#i! have! a lot! to say! about! caleb! widogast!
aeoris4lovers · 2 years
caleb’s post-campaign life makes me so emotional. his cozy little house with a garden where he can grow green beans again and his ability to finally let the past rest and finally see his old home again and his guest lectures with students that hang onto his every word as he teaches him the things he was never taught and his youngest student who probably thinks he’s the coolest uncle in the world and his loving partner who’s on the run like he was once but always has a safe warm place to come back to because of him and his old friends finally free alongside him after trying so hard to get them out and his friend sister helping him make their home a better place like he always wanted and his friends family that he brings together again every month and the love and happiness and peace he spends the rest of his life surrounded by. it’s everything he could ever ask for and everything he thought he would never deserve and it’s all because he found a family that loved him fiercely and refused to give up on him and it means so so much to me.
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hello-eeveev · 2 months
Now that Bells Hells know that Caleb is Essek’s partner, this seems like the perfect time to share the lists of things bh knew about Essek, Caleb, and Essek’s partner that I compiled in order to write Above All (and continued to compile afterwards). I focused pretty strictly on what was confirmed explicitly by the text, but there are a few notes outlining what I thought might be reasonable extrapolations for the Bells Hells to make that would lead to them linking Essek and Caleb in their minds. Enjoy!
What Bells Hells Know About Caleb Widogast:
- Chetney, Orym, Imogen, Laudna, and Ashton met him and Beau at the Tishtan Excavation Site
^ c3 names Caleb knows: Laudna, Chetney (wolf form only)
- He wears a deep purple scarf (that info is just for me tho)
- allied with planerider ryn
- friend to the grim verity
- has been following Ludinus for many years with the intent of taking him and his inner circle down
- was part of the team that damaged the shadowfell key
- has been up against other Cerberus Assembly membys
- he used the word dunamis, but they have no clue what that is. they ask, and he gives them a very basic rundown (note to self: compare to Essek’s?)
- Obscure reference to the beacon that aligns with what Essek says in 95, but there’s like, nooooo chance they could put that together. also not a defining characteristic.
- has “someone on the inside [of the assembly]” who had to back away
- seemed to know a lot about the Cerberus Assembly
- admitted thorn in Ludinus’s side for quite some time, to the point that Ludinus uses his first name and wanted to gloat about his victory to him (and Beau) specifically
- metagame knowledge that Beau is with the cobalt soul, thus aligning Caleb with them
- using context clues, they correctly assumed origin is Wildemount, Dwendalian Empire
- Allura is familiar with him. some of his and Beau’s allies have been in contact (Essek???) (probably cobalt soul let’s be real) (but Essek did say he was an ally to the exandrian accord, so it’s not impossible that he has made some contact with allura, whether she knows of Essek or not)
- Zemnian (presumed by accent, usage of “nein” and “ja”)
- Had Jester relay messages via Sending (either doesn’t have sending, doesn’t have it prepared, or no spell slots)
- sent an archivist of the cobalt soul to escort them to Aeor
^ extrapolating backwards: Keyleth said that she would contact someone who had researched in Aeor, and when this person was unavailable, she said they would send an archivist in their stead.
^^ this archivist was Seth Domade, who was announced as “sent by a Widogast.”
^ extrapolating forwards: Seth is revealed to be Essek. Therefore, Essek and Caleb know each other and have both researched Aeor.
- is Essek’s partner :)
What Bells Hells Know About Essek Thelyss’s Partner:
- Zemnian (presumed by “gesundheit. I learned that from my partner as well.”)
- has followed/is following the Cerberus Assembly’s machinations
- told Essek a bit about Predathos, implying that this partner is privy to information that is largely kept hidden away
- kind and smart and so strong (of heart)
- Essek talks to him before bed
^ could we make an extrapolation that Essek wanting to preserve spell slots to talk to his partner implies that this partner does not have access to Sending? It’s a bit of a stretch, and not one I think any of the bells hells would be able to make with their limited knowledge of the mechanics of magic beyond their own capabilities
- was with Essek in Aeor when Essek got wild magicked into a fish
- carried Essek while he was a fish
- is “one hell of a person” (paraphrase of Ashton, confirmed by Essek)
- has a tangled history with the Assembly
- is a man
- a powerful practitioner of the magical arts
- teaches on occasion
- his name is Bren (Essek what do you mean, I’m going to kill you)
- is very intelligent
- would have brought the Bells Hells to Aeor but he was busyyy
- is Caleb Widogast :)
What Bells Hells Know About Essek Thelyss
- sent by Caleb
^ whether or not they were paying attention to that fact is up for debate, but it’s possible, and the information was available to them
- disguised as a Cobalt Soul archivist
- fugitive
- formerly of the Kryn Dynasty
- is the reason Ludinus has access to as much dunamantic knowledge as he does
- reformed in his dubiousness
- first name basis with an assembly member, but doesn’t like the assembly
^ tbf Astrid doesn’t seem to like many members of the assembly either
^ Astrid only cooperated with the interrogation because of Essek’s connection to an old friend
- has been to Aeor, and the genesis ward specifically (we know why)
- defaced a bit of Aeor :)
- used to manage a dynasty outpost in Eiselcross
- turned into a fish in Aeor
- has a tangled history with the Assembly
Side note: Caleb, Allura, and Essek’s explanations of dunamis [50, 76, and 95, respectively] share a lot of similarities in structure and verbiage. And Allura mentioned that she has compatriots more knowledgeable about dunamis and the Dynasty [76], which just makes me fully believe that Allura knows Essek too, not just Caleb.
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aeor-is-for-reccing · 4 months
Hidden Gems 7: A Shadowgast Rec List
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This week we have the 7th hidden gem rec list! Check under the cut for 8 fics that have less than 150 kudos, and don't forget to comment and kudos if you like them!
Moths and Marigolds by Foxtrot66 (1741, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: Major Character Death
The Clay family welcomes Essek to The Blooming Grove, helping him through a tough time.
Reccer says: A soft, atmospheric and sad glimpse in the future of what Essek's life might be like. I keep coming back to re-read. On top of that the illustrations are absolutely beautiful!
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An illusion and the real thing by AFractionIrrational (6376, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: Imprisonment, Interrogation
Caleb Widogast is less persuasive in the throne room and first meets Essek Thelyss under different circumstances - as his prisoner.
Reccer says: A very compelling and interesting canon divergent AU with those early Shadowgast mutual manipulation vibes
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The Dancers and the Dreamers by royalgreen (allyoop) (7671, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
The night has finally arrived: it is the Jester and Fjord wedding, an event with no surprises whatsoever. Definitely nothing silly. An absolutely completely normal wedding. There are no secrets and definitely no shenanigans.
Reccer says: It's a Shadowgast-Centric look at the Fjorester wedding, with a lot of Nein-typical shenanigans and a lot of fluff. A very cozy read!
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Judgment & Justice by BurdensOfTomorrow (57477, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: past child abuse, referenced torture
The Trial of Trent Ikithon, former Archmage of Civil Influence.
Reccer says: I love this for the same reason I love highly specific AU's - the author is definitely bringing a lot of passion and experience into their writing, and with expert skill
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Insinuation by JustNap (2502, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb and Essek have a very 'serious' talk about what is to come in the future.
Reccer says: This fic is so sweet, funny and heart-warming.
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Coming in from the Cold by MorningBright (7165, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: Panic attacks/disassociation
When Essek suffers a panic attack, Caleb helps him through it in a safe place and they discuss their complicated experiences with cold/snow. Set post-campaign 2.
Reccer says: It's sweet, amazing hurt/comfort
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Running in the Rain by Luuuna03 (4637, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek didn't intend to break into Caleb's house, steal his food and fall asleep on his couch. It just sort of... happened...
Reccer says: Great fluff (and not just the cats)
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Footsie by Northofthewall (2182, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek discovers touch can be magical, overwhelming, addictive, and maybe has a little downside.
Reccer says: Essek losing his ability to concentrate over the smallest touch is just *chef's kiss*
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with dark fics!
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rfswitchart · 9 months
The Physiology of Grimwalkers
So @angelcloves somewhat inspired this (though, I've wanted to say this for a while...) A lot of people in the fandom seem to think that, when a Grimwalker is made, the parts he is made with are part of him in a literal sense. You know, 'he's made of palistrom wood,' or 'he has a galderstone heart,' etc.
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Now, that's a cute theory and all, but I don't believe that's true. But, in order for me to talk about that, we need to talk about a particular type of magic that most of you might not be aware of or understand. However, it is relevant because it's clear that this school of magic is heavily involved with Grimwalkers, and that is...
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Necromancy is the practice of magic to communicate with and summon the dead. In the case of Hunter and the Golden Guards, this is a ritual spell involving many parts of (presumably dead) creatures to make a copy of a singular person. How this would usually work for spells like this would be that the parts themselves transmutate (the magic of changing one thing into another. Think of Full Metal Alchemist or Caleb Widogast from Critical Role. The parts themselves are not Hunter's body parts, they morph and twist into flesh and blood organs. He doesn't have a Galderstone in his chest, he has a heart, those are witch/human lungs, not stonesleeper's. His HAIR (not skin or flesh) was palistrom wood morphed into his hair and fingernails, and so on. In fact, that's how those parts probably form under gestation while the Grimwalker is in the ground. Now, I am not saying this to detract from your headcanons. If you want to make Hunter have a Galderstone heart because you're writing a 100+ chapter fanfic and are making it narratively interesting, by all means. I, however, will stick with this as, to me, it makes more sense as someone who studies these things... Wait, no, I mean... I'm not using an ancient spellbook to raise the dead from several nearby graveyards. I've never even heard of necromancy before... *nervous laugh*
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utilitycaster · 5 months
fascinating how some people are acting like Liliana’s one of the vulnerable teenagers the RV has recruited and not a powerful, presumably level 20 general who’s committed horrific atrocities in the name of predathos. it’s like saying alex jones is a victim of qanon instead one of the primary peddlers of it. I get having sympathy, especially for for the troubled young mother 25+ years ago, but genuinely. what is going on here?
Hey anon,
Something I've noticed in fandom, not exclusive to this campaign, though perhaps heightened, is that a lot of people really struggle with the concept that victimhood does not absolve you of wrongdoing. It provides context; but it doesn't take away what happened to others as the result of one's actions, even those actions were taken under extenuating circumstances.
Caleb Widogast is perhaps one of the most stellar examples of this in Critical Role. There were many extenuating circumstances. He was an abused and manipulated teenager. His parents are dead by his hand. These are both true statements. Part of what makes Caleb so compelling is that he is, on an intellectual level, well aware that he was pushed into this in many ways both psychological and magical, and that he was a child. He also acknowledges - truthfully - that it was still him putting the pieces together of "my parents are traitors, and so I should do as I'm told here." The story is about him finding a way to move forward and live his life, but the victims - his parents - cannot forgive him, and the campaign indeed ends with a very clear message that what is done cannot be undone.
But not everyone liked Caleb's story. Some felt he should have been less forgiving of others and killed the entire Cerberus Assembly for letting it happen. Some felt he was unforgivable even by himself for his actions. And some disagreed with him - including in-world - and argued he bore no responsibility, and, notably, Caleb consistently pushed back.
I don't think Liliana is quite at the level of Alex Jones (who is, in my opinion, pretty much wholly unsympathetic; I've read through some articles regarding the Sandy Hook defamation trials and this guy just wants to sell supplements and will do anything to do so). But yes, she is comparable to someone actively pushing dangerous conspiracy theories and bringing others in. That is, again, the thing about cults. Even if you're not at the top, if you're recruiting others, or, in the case of cults that do harm to those other than just members - which the Vanguard undeniably does - participating in harmful external actions, then you are perpetrating violence. You are also a victim. These can coexist, but victimhood does not negate the harm done. Liliana is sympathetic. She is also actively making the lives of many people worse.
Now, some of the problem is that there are people who think releasing Predathos is not, in fact, bad, and so to them Liliana is not complicit in a sufficient level of harm. I'm not really interested in wasting my time on them; that line of thinking is pretty fundamentally at an impasse with mine and as discussed previously I find it rests entirely on incoherent and presumptive arguments linked only by broken metaphors and rank hypocrisy. But moving on, I think some of the other people arguing in defense of Liliana not just as a sympathetic character (which, again, she is) but as someone blameless and deserving of endless patience are perhaps struggling to separate "it is not helpful to endlessly flagellate yourself over past wrongdoings if you have truly made a turn for the better" with "some people will not forgive you, ever, because you have undeniably harmed them, and you are not owed anything from them." You have to live with yourself; of course you should grant yourself patience. Those hurt by you do not need to do so. If someone is brainwashed by a cult and they kill someone, the relatives of the murder victim might forever hold this against the murderer despite the brainwashing, and I, personally, do not believe this is wrong of them. I don't believe it's "inspirational" to forgive someone who hurt you sufficiently badly except in the sense that it would be put in the "inspirational" section of an airport bookstore that really means "extremely Evangelical Protestant in outlook." I don't think you should hurt them back once they've stopped doing harm, but you might never want to speak to them or interact with them again and I think you are valid in that choice. I certainly believe that any forgiveness can only come after a sustained pattern of change.
In short: I think people want a very Good or Evil narrative about Liliana when the answer is "she's a victim and she's also victimizing others, and it's valid for those harmed by her or by those she works with closely to say "I am deeply sorry you fell into Ludinus's clutches but the devastation you are leaving in your wake isn't something I can ignore or, at this point, forgive." As Ashton says, the fact that Liliana is deep in a cult doesn't negate the fact that there's a very real chance that same cult will kill her daughter - indeed, they came within a hair's breadth of doing so - and that that hasn't stopped her.
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critter-genfic-events · 3 months
Campaign Crossover Recs
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This week, we have seven fics that mix Bells Hells, Vox Machina, and the Mighty Nein together (usually through Keyleth). Check them out beneath the cut, and as always - comment and kudos if you like them!
Voice to the Rain by J (jaywright) (12808,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Keyleth & Orym, Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Keyleth/Vex'ahlia
Before the events of EXU, Keyleth takes a grieving Orym with her to Whitestone
Reccer says: warm and beautiful and heartbreaking
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Amethyst and Flowers on the Table by Operafloozy (2291,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Caduceus Clay & Keyleth, Keyleth & Vilya
Vilya introduces her daughter to the man who restored her memories, one Caduceus Clay.
Reccer says: I love that Keyleth is still angry in this and she and Caduceus have their disagreements, but there's still the potential of a friendship
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whitestone is for eulogies by Lifelights (13290,Teen) Warnings: canon typical violence, temporary character death Pairings: Laudna & Vox Machina, Laudna/Imogen
When they first meet, she's dead and hanging from a tree. The second time...she's still dead, but more able to remember. (Aka: a barely divergent AU where Laudna meets Vox Machina in Whitestone)
Reccer says: Everyone is extremely in character and it's a great premise
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a spark of potential by mousecookie (1189,Teen) Warnings: Pairings: Ashton Greymoore & Caleb Widogast
After Ludinus's defeat, Ashton approaches one of their new allies with questions about dunamancy.
Reccer says: Great voices and it has a lot of fun details
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Fearful Symmetry by seraphium (3151,Teen) Warnings: No archive warnings apply Pairings: Keyleth & Vilya
In the aftermath of the Apogee Solstice, Keyleth's mother waits at her bedside.
Reccer says: It's an amazing look at what the relationship might look like from Vilya's point of view
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From My Rotting Body, Flowers Shall Grow by keyleth_clay (10972,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings: Caduceus Clay & Keyleth, Keyleth & Essek Thelyss, Caduceus Clay & Essek Thelyss
Keyleth has spent many, many years visiting the Blooming Grove. This visit is so different from the rest. Primarily because her first and best friend from the Clay family is no longer there to share it with her.
Reccer says: Beautifully rendered lifespan angst, with flashbacks to their friendship over the years
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Girls Gone Feywild by royalgreen (allyoop) (821,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Bells Hells & The Mighty Nein, Fearne Calloway & Jester Lavorre
Chaos faun meets chaos tiefling. Exandria will never be the same.
Reccer says: I liked it
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we're focusing it'll be Skill/Class Swap fics. Maybe Keyleth as a Barbarian? Orym as a druid? Laura Bailey's characters as the class that she originally wanted?
After that, it'll be Mourning and Grief, Fjord focused, and then backstory swaps!
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit!
Oh! Also! Critter Gen Week is happening! We've been using the themes for our reclist - so if you're inspired by what you're reading, consider writing (or making art) for that week!
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Hello all! I hope you're having a lovely day. Today I bring you our very first recc list, featuring eighteen fluffy fics! Some are pure schmoop, some come with a side of angst, and a few with a touch of smut as well. You can find them below the cut and I highly encourage you to check them out, and leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 🩷
To Keep It All In by rabbitxheart (2071 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord) Warnings: Drug mentions
Fjord touches a weird mushroom thing that makes him high and sick and has to be babysat until the clerics can heal him the next day. While Caleb is sitting with him he tries to make a confession.
Reccer Says: It's really cute and Fjord has sweet moments with Beau and Nott too. Just great sickfic fluff
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lips pressed to the palm of your hand by vietbluecoeur (2410 words, General) Pairing: Yussa Errenis/Marion Lavorre (Rubygold) Warnings: None
Yussa does Marion's makeup for her before a performance. She returns the favor. They kiss about it.
Reccer Says: It's just SO beautiful. Every word feels gilded or done up in the cosmetics that cover Marion's vanity. The whole thing is poetry, not least of all the relationship between Yussa and Marion. They're so sweet and you can feel the affection they have for each other in every sentence. The way they banter and tease each other is adorable and Viet's voice for Yussa is also just so fun (let that old man say fuck! XD) Also, the way the title ties into the fic is just so sweet.
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a place for us to dream by glossolali (1105 words, General) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: None
Essek, Molly, and Caleb share a cozy and domestic summer afternoon.
Reccer Says: I am a sucker for cozy cuddly domestic fluff and for Shadowidomauk and this combines the two in the sweetest package. They're snuggly and in love and it's absolutely wonderful.
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cheap wine and new beginnings by bunnymauk (2618 words, Teen) Pairings: Past Lestera/Mollymauk Tealeaf, Hinted Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss (Shadowmauk) Warnings: Referenced drug use, referenced car accident
Essek and Molly leave the club early and hang out at Molly's place together, there's cuddling <3
Reccer Says: I enjoyed it!
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fledgling pledges by hanap (3100 words, Teen) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Eadwulf Grieve/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Blumenshadow) Warnings: None
Caleb, Astrid, and Eadwulf go on a date with Essek, and each try to woo him.
Reccer Says: Its adorable
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she said "take care", but i take more than i bring by MouseInTheCastle (3385 words, General) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss Warnings: None
Molly and Caleb are together, and Caleb and Essek are together, but Essek and Molly aren't - Essek gets sick and Molly takes care of him
Reccers Says: Warm and fluffy and cozy, very very sweet <3
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December's Language is Imprecise Grief by Marvelouska (2688 words, Teen) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: None
Molly, Caleb, and Essek staying in the dorms over christmas break, and Molly and Caleb try to make it a great holiday for Essek.
Reccer Says: I enjoyed it!
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someone as lost as you by floralprintshark (6500 words, Teen) Pairing: Beauregard Lionett/Jester Lavorre (Beaujes) Warnings: None
Jester asks Beau about her first kiss. The conversation leads to a question Beau didn't expect.
Reccer Says: It's very sweet and has a lot of mutual pining and disaster lesbian Beau
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Thread by Crewe (2256 words, General) Pairing: Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord) Warnings: None
Fjord and Caleb develop a routine at night, Caleb reading his books and Fjord mending his and his friends' clothes.
Reccer Says: It's quiet and domestic Widofjord from the very beginning of campaign 2.
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Maybe by Tulikettu (3389 words, Explicit) Pairing: Shaun Gilmore/Vax'ildan (Vaxmore) Warnings: None
Vax thinks a good cuddle will really set him right. And Shaun must give the best hugs. (Fluffy smut ensues)
Reccer Says: I enjoyed it!
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Vivere, Ridere, Amare by noconceptoflife (20189 words, Mature) Pairing: Yeza Brenatto/Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Anxiety
AU where Caleb meets the Brenattos soon after leaving the asylum and hides with them in plain sight. Pretend poly marriage turns real.
Reccer Says: I enjoyed it!
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The Maps are Gone (So Are Our Footprints Too) by J (6514, Explicit) Pairing: Yeza Brenatto/Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast Warnings: Consensual voyeurism
Yeza knows Caleb and Veth have something special, and decides to show Caleb how best to take care of Veth on their travels.
Reccer Says: I enjoyed it!
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Not Fancy Stuff by CriticalRolemance (3216 words, Teen) Pairing: Shaun Gilmore/Vax'ildan (Vaxmore) Warnings: None
Vax and Gilmore take a moment to forget about the looming existential threat of dragons and have a picnic dinner on the roof of Whitestone Castle.
Reccer Says: All the fics in this series are simple sweet fluff, but this one is probably my favorite. They're just a pair of romantic idiots and they deserve to get to be stupid in love together.
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something sweet by roundtriptojupiter (4988 words, General) Pairing: Percy de Rolo/Grog Strongjaw Warnings: None
An oblivious, and very confused Percy, becomes subject to Grog's tribe-specific courting rituals when the goliath gets a crush on him. (He eventually gets the hint)
Reccer Says: It's a very niche ship written in a way that feels very authentic to the characters. It also completely got me onboard to the possibilities of said ship! As well as that, it's just a well written, very sweet fic. A great way to get acquainted with what is probably one of Vox Machina's rarest pairings.
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The Scientist's Guide to Being Loved by tangereen (1237 words, Teen) Pairing: Eadwulf Grieve/Essek Thelyss (Esswulf) Warnings: None
Essek tries to figure out if Eadwulf is in love with him using logic.
Reccer Says: Essek is a goofy little guy trying to use science to explain emotions. I think it's cute.
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bifurcation of heart and bone by 917651827 (2372 words, Explicit) Pairing: Eadwulf Grieve/Essek Thelyss (Esswulf) Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
After his pregnancy, Essek can transform his body and fuck his partner the way he prefers.
Reccer Says: This esswulf focused entry in an Astrid/Eadwulf/Essek/Caleb series is so sweet! After he gives birth, Essek is able to get his dick back and fuck Eadwulf. They're both so loving and gentle with each other. It makes my heart burst!
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Through the Years by piratesPencil (5649 words, Mature) Pairing: Yeza Brenatto/Veth Brenatto/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast Warnings: None
Scenes of how Caleb and Essek and the Brenattos' relationship grows over several years and they eventually form a polycule.
Reccer Says: I love each one on one scene between Essek and the others. Also great demi Essek feels 💕
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And we have two reccs for; Today I Love You Even More by wtgw (5687 words, Teen) Pairing: Yeza Brenatto/Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast Warnings: None
Yeza encourages Veth to pursue her crush and is surprised when he ends up developing one of his own. Takes place in Xhorhas between the time Yeza is rescued and the time they’re able to relocate him; a very sweet fic about Yeza slowly falling for and awkwardly romancing the Wizard boyfriend his wife picked up on the road.
Reccer 1 Says: I loooooove Yeza's characterization his dynamic with not just Veth and Caleb but the rest of the nein is great Reccer 2 Says: I always love any story fleshing out Yeza and his personality+motivations, and this one does it so well! His patience and kindness in letting Nott persue Caleb, and then his own developing feelings, are just so endearing and fun to read about.
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Thank you for joining us for our very first recc list! We'll be doing these every Wednesday for the foreseeable future 🩷 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author's intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 🩷
Submissions for next week's list are already open! We'll be featuring Modern AUs. If you have any you'd like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Whump, and you can also submit fics for that now!
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you're interested in everyone's favorite wizards, you can't go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 🩷
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veliseraptor · 5 months
Top five canon ships from your fandoms?
canon ships? what're those. also I mean. how "canon" are we talking, like, explicitly canon, implicitly canon, they-get-together-at-the-end canon, they-at-some-point-were-a-thing canon, plausible-deniability-canon, it's complicated
but okay, to try to take this in the spirit it was probably meant
Hua Cheng/Xie Lian from TGCF. one of the most incredible things about TGCF is that it actually made me wholeheartedly and enthusiastically ship a completely canon and...relatively functional...ship. I mean, they've definitely got their dysfunction (Hua Cheng get some self esteem and maybe pedestalize Xie Lian a little less challenge) but they're weirdo4weirdo and friends in a delightful way that makes me really enjoy how they do it. I'm not saying they invented love, as the saying goes, but they're certainly good at it.
Felix Harrowgate &/ Mildmay from Doctrine of Labyrinths. look, if there's explicit incestuous attraction at at least one point I think it counts. this is one of those ships that straddles the line between & and / for me a lot of the time, because any sexual stuff aside it's so intense and intimate that, like. it might as well be a "classic" ship, just without the sex, and we're agreed that something doesn't have to have sex in it to be a ship, right? and there is the canonical one-sided incestuous attraction, so, like. it's not even completely without the sex.
Vegas Theerapanyakul/Pete Saengtham from Kinnporsche. cannot believe that this is canon thing that actually happened in a show that I watched. made 4 me. incredible. forever grateful to Kinnporsche for giving me this gift.
Caleb Widogast/Essek Thelyss from Critical Role. I feel like it's canon enough? maybe that's controversial but I'm going to stand by it. fascinating dynamic, two fucked up people being fucked up together, atonement arcs that aren't usually my thing but crossed with a wondrous amount of wizard hubris and people who are both kind of bad at being people. I'm into it.
Chu Wanning/Taxian-jun from 2HA. this spot was more of a toss-up but ultimately I settled on these two. I specify Taxian-jun here because while I really enjoy Mo Ran/Chu Wanning other flavor it's truly the Maximum Fucked Up that gets/got me. the hate/love/obsession of it. so good, I'm rolling around in it like a cat in catnip. thank u Meatbun for giving this to me with all its laundry list of associated trigger warnings
I feel like everyone should know how fucking tempted I was to put xuexiao on here. because it was very tempted. they're so close, you guys, I would argue implicitly canon, but, well. probably not what you meant, anon.
a number of what I'd call "plausible deniability canon" ships from mxtx, really. but again, spirit of the question.
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thecavernsabove · 10 months
okay now i just want to talk about my expectations versus why i have ended up liking certain characters because i am just so intrigued by everything these people and characters do. for bells hells, i went into it knowing i would love ashton because they are the reason I started watching, i didn't think i would really latch onto any other character, apart from maybe fearne because she's a satyr and i am particularly partial to satyrs, and imogen because i mean it's laura bailey!
but what actually happened, is that yes i did get super attached to ashton of course i did, but my top three quickly became ashton, orym and laudna (and as someone who started being able to watch live at the split you can imagine how devastated i was). and recently chetney is really creeping up there. i do love all the characters dearly though.
ashton just reminds me of myself so much, apart from the fact that they are much braver than i could ever be, and blunter too. i wish i could be them and also see all my faults in them. its a lot.
orym was my first introduction to liam o'brien and his devastating little guys (more on caleb later), and just his backstory and the way he deals with people intrigues me so much and i want to see him happy so bad.
laudna oh laudna. marisha ray you have ruined me. even going into this with my minimal knowledge of the briarwoods, her backstory reveal was so intense and it hurt. also, creepy unnerving girlies stick together! she's iconic.
chetney is so wild to me i love him so much. he is so intensely gender as well i love him so much. i love gruff and grumpy characters that are actually nice once you are more friendly with them.
imogen. i will say it took a little bit for her to grow on me but i do love her. i think the bassuras dusk stuff really helped me like her more. also her immense power and lightning scars are pretty cool if you ask me.
fearne. i love how sweet she is and the stuff like being bad at lying and also just stealing little things here and there was really fun. but what made me like her more was when she got more serious and i didn't expect that (foreshadowing for later!)
fcg. now, i still have, mixed? feelings for fcg. in a sense of i dont hate the character but i think the character arc is not something im too interested in, but i do still like them. the stuff with frida was very nice, and i do like the bits that they do - but i think there still feels like there is something missing for me somewhat.
now, with the mighty nein, i had an inkling on who i would like. i thought caleb certainly because we seem very similar, molly maybe because i liked ashton so hey i might like this taliesin character too! and that was it really. going into it though, because i had seen so much of jester (talking about her and cosplays mostly) i thought that she would be probably my least favourite because her personality didn't seem to really gel with what i usually like in characters. but here i am, on the other side with my favs being caleb, fjord, and jester! it was so much watching everything for the first time, even with knowing the big spoilers and then looking at more minor spoilers so i knew somewhat what would happen - but i do that with a lot of things, its different knowing what happens versus actually watching and experiencing what is happening.
caleb. caleb widogast is such an intense character and i loved every minute i spent with him. i spent so much time checking when i would finally see the nein sided tower of his and watching liam describe everything for an hour was so incredible i was in awe. i truely love that dirt wizard so much.
fjord was a truly unexpected character for me to fall for. the first time i realized that i was going to love him though was when they were in the one politicians house early in the campaign and he held his sword to caleb to make sure he wasn't fucking with them. then seeing his growth, the accent change, and just his whole deal i was enraptured. i do miss the southern eldritch blast though.
jester oh my goodness did she creep up on me. i think her initial cuteness that i had experienced throughout just existing on the internet put me off for some reason but i don't know why. however i did quickly fall in love with her, when she had one of her more sinister/serious moments early on. i don't remember what it was but i remember thinking oh. /oh./ okay. i love her. and then her relationship with her mama, and artie, gosh i just loved watching laura bailey do literally anything. the cupcake bit! also the sprinkle bit is quite funny. i also just love doing her voice when im talking to myself. she is also the reason that i take a decent amount of damage spells with my current cleric.
beau. i think i thought that i would have liked her more than i did (don't get me wrong i liked her a lot but she is not in my top three), but she is incredible. as a fellow monk pc i do love going the extra mile with those stunning strikes, and also seeing her relationship with yasha blossom was so lovely. and her bro relationships with fjord and caleb were also some of my favourites.
yasha. after starting with campaign three, it was really hard to not see ashley all the time and i remember having to look on the wiki while watching to check when she would come back every time she left. i think i really started to like her more after her she got taken, and went through that big arc, and we were around her more often. i loved watching her dreams. i loved watching her so much.
veth was so unexpected are you kidding me?? i will say i have yet to have a sam character be in my top three but god he knows how to throw an emotional punch and i love that kind of stuff. i love her relationship with caleb, the detective agency, the chaos crew. i love her arc of getting herself back, of seeing her family again. ough. im a big lover of families.
caduceus. goodness gracious me what a character. i just absolutely loved the aesthetic and caduceus's whole relationship to how he approaches death. he is also the reason i started playing a grave cleric in a newer campaign. but truly, has made me think differently about death - which was especially needed for me this year.
mollymauk. i knew he was dead. i knew he would die. but that didn't make me any less upset when it happened! i think about him often, what could have been. especially since i was so sure he took the wrong amount of damage in that fight and should not have quite have been knocked out at that time. but his whole maximallist aesthetic is something i very much enjoy, and i love the through line of his cards with jester.
wow okay this has gotten to be very long but i need to get my thoughts about everyone out somewhere!! if you've read this far im so sorry this is so much of my own ramblings.
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mithrilwren · 2 months
First Lines
Tagged by @thetragicallynerdy to share the first lines of my last ten fics! (Thank you for all the tags!!) I think I did this ages ago but I truly can't remember which ones I posted at the time, so I might as well do all ten!
Table Manners (Usopp/Sanji, Sanji teachs Usopp about fine dining etiquette)
See, there are some rules about the world that Usopp is still learning. He likes to think he’s a quick study—he’s kind of had to be, given he always seems to end up with the jobs nobody else wants—but weird things still catch him off guard: little details he’s never had a reason to notice, or care about.
2. Rosmarinus (Sanji + Nami, Sanji gives Nami a haircut and has some Feelings about it)
Sanji wouldn’t call hairdressing a particular talent of his, any more than Zoro would probably call lifting heavy objects a talent. It’s simply another application that his hands happen to be well suited for.
3. The Oar that Leads Us (Nami + Sanji, Nami and Sanji get stranded together in the East Blue)
They take stock in a moment of hard-fought calm: Sanji counts the food, while Nami counts her bruises.
4. Caleb Widogast's Five C's of Safe Return (Caleb/Essek, Caleb and Essek build a life together in Rexxentrum post-canon)
The little house sits along the western edge of the Tangles, just beyond the elegant disorder of the Court of Colors and its lively, winding streets. Its door is made of sturdy Dwendalian oak, but the floorboards are rosewood, brought from the shores of Nicodranas and laid in neat order by Caleb’s own hand.
5. burning up (for you, baby) (Caleb/Essek, the M9 have a beach day and Essek gets a sunburn)
The successful completion of a world-saving quest calls for a week in the sun: relaxation, rejuvenation, relocation (while the heat of Trent’s still-ongoing search dies down). With amulets slung over bathing wraps and under wide-brimmed hats, the Mighty Nein make their way back to Nicodranas, pay their respects to a grateful Yussa, and hit the beach.
6. Damage Control (Essek + Caleb, Essek gets hit by a curse in Aeor that devastates his powers)
“Ooo, look at this!” Essek looks up from his perusal of the cabinet’s bottom shelf to find his vision obscured by a curtain of deep, vibrant blue.
7. Echoes (Caleb/Essek, Essek is unsettled by Caleb's new eye-related powers)
There was a time when a voice from the darkness was comforting.
8. to say what lips cannot (Essek/Caleb, Essek muses about Caleb's hands)
It’s not hard to guess where the fascination began. So much of a wizard’s work is done with the hands. A forefinger extends, leaving wisps of smoke in the fiery ember’s wake. Crooked thumbs come together and apart, and space rends before their passing. A dot of sweet nectar passed over the lip, and the tongue becomes as deft as the curling wrist that placed it there. 
9. a liquor never brewed (Caduceus/Eodwulf, Caduceus has an unexpected crush)
“You don’t like meat, and you don’t like drink.” Eodwulf grins, arms uncrossing. “Is there anything you do like?”
10. your dust from mine (Fjord/Caduceus, Fjorclay retelling of The Goose Girl fairytale)
Fjord’s first memories are of darkness.
Phew, that was a lot! Tagging (if they feel like it!) @the-littlest-goblin, @saturdaysky, @soullistrations, and anyone else who feels like doing it!
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Did you get a request? It's headcanons of dating Mollymauk, Essek, Caleb and Fjord. Thanks!
Love me some Crit Role prompts, hope you like 'em!
Mollymauk Tealeaf
Molly is chaos incarnate regardless of whether you are in a relationship with him or not. Your life with the Nein is never dull anyway, but especially not when Molly's around.
Molly, however, is also incredibly smart for essentially being two years old. He's perceptive and picks up things about people very quickly. He is also adept at using that knowledge for his own benefit. All this to say, he picks up on your crush on him very quickly.
And uses this knowledge for evil...
Molly flirts with you every chance he gets with every possible idea he can think of just to see what kind of reaction he can get. He's incorrigible, but you blush all the same.
Don't worry! He also finds a nice time to chat with you when the two of you are on watch and lets you know that he has become just as fond of you. He, "just likes teasin' you, love."
Will find every opportunity to make you laugh or smile and is your biggest supporter and defender on and off the battlefield.
He's your circus man. He loves you fiercely, loudly, and sweetly as the world allows him for as a long as he can.
Essek Thelyss
Essek is a very difficult man to get to know. But, it has been scientifically proven that he can be worn down. Just keep at it.
Once you find something to bond over, Essek can be very sweet. He, despite any attempts he makes to instruct others that he does not, has a very big heart and cares an awful lot about the people he allows to really see him.
If you have a problem he will do whatever he can, within his abilities and around his busy schedule, to help you.
He is very hard on himself and in some instances probably should be to a degree, but you have to be there to stop him and that brilliant but treacherous brain of his from hurting his poor heart and soul.
Watch out for him please. He's battling a lot.
A relationship with Essek would be a sweet and loving one but it would also be fraught with the dangers of the lines he walks on a daily basis. The good news is, the love the two of you share is more than enough to whether it.
Caleb Widogast
Caleb, like Essek, cares very deeply for those around him. But, unfortunately also like Essek, also suffers through a lot of mental and emotional torment of his own making.
He's gotten better being with you and the Nein but you can tell that he still struggles. The kind of things he's been through are not things you can simply forget. He may need your help in the mental fight against his demons every once and a while.
Caleb would need a lot of coaxing to get him to really open up to you about his feelings for you (I mean we all saw how he got around Jester sometimes). You might have to be the one to make the first move because he will likely have plans to keep that secret to himself until the end of time.
I feel like Caleb would oddly be really good at taking care of you? Like reminding you to get the proper amount fo sleep (after all, he knows exaclty how many hours you've been awake for), and eating the proper amount as well as taking breaks. But, at the same time, he is awful at doing that for himself. Watch this one, make sure he doesn't fall asleep with his head in a spell book.
I also imagine that Caleb, once you get to a certain point of comfort in the relationship, is as cuddly as his cat. Imagine that after a particularly long day, he just flops on top of you, absolutely exhausted, curling in to you. Probably mumbling things in Zemnian that makes absolutely no sense regardless of whether you speak the language or not. He's very tired, just hold him and let him sleep.
Caleb is a very attentive person and he remembers literally everything. He constantly mazes you by the things he remembers about you and your relationship. He loves you and that love comes through in the detail he puts into every magical creation that you are included in.
Fjord Stone
Fjord, Wildmother love him, constantly finds himself in ridiculous situations. You, as much as you love him, have to find the humor in it. You are always there to help him out, but you almost have to laugh at him sometimes. 
Regardless of his occasional fumbling, Fjord is very attentive and romantic. 
He finds his own ways to fluster you, finding moments to be almost comedically romantic like someone out of Jester’s novels.
He, being a Paladin, and a new one at that, most likely feels a need to protect or like he has to prove he can protect you. He knows you are fully capable of defending and protecting yourself and he never wants to step on your toes in that field (he, like everyone else mentioned, is a respectful boi) but he loves you and sometimes assumes that he needs to prove that he is worthy of loving you, prove that he can keep you safe, prove that he himself is safe for you to be around.
He knows how to make you smile in the simplest of ways. Whether it be a flower left for you, a kind word, a reassuring hand on your shoulder, Fjord somehow always manages to know when you need something sweet like that.
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Request Rules/Character Sheet
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randoimago · 1 year
This is agoraphobia Anon from a decent chunk of time ago, idk if you remember. Life has its ups and downs but I think I’m doing a lot better! In celebration of the can I have some headcannons for Molly, Caleb, Yasha and Jester reacting to the reader taking them somewhere on a date that involves navigating crowds? Reader is still nervous obviously but makes it through without panicking.
Agoraphobic S/O Taking Them on Date
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Caleb Widogast, Jester Lavorre, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Yasha Nydoorin
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I do remember! I'm glad you're doing better!! Life is wild and it's nice to have a bit of respite from it. So I hope you enjoy these headcanons!!
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You told him you wanted to take him on a date and he agreed. He noticed you looked excited, yet nervous, but he didn't say anything as he trusted you and didn't want you to be more nervous.
When you began leading him into busier streets while holding his hand, he stayed silent. He wanted to speak up and make sure you're alright, but you looked determined. He didn't want you to lose your nerve when you're doing so well.
Caleb's face lit up when you took him to a bookstore that just opened. It wasn't the most crowded, but there were still a good bit of people wanting to see the newly-opened establishment. He noticed you seeming more nervous with all the people around and he gave your conjoined hands a light squeeze.
"Thank you for this," he'd say as he moves you to a section of the bookstore that is just the two of you. Despite the nerves, you manage a smile and he gave a bright one back. The idea that you did all of this for him. That you faced your fear for him. When you both are back in privacy, he'll happily tell you how much he loves you.
Jester had grabbed a newspaper for fun and to draw dicks and circle people's names that she thought are silly. She let out a pleased gasp as she read a part of it. "There's a new art museum opening today!"
She was definitely going to visit and promised she'd tell you all about it so you could experience it too in a different way. Instead you looked at her with a nervous smile stating, "Let's go."
Jester constantly peeked over at your expression as she swung your joined hands while you two walked to where the museum is. She filled the air with excited chattering in hopes the noise could help you focus on her and not the fact that you're outside and heading to a place that's likely to be really crowded.
"You know, we can just stay home and I can paint you some pretty pictures," she pipes up as she doesn't want you forcing yourself. But you just look at her without fear in your eyes. Nerves yes, but not an ounce of fear. "I want to do this with you." The brightest smile just grows on her lips as she goes to hug you.
He continues to stare at you as you hold his hand and walk with him somewhere. You wanted to take him out and didn't tell him where. Molly is definitely curious, but he also is staring to see how you're fairing considering your phobia.
"Nice day out," he'd say as if he actually cared about the weather. He doesn't, but it does cause your focus to shift slightly and he can see the nerves but you give a smile as you state that the weather is perfect for whatever you have planned.
Molly hears the excited chattering and all the different noises before he sees what your plans are. You bring him to a stop and give him a small, "Ta da." and he looks behind you with some surprise as it looks like a carnival came to town.
"Carnivals are kind of overrated," he jokes but it is his way of giving you an out if you need to walk away. This looks like a lot, but you just continue giving him a determined look. Nerves are still on your face, but it's evident you want to do this. He gives a lazy smile at that, "Lead the way, love."
You're on a walk with her, taking her to some date you had prepared. She is happy that you're taking her out, but also sending glares to anyone that gets too close. Yasha sees you're having a good day and doesn't want some rando ruining that.
Yasha lets out a small gasp as you take her to a flower shop that has newly opened. There's so many different colors and plants and she immediately wants to take a piece of each for her book.
"There's going to be a lot of people," she states when she focuses back to you. You just give a nervous smile and shake your head. "I can't back out of a date." Yasha gives a smile as she moves to kiss your forehead.
"I love you," she tells you as she holds your hand and leads you inside the crowded flower shop. You can bet she's looking for a lovely bouquet to give you.
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adamshallperish · 6 months
i don't really think about critical role a lot anymore because idk i'm just disconnected with where they are as a Brand now vs the way they used to be but can i just say. caleb widogast is one of the most interesting things to have ever come out of that show and i will never forgive shadowgast shippers for the way y'all characterized him in fanon.
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aeor-is-for-reccing · 3 months
College AU - a Shadowgast Reclist
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This week, we have seven stories with Caleb or Essek and college/university students, or professors. Some modern with magic, some modern, and some that are only a half-step off from canon. Check them out beneath the cut, and as always - comment or kudos if you like them!
hearts are too heavy a burden to bear alone by Anonymous (9610, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb Widogast is the only student to show up to Essek's study hours. Caleb...is not enrolled in the class or the program, but Essek has to be here anyway and Caleb has the book and is determined to learn.
Reccer says: Fun, lovely modern with magic
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(If One Could Be Home) They'd Be Already There by DotyTakeThisDown (25820, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: None
When Caleb stays in the on-campus apartments, he expects to be alone for winter break. He doesn't expect to run into Essek Thelyss in the laundry room.
Reccer says: Their relationship is so sweet in this one!
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Fundamental Forces Other Than Gravity by mllekurtz (40676, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Cold, ruthless and lonely Essek Thelyss accidentally makes some friends and falls in love.
Reccer says: Absolutely in love with this one! The story is so good, you just want to read it all in one go.
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Something There That Wasn't There Before by DotyTakeThisDown (12392, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek stumbles on a romance novel on Caleb's shelf, along with a few truths about himself.
Reccer says: This is a sweet and relatable story of self discovery for Essek. Caleb is an amazing and supportive best friend 💜
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reaching the starlight by CherryMilkshake, eldritchmochi (86552, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Discussion of bulemia, mental illness
AKA the Camming AU. Caleb and Essek have separate camming streams, and decide to team up for the views. Then it gets complicated.
Reccer says: Extremely, blisteringly hot, and I love how they treat both Caleb and Essek's internal conflicts
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Five Points Make a Difference by RainbowBard (12238, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb gets the second-highest exam score in his physics class. It's the worst thing that's ever happened to him.
Reccer says: It's a lot of fun to read!
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The Upward Arc of Sun and Moon by marsastronomica (marswithghosts) (255854, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Shadowhand Essek Thelyss is a guest lecturer at Solstryce Academy. Caleb is the Archmage of Civil Influence who likes to attend his lectures. They met three years ago, and a misunderstanding put them at odds.
Reccer says: This fic has everything! A courtly romance, a lot of coziness, a great familiar, political intrigue and more!
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with something short - fics all under 1,500 words!
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sammusbird · 1 month
25 jonathan antichrist sims
1-25 for Jonathan "Antichrist" Sims Archivist? Coming right up
I love his corruption arc and hate that he doesn't eat enough bread.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? Bad skin. Unwatered crops.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? Doesn't accept his best frenemie Helen :(
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? The book 1984, or a giant Eye, OR a blender.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In! by Will Wood.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
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7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? Love the green eyeball orbs that follow this bastard around SOOOOOOOO much
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise? Lied to me about him being MENA representation
9. Could you be roommates with this character? Ohhhh my shit never
10. Could you be best friends with this character? Not unless he changes his mind about Helen
11. Would you date this character? Never
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? Stinky
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot? nerdy emoji
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character. Lots of plaid and dark cheap blazers
15. JMART has the best name of any ship ever
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character? Jon and George were not meant to be
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with? I can't think of any other ships
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? Jon and Daisy are epic bros
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like? BE NICE TO BESTIE HELEN WAHHHHHH
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter? Tim. With benefits.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them? I have actually forgotten all characters ever. Han Solo and Bernd das Brot. Teru from Mob Psycho 100. I'm trying my best here OH SHIT CALEB WIDOGAST FROM CRITICAL ROLE
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now? My first impression was that Jon Archivist was this super cool, super cursed, super star-crossed protagonist on a corruption arc a la Macbeth, going further and further down a dark path despite his best efforts. I now know I was incorrect and Jon Archivist is a miserable terrible pathetic little meow meow and the Ceaseless Watcher's most special guy. It loves him soooooooo so so much because he always keeps getting into terrible situations and somehow surviving on his own. to the point that when Daisy sees Jon in the Buried she outright says it. yaya
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Wizard Breakdown Tracker: Mighty Nein Reunited, Part 2
Gather ye wizards while ye may, though with the return to Campaign 3, we are finally headed to Yios, where there are wizards, once we finish with the Gloomed Jungles, where there are were-creatures, which are also very cool. The hierarchy is, as always: paladins; wizards; were-creatures; literally everyone else; dhampyrs, kalashtar, changelings, and "hey DM, can I play a tiefling bard with intelligence 7". But I digress.
Ludinus Da'leth: So at this point (ie, shortly post-this episode), Caleb, known bridge between the Cerberus Assembly and the Cobalt Soul, has taken a job at the Soltryce Academy, which means any efforts to make a new, slightly more palatable volstrucker program and quietly keep it from Archmage Becke are going to go straight out the window. The walls are closing in, and he doesn't even know that Jester can go to the Feywild. 7/10.
Astrid Becke: Caleb listened and took the job! That's one success in what's got to be a thankless new position in many ways. Also I still really want to know who the hell has become Archmage of Antiquity, or if the Assembly just writes that one off as "make a deal to bring back a powerful Age of Arcanum entity and raise it to godhood once, shame on you; make a deal to bring back an powerful Age of Arcanum entity and raise it to godhood twice, shame on us and also what the fuck are we going to do with two nickels in a society that uses gold, silver, and copper currency." 3/10; Astrid's doing better than she ever has in this tracker, and good for her.
Eadwulf Grieve: Caleb is still keeping him in mind, which is good, because he really is like...look, he's a wizard, so he's not dumb muscle, but compared to his two former lovers he's very clearly the 'And Peggy' of the bunch. On the other hand this means he's probably just organizing the Temple of the Raven Queen Yulisen Night Potlucks and inventing the Exandrian equivalent of Minnesota Hot Dish or something. 0/10.
Yussa Errenis: Is aware of the storm on the horizon. Is chilling in his tower. Is largely unbothered. Other people pointed out that while he has developed a reputation for fucking around and finding out, he has also technically never physically left his tower to do so, which is honestly impressive, but does explain why Beau did not have to bamf out a partially dissolved old wizard when she ended up in Uk'otoa's gullet. Anyway, glad he's keeping up with Caleb and making potions. 3/10, for being aware of the storm.
Allura Vysoren, whose name I keep misspelling: Yasha did give Kima back the sword, and Caleb doesn't seem to have her staff, and she helped make a new, cooler sword! 2/10 for League of Miracles reasons only.
Essek Thelyss: Still under a lot of political pressure, regardless of where he is...but he's also getting, as Figueroth Faeth would say, his kisses in, so better than I expected! 5/10.
Caleb Widogast: So here's the thing. It is, as the other post said, about the green beans. And it is, as my last iteration of this said, not time for deep Caleb meta in here. But I do have a lot of thoughts about the similarities between Caleb and Fjord, as I always do, and about how neither of them really had much of an understand of what happens in their life past That One Big Thing They Need To Do, having already woken up at some point and been like *Mitski voice* I used to think I'd be done by 20. I do feel that the Caleb Widogast of part 1 of this two-shot was truly a Caleb Widogast who could go either way re: the T-Dock usage, and the Caleb Widogast of part 2 of this two-shot is not; the event has not (in my understanding, at least) occurred but the decision has unconsciously been made. Also he's dating Essek and he gets to have Dragon Time, which sounds like Floor Time but better. He does get a 4/10 though, because he takes it upon himself to become the Mighty Nein's Social Event Coordinator. As someone who just had to cancel a carefully scheduled D&D session for tonight because I am sick but also the DM and if I have to talk for 2 hours while simultaneously using my brain I will cry, this is very stressful.
Veth Brenatto: Camp's going great! Only one kid died, and not permanently! 1/10.
Known Gem Wizard Hotsauce Lutefisk: Oh so the demigod leviathan CALAMITY SNAKE gets released from its prison beneath the sea, three seals in three temples broken in under 18 months, and yet, I, Halas Lutagran,
Warlock Breakdown Tracker
Fjord: For real? Who knows. I personally imagine that it does, as they say, briefly go to 11, because though Uk'otoa is dealt with and Zehir seems to have understandably gone "you are way too interested in love and the ocean for me to give a shit, I'm going back to bed", Fjord (not unlike Caleb) has to sit with the fact that he's done with that and he's happy OH GOD HE'S HAPPY WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE DO WITH THIS. Also he has to deal with the orphanage, which is going to be traumatic and unpleasant for sure, plus you know someone named "Grankton" is going to be holding a massive grudge against the world at large. But with time, it settles back down somewhere more reasonable, only to briefly spike and resolve again during Kingsley's little maneuver. So you know. Some numbers, probably.
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