marvel-lous-guy · 11 months
Tony: what the hell were you thinking!?
Peter: Obviously I was thinking I would get away with it and wouldn't have to explain myself!
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DP x MCU crossover
Sometime after Howard and Maria Stark’s death, Hydra decides to try and make a clone of Tony Stark, that’s infused with Super Soldier serum. They were hoping to get a super smart super soldier that they could control.
And thus Danny was born.
At some point when he’s like 2 or 3 one of the Hydra agents whose been his handler since he was born grows a conscious after witnessing the most recent experiment the other scientists in the lab put Danny through. They take Danny and run away from the lab. They don’t get away clean tho, they had to fight their way out of the lab and they were injured in the process. They wind up in Amity Park with baby Danny and come across the Fenton Parents. They hand Danny over to them and tell them to protect and look after the kid. And then they die.
The Fenton parents adopt Danny and raise him as their own. Danny grows up not knowing he’s adopted or that he’s a clone and a super soldier. The ghost portal accident happens when he’s 14 like cannon. The reason he survived and only half died is because of the super soldier serum in his blood.
Eventually, after the whole events of the Danny Phantom series has passed (minus Phantom Planet because fuck that horrible ending to the series). Danny, after defeating Pariah Dark, is now the king of the ghost zone. He still doesn’t realize he’s a clone of Tony Stark. Despite the fact that he looks exactly like a 17 year old version of the man!!!
And then New York happens. A portal opens up in the skies above New York, and aliens come pouring out of it! You bet your ass Danny hightailed it over to New York to help out the group of heroes that were trying to stop the aliens. He’s super hyped to fight aliens!!! He’s just having a blast zooming through the skies of New York, around skyscrapers, throwing punches and ecto-blasts at aliens, helping out the other heroes.
Meanwhile every time he helps one of the Avengers they all double take when they finally get a look at his face. Cause like yes this floating glowing child has glowing green eyes and Snow White hair, but the rest of his face looks like a very young Tony Stark. After each encounter with the boy the different Avengers call Tony over the coms to ask his status and to reassure themselves that Tony hadn’t been de-aged and given super powers mid battle.
Tony is the last one of them that meets Danny. He’s super annoyed at the fact everyone keeps calling him over the coms to ask his status. Like yeah he’s not a super soldier and doesn’t have powers, but neither does Romanoff or Barton!!! And unlike them he has his own super suit to protect him. So why is everyone calling in to check on him?!!!
And then finally Danny comes zooming around a building chasing after Loki’s chariot, shouting sarcastic quips at the god, while firing green blasts from his fists. And Tony just kind of blue screens for a minute. Jarvis has to take over piloting the suit for a minute while Tony reboots. He’s def got the surprised Pikachu face going on. Finally he reboots but Danny’s already flown off to deal with something else.
The battle comes to an end, the portal closes, the world is safe, and all the Avengers all head towards Stark tower. Danny sees them and where they’re headed and decides to meet them there. He’s been the only super hero around for a while and he wants to actually properly interact with these new hero’s!
Imagine his shock when he actually finally comes face to face with Tony Stark and finally realizes how much he looks like the man. He starts panicking thinking his mom had an affair with the man 17 years ago and just passed him off as Jack Fenton’s son.
Absolute chaos ensues as assumptions are made. DNA tests happen. They realize that no he is not Tony’s kid, he’s Tony’s clone. More assumptions are made. No body is having a good time.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #154
CW: this one's pretty gruesome. read at your own risk 
Peter is a young child who's been kidnapped. His parents and/or his aunt and uncle were killed and he was taken. Along with a bunch of other little kids, he's been held captive and experimented on.
When the Avengers suddenly bust the kidnapping operation, the kidnappers try at the last second to destroy their research. They gas the small room where the kids are being held.
It's Iron Man who ends up blasting through. What he finds is horrifying. All but one of the children are dead.
The one who's left is just sitting among the bodies, crying, shocked, terrified. Iron Man carries him out of there, then once they're safe from the gas Tony steps out of the suit to comfort the kid while he's given oxygen.
Little 5-year-old Peter Parker imprints on his savior hard.
He just went through an unimaginable amount of trauma, then Iron Man burst through like an avenging angel. This is the first time he's ever felt protected in his memory. Tony holds the crying kid, and the kid can tolerate no one else near him.
This becomes a slight problem when they get back to base. But Tony can't find it in him to let SHIELD take the kid away, let them strip him of this one tiny bit of comfort. He keeps seeing all those other kids when he closes his eyes.
This one needs him right now. And if "right now" eventually becomes "this is my son," well. Who could've predicted that.
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somekindofsheepl · 14 days
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One of the things I made for @mserm during the AI Tony exchange.
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velvet4510 · 2 months
Probably in the minority here, but I’m positive there’s no way Steve could’ve known with absolute, concrete certainty that Bucky was the one who killed Tony’s parents, prior to Zemo’s reveal.
All he saw was a photo of the headline of Howard’s death included in Zola’s footage. So he knew HYDRA was responsible for the deaths, but I think he was being honest when he told Tony “I didn’t know it was him.” Then he caved and just said “yes” because Tony emphasized “did you know” as in “did you know it wasn’t just an ordinary car accident?”
Steve probably pieced together the likelihood that it was Bucky who did it, but wanted to believe it wasn’t true, that HYDRA had sent someone else to do it. Which explains why he didn’t tell Tony. He had no proof it was true. And he didn’t want it to be true anyway. Why should he say “I think my best friend might’ve killed your parents but it’s just a hunch?” Why would ANYONE want to say that to their friend?
Steve Rogers deserves no hate.
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Just a god
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Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: Years of being a prisoner yourself, you returned home to watch one of your own. But to what lenghts will he go ones they take you again.
Warnings: angst, mention of torture fluffy end (part 2)
Word count: 3,916
What started as a peaceful dream was soon corrupted by agonizing night terrors. Bone chilling screams echoed trough the halls of Stark Tower. From the highest point of the tower to deep down in the basement your screams sounded like a siren singing their song, a banshee screeching in the night.
It was nothing new for the long term residents of the tower, how ever it pained them to hear you like this. No one could help you get rid of these nightmares, no technology or powers were strong or advanced enough to take away the trauma that caused this.
Waking up in a fright, cold sweat covering your body. Panic written all over your face, scared, afraid even. Afraid to be back there, back in that horrible place. Back with men like monsters. Jarvis automatically turned on the lights when you would wake up from a nightmare, to ensure you that you were in the safety of your own room.
Tears fell unnoticed down your face, gazed locked with the wall in front of you. “Miss Stark, would you like me to notify your father?” Jarvis voice echoed trough the room. With a simple shake you gave your answers as no words left your lips. “Very well.” Jarvis replied leaving you to yourself.
Going back to sleep was out of the question, knowing that going back to sleep meant going back to that place. Throwing your legs of the bed you got up and got dressed. Silently making your way down the hall to the elevator. The sleeping quarters were three stories above the main living floor.
Upon entering the elevator Jarvis asked where to go. “Living floor.” You said while waiting for your decent. In less than a minute the elevator doors opened again, stepping foot on the floor the lights automatically turned on. The entire floor was a combined living and kitchen.
The floor was an open plan, almost no walls and doors. The kitchen was at the far end of the floor, so you were met with the living room first. A large circular couch sat in front of a large TV, provided with game consoles and every film provider known to men.
Walking past the seating area you had to pass the luxurious dining area. A large oak table, able to seat twenty four people, was placed with a view to the outside. And once you had passed the dining area you were met with a restaurant size kitchen.
It was too early for a full breakfast so a simple apple would still the hunger for a couple hours. It was still dark, the sun had yet to set on the horizon. With the apple slices in hand you walked back to the living area.
The comfy cushions from the cough engulfed you with sense of ease. The earlier feeling of discomfort and pain slowly washed away. Sitting on the end of the cough gave you the perfect view of the skyline outside. Watching over the buildings to the horizon where the dark night sky turned into light pastels. Announcing the morning sun to rise.
The later it became in the morning the more people started to wake. Tony, your father, was the first to rise and step foot onto the floor. “Morning kiddo, another nightmare kept you awake?’’ He asked as he stood next to you. “Yeah.’’ You said with a weak smile, not knowing how else to respond.
Placing one hand on your head your father bowed down to kiss the top. The two of you had an unspoken agreement of not talking to much about the nightmares. There was nothing to that could stop them, so why dwell on the fact. Life went on.
Steve followed soon after Tony onto the floor, greeting you on the way to the kitchen. Glancing his way, you saw he had just come back from his morning run and was probably going for breakfast. After Steve, Natasha and Sam stepped onto the floor and not much later the floor was filled with all the residence of the tower. Well almost everyone then.
The morning briefing was soon to be held so you too made your way to the kitchen. “Thank you for joining dear.’’ Your father said, a cup of coffee in hand. “There is a mission planned for today. And I kinda need everyone on this one so,’’ he turned to face you and asked. “Can you watch Loki when we are gone?’’
It happened often that you had to look after their prisoner deep within the tower. Thor had brought him here a little over a month ago. He had been prisoner back at Asgard but due to shortage of space. Asgard had Loki captured for a couple months but a recent battle brought more prisoners then they anticipated.
So to make room they had to relocated some prisoners and what better place to sent the god of mischief? Earth. Better yet, your home, the Stark tower. Odin only allowed it once Thor had insured the ruler of Asgard, and his father, that we were more than able to hold him.
We have a special cell that hold in all magic. Loki could use his powers all he wanted inside of the cage but it had no effect on anyone on the outside. And most days lately it was you who had to watch him.
“Again?” You asked a bit irritated. There was a schedule made for who had to watch Loki when. But recently you sat down there more than the others. It became a so much of a frequent task that you had made yourself comfortable down there. A nice big brown leather chair and a side table holding your comfort book ‘The Hobbit’.
Tony sighed and looked at you a bit pained. “I know honey, I know I’ve been asking you to watch him a lot lately,” he paused for a second before he continued. “And it’s not because I or we don’t want you on the missions with us.” He tried to sound clear of that fact but still went into details of his dissension. “Cause you are a strong fighter and your powers would come in handy on so many of the missions, but it’s because we have been hitting old Hydra basses and I don’t want to put you trough that.” He spoke softly, knowing he only had the best in mind for you.
He wouldn’t want to put you trough that again, knowing those places could set off a negative reaction from within you. And you did understand that, but it still hurts, being left out on missions, feeling like you are only good enough to baby sit a Norse god. “Fine.” You said short cut. “I’ll watch the inmate again,” the words were loaded with bitterness.
Because Loki wasn't as unpleasant to be around as the others had claimed, you didn't despise him. While he was irritable and furious with the others, he was quiet and peaceful with you. Yet he always claimed to despise you. Trying to get on your nerves, but all of that didn’t vase you. You let him rage on in his cage, watching him as he tries to use his powers on you. Trying to get inside of your mind but he could never, not only because of the cage he was in was magic proof, but also because you didn’t let him.
It was a neat little trick you had developed, shielding your mind from mindcontrolers. So now the two of you would sit in silence for ours, whilst you read he just sat or even laid down on his cot. Loki was a restless sleeper, he never seemed to be able to fall asleep comfortably. His mind was constantly thinking, similar to yours, keeping him awake most of the nights.
As every one else was getting ready to leave for the mission, you got ready to babysit. Dressed in a tracksuit, you made your way down. Entering the code to the room you stepped trough. Walking the long bridge to the middle of the room where Loki was held inside of a circular cell.
He laid awake on his cot, turning is head to smirk at you. ‘’Look who got left behind,’’ He taunted with a devilish grin. ‘’Again.’’ He sat up as he added that final blow. All you did was look at him unamused and sat down without saying a word.
Picking up your book beginning to read as soon as Loki started to yap about god knows what. Shutting him out from your mind and focusing on your story. After some time you looked up and saw that Loki was getting frustrated. ‘’Don’t you get tired of yourself?’’ You asked, no emotion shown in your voice.
That pissed off Loki some further. ‘’How DARE you speak that way to a god.’’ He spat, some saliva hitting the glass. ‘’You may be a god, but you are not my god. Keep that in mind.’’ Agitated he looked at you, a visible huff filled his cage.
He sat upwards, facing you, his eyes burning a hole in your skull. This meant he was trying to get into your mind. And just to mess with him, you let him. Giving him a false sense of power. He didn’t know you were magical just like him. Artificial maybe, but magical nonetheless. While you continued reading you allowed him to read your mind.
The tension he had created moments ago slowly cleared. Loki secretly liked hearing you read in his mind. It calmed him down. His mind was always racing, always loud and chaotic. You read his mind more often than you let him read yours. Mirroring his powers was something you developed while in captivity.
The place of your nightmares. The place where they created you into a weapon. Not did it only calm down Loki but also yourself, it kept you from drowning in flashbacks. Reading gave you peace, it was a healthy distracting. It was the only time lately that you felt a bit of happiness.
The day passed by, unnoticed by you. To deep invested in the story of The Hobbit. No matter how many times you have had read it, it never lost its spark. Loki never complained when you started the book the second you had finished it. For him it meant hearing you read and you being happy.
It was your dad who pulled you out of your focus. The sound the doors made upon entering the holding unit went passed you. He knew better than to tap your shoulders, so he called out for you. ‘’Sweetheart?’’ He called out calmly, trying not to scare you. Only you didn’t hear him.
Tony walked in your line of side, stopping until he stood in front of you. Blocking Loki’s view of you with his body. Loki couldn’t help it but sniff out air trough his nose annoyingly. Grouching down he tapped the top of your book. This snapped you out of your story real quick. Eyes, battle ready, hyper focused on the target in front of you. ‘’Easy kiddo, it’s just me.’’ With his hands held up in surrender and speaking in a soft voice, your dad tried to calm you down.
Once you didn’t sense any immediate danger, you allowed your body to relax again. “Sorry.” You said softly, slouching back into the chair. ‘’It’s oke, sweetheart. Just wanted to let you know the team and I were back.’’ Your dad would always come by to let you know personally that he had returned rather than Jarvis announce it.
Closing your book and placing it on the table, you got up. Reading the time from your phone you realized you had spent the majority of the day down here reading. The team had left around breakfast and it was now past dinner.
Heading upstairs to grab a bite to eat. Leaving Loki alone with your dad without saying goodbye to him. Only to your dad. ‘’Bye dad. Good luck, he has been quite all day so he may throw a tantrum now that you are here.’’ You joked, giving Loki a side eye.
You could sense Loki fuming in his cell. Taking a quick glance in his mind, before you were to far out of reach, you could hear him raging in his head. With a small smirk of achieving mischief of your own you walked out of range and lost the connection.
Having powers was great but not when you had to relay on others to use it. Mirroring was all fun and games but all you could do on your own was shielding yourself. There were days you wished you could turn back time to where you were just a magic less little child.
Days went by after that. The same as any other. Most days you stayed home from missions, only a few you attended. The nightmares had gotten worse again. Nearing the “anniversary” of your capture.
Having woken up by yet another bad dream, you looked for the time. 2:04 a.m. With a sigh you got up and made your way down to the laboratory. Your dad had to be still awake by this our. He never slept before 3 AM.
It felt weird standing in front of the lab. Not knowing whether to enter or walk away, so you just knocked. After a moment of silence you heard your dad yell. ‘’Enter at own risk!’’ That could only mean one thing, he was tinkering on a new project that was most likely to explode at any moment.
By entering the lab you could hear gears spinning, see sparks of a welding machine and smell something burning. A chuckle left your lips as you walked deeper into Tony’s lair. ‘’Dad?’’ You asked, trying to be heard over the sounds the lab was filled with.
He couldn’t hear you, to busy in his own word and the sounds deafening ever noise. ‘’DAD!’’ You yelled this time but without avail. He was just too far gone in his project. You wondered how he could have heard your knocking but not your screaming in his ear.
With a sigh you walked closer and tapped him on his shoulder. He jumped slightly and turned to look at you startled. ‘’Oh sorry honey, I didn’t hear ya.’’ He said as he catches his breath and turned off every machine. Looking back at you with a smile plastered on his face, which soon faded. He was happy to see you down in his lab but the visit was everything but happy.
‘’You oke Sweetie?’’ He asked, concern written all over his face. ‘’No.’’ You said with a cracked voice. You couldn’t hide it anymore. Every one saw you were losing sleep, you barely ate. ‘’The..,’’ you said as you hugged yourself and gasped for the words. ‘’The nightmares.’’ You continued, as tears pricked your eyes.
Tony let out a sad filled sigh and stood up. He pulled you into a hug and just held you. No words needed to be said further, he knew what you wanted to tell him. ‘’I know sweetheart, but you are safe here.’’ He reassured you. Rocking you slowly back and fort in the hug. ‘’They can’t get you here. Or out there.’’ He whispered in your ear.
The tower was on of the safest places to be. Most of the times that was. And on the missions you knew how to protect yourself and the other of the team would let you get hurt. ‘’That is why we are hitting so many Hydra bases, to wipe them out.’’
Slowly you wrapped your arms around your dad. ‘’I don't want to have to look over my shoulder every time I leave the tower.’’ It has been 6 years since your rescue, and the last two you had the confidence to bear back out in the world and join in on missions since last year.
‘’I’m just scared dad.’’ Admitting that was on of the hardest things you have done, besides enduring years of torture. Tony held you close, his left arm around your back and his right hand on the back of your head. Holding you ever so gentle, ensuring you that way, that you are safe.
For some time he held you like that. It wasn’t until you let go he pulled back too. He knew you needed him, that you needed a hug from your dad. So he held you until you were ready to let go. Once you had pulled away fully and let out one last sniffle, Tony wiped away a lonely tear.
‘’You are allowed to feel scared, and I would be too. But you are safe now. This family will always be here.’’ He cupped your face with his hands. ‘’We are doing our best to wipe them out, destroy them and everything that has to do with Hydra.’’ He looked you in the eyes, showing you that he was serious. ‘’So that no one has to go through what you’ve been through.’’
There were reports of other children going missing around the same time they abducted you, and to this day they haven’t been found. Hydra was good in covering their tracts. The children either were worthy soldiers or they were disposed of accordingly.
Sleep was out of the question for that night, so you staid in his lab until morning. Watching him thinker on a project was calming. Giving your mind something else to think about. Eventually you helped.
Tony was amazed by how handy you were with his tech. ‘’I picked up a thing or two from you and back in captivity.’’ It wasn’t the most pleasant memory but the ones of your dad were. ‘’Glad to know you are just as smart as your dad.’’ He said with a chuckle.
Later that following morning you headed to your room due to exhaustion. ‘’I think imma try to sleep now.’’ You said through yawning. ‘’You do that kiddo.’’ Your dad said with a smile. Happy to have bonded after two years.
With a happy heart you and an empty mind you walked back to your room. This amount of happiness was something you hadn’t felt in years. It was like your old life coming back. Sleep came naturally this time. No nightmares that haunted your dreams, just a peaceful slumber.
Waking up rested for the first time in forever, you felt good. Good about yourself and good about life. The talk with your dad helped a lot. He promised to stay home for a couple days so that he could be there for you. He admitted that he was barely home when you needed him and wanted to make it up to you.
Helping out in the lab was your new favorite thing to spend your time with. It felt nice being around your dad. However, all good things come to an end.
A lead had presented itself about a mayor hydra hide out. One so big it acquired the whole team, your dad included. ‘’I know I promised you I would be home for a while,’’ He started, feeling guilty even considering going on this mission. ‘’But this one may be the end of hydra.’’ You looked at him understandingly.
‘’I know, dad. You should go.’’ He worked day and night, finding each and every hydra location to wipe them out, and this one may be the last mission if they were to be successful. He smiled at you, as if saying thank you.
He kissed your forhead before the team headed out. ‘’It will take a couple days before we are back.’’ You nodded, these missions were the worst. Being all alone in the tower, except for Loki. ‘’I’ll be fine.’’ You tried to sound confident, and you did, somewhat.
Soon after the left you seek comfort by the only other person left in the tower. Loki. Making your way down to his cell you took place onto your chair and picked up your book. ‘’Long time no see.’’ Loki had said, a hint of sadness in his voice, as if he had missed your company.
Truth be told you kinda did miss his. He always seemed to calm you down. ‘’Missed me that much?’’ You teased with a sly smile, never looking up from your chapter. ‘’Maybe.’’ He said inside is mind. Too proud to admit.
A blush creep-ed up your cheeks after reading that in his mind, so you hid your face deeper into your book. ‘’The old men out on a mission again?’’ Was his attempt of making small talk. ‘’What does it matter to you?’’ You tried to sound genuine but failed. The question sounded like a verbal attack. ‘’Sorry.’’ You said quickly after once you heard his heart pang.
What you said really matter to him, you made him feel human. Feel liked. Quietly you went back to reading. Sharing your mind to him so he could hear you read inside your head. ‘’You know I let you read my mind.’’ You said out of the blue. He looked up to you confused.
‘’Can’t I always’’ he said cocky, still thinking he held all the power. You smirked and locked him out. ‘’Try again.’’ You said as you continued reading. Loki looked at you, eyes squinted. Thinking you were playing him by not not reading but your eyes moved over the pages.
‘’Impossible. You mussed be tricking me by not thinking at all.’’ It was a foolish statement cause you could never really not think. ‘’Alright,’’ you said placing your book down and looking at him. Locking eyes. ‘’What am I thinking of now.’’ You said, eyes connected as if this way he could look inside your head.
You thought about your book, how Bilblo was going on an adventure, finding the ring and how the story ended back in Bag End. But Loki couldn’t read it. ‘’Impossible, now one is able to shut me out. I am the all mighty Loki Laufeyson. This must be one of Starks newest installments.’’ He thought, not knowing I could listen in on him.
You let out a small laugh. ‘’No, it’s not one of my fathers installments. I can shut you out and let you inside my mind. Just like I can read yours.’’ You admitted, feeling nervous of sharing this detail of yourself with him.
With a crooked head he looked at you. Puzzled by what you just have told him. ‘’In fact,’’ you started. ‘’I can mirror all of your powers.’’ You looked at him shocked by your own honesty. ‘’What do you mean mirror my powers.’’ It was more of a demand to know than a question.
With a sigh you stood up, there was no turning back now. ‘’I can yield the same powers you can. Including your Jotun side.’’ This shocked him slightly, cause no one that wasn’t from Jotun could turn like he could.
Taking a deep breath you showed him. Focused on his Jotun side you mirrored his transformation. Slowly you started to turn blue, eyes turning red and letting the temperature drop below freezing. ‘’See.’’ You said, avoiding his gaze. ‘’Amazing.’’ He said in his mind. Making you look up, seeing Loki looking back at you in his Jotun form. ‘’How?’’ He asked, baffled by your performance. ‘’A little trick I learned a while back.’’
End of part one
Read part 2 now! Just a puny god
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guest-1-2-3 · 6 months
so. never consumed any mcu content whatsoever. however i have recently stumbled upon peter parker/harley keener fanfics, went down a rabbit hole, and am now obsessed with their dynamic and i realized i have just fallen into the trap of another blond + southerner + sarcastic + calls-his-boyfriend-darlin’ + infinitely supportive + big fucking nerd x incredibly traumatized + sarcastic + italian + orphan + definitely-started-saving-the-world-too-young + big fucking nerd ship. i am nothing if not predictable
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marvel-lous-guy · 1 year
*Avengers Watching a true crime documentary*
Peter: Why do we give serial killers cool names?
Tony: What do you mean?
Peter: We give them cool names like "the Zodiac killer". Imagine everyone knowing you as "the zodiac killer"! That'd be awesome!
Steve: What?
Peter: Like, why don't we call them stupid names or like "killer 16" or "serial killer 23". Thats boring, they'd hate that
Bucky: but thats boring for us
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thepiper0fhameln · 8 months
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For LadyGigi. @jijikero on Tumblr! "To take another Stark"
This is the sad Tumblr version.
View it uncensored here on AO3 instead!
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mcu-opinions · 4 months
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That’s an awful lot of words to use when “Project Insight 4.0” would do.
On the other hand, do I think Tony is the sort of person who would look at his first two failures with AI-controlled death-from-above orbital weapons (Ultron and EDITH) and try again? And instead of expressing any regret for the death and destruction they caused, give the next try a smug, self-congratulatory name?
Yes, yes I do.
How people who like Tony can claim he would act like this is beyond me. This sort of insufferable, short-sighted, douchebaggery is one his absolute worst qualities.
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irondadfics · 4 months
Hey, I was wondering if you could help me find a fic?
I don't really remember all the details but Peter was raised with no so good people (I don't know if it was Hydra or another bad guy) but he was a teenager (maybe on the younger side?) when the Avengers rescued him. The Avengers were cautious of him cuz I think he was raised to be some kind of weapon, so he had to stay with at least one Avenger at any time.
I remember that Cap especially didn't trust Peter, but Tony grew really fond of the kid, so Peter was around Tony the most I think.
The details are very vague, I'm sorry, but I do remember a specific scene where Pepper and Tony had talked about having kids at some point and Pepper mentioned he couldn't even keep a house plant alive, yet alone a kid. But Peter was really fond of plants and he watered the plant himself and eventually Tony gave the plant to Peter as a gift I'm pretty sure.
That's really the most specific scene I can remember from this fic.
I know It's a bit vague but I thank you in advance if you're able to find this fic! :)
this is for you, enjoy!
out there, living in the sun by Hailfire_73
“W-what’s happening?” whispered Peter. He wiggled around on his bed, trying to shrug the hand off his shoulder. “Get off me!”  “Calm down, son,” said the other man. “We’re going to get you out of here.”  “Captain America? Get me out of here?” asked Peter, squinting his eyes and tilting his head. Iron Man hoisted him out of bed, and the covers went with him, hitting the floor by Peter’s feet. “Oh cool, I’m being kidnapped.”  “Not exactly the term I would use.” OR The Avengers rescue Peter from a Hydra base ran by his father, Richard Parker, except Peter doesn't really see it as a rescue, and has trouble settling into a new life away from Hydra and his father at the Avengers compound.  OR Peter learns how to be an actual teenager, live life, and put his abusive past behind him, and Tony learns how to be a father.  Irondad Bingo: Hydra
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sjsmith56 · 4 months
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The Gilded Age - An Avengers / Bucky Barnes AU Set in 1899
This is an alternate universe story set in 1899, near the end of the Gilded Age, in New York City. It is a time that appears to be prosperous, as economic expansion grows the economy, leading to better wages and a demand for skilled labourers, drawing immigrants from all over. But this time also has dark shadows. It is described by Mark Twain as an era of materialistic excess, combined with political corruption. Just as there are villains, there are heroes, the famed Avengers of the Society of Heroic Individuals and Estimable Lofty Deeds, or SHIELD. One in particular, Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, of the United States Cavalry, has a tragic past, but the arrival of the new librarian / curator for the Society, brings thoughts of romance to his mind.
Format: Short fiction. 7 parts. Updated once per week.
Warnings: Violence, description of torture and medical experimentation. There will be some sexual content but as it is set in 1899, unmarried sexual relations were not commonly discussed in certain social circles and the OFC is inexperienced. The romance is a somewhat slow burn.
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All mood boards and banners will have AI generated images created by the author using Microsoft Copilot in Designer mode. (I wish I had the artistic talent to draw but I don’t.)
Chapters and more after the break. Divider by vecteezy.com
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Part 1. Introductions All Around
Part 2. Preparations
Part 3. Courtship
Part 4. Downpour
Part 5. Regret
Part 6. Confrontation
Part 7. Satisfaction
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United States Cavalry Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, formal portrait taken sometime in 1893 (prior to his capture in the Wyoming Range Wars).
Short Fiction Masterlist
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anti-the-glitch-bitch · 3 months
The Phantom Soldier
Hello everyone. Here's a snippet of something new I'm working on. It's based on this prompt here( Danny phantom x Marvel Prompt: After being experimented on by the GIW they make a deal with Hydra to train Danny to turn him... – @codename-alias on Tumblr ) and I absolutely love it.
It wasn’t until they came across a small piece of information about something called The Phantom Soldier that Tony decided they needed to use a different tactic because they were obviously not getting anywhere. When Tony asked Bucky if he’d heard or seen this “Phantom Soldier Project”, Bucky seemed to pale.
“Well, that’s not a good sign. Come on, out with it. What’s got you looking so scared?” Tony asks as he leans up against the kitchen counter.
“The Phantom Soldier was something I was supposed to train. My handlers liked to talk about Phantom, and from what I could piece together when I broke free, it was a kid. Or something that looked like a kid. Hydra made a deal with some government agency called GIW. They believe that ghosts are real and have the ability to mimic human form while only having a more animalistic mind. The GIW captured one that looked like a kid but had more power than the gods. I don’t know what Hydra gave them in return for this kid but one of the few things I do remember is them hooking up a teenager to the mind wiping machine.” Bucky sits down in one of the chairs at the island.
“That sounds both insane and horrible. How come you didn’t bring this up before?” Tony crosses his arms.
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moon-language-0 · 3 months
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original artwork by Jenny Holzer and Guiltipleasure (edit by me)
my fill for the @stevetonydarkfests dark valentine exchange has been revealed! this fic also checks off the "Gender Dysphoria" square for my @steverogersbingo card (as interpreted through an omegaverse lens). sexy in a DARK way. do heed the warnings with this one, folks.
venture HERE if you dare... 🖤
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justanunrealpotato · 1 month
Current fic obsession:
Peter Parker was trained by HYDRA and now the Avengers (Tony) have to show him the live he could have outside of being a weapon
It's so good, it started with Just gonna let em hate by StarryKitty013 and now I'm reading one shots
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gunsandspaceships · 5 days
Marvel and their love for Greek mythology
"Thereupon the vapors of the sacred wine wafted out of the cave and intoxicated the wild centaurs led by Nessus who had gathered outside. They attacked with stones and fir trees the cave which was located in the neighbourhood of Malea. Heracles was forced to shoot many arrows (poisoned with the blood of the Hydra) to drive them back. During the assault, Chiron was hit in the thigh by one of the poisoned arrows. After the centaurs had fled, Pholus emerged from the cave to observe the destruction. Being of a philosophical frame of mind, he pulled one of the arrows from the body of a dead centaur and wondered how such a little thing as an arrow could have caused so much death and destruction".
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