#hypoparents au
moths-wc-aus · 2 years
HypoParents; TawnySquirrel Holly Lion & Jay
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tada!!!!!! tawnysquirrel three! i combined jay&flame (both med cats), lion&tiger (both awful), and holly&dawn (both uptight & the only ladies in their litter). i combined their names as well! they are now flamefeather, lionheart (version 2.0, now worse than ever!), and hollypelt.
i plan to combine alder and spark with rowan and birch for tawnysquirrel’s second litter (probably make them about apprentice aged), and make breezepelt a bramblecrow kit.
this hypoparent thing is loads of fun!!!
[separated image of siblings below the cut]
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angsttronaut · 2 years
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Inspired by @sootslash's hypoparent AU!
The idea of Breezepelt being a tigercloneis extremely funny to me; I'm thinking he'd be a younger sibling of the Three born during PO3. The first Gathering Shadepaw attends is the one where Hollyleaf reveals the Three's true parentage, and he becomes full of resentment as he watches his family fall into chaos. He's quickly approached by the Dark Forest and becomes a trainee, his rage and hatred growing by the day...
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kiwianacat · 2 years
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Scourge and Tigerstar brothers AU!
Inspired by @sootslash’s alt parent AUs, thought this would be a neat idea. Born as Nightkit, Scourge left the clans as a sickly kit with his father Pinestar promising to seek medical help from humans. He later returns after Pinestar’s death seeking his remaining family but instead Tigerpaw, unrecognising of the cat he knew as a sister, drives him away instead. They wouldn’t meet again until many moons later, after each has become leaders of their own clans…
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@aiko-kpwc tumblr ate your ask :( But anyways! You’d suggested I draw Yellowfang, so here she is! Scruffy old lady >:)
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(please click for better quality) but wait, that’s not all…
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I also drew the Three as Yellowfang/Bluestar hypokits! I’ve kept Jay’s name the same, but I renamed Holly to Juniperkit (for her blue instead of green eyes), and Lion to Stormkit! I tried to stay accurate to genetics, so Lion/Storm has unfortunately lost his golden fur, which is why I renamed him lol
possible spoilers for power of three & yellowfang’s secret & bluestar’s prophecy under the cut, plus lots of writing!
In this hypothetical world, we have a few options. Option one: This litter follows Yellowfang’s litter’s path, and Jaykit and Stormkit take the place of Wishkit & Hopekit, thus dying at birth. Juniperkit takes on the role of Brokenstar, going all evil-murder-cat, but in a different way than Broken. Maybe she takes the warrior code to higher levels, or maybe she discards it. Possibilities are endless! Jayfrost, Juniperfall, Stormfang?
Second option: the litter follows Bluestar’s litter’s path, with Stormkit taking the place of Mosskit, and Jaykit & Juniperkit taking the place of Misty & Stone, being taken to ShadowClan. ooh wait, maybe we can mix stories…
Juniperkit, Jaykit, and Stormkit are born into ThunderClan by their mother Bluefur. All three kits survive their birth, and Blue brings them to ShadowClan to live with their other mom Yellowfang, who has to give the litter to Lizardstripe (just pretend timelines make sense). Lizardstripe is in a super difficult position— she doesn’t want kits, never really did, but got pregnant, and now three more kits are being forced upon her by the Clan leader Raggedstar. She’s not a good mother, and honestly who can blame her? Well. The majority of ShadowClan can, I guess. But then Storm and Jay die from a sickness, Juniper blames Yellowfang and Raggedstar— Yellowfang for not healing her brothers, Ragged refusing to let Yellowfang treat Storm and Jay because they were too far gone. The ghosts of Jay and Storm kind of follow Juniper around, and they stay kits whilst Juniperkit grows to an apprentice, and then a warrior— Juniperfall, perhaps? She discovers she has a power (instead of Jay&Lion having powers and Holly not, now Juniper has powers & Jay&Storm don’t) to… idk, see the dead? Fade into shadows/go invisible? Juniper is super protective over young cats now, but also has a grudge against Ragged and Yellow, due to her brother’s deaths. She becomes deputy, then kills Raggedstar by making him eat deathberries (👀 deathberries… woah… haven’t seen that before I’m sure… (looks at Hollyleaf and Leafpool) ). But after killing him… she can no longer see Jay and Storm. She can see other dead cats, but her brothers have left her. They are afraid of who she has become, and honestly, it scares her too. She becomes Juniperstar, and tries to fix her wrongs, but in a way where she actually is being kind of evil, but has a reason for being evil, protective, etc etc, stuff like that. She steals kits to raise them in ShadowClan to be safer, trains them from a younger age so that they’re stronger sooner and hopefully won’t die young (this backfires at a few different points probably). Alright that’s all I’ve got!
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theanoninyourinbox · 5 months
Can we see the Three as Leafpool and Nightcloud's kits?
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fallingstarsau · 2 months
ooo uhh hypoparents of jessie? in my head, her father is a transmasc sol, but let me know your thoughts!
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Sol, running away from Skyclan, came upon Toffee’s house. She offered to let him stay a while, and let him get his bearings. After all, she was barely let outside, and incredibly bored, with neglectful housefolk. Sol charmed her with his stories, and one thing led to another, resulting in Jessie.
Sol wanted to take Jessie with him on his travels, and rejected Toffee’s name for her, only calling Jessie ‘Ignis’. Toffee refused, and was heartbroken when Sol took Jessie away one night, never to return. Jessie didn’t want to go, however, and as soon as possible, slipped away, hoping to find her way back home. She became hopelessly lost, however, and gave up on her goal, instead wandering aimlessly across the land.
After getting injured crossing the mountains(why did she think that was a good idea?) She stumbles into Thunderclan, a few days before the badger attack, and manages to help save Cinderpelt.
(That’s all I have written for her now, but I imagine in her wandering she meets a few cats that teach her how to fight. I also imagine that Jessie and Squirrelflight get together- if anyone wants to ask me for their hypokits, please do!)
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
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I had this idea of OneFire hypoparent versions of Squilf and Leaf and couldn’t not do it so here they are!
Pretty much at the start of tnp little Ploverpaw and Squirrelpaw are separated across borders taken by each of their dads, Ploverpool with Onestar and Squirrelcurl with Firestar. To finally stop the constant fights from Windclan as Onestar wanted one of his daughters. Ended up with a whole au for them that I actually really love.
Beware long au explanation of the two
Small curly cat so full of energy it’s like she’s got the wind in her heart. With more of her father Onewhisker’s stripes but a warmer tone and shape like her papa Fireheart she’s very torn with her loyalties. While she does have the spirit for the moor she was very easily divided with her papa because of her coat, height, and stumpy legs. And while she does love Fire a lot she sometimes wishes her and Plover could’ve been raised closer together. Does not get along with her father Onestar much the two butting heads harshly and with differing opinions very quickly getting into fights.
She does not get with Bramble but instead with Crowfeather after they got close over the journey, meeting him more under the guise of visiting her sister. The two were close and said they’d run away together! Find a place where all can love with no borders tearing them apart! Until it all crumpled as Squirrel couldn’t leave all her family and friends behind and Crow started to find he didn’t like the true fire in her heart. They split harshly breaking both cats hearts in a massive fight, running back to their own clans. Except Squirrelcurl was expecting his kittens and she’d have no way to explain them away.
Squirrelcurl makes a plan with her sister who is also expecting and they leave with Mothwing and Nightcloud to have the litters under a guise of a vision. She has Starlingkit and Ravenkit who she knows she cannot keep, they look far too much like their father to ever stay. On the way back she gives the two to Nightcloud who promises to love them for her, deciding to rename them Hollykit and Breezekit for their parentage of the forest and the moors.
Eventually after the secrets revealed by Hollyscratch and Breezecloud she makes amends with both her kittens, and finds she loves Nightcloud with the two becoming mates once she divorces Bramblestep.
Tall curly and powerful their was no hiding the clear mix of blood in Ploverpool’s pelt she was a very mixed cat. Having Firestar’s pattern, ears, and strong paws but Onestar’s coat, eyes, curl, tail, and height she was clear from her birth where she came from. But with her height and slight fear of shadows she was kept by her father Onewhisker, having to watch her sister walk away. Very early on she found a solution, if she was a healer she could travel across borders and see anyone she wanted! And learn the secrets most cats can’t even touch. As such she was trained under Barkface.
She does find love across borders, right by a little flowing creek. A cat much like her in statue such just beauty it struck her speechless she had to know her. And then at her first moonpool meeting to see just the cat saunter up she fell head over paws. Plover and Moth fall in love, using the excuse of their healer duties to hang out often having Squirrel or Nightcloud tag along with them. They thought nothing bad could come from this as long as no one found out. Until someone did. Plover knew someone had seen them when she found a moth wing and thorn snuck in her nest. Paranoia seeping into her pelt.
Plover realizes she’s expecting just a few nights after her sister came to her telling her similar news. They make a plan to all leave with Mothwing and Nightcloud in case anything were to happen, have the kittens in secret and figure out what to do after. She has three beautiful bundles of fur. Fritillarykit, Jaykit, and Tadpolekit. Sadly as they travel back Tadpole becomes too weak and passes away, buried just between the River and Wind borders by their mothers. Fritillarykit is kept by Mothwing and Jaykit is taken by Squirrelcurl who could easily pass the little pale kitten as her own.
When the secrets revealed Ploverpool finally breaks and moves to Riverclan to be with her mate and eventually raise their second litter of Dandelionkit, Hawkkit, Sparkkit, and Alderkit. Fritillaryblaze ends up also following his moms across the border to be with his new family, Jaydream crossing over often as well.
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maplemouse-warriors · 8 months
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For the anon who requested Leafpool x Stormfur for the hypokits, tumblr fumbled your ask so sorry about that!
When I rolled my d4 to determine how many kits to put into this litter, I rolled a 3. So this turned into more of a hypoparents AU than some hypokits. I did make some art though!
Leafpaw takes Squirrelpaw’s place on the journey to the sun-drown-place. She and Stormfur fall for each other as they travel. Feathertail doesn’t die in the mountains, but falls in love with Brook and elects to stay in the mountains when the Clans pass through during the Great Journey. Squirrelflight and Crowfeather spend time with each other on the Great Journey and have a fun fling, but after the WindClan coup, neither is willing to compromise for the relationship, and they messily break up. Leafpool learns she is pregnant, and tells Stormfur; he decides to leave RiverClan and move to ThunderClan. Squirrelflight is also revealed to be pregnant around the same time, and the three decide that Stormfur will move to ThunderClan ‘for Squirrelflight’ and he and Squirrelflight will raise both litters together.
Later, on a cold winter night, Squirrelflight gives birth to Featherkit and Shrewkit, and Leafpool gives birth to Streamkit, Stonekit, and Cinderkit.
Streamfur (Hollyleaf) is a black molly with green eyes. She is one of the Four prophesied cats, with her powers being very spiritual. She is able to see ghosts/spirits, and can visit StarClan at will. She is mentored by Brackenfur.
Stonespark (Lionblaze) is a thick-furred gray tabby with amber eyes. He is one of the Four prophesied cats, with his powers being centered on the physical. He is strong and durable, practically unable to be injured. He is mentored by Ashfur, and later mentors Bumblepaw. He still ends up with Cinderheart.
Cinderwing (Jayfeather) is a pale gray tom with blue eyes. He is one of the Four prophesied cats, with his powers connecting him to the minds of others. He has the ability to enter the emotions, thoughts, and dreams of other cats. He is mentored by Brightheart (with help from Longtail), although gets frustrated with how the Clan at large treats him due to his blindness. He later mentors Blossompaw in both the waking world and the Dark Forest. He and Poppyfrost become mates.
Featherfoot (Dovewing) is a pale ginger molly with green eyes and dark paws. She is one of the Four prophesied cats, with extended senses. She is able to see, hear, and smell things very far away. She is mentored by Sorreltail, and later mentors Briarpaw. She moves to ShadowClan post-OotS to be with Tigerheart.
Shrewfrost (Ivypool) is a gray tabby molly with blue eyes. She is not one of the Four prophesied cats, but she has a connection to the Dark Forest. For a long time she believed them to be StarClan spirits, and became a medicine cat to foster that connection.
A summary of major changed events in Po3 and OotS are below the read more!
Power of Three Four
Streampaw starts as Leafpool’s apprentice (she’s ambitious, and likes the idea of the power and responsibility being a medicine cat will give her, but doesn’t enjoy healing); Shrewpaw starts as Brackenfur’s apprentice (she enjoys warrior training, but is curious about healing, and is being singled out by ‘StarClan Warriors’.)
After Streampaw has a conversation with Brook, who has been staying in ThunderClan with her mate Feathertail, she decides she wants to be a warrior. Shrewpaw has a similar conversation with her mentor Brackenfur about his littermate Cinderpelt, and decides she wants to be a medicine cat. The two soon switch mentors.
Stonepaw and Breezepaw are competing in the Daylight Gathering; Featherpaw hears the collapse, and gets Shrewpaw before leading her - along with Squirrelflight, Leafpool, Crowfeather, and Nightcloud - to where the boys are. Shrewpaw is able to heal them, solidifying herself as a Medicine Cat, but realizes that Featherpaw should not have been able to know about the collapse, and is a bit suspicious of her littermate.
Shrewpaw is told about the prophecy (there will be four, kin of your kin) by a Dark Forest cat; they twist it to demonize the Four
Cinderpaw learns about the prophecy in Firestar’s dreams, and realizes that he is one of the Four.
Stonepaw begins meeting Heatherpaw in the tunnels connecting WindClan and ThunderClan.
Stonepaw and Cinderpaw begin training in the Dark Forest. Stonepaw is convinced to train by the Dark Forest warriors taking advantage of his anger and ambition. Cinderpaw is convinced to train in the Dark Forest due to feeling as though ThunderClan doesn’t take him seriously as a warrior.
After learning that three WindClan kits have gone missing, Stonepaw, Streampaw, and Featherpaw enter the tunnels. Between Featherpaw’s hearing and Stonepaw’s knowledge of the tunnels, they are able to find the kits. Unfortunately, they find the kits at the same time as Breezepaw and Heatherpaw do. The five apprentices must then figure out how to escape the tunnels as the water is rapidly rising. After they escape, Heatherpaw and Stonepaw agree to stop meeting.
Three Tribe cats arrive in ThunderClan to ask Feathertail and Brook to return to the Tribe. Stormfur and Brambleclaw want to journey to aid the Tribe. Leafpool asks that Squirrelflight be sent in her place, since as the only fully trained medicine cat she cannot leave the Clan. Brambleclaw says that Stormfur and Squirrelflgiht’s kits should be able to journey as well; Leafpool agrees. All five apprentices (along with Breezepaw) are sent on the journey. Brambleclaw does some math in his brain while seeing Crowfeather and Stormfur interact with the five apprentices, and figures out what’s happening here, although he does not mention it to anyone.
After the fight with Flick’s Group, Cinderpaw reveals the prophecy to his siblings. Shrewpaw seems shocked, but keeps her concerns about the Four to herself.
When Sol takes over ShadowClan, Shrewpaw encourages a mentality within ThunderClan that ShadowClan doesn’t need aid or rescuing, as they were not strong enough to remain as a Clan. She is neutral on Sol himself, while the other four think he may be the key to understanding the prophecy.
Streampaw, Stonepaw, Cinderpaw, and Featherpaw fake a sign from StarClan with the help of Tigerpaw, Flamepaw, and Dawnpaw. Featherpaw and Tigerpaw notably get along well. They do not include Shrewpaw in their plan due to her being outspoken against aiding ShadowClan.
Cinderwing does some time travel as Cinder’s Glow. Cinder’s Glow has a sibling, Stream’s Flow, that reminds him of Streamfur. Their mother, Feather Fall, looks just like Featherfoot does; their uncle Stone Spark couldn’t be more like Stonespark. He is delighted to learn that reincarnation is real.
Ashfur corners Streamfur, Stonespark, and Cinderwing as they attempt to escape a fire in the ThunderClan camp. Squirrelflight claims she is not their mother in order to allow the three to escape. Cinderwing determines that she’s telling the truth with his powers.
They tell their littermates this immediately.
Streamfur kills Ashfur; Leafpool knows it’s her after finding some of her fur in Ashfur’s claws.
Ashfur haunts Streamfur, taunting her about being a murderer and a mistake.
Stonespark stops training in the Dark Forest, realizing how they are using him and trying to make him worse. He asks Cinderwing to stop training there as well, but Cinderwing believes he can learn the valuable information the Dark Forest warriors have without being corrupted, similar to how smart people get sucked into marketing schemes. Stonespark is frustrated by this, but the two agree not to speak of it.
Shrewfrost, believing they are one litter, determines their mother is Leafpool after investigating some stories about mixed up herbs.
Streamfur confronts Leafpool, thinking she will know who their mother is, and Leafpool confronts Streamfur about killing Ashfur. Leafpool then confesses she is the mother of Streamfur, Stonespark, and Cinderwing, and then reveals that Shrewfrost and Featherfoot are a different litter, and Squirrelflight is their mother.
Featherfoot, horrified, overhears Streamfur and Leafpool’s conversation.
Stonespark and Cinderwing confront Stormfur, thinking they will be revealing information to him, but he confirms that he already knows, and that he is their father.
Before the siblings have a chance to pool their knowledge together, Streamfur reveals that Squirrelflight isn’t their mother at a Gathering, naming Leafpool as their mother. Leafpool steps down from her position, and claims all five kits as her own, attempting to save Squirrelflight from the fallout of having a half-Clan relationship.
Stormfur stands to declare his love for Leafpool and claim all five kits as his as well, standing with his mate.
This throws the Gathering into such chaos that Streamfur can’t reveal Squirrelflight’s part in the deceit, and Streamfur runs away, followed by her littermates and parents.
Ashfur’s ghost disappears now that the secret has been revealed.
Streamfur, chased by Cinderwing, Squirrelflight, Stormfur, and Stonespark, runs into the tunnels. As Stormfur enters the tunnel, the entrance collapses, partially burying Stormfur and leaving Stonespark behind. Streamfur stops running in order to help Squirrelflight and Cinderwing dig him out, and then the four begin to attempt escape. They discuss the truth while they are underground, with Cinderwing and Streamfur learning about Stormfur and Leafpool’s relationship, as well as Squirrelflight and Crowfeather’s relationship. They are led above ground by Fallen Leaves, whom only Streamfur can see. Stormfur learns of Ashfur’s threats to his family.
Above ground, Shrewfrost confronts Leafpool, and tries to force her to eat deathberries; Leafpool refuses, and tries to comfort her apprentice. They are interrupted by Featherfoot, who bursts in with Stonespark to tell them about the tunnel collapse. The four, led by Featherfoot, begin to try and find the other members of their family. As they search, Leafpool tells them about her relationship with Stormfur, as well as Squirrelflight and Crowfeather’s relationship.
Everyone is overjoyed when the tunnel group escapes. The kids reveal their powers and the prophecy to their parents. The siblings are not friendly with their parents, but are trying to be understanding of the difficult decisions their parents had to make.
Omen of the Stars
Featherfoot realizes that the beavers are causing the lake to run dry. In order to convince Firestar that they need to address the problem, she convinces her siblings to come clean to him about being the Prophesied Four.
Feather and Stream go with cats from the other Clans to destroy the dam. Streamfur displays a lot of self-destructive tendencies on the journey, eager to die in service to her Clan. However, Rippletail’s sacrifice hits her hard, and she realizes that she must live with her actions, and work towards being better.
Featherfoot and Tigerheart spend plenty of time reconnecting on the journey, and begin meeting in secret once they return to the Clans.
Poppyfrost, very pregnant with Cinderwing’s kits, decides to sneak out of camp and travel to the Moonpool, as she misses her siblings and wants to see them again.
Streamfur follows her, arriving in time to save her from an attack by Breezepelt. Streamfur then realizes she is also fighting a ghostly Brokenstar, but thankfully a ghostly Honeyfern helps even the odds. Cinderwing is so stressed when they return to camp.
Tigerheart is revealed to also be training in the Dark Forest. Cinderwing’s apprentice Blossompaw is brought into the night training as well, and Cinderwing does what he can to aid her.
StarClan calls for the medicine cats to be separated; the Dark Forest encourages this for Shrewfrost, saying that they will guide her. She realizes that she is not meeting with StarClan, but believes the spirits to be helpful and have the Clans’ best interests at heart.
Featherfoot hears a tree begin falling into the camp. She is able to warn the Clan in time for the camp to be evacuated, but her apprentice, Briarpaw, re-enters camp with Longtail. She is horrified when Longtail dies and Briarpaw is injured by the tree finally falling into camp, feeling as though she should have been able to prevent it. She is a strong supporter of her former apprentice.
Shrewfrost is told by the Dark Forest that ShadowClan is looking to gain ThunderClan’s land; she lies to Firestar about having a dream indicating they must attack. Firestar reluctantly agrees.
During the ensuing battle, Stonespark accidentally kills the elderly Russetfur while protecting Firestar. Stonespark is shocked and horrified, and Shrewfrost, looking upon the carnage on the battlefield, realizes that she is communicating with the Dark Forest, and they are angling for the destruction of the Clans.
While playing games on the frozen lake, Flametail falls through the ice. Streamfur does everything she can to save him, but is unsuccessful. Flametail then begins haunting her, with both of them being unsure as to why he cannot enter StarClan.
Cinderwing and Stonespark journey to the Tribe in order for Cinderwing to investigate strange dreams he’s been having of Cinder’s Glow. While in the past, Cinder’s Glow is introduced to his new cousin, Shrew Foot, who reminds him of Shrewfrost. Stonespark is able to find a bit of peace with Russetfur’s death during his time in the mountains. Leafpool and Stormfur join them, and must endure Feathertail teasing them the entire duration of their stay.
Cinderwing learns that there will be a Fifth cat. When he returns and tells his siblings, they all believe this cat to be Shrewfrost, despite her insistence that she isn’t.
Streamfur realizes that the reason Flametail cannot get into StarClan is that because it's so divided it is beginning to decay. She enters StarClan and manages to drag Flametail in behind her, and the two set about uniting StarClan.
Cinderwing realizes that the Dark Forest is amassing an army of living cats; he realizes that he was tricked into this, and begins spying on the Dark Forest.
Featherfoot realizes that the strange whispers she has been hearing are WindClan cats in the tunnels, working with Sol to attack ThunderClan. ThunderClan begins preparing to fight back, with Cinderwing helping to train the other warriors to fight in the darkness of the tunnels.
As a test of his loyalty to the Dark Forest, Cinderwing is told to kill the WindClan cat Antpelt. In order to be able to continue spying - and to avoid being killed himself - he complies.
Shrewfrost comes clean to her siblings about being misled by the Dark Forest. Stonespark comforts her, and tells her that as an apprentice he was also misled by the Dark Forest. He glares at Cinderwing until he also reveals that he also was being misled by the Dark Forest. The two are loved and supported by their siblings.
Streamfur isn’t killed during the Final Battle.
Featherfoot moves to ShadowClan to be with Tigerheart with her parents’ blessing.
Leafpool returns to her position, and begins a campaign to remove the rule that medicine cats can’t have mates, with Shrewfrost’s support.
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smallsky · 2 years
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Absolutely obsessed with @sootslash’s hypoparent idea so I had to design some cats!
Wanted to explore dove and ivy as jake’s kids and mixing that with firestar and scourge roles. I like to imagine they were really close when the were younger. They would sneak out of their gardens to meet and play with each other in the woods. But one day flarewing was snatched up by thunderclan in a desperate attempt to fulfill a certain prophecy wink wink. Blight, horrified that her sister is being taken away by some strange wild cats attempts to fight back but she’s still only a kit and gets beat up. Lost, injured and scared, blight retreats to the alleys and makes it a point to vigorously train herself so she can rescue her sister from the clutches of thunderclan. Inspired by blight, the other cats on the streets look to her for guidance and she soon finds herself as their leader.
Meanwhile in thunderclan flarewing is raised as the prodigal daughter of thunderclan. Her every move is watched and every action is praised. She is the cat of prophecy after all. Flarewing has no choice but to conform to please her clanmates and reluctantly lives her life as a thunderclan warrior. The eventual battle with bloodclan is all but a rescue mission to save flarewing.
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trickostars · 2 years
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I just drew this awhile ago but uh. Hypoparents! A thing now
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sp1resong · 2 years
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my first hypoparents post fuckin exploded so have another!! tigerclaw but he's a crookedblue kid
i think he'd have grown up in riverclan like mistyfoot and stonefur, although maybe crookedstar would've eventually told him of his true parentage?? idk. either way he eventually conquers both riverclan and thunderclan under the name of StormClan and the plot plays out roughly the same from there (with the added twist of the guy who kills halfclan cats being halfclan himself)
his name (storm) was also meant to combine aspects of both bluestar and crookedstar's heritage--crookedstar's original name being stormkit and bluestar's father being named stormtail. it also kind of combines 'river/water' and 'thunder'
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
HypoParents; TawnySquirrel Alder & Spark
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tada!!!!!! alderpaw and rowanpaw! kept a tree theme, and i think rowanpaw would be named rowanspark as a warrior. unsure of alderpaw’s full name, we’ll see what birchkit’s is….. if birchkit survives to adulthood 👁️👁️
i listened to very violent songs while drawing these. i am an interesting person with more than one therapist.
[separated siblings under the cut!]
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pumpkin-magpie · 1 year
HawkFrost and MothWing as Sol/Speckle Kits
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rosethorn-zz · 2 years
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decided to hop on the “hypoparents” trend and so i made firestar, princess, and scourge as talljake kits. hopefully this hasnt already been done 😭💔
in this au, jake would join windclan and take on the warrior name mothcloud.
flamebreeze (AKA firestar) - has the most similarities to his OG design. the firstborn of the litter, he’s the most outgoing and is a warrior of windclan. would potentially become mates with onewhisker as an adult.
sorrelface (AKA princess) - the middle born of the litter, more kindhearted, also becomes a warrior like her brother. potentially becomes mates with mudclaw as an adult and has cloudtail through that.
icestorm (AKA scourge) - the youngest + the runt of the litter. he becomes a medicine cat, training under barkface and later in his life training kestrelflight. he never takes on a mate.
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Leafnight hypokits
I gotchu anon!!
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[click for better quality] Top two cats are Nightcloud and Leafpool. Below them from left to right are Rabbitstep, Nightspark, and Birchpool! 
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Rabbitstep - lilac tabby tom with low white spotting and amber eyes
Nightspark - black tortoiseshell molly with hazel eyes
Birchpool - black tabby molly with low white spotting and blue-green eyes
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closeups, genetics, and AU ideas under the cut
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AU Ideas:
In this hypothetical alternate universe, Nightcloud takes the place of the parent of Leaf’s kits. Leafpool still has her little run-away with Crow, and when she comes back to the badger attack, Nightcloud is one of the WindClan reinforcements that come to help drive the badgers away. She and Leafpool later bond over their (both negative and positive) feelings about Crowfeather. They meet up a few times, and while they don’t get as close as Crow and Leaf did, but they meet up enough times for Leaf to realize she’s pregnant with Nightcloud’s kits. By this time they’d mostly stopped meeting up, it was mostly a fling, but Leaf is definitely pregnant. 
Leaf’s same “I need to go somewhere because StarClan” excuse happens, but she doesn’t bring Squirrelflight with her this time. Instead, she brings Nightcloud, and although they aren’t romantically attracted to each other, they have a bond, and Nightcloud agrees to take the kits back to WindClan, say she found them abandoned around the border, and raise them as her own. 
Leafpool gives birth to three kits, and names them Rabbitkit, Nightkit, and Birchkit. They stay out for about one moon, and then Nightcloud brings them to the WindClan and Leafpool returns to ThunderClan. 
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Leafpool- Aa (agouti carries nonagouti) Bb (black carries chocolate) Dd (nondilute carries dilute) mcmc (classic tabby) XOXo (red, nonred- tortie) Ll (shorthair carries longhair) 
Nightcloud- aa (nonagouti) Bb (black carries choc) Dd (nondilute carries dilute) Mcmc (mackerel tabby carries classic) XoY (nonred (she’s trans in this AU)) ll (longhair)
Rabbitstep- Aa (agouti carries non) bb (chocolate) dd (dilute- lilac) mcmc (classic tabby) XoY (nonred) ll (longhair) 
Nightspark- aa (nonagouti) BB (black) DD (nondilute) mcmc (classic tabby) XOXo (red, nonred- tortie) Ll (longhair carries short)
Birchpool- Aa (agouti carries non) Bb (black carries choc) Dd? (dilute carries non) McMc (mackerel tabby) XoY (nonred (she’s trans too)) LL (shorthair) 
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 months
So what if Graystripe fell in love with Princess instead? Cloudtail could be born alongside Feathertail and Stormfur then when Graystripe gets abducted Princess could leave with him and have the three b children sorry if that's lot of cats to draw
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hhhhhh this WAS a lot of cats
Feather lives because I said so, she lands on Sharp Claw and gets some nasty breaks but goes to the new territory when all the Clans pass through the mountain…Millie also comes with Princess and Graystripe, she can be with Stormcloud for Brand New Blood…
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