#i NEED some gray matter i NEED some gra
zumicho · 3 months
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001: iced lemon loaves & self deprecating humor
© zumicho all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, steal, plagiarize, or translate my works on any platform.
cw: language, mentions “maul” “die” & sexual jokes
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“do you not have any friends?” a tousled head of dirty blond stands before you, his toned arms crossed over his chest. it’s only been five minutes; he’s already cutting five years off of your lifespan.
there’s a heartbreaker kind of look in his eyes that warns you to avoid him. you ignore it. “that’s an odd question to ask a stranger.” he’s not your type anyway; it doesn’t matter how much he pesters you.
“we don’t have to be strangers.” he stretches his hand out. “I’m miya atsumu, and my friend thinks you’re hot.” friendly (suspicious), you shake it.
“you or your friend?”
as he opens his mouth to reply, the door chimes cut him off. three people walk in. one is trailing behind the two—defeated, like he’s failed a mission. you look at the one that talked to you, and then to him. twins, you note. this one’s got better hair.
there’s a reserved figure that walks ahead of them with an air of authority around him. the captain? you wonder, noticing the sport uniforms. he bows at you politely. you like this one.
“don’t listen to him.” the third person speaks up, and your mouth goes agape. he’s gorgeous. “sorry on his behalf.” he’s perfect.
“do you all play soccer or something?” you wince at their reactions.
“volleyball, actually.” — twin #1.
“oh! my bad!!!” you pale. god. “that’s cool. cool cool cool. cool.”
“cool with you if we get something to eat?” god’s favorite teases, all the others staring at you both. your ears turn a deeper shade of red each second.
“..huh?” you blank.
“oh. RIGHT. um, what can I get you?” you want to crawl in a hole and die, but hiding behind the counter will do for now.
you hear crickets as atsumu opens his mouth. “your number?”
“for suna here.” he adds as he gestures.
he clearly can handle himself, “ignore him. I’m not in the market for any relationships. nor am I interested.”
miya glares at him. “that’s mean, man. she looks disappointed.”
“I’m not.” you correct. “even if I was, it’s not like I’d have a chance.” your lips move faster than your brain.
“talk about self deprecating humor.” gray-haired twin #2 smiles at you, considerate. that lets your shoulders relax a bit.
“this is all really awkward,” suna says, “but we could really use some cupcakes or something.”
the captain steps up, and you maybe unintentionally notice that suna’s the tallest. “can we please get those cookies that were on twitter? if it’s not a problem.” he’s formal.
“sure. how many?”
“four.” the twins echo.
“make that three.” — s
you look up at him, confused. “you don’t want anything?”
“those look good.”
you follow his line of sight, and grin. iced lemon loaves.
“yeah. good pick.”
author’s note: i made tsumu the punchline / punching bag in this au but oh well 😭 it had to be someone 😭 i also hate writing the embarassed / nervous character SO MUCH i cringe while i write.. i really don’t like this episode but idk what about my writing irks me here and IDK WHAT TO CHANGEEE i need 2 learn how to write dialogue better cause im DYINGGGGHHH OVER HERE
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@phoenix-eclipses @thechaosoflonging @yuminako @nbcvs @tenjikusstuff4 @intergalacticrory @sonicsolos @yenonnoff @wyrcan @cnnmairoll @causenessus @reads-stuff-quietly @giocriedpower @applepi25 @gra-eae @lilchubbyyy @thvvluvr @toges-cough-syrup
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uhhhhyandere · 4 years
halloween special!
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hi everyone!!!! 
for halloween this year, inspiration struck and i decided to craft this halloween special demon/angel light au! i had so so much fun writing this and hope yall enjoy it!!!
no matter where you are in the world, if you celebrate halloween or not, i hope you all are doing amazing and know that you are so so loved (by me) and thank you all for the love and support you give! i love every single one of y’all and let’s finish out the year the best we can!!!! 
word count: 7.2k 
And He will bring hell with him. 
The grass will gray, and the trees will blanket with ash as all life is left withered, limp, and colorless in his wake. He takes, and takes, and takes with the full red moon on his back and the stars glittering on his lips in golden lies. Should his, Kira's eyes, red with ire from his unattained vision, seek you out, you are bound to the pits of hell itself for eternity. 
"Well, that's what the tale says," Misa said. "If you believe in that kinda stuff." She flipped the book over to display the illustrations. You leaned over to get a closer look. "They really have to make evil people this beautiful, huh?" You looked at her incredulously. "What? You're thinking the same thing! I just said it…" Her eyes trailed down to the pages again. 
"He was a mortal once?" Misa nodded her head and adjusted herself on the sofa for you to scootch closer. Her red manicured nails slipped the page over to the next. 
"Who tried to be a god." You squinted down at the new page and pointed. 
"She kinda looks like you." She laughed. 
"Just wait," Misa replied. "Anyway, he was young, a few years below us, when he came across the power to make him a god. He was not chosen nor special. The power was left to be picked up by any traveler. It just so handed to be dropped outside of his family's farm, and he just so happened to be who he was. An ambitious genius with the same hunger for power the poor have for food. He used this power to rise above all others and to kill any who dared step in his way." Tragic art painted the pages as Misa continued to flip through them. 
"How?" Misa shook her head. 
"They don't know. We don't know. A creature crueler than Kira. A bored god looking to stir trouble. A blessing that was used as a curse. Perhaps all. Perhaps none." She giggled. "Exciting, isn't it?" You scoffed. 
"Yeah, yeah. Keep going." 
"But he had enemies. No mortal man should wield what Kira wielded. Those who wanted to strip him of his power and deliver justice to those he had ridden of, not grasp the power, the golden throne, he sought. They played games with one another. Cruel, cunning games of who would outsmart the other. He who was supposed to condemn his power and he who had it used the same means to win.
"Us. Regular people used and thrown away to further their game. There was one," she pointed at the girl who resembled herself, "who picked up the same power as he. It was her who tried to love him, that bent at his word, that carried out his will." Misa swallowed, "but he had lost his ability to love, or that's what was thought until..." Misa cut herself off. 
"Kira and his nemesis continued to use, to manipulate the very ground the other walked on. All until he finally stood at the foot of the throne of the world he thirsted for. Pristine and shining, it stood above the clouds themselves. This is where he was slain, where his blood stained the stone, the rug, the throne, infecting and cursing them. The throne cracked, contorted, twisted, and fell. Down, down it fell until he and the now blackened throne were in hell. 
"One day, when the full moon shines on the bleeding night, he will rise, and he will bring hell with him. He will claim what he has lost to reign over the world of men. The grass will gray, and the trees will blanket with ash as all life is left withered, limp, and—,"
"I know that much," you interrupted, "but I'm confused. Did you leave a part out? Where you cut yourself off, I mean." White teeth dragged across her lip. 
"After," she started to rapidly flip the pages, "after he was banished to hell, they found…" Her flipping stopped at the very last page, "this." 
On the page was a cage with gnarled black metal and a large gash across the bars. A human whose arms crosses on their chest in an 'X.' Their feet were bound together and tied with rope to the middle's central support pole. Blood trickled down their face, torso, and legs. Beautiful, broken, ripped wings crumpled at their back. "He had stolen an angel. Broken them. Claimed them. Upon their back, scars from where he had failed to rip them off their back." She hummed. "Kinda looks like you." 
You laughed nervously then scoffed, trying to get the haunted picture out of your brain. "Should his eyes, red with ire from his unattained vision, seek you out, you are bound to the pits of hell itself for eternity because you are who he has lost, and he will not fail again.
"But that's just how it goes!" Misa laughed good-naturedly and shut the book harshly. "Pretty scary, right?" You shook your head.
"Absolutely not. First, it's actually pretty disturbing. Secondly, it's so vague! No details on how he died, if the other guy killed him. You'd think after eons of repetition, they'd make stuff up." Misa shook her head. 
"Yeah, if you ask a bard, but do you really want to hear a romanticization of it in a song where they talk about how he loved whom he locked away and claimed? They do not sing about the reality, for it is far too gruesome for even documentation, much less for song. At least, that's what Rem told me. Being vague is the only option to make it tolerable, but I think she actually knows the truth and won't spill." You laughed and rose from the library's sofa. "So? It's my favorite story." 
"That's because that girl looks like you." 
"And?" You clicked your tongue. 
"I dunno. I did say it was disturbing, but you don't really believe in this kinda stuff, right?" You scratched the back of your head. 
"Of course, I do!" She giggled. "Ever since Rem took me in and taught me to read, it's been my favorite book." How could you forget what an oddball Misa was? You sighed. 
"Alright, believe what you want. Halloween is the day after tomorrow, after all. Be as spooky as you want." Misa rose and slipped the leather-bound book back into her bag. "Are you stealing that?" You harshly whispered. She shook her head. 
"Nope! It's Rem's." Oh, gee.
"I'd rather steal from the library—which has free books—a concept I just remembered for some reason than Rem. Do you have a death wish? Nevermind, don't answer that. Why did you make me come to the library again?" 
"Isn't this where people read?
"...You're right. I got nothing. Come on. I need to get back to the market. I promised my parents I would pick up the pumpkins Mello grew and carved. Apparently, people are putting lights in them to make the faces glow at night."  
Your village was reasonably large, set on the misty hillside of the mountain. Though the nearest city where the Earl of the region lived was a few miles down the path and knights on horses frequented here on their patrols, your village felt world's away from society. It was also relatively famous for the chapel, so travelers often stopped to visit, especially with the holiday season. 
It rested closest to where the cliff dropped into nothingness. Flowers surrounded it, and moss grew up its stone walls. Vivid glass windows decorated all sides and around the wooden doors. A tower ascended from the front to where a millennial old bell sat still for just as long, for it was only to ring when the world was set to end.
Within, pews lined the plush red rug. The rug ran straight to the golden altar, where a large statue stood behind. The stained glass filtered color light upon its flawless, stone complexion. Water poured from the few holes in the body down into the small pond around it. 
"Are we going to meet on Halloween?" Misa asked. "You know it's my favorite holiday! Everyone will be on the square dancing and dressed up!" You smiled. 
"Of course. You know my parents would not miss a party. We can meet on my porch since it's closer?" She nodded enthusiastically,
"Yes! That sounds perfect! See you then!" The blonde blew you a kiss and skipped in the direction of her house. You smiled before turning on your heel and approaching the square. 
Of course, the market would be busy with both locals and travelers. It was mid-day, and each stand had its unique, limited-time holiday goods. You had to squeeze your way to make it to Mello's stand. The blonde grimaced as you approached. Ah. He's in a good mood! 
"Afternoon, Mello." 
"Y/N," he regarded you. "You're really going to buy a pumpkin with a scary face? Would it really go with your garden?" You scoffed. 
"It's my parents, actually, and yes! I can be scary and festive! Not as good as you, Mello. I heard that you carved lots of pumpkins for the village." He hummed and motioned to those on the wooden stand. 
"Not for the village," he replied. "You still have to pay, got it?" You rose your hands. 
"Of course, of course." You began to browse the selection. "Will you be attending the festivities night of?" He scoffed. 
"No. Now pick your poison or leave." You smiled and reached for one with a broad crooked smile. "Terrible taste." You furrowed your brows. 
"...But you're the one who made it?" Mello's eyes widened for a second before narrowing once more. 
"It's one of my worse ones. I guess it'll go well with you, then." You laughed and rubbed the carved circle around the stem with your hand. 
"Yep! Sounds good, Mello." You reached into your pockets and dropped a few coins in front of him. "Keep the change. Happy Halloween!" Mello snatched the coins from the table and shooed you off. You morphed back into the crowd, maneuvering your way through the group back to your house.
An abrupt, intense headache wracked your skull, causing you to suddenly stop amid the crowd and wince, nearly dropping the pumpkin under your arm. With your free hand, you grasped your forehead, but the pain only escalated and pulsed down your body. Two particularly intense strands of pain erupted on your back.
Peeking up, the crowd blurred around you, but your eyes on a figure at the corner of the inn. He was too far to make out the intimate details besides his lithe frame and brown hair. For moments you locked eyes before he disappeared behind the inn. 
The pain stopped as if it was an illusion. You snapped back into reality, chest heaving in relief. A few eyes looked at you in concern, but no one stopped to ask. Thankfully so. You wouldn't know what to tell them if they asked what happened. 
Shaking your head, you safely made it to your small house hidden behind a large oak tree. 
"Oh! You got the pumpkin! How was Mello?" 
"Charming as ever, of course. I was just with Misa at the library before that. She told me the story about Kira and his fall to hell." Your mom nodded her head and took the pumpkin from your arm. 
"Ah, that's an old one. I guess she's always been the type to be into that stuff. It freaks me out, personally." You followed your mom to the kitchen. 
"Yeah, me too. I try to remind myself it's not real, but there's also the small tick in the back of my brain that tells me it may be, you know?" She nodded again. 
"Oh, I like this carving! Nice choice, Y/N, but yes, I do that too. Especially since Halloween, this year, is on the full blood moon. An ill omen in all tales. Luckily the town's party rids my mind of such horrors, as should yours. Anything else happen today?" You paused.
"N-no. Nothing comes to mind. I think I'm going to go find father then wash up before dinner. Is he still in the forest?" Your mom nodded. 
"Yep. He's been hunting that same deer for weeks now. Apparently, it has a rack of the like he has never seen before. Something of beauty. I think he doesn't even want to kill it as much as he wants to see it again." Your dad was somewhat of a conundrum. As much as he awed and loved nature, he was a hunter who made income on the sale of its pelts and horns. "I'm sure he hasn't found it yet. Maybe you can help."
Unlikely, but you liked to explore the misty pines surrounding your village. They were too safe and had a few secret spots where hollowed logs led to hidden clear ponds. Wishing your mom farewell, you entered the pines and inhaled their thick scent. 
Your dad's job was handy in that you knew the backwoods like the back of your hand. He taught you the ways to track and navigate through the seemingly identical trunks. 
He also unknowingly taught you to sense when something was off with the forest. After ten minutes of traversing, you finally had the feeling of dread. The mist was inches too low, the grass droplets too wet, and the temperature degrees too low. You held your breath and glanced at your surroundings. 
A silhouette. A deer's head with a rack so vertically high you thought your eyesight was failing you. Except, as you stepped closer, this deer had the body of a man standing upon his two legs. Large hollow eyes oozed mist. 
"..." something was whispered into the air. You continued to hold your breath. "...—/N." The deer-man gave no indication of moving, and you could not bring your feet to even wiggle the frost from your toes. "Y/N."
Your name. Crystal clear. Your breath hitched. His hand with long, natural claws extended forwards towards you. "Y/N," it repeated. "You mus—....—ere. No t—." You could not make out his words. 
"Y/N!" Another yell. This time you recognized it as your father. Eyes blown open, you wretched your eyes from the deer-man and sprinted towards the voice of your father. 
"You're not telling us everything." Your father accused. After you ran head-first into your father, petrified and stumbling over every word, he urged you home and waited for you to take the bath you begged them to allow you to have before sitting you in the sitting room, the fire roaring under the holiday wreath behind you. 
'It just scared me. I've never seen a bear of its size." Why are you lying? You had no idea. As soon as your mom asked the first questions, lies flowed out of your mouth like the truth. Stories you naturally never could have conjured on the spot. Stories you would never because you did not lie, which is why your parents, despite their dubious expressions, did believe you. "I swear. I just got freaked out. I think it's because of the story Misa told me today."
"That girl," your dad muttered. 
"She told them the story of the man who fell to hell. Kira." Your dad nodded and rubbed his chin with his hand. 
"Ah, I see. That would do it. Y/N, I know the full blood moon is coming, but there's no need to fret. Stories are just stories, alright? Leave your candlelight on tonight should you be scared of the dark, alright? Me and your mom are in the room over, alright?" You nodded. "Good. Now, what's for dinner?"
You lit the candle that night. In your nightwear, you sat on the edge of the bed. Muffled moonlight streamed through the frosted window and reflected off the full-length mirror in the corner. You inhaled deeply through your nose and exhaled through your mouth.
"They're just stories. Just stories." Like a mantra, you repeated this under your breath as you ducked under the covers. Opening your eyes, though, you were met with a flash of shadow in the mirror. You jumped and stared at it with eyes open enough to feel the cold air. You waited for something in the still room to move, for it to flash again, but nothing did. Thankfully.
Still, you threw the blanket off of yourself and approached to assure yourself that yes, it was nothing, and yes, there was nothing: just your reflection and the room behind you.
Until you blinked. 
For a second, blood poured down your body and wetted down your clothes against your figure—wings broken and limp behind your back. 
You screamed and smashed the mirror with your fist on impulse. Along with the shards, your body fell to the ground, and actual bloodied hands kept you from collapsing entirely. However, the features in the fragments were not yours. The man, the one from the square, stared back, but at this closer view, you can see his eyes. 
You threw yourself back against the wall and screamed. Your door busted open, and your parents barged in. Your mother ran to your side and took your hand in hers while your father took in the big picture around him. 
"I-I thought I saw something in the mirror. Misa told me once the m-mirror is the passage to the other world. I-I know it's stupid for me to react like this, but I just… I don't know. Do you think it's the blood moon?" Your parents were quiet. 
'It could be," your mother said. "The blood moon is supposed to come with magic. It enables beings to crossover from other worlds, from other planes. It is the ill omen, but crossing over is all they can do. They can't touch you or hurt you. That, I promise." You nodded. 
Your parents stayed with you, and, for the first time since you were literally a toddler, you slept in their room, blankets wrapped around you on their floor. Relief flooded your system when sunlight broke through the window. Though your sleep was haunted by vague images and muddled whispers, you slept through the night after the incident. 
"Are you sure you're okay?" Your dad asked. "You can skip your daily chores if you don't want to do them. Tomorrow too. Aren't I generous?" You laughed but shook your head no. 
"That's alright. I think if I stay home, I'll just keep thinking about it. I need to get my mind off of it. Doing chores will put my mind at ease. Some normalcy, I think." Your dad nodded, though you can tell your parents weren't eager to just forget the events of last night.
You knew someone, though, that would be eager to learn about them. 
"Misa, can you keep a secret?" She bit into an apple. 
"No," she replied simply. "I tell Rem everything, but that's it. I don't really talk to many other people here besides you and her, so no one else to tell, but I know Rem will mind her business. She talks to fewer people than I do." That was true. You could count the number of times you talked to Rem on a single hand, and Misa said she liked you. 
"Okay, don't freak out, but…" 
She freaked out.
"And they were red?" You nodded. 
"Glowing. A sinister smirk on his face. His hands in the reflection, touching my own through the glass. It was the same as the one I saw in the square right after we met." Misa's eyes widened in enthusiasm and jubilation.
"It's him! It has to be! Kira!" You shook your head. 
"No, my mom explained it to me. It's a spirit from the other plane playing a joke on me. She told me that after I stopped crying and fled to their room before I passed out. That story isn't real. It… can't be." Misa shook her head and leaned forward. 
"It is! It's not that you don't believe it's real; it's that you don't want to believe it's real! Y/N, you have to believe me." You grimaced and backed away to create some breathing room.
"Why would I want it to be real?" You whispered solemnly. "Why would I want that to happen to me? I can't believe it's real. It can't be real. I'm terrified if it is real, okay? If my parents think it's real because I do, they'll tell the church, and if the church finds out? You know how they deal with spiritual trespassers and those they possess. I'd basically be dead. My soul stripped from my being to ensure I do not bring harm to anyone else. I would be a hollow body, Misa! Don't you get that!?" You inhaled a ragged breath. 
"...Has anything happened today?" You shook your head. "It's already almost sunset, so that's a good sign, at least. Sorry, I got too excited. Your feelings and safety are important. Okay, I promise I won't tell a soul about this." You breathed a sigh of relief. 
"Thank you. I just… don't know what to do." 
"Have you gone to the chapel? The water from the statue is supposed to cure any possession." You shook your head. "Okay! I think I know your next steps, then. Come on!" She stood abruptly from the bench and held out her hands. "Let's go!" 
She dragged you across the diameter of town until your footsteps echoed across the chamber. A few holy people greeted you as they did their duties. Some travelers prayed at the pews for good luck and well-being. A single man stood next to the pond where the statue stood. 
"Greetings," he welcomed. "I recognize you two from town, but I don't believe we've met. My name is Soichiro. Are you here to drink from the spring?" Misa nudged you forward. 
"Y-yes. Oh, I'm Y/N." He nodded. 
"I see. Does the blood moon have you nervous? Don't worry. Lots of people come to do the same before a blood moon. Come and cup your hands and drink the water. Any disease in your soul shall be healed." You lowered yourself down to your knees and cupped the crisp water between your palms. You lowered yourself to sip, and you swallowed. 
But it would not go down. 
You began to cough, and your body convulsed with coughs. Liquid did come from your mouth, but the drops upon the ground were not clear, but a vicious red. Soichiro yelled for the other holy people as your body shook and twisted. Ropes bound your wrists, and hands steadied your head—arms wrapped around your waist to keep you as still as possible. A man placed his palm on your forehead and whispered incomprehensible words. When he finished, he ripped his hand away, and your breath was restored. You were unable to fall with the tight grip they still had on you. 
"W-what happened?" You asked, feeling the tears on your cheeks continuing to inch down and the blood drying on your chin. "I-I don't know. I'm sorry." 
"Take them to the purification chamber."
"No! Please, no! Help me! Someone, please help!" It was a joint effort between numerous holy people to lift your struggling form from the ground. "Misa! Mom! Dad!" you called out for, yet, in the chapel, none of them were there. However, your screaming did not stop for them until you were placed on a large chair and gagged. Your legs were bound to the bottom of the chair, and arms rebound to the arms. Holy people circled around you. 
The chair you were in was much less a chair and more so a throne. Pure white metal was attached directly to the ground. Red cushioning provided comfort to your rear and back. With ragged breaths, you looked waited until one of them spoke or did anything besides watch you. It was the man who sentenced you here that approached. 
"Soichiro," someone called, but he ignored them and angled his head down towards you.
"I am going to undo your gag. Do not scream. I just want you to tell us the truth if you know anything. Sometimes… they do things without signaling a mortal." Large calloused hands undid the gag, and you inhaled greedily. "Now, tell us."
"A-are you going to take my soul?" 
"Speak first. I cannot make promises I do not know if I can keep." You swallowed and explained what you could to them. Your eyes were focused on the ground. The terror you would feel if his reaction was bad was too grand for you to meet his eyes. The silence after you ended your experience was deafening. "I see." He looked to a holy person nearby. "We need twenty-four-hours to prepare for the ritual. It leaves us with little room before the blood moon rises. If we do not store their soul… go now. It is much worse than any of us could have imagined." Your heart plummeted. 
"W-what? No! Please! Tell me what's going on! D-don't take my soul, please! I-I want to live! I'll run away! You'll never see me again!" Soichiro stared at you with what you hoped was empathy. The bags under his eyes spoke of his wisdom and his exhaustion. He motioned for the rest of the holy people to leave, so it was just him standing over you. 
"I'm sorry, child." He spoke softly, knuckles wiping the tears flowing down your face. "No matter how far you run, no matter how fast, no matter how well you hide, no matter how you continue on: alive or dead, he will come for you. The moment you locked eyes in the mirror, you were bound to him, just as you always have been." You shook your head, vehemently. 
"It's not true, is it? Kira... is he…?" Soichiro smiled sadly. "It can't be… it can't be me. It's impossible." You sobbed. "How? Please, at least tell me before… before…" You couldn't even make the words out. 
"My son," he began, "was always destined for greatness, but then greatness found him, and he became too great. The power he found was a single, black notebook. Write someone's name, and they would pass. It originally is from a Shinigami, a god of death, that possessed him while he owned it, but… there are forces more potent than Shinigami in the universe. He and his opponent, the one who sought to bring the mysterious killer Kira, my son, that plagued the land to justice, who we called L, always were at a battle of wits, of plans, but, in the end, my son won.
"But this victory angered others. It was they who killed him at the throne of the world. It was they who watched him plummet to hell. It was they who built the statue in this chapel and sealed him in hell so he could never return, but they have long passed. Their magic fading in time. I could do nothing in all this time except pray to angels to keep my son at bay." He paused and looked up solemnly. "You must be wondering how I am alive," He looked down at his pale hands. 
"The notebook is gone now. The Shinigami that dropped it fled back to his world when Lig- Kira, was cast down to hell. I, too, touched the notebook. A scheme my son created to get ahead. The curse of it never went away, and I am now stuck to live eternity until my son ends it." He clenched his fist. "I did not know you were so close. I did not know it was you. If I did… I would have taken your soul long before you could have known life without it." You shook your head. 
"I don't understand. What is my part? The book… the book only showed a cage with… someone in it. The story has no word of them. Just the girl… the weapon that served him." Soichiro sighed. 
"Back then, the plane between the mortal realm and other words was thinner when angels and spirits would roam mortal lands. You were an angel. A new one. Young. Wide-eyed and drawing silver linings wherever you walked. Someone he set to ruin. Someone with a soul so pure that he can take and twist to his own liking. No one should see you except him, so he locked you away and bound his soul to yours and your soul to his. As long as he lived, whether here or hell, you would too. 
"But just your soul. Unlike me, whose mortal body is stuck, it is solely your soul that has been recycled for eons. His part, the part of his soul within you, could only be awakened should your eyes meet his. Then, with his entire soul active and with the power of the red blood moon, he will be able to break the barrier that seals him tomorrow night. We must lock away part of his power, so he cannot walk this land again. 
"Should he, then he will seek to claim all that was taken from him. The mortal world will fall as we know it. Those he inevitably tricked in hell to follow him will breakthrough behind him. What the world deserves for not seeing him as the god he sees himself as." Tears pooled in Soichiro's eyes. "I still love my son. The bright-eyed boy, but he cannot love. What he feels for you is something far darker, something twisted. I do not know what he will do if he finds you. You will be better off soulless." You sobbed. 
"B-but the deer-man in the woods. Do you - I mean…" He furrowed his brows and shook his head. 
"I don't know, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry my son came upon you. No one deserves this fate." You wretched in your bindings, ragged breaths, and eery whines escaping your mouth. "Some will be around to feed you later, and someone… someone will explain everything to your parents. 
"Let me see them!" You yelled out. "Please! One last time! They don't know anything! I just want to… please, I… I get it. Why you have to do this, but please let me say goodbye. Please. I just," you bit your bottom lip to prevent another wail, "please." Soichiro shook his head. The man could no longer maintain eye contact with you.
"I can't. We cannot risk you talking to anyone lest risk his jealousy. As far as we are concerned, you are not you. You are his." You pulled against the ropes once more. "I'm… so sorry. It is best for everyone that he does not see you with others while he is powerful enough to watch this world. I hope you never forgive me." Crestfallen, he turned his back and approached the door. 
"No! Come back! Please! Don't leave me alone here! P-please! S-Soichiro!" Only the slam and locking of the door met your calls. 
You don't know how long you howled and wailed, how many times it echoed back in the circular chamber to your ear. There came the point where your body could make no more tears, so you were left with pathetic dry heaves. It was then that a voice whispered in your head. 
"Y/N…" It was different than the voice in the woods. It was sinister, deep, evil. You focused on anything, the floor's intricate patterns, the ceiling, the running water behind the chair, the plants around the circumference of the room, anything to not acknowledge it. "Oh, aren't you a gift wrapped up for me? Clearly my father's work. Don't ignore me, Y/N. I know your every move. I know you can hear my every word" 
"F-fuck you!" You cried, and he laughed. Then, he clicked his tongue.
"Such dirty words. You're not the angel I remember, fresh out of the clouds. Ah, but there wasn't much angel left, from what I can recall. Do you feel it, Y/N? It shouldn't be long now…" For a long time, nothing happened, then, like two knives down your back, you screamed. "Ah, there it is. Those screams, I do remember. I don't care if it hurts." Blood soaked the cushion behind you and flowed down to your rear. "You brought this on yourself. This is what you deserve." 
"I didn't do anything!" You writhed. 
"Is that what my father told you? Is that what the story says? Oh, they couldn't be more wrong, love. You denied me what I deserve. You could have fallen to hell right with me, where you can be where you belong, but you stayed. I couldn't have you running back to the angels to live your days without me. I wouldn't allow it. If I hadn't had Mikami lock you in that cage, if I hadn't bound our souls, your grave would be in the flower fields above the clouds, but you got conceited. 
"Let me remind you of something, love. You are mine. Your body, your mind, your heart, your soul, what's between your legs, it's all mine. We are bound for eternity, Y/N. There is nothing you can do about it." He got quiet just as the immediate pain receded, leaving you with intense throbs. 
"You… won't get the chance," you spoke through tears. "Big talk for someone who isn't even going to breach this plane." A flash of pain sparked in your skull. He chuckled. 
"Oh, Y/N. Perhaps you are just as green as you were when we met. I can't wait to feel you again. To have you watch me burn the world." Silence. 
Despite your exhaustion, you could not sleep. You might as well have melted into the chair in how your body did not move a single inch, too scared to bother your wounds, and have the pain come back that is still aching. You did not want to spend your last hours unconscious. No one came to feed you.
"They're coming," he said. "They'd better be quick, then. The moon is almost up out there, after all." He groaned, and you jolted at the feeling of a cold hand on your neck. 
Soichiro and a train of holy people entered the room and surrounded you. He approached your limp body and undid your bounds. You did not miss him tense, and his eyes widen at the pool of blood in the seat from your back. 
'We must hurry. Any minute he will come through." Soichiro enlisted others to help him carry you back up the stairs to the altar. "Twenty four hours in the chamber has amplified their soul. It explains the marks on their back from their past life. Quick, on the altar!" The cloth was smooth against your skin as they placed you. 
Movement flurried around you as different scents were sprayed, various objects were placed on the ground and on the altar around you, and foreign words were spoken around you. Fatigue racked your body. There was not a single inch of your body that you could to move. 
Soichiro stood over your body. Your eyes, dead and clouded, stared up at him. In his hand was a singular, transparent, glass object. Quickly, he lifted his hand, ready to plunge it down. 
A loud bang resounded in the chapel, and the glass fell with a splatter of blood. You rolled your head to the side and watched two bodies approach from the entrance. All of the holy people around you were blown limply against the walls around you. It was only when they were right above you that you recognize it was Misa and Rem. 
"Rem, can you carry them? Do you still have your strength?" 
"Do not worry, Misa," she replied. Long arms lifted you while Misa skipped ahead and smiled reassuringly back at you. Music filled the crisp air. Lights hanging from the trees and other ornaments swept by your visual field. You groaned and lulled your head to face Misa. 
"M-Misa, no." You groaned. "He's coming." She giggled and turned around. Skipping backward, her smile widened. Behind her, the crowd gathered in the village square. Their vivid garments stuck out under the lights. 
"Of course I know, silly! Rem is a Shinigami just as the one who gave Kira his power. Just like he had a notebook, I had Rem's, but it was destroyed eons ago. Still, it binds me to live eternally, just like Soichiro. Luckily, Rem's cloaking magic covered me when I've met him, or he would have spoiled it all for us!
"When I saw you, I knew it was you. No matter how you may physically change, your heart and soul are always the same. Now, he's going to return to us. He's going to spearhead the new world." She twirled her hair around her finger. "Isn't that exciting?" 
You had no strength to fight in Rem's hold. Even if you did, you were unsure if you would be able to beat a Shinigami. 
Eyes were drawn to you as your bloodied and weak form was carried by an almost unidentifiable figure. Gasps echoed across the crowd, the music stopping as you presumably reached the square. 
"They watch helplessly," he spoke. "They know you are not theirs to touch. Soon, they will all know my power. They will all know who you belong to. Keep your eyes open, love."  
"Y/N! Y/N! Move! That's our child! Move! Y/N! The desperate calls of your parents broke through the crowd, but Rem presumably pushed them far back just the holy people, scaring the public to still and part for your funeral march. You heard the sick smack of bodies against a surface. Misa hummed to herself in front of you. Your head rolling back, you met Mello's wide and helpless eyes as he stood in the crowd. 
Misa led you away from the crowd and stopped at the flagpole at the village's entrance gates with the group following. Rem retied you to the base of the flagpole; your arms crossed over your chest in a familiar 'X,' legs and waist bound to the pole. Misa's settled herself next to you.
"All!" She called. "Watch as the blood moon rises behind the chapel! He who fell to hell is rising again to take what is rightfully his!" She pointed to the moon as it brilliantly glowed crimson above the chapel. Murmurs rose from the crowd, suspicious and fearful. "Watch as our god returns to the mortal realm!" 
The church bell rang. Its deathly reverberations echoing in your ear. The crowd fell to silence. 
"Have you missed me, love?" He spoke. "Because I have missed you." 
A red beam of light erupted from the chapel, followed quickly by multiple explosions. The statue, the roof, the infrastructure all crumbling by the expanding beam of light that touched the sky, screams erupted from the crowd, and they began to scramble. You pulled with what little strength you had left, but the pole against your back seized you in pain to cease your movements.
A silhouette could be made out of the beam. Large black wings spread from his back, sharp and jagged. Hands rose above his head before he dropped down in front of the chapel submerged in flames. His shadow enraptured you, and though his shadow was mostly unclear from a distance, you could make out his eyes even from here. Slowly, he took his first step forwards. 
Every needle and leaf in the trees around him fell. The grass withered all around him. Ash from the sky and littered the ground. With each step, the radius expanded until more and more life died around him. Your eyes trailed to the unconscious bodies of your parents against a tree. His zone of death stretched farther than them. 
"Eyes on me." 
"You're going to kill them!" You screeched. "Stop this madness at once!" You shook in your bonds. Misa was frozen next to you, eyes wide in anticipation as he approached. 
"Ordering me around? Perhaps you still are conceited. I think killing them will remind you of your place, hm?" Unfortunate humans were reduced to ash in his radius. The wind blew the ashes all around him, gently lifting his brown tufts of hair. "These mortals are nothing compared to you and I. Accept me as your mate. Accept the part of your soul that is my own, and the pain will all go away. You'll be dragged down to hell, and I'll bring you right back up." 
Your parent's ashes were a different color than the rest. 
"You know, it's been an eternity since I've heard you call my name. Do you even remember it?" You shook your head and squeezed your eyes shut. The thick scent of smoke, of ash, of death, permeated the air. "Eyes on me." He was almost here. Arms extended to the side, he approached from the other side of the square now. 
"Misa, we need to leave." 
"No! He's here! He's finally here, Rem!" 
"His aura will kill you, Misa." 
"No, I won't! He won't!" Rem, at lightning speed, grabbed Misa and flew in the other direction. "No! Put me down! I'll never forgive you! Stop!" Her voice echoed until it was out of range. Your head lashed back and forth, looking for any sign of life, but there was none: just ash, dying grass, and gnarled, graying trees. 
Dressed in all black, eyes blazing, teeth sharp, wings stretched, he now stood before you with the moon on his back. You pushed yourself against the pole despite the shock of pain. The grass around you died, the bugs vanishing, but you remained fine. You stared at his feet. 
"Oh, love," soft fingers reached down and tilted your head up. "You're as beautiful as I remember." Black wings encircled you, so you could only see him. "Do you remember my name?" You shook your head, and he gripped your chin harder. "Do not lie to me. Say my name, Y/N. Sew the wounds of your forsaken wings and accept your place with me." His voice resounded in you. "You feel it. I know you do. I feel your pain. Your fear. I've felt every emotion your reincarnations have ever felt. Say my name." He leaned in close.
"Kira." He clicked his tongue. 
"Stop resisting," he hissed. "Say my name, Y/N." His breath glided against your cheek. His hand moved to cup your jaw, and the other trailed down your waist.
"Light." It came off your lips quickly, easily, and he smiled, eyes widening with pleasure. Immediately, relief filled your physical body, your back's pain dissolving. Your head tilted back in bliss. 
"Y/N," he whispered against your neck. "Finally." He inhaled your scent deeply, hand tilting your head to give him more access. He placed a small kiss against your skin. His kisses trailed upwards, along your jaw, frantic against your cheeks, nose, until he captured your lips and stole your breath. 
"Oh, Y/N," he whispered against your lips. "I love you."  
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31. The One That I Get to Build With
Previous Word Count: 7608
Hazel was less irritated with Grace and Simon when they were honest with her and told her that they were going to be involved in a relationship, but not openly. They didn’t want anyone else to know, mostly because Grace was very secretive and didn’t want the same people who often intruded into her social media to find their way into this relationship, as they attempted to build it.
So, the simple rule was that if someone made a comment about the relationship not to respond to it and if someone asked about it, not to answer. They just moved the conversation right along, like the relationship had not been mentioned. Grace and Simon used to do that all of the time. Hazel, they worried might find it more difficult, but they were counting on the fact that most people who might ask her would be online, where she could easily ignore them.
Simon went to his parents’ for Thanksgiving. Apparently, his dad begged him to , because he was certain that this would be his mom’s last one… Simon guessed that Grace was making him soft, because he couldn’t say no. It felt wrong to just refuse. “You gonna be okay?” Grace asked, the night before his flight.
“Yeah,” he answered, sadly. “I’ll stop by to see your parents, while I’m out there.”
“They’ll probably be at a banquet or something. Hazel and I are going to do some charity and bring some people to shelters, then have dinner together and retire in our jammies to have movie night.”
Simon groaned, “Why do you have to rub that in my face?”
“Don’t complain.” He pouted silently. “You’ll be able to be around for Christmas, if you’re still playing your cards right.”
“I’m never gonna mess this up.”
“Awww. Well… see you when you get back.”
She made sure that was correct, because whenever Simon got back, the Monday after Thanksgiving, Grace was asleep in his bed. He’d given her a key almost as soon as they decided that they were going to give themselves a try, but she didn’t really use it. He was grateful that she had that night. Seeing his family had been enough to make him grateful for what he escaped from. After he washed up, he slid into bed and wrapped his arms around her. She stirred to ask him how it went, and when he said he didn’t want to talk about it, she simply rested her head on his chest, kissed his tattooed pec, and went back to sleep. The scent of her hair gave him a comfort that he had forgotten existed the previous few days. This was one of the things he was thankful for, wrapped up tightly in his arms, in his bed.
Simon and Hazel decorated his house for Christmas. Really, Simon decorated and Hazel critiqued, but it was “helpful,” for her to tell him everything that he seemed to be doing wrong… for a while. It was actually extremely cold and he didn’t usually spend that amount of time outside in such weather. Plus… the criticism. He wasn’t fond of being criticized, even after years of therapy. Eventually, he told her, “I think I can handle some lights, Hazel. I graduated from MIT.”
Hazel rolled her eyes and told him, “You say that to me and I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean any more than you know what you’re doing with these lights.”
“Hazel…” He said it then took a pause to catch his breath and realign his patience. That was what Grace called it. Realigning your patience. She’d take a look at him and ask, “Do you think maybe you need to realign your patience?” Not to calm down, and not accusing him of getting upset, but asking him to realign his patience and somehow, every time, he got soft and did exactly that. “Good job, Gray Eyes,” and a strum of his ponytail later, he’d be a cool pile of putty for her to mold… But Grace was inside of the house and her little Christmas slave-driver was not the model of invoking patience…
“Gra-a-a-ce!” Simon called out. “GRACE!” He said louder and more short.
She came running outside and immediately checked on Hazel. “What is it? Are you okay? What’s happening?”
“Please, get her cocoa or something,” Simon said. It was given like an order and gave Grace pause, to look at him like he was out of his mind. “Please?” He repeated, softer. “I need to realign my patience and it’s hard to focus in this cold…” She softened up too.
“Come on, Haze,” Grace wrapped an arm around Hazel’s shoulder and guided her inside. Simon got more done now, but he hoped that it looked okay. Hazel had caused some doubts. Eventually, Grace called him and told him to come inside and recalibrate. He groaned, but knew that it was a commandment, not a suggestion. Besides, he was freezing his balls off.
Whenever he walked in, it felt so refreshingly warm. The house smelled like pine, fire, and some sort of candles that Grace had lit all over the opening of the house. Hazel and Grace were in the kitchen. Hazel, seated at the island with an absurdly large mug that her GlamMother got her for winters in New York and a plate of something that smelled remarkable. Grace took his coat and hung it on the rack and gestured at his shoes. He set them on the rack next to the door and she led him to the kitchen. “Since Hazel is a great helper, she helped me to try out my first recipe from a recipe book that I got as an early Christmas present!” She cheered.
Simon didn’t look excited about it. Everyone knew that of Grace’s many talents, the only ones that happened in the kitchen were usually DIY natural beauty products. She gently forced him into the seat next to Hazel and began to excitedly prepare him something.
Simon leaned towards Hazel and whispered, “I’m sorry about losing it out there. Level with me. Should I be worried?”
Hazel smirked and tilted her head, “Are you suggesting that Our Grace can’t follow the instructions in a recipe book, Simon?”
“No… Just… wondering if she can…” Hazel snorted. It didn’t escape his notice that she hadn’t devoured her gingerbread men.
“Okay, SO… Here is a cup of crock pot hot chocolate and…” she turned around with a mug and a plate and it looked vaguely familiar. “Gingerbread Man VS Snowman S’mores…” Simon gasped, recalling being with his Nana dad's mom, before she died and making an entire murder scene with her gingerbread man cookies and the marshmallow snowmen that she was going to melt into the cocoa… he then let out a hearty laugh about that situation.
“I wanted to try to be a good girlfriend for Christmas, so I called your dad while you were away and he shipped me your grandmother’s recipe book that she gave your mom when she passed away. He said that nobody has used it in years. It is SO descriptive! AND… She notated the stuff that each of her kids, grandkids, and their spouses and stuff loved. So… I found all the ones marked “Simon,” bookmarked them, and discovered that you helped her create one of her treats!”
“I can’t believe she recorded that!” He laughed, explaining, “What I did was ruin a bunch of her stuff and whenever they caught me, my dad was ready to give me a spanking, but Nana intervened and asked, “Don’t you see that the boy’s a genius? Why, he just created my new favorite treat!” We took the broken gingerbread cookies and the snowmen, made smores and pretended that it was the after effects of a warzone. She let me tell the story of how they were fighting, because she’d missed out on that part of my game… That was… actually my first creative story that I shared with anybody. So, you actually just gave me a really special gift, because I hadn't considered that historical memory in years.” Grace’s eyes were wide and glossy. Simon stopped laughing to come to hug her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Grace.”
“Don’t thank her yet, you haven’t tasted it,” Hazel teased. She bit off the head of one of the additional gingerbread man cookies that weren’t in the war. It was actually really good! Simon’s grandma must’ve left great instructions, or Hazel was to thank for Grace following through so well with them.
Simon put off the rest of the decorations until the next day. Whenever he finished, Hazel was actually awestruck. The scene? Elves taking the sleigh on a joyride, one of them hanging off of the rails, one on a reindeer's back, one controlling the sleigh and one ducking in it, peeking out.
“How did you do this? How did you do that?” She asked about various aspects of the scene.
“I graduated from MIT,” Simon said, taking a sip of a mug of cocoa with a melting snowman marshmallow in it. Hazel still didn’t know what that was supposed to mean, but she now at least respected it.
Christmas Eve at Grace’s was everyone’s wildest dreams come true. At least the three of them. Grace had arranged matching jammies - they weren’t identical, but you know… the same designs/color pattern. They were reindeer themed and she had some for Samantha, as well. Samantha and Hazel had wearable antlers. Simon and Grace had hoodies that “turned them into” reindeer.
They worked on each other’s hair - Grace being exceptionally good at braids now gave Hazel an elaborate celtic braid that she had been wanting for a while, and Simon two French braids. Hazel and Simon bickered over who could be better at doing Grace’s hair and she wound up with one of them on each side, turning her into a lopsided headed hot mess. She took selfies of the act in progress and even went live to show people what she was doing with her Christmas Eve… just because sharing certain parts of her life was fun…
OF COURSE, she anticipated that she might accidentally get a shot of Simon’s face as she did this, but she was careful to try not to. Whenever she DID accidentally do so (or maybe someone heard his voice or Hazel say his name in the background or something), she had plenty of comments to ignore about the matter. But, someone within minutes had already created posts about Simon and Grace in family pajamas and doing each other’s hair.
When she turned it off, she reminded them that they weren’t saying anything about it. But, all of them had their own photos and people definitely were piecing together the matching pajamas, even though Simon wasn’t posting full photos of himself on his… he DID post photos of Hazel, Grace and Samantha. Eventually, Hazel, with her doe eyes told them that she wasn’t used to having a Christmas like this and she wanted an actual family photo. Simon made it happen, as the one who was best at it, and Hazel changed her profile pic to it. This was a Christmas dream come true for her, so Grace didn’t raise a fuss about the nosy people. Simon was grateful for that, too, as he wrapped himself around her, while Hazel laid her head on her lap for them to watch Christmas movies until Hazel fell asleep. Simon tucked her away in her bed, setting the atmosphere of the room the way that he had seen Grace do several times in the time that they had been spending time sleeping over at each others’ - the lighting, the diffuser, her Tuba stuffie, and Samantha had come into the room and curled around her feet. Simon gave Hazel’s hair a strumming and shut the door quietly behind him.
Whenever he went back out, Grace wasn’t in the living room anymore and she’d turned off the TV, so he presumed she went to bed, as well. He picked up any clutter they left laying around and put things back where they belonged before he retired too. Grace was… awake… She wasn’t in her matching pajamas anymore. Instead, she had on a red nightie that hardly covered anything, with some fun stuff beneath. He froze, shut the door, locked it. She leaned back against the pillows and smirked, “It’s Christmas Eve. I believe that you have something to show me.”
“Permission to present, Ma’am?”
“I consent.” Simon smiled and removed his pajamas before approaching the bed and removing his boxers. “Bring it here, for further inspection,” she said, with a teasing smile. He climbed into bed, and saw that she had on pasties that read “Naughty” and “Nice” and her thong had a picture of a mistletoe on the front. He stared at it and looked up at her. “I consent,” she repeated, to answer his unasked question.
They still weren't going all the way. Grace wasn't sure when she might be ready for that and Simon wasn't pressing his luck by asking for more. Besides, there were things far more important than sex and while her using favors and acts as a means to keep him… in line, he was more than appreciative about the fact that he was invited to spend New Year's Eve with she and her friends.
Whenever Mr. and Mrs. Monroe came over for the opening of the presents, Grace was back into her pajamas again and nobody ever would have known just how naughty she had been the night before. Hazel got more presents than were even reasonable, and Grace was given a lot by her parents and Simon, as well. Simon was surprised that her parents had bought him gifts as well. He had expected ones from Grace (was unsure about Hazel, but glad to receive from her too). There was… a lot of love he was feeling. It reminded him of whenever he used to spend holidays with the Monroes and be treated at least like he mattered, if not like family. He cried about it, apologizing to the Monroes for everything he'd done. Mrs. Monroe brushed it off, but he and Mr. Monroe wound up talking at length about things men are supposed to do and not supposed to do, why he had been disgusted by Simon's decisions, etc. At the end of it, Simon did feel like Mr. Monroe forgave him. Mrs. Monroe was always going to feel how she felt, and that was alright. It had to be, just like it had to be, that Simon was always going to feel how he felt about his parents… who also sent gifts for him and Hazel with the Monroes. Hazel and him decided that they would video call them together to thank them. Faith looked terrible. She looked like a fading ghost. But, she was starting to be nicer. Probably the guilt and the fear of thinking that something was next.
For Simon? What was next was here on Earth. Christmas Day yielded him having to put together things for Hazel and Grace, finish making sure that dinner was right, and continually try to score brownie points with Grace. The Monroes were staying at an upscale hotel, but stayed at the townhouse well past nightfall. Grace had kept certain things steady - the candles, sometimes throwing a little handful of herbs she selected into the fireplace, everyone’s drink glasses, and check-ins with Simon, to make sure he was still feeling okay, as this was their first Christmas together and her family could be stressful, etc. He was great. He never wanted it to end. He felt needed and wanted. He felt cared for and acknowledged. He didn’t even have that anxious feeling that it was all going to go away.
He wound up having to carry Hazel to bed. She fell asleep on her grandparents’ laps, playing on a new device they got her, which he put away first and tucked her in, accordingly.
“He seems very comfortable here,” Mrs. Monroe said.
“We’re working on things, Mom,” Grace said, nodding. Her parents had about the same amount of information that everyone else had about this situation. The more that they knew was that Simon would be there for Christmas. They hadn’t expected him to have slept over, in matching pajamas, to be cooking the food, building the toys, and certainly not for him to be tucking their granddaughter into bed. “We’ve been working on things since maybe a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, give or take a few days.”
“So, he’s made this place a second home in a month’s time.” It was a statement.
“Mommy! Stop.”
Simon returned, just as cheerful as before and paused when he noticed the energy in the room. He pointed his thumb towards Hazel’s room and said, “I may have to add something in there to make storage more optimal, with all the new stuff..” Grace just smiled and nodded. “Did I interrupt something.”
“Just my reservations about you being here,” Mrs. Monroe said. Simon frowned and he nodded. “But, my daughter is an adult now. She makes her own decisions and if you tell her too much that she doesn’t like, she moves across the country and rarely calls…” Grace groaned, “SO! I guess my reservations will merely dissipate, like they’ve done in days past.”
“I think you should definitely feel how you feel…” He bit his lip and told Grace, “I’ll head home.”
“Head home? You’re not gonna stay?... and… help me clean up in the kitchen?” She asked… not wanting him to leave her alone with her parents and not wanting to say that either. But, he took the hint.
“Right! Sorry. Of course, I am.” He squeezed her hand and sat down beside her. There was some silence, then he broke it, “I know that everyone has reason not to believe me and I’m not going to beg anybody anymore… except for Grace, sometimes. At this point, it is out of everyone’s control whether or not I can be trusted, as Grace has decided to try to trust me. It’s now up to me to live up to that opportunity. Everyone is welcome to come to my house tomorrow and go through and see what I’ve been up to lately.”
They spent some time at his house the next day and now, Mrs. Monroe wondered, “Why didn’t you just host Christmas here?”
“Maybe next year,” Grace said, with a shrug. It was the best thing that Simon had heard. He smiled and blushed and puffed his chest out. She was considering that she hoped to still be with him next year. That was a perfect ending to his Christmas, and he prayed for New Year’s Eve to go well, too.
Shana fortunately was not going to be there. She and her girlfriend were in Cali for Christmas and New Year's. In fact, there were several other people that were there that hadn't been around for the birthday party Simon had sort of crashed. Tulip, Mikayla, and Julliard chick who he found out was named Chapa were there, along with the Black ginger dude, who they called Meta, and Damita, Grace's alleged best friend. There were about a dozen other people too. Among them, Ghairrisahn, and truth be told, seeing her again, and in close quarters, Simon was still a little bit smitten by her. But, he also kept looking at Grace, who had worn what was essentially sparkly jewelry out.
It was luminescent chain mail two piece, pleated like victory curtain swag that flowed like water and sparkles like embers whenever the light caught it. The cup only bra and seamless panty beneath was so customized to her skin tone, he'd thought that she was naked beneath and initially almost injured himself when she took off her fur coat.
Nobody in the room was as sexy… Though… he really had to admit… Her friends were all pretty sexy.
Someone offered him a beverage, and he declined, "I don't drink."
"Are you both straight edge?"
"No. I take a lot of meds and have a partially functioning liver and less than stellar spleen. Couldn’t afford to drink, if I was even tempted to."
"Jesus! A medical condition?"
"Ummm… the meds, yes. I've got delusional tendencies, ummm… not heavy, but enough that I need the additional assistance. The organs were the consequences to one of my many, many aggravated episodes."
"Which… were not actually related to his psychosis," Grace offered and threw him a look, wondering why he was divulging the information this way.
"Not directly. I have some struggles, but I also can be an asshole," he chuckled. "A little childhood trauma, poor early development resources and a personality disorder that I've been working through, with a lot of help…" he looked at Grace and she cupped his chin and smiled at him. That was enough to help him relax.
"You don't have to tell people all of that, Gray Eyes. “I’m on medication” is enough, or even, just “I don’t drink."
"It's… fine." He smiled back, his heart uncontrollable as he looked her way. God, she was beautiful and precious. He loved her so much. He loved that she was with him again, and that it was more than it had ever been before.
"How bout a virgin daiquiri?"
"Sure, thanks."
The night mellowed out after a while. Grace went to call in with the nanny to check on Hazel when it was her bedtime. Simon watched her as she stepped out of the room, sparkling and waited to see her strut back inside. "Hazel just went to bed," she told him.
A few moments later, Meta asked Simon, "Have you heard Grace freestyle?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Rap…???" Simon immediately thought about when they were younger and Grace tried to rap. She was probably 13 he was sure not 14 yet, and it was both miserable to hear but the absolute best thing because it was so comical. That thought alone steered him from the surrounding conversation that followed onto laughing uncontrollably.
Grace and Ghairrisahn stared at him and others tried not to laugh at his response. Grace simply thought, ‘So, you’re just gonna sit here and laugh in my face like this?’ Tears were streaming from his eyes! When he finally composed himself he took a few moments trying to breathe again and asked, "Hmm?" he repeated, “Rap? Like… rap music?” He got up to find some tissue and Grace folded her arms, smirking. “I’M GONNA PEEE!!!” Simon called out, rushing to the bathroom.
He returned a few minutes later, seemingly composed, but muttered the word, “Rap,” and laughed again, though not as hard, this time.
Ghairrisahn suggested, "Let him listen to her Fat P**** verse."
Simon choked and his eyes were wide, "Her what?"
"Oh my God, you guys! That was so long ago!" Grace said. "Please, nobody have that! I already had to sit here and watch this man laugh harder than he ever has in all the years that I’ve known him."
"I have it," Damita said. “I still jam Fat P***y. Salty that they never made and released that. That was dope. We can always use more p***y songs, in my opinion.”
Simon was definitely on board to keep hearing pretty women casually say the P word, but his face must have shown his confusion, because Grace explained, "Whenever I first tried to make my mark in the New York music scene, they were wondering if I could rap, and I had been practicing…" Simon started laughing again, but she talked over him, "BECAUSE, I didn't like the way I used to sound. So I was trying to tap into like the hot girl aesthetic and when Sahn called to ask me if I wanted to write some songs for her and maybe work on demos with her, one of my more risque songs that was all singing of course, they asked, can you throw in a rap verse?"
“Here’s the verse,” Damita said and turned it up:
“Ever since I was a baby sucking on my mama teet, everybody realized, wasn't nobody hot as me.
I was born with it, true, I got it from my mama. Grew up, glowed up, now these b****** want drama.
Can't be mad at me cuz your men keep flocking. Girl I don't want them n****s, I tell them to keep walking.
Why do she? Act like she all that, stuntin hard, swear to God on all them alleycats.
Why she never shook when every other bitch would be?
I got too much of my own to ever act like a groupie. Every real n**** know that girl so bougie.
Why so many high rollers be wanting her to choose he?
Maybe that's because they know she got that good coochie.
That's right, fat p***y on my stat sheet. They wanna hit, but I only let ‘em eat me.
Pucker up, work that tongue until they can't breathe -
And only if they got the energy to please me… Fat P***y…”
The song went on to soulfully and smoothly sing about fat P, and there were whispers and ad libs that he knew were Grace. By the end, he wondered where her rap was. "What happened?"
"I practiced and got better at rapping, so my verse sounded good, but they didn’t like it. They felt like it was too much.”
He laughed. "That wasn't you!" They played it again and she rapped and sang along. Simon had a look in his eyes as he was forced to admit, "Well… you definitely got better than the rapping I remember."
Then, he was once again thinking about how she sounded way back when. It caused another fit of laughter. “Boy, fuck you!” Grace said and playfully kicked him. Even still, he couldn’t stop laughing.
What made matters worse was whenever Damita asked, “Was your rapping as bad as the freestyle you did on Tuba’s show?”
“WHAT???” Simon asked and howled at the sky. “PLEASE! PLEASE… Do you have that?”
“It’s online,” Damita said.
“Woooooow. You are such a fake friend,” Grace said.
“You… did it in a studio audience…”
Simon found the clip and it wasn’t actually bad. It was definitely of the Kids’ Bop variety, but he loved it. “You’re good at rapping now. Because, I mean… do YOU remember when you first tried?”
She shook her head, “No, that sounds made up. I think you imagined it.” Simon stopped smiling and stopped to think, with an anxious look on his face. Grace caught her mistake and winced. She climbed onto his lap and said, “No, no, no… I'm sorry. I didn’t think about it. I didn’t mean that. You didn’t imagine it. I definitely tried to rap and sounded like somebody’s suburban Becky with a struggle blaccent.” He took a deep breath and nodded. She took his chin in her hand and forced his lips to pucker for her to kiss. “Sorry about that. I promise, I didn’t mean to make you panic.”
“S’ok.” He smiled.
Ultimately he had Damita to send him the audio of the demo. As funny as the idea of her wrapping had been before, he couldn't deny that there was something very appealing about getting to hear her say that word over and over.
Ringing in a new year kissing her lips in front of other people felt like a tremendous accomplishment. Appearing in several of the photos with her and her friends that were circulating social media, and then leaving with her on his arm, in that goddamn bracelet from Tiffany's and the fur coat. Ghairrisahn gave him a kiss on the cheek goodnight. He and Tulip exchanged contact info for a possible work project later. Nobody punched him. He was able to get some friction action from Grace, to the point of losing control in his pants, and he had a new catchy song to sing and rap about.
Every time he brings it up, it's either him laughing about how he remembered her old rap, or him rapping sporadically about having a fat P… which.. also gave him a little chuckle. Neither of them knew at that time that he would walk around the house rapping it for a few weeks, every few months, for quite a while.
"For someone with little compact titties and a tight little petite butt, you do have a pretty fat pu-"
"I will definitely react in displeasure if you finish that statement…" They gave each other wincing smiles. He punctuated his by kissing her on the nose real quick.
Whenever Valentines Day rolled around, she told him that she didn’t really want to do anything… which he HATED, because he loved that day! But, she wanted to be lowkey and she didn’t think that he could manage lowkey. She decided to make him one of his beloved ASMR videos, of her eating chocolate covered fruit and sucking on ice cubes with edible flowers in them. “This is gonna help smooth me over for a long time,” he said watching it. “I made you a video too.”
“Send it to me!” she said.
Whenever she opened the video and it was a fanvid compilation of her dancing in music videos or her social media posts, played to match up with Fat P***y, she cackled, then shook her head, “I am so tired of your ass,” she joked.
That was around the time that the revised second book of Esmoroth: The Idol Princess Falls was released.
Hazel decided that she would read them to Grace, because it had become obvious that Grace was never going to read them for herself and things were always easier to hear when they came from Hazel. She loved Hazel’s voice. She was able to get both books read to Grace by the end of Spring Break that year. Grace frequently texted Simon her complaints with this Idol Princess and how she was depicted. He was working a lot of the time and grateful of that fact. She wasn’t cool with most of the first book. She warmed up with the second one, EVEN THOUGH the Idol Princess died near the end. Correction: The Future King KILLED her! KILLED HER. He tried to explain that he couldn’t change that portion. That it was important to the plot of the third book, where the Future King would be hunted down because of this murder and go on a journey to bring the Idol Princess back!
It was extremely important.
“Okay, but how does she ever forgive this motherfucker after the way that he turned on her for something that was a misunderstanding?? HE KILLED HER, SIMON!” He knew that most of her emotions were because of who those characters represented. That book sold more than the first one and she found herself in the Esmoroth fandom… at least incognito, seeing that the Idol Princess was actually quite hated and many were relieved of her death. They didn’t know yet that she would be back and it took a lot out of her not to tell those punks! Did they even read the same book?? Simon found her on the porch swing, with her phone, crying.
“It’s the exile from the Apex all over again.” He kneeled beside her. “They’re treating her exactly like they treated me and what am I gonna do? Get upset over a fictional character? No. I’m upset over the fact that whether she’s fictional, or whether she’s real, this is what people always do. We can’t do anything right.” She wiped her tears. “She tried really hard to make everyone happy and she died trying to help him. Trying to SAVE him, and he purposefully killed her, and they STILL see her as the bad guy. It’s not fair.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the Apex and I’m sorry for the Esmoroth fandom…”
She sighed and shook her head, “Fuck them nerds, Man.” She said. But, she was still hurt. Mostly, because it felt so much like reopening wounds that she thought she had healed from. It got so bad to the point that Simon almost backed out of publishing the last one, but he HAD to publish that one! That was the story of how the Future King was willing to go through every trial and tribulation, face every danger and fear just to get his friend back. What he hadn’t told her was that the character ultimately has to be willing to die, himself in order to awaken her. He had a few different possible endings and he wasn’t sure which one was most sufficient. He figured that might be because his future with Grace wasn’t always very clear. Particularly after he awakened that pain of betrayal inside of her.
The couple’s and group therapy was especially helpful during this time, because she honestly felt unreasonable in how upset this story made her, and had to remember and realize that her feelings weren’t necessarily towards the book’s feedback, but her own unaddressed hurt for the way that she had been treated. Sure, she had forgiven Simon, but at Simon’s initial harm, she had been subjected to thousands of hurtful opinions and harassment. She had spoken to a few people and rectified things - Shana, Simon, her parents… but what about the general public? What about her former “friends” and “followers” online? The people who she didn’t know before who appeared simply to speak on how much they hated a 16 year old girl. The people who made her life hell by forcing their way into her mentions, and into her mind… and once again… Simon, because he KNEW that they would and he KNEW it would hurt, because she had been very open with him at the time that such things were hurting her.
How was she supposed to build with someone who she would apparently for at least a long time, if not forever, she would think about how he tore her down. How he learned everything about her when they loved each other only to use things against her when he thought they didn’t.
Once upon a time, Simon was convinced that he had never done anything wrong in his life and that every time something happened that was wrong in his world, it was because of the people around him doing things to him, which was true in certain cases, but certainly not in every case, and definitely not in Grace’s case… But, once he felt attacked, all bets were off and he wasn’t letting up on her. It reached the point where she wondered if it was her fault and while she suffered her breakdown, before he was ever forced to get help of his own… she had attackers from all sides. Strangers. Associates. Fake friends… And they all rose against her, despite the fact that she was already down and the fact of the matter was and always would be that she was already down because Simon KNOCKED her down.
And… she had loved him through it. She’d always loved him. It was something that she felt so stiupid about for so long, while she was recovering, and for a time, she didn’t feel that way. In fact, as of the moment, Simon had done absolutely nothing to make her recall the hurt. She might have been offset by reading those books, and escalated it by checking out the fandom, but while he would always have a fear of abandonment from his mom or whatever… she was starting to feel like she would always have the fear of his betrayal. She was willing to hear him out, to work on establishing boundaries and rebuilding trust, rebuilding love, but there would probably always be the underlying torment, “I didn’t know how much he hated me, before. How can I ever know that I haven’t made one of his hard to determine mistakes and that he isn’t in the process of making me pay for it?” She asked, crying. “I just… have to trust him… but… I thought I did, then suddenly… I realize out of nowhere, maybe I don’t. Maybe I can’t. Maybe I never will.”
Simon started crying but he put one hand over his face and tried to suck it up. “The worst part is that he’s done nothing to provoke this wave of distrust… so it feels like there's not really anything that he could do to reassure me. He was already in the process of reassuring me and this just arose…" Simon sobbed. "Simon…" he shook his head. "This is what happens. When something comes up, he feels responsible, then I feel bad."
"I AM responsible. It doesn't matter if it was years ago. The damage was done and I'm the one who did it."
"Have you to tried taking some space apart to just be able to find each of your bearings without leaning on how each other makes you feel?"
They hadn't. But, now that the counselor suggested it,they would. Grace worried about Simon… that he might… react. She spent the first few days paranoid, checking behind her and being startled by every surprise sound at home.
During that time, one of her music videos released and the internet was abuzz with the racy nature of her single Lovedrunk Country and certain scenes in the video, including her choreography which included pole dancing, a peepshow setting, and at least one lapdance in which she is seen dancing with her thighs open in the recipient's face.
Someone (many someones) asked Simon what he thought about the video and he said, "It's an incredibly sexy video with awesome costume design and chorography. Who doesn't want to be the guy in the chair?"
She'd warned him whenever they were filming of some of the stuff in the video, but she had forgotten by the time it aired and worried that he might have too.
Grace: Heyyy… How is everything?
Simon: Confusing.
Grace: How do you mean?
Simon: I'm on so much meds right now.
Grace: For what?
Simon: The usual + I'm sick. ☹️
Grace: Do you need some help?
Simon: I don't want to trouble anybody.
Grace: Ummm. Who is "anybody?" Your concerned lovelady is worried! I'm coming over.
Simon: You don't have to do that. I need you to feel safe.
Grace: Are you contagious?
Simon: It's an infection. But… I meant because of therapy…
Grace: It's passed. I miss you, Fool.
Simon: 🥺 I've been miserable.
That happened from time to time. They'd be flourishing. They'd be fine. Then, they'd be frustrated and need to give each other a little room (technically, it was almost always Grace), as Simon really did seem as though he was willing to go through anything just to make sure he was always near her. Sometimes that meant going through time apart from her. But they didn't put their relationship on hold. Whenever they were taking space it was literally just that. Going to their own homes for a little bit until everybody was comfortable again.
By May, Hazel's 11th birthday, they threw the party at Simon's house. That June, Grace's album came out. That July, Mrs. Monroe said that she was looking for a surrogate, so that she and Mr. Monroe could try again at another child. Simon's 24th birthday, he announced that a major studio made a deal with him for the Book of Esmoroth. By Grace's 24th, the Monroes had found their surrogate. That Halloween, Simon and Hazel had dressed as some characters from some sci fi or fantasy world of theirs and Grace was dressed down, in a hoodie and some yoga pants with her fro pulled forward. Because, she was always dressing up and having to look amazing. Halloween was a day that she dressed up by not dressing up at all. Four days later, Simon's dad called to tell him that his mother had "Gone to be with the Lord."
Simon didn't want to go back to her services if Grace wasn't going to be with him. So, her parents kept Hazel while she went along for emotional support… and Simon needed more than he thought he would for losing his mom..
She was "dead to him" long ago. Even in her last days, it was like staring at a corpse that was making groaning noises. She'd lived past when they thought, but she never actually told Simon that she forgave him, and people's insistence on saying that now Faith and Hope were together just made him furious.
He took a leave of absence from work and saw the grief counselor a little more frequently. Grace made recipes she had bookmarked, hoping that might make him feel better on the home front. He wasn't coming out of the house, so she and Hazel spent Thanksgiving week at his.
Hazel wondered, "Are you going to be well enough to cook for Thanksgiving? You might not remember, but you said that you'd make turducken… if you don't… Grace will try… three birds will have died in vain…" Simon snorted and tousled her hair. "She's really worried about you."
"I'm trying really hard to get better for you two…"
"No. That's not what you need to be doing. You need to be trying to get better for you."
"My therapist has told me that before."
"And what? You pay him to not listen to him?"
Simon shook his head, "I don't understand why I'm so sad. She was a bad person who was bad to me. She hurt me and made me as bad as her, maybe worse. Why would I care that she's gone?"
"It doesn't matter why. You do, and that's gotta be okay, because you obviously can't control it. Let yourself feel whatever you need to and try to get better for you. In the meantime, I wasn't playing about that turducken. You… can't let Grace try to take on something like that. She just started making edible food like… this year…"
He cackled and Grace peeked in, "Hey Ho Whoa! Is my loveman feeling better?" He caught her eye and forced a smile. She knew it was fake, but it was the first he'd tried in weeks, so she felt better. Simon forced himself into the kitchen that week to make Thanksgiving happen. Grace and Hazel followed whatever instructions he gave for additional help, and after he was actually up and about making himself useful and spending time with his favorite two people, he felt better too.
This year, he was thankful for another year with them… "Oh God… I let our first anniversary slip by!"
"Simon… I don't know what day that was even."
"November 5th," Simon said. "Because that remember, remember the 5th of November rhyme was in my head…"
"Ohhhh." Grace winced and she bit her lip. "I mean… it makes sense you forgot… the day started with your mom…" Simon frowned. That was the same day?
"SHE. RUINS. EVERYTHING!" he roared. Hazel squealed and fell to the floor. Simon got up and stormed out of the back door. Grace heard him screaming and hitting things and it had been a really long time since he did anything like that. Hazel was crying… so she wasn't a turtle. Grace helped her up and brought her to her room then went to check on Simon.
He was bound to snap, the way that he had been holding everything in all month. He was pacing and she stayed on the porch and observed. "Simon?"
He shook his head, "No. No, I'm not coming back inside like this. "She just… with her last breath had to take something else away from me…"
"She took nothing but her last breath, Si."
"That day can't be special without me having to think about her dying!"
Grace came down off the porch, "That day can be whatever we say it is, because we're still here. She's dead. Her power should be gone, Simon." She offered a smile, then asked, "Did I ever tell you about the first ceremony that Hazel and I ever attended together?" She explained meeting Hazel, and the way that she put everything to rest for her… "I think one of the main reasons that you can't get past this is because you felt like you were supposed to be giving her tribute. You felt like because you were sad and morning that that meant that you had to pay your respects. But when you tried you didn't find any. That's okay Simon. You don't have to pay respects. You could simply send her off with your truth. Whatever that is you've got to face it. you can't bottle everything in and then just explode like that in front of Hazel. She was terrified."
He looked guilty and sad as he rushed back in to apologize. Hazel took it well. And when he mentioned that ceremony of theirs, Hazel and Grace went back outside with him so that he could have his own. It was mostly accusations, frustrations, and some yelling… but he got it all off of his chest, the way that couldn't be done at a proper funeral. After that, he honestly and truly started feeling like his good self again.
By Christmas, as was hoped the previous year, Grace still had him in her life. They did Christmas at his house that year.
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angeldolanx · 4 years
Chapter 22. /- get a new tattoo/
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In the morning I wasn't even surprised how hot I was again. The blanket was on me and basically Grayson laid half on me as well. I smiled slightly when I lifted my head and saw how he laid on his stomach and his left hand and half of his body covered me. It's always made my heart flutter when I thought about that he wanted to be close to me when he was asleep and wasn't aware of what he is doing. We always fell asleep close to each other, sometimes we cuddle but no matter what I always wake up tightly in his arms, or me pressed under him while he holds me close.  And what's surprising is how much I love sleeping with him. When I was alone I always said how much I love sleeping alone, my whole bed is mine etcetera, but it's so different when someone who means so much is there with you. You can hear his steady breathing and you can tell how much he loves to be close to you too.
Sometimes I think I am just the one who loves to be in his arms and basically I am fangirling over him, but then he does something or looks at me in a certain way that shows me that I am just overthinking and should show him my feelings. Basically he is the one who teaches me to feel and to love.
After I waited for a few seconds without moving to not wake him up I lifted my head up and saw that he still slept deeply. I bit my lip as I tried to slip out under him. When he took a deep breath and moved to a different position I thought he woke up, but soon enough his breathing got steady again and I smiled how he calmly still was asleep.
In the bathroom I quickly brushed my teeth, took a shower - because our shower was last night everything, just not a proper shower - and I wrapped a towel around my body before I went out to the room, where Grayson was finally up and he lifted his head up when I opened the bathroom door.
"Good morning" I smiled and sat down on the side of the bed to lean in for a kiss.
" It would have been better if you would still in bed with me" he said in a grumpy voice that made me giggle. His hair was messy, voice was deep, looked super hot and it was funny how it mixed with the cute grumpy comment.
"I always wake up before you" I shrugged my shoulders and went to my beg, picked up my makeup bag and placed it in front of the mirror. " Look at me " I turned to his direction. "First these." I pointed to my hickey covered neck "..or these" I turned to the side to show him the purple and green spots where he held my thighs last night. He frowned his brows for a moment as his gaze moved all over my body and probably remembered how I got these, and a light smirk spread on his face.
"Come here" he reached for my arm. As I walked closer to the bed as soon as my hands were in his, he pulled me in to the bed. Since I was on him he moved to the side and now he was on top of me. First he just looked into my eyes with a cute smile, but then he got serious when he looked down to my neck and brushed his hands on my thighs." I am sorry " he mumbled to my neck and placed soft kisses on my skin.
"Babe I didn't even noticed them before I looked into the mirror. I was joking" I said while I brushed my hand through his soft hair a cressed his nape with the other. I didn't wanted to make him feel bed, especially when I looked back and remembered how good he made me feel when he gave me these. The whole day was yesterday steamy but still dreamlike.
"You are so beautiful" he said quietly, after he lifted his head and looked at me for a few seconds. I just bit my lip and turned my head to the side to avoid the eye contact. I hated when he made me blush. "And you still can't handle compliments " he laughed. That was true. I just blush and then I got annoyed because I hate the feeling of it and in the end I always just laugh or try to escape from the situation.
"Can I go now?" I asked when he placed his head on my chest and got comfortable again. His response was just a quiet humming, but he still didn't move to anywhere and it made me laugh again. In the meantime I felt how the towel is only inches away to slip down so it was a another reason for me to wake up. I tried to move around under him and tried to grab the towel on my chest to stop it from sliding down.
" I don't mind if it's gone" he grinned and moved his hands under the towel and moved them up and down on my naked body under it.
"Gray, let me go" I giggled and tried to push him down from me, but it wasn't a surprise that I couldn't move his large and heavy body.
Finally after a few moments of pleading and a long kiss later he let me wake up from the bed. I went to the mirror, while he went to the bathroom. My hair looked awful after the ocean swimming and that shower at night, so lack of better I tried to  do two french braid. The end result was everything, just not perfect but I felt like it still looked better, then before when it was all frizzy and bad.
When Grayson came out from the bathroom he got my attention in the mirror's reflection. The towel was super low on his waist, his skin was glowy and still a bit wet from the shower and I didn’t even wanna talk about the muscular smell that he brought with himself. I really tried to concentrate on my brows, that I tried to do but I kept looked to his direction where he started to dress up.
"Like what you see?" he said suddenly. I bit my lip as I tried to hide my cheeky smile for getting caught, while he turned to my direction to buckle his belt.
"I don't know what you are talking about" I rolled my eyes that made him laugh.
"Agh, just admit that you are into me" he shook his head.
"I would never do that" I giggled and continued my make up to show him even more that I am not even interested in what he is saying. I just smiled when I saw the corner of my eye that he is a little bit annoyed for not getting the answer what he wanted. He knew how much impact he has on me, but he knows too that talk about these stuff and about my feelings out loud is hard for me. I feel more safe if there are things that I am the only one who knows, and I really need to trust someone to open up and change these things.
After I finished my make up I went to the bathroom. I picked up a high waisted ripped jean shorts with a white ribbed top and my leather jacket. We put our stuff together in the room, gave back the keys and was on our way to the bike in the parking lot.
"Hey" I poked his waist when he slapped my bum as I walked in front of him, and he just grinned on my giggle and placed a long kiss on my lips. I am kind of used to the fact that his hands somehow always ended up on my ass, but for real I liked it. I mean they belonged there, don't they?
Less than half an hour later we ended up in a typical american diner place to have some breakfast. It was a nice and quite place, only two table was reserved besides ours. It was a relief compared to most diners in Los Angeles, that were always busy.
While I ate my breakfast I wasn't even surprised when my thoughts were all over the place again as my gaze moved around on Grayson in front of me. I remembered that I saw this white tight shirt on him when I first met him in the salon. Goosebumps run over my spine when I thought back to how much I desired his touches even then and how much I got what I wanted for example yesterday. I needed to close my thighs together under the table, I hated how much impact he still has on me, It's enough to look at him and my body is reacting immediately.
" I love this shirt on you " he said. As I looked into his eyes I saw how his eyes moved down to my boobs for a moment, before he looked up again and a light smile spread on his face.
"You are so annoying" I rolled my eyes and put my hands in front of them.
"You don't wear a bra next to me and it's drives me fcking crazy" he whispered, so no one around us could hear it. His words made me giggle and of course deep down I liked his words. I would never rock a no bra look, if he wouldn't be next to me to be honest.
"I want a new tattoo" I diverted the topic. I thought about this in the past few days now, I just never mentioned it for anyone yet.
"What? Where?" he asked and took another bite from his pancakes.
"I have an idea, but I am not sure yet" I smiled. " I want something that reminds me of LA."
To be honest I already knew what I wanted, I was just afraid of telling him. It's something that reminds me of this trip and LA, yeah, but there is something else behind it too..or someone else, and it is him.  I know a tattoo is something that's gonna be there forever, but I knew I wanna remember these months no matter what happens in the future. It teached me so much about myself and my feelings, I felt like I am a complete new person. And of course I wanted it because I knew I sound crazy and maybe I shouldn't doing it. I am a mess.
From the diner we ended up going to Daniel's salon instead of home. Since I said out loud the tattoo, I wanted it even more and I got all excited for it. At this point Grayson is probably used to my spontaneous crazy ideas, but he never said no yet so he probably enjoyed it.
"Come on, tell me what you want" asked Grayson for the 10th times after we parked the bike in front of the tattoo salon. Since our breakfast all he talked about was my tattoo and to figure out what was my plan, but I just laughed at him and kept it as a secret.
"You will see" I replied and placed a kiss on his grumpy face before we entered to the shop.
I already called Dan and since he had time to do a quick little tattoo for me,he welcomed us with a big smile on his face.
"Hey, what's up? What's the plan?" asked Daniel after he gave me a hug and a high five to Gray.
"She wants a tattoo, but she doesn't tell me what" said Grayson with a big sigh that made me and Dan laugh out loud too.
"At this point I'm not telling him on purpose" I shook my head. Grayson just rolled his eyes on my words and sat down to one of the beds, while I went with Daniel to the table to explain him what I wanted.
Grayson stood curiously next to the bed after I laid down. I saw how his jaw clenched as I turned to my side and pushed up my shirt. I really tried to do it in a way to not show anything, but I had to push it really far up, so Daniel had the place under my boob to the tattoo. I wanted it to be under my left boob, in a place where even if I have a bra on the tattoo still shows. I could tell that my actions made Grayson even more grumpyer then he was before. He was so jealous.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and watched Daniel sitting down next to me to the chair and placing the sample on my skin. I bit my lip while I watched Grayson's reaction, when Daniel lifted the sample and Grayson saw what he planned on tattooing on me.  ANGEL. He frowned his brows after he stared for a few seconds to the tattoo, then looked up to my eyes. I sent him a light smile, that made him smile too, but I knew he was still super surprised.
"Are you two still "just friends", like you said in San Francisco?" asked Daniel, while he picked up the tattooing machine and placed it on my skin.
"A few things changed since then" replied Gray and I could tell that he was deep in his thoughts. The tattooing wond's feeling was a little uncomfortable on my skin, but it wasn't too bad. I already knew what it feels like. " How much time do you have after this?" he  asked Daniel. I thought maybe he wanna invite him for a cafe or something to talk. " I want a new tattoo too" he added and now I was the one who was surprised.
"What?" I asked.
" You will see" he said like me in the past few hours and now I really knew what it is to be grumpy and annoyed by this answer. " Is it hurts?" he placed his hand on my thigh and looked up to my eye from the machine.
" It's alright" I shook my head,but honestly felt nice. He always knew how to say something that has the biggest impact on me.
Since my tattoo was pretty small and easy, a few minutes later I was in front of the mirror to see my tattoo. I really loved how it looked on my skin and my stomach flipped when I thought about the meanings behind it.
"Let me see" I stepped between the boys where Daniel draw on the table and Grayson watched his movements. I thought he is not as evil as me and let me check the paper after he placed his hand around my waist. On the paper there were angel wings and my heart started to race in my chest. "Why angel wings?" I looked up to his eyes, and he just laughed and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Now you gonna be there with me always, angel " he mumbled to my ear. I bit my lip, my whole body was covered in goosebumps and I didn't even knew how to react. I ended up hugging his upper body till Daniel finished the draw on the paper.
"See I already said in the trip that it's more, but you acted like a crazy chick for even saying it "shook his head Dan. "And now you doing a tattoo with him."
"It's..complicated" I replied with a smile. It really was to be honest.
While Daniel started to work on the tattoo on Grayson's thighs my eyes moved around on his other tattoos on his thighs. I loved his tattoos, all of them was unique and fit him. I always find it cute how he is not brave enough to do a upper body tattoo and all of them are on his legs. The small angel wings almost got lost next to the other tattoos, but it was big enough to catch the attention and it was really weird to know that from now on it's gonna be there forever and every time he's gonna look at it, he is gonna think of me and this crazy weekend.
A few hours later I laid on Grayson's bed.  The white top rode up on me because of my position and exposed my tattoo under my boob. I saw how Grayson's eyes moved there, and he ended up moving on top of me. I laid down my back on the bed with a light smile, and that smile just grew even bigger when he placed a really soft and gentle kiss on the sensitive skin. I got goosebumps from his touches and kisses, and even because of his gaze that was so strong when he looked up into my eyes.
"You know I love this tat right?" I mumbled, and his eyes moved to the tattoo again. " Love seeing you getting goosebumps because of me. You are my girl."
The air got caught in my throat for a moment when I heard his words. Am I really? In the first place my answer would be no. I am my own and I don't wanna be anyone else's. But in this situation everything was so intimate and their words sounded so nice. I let my bed thoughts to fade away and smiled at him after he looked up again to my eyes a few silent seconds later. He moved upper and I giggled as he hid his face in my neck and his hands moved between my body and the bed so he could hug me and hold me tight to his body. When he moved his head and looked deep into my eyes again in silence I started to blush and wanted to ask him what is in his mind, but he was faster and he said them out loud.
"I love you" he whispered. My lips parted from being so surprised and my whole body tensed up. I remembered back to my last night thoughts when exactly that was in my mind too and how much I was scared from it. I opened my mouth to say something, but he shook his head to show that he wanna say something else. "You just mean so much to me.." he started. "..I know I never said this earlier but I was afraid that you gonna toss me away or you don't feel the same way."
I really tried to handle this situation well but my thoughts were so messy and foggy. He scared me and made me happy at the same time. My thoughts raced in my head, while he just stared deep into my eyes and tried to understand me. It was hard for me, but I know I would never wanna hurt him. Don't wanna hurt him with the lie or with the truth. He meant so much to me, but I always was a cold girl who struggles to open up.
"You mean so much to me too" I said with a big sigh. He frowned his eyebrows and I got disappointed, when he moved to the side from me. For showing that I don't wanna say anything bed I moved closer to him, placed my hand on his face  to make him look into my eyes. I know he is afraid from me saying it's not something I feel. He knew me, he knew that it is a really big work to melt me but he was on the right way for sure. "A few years ago I've had a vow for myself. In that time I kinda started to lose hope in love and I wasn't even interested anymore that much, but I was still so disappointed. I felt like everyone finds someone, while I am not able to do it and not able to like a guy enough to start a relationship or have deep feelings. And since I was afraid, angry and disappointed at the same time I've had a thought that I don't even wanna say it to anyone, only for the men at the altar for the first time in my life next to the I do" I said and it's kinda sounded stupid saying it out loud. " But I really wanna say it in this moment, and I already wanted yesterday night too but I was afraid" I bit my lip and saw how a light smile spread on Grayson's face.
"You are so special. I don't want you to say it just so I can feel better. I can wait till our wedding" he smiled, and a light giggle escaped from my mouth. " But you need to know that if I am there, there is no need to be afraid of anything. I thought you already know that you can open up to me about anythi.."
" I love you" I said it suddenly cutting him of. There was still a huge smile on my face, that got just even wider when I saw that sparkle in his eyes and he pulled me to his arms. " I love you so much" I mumbled to his chest. " But it's still different in hungarian."
"How is it sounds in hungarian? Now you need to say it too" he whispered to my lips, and gave a small kiss before I could responde.
"Szeretlek" I said. It almost felt like my body is shaking a bit, the word sounded so foreign from my lips, and meant even more to me then saying it in english. That was the real world that I was afraid of, but now I can't take it back and it genuinely felt nice to say it out loud to him.
" I love you too" he responded in his own language. I felt like no one ever knew me as much as him.
- get a new tattoo √
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tvdiaries-imagines · 6 years
Old Flame: Pt. 2
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1861
When you stormed off, you were too heated that you forgot to grab your car keys. So you vampire sped as far away as you could in case Rebekah was following behind you.
Eventually you hid in an alleyway, thinking of where to hide next comfortably. You even thought about hiding in plain sight, like reading a book in the park or getting a drink at the grill. But after a moment of pondering, you had an idea. An idea that you are absolutely dreading. “Shit.” You cursed to yourself aloud.
Here you are in the vacant hallway of the loft building in front of a wooden door. Using your vampire hearing, you can hear commotion going on on the other side. You ball your hand into a fist, placing it at eyes view at the door. It isn’t a secret that you are hesitating to knock.
But after seconds of halting, you knock three times, sighing at what lead you to your utter desperation.
The sound of footsteps approach closer and closer. It stops for a brief moment as if he paused to look through the peephole. And before you know it, the door unlocked and opened without missing a beat.
“I always knew you couldn’t resist me.” Malachai Parker smirked at your presence, giving you an elevator look. He is wearing black jeans and a plain gray tee.
“Shut up, Kai.” You pushed the heretic’s shoulder to pass through and he inhales your scent. “This is the only place I know she won’t find me.”
Entering inside, you notice that Kai’s bed is undone, yet the majority of his loft is tidy. You’ve actually never been inside his place, so you’re impressed that he doesn’t live like a slob.
“Whoa. Hiding from like a stalker or hiding from an enemy?” He asked. “I mean, of course I’ll protect you because-”
“Neither. It’s a long story.”
“I have all the time in the world, hunny bun.”
“Kai, don’t call me that.” You said sternly.
“Fine, babygirl.”
“Stop.” You snarled. One more out of him and you’re going to snap.
“Okay sweetie.” His eyes flashed with humor.
Your frustration kicked in. “I said stop!” You vampire speed towards Kai, holding him by the throat and slamming his back against the wall.
“Okay okay, Y/N.” Kai struggled to get the words out, but he enjoyed your dominance. You ended up releasing your grip over his throat. “Kinky much?” He joked and you shook your head in annoyance. “Now what do you want to do? Netflix and chill? Or just go straight to chill? I mean my bed is just a few steps away.”
You groaned, allowing yourself to sink down into the couch like mush. “I just want to sit here. I’ve had a day.”
“Great! We can sit here and stare at each other all day.”
“Kai enough. You’re seriously giving me a headache.”
“Fine, Y/N. Fine.” He sighed dramatically. “Honestly though. What’s going on? Who are you hiding from?” Kai laid over his sofa with his hands placed behind his head, staring at the ceiling. You sat on the love seat beside it.
“I’m hiding from my ex’s sister.”
“Umm…” Kai glanced at your, looking evidently muddled. You don’t blame him because it does sound crazy. Normally you wouldn’t care to give Kai an explanation, but since he’s allowing you to hideout in his home, you at least owe him this.
“So I have an ex who lives in New Orleans. His sister is in town and told me that he’s spiraling and she needs my help to bring him back to normal or something.” Your eyes flickered at the ceiling as you attempted to shake the old memories you have with the hybrid.
His eyes never left the ceiling. “Why would you want to help your ex? And how would you help your ex if he’s all the way in Mardi Gras city?”
“Put the pieces together, Kai.”
Kai nibbled at his bottom lip in thought for a moment. Swiftly and briskly he shot up, planting his feet to the floor as if the couch was on fire. “No way. There’s no way you’re going.” The concern in his voice grew by the second.
“Hello, I never said I was going.”
“I know I know I know.” He paced leisurely, blinking rapidly. “Just the thought of it stresses me out.” A muscle in his jaw clenched.
“Okay? Relax Kai. It not that serious.”
“Can’t they send your ex to a therapist or a mental hospital? Exes aren’t supposed to be helping their exes. Tell the sister to hit the road.”
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“Kai, it’s not that kind of ex.”
“Yeah sure. So…” Kai sat beside you. He seemed to overlook your hint that your ex isn’t human. His mood lightened. “What do you want to do? We can play monopoly. Which is perfect because we’ll be playing for hours. Oh oh! I know. How about twister. Or even better. Naked twister.”
He placed a lock of hair behind your ear and your face contorted. You grabbed the couch pillow and hit Kai’s chest with it. “Ha. Ha. Very funny.” Though Kai was being a pain, you couldn’t help but chuckle.
Kai stood from the couch and grabbed the remote from the coffee table. “Here. Go watch some tv and I’m going to work on a cloaking spell.” He said, throwing the remote beside you.
Before walking off, he just remembered something. “Oh duh. Silly me.” You ignored his remark as you browse through Netflix. Kai casually pulls a strand of hair off of your scalp and you inhale sharply. “Gee. Thanks for the heads up.” You added.  
After hours of binge watching and constantly having to remove Kai’s arm off of your shoulder, it was time to sleep. You turned the tv off, yawning as you stood and stretched your limbs. “Where’s your stash?” You asked, not having to specify human blood.
“Fridge. Bottom drawer.” Kai replied. He made his way to his dresser drawer and pulled out a fresh sheet along with a blanket. He also stole a pillow from his bed before making the couch.
Standing beside the island, you smiled faintly at his gesture as you sipped through the straw of the blood bag. “Thanks Kai.”
“The bed is all yours tonight.” He said, removing his clothes one by one and tossing it inside his laundry basket.
“But the couch is fine.” You protested.
Kai was in his boxers when he passed the threshold of his bathroom. “No seriously, Y/N. Take the bed.” He slammed the door behind him, tone resonating with solemnity. But you weren’t phased. Instead, you snickered and made yourself comfortable underneath the covers on the couch, allowing yourself to drift off to sleep.
When Kai’s lengthy shower was ceased, he wrapped a towel around his waist and purposely vacated the bathroom as so. He frowned when he found you asleep on the couch because he couldn’t tempt you with his muscular physique.  
He kneeled beside you and brushed off the strand of hair on your face, fake pouting. “Stubborn little hunny bun.” He carried you bridal style and tucked you in his bed without waking you.
(The Following Morning…)
Upon waking, there is a faint noise that grows louder the longer your eyes are open. The warmth of the covers brought you to want to lay in them all day, however, you’ve realized you have matters to attend to.
Sitting up, you are both muddled and vexed that you found yourself in Kai’s bed. You sighed in relief that he isn’t beside you. Instead, he’s walking towards his door with nothing but his sweatpants on. It seems someone has been knocking on his door quite a few times.
Kai opened the door and it’s Damon. Disappointment clouded the Salvatore’s features. “Really, Y/N? You’re sleeping with another enemy?” Damon glared.
“Ha!” Kai exclaimed. “Oh I wish, Damon.”
“Damon, how did you even find me?” You asked.
Damon snickered as he entered inside to sit at the foot of the bed. “Thanks to bon bon, she broke his cloaking spell.”
“Of course.” You rolled your eyes. “But what are you even doing here? You could’ve called.”
Rebekah appeared underneath the doorway and you cursed to yourself. “Aren’t you delectable?” She holds a lengthy pause at Kai’s abs before shifting her view to you. “Come now, sister. You have a plane to catch.”
“Oh no no no.” Kai attempted to shut the door but Rebekah halted him from doing so, due to her being a much older vampire than he is.
You watched as everything unfolded. Kai grasped Rebekah’s arm. She yelped in pain, nearly sinking to the ground as Kai siphoned her. “Oh no you don’t, sucker.” Damon said through clenched teeth, standing. You knew he was going to try to separate the two, so you vampire sped towards the buffoons to avoid a bigger mess.
“That’s enough!” You shouted. Thankfully the heretic didn’t resist when you released his grip on the original. His chest rose and fell as if he’s consumed with power.
“So you two are working together huh? To get me to go to NOLA?” Your nostrils flared. It wasn’t difficult for you to figure it out.
“And Stefan.” Damon added. “But he’s on call.”
“But you, Damon. You’re on Rebekah’s side? Out of all people?”
“I have my reasons.” He shot a glare at Kai who is gazing at you.
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Rebekah briskly grabbed your upper arm and vampire sped you to the hallway, closing the door on the way. “Really, Rebekah?”
“Please, Y/N. Please listen to me.” Rebekah said desperately and you took in a deep breath.
Kai appeared down the hall. “Y/N!” He shouted, concerned.
“Kai it’s fine. Go back inside.” You said. The heretic obeyed and allowed your privacy with the blonde. Your view shifted back to Rebekah. “I can’t go.”
“Honestly, if my family wasn’t desperate, I wouldn’t be here. Nik doesn’t know it yet, but he needs you right now.”
“Oh sure he does.” You spat in a disbelieving tone, pacing slowly.
“Yes it has been some time, dear sister. But my brother is in a very dark place right now and once upon a time…” Rebekah paused, softening her tone. “...you were his light.”
You stopped in your tracks and your eyes fell to the ground at Rebekah’s last line. You were his light. Happy memories with Klaus suddenly flashed before your eyes, nearly forgetting the heartache you went through. It has been quite some time, so you’re not hurting as much anymore. But a sprinkle of it still lingers inside of you.
“If I do this. If. Your family owes me.” You stated firmly, expression hardened. As much as you do not wish to be reunited with your ex lover, you know for a fact that Rebekah will not give up. And you don’t know if you’d be able to live with yourself if something terrible happens to Klaus from his fit of rage.
Rebekah’s eyes gleamed, intoxicated with joy. “Of course, sister. We’ll happily be in your eternal debt.”
TAGS: @ynm1505 @ravenmoore14 @xdontxcare @seasiren96 @anyasthoughts @woodworthti666 @gocheescakegirl @agentmarvel13
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hello! can u do “You don’t get it do you? How can you be so blind! Don’t you understand how much I care about you?” with gruvia but having gray say it? thank u so much in advance!
Hi! This turned out to be longer than I thought it would, haha! 100yq is giving me some serious feels, and anywayssss if you can’t tell--I love it so much. *sob*
I hope you enjoy!
Maybe That’s Okay
          When Gray woke up, at first he didn’t remember. He was in an unfamiliar room—clean and mostly white. On the bedside stand there was a glass of water and a little clock. To his left, the curtains were shut. He couldn’t tell what time of day it was. And he couldn’t remember how he got here, and why. He didn’t remember that mere hours ago he had failed in his one task. Then it came back to him, like bowling ball hitting him right in the gut. He had failed. He could still hear the sickening snap of Juvia’s arm breaking as Laxus tossed her aside. And he had promised her… he had promised himself that he would protect her, no matter the cost.
Now, his chest ached with every breath. He was sure he had some broken ribs. The bandages across his arm told him he hadn’t gotten away without a few scratches. His legs were weak, but he flung the blankets off his bed, and stumbled to his feet, catching himself on his bedside table. “J-Juvia!” He had to find her, to make sure she was alright! His heart hammered in his chest. He could barely walk—the room was almost spinning with each step. Dizzy… He took a deep breath, leaning against the wall, and then made his way—stumbling—across the room to the door. Juvia. I have to find Juvia. But before he could reach out to the handle, the door swung open, and he lost his balance.
          “Gray-sama!” Juvia. She reached out to steady him with one arm. “Gray-sama! You shouldn’t be out of bed! Lean on Juvia. Juvia will help…” Her voice was soft and soothing. He wanted to have the strength to argue with her, the strength to say that it was alright—he didn’t need her help. But he couldn’t muster up the words. When she finally helped him back into bed, he dropped back on his pillows defeated. Everything about this was wrong. I should be the one helping her. I’m useless.
Juvia sat down at his bedside, and when he mustered up the courage to look at her he saw the andages across her forehead, and her arm in a sling. She smiled when she met his eyes “You’re alright!” She breathed a sigh of relief. “Juvia was so worried you wouldn’t wake up.” She’s alright. She was smiling, tears at the corners of her eyes. But she was alive, and that was really all that mattered.
          He let himself catch his breath before he managed to whisper, “The Battle of Fairy Tail?”
          “We won,” she smiled. “Everything’s alright.” She reached out to put her hand on his shoulder but Gray flinched, pulling away. Juvia blinked, surprised. “G-Gray?”
          “I failed…” he whispered. “I meant… I promised I would protect you, didn’t I?”
          “You did protect Juvia,” she said.
          “No, I didn’t!” He snapped, gesturing to her sling. God, he could still hear her arm snapping. It was playing over and over again in his head. He clutched at his hair. “I should have been able to stop him! It wasn’t even really Laxus! I should have been able to protect you!”
          Juvia looked astounded. Her eyes were wide, unshed tears still clinging to her eyelashes. “What are you talking about, Gray?” She whispered, “Juvia would be dead if you weren’t there.”
          He could see Juvina in her face—a ghost of that teasing smile. “Don’t think she’ll wait for you forever.” Maybe it was better that way after all. Juvina had given him hope that maybe one day he would be good enough for Juvia, but maybe that day would never come. “Maybe… Maybe it’s better this way.” He whispered.
          “What…? Why would you say something like that?”
          “You don’t understand.” He breathed.
          “Then… explain it so Juvia can try to understand.”
          He shook his head, gritting his teeth. “You deserve someone who can protect you, Juvia.”
          “You don’t get it, do you?” He glanced over at her. She had one tear rolling down her cheek. He wanted to reach out and wipe it away, to pull her into his embrace, to call her his—for real. And each word that came out after hurt even more than the one before, “How can you be so blind? I…” He bit his lip, hard. There were tears in his eyes now, blurring his vision. He couldn’t bring himself to look at her. “Don’t you… don’t you understand how much I care about you?” His hands balled into fists and he gritted his teeth, “I… I want you to be happy. And if I can’t protect you, then…”
          “Gray.” Juvia whispered. She stood slowly and reached out to take his hand in hers. “Juvia doesn’t want anyone else.”
          He blinked away tears, glancing up at her with wide eyes. “What?”
          “Juvia doesn’t want anyone else. You’ve protected Juvia from thousands of threats,” she paused, a small smile touching her lips, “Including, so long ago, herself. You made Juvia see blue skies again, not just back then, but even now.” She took his hand and pressed it against her chest, above her heart, “Here. Everyday, you make Juvia see light.”
          “And because of that, you’ve protected Juvia better than anyone ever has. Juvia doesn’t want anyone else, Gray-sama. Juvia loves only you.”
          “What if I… what if I fail again?”
          Juvia sighed, that soft smile still on her lips. “We will get back on our feet, Gray-sama. Together.” She was so beautiful, despite the bandages—despite the bruises. He had always admired the way her smile lit up her eyes, the each genuine glance made him fall for her just a little bit more… He took in a breath. Juvina’s words still circling in his mind—over and over again: “When will you be good enough?”
          He took another breath, reaching out to cup her cheek. Maybe I’ll never be good enough. And he pulled her in for a kiss, brushing his lips against hers, and then deepening it—drawing her closer with each beat of his pounding heart. Maybe it’s not about that, maybe it’s not about me. It’s about us. He pulled away to breathe, tracing his thumb across her lower lip. They were both breathless, and Juvia’s cheeks were flushed. It had felt so right—like they were meant to be. And he couldn’t help himself, as he leaned in to steal one more taste. So… maybe I’ll never be good enough. And maybe… that’s okay.
Thanks for reading! 
Buy me a coffee? :)
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 5 years
gruvia drabble:
author's note: ayo. new chap is out. and it sparked a lil somethin in me. hehehe. so yea this fic follows immediately after the events of chap 27. so basically this is what happened in between chap 27 and 28. enjoy!:)
Gray looked up in horror, barely even able to see all of Aldron in his eyes. The ground was still shaking from the ascend with the gigantic beast's hand. As much as he wanted to lay waste to the god dragon, he had something else weighing on his mind and in his arms.
After taking in his surroundings as well as he could, he glanced back down to the water mage unconscious in his arms. He held her carefully, staying low to the ground with her body. The ground vibrated harshly, but Gray's grip on Juvia didn't waiver.
"Juvia! Wake up!" He tried one last time, shaking her body, but it was no use. He carefully monitored her breathing to make sure that whatever that episode was wasn't life-threatening.
"This is insane!" Lucy shouted as her eyes boggled at the sight.
"What should we even do?!" Wendy squeaked.
"Wait. Just as I said. Lord Aldron is only stretching. He will be back down momentarily." The old lady that mentioned something similar before restated, as she sat calmly on the ground.
Gray looked back down at Juvia and realized she'd begun badly sweating. He quickly whipped his head around again in the direction of the hotel, it was shaking in the short distance along with everything else. It wasn't too far away. Standing in this mess, especially while holding Juvia would certainly be a task, but he couldn't just sit there helplessly and wait for the moment to pass.
He took in a deep breath, and he stood up as steadily as he could.
"Gray! You shouldn't stand yet! You could hurt Juvia or yourself!" Erza shouted.
"I'm gettin' Juvia back in the hotel! Not like we even have enough info on this guy to take him down anyway!" Gray didn't even look Erza's way. He ran as safely as possible, and made his way to their inn. As he did so, he noticed the loud shaking began to dull, and his body began to regain its full mobility once again as the ground softened.
He paused for a moment, and looked around once more, just to tell for sure that everything was back to normal. While everything around him was still, the cold bluenette in his arms was still shaking and shivering. He glanced down to see the look of discomfort on her face and quickly remembered what his top priority was.
Gray swiftly made his way up the steps and into their room. He carefully placed Juvia down on her bed. He stepped back for a moment to assess the situation, but he had no idea what was going on, let alone what to do next. Her body was cold to the touch, and she couldn't stop shaking, yet she was drenched in sweat, so much so that it dampened her hair. The heavy panting and look of pain in her scrunched face didn't make him any less unsettled either.
He looked around the room for anything that could help. After feeling completely lost he smacked his hand to his forehead and pulled at the top of his hair.
"Shit." He spat. "I need Wendy."
He hustled over the window and saw the rest of the team running back to meet him and Juvia. Looking back at Juvia, he really did feel useless. He went back over to her. He thought about covering her with a blanket, giving her a hot towel, or an ice pack, but he didn't know if any of that would help or hurt her.
Instead, he pulled up a chair as close as he could to her side and examined her as best as he could. After a few moments, Juvia's lips began to move along with her pants. Almost as if she wanted to say something.
"G-G-Gra-" Juvia said in between heavy breaths. Gray perked up and leaned in closer.
"Gray-sa-" She continued to huff. Her eyes fluttered open and shut. Her wobbily arm waved around ever so slightly, but it was clear she was trying to make contact with Gray.
Without even thinking, he responded by grabbing onto Juvia's fidgeting hand. He squeezed out of assurance, but made sure not to hold on too hard.
"What is it, Juvia? I'm right here." He exclaimed.
"A-a-are you..." He weary eyes stayed open for just a moment. "Alright?"
Gray felt his throat clench up. Of course Juvia would be asking if he was alright when she was the one who should be answering that herself. He had to look down for a moment and clench his eyes, because he just couldn't bear to look at her in that moment. She looked so frail. So weak. Clearly in need of help. Yet, the first thing on her mind was always him. No matter what.
"Yes. I'm ok." He finally looked back at her and gave her the best grin he could as tears glazed over his eyes.
She gave him a tired, but content smile. "J-Juvia..." Her eyes fluttered once again. "Juvia is tired." And without anything else her eyes were shut once again.
Gray sighed. "Go to sleep, Juvia." His words were slightly choked up. He lightly brought his hand up and brushed some hairs out of her face, and he lingered for a moment, causing Juvia's pants to soften.
It was all happening all over again. This same thing continued to happen on a torturous loop. Juvia was hurt and Gray couldn't do anything to help. The person he held closest in his heart was the person he had the most trouble protecting. The cherry on top was that no matter what, she always put Gray first. This time was no different.
"I'm not going anywhere this time." Gray knew Juvia was unconscious, but he had to say something. And he hoped even though she wouldn't hear his words, his emotions would still shine through. He clenched her hand again. "I'm gonna' protect you, Juvia. I swear."
Just as he finished up, he heard the door slam open and everyone rushed in. Gray immediately stood up.
"Wendy!" He exclaimed.
No one had to say anything else. "Right." Wendy gave a determined nod. She hurried over and sat in the chair Gray just stood from.
He stood close to Wendy. "I really can't tell what's going on. She warned me about the 'white mage' and then just dropped. She's freezing cold but drenched in sweat, a-and she's panting a lot, but it's gotten better over the past minute or so. She woke up for just a second but then was unconscious all over again. As soon as she showed up here I knew something was off with her! I should've asked-" Gray was on a complete tangent as he completely spilled his guts to everyone like it was nothing. He was stopped by Natsu stepping over and placing a firm hand on his shoulder.
"Gray, everything's gonna' be ok." He said firmly. Gray finally got a chance to catch his breath after all that rambling.
He nodded. "Yeah." He wasn't so sure in his response, but he knew being negative at this time wouldn't do anyone any good.
"Wendy will know what to do. Don't worry." Natsu squeezed on Gray's shoulder.
"I'm already on it." Gray looked down at Wendy as her hands lit up with white orbs surrounding them. "First I'm focusing on steadying her breathing and easing her pain. Then I'll run a full diagnostic to try and get to the bottom of what her fainting was about. However, from what I can see right now, she's going to be fine. Her body seems to mostly be under a lot of stress."
Gray couldn't help but give a verbal sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness she's ok." Lucy said, breathlessly.
Gray finally felt at least an ounce of comfort. However, that still didn't change his mindset at all.
For so long, Juvia was always on the backburner. There was always a greater enemy, or something more important that he had to worry about. This time however, would be different. Juvia was the most important thing to him right then. Of course, she was always a very special person in his life, but now, he finally had no choice but to face his feelings head on through his actions. No more leaving her behind to take on a villain. No more of trying to put her in the back of his mind.
He had to protect her. He had to cherish her. Now, Juvia was front and center. And he intended on keeping it that way.
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viranlly · 5 years
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What To Expect When You’re Not Expecting The Outdoors in Vancouver
in partnership with Tourism Vancouver
It’s no doubt that Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Some even named them one of the best cities to live in. Yes, I absolutely agree (I’ve been here 11 years now, somehow). I mean... what’s not to like? Fresh air, the mountains, oceans, and of course, the great outdoors that put Vancouver on the map as a global tourist destination.
But what if, you’re not even remotely interested in the outdoors? *I have to admit, I’m probably the least outdoorsy person out there (don’t @ me!)* Will Vancouver still be enjoyable if one is not planning to go to Capilano bridge or doing the Grouse Grind? 
The answer is yes.
Vancouver is also home to some of the most talented, hard-working and innovative chefs, bartenders, and restauranteurs in the game. Making it a city that’s filled with delicious eats, drinks, and exceptional coffee culture - don’t believe me? Ask Chris Morocco from Bon Appetit Magazine ;) Plus, we are blessed with the bountiful amount of fresh ingredients, whether it’s fruits, veggies, seafood particularly, and even meat.
Every January, the city also hosts the annual Dine Out Vancouver Festival, a culinary festival that invites both locals and visitors to explore and experience what Vancouver has to offer. For the 18th edition of Dine Out Vancouver this year, there will be 318 restaurants participating in this two-week-long festivity. If you’re local, this time of the year is also a fun time to play tourist in your own city - which, I do, occasionally.
While I might not know where Garibaldi lake is on the map, and I definitely don’t know where to go for the best three-day camping trip (not that I want to do that ever), I do know exactly where you should be sipping your martini and eat your world-renowned aburi sushi. You can trust me on that.
Without trying to sound like a know-it-all, here’s how, in my ideal world, I would spend a typical 48 hours in Vancouver. 
8:30 a.m - Ride Cycle Club.
Nothing like starting your morning with a loud, steamy and sweaty spin class. The playlist is always on-point; the instructors, typically with a sexy, raspy voice, definitely gets you going first thing in the morning. There’s so much joy in watching everyone move to the beat, all together. It’s an experience for sure.
10:30 a.m - #dailycortado at Revolver.
If you know me at all, Revolver is practically my morning home base. The rustic, charming, long hallway is usually filled with highly (or soon to be highly) caffeinated individuals, chatting, working, or geeking out about coffee and other stuff (anything from cameras to vintage Rolexes). The menu is simple and straight forward, with beans selection rotating daily -- hence, Revolver. Solid pour-over bar, well-executed, picture-perfect espresso-based bevies too. But this is not the place to order a skinny, two pumps vanilla, one pump hazelnut, caramel macchiato - if that’s even a thing lolz. 
11:30 a.m - Snack and fresh flowers at The Birds & The Beets.
By snack, I mean, a freshly sliced of pillowy yet perfectly crusty sourdough with butter and sea salt - as simple as that. Or do the one with their house-made preserves if you’re fancy. Should you need another jolt of caffeine, their coffee is pretty damn good too. Pick up some fresh flowers on your way out too. ALSO, come back later at night when this cute coffee shop turns into Juicebar,  a natural wine bar where all the cool kids hang out and drink magnums of pet-nat all night.
12:30 p.m - Deep-fried everything tacos at Tacofino Gastown.
It’s problematic how addicting the crispy chicken tacos at Tacofino can be. I’ve had my days when all I ate was variations of this crispy chicken taco: as a burrito, as a ‘salad’ bowl, as a taco again, and repeat. Juicy tender chicken,  pickled veggies, epazote chimichurri, drizzled with buttermilk chili crema - mouthwatering. Their fish tacos are also delicious, it’s, as a matter of fact, their claim to fame, nuff said. You can’t also say no to their nachos, with a glass (or pitcher) of margs, obvs.
2 p.m - Stroll and shop through Gastown.
Drooling over luscious house-plants and Japanese cookware at Old Faithful Shop, selecting new fragrances at Le Labo, I also might as well pick up body balm at Aesop. Oh, and of course, stopping by Roden Gray to see some Thom Browne.
4 p.m - Spritz o’clock at Di Beppe.
Get a table at the cafe to people-watch while drinking bottled, branded Aperol Spritz. It’s an afternoon well spent, you gotta wait til’ 5:30 for happy hour anyways ;)
5:30 p.m - Happy Hour at L’abattoir.
L’abattoir, hands down, has one of the most beautiful bars in the city, with one of the strongest beverage programs too. The cocktails, both original and classic, are always crafted with such passion and precision. The Avocado Gimlet particularly is now a L’abattoir and a Vancouver classic: bright, boozy and herbaceous. Their wine list is a fun one to explore. Whether you’re feeling playful and adventurous, or classic and familiar, the team will find the wine for you. Their happy hour is probably my favorite one in the city: short but sweet. Make sure you make it there 5:30 on the dot to score the highly coveted bar seat (find me in the corner of the bar). You MUST order their iconic baked Pacific oysters, covered in a mountain of foamy truffle-garlic butter. Oh! and the pan-fried sweetbreads on toast is unforgettably delicious. L’abbatoir Dine Out menu can be found here.
7 p.m - Dinner at PiDGin.
One of a few restaurants in Vancouver that figured out how to perfectly marry the east and the west. An Asian-inspired menu, by the way of French cooking, using the freshest ingredients from the Pacific North West. Every dish is always a burst of flavours: rich and indulging without being pretentious. The umami-filled Foie Gras rice bowl is one of the most drool-worthy dishes. So uniquely, and iconically Pidgin. It’s a dish that has stood the test of time and has been there since the restaurant opened its’ doors six years ago now. Their beverage program is also focused on showcasing Asian spirits and flavours: numerous Japanese whisky, craft cocktails, and an impressive sake library. Explore Pidgin six-course Dine Out menu here.
10:30 p.m - Nightcap at Botanist.
I’ve talked about Botanist a lot, and I mean, a lot. While they’re still relatively new, they managed to sky-rocket their way to the top of the restaurant scene. With their award-winning bar team and innovative bar menu, it’s no surprise that Botanist is one of the best bars in the country. Sitting at the bar, sipping Botanist martini, while geeking out about cocktails and spirits is always a fun way to end the night. Botanist martini is an ideal nightcap: boozy, velvety, and obviously tasty. It’s like a vesper that gets an elegant Fairmont makeover, with a Pacific North West influence. This year, Botanist is hosting a Punch Brunch as part of Dine Out Vancouver AND to kick off Vancouver Cocktail Week next year. So exciting!
Day 2
10 a.m - Breakfast at Nemesis.
A hip and happening coffee shop with an impressive brunch menu and delectable baked goods. Of course, the coffee is stellar, and the space is beautiful with bright lights streaming through the windows. Their brunch and pastries, however, have been stealing the show for quite some time now. If you’re in Gastown, the cauliflower hash and the steak and egg are essential. If you happen to be across the bridge, the burrata and scrambled eggs on croissant loaf and is to-die-for. Not to forget their dreamy, kinda fancy croissants (think about Reuben sandwich, strawberry cheesecake in the form of croissant kind of fancy). Oh, and both of their cookies: the insanely luscious classic chocolate chip and the updated ferrero-esque cookie sandwich are worth crossing the bridge for.
12.30 p.m - Aburi lunch at Miku.
If there’s that one place I usually take visitors for the sake of impressing them, it’s Miku. It’s probably one of the most well-known Vancouver restaurants that even Beyonce was spotted dining there. The menu is unique. The world-famous aburi sushi is iconic. And the seafood? It doesn’t get any fresher than what Miku offers. Let’s not forget the multi-million dollar waterfront view, overlooking the harbour and North Vancouver. Their sister restaurant Minami is doing a Dine Out Lunch special too, by the way.
2:30 p.m - Nap.
It’s absolutely necessary.
5:30 p.m - Dinner at Como Taperia.
Oh what an exciting time when Como finally opened its’ doors in Mount Pleasant last year! The premise? A no-fuss-no-muss Spanish tapas restaurant with vibrant food, fabulous Gin and Tonics, and unbeatable conservas list. The room has been buzzing with people since day one - until recently they placed second on Enroute Magazine Best new restaurant. Even more people are now trying to get in to Como. The foie burger is simply a must, and so is the crispy eggplant, drizzled with honey. The oxtail, pepper and frites is so tenderly delicious. They’re also doing fun happy hour starting at 4, offering free tapas- just like they do in Spain. Drink the El Bandarra vermut on tap while munching on the tapa, or make sure to check out their daily tortilla feature.
8 p.m - Cocktails at Hawksworth’s Bar.
Hawksworth is probably as swanky as a Vancouver restaurant can get. While the dining room is very much upscale and can be intimidating, the cocktail bar is lively and chic. Again, get a spot at the bar and start with the Hotel Georgia Cocktail: bright, juicy and refreshing, inspired by the historic hotel itself. If you’re feeling extra fancy, they have a ‘from the vault’ menu that features classic cocktails made with vintage, extremely rare spirits.
10:30 p.m - A burger and nightcap at Pourhouse.
Located in the charming water street, Pourhouse is a cocktail bar nestled in one of Gastown’s historic buildings. The room itself is very old-school America in the prohibition era - luxurious, charming and welcoming. The menu is fairly simple but everything is well-executed. The Pourhouse burger is particularly memorable. I’ve vouched for this burger as the best one in town over and over again - no, I don’t want to argue with anyone on this. Classic cocktails are always crafted so meticulously here: Manhattan, Boulevardier, or a cognac Sazerac. You can’t go wrong with any (or all) of them. Their Dine Out menu this year is outstanding and really showcase what the team can do in the kitchen.
Well, that’s one hell of a list for y’all. I surely hope this helps with planning your delicious next trip to Vancouver! 
Discover the full list of restaurants participating in this year’s Dine Out Vancouver Festival here!
See y’all in the 604 soon!
instagram @viranlly
food | lifestyle | restaurant
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Wednesday, 18th September/Thursday, 19th September 2019 – Restaurant a l’Echevin, Colmar
As part of the deal at the Hostellerie Le Maréchal we had two night’s dinners included (not three, no matter what the young man on reception when we checked in insisted) and although you never know what you might get when it comes to hotel restaurants, in what is clearly paradise for gourmets, Alsace and the restaurant A l’Échevin did not let us down. The first night we drank a glass of local crémant in the bar first, alongside a snack of some rather wonderful pastry straws that were as light as you could wish, which suggested that at least their pastry chef was up to speed.
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We then moved into the restaurant and were pleased to be shown to our table (Table 2 apparently) in the long, narrow dining room that overlooked the waters of La Lauch and the barques moored outside. We were slightly less pleased with the acoustics that meant we could hear every word issuing from the irritating couple on the table behind ours (Table 1) but that’s not the hotel’s fault! We were on a set menu with matching wines as part of the deal that the hotel had offered so the decision making process had been largely taken away from us. Now to see if the rest of the brigade could cook as well as the pastry chef. An amuse-bouche of a foie gras paté and an apricot sorbet suggested the answer to that question might well prove to be “yes”.
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The menu itself started with what was listed as “Presskopf” of smoked haddock and smoked trout, basically the chef’s take on a regional speciality, brawn, but with fish and not the more usual meat. It was light, delicate, the jelly perfectly set and the herbs just providing a lift of flavour to counteract the oily fish. There were tiny chunks of vegetable alongside the chunks of trout and haddock and it not only looked lovely, it was lovely.
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Fillet of pike-perch cooked in Riesling, with mangetout turned out to be a perfectly executed piece of fish, the skin crisp and golden, sitting on top of a bed of mangetout, with a puddle of creamy Riesling inflected sauce. Throw in the odd micro-herb and enjoy! It was also a perfect excuse to rip off a piece of the brilliant bread roll and dunk it in the leftover sauce afterwards. The kitchen was having none of that back!
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With both the fish dishes we drank a 2018 Alsace Pinot Blanc from Pierre Henri Ginglinger. The wine comes from a blend of Pinot Auxerrois from different parcels, harvested by hand and fermented over several months before being aged on fine lees. It’s a bright yellow in color, with white-fleshed fruit aromas, and peach notes. We liked it enough to make a note of it and to consider whether we needed to visit the Ginglinger domaine. While we pondered that question, the meat course arrived, a serving of leg of deer with cranberries, cross-border pasta specialty spaetzlés (as the French appear to spell it) and fromage blanc. The meat was cooked to perfection, as were the vegetables and to add a fillip to what might have seemed quite a restrained plate, there was also a “pastilla” full of slow cooked meat to enjoy alongside the pink cooked flesh that we’d been expecting. It was all beautifully executed and we knew we’d made a good choice to eat in the hotel.
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A serving of perfectly kept Munster cheese from a local farm came next and was just the thing to help us finish off the red wine, a 2017 Alsace Pinot Noir “Les Princes Abbés” from Domaines Schlumberger, one of the big wine names in these parts. The wine itself is made of a blend of Pinot Noir (80% from the limestone Bollenberg plot and 20% from the marl-limestone Saering plot). Vinification occurs during a maceration period of two weeks and it is then matured in traditional tuns for 10 months. What you get is a wine that is cherry red with purple reflections, and an aroma of red fruit scents (blackcurrant, cherry) and a hint of rose. Redcurrant, blackberry, vineyard peach as it opens out and slight woodiness also come through. It was served at what we might consider a low temperature for red but to get the most out of these wines 16°C is what you’re looking for. It was smooth against the punchiness of the cheese and the combination was really rather wonderful. The spoonful of cumin seeds served alongside the cheese were an interesting – and welcome – touch too.
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We finished off with a gourmandise du pâtissier which took the form of a gloriously gooey plum and raspberry confection, on a biscuit base that couldn’t be faulted, the ice cream all creamy and rich and the sorbet sharp and cleansing on the palate. It was looking good for our second night, and we went to bed happy after finishing our dessert wine (and cheering when the annoying pair behind us had cleared the room and gone to their own beds). It made the wine taste even better, which, as it was a 2017 Gewürztraminer Tradition – Gold Medal wine from Bott Frères was quite a smart trick. The wine is brilliant and crystal-clear in shades of light green and has a youthful, fresh and flowery (rose and acacia) aroma, added to an exotic taste of pineapple and oriental spices characteristic of Gewürztraminer. Perfect with dessert and on its own, as we went on to prove!
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On the second night we wandered out for an aperitif, ending up drinking a glass of wine by the waterside at La Krutenau, for the simple reason that it was the first bar we came across that had waterside views and an empty table. It was another lovely evening so we were quite content to be outside a while longer.
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On our return we decided it was getting a little too cold to stay out for a second aperitif so we took to the room just off the hotel’s courtyard for a second glass of wine and some more of their fabulous pastry straws, before swinging indoors to see what was on offer on the tasting menu. As ever they started us of with a delicate little amuse-bouche before things got serious. We’d deliberately avoided anything after the charcuterie plate at Joseph Cattin’s for the remainder of the day because we reckoned we’d be best arriving hungry. We didn’t even do the flammkuechen as aperitif nibbles thing because that seemed unwise. This time they started us with a cheesy mousse and a tiny tomato gazpacho, which was refreshing and sharp.
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And then it was into the serious wine and food. The starter was a terrine of duck foie gras with figs and a fruit chutney. It was smooth and rich and fabulous and it probably didn’t need the toasted brioche with it (though I have to say we both caved and ate part of it). Given we also had more of their fantastic bread as well it was overkill, but gloriously so. With it we moved from the crémant to a far more suitable wine, a 2017 Pinot Gris from Maison Martin Jund, who are now entirely biodynamic in their practices. This wine is described as “expressive and tender, from the very beginning, a fruity wine if there is one”. The resulting wine is a golden yellow with metallic reflections, and the aroma is of ripe yellow fruits (pear, peach). It’s perfectly sweet and an ideal match for foie gras.
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The second course was a crayfish casserole, tiny and packed with pieces of sweet-fleshed, juicy, tender crayfish tails, dotted with chives and swimming in a creamy sauce. I loved it (and the little Staub cocottes it was served in, which are from a brand that started in Alsace, and that cost an absolute fortune). I pondered the possibility of getting out of there with one hidden in my handbag! the sheer weight of it put me off the idea, if Lynne had not also vetoed it. We already had a fabric heart that was in our room as a present from the hotel when we arrived. That would be far easier to carry… I settled for mopping up the sauce with the bread roll and we sat and waited to see what else we would be fed.
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The second fish dish was a piece of nicely filleted halibut, in a saffron sauce. Saffron is tricky stuff – overdo it and you have a sauce that is bitter and deeply unpleasant. Get it right and you have something golden and warm. They got it right and the fish was also perfect, white and flaking and moist, sitting on a small pile of fresh carrots and a pool of pale golden sauce. Both this and the crayfish came with a 2016 Grand Cru Froehn Riesling from Jean Becker. This wine is made from grapes grown on limestone and sandstone at 270 to 300m on soil consisting of dark gray schistose marls, with fine white limestone beds as well as carbonate and ferruginous nodules. The wine resulting wine is floral and fruity, combining richness, finesse and breadth regardless of varietal and there is a fine and strong acidity that becomes salinity and minerality with aging. Am excellent choice once again. Someone really knows their wine and food matches, and they want you to have the best Alsace can offer
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The interlude was a palate cleansing lime and apple sorbet which really woke the tastebuds up and prepared us for a meaty main course and a change of wine.
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This came in the shape of a pink-cooked beef fillet, with a fine selection of small organic vegetables including a smooth as silk potato puree, some pickled radish and onions (tiny, sweet, giving a lift to the meat), courgettes, carrots, fine beans and broccoli. The meat could probably have been cut with a spoon, it was so tender and perfectly cooked. There is a sure hand at work in the kitchen, in the shape of the head chef, Thierry Chefdeville, who has been here for two decades, producing a very harmonious menu where each dish could stand along but equally fits together. I would happily eat there again, and that was before we made it all the way through the menu.
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The wine served with the beef was a 2017 Alsace Pinot Noir from Pierre Henri Ginglinger. This is made from a blend of Pinot Noir from different plots, harvested by hand, then de-stemmed and allowed to macerate for 15 days.  It is then moved to old wooden casks for malolactic fermentation. What you get as a result has a beautiful purple hue, and a nose that is very fruity with notes of cassis and cherries. It’s light, fresh and pleasant with a little tannin and is best served chilled down to between 12 and 14ºC. It also went very well with the assortment of three cheeses which included a relatively young Comté which always makes me happy. But then, Comté always makes me happy, a fact that can probably be confirmed by the bloke at Borough Market who sells it to me and to le Manoir Aux Quat’Saisons!
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Pré-dessert was chocolate in a number of forms, including ice cream, and would have been a dessert in its own right (and certainly more than sufficient), especially with meringue as well, and I could have happily stopped there.
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I was glad I didn’t stop there though. The pineapple and lemon cappuccino mojito-style might not have been desperately photogenic but it was desperately good, with a hit of alcohol and sharp pineapple, underneath a light, foaming lemon cream.
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We ended the night full of food and nursing the dreaded food baby (twins I think), more than satisfied with our two dinners in a fine restaurant. We did get stuck with a second table full of irritating fellow diners again though, who were first minded to be annoyed by the service, which they felt was too slow (OK, it’s not quick but you’re there for an evening out so I’d prefer not to be rushed), and who then talked utter nonsense all night, strong in so many incorrect opinions (the Italians didn’t have any colonies or any colonial “adventures” – tell that to the Libyans, Ethiopians, Eritreans, and Somalians – and the Germans don’t make cheese being just two of them). So if you do go try and get Table 1 so there won’t be anyone behind you!
Travel/Food 2019 – Alsace and Baden, Days 6 and 7, Restaurant a l’Echevin, Colmar Wednesday, 18th September/Thursday, 19th September 2019 - Restaurant a l’Echevin, Colmar As part of the deal at the…
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a-marlene-s · 5 years
Floating White Lotus
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Book One: Water
Title: “Wild Cherry Bark Tea”
Chapter: Beginning - Previous Chapter - 7 - Next Chapter
Rating: T (curse words mainly.)
Genre: Humor, Drama, and more humor.
Summary: Floating White Lotus, a former fire nation ship that was converted into a traveling tea shop. The shop is led by the rumored the Dragon of the West, (No knows if this is true or not… yet) and his nephew who wishes to forget the ever lasting war. Well, until a certain someone decided he’d be the perfect fire bending instructor.
Archive Of Our Own: Floating White Lotus
Fanfiction.net: Floating White Lotus
Wattpad: Floating White Lotus
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Wild Cherry Bark Tea
It is used to treat colds and suppress coughs. It could be used for bronchitis, diarrhea, fever, gout, sore throat, and whooping cough. Alleviating pain and stimulate the digestive system, sometimes could be used to promote hair growth and to condition it. It is advised to not take cherry bark supplements excessively.
Zuko kept to himself, head and face covered as he gathered up herbs for the Floating White Lotus. It was something he did whenever he has the opportunity or needed to visit a certain location which only had said grew in said location. It’s something that soothed his mind, simply picking herbs, flowers, mushrooms, and other things that catches his attention.
Basket full, Zuko headed out to locate Uncle Iroh so that they could head back the ship. Walking through the forest, he couldn’t help but feel something bad is happened. This caused Zuko to speed up to the last place he had seen Uncle. By the time, he got to the last place he saw the man, Zuko knew… Uncle went on another misadventure…
The pool of water where Iroh was using as a makeshift hot spring, had several landslide-like formations. It appeared that the someone, Iroh, dragged their feet to leave behind an impression of where he was taken. “Great… earth benders.”
Zuko turned around and placed the basket on a high branch before he followed the trail. Grumbling all the way under his breath, how Iroh needed to get out of trouble and not cause his hair to turn gray due to the stress the man puts him through on a daily basis.
Aang was in complete awe as he was taken on a ride by Avatar Roku’s dragon, Fang. From what he had gathered, he needed to talk to the previous Avatar about something that severely required his attention. As Fang flew over a meadow as they headed towards their destination. Looking down below, he saw the familiar figure that could only be described as an annoyed Zuko.
Aang didn’t know whether or not Zuko could hear him, he called out to him. “Hi Zuko!!!”
Down below, Zuko paused. He looked around before decidedly to look up to see… Is that Aang… on a dra… is that Fang. Aang is waving at him and Zuko slowly waved back, not knowing what to do or say at that moment. Once Aang and Fang were out of sight, Zuko turned around and walked away in a complete daze.
Zuko thanked the spirits he wasn’t being pulled in for another misadventure this time around. He really needed to look for Uncle and get back to the ship. One trip to the Spirit world is far too much for him and resulted with meeting his great-gra- is that Uncle’s sandal? Sure smells like it.
“Could you please put on some clothes, now?” Zuko nearly whined at the sight of his half-dressed uncle. The only response he got, is a bodacious laugh that has the teen cringe. “There, there, Zuko. I put my clothes back on.”
“Good, let’s get out of h-” Zuko began to say but was cut off by Iroh.
“Did you see Fang? He was flying about earlier with Avatar Aang.” Iroh hummed, nudging Zuko with his elbow. Zuko resisted the urge to twitch uncontrollably. Of course Uncle saw the Aang and Fang soaring through the skies earlier. The way Iroh he said it made Zuko wonder what the man is thinking in that mind of his.
That familiar sparkle in Iroh’s eyes made Zuko’s fight or flight response to go haywire.
Zuko’s entire posture stiffened massively. “I did, he waved at me.”
“Hm…” Iroh hummed deeply, deep in thought.
“Whatever you are thinking… drop it. Please… There’s so much I could take without losing my mind.”
By the time they made it to the boat, Zuko immediately went off to his room. He needed to meditate on what he saw earlier, seeing the spirit form of Aang and Fang…
This brought back the memory of when Uncle Iroh once taught Zuko about the Spirit World. Of course, Zuko believed everything that came along with that world. So when the man told him, that he had visited the Spirit World a more than a handful of times… caused Zuko to wonder how many more secrets Uncle has in the back of his mind. Far as he knew, the only people that were able to go to the Spirit World is the Avatar.
The Spirit World… It was something at that time, Zuko really wanted to go… right up until it happened. When it happened, it caused him to question everything he never knew about his family… and psyche. Mainly his psyche.
Zuko didn’t understand what was happening to him, he felt feverish  and has been hallucinating nonstop. Why did this have to happen right after his banishment as he was still healing from the burn on his face. Everything hurt and he swore, each time he attempted to do the breathing techniques Uncle had taught him… and before he knew it, Zuko no longer felt feverish.
Zuko slowly opened his eyes and couldn’t help but feel lighter. He sat up with an audible groan and stretched out his arms in front of him. When he opened his eyes, the teen let out a scream at the sight of his very transparent arms. He looked back down at the pillows to see his…body!!!!
There was a soft growl like purr that caused Zuko to pause, he slowly turned around and looked up to see a dragon. Why is there a dragon in his ro-Zuko let out a scream when the dragon reached down and used its mouth to grab hold of him. It then flung Zuko over on it’s back before it became to fly off with Zuko cleaning onto the creature for dear life. They soared through the skies and before Zuko knew it… they were somewhere Zuko had never seen before. It could be described magical, mysterious, and… terrifying.
Zuko screamed out for the dragon to take him back or to at least land somewhere. Anywhere at that point. He shut his eye shut when they flew the cloudy skies out of instinct. Sensing the dragon diving, Zuko opened his eye and realized they were now in a massive meadow and there stood an unknown figure…
End of Flashback~
Zuko did not tell Uncle what had happened to him that day, even though the old man has his massive suspicions. The only person he did tell that he had met in the Spirit World, was Jee. The man simply blinked, looked away with a curse before the patted the then thirteen-year-old on the head stating that if he ever wanted to talk, he’s there for the kid.
Yeah… Zuko still does not understand what happened that night. It also did not help how his feverish hallucinations grew worse once he went back into his body after that visit. Plus, meeting your great-grandfather who knew his other great-grandfather who started a massive genocide of an entire nation causes one to double think a lot of life choices.
Arriving at his room, Zuko sat on top of a mat that was in the corner of his room. He sat on the mat and began to meditate. When he opened his eyes, he was met with that familiar figure sitting across of him. “Grandfather Roku, how’s Fang?”
“I need you to help your friends, Zuko.” Roku stated.
“Yes, hello Zuko. How are you, Zuko? I’m doing quite alright, thank you. How’s life, Zuko? I don’t know, I’m being accused of following my friends.” Zuko huffed out, he ignored the pointe look of his great-grandfather’s spirit was giving him. “What? I just want to become a simple tea maker or herbalist, maybe both. I haven’t decided yet.”
“I know, I know. You need to help your friends, as they are the ones that keep me grounded and help me keep my sanity. Even though they make me question it all the time.” Zuko only continued, Roku simply sat there and listened to the teen’s rant. He knew it was bound to happen, it was a matter of time. Better now than a middle of a fight. “And today! I saw Fang flying off with Aang! Did you have anything to do with that?”
“Go to the Five Sages Capital Temple, your friends will require your assistance.” Roku said before disappearing once again.
“….why do I ever bother any more…”
Taglist: @amynchan, @aliendoodles2, @darkshadowguardian
Would anyone be interested in a a Q/A for this AU? 
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blazingsai · 7 years
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Sai’s Character Corner: #3 Gonka gra-Atulslag
New Thing I’m doing. Kind of like Tweaking the Cast and And Here We Are… Matter of fact, it’s going to be EXACTLY like both of those things.The main difference is that this WILL be an ongoing thing until I completely take screenshots of every single character that I’ve made (well the ones I plan to use anyway XD) Also, these will allow me to fix the backstory of some of the characters that I’ve debuted that aren’t really defined/have holes in them.
July 9, 2016. Sometime in 2016, I got all aboard the Orc hype train, and I was trying (largely unsuccessfully) to get to get people to hop aboard with me. At the time I had 1 1/2 Orcs (Durul Azorba and the half-Orsimer/half-Dunmer Duraza gra-Morbak). One was my take on a pure Orc through and through, the other was the best thief living in Skyrim (in my game). However, on the date listed prior, I decided that I wanted a “cool” Orc. Someone that had the drive and passion of an Orc, but wasn’t quite as strong and didn’t necessarily care all to much about society’s (both Orc and non-Orc) views on what an Orc had to be. I basically wanted a spunky, rule-breaking Orc... And Gonka was what I decided on…
Mer trash. This was essentially how the Orsimer were viewed as from other Mer. However, even within their own kind, they all knew that they had a place. That if they followed Malacath’s will, they would have the chance for honor in both life and death. But young Gonka was disillusioned of all this at a the age of five, when following her father’s death Gonka’s mother abandoned her on the outskirts of Windhelm.
After fending for herself for a few months, she was taken in by the war veteran, Brunwulf Free-Winter. Brunwulf tried to provide a decent life to Gonka, but the radical racism that festered in the city was too much to bare. She was useless because she wasn’t as strong as other Orcs her age, she was a dirty green skin good for naught by dying like a fool, she was wanted or needed in Skyrim because she wasn’t a Nord... Gonka developed a deep hatred towards Nords that eventually spread to both Altmer and Dunmer as well. But her outlook on things changed when she was eight...
One day Brunwulf asked Gonka to go to the market to pick up some fresh fish, while he went and helped out those that lived in the Gray Quarter. Gonka had done this before, and although she hated the remarks the vendors gave her, she begrudgingly went there, paid for the fish, and no sooner than she was about to leave the guards apprehended her, said she’d stolen the fish, and before she could try to get the merchant to tell them the truth, she was whisked away to Windhelm’s jail. She stayed there for three days, and the entire time she tried to figure out why was it that she had to take this abuse, why was she subjugated to relentless torture every day? And then she realized, the only way for there to be change, would be if she enacted it herself.
That was the last time Gonka cried in her youth.
A month after that incident, Gonka left Windhelm, and traveled the province to each Orc stronghold and challenged their chiefs for the right to rule. Each time she did so, although it was laughed out, her challenge was granted and she was defeated by the chiefs in a one-sided manner. Rather than be discouraged by her constant defeats, Gonka could only feel encouraged for with each defeat, she could tell that she was becoming stronger, faster, smarter, gaining more intellect. and coming one step closer to being able to mend or break the rules and traditions when she saw fit to do so... That is until she got to Dushnikh Yal...
It was the last stronghold in Skyrim for her to visit, but she’d always planned to circle back and challenge the previous chiefs again if she had lost to them all. And so as per usual, Gonka challenged Chief Burguk for the right to be the stronghold’s chief. Rather than acknowledge her, Burguk laughed and had his men remove her from the fort. It was the first time this had happened, and it made her once again feel like she’d felt in Windhelm... Like Mer trash... But rather than becoming overwhelmed with her emotions, Gonka returned to challenge Burguk everyday for months, and was repeatedly turned away each time.
Every time she was turned away, Gonka would go into the surrounding wilderness and hunt the biggest game she could find. Four months into this daily pattern, her challenge was completely ignored by everyone. They didn’t even let her into the stronghold like they had been doing. Fed up, Gonka made a racket for hours until a random Redguard clad in Orcish Armor appeared before her and accepted her challenge on behalf of the chief. Thinking she’d been played for a fool, Gonka released her pent up anger on the girl. However, before she could land the finishing blow, Chief Burguk showed up, disarmed her, and took Gonka, the Redguard, an three other children into his longhouse.
The chief was furious that none of his legitimate children thought to deal with this “threat” and punished each of them for the same amount of time that the outsider had been challenging him for. As for Gonka and the Redguard, Chief Burguk gave the Redguard one week to prepare for an official battle with these stakes: if the Redguard lost, she’d be exiled from the stronghold and Gonka would indeed be able to challenge Burguk for the right to be chief. During that week, Gonka was treated like a guest at the behest of Burguk, and for the first time in a while, Gonka felt like she was somewhere she could actually call home... At the end of the week, the pair fought to a draw in a fierce battle that to this very day is still talked about throughout the stronghold. Although she didn’t win, Gonka felt content with this outcome and was poised to leave upon recovering, however seeing as there was no clear winner, Burguk allowed Gonka, to stay in Dushnikh Yal until the day that she and the Redguard, Agrathia, next did battle.
Though the beginning was rough between the two girls, through the next three years their animosity toward each other turned into a rivalry, which in turn blossomed into a great friendship, wherein Gonka helped Agrathia fit in with the rest of the Orcs so much so that rather than calling her Blood-kin they simply saw her as one of their own flesh and blood. It soon became clear that Agrathia was becoming a force to be reckoned with, and seeing as she no longer held no ill will towards Agrathia nor did she wish to take Burguk’s place for a time, Gonka made sure to avoid combat with Agrathia for fear of possibly destroying the place she’d come to call her home.
After Agrathia left to wonder the province, Gonka started to expand her skill set as a hunter, and over the course of the next three years quickly became the stronghold’s best hunter, bar none. Although she liked the attention and recognition she was getting, Gonka noticed that the chief’s children were not all too thrilled with all that she was accomplishing. So when she turned 18, Gonka left the stronghold in order to truly forge a life for herself. After doing bounty hunter work for a few months, she was turned onto doing mercenary work. Months after she had gone on various missions with several fellow mercenaries, something within Gonka told her that she had found the occupation that she wanted to maintain for years to come...
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malockser · 7 years
~ Gruvia in the Ice Kingdom  ~
I thought that the Gruvia Day would be just tomorrow (12) but since it seems it were yesterday i will post this one shot thta i had already archived for a time so i hope you all like it, even it’s delayed ( as Always - -‘ ) . 
Enjoy ~ 
Juvia POV Juvia is a servant in the Ice Fullbuster Kingdom, it's nearly at the Dragneel Kingdom as well. I served Gray-sama for 2 years and I've been in love with him since when the first time saw him, I know he's going to marry a beautiful and important woman someday, and it really hurts me a lot when I think of that. I started crying at night before bed, but no one knows it, everyone thinks I'm a happy person all the time. If it were true, it would be so good. - I would love if I could have at least a chance to win Gray-sama's heart ... no, idiot Juvia !! It's impossible !! Gray-sama is a prince and you are just a servant. - Hey Juvia, do you know where my shirt is ?? - Kyaa !! - I accidentally stumble and I would drop the water jug I was holding if a strong arm did not hold my waist. - Hey, are you okay? - I-I'm !! I'm sorry for this !!   - Don't worry, you spoke in the first person again. - I-Is anoying Juvia talking in third person all the time ?? - I whisper, staring at the floor. - No way, it's just different when you change it, you know you can talk the way you want, right Juv ?? - He messes up my hair the way he always does when he teases me. - You are so kind. - And you're so cute . - He took my hair off. - Anyhow, did you see my shirt?  My dad will kill me if I get caught again without it. - It's in your room Gray-sama, Juvia saw that a while ago, and- - You wear it again ?? - E-Eh ?? Th-This was a long time ago !! J-Juvia ha- - Juvia haven't fault if she loves Gray-sama's smell right ?? ~ - He imitates me - Gra-Gray-sama !! J-Juvia haves to go- Before i could run he hugged me and put his head in my shoulder - I am just kidding you know right ?? And you have a good smell too - He put the face in my blue locks - Your name must be Juvia BLUE LOCKSer don't you think ?? - W-Well-J-Juvia doesn't...   - Or do you preffer Juvia Fullbuster ?? - Gray-sama !! Juv-Juvia needs to go now !! - I manage to get free of the hug and starts to run, but Gray-sama screams: - You can't run away from me forever Juvia-chan ~ Awn, that hug was so good Gray-sama T^T
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gray POV - *sigh* Man... i am... so...boooooored - Natsu said. We was just walking around there searching for something interessant. - Why you dragged me to here ?? If you haven't nothing more interessant to do then i will- - Come back to your girlfriend ?? - Juvia isn't my girlfriend Natsu. For some reason he was smiling. - I never mentioned Juvia, Gray, then that means... - Your... - YOU ADMIT SHE IS MORE THAN A SERVANT FOR YOU !!! - He yells and started to run - YOU LIIIIIKES JU- And that's how Lucy found Natsu inside an iceberg. -...You teased Gray about Juvia again right ?? - She sighs looking at the pink haired guy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Welcome home Gray-sama - Juvia said, while picking my jaquet. - Thanks - But you came back early, something happened with Natsu-san ??   - I was missing my darling already ~ - I wink to her - Eh ?! - I am joking...but if you want then...- - Gray-sama - She corvers her face. - Well, isn't like i don't missed you, but i was so bored and we had to run away from some idiot fangirls, if i could i would frozen all of them, but my father always bothers me to be a "educated" prince. And now Natsu is in a iceberg. - Did your fangirls runned after you two again ?? Did he bothered you again ?? Did he hurt you again ?? Then Juvia will give him a lesson again- In that point i had to hold her hands, or she wouldn't stop to search some wounds in me. - Calm down, he didn't hurt me, and that time was just one punch. - But Gray-sama get one purple eye !! - It was nothing, and i would not care if i hurt myself again if that means you will kiss my face again - I said, smiling more when she starts to blush more than a tomato. - I-I-It w-was i thought you were s-s-slepping- - I was pretending ~ Thinking again, my face is aching, will you kiss my face ?? - Juvia is worried about you getting hurt Gray-sama, she is not joking !!! - She tries to make a serious and angry face but i just could laugh about how cute she seemed like this. I wrapped my arms around her back and whispered at her ear: - I'm talking serious too Juv, can you kiss my face ?? I am- *hit* - Ow !! What the hell ?? - Someone shot one high heel in me !! And it's obvious who did that - Hey Ultear, what you have in your mind ?? - I just thought you are teasing so much my Juvia- She walks with the hands the waist and stayed at Juvia's side, taking her of my arms and hugging her. - It's MY Juvia and i am the ONE that can and will hug her - I catch Juvia and hug her again. - J-Juvia is..- Juvia tried to say when the brothers was fighting about whose Juvia is. " Now i was pulling Ultear's hair and she was pushing my face." So i noticed she was with normal clothes - Huh ? Will you go to somewhere ?? - Yes. - Alone ?? Then, i could- - She will go with me little brother - Ultear let me free and put her hand in Juvia's shoulder - You know, she haves really a good sense to clothes. And i need the most beautiful dress to- - Get a boyfriend ?? Your single woma- *hit* - Where the hell you disguise that shoes ?? - Now excuse us, let's go Juvia-chan !! - E-Eh ?? But what about Gray-sa-
Juvia POV - Forget that idiot, you deserves someone better, oh i know !! Let's search for some boys !! - Don't dare to do this weird things with her !! - Gray-sama screams at the door. - Stop screaming, your jerk !!! Excuse him Juvia, he does not have a well mind. - Okay... - Juvia could just laugh  of their relationship. - Ok let's just found the perfect dress for us. - J-Juvia too ?? - Of course !! You will participate to the kingdom party too, not just because i want, but Gray would annoy us forrever if he lost the chance of dance with the woman of his dreams. - He doesn't likes Juvia like that Ultear-sama. - Oh he does , and sooooo much, who you thinks that brought you to the kingdom ?? He always was interested in you and wanted to see you all days, and he managed that, uh, nice coup Gray, finally that dumb did something right. - T-That's true ?? - Of course it is !! Or you think i would praize that idiot if it wasn't true ?? But after all he is against the idea of treat you like just a servant, you realized that right ?? But Juvia's head was pouring with so much information, she really didn't hope that much from the man she loved so much and served so loyally --------------------------------------------------------------------- - TCH! That idiot woman.- I say while i was walking in my room searching for something to do while my sister is "stealing" my Juvia. Wait. - My Juvia ?? Why am i thinking on that ?? - I saw a certain scarf inside in my commode.   I inconciously wear it. - Juvia's smell is in it yet. - I close my eyes smelling the scarf. But someone interrupted me: - Yo Gray !! - Natsu hits the door suddenly, for the first time he entered from the door and not from the window - What are you doing ?? - No-Nothing !! - Huh ?? Hey this scarf smells like Juvia, she gave it to you ?? - Isn't your business !! - You liiiiikes her !! - Look who talks, you are jealous because you can't be with Lucy like that !! - Who said that ?? - He puts his forehead against mine and we started to pull each other. - I did. - Then you is wrong because me and Lucy are more next than before !! - Really ?? Because me and Juvia are- - P-Please stop fighting Natsu-nii-chan, Gray-san !! - Wendy appears, trying to stop our fight. - Wendy ? Why are you here ?? - L-Lucy-san said you was here and it's always troublesome when you and Gray-san are together, well, it was what she said- She was looking to the floor and whispering, we had to approach at her to manage to listen what she was saying.   - Ok, Ok, i have to come back now, my Lucy is missing me, and Gray, just hurry up to rescue your girl, you know your sister will envolve Juvia with others guys. See ya   - Man, i hate to admit that but he is right, i have to fetch her soon- I catch a jaquet and put the scarf on the pocket. ----------------------------------------------------------- Juvia POV - And that ?? And that ?? - Ultear was jumping now showing a beautiful dark dress. - That's beautiful, but it will be more if you tie that lace like this - I arranged that and her eyes was shining. - Oh !! This better, you really have a nice eye Juvia, well, except to choice my little brother. Now let's found a perfect dress to you !! - W-Wait Ultear-sama !! - Too late, she was already dragging me to other store. Even she will not admit that she acts like Gray-sama too, as expected from brothers. - Hey, what you beautiful are doing here ?? - One guy approach to us - Do you two want to follow me to- - Disgusting... - Ultear-sama whispers with a bad aura around her, scaring the peoples next to us. She grabs his shirt and with the eyes burning. - Get away from me and my sister or i will beat you down ok ?? - S-Sorry !! - He starts to run. - Now...- She turns to me and happily said - Let's continue with our shopping ~ - I hadn't even time to ask why she did call me siter but i think i already know it. ^ ^' -------------------After the shopping------------------------------- - Juvia did you enjoyed today ?? - Of course !! It's really funny go to shopping with you Ultear-sama. - But you think it would be better if you was going out with Gray right ?? - Eh ?? - *sigh* Please explain to me what do you saw in that jerk ?? - She seats in a bench and crossed the legs, i sit beside . - I-It's hard to explain...I just want to be always by his side - But more than a servant right ?? - ... - Come on Juvia, just open the game with me. I won't say anything to him. - But in the truth doesn't matter what i want because i am just a- - Juvia !! - One voice called me and we look at the direction of that. - Gray-sama ?? - What are you doing here jerk ?? - I was just making sure, that you wasn't envolving Juvia with your love problems, YOU are single, don't put her in your things. - Your ... - Please wait you two !! Gray-sama, Ultear-sama and Juvia was just shopping !! - Ugh whatever i am coming home, and you will with me. - He grabs my hand and we started to walk. - Wait, what about Ultear-sama ?? - She knows the way of the kingdom, and i don't like that you stay be much time with her, i worry about what she will make you do. - Gray-sama really cares so much about me ?? - I stopped to walk and look at other side. - Of course, who said the opposite ? Ultear ?? - No !! No one said that. - You are distant lately, what is bothering you ?? - Gray-sama do you like expeding time with me ? - I look at our hands together. - Wha- Why so suddenly ?? - He  depart his sight and turns the face, but i saw his face red. - Of course i do. - R-Really ?? - My face was burning and he noticed that: Your face is getting red, here, wear that. - He get off his jaquet and put this in my shoulders. - Gray-sama you will get cold !! - I am used to the cold, and if that is the case just come here. - He wraps an arm around my shoulder, and pulls me next to him. - G-G-Gray-sama that's not enough yet. - T-Then i will wear that. He catch something of the jaquet's pocket. My eyes opened more wide when i saw what was that. - This is- - Y-Yes, i thought i would need that so... - He wraps the scarf between mine and his neck. - In that way we will get warm, t-the both. I just stared at him to make sure that wasn't a dream, so i smile. - Thank you, Gray-sama. - I lean my head on his shoulder. I could not be more happy in that moment Gray POV Me too. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juvia POV (again) - Uh.. it's morning already ?? - I try to stand but something was holding me, or to be more specific, two muscled arms around my waist, i turn around to see Gray-sama sleeping, without shirt !! O///O - Gra-Gray-sama !! What are you doing in my room ?? - Ugh, get down your voice it's early Juv - He open the eyes and continue - And it's MY room. - B-But why am i here ?? And where is your shirt ?? - You got asleep so i broght you here, and i never sleep with shirt. - What if someone see Juvia here ?? Juvia needs to go to her room !! - Calm down, if someone see us i will just explain, and it's not like everyone doesn't knows our relationship, even my father do. - Gray-sama how is our relationship ?? And how can you be so calm with that situation ?? Come on let Juvia leave. - I am your prince and it's nothing wrong about that, we are just sleeping, so stops moving so much, you will fall on the ground like that. - Him wrappes more tight the arms around Juvia's waist and nest his face on her hair. - So, if it was another person you would say the same ?? - I whisper, but Gray-sama yet listened it.   - Well, if it was a beautiful messy maid, with blue curly hair and beautiful dark blue eyes, and a bit weird, so maybe- - Gray-sama !! - I am just joking Juvia, you're the one. - Do you really thinks that i am beautiful ??? - Of course. You are the most beautiful that i've saw my Juv. - This is embarassing  >///<   - And what do you want me to say ?? - Nothing, just fall sleep. - I would if you let me to sleep. Now just be quiet. - He wraps the arms around my waist and turn me to the other side of the bed, pulling my back to his chest, and again put his face on my hair. - M-Me too ?? Sorry Gray-sama, Juvia needs to go, it's time to work !! - Ugh, ok, but you owe me one next time. - He winks to me, smiling to my red face. - S-See you later Gray-sama !! - I leave the room.   ------------------------------------------------------------ - Ugh, i am tired suddenly- - So when ?? - Ultear-sama appears, scaring me. - Kyah !! Sorry Ultear-sama, i didn't know you was there. - Don't worry, but when it is ?? - What ? - The birth of my nephew. - E- - Juvia ? - EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH ??????????!!!!!????? W-Wha-What ??????????? O///O   - Shh !! I want to do a surprise to Gray when he knows that. - B-Bu-But we aren't going to have a b-b-ba-baby- --yet, i am just kidding Juvia !! I can't resist to see your face when you are embarassed and confused, cuuute ~ - She chenchs my cheeks. - Ultear-sama you seems like Gray-sama, he said that to me too one time. -.... No, it can't be true. - She falls on her knees and starts talking dramatically, where did that spotlight come from ?? - Are you ok ?? - Yes, i knew that would happen one day. T_T Sorry but i have to go now, bye Juvia.   - Bye, *sigh* Tomorrow is the day, hang on Juvia, you can comfort they. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray POV - Gray, hey Gray, wake up. - Ugh, let me sleep Ultear. - Did you forget ?? Today it's the day. - I open my eyes and see my sister in a black dress. - Oh, sorry, i will change now. She leaves my room, and i go to take a bath, today will be a long day. While i took the shower, with the water falling in my hair i remembered the one person that could be my day leastwise sad, but sadly it was her day off. I finished to change and when i opened the door i was received with pair of arms around my neck. - Juvia ? What are you doing here ?? It's your day off, isn't ??   - Juvia couldn't leave you and Ultear-sama alone, in the day of the death,of your mother Ur-sama don't you think ?? - Thank you, but let's go, or Ultear will think that i came back to sleep. - I close the door and we walked at the main door. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many of our relatives, friends and even officials of the kingdom were present there, to our surprise. Everyone visited the her grave. - Gray, i will came back now, and you ?? - Ultear asks me, but she knew that i wanted to stay more here, before leave. - I will later, you can go. - Ok I stay more, and start to walk to sit on the grass next to there. - Gray-sama. - Juvia why are you here ?? I thought you left a time ago. - Juvia knew you would be here even if everyone left. - She seats beside me, and smiled to me. - But if you want to be alone then- - N-No, i want you be here with me, at least a bit. - She touch my hand with hers       We stayed a time like that, with her head leaned on my shoulder, after a time she said. - Gray-sama, do you want a hug ?? - Y-Yes. Why not ? - I wanted to be strong front her, but she seemed read my mind: - It's ok, you don't need to hold anymore, i know you want to cry, Gray. - She says softly while stroking my hair. - S-Sorry, you a-always are being kind with me, even if i-i am a idiot..- My tears fall more and more, slipping down on her shoulder. I nest my face on it as she waited to me calm down. - Are you feeling better now ? - Yes, thanks to you. - It's the least Juvia should do. - But it's not just today, you always are with me, thank you. - I kiss her face fondly, and after some seconds i move away. - Gra-Gray-sa- - Let's eat something, i am hungry - I put my arms behind my head.   - Y-Yes, and where do you want to go ? - Anywhere since you are with me. - What ? I can't hear.     - Nothing. ------------------------------ Day of the prom ---------------------------- - Ultear-sama is so beautiful with that dress !! Well, more than usual i mean. - Thank you Juvia, but until when you will be in that locker room ?? Come on i want to see you in the dress we bought !! - B-But Juvia doesn't think this dress suits her.   - Just come on, Waaah you're beautiful !! No, cute !! No wait, it's wonderful !! Yes, this time i am right. - R-Really ?? *Relieved sigh* Juvia hopes- --that Gray-sama likes it too, yes, i knew you would say that. - Ultear-sama says smiling - Now i need to go, the princes of others kingdoms must be arriving now and i don't want to delay !! Bye Juvia ~ - Bye. It's better to Juvia go too. - Juvia was going to open the door but it opened before, and Gray-sama appeared with the hand in the eyes: - Is everyone weared ?? - Gray-sama what are you doing ? - Juvia ?? Where is Ultear ? Last time i accidentally opened the door without knock first and Ultear almost killed me, but whatever this doesn't care to no- - He stopped to speak when he looked at me. - What ? - -one... Juvia you are beautiful. O///O - Eh ?? Really ?? Juvia is happy !! - I hug him, but he was just blushing and saying things that i couldn't understand anything. - I-I mean, oh i remembered, where is Ultear ?? - She already went to the main hall. - I bet she is already looking for all the guys was there, then let's go, i don't want to delay too. - Ok. --------------------------------------------- Gray POV - I'm bored, this is boring man. - I said after half an hour without nothing to do. - Gray-sama the prom just started some minutes ago. - I know, i know. It's just that Ur used to dance with me when i hadn't a pair to dance. But now..- I said looking to the pairs dancing on the hall: Natsu and Lucy, Erza and Jellal, Gajeel and Levy, Romeo and Wendy, Mira and Laxus and others, so i looked to Juvia, i think she was thinking in the same thing i was, but she couldn't ask me. - J-Just one dance ok ?? - She looks surprised to me, and catch my hand, that was extended to her. - Yes ^ ^ - She smiled, oh man, i love this smile, i hope i could make her smile always. We was dancing in somewhere of the hall, with one hand of hers in my shoulder, and mine in her waist, and holding the other. But the music stopped and a light was shining in us. - Wh-Wha- - Come on little Gray, just dance with your woman a bit !! - Ultear says to me, making everyone look to us. - Your... - Gray-sama- Juvia calls my attention and says- That's ok, i-it's just a dance. * blushing * - My eyes softens when i look at her. - Ok then, if you say . After a time later she wrapped her arms around my neck and i held Juvia's waist with the both of my hands . I was with my head leaned on her shoulder, since she wasn't so shorte than me. We danced like that for a time. And the others started to dance again, dispersing the attetion of us, what made me sigh relieved. - Gray-sama was nervous ?? - A bit. And you ? - While she is with Gray-sama there is no reason to stay nervous - She laughes and nest the face on my chest. - Ok.. Juvia do you want to walk around there to take a breath ?? I am starting to sufocate here. - I try to Unscrew the collar of the shirt, but she prevented me. - Gray-sama, your father will admonish you if you loses your shirt again. - She said when we was walking. - You're acting superior today, huh ?? - T-That wasn't Juvia's intention, she just wants your good. - I messy her fondly. - I know, i am just kidding- I smiles. But when we was in on e porch, then i leaned my arms in that and looked to somewhere at the sky. She approaches to me. - That star seems like you. - I point to that. - Why ?? - Because when you smile it shines like that star. - She looks away blushing, when i smiled to her. - A-And Gray-sama is like the sun to me. - She is looking to the floor. - Juvia i think the floor isn't where is the sun, your sun is here - I  lift her chin   - Gray-sama.   - I think you seems like the moon too. So beautiful today isn't it ?? She looks at the moon, probably to understand to why i think that. I make a serious face, and she noticed that. - Juvia, my father said i had to found a wife soon, i will need someone to help and support me when i become king. That seems hit her, because her eyes widened, then she lowered her face, her fringe covering her eyes, and she asked slowly, as if it were painful to ask that, maybe it was, to her. - So...you already found, s-someone ?? - Yes, but it was before my father said that. - ... - Juvia. - S-Sorry, Juvia have to go now, it's late already !! G-Goodnight Gray. - Juvia wait !! - I extend my hand to her but she already left, and i was sure i saw tears falling of her delicate face. - Ugh !! Why i didn't explained better  to her ?? I don't get that. - I mess my hair. I was walking to my room when someone hitted my head behind. - Ow !! What the h- - Shut up. - Ultear was emanating a very bad aura, looking at me with a death stare, i had to admit on thing.   That was scaring me as the hell.   - I was walking to my room and saw Juvia crying, do you care to explain it to me ?? - I wanted to know too !! I explained all happened to her, and when i finished she hitted me again. - Your idiot, why didn't you told her before ?? Now she is with a heart broken, that's why i said to she search other guy, you are so idiot to her. - Normally i would contradict you, but now you are right, what i do now ?? I know, i will apologize to Juvia now. - I was walking but i was stopped by Ultear grabbing my necklace. - No, for now she needs to be alone, you can do it later, don't worry, i will talk with her tomorrow, but for now, stay away a bit of her ok ?? - *sigh* I will try. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juvia POV Ugh.. my head is acching, that might be because i didn't sleep that night, but i have to stand now, it's time of working: - Hey Juvia i am entering. - Ultear-sama enters in my room. - Ultear-sama ?? Do you want something ?? Juvia is almost- - No, No, i just came to call you, now get prepared because we, girls, will have a princess day !! Well, more than usual i think. - Princess day ?? Wait Ultear-sama where we will go ? - She drags me for just god knows the place we was going   - Yes, here is the others. I look to see Lucy, Erza, Levy, Cana, Wendy and Mira. - Now Juvia, are you ready for a really funny day ?? - Lucy says excited like Ultear. - Girls, why are you all so restless today ?? Something happened ?? I must have been right, because they stared at me with a surprised face and a little despair. - N-No, we just wanted to expend time with each other, now enough talking let's go to shopping !! - Erza yells - Erza, you are yelling so much - Mira said. ------------------------------------------------------------- - Lu-chan and that blouse ?? - Levy shows a yellow blouse to Lucy. - That's cute !! But i don't know what i should buy. - Juvia what do you think of that of that pin ?? - Ultear-sama was holding a gold and silver butterfly pin. - That's pretty, i am sure that will be good in you too !! - Oh, that's not for me, and yes for you. - To Juvia ?? - Yes, come let's go in that store we went that day. - W-Wait, you're running so fast Ultear-sama. - Juvia sighs, no one can stop Ultear when she is shopping. Juvia was looking to the place she was with Ultear-sama, when Gray-sama came to fetch Juvia and we walked next to each other.   Juvia wished she could continue like this with Gray-sama forever. But he have already someone he likes... Ultear POV Shit, i should know she will remember of Gray if we walked around here. I made a signal to Erza, indicating we should go to other place. That don't worked. Why ?? Well i will explain why: - Juvia-san that ice cream is good isn't it ?? - Wendy says. - Yes, i remember this flavor of ice cream is the preferred of... Man, let's again. - Juvia, i saw a store that sells the best wines of the city, let's there !! - Cana said. Bad damn idea. Juvia ended be drunk, so we took her to home. - Wha- Ultear !! You said you will take care of her and not take a drink with her !! - My idiot-litte-brother-Gray screamed at me when he saw Juvia. - Shut up, it's Cana fault, i said to her don't took Juvia in that store but she was already drunk. - You're a idiot, you know isn't a good friend in that situations !! - Ok, Ok, just take care of your woman, since you think i am not good of taking care of the persons. - I pull Juvia to him and exit of his room. Gray POV Damn, now you am i supposed to make her stop to cry ?? - Waaah !! Gray-samaaa !! Why are you so lovely and charming ?? That's not fair with Juvia !! She can't get away of you WAAAH !!! - What i did to deserve that, ... hey Juvia what you want to stop crying and flood the kingdom ?? - Kiss Juvia - She was already doing pout to me. - N-No way. - Gray-sama hates Juvia so much ?? - No, it's just you're drunk now and i don't want to Erza and Mira sink my face on the ground for take advantage of you like this. Just sleep. - Gray-sama, Juvia is lightheaded. - Don't worry, i will carry you at your room. - I enter in her room, and carefully laid down her in the bed, but she grabbed my sleeve: - Gray-sama, Juvia don't want to stay alone. - Then i will wait until you fall sleep. - I sit on the corner of her bed. - But if Gray-sama get's bored and leave Juvia before ?? - I wont be bored with you, so just sleep. - I laid down beside her and wrap one arm on her waist, pulling she more to me - This is enough for you ?? - Yes, thank...you...Gray..- She says as she grabbed my shirt to approach her and closing her blue eyes . And she fall sleep immediatelly. - Wow, that's was fast, i think i will wait more, just more little... - I close my eyes too. -------------------------------------------------------- I was awaking, when i felt something soft on my face i hear a sigh. - Ugh.. Juvia is early yet... - T-T-That's just-G-G-Gray-sama do you know what are you doing ?? I open my eyes to notice i was hugging her with my face nested on her chest. - WAH !! S-S-Sorry J-Juvia !! I didn't wanted to - My face was burning of embarassing now. - J-Juvia knows, but why are you here ?? - W-Well you was drunk and wanted me to be with you while you wasn't sleep yet. - Juvia did that ?!? Oh sorry Gray-sama !! Well Juvia needs to change now. - Ok, s-see you. - Y-Yes. I leave her room and put my hand in my face to cover my blush while i was calming down. Leaning on her door. What i didn't know is she was doing the same in the other side. -------------------------- Three weeks later------------------------------------- Gray POV (still) I was walking around, and i went to the porch, remembering that day of the prom. I sigh, that last three weeks without talk with Juvia is bored as hell. - Ah. I turn around and saw Juvia.   - Sorry, Juvia didn't now you was here. - Don't worry, come, you don't need to regret. - I nod to her get more closer. She did it hesitant. Juvia POV He was looking at the sun, soon the sun will set. He was smiling, Juvia couldn't resist to ask him: - Are you thinking on her ?? He moves away the stare to look at me, still smiling. - How you knew ?? - It's easy, observing your look. So, how... is her ?? - Well, where i start, in summary, she is a wonderful girl, in the moment i saw her for the first time, i knew i she was the woman i wanted to live forever. - S-She seems awesome...- My voice fail. - Juvia ? Juvia ?! - He saw me crying, i don't want it but my tears don't stop falling. - So-Sorry, i-it's nothing really. - I turn to prevent him to see me, but he hold my pulse: - Like I'm going to believe in this, what happened ?? Did you get hurt. - No... it's just *snif* Juvia was rejected. - Huh ?? *sigh* doesn't cares... - Eh ? - Come here. - He hugs me and put my read on his neck curve, his smell is so good, he started to stroke my back, but i was sobbing yet - Shh, calm down.   For more i want to be like this with him forever, i had to get away, his heart have already a owner.   - Juvia, do you want to meet her ?? She will be on the park soon. - Eh ?? - Come - He pulls me by my hand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We arrived at the park and he brought me to a beautiful garden with a lot of flowers with diferent colors. But where is she ?? - This flower is beautiful right ?? That remember me she, so i am sure you will like her. - He catch a water Lirie and put it in my hair. - So, are you felling better now ?   - Huh ?? Ah, a bit. - I don't care who is him, but he is a idiot to make you suffer. - No, it's my fault to fall in love with him. - Don't say that, i would hate if you regret on that. - What do you mean ?? - She is here, look. - W-Where ?? - Juvia looks at all the place but didn't saw anyone. - Gray-sama, i can't see she. - She is here. - Wha-KYAAH!!! - He carried me and jumpped at the lake he used to swin formely. - Why did you that ?? - If i don't you never would see her, here. - He pointed at the water, but all i could see was our reflect. - My girl is beautiful right ?? - B-B-But you said she was like that flower. - I touch the flower, and it falls, floating on the water. - And there is someone in the world who seems more with that flower than you ?? Idiot ~ He hugs my waist and press a kiss on my cheek, that was burning now while i was trying to process what he said: - J-Juvia i-i-is Juv-this is so much- I almost faint, but he hold me more strong. - Hey, why are you so surprised ?? After all the times Ultear and the others teased us, didn't you catch the menssage ?? And you always blush when i was next, it's obvious you loves me darling Juvia ~ - Gray-sama !! This is rude !!! - Well, well, don't be angry, you know i feel the same about you. -  He kisses fondly my ear while i started to blush more now   - Gray-sama. - It's Gray. But let's leave take out of the lake before you catch a cold.- We sit on the grass, and he started to dry Juvia's hair with his shirt. Juvia was blushing so much.- Juvia, stand up for a moment. I did it and i wasn't undertand nothing until he said: - Juvia, i think it's the perfect time to ask you. Oh my God, my heart is beating so hard on my chest, that can't be. He stands on one knee.   It CAN be. - Juvia Lockser, since the first day i saw you i never could be able to get away my eyes of you, i love your smile, your hair, your personality and i want to know...- He open one little box, reveling the most beautiful ring i never seen in my entire life. It was a silver ring, with a blue rose and a delicate diamond. - Will you marry me ? I could not even talk, i was so surprised and happy, but more chocked, and placed one hand on my mouth while my eyes was watering more and more . - Juvia ?? D-Did i asked in the wrong time ?? Sorry- - No !! No !! Isn't this !! It's the perfect time like you said, it's just...- I move my sight at the ground and say: Juvia is just a servant...and you will soon become a king... - So what ?? You're still the woman i love, long before you come to the kingdom. So... - Yes !! I acept !! He slides the ring on my ring finger. I put one hand on my mouth again, and the ring reflected the light of the sunshine.   - Waaaaah Gray-samaaaaa !!!!! Juvia, Juvia dreamed for years this moment !! - I throw my arms around his neck, nesting my face on it. - I know, i know, even if you didn't believe i dreamed about it for years too. - Really ?? - Really, sorry for make you wait. We stayed one moment like that, but he leaned on a three and slid his back into the trunk, bringing me along. - Gray-sama ?? - Ugh, man i was so nervous, i was afraid about you rejecting me for make you wait. - That's impossible. Uh my heart is pouding so much... - Yeah i can feel that - Since we was hugged, this is kind of embarassing. He noticed i was blushing and calmed me - Don't worry, mine is too. - He brought my hand on his chest, his heart was really pouding like mine, or more than !!! - Even if it isn't so much healthy, i would do that how many times i nee Juv. We was so comfortable, and i was sleepy, because of that three weeks without sleep well. - You can sleepy Juvia, we need a nap for all this time. - He seemed thinks the same of Juvia, awn so romantic !! - Gray-sama...I love you... - I love you too...my future wife Juvia Fullbuster... And we fall sleep together with the sunshine. Next of there------------------------ Ultear POV     - Uh, why i have to search for that idiot. Huh ?? That is he !! HEY DAMN LITTLE BROT- I stop when i saw he isn't sleeping alone, and yes hugged with Juvia, wait, is that a ring ?? I uncounsciously smile and get my cellphone - Oh boy Mira will love that.   *shot* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you all want a part 2 of this One shot please comment, like and share this with others !!!!! ^ ^ ~ MaLockser/AnimeTopArts ~
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redsdesktop · 7 years
HTF: Hero
Pairings: Flippy x Splendid
Warnings: None.
AU: Based in the war Flippy was in.
Splendid watched from his lofty perch in the clouds as the citizens of Happy Tree ran about the park, playing in the leaves, enjoying the cooling weather before winter hit. Splendid didn't join in on the fun, no matter how much the laughter was tempting, he was too different. He knew his strength could end up hurting others, so it was better to simply observe from the clouds than risk ruining the fun by accidentally killing someone. Most of the time he stayed at home, doing various hobbies to entertain himself. However, when he had heard laughter, he became curious and maybe a little envious, especially when he heard a certain laugh. Flippy was down there, raking leaves into a pile for the other townsfolk to jump in, despite the work he seemed to be enjoying himself. Splendid sighed out, drawing the attention of his twin who was drifting nearby with a book in hand.
"Just go say hi to him already instead of moping about. Maybe he'll remember you."
"You know it would be better if he didn't. Its too risky."
Splendid first met Flippy during one of his supply runs, digging through the ruined bases of the Tiger General's army for anything that could be salvaged. He thought no one alive remained, only corpses being feasted on my maggots and the wild animals that roamed these jungles. So he didn't expect to hear the sound of someone whimpering in fear, usually he avoided the living because they didn't stay living for long around him. Curious and thinking he might have to put someone out of their misery, he made his way through the rubble to stumble on one of the foreign soldiers. He was badly injured, making Splendid wonder how he managed to survive this long in enemy territory. Kneeling down, Splendid reached out to gently place a hand on the soldier's shoulder, gently shaking him. The younger male flinched and curled tighter into the fetal position, Splendid should leave. He promised himself he wouldn't get involved in this war, he would only do more harm than good.
However, he couldn't pull himself away, couldn't leave the injured soldier to die in fear among the wreckage, all alone. Despite his best judgement, he brought the soldier home, a small base deep within the jungle, hidden away from the civilized world. Splendid separated himself for good reasons, a life of isolation to spare this world of the living disaster he was. For weeks, Splendid took care of the soldier, for weeks, the soldier said nothing, not even when Splendid reattached his hands. The silence was at first awkward, but it grew to something easy. Both had their demons it seemed and Splendid wasn't one to pry. He didn't want to care, didn't want to get attached to someone who could die in a blink of an eye. He had seen many perish so easily in this war, some by his own hands. He wanted nothing to do with it anymore, but having company was starting to make him realize that being alone wasn't ideal either.
It felt nice to care about something other than himself again, to see the look of appreciation in those green hues when they looked up at him. He missed that, missed being viewed as someone who could do good in this world. Such fanciful notions would only lead to disaster though, he was well aware of that. Maybe though, having one person around wouldn't hurt, he could protect this single soldier from the dangers of the civilized world. So one night, when they were sitting around the fire, enjoying the natural music of the jungle around them, Splendid broke the comfortable silence around them. It had been over a month and Splendid didn't know anything about the soldier he grew to care about.
"What's your name?" His voice came out soft, a bit scratchy from the lack of use. He didn't know how long he had lived in isolation, time was meaningless to someone who lived forever. The soldier seemed to be caught by surprise from the sudden question, looking up at Splendid with a torn expression. For a soldier, Splendid had found out that the younger male was kind, gentle, someone that shouldn't be in the war at all. It made Splendid want to keep this soldier away from the taint of violence, to shelter him from the horrors of war.
"Flippy." A murmured reply came, barely heard over the gentle crackle of the fire. Flippy tilted his head up, looking at Splendid expectantly. Splendid paused for a moment, his blue eyes taking in the sight of the firelight dancing over those soft features, making him momentarily wonder how such a gem could be caught up in all of this mess when he should be kept away, polished and pampered. Tired, pastel blue eyes took Flippy in, he knew that despite Flippy being a diamond in the rough, there were hidden cracks within the stone, flaws. However, Splendid couldn't help but to admire the soldier.
"I'm Splendid." He finally admitted, from the lack of recognition in Flippy's expression, Splendid was a bit relieved the soldier hadn't heard of him. He wasn't certain if he could stand seeing fear or disgust on Flippy's face. For now, Splendid was just some strange hermit living in the jungle, where everything was natural and the violence here was merely only for survival. Flippy smiled a little, he had a way of being subtle about his expressions but when he did reveal something, it made it even more special. Before Splendid could stop himself, he leaned down towards Flippy's upturned face and pressed a kiss against those smiling lips. He could feel those arms slide around his neck, pulling him closer, making his heart speed up a little and grow light. While he previously had thought the world was filled with suffering and negativity, he found out beneath all those layers there was still some good left. Something he forgotten but now had found in the warmth of the wounded soldier in his arms.
The next morning, Splendid sat up in bed alone, the blanket falling to pool about his waist, revealing his bare chest. He expected Flippy to be beside him, but instead the soldier was on his feet, pulling on his military clothes before packing his things into a back pack. "Where are you going?" Splendid asked in a drowsy voice, reaching up to drag his fingers through his messy blue hair in a futile attempt to tame it.
"There's still a war going out there." Flippy replied with a frown, looking over at Splendid, there was a hint of longing as the soldier wanted to return to bed.
"Why not stay here where its safe?" Splendid replied, pushing himself up to his feet to find where ever his boxers had gone. They were under the bed somehow and he fished them out to pull the on, this wasn't the conversation to be having while he was nude.
"Some people don't have the luxury of being safe, Splendid. No matter how many times I fail, I have to keep trying. This world needs heroes to save people who can't fight back." Flippy zipped up his backpack as if that would be the end of the debate, Splendid reached out to grab Flippy's arm, trying to drag him back. Flippy paused, looking back up to Splendid. There was pain in those jade eyes, he knew if Flippy went out there, he could die. "I'm going, Splendid. I can't let my friends' deaths be in vain. So stay here like a coward if you want, but I can't sit by while people are dying out there." Flippy shrugged off Splendid's hand, leaving the blue haired hermit in a bit of shock.
Splendid wanted to chase after him as he watched Flippy slowly fade into the jungle. He should have, but Flippy had been right, he'd been a coward. Afraid that in his attempts to save people, he would only end up doing more damage than good. People would expect him to do great things, would demand him to do what they thought was right. However, the world wasn't black and white, Splendid didn't know how to navigate such gray areas. He should've followed his heart, if he had, maybe he could've been with Flippy in the future. Splendid turned away and retreated back into his house, sitting down on the edge of his bed. He was alone once more, he ducked his face into his hands, feeling the dampness on his cheeks. For the first time, he finally experienced what crying felt like.
A week rolled by, it was the longest one Splendid had ever gone through. Each morning, he expected to see Flippy there, only to be disappointed by the emptiness of his house. The soldier had brought happiness to him and then just like that, he had taken it away with his leaving. The feeling of bitterness was nothing new, but now he had someone to focus it on instead of the general population. He'd grown so frustrated, so desperate that after years and years of isolation from the world, Splendid left the deep jungle and re-entered the civilized world. He needed to find Flippy, needed to know he was still alive. Yje world beneath him appeared so much different than the one he remembered. Pillars of smoke billowing up from the wake of the war. The earth was torn up from the clash of man, ruined because of one selfish reason or another.
When he landed in the center of the foreigner main camp, he had forgotten that it likely wasn't the wisest idea to do so in the middle of war. So he shouldn't have been surprised when the soldiers began to open fire on him without even inquiring who he was. Splendid dusted the crushed bullets from his body, the soldiers finally stopping when they realized the blue haired male was still standing without a single bullet hole within him."I suppose that's my bad." Splendid said with a soured note, he really wasn't in the mood for this speedbump. "I'm looking for someone, a soldier by the name of Flippy. So, if you don't mind, I'm kind of in a rush." He added when none of the soldiers seemed to respond, they were still stunned by the fact Splendid hadn't been injured in the slightest.
Annoyed, he walked over to the nearest soldier, who was trying to pull the trigger to his gun but was too frozen to do so. Instead Splendid pried the gun from his grasp and dropped it on the ground. Splendid snapped his fingers in front of the soldier's face, trying to regain his attention. "I'm not a patient man. So, I'm only going to ask again. Do you know where the soldier named Flippy is?" Splendid was about to lose his patience when the soldier in front of his nodded his head quickly in a panic. "Good. Well, don't just stand there, take me to him." Splendid folded his arms over his chest, staring at the soldier as the guy's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Finally, the soldier turned and began to hurry towards what Splendid hoped was where Flippy was at, leaving the other soldiers standing around gaping.
What Splendid didn't anticipate was for this soldier to bring him to the medical tent, holding open the flap to allow Splendid to enter. There were cots upon cots of injured soldiers, the sounds of pain lingered in the air with the smell of death. Splendid frowned, this was just another reason why he didn't like being involved with mortals. They were so fragile and yet they tossed themselves into danger time and time again for what they believed in. Splendid walked down the rows, searching with fear for a mop of green hair. As time went on, his stomach began to twist into knots, wondering if he was too late, but finally he found Flippy. He looked worse for wear, a bandage around his head, but he didn't look as bad as the time Splendid had saved him.
He hurried over and picked up Flippy's warm hand, holding it between his own. The movement caused Flippy to stir, once again those green eyes fell onto him. He likely looked like an idiot for smiling like he was, but he didn't care. Flippy was alive, that's all he could ask for. "Flippy." Splendid murmured just for the soldier to hear, but Flippy's expression turned to one of confusion.
"Who..?" The words were strained, likely from the amount of drugs in his system right now to keep the pain down. However, the word along with the expression was enough to tell that Flippy hadn't recognized him, maybe it was just because it was dark in the tent and Flippy appeared to have taken some injuries to the head. When one of the military nurses passed by, Splendid reached out and grabbed her arm, gaining her attention as she looked surprised. "What happened to him?" Splendid asked, his voice stressed, for a moment Splendid thought the nurse wouldn't answer and he wasn't above shaking an innocent to get answers involving Flippy.
"He was on the frontlines when the Tiger army started firing mortars. He's lucky to have come out of it with only a bit of brain damage. He'll likely be shipped home in a couple of days, he can't seem to remember anything beyond flashes of memory. He seems to be suffering severe PTSD, so it would be better if he was sent home."
Splendid dropped his hand from the nurse's arm, allowing her to carry on her duties as he turned his attention back to Flippy. If he hadn't been a coward, this wouldn't have happened. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to Flippy again, luckily Flippy would never remember his failure and Splendid planned to keep it that way. He would start fresh, to be a hero that Flippy would admire.
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peopleandrhythm · 7 years
S2E1: People on the Floor
With a small twirl of her skirt, Hope exits her bedroom, already tapping on her phone. She falls into step with River, who has a backpack slung over one shoulder and a steely expression on her face as she heads toward the stairs. “You look great!” Hope enthuses, sliding her phone into her pocket.
River shrugs. “This is the fourth outfit I tried on this morning.” They start to climb down the stairs.
“You look great,” Hope insists. “Doesn’t she, Rebekah?”
Rebekah, standing in the courtyard, turns. “Of course you do, River! You’re just nervous.”
“It’s my first day of college, of course I’m nervous.”
When they reach the courtyard, Hope banks a turn to head into the kitchen. “Did you eat?” she calls over her shoulder.
“Already threw it up!”
Hope enters the expansive kitchen, where her mother has just brewed a pot of coffee. Hope hums happily and snags a mug off the counter. “I could use some of this.”
Hayley pours coffee into the mug as Hope grabs milk from the fridge. When she passes the mug back to her daughter, she says, “Coffee is not breakfast.”
“Not with that attitude.” Hope stirs in a splash of milk with a spoon, which she abandons in the sink as she passes it by, and then heads back into the courtyard. She downs half of her scalding drink in one sip, and walks up to River and Rebekah, who have been joined by Elijah. “Heading out?”
“We’re ready when River is,” Elijah answers, watching his niece’s girlfriend carefully.
River nods. “Now’s as good a time as any.”
Hope grabs River by the wrist to pull her in for a kiss. “You’re going to kill it. I’d come with you, but Marcel’s already up my ass about being late.”
“Go.” River returns with a quick peck of her own. “I’ll be fine.”
“You’ll be epic.” Hope squeezes her wrist one more time and then releases it, waving goodbye as the trio heads out. She walks back into the kitchen, downing the rest of her coffee. She sets her mug into the sink just as her phone begins to ring. Hayley, sitting on the counter with a mug of her own, chastises, “You have to eat something.”
Hope, already out the door, calls back, “I’m going to Mama Rae’s!” and then walks through the courtyard and out onto the street. Rolling her eyes, she pulls her phone out of her pocket and answers without looking at the caller ID. “I’m on my way, Marcel.”
“You’re late. Again.”
“Cut me some slack, it’s my girlfriend’s first day of college.”
“It wasn’t your girlfriend’s first day of college last week, when you were also late.”
“No, that was just because I didn’t care.”
In a singsong voice she cuts him off. “I’m going to Mama Rae’s.”
There’s silence on the other end of the line. “Mama Rae’s?”
“Mama Rae’s.” Hope waves hello to a dog being walked beside her. “Would you like anything?”
“If you go to Mama Rae’s you’ll be even later than you already are.” His attempt at scolding is belied by the clear desire in his voice.
“She told me a couple of days ago she’s trying this new recipe out, something like a cronut mixed with a beignet—”
Marcel’s voice gets very quiet, as if he doesn’t want to be overheard. “Alright, pick up a half dozen of those, and some of them biscotti. None one makes ‘em like Mama Rae.”
Hope laughs, and turns a corner. “Alright, I’m almost there. Try to entertain yourselves until I get there.” She hangs up just as she reaches a small glass door with peeling gold lettering that reads Mama Rae’s Patisserie. She opens the door and is greeted by a loud mewl. Already weaving between her feet is a fat gray cat with piercing green eyes staring up at her. “Good morning, Beauregard.” She looks up to see a tiny woman in an apron tottering around behind a long, glass display case. “Good morning, Mama Rae!”
The woman turns, face already lighting up. “Mornin’, Hope! Ain’t you a vision!”
“Not half as pretty as you, Mama Rae.”
“Oh hush.” She turns her back on Hope—and her small line of customers—to begin stacking some pink and purple striped boxes. “Today’s the day, ain’t it?”
“Yep. River’s heading off to her first class now.”
“Oh good for her. So smart that one.” Mama Rae swings back to face Hope, who’s now standing on the other side of the case, and presents her with the boxes. “Maybe someday soon she’ll tell me how to stop Beauregard from getting so fat.”
“Maybe stop letting your customers feed him?” Hope suggests, taking the boxes. “This is the usual?”
Mama Rae nods. “With some of them biscotti thrown in, ‘cause I know y’all’re gonna go meet with Marcel Gerard, as well as those new things I’s was tellin’ you about.”
“You’re a saint, Mama Rae. Put this on my tab?” Mama Rae rolls her eyes. “C’mon, you know I’m good for it!”
“I know your family’s good for it, if that’s what you mean.”
Hope starts to back away with the boxes of pastries, a wide grin on her face. “Thank you, Mama Rae!”
“Go on ‘fore you’re so late Marcel just up ‘n’ leaves!”
With a laugh, Hope pushes the door open with her back. She’s only a few blocks from their weekly meeting place, and she spends the short walk taking in the fresh air and trying not to eat the delicacies in her hands. She rounds the final corner, St. James Infirmary in sight, before she gives in, cracking open the top box to sneak a beignet. She pops it into her mouth and brushes the powdered sugar off on her arm before heading inside the bar, not yet open for the day.
Waiting for her at a large round table are the three supernatural community leaders of New Orleans. With a winning smile she sets the boxes in the center of the table. “I brought breakfast.”
“You’re late,” Vincent says, unamused.
“Yeah, but she brought breakfast,” Rose retorts, already digging into the pastries.
Hope shrugs. “Sorry.” She sits down as the other three portion out some of the food. Hope takes a deep breath and says to no one in particular, “Alright. Let this meeting begin!”
River sits in the back seat of a sleek black car, staring out the window as hordes of young people walk, bike, and skateboard past. The brick building beside the car looms high overhead, and she suddenly feels very, very small.
“River?” She’s jerked back to the car by Rebekah’s kind voice. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” she breathes. “I just really don’t want to screw this up.”
“You know, River,” Elijah says, “if I have learned anything over my family’s many, many years of existence, it is that no matter how horrible a mess you make of things, you will always have the opportunity to set them right.”
Rebekah narrows her eyes at her brother. “That is terrible advice. Have you ever met another person?” She twists herself around to face River. “Sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about. You are brilliant and driven and if you need us to we can always compel a professor or two.” River cracks a smile. “There we are. Off you go. Best not be late your first day.”
“Right.” River opens the car door and steps onto the sidewalk. She leans back down to say, “Thanks for the ride,” and closes the door. Then, after a deep breath, she heads inside the building to her first college class.
“I don’t know what you expect me to do about this,” Hope sighs, slouched back in her chair. “It’s the end of summer, Vincent, of course tourism is down.”
Jabbing his finger into the wood of the table, Vincent argues, “It ain’t just the end of summer, it’s those damn vampire deaths from last month.”
“And we dealt with that last month,” Marcel snaps. “I can’t bring those tourists back to life.”
“Maybe if you kept a tighter grip on your nightwalkers—”
“Alright, enough.” Hope pinches the bridge of her nose. “Vincent, I get why you’re upset. But Marcel’s right, the vampires responsible have been punished, and since then there have been no new tourist deaths. I don’t know what else you want from us.”
“The witches in the Cauldron—”
“—are going to have to learn that like everything else, tourism happens in waves. Things won’t start picking up again until Mardi Gras. That’s just the way it goes.” Vincent’s eyes narrow, but he settles back in his seat. “Great. Rose, anything you’d like to bring to the table?”
Rose examines her nails. “Oh, only the same thing I bring up every week.”
Vincent and Marcel roll their eyes, but Hope ignores them. “It’s been months. The wolves still don’t feel welcome here?”
“Wonder why that is,” Marcel grumbles to himself.
Rose’s eyes flash dangerously. “Yes, Marcel. I wonder why it is that the wolves are scared to move out of the bayou and into a city brimming with their enemies. Maybe the constant threat from the vampires has something to do with it.”
“Look, I have told my guys time and again to leave the wolves alone.”
“Not three days ago one of your daywalkers intimidated a wolf family outside a Café Du Monde.”
“Marcel,” Hope chastises, “if you can’t keep them in line—”
“This may come as a shock,” Marcel begins sarcastically, “but my guys ain’t exactly keen on this sudden shift in status quo. They’re used to being top dogs around here—no offense,” he says to Rose with a fake smile. She’s less than amused.
Through gritted teeth, Hope hisses, “And I’m sympathetic to that, but let me remind you that this entire set-up was your idea, yours and Vincent’s. You don’t get to complain when it’s less than convenient for you. Get your guys in line, or I’ll find someone who can.”
The others’ eyebrows shoot upward in surprise, a small smile playing the corners of Rose’s mouth. Hope takes a deep breath. “Alright, anything else?”
River closes her laptop, shoving it into her backpack as the lecture hall around her shuffles to leave. Her first class, Organic Chemistry, was fascinating. She’s already memorized the syllabus and the required reading list, eager to begin learning. As she exits her row, she feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns to see a young woman with shoulder-length blond hair smiling at her. “Hi!”
“Hi,” River replies. “What can I…?”
“Are you pre-vet by any chance?”
Surprised, River answers, “Yeah, I am. How’d you know?”
“You have a bunch of animal stickers on your laptop.”
River gives an embarrassed laugh. “Yeah, I guess that’d be a giveaway.”
“Well I just stopped you to give you this.” She produces a flyer out of nowhere, and River takes it. There are a number of stock photos of animals, and in bold letters she reads, Tulane Pre-Veterinary Society. “We’re having an intro meeting later this week. It’s a great way to meet other pre-vet students, get to know other, network, get internship opportunities. Plus there’s always animals, so…”
“Sounds great!” River beams. “Thanks!”
“No problem! See you next class!” The girl exits the row, leaving River to thank her lucky stars for how wonderfully her first day is going.
Freya settles onto her barstool with a sigh. Her phone is continuously alight with demanding messages from her brother, but she can’t be bothered with Niklaus right now. Just as she flips her phone upside down on the bartop, a bartender walks up to her. “Seems like you could use a drink.”
She looks up, and her reply gets caught in her throat. The bartender is beautiful, with long, wavy dark hair and stunning eyes. Freya blinks a few times to clear her head and then says, “Uh, yeah. I’ll take a shot of whatever’s expensive.”
The bartender—Amaya, by her nametag—cracks a sympathetic smile. “Definitely sounds like a rough day.”
“Mm, I was actually having a pretty great day.” Amaya grabs a bottle of Belvedere and pour a shot. “I did some shopping, cleaned out my workspace, got a drink.” She accepts the shot with a smile and knocks it back. She lets out a hiss and continues, “But now my brother wants something from me, and he’s a tough one to ignore.”
“Ooh, I know that feeling.” Amaya snags a thick-bottomed glass and pours in some whiskey. “I live with my brother, so I know all too well the sister struggle.” She slides the glass to Freya.
Freya flicks an eyebrow upward. “I currently live with two of my brothers, my sister, my sister-in-law, my niece, and her girlfriend.” Amaya lets out a disbelieving laugh. “It’s a big family.”
“Damn girl,” Amaya snorts. “You’re gonna need something stronger than that.”
“Bring it on.” Freya takes a slow sip, watching Amaya closely. “Are you new here? It’s just, we come to Rousseau’s a lot, and I’d recognize you.”
“Oh, this is my third day.” She begins to polish a glass with a rag. “I just got to town not that long ago. I’m a grad student at Tulane. My name’s Amaya.” She gestures to her nametag.
Freya lifts up her glass in a toast. “Congratulations. And, um, I’m Freya.”
“Well thank you very much, Freya.” Amaya’s eyes flick to the other patrons, but all seem well taken care of, so she leans down on the bar to talk more closely with Freya. “Not too sound too…forward, but since I am new…maybe you could show me around the city sometime? You look like you know where to have fun here.” Surprise colors Freya’s face, and Amaya instantly straightens. “Oh, you’re not…sorry, I definitely misread that.”
“No, I—” Freya runs a hand through her hair nervously. “No. I don’t think you did.”
A smile slowly spreads across Amaya’s face. “Awesome.”
And despite the fluttering of her heart, a matching smirk light up Freya’s face, too.
Hope waves goodbye to Vincent and Rose, who are out the door as soon as the meeting is adjourned. Marcel lingers, collecting a stack of papers regarding property taxes. Hope rounds on him as soon as the others are out of earshot. “Listen—”
“No, I think I’m done listening for the day,” Marcel cuts her off.
Hope lets out a breath of disbelief. “I can’t believe you’re pissed at me.”
Marcel sets his jaw. “You just belittled me in front of them—”
“I don’t have time to deal with your ego, Marcel. If you can’t handle someone else being in charge, you shouldn’t have asked me to do this.” His eyes flash angrily. “Listen, Marcel, I am trying my best here. I never even got to work on a group project in high school, much less lead an underground supernatural government. This is sort of a learn-as-you-go process.”
Nostrils flaring, Marcel jabs a hand into his own chest. “I can lead my vampires without being ridiculed by you.”
“Well apparently not!” Hope throws up her hands in frustration. “I’ve got the wolves feeling threatened and the witches complaining about low tourism and vampires loitering around their shops. I get that you’ve told them to behave themselves, but I’m not seeing the results. I wasn’t kidding earlier: if you can’t get your vampires to be a part of this community we’re trying to establish, I will find someone else who can.”
“And who exactly do you think could do a better job than me? Your family?”
Hope lets out bark of laughter. “God no. My family is way too arrogant for that. No, I think I’d start with Josh and work my way down from there. He seems smarter than your average bear.” She frowns. “That wasn’t, like, a gay pun. Though it would have been brilliant if it was.”
Rolling his eyes, Marcel says, “I’ll reiterate my expectations to my guys, but they’re not going to change overnight.”
“That’s the problem, Marcel. It’s been months. If they haven’t fixed themselves by now…I don’t know if they ever will.”
The compound is uncharacteristically quiet when River enters, still buzzing with the high of her first day of undergrad. With a grin lighting up her face, she calls out, “Hello?” but is greeted only by her own echo. The smile dims slightly, and River trudges up to the bedroom, trying to ignore the pang of loneliness in her chest.
When she enters the room, she’s surprised to find Hope cross-legged in the center of the bed, surrounded by papers. “Oh, hey!”
“Hey.” Hope doesn’t look up when she replies, eyes locked on what appears to be a map of the French Quarter. Then, a few seconds later, she does a double-take up to look at her girlfriend. “Hey! Sorry, I was…” She gestures helplessly at the papers. “Big meeting today. I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Yeah, I called up but no one answered.”
“Sorry.” Hope shoves her papers into a haphazard pile and rocks up to a kneel. “So! How was your first day?”
River opens her mouth eagerly, ready to launch into her story, when Hope’s phone buzzes with an incoming call. “Sorry,” she says, snatching it up from the comforter. “It’s Vincent.” She smiles apologetically and presses the phone to her ear. “Hey, listen, can I call you b—” Her face falls as she’s cut off. River watches, worried. “Whoa, whoa, hang on. Say that again?” She listens, and her face grows more and more horrified. Her eyes meet River’s as she whispers, “Yeah, I’m on my way.” She lets the phone fall from her hand and continues to stare wordlessly at her girlfriend.
The small sign on the door of the Jardin Gris is flipped to read Closed, but Hope pushes open the door anyway. The magic shop is full to bursting, a circle of French Quarter witches crammed between tables and shelves laden with bobs and ends. Hope gently makes her way through the crowd, freezing when she sees it. “Oh my god.”
There’s a tug at her elbow, and she doesn’t have to look up to know it’s Vincent. “Marcel’s got the one who did it in the back.”
Hope can’t tear her eyes away from the dead witch, head cocked at a perverse angle. The girl’s eyes stare up, seeing nothing. There’s a sob from a few feet away, and Hope manages to look up. There’s another girl, similar in features to the dead one on the ground, with her face buried in her hands as someone else rubs a palm up and down her arm.
Vincent nods to her. “That’s Serena. Her sister. Kid’s only twenty years old, and now the last member of her family is gone.”
Unsticking her feet from the floor, Hope manages to make her way over to Serena, who, after a gentle prod from her friend, looks up to see her. “It was supposed to be better.”
Hope’s brow furrows. “I don’t…”
“Havin’ a witch in charge of this city was supposed to make things better. We were supposed to be safer.” Her jaw clenches. “But they’re still killin’ us.”
Before Hope can even think of an answer, the back door to the store opens, and Marcel leans in, one arm still extended into the alleyway. “Hey,” he says quietly.
Serena pushes past Hope to spit, “You’re lucky you can’t be killed, Marcel Gerard, because you are just as responsible as that trash out there—” She points toward the alley. “—for my sister’s death.”
Marcel hisses, “Maybe if your sister hadn’t tried to kill one of my guys—”
There’s an immediate roar as the gathered witches start hurling insults and accusations toward Marcel. Marcel fires back with a few of his own, and after a minute Hope shouts, “ENOUGH!” Everyone quiets down. “I want everyone involved in whatever happened today—and only those involved—to go to St. James right now. Marcel, you have him?” He nods. “Good. We’ll meet in the basement. Then I want to hear this story from all of you.”
Then she turns and heads for the door, freezing as she passes the body. After a deep breath, she murmurs, “Take her to the City of the Dead. Prepare her body for consecration.” Then she disappears out the front door.
It’s a slow Monday night at St. James, so no one bothers them as, one by one, they slip through a nondescript door and down into the basement, where among cases of bourbon and kegs of Abita, a trial is held. Marcel stands beside the accused, a young vampire with an arrogance about him that immediately puts Hope off. She positions herself at the front of the small room, with Serena, Vincent, and a few other witches off to her right, and Marcel and some of his vampires to her left.
She clears her throat, hoping to disguise her nerves. “Okay, I want to hear from the witches first.”
Serena steps forward, eyes still brimming even as she sets her jaw in anger. “Me and Alessandra were runnin’ the store when Drew and his friends came in.” Drew, the vampire in question, rolls his eyes. “We asked them to leave. They been hangin’ our stores, harassin’ us for weeks. Alessandra had enough. Told ‘em to leave. Drew got right up in her face, told her to make him.” She shrugs one shoulder. “So she started to pull his heart out through his chest.”
“She was going to kill me,” Drew snaps, and Marcel yanks on his arm to shut him up.
Serena’s eyes flash over to him. “She shoulda killed you, before you snapped her neck.”
“I was defending myself!” Drew steps toward Hope. “You gotta believe me, her crazy sister started yanking my heart out. I was going to die.”
“We told you to leave,” Serena insists. “She wasn’t actually gonna kill you, she was just tryin’ to scare you.”
“It sure didn’t feel like that as my heart was moving through my chest.”
“Alright,” Hope says with a put-upon sigh. Head throbbing, she pinches the bridge of her nose. She can hear them, the voices offering advice and warnings, but she throws up a wall to keep them at bay. She paces in a small circle, thinking. After a minute, she stops and says, “I believe Drew when he says he acted in self-defense.” Serena’s jaw drops, but Hope presses on. “But I don’t believe killing Alessandra was the appropriate action to take.”
“She was ripping my heart out!” Drew shouts.
“Hope,” Marcel begins, but Hope cuts him off. “We have the system that we have for a reason. Serena, you and your sister should have come to me or Vincent if you had a problem, and instead your sister decided to take matters into her own hands. But Drew did the same thing, and now a woman is dead, and someone has to answer for that.” She draws herself up as tall as she can and says calmly, “I’ve made my decision. Drew Reeves, I sentence you to seventy-five years in the Penitentiary.”
Drew immediately turns to Marcel. “This is insane, tell her this is insane.”
“Quiet,” Marcel says, and he shoves Drew toward Josh, who grabs a hold of Drew’s arm. As Vincent pulls Serena in for a hug, Marcel approaches Hope and mutters, “That was a mistake.”
Hope’s eyes are piercing as she glares up at Marcel. “Maybe the mistake was believing that the vampires of New Orleans could ever live in peace with the rest of us.” She pushes past him, snapping to Josh, “Get him to the Penitentiary, now,” and then stalks up the stairs and out of sight.
When Hope hauls herself into her family home, everyone’s waiting for her in the courtyard. Hayley’s the first to approach, worry coloring her expression. “We heard. Are you okay?”
Hope’s swaying on her feet, staring at a spot on the ground a few yards away. “She was just…lying there. Dead.”
Hayley envelopes Hope in a hug, pressing her daughter to her chest. “I’m so sorry, sweetie.”
From behind them, Klaus calls out, “If you ask me, the witch deserved to die.”
“Well, then, let us be grateful that no one did, in fact, ask you,” Elijah says with a fake smile.
Drink in hand, Klaus starts gesticulating as he speaks. “The witches grow bolder, and it’s up to the vampires to put them in their place. This one tried to kill him, the next might be successful.”
“Nik, have you ever considered shutting up forever?” Rebekah snaps.
Hope extracts herself from her mother’s arms and wipes at her eyes. “I think I’m just going to go to bed.” She heads for the stairs, avoiding eye contact with the rest of her family.
River abandons her spot next to Freya to follow her. Once they’re behind their closed bedroom door, River asks, “Are you okay?”
Already disrobing, Hope says dismissively, “I’m fine, River. It was just a long day.”
“It’s your head again, isn’t it?” Hope tenses, but doesn’t look at her. “Hope, you can’t keep hiding this from them. They need to know.”
“I’m fine,” she insists, pulling an oversized T-shirt over her head. “I just need to sleep this shit day off.”
Instead of fighting, River watches her girlfriend crawl into bed, pulling the comforter completely over her head.
Tucked into the sharp angles of shadow across the street, a man stands hidden from view. He watches through windows and balcony doors as the ancient family moves through its night, separating and coming together in the many rooms of the Abattoir. He sees the outline of the witch sister, bent over a desk as she studies something, and the hazy shadows of the eldest brother and the wolf mother, heads tipped together in quiet communion. He stands there for hours, until even the streets of New Orleans have grown silent, and finally, he retreats, stealing away into the night, the light from a neon sign only just catching the long, thick scar along the side of his neck, and the sharpened stake hidden cleverly into the sleeve of his jacket.
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shiori-nijitori · 8 years
My thoughts on 521
The cover is nothing but friendship to me. I don't want to hear any talk of gra//lu as I am a firm Nalu/Endlu and Gruvia shipper. I'm glad to see Bixlow is alright. Master. Seeing Laxus still holding on, doing such a bittersweet yet heartwarming thing as to bring Makarov home. It breaks and warms my heart. Well I can't say seeing Dimaria shrunk down and held like a pickle doesn't please me. I'm still not gaga over Brandish... But at the very least I'm glad she won't be fighting anymore, hopefully. Seeing Jacob down is a good thing. His magic was a bit uneasy on me. I'm glad the tag team of Elfman and Lisanna won even if it was difficult and possibly their determination and tenacity. Ajeel's grandfather begging for his grandson's life made him see, along with Elfman and Lisanna that wars are never truly 'won' because each side loses something or someone to them. Be them the winner or loser. War is such a terrible and cruel thing. No matter what you're fighting for. As many probably predicted, August is the last Spriggain standing. (Personally. I hope Eileen lives and somehow forms a relationship with Erza. You naysayers can talk shit all you want. But my heart shan't waver) and as we ALL knew what who had to be the one to challenge him... GILDARTS. I just hope he doesn't die. I'm not entirely expecting him to win, but I don't want Daddy Gildarts to die. I wouldn't be able to see Cana suffer from it. I also knew he'd face Serena. Before he was even known as a dragon slayer. Great.. I saw Mest again. Yea. You heard right. I hate Mest Gryder. And I'm not gonna deal with your BS from it. Porlyscuia, Carla, Juvia and Ever are safe. Thank Mavis. But Gray's missing. For some reason Zeref cares enough to know Jellal and Laxus and expect them to be the first. And he delivers savagery. Now before this I'll make this crystal clear. If you cannot take Gray criticism and feel the immature and blatant need to demonize every other character and ship while putting him on a golden pedestal along with Gruvia. That's your issue. But I'm no longer going to tolerate such sheer disrespect and lack of human decency on MY blog. Gray Snow Miser Fullbuster. You're grievously wounded, barely functional, was on the verge of death, and are probably still not in your right state of mind. And you're attempting to take on the most powerful dark wizard of all time. Who is A, your best friend and greatest rival not to mention Nakama and guild mate older brother's , B the being whose magical influence keeps said Nakama ALIVE, C you just recently tried to kill your best friend without gaining proper evidence and using your past knowledge of Natsu before being scolded by ur older sister figure and late guild master(WHO YOU PROBABLY DON'T YET REALIZE IS DEAD!!!!!!), and YOU ARE TRYING TO DEFEAT ZEREF WHO ISN'T EVEN INJURED OR DETERRED BY YOUR APPEARANCE INSTEAD OF TWO MAGES STRONGER THAN YOU WITH ALL THOSE WOUNDS AND KNOCKING ON HEAVEN'S DOOR. That's not even what Lisanna and Elfman did. They were overpowered but still managed to beat him with able bodies. And I swear if you think of using ice shell. A small part of me is going to enjoy when it fails and you're getting your sorry stripping ass handed to you by emo emperor Zeref. But a tiny part of me is hoping he has some other truck up his naked sleeve. But ice shell won't kill zeref and it'll keep Natsu alive. But like I said. I'm not hoping for Gray's death. Just him getting his ass handed to him by someone for being so irritating lately. I don't hate Gray. But he's certainly lost a lot of my favor since he and Natsu battled. And before ANYONE COMMENTS Natsu was starting to be controlled by the demon seed. And he didn't want to fight Gray in the first place. His target was zeref. Zeref his brother/creator, zeref the man behind the war, Zeref force go didn't bring war to Ishgar wouldn't think Lucy had perished by Dimaria's hand. Gray may of thought he lost Juvia. But he was in better control than Natsu. So. I can't wait for TWO chapters and info on the upcoming movie. Whose with meh! Fair warning: I'll block ANYONE who talks shit about me, my blog, my ships, my fav characters, or anything I like and post and reblog over NONSENSE
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
Practice Story: Trans Am And Camaro
I am making this short story in order to enhance my creative writing skills.  Let me know in the comments what you think about this story, any suggestions for my future work, or if something needs to be fixed (for example, grammar, typographical errors, carefully choosing words, etc.).
Well, here it goes:
"Trans Am And Camaro" by FirebirdTransAm68
Some point in the afternoon, a black 1982 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am was resting in his two-car garage, listening to some Don Henley music.  The garage was an enormous medium-dark gray building with some glossy car posters on the walls, a large crimson-red kit full of first-aid tools, and a six-foot metal shelf full of supplies for him and his driver, who was absent from his larger house next to the garage.  There is one window on the left side of the car, which was enclosed behind a black curtain, so no one could see what was inside the garage.
Trans Am was murmuring to himself, thinking about what he promised to his cousin, who lived six blocks farther away from his home.  Trans Am told his cousin that he should be coming to his garage by noon, but the clock on the wall said 2:30.
It had been over two hours.  Trans Am sighed.
"Where could Camaro be," Trans Am asked aloud to himself, "I told him to come to my garage by 12:00 PM, and now I am still waiting for him to come!  I just hope he wasn't stuck in traffic, or was involved in an accident."
Right after he said that, the garage door opened slowly, showing the blinding light from the sun, but it didn't last long.  Once the door was fully open, another car appeared in front of the black Trans Am.  He looked similar to Trans Am, except he was silver, and his headlights were visible; Trans Am had pop-up headlamps that open or close depending on the lighting.  And instead of black bowling ball hubcaps, the car has chrome rims on his tires.
"Hey, cousin," he said, hastily, "sorry I am late.  I was on my way to your garage like I requested, but then suddenly, I fell into a ditch not far from the freeway!  I was stuck for an hour until a tow truck came and finally pulled me up.  Am I lucky to make it in one piece."
"What?" Trans Am was shocked by his cousin, the 1982 Chevrolet Camaro's story.  "How could you come across a ditch?  Last time I checked, there were no ditches where we live."
Camaro was somewhat taken aback by Trans Am's statement.
"Really?  Well, that's strange... Now that you mentioned it, I wonder how that ditch came here?"
"Well, we'll talk about that later.  Right now, I want to tell you something important, okay?" Trans Am said.
"Okay," Camaro responded.
"As you can see, I am waiting for my owner to come pick up some containers of gas, but I am planning to take a ride into the freeway on I-6 and Phoenix Boulevard, where I can see the view for over twenty miles.  And you know how much I wanted a good exercise once in a while."
Camaro was confused as to what his cousin was trying to say, but he let him continue speaking.
"So, while I'm gone, I want you to be garage-sitting.  You must make sure everything is kept safe, clean, and untouched.  And my platinum trophy should especially be taken care of, because I cannot afford another trophy if it breaks.  Understand?"
"That's good.  Any questions?"
Now was the time to interject.
"So, why are you waiting for your owner to grab gas?  Shouldn't you be getting gas yourself?"
"Are you chaffing me?" Trans Am sounded quite agitated by Camaro's question.  "The gas station is over forty miles from the freeway!  If I get to it, I may run out instantly.  Even Super Bee wouldn't go that far for fifty cents a gallon!"
"Um, okay..."
Trans Am sighed.
"Anyway, do you know the protocol I am giving to you?" asked Trans Am.
"Yes I do."
"That's good."
Trans Am started his engine.
"I'll be right back in an half-hour.  Gotta get my gears going.  See you, cuz!" Trans Am shouted out as he took off.
"See you, Trans Am," Camaro called out.
He went inside slowly as to not knock anything over.  He parked in the middle where Trans Am liked to stay, and settled until he arrives back home.
                                   ------------------ *^* -------------------
Trans Am zoomed in through the neighborhood.  The road was clear, so he had plenty of space to roam around.  The freeway was a dozen miles from his current location.
He stopped to see a dark grey electric car twenty-six feet from where he was at, which was on the parking lot.  The car looked like he was built recently, and his steering wheel was concealed, indicating that he was a self-driving car.  His headlights were narrow, yet very well-designed, and he had a license plate on the front.
"Hello, Trans Am!" he called out to the black Trans Am, "where are you heading off to?"
Tesla was the type of car who primarily ran on electricity due to being a self-driving car.  Trans Am and Camaro were gas-fueled cars, which were condemned by many electric and plug-in cars to be environmentally-unfriendly.  Which was ironic, since electric cars have batteries that require a lot of lithium, which is even more polluting than oil dug from the ground.  And oil is a cheap source until a renewable source that is just as environmentally-neutral as oil becomes cheap and available for all.
Tesla was one of the fewer electric cars who befriended gas-fueled cars like Trans Am and his cousin.  Tesla was very tolerant of them.  He really liked them because of their personalities, with Trans Am being snarky on some occasions, and Camaro being always curious on certain things.  He would never imagine what would happen if he never met them.  And even Tesla was able to disagree with many electric cars, especially electric cars with discriminatory attitudes towards gas-fueled cars.
"Hey, Tesla," Trans Am called back to the self-driving car, "I'm taking a ride through I-6 and Phoenix Boulevard, where I can not only get some exercise, but to see the view as well.  Do you want to come?"
"Oh, I would love to, Trans Am, but I cannot right now.  I am garage-sitting until my owner comes back.  She will arrive back in about thirty minutes," Tesla said.
"Really?  Well, Camaro is actually garage-sitting for me until I come back from my exercise, so this may be a coincidence.  Well, anyways, I better be dashing off.  I will see you later?"
"That's fine by me," said Tesla, "have fun!"
"Thank you!" Trans Am called out.  He dashed off to his destination.
                                   ------------------ *^* -------------------
I-6 and Phoenix Boulevard was an enormous freeway, even bigger than I-10, which was very far away.  The freeway had ten lanes, five for going north, and the other five going south.  It was really high as well, almost fifty feet above the ground.  
Trans Am remembered the time he was in the Los Angeles freeway; he never liked it; made him claustrophobic.  He liked open space where no cars and trucks take up much room and crowd around him.  That's why he liked I-6 so much.  He wanted that much freedom on the road.
Trans Am was about to enter the freeway, until suddenly, part of the road was missing, and he fell sideways twenty-two feet onto a muddy surface.
He fell into a ditch!
Trans Am got his gears going to try and climb up to the upper part of the road, but to no avail.  He was stuck in a ditch that somehow appeared close to freeway.
"Oh, that's just perfect," he grumbled to himself, "Now what am I going to do?  I can't call Camaro because he is too far away.  And I don't know the number for the tow truck.  Maybe I can call Tesla.  He isn't too far where I am from..."
                                   ------------------ *^* -------------------
Tesla was resting in his garage, waiting for his owner to arrive, until his commlink beeped.
He activated it.
"Hello, this is Tesla."
"Hello, Tesla?  This is Trans Am.  Uh... I think I am in a little predicament here..." a voice said from the commlink.
"Trans Am?  Are you all right?  What happened?" Tesla asked, worriedly.
"Well, I was not too far from the freeway, until I came across this ditch, and now I am stuck.  Don't ask how this ditch got here.  I think it was the same ditch Camaro said he got stuck on earlier."
"Couldn't you call a tow truck?" Tesla inquired.
"I can't.  It is too far away from where I am.  Can you contact Camaro?"
"Sure.  Don't worry, Trans Am.  Once I get through to Camaro, help will be on the way."
"Thank you so much, Tesla.  You know I can count on you, right?"
"Yes, indeed."
Out in another part of the neighborhood, Camaro's commlink beeped.  He answered it.
"Hey, Trans Am.  What is it?"
"Camaro, this is Tesla.  I have something to tell you; it's urgent."
"What is it, Tesla?"
"Well, your cousin fell into a ditch not too far from the freeway.  He's stuck and is unable to move."
Camaro was surprised; and not in a good way.
"The same ditch that I fell earlier?"
"I'm afraid so.  Could you contact his owner so he can get help?" asked Tesla.
"How do I do that?  I don't think humans can understand cars, no matter how many times we warn them.  It's as if we are invisible to them." Camaro said.
"In Trans Am's garage, do you see a black, rectangular device with the red button on top?"
Camaro observed the shelf beside him, and saw a black, rectangular object with a red dot on the center.
"Yes, I do."
"Go reach over to the device with your robotic arm, and type in a Morse code on Trans Am's owner's pager, inquiring help for a tow truck to come help a car in distress," instructed Tesla.
Camaro did just that.
"Okay, I got it."  'Don't worry, cousin.  Help is on the way.'
                                   ------------------ *^* -------------------
Not too far from Phoenix Boulevard, a young man exited out from the hardware store after picking up some gas tanks for his car.  He was in average height, around 5'10'', he had a dark blond crop cut hair style that looked like it was from the 1980's, and was wearing Wayfarer sunglasses that concealed bluish-green eyes due to the bright sun.  He was wearing a red shirt, and a dark brown leather jacket over it, wore blue jeans and tan cowboy boots that looked like they were worn for a few years.  The man looked like he was in his early twenties.
"Will that be all for you, sir?" an elderly man in overalls and a gray baseball cap asked as the young man loaded up the gas tanks in a white truck he was borrowing.
"Yes, thank you very much.  I think I had enough," he said.
"If you need anything, give me a call, okay?" the elderly man asked (his name is Hank).
The young man, Jeff, got into his car and closed the door.
"Will do, Hank," he said.  He started the engine, waited for twelve seconds, and then drove off.
Once he came to a stop on the upcoming traffic light, his pager buzzed.  He grabbed it from his left pants pocket, and read this:
Jeff was puzzled at this.  How did anybody know what his car looked like?  Or better yet, how did they transmit the message to his pager, and why?
Well, he didn't have time to think about it, because the traffic light turned green, and he had to drive to where a tow truck could be.  Without thinking, he hit the gas pedal harder, and the truck accelerated.  
Was he that concerned for his car?
He had to get a tow truck as soon as possible, because who knows what else could happen to the car?
Right in front of him, a young woman was running to somewhere.  Jeff came to a halt, and the young woman stopped.
Jeff opened the car door, and got out, with his arm resting on top of the door.
"Where are you going?" he called out to her.
"I witnessed a robbery from the bank, and three men drove away on some kind of getaway car!  And now I am going after it," she called back hastily.
"You'll catch them if you call the police because that is their job.  You could end up getting hurt if you chase these guys by yourself," Jeff said.  He was wondering why she would do something so reckless like that.
The woman looked a few years younger than him, and was shorter than him as well, around 5'4'' or 5'5'' was her estimated height, she had light brown medium length hair and wore bangs that were arched and slightly wispy, had a slight fuller face than Jeff, and had bright blue eyes.  She was wearing a light blue long-sleeved shirt, wore white pants, and tan sneakers.
"Anyway, I am trying to reach the tow truck place, because my black car fell into some kind of hole, and it is stuck.  Do you want to come?  I can drop you off home as well."
When it comes to women younger than him, it could be really difficult for Jeff to resist.  He had been pressured to get a girlfriend ever since he bought the Trans Am.  Pretty cars attract pretty girls, right?  Eventually, he would know how to get along with her before he offered her anything, like a date, or even to marry her if he was serious enough.
The young woman was reluctant at first, but then accepted a ride.  He seemed like a nice enough guy.  She went into the passenger seat, but not before Jeff opened the door for her; "chivalry is not dead" was his motto.
After they both got in the old white truck, (who is mute and can barely talk to its car friends), Jeff stepped on the brakes and took off with the passenger.
"By the way, the name's Jeff," he said.
"Carly," she said.
                                   ------------------ *^* -------------------
"I need you to get a tow truck right away!  My car, a black 1982 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am, is stuck in a ditch not far from I-6 and Phoenix Boulevard!" Jeff said in a slight panic.
Jeff and Carly were inside an auto emergency center, where they were talking to a male staff member on a desk.  He looked at them with slight doubt and confusion.
"A ditch?  We don't have ditches where we live," he said, skeptically.
"I know, it sounds crazy, but this is no time to discuss about ditches, because we need to get my car out of here!  And fast!" Jeff said.
"Please help us.  His car is important to him," Carly chimed in.
There was a brief pause that lasted for five minutes.
"All right, then.  We will get a tow truck as soon as possible.  First, I need you to sign these papers," the auto emergency staff member said.
'Seriously?' Jeff thought.  Are cars really not that important to the drivers?
Suddenly, a car zoomed by outside the building.  They could be seen through the window behind the customer service area.
"It's them!" Carly shouted, and ran towards the door.
"Carly, wait!" Jeff called out, and ran towards her.
"Hey!  Where do you think you're going?!" the staff member yelled.
                                   ------------------ *^* -------------------
Jeff and Carly were on pursuit.  The car in front of the old white truck was a gray Toyota Prius, and three men were spotted inside the car.  Could the Prius be the getaway car Carly was referring to?
"Carly?" Jeff said, which caught Carly's attention from the car being pursued, "I think you should call the police."
Carly picked up her phone and dialed 911.
"911, state your emergency," a voice said from the phone.
"There's a gray Toyota Prius heading towards I-6, and there are three men in there, and they were robbing a bank on Yarrow Road!  They are using the Prius as a getaway car!" Carly said.
The gray Prius turned to the next lane to the left where I-6 was, and Jeff and Carly followed after it, changing to the same lane.
After the emergency call was issued, Carly hung up the phone.
"Don't worry, Carly," said Jeff with some confidence in his tone of voice, "We'll get these bastards."
The gray car sped up more, and so did the white truck.  Behind them, two cars were following them, slowly and carefully, but also following their pace in order to catch up to them.
"Oh, I hope I did the right thing," Camaro said, a little worried.
"Don't worry, Camaro.  I am sure you did the right thing," Tesla said, reassuringly, "although, I wish you didn't come.  You should be garage-sitting."
"I know," said Camaro, "but I am worried about my cousin after all.  I hope he is all right."
                                   ------------------ *^* -------------------
As Jeff and Carly were on pursuit, sirens blared out of nowhere.  That is, until Jeff looked at three police cars pursuing after the vehicle as well.
"Well, that was quick.  The police have arrived just after we called 911."
Right on I-6 and Phoenix Boulevard, the Toyota Prius came to a halt, and next to him was a ditch, right where Trans Am was.
The three men were getting out of the car, and the white truck stopped, and then the police cars.  The police got out of their vehicles, with guns pointing at the three thieves.
"Freeze!  Put your hands in the air!" one of them shouted.
The three crooks froze for a few seconds, until one of them tried to run away.
Jeff pursued after him, and then tackled him to the ground.  The crook tried to escape, but Jeff grabbed him, and then punched him in the face, so hard, he went unconscious.
"He's all yours," Jeff said, as a police officer walked towards the unconscious crook and started to handcuff him.
The two remaining crooks were being handcuffed as well.
"That was amazing!" Carly was astonished.  "Are you all right?"
"Yeah, I'm good," Jeff answered, while rubbing his knuckles from the hand he punched the crook with.
Just then, a red GMC truck came by to help Trans Am out of the ditch.  Camaro and Tesla stopped before the tow truck did, and recognized the gray car twenty feet away from them.
"Prius?" Camaro was shocked.
"Hey, Tesla," Prius said, snobbishly, "Where do you think you were heading off to with that gaslighter over there?"
"Hey!  That was uncalled for," Tesla said, defensively, "and who do you get to decide which friends to make, anyway?  Don't you realize that gas-fueled or not, Camaro is a car just like us?"
"Oh, so now you're DEFENDING this piece of junk?"
Camaro was fuming.  How dare Prius dehumanizes him like that!
Just then, Trans Am got slowly lifted off the ditch, thanks to the red tow truck.
"Trans Am!" Camaro and Tesla said.
"This is embarrassing," Trans Am muttered, obviously not at all happy about the situation.
After Trans Am got safely on the ground, Prius decided to make a snide remark.
"So, how was your trip to the DITCH, gaslighter?"
"Wha…?" Camaro was confused, and then shocked.
The cars put two and two together, until they came up with a conclusion that...
"Seriously?" Camaro exclaimed.
"I should've known," Trans Am said.
"So, YOU'RE the one who created that ditch on I-6 and Phoenix Boulevard," Tesla declared.
"Yeah?  So, what's in it to you?" Prius said.  He was really getting on Camaro's nerves.
"You should be ashamed of yourself!" Camaro shouted.
"Oh, yeah?" Prius said, tauntingly, "what are you going to do about it?  Impound me?"
"That's just exactly what will happen," Trans Am said.
Just then, a police tow truck was chaining Prius so he couldn't escape.
"H-Hey!  You can't do this!  I am the future of all automobile-kind!  I am the most environmentally-friendly car in the world!!" protested Prius.
"More like environmentally-UNfriendly.  What kind of substance is lithium good for, anyway?  There is nothing even biodegradable about such substance," Trans Am said, "and besides, at least gas-fueled cars don't electrocute people whenever they get into a car crash."  (Oddly, Tesla wasn't even offended by Trans Am's remark.  Probably because he is a friend that he could count on as well.)
"I swear you'll pay for this, gaslighter!" bellowed Prius, as he was being hauled away by the police tow truck, "mark my words, you'll PAY!!"
"Have a nice trip, Prius!" Camaro called out, and he, Tesla and Trans Am laughed.
"My goodness, was Prius a complete and utter jerk," Trans Am said.
"I agree," said Camaro.
"Same," said Tesla.
"Well, at least we won't have to deal with him for a while," Trans Am said, as he was literally off the hook, "Thanks a lot, Topkick."
"Don't mention it," the red tow truck said, and he drove off.
                                   ------------------ *^* -------------------
It was close to being evening.  Jeff and Carly were talking after their experience with the car chase earlier.
"You got a really nice car, there," Carly said, referring to Trans Am.
"Why, thank you," Jeff said, smiling.
Carly smiled as well.  She was starting to like Jeff a little more.
"You know, I had always wondered that-- whenever I find the right time and the right place, I could make a difference in the future," Carly said, hesitantly, "but since there isn't many paths to go, I may not find that right time to actually--"  
"Are you kidding?" Jeff said.  He was starting to gain some confidence for Carly.  He just happened to see something in her.
He grinned. "There is no one in the world as beautiful as you are who can never make a difference." (Did he just say "beautiful?")
Carly blushed.  "Uh, thanks."
Jeff scratched his head.  "Eh, yeah.  You're welcome."
He and Carly got a little closer to each other.
"Well, I had a really good time," Carly said.
"So did I," Jeff said.
There was a ten second pause, until Carly first spoke.
"Hey, is that my car?" she asked.
"Hm?" asked Jeff.
She then walked towards her car, who happened to be Tesla.
"That's your car?" Jeff asked, he was puzzled at first, but then started to be admired.  "It looks really nice."
"Thanks," Carly said, with a smile on her face.
"So, uh, I will see you tomorrow?" Jeff asked.
"Sure," Carly said, as she got into Tesla.
"Well, I guess I have to be leaving.  I had a fun time with the both of you," Tesla said, "see you later."
"Bye, Tesla," Camaro said.
"Take care," Trans Am said.
"Thank you, you too!" Tesla said, and then drove off with his owner.
"Wow.  She is so beautiful," Camaro said, astonished.
"Gee.  No wonder my owner wanted me, just so he could impress some girl he just met," Trans Am said in a disappointed tone, "that makes me feel jealous and left out."
Jeff started to walk towards Trans Am, and got inside him.
"Well, anyway, we have to go back home.  Let's go, cuz," Trans Am said, and he started to take off.
"Okay," Camaro, said, and followed him.
"Oh, and Camaro?"
"Yes, Trans Am?"
"You should have been garage-sitting like I told you to."
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