#hxh rants
starry-toya · 8 days
genuinely so obsessed with the way killua's hair stands up when hes a cat every time he gets spooked
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pr1ncessasuke · 3 months
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(Got permission from op on Twitter to cross post!)
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nartml · 1 month
every time someone calls gon a monster, an angel loses his wings and i get one step closer to manslaughter
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tiedsuccubus · 3 months
“Im sick of an overpowered y/n so I’m gonna make her realistic with good growth 🤓👆🏾” but whole time the y/n is just pitifully weak and stays weak for like a good 80% of the story, then suddenly pops out with a random power up.
Ts be annoying me so bad. The power genuinely be so interesting and very promising, but they make her weaker than the fucking scene fillers. I understand not wanting a Mary sue ass character/ wanting the character to be op at beginning but DAMN.
Why can’t people make a character that actually has good steady growth.
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soft-mafia · 1 year
I just wanna say that there is a BIG difference between fanfic writers and professional writers. The people I’ve seen on here picking apart at fic writers(especially beginner writers) is so tiring to read. You’re reading FANFICTION on TUMBLR, if you want something better then go to a library or something.
If you’re so upset about what people write, and if you think you’re so much better— then write your own fics instead of insulting other writers for their apparent lack of writing skills.
In reality, fanfic writing is just a hobby for most people.
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maycat-19-142 · 5 months
Cuddles headcannon multiple
A/n: random headcannons are my favorite
⚠️: non i think
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He pulled you to him after to drift away from him in your sleep. You were in and out of sleep so when you felt him get closer you snuggled closer. You sighed and fell fast asleep again and he just smiled
He wishes every day could be like this
Helia | kurapika | huan | shinsou |
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Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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musicalmoritz · 1 month
The pain of rarely hating characters in fandoms that treat stanning villains like it’s a moral issue
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headcansxfanfictions · 6 months
People not understanding that Alluka is a trans-girl makes me so ANNOYED.
Everyone is always bringing up every explanation of her gender EXCEPT for the one that is canon and makes most sense.
People are like “oh maybe the translation got mixed up thats why different characters refer to her as different genders.”
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People seem to come up with every possible explanation except the most obvious one. And it just makes me angry, not at the people who don’t understand Alluka’s gender but at the fact the Trans people have been erased so much that its the last thing most people with think of as a possibility.
And whenever there is finally a trans character everyone always tries to make reasons why the character isn’t trans. Its like if the writer doesn’t introduce the character with the literal words: “This character is trans.” People will ignore the blatant clues and try to convince themselves the character isn’t trans.
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galaxynajma · 1 year
Am I the only stsg fan that gets kinda annoyed on how popular they are in this fandom?
I’m glad that more people are liking stsg I guess ( tho there has been more goofy takes now )
It’s just that they overshadow every character in jjk
So many characters are underrated ( < this is just me being salty because I like a lot of the culling games characters and the ancient sorcerers )
Even popular characters and ships get overshadowed by them like Itafushi or Shokohime
I get the stsg brain rot is bad but ❓❓❓
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justxtalking · 7 months
I'm so mad right now and I need to rant. I know I should get over it, but I literally can't. It's so annoying to meet hxh fans in real life.
I'm buying bit by bit the volumes of yu yu hakusho and hunter x hunter (level e is not available in my country), and reading them (again). I got volume 28 and took some photos of some panels that I liked and shared them as a collage in my story. It looked nice, I liked it and I am really happy that I finally got it. The thing is that a friend I haven't properly talked to for I don't know how long saw my story and realized that I liked hxh. We started talking, but damn, I don't regret sharing what I bought, but why are people like this? This is the second time it happens to me (third time if I include a non-fan but knows hxh): everytime someone hears that I like togashi's work, they start complaining about the popular hiatus (as if he's the only mangaka who does that). I so prefer to meet the guys who act all surprised everytime I go to buy a hxh volume in the comic book store. At least they try to make a conversation about the story and just ask me about my favorite character.
My conversation with this guy started with him just complaining about how togashi doesn't continue the story and he should leave it to someone else but he's too proud and blablabla. I tried to be sympathetic since he seems to be a fan of his work from years ago, but I did defend togashi a whole lot (he said I should stop defending him but never in my life I would do such a thing). I find it awful how some fans still put so much pressure on togashi to continue hxh when we know about his condition. And to just leave the story to someone else? It's clear that those people haven't done anything close to a story to say that.
I literally already made peace with the fact that I don't need an ending. As a fan, of course I want to know how it ends. But also as a fan, I don't want him to sell his soul to the devil only to know the ending.
And something I said to this guy was that he should make his own ending, I have mine and I will throw it away when hxh ends. It was literally a joke to lighten up the situation and it wasn't even something to focus on because in between I was saying other things. And he literally focused on that and said "don't let it be fujoshi" (used as an insult) and I'm here like: are we back into the 2000s and nobody told me?
1. What is the problem?
2. Why do you care?
3. We didn't even speak about any kind of ships, what are you trying to say?
4. Are you sure you know what type of story you're reading?
And this question is for me: How am I meeting dude bros in real life? Why are they in the WILD? AND HOW THE HELL DID I BEFRIEND ONE YEARS AGO WITHOUT ME KNOWING? I want a friend who also likes hxh and togashi's work to talk, but not like this </3
I'm so tired of these kind of people. While living my life outside of the Internet and just being in my corner of the fandom living the great life, I tend to forget that they still exist and there are people who still act like this. What annoys me the most is that literally, they don't know what type of story they're reading. They like to say they like hxh because they know it's good and it gives you some kind of "status" within the anime community because togashi is a really good mangaka and someone who influenced a lot of people within the manga community. Without him, shonen as a genre wouldn't be the same. But then, they also choose to ignore what they don't like about his work, like the queer elements. It's highly known that togashi loves to play with gender and sexuality, but that's only a fact for them when they find it convenient. If you don't like it, don't watch/read it, but it's ignorant and blatant stupid to just act as if it's not there and talk shit about other people only because it's uncomfortable to you. And I'm not even saying that everyone should analyze the story, some people just like to enjoy it and move on with their lives and some others don't know how to analize it, but one thing is that and another thing is just to close off to the possibility when it's clearly there. But of course, the others are sick, not them who are clearly homophobic and don't want to admit it. They should ask themselves why do they get so mad about the possibility of two kids being together romantically and just work on themselves. What's worst is that this guy even said to me he likes NANA and I don’t want to know what kind of interpretation he has because DAMN
To be honest, sometimes I'm a bit surprised about how well togashi seems to know the anime community, but of course he does, he's being a fan for how long now and he's being a mangaka for how long. And I so hope he keeps trolling because DAMN these people are annoying
The worst part is that these fans wouldn't even be friends with togashi or wouldn't like him as a fan because togashi really does look like the type of fan they would hate. Togashi likes BL, mpreg, obscure stories, horror (body horror even) and science fiction (both genres who allow and are known for queerness), he used to make doujinshis (even in an era that was even more bad looked upon than now), he likes to draw bishonen characters (even in a time which was more common to see buff characters in shonen), he drew gender-bender designs of kurama and hiei, he included a homoerotic art of kurama and karasu (a friend made it for him i think) in his doujinshi, he wanted to make a shonen with gay characters and crossdressing and the list goes on and on. He likes so many things that these others fans are disgusted by and it really looks like they don't know who they are admiring. The reason why ending D got so much negative attention when it came out is because it doesn't sound believable that a mangaka like togashi himself, the same person who made level e and is constantly worried of making an interesting story, would make such a bland and heteronormative ending in a story like hxh no less.
They should just shut up and go do their homework instead, they look ridiculous.
And no, I didn't answer this guy again and I don’t think I will, though I really want to troll him.
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starry-toya · 5 days
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pr1ncessasuke · 4 months
muruem and killua both on their knees begging palm to save their beloved komugi and gon. I just realized this parallel today and im unwell.
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togashi created palm to facilitate the new themes of love and coming of age in the chimera ant arc. and created multiple parallels between the two pairs
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pianocat939 · 7 months
Listen. Chrollo.
I might be a little weird for assuming this considering he can talk very eloquently...
But other than that, he screams autism to me.
Like what random kid goes and shoves a tape to his friends asking if they want to voice act Power Rangers?? (Or something similar to it).
Oh hey they become a troupe.
Oh wait- now he wants to go be a gangster group.
Like tell me he isn't just some autistic child on the loose who has managed to have good social masking.
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i-heart-hxh · 1 year
I see people posting things like, "Why are some people obsessed with proving your ship is canon? Who even wants their ships to be canon, it's more fun when it's not?"
I get where people are coming from with this sentiment--it is fun to have your own headcanons, your own control of how you're interpreting the characters, not being reliant on what canon gives you, etc. I'm very much in favor of people doing whatever they want in fanworks, canon be damned! Ship what you want, go wild, ignore canon altogether if you want!
But with HxH and especially Gon and Killua, it IS important to me how essentially canon it is for a number of reasons. One of these is that the bond between them is one of the main emotional cores of the series, and to reduce it down to "Haha no homo! They're just bros! If you see it in ways other than that you're delusional!" is a disservice to what Togashi is writing--and it's essentially willfully misreading the source material.
Obviously, no one is obligated to ship it themselves, no one is obligated to like seeing it in a romantic light, but it irks me when people pick apart all the incredible nuance and beautiful details in HxH, all the rich subtext and meaning, and then pretend that the very present subtext and romantic framing between Gon and Killua isn't there at all. Especially as throughout the years I continue to learn more about Togashi and look even more deeply into HxH and it becomes increasingly more and more crystal clear how intentional it seems, how much of this is thoughtfully put in there for people to pick up on.
There's so much shounen out there that puts on a veneer of gayness--essentially giving the audience just enough vaguely gay things for the female audience (as well as gay audience, etc.) to latch on to for marketing/merchandise reasons, while mostly pushing het ships in the canon material officially. (And I'm not saying in all cases it's like that, but I do think that's the trend specifically with shounen series.) With Togashi, it very much seems like he creates it out of his own genuine personal interest and because that's the story he wants to tell--the kind of story he's wanted to tell for a long time and can get away with now because of changing social norms and the fact that he's already incredibly popular and he owns HxH outright.
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And as someone who loves Togashi's storytelling--all of it, not just the gay parts, of course--I care about what he's trying to create and intending to convey and it bothers me to see people outright denying it out of their own biases. I feel like people who deny it's there or refuse to see it in that way at all are missing a big chunk of the series, an important and intentional part of the series. (And this extends to other parts of the series that are queer, too, like Alluka for instance. There's so much in HxH that is queer in some way! Denying it all is there is ridiculous!)
And again, it doesn't mean people have to ship it, everyone is allowed to see what's there and ultimately choose to see it in a platonic way if they want, it's more when I see outright denial that this is the author's intent when all signs point to it being so that bothers me.
I think part of this is people just being casual viewers/readers of the series (though some of it is pretty blatant IMHO) and not being aware of all the Deep Lore that points to it being way more than in your average shounen, but a LOT of it is simply homophobia. It's frustrating being in a fandom for years where there are a bunch of people who go about picking apart all the nen powers and the beauty of Chimera Ant Arc in exhaustive detail and then utterly and completely deny that there are sound, well-documented reasons why a large part of the fandom sees it as a gay/queer work.
So hopefully this explains some of why I bother to argue the canon aspect at all, and why I think it matters to a lot of people specifically in HxH fandom.
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emeyuko · 10 months
i don't think i have to say anything about hxh's ending d thing that people didn't said already, i am mostly sad of how devasting it must feel not knowing if you will be able to complete the story you love so much like Togashi is going trough rn. So i am just gonna say that the shipping discourse that i am seeing on Twitter makes me kinda annoyed, not only bc Togashi made clear this ending is just an alternative if smth happends and he doesn't really like it, but bc seriously? Out of everything....you are just happy that Gon is "straight"?
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maycat-19-142 · 8 months
Hunter x hunter headcannon
A/n:you have vampire abilities/nen
⚠️: gender neutral reader. Frighting, gon an killua, let me know if I missed anything
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The moment you joined the cimera ant team you were on gon and killua duty
You had the nen ability of a vampire so it was easy to track gon and killua with you senses
The moment you met gon said "what is up with your teeth and you ears"
"Nen ability" you replied and you opened Pandora's boc of questions
You had to pull them out of way to many crazy problems
From illumi and hisoka to the trope and ants
You had to summon so many bats yo get them out of trouble
Gon sees you as an older sibling and killua sees you as a friend
You are known as the Count/Countess from hunters so gon was so confused to have you called that
When you meet leoiro and kurapika they were shocked you had not lost your mind to them yet
Over all yall love each other
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Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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