#i HATE ableist i hate them so fucking much
actual-corpse · 6 months
Saw a YT vid with the title, "Fandom Can't Handle Asexuality"
You're right, they can't... Because it doesn't fucking exist to them.
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writterings · 11 months
procastinating at work but here's my philosophy for today: it's okay to hate a behavior in someone else but also understand that this behavior does not make them a bad person. like i HATE when i'm venting or talking about a serious problem i have and then the person i'm talking to starts trying to relate by talking about a similar experience they've had. like absolutely hate it. make me feel like the focus is being taken off me and it genuinely is in some ways, regardless of your intent. yeah, i understand that's your way of trying to comfort me -- but that's not the way i need or want to be comforted, and that's what matters in a situation where i'm coming to you to be helped.
and that's okay! like. no one is in the wrong here unless i have explicitly asked you to support me in a different way and you're intentionally refusing, or if i lash out at you when i could just disengage. it just means you're not a person i should go to for help when talking about my problems. we can still be friends, you and i can probably support each other in different ways, but we're just incompatible in this regard. and that's like....okay. it's okay to be incompatible with people.
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slugass · 5 months
how to call out anti-autistic ableism:
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rfk jr throw yourself away i hate you so much im the autism the vaccines warned you about
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angeltism · 8 months
god i fucking hate spa.rkle sm . most shit i'm seeing says she's being racist against roman.ians , but . . . considering roman.ians are . white europeans ? and i haven't heard of much oppression towards roman.ians . I kinda doubt it ?? but you know what people whose oppression i've heard plenty of in roman.ia and who sound similar enough they constantly get confused with each other ? roma . who were enslaved for fucking centuries and to this day still face horrendous oppression in roman.ia . is she . is she fucking racist towards the h.sr version of part of my heritage . hoyo can i kick her can i please kick and punch her please please please pleaaaase pl
#➳ the fool speaks#i mean even if she just hates eastern europeans For Some Reason (roman.ians) that's still her being a racist bitch abt my heritage#<- roman.ian AND rom.ani#i deserve to kick her into the sun i think#also would this mean aven.turine is . rom.ani ? he's pale and blond . which wouldn't be toooo accurate i think ?#but ykw even if he is meant to be rom.ani n nawt roman.ian . and I'm right with all this . I don't expect hoyo to actually make someone fro#somewhere that is supposed to be based off of a culture and people that originates in northwestern india#have an ounce of color in their skin#he might also just be roman.ian but ?? then the slavery comments that I've seen around don't rlly make much sense .#but um !! idk this is going off of screenshots I've seen and what people r saying about aven.turine and her n all that so#n i haven't played in a while so idfk what's going on in the plot . this is just me being pissy about the possibility of a culture that's#still getting fucking oppressed horrendously and forgotten about and Not Even Having Their Oppression Taught To Others getting used . and#now a fucking . anime girl that I've already seen people saying they'll empty their wallets for n calling her their ''waifu 🥺''#is being a racist piece of shit abt it . like . i find it a bit distasteful. no ? like racism can and should be shown in media#but . . . don't . don't try to sell the racist character ? don't make them look cool ? like ? am i overreacting idfk i just hate spa.rkle#SHE EVEN HAS A STUPID NAME#WTF ''ah yes this racist ableist piece of shit let's name her fucking SPARKLE'' ????????? fucking hell i dont like her i hate her#if she's playable or becomes playable I deserve to punch everyone who spends on whatever her banner is in the jaw . sorry#tw slavery ment#tw racism ment#ask to tag
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
fyi, if you refer to me as "low supports needs" or "less visibly autistic," i will block you.
just because i can communicate verbally doesn't mean I can function without help nor does it mean that my autism is not visibly present.
am i less visibly autistic or can you just not recognize the autism in me?
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irul · 1 year
i’ve just moved to a third friend’s place who’s letting me stay there for a while and their place is on the 3rd floor w no lift and i jus wanna die
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contraspem--spero · 1 year
Theoretically, how does one get a professor fired
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berrymeter · 2 years
doing my yearly instagram story add is always rough bc all my friends from high school & shit are like, doing shit with life, & i’m just sitting here in my room being unable to get up more than five times on most days & look i’ve mostly accepted that next to them i look like a failure but also hhh dear god lmao,
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philosophicallie · 4 months
hater mindset possessing me
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kienansidhe · 6 months
so listen i fucking hate landlords but! i think we gotta stop making fun of landlords for "passive income" and stick to focusing on the way they, you know, get that income by exploiting people, by withholding the basic human right for shelter from others.
people love to be like oh landlords dont do any actual work like the rest of us, but like? a lot of disabled people cant do "actual work" either. people hate us because we collect ssi (if we can even get through those hoops) without working "real" jobs or creating any value that capitalism cares about. some of the stuff ppl say abt landlords sounds exactly the same. landlords DO suck but the way some of yall talk about them rlly shows that youre still stuck in a capitalist and christian and ableist mindset, where you think everyone should struggle to justify their existence, their right to food and shelter, their right to survive.
personally i think we should ALL get passive income (universal basic income <3) because we have inherent value regardless of how much we work. we just shouldnt impoverish our fellow people to do so!
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visenyaism · 2 months
They butchered Alicent so bad
oh i LOVED her this episode. some of the execution was a little clunky in places but moving the blood and cheese “pick which of your kids are dying” moment to be a conversation between rhaenyra and alicent was sooo fucking choice in a way i really found compelling.
like aegon this episode, alicent has been realizing she doesn’t know what the fucking point of all of this has been. again like aegon because they were raised in a deeply ableist society she cannot conceive of aegon where he isn’t the king she cannot wrap her head around what he’s supposed to be now all of the suffering she bore to get him to this point was for nothing. aemond is acting scary and out of control to the extent that he is an active threat to her and her other children she does not know him anymore.
she gets out loud explicitly asked by rhaenyra to resolve the dilemma that has been her entire character: she either has to choose her children or her relationship with rhaenyra. otto has been drilling this into alicent’s head since she was a child, alicent has been drilling it into her children’s heads since THEY were children. rhaenyra was the only one who pretended that wouldn’t be a choice forced on alicent! so then rhaenyra is the one to demand this of her it’s CRAZY. and alicent, who has been trapped for almost her whole life who has done everything expected of her and has been left with what? so much blood on her hands, everyone hates her, no one listens to her,and the children that she had to bear the conception and raising of against her will are unrecognizable to her. this war is transactional and will not stop until everyone is dead.
and alicent does something fundamentally selfish and cut them loose in the name of all of this just being over. she wants to be a person again. she can’t tell the difference between being her own and being rhaenyra’s those are the same to her. and then she steps out to look at the wide open sky, out of her cage for the first time ever while rhaenyra settles deeper into hers. that’s so interesting. 
the consequence being that she never had control of the narrative! but she’s still punished for this in how this story is told. she’s largely written into the background of the historical record and when she’s there she’s a caricature of a cold ambitious stepmother-queen. they’re trying really hard to reckon with the historical record as history is happening.
overall, I think I can understand why people are upset about this, but I loved it. I thought it was really compelling and there could’ve been a bit more buildup to that moment for her but I don’t think it’s that far out from her previous characterization at all.
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dystopyx-blog · 26 days
Stuck in twst without meds pt 2
electric boo-hoo-galoo
featuring: CATER, SEBEK, SILVER, LILIA and special guest star ✨️BONUS✨️
Idk I just imagine Cater not giving any fucks. He treats you like normal. This obviously endears Cater to you, as everyone else is low-key very annoying when it comes to your diagnoses. So now you're the closest to Cater, of all people, and he does not hesitate to post a million pictures of you two hanging out to Magicam, reminding everyone else that he's your favorite and missing everyone the fuck off.
Sebek is the fucking worst when it comes to this omfg. You know how he is in game, the annoying little crocodile, obsessing over Malleus and being low-key racist??? towards all humans? Uh YUH he is one of the most ableist by far. And yet he's always helping you, like why??? Bro he acts like he hates you, yet he follows you around like you're Malleus??? He will not leave you alone, insisting you need his help.
Hey you n Silver are kinda similar when you think about it. Like you may not be falling asleep, but you're definitely not awake whenever your attention decides to deficit. He often finds himself wishing he could use his UM to see what you're daydreaming about. I'd only it'd work that way. You do also feel empathetic towards his lights. You even introduce him to the rubber band trick, where you wear a rubber band and snap it whenever your brain wanders or you start to feel sleepy. Sometimes when he sees you snap it, he finds himself fiddling with his own... not because he's feeling drowsy, but because he feels connected to you.
Liliaaaaaa. Silver and Malleus are the only ones who really realize this, but you make Lilia go full dad mode. No joke. He employs all the same tricks he used on those two on you. But neither Silver nor Malleus would ever tell you this, not on purpose. Mostly because Lilia is always watching/listening to ensure they don't. Because he knows you'll get upset if you learn he is quite literally babying you. But it's so hard not to!!! You remind him so so much of them... of Malleus with your mood swings, of Silver with your nodding off. Plus, as a human, you are a baby to him, so in a way, you should let him treat you like one. I think that's Lilia's favorite part, you make him feel so young.
Sam has your meds. They're available in his shop, and they have been the entire time. You're just in the shop when you see them, and Sam's just like, "why didn't you ask sooner, of fucking course I have your meds in stock, why wouldn't I, I'm SAM."
So this raises a new problem, because he's, yknlw, SAM, so you won't be getting your meds without paying up.
And with your measly earnings, there's no way you'll be able to consistently pay for your meds.
So this raises a new challenge for the yanderes: who's gonna be your supplier? Your sugar pill daddy, if you will.
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saffricatrice · 1 month
what annoys me about posts on the novel frankenstein in this site (besides the blatant ableism towards victor frankenstein from people who swear they "care" about disabled people) is the amount of readers that forget that the bride, had victor truly put her to life, would in fact have the same amount of autonomy & free will as the Creature does.
i talked about this in some reblog before but really it is incredibly annoying, seeing people who claim to be feminists and advocating for the rights of women saying that oh! victor should've just not given her ovaries/not given the Creature a cock and so that would fix everything! so they shan't be able to reproduce an dmake evil moster children! just in response to this one thing in that chapter:
"one of the first results of those sympathies for which the dæmon thirsted would be children, and a race of devils would be propagated upon the earth, who might make the very existence of the species of man a condition precarious and full of terror."
it is true that victor worries about them reproducing, but how did they miss these lines from the first paragraph of the chapter?:
 "He had sworn to quit the neighbourhood of man, and hide himself in deserts; but she had not; and she, who in all probability was to become a thinking and reasoning animal, might refuse to comply with a compact made before her creation. They might even hate each other; the creature who already lived loathed his own deformity, and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before his eyes in the female form? She also might turn with disgust from him to the superior beauty of man; she might quit him, and he be again alone, exasperated by the fresh provocation of being deserted by one of his own species."
it's literally longer, reader can't have somehow accidently missed it? frankenstein thinks of her free will, that is so much more important. he worries of her consent in the matter. it is in my belief by ignoring this you are ignoring the voice of mary shelly, daughter of a world known feminist, who is against arranged maariages of which this situation very closely resembles.
even if we ignore the fact that people somehow managed to not read a significant amount of the text, why do people belive the victor owes the creature a wife? do you think men are owed wives? that women, without a say in what they want to do, must become a wife to some random man just because he wants her to?
people here woobify the creature so much that they literally act extremely ableist and anti-feminist on accident. i am not saying the creatture is pure evil and victor is pure good, i am very against black and white readings, but is this not common sense? and honestly, the way the creature speaks about the bride is gross anyways. here are two examples:
"one as deformed and horrible as myself [would not deny herself to me]" & "(…) of the same species and have the same /defects/".
is that not odd? how the creature Wants her to be miserable and ugly so she has no other choice but to be with him?
not to mention how the bride parallels elizabeth and the relationship between her and the creature would've probably parallels the relationship of alphonse and caroline frankenstein, how the creature would've (accidentally?) groomed her and how pedophillic it kind of is if you really think about it. but that's a whole different can of worms
i know you guys love adam and hes interesting but jesus fucking christ
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silvermoon424 · 7 months
Coming to terms with the fact that society hates autistic people
I just saw some comments that were like "If you're autistic, neurotypical people hate you" and "growing up as autistic in our neurotypical society is almost always inherently traumatizing." And you know what? I absolutely agree. It really resonates with me to hear fellow autistic and generally neurodivergent people talk about the hate, rejection, misunderstanding, and even dehumanization we receive from most neurotypicals.
My entire childhood was spent being the "weird girl" until I got good enough at masking to fit in better. Even now, as an adult, I get negative comments from my own (neurotypical) parents when I display certain neurodivergent behaviors. My family is always like "that's so Katy" and shake their heads when I act "too" autistic and it feels so fucking patronizing. I've had negative experiences and even disciplinary action at jobs I've had for exhibiting neurodivergent behavior (usually related to my ADHD, but sometimes autism too). My entire fucking life I've been told by society to not act too much like myself or else I'll put everyone off.
And then you see people being sympathetic to the parents of autistic children who abuse or even kill them. "It's sad, but it's understandable" neurotypical people say. Videos of autistic children having meltdowns are full of people saying that they should be locked up because they're no better than animals. We're seen as a burden, a drain on society, who are only tolerated if we learn to act "normal" and don't make the neurotypicals uncomfortable. Autistic people are front and center in "cringe" compilations and are ruthlessly bullied.
If I'm being honest, I'm still unlearning a lot of ableist thoughts that were instilled in me growing up. I sometimes catch myself thinking that other autistic people are annoying, and I have to stop myself and think "Do you really find them annoying, or were you programmed to be dismissive of people who don't act neurotypically enough?"
Anyway, idk where I'm going with this text wall. The older I get, the more I become aware of how much I've been harmed by an extremely ableist society, and it breaks my heart that more neurodivergent kids are being taught to suppress their true selves the way I was.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
So there's a fic that I think you will like. It's called The Definition of Valor by Nerdpoe. Really short, spoiler free summery. Instead of loosing his Spleen, Tim looses his eyes. He makes special gadgets to help him with this, such as a device in is cowl that scans the room he is in and tells him what is where via coded sounds, like say, two low A notes followed by a chirp means there is a wooden desk to the north east of him. He also makes a special computer program for his grapple so when he points it somewhere, it will adjust his aim so he never misses and always attaches to a good spot.
This fic is giving me *so many* thoughts about the potential fall out of this being found out not as soon as Tim gets back to Gothem because he never tells anyone. Specifically it's making me think about Tim who is Bruce's dad not telling Bruce because he doesn't want to worry his son. He doesn't want to worry his grandchildren/siblings either so he puts in colored contacts and wears glasses when his cowl isn't on. The glasses and an ear piece have the same tech as his cowl to tell him where everything is.
How long would it take them to find out? Tim would never tell them, so do they find out on accident because Tim forgot the contacts that are his normal eye color, or because Ras is mad at Tim and tells them what Ras did to Tim? Maybe he got to mad and while ranting at a Rouge (either Harley or Two Face would be especially funny if he's just been hanging upside down and ranting and raving fo 30 minuets already) over one of their traps, he accidentally lets slip that he's blind, or maybe he yells at Riddler, "Nygma, this isn't fair! I've been completely blind since last July and my usual tech that tells me what's around me is getting fucked by your signal jammer! So either read the riddle to me out loud or let me go!" and then later Riddler scolds one of the other Bats for letting the blind one do the visual puzzles much to their confusion.
Hi!!! I love that fic so much! Have you seen the sequel for it as well? It's short, but a great read. I would die for more of this concept.
In that fic, Bruce turns out to be a good dad. While I may hate Bruce, the way that guy handles the situation in that fic is fantastic.
However, I would like a fic where this concept gets a delayed reveal. In the AU, Tim figures out how to function without his eyes.
He engineers technology to read people's facial expression/body language to help him out. It reads words for him, etc.
I wonder what excuse he'd give for wearing the earpiece and glasses all the time. Maybe he says it's another aspect to separate Timothy Drake from Red Robin?
Just Tim gaslighting and girlbossing his way into pretending he can still see. I kind of want him to keep up the ruse for a long while.
When he does get found it, it'd be hilarious if the others forget he's blind. Tim has engineered technology to assist him, but he still can't see. So they'll try to take him to activities they did together when he could see (like star gazing) or they'll ask him what he thinks of the color of their outfit. He also ruthlessly uses his blindness as an excuse to mess with people. If Timothy Drake-Wayne is known to be blind, he'll use it to accuse Luthor of being ableist at every chance he'll get. He also bullies the shit out of governmental agents and companies that don't provide accommodations.
I'm also a fan of Riddler finding out about it, but him just changing his puzzles to be accommodating. I'm biased towards Riddler (I love him so much) so it'd be cool to see the silent show of support like that.
Another AU idea: When Tim blows up Ra's bases, the explosions cause him to become deaf or hard-of-hearing.
Dealer's choice on how much hearing he loses, but I feel like this could be great to explore deafness and misconceptions commonly held in our society.
Tim would probably already know how to sign and lip read (might even know multiple different sign languages), but he would face a few difficulties.
He chooses not to disclose his hearing loss
People often cover their mouths or face away from someone when speaking (which makes lip reading arduous)
Ableist people suck
The world is set up for hearing people, so a lot of issues stem from a lack of accommodations rather than Tim's ability to hear
Tim chose not to tell anyone about the change in hearing for a few reasons: he doesn't trust anyone (especially during his adjustment period) and he doesn't want to be underestimated (wants to prove himself in the field before they try to pull him from it).
As far as technology to help him, the comms were easier to program than other auditory inputs. Since they were designed to transmit clear voices, he merely has to train a program to automatically close caption whatever is spoken (the automatic ones used today are useful, but still make too many errors for Tim's preference. Some also only do words automatically and leave out helpful information like laughing, choking, screaming, computer dings, etc.). Each Bat member has their own designated color. For those he doesn't interact with often, it says their name before every time they speak up.
Tim incorporates the visual overlay into his goggles and glasses. He can read what people contribute to the conversation based on that. It also leaves his hands free so he doesn't need to look down. His wrist computer stores records of what has been said so Tim can go back over it if he misses it. He also has the ability to change where the words appear on his field of vision.
I also hc Alfred is the first to notice that Tim is staring intently at his lips when he talks and has difficulties with the conversation when Alfred changes the way he pronounces words or isn't facing Tim (this is before Tim's tech gets perfected). From then on, Alfred makes a point of facing Tim whenever the teen is in the room. They both don't talk about it until the rest of the family finds out (however long that takes).
Feel free to add more to either AU!
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