#hunted for a fanfic like this
gazkamurocho Β· 5 months
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"Haven't you heard about them, Kiryu? They're the 'Jima brothers'. They're new at the school and are gaining a bad reputation." [...] "You better watch your ass, kyoudai. That eyepatch kid stares at you like an animal. He's probably gonna come after you next" "Heh, really? I wanna see him try."
Part 2
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poorly-drawn-mdzs Β· 7 months
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#jiang cheng#While listening to the Lotus Seed extra I was like 'aw this art is so cute.'#Post The Fanfic Fiasco (re: last comic's tags) I am haunted by the green orbs. WWX has a bag of edible green orbs and I am in hell.#First draft of this comic's script has JC saying 'dude you wouldn't even share with me!' and I love his little sibling indignation.#Middle child power is knowing that you don't have to share with your siblings. The little wet eyes and weak hand slaps do NOTHING.#JC probably already ate all of his lotus seeds. That's on you dude!#Part of me wants to get deeper with the metaphor of the lotus seeds here. It is a gesture of a certain kind of affection.#JYL gives something to WWX she does not quite share with JC. And WWX in turn gives something to LWJ he does not share with JC.#Really puts JC's line 'You're always eating...eating eating' into a very different light.#There are other kinds of starving besides hunger. There are other ways to be a glutton than just food and drink.#WWX's character pre-burial mounds is heavily focused on 'Indulgence'. Be it wine or flirting or hunting or eating-#-or receiving admiration; He is always indulging in ways we never see JC do.#I think the intentional contrast was with the Lan's 'Live simple and without indulgence' lifestyle. LWJ is the abstainer to wwx's gluttony.#But it does expand to JC as well! Both are locked into the role model position to have friction against WWX's apparent freedom.#I think LWJ and JC (at this point) see WWX as something they both want (in different capacities) and someone they want to be.#Yet despite the history between them it is not JC who WWX reaches out to. It's LWJ.#The boy already has an inferiority complex! Stop making it accidently worse!
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benjaminthecoathanger Β· 4 months
okay, because i saw a poll earlier and i thought the choices weren't clear enough and also the answers i saw to it annoyed me and also i'm curious:
I am including having watched gameplay of a game and not having played it as having watched the source material
In this context if you are writing fic/making art and you are not being commissioned to do so. This is purely for funsies
You getting into something because you saw a post/gifset/video about it and then watched the source material does not count. That's just how you get into new things.
Goncharov does not count because it's not real. I'll break kayfabe here I don't care.
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bittwitchy Β· 11 months
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Sebastian Stan. in a bathtub, which is all I actually got out of this movie.
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chuthulhu-reads Β· 3 months
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[ID: A panel from Dungeon Meshi. Laios, with a downcast expression, is saying, "Ducks don't come along carrying leeks on their backs, you know." Marcille, looking even sadder, says, "I'm sorry. You're right." End ID.]
...God, the carnage that would be unleashed by letting Laios loose in the Pokemon World, tho. He'd make the BDG video look extremely sober and hinged. Professor Oak would ask how his pokedex is coming and he'd hand over a cookbook he's writing. He'd find Mew under the truck and roast it whole like a chicken. AO3 has zero crossovers so far and I don't know if I'm disappointed or relieved
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loosingmoreletters Β· 11 months
Oooo for a prompt: Jiang Cheng raises a-Yuan thinking he’s actually Wei Wuxian’s biological child
Anon, you really said β€œI will cater to Letter’s interests” with this ask.
When Jiang Cheng finds the boy, he’s still grieving. He hasn’t stopped grieving since they received the first terrible news of Jin Zixuan’s demise. He grieves, he rages, he cries and carries on. A circle reminiscent of the schedule followed by a boy burned out by loss.
He grieves when he pulls a-Yuan from the ash. The child is barely breathing, malnourished too, wrapped in an adult’s cloak.
Wei Wuxian, he thinks, and presses the boy close to his neck, hides his face when he hurries down a troubled path where his most trusted disciples wait. They do not question him, they ask nothing at all but how quickly they need to return home.
Fast, is his reply. He’s seventeen again, running across the countryside on bloody feet to get his brother home. He saved Wei Wuxian then, he saves a-Yuan now.
The healer asks him how old the child is and Jiang Cheng has no answer for her. He’s so very small, sleeping off his fever under her care. She thinks he is around two, perhaps a little younger, but they have no way of knowing. Everyone who would, is dead.
Like the rest of Jiang Cheng’s family, all of them, but Jin Ling. His nephew is a healthy baby, chubby fat and dressed in only the softest of silks. He’s loud too, crying out for parents he doesn’t have anymore, in everything but this, the exact opposite of a-Yuan.
Jiang Cheng hadn’t questioned a-Yuan’s presence in the Burial Mounds the first time round, too caught up in all his other anger. Maybe he should’ve stopped fighting with his brother to ask. Why would Wei Wuxian give everything up for the Wen if the Wen wasn’t his?
The following weeks agree with him. A-Yuan grows into Wei Wuxian’s smile, no longer asks for the dead as his memories disappear. Jiang Cheng wonders if his brows resemble Wen Chao, Wen Qing or her brother, any of them. Jiang Cheng has no clear memory of them he cared to keep, but he knows Wei Wuxian, hears him in the way a-Yuan phrases his question.
He knows his brother’s child.
Perhaps the other parent doesn’t matter, maybe the story there is as sad and terrible as every other.
His sister and her husband are dead, his brother is gone, his nephews are orphans both.
Jiang Cheng is tired of losing family.
The clan registry burned when the Wen attacked them. Jiang Yanli painstakingly wrote a new one when they rebuilt. He stares at her handwriting as he adds a-Yuan’s name to it. No one will ever look at this document, see that his sister put Wei Wuxian down as their brother, see that Jiang Cheng never struck him from the books, that he adds his son.
The Yiling Patriarch is dead, his legacy is cruel and terrible and it perished in the Burial Mounds.
A-Yuan is here.
The maids call him Jiang-gongzi, Xiao Yuan, Yuan-er, and a hundred different little endearments they’re quick to adapt for Jin Ling too when Jiang Cheng is allowed to take him to Lotus Pier.
A-Yuan loves his little cousin, and maybe if Jiang Cheng raises them together like this from the start just right, they’ll never break apart.
Only a handful of disciples know just where Jiang Cheng picked his nephew up, everyone else believes him a deceased cousin’s son.
It is for the best.
There’s no place in the world for Wei Wuxian’s son after all, none at all, unless he remains Jiang Cheng’s nephew first.
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mitchellpete Β· 9 months
Kinktober Day 17 - Edging
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pairing: ethan hunt x f!reader
cw: fwb to lovers?, mentions of drinking, drunk sex (kind of), brief description of injuries, imf agent!reader, edging, nipple licking, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), penetration, overstimulation, crying, cum marking
word count:Β 1613
kinktober masterlist here.
Ethan was not typically one to tease. It was nice sometimes, but for the most part, he just liked to please you. There was nothing more satisfying than to see you unravel for him from start to finish.
It was different tonight, however, after a few drinks with the team for a well-deserved post-mission celebration. Ethan’s body was aching; he’d taken the hardest hits, as he usually does. The difference about this particular mission, though, was that it was you by his side. Until the very end. You’d limped back to the safe house together, arms around one another, blood still dripping from the various cuts and lashes on your bodies. None of it mattered anymore, though. None of the cuts and bruises and aching pains could take away from the fondness between you and Ethan, the way your relationshipβ€”which had started as just a simple dancing among your feelings for one anotherβ€”blossomed immediately after you helped him save the fucking world.Β 
You’d been sleeping with one another. Not frequently; the nature of your jobs did not allow that, but at any chance you both had. You kissed, too. Passionately, fervently, like lovers do. But there wasn’t any sort of label, nothing to go by in terms of what you were to one another. You guess you could still just call him your co-worker, who you substantially had feelings for and occasionally made love to.Β 
Tonight, though, as you fall into bed together, tipsy and giggly, there’s something very different. You’re not quite sure what it is.Β 
Ethan’s hands aren’t as gentle as usual, his touch eager and almost demanding. His mouth is sweet from the alcohol you’d been drinking, teeth nipping at your bottom lip.Β 
β€œCan I try something?” he husks in between kisses.
β€œMhm,” is all you mumble against his lips, entranced by the alcohol in your system, his mouth on yours, and his warmth.
He pulls apart, grins, an excited little glint in his eyes. He momentarily looks around, and then visibly gets an idea.
β€œCan you hang onto the headboard?” he asks softly, guiding you up the mattress.Β 
You scoot up the best you can until your head hits the pillows, relaxing your body as Ethan settles above you. His hands immediately roam, reaching for your clothes. You aid him in taking them off, and then eagerly reach for his own when you’re completely stripped. He stops you, moves your hands away with a small smile, and takes them off himself. Slips off his jacket, his t-shirt, and then wriggles out of his jeans.Β 
You giggle, amused, and do your part in holding onto the headboard instead. You’re wondering what it is he’ll do, the uncertainty thrilling. Sex with Ethan was always the same stupor of hot, hungry passion. Lips numbing, tiring each other out. Usually not many words exchanged. It’s different tonight. Your connection to one another feels deeper, more trustful.
Ethan has always respected you. Even the first time you had sex, it was always about you and what you needed. It wasn’t just a need to blow off some steam, to finally give in to the tension; it was his infatuation with you. He was instantly obsessed with pleasing you, and it remained that way every time you had sex. He wasn’t gentle by any means, but he wasn’t rough, either. It was the perfect passionate pace every time. It was like making love.Β 
The way his arms wrap around your legs to pull you to him is not at all like the usual. You squeal in surprise at his strength, and watch as he brings your core to his middle. Your legs momentarily wrap around his waist as he leans down above you, mouth closing around one of your hardened nipples. He kisses and sucks, eliciting a high pitched moan out of you. One hand comes off the headboard to cup the back of his head as he sloppily kisses at your chest, moving onto your other breast, to your sternum, and back and forth.
You relish in the pleasure that courses through your body, eyes closed, a little smile on your face. Even more so when Ethan’s hand slips in between your bodies to touch your slick center.Β 
β€œEthan,” you gasp out, the thickness of his fingers slipping through your folds.
The pleasure builds up quicker than you can process, your breathing getting heavier against the top of his head as his tongue swirls against your nipple. You squirm when his thumb swipes over your clit, body jerking at the sudden contact, eyes widening.Β 
It continues to build, your body tensing more and more, and you’re sure you’re seconds away from cumming when Ethan suddenly pulls back. Mouth off, hand off.Β 
β€œFuck,” you whine breathlessly, lifting your head in surprise as he backs away just enough so that your legs untangle from his waist. β€œI was just about toβ€”what’s wrong?”
He grins, hands still lingering on your legs. β€œWhat do you mean?” 
The pleasure floats around in your body, diminishing. Ethan settles on his stomach, spreading your legs apart to face your dripping cunt. You gasp as he places soft, tender kisses to your inner thighs, traveling as close to your center as he can and then trailing them the other way, teasing.Β 
You realize what he’s doing.Β 
It’s almost dizzying. Just the thought of getting to do this with him.Β 
When his mouth slots against you, your entire body goes slack. You try not to thrust against his face, but the orgasm you almost had just a minute ago is still lingering, still on the verge of spilling. Your grip on the headboard tightens.Β 
Ethan’s mouth is gentle, but you can feel the tip of his finger prodding at your hole. When it slips inside just a little, he pulls back, lips shiny and parted. β€œCan you hold it for me? Just a little?”
β€œH-hold it?” you repeat, feeling him stretch you on his finger. β€œWhat do you mean?”
β€œTry not to cum. Can you do that?” he asks tenderly.
Just his request almost sends you over the edge, but you nod. You grimace when he leans in to swipe his tongue over your clit, the feeling almost too much to hold onto.Β 
The good thing about having had sex with Ethan multiple times before, is that he grew incredibly accustomed to your body, what reactions he could get out of you, when you were close to cumming. That’s why, when he feels your body tense, and you’re sure you’re really not gonna make it, he pulls back again.Β 
A frustrated cry comes out of you, loud and whiny. Your fingers slide into his hair, pulling slightly in impatience.Β 
β€œFirst time you do this to me,” you pant, your breathing erratic.
β€œJust wanted to try something new,” he murmurs against your inner thigh. He presses a firm kiss there, and then sits up.Β 
Your hand returns to the headboard again, and you watch with hungry eyes as Ethan grasps himself in his fist, cheeks flushed. It’s earth-shattering when he leans in and pushes inside of you. You feel your legs shake, your toes curl, as he sinks in with ease.Β 
Ethan doesn’t prolong it. He gets right to it; languid strokes at first, and then he increases his pace the more your expression calls for it. It’s still a challenge to hold on but you do it just because he asked. Above you, Ethan admires the pleasure painted on your face. He looks dazed, too, enthralled by how tight you feel around him.Β 
Your cries get louder as it gets harder and harder to hang on, mixed with the sharp sounds of skin on skin. Ethan suddenly pulls out the moment he feels you clench around him, getting a sob out of you.
Tears well in your eyes. β€œEthanβ€”fuckβ€”please,” you plead, sniffling.
He cups your face, leans in to kiss you sweetly. He distracts you for a minute, mouth moving yours gently, and then slips inside of you again.Β 
It happens a few more times. You lose count after the second time, too intoxicated and overwhelmed with pleasure to even grasp anything but the sudden loss; how you get right to your breaking point and he knows exactly when to pull back. It’s so unlike him. It kind of makes this whole thing hotter, if you didn’t have the very sickening, very urgent need to cum once and for all. In the moment, you’re sure you’ve never needed anything more.
You nearly scream out when it finally tips over the edge. The pleasure crashes against you like a wave, wringing your body against the mattress. Ethan holds onto you, lets you thrash underneath him. He presses kisses to your face as you feel it, his thrusts momentarily slowing to let you breathe. He’s chasing his own high, however, and soon enough resumes his movement. He fucks you through your orgasm, sloppy and untamed, sensitivity immediately clouding your senses. Tears slip down your cheeks as his pace quickens, until it soon crashes for him too.Β 
He pulls out instantly, spilling his cum all over your abdomen, and his fist.Β 
Tired and sore, he immediately slumps beside you, trying to catch his breath. Your head rolls over onto his shoulder.Β 
He glances at you, floating in his high. His brows furrow; he touches your face. β€œI didn’t mean to make you cry.” 
You wipe at your cheeks. Waves of pleasure continue to swim through you, your body glowing in ecstasy. β€œNo.. that was great, actually.” 
He breathes out, smiling.
You lean your head back against him, sighing happily. β€œWhere did that come from, though?”
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aludraslytherin Β· 3 months
James, talking to Sirius: I'll follow Reggie into Hell and back, but I just wish he could stop going there Reg, hunting down the the tiara in the Room of Requiement: I feel like someone is talking about me
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littencloud9 Β· 2 months
on road trips, new beginnings, and dazai discovering what it means to have a family
🦐 gen, 2.1k. featuring bad music, a chaotic snack shopping trip, and fukuzawa being the Dadℒ️
🦐 written for @starrynightarchive :) happy birthday vi!!
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browneyeddevil Β· 2 months
Question for the veteran fangirlies out there
Hi friends, i know I've been absent for a while and this is kinda a random post to pop back on, but I recently got a short burst of spare time for one of my favourite hobbies: reading fanfics by the wonderfully creative people within this community.
the question i pose: I landed on a fic called "happy endings" by an orphan account, a gifted work to amelia_day (@awhiskeyriver do you remember this person?!). I was wondering if anyone knows who wrote this fic and could let me know or link some of their other works here as i'm just obsessed with their writing style and was fully ready to dive down a rabbithole of their works before remembering that it was an orphan account 😭. it seems they were quite active in the fandom (y'all I went full stalker mode) until around 2021? from my own findings, I think it might have been silvercistern, but I can't be sure, and either way, I can't find any of their other works. does anyone know if they're still up? or if it even is silvercistern?
in short, help, please 🫠.
also if anyone else wants to also be stuck on a story for the next few days about masseuse!katniss and (lets be real) douchebag!peeta (he does a whole redemption arch) here's the link to the story happy endings.
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ruexvn Β· 7 months
π™²πš˜πš—πšŒπš˜πšπš’πš˜πš—πšœ π™°πš—πš πšƒπš›πš˜πšžπš‹πš•πšŽ
* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚Š* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚Š* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚Š* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ੈ
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* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚Š* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚Š* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚Š* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ੈ
𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝: hii <3 could you write "eyeless Jack x bestfriend!reader" ? you're the best <3
𝙰/𝙽: πšœπš˜πš›πš›πš’ πš’πš πšπš‘πš’πšœ πš’πšœ 𝚊 πš‹πš’πš πšœπš‘πš˜πš›πš. πšπš’πš—πšŠπš•πšœ πš πšŽπšŽπš” πš”πš’πš•πš•πšŽπš πš–πšŽ, πšŽπš—πš“πš˜πš’ πš—πš˜πš—πšŽπšπš‘πšŽπš•πšŽπšœπšœ!!
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* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚Š* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚Š* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚Š* ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛš* ੈ
86 notes Β· View notes
bubblybloob Β· 2 months
Ah shit, here we go again.
35 notes Β· View notes
castillon02 Β· 17 days
Wait, so that thing about citrus trees being willing to cross-pollinate with anything.Β 
Combined with part-dryad!Jaskier whose tree is a lemon tree.Β 
Combined with leshy!Eskel.Β 
When life gives you tree monsters, make lemonade.Β 
20 notes Β· View notes
intoloopin Β· 3 months
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Ever been so used to checking into the fic tag that you began to associate a face with a name, a group, an character's era? Because I have, and here are some of these examples!
To play to game, just share 10 face claims or less that you just can't help but associate with that one character, be them canon or not. Anyone's invited to join in, really! The goal's just to have some fun!
The little template I made for this can be found here, but any sort of graphic can work. The psd coloring I used is this one.
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THE OCS I CAN'T HELP BUT SEE: Yejun / Andrew from @fcble; ClΓ©o from @hausofanya; Cheska from @stcpidcupid; Junyeong from @plasticflwrs; Dayna from @alwaysvivid; Reiko from @hshtag; Noah from @bluwavez; Chloe from @chloekwon; Hiro from @lvcky0ne; Bambi from @bttrflyeffekt.
34 notes Β· View notes
mitchellpete Β· 9 months
Kinktober Day 2 - Public
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pairing: ethan hunt x f!reader
cw: inspired by mi2, implied agent!reader, public sex, wall sex, penetration
word count: 1875
kinktober masterlist here.
The Spanish villa is overflowing with guests; a blend of very important people looking to make business deals with one another, the people working for the very important people, Flamenco dancers adorned in deep shades of red, probably a million partygoers, you. Ethan Hunt, if you were right. Among the sea of people, you swear you’d seen him. You could recognize him from a mile away.Β 
You couldn’t confirm though. It was hard to get a better look, losing him in the swarm of guests. Not to mention your certainty that the party’s host had been notified of your presence, surely sending enforcements after you any second now.
The thing about Ethan, though, is that, between the two of you, he’s always had the upper hand. Turning a corner on your way upstairs, you run right into something solid. The expensive material of a suit, a perfect face. Extraordinary looking hair.Β 
Looks like he’d spotted you first.
He grabs your arms, carefully backtracks you down the only two steps you’d reached. Back around the corner and against a pillar. He smiles. β€œHi.”
β€œSo it was you.”
β€œWhat are you doing here?” he asks, a sincere softness to his voice. He holds onto your arms.
You can’t tell him. You wonder if he’ll pry. Putting on a smile, you simply say, β€œEnjoying the party. What about you?”
He takes a moment to think about it, puckering his lips in thought before they drop into a smirk. β€œLet’s call it.. research.” 
Okay. He’s on a mission, then. You’ve got maybe three seconds to wonder if it’s got anything to do with yours before you spot the enforcements. Down the hall, dressed in tactical gear, looking around. Your widened eyes meet Ethan’s, and you can tell he immediately knows.
β€œPlease help me blend in,” you whisper, realizing too late that he’s not going to hear you over the music.Β 
Luckily, his instincts save the day, and he pushes you past the pillar and into the shadow it has cast. Your back gently hits the wall behind it just as flashing lights begin pouring into the dark hallway, illuminating your spot every few seconds at a time. It seems something has started on the main floor, a performance, perhaps. Your stomach knots as the men sent after you stalk closer to the pillar you’re hiding behind, but Ethan’s lips are on yours before they pass. You immediately sink into his kiss, feeling the softness of his fingers gripping your jaw as he delves into your mouth.
You close your eyes then, giving them a break from the white glare that seems to be getting faster as the music’s tempo picks up.
The feigned kiss becomes passionate, almost real, with Ethan’s body pressing to yours in an effort to hide you. You’re chest to chest, and you groan into his mouth at the tightness of the dress against your breasts. It’s as if he knows (yet again); his hand goes around behind your neck to delicately lower your zipper just a few inches, giving you a bit of room to breathe.
It’s then that he breaks from your mouth to kiss and nip at your neck, the front of your dress now a bit loose from his work on your zipper, your cleavage exposed to him. Your eyes dart to the hallway; the men have passed, the hall empty. Maybe this is where you pull apart and go your separate ways again. Ethan continues leaving a trail of wet kisses over your collarbone, arms wrapping around your middle.Β 
It feels good. You almost want to moan. You settle for a happy sigh instead, β€œI owe you one.”
Another smirk, and one last kiss under your jaw before he’s facing you again. β€œWe’ll call it even if you tell me what you’re doing here.”
You exhale, lips puffy from his kiss. It’s easy to get lost in his eyes; you have many times before. You can’t, though. Just like you’re sure he can’t tell you why he’s here. Maybe, for now, all you can do is hide here with him.
He begins to pull away, and you panic.Β 
As if on cue, the flashing lights from the center of the party stop, a dark blue glow washing over the hall instead. You’re left in the pale darkness, body still pressed to his.Β 
Fuck it.
You lean up, capturing his lips again. You decide to let your hands roam, into the suit and against his pecs, then up and around his neck to pull him as close as he was just a few seconds ago. Your knee tips up slightly, your thigh slipping from the slit in your dress to rub between his legs.Β 
β€œWe’re doing this?” he groans. β€œHere?”
You ignore the question, instead moving your hands to the button on his pants. If he stops you, then so be it.Β 
He doesn’t, though, his hands joining your shaky ones to get the button off and his zipper down. Reaching into his pants, you start palming at him through his underwear. The angle is odd but he squirms against you, lips slightly parted. It feels good, it seems, so you continue. Your touch turns to grip, and you pull at him as he moans against you. Letting you touch him, he presses his hands against the wall on either side of your head.
β€œTouch me, please,” you beg, hand slipping in to pull his half-hard cock out and fully into your palm.
He growls at the feeling, the hand closest to you dipping down the curve of your body and under your ass to hook your leg around his waist. The slit in your dress exposes your thighs very nicely, and he smiles at the easy access.
β€œNice dress,” he muses, leaning in to kiss at your neck again, his hand slipping into the slit.
When you feel his finger prodding at your clothed cunt, you throw your head back against the wall in impatience. The risk of getting caught slips your mind; all you can think of is how badly you need to feel him. β€œPlease,” you breathe out for him.
You stroke him until he’s fully hard, and by the time he is, he’s got your underwear shoved to the side and a finger working the growing wetness between your legs. You cover your mouth with your free hand, letting him work you open on his one digit.Β 
One finger becomes two, and he adds his thumb against your clit for good measure. You have to bite your tongue to not cry out.
He doesn’t prolong it, though. You don’t have much time here. The music could stop, the lights could turn on, someone could walk by and spot you, or worse, it could be the men sent after you. Despite all the possibilities, you realize you’re not really stressing as much as you should be. This, though, is unheard of for him. He doesn’t intend on fucking up. Ethan’s fingers slip out of you, and you feel their wetness against your thigh when he grips at them to pull you closer against him. He lines himself against you as best as he can, eyebrows pulled together in concentration.Β 
The whole thing is messy and uncomfortable. You’re not sure how this’ll work. The wall provides absolutely no comfort to your now strained back, and your calf is kind of starting to burn from standing on your tiptoes.Β 
Your back arches off the wall just a bit when the head of his cock enters you. The angle is still odd but it does help him slide into you, and he’s halfway inside you when a strangled moan escapes your lips. Lightning fast, he removes a hand from your waist to cover your mouth with his palm, and you slip down onto your heel. The action sinks you down onto the rest of him, your hips flush with his.
Whatever performance is going on on the main floor is surely enough to hide your sounds, but you can never be too careful.Β 
The position is awkward; his cock feels good when you’re on your tiptoes (uncomfortably so), and you’re not sure how he intends to thrust into you like this, so you settle for rolling your hips against him instead. You find it hard to do one-legged.
He removes his palm to kiss you deeply again, like the kiss that started this. He follows you in rolling his hips instead of thrusting up, and the pleasure swims through you in waves. He slowly snaps his movement at first, a few seconds apart each time, your bodies mostly just pressed to one another, until he finds a better angle.Β 
It only helps a tad bit, however, his thrusts shallow. He’s deeper inside you than he is moving in and out, but it still feels delicious.Β 
Your head rolls back against the wall again, your neck exposed to him. He leans in to kiss and nip where he’s face-level. You’d almost forgotten what a passionate lover he was. The pleasure turns white hot, heat flushing your entire body. The unzipped front of his pants meets your dripping core with each thrust, elevating your senses. Clothed public sex. That’s a new one.Β 
His groans are quiet but hot against your ear, only fueling the pit of fire in your stomach.Β 
β€œKeep.. an eye out,” he rasps, his voice gravely and low.
How could you, though?Β 
You’re itching closer and closer to your release, biting your lip hard to avoid making noise. The burn in your leg from holding yourself up against him is irritating you completely, but the orgasm you’re chasing is so close already, what with the quick work of his fingers andβ€”this entire fervorous situation, really. You squirm and try rolling your hips to match his movement. Ethan, in his own impatience, reaches between your bodies to thumb at your clit again.
You cum a minute later with an inevitable loud whine.
Ethan feels you clench around him, immediately pulling out to finish on his hand. A slight bit of pain meets your orgasm when your heel fully situates itself on the ground again.
Ethan lets go of the leg that he had hooked around his waist, and your knees feel wobbly when you attempt to set it down. Your orgasm pools in your lower abdomen and you keep from crying out in its coming afterglow. All you can do is lean against the wall as Ethan cums into his fist with a heavy grunt.Β 
Panting, the both of you stare at each other for a moment. Ethan comically glances down at the mess he’s made. He cocks a brow before meeting your eyes again, tucking himself into his pants as quickly as he can and wondering how the hell he’s going to clean himself up.Β 
β€œLet’s maybe not do this again.”
You can’t help but snicker. The ambience surrounding you is still the same; the hall is still a pool of dark blues and shadows. The music from the center of the party is still going. It’s then that it dawns on you. You laugh as you join him in fixing your garments. β€œWe probably could’ve done this upstairs.”
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sapphiretanto Β· 9 months
Does anyone know of any good crossover fics between TMNT 2003 and 2012?
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