#hxh language
kitefreecss · 2 years
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Hunter x Hunter Alphabet
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Hello. Today I bring you. Stupid comics.
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Feitan Head Cannon
Feitan does not like giving out compliments. So much so that you've grown used to the smart ass remarks and little insults wat he would throw wat you. At this point you find them to be terms of endearment. But there are times in the quiet moments when he'll tell you little things in his first language. Knowing that you won't understand what he's saying, he'll whisper compliments to you and watch your nose scrunch up in confusion as you pester him to tell you what he said.
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sco1i · 13 days
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Some doodles for my headcannon of Kurapika using and teaching the gang the Kurta language
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mari-lair · 1 year
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boys will be boys
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mayxo-hxh · 6 months
hisoillus first hug ever was prompted by illumi while he was asleep. hisoka was already close and a sleeping illumi just wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close and hisoka froze the fuck up because he has NOT hugged anyone in.... decades
i like to think illumi hugs a pillow as he sleeps so he just ends up hugging hisoka without knowing and hisoka sits there for a good hour without moving a muscle not sure what the hell to do
If illumi wakes up he will either notice he was hugging hisoka or wouldnt notice bcs he wouldnt open his eyes until he'd untangled himself from hisoka already so hed be like. huh. it felt like i was hugging something while sleeping i wonder what that was. if he did notice tho jdsbgjbdgjdhgsj
I also think itd be INSANELY funny if illumi thinks hisokas his pillow while eepy and he just. wants to turn to the other side and ends up lifting hisoka with his entire strength and flips him to the other side with him and hisokas like ?????????????????????????????
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lastdivantruther · 3 months
another thing about world building in hxh is that the japanese is a small island people that no one heard of and their most known inventions are sushi, and the fucking nen
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jinxedfuture · 1 year
Parenting 101
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your-favourite-plague · 5 months
The weather gets hot again and I don't like it, so here's Kalluto cooling himself with a self-made fan (different fan that usual)
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likealittleheartbeat · 5 months
“Let us turn now to the youth’s lover, or nenja. Unlike the term wakashu, nenja contained no age signifier, meaning simply the ‘person [implictly male] who thinks of ‘a particular youth.’32
32. The character nen, which I have rendered here as ‘to think of,’ is difficult to translate precisely, falling somewhere between rational ‘thinking’ and emotive ‘feeling.’ Its root connotation is a dwelling or focusing of mental energies upon a particular object, as seen in such compounds as nenbetsu, which refers to the practice of ‘praying to [i.e., focusing one’s thoughts upon] the Buddha,’ and nengan, a ‘deeply felt desire.’”
Gregory M. Pflugfelder, Cartographies of Desire: Male-Male Sexuality Discourse, 1600-1950
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tashatoons · 28 days
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Doing a little character exploring and redesigning while I work on editing Catfish. Think of these changes as a "version 2" more than a rewrite. The original story was quite literally a first draft, so another attempt with fresh eyes and a whole new understanding of writing has me excited to explore the story again! I'm rethinking what Kika would wear as part of her normal clothes. She'd most likely want to wear something comfortable after being in her idol/streaming costume all day. No make up, messy hair from being under a wig all day, and lose fitting clothes.
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kameso-san · 8 months
I like to think when people meet the DC trio they always try to talk to linnet because she seems to be the sane person of the group ( i mean fair enough because zigg looks like he's doing arson and smokes crack on a daily basis and netero is a tall man who looks like he wants to fight you ) but at some point the slow realization that she's just as fucked up as those two idiots behind her hits them.
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llycaons · 2 years
tserriednich is not a real name but it does look vaguely german to me
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lastdivantruther · 5 months
japanese version of hunter x hunter manga has furagana!!! so happy!
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sheetbeat · 2 years
LeoHiso tinyfic - Waste of Space (p1)
A canon divergent AU where Leorio drops out of college, losing motivation. Hisoka helps him out (in a way).
Warning for a sentence of goriness. Hisoka's a scary dude.
“You and Kurapika are similar. And Gon. Especially Gon.”
“Just what do you mean by that?” Leorio asked.
Hisoka’s eyes brightened and he snapped out of his reverie.
“You’ve wasted your life on a goal.”
Leorio caught the magician’s attempt to punch down. He would punch right back.
“Aren’t you the one mooching off a college drop-out, with a fighting boner so strong you’ve ended up with the Troupe on your ass? I mean, you’ve died once already.”
“I’ve changed fate twice,” Hisoka said, “and failures don’t concern me. Why get hung up on them? You shouldn't worry about your degree - or giving me advice, however flattered I may be.”
The magician dangled his ever-longer nails, sharply.
“But if you truly disappoint me, all slivers of gut from your stomach cavity will be plucked, gummed up, and strewn across the floor.”
Leorio nodded, dumbly. He had no doubt, and with that knowledge he knew he needed to shut up.
“Now then, if you really need inspiration, I’d see to the poor boy outside. My neighbours said he had quite the rocky initiation. Sure his travel expenses weren't cheap either.”
Hisoka gently patted the doctor’s head, exiting the room with a flourish.
how was that? reckon I made hisoka a little ooc. he's more subtle and playful in his dialogue (usually) and lets his actions do the talking. but think he figured leorio needed a shock to the system to get him motivated again.
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I think we should stop using fantasy as an excuse to keep defending lazy and/or self-indulgent writing.
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Flaws are very importantin story-telling. They have been important for centuries. Even overpowered characters like Gojo Satoru and Superman have flaws. Gojo's specifically has a harmartia that lead to his uh downfall.
Lets not propagate this kind of idea. I despise wattpad-esque writing/fanfiction. A bunch of people do, actually.
Although, there's nothing wrong with creating stuff like that. It's just that we have freedom of speech and we can criticize and give out opinions whenever we want. People have been critiquing books, movies, shows etc. since forever.
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