped in, it’s rank. Contaminated.”
Jason thinks back to the burning, drowning green. The agony he felt as it slipped into his mouth and nose and his very being.
“It was bubbling.” He said. The girl grimaced. Jason had no idea why he was being so honest with this kid.
“Gross. Anyways, I can, like, help you with that?”
“With what?” Dick asked, eyes darting from the girl to Jason.
The girl groaned. “Okay, so I guess you guys are kind of new. Uh, the contaminated green stuff,” she points at Jason’s chest. “That’s making you angry, right? Leaving you in the backseat of your head as your body breaks whatever got you angry to begin with and you have no control over it?”
“…The pit madness.” Jason mumbled, feeling numb. “Yeah.”
“…Right. I can help you clear that out,” she pauses, fidgeting. “If… If you help me talk to Batman? It’s kind of… urgent.”
“Uh. There’s kind of… a whole mad scientist thing going on and like… experimentation and dissections… you know?” The kid waved her arms around, distressed.
Dick and Jason unfortunately did know.
“Cave?” Jason grumbled.
“Okay, we’ll bring you to the cave. Then you tell us everything.”
She looked up at them hopefully, and Jason could see the moment Dickolas melted. Not that Jason could say anything, since he was already taking off his jacket and bundling the kid in it.
“Who the hell let you walk around Gotham like that?” He scowled down at her, not that she could see it with the red helmet in the way. Dick looked at him carefully, eyes roving over the oddly relaxed state his little wing was in.
The kid shrugged. Jason sighs.
“What’s your name?” Dick asked. Scooping her up, the blue and black clad raised his free arm to grapple away. Jason follows him, heading towards the motorcycles they’ve got parked nearby.
“Dani. With an I.”
“Nice to meet you, Dani. I’m Nightwing. This is my… this is Red Hood.”
“Okay. Cool.”
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neverland-promises · 2 years
You can use Tenso to buy things from Tokyo Otaku Mode! That's how I've been buying all the new SC! merchandise. They have guides on how to order things on their website.
Aaaahhh thank you so much. I'll have to check that out. That mug will be mine.
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amaryllidae · 1 year
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everybody falls in love sometime something in your kiss just told me
my sometime is now
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skittikyu · 8 months
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what a jax@$$
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mobius-m-mobius · 3 months
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If it’s all the same to you… I’ll have that drink now.
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crosshatchedaces · 1 year
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He wasn’t expecting a retirement but he’s enjoying it
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lover-of-mine · 7 months
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Buddie Countdown to Season 7:
92 days.
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explodingstarlight · 1 year
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returning to my baby donnie roots
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ginkashino · 4 months
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quark drinking from the fucked up odo mug
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classycoffeesublime · 7 months
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It's that time of term again, where I am sleep deprived and caffeine addicted.
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the-cooler-erinsintra · 6 months
god gives his best plots to his laziest writers
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pommunist · 1 month
unpopular opinion maybe but you could NEVER make me hate madagio
they went through unspeakable tragedy and said you know what ? fuck everything i want revenge i want to see the downfall of my enemy and i will do everything in my power to achieve that. can’t blame her, you go girl.
maybe the « don’t form attachments » and threatening qfit’s loved one was a bit unhinged but also if i had bestowed the responsibility of my most important mission in life to a guy and paying insanely high energy bills to make sure he was able to accomplish it, only for said guy to slack off on his work and spend his time getting his bathrobe dry cleaned i would be a little pissed too.
maybe the corpse pit vacation was uncalled for but also was it really ? one year and all you bring back is EIGHT player data ? qfit needed a little wake up call, his fault really.
sure madagio shouldn’t have left him rotting on the bottom of that cave for three months with no news only to ultimately firing him but at least they apologised for it ? plus she gave fit cubito one last day to say goodbye, not all bosses would have done that.
anyway madagio was right all along im just sad they never got to say meow :3
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satninbaby · 15 days
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laureala · 3 months
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LUCAS AND AMELIA in Grey's Anatomy 20.04
L: Did you have to live in your family's shadow? Wonder if you ever live up to those expectations? A: Your uncle Derek was a legend. You have no idea what it was like working with him here. L: I meant you.
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Living With Him Episode 1
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