#hws cornwall
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pvffinsdaisies · 28 days ago
Not quite done with the OC posting yet, sorry 😅 how you don’t mind ms Cornwall 👀✨
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Wardrobe under the cut
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agentomato · 2 years ago
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tired fishing aunt with a really good head for geology... and also arthur’s overlooked sister (begrudgingly)
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sunnixsunshine · 1 year ago
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Various art shit, you’re welcome babes ❤️
1) Im a sucker for demon Vene rather than angel Vene, also obvious good omens inspired lmao
2) I looooooove the idea of Germany having a mini schnauzer! I did a poll on my other blog and the name Pretzel won! I based her personality on the mini schnauzer I had, Sir Lewis. Talkative, very loyal, a massive cuddler, abandonment and anxiety issues. I think Germany adopted her from a (verified) show dog breeder for the purpose of going on different kinds of hunts with him and Prussia, but in the long run it didn’t work out because Germany may have neglected to train her properly and spoiled her far more than he meant to. So her job is exactly like the other three dogs; a cuddly lap dog.
3) Not many notes here. Just transmasc Romano and I think Romano got a perm in the past as an attempt to bring back his once VERY curly hair because he honestly missed it. He gave up in the 90s lol
4) Redrew the old line up for the British Isles family! Very slight redesigns too! I think the canon uk bros designs are nice but also idc, I’ll draw these uk bros all the time instead 👀
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koolkat9 · 2 years ago
Do you think Cornwall and Wales get along?
Cornwall isn't a canon character and I don't know about the country/county to comment. Sorry
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republicofyolossia · 6 months ago
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UK bros? Nah Celt bros lol
Some incoherent rambles on design below:
I like the shade used for Wales hair in the official art (though him being blond is a little disappointing) but I thought I'd try a brighter shade here to reference daffodils. Not sure I like it, and might try dirty blond in future?? Also I was worried about making him and Norn look identical, since their hairstyles are similar. I've decided to make Wales chubby/overweight and Norn more scrawny.
Ire having ginger hair and green eyes is a little cliché. Nothing inherently wrong with it, but I've had 12 years of looking at Ire OCs with identical hair and eyes. The shade of his hair, at least, is something different from MSpaint orange, so I'll take it.
I'm glad at least one brother has darker hair. It's a refreshing design, and I'm glad Scot is canon now and has hopefully killed pixiv!Scotland's popularity. I hate that dogshit OC. I find it funny that my old Scot OC was the shortest brother by far and canon Scot is the tallest. Nothing wrong with either interpretation! I just thought it was funny. His design also gives me Gordon the engine vibes which I also find amusing. I think his hairstyle's nice and makes him stand out a bit more.
I'm sorry but I will never interpret Norn as Eng's older brother. It makes no sense and there's no justification for it, so I'm gonna portray him as a teen, like I did with my old OC (about fifteen y/o or so physically). Not that I think this is the only way to portray him, I'm just not gonna make him an adult. Besides that, I kinda like his design.
Also I'm giving all of them freckles. With a lot of the HWS characters, I tend to err on the side of darker skin because skin tends to get darker the older you become because you've spent more years in the sun. Therefore the nations would probably have slightly darker skin than average. I don't think that these guys can tan (thought I've had English county OCs in the past with tans because British people can tan pretty dark sometimes), so a lot of freckles are the equivalent for them.
Don't repost/steal
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kimanda · 5 years ago
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Day Three - Betrayal
The history between Cornwall, Dumnonia and Wessex is pretty messy and confusing, as far as I've been able to see. Dumnonia (known as Dumnones back then) had been around since roughly before the arrival of the Romans, living in the south-eastern part of Great Britain. I haven't yet completely figured out when Cornwall appeared, it was probably during Roman Britain but his origins are a bit muddled for me since apparently three different Celtic tribes in Great Britain decided to go by Cornovii!! Well he was probably of the Cornovii tribe that was a sub-tribe to the Dumnones tribe... I still need to work out the details of this. Wessex was born after Rome left Great Britain. But of course, his origins also confusing! He was an Anglo-Saxon kingdom... but his founder Cerdic had a Celtic Brythonic name? And some of his alleged descendants after him also had Celtic names?? It's brought up a few questions about how Wessex came to be, maybe he was a Celtic-Saxon hybrid kingdom that eventually became more Germanic over time? At least, the argument can be made that Cerdic and his family were most likely native Celtic Britons, even if Wessex would later try to rewrite that part of his history and try to pretend his founder was a Saxon.
In any case, I can very well imagine Wessex coming into existence being both a Celtic Briton and a Saxon, though over time he thought less and less of his Celtic roots. He coexisted with his neighbouring Celtic kingdoms, until the day in the 6th century he decided he wanted to expand his territories. He turned on Dumnonia and would fight her for several decades for control of her lands. Dumnonia initially was able to fight him off, but little by little, Wessex gained control of her lands and around 813-822, it's thought that Dumnonia fell. Cornwall for a short time survived as a rump state of what was Dumnonia's territory, but he too would start to be invaded in the 880s by Wessex. No written records from this time say when exactly Dumnonia and Cornwall lost their independence to Wessex. We only have small glimpses of records showing Wessex fighting the Dumnonians and the Cornish and then later glimpses of these territories being assimilated into Wessex's kingdom. We don't know if written records did exist and were destroyed/lost to time, or they simply were never written down. It does seem odd though, having nothing official from Wessex confirming his successful conquest of Dumnonia.
In terms of what happened to the personifications, Dumnonia was eventually killed by Wessex. Kind of. She was reborn into Devon, an English county who has no memories of having been a Briton Celt originally. Her only Celtic legacy is her name. Cornwall was spared when he was conquered, but seeing what he would have to go through in the later centuries, we could ask if it was a kindness on the part of Wessex. I wonder if my choice of the theme "betrayal" is a bit flimsy here, since Wessex's contact to his Celtic roots seems also pretty flimsy. But I liked the sketch too much to let it go, so I stuck to it. Besides, I do think the theme of "betrayal" suits Wessex pretty well, if my interpretation of his later mass-fratricide of the other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms is something to go by.
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captkirkland · 4 years ago
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seamus!! and posting a slightly edited alistair because i wanted to see him with blue eyes too lol (original ireland oc by @heroicsmiles)
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atomicstrawbrys · 4 years ago
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what’s up mothershuckers
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oumaheroes · 3 years ago
hii its bougie <3 if you're still taking hc requests, i was wondering if you'd have thoughts on something that's been on my mind for a while. i was interested in the nuance to english culture due to regional differences. eg.,dinner being called "tea" in the north of england, rugby being more popular in the south, the difference in how scones with jam and cream are enjoyed in Devon and Cornwall?? or how certain english accents are perceived as... "less attractive" i guess (the black country accents are unpopular apparently?) -- you'd probably know more about these particularities than me ;u;
i was wondering how these cultural differences might map onto hws England's character, and how they might influence his attitudes and behaviours. because there's such a clearly defined stereotype of the english that i think shape people's expectations of what the english are like, i usually think that Arthur usually consciously acts according to what counts as positive interpretations of himself. however, i love nuanced and somewhat subversive interpretations of his character, and am very curious if you might have any ideas on how these kind of internal regional differences might shape him.
Bougieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3
I’m not gonna lie this sent me down a RABBIT HOLE of thoughts, so hang on tight cos we're gonna get messy.
Let’s start with my personal favourite, so excuse me whilst I geek out for a second. I’ve gone into this area already in this headcanon, but I personally see England being a very proud little dragon regarding English accents, those both native and non-native to the British Isles. Focusing just on accents within England for this post, the way Arthur himself sees them, (regarding class and general preference), comes a lot down to how I see him feeling about language and the unification of England in general.
England is a tiny country. It’s really teeny, compared to some, and yet holds an incredible number of regional accents and dialects (from digging about the internet for a good source, I keep finding numbers ranging from 37 to 43). There are a number of reasons for this, but the one that I love the most is that accents are influenced by the previous/ influential other languages spoken in a given area. Accents on the East of England are more influenced by Viking invaders, both phonologically and via the dialectal words used, and accents/ dialects in the West are more influenced by Welsh, for example.
Accents and dialects tell the history of a place, all who ever came there and influenced it to some degree. The map of English accents is a patchwork quilt of old cultures and people now lost to time, but their ways of speaking have been preserved in the modern tongue. The old English kingdoms might now be mere counties- Kent, Essex, Sussex, East Anglia, etc- they may not have their own influence or language these days as they used to, but their old ways have been imprinted on their people of today whether they know it or not and they carry pieces of the past in their words and how they speak them. Older speakers of the Northern English dialects liek the Yorkshire dialect still use ‘thou/thee’ where this has fallen out in other areas, the Midlands and parts of the South-East still keep the ‘-n’ ending for possessive pronouns (‘yourn’ instead of ‘yours’, ‘ourn’ instead of ‘ours’), and there’s even some linguistic research into how Brittonic, the ancestor of Modern Welsh, influenced English structure and phonology (for references, see notes at the end).
Back to England the person (to contain myself slightly), his regional accents are a story of himself, his history being kept alive in all of its variety every day. He doesn’t hold a classist view of a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ accent because he knows why they’re all there- what languages and people influenced them and how these events affected him- the older generations now lost and forgotten being kept alive in the smallest of phonemes.
Every dialect, every accent, and every language tells the story of a people, from the smallest phonological marker right up to a language as a whole and England takes comfort and pride in his dialects and accents’ longevity and variety. He is as much of the North as he is the South, as much of the East as the West and a patchwork man born of patchwork cultures it makes no sense for him to favour one particular accent over another.
That being said, he is aware that there is a common cultural stance on accents as well as an opinion regarding ‘ugly’ ones, ‘common’ ones, and ‘classy’ ones, but he himself doesn’t partake in these ideas. I like to think that a nation takes on the speech of the people and the area they’re in, matching the person they speak to or the area they visit to relate to their people. So, for me a Chav Arthur exists as much as a Brummie one does, or a Scouser, or a Geordie, or a Cockney. They’re all English, and thus they’re all a part of him.
I have to include this one, if only to touch on it lightly regarding accents and dialects. Class does influence which words you speak, arguably just as much as which accent (this is known as a sociolect). Although I said that England adopts the accent of whatever area he’s in, or whomever he’s talking to if they’re English, the class people are will also affect which words he choses to use.
Here’s a short example from here:
'It is pudding for the upper class. Dessert is sometimes used by upper middles, but afters and sweets very clearly put you below stairs.'
Have some more!
Upper class: Spectacles, Lavatory or loo, Die, Napkin, Sofa
Middle class: Glasses, Toilet , Pass on, Serviette, Settee or couch
(Working class is a mix but harder to find sources for).
This is where England treads a fine line. It could be that he again adopts more of a class lexicon regarding who he is speaking to, matching his people word for word. However, England is not unaware of the affects of class, regardless of how he himself feels, and also although class snobbery and divide frustrate him, he cannot deny using this understanding to benefit himself, which also conforms to how his own people behave. (I myself have, many times, diluted and filtered my speech to be seen as ‘better’).
Want to be seen as more reliable and powerful? Want to be taken more seriously? RP and Estuary English (a lot more so these days), hold undeniable sway and England is not above adopting a manner of speaking to come across ‘better’ or more polite, or a more ‘common’ accent to fit in with the working classes. I think of England as leaning more towards a working-class mindset- he’s very hands on, very up for and used to manual labour and this particular English class has always made up the bulk of his population. It makes no sense for a nation, who represents all of their people, to have a snide view or a preference for a particular group and England as a person I see is someone who does not enjoy the foppery and false airs of aristocracy.
That being said, England is an intelligent man. He knows how to work a room and use a crowd to his advantage, knows what must be done and what he needs to do to achieve a goal and if this entails courting the upper classes for a time then he will do so. He’s adepts at switching himself like a chameleon, blending his behaviours, accent, and dialect to match who he’s talking to to achieve a goal or to fit in with someone’s perception of him, or to gain influence or prestige. He also doesn’t hate his upper classes- they are of him too, and the middle and working class have their own prejudices and ideas against the others. But he doesn’t adopt a stereotypical distain of lower classes because to him, it really doesn’t make much sense.
Abroad, this need to cultivate a particular perception defiantly comes under greater pressure. RP and Estuary English are more well know, more heard and taught, and more recognisably ‘British’, and so these are what he uses when speaking English to other nations or foreigners, either wanting to uphold an image of himself (more so in the Victorian/ Edwardian period than nowadays) or just for the ease of being understood.
Regional Differences
Okay, this one is a lot more fun. Does England put in his milk first or last when making tea? Does he put jam first, or clotted cream when having a scone? Does he have chips with gravy, or curry sauce? Does he have dinner at 6, or 9? To marmite, or not to marmite.
Ah, that is the question, and England does not know the answer. Does he do what he does because that’s what he likes, or because that’s what his people do? He didn’t grow up with these habits, after all, they’re all relatively recent in his lifetime, and so these habits are defiantly things he cultures for a particular audience.
I’m not really sure if the above preferences are class based, (well, milk first when making tea is argued to be, but I can't find any sources I'd consider entirely credible. I put the ones I did find in the notes below, in case any one's interested), so it’s hard to get a sense of which one to use. Overall, it doesn’t matter which you do and neither is right or wrong, but the English feel strongly about them, one way or another, and often Arthur the man isn’t sure at all which one he himself actually thinks is better.
Food in another sense though is something he can be surer of. A Cornish pastie not from Cornwall is not worth eating, nor is a Bakewell tart outside of Bakewell. England can be very particular about this sort of thing and enjoys maintaining and supporting the ‘original’ flavour or recipe of a thing where he can, considering this to be the ‘best’. Sally Lunn Buns from Bath, Gypsy tarts from Kent, Eccles Cakes from Eccles.
England wants to preserve his food and culture and has what could be considered a snobbish view on the ‘best’ way of creating or eating his national foods. Some things he is more lenient with: he will eat cheddar cheese, whether or not it is from Cheddar, same from Cumberland sausages not from Cumbria. But he certainly has a preference and he is not afraid to voice this when asked for his opinion.
Okay, we're done
Phew! This had me digging out my old linguistic student brain. To anyone who has made it this far down, gosh golly miss molly thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the ride, and especially @prickyy who was kind enough to want to hear my opinions about all of this <3
Brittonic influence on English:
https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar_url?url=http://journals.mountaintopuniversity.edu.ng/English%2520Language/Celtic%2520Influences%2520in%2520English%2520A%2520Re-evaluation.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2ohDYdq3BoWImwHn6oWQAg&scisig=AAGBfm29zTF0FBCpd1KqDiAbjM-0X7nfoA&oi=scholarr (PDF)
https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar_url?url=http://www.oppi.uef.fi/wanda/unicont/abstracts/14ICEHL_MF.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2ohDYdq3BoWImwHn6oWQAg&scisig=AAGBfm3UvOXbJEb0b51J73eBnTJvgGaQOA&oi=scholarr (PDF)
Sociolects and class distinction within language in English:
Milk in tea first and the potential class reason:
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the-empress-7 · 4 years ago
I find quite telling that the RF is cementing themselves as the future of the monarchy during the G7, the choice of location (Cornwall, go Cams!) PC being basically the host of the event with Wills as the future POW. Let’s face it, every leader and people there would rather meet Charles than meet Boris. Pity there won’t be a state dinner and we’ll miss Catherine in a gala dress and tiara.. 1/2
2/2 Now, Mrs. Dumbarton tries so hard to be perceived as powerful (remember the “power meeting” with Michelle?) but lacked the vision of the actual pull the royals have during diplomatic functions. She could be mingling with world leaders and billionaires, PR-ing her way into friendships, etc., but preferred HW and cheap headlines. She has a z-list mentality and that’s why she fails to build the brand she wants. Plus, snubbing Trump&Fam that time showed she is clueless and unfit for the role
If I may, the BRF is positioning itself as an integral part of the future of the UK, afterall the monarchy is an inseparable aspect of the country's identity and has been for a 1000 years.
As for what you said about her, yeah, she F'ed up big time.
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mysweetteame · 5 years ago
Who is who?
Hi Skippy, perhaps other anons will find the list of cast helpful:
BRF        British Royal Family
HMTQ    Her Majesty the Queen
PP          Prince Phillip. Duke of Edinburgh
PR          Anne, Princess Royal
PC          Prince Charles
DoC        Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall
PD          Princess Diana
LLM        Lord Mountbatten
PA           Prince Andrew
SF           Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York
PW          Prince William, Duke of Cambridge
DC         Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
LG         Lord Christopher Geidt
PH     Prince Harry
MM   Meghan Markle
MA    Markus Anderson
DR    Doria Ragland
JM    Jessica Mulroney
Mio   Omid Scobie 
SW    Serena Williams
T M   Thomas Markle
SM     Samantha Markle Grant
BO     Barack Obama
MO    Michelle Obama
BC     Bill Clinton
HRC   Hillary Clinton
CC      Chelsea Clinton
HW    Harvey Weinstein
OW    Oprah Winfrey
RB     Ron Burkle
GK     Gayle  King
SL      Sarah Latham
JE       Jeffrey Epstein
GM      Ghislaine Maxwell
LW      Les Wexner (Victoria Secret)
GS      George Soros
GG      George Clooney
AG      Amal Clooney
EJ       Elton John
TPTB   The powers that be
CW     Commonwealth
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pvffinsdaisies · 5 months ago
CORNWALL: girl i’ve always been
“‘Baby doll, you have changed’ that’s the thing you always say. Cursing me, trash my name, I rained all over your parade. Now you’re on my couch, you’re fighting tears, you say I’m cruel beyond my years. And as I’m walking out that door, say you don’t know me anymore.
Well, I have captors I call friends, I got panic rooms inside my head, and I get down with crooked men but I am the girl I’ve always been. I got wrapped up in the game again, you woke up in an empty bed, and I can’t say I’m a perfect 10 but I am the girls I’ve always been
So don’t say that I’ve been acting different, I’m nothing if I’m not consistent. You knew everything you’d be getting, I told you right from the beginning. Now you’re on my case, how could I go? You never dreamed I’d be so cold. Then with venom on your tongue, you asked me who I had become.”
“I found a guy, told me I was a star. He held the door, held my hand in the dark. And he’s perfect on paper, but he’s lying to my face. Does he think that I’m the kind of girl who needs to be saved?
And there’s one more boy, he’s from my past. We fell in love, but it didn’t last ‘cause the second I figure it out, he pushes me away. And I won’t fight for love if you won’t meet me halfway. And I say that I’m through, but this song’s still for you.
All I want is love that lasts, is all I want too much to ask? Is it something wrong with me? All I want is a good guy, are my expectations far too high? Try my best, but what can I say? All I have is myself at the end of the day, and shouldn’t that be enough for me?
And I miss the days when I was young and naive, I thought the perfect guy would come and find me. Now happy ever after, it don’t come so easily.”
UK & Ireland as Olivia Rodrigo songs
Plus OC’s in a reblog 💕
ENGLAND: making the bed
“Want it, so I got it, did it, so it’s done. Another thing I ruined I used to do for fun. Another piece of plastic I could just throw away. Another conversation with nothing good to say.
And I thought it, so I said it, took it cause I can. Another day pretending I’m older than I am, another perfect moment that doesn’t feel like mine, another thing I forced to be a sign.
Well, sometimes I feel like I don’t wanna be where I am, getting drunk at a club with my fair-weathered friends, push away all the people who know me the best, but it’s me who’s been making the bed.
And I’m tired of being the girl that I am, every good thing has turned into something I dread, and I’m playing the victim so well in my head, but it’s me who’s been making the bed.
And I tell someone I love them, just as a distraction, and they tell me that they love me like I’m some tourist attraction. They’re changing my machinery and I just let it happen, I got the things I wanted it’s just not what I imagined.”
IRELAND: Can’t Catch Me Now
“There’s blood on the side of the mountain, there’s writing all over the wall, the shadows of us are still dancing through every room and every hall. There’s snow falling over the city, you thought that it would wash away the bitter taste of my fury and all of the messes you made. Yeah, you think that you got away
But I’m in the trees, I’m in the breeze, my footsteps on the ground. You’ll see my face in every place, but you can’t catch me now. Through wading grass, the months will pass, you’ll feel it all around. I’m here, I’m there, I’m everywhere but you can’t catch me now.
Bet you thought I’d never do it, thought it’d go over my head. I bet you figured I’d pass with the winter, be something easy to forget, oh, you think I’m gone ‘cause I left…
You can’t, you can’t catch me now, I’m coming like a storm into your town. You can’t, you can’t catch me now, I’m higher than the hopes that you brought down!
There’s blood on the side of the mountain, it’s turning a new shade of red. Yeah, sometimes the fire you founded don’t burn the way you expect. Yeah, you thought that this was the end.”
“And I’m so sick of seventeen, where’s my fucking teenage dream? If someone tells me one more time, “enjoy your youth!” Im gonna cry. And I don’t stick up for myself, I’m anxious and nothing can help, and I wish I’d done this before, and I wish people liked me more.
All I did was try my best, this the kinda thanks I get? Unrelentlessly upset. They say these are the golden years, but I wish I could disappear, ego crush is so severe. God, it’s brutal out here.
I feel like no one wants me, and I hate the way I’m perceived. I only have two real friends, and lately I’m a nervous wreck. ‘Cause I love people I don’t like, and I hate every song I write, and I’m not cool and I’m not smart and I can’t even parallel park.
Got a broken ego, broken heart. And god, I don’t even know where to start.”
SCOTLAND: get him back!
“I met a guy in the summer, and I left him in the spring. He argued with me about everything. He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye, he said he’s 6’2 and I’m like “dude, nice try.” But he was so much fun, and he had such weird friends, and he would take us out to parties and the night would never end, another song, another bar, another dance, and when he said something wrong, he’d just fly me to France. So, I miss him some nights when I’m feeling depressed, ‘til I remember every time he made a pass at my friends. Do I love him, do I hate him? I guess it’s up and down, if I had to choose, I would say right now
I wanna get him back! I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad. I wanna get him back ‘cause then again I really miss him and it makes me real sad. I want sweet revenge and I want him again. I wanna get him back!
I wanna key his car, I wanna make him lunch, I wanna break his heart and be the one to stitch it up. Oh, I wanna kiss his face with an uppercut, I wanna meet his mom, just to tell her her son sucks!”
WALES: enough for you
“And I knew how you took your coffee, and your favourite songs by heart. I read all of your self-help books so you’d think that I was smart. Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me. I knew from the start this is exactly how you’d leave.
You found someone more exciting, the next second you were gone. And you left me there crying, wondering what I did wrong. And you always say I’m never satisfied, but I don’t think that’s true, ‘cause all I ever wanted was to be enough for you.
And maybe I’m just not as interesting as the girls you had before, but god you couldn’t have cared less about someone who loved you more. I’d say you broke my heart, but you broke much more than that, now I don’t want your sympathy I just want myself back.
Don’t you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded? Don’t you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing? But don’t tell me you’re sorry, boy, feel sorry for yourself ‘cause someday I’ll be everything to somebody else. And they’ll think that I’m so exciting, and you’ll be the one who’s crying.”
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madamlaydebug · 7 years ago
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Committee of300 Abdullah II King of Jordan Roman Abramovich Josef Ackermann Edward Adeane Marcus Agius Martti Ahtisaari Daniel Akerson Albert II King of Belgium Alexander Crown Prince of Yugoslavia Giuliano Amato Carl A. Anderson Giulio Andreotti Andrew Duke of York Anne Princess Royal Nick Anstee Timothy Garton Ash William Waldorf Astor Pyotr Aven Jan Peter Balkenende Steve Ballmer Ed Balls Jose Manuel Barroso Beatrix Queen of the Netherlands Marek Belka C. Fred Bergsten Silvio Berlusconi Ben Bernanke Nils Bernstein Donald Berwick Carl Bildt Sir Winfried Bischoff Tony Blair Lloyd Blankfein Leonard Blavatnik Michael Bloomberg Frits Bolkestein Hassanal Bolkiah Michael C Bonello Emma Bonino David L. Boren Borwin Duke of Mecklenburg  Charles Bronfman Edgar Jr. Bronfman John Bruton Zbigniew Brzezinski Robin Budenberg Warren Buffett George HW Bush David Cameron Camilla Duchess of Cornwall Fernando Henrique Cardoso Peter Carington Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden Carlos Duke of Parma Mark Carney Cynthia Carroll Jaime Caruana Sir William Castell Anson Chan Margaret Chan Norman Chan Charles Prince of Wales Richard Chartres Stefano Delle Chiaie Dr John Chipman Patokh Chodiev Christoph Prince of Schleswig-Holstein Fabrizio Cicchitto Wesley Clark Kenneth Clarke Nick Clegg Bill Clinton Abby Joseph Cohen Ronald Cohen Gary Cohn Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano Duke of Paliano Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano Duke of Paliano Constantijn Prince of the Netherlands Constantine II King of Greece David Cooksey Brian Cowen Sir John Craven Andrew Crockett Uri Dadush Tony D'Aloisio Alistair Darling Sir Howard Davies Etienne Davignon David Davis Benjamin de Rothschild David Rene de Rothschild Evelyn de Rothschild Leopold de Rothschild Joseph Deiss Oleg Deripaska Michael Dobson Mario Draghi Jan Du Plessis William C. Dudley Wim Duisenberg Edward Duke of Kent Edward Earl of Wessex Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom John Elkann Vittorio Emanuele Prince of Naples Ernst August Prince of Hanover Martin Feldstein Matthew Festing François Fillon Heinz Fischer Joschka Fischer Stanley Fischer Niall FitzGerald Franz Duke of Bavaria Mikhail Fridman Friso Prince of Orange-Nassau Bill Gates Christopher Geidt Timothy Geithner Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia Dr Chris Gibson-Smith Mikhail Gorbachev Al Gore Allan Gotlieb Stephen Green Alan Greenspan Gerald Grosvenor 6th Duke of Westminster Jose Angel Gurria William Hague Sir Philip Hampton Hans-Adam II Prince of Liechtenstein Harald V King of Norway Stephen Harper François Heisbourg Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg Philipp Hildebrand Carla Anderson Hills Richard Holbrooke Patrick Honohan Alan Howard Alijan Ibragimov Stefan Ingves Walter Isaacson Juan Carlos King of Spain Kenneth M. Jacobs DeAnne Julius Jean-Claude Juncker Peter Kenen John Kerry Mervyn King Glenys Kinnock Henry Kissinger Malcolm Knight William H. Koon II Paul Krugman John Kufuor Giovanni Lajolo Anthony Lake Richard Lambert Pascal Lamy Jean-Pierre Landau Timothy Laurence   Arthur Levitt Michael Levy Joe Lieberman Ian Livingston Lee Hsien Loong Lorenz of Belgium Glenys Kinnock Henry Kissinger Malcolm Knight William H. Koon II Paul Krugman John Kufuor Giovanni Lajolo Anthony Lake Richard Lambert Pascal Lamy Jean-Pierre Landau Timothy Laurence James Leigh-Pemberton Leka Crown Prince of Albania Mark Leonard Peter Levene Lev Leviev Arthur Levitt Michael Levy Joe Lieberman Ian Livingston Lee Hsien Loong Lorenz of Belgium Archduke of Austria-Este Louis Alphonse Duke of Anjou Gerard Louis-Dreyfus Mabel Princess of Orange-Nassau Peter Mandelson Sir David Manning Margherita Archduchess of Austria-Este Margrethe II Queen of Denmark Guillermo Ortiz Martinez Alexander Mashkevitch Stefano Massimo Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio Prince of Arsoli and Triggiano William Joseph McDonough Mack McLarty Yves Mersch Michael Prince of Kent Michael King of Romania David Miliband Ed Miliband Lakshmi Mittal Glen Moreno Moritz Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel Rupert Murdoch Charles Napoleon Jacques Nasser Robin Niblett Vincent Nichols Adolfo Nicolas Christian Noyer Sammy Ofer Alexandra Ogilvy Lady Ogilvy David Ogilvy 13th Earl of Airlie Jorma Ollila Nicky Oppenheimer George Osborne Frederic Oudea Sir John Parker Chris Patten Michel Pebereau Gareth Penny Shimon Peres Philip Duke of Edinburgh Dom Duarte Pio Duke of Braganza Karl Otto Pohl Colin Powell Mikhail Prokhorov Guy Quaden Anders Fogh Rasmussen Joseph Alois Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) David Reuben Simon Reuben William R. Rhodes Susan Rice Richard Duke of Gloucester Sir Malcolm Rifkind Sir John Ritblat Stephen S. Roach Mary Robinson David Rockefeller Jr. David Rockefeller Sr. Nicholas Rockefeller Javier Echevarria Rodriguez Kenneth Rogoff Jean-Pierre Roth Jacob Rothschild David Rubenstein Robert Rubin Francesco Ruspoli 10th Prince of Cerveteri Joseph Safra Moises Safra Peter Sands Nicolas Sarkozy Isaac Sassoon James Sassoon Sir Robert John Sawers Marjorie Scardino Klaus Schwab Karel Schwarzenberg Stephen A. Schwarzman Sidney Shapiro Nigel Sheinwald Sigismund Grand Duke of Tuscany Archduke of Austria Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Olympia Snowe Sofia Queen of Spain George Soros Arlen Specter Ernest Stern Dennis Stevenson Tom Steyer Joseph Stiglitz Dominique Strauss-Kahn Jack Straw Peter Sutherland Mary Tanner Ettore Gotti Tedeschi Mark Thompson Dr. James Thomson  Hans Tietmeyer Jean-Claude Trichet Paul Tucker Herman Van Rompuy Alvaro Uribe Velez Alfons Verplaetse Kaspar Villiger Maria Vladimirovna Grand Duchess of Russia Paul Volcker Otto von Habsburg Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah Sultan of Brunei Sir David Walker Jacob Wallenberg John Walsh Max Warburg Axel Alfred Weber Michael David Weill Nout Wellink Marina von Neumann Whitman Willem-Alexander Prince of Orange William Prince of Wales Dr Rowan Williams Shirley Williams David Wilson James Wolfensohn Neal S. Wolin Harry Woolf R. James Jr. Woolsey Sir Robert Worcester Sarah Wu Robert Zoellick Most of the names listed above are of Jewish lineage 
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sunnixsunshine · 1 year ago
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Uuuuuuuuuh quick doodles before bed—
Idc if Wales has a canon design, i will forever draw my curly haired bitch Wales only!!1!
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xtruss · 4 years ago
All The Queen’s Presidents: Biden Joins Long Line of US Leaders to Meet Royal
Biden previously met the Queen in 1982 while she has met every US president since Eisenhower except Lyndon Johnson
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Joe Biden waves as he walks with Jill Biden in Carbis Bay, Cornwall. Photograph: Phil Noble/AFP/Getty Images
— Guardian Staff and Agencies | Friday June 11, 2021
When the Queen encounters Joe Biden at a reception on Friday she will have met the 13th US president of her long reign, having come face to face with every US commander-in-chief since Dwight Eisenhower – except Lyndon Johnson.
Biden previously met the Queen in 1982 when he was the Democratic senator for Delaware but this will be their first rendezvous since Biden beat Donald Trump to win the White House.
Biden, 78, is set to sip tea with the Queen, 95, on Sunday at Windsor Castle after the G7 summit in Cornwall, but they will both attend a reception on Friday, along with the Queen’s son and heir, Prince Charles, and his wife, Camilla, and Charles’s son Prince William and his wife, Kate.
She was a 25-year-old princess when she came to Washington in 1951 and stayed with the then US president, Harry Truman, and his family at Blair House in Washington DC, where Truman lived while the White House underwent a major renovation. She met Herbert Hoover in 1957, more than 20 years after he left office.
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The Queen and Dwight Eisenhower in 1957. Photograph: Keystone/Getty Images
Her personal ties to US leaders lend gravitas and continuity to the US-UK relationship and put pressure on the president of the moment knowing that he is meeting a veteran of the world stage.
The Queen came of age during the second world war and understands the central role the transatlantic alliance has played in modern British history, said Robert Hardman, author of Queen of the World, which examines her role representing Britain in international circles.
“She grew up with that sort of sense of the USA as almost a sort of salvation that came along and rescued Europe in the darkest days of the war,” Hardman told the Associated Press.
Here are highlights of some of her meetings, on both sides of the pond, with past American presidents:
Donald Trump
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Donald Trump and the Queen in 2018. Photograph: Pablo Martínez Monsiváis/AP
Trump and the Queen met in July 2018 at Windsor Castle during a visit to Britain that drew large anti-Trump protests, including the hoisting of the infamous balloon depicting Trump as an oversized baby.
He was criticized for breaking protocol by briefly walking in front of the Queen – instead of alongside her – and turning his back on her as they reviewed an honor guard.
Barack Hussain Obama
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The Queen and Prince Philip with Barack and Michelle Obama in 2016. Photograph: WPA Pool/Getty Images
Obama and the Queen had their first of three meetings in April 2009 at a reception for world leaders attending the Group of 20 nations summit in London.
It was there that the then first lady, Michelle Obama, broke protocol by briefly putting an arm around the Queen’s back as they commiserated about their aching feet.
It’s generally a no-no to touch the Queen, but she returned the first lady’s gesture.
The Queen invited the Obamas to Buckingham Palace in 2011.
As Obama delivered a toast to the Queen at a banquet, he didn’t miss a beat when the band launched into God Save the Queen prematurely. He kept talking over the music until the band quieted down.
George W Bush
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The Queen and Prince Philip with George W Bush and his wife, Laura, in 2007. Photograph: Anwar Hussein/WireImage
Bush detested formal affairs but donned white-tie-and-tails for a state dinner at Buckingham Palace in 2003.
Bush later slipped up when the Queen was at the White House in 2007, when he said she had helped the US “celebrate its bicentennial in 17-” Bush caught himself and corrected the date to 1976, and paused to see if she had taken offense.
“She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child,” Bush said. She later began a toast at the British Embassy in Washington: “I wondered whether I should start this toast by saying, ‘When I was here in 1776.’”
Bill Clinton
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The Queen with Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton in 2000. Photograph: Tim Graham/Getty Images
The Queen hosted Bill and Hillary Clinton aboard Britain’s royal yacht, Britannia, in 1994. The Clintons spent one night onboard the boat. The next day, the Britannia ferried Bill Clinton to the USS George Washington aircraft carrier as it prepared to sail across the English Channel, from Portsmouth to Normandy, for D-Day anniversary celebrations.
George H.W. Bush
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The Queen and George HW Bush in 1991. Photograph: Tim Graham/Getty Images
One of the more memorable images from the monarch’s third state visit to the US came in 1991 when only her white-striped purple hat could be seen above the microphones when she spoke at an arrival ceremony on the White House grounds.
Someone forgot to adjust the lectern after the much taller Bush spoke and the Queen made light of the incident as she opened an address to a joint meeting of Congress.
“I do hope you can see me today from where you are,” she deadpanned. Bush later apologized and said he felt badly for not pulling out a step for her to stand on.
Ronald Reagan
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The Queen rides through Windsor Home Park with Ronald Reagan in 1982. Photograph: Mauro Carraro/Rex Shutterstock
The actor and California rancher rode side by side with the Queen on an eight-mile horseback tour of the grounds of Windsor Castle in 1982.
Reagan was the first president to sleep over at this 11th-century royal estate overlooking the River Thames.
They planned to go riding together again at the Reagan ranch in Santa Barbara in 1983 but the weather scotched the plan.
Jimmy Carter
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The Queen and Jimmy Carter in 1977. Photograph: PA
The Queen hosted Carter in May 1977 on his first overseas trip at a dinner for Nato leaders at Buckingham Palace. Carter noticed the arrival of the Queen Mother and rushed to escort her to the assembled line of guests.
The Georgia peanut farmer-turned-president sat between the Queen and her sister, Princess Margaret, and across from Prince Charles, Prince Philip and the Queen Mother.
Gerald Ford
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The Queen and Prince Philip with Gerald and Betty Ford in 1976. Photograph: Anwar Hussein/Getty Images
Ford threw a gala state dinner for the Queen, in diamond tiara, in 1976 to mark the bicentennial of the American Revolution. The glittering gathering at the White House included diplomats, star athletes and celebrities such as Cary Grant and Julie Harris. But the celebratory mood was shattered when Ford led the Queen to the dance floor while the song The Lady Is a Tramp echoed throughout the state dining room.
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macksoneh-blog · 6 years ago
Program Manager - Software Telco :: Plantation FL
I’m posting the job emails I received today.
Program Manager - Software Telco :: Plantation FL
Shailesh Sanwal <[email protected]>
1:35 PM (41 minutes ago)
to me
Hi Mack,
Hope you are doing good!!
We are looking for the consultants for the below position, let me know if you are interested
Job Title  :: Program Manager - Software Telco
Location  :: Plantation FL
Duration :: Contract to Hire/ Full-Time
The program manager will provide program/project management leadership focused on the delivery of carrier-specific software and related activities with wireless telecom providers for North America and Asia. You will plan, manage and coordinate cross-functional software activities within client engineering team as well as interface with the carrier engineering team. The Role reports to the Director, Software Program.
Responsible to lead complex, multi-disciplinary software development and engineering projects.
Manage Technical/Program management leadership with wireless carrier/service provider/mobile network provider and engineering developments towards the carrier requirements.
Manage carrier certification of device software, factory and carrier programming, requirement analysis, technology selection, architecture activities.
Provide Program management leadership to multiple software engineering teams as well as carrier software technical relationships.
Plan, manage and prioritize implementation tasks for features, defects, projects, and releases.
Collaborates and works with internal application/middleware/framework teams as well as carrier technical/certification teams.
Work with internal and external organizations to manage interdependencies and to develop and integrate innovative solutions.
Follow technology trends and developments to rapidly absorb new knowledge bases and incorporate them into new and existing features.
Thorough experience managing technical requirements with multiple wireless carriers or past experience leading the development of software related to carrier customization or certification.
Experience with consumer electronics with a detailed understanding of Mobile HW and Linux based embedded operating systems and software layers.
Experience in embedded software, preferably managing the software for wireless carriers with any consumer electronics devices.
Experience driving the product through major wireless carrier certification/technical compliance.
Proficient in verbal/written communication skills including a presentation to large audiences.
Full understanding of software development lifecycles and best practices
Excellent verbal and written communication skills and bilingual English/Japanese and/or Korean
BS/MS in Computer Science/Computer Engineer /Electrical Engineer/Communication engineers preferred or equivalent experience in the telecommunications industry
PMP Certification is a plus
Sr. Recruiter
Cell phone: 848-299-4462
Web: www.talentechconsulting.com
Address: 1100 Cornwall Rd, Suite 160, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, 08852, United State
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