#i ADORE when they fall in love at hogwarts
Real or not real?
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James Potter X reader. Slow burn. Warning for domestic abuse and neglect (Black family) (no Lily slander) Around 3.3k words?
A Spotify playlist of some ambient music!
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Autumn in the Scottish Highlands was, in itself a reason to attend Hogwarts. Blue September skies, speckled with wispy clouds. The falling bronze leaves and the red hued sunsets.
This was no less than a second home to most students. A safe haven if you will. It was good to be going home.
She had grown up with Sirius and Regulus so her regular residence wasn't much of a home. Her parents Ignatius and Lucretia (Black) Prewett had left her to Orion and Walburga often so they could travel around France. Noone actually knew where they would be or for how long they would travel. Only that they were always gone for indefinite amounts of time. They never sent letters, maybe an odd postcard or two. Y/N kept them hidden in a drawer in her room. (Call her sentimental if you will.) The terrible house of Black had adored her until she was sorted into Gryffindor along with Sirius. After that, they were both called blood traitors and treated as such. However, being someone else’s child, they treated her with less disdain than Sirius. That being said, they weren't the kindest of people, if at all.
Y/N would bring Sirius half her food when he would get sent to his room early without dinner. (which was quite often.) Sneaking things in her long sleeves and pockets whenever she could. Strangely, Kreacher had caught her once, but he said absolutely nothing and pretended that he saw nothing. (She would not forget this kindness.)
Things only escalated when they reached their, now, fifth year. Y/N always took her yellings, occasional threats, and hexes in silence whereas Sirius would fight back. In a way, she admired him for his bravery, knowing that he possessed the strength that she lacked. Whereas, his admiration for her resided in her refusal to back down, cry or beg. They had a mutual respect for one another. On another hand, she was somewhat envious of Regulus, he was apparently the perfect child who was, (seemingly) loved.
That was until she started to notice the bags under his eyes at the beginning of this year. She hadn’t really had the chance to talk to him, between Walburga’s looming presence and by the younger boy’s being sorted into Slytherin. However, she had the feeling he wasn’t exactly taking up his family ideals to heart.
Ever since fifth year began, Y/N and Sirius had never again called 12 Grimmauld Place home.
Y/N kicked her feet rhythmically, leaning her head on Lily Evans' shoulder. Their Hogwarts express compartment was filled with chatter, a welcome distraction from her thoughts. Somehow, over the past four years, she had been adopted into the gryffindor group of girls in her dormitory. Lily, Alice, Marlene, and Dorcas, had patiently and painstakingly, coaxed the girl out of her shell. Y/N was truly grateful for their friendship. In the beginning she couldn't help feeling that their kindness was based on pity. That had made it hard for her to trust them. This meant that before fifth year, she had never really interacted with them outside of the Gryffindor house dorms.
Marlene and Dorcras were pelting question after question at Alice, wanting to know the details of her crush on Frank Longbottom. Ever the curious couple, Y/N felt slightly glad that she wasn’t on the receiving end of their questions.
‘You’ll be “Alice Longbottom” one day.’ Y/N grinned teasingly at the girl with the pixie cut.
Alice laughed before shrugging good naturedly, 'We’ll see. Frank is awfully shy. I might have to be the one initiating everything.’
Marlene cut in with her arm around Dorcas, ever a picturesque couple. ‘And Lily’s last name will be “Potter!”’
Y/N stifled a giggle at the comment.
Lily gagged before letting out a sigh, ‘It’s not that Potter isn’t just a complete tool. I’m also just not into men.’
Y/N shrugged. ‘Yeah, you keep making eyes at Emmeline Vance during charms. It’s actually kind of sickening how adorable your pining face is.’
Lily flicked Y/N’s nose. ‘When are you going to start hanging out with us outside the dorms? All you do is go to the library or hide in the kitchens and bake while chatting with the elves.’
Dorcas pouted, adding, ‘You don't even sit with us during class!’
Y/N winced while casting her eyes down. Another thing, she really didn’t like drawing attention to herself or loud noises. Those things usually lead to shouting and maybe a raised hand back at Grimmauld Place. They caused an unpleasant reaction out of the girl.
‘I can’t do crowds, I really am sorry. It’s not that I don't want to, you’re all lovely but-’
‘That's alright, you take your time love. You'll come talk to the rest of us when you're ready.’ Alice gently reassured her, patting the girl beside her on the arm.
Y/N smiled gratefully. The girls weren’t at all pushy about getting Y/N to hang out with them. However, they did always ask. They wanted her to feel and be included. None of them ever took a rejection personally. It was what made Y/N lower her walls all the more.
Lily ruffled Y/N’s hair affectionately. The rest of the girls continued their chat whilst the introverted girl stared out the window, still leaning on Lily’s shoulder, taking in the view and enjoying the company. The dark pine trees that littered the lands surrounding all the lochs, glittered in the rare sunlight. She let out a soft sigh, allowing herself to relax, just for that moment.
The hustle and bustle of the students, all ecstatic to see each other again made Y/N giddy. She had, however, skipped the feast, opting to go say hello to all the elves who had finished preparing the feast. She particularly enjoyed Wigby’s desserts. (He was admittedly her favourite house elf.) He made the best sweets which led to Y/N learning all her baking skills from the friendly house elf.
The halls were electric with energy, almost tangible. This year Y/N and her friends were to be taking their O.W.L exams. To be honest, she was completely ready, having already studied up to the N.E.W.T level of all her subjects. Studying and reading at Hogwarts was her escape, truly. She padded into the first class, Potions. She slipped into the seat next to Lily, quickly giving the red haired girl a gentle squeeze on her hand and flashing a smile at the rest of the girls who greeted her enthusiastically. They had convinced her to sit with them during classes this year instead of her usual spot at the back away from prying eyes.
As they continued their conversation, Y/N unpacked her quill, and parchment while waiting for the lesson to start. As she doodled a small picture of a cauldron, a cocky voice crooned out. ‘Ah, my sweet girl, how I’ve missed- Who are you and why are you in my seat?’, James Potter. Lily’s self proclaimed “sweetheart” word vomited at the poor girl.
Y/N gripped the desk tightly, her knuckles turning white. Confrontation, how lovely. As much of an amusing topic of complaint he was that she had heard from conversation with the girls. He was completely unfamiliar to her. She found a spot on the table and stared at it with the utmost concentration, unable to bring her eyes to meet the owner of the voice. Lily also ignored the voice. Instead opting to cover Y/N’s hand with her own, continuing her conversation with Marlene, and Dorcas about the importance of studying for their O.W.L’s
‘Ah, you’ll survive the lesson James, come on,’ a voice drawled, waving James away. A voice which Y/N immediately recognised as belonging to Sirius.
Y/N looked up and turned around, wanting to meet Sirius’s eyes to mouth a, “Thank you” but her eyes met hazel ones instead.
‘Oh.’ James mumbled with wide eyes. He was standing right behind her, not having moved back to his actual “spot”.
Y/N’s eyes darted away immediately before finding Sirius’s. His eyebrows were raised with mirth and he smiled, shrugging his shoulders. She flashed him a small smile before turning around, basically ignoring James Potter. This was new. People didn't usually ignore him. They would at least retort with something witty, but to be completely silent?
‘Mr Potter, I trust you will be able to find your seat?’ Professor Slughorn called out, striding into the classroom, his large belly preceding him through the door. He was Y/N's favourite professor. He was kind to Lily and Y/N. (Probably due to their prowess in potions but nonetheless!)
‘Yes sir.’ James sat down without protest, his gaze lingering on her before his thoughts were interrupted by Professor Slughorn. He hadn’t noticed her before. How had he not noticed someone for four years?
‘Today, we will be assigning our first assignment of the year. An essay on polyjuice potion. Four weeks sounds like ample time does it not?’
As the professor announced their first assignment. James couldn't help but notice how Y/N avoided looking in any direction that wasn't the front or her notes. He leaned in close to Sirius, whispering just loud enough for him to hear amongst the groans of the class,
‘What's her deal?’ He asked, glancing at Y/N again.
Y/N dutifully jotted down the specifics of the assignment, (unbeknownst to her) under James’s gaze, allowing Lily to periodically glance at her notes. She whispered something into Lily’s ear to which the redhead smiled at her and nodded.
‘What are they whispering about?’ James nudged Sirius again.
‘Y/N probably asked if Lily wanted to pair up.’ Remus interrupted. ‘She is rather shy.’
‘You know her?’ James gaped at the sandy haired boy.
‘James, Y/N has been in our classes since first year. She just doesn’t really talk.’
‘Besides, you’re too busy pining over your “Lilypad” to really notice any other women.’ Sirius mused with his arms crossed, feeling slightly protective of his little cousin.
‘And how do you know her?’ James retorted. Ignoring Sirius's quip, however true it could have been.
‘She’s my cousin.’
‘Huh.’ Remus blinked.
‘You didn't know that?’ James glanced at Remus ‘I thought you knew her?’
‘No, I just know she’s practically topping almost every class, she doesn’t really speak to-’
‘Now boys, would you like to share your conversation with the rest of Gryffindor and Slytherin?’ Slughorn called out to the boys, his large walrus moustache twitched above his lip, the man seemingly amused by their chattering.
‘No sir.’ Remus replied evenly.
‘Well then! I shall announce the pairings for the assignment!’ He smiled merrily, ignoring the cries of protest from the rest of the class.
Y/N’s face paled and she whipped her head to look at Lily. Usually they were paired off in their seats, not randomly. Y/N had truly enjoyed his classes up till now but this? Suddenly Slughorn was rapidly losing his status as favourite professor.
Lily looked at her worriedly, “Lets just hear who you have to pair with. If it's someone obnoxious, we’ll go speak to the professor or I’ll swap with you.”
Y/N’s heart swelled with emotion at her friend's empathy.
‘I couldn’t ask that of you Lily.’ Y/N whispered, misty-eyed. Kindness was a luxury that Y/N had so often been not able to afford for so long. Seeing it up close and displayed just for her, she couldn't help but be slightly overwhelmed.
‘It’s okay, I’m the one who offered.’ Lily patted her arm, reassuring the fidgety girl.
‘If I could marry you Lily Evans, I would do it in a heartbeat.’ Y/N tugged at Lily’s sleeve, looking down bashfully.
‘Now if only you were into women.’ Lily grinned, squishing Y/N’s cheeks with her hands gently. ‘What a treat you would be.’
‘Lily!’ The shy girl pouted, batting away the other girl's hands playfully.
‘Ms Mckinnon, and Ms Meadowes,’ To which the couple let out a happy cheer.
‘James Potter, and Lily Evans,’ Lily slumped over immediately, letting her head rest onto the desk with a quite audible Thwump! To which Y/N giggled, at her sudden change in demeanour.
James was completely caught off guard when Professor Slughorn announced his partner for the assignment. He had been so preoccupied with the revelation of Y/N being related to Sirius and trying to figure her out that he hadn’t even been paying attention to the teacher. He couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at Lily’s exaggerated head bang onto the desk after hearing her own partner. Before he could think of a witty comeback, he heard the next pairing.
‘Sirius Black, and Y/N Prewett.’ Y/N perked up, looking at Lily with bright eyes, shaking her head with a smile. This was one of the people she would be able to work with!
‘Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.’ The two boys subtly high fived. Strangely enough, James wasn’t making a huge fuss over being paired with Lily. Strange enough for even Y/N to take notice, though she refrained from commenting.
Remus took a side glance at James, he wasn't sure if he would regret asking his friend his question.
‘You're not ecstatic over being paired with Lily?’ Remus questioned.
‘I am, I just...’ James shook his head. At this point, he knew Lily wasn't into him. In fact, he wasn't even sure she liked men. He wasn't the only boy in Hogwarts to have ever asked her out. At this point, it was just a long bit and a way to keep other girls from approaching him.
Sirius smirked knowingly. He may have been a lazy student but he sure as hell wasn't stupid. He could tell that after third years incessant rejections, James had no desire to date LIly ever since.
‘Since you all feel the need to cheer at each pairing. I shall leave the list on the board and you can all cheer at the same time. Take this time to move into your pair and discuss your assignment. That'll be all for this lesson. Welcome back students.’ Slughorn's eyes glimmered with amusement, revealing the quip towards the class to be good natured. The professor sat back down at his seat as the class began to disperse once again into chatter and movement. He generously answered stray questions from the students who wandered to his desk in need of assistance.
Y/N stood up and walked over to Sirius’s desk and nudged his foot with her own. Grabbing his attention soundlessly.
Sirius gave her a genuine smile and shoved James with his shoulder.
‘Go over to your “Lily flower”. I’ve got to discuss the assignment with my partner.’
James blinked owlishly at Y/N, still taking in her very existence.
‘Sorry?’ Y/N whispered, looking at him hesitantly.
‘Quite alright,’ James nodded, standing up to walk towards Lily without his signature smirk.
Y/N sat down with Sirius and smiled shyly before asking, ‘Is Potter alright? I thought he would be thrilled to be up partnered with Lily?’
Sirius blinked, ‘You keep up with this stuff?’
Y/N tilted her head from side to side, ‘Not particularly, more like I listen to Lily complain in the dorms. It’s hard to miss. She says he's quite…’
‘We’ll go with that.’ She quickly agreed, not wanting to rat out her friend.
‘Hey so this means you finally have to talk to me outside of our house.’ Sirius teased.
Y/N grinned at him and retorted, ‘I’m not sharing my food with you here at home Sirius, we get plenty to eat here.’
They shared a smile. Knowing they had each other's backs even without constant catch ups was a good feeling. The unspoken bond they shared wasn’t obvious to outsiders, but Sirius and Y/N knew, and that was enough.
‘So, the assignment. We’re describing how to brew the potion, all the ingredients and for extra credit, we can list out the dangers of the potion such as the errors.’
Sirius sighed, ‘I’m not really good with the-’
‘You’re good at finding information, I’ll handle the writing, you just tell me the information and I’ll make it sound good!’ Y/N nodded excitedly.
‘What do you mean?’ Sirius stared blankly at the girl, completely unconvinced.
‘You always know where, how and who to prank! It's the same thing!’
‘It’s completely different.’ Sirius deadpanned.
‘Where did you learn the hair changing spell?’ Y/N crossed her arms.
‘In a transfiguration textbook. I was putting the books back in the library after Remus and oh-’ Sirius nodded slowly as he came to realise what the girl meant by being “good”.
‘See?’ Y/N smiled at him brilliantly, seeming proud of his (apparent) talent.
‘Y’know, this is nice, why don’t we do this more often.’
‘I don’t do-’
‘Crowds, yeah I know, and at the house, we’re too emotionally exhausted to talk.’
They both let out a heavy sigh before chuckling at their shared experience. Comfortable silences were rare, but with each other, the cousins were able to revel in each other's company. A truly unique connection formed by trauma. 'At least something good came out of it?' They had mused.
As the rest of the class chattered away, discussing the project or just gossiping, Y/N and Sirius decided to meet up after dinner that night and every wednesday. The pair knew they had Defence Against the Dark Arts next. Sirius offered to walk with her to class, to which she accepted gratefully, mentioning Lily and Alice would probably also be with her.
As the class began to filter out, Lily and Alice had walked over to Y/N to wait for her.
‘You’ve got DADA next, with us right?’ Alice beamed.
Y/N nodded, somewhat feeling excited to have people to walk to class with. Being with three people wouldn't be a crowd!
‘There's a new teacher this year!’ Lily supplied this new information.
‘Again?’ Y/N wrinkled her nose. It was rather strange actually, ever since professor Merrythought had retired, it seemed as if every Defence teacher had resigned after a year.
A rather strange situation, but, none of her concern.
‘Who is it?’ She asked as a passing question, not overly invested in the answer.
‘Some guy named Knittingley.’ Remus piped up from behind them, startling Y/N into almost dropping her books.
‘Sorry love,’ he grinned sheepishly, ‘you alright?’
‘Ah, you down right scared the poor thing, Remus. Now she won't ever talk to us again.’ Sirius whined before breaking into a cheeky smirk, waggling his eyebrows up and down.
Y/N considered throwing something at her relative but then decided it would be too much work and that her books weren’t made for throwing.
‘What’s the hold up?’ James questioned from the doorway, calling out to the group, ‘lets go, Peter’s already gone ahead.’
Suddenly it wasn’t only three people anymore.
Somehow, Y/N had been looped into walking to class with five other people. Technically five was a group, not really a crowd, right? Sirius had swung his arm over Y/N, as if preventing her from running away.
Lily and Alice were in the front, enthusiastically discussing the topics of the next class. They were fervently hoping that their first class wasn’t going to be a revision on Boggarts, as they knew it would be in the curriculum.
Meanwhile, in the back, James was asking Remus about something about mandrake leaves and cycles of the moon.
In the midst of her conversation with Sirius, their formation, Y/N noticed. It seemed like almost a barrier against other students? Y/N internally shook her head. Most likely a coincidence, right? Why would it be intentional?
Sirius was babbling on, about the effects of conditioner on hair and how he found it amusing that James would use one that had a charm to make his hair extra bouncy. Y/N had stiffened a chuckle at this while James whined as he heard this and protested that he needed the extra shine and bounce.
‘It makes me look nice!’
To which Y/N nodded along, looking at Sirius, not noticing that James had beamed when she seemingly agreed. Remus looked on with a rather pleased smile, his nose scrunching. He had always wanted to befriend the shy girl. Now that she had somehow mustered up the courage (been practically physically restrained) to keep up with their group. He, along with the rest of the group, was excited to witness this side of the girl they had never seen before.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, her fifth year would be the true beginning of her life at Hogwarts.
AND THATS CHAPTER 1 DONE! Lucky for you guys (all like 7 of you) I have the ENTIRE story planned out! All there is, is for me to flesh it out! Please like or comment if you'd like another part! (if not I'll still probably post it, I'm too excited about this!) This isn't inline with my Pethryn story line and I have taken some liberties! I'm sorry again if you don't particularly like this! We will be delving into Remus being a werewolf, the Marauders map and fleshing out Regulus and Snape's characters! (possibly Peter as well. I kinda hate that guy 🤬) ALSO YES THE TITLE IS LOOSELY INSPIRED BY THE HUNGER GAMES!
Okay, I changed my mind, I want this to be a long form fic- THIS IS NOW JUST THE TEASER
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phoebe-delia · 30 days
One of the reasons I love Drarry professor get-together fics is because can you imagine how surreal and amazing it would be for the teachers that taught them to watch them fall in love?
Especially McGonagall. Like. She watched them fight—watched Draco bully Harry—for seven years. Only to then hire them both to teach. And of course she would be nervous about them being around each other again.
But when they don't fight?? When they're cordial, and then become friends, and then start flirting??? And then start DATING??
How insane must that be for her and the other teachers?? The teachers who also taught both their parents?? Like?? And sure, it's possible they'd be like "Oh they've always been obsessed with each other. it makes sense it would eventually manifest like this." And yes, that's true, but it still must be so surreal to watch.
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eraenaa · 4 months
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Helloooo! I'm Eraena, a college student who loves to write! Here's the masterlist of my works! (Aemond Targaryen, Feyd Rautha, Rafe Cameron, and Aegon Targaryen)
Related Blogs: @romanteacism - All things Aemond Targaryen @rafeacs - All things Rafe Cameron
Tag List
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Cheat Sheet:
🏙️ - Modern AU
🐉 - Fire and Blood AU
🏛️ - Greek Mythology AU
🤍 - Personal Fave
👑 - Popular
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U.N.I. Aemond Targaryen X Reader 🏙️ Synopsis: Where one of the sons of your mother’s estranged best friend attends the same university as you, and did I mention you were the reason why he lost his eye? 
From The Underworld and Beneath Aemond Targaryen x Reader 🏛️ 🤍 Synopsis: You, the Goddess of Spring, were captured by the King of the Underworld, who was intent on keeping you there.
My Knight in Darkened Armor Knight Aemond Targaryen x Princess Reader 🐉 🤍 Synopsis: Ser Aemond Targaryen has been tasked to be the sworn protector of a princess who is overly curious about life beyond the castle walls and has bribed him to escort her to the city in exchange for anything he desires. She just did not know that what he desired was her.
A Bastard's Bride, A Dragon's Desire Aemond Targaryen x Princess Reader 🐉 Synopsis: They have betrothed you to Jacaerys as a way of securing a line to the throne if they fail in usurping your half-sister’s crown. Your older brother Aemond was livid at the decision.
Flipped Aemond Targaryen X Reader 🏙️ 🤍 Synopsis: You had been infatuated with Aemond since you two were children. You could not remember a day when you did not feel anything but adoration for him— not until recently. When something in you turned indifferent, it did not go unnoticed by Aemond, who had never been a fan of change. 
Stereotypical Aemond, Son of Ares x Reader, Daughter of Aphrodite 🏛️ Synopsis: The daughter of Aphrodite falls for one of the sons of Ares— the second coming of their parents. 
One More Night Aemond Targaryen X Reader 🏙️ Synopsis: You were quick to leave after a one night stand, leaving Aemond dissatisfied, for he wanted so much more. When he found you again, he was sure to never let you go. 
The Prince and the Poet Aemond Targaryen X Lannister Reader 🐉 Synopsis: It is established that Prince Aemond hates poems and sonnets; it was just a pity that you adored them. 
Jealousy, Jealousy Aemond, Son of Ares x Reader, Daughter of Aphrodite 🏛️ Synopsis: It’s frustratingly hard to keep admirers and doubts away when you and your partner are the most attractive and powerful Demi-Gods in camp.
Most Ardently Aemond Targaryen X Tyrell Reader 🐉 Synopsis: Prince Aemond Targaryen had accompanied his younger brother to Highgarden in hopes of securing Daeron a wife— he did not expect he would want to secure a wife for himself as well. 
The Prince's Prize Aemond Targaryen X Riverlady Reader 🐉 Synopsis: After his victories in the Riverlands, Prince Aemond Targaryen sought for a trophy— his spoils of war. He sought for you, the daughter of the lord who hosted him whilst he wagged his war.
But Daddy, I Love Him Aemond Targaryen X Niece Reader 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: When the favored daughter of Daemon Targaryen falls for the favored son of Alicent Hightower, the Rogue Prince does everything he can to ensure that a union between the two of you will never happen. 
Gold Rush Aemond Targaryen X Lannister Reader 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: Everybody wants you, and I don’t like a gold rush.
Desperate Requirement Slytherin Aemond Targaryen x Reader 🏙️ Synopsis: It’s hard being horny at Hogwarts. Luckily, you and Aemond always found a way to relieve your needs.
Mine Aemond Targaryen x Wife Reader 🐉 👑 Synopsis: You are the best thing that has ever been Aemond’s, which is why you cannot really blame him for being so possessive and cautious not to lose you. 
Loathe to Love Aemond Targaryen x Strong Reader 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: Seeking forgiveness is not a thing Aemond bothers himself with, but that quickly changes when he deeply offended you.
King of My Heart King Aemond Targaryen x Queen Reader 🐉 👑 Synopsis: Marriage, miscarriage, and the monarchy… how would you and your husband fare to them all?
Bound By Blood Aemond Targaryen x Princess Reader 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: They can no longer hinder Aemond from taking whatever he wants, and you are the only one he desperately wants. 
Tea Party Aemond Targaryen x Stark Reader 🌃 Synopsis: Aemond convinces you to let Helaena join your group’s exclusive tea party, using any means necessary just for you to agree. 
Please Please Please Aemond Targaryen X Lannister Reader 🌃Synopsis: Heartbreak is one thing; my ego’s another. I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker.
Unexpected Affections Aemond Targaryen X Tyrell Reader 🐉 👑 Synopsis: With just a smile, you had managed to bewitch and enthrall the stoic and cold prince. 
Blessed Curse Aemond Targaryen x Strong Reader 🐉 👑 Synopsis: When a marriage between you and Aemond was arranged and forced by your grandsire, conflicting emotions arise, but which one will loom greater? Loathing or Love?
Parting Gift Aemond Targaryen X Reader x Aegon Targaryen 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: Aegon asks for a parting gift from his younger brother and his beloved wife: One night with you in exchange for the throne. 
Silent Passions Aemond Targaryen X Tyrell Reader 🐉 👑 Synopsis: You and Aemond had been promised to one another before you were even born. And when the time came for you to meet, all were curious to see what was to come when soon to be spouses only shared one thing in common: your want of silence. 
Virginal Whore Aemond Targaryen X Celtigar Reader 🐉 👑 Synopsis: Prince Aemond sets out to find a whore to warm his bed; he finds a virgin instead. 
Worth The Price Aemond Targaryen X Lannister Reader 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: Aemond does everything to prove that he is worthy of you— even if it means that he would be a kinslayer twice.
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Birthday Present Feyd-Rautha x Lady Reader 🤍 👑 Synopsis: During a state visit, you, a daughter of one of the great houses, have captured the attention and fatal attraction of the Na-Baron and were quickly turned into his promised wife. 
Bittersweet Feyd-Rautha x Lady Reader 👑 Synopsis: As the Na-Baron's proposed bride, you were simply too sweet for him and his bitter being. You were too innocent and pure to be tainted by the blood-stained hands of the Harkonnen heir.
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Casual Rafe Cameron x Reader Synopsis: You would settle for causality as long as you had Rafe by your side. 
Still Casual? Rafe Cameron x Reader Synopsis: You promised yourself that you’re never going to settle for casual ever again— promised yourself you would never be another casualty of Rafe Cameron. 
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) Rafe Cameron x Reader 👑 Synopsis: Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man.
Imgonnagetyouback Rafe Cameron x Reader 🤍👑 Synopsis: The plan is clear. Get Rafe back after your breakup. 
So High School Rafe Cameron x Reader 🤍 Synopsis: He knows how to ball, you know Aristotle
Please, Please, Please (Rafe's Edition) Rafe Cameron x Reader 👑 Synopsis: Being with Rafe, a notorious hotheaded drug dealer, you knew others would question your relationship— especially your parents, who had never been fond of him. But when his habits had been too much to handle, you knew that you would prefer heartbreak to a broken ego. 
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Trouble Maker, Stress Reliever Aegon Targaryen X Reader 🏙️ Synopsis: You’re a prefect tasked with taming Aegon’s unruly behavior. Strained by your task, he offers you a way to relieve the stress he caused.
Parting Gift Aemond Targaryen X Reader x Aegon Targaryen 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: Aegon asks for a parting gift from his younger brother and his beloved wife: One night with you in exchange for the throne. 
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papercorgiworld · 8 months
I think it was love at first sight
Mattheo, Theo, Blaise, Draco and Enzo
You overhear the guys say they’ve been in love with you since the day they met you.
Warning? 10% foul language. 90% fluff. 100% cringe? Maybe. But let's just accept the cringe and live a happy life.
Based on this ask. I hope it’s okay? Happy readings!
Feedback is always welcome!
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You were new at Hogwarts and your nerves were wrecking you, but you were lucky to have met Pansy on one of her good days. “Let me introduce you to some of my friends.”
There is no such thing as love at first sight. He repeated the thought again and again, because your smile, your voice, your eyes, the small details of your skin, your figure and the lovely way you introduced yourself… it was messing with his head.
You had planned to stay in your dorm for the evening so you could study, but your brain just wouldn’t have it. Finally giving up you decide to head up to the astronomy tower to clear your head. You hear whispers and quietly move up the stairs curious to find out who it is, but before you reach the top you hear your name and stop in your tracks.
“I hate (y/n)! She is so annoying. Constantly asking for attention.” You immediately recognise Mattheo’s loud voice and your heart gets squeezed tight at his angry words. “She’s the quietest girl in our year.” Theo’s calm voice relaxes you. “She’s infuriating!” Theodore chuckles. “I know being reasonable isn’t in your genes, but you’re seriously overreacting, Matt.” Mattheo groans, but seems to calm down a bit. “She’s constantly in mind, it drives me mad.” There’s a silence as Theodore takes a drag from his cigarette. “It’s not her fault, you’re falling for her.” Mattheo takes a few steps back as a defense mechanism. “I’m not falling for her.” Theo stares at Mattheo and Mattheo clenches his jaw, until he can no longer keep it in. “Fuck! I’m in love with her.” Theodore can not hide his amusement as Mattheo curses himself.
“No, seriously Theo, it’s not funny. It’s disgusting. I’ve caught myself thinking about how many children we should have. I’m turning into freaking Enzo, all sweet and giddy.” You bite your lip and feel yourself heat up as Mattheo mentions having children with you. “No worries, you’re not turning into Enzo, you still curse too much.” Mattheo sits down clearly not knowing what to do with himself. “You really have it bad for her?” Mattheo nods and chews on his lip. “Ever since Pansy introduced her to us at the beginning of the year, she’s just- she became my whole world.” It is then that Theodore spots you and an apologetic look forms on your face as you realize you've been caught eavesdropping. Mattheo doesn’t notice the silent interaction between you and Theo as he stares down. “I hate it, because I know I don’t stand a chance with her.” When Theodore doesn’t say anything Mattheo looks up at him. “Do you think I have a chance with her?”
Theodore’s eyes jump from Mattheo to you and back. “Why don’t you ask her yourself.” Theodore says as he signals to the stairs. Your flustered figure appears and Mattheo quickly scrambles to his feet as his heart starts racing at the thought that you might have heard something, leave alone everything. “How-how long have you..?” He leaves you with only half a question and you’re surprised to see this insecure side of Mattheo, but now it’s time for you to fess up. "Quite some time.” Mattheo’s eyes fill with panic and he turns to Theo. “Just throw me off of the astronomy tower, I beg you.” Theodore laughs. “I’ll do you one better, I’m going to leave you two alone.”
With Theodore gone you’re both forced to look at eachother. Mattheo’s hands hide in the pockets of his pants as he nonchalantly makes his way over to you. “So, assuming you’ve heard my whole uhm- rant or confession. Let’s just skip to the last bit, do I have a chance?” He stops only inches from you and adores your blushed cheeks. You rest your hand on his arm and slowly move into him to place a most innocent kiss on his lips. “I’ve wanted to do that since Pansy introduced me to you.” In an instant Mattheo is back to being his confident grinning self. He closes the last bit of distance and his hands find their way to your hips. “Also, two children.” You quip and Mattheo smiles, leaning in for an intense kiss. “I was thinking, four.” You laugh at his ambition. “Up for debate."
“(Y/n), she thinks she’s some wise ass, but I’ve seen her look at my notes during class.” Enzo just nods, slightly annoyed he had to listen to Theodore complain about you again. You hold your breath as you carefully listen. “And she studies a ridiculous amount to get the same grades as me, so obviously she’s not that smart.” Enzo hums pretending to agree, but he can’t resist a snarky comment. “Too bad Slughorn disagrees with you.” Theo’s eyes roll to Enzo. Who’s side is he on? “Well, she’s dating that Fred guy, so she’s clearly dumb.” Enzo sighs. “They’re just friends.” “Really?” Theodore asks with obvious interest in his voice. Enzo nods. “Good. She’s too pretty and intelligent for a Weasley.” Theodore snares and watches the cigarette between his fingers. “You know the other day some weirdo Gryffindor tried to-“ Enzo sighs. “Ask her out? Yes, you told me. Do you know how often you talk about her?”
Theo frowns as he looks at Enzo’s bored expression. “I know.” Theodore admits and sighs. “It’s just ever since we met her at the beginning of the year, she's been on my mind all the time.” Lorenzo stares at Theodore's defeated face. He was the last guy to talk like this, so Enzo knew it was serious. “She is really beautiful, so it isn’t that much of a surprise.” Theo leans his head back. “It’s not just that. It’s like I want her around all the time as much of a wise ass she can be sometimes. When she isn’t around everything’s just empty.” Enzo stares at Theo and when he notices he immediately shakes his head. “No. It’s not what you think.” Lorenzo can’t help but laugh. “It so is!” “No.” Theo tries to protest. “You are so head over heels for (y/n).” Enzo can no longer hide his amusement and a soft laugh rings through the astronomy tower. “Yes, maybe.” Theo reluctantly admits. “Kinda, have been wanting to ask her out. I even have this whole romantic thing planned out.” Enzo’s happy grin gets on Theodore’s nerves, but he can’t help it. “This is so embarrassing. Enzo, promise me you won’t tell anyone that I’ve been in love with (y/n) since the day I met her.”
Hearing Theo say those words have you gasp and you quickly cover your mouth with your hand. Worried that they might have heard you, you take a step back, but the stairs end up making a lot more noise and you curse yourself. “Someone there?” You hear Enzo call as he comes into view at the top of the stairs. You smile sheepishly. “Who-“ Theo falls silent as pure horror fills his eyes when he sees your blushing face. “Look at the time. I’ve got places to be, bye.” Enzo jumps past you, hurrying down the stairs, but not before giving you a cheeky wink.
When Enzo’s gone you look back at the top of the stairs to see that Theodore has disappeared. You walk up to see him look at the stars as he lights a new cigarette. “Soo, how much did you hear?” He asks as he breathes out. “Enough, but I’m mostly interested in that romantic date you had planned out.” Theo looks you over from head to toe, wary of whether you were messing around or being serious. He gets rid of the cigarette and walks towards you. He loves how your curious eyes follow him and Theo brushes a strand of hair out of your face, carefulling tucking it behind your ear. “I know this small café that’s also a bookstore and there’s cats.” You gasp in excitement, already loving the idea. “But first you have to survive dinner with me.” You purse your lips as you pretend to think it over. “I’ll give it a try, for the cats and the books obviously.” You reach for Theo’s hands and squeeze them as he gets a little annoyed with your playfulness.
“Why must you be such a wise ass?” You smile at him with adoring eyes. “Can’t help it.” You gently push yourself up on your toes to kiss him. The little agitation that was boiling inside of Theo immediately ebbs away as he feels your warmth. It doesn’t take long for Theo’s fire and hunger for you to take over. His hand finds the back of your head keeping you in place as he deepens the kiss sending shivers down your spine.
“You think (y/n) and that Weasley guy are a thing?” Blaise asks, pulling Mattheo from his book. Blaise crouches down next to Mattheo who was sitting against a pillar. “Don’t think so.” Mattheo shrugs, but watches Blaise stare in front of him in deep thought. “Why? You interested in her?” Mattheo questions as he wiggles his eyebrows. Blaise looks at Mattheo’s grinning face and throws his head to the side a bit, wondering if he could confide in his friend. “Promise me you won’t laugh.” Blaise’s seriousness has Mattheo close his book. “Sure.” “Ever since we met her on the train that day…” Mattheo silently waits, not blinking, but it takes Blaise a while to find the words and courage. “Damn it, I’m so in love with her.” Blaise is surprised and somewhat relieved that he could finally admit it to himself. “I said don’t laugh.” Mattheo throws his hands up in the air. “I’m not laughing. I’m smiling. I think you two look cute together.”
Blaise rolls his eyes but can’t help, but wonder. Really? “Most of the time I feel like we’re opposites, and yet at the same time I think she’s the greatest person alive. She brings a little sunshine every day. But she’s also weird.” Blaise looks at Mattheo for an opinion. “Dude, all girls are weird.” Blaise nods in agreement. “Yeah, but she's, like, crazy weird.” Mattheo’s typical filthy grin appears. “But she’s hot, though.” Blaise shakes his head. “No, she’s not just hot, she’s beautiful.” This time Mattheo can’t help himself and laughs. “You are sooo in loooove with her.” He sings and Blaise gives him a little shove.
Blaise gets up, embarrassed with himself now that Mattheo is teasing him, and heads for the stairs. As soon as you notice he’s coming your way you try to turn around as quickly as possible, but it’s no use. “(Y/n)?” With a guilty face you turn around. “I wasn’t listening.” Mattheo jumps up and joins Blaise, he can barely keep it together as his eyes sparkle with humor. “She totally heard everything. I’m leaving.” You chew on your lip as you look at your feet, while Mattheo passes you.
Blaise runs his hand over his face trying to calm himself down and you smile softly, feeling guilty. It really was wrong of you to listen in on their conversation. “I did hear everything.” You admit as you walk towards him. “Do you think I’m some weird obsessed guy now?” You laugh and shake your head. “No, apparently I’m the crazy weird one.” Blaise gives you an apologetic smile. “I said that, but I also said you were beautiful.” You lay your hand on his shoulder. “I also heard you say you’ve been in love with me since the day we met.” The slytherin in front of you slowly nods, his eyes never leaving yours. “Which is crazy a coincidence, since that happens to be the same day as I fell for you.” Blaise is surprised to hear that, but quickly closes the last bit of space between you two and rests a hand on the small of your back. “That’s a bizarre coincidence.” You hum in response as you both lean towards one another. The kiss starts slowly, but quickly turns fiery.
“I never believed in love at first sight, until you.” Blaise mutters as he rests his head against yours. “That’s really skeptical coming from someone who attends a magical school.” He smiles and pulls you in for a sweet and loving kiss.
Draco sits and stares at a shiny green apple, dwelling in deep thoughts about you and him. “Do you think (y/n) is interesting?” Blaise turns against the railing of the astronomy tower and frowns at Draco’s odd question. “You’ve been staring at that apple for too long.” Draco rolls his eyes, not pleased that his friend isn’t taking his question seriously. “I feel like (y/n) is fresh air to me and that’s been bothering me since the day we met.” This time Blaise takes Draco seriously. “What exactly are you saying?” Draco looks away from his apple. “She makes everything better and I always need more of her, her attention, her opinions, her stories, her soft caring attitude. It’s never too much. Before I met her I’ve never been this curious about someone, never wanted to be around someone so bad.”
Your heart swells at Draco’s sweet words, but of course Draco had to say something stupid. “Which is weird, because she’s not that interesting.” Blaise’s eyebrows knit together for a moment, before letting out a soft chuckle. “You are definitely interested in her, that’s for sure.” Draco scoffs. “No, it’s not like that… is it? Shit, you think? I’m so in love with that… idiot.” Blaise laughs. “Idiot? Just a minute ago she was fresh air?” Draco just glares at Blaise who tries his best to hide his smile.
“You should tell her.” Blaise suggests. “Tell her what exactly? Oh hey (y/n), fun fact, I’ve been crushing on you since day one, please love me.” You smile at what an utter idiot Draco is and decide to immediately shut him up by walking up to him. Blaise is the first to spot you and his eyes go crazy wide. “That indeed is a fun fact.” You say, making Draco spin around to see if he recognised your voice right. Blaise takes Draco’s apple from his perplexed figure and heads for the stairs. “See you guys tomorrow.” He says casually and you smile at him, but Draco doesn’t move.
“You shouldn’t be eavesdropping.” Draco manages to say after a few seconds of silence and you roll your eyes. You take a few steps towards him and start playing with his tie. “You’re an idiot, Draco.” He nods and admires how your fingers play with his tie. “I’m an idiot, but please love me.” Draco breathes out and you meet his eyes, surprised by his sudden courage even if it took the form of a desperate plea. His hands gently move over your arms until he wraps his hands around yours, squeezing them softly. “I’ve already been loving you since day one.” You confess and a surprised smirk tugs on Draco lips. “Seriously?” You nod and move into him. He’s still a little shocked and it takes him a second to kiss back, but the passion makes up for the wait.
“You know, I was thinking about (y/n). And I was wondering- Do you believe in love at first sight?” Draco stares at Enzo, wondering where the hell the others are. Realizing that there was no else to answer Lorenzo’s question, Draco rolls his eyes and thinks about it for a second. “You’re asking the wrong person. I don’t even know if I believe in love.” Enzo frowns. “That’s just depressing.” Draco huffs. “But what does that have to do with (y/n)?” Draco’s question gets Enzo a bit flustered and he tries to play it cool, just lifting his shoulders. “Nothing.” Draco raises an eyebrow and chuckles. “You’ve got to be the worst liar at Hogwarts.” Enzo acts like he doesn’t know what Draco’s talking about.
“Come on, spill it, Berkshire.” Draco snaps, but Lorenzo is used to his attitude and ignores it, happy to talk about his worries. “Look, do you think (y/n) would freak out if I told her I had been obsessing about her since Pansy first introduced us.” Draco thinks for a moment. “What do you mean by ‘obsessing’?” You take a step closer so you’re sure to hear what Lorenzo has to say next. He takes a deep breath. “You know, nothing out of the ordinary. Just… I was thinking of a spring wedding, some small town by the beach kinda honeymoon, a classical house with a big garden for the creatures and five kids, you know that kinda stuff.” Draco honestly doesn’t know what to say. “Do you think she’ll run in the other direction if she hears this?” Draco nods. “Enzo, you’ve officially lost it. She’ll definitely run in the other direction.” Disappointment washes away Lorenzo's excited smile.
“No. She won’t.” You say softly as you make yourself known. Lorenzo’s eyes go wide as he sees you. “I think it’s sweet and I do believe in love at first sight.” You continue as you walk towards a blushing Enzo. “You two are disturbingly perfect for one another.” Draco jokes and Lorenzo glares, making Draco raise his hands in defense. “You give the absolute worst advice ever. Now get out of here.” While muttering some complaints Draco leaves you two alone and you can’t help but laugh. “You ask Draco for love advice?” With a sheepish expression Enzo raises his shoulder. “I was desperate. I was so worried you would freak out, but I also couldn’t keep it to myself anymore. (Y/n), ever since-“ You don’t let him finish and just kiss him like you’ve wanted to do since you met him.
Lorenzo doesn’t waste any time wrapping his arms around you and deepening the kiss. “I’m so freaking in love with you Enzo Berkshire.” He lifts you off the floor as he again locks his lips with yours. “I think we’re simping for each other.” You laugh and nod in agreement. “Definitely.”
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robynlilyblack · 2 months
Something Important
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James Potter x fem! clumsy! Reader
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Summary: After years of hiding that part of himself, James adores being unapologetically silly with his favourite girl
Warnings: swearing, post-hogwarts, established relationship, mentions of food, small cooking injury, eating and sex, reader bruises like a peach, kissing, flirty reader, flirty james, domestic fluff, sirius black being a terrible gamer
A/n: 1.8k words, was feeling a little James today, I've missed writing him so much I had fun with this one, enjoy ♡
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Navigation | James Potter Masterlist
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“Hi! Not someone breaking in, it's just me…y/n…you know…your girlfriend…but hopefully you already knew that! Sorry Jamie, this door…oh for fecks sake…the door is being mean to me again!” 
James chuckled along with his friends on the couch at your dumbs and whines at the door, putting his controller down he called back 
“You need help, my love?” he asks yet he’s already getting up and walking through as the door finally opens, unaware of his controller being swiped by Sirius, earning a small ‘oh no’ from Remus as he braces himself 
“No, no it’s okay…aw crap...dammit....come on...” you wave it off but then the door grabs you and you’re left trying to un-loop yourself from the handle, unfortunately it does get the better of you this time as you begin to fall, preparing for impact and one hell of a bruise to add to your already impressive collection
Luckily your knight in shining armour is there to catch you and you breathe a sigh of relief when you hit his chest “Hello my sweet” he greets you, the biggest smile on his face
You don’t even try to lift yourself up, just adjust your head, chin poking into his chest as you look up at him “Hello” you pout at him, but that lil smile of yours still peaks through “Our door is mean”
“It is” he agrees, pecking your lips sweetly before gently kicking the front foor with his foot eliciting giggles from you “Bad door” he chastises before turning his attention briefly to the living room door at the chuckling and mocking from his friends 
"You sure showed that door mate!" you hear Remus laugh
“Oh dear prongsie, now you have defeated the almighty door can you come save me from the couch, my arse has but fallen asleep!” 
"Shut it mr and mrs I can't get past the first boss to save my life" James rolls his eyes while you giggle at their offended in sync 'heys!' "Sorry ‘bout them love, don’t worry I’ll kick em out before dinner”
“Oh I assumed they’d be joining us?” you wonder
Something flashes behind his eyes “Not tonight hun” he gives you a flirty look “Tonight’s just for us” he tells you before helping you to stand properly, kissing the tips of his fingers before finding the section of your waist where you jumper got caught, rubbing it gently
You lean into his touch, even more excited than you already were for dinner tonight, all you had to do now was make sure James didn’t see too deep into one of the shopping bags, or he’d see the rather lacey treat you had bought earlier
“Come on sweetheart” James gestures for you to follow, instinctively grabbing the grocery bags that had been dropped during your battle and bringing them through to the kitchen, but not before kissing the side of your head first “I missed you”
“Ditto big guy” you throw him a wink, letting him take the lead
As you pass the living room you do poke your head in quickly to see what they had been up to, sniggering a little as you watch Sirius struggle with some muggle videogame, noting the boy is getting increasingly frustrated to the point even his boyfriend is a tad scared of him, hugging one of your pillows as if it’s to protect him.
As you enter the kitchen you watch as James lifts the bags you had struggled with home onto the counter with ease, eyes fluttering over his muscles, made more prominent by the tightness of his shirt
He’s so strong and dreamy
“So, what am I cooking for dinner?” he asks trying to discern what you actually bought before turning back only to find you unapologetically staring
He’d never admit it but he still blushed when he caught you admiring him
“Enjoying yourself?” he flexes his arm a little
Your eyes flick back up to meet him, nodding with a smug little smile “Very much, did you ask me something?” you wonder, stepping forward to join him properly
He chuckles, hand slipping around your waist “I asked what I was making for dinner?” he glances down at you, his own eyes doing a little wandering as he awaits your answer
“Actually…I was thinking I could make it for us tonight” you flashing a cheeky smile, hands finding his own, you were up to something
“What are you planing?” he eyes you teasingly
“Surprise” you sway back and forth, shrugging, ever effervescent, however, he’s called away before he could rangle any more information out of you as there's a yell from the other room
“Motherfucker!!! What the fuck was is that fucking thing…Moony darlin you seeing this shit!” 
“Oh yeah love I’m seeing it…Prongs!!”  
You burst out in quiet laughter over Sirius’' rage and Remus’ subsequent call for aid, as does James, betting his friend is almost certainly about to die…for the…bloody hell only Godric knows what time
“Crap he’s got the controller…I better go check in before Pads throws the controller again and actually breaks the tv this time” James lets out a breathy laugh, moving around you but stops before he lets go of your hand “You sure you’ll be alright?” he checks in, and when you nod he steals a quick kiss from you before he leaves…plus a cheeky arse squeeze
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A couple hours pass by and it’s time for the other boys to go, just as James had finally convinced Sirius to leave without the game, sparing Remus from a premature heart attack, you appear in the doorway shouting a quick goodbye
“I love them but we are going to need to find less rage enducing…” James closes the door, locking up as he speaks but trails off as he turns around spotting your rather chaotic looking state “...did the kitchen fight back?” he can’t help the chuckle that bubbles
He takes a moment to cherish your appearance, it’s almost like a game to him, trying to figure out what you made him based on the ingredients adorning your clothes. The main culprit seems to be flour, your once black tights and skirt now littered with hand prints as you swiped them clean, though there were no new holes so little wins. He saw some littering of what he can only imagine is various spices on the ends of your rolled up sleeves…and one failed attempt in the centre of your jumper to open what he would later learn was cinnamon.
“I won though!” he’s pulled away from his admiring as you jump a little, excited as you waddle happily up to him 
“Merlin sweets you had anymore food on you you’d be a…ooo that’s good” he reaches out, thumb gently clearing the remnants of what seems to be a delicious creamy sauce from your cheek “What kind of cheese is this?” he enquires, licking his lips before finding your eyes but their lingering a little south of his own, basking in your reaction as he teases you, running his tongue along his lips
“I know you’re doing that on purpose…” your eyes finally break away, finding his own “...but don’t stop” you near beg
He laughs “Never” leaning down, one hand finding your chin, angling it upwards towards his lips while the other subtly removes what he now realises is a carrot from your hair “Now do you want to show me your masterpiece?” he nudges his nose gently against yours
“Yes” you buzz, practically vibrating with excitement as you take his hands in yours but as you do James notices the plaster on your hand “Hun?” you turn back 
“Aww sweetheart, what happened?” he brings your hand up, inspecting it before faux worry floods his handsome features “I’m so sorry my love but…” he takes a break, shaking his head “...we’re going to have to cut it off”
You match his energy “What!” you exclaim “Oh great heavens! Whatever will I do?” dramatically bringing you palm to your forehead 
James’ struggles to keep in character though, his heart always warmed when you were silly with him, it was times like these that made him absolutely sure you were the one for him 
“Hmmm” he rubs his chin in thought “There may be one way we can fix this but I have to tell you it’s a risky procedure”
“Do it, I’ll give you anything oh handsome handsome doctor” you clasp your hands together, pleading with him
He smirks “Indeed…I am a very handsome doctor, so I expect to be rewarded handsomely for my work” he informs you, wiggling his eyebrows
You purse your lips attempting to suppress your growing smile “Of course! Now please save my finger” you hold it up to him
He gently takes it with one hand, using the other to perform fake magic as mutters some fake incantation under his breath, throwing a wink your way before he presses his lips every so softly to your ‘mortal wound’ 
He gives your hand back and as he does you hold it up, bending your finger as you check it works “I’m cured!! It’s a miracle” eyes lighting up as you cheer, beginning to laugh near the end finally breaking character, a cheesy smile on your face as you look up at him
He drops his own act, a loving smile adorning his features as he cups your cheeks “Merlin I love you so much” his words drip with such verity, eyelashes finding audience with his cheeks as his smile widens further
“I love you mo-” he squeezes your cheeks together halting your words before the daily battle of ‘who loves whom more’ transpires
“Nuh huh missy” he pecks your puckered lips before releasing you “You definitely okay?” his playful nature sinks back into concerned boyfriend for a moment, even with all the fun and games he always checked in
You nod “Just just a little nick while I was grating the cheese” you explain 
“Good” he scrunches his nose a little, bending down slightly as his brings your finger up one more, isolating it from the others “Because one day this one is going to hold something very important” James almost falls in love all over again as he watches the sheer giddiness that takes hold on you at the insinuation “You going to keep it safe for me?”
He’s surprised you don’t get dizzy with how firm your nodding is “With my life” you promise, holding your hand to your heart 
“Did that break you a bit?” he wonders, soft laugher escaping his lips when you let out a little hum “You want to show me to dinner before you implode?” 
You hum again, grabbing his hand as you lead him towards the your feast, unaware you won’t have to keep that finger safe for long as in a little drawer by your dining table lays that something important
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Thank you for reading ♡
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srslyblvck · 4 days
a dare too far, james potter
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pairing: james potter x fem!reader
synopsis: james was dared to make you fall in love with him. unknown to him, he was falling for you too. But soon the truth comes out, and you are left heartbroken.
genre: angst
warnings: mentions of y/n, heartbreak
word count: 1k
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ JAMES POTTER AND HIS friends, the infamous Marauders, were no strangers to trouble. Challenges, dares, and pranks fueled their Hogwarts days. This particular afternoon was no different as the four of them lounged on the couch in the Gryffindor common room.
"I dare you, Sirius, to go two whole weeks without getting detention," Remus said, a sly smile on his face.
Sirius scoffed, dramatically putting a hand over his heart. "Two weeks? You’re a sadist, Moony. But fine, I’ll take that bet."
Peter snickered. “It’ll be a miracle if you last even a day.”
With a smirk, Sirius turned toward James, mischief sparking in his eyes. “Alright, James. My turn. I dare you to… make her fall for you.”
James raised an eyebrow, confused. “Who?”
Sirius grinned wickedly and pointed in your direction, where you sat quietly in the corner of the common room, engrossed in a book. “Her. Y/N. The one who barely talks to anyone except her friends. The shy, sweet one. I dare you to make her fall for you.”
James followed Sirius’s gaze, frowning slightly. You were the girl who had always intrigued him—pretty, kind, and gentle, but mysterious in your quietness. You had rejected plenty of suitors over the years, always softly turning them down without ever coming off as harsh or rude. You weren’t one to make waves, yet people admired you for your kind heart.
Remus immediately sat up, his brow furrowed. “Hold on, Sirius. That’s not funny.”
“Yeah, Moony’s right,” Peter chimed in. “You can’t mess with her like that. It’s just… wrong.”
Sirius waved them off. “Oh, come on. It’s just a bit of fun.”
But Remus wasn’t laughing. “It’s playing with someone’s feelings.”
“James can handle it, can’t you, Prongs?” Sirius grinned, looking over at James.
James hesitated, glancing at you once more. The truth was, his heart still ached for Lily Evans, but she seemed as unreachable as ever. Maybe, just maybe, if he made you fall for him, it would make Lily jealous. Maybe she’d finally notice him.
With a shrug, James smirked. “Challenge accepted.”
Remus and Peter exchanged a look of disapproval, but Sirius clapped James on the back. “Atta boy.”
Over the next few weeks, James started finding ways to enter your life. It began with simple things—sitting near you in class, offering to carry your books, sharing small jokes, and asking you questions about yourself.
At first, you were surprised. James Potter, one of the most popular boys in school, was paying attention to you? You’d seen his confidence, his charm, and his easy smile, but you’d never been interested in boys like James. You preferred your quiet life, far away from the chaos that seemed to follow him and his friends.
But James… was persistent. And he wasn’t the show-off you thought he was. He was funny, thoughtful even, and when you talked to him, he made you feel like the only person in the room. Slowly, you found yourself opening up, and soon, you began looking forward to your time with him.
Your friends noticed the change. They teased you about the time you were spending with James, but they could see you were happy. You were falling for him, even though you had tried to keep your heart guarded.
What you didn’t realize was that James was falling too. Somewhere along the way, the dare had stopped being about a challenge, and it had become about you. The warmth of your smile, the way you listened to him, the gentle kindness you always showed—James found himself craving more time with you. Even Sirius, Remus, and Peter had come to adore you. You were, after all, impossible not to love.
One late afternoon, you decided to surprise James at the library, where you knew he often went to meet Remus. As you approached the table where they were sitting, you overheard their conversation.
“Mate, how long are you going to keep this up?” Remus asked, his voice tense. “It’s not fair to her. You’re playing with her feelings.”
Your heart froze. Her?
James shifted uncomfortably. “I—It wasn’t supposed to go this far.”
Sirius chuckled lightly. “Come on, Prongs. You’re doing her a favor. She’s having the time of her life.”
You took a step closer, straining to hear, feeling a knot form in your chest.
“But I didn’t mean for it to—” James started, but Sirius interrupted.
“You’ve done your job, mate. If it gets Lily jealous, then it’s all worth it, right?”
Your blood ran cold. The realization hit you like a wave crashing over rocks. The time spent with James, the laughter, the shared moments—it was all a lie. A dare.
You couldn’t breathe. Everything between you and James had been fake. He had never cared. He had only been using you to make someone else jealous.
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you stood there, frozen. You didn’t even realize James had spotted you until his voice cracked through the air.
You shook your head, your vision blurring with tears. The betrayal cut deeper than you could have imagined. You took a step back as James stood up, his hand outstretched.
“Please, Y/N, let me explain—”
But you couldn’t bear to hear it. You turned on your heel and fled, leaving James calling your name behind you.
James stood in the library, watching you leave, a sinking feeling in his chest. He wanted to chase after you, to explain, but how could he? The truth was out now, and he knew it. He had hurt you in the worst possible way.
For the first time in a long while, James Potter didn’t have the right words. He had lost you, and it was his own fault.
Sirius, Remus, and Peter sat in silence, the gravity of what had just happened settling heavily around them.
Remus sighed, his voice soft but firm. “I told you. You were playing with her heart.”
James slumped back into his chair, guilt gnawing at him. He didn’t care about the dare anymore. He didn’t care about making Lily jealous. All he cared about was the girl who had just walked out of his life—the girl he had fallen for without realizing it.
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hadesrise · 2 years
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summary ➳ harry noticed you’re not like any other slytherin
pairings ➳ harry james potter x male reader
warnings ➳ fluff, mutual pining, foul language, reader being an adorable slytherin, touch-deprived harry, just the chosen one thirsting over reader lmao, mentions of making out, soft!slytherin reader, pet names ( darling, love )
author’s note ➳ rewatching harry potter made me recall the time when i used to fantasize about two persons from supposedly rival houses falling for each other and saying “fuck it” to their rivalry before making out. yes, it's typical, but i like it just the way it is.
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Of all the houses in Hogwarts, it’s well known that Slytherin is the most disliked one due to their personality that doesn’t seem to include kindness regardless of how others treat them. This might have only been a stereotype that students from other houses pushed on Slytherin, but they had a very reasonable excuse for thinking of Slytherins that way because of a particular blonde haired snake and his goons that terrorize anyone and everyone they come across. Not only that, but most people from Slytherin are unpleasant to say the least and Harry can only name a few who aren’t, like Professor Slughorn for example.
So, understandably, Harry thought you’re going to be as unpleasant as other Slytherins too after Hermione accidentally bumped into you and dropped her books to scatter all over the ground. The Golden trio were walking down the hallway leading towards Hagrid’s hut, talking to one another about how Professor Trelawney freaked out again today at Divination, with Hermione carrying books more heavier than usual (the two boys offered to carry them but she refused), before they turned a corner and she collided on a rather hard chest.
She was going to apologize, but her eyes — in sync with Harry’s and Ron’s — landed on the green colored tie with silver stripes, and the blood immediately drained from her face. It’s not like she can’t defend herself, considering she sucker punched Malfoy on the third year, but dealing with a bunch of snakes can be really exhausting sometimes and frankly, she isn’t in the mood to fight with them today.
Without a word, Hermione crouches down to pick up her books. Much to their surprise, the Slytherin knelt down to help her gather the heavier and thicker books Ron and Harry were about to pick up.
When they finally made an effort to look at the unusual Slytherin Hermione bumped into, Harry was surprised to see a very good looking and attractive boy with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes that seemed to spark under the light. Despite the books being heavy, you carried it easily as if they have the weight of a feather, placing another book on top of them — Harry figured you were reading it before the disaster struck.
“Are these books from Hagrid?”
The Chosen One felt his stomach fill with butterflies and heart suddenly beat rapidly at the sound of your soothing voice.
He was so used to Slytherins having that obnoxiously annoying voice, where he doesn’t know whether to cover his ears or rip them away from the sides of his head. But your voice was, even with a tone deeper than average, smooth and gentle. There was no hint of venom, distaste, unpleasantness, or despise. Just curiosity and interest. Harry also noticed you called Hagrid by his name rather than the awful big oaf other Slytherins call him all the time.
“Oh, uhm... Yes.” It took a while for Hermione to overcome the surprise and provide an answer.
“Interesting,” You hummed quietly. “I should drop by Hagrid and burrow some of his books too. He must have the book of Ancient Magical Creatures.” Muttering to yourself, the Golden trio couldn’t help but crack a smile when you seem to forget for a split second that you weren’t alone.
Gathering some courage, Harry decides to break your little bubble by hesitantly speaking. “Er — excuse me?”
“Yes?” You turn to look and catch his emerald eyes.
“You can come with us if you want. We don’t mind.”
A tiny bit of smile forms on your lips, almost unnoticeable. “With pleasure. Though, I don’t suppose it’s alright for Gryffindors to walk around with Slytherin.” You glanced around, “Some of the people from your house doesn’t tolerate their fellow Gryffindor hanging out with the rival house.”
“I think you’re okay,” Ron says reluctantly.
“If you say so.” Amusement flashes across your eyes. “Also, I’ll carry these books instead.” You didn’t let Hermione protest as you began to walk nonchalantly towards Hagrid’s hut with a slight delay to your steps; Harry figured you were purposely walking slower than your normal pace so it would be easy to walk with your shoulders lining with theirs.
You introduced yourself to them after successfully burrowing a book from Hagrid that you were searching for.
Ever since then, Harry would find himself scanning every classroom he’s in to look for you, taking mental notes of the similar classes you have together, and if you’re nowhere to be seen, he would just attempt to at least catch a glimpse of you in the Great Hall by the Slytherin table. Sometimes, when he’s fortunate enough, your eyes would meet his across the hall and you would give him the faintest of smile before returning to your meal. Other times, when the both of you are free, you would talk with each other for a while until the next class comes.
Spending his time with you made Harry notice things — such as how you’re mostly quiet, which isn’t very common in Slytherin; their loud voices being very distinguishable in the Great Hall explains that. You’re also a bit of a bookworm as he often sees you carrying or reading them around, it made him wonder why you weren’t placed in Ravenclaw, but he suppose being interested in books doesn’t automatically make someone a Ravenclaw. He also noticed the way your facial expression rarely shows rapid or strong emotions, mostly expressing boredom to anyone and anything around you, if not, your face just remains emotionless with a what Harry knew was called resting bitch face. Though, your wonderful eyes do spark seemingly brighter when you’re with him.
Another brilliant thing is finding out you don’t tolerate any of Malfoy’s bullshit.
You seem to disagree with everything the blonde says, which leads to Malfoy spitting some nasty insults in attempt to get under your skin, only to cower away when you raise a brow at him paired with deadly calm expression, which is much scarier than anything in Harry’s opinion. You were definitely not like any other Slytherin he’s ever met.
“Ron, getting a detention at potions isn’t a good reason to set Professor Snape’s office on fire!” Hermione hissed.
“But ‘ermione, he’s horrible!” Retorts Ron and turns to his best friend to plead, “Back me up here, mate!”
However, he doesn’t receive a response as Harry was too busy ogling at a particular someone by the Slytherin’s table, his hand not moving from the parchment that began to be soaked in black ink due to his quill being pressed on it. Ron and Hermione looked at each other questioningly and followed Harry’s gaze, their eyes landing on you eating quietly while ignoring the chaos members from your house were bringing. You almost looked peaceful despite surrounded by loud chattering, laughter, and the clinks of utensils against the plate.
Your patience isn’t high; you often get annoyed easily, but the way you’re unbothered no matter what’s happening around you made it seem like your patience was limitless.
Hermione rolled her eyes after realizing Harry was waiting for you to notice and rolls up the parchment she had before whacking the back of his head with it, successfully snapping him out of his daydream. “What do you think’s gonna happen if you just stare at (Y/n)?”
The Chosen One cleared his throat, taking a glance at you and quickly returning it to his best friends. “What am I supposed to do then? I can’t just walk up to him in front of other Slytherins.”
“I’d rather see you do anything than ogle at him everyday and act like an idiot.” She sighs exasperatedly.
For a boy who survived the Killing Curse and Voldemort’s multiple serious death threats, he was one hell of an annoying dork when it comes to love. He was painfully obvious with his growing crush towards you, even other Gryffindors had begun to suspect it, yet haven’t done anything to change the relationship you two have — sure, it can be called friendship, but Hermione and almost all of their friends could agree it is more than that. They couldn’t honestly contain their frustration at Harry being content with just this.
“It’s no use, Hermione.” Ron whispered when Harry went back to ogling at you. “He says he’s not going to do anything about it unless he’s sure there’s a chance.”
Sighing, the bushy haired girl shakes her head and slumped on her seat defeatedly.
How long do they have to deal with a lovesick Harry?
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Searching around the school grounds, Harry finally found you reading by the Black Lake, not caring that your robe might get dirty as you sat on the ground and read another book. It was a windy day that sent calm energy throughout your body, the rustling of leaves and the sound of lake soothing you more than usual, allowing you to focus more on the context of your book. You loved the silence where no voices or other noises can be heard, just the sound of nature slipping into your ears.
Harry slowly approached as to not startle you, but felt himself relax after you pay him no mind and sat down beside where you are. The sky seems brighter than he remembers, with only small particles of cloud littered all around.
“Are you feeling well?” You asked without looking up from your book, and Harry hugs his knees to his chest, watching the wind cause waves of water on the lake.
“Better now that I found you.” The seemingly flirtatious sentence was uttered in complete sincerity and seriousness that even Harry himself didn’t expect. The tip of his ears turned bright red in increasing embarrassment as you snapped your eyes to him, seeing an adorable blush spread rapidly across his cheeks, avoiding eye contact with you at all costs.
You hum, slamming the book shut. Harry was now staring straight ahead at the lake, as if there was something interesting in it, making amusement appear on your usually expressionless face. “Look at you blushing, Potter. So adorable.” You whispered the last part, almost teasingly, and he blushes even more.
“Well, you’re adorable as well.” Harry dares meeting your eyes. His heart bangs even more loudly in his chest after seeing the almost loving look in them, finding himself admiring you.
All playfulness leaves your face as you stare into each other’s eyes with a mirroring hint of adoration. You shift to lean back on one of your hand while the other rise to brush a hair out of Harry’s forehead, before cupping his cheek, admiring the way his emerald eyes sparked under the warm sunlight. This is your first time seeing his face close and having the time to focus on his features more; you knew Harry was attractive the moment you set eyes on him, but you realized he looked almost ethereal at this point, making your heart flutter.
“Your eyes are really captivating,” You muttered, barely audible but reached Harry’s ears nonetheless.
He chuckled breathlessly, “I got it from my mum.”
“She must’ve been such a wonderful woman then.”
Your thumb gently rubbed his cheek and Harry couldn’t help but lean to your touch and close his eyes. He’s been touch-deprived for long, being touched with care and gentleness made him weak in the knees easily. A coo escape from your lips; an unlikely sound for Slytherin to make. Before Harry could process what was happening, you had set aside your book and pulled him to your lap, settling him between your legs. Harry blinks, surprised.
“I’m seriously soft for you, Potter. Too adorable.” You sigh, burying your hand through his dark locks and softly scratching his scalp.
Getting over his initial shock, Harry relaxed and made himself comfortable, letting his body rest against yours as he laid his head on your chest. It worried him that you might hear his rapidly beating heart, but honestly couldn’t bring himself to care when you were being so generous, holding him, playing with his hair. If others were to see you and him like this, they would certainly assume it’s the end of the world for two rival houses to be cuddly with each other when they usually spit hatred.
Though, after meeting you, Harry had begun to believe not all Slytherins are bad — it’s just that people, including himself, unfairly stereotyped them as a bunch of evil-doers only because of the choices that older people from Slytherin made in the past, which the young Slytherins are definitely not in control of. There are questionable Slytherins like Malfoy and his goons, but they’re not a reason for others to start generalizing that all students from the snake house is evil.
Slowly and albeit hesitantly, Harry wraps his arms around your back and nuzzles your chest. You’re absolutely different from other Slytherin members, but he still found it odd that a Slytherin is this nice and affectionate, especially when you’re usually quiet and socially distant, preferring to be alone with slightest bit of annoyance directed at your fellow housemates.
Closing his eyes as sleepiness start to fall over his eyelids, the Chosen One wondered why you’re only doing this with and to him. He’s never seen you with anyone before, and when he did, you always maintained clear distance from them, as if they held contagious disease. It made him feel special in any way, but also confused.
His sleepy voice make you chuckle softly. “Hmm?”
“Why are you so affectionate with me?”
Your hand playing with his hair abruptly stops, and for a second Harry thought he made a mistake of mentioning it. However, relief floods him when you went back to massaging his scalp. “Isn’t it obvious, Potter?”
He shakes his head. Don’t want to assume.
Silence falls as you stop your hand again. Curiosity of your expression plaguing his mind, Harry opens his eyes and looks up without moving from his laying position — his breath almost stopping when he came across a very loving gaze staring at him like he was the entire universe. His heart swell as heat rushes to his cheeks. He attempted to hide his face by burying it on your chest, but you held him still, hand cupping his cheek once again.
You don’t even give him time to react before you captured his lips on yours, practically stealing Harry’s breath away. Just a gentle kiss on the lips, but enough to make his brain fuzzy.
Pulling away before he could reciprocate, you smiled. Not a forced one, but genuine and coming from the bottom of your heart. “Does that answer your question, Harry?”
Despite the fluttering of his heart and the urge to jump up and down in pure joy, Harry pouts. “Not enough.”
You chuckled. “I need to be persuasive then.”
Needless to say, you both missed the next class making out by the Black Lake and not caring about getting caught.
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Ron and Hermione were freaked out. The reason lies with Harry, who’s been in an awfully good mood the entire day to the point even Malfoy can’t get through him and he began noticing some good qualities in some of the Slytherin members. Don’t get them wrong, Harry being in a good mood is great because the boy deserves a day without constantly fighting for his life and feeling like everyone’s against him, but attempting to find the good qualities even in Malfoy? That’s when the two gets really concerned.
When lunch break comes around, Harry was still in a brilliant mood, smiling to himself because of whatever merlin knows. Ron and Hermione shares a look as they continue to eat, observing their best friend who began to look for you in the Slytherin table, his smile immediately widening after he sees you.
Hermione turns around just in time for you to look up from the foods and meet Harry’s eyes. Unexpectedly, a soft smile appears on your lips as you wave at him, not caring when your housemates see it. Harry chuckled, waving back, before you returned to eating your food in silence. The three of them witnessed Malfoy mutter something that caused you to roll your eyes and smack the back of his head with the book you were reading before.
“So,” Ron began after he and Hermione looked back at Harry. “Is there something you’re not telling us, ‘arry?”
The said boy only raised his eyebrows, unable to contain his grin.
“Come on, Harry!” Hermione urged.
Before anyone could respond, however, someone took a seat on the empty space beside Harry — turning their heads, they were surprised to see you there.
“Hello, love.” Harry almost melted at the pet name. You gave his best friends a polite smile, “Excuse him from your conversation for a moment, Hermione, Ron.”
“Of course, go ahead.” Neither of them could honestly deny a polite Slytherin no matter how much they want to.
“What is it?” Harry questioned, more than welcome to talk with you. However, you seem to have a different idea in mind as you leaned in without a word and captured his lips in a lingering kiss, hearing gasps erupt from multiple places — mainly Ron, Hermione, any Gryffindor who were wondering why a Slytherin paid Harry Potter a visit, Malfoy, his goons, and some other Slytherins who just happened to catch the moment. Few students from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had their mouths open in shock as well.
There was a smug look on your face when you pulled away, smirking at Malfoy who was previously babbling some nonsense that you couldn’t possibly like Potter and are probably just using him. By the looks of it, you had succeeded in proving the blonde ferret wrong.
“What was that for?” Harry asked breathlessly. You caught him off guard.
“Oh, nothing. Just proving to gits that Gryffindor and Slytherin are sometimes compatible if it’s with the right person.” You shrugged, resting an elbow on the table and putting your chin on the palm of your hand. “In short, I wanted to prove people wrong who says we can’t be together since you’re a Gryffindor as I am a Slytherin.”
“Wait, someone told you that?”
“Rumors of us being seen making out by the Black Lake travels fast,” You sipped on Harry’s pumpkin juice, which he didn’t mind even the slightest as he blushed, avoiding Ron’s and Hermione’s wide and intrigued eyes. “One little bird from Ravenclaw thought it’d be wise to practically squeal it in the hallways that the rumor’s impossible because of our houses rivalry.”
You snort, “As if we give a fuck about that.”
For the first time, Harry actually saw the Slytherin in you.
And he wasn’t going to complain, not when you’re not like any other.
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© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.
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clubforfrogs · 6 months
Also a request...!!! M so excited!!
Sirius black x reader snape
Basically snake's younger sister, is constantly bullied by the marauders, cuz of snape yk yk, especially on her make up preferable her foundation, after lots of teasing and bullying, she lashes out on sirius n removes her makeup to show a huge scar imprinted on her face. Cuz of her family issues n stuff. I leave how sirius reacts and their bonding up to you.
French love from dxb, Mon cherie
Um hello?! You’re literally the sweetest🫶🫶. I also love this request so much, so I hope I did it justice. I came up with this little blurb- I really hope you like it!
I’m currently working on a Sirius ask and a little James blurb- so keep on the look out for those.
Of All People - Sirius Black x Reader
~ 1.7k words
Now let’s be clear, you loved your brother, but some deep, shameful part of you resented him for the attention he attracted. Your parents had instilled posh pureblood ideologies into your heads from young ages. Luckily, you were able to see through their bullshit. Severus wasn’t so lucky. 
He brought that thinking into Hogwarts, and was ecstatic when both you and him were sorted into Slytherin, where he took no time at all befriending other air headed Slytherins who thought the same. This, along with the simple fact of his existence, brought the full wrath of the marauders down on your brother, which also trickled down to you. 
The marauders would endlessly bully and tease your brother. Being the dimwit he was, he always decides to try and fight back, ultimately failing every time. They would cast small hexes on you in the hallways, just constant, small annoyances. Eventually, it seemed as though Snape wasn’t enough of a challenge for the marauders, which caused them to turn fully to you. Now you were the one getting harassed. Constant jabs at the way you looked, filth about you thinking the same way as Severus, and the never ending comments about the amount of foundation you wore. What kind of guy even noticed that stuff? 
To be quite frank, it sucked. You were stuck with a shitty brother whom you loved, and a group of boys who bullied you for that very reason. It was exhausting, which meant that you valued every moment you could find yourself at peace- like right now. You were sitting underneath a tree near Black Lake. It was the first of the warmer days at Hogwarts, so you blended in with the multitudes of students soaking up the sun. You hoped this blending would be enough to allow you some quality time away from the marauders.
You leaned back your head against the bark of the tree. There was a gentle wind blowing across your face, a gentle buzz of voices coming from the other students outside, and a heavy liquid falling down your face. Wait… what? You opened your eyes quickly and rubbed at your face. It felt as though sticky black tar had been dumped on your head.
Though the substance made it hard to see, you could hear the roaring laughter of James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius. “What the hell? What is your issue? You couldn’t leave it for one day?” You questioned. You had cleared the goo enough clear your eyesight, and could see the amused faces of the boys. Sirius had the biggest grin stretching across his face, “Aw, we wouldn’t do that to you. You simply look too adorable with black sludge covering your face. Honestly, it looks better than that makeup you cake on everyday.” 
You could punch him for the look on his face. You had already been having a crappy day, as your parents had sent you a letter reminding you that the summer holiday was approaching, and they expected you to not forget your manners like you seem so inclined to do. 
Basically, if you didn’t listen to every word they said, you were going to “get straightened out” like your mother always said. The letter was fresh in your mind, and with it, a need to punch something. Luckily for you, there were four perfect targets standing right in front of you. 
You took a step towards James, the closest of them to you. He looked slightly confused, but taunted you nevertheless, “You coming in for a kiss? Sorry, I don’t French with snakes.” That was all you needed. You reared back your fist, and punched James Potter square in the gut. He doubled over in pain, and you swear you’ve never felt so much joy. Peter and Remus rushed over to him right away. Sirius looked at you in shock and took you by the shoulders. “You’re such a bitch! I knew all of the Snapes were the same. Just leave Hogwarts! We don’t need another bunch of rancid, pureblood twats spitting nonsense around here!” He was screaming in your face, and everything about what he was saying infuriated you. 
“Excuse me? Have you ever thought of asking about what I believe instead of assuming I’m just like my brother? I don’t believe in any of that shit! And what’s even worse, I have to suffer the consequences of being a half decent person all the time!” Sirius looked confused at your last sentence, so you rolled your eyes and casted a simple spell to clean the liquid off of your face, along with the thick layer of foundation you had applied that morning. Underneath, a giant scar cut along your cheek. It was relatively new, so the skin around it was red and puckered.
Sirius sucked in a quick breath. The other marauders had stopped cooing over James, and looked to you with shocked expressions. “Oh Merlin, I’m so sorry-“ you cut Sirius off. “Just stop, I thought you of all people would know what I was going through, but I guess not.” You started walking away, but when you heard the footsteps of Sirius behind you, you sped up to a run.
The footsteps behind you also increased in their pace, and a large hand grasped your wrist. You turned to look at Sirius. Tears had started forming in your eyes, but you wiped them away in futile the hope that would stop Sirius from seeing them. Sirius didn’t speak right away, instead he chose to study your face. You squirmed, under his scrutiny, you just felt ugly. Your red rimmed eyes, stuffy nose, and large scar now visible. You were heavily considering bolting away again until he spoke up, “I’m sorry. I- I never even considered that you might not be like your family. And you’re right, out of anyone, I should have been the one to give you the benefit of the doubt.” You looked back up at him, his eyes seemed genuinely apologetic, but that didn’t mean you were letting him off the hook just yet. 
“Yeah, you should be sorry. You and your cronies have been ruining my life here at Hogwarts. My one escape from my family. And you’ve been taking the absolute piss out of my brother. I know how he is, but he’s still my brother. Talk to me again when you show me you want to change.” With that, you pulled your wrist from his grip and walked back to your dorm. You really wanted to give him a second chance, partly because you had been harboring a small crush on him since first year. But before you could even let yourself consider that, he had to prove that he wanted to change. You sat in your dorm thinking about that very scenario, wishing, hoping, praying, that he would make the effort.
And in the next few weeks, he did. There were certainly the occasional taunts thrown towards your brother in the halls, but you supposed you could live with that. There were no more cruel pranks aimed towards you or Severus, and Sirius had even made James, Peter, and Remus write out apology notes and deliver them to you personally. You had probably gotten way too much enjoyment out of that one.
As you ate in the Great Hall, surrounded by a few acquaintances, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Behind you was a nervous looking Sirius. “Would you like to come over and eat with us? I swear, no bad intentions. We really want to get to know you.” His voice was much smaller than you had ever heard it. You weighed your options back and forth, but with the genuine effort he had been putting into righting his wrongs, there was no way you could deny him. “I would be delighted to.”
His face lit up at that, and you could see his confidence instantly repair itself. He led you over to where he and the other marauders sat, guiding you by placing his hand on the small of your back. The simple act caused your face to redden, but if he noticed, he didn’t say anything. Once you sat down at the table, everything was surprisingly normal. The other boys made one more quick apology each, but then the conversation quickly migrated to more light hearted topics.
“Okay, James,” it was hard to speak through your laughter, “You went up to this fifty year old dude, and insisted he was your mom?” The entire table burst out in laughter. “It was an intense game of truth or dare, I had ten galleons riding on it!” Remus smirked at him, “Yeah, but you still ended up losing,” he then looked to you, “You want to know why, Y/n?” You looked at him nodding, as you heard Peter groan, “Don’t do this mate.” Remus only spared him a glance as he launched back into his story, “So the truth or dare game was down to just Peter and James, and neither of them would back out. That’s when Sirius came out with this absolutely vile looking plate of chicken. It was cold, half raw, and definitely spoiled. We dared James and Peter to eat it for the win. James backed out immediately, but Peter ate it and puked for weeks.”
You had been drinking pumpkin juice as Remus told his story. But once he reached the part where Peter at the chicken, you lost it. Laughter spilled from your lips, and juice came up out of your nose. This only made the laughter at the table increase ten fold. You realized that you were receiving from worried glances from the students around you, but the laughter clouded your mind and you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You finally managed to calm yourself, and Sirius handed you a napkin of while wiping away a tear. You wiped away the juice, and caught sight of the watch on your wrist as you did so.
“Shit, I was supposed to be working on a Potions paper due tomorrow! I’ve gotta be off, this was lovely though!” You hugged Peter who sat right next to you, the boy looked a bit shocked, but satisfied nonetheless. You saw the pouty look emerge in Sirius’ eyes, so you leaned across the table and pecked him on the cheek. His face immediately blossomed into a lovely pink hue as the boys shouted out variations of, “You’re in!” “When’s the wedding?” and “Can I be the best man?” You smiled as you walked away from them, hoping that you’d be invited to sit with them again tomorrow.
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deadghosy · 3 months
Platonic Slytherin boys with a blind reader
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Ft. Tom Riddle, Mattheo Riddle, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire.
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Tom Riddle
He’s always there.
In the shadows, in your mind using a mind spell.
He’s always keeping tabs on you. Even if you are blind he knows you can be strong.
So he will make you strong so you can be by his side no matter what.
He will make you hold his arm when walking the busy halls of Hogwarts.
He even makes sure you sit next to him all the time.
Mattheo Riddle
Always lets you have your hand around his. Maybe he even grabs your hands with a tight grip, not tight to the point it hurts you.
He wants to make sure you don’t hurt yourself or fall and die alone.
That actually makes him scared to the point he stays in your room and just sleeps by you not caring if he gets made fun of.
“Mattheo..I’m alright okay?”
“I don’t care..” he says as he leads you to charms class. You’ve been here since 1st year so you know your way around a lot
Apparently mattheo doesn’t care as he doesn’t trust you alone much
He’s always your protector
Theodore Nott
Let’s you use his arm as your walker. Literally your hand would be on his arm and he would smile at it.
Let’s you feel his face, adores how you are in awe at how beautiful he feels
“Wow! Your eyes are low…I bet they look pretty..” you say with a shy smile
Theo only smiled before cupping your face and kissing your head
“You’re beautiful yourself cara mía.” He says with a charming smile.
“Thank you Theodore…”
Lorenzo Berkshire
He’s your eyes, and he’s your world. <3
It’s a beautiful little dynamic you too have as he describes everything how you want it to be described.
He even described how beautiful you look to him. He loves when you smile and how your eyes squint when smiling. He loves how adorable you look.
You love how he describes how the world looks to him. You love how he describes yourself. You love to dream to see him.
He’s always there for you and you’re surprisingly there for him too.
You two are a wonderful duo.
I appreciate reblogs, comments, and such as likes.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Pride and Pigeons
pairing: harry potter x any gender reader
warnings: fluff, kissing
summary: a fluffy imagine of you and harry - requested by anon
a/n: you ask for harry fluff, you shall receive harry fluff :)
song: moon - siggerr
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Sitting on the couch in the common room you glance at the fire as it crackles.
It was the holidays and most people were home. Harry told you he was staying, so you decided to join him. He gave up trying to convince you that you didn't have to stay for him awhile ago.
You look down at the book in your hands and then turn your head to look out the window, getting a wonderful view of the snow falling outside. Hogwarts was so beautiful when it was covered in snow.
Harry walks out of his room and heads down the stairs quietly. He spots you cuddled up under a blanket by the fire with your book and he smiles softly.
He heads over to you and plops down next to you on the couch, places a kiss on your cheek, and puts his head on your lap. You instinctively run one of your hands through his hair, "Good morning, Harry."
"Morning, love," he looks at your eyes scanning the pages. He watches how your facial expressions change ever so slightly as you get to certain points of the novel. "You are so pretty."
You feel your cheeks warm and you look at his grinning face. "Thank you." Flipping the page, you glance back at him, "For the record, I think you're also pretty."
"Why, thank you. What book is that?"
"Pride and Prejudice. One of my favorite classics," you beam.
He furrowed his eyebrows, "Pride and Pigeons?"
You laugh and lightly wack his head with the book. "No you daft dimbo."
"I'm only joking!" Harry laughs and holds his hands up in mock surrender.
"Mhm. Anyway, it's a beautiful book. You should read it some time, I can lend you one of my copies."
"One of your copies? How many do you have?"
You look up and think as you count to yourself. "Nine. I think."
"Nine?! Who needs nine copies of the same book?" Harry looks at you with bewilderment.
"There are just a bunch of different pretty versions," you shrug. "I'll give you one of my favorites, with annotations- which is very generous of me because I don't let people borrow my books."
"Except Hermione."
You nod, "Except Hermione." You look back down to the page and continue reading, but you feel Harry's eyes studying you. You look and meet his adoring gaze, "What?"
"Nothing. You're just so... perfect," he sighs dreamily.
You sigh with a smile and pick up your bookmark. You mark the page you're on and put the book down on the table.
Harry pulls himself up a bit and you reach him halfway down, placing your lips softly on his. You feel him smile against your lips and you run your hand through his hair and put the other on the back of his neck.
You pull away after a bit and he drops back down onto your lap and closes his eyes in bliss. "I love you."
"I love you more."
"I love you m-"
You put your hand over his mouth, effectively shushing him. "Every time we do this we just go back and forth on who loves each other more."
"Yeah," he grins, "you're right."
"When am I not?"
He scoffs, "Would you like me to make a list?"
You gasp and put a hand on your chest, "Why are you calling it a list if nothing is going to be on it?"
"Ha ha, very funny." A moment goes by as you enjoy each other's presence in a comfortable silence. "Question," he says.
"Did you want to go to hogsmeade with me tomorrow? We can get some butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks and wherever else you want."
"Can we get a pet?!"
"Oh, please, Harry!" you beg him with your best puppy dog eyes. You learned how to do them from the best, Sirius Black. Who better to learn puppy dog eyes from than a dog himself.
"No," he says but you can see he's starting to give in. As he looks at you pleading he has to do everything he can to hold himself from saying yes.
"Harry. Pretty please? With five cherries, whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate shavings, and caramel on top?"
"Treacle tarts on the side?"
"Treacle tarts on the side."
He looks at your pouting mouth and brings his lips to yours for a quick peck. "How can I say no to that?"
You jump up in excitement and accidentally knock Harry onto the floor. "Oh, Harry! I'm sorry!" You pull him up.
He rubs the back of his head, "Thanks."
"I'm going to get a kitten! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"You're most very welcome, darling. A kitten though?"
"Well, I would get a dog but I don't think Snape would be happy if I sent it to chew on his shoes- which I would totally do."
Harry laughs, "I would love to see that."
"Harry! Do you know what this means?!" you bite your lip with exhilaration.
"We're getting a kitten?"
You roll your eyes, "Obviously," you say in your best Snape impression. "It means we are going to be parents!"
"O-oh! Parents!" Harry stutters at the thought of being a parent with you. He would love nothing more than to have kids with you one day.
"I wonder if they sell clothes. If not then I'll make some. Hm, do you think that Molly will know how to knit clothing for a cat."
You walk to Harry and bring him into a tight hug. He rests his head on your shoulder and places a sweet kiss to your neck. "Thank you, Harry."
"If getting a kitten makes you smile at me like that, then I am more than happy to buy you one," he trails his finger up and down your back, enjoying every second of your warm embrace.
"That's very sweet... I think we should name it Harold Jr."
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day-dreameratnight · 3 months
So we all know that Tom Riddle was an intellectual and a book worm right? and it’s a well accepted head canon that he’s read all of the books at Wool’s Orphanage?
I know we often talk about the great pieces of literature such as shakespeare and the religious texts such as the bible which he would have read in his time BUT, but, i raise you Tom’s guilty pleasure… trashy beach reads.
Imagine him steering clear of the books all the girls would fawn and giggle over, until he returns from Hogwarts for the summer after his fifth year and the only books that he hasn’t read are the ones he thought were stupid…he decides to read one out of pure boredom and curiosity and he falls. in. LOVE. (as much as he can love anything, anyway)
he’d sneak them in secret so he could keep up his reputation, but in the comfort of his own room he would DEVOUR every single word on every single page.
he’d love to point out the protagonists stupid actions most of all:
“no, martha, don’t go back to him, he cHeaTeD oN YoU!!!”
“susan, go collect your man, he is being dumb, and you two are clearly in love”
“oh sweet Salazar have mercy, Luca that was an idiotic thing to do. if i was in this novel, i would have killed you by now. not even with a wand, but in the muggle way. i would have strangled you.
and something he wouldn’t even admit to himself, he adored when characters got their happy endings. he might not fall in love, but he wants the characters to experience it.
he would say something like “oh that so cliche ugh 😑” but in the privacy of his mind he would be like “i want that🥹”
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lupiinist · 3 months
i like the idea that lily is one of the smartest people in hogwarts but she's also just like
very clumsy. she drops things, she trips on air, and she's very unlucky too, gum sticks randomly on her hair (mary or marlene always cuts the tips of her hair every month or so because of that), and everytime something like that happens, she makes an odd sound as she snorts and laughs.
because yes, she's clumsy and unlucky, but she's surprisingly positive about it, she finds everything to be very funny, and mary and marlene are so used to it by now that they're always ready to hold her before she falls, take her out of the way of something that's being thrown, or just hold something she dropped before it breaks.
i like lily being a bit of a mess, let her be a bit of a failgirl as a treat, she's adorable, and she's a genius!!!!
(also, mary can't help but look so, so fond and in love with her whenever lily laughs when she trips on the hem of her robes, like she makes the entire day brighter just by smiling)
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dr3amlab · 2 years
those innocent eyes, dm.
SUMMARY — Draco experiences love at first sight for the first time.
PAIRING — Draco Malfoy x reader
YEAR — sixth.
GENRE — one shot, strangers to potential lover, 
WORD COUNT — idk, but not a lot hahahah.
WARNINGS — I didn’t proofread !!
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Draco couldn’t believe it. He never believed in love at first sight, thinking only fools could fall under one’s spell without ever uttering a word to them. But there he was, completely smitten by the gaze of a girl he’d never seen before.
When he first met your gaze, Draco felt the entire world disappear: You were laughing carelessly with your friends and your eyes turned into crescent moons when you curled up your lips. And from that moment on, he knew that he’ll do anything to prevent any tears from falling from your beautiful eyes. It was a silent promise he made to himself, and he vowed to never break it. 
What could he say about those eyes? Draco could write an entire encyclopedia on how your stare made him wrapped around your finger like a puppet. Those orbs of yours looked like they held the entire constellations of the universe and draco was a part of it. 
« Draco, are you even listening to me? » Blaise waved his hand in front of his friend’s eyes to pull him out of his daydream. Draco shook his head to wake himself up from his reverie, and then took conscience of his surroundings: he was in one of the many hallways of Hogwarts, discussing with Blaise and Theodore. 
To fuel even more his friends’ confusion about his demeanor, Draco suddenly walked away from his friends to walk towards you who was talking enthusiastically about a subject that seemed to make your friends laugh out loud.  
As soon as draco stood behind you, the laughter died down and your friends looked at him curiously. Wondering why your friends stopped laughing, you turned around only to meet they grey eyes of the notorious Slytherin boy.
The eyes are the doors to the soul, or so they say ; and when you met Draco’s eyes at for the first time, he knew that you were such an innocent soul. In that moment, all that draco wanted to do was to adore you.
« I’d do anything for you, » he pondered to himself, or so he thought for you looked at him with confusion, « I’m sorry what? » you chuckled. Draco wanted to slam his head on the wall, « Uh— I mean, what’s your name? I’ve never seen you around before, are you new? » you nodded « My name’s y/n y/l/n, and yes i’ve transferred from durmstrang, » you smiled gently at him, « how about you? » you asked, « I’m Draco Malfoy and I’ve been here since forever. » Your eyes smiled again, and draco felt his cold heart melt more than he’d like to admit.
« Nice to meet you draco. » Before draco could open his mouth, the school bell rang signaling the end of recess, « I’ve got to go draco, I have class right now, » you said. Draco was too lost in your eyes to reply to you, and as you didn’t know what to do, you smiled awkwardly before starting to leave with your friends to your next class.
Draco got out of his daydream realizing that you were no longer in front of him and turned his gaze quickly to the direction you were going to, « Bye y/n! I hope to see you soon, » he waved his hand excitedly. You turned around to look at him and waved back at him, « bye draco, » you smiled warmly.
« Well that was interesting, » Blaise put his hand on Draco’s shoulder. « And a bit embarrassing not gonna lie, » Theodore added making draco glare at him, « Shut up Nott, » the blond boy said, « let’s go, we’re about to be late to Snape’s class, » Blaise laughed at his friends. 
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princessconsuela120 · 4 months
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— ☁
Summary: You meet ominis' family for the first time.
Warnings: cursing, anger, crucio, angst
Author's Note: I hope you guys enjoy, i freaking love this one so much!
— ☁
OMINIS NEVER FAILED TO BE EXCEPTIONALLY VOCAL WHENEVER HE WAS ANGRY. You realized this when you and Sebastian had gone behind his back with dark magic, even when you decided to take him flying on your first date instead of the calm night in Hogsmeade he had suggested. It’s nit that he didn’t like the date -any time with you was enough for him- but despite the fact you flew like a hawk, he was never to fond to flying. He had grumbled and growled, and even groaned a few times while you glided through the air, quickly making you realize that upsetting your adorable blonde boyfriend would always be an obvious emotion. Sebastian had noticed this especially today, considering every time Professor Sharpe started a sentence, Ominis groaned as let his head fall to the table. Sebastian has grown accustomed to letting his hand rest on the table, so ominis’ head would bump against the hardwood.
“Yo, mate, stop grumbling to yourself, you're gonna draw attention to me cheating.” Sebastian whispered, making Ominis perk up slightly, completely forgetting he was supposed to be taking an exam.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize.” He replied, causing Professor Sharpe to clear his throat at the whispering.
“Mr Sallow, Mr Gaunt, there should be no talking.”
“I was just, guiding him Professor Sharpe. You know, he’s blind he can’t see the paper.” Sebastian explained, making Ominis roll his eyes.
“Alright, do it quietly.” Professor Sharpe said, returning to the texts that he was grading. Ominis nudged Sebastian, trying to stop him from cheating off his paper, being extra angry with him at the moment. It was Sebastian’s fault, he was just already on edge.
“You’re such a prick.” Ominis hissed, making Sebastian gasp with fake hurt.
“I’m not a prick, I’m smart. And that hurts Ominis.”
“Cry about it.”
“What is up yours today?” Sebastian asked, nudging ominis as the blonde rolled his eyes again. “Y/n didn’t let you hit last night?”
“Professor! I need to go to the restroom.” Ominis shouted, not letting Sebastian say anything else to piss him off.
“Make it quick Gaunt.”
“Hey! I didn’t mean to offend you..” Sebastian said, getting up to follow ominis.
“Mr Sallow..”
“Hold on Professor, my boy needs me.” Sebastian said, quickly following ominis out of the room, regardless of the angry glare that he received from Professor Sharpe.
“You’re going to get in trouble for following me.”
“I don’t mind. I’m already sure I’m going to fail anyway. What’s got you so worked up?” Sebastian asked, making Ominis sigh.
“It’s my father.”
“You’re father? You haven’t spoken to them since..”
“Since they tried to marry me to my cousin, yes.” 
It hadn’t been too long ago in the year, but Mr Gaunt had attempted to set up ominis with his cousin, Anastasia. While he loved his cousin yes, he didn’t love her that way. And by no means would he let his father marry him to anyone but you.
“What does he want?” Sebastian asked, earning yet another sigh from ominis, who stopped walking and lower the light on his wand.
“Somehow, they found out about y/n.” 
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah. And now they’re ordering I bring her to meet them, or else they’re pulling me from Hogwarts and sending me to Durmstrang.” He explained, making Sebastian jump up angrily.
“But that’s all the way on the other side of the country! They can’t do that!” He shouted, and ominis sighed.
“They can actually. No matter what I do I know I’m going to need to bring her. I just, I don’t want to scare her off. My parents are very intense. If they find out she isn’t pure blood they’ll go berserk. No matter what, I don’t see this ending well.”
“Well, it’s not a big deal Ominis, I mean you’ll make it work.” Sebastian said, referring to the smart nature of ominis’ decisions, a nature that Sebastian lacks himself.
“Not a big deal? The second they find out she isn’t of pure blood status I can kiss my love goodbye!” He shook his head, getting angry with Sebastian as he thought of never seeing you again. “They’ll attack her, banish her even. I wouldn’t be surprised if they..if they even..”
“You can’t think like that Ominis.” Sebastian interrupted, knowing where the conversation was going and shaking his head to dismiss it. “I know they’ve hurt you, but I don’t think they would do that to y/n.”
“I’m not too sure. I love her more than anything. I don’t want to subject her to that.”
“Look, ominis. All I know is that y/n doesn’t judge you for your family. She knows what they’re like, she knows how you grew up and she still loves you. At this point I don’t think anything could scare her away from you.”
— ☁
“I got your owl love, what’s wrong?” You ask, meeting with Ominis at the astronomy tower. He had a nervous look on his face, you could immediately tell he wasn’t okay.
“You know how Christmas break is coming up, right?” He asked, taking a deep breath as you grabbed his hands, squeezing them carefully.
“And you know how I usually stay at your house to avoid my parents?”
“Of course. Speaking of, my mom made her classic Yule log cake this year. She says she added a secret ingredient, which I know means extra sugar but I let her think it’s a surprise.” You explained, chuckling to yourself as Ominis tried to laugh along, but you could tell something was wrong.
“Hey, is everything alright?” You asked softly, running a hand through his hair as he sighed.
“Yeah…well, no. It’s not.”
“Then what’s the matter? Ominis, love you can tell me.”
“I received an owl from my father this morning. He orders I bring you to Gaunt Manor for a day over break so my family can meet you.”
“Oh.” He sighed, shaking his head.
“Exactly. I know it’s too much. I don’t want to put you through that I just, i know he’s not gonna budge, and I don’t know what to do I just…”
“Ominis, darling calm down.” You said, grabbing his shoulder to stop his rambling. “I would love to go with you, okay? One night, then we can go right back to mine and eat my moms Yule log.” You explained, kissing his cheek to soothe him.
“You mean it?” 
“Of course love. I know your family is Rocky, but hey, if I can help to make that relationship any easier I will.” 
“But, y/n, when they find out you’re not a pure blood…I don’t know if I can protect you from what they say.” You sighed, nodding at him.
“It’s alright. I can take it, I’m tough.” You joked, making him laugh as he shook his head.
“I know but…” you interrupted him again, not letting him finish.
“You seem to forget I defeated Rookwood, probably the most pure blood lunatic ever. I’ve heard my fair share of mud blood insults, at this point they’re just noise. Yes, they hurt, but nothing your parents can say to me will have any effect on how I feel about you. If anything it’d make me admire you more, considering how far you’ve grown.” 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” He asked, squeezing your hands with a smile.
“All the time, but a little bit more couldn’t hurt.”
“Well, I do.” He said, kissing your forehead.
“And I you.”
— ☁
“Are you sure? Sebastian is just a flu flame away. You can always hide at his house, I can tell my parents we broke up.” Ominis asked, the two of you walking hand in hand to his front porch.
“Darling, take a deep breath. It’s alright. I’ll be right here by your side.” You explained, squeezing his hand to reassure him.
“I can only protect you from so much…”
“All I need from you is to hold my hand.”
“Squeeze it when you need me.”
“I will.” You said, ominis knocking on the door with a nervous sigh as his brow began to sweat.
“Son, welcome back. It’s been a while.” Mr Gaunt greeted. Not a smile or look of kindness in his face. He looked evil, angry, empty, and terrifying all at the same time.
“It has. This is y/n l/n, my girlfriend.” He introduced you, smiling at his dad. You could tell ominis had set up a facade in front of his dad. He was different.
“Good to meet you dear.” Mrs Gaunt smiled as she greeted you. She seemed kinder than Ominis’ father, but not by much. Just enough to greet you at the door.
“L/n, I haven’t heard of that. Is your family pure?” Ominis’ father asked, making him sigh.
“Pardon?” You asked, surprised by the question.
“Not now father. We’ve hardly even gotten in the door.” Ominis said, a nervous laugh leaving his lips as he walked in.
“I’m just concerned for your future son. You know how we feel about mudbloods.”
Mudbloods, a term he just threw out in the air as if it didn’t hurt your soul to hear.
“Cassius.” Mrs.Gaunt, whose name you’d learn is Astoria said, warning her husband as she smiled at you both. “Come on in you guys.”
“Thank you. You have a lovely home Mr and Mrs Gaunt.” You complimented, feeling a light squeeze from ominis and sending him a smile.
“It’s historic. The house of Gaunt, maybe the most honored manor in all of England.”
“I bet.”
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, making you smile.
“It’s alright. Deep breaths.” You whispered back.
“Why don’t we get to dinner then?” Astoria offered, making you and ominis nod.
“That sounds wonderful.”
You had all gathered at the dinner table, the longest dinner table you’d seen in your life. Of course Cassius sat at the head, you and ominis together beside him, and his mother across from you. You felt out of place, a different contrast from your cozy small round table.
“So son, no quidditch this year?”
“Unfortunately not father, you know I like to focus on grades.”
“Yes, of course. Unlike that halfblood friend of yours.”
Sebastian. You felt your blood boil at his fathers comment.
“Father, please. Don’t speak of Sebastian that way.” Ominis pleaded, making his father scoff.
“Sorry son, I just don’t understand why those lower than us don’t decide to prove themselves. Working in class is the least those sallow’s Can do to prove themselves.”
“Sebastian is actually a very talented duelist.” You say, earning looks from everyone at the table, all a different kind of look as you glanced around at each person.
“Is he now?” Cassius asked, causing you to freeze.
“No, I’m intrigued. Do you think that knowing a few spells is gonna protect your status in this world?” 
You pressed your lips together, taking a sip of water to wash down your food before looking over at Cassius.
“With all due respect sir, status is only as far as how pure of blood you are.” His face grew angry. “I may be born from muggles, but that doesn’t mean I can’t just as easily beat you in a duel.” 
“You think you could beat me in a duel? You, a mudblood?” 
You let the name slip off his tongue and onto the floor, not reacting to try and keep things civil as you nodded.
“I do.”
“Unbelievable. An insolent child. A mudblood nonetheless. What do you know of magic? That a hippogroff can fly and levioso can make a feather float? You are ignorant, and worthless in the eyes of the world, you should be wise how you speak to those allowing you to live off our land.” 
“You use these hurtful words and dark curses to mask your own insecurities. Just because you were born from ancestors of a Hogwarts founder, and married your cousin, doesn’t make you any better than me. I work just as hard, if not harder because the world likes to knock me down for being simplistic and outcasted. I respect you sir, you’re the father of the boy I love, but I will not change myself to make you happy. You can turn me inside out and find that my blood comes from humans, but we both bleed red.”
Ominis could help but gawk at you. The things you said, the way you said them, his heart melted in his chest. He was sure he never loved you as much as he did in that moment.
“You dare speak to me like that in my own home? If you claim to love my son, you’d respect his patriarch.” His father seethed, practically steaming at the ears.
“This doesn’t seem much like a home. It’s a house, a decoration for you to strut your power for all the world to see. Ominis has never felt home here, and you haven’t worked to make it that for him. I need not show you respect in a place of torture and dark magic.” You tested, stepping up to ominis’ father as he stood up.
“What do you know of dark magic?” He hissed, causing you to narrow your eyes at him.
“I know enough.”
The room went quiet for a few seconds before Cassius spoke.
“Your words make me think you need learn more.”
“Enough! Come on y/n, we’re leaving.” Ominis said, grabbing your hand, afraid of what more might happen.
“How dare you show disrespect to your own father, for what? A mudblood!?”
Ominis didn’t listen, instead he walked out with you in his hand.
“Someone needs to teach you a lesson of how this world works. Being a mudblood doesn’t make you worthy, it makes you a freak of nature!” Cassius shouted, following ominis out the door, when finally, ominis heard enough.
“Keep your mouth shut of people you know nothing about! She may be born from muggles, but y/n and her family will always be better than you!” 
As you both started to aparate to Sebastian’s home, Cassius shouted a curse in your direction. You jumped in the way before it could hit him. You both separated in time, but the curse still hit you.
“Ominis? You’re here early.” 
“Sebastian, please! She needs help!” Ominis shouted, watching you writhe in his arms in pain.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Sebastian asked nervously, coming to see you struggle.
“My father, he..”
But he didn’t need to explain. The second Sebastian saw the sparks of red magic leaving her skin, paired with the look of anguish mixed with painful groans that left your lips, he knew. 
You could only see darkness. And pain. And for a few minutes, you swore the world was ending. Until it wasn’t, and your eyes opened, and you saw love.
“Love?” Ominis asked softly, running his hands through your hair comfortingly, his face full of worry.
“Well, that was fun huh?” You teased, making him laugh.
“Why would you do that to me? I lost my mind worrying for you.” 
“Aww, my big teddy bear. You worried for me?” You asked, pouting at him as he smiled, holding your face in his hands.
“I always worry for you. Y/n, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe he said those things about you. This was exactly what I was afraid of.”
“It’s alright.” 
“It’s not. You’re so much more than who your parents are. Merlin, it made me so angry.” Ominis explained, shaking his head angrily.
“I know, I know.” You said, laughing in response.
“Why are you laughing? Only you could get hit with crucio and start laughing.”
“Because you’re adorable. Protecting me from your family, it just makes me love you more.” You explained, kissing his hand that was holding your cheek.
“They are far from my family. This is, this place. You. You’re my home, y/n.” He placed a soft kiss to your lips, pulling away with a soft smile, his cheeks blushed red.
“Good. I hope I can give you the family you deserve.”
“More than that.”
“Bud, you know you’re always welcome here. Both of you.” Sebastian explained, smiling at you both before scoffing. “And besides, Solomon is about ready to build you both a room here anyway.”
They all laughed, smiling at Sebastian.
“Thank you Sebastian.”
“Of course mate. I couldn’t imagine you anywhere else.”
“Me neither. Right here, home.” Ominis said, kissing you once more before you all went inside, celebrating the holiday with your true family.
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papercorgiworld · 9 months
Boyfriend material: Blaise Zabini
Blaise tries to get your attention with a cheap trick. It doesn’t go as planned. Smut alarm!
This is part two. Read part one here.
Warning: piv, no protection.
Feedback is always very welcome.
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You leave the warmth of Hogwarts castle in search of a quiet study spot somewhere on the Hogwarts grounds. “Aren’t you a little too pretty to be walking alone.” Some guy you’ve never met slings his arm around you. “I wanna study. It’s something I best do alone.” You push his arm off of your shoulder. “You sure? I bet I could make it interesting.” You scoff, but chose to entertain the guy. “And how would you turn ancient runes into something interesting?” He again swings his arms around your shoulder, pushing you a little closer than comfortable. “For starters, no clothes.” You roll your eyes and push his arm off of you once more. “Zero charm.” You drily state. He wants to say something, but you turn your back and walk away.
It’s only then that you notice Blaise was watching everything. As you’re about to pass him on your way to your favorite study spot you can’t help but ask. “What are you lurking about?” His lips curl into a smile. “Not lurking, darling. I’m on my way to the quidditch pitch to make some rounds before training starts. But I’ll admit I stopped for a moment to make sure that dude wasn’t bordering you.” You smile at his honest concern for you. Only now noticing that he is indeed wearing a sports outfit. “That’s incredibly sweet.” He smiles a bright smile at your compliment, but it drops as soon as he sees you’re starting to move again. “How about you play it safe and join me. You can study in the stands.” You think about it for a moment and then agree to go along with him.
You study. He flies around. It’s peaceful, maybe too peaceful. You don’t show that much interest in Blaise and it frustrates him. He knows he has to make his move before someone else asks you out. I need to come up with something good, a way to swoop her off her feet. When he lands you see him stumble and fall sloppily on the grass. You hurry down, worried he might have injured himself. “You alright?” He’s already standing up again and looks at you with an exhausted smile. “Fine.” But his hand reaches for his ribs. “You’re hurt aren’t you?” He drops his hand acting cool and walks to the locker room. You follow him. “Don’t act all tough with me. Where does it hurt? Does it feel bruised? Did you break something?” Without a word he pulled his shirt over his head revealing a most lovely sight. You purse your lips to make sure you don’t make a sound. He steps closer to you and reaches for your hand, holding it in his and bringing it to his ribs. “I think it’s just a bruise. Right?” He asks as if you’re supposed to know by just laying your hand down. You look up into his eyes and he licks his lips as he watches your soft ones.
Unfortunately for Zabini you see right through him. “You’re playing me aren’t you? You’re not hurt! Did you even really fall?” You snatch your hand back and cross your arms as you see his face fill with panic. I took a calculated risk, but damn am I bad at math. He chuckles nervously, not knowing what to do now that he’s been busted.
“You’ve probably used this trick a million times on other girls?” What was Pansy thinking he’s no boyfriend material! Since he’s not saying anything you might as well leave. How cheap does he think I am? “(Y/n), please don’t go. I was only trying to get your attention. No harm done, right?” You turn back to him, arms still crossed and eyebrows in sassy mode. “Look, I wanted to spend some time with you, so I could ask you out on a date. I just didn’t want to be one of those lame guys who walks up to you and just asks. But I guess my approach wasn’t any better…”
His sheepish composure and the idea of a date makes you soften up. You uncross your arms and take a step closer. “Ask me on a date?” You wonder out loud, hinting at your curiosity. He chuckles in an adorable way as he relaxes knowing he’s winning you over. “Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask for a while, but now I was in a hurry. Since your sudden change in wardrobe everyone’s talking about you. I would hate to see you with some other dude.” You take another step towards him. “I guess you’re in luck then, ‘cause I would hate to see you with some other girl.” “Lucky me.” He whispers, while he pulls you into his embrace. You immediately heat up as you make contact with his bare chest. You put a hand on his chest to give yourself some space. “No need to be shy.” He brushes his nose against yours and you relax. You know you’re safe with him.
You rest your hand on his shoulder and go in for the kiss. Your kiss is met with an equal amount of enthusiasm and intensity. When you try to pull away to catch your breath he bites your lip playfully, gently begging for more. But all you give him is a quick peck on the lips. He growls in frustration and you laugh at his boyish attitude. “So needy.” You say as his nose brushes yours again, signaling he wants your kisses and love. “You have no idea.” He blurts with a cheeky smile before giving you a soft peck on the lips. “But don’t worry, I’m a patient man.” He assures you and he lays a hand on your hand resting on his chest. You huff. “What if I told you I’m not patient?” Your teasing smile immediately sparks every nerve in his body. You slowly push him to sit on the nearest bench. He doesn’t protest, instead he looks at you with hungry eyes as you saddle yourself on his lap.
He doesn’t waste any time grabbing your face and battling your tongue for dominance. Instinctively your hips move searching for more pleasure. “Fuck” he breathes as he moves to pepper your jaw and neck with kisses. His growing bulge forms the ideal spot for you to roll your hips. Entertaining yourself as he groans against your shoulder, obviously feeling constrained in his pants. He lets his head fall against the wall behind him as you mercilessly continue to ride him. The view of Blaise underneath you like this teasing and pleasing him at the same time had your pussy getting wetter with the second. Like you weren’t having enough fun by yourself he starts kneading your breast. Hearing you moan in reaction leads him to undo the buttons of your shirt, slipping your shirt and the straps of your bra down. His shameless staring at your perked nipples turns your pussy into a soaking wet mess. “So pretty.” He breathes as his thumb wanders over your breast.
When his tongue starts working on your sensitive nipple his name escapes your mouth between moans. This makes him go feral. “Fuck. What are you doing with me, looking all beautiful and sounding so desperate.” With one hand he unzips his pants and pulls out his cock dripping with precum. He pushes your panties to the side and pushes a finger in to confirm his suspicions: you were so ready for his dick. “You need me to fuck you. You know you want this, darling.” You stare at his length for a moment with your mouth slightly agape before nodding dumbly and lifting yourself up. He removes his finger and holds onto your hips as you lower yourself onto him. A soft cry escapes you as his cock stretches deep inside of you. You both cling to one another for support. “You alright there?” He asked, concerned about your stretched cunt. A sloppy kiss is the only answer he gets from you before you start moving, working him and pleasing yourself.
You feel selfish using his cock to chase your orgasm, but when you look at him, you see his eyes filled with pleasure as he watches you move. Blaise’s eyes flick from your boobs beautifully moving to your pussy taking all of him. As he sees you get closer he offers more support, guiding your hips and pushing his dick deeper inside of you. Again and again, pushing your body to its limits. “I’m close.” Is the only thing you manage to say between moans. “I know. Come for me, baby.” His last words push you over the edge and you allow yourself to fall into him. Your head resting on his shoulder as he rides out his own high. After a moment of staying still in each other's arms he pulls up the straps of your bra and breaks the silence. “We should clean up before the whole Slytherin quidditch team sees us. I mean, I want them to know you’re mine but they don’t need to see everything.” You raise an eyebrow. “Yours?” He kisses you before saying “Yeah, definitely not letting you go.”
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iamnmbr3 · 5 months
I find your analysis' really fun and I love how JKR, unintentionally created a narrative where drarry somehow has more chemistry than ginny who's literally forgotten in the 3rd, 4th books???? Like mam, if you want to build a romance then make them have actual conversations? I, myself like ginny and like the concept of hinny but the way JKR sucked at writing them infuriated me.
But anyhow, I also love drarry, though as much as I like and agree with your assessment; there is something I'll have to disagree with, and that is I don't harry found draco attractive. Because the thing with Harry is; no matter who that person is, my guy is really honest with how he views that person. Each time as he saw Riddle grow, my guy was like; hot damn. Also Cedric. Sirius. Bro literally calls regulus "not as hot as Sirius" so we are know Harry has never once found draco attractive. As for the gleaming eyes, pointy chin; well I also like giving my characters good description so people would understand what to imagine; I'm not making everyone simp on about everyone. promise!!!!!!
( I just like them falling in love after the war, and Idrc if they found each other good looking or not, I just don't like how people just take basic description of a character and says oh he describes how he looks, he must like him!!!!! No guys, he is just saying bro has a pointy chin and his eyes glows because he probably is gonna do something!!!!!)
I just wanted to get this out and I am not really active on Tumblr, and don't like posting. This is just me wanting to discuss this one hc😞 but I hope u have a good day and I adore ur hcs and analysis.❤️
Thank you! And yeah I feel like JKR really did Ginny dirty with the way hinny happened. I like book 5 Ginny so much more than book 6 and 7 Ginny. She deserved so much better than to be reduced to a love interest who is "Harry's perfect girl" to use JKR's phrase rather than someone who got to be her own fully realized character with a distinct personality and interests (as she was in book 5 before JKR overdid it trying to make her the ideal Love Interest TM). I think it would've been cool if she ended up with Neville since they bonded during their year at Hogwarts in book 7 and fought side by side and mutually respected each other as equals.
It just says it all that after the Battle of Hogwarts Harry doesn't have a single interaction with her. He immediately wants to spend time with Ron and Hermione because he feels a deep bond with them but just vaguely thinks that there will be time to talk with Ginny later. He isn't even sitting by her at the table because it's Luna who is next to him and offers to create a distraction so he can leave.
As for Harry's descriptions of Draco, I'm going to push back on that although of course everyone is perfectly entitled to their own interpretations. The thing is, Harry is extremely judgmental about people's looks and insults the appearances of all the other Slytherins. A lot. But he NEVER does that with Draco. Ron does. Ron insults Draco's looks all the time. But Harry never goes along with it or agrees and his internal monologue and descriptions of Draco are notably lacking the insults he directs at almost every other member of Draco's House as well as other people he dislikes.
But that's not because he isn't looking. Because he is. A LOT. He doesn't just describe Draco's looks. He dwells on them. Repeatedly. We know SO much about how Draco looks because Harry CONSTANTLY notices and mentions it in his internal monologue. Draco's grey eyes are mentioned repeatedly in every book. As is his sleek blond hair. Harry doesn't even mention Ron's eye color once till book 7, but we get multiple descriptions of Draco's eyes down to the exact shade - specifically pale grey. And same for his hair - along with observations about how it gleams in the sunlight. Even when Harry's in danger he takes a second to check out how Draco's looking. And that is at odds with how he describes other characters.
He never calls Ginny pretty or beautiful either but he does seem to have at least some level of physical attraction to her and often describes her hair...and that's pretty much it. Yeah I'm pretty sure that relationship fizzles once the peace happens. (I've read very compelling metas on Harry being gay and I think there's a lot there though personally I do still read him as bi but with a strong preference for men).
Draco is someone that Harry would not get together with till after the war. And I don't think he wants to acknowledge, even to himself, that he is attracted to him. But he sure spends a lot of time repeatedly noticing and describing and thinking about Draco's appearance in a way he doesn't with other characters. Something is making him look. And I think that something is attraction.
Now obviously this was completely not JKR's intent. The problem is that she wrote the story from Harry's POV not from the POV of an omniscient third person narrator. So while she didn't mean to make Harry constantly notice all the cute guys and obsess over Draco's looks for 7 books that is accidentally what she did.
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