#and some of the ones that are there have bashing
cressidagrey · 2 days
Lightning in the Bottle - Chapter 10 (The End)
Eira Archeron was neither a Valkyrie, nor a Seer, nor the High Lady of the Night Court. She was actually pretty much useless. The only thing she wanted was to be somebody's first choice for once in her life.
Also known as: Azriel's shadows decide that if he doesn't treat his mate right... they'll just do it for him.
Elain Bashing, Azriel is trying...meddling shadows
(super pretty dividers by @tsunami-of-tears)
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She’s crying, the shadows hissed. 
Again, went unsaid. 
Eira had been crying…pretty much since she had woken up for the first time and had panicked. 
Even Rhys had not been able to reach her then, calm her down, stop the panic…even when Azriel had begged him, his own heart breaking at the utter terror that Eira poured down the bond. Her panic had been enough to break his fucking heart.
As had been the repeat of these three words. Again and again. She should have needed to kill them. That shouldn’t have ever been anything that she worried about. he should have been right there…but he hadn’t been. 
And so she had panicked and sobbed…and they had needed to drug her…The only thing they could do, hoping that maybe a little bit more time…giving her a moment longer… when Rhys didn’t need to drag her out of a nightmare, she would wake on her own. 
And then she had. 
And at first, it had been fine…
He had nervously wrung his hands, forcing himself not to listen to that conversation, forcing himself not to ask the shadows what they were hearing…not to spy on her…
Eira had a right to her privacy. Especially now, when most of it had been stripped away from her. She should at least have some of it left.
Rhys didn’t seem to have these scruples…probably a good thing.  His clenched jaw told Azriel that that conversation between the three sisters was not going in a direction that would help anything. Finally, Rhys had enough…had interrupted before any more damage could be done. 
Azriel didn’t know what had been said there either, but… Rhys’ slumped shoulders when he left her bedroom had been…
“She’ll need time,” Rhys had told him quietly. “Give her time, Az. We did a lot of damage with careless words and actions… She’s…We fucked up and she’s the one paying the price for it.”
With her tears, went unsaid. 
The shadows complained to him, about how she was crying, how Nesta and Feyre were holding her and that didn’t stop Eira from weeping like somebody had died. 
And he supposed in a way… somebody had died. 
Eira’s twin sister…the sister she had loved…she had died. Died the moment Elain decided to keep the vision a secret…when she had tried to make sure that it wouldn’t come true. 
“Did…” he couldn’t bring out the words as he stared at Rhys. 
“I told her,” Rhys assured him with a sigh. 
And? What had she said? What did Eira think about the mating bond? What did she want to do with it? What did… “She thought it was a joke.”
“A joke?” Cassian repeated unbelieving. “A joke? What kind of joke?” he demanded and Rhys just raised one eyebrow. 
“A joke at her expense,” Rhys clarified evenly. “That Azriel couldn’t possibly be her mate.”
Somebody ripping out his heart with their bare hands probably would have hurt less. What was he supposed to say to this? What was he supposed to do about it? 
How was he supposed to assure Eira that…that he wanted her? That he was glad about the mating bond because, without it, he would have walked through his life deaf and blind to the treasure right in front of him.
He would have…he wouldn’t have known...He wouldn’t ever having seen that vision, wouldn’t ever have seen the children they would be able to create, the happiness on his own face, the happiness on Eira’s face…
How was he supposed to beg on his knees for her forgiveness when she was sobbing at just…
Azriel went back to pacing. 
He had no idea what to say to that. He had no idea what to do to make this right. 
He had…
There was nothing he could do. Nothing at all. 
And Azriel hated it. 
Maybe that’s what brought him back to the hallway in front of the room…back to sitting there and staring at the closed door…back to cradling that golden bond in his mind and waiting for Eira to wake up from her crying fit induced nap…
Cassian kept him company, clearly still expecting him to go off and do something really stupid. Like murdering Elain in cold blood. 
Which he wasn’t going to do, for the record. Oh, he wanted to. Eira wouldn’t forgive him for that though. And that was the only fucking reason why he didn’t do it. 
He had killed people for less than Elain trying to make sure that his children would never be born. 
Still, he tried to push down that anger that was embering in his gut. If he didn’t do that, he would just get even more angry and he didn’t think that his anger was his biggest problem right now…it was…
She’s awake, Master. The shadows. Of course. Aren’t you going to talk to her, Master? They pushed him. Always pushy. 
I don’t think she wants to see me, he gave back quietly.
She’s our mate!
And don’t forget we hurt her, he responded tightly.
You hurt her, the shadows sniped at him. We kept her company. She likes us. 
He was pretty sure that if the shadows had eyes, they would be rolling them at him at the moment. 
“Do you want to talk to him?” he couldn’t help but flinch as he heard Feyre’s voice through that closed door. 
“Do I have a choice?” Eira’s voice sounded…broken. He had no other words for it. Nothing but that. Broken. Completely and utterly splintered apart. 
“You’ll always have a choice,” Nesta assured her, her voice hard. “You don’t want to see him now? Then’ll wait until you feel ready for that.”
It was quiet for a moment, and he could hear her breathing…uneven…and then a quiet sniffle. 
“I’ll talk to him.”
It was both the most beautiful and the scariest words he had ever heard in his life. Azriel had half a mind to take off running, but the shadows tightened around his wrist like a manacle. 
Don’t even think about it, they hissed at him. You’ll go in there and you are going to apologise. 
“Are you sure?” Nesta made sure. 
“Yeah.” Her voice was shaking and sounding just as unsure as he was feeling. Neither of them had a clue what exactly to even say…what to…
Nesta was the one opening the door, fixing him with steely eyes. He already knew that there would be hell to pay if he upset Eira. 
But he didn’t even get to think about that closer because the shadows outright dragged him into the room, nearly making him stumble as he entered. 
Eira was sitting up in her bed…wearing a silky dressing gown pulled over her nightgown, hair pulled back into a braid…he had no idea where to stand or sit, but the shadows didn’t have that problem, coming to swarm to her, like…she was their favourite thing in the whole wide world.
They came to curl themselves over her shoulder and then around her hands and she reached out to pet one of them like one would maybe do to a cat. 
“Eira,” he finally breathed out, staring at her. 
The blue of her dressing gown brought out her eyes…somehow making her skin seem even paler…a blush high on her cheeks…dark circles under her eyes…she looked exhausted. Of course, she did. She had been stabbed by a fucking poisoned knife, he berated himself mentally. 
“May…May I sit?” he blurted out, and she nodded, looking everywhere but at him, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth. 
It was…
He managed to cross the room to the chair at her bedside and sit down on it…his shoulders so tight that it hurt. 
She hasn’t thrown you out of the room yet, great job, the shadows sniped at him. 
They both started at the same time, and she started at him, grey eyes wide. 
“Let me…please,” he blurted out, his heart hammering in his chest. “I am so sorry.”
“You didn’t do anything,” Eira whispered, staring back down on her hands, tightly clenched into her bedding. She waved him off, even when her voice was thick with tears, even when…
“Yes, I did,” he disagreed. “I did a lot of things that weren’t right. And I’ll probably spend the rest of my life regretting them, Eira. I am sorry that I treated you like you didn’t matter…that you felt like you were worthless because of something I did…I am sorry that I never tried to really talk to you or…I am sorry that I let it go this far…and I am sorry because I knew better,” he apologised. It wasn’t enough. 
Nothing that he could say, would be enough. But she still stared at him, wide-eyed, like she couldn’t believe the words that left his mouth. Her surprise poured all over their fledgling little bond. 
“I should have questioned Elain about the earrings, but I didn’t,” he continued. “And I am sorry about the pain that that caused you.”  
“The earrings?” Eira asked, her voice hoarse. 
“Elain told me to buy them. I knew that your ears weren’t pierced but…I listened to her. She told me that you were thinking about getting them pierced and that you wanted them and…I am sorry,” he explained and she swallowed, her delicate throat wobbling. 
“They are beautiful. I always thought so,” Eira whispered. Oh. 
“Rhys showed you…” he stumbled over the words. 
The babies? The shadows whispered excitedly. They were excited about that vision. After their screaming fury had subsided they had danced around him in pure delight at the prospect of babies. 
“Elain’s vision? Yes,” Eira whispered quietly. “I…I understand if you don’t…” her voice shook as she trailed off and he stared at her. 
“If I don’t?” he repeated dumbly. If he didn’t what? What had…
“Want me? I won’t keep you leashed to this bond. You don’t owe me anything,” Eira pressed thickly, a hand coming up to wipe away her tears and he could just stare at her. 
“How can you say that?” he breathed. How could she just wipe away what she had seen and think he wouldn’t…He wouldn’t want his…Wouldn’t…fight hell itself for this? “I saw the future, Eira. I saw our children,” he asked her desperately. “How can you say…How can you say that when you saw that vision? I want that life. I want that garden and I want our daughter and… I want you!”
“You want me because of that mating bond,” Eira whispered. “You…You wouldn’t want me otherwise. How is this fair to you?”
“That’s…” It was preposterous. It was…
“It’s the truth,” Eira whispered. “I am not going to shackle you to me.”
She said that like it was a fate worse than death to be mated to her. And not a gift from the mother herself. 
Like he was going to regret it…and not thank the cauldron for the gift it had given him. 
“Firstly, you wouldn’t be forcing me into anything,” Azriel started his voice even. “Secondly, being mated to you would be my privilege. It would not be a duty, it would be a gift. Thirdly, I was a fucking idiot, Eira. That’s what I was. I let myself be blinded by a pretty face. That’s what happened. Elain may think she is the beautiful one, but you are the kind one. She’s a monster,” he spat out. “I know she is your sister but she… She wanted to keep our children from us,” he whispered helplessly. 
“I know that you are a good person. I know that you were willing to put your life on the line for your nephew… I know that you would protect our children ferociously.”
And that was more important to him than anything else. 
“The mating bond is forcing you to...” She choked out, the tears finally brimming in her eyes and starting to fall. 
Fix this, the shadows demanded sharply.  You hurt her. Fix this now!
“The mating bond works two ways,” he finally brought out. “Is it forcing you?”
“What?” she stared at him, tears still falling and he reached out, with one horrible scarred hand and took her much smaller one in his. 
“I swear to you, Eira…it’s not forcing me,” he promised her. “That’s not how a mating bond works. You could always refuse me,” he promised her. 
The last thing he had expected was for her to snort. 
“If I refuse the mating bond you could go mad, or worse,” she whispered. “You want me to believe that the Night Court would be alright with losing its spymaster and shadowsinger because I refused him his cauldron-given right?” 
He could just stare at her in outright horror. 
“Yes, of course,” he promised her hoarsely. “Eira, that’s not even a question. I would never force you.”
His father had done that to his mother. 
“I was born and raised to be sold off to a man, any man that would be willing to take me because I wasn’t smart enough to find a Prince and I wasn’t pretty enough to marry for love and beauty like Elain. My mother liked to say that I would make a good farmer’s wife,” Eira said, her voice nearly emotionless. “Somewhere along the way, I started hoping that maybe he would actually want me for me. I should have known that that was ridiculous.”
No, it wasn’t ridiculous. It was…
He could understand that. 
“It’s not ridiculous he said quietly. “And the mating bond is not forcing you on me, or doing anything that I do not want…If anything…it only opened my eyes to something I should have seen earlier.” 
He watched his shadows twine around her hands again, obviously trying to comfort her. 
“They were always much smarter than me,” he said quietly. 
We are, they preened aloud so that Eira would hear them too. Master will not force you, and you didn’t force Master into anything. We still exist, too…we wouldn’t let either happen.  They promised her brightly. 
It was…something. 
“Of course, you do,” Eira whispered with a wet little laugh, the sound so beautiful.  “They kept me company sometimes. When I was alone in the evenings,” she said softly…a peace offering of sorts. 
“They do tend to be smarter than me,” he reiterated and she gave him another little laugh. 
And he watched her play with them for just a moment, thinking about what she had just told him. 
Eira had never truly expected to have a choice in the man she was going to marry. Not as a human…and not known as a fae with a snapped mating bond. 
So how…
Still…her humanity had been ripped from her. Taken away. Never to be returned. 
So how…
“If I were human…how would this work?” he asked her, as a plan began to take shape for him. 
She looked at him, startled, the shadows forgotten twirled around her fingertips. 
“If I were human and wanted to declare my intentions…if I wanted to court you… what would I do? If I wanted you to give me a chance? To let me grovel on my knees for your forgiveness,” he asked her. 
Her eyes widened. 
“You would ask my father’s permission to court me,” she explained quietly. “But…”
“He’s dead,” he ended the thought and she nodded. 
“Yes,” she whispered.  He was dead. But Nesta wasn’t. 
“So if I were to ask you…would you give me a chance?” he said softly, lifting her hand to his mouth, ghosting a kiss across her knuckles. “We’ll do this your way. However, you want. So you are sure that you are not forcing me into anything and I am not forcing you. Everything at your pace,” he promised and she gave him a shaky smile. 
And then she nodded, nearly shily. 
But that little nod…that little nod…promised him a chance. 
A chance to win her hand…a chance to earn that vision. 
There was a knock at the door, and then Feyre and Nesta returned, a tray filled with food in Feyre’s hands. 
“We brought you breakfast,” Feyre said, her voice filled with forced cheer. “I thought you may be hungry. Did you…two…clear the air?”
Eira nodded, a blush rising on her cheeks and he stood, letting go of her hand with a squeeze. 
“Nesta, I would like to formally ask for your permission to court your sister,” he said, crossing his hands behind his back. 
Surprise registered in Nesta’s eyes as she leaned her head to the side, mustering him. 
“So that’s how you’ll go along with it?” she asked him, something like grudging respect and amusement in her voice. 
He inclined his head. 
“Granted,” Nesta said calmly. “Let’s have a talk about human courting customs. And how I’ll rip you into a thousands little pieces if you break her heart.”
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doitforbangchan · 2 days
All Bark and No Bite - 19
oops i couldn’t wait for the weekend 😅 happy 4th of july to my fellow american homies 🫡🫡
Masterlist /Series masterlist
Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
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Chapter warnings: Afab/fem reader, smut, unprotected p in v, oral (f + m), kissing, Dom!Chan, Dom!Minho, Dom!Seungmin, Sub!reader, subspace, threesome (m/f/m), Double penetration (mouth and Vagina), 2min being absolute deviants, face smacking, choking, crying (a TON), Dacryphilia, voyeurism, spanking, sir kink, dirty talk, pet names, spit, cum eating, fluff, angst, cursing, violence, blood, threats, broken bones, (sorry to all the wooyoung stans- this hurt me to write), Chan is not a good guy here but he’s hot so 🫠🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
WC: 10.2k
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Sun beams streamed into the room, the early morning light dancing across your lids as you woke up. You groggily creaked your eyes open then instinctually reached your hand over to find your alpha- though you found the spot empty. Chan's side of the bed was cold, he had to have been up for far longer than you.
 There was a quiet clicking sound that filled the room. It was the first thing you really took notice of as you came to your wits.You rubbed your eyes and lightly lifted your head up. In the corner of the room at his laptop sat Chan. He was still in his underwear that he wore to bed and he was typing away at the keyboard in front of him. He hadn’t noticed that you had awoken yet, so you observed him for a few minutes. His brow was furrowed and he kissed his teeth. 
The alpha typed away for a few more minutes, then he sighed in frustration and threw his head back. It was at that moment he noticed you were awake, looking at him with sleepy eyes. He smiled at you with a tender look. “Good morning, gorgeous.”  
“Mmph. Morning Channie. What are you doin?” You swung your legs over the side of the bed and reached your arms up in a stretch. 
He sighed again and turned back around to his computer. “Just some work that couldn’t wait until after the weekend.” He wouldn’t tell you that he had gotten up early to do some digging on Wooyoung and had gotten fed up when he didn’t find anything of note then checked his work emails. “There's a buyer who wants to see a huge property a town over.” 
You padded slowly over to your alpha and draped yourself over his shoulders, nuzzling your face into his neck. “That must be exciting for the company.” 
“Mmhm, it’s a really expensive piece of land. The buyer wants to get this deal done asap and is sending me over there tomorrow to meet with them. On a fucking sunday.” He huffed and rolled his eyes.
 You could feel his frustration radiating out of him so you brought a hand up to his head and ran your fingers through his curls, trying to comfort him. You felt him physically relax and you let out a gentle purr. “M’ sorry alpha. You work so hard for your company, you deserve some time off.” 
He snorted, “Yeah like that’s going to happen anytime soon. I’ve already taken too much time off the last few weeks thanks to a certain someone.” He playfully kisses your arm that was wrapped around him then leans into you. “My old man understands how important bonding with an omega is so he’s been lenient but since I’m the one that's going to take over the business I have to make sacrifices sometimes. Being able to provide a comfortable life for you and the pack makes it all worth it though.” 
“You’re a good man, Chan.” You kissed his neck again, your scent sweetening with your pure love for him. The smell was so heavenly it made his eyes almost roll into the back of his head. “I am so lucky to have the most perfect Alpha as my mate.” 
Chan tried to hide his bashfulness and the dusting of pink that appeared on his cheeks by turning his head but you managed to catch a peek anyways. You giggled and reached a hand to pinch his cheek. He shook his head and laughed along with you. “Don’t tease me! And don’t pretend you're not the perfect one, my little omega.” He turned and gave you a kiss on your lips this time and hummed. “I do have to get back to this for now though my love. Not much longer.” 
“Anything I can do to help?” You stood but kept your hands on his shoulders, massaging them lightly. 
He turned back to look at you with a smirk and his eyes shining with mischievous intent, “Wellll there's one thing I can think of…” 
“Hmm,” You hummed wearily, “what’s that Channie?” 
“Cockwarm me while I work.” 
You choked on your air intake. That is certainly not what you had in mind. “You- you want me to do what?” 
He patted his lap cheekily, making you look down to notice his member hardening in his boxers. “Come on pretty omega, take a seat on alphas dick and keep me company. That would really help me get some work done.” His grin was teasing as if daring you to do as he asked, as if you truly had an option. 
You licked your lips as you felt your panties dampen instinctually. You weren’t naive enough to think it would help him that much or that his intentions were pure but you also weren’t going to deny your alpha anything he desired- which right now was you.  
Your hands fell from his shoulders as you circled around to the front of his chair. You held eye contact with him when you crouched down in front of him and reached for the hem of his underwear. His gaze was sharp as he took in your every miniscule movement,brown orbs  already dilating like a beast of prey. Your breath was shaky when you hooked your pointer fingers into the hem and slowly pulled them down his thighs until his hard length sprang out and slapped against his stomach.  
You stood up again and this time pulled your own panties down, letting them fall to the floor as you stepped out of them. Chan licked his teeth and patted his lap once again. “Your throne, my queen.” 
That made you huff a laugh and eased your nerves a little. 
“You’re a dork.” 
 Bracing your hands on his shoulders you positioned yourself to be straddling his lap and he helped you line yourself up. With a deep breath to prepare for the stretch, you sank down onto him and engulfed him completely. Your eyes screwed shut and you let out a whimpering moan. Chan sighed blissfully when you were fully seated, his strong arms pulling you into his chest. 
“Thata girl.” 
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and gave him a small grind. He held back a moan, instead tutting at you. “Uh uh baby, just sit still f’ me and keep me warm.” 
Settling into a good position the both of you let out a content sigh. You kept your head buried into the crook of his neck while he let go of you and went back to his laptop. You closed your eyes and relaxed into him, trying to pass the time with a nap. The both of you managed to sit like that for about a half hour. You did your best to focus on napping but you were beginning to get needier and needier. Chan was doing a good job at keeping a poker face and typing away as if you weren’t clenching and leaking all over his dick. 
Your thighs started to burn from the position you were stuck in so you tried to subtly adjust to relieve some tension, but the movement made you push him deeper into you. You let out a quiet moan when you felt him twitch inside of you and couldn’t help but shift your hips, making your walls drag against him which caused him to moan in return. 
“F-fuck baby, can’t go moving your hips like that.” 
“M sorry, you just feel so good.” You whined in his ear. You could feel your slick dripping out of you and onto Chan's dick,“S’deep in me, feels so good alpha.” 
He let out a growl at your words, his resolve quickly crumbling. “Feelin’ needy now, baby? Can’t even sit here and be good, you need your alpha to take care of you?” 
You nodded rapidly, clenching around him tightly at his words. “Uh huh. I tried to be good for you Alpha. I sat here as long as I could.” 
“Well it’s a good thing I’ve just answered my last email then huh?” 
With no warning the man beneath you lifted his hips to buck into you, making your back arch as you moaned. “Nnnnghh alpha!” 
“Hold on to me baby.” 
You did as you were told, tightening your hold on his shoulders. When he felt that, Chan put his hands under your spread thighs and gripped the meat there. He used his strength to lift your body up then brought you down again. You felt every ridge and vein of his cock rub against your walls, making you whine and throw your head back. 
Chan used your body as if it was his own personal fleshlight, lifting you up and down over and over again. His panting in your ear sent shivers down your spine. The alpha relished in the feeling of your slick dripping out of you and falling down to his thighs, the sloshing making him want to pound into you even harder. Your little breathy ‘ah’s filled the room along with the sounds of your ever accumulating slick.
“Fucking hell omega, you’re taking me so well. Nice and tight and so fucking wet. Is that slick all f’ me?” You were too caught up in the pleasure, not registering that he had asked you a question. The alpha halted his movements, making you let out a desperate whine that turned to a cry when he laid a sharp slap against your butt. After he smacked it he grabbed a handful of the tender flesh and squeezed. “I expect an answer when I ask you a question.” 
“Yes yes! M’ so wet for my alpha.” You began to cry as you tried to bounce on his dick but he kept you stationary. He gave your ass another hard slap, this time groaning when he felt you clench down on him even as you hissed from the pain. “Please alpha, need to move, need to cum please.” 
He hummed in thought as if weighing his options. You couldn’t stop your squirming as you tried to gain more friction but his hold on you was too tight. Just when you were about to cry again he delivered one more stinging strike to your skin, then roughly fucked up into you and resumed his previous pace. 
Your nails were clawing into his bare shoulders as you felt your high approaching quickly. You started nibbling on his neck hoping to stimulate the man even more than he already was and it seemed like your efforts were not in vain. 
“Fuck omega, I’m getting so close, need to feel you cum on my cock then alpha will give you his knot. You want alphas knot, pretty girl?” His voice was throaty and rough and it made your eyes roll with how sexy it sounded as it sent you even further into that deep subspace that only he could send you too. The alpha could make your brain fuzzy with a single look; when he fucked you it sent it into overdrive. 
“Uh huh, wan’ your knot.” Your words were slurred, barely making it out of your mouth before he changed up the tempo and made his movements more of a deep grind into your core, hitting your special spot and also letting his pelvis rub perfectly against your clit. “Fuck oh my god gonna cum. Alpha m’ gonna cum!” 
“Go ahead, baby. Make a mess on my lap.” 
With his permission you let go and felt the snap within you, your pussy tightening around him as you came. “Ngggggghhhhhhh Channie! Alpha!” 
There was a deep rumble from within the man's chest as he gave into his instincts and started rutting up into you harder than ever before, making you scream at the overstimulation. He gave you three more rough thrusts before you felt his knot begin to inflate within you, locking himself into place within you and warm spurts of his essence coated your walls. You couldn’t stop spasming and squirming on his lap as you felt him fill you to the brim. 
After a few moments Chan seemed to catch his breath but you couldn’t stop shaking and whining. He let go of his hold on your thighs and ass, bringing one hand to the back of your head as he stroked you to soothe you. “Shh baby, you’re ok. I’ve got ya.” He gave your cheek a gentle kiss and he pumped out calming pheromones. It took you a few minutes to finally come back down to earth. When you came to your senses you lifted your face from his neck, both your face and his neck were wet with your tears and you looked dazed. “Are you ok my love?” You nodded with a ‘hmfp’. He chuckled at how cute you were. “Did alpha fuck you too good?” 
You nodded again and felt your face heat up at his words. “Mmhmm. So good. Missed alphas cock.” 
“My baby is turning dirty!” He mocked a gasp in shock. “You’re spending too much time with those heathens, they’re corrupting you.” 
You giggled and kissed his cheek, “I think it’s you who's doing the corrupting around here Channie.” You tilted your face to align with his and you gave him a deep kiss on his plump lips. His tongue invaded your mouth and mingled with your own, giving you a taste of each other. 
He pulled away with a loud ‘mwah’ and rubbed your noses together, making you giggle and peck his lips again. You could feel his knot beginning to deflate, so the alpha adjusted his hold on you to lift you up gently and pull you off of his member. You hissed when you felt him leave your body, the knot not yet down completely so it gave you a small tug as it left you. That pain turned to relief when you were able to move your legs- the appendages burning from the held position. 
Chan helped you off his lap and to your feet. Your legs felt like jelly and almost gave out but he was there to catch you and steady you. “Easy baby, gotta be careful after a rockus love making like that.” His tone was cocky and he grinned the same way, making you roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at him. “You watch that little tongue of yours omega, you stick it out too much and something may just come by and snatch it!” He made a quick pinching motion at your face making you squeal and back away from him. 
“You can’t have it, it's mine!” You pushed his hands away as they reached out to grab you again, both of you unable to control your laughter. “Get away you monster!” 
“Monster? Oh no baby, I’m the big bad wolf.” He grinned evilly and wiggled his fingers at you. “And if I catch you I’m gonna eat you up.” 
“You won’t eat me!” You backed away further and towards the door while still keeping your eyes on him. Just as your hand reached the doorknob he pounced, making you shriek. “Ahhh no no no!” You wretched the door open and flew out of the room, the alpha hot on your tail.
“Where ya goin little red? Don’t you wanna play with the wolf?” He reached for you but you barely made it past his fingertips.
“No thanks! I don’t play with monsters!” You managed to get down the hall to the bathroom in the hallway, closing it and locking it a mere second before your alpha got to the door. “Yes I made it! Take that you dirty wolf!” He pretended to scratch at the door and you stuck out your tongue again at the door. “You can’t see it but I’m sticking my tongue out at you!” 
You could hear him chuckle and scratch at the door again. “Come on out and play with me some more little omega. Give this wolf another taste of you.” Both of you knew he could make you come out if he really wanted too, but the chase was more fun. No sense in ending it with an alpha command. 
“Nuh uh, I’m fine here.” 
“Hmm, I’ll get my hands on you eventually, little red. I am a patient wolf.” The playful bite in his tone sent a quiver through your body and your brain fuzzy. It made your hands twitch and you almost opened the door for him. Almost. 
“We’ll see about that. Now get outta here so you don’t listen to me pee!” 
He just laughed and then you heard his footsteps walk away from the door. 
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Coming out of the bathroom after doing your business and brushing your teeth you caught a glimpse of a stocky figure rounding a corner down the hall. 
You sped after him reaching your hand out before he could go into his room. “Binnie, wait. Where have you been? Are you ok?” 
His head spun around to you then quickly back around, not looking you in the eye and seeming nervous. “Hi Y/n.” 
“Y/n? Since when do you call me by my real name?” You were confused and honestly a little hurt and it showed in your voice. You reached a hand out to touch his shoulder but he jerked it away, still not looking at you. “And why won’t you look at me? Have I done something wrong?”
That made him whip his head back to you, balking at you. “You get borderline assaulted because of me… and you ask me if you did something wrong? Are you serious?” 
“Oh Bin..” You knew he would be taking it hard. “I’m fi-” 
“Don’t say you're fine or it’s ok like I know you’re about too. It’s not ok, Y/n.” He put up a hand and cut you off. His hard gaze went back to the floor. You could just barely see his lash line fill with unshed tears. “Nothing about me being a shitty alpha to you is ok, so let’s not stand here and pretend it is.” 
You shook your head, a deep furrow in your brow. “Binnie don’t say that-” 
“It’s true! If I had been more aware -paid more attention to you- then you would have never been grabbed, let alone touched at all. I selfishly put my own wants before your needs. A good alpha wouldn’t have let that creep touch you.” His voice was raised and harsher than you had ever heard it. Usually he was loud with laughter and fun; it felt unnatural and made a pit settle in your stomach.
Now your own eyes were filled with liquid and all you wanted was to comfort him. “Changbin, it’s not your fault. Will you look at me please?” He still refused to look at you, choosing to keep his head down instead but you did see him sniffle a little bit.
“I don’t deserve to look at you.” 
“Seo Changbin” You tried to make your voice as hard as possible and you put your hands on his cheeks tilting his head back up and making him look at you. “Look at me. I. am. Fine. Do I look hurt? Do I seem like something is wrong with me?” 
“No..” He mumbled, a tear escaping his eye. You were quick to wipe it away with your thumb. 
“Then why are you beating yourself up about it, huh? I am here safe with the pack. Safe with you. We are all here together safe and sound, isn’t that all that matters?” 
“Only because Minho stepped in.. If he hadn't, who knows what could have happened to you.” By now the tears were streaming down the man's face, wetting his cheeks and your hands that still held them. 
“Changbin, that is enough! You are a great alpha and I have no doubt in my mind you would have come to my rescue soon enough. And it doesn’t matter who got there first anyway, what is important is that you and I are both here together. So please, please stop being so hard on yourself. It’s breaking my heart. I cannot bear to see you so upset.” You meant every word and looking in your glassy eyes he knew you did. He knew you weren’t one to lie. 
The alpha couldn’t hold it in anymore and released a quiet sob, attacking you into a much needed hug. “M’ so sorry baby. I love you so much. I don’t know what I would have done if he had hurt you.” 
Even though you were also crying you attempted to sooth him, your hand going from his face to his back as you held on to him. “Shh it’s ok. I love you too, Changbin. My sweet, wonderful, handsome alpha.” 
He sobbed even harder, his grip on you tightening as he tried to get as close to you as possible. You let him hold on to you for as long as he needed, the both of you crying and comforting the other. After a few minutes he slowly pulled back from the hug, instead choosing to bring your mouths together for a tender kiss. You practically melted into his kiss, his soft lips molding with yours. Even though there was no teasing or tongue involved it was just as deep and full of passion. 
This time it was you who pulled back first, your hands coming back up to his face and wiping away the remaining wetness from his perfectly rounded cheeks. “No more tears from you, I can’t stand to see you in pain.” You whispered, giving him your most sincere eyes. 
“Now you know how I feel when you cry.” He replied just as quietly. Changbin gave you one last quick peck then let you go completely, stepping back from you and a pink tinge appearing on his cheeks. He cleared his throat and you couldn’t help but to giggle. Of course you giggling made him join you; your laugh was just that contagious. 
The mood was instantly lightened, the tension visibly lifting from the alpha as he calmed down. But there was still a question remaining in your mind. “Binnie, where did you go last night? I didn’t sense that you came home, I was worried.” 
“I uh,” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “I just spent the night walking around the woods. I was too ashamed to face you or Minho, so I thought it was easier to just walk home from the carnival to collect my thoughts.” 
You nodded in understanding, grabbing his hand and rubbing the back of his knuckles. “I’m just glad you came home at all. Chan told me he had talked to you but he didn’t specify what he had said so I was scared he had given you an unjust punishment.” You noticed the grimace in his expression. “Wait, did he? What did he say to you?” 
Bin shrugged as if it was no big deal but the crack in his voice gave him away. “Nothing crazy… He just took away my gym privileges for a while.” 
You quietly gasped and pulled him into another hug, “Oh Binnie, that’s horrible I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s ok Baby, all it means is I have to work out at home. Give ya a show.” He flexed his muscles at you, giving you a wink and making you laugh. 
“How about you come give me a show right now? I need to take a shower and you could join me if you want.”  You made a show of biting your lip dramatically and wiggling your eyebrows. 
Changbin burst into that high pitched laughter that you loved so much and nodded his head. “I could definitely use a shower after being outside all night.” 
You sniffed him and made a fake disgusted face, waving a hand in front of your face. “Yeah I’ll say.” 
“Hey now don’t you start bullying me! You’re turning into those jerks!” 
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It was about three hours later after your shower with Changbin (which to your surprise did not turn sexual), and you were just finishing up sweeping the kitchen floors after you cleaned up breakfast while listening to music. You wanted to get a few things done today; feeling energized and needing to dance it out while you cleaned up. You offered Changbin to help you but he was exhausted after his night meandering the woods. 
“H-O-T-T-O-G-O, snap and clap and touch your toes
Raise your hands, now body roll, dance it out, you're hot to go” 
You did as the song said, bending down and body rolling, getting lost in the music. You were so thankful there was a radio in the kitchen. A low whistle from the kitchen entryway scared you, making you turn in fright and a hand fly to your chest. 
“Seungmin, stop scaring me!” 
The beta snickered, leaning on the wall. “Can’t help that we keep meeting like this little puppy.” His darkening eyes raked over your form, subconsciously licking his lips. He had observed you dancing for a few minutes before he whistled; drinking in the sight of you in a little maroon skirt and one of his t-shirts. Don’t get him started on the little peek of your little purple panties that he got to see while you were bent over. It was enough to make a grown man cry. 
A grumbled ‘hmpf’ left your lips and you crossed your arms, clearly unamused. “I don’t know if you have some sixth sense but you always seem to know when I’m distracted.” You narrowed your eyes playfully at him. “You obsessed with me or something?” 
Seungmin scoffed and pushed off the wall, coming to stand right in front of you and keeping eye contact. “More than you know, little puppy.” His gaze was so intense it made you backup a foot until your back touched the edge of the counter, where the beta put his hands to cage you in. His eyes flickered to your lips then back to your own and he leaned down ever so slightly. 
Your lids began to close in anticipation of his kiss, but it didn’t come. Instead you were surprised again when you felt his hands go down to the back of your exposed thighs and you were suddenly lifted off the floor. “Seungmin!” You shrieked, and smacked at his shoulder. 
“Calm down pup, don’t go throwing hands I’m just putting you on the counter.” 
As he said he lifted you and seated you promptly on the counter behind you. Your legs were dangling off the side and Seungmin got another peak at your underwear.  
“You drive me crazy enough to throw hands so really I don’t think I am to blame.” You stuck out your tongue at him and he rolled his eyes, then pinched you quickly and backed away snickering. “Ow!” 
“Dramatic omega.” He wagged a finger at you in jest, laughing again when you huffed. The man turned and opened the freezer, pulling out two mini popsicles. “Put the claws away or you won’t get one of these.” He waved one around in front of you. 
You made grabby hands at the sweet treat , giving him your best teasing pleading voice. “Gimme please!” You cheered when the beta handed you the frozen pop. “Hell yeah!” 
Without wasting any time you unwrapped the treat and started to eat it. You hummed in satisfaction as you took in the flavor. Blue raspberry; your favorite. Seungmin just watched as you ate your pop lost in your own world. He felt the tent in his pants grow tighter as you sucked and licked the phallic ice pop and were oblivious to the show you were putting on for him. 
“That looks good, where’s mine?” 
Both you and Seungmin were pulled from your thoughts by Chan who had walked into the kitchen. 
“Uh” The beta stuttered, then pointed to the freezer. “I picked them up the other day, do you want one, Chan?” 
Chan had taken notice of you both before he even spoke, already getting a read on the younger male's dominant and lusty energy. Well, that, and he watched as Seungmin couldn’t take his eyes off of your sinful mouth or your panties that were on display. 
“Hmmm, no thanks Seung. But I may just steal a taste of yours, baby.” The alpha smiled cheekily as you happily stuck your treat out for him. He stuck his tongue out as if he was going to take a lick, then he chomped down quickly on your pop, biting off a large chunk. 
“NO HOW COULD YOU?!” You yelled, shocked at the sudden loss of your popsicle; your now blue mouth open and eyes wide. “YOU SAID YOU WANTED A TASTE! A TASTE!” 
Both boys were laughing at your plight as you stared down at your now almost gone pop. “M’ sorry my love, alpha will buy another whole case while I’m out, just for you. How’s that sound?” He brought you into a hug with you still sitting on the counter as you pouted. 
You perked up at the idea of your own box- then his other words registered in your brain. “Wait where are you going?” 
“Just gotta go run an errand. I won’t be too long.” There was something malicious behind his usually kind eyes, it was so subtle but you and Seungmin both caught it. Chan laid a kiss to your cold lips and gave your knee a pat. “Be good for Minnie, I’ll see you soon omega.” He winked then he was out of the room. 
You looked to Minnie hoping he would give you an answer to the alphas behavior but instead you found him already staring at you. Or more specifically the melting ice in your hand. The juice was dripping down your fingers now and you cursed softly when you noticed the mess it was about to create. 
Before you could grab a nearby towel to clean it up your wrist was grabbed by warm fingers. “M-minnie?” 
The beta plucked the stick from your hand and threw it in the sink a few feet away- the wood making a quiet thump as it landed. Seungmin took the hand that was in his grasp and lifted it up to his face and stuck out his tongue. You held your breath as he slowly licked up the dripping juice that lingered on your fingers. The action was so erotic and abrupt that you felt a flood of slick form in your underwear. 
Seungmin held eye contact while he licked and sucked each individual finger, and you were too entranced to move even an inch. Only after each finger had been ~thoroughly~  cleaned by him did Seungmin let you go. He licked his lips and smirked down at your still dumbstruck expression. “That was pretty tasty. I wonder what other sweet treat you're hiding from me.” 
The boy dropped a wink at you then he fell to his knees in front of you; his hands went to your bare thighs, where they made quick work of pushing your skirt up and out of the way of his next meal. He groaned at the sight of the wet patch of the front of your panties, making you feel self conscious and you threw your palms over your face. “Seungmin! We’re in the kitchen! We can’t do this here!”
He scoffed, “No better place to eat than in the kitchen.” You could feel his hand leave one of your thighs, then you felt the rough pad of what you could assume was his thumb on your clit, rubbing you through the purple material and making your hips buck on reflex. “Looks like you want it too, huh pretty puppy? Gonna sit like a good pup and let your master give you a treat?” 
You didn’t answer him while you sat in contemplation, but that was not what Seungmin wanted. You gasped when your hands were yanked away from hiding you and his rough fingers gripped the underside of your chin, squishing your cheeks harshly. 
“I asked you if you were gonna be good for me, don’t act like a mutt and answer my question.” His growled words held a warning in them and you knew better than to test his patience right now. 
“Yesh Seunminf.” You answered the best you could with your smushed lips, eyes already glassy and begging for his mercy. 
“Good girl.” 
His signature smirk returned to his beautiful face and he let your face go then brought his attention back to your center. This time he decided to not waste anymore time, and he dove in face first to your clothed core. Seungmin nosed your clit through the fabric and it had you gushing even more. He was breathing deeply as if trying to absorb as much of your pure scent as possible and you could see a hint of his eyes rolling back into his head. It made you want to hide behind your hands again but you didn’t want to risk the repercussions. 
He hummed when his wet tongue stuck out and he pulled your panties into his mouth, sucking your essence out of the fabric. The act was one of the lewdest things you have ever fucking seen; it made your body burn with both embarrassment and titilation. 
“Minnie” You couldn’t stop the moan that escaped when he kept licking into you, making obscene grunts as he feasted on you and made your underwear beyond soaked. As good as it felt it was not enough. You craved more. “Minnie please.” 
He ignored your plea, instead he dug his face even further as he suckled your panties into his mouth. The beta was getting lost in you- in your pussy- it was his favorite thing in the world (everything about you was, really). He kept at it until he felt your thighs squeeze against his head. 
Seungmin pulled his face back and glared at you for interrupting him. “Thought you were gonna behave.” 
You whimpered and bit your lip. “M’ sorry Minnie. Didn’t mean too. Just need more.” 
“More?” He scoffed, “My greedy puppy wants more? You think you deserve it?” 
You nodded rapidly, rushing your words out.  “Yes, please. Been good.” 
He huffed in contemplation, then he surprised you by ripping your soaking underwear off your body and suddenly you were hoisted from your place on the counter. “Fine, I'll give my puppy a real treat then.” He crashed his lips into yours, his mouth instantly devouring your own. You moaned against his lips and you felt him smirk again, and he nibbled on your tongue, making you squeal from the light pain. 
Thinking he was going to set you down on the ground you had no time to react before you found that the beta had basically thrown himself down onto the ground on his back, and hauled you down with him so you were sat atop of his chest. Then he gave you an expectant look. 
“Uhh” You were utterly confused, “I dont…I don’t know what…” 
Seungmin rolled his eyes and sighed, “Thought it was pretty obvious.” He motioned to his face. “Sit on my face.” 
“Sorry. Please sit on my face.” 
The casualty of his request was staggering; it left you in absolute shock especially since he had requested it in the kitchen. That was the biggest hurdle that you were having trouble getting over. “But..We’re in the kitchen… during broad daylight where anyone could walk in on us... Maybe we should go up to your room?” 
Your defiance was starting to irritate the beta, his eyes hardening even further and he let out a growl. “I don’t give a flying fuck where we are or what time of day it is. I will fuck you whenever and whereever I want. Now scoot your ass up here and sit on my fucking face and let me eat your pretty pussy. I’m done asking.” 
You yelped when his hands harshly gripped your thighs and he forcefully dragged you up until you were hovering over his awaiting mouth. The grip he had on you only tightened when he immediately dug his face into your core, making you gasp at the contact and your hands flew to his hair to balance yourself or you would have risked falling over.  
“Oh my god, Seungmin!” You couldn’t help but rock your hips as you moaned and called out his name as he lapped at your center; greedily swallowing down the nectar that flowed freely from you.  By now his nails were embedding themselves into your skin with how hard they were digging in, trying to keep you still so he could enjoy his meal. “M-minnie, s’good.” 
“Mmmmmm” He hummed and slurped at you obscenely, his lips encircled your clit and you felt the vibrations hit your sensitive nub. You jerked and spasmed when he gave your clit a teasing nip with his teeth. He chuckled when you tried to get away from the painful pleasure and held on even tighter; so tight you could feel the blood begin to rush from the wounds his nails inflicted. “Nope, you’re staying right here.” 
The slurping and moaning was so loud that honestly you were surprised someone else hadn’t already walked in to find you in this compromising position. Though the music was still playing so the tunes must be drowning out your obscenities. You looked down at the boy beneath you and his face was hidden by your skirt, the flimsy material hiding his rapturous expression. 
“So fucking tasty.” The beta mumbled, his words muffled,  feeling himself become almost drunk on your ambrosia. “Most delectable pussy I’ve ever tasted.”  
“You really have no fucking shame, do you Seungmin? I can smell what you're doing from outside.” 
Your head had been thrown back in pleasure so you hadn’t noticed a new arrival to the kitchen, nor had you noticed said arrival leaning against the counter a few feet away watching your fucked out expression for at least five minutes. 
Seungmin growled from under you, feeling possessive over his bounty. “Go away Minho. We’re busy.” 
The elder beta snorted a laugh, “Yeah I can see that.” Minho waltzed over to where Seungmin laid on the ground and crouched down in front of you. He reached out and lifted the skirt that hid the boy's face, meeting the mean glare that the younger boy was sporting; though Seungmin never stopped his ministrations. Minho flipped the skirt back over the others face and stood again. 
Minho took in your glassy eyes and the little whimpers that escaped your lips with every suck and swipe of the younger boy's tongue. He noticed the way your mouth puckered subconsciously as if it were searching for something. Minho reached out and cupped your cheek in his warm hand, his thumb running along your open bottom lip. 
“M-min” Your voice was pleading, though you didn’t know what you were asking for. 
“Mmm what do you need omega?” He cooed at you condescendingly, already having an idea but wanting to piss off the other beta. “Need me to take care of you too?” 
“I said go the fuck away you asshole. She doesn’t need anything from you.” Seungmin all but snarled at Minho, his voice raspy and wet from the juices in his mouth. 
“I wasn’t asking you, Seungminnie. I was asking our beautiful omega.” He stroked your cheek and kept looking down into your watery eyes, holding deep eye contact. “And by the looks of it she needs a little more stimulation. So what do you say, Baby?” 
You didn’t want to upset Seungmin but you needed something more. With trepidation you nodded your head, and grabbed onto the man standing in front of you. 
“M-more, Minho. Please.” 
He tsked, “Is that what you call me, omega?” 
Was he really about to embarrass you in front of Seungmin? 
He looked down at you with that domineering gaze and a flicker of arrogance on his face.
Yes. Yes he was. 
“Sir.” You whined, trying to keep your voice low. 
“Hmm? What was that, I couldn’t hear you. You’ll have to speak up like a big girl.” 
Seungmins tongue buried particularly deep into your hole, making you moan and lurch forward into Minho who held you steady. 
You took a deep breath and blinked back tears. You raised your voice a few octaves and held him tighter. “Sir, need something. Please Sir.” 
“Oh my fucking god” You heard Seungmin murmur in disbelief at the nickname you called Minho. 
“That’s my good girl. Here you go baby.” The patronizing beta ran his thumb along your lip again before forcefully shoving it into your open mouth. Instantly you started sucking on the appendage, it being just what you needed for your oral fixation. You hummed around the digit and lathed your tongue on the pad of it. 
Your hips started bucking even more and your whines got louder. You could feel your high approaching at a rapid pace now and apparently the two men could tell you were close. Just as you felt the knot begin to tighten within you, Seungmin gave your clit a big suck into his mouth and that was the kick you needed. 
The welled up tears started to leak down your face as you came, and your eyes fluttered shut at the delicious pleasure that went through your whole body. Your eyes snapped back open when you felt a sharp sting on your cheek and Minho was glowering down at you still with his cat-like eyes. 
“Look at me while he makes you cum. Don’t you dare look away from me.” He hissed and shoved another finger down your throat, making you choke. 
You fought to keep your eyes open as you came, shaking and whimpering from your place on Seungmins face. The slurping from below got louder as your sweet essence was dranken up by the beta man. The sound was downright filthy. 
Finally, Seungmins tongue had stopped moving within you and had returned to his own mouth. He gave you a moment to finish shaking then he scooted you down so you sat on his stomach once again. Minho let his hands fall from your face as he drank in the fucked out sight of you. 
Seungmin lifted his head from the floor as he comfortingly ran his fingers over the small wounds his nails left. His face was drenched in your slick, the liquid dripping down his chin as he sat up slightly and his tongue shot out to catch the drippage. He made a show of groaning at the taste of it when he licked his lips. 
“Mmm delectable.” 
You felt your face heat up as the mortification caught up with you. You peeked up to see Minho still standing there watching your every move and you couldn’t bear to look him or Seungmin in the eye so you cast them down instead. 
“What’s the matter, puppy? Are you embarrassed that Minho Hyung caught you out in the open acting like a dirty mutt in heat for me? Or are you upset you didn’t get to cum on my cock instead?” 
The teasing words had you whimpering and you involuntarily clenched your thighs around Seungmins waist. Seungmin was growing more and more open to the help of Minho, seeing how desperate it had made you and he knew the new possible ways to play with you were endless. 
Minho bent down and got close to your face as he fake pouted. “Aww I think she wants you to fuck her properly, Minnie. Look at her writhing at the mere thought of it.” It was true, you were fidgeting and you could feel even more slick gathering from your pussy and onto Seungmins shirt. “Poor baby needs your dick, Seung.” 
They both grinned at each other mischievously, both betas locking eyes in a silent understanding. This was going to be so fun.
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The maps on Chan's phone alerted him that his destination was on the right hand side. The alpha kissed his teeth as he threw his phone on the passenger seat, then opened the door and stepped out. This was his last and most pressing matter of the day and he was ready to get it over with. 
Stepping up to the doorstep of the small house Chan knocked on the door and waited. After a minute the door was opened to a familiar face. 
“Chan, what a surprise! What can I do for you?” The elder man had a kind smile and seemed genuinely happy to see Chan. 
“How are you, JYP? It’s been awhile.” Chan shook hands with the beta man and he peered past the door for a moment. They exchanged quick pleasantries but Chan declined the offer to come inside. “Oh no thank you, I can’t stay long. I was actually looking for Wooyoung. I heard he was staying with you and wondered if he was in?” 
“My nephew? Yes he is in right now, I’ll get him for you.” Chan smiled and thanked JYP. “WOOYOUNG YOU HAVE A VISITOR!” 
A thundering of feet could be heard walking through the house and then Chan got his first in-person look at Wooyoung. The beta was slightly taller than Chan was, and he had long arms but he was on the lankier side. He noticed the smile fell from Wooyoung's face when he saw just who was at the door for him. Chan heard him whisper a quiet ‘shit’, and he had to bite back a devilish grin. 
“Hi, my name is Chan. I was wondering if you had a second to speak with me.” He noticed the hesitation on the boy's face, so he pressed the order a tad harder. “It’ll only take a minute.” 
Wooyoung was shoved out the door by his uncle, who gave him a pat on the back. “ Of course he has plenty of time! Chan does alot for this town, so be polite Wooyoung.” With that the elder man shut the door and gave them some privacy.
Chan could see the nerves that laid within the boy; the twiddle of his fingers and the anxious run of his tongue on his lip gave him away instantly. Good, he should be scared. 
“Nice to meet you Wooyoung. Changbin has told me alot about you.” 
“O-oh. Changbin is a good friend.” 
The alpha hummed in agreement, nodding. “He is. He is a good man and a great pack mate.” Chan took a subtle step closer to the beta. 
“Did Changbin send you here?” Wooyoung asked, mentally running over what Bin could have said to Chan. 
Chan clicked his teeth, and shook his head. “Nah. I came of my own volition. I actually had a question I wanted to ask you.” 
“Ok, what is i-” Before Wooyoung could finish his question, Chan's hand shot out and grabbed onto the younger man's throat. Suddenly Wooyoung's face was shoved forcefully against the wood of the house, his nose smashing and he could feel the crack of his bone and blood start to drip out. 
Chan snickered at the noise of pain Wooyoung let out and he tightened his grip on his neck. Chan dug his nails sharply into the skin and he felt the betas windpipe beneath his fingers. He got closer to Wooyoung until his broad body was trapping him against the wall.
“Do you like being grabbed, Wooyoung?” Chan seethed but kept his tone relatively calm, albeit a bit menacing. “Do you like it when a stranger that's stronger than you puts his hands on you?” When the beta didn’t answer Chan yanked him back and re-shoved his bloody face into the wood and made the beta hiccup from the pain. Chan's other hand had a tight hold on Wooyoung's hands and he kept them locked behind his back so he couldn’t fight back.
 “Let me tell you something, motherfucker. Changbin is a good man. But I’m not.” Chan increased the pressure on his neck, the beta letting out a choking gurgle as the blood flooded his mouth. “And I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty. So this is going to be your only warning.” Chan lowered his voice to an ominous sneer. “If you ever put your filthy fucking hands on my omega or my packmate again, I will rip your arms from your torso and throw them in the woods for the bears to eat.” 
Wooyoung squirmed and moaned in pain, his airways closing more and more with each passing second. For a split second he wondered if he would ever escape. Suddenly all the air he had been searching for came rushing back to him as he was released. Wooyoung fell to his knees and his hands flew to his neck as he coughed and sputtered, the blood of his face flying in specs everywhere.
“The only reason I haven’t done so already is out of respect for your uncle, who has been a pillar in our society. Be grateful he was able to save you… This time.” Chan stepped back and straightened himself out. “Go clean yourself up before you make too big of a mess on that poor man's porch.” 
With that Chan stepped off the porch and left the beta crying and sputtering, and slipped back into his car. He drove away without so much as a single glance back- as if the ordeal hadn’t even occurred at all. 
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“Ngghhh” You gurgled out the best you could around Minho's cock but it only came out in a slobbery whine. His member was pistoning in and out of your mouth as he held your hair, using your face to get himself off but also making you incredibly horny. 
Seungmin was still under you but now instead of his face you were sitting atop his dick reverse cowgirl; the thick appendage sliding in with reckless abandon. Your thighs were burning but the divine pleasure of being used by them was too delicious for you to care. The sloshing from both your pussy and your mouth makes you dizzy and your brain mushy- you had no choice but to give yourself over to them completely (much to their- and your- delight).
“Feels so good, your pussy is always so damn tight. My dirty pup. So fucking good for us.” Seungmin could feel the way your walls clenched around him at the praise and it made him moan loudly. He cursed and his own hips started to quiver with the impending orgasm. 
“The best omega we could have asked for.” Minho was next to praise you, his head thrown back and his breathing hard. He himself also was not far from cumming. He groaned at the sight of your tears continuously leaking down your cheeks and mixing with the saliva on your chin. 
Minho opened his eyes when he sensed another presence nearby. Or to him it was more like a pest lurking around. Big boba eyes peered slowly through the threshold, hoping to catch a good look at what was happening in there, his cock twitching in his pants. Minho bit back a grunt, and he called out to the boy. 
“Get outta here Jisung, go jerk off somewhere else you pervert.”
A squeak left the younger boy and he turned around, bumping into his accomplice that seemed just as alarmed at being caught. Felix. He could hear them scurry down the hall together and rolled his eyes at their antics. It didn’t seem like you even noticed they had appeared or left at all.
For the two betas this was sort of poetic. A few weeks prior they had been at odds about you- and now here they were, coming together because of you, both with a common goal in mind; ultimate pleasure. 
“Touch your clit, baby. Make yourself cum on my dick, get me all messy with your slick pretty girl. I wanna be soaked in it from head to toe.” Seungmin requested through his moans and you did as he said, your nimble fingers traveling down your body and to your aching nub. You spasmed and whined when you made contact with it, which in turn made your walls quiver around Minnie's length. 
Minho's hand that wasn’t in your hair was on your now bare breast, fondling the heaving flesh and pinching at your nipple. You cried louder when he pinched particularly roughly on your already abused nipple. It was the final push you needed before you came for the third time today. You gasped and choked on Minho's length, making him pull out of your mouth so you could breathe. 
When you came your walls clamped down on Seungmin and triggered his orgasm, the betas hips stuttering as he filled you with his essence. “Fuuckkkk holy shit, so tight puppy.” 
The view of you both cumming together was too much for Minho and he stroked his member quickly in front of your open mouth, “So hot, what the fuck” he said through clenched teeth as his high came forcefully and his cum spurted out of the tip and onto your face, some of it getting into your open moaning mouth. 
All three of you were quite a sight, all shaking and crying with pleasure together in the middle of the kitchen. You and Seungmin were both covered in cum and slick, the combination of the two leaking out of you and all over the beta man's thighs and onto the floor. Minho couldn’t help himself and he leaned down and ran the fat of his tongue along your cheeks, collecting the salty mixture of your tears and some of his cum, and moaning from the taste. 
After a few moments all three of you were able to collect your breath and calm down. You were drifting in deep space and barely registered Minho's arms scooping you up and off of Seungmin. You let out a quiet hiss when your thighs were able to move from the held position. 
“Shh it’s ok baby. I know you're sore, we’ll take care of you.” Minho cooed and set you down on the counter again. “Hold still f’ me baby.” He used a damp rag to clean the remaining semen off of your face. You sat perfectly still as he made you sip a cup of water provided by Minnie. After every sip you took you were rewarded by pecks on your lips and a soft ‘good girl’. 
 After you finished your water you were scooped up again but this time by Seungmin. He had pulled his shorts back up but you were still completely naked as he carried you through the halls and to Chan's bathroom and to the massive bathtub. 
The two of you bathed together as you slowly came back down to earth. The beta smothered you with kisses and made sure to clean you thoroughly. It was just what you needed after the rough fucking they had put you through, even though you enjoyed it immensely. 
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Minho was in the kitchen cleaning up the mess when he heard Chan come in and head into the kitchen, a grocery bag in his hand. Chan noticed the blush on the betas cheeks and the mop in his hand, a knowing smirk coming across the alphas face. 
“Make a mess?” 
Minho eyed the specs of blood that stained Chan's shirt and raised a brow. “I could ask you the same.” 
Chan shrugged and set the bag on the freshly cleaned counter top, pulling out a brand new pack of popsicles that he promptly stuck in the freezer. “Just went to clean up a mess, actually.” 
The beta hummed in understanding. “Baby is in the bath with Seung. She is feeling really delicate right now so I’d change my shirt if I were you.” 
Chan shot him a grateful thumbs up and headed up to his room, tearing his shirt off before he entered. He could hear you giggling and the sound of the drain from his bathroom so he quickly shucked on a new shirt then went into the adjoining room. 
“Stop Minnie!” You were laughing as you playfully pushed Seungmin away as he tried to tickle your sides. You were sitting on the counter as the beta dried you off after your bath. 
“I can’t help it, rules are rules, I have to tickle you after a bath. I can’t change the law, omega.” 
“You liar! Stop your nonsense!” It was then that you noticed Chan enter the bathroom. “Alpha!” You beamed and reached a hand out as a plea for help against the beta.
“I’ll save you, my love.” He laughed and dramatically grabbed Seungmin by the shoulders and shook him, making the beta laugh even louder and try to hold on to you. Chan was able to pull Seungmin away and held his arms as the younger boy struggled. “I got him, run baby!” 
You wrapped your towel tighter around you and hopped off the counter, only for your legs to give out after you took a single step and you plummeted to the ground. Your thighs were so sore you couldn’t even walk. 
At once both boys stopped playing and rushed to your side, with Chan hauling you up into his arms. “Are you ok baby?” 
You nodded, giggling and burying your face into his chest. You noticed that he wasn’t wearing the shirt he left in, but you decided not to bring it up. “Yeah I’m fine. My legs are just too weak right now. You guys really did a number on me.” You didn’t miss the low five Chan offered Seungmin. “Hey!” You smacked his shoulder and he only laughed harder. “You guys are ridiculous.”
Seungmin realized he was still borderline naked; with only a towel wrapped around his waist- and gave you a tender kiss as you sat in the alphas arms. “I’m gonna go get dressed. I’ll see you in a little while, pup.” 
Nodding you returned his kiss, “Ok Minnie. I love you.” 
“Love you too.” He felt his face heat up as he murmured the sentiment, glaring at the alpha who smirked at him and wiggled his brows. “Oh fuck off Hyung.” 
“Loooovee youuuu Minnniieeeee” Chan drawled teasingly as the younger passed him, cackling when Seungmin flipped him off as he left the room. Chan carried you to his bed and set you down on the soft sheets. Then he gathered a tank top and a pair of his boxers for you to wear. 
“How was your day, Channie?” You asked him once you were dressed. 
He tossed his head back and forth with a grin. “I had a pretty good day. And by the smell in the house I could say you did too.” Your face heated up and you pouted. “You won’t be pouting for long, omega. I got you something special while I was gone.”
That perked you right up, eyes showing your excitement. “Really? What is it?” 
“Close your eyes.” You did as you were told, screwing your lids shut tight. You heard him shuffle until he was on his knees on the bed behind you. Ever so slightly you felt the coolness of a metal chain fall around your neck, and you could feel Chan clip it behind you. “You can open your eyes now my love.” 
You snapped them open and instantly looked down at the necklace. Hanging down on a little silver chain was a ‘C’ made of rose gold. You cradled the pendant and turned to face your alpha, your lip wobbling. “Oh Channie. I love it. Thank you so much.” You launched yourself into him and wrapped him in your arms. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” 
Chan felt sheepish all of a sudden, holding on to you just as tight. “You’re welcome, baby. I know you have my bite but I wanted you to have another little piece of me with you always. Somewhere I can stay close to your heart.” 
You were literally melting at his words, your heart feeling light in your chest as you squeezed him. “I love you Channie. So, so much. I’m so grateful to have you.” 
“Aww baby, I love you too. More than words could express.” He kissed the top of your head. 
Chan couldn’t imagine his life without you in it, he loved you so much. Hell, you were soulmates for crying out loud. He would do anything for you. Care for you, love you, protect you. And nothing and no one was going to take you from him. That he was certain. 
“Oh and I picked you up another pack of popsicles.” 
“Fuck yeah!” 
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Looks like omega got eaten after all 😁And chan turned into quite the wolf didn't he 🐺😈
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
Also if any one wants to chat about the story or share predictions please send me an ask!!
Beta read by my loves @ayejaii and @jehhskz <3
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gothghostiie · 1 day
Hey! What about reader trying to take a little control and tease the guys (either as a group or individually) but it immediately backfires. They start teasing back and reader gets all flustered and bashful.
Soap immediately knows what you're up to. he has that stupid little grin on his lips, listening to you tease him for a bit, cheeks slightly red; until he's had enough. he's a cocky bastard, hand immediately sliding up your thigh while he leans in, murmuring teasing words back at you in that stupid, low voice that he knows you can't resist. he gets you flustered and quiet almost right away, chuckling as he sees how bashful you get. "ay, what's the matter? not so brave anymore, are ya?"
Ghost is quietly taking your teasing, a faint blush forming behind his mask as he keeps doing what he had been doing before you started teasing him. you can try for god knows how long before he finally glances at you, putting one hand under your chin and gently tilting your head up. "need attention that bad, do you?" He hums lowly his words almost mocking as he shakes his head. "should've said so sweetheart. can't leave you without any attention, can i?"
Gaz is a huge tease himself, so you wont have much time before he starts teasing you back. whether its with light touches or just some words, you'll get it back twice as much from him. hes grinning, hand already wandering between your thighs as he listens to you trying to keep speaking, fumbling with your words. "yea? keep going, I wanna hear what you've got to say.." he chuckles, lips gracing your neck as he enjoys your attempts to tease a little too much. it's gonna end up with one of you biting the sheets, just saying
Price actually enjoys being teased, even if he wont admit it. enjoys your little whispers, your hands roaming over his body as he leans back and relaxes. "c'mon, sit in my lap love." he finally orders, naturally you do, straddling him - just to feel his boner under you. he's grinning in satisfaction, one hand lazily on your hip while he grinds up into you slightly, chuckling. "that shut you up, didn't it?"
216 notes · View notes
devildomcuties · 22 hours
Obey Me: I've Got You [Demon Brothers]
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thank you for sending this request in :)
🕷 paring: demon brothers x gn!reader 18+ ONLY
🕷 summary: Bashful m/c clings to her demon when a stranger makes her uncomfortable.
🕷 wc: 4.1k
🕷 warnings: harassment, pet names, threats of bodily harm/murder, marking (hickeys, biting, scratching), oral sex, unprotected sex, creampie, shared bath, dry humping, choking, I think that's it?
🕷 date: July 6, 2024
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Lucifer kept a close eye on you whenever possible. He knew you could take care of yourself but when his brothers were involved, it led to mayhem with you caught in the middle. 
Some days, Lucifer would finish his work early to roam the halls of RAD in hopes of catching you or any of his mischievous brothers running amok. 
He finds the silence in the halls eerie. He wonders if he’s missed the last bell but his watch says there’s still a few seconds left before it rings. Lucifer doesn’t worry, he knows sometimes classes run a bit late but it is unusual for you not to be the first one out of class, usually with one of his younger brothers on your heels. 
So when the bell rings and the halls clear, he’s surprised he hasn’t spotted you. Immediately Lucifer is concerned, had something happened to you? Were you in need of aid?
Lucifer rounds the corner, determined to find you. He freezes when he spots you clutching your books to your chest. The demon in front of you has no spacial awareness, he is too close to you. His gaze is anything but friendly, unwelcomed as you look at the floor instead. 
Lucifer walks gracefully toward you, confidence blooming from his very core as he easily wraps his arm around your waist. 
“Hello, darling. I have plans for us this evening,” he informs you sweetly, kissing the top of your head before his gaze darkens as he meets the gaze of the demon in front of you. 
“I’d excuse us properly but you were making them uncomfortable, so I’ll leave you with this, cast your eyes on them one more time and it’ll be your innards decorating these halls instead of the trophies. Good day.”
Lucifer steers you down the hall as you cling to him, softly thanking him.
Lucifer nods as he leads you to an empty classroom, shutting the door to give you two privacy. His hands gently cup your face, but with a blink or two, you appear in his bedroom. 
Silence welcomes you in your safe space. Your heart rate no longer thunders and your adrenaline soon will disappear now that you’re in the safety of Lucifer and his bedroom. 
“You’re always there to save me,” you whisper as you lean into his touch. 
“I’ve got you, darling. I always will,” Lucifer swears as he holds your gaze a moment longer. 
Your hands reach for him, your lips meeting his before you lay on his bed with him on top. His touch is gentle but firm. You love when his hands grab your hips, a smirk on his lips when you whine softly but soon beg for him to squeeze you harder.
“So lovely,” he whispers as he kisses his way down your jaw to your neck, you sweet whimpers music to his ears as his teeth scrape against your heated skin. You melt so easliy for him, so needy for his touch at every turn.
Lucifer knows you’re more important than whatever washed up demon in the hall with you. He knows your kisses are a distraction for him, because it would take so little for him to bring the building down if he so wished. Barbatos and Diavolo’s wrath be damned.
Hells, he’s sure the two would aid him in destroying RAD if they knew of the demon making you uncomfortable. After all, wasn’t the goal to bring harmony to the three worlds?
Your lips cover every inch of Lucifer’s body while he’s lost in thought. You’d managed to get him on his back, a rare occurrence.
However, it takes one swift movement for your back to meet the mattress and your head to hit the pillow. You giggle, eyes locked on his until he’s kissing you once more.
It’s not much later that you’re moaning his name, nails dragging down his muscular back as he fucks you slowly, moaning your name when you tighten around him. 
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“How fast can it go?” Mammon asks the salesman as he opens the driver’s door to the car he was looking at. 
The salesman answers Mammon as he allows him to get in the seat. 
While Mammon is in the car, the salesman continues his pitch all while eyeing you up and down with a hungry gaze. You shift uncomfortably, avoiding his gaze as Mammon shuts the driver’s door. 
Mammon sees your uncomfortable reflection in the side mirror and immediately gets out of the car, smacking the demon with the door. 
“We won’t be doing business with you,” Mammon states as he drapes his arm over your shoulders to lead you away from the baffled salesman. He was lucky Mammon didn’t shove him face-first through the windshield for making you uncomfortable. 
The drive back to HoL is tense. Mammon keeps his hand on your thigh as he drives with his jaw clenched. He’s beating himself up for not noticing sooner. Had that demon been making you uncomfortable the whole time? Has Mammon let you down? He was your first, he was supposed to be looking out for you at all times and he had failed you.
Mammon is quick to lead you to his bedroom, bypassing Asmo when you walk through the front door. 
“Not now, Asmo,” he muttered as the two of you walked by. 
Asmo would have normally protested but the scowl on his older brother’s face had him sidestepping the both of you. 
The moment Mammon shuts his bedroom door, he’s taking your hands in his as he leads you to the couch. 
“I’m sorry, Treasure. I should have noticed sooner. I was so focused on getting a new car, that I didn’t notice how that filth was looking at you.”
“It’s okay,” you whisper as you meet Mammon’s gaze. You climb into his lap and cling to him, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“Did he hurt you?” Mammon asks, trying to control his temper. 
“No, he just stared at me,” you answer honestly. “I didn’t like it.”
Mammon nods stiffly, his fingers tapping your thigh as he calms himself. He should have been more aware. He thought you’d be safe at his side and…
Your lips kiss his cheek. His thoughts are silenced as you kiss his jaw and then his lips. 
“Don’t beat yourself over this,” you tell him as you lace your fingers with his. 
“You know you can always count on me, right? I’ve got you,” Mammon promises as he kisses your lips gently. His forehead presses to yours as you lock eyes and smile at each other sweetly. 
“I love you, Mammon.”
“I love ya, Treasure.” 
The smile that lights up your face is brighter than any Grimm he’s ever owned. It makes his heart skip a beat as you straddle his lap and deepen the kiss. 
Your fingers thread through his hair, moaning when your teeth nip his bottom lip. You help each other get naked in between kisses and soft laughter. 
Your mind is filled with nothing but love as he fucks into you slowly, moaning your name into your neck as you ride him. 
“Mammon,” you moan sweetly, holding him close as your orgasm hits and your legs shake. 
“That’s it, Treasure. I’ve got ya.”
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The pop culture store was packed for an early Saturday morning. You had agreed to accompany Levi as long as he took you to breakfast after. 
“I’m gonna head to the aisle with the new otome games,” you inform him as you point to the aisle. Levi looks up from his perusing long enough to acknowledge you and nod. His cheeks turn pink when you kiss his cheek before walking away. 
Slowly, you go down the aisle, reading the titles softly. 
“Oh, excuse me,” you say when you bump into someone. You had been so focused on the games, that you hadn’t seen the demon beside you. 
The demon waves you off politely as you turn and read the titles on the other shelf to stay out of their way. You make it halfway down before you feel the heat of someone watching you. It’s not a familiar heat, this one makes you uncomfortable. 
Without missing a beat, you head straight for Levi, clutching his arm tightly. 
“Are you okay, love?” Levi whispers as he pauses his browsing. He turns to you with a curious gaze as you look down at your shoes. 
Levi looks around, glaring when he spots a demon in the aisle you’re in. Without a word, Levi leads you to the checkout and pays for his items. He keeps his arm around your waist while you shyly hide your face in his chest. 
When you leave the store, he asks you to teleport the both of you to his bedroom. 
Levi sits down on his desk chair, tugging you onto his lap. Normally he’d be just as shy as you or more but your apparent discomfort is more important than feeling bashful having you so close. 
“Was that demon making you uncomfortable?” He asks straightforwardly. “I noticed the way he was looking at you.”
You nod. “Something about his gaze made me want to run.”
“I’ll always protect you. No matter what, baby. I’ve got you,” Levi promises as he lifts his pinky for you to seal the promise with your own. 
Levi brings your twined pinkies to his lips, kissing them before he kisses your lips. 
Slowly, your kissing grows hungrier as your hands help Levi remove his clothing until he’s blushing under you. 
You kiss him gently, smiling coyly before you kiss your way down his body, lingering on his pretty torso. 
His dulcet moans rile you up as pleasure blooms deep inside. Your hands wrap around his hard cock, moving forward to spit on it. 
Levi curses, turning into putty beneath you as you wrap your lips around his cock to tease him. He whimpers, eyes shut as pleasure burns through his veins. You feel pride build in your chest as you take him deeper until he hits the back of your throat.
Levi tangles his fingers in your hair gently, moaning your name as you bob up and down on his length, fueled by every moan and groan that escapes him.
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“It should be right over here,” Satan hums as he rounds the corner of the bookstore. You don’t follow him, instead, you stop at the new releases, checking out the romance novels and Simeon’s new book. 
“That’s a good one,” someone says beside you. You nod, avoiding meeting their gaze as you read the titles to yourself and pick up Simeon’s book. 
The person next to you watches you intently, licking their lips as they eye your body up and down. You bristle, immediately feeling uncomfortable and looking up from the books to search for Satan. 
You spot him heading towards you, a pile of books tucked under his arm. His gaze is terrifying but it’s not aimed at you, it’s aimed at the demon beside you who is making you uncomfortable. 
“You better find someone else to ogle before I rip your eyes out and feed them to you,” Satan threatens before he drapes his free arm around your shoulders to lead you away from the seething demon. 
You cling to Satan, thanking him softly as you set your books on the counter to pay. 
Satan kisses the top of your head as he sets down his books beside yours, moving behind you to shield you from anyone else’s curious eyes. He pays quickly and thanks the cashier before taking the bag with your books. 
“Let’s get you home,” he says as he follows you toward the exit. His anger is simmering, ready to boil over if he sees the demon one more time. How dare anyone make you uncomfortable? He’d only left you for two minutes and you were frightened. You didn’t like when other demons looked at you, much less ogled you so brazenly. You were timid, still getting used to Satan and his brothers and their rambunctiousness. 
You only felt comfortable with the brothers, the angels, Sol, Barb, and Dia. You often challenged Levi as the most bashful in HoL. 
Before you know it, you’re in Satan’s bedroom. Your new books and his remain in the bag as Satan gets into bed, patting the spot beside him. 
You climb into his lap instead, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your chest to his. Satan sighs softly into your neck, breathing you in to calm himself down. 
“I’m sorry that creep got so close to you,” he whispers as his hands run down your back to settle on your hips. 
“It was fine at first when he talked about the books but then his look changed,” you shuddered at the memory and Satan ran his fingers through your hair. 
“He won’t bother you ever again,” Satan assures you. “Not as long as me or my brothers are around. We’ve got you. I’ve got you.”
“I know,” you smile as you lace your fingers with his, you kiss him gently, moaning when he deepens the kiss a few minutes later. 
You press your foreheads to him, smiling at him as he blushes. His hands rub your sides before he kisses you again, deepening it until you’re unzipping his pants and sighing when he fills you. 
“Fuck, Satan,” you moan into his shoulder as you slowly ride him, his hands gripping you tighter as he hides his blushing face. His lips pepper feather light kisses on your skin, moaning your name when you suck on his neck. 
You know it won’t be much longer until you reach your peak, eager to drag Satan with you.  
“I love you.”
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Asmo lived to be admired, lived to be worshiped, lived to be loved. 
He was the center of attention wherever he went, even on private dates like the one you were on at the moment. 
The masseuse had just finished with you when Asmo entered your room. He had snuck out of his to check on you. He knew you were bashful, especially with things that required you to be naked with nothing but a towel to cover your most intimate parts. 
“You look absolutely radiant, hon!” Asmo exclaims as he sits beside you. 
There’s a knock on the door, and Asmo tells them to enter. He’s clad in his fluffy robe as you finish tying your own. 
A cart full of sweets and champagne is rolled in. You’re handed a glass of champagne before Asmo and you thank the demon in front of you. He bows his head and takes a step back as you reach for a chocolate-covered strawberry. 
You lick the chocolate off the end, moaning in delight before biting it. You giggle when Asmo leans over to bite the other side.
When you lick the chocolate off your lips, you feel the heat of an unwelcome stare and realize the demon is still watching you with a look that makes the hair on the nape of your neck rise. 
Slowly, you scoot closer to Asmo, hiding your face in his shoulder as he sets his D.D.D.  down when he feels your mood shift. He looks from you to the demon and his gaze hardens. 
“That will be all,” Asmo states in a dry tone, waving the demon toward the door. 
The demon nods as he takes his leave and Asmo feels your grip on his arm relax. He waits until the door shuts before he uses his fingers to tilt your chin upward. 
“He’s gone, hon. It’s just us,” he informs you as you thank him meekly. You cover yourself with the robe, almost afraid of the demon returning. 
“Hey, I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ve got you,” Asmo whispers as he gently cups your face and your eyes lock on his. You nod, smiling softly.
Asmo kisses the tip of your nose. Asmo will have the demon fired and removed from the premises before the both of you leave. His reputation will be enough to do so. How dare anyone make you uncomfortable, much less with him beside you? The audacity. 
Asmo kisses you softly, his hands holding yours sweetly. His nails match yours, a pretty pink design you had selected. 
“Let’s take a bath,” He suggests as he leads you toward the bathroom. 
The water is steaming when you enter, but it doesn’t scald you like you’d thought. Asmo sits behind you, tugging you to his chest. His delicate hands grip your middle, kissing your shoulders before making his way to your neck.
You gasp, cheeks hot as he nips that one spot that makes your heart flip.
Asmo giggles, his hands reaching for a pink washrag. The scent of lilies fills the space around you as he lathers it up and slowly washes your body, leaving kisses in the most sensitive spots. You moan when his hand goes between your legs, his lips pressed to your neck, moving up to nip your earlobe.
“Asmo!” his name escapes your lips as his hand moves faster, chuckling when you fall apart soon after. 
“So sweet for me,” He grins as he tilts your head toward him before he kisses you.
“Your turn,” you smile as you turn to face him, resting on your knees as you run your hands over his body, his giggles filling the room when your hand wraps around his hard cock.
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The restaurant was buzzing with chatter on Saturday night. Beel had made reservations ahead of time to minimize the time you had to wait. 
Upon reaching your table, Beel ordered appetizers while you perused the menu. At first, you had been too busy deciding what to order to notice the stare of the server. His eyes lingered on your body as you ordered your meal and drink. 
Beel ordered one of everything and sent the server off to place your order. He noticed your quiet demeanor and he tugged your chair closer to his. 
You smiled at him before placing your hand on his thigh. 
“I’m glad you joined me tonight. It’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to be alone,” Beel grins as the chatter continues in the background. “Well, alone without my brothers.”
“We have all night to be together,” you remind him as you lean in to kiss him. Beel smiles into the kiss, his large hand cupping your face sweetly. 
His name escapes you in a delicate whisper as he bites your bottom lip playfully before releasing you. 
You trace your lip with your tongue, eyes sparkling as you meet his gaze, heat rushing to your cheeks. 
Beel giggles as he kisses your hand. 
When you look at him, your gaze catches the server on his way to your table. He winks at you before he approaches with your drinks. 
Beel thanks him as you move your chair closer to him, squeezing his thigh.
By the time your food is served, you’re more relaxed. Beel inhales his food one plate at a time. 
The server approaches with a cart to clear the plates, his eyes on you the entire time. He winks at you when Beel isn’t looking before he stands upright. 
“Would your lovely date like some dessert?” The server asks Beel with a smirk. 
You move closer to Beel, looking at the table before gripping his arm. 
Beel’s body tenses as he looks at the server and notes the way you squeeze his arm. “Can we go?”
“Sure, baby,” Beel responds, kissing your cheek. He looks at the server with a glare. “I’ve got dessert covered, but thanks.”
The server shrinks under his gaze, stutters his goodbye, and rushes to the kitchen. 
Beel takes your hand in his, leading you to the front to pay quickly. He didn’t want to see the server again and end up in a fistfight. 
You remain silent at his side, and Beel feels awful for not noticing your demeanor before. 
Once you arrive home, Beel leads you straight to his bedroom. You lay on his bed, tugging his shirt off him so you could wear it. His scent soothes you, and you curl up to his bare chest once he joins you under the covers. 
“I’ve got you, baby. Always,” he promises softly.
You snuggle into him, his large arm draped over your waist as he holds you close. His lips meet yours before he’s tugging you onto his body. Your hands rest on his chest, a giggle escaping you as he covers you in kisses while his large hands guide your hips over his.
You moan when he kisses you, his tongue meeting yours as make out with him. You relax in his hold, soon asking him for more while he rocks his hips into yours, making you moan into his skin. Beel loves to tease you. He loves to watch you fall apart for him, only you can ease the hunger that overwhelms him at times.
He’ll tease you for the rest of the night, only giving you what you desperately crave when you’re all he can taste on his tongue.
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It wasn’t often that Belphie left the comfort of his home, much less his bed but today he was doing both as he shopped for a new mattress. His old one was fine, but he’d heard great things about a new bed in one of the stores downtown. 
With you at his side, Belphie felt confident in leaving his home long enough to make his purchase. 
Normally, you’d stay at his side but the array of mattresses had your attention while Belphie found a salesperson.
“Need any help?” Someone asks you, and you shake your head.
“Just waiting on my boyfriend,” you state as you look over your shoulder to look for Belphie. He’s in deep conversation with the salesperson, signing a form to get the mattress delivered later that day.
The salesperson scoffs, which makes you face them with a scowl.
“If you need help finding a mattress let me know. I’m an expert on beds,” The demon smirks as he eyes you up and down. 
You frown as you take a few steps back until you turn to find Belphie heading your way with a scowl. You grab his hand and stand by his side, hiding your face in his chest.
The demon cowers under Belphie’s gaze, the unspoken threat loud and clear to the leering demon. He takes off in a sprint as Belphie leads you out of the building.
He has you focus on him until you can take the both of you to his spot in the attic.
Belphie wraps his arms around you as he pulls you to bed with him. His hand rubs circles onto your back as you hug him close.
“Are you okay?” Belphie asks. He knows you don’t like being looked at, or stared at. It makes you uncomfortable and sometimes self-conscious. However, that demon at the store was leering, clearly making you uncomfortable.
Belphie had to resist the urge to go back there with his brothers in tow, not that he needed help from them but because they’d insist on going once they found out how the demon made you feel.
“I’m okay now,” you assure him as you take his hands in yours. You move to his side to lay beside him with his chest pressed to your back.
Belphie holds you close, his fingers tracing a heart on the back of your hand until he brings it to his lips to kiss it. 
“Want me to get him fired?” Belphie asks nonchalantly. 
“No,” you laugh, shaking your head. 
Belphie chuckles as he moves his hand to rub your hip. You press yourself to him and he grips you tighter. 
“You sure?” Belphie asks with a smirk. “You know I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.”
You hum, not to sure what to say as his hand slips under your shirt. You melt into a happy puddle as his hand moves up and down your side while his lips capture yours. 
Belphie always has the effect on you. He makes you forget about everything but him, and you love it.
You’re not surprised when you end up wrapped around him with one hand on your hip and the other wrapped around your throat. You take his fingers in your mouth, drooling all over yourself and him as his hips rock into you repeatedly.
Your moans are muffled by his fingers, pleasure coursing through your veins as you cum shortly after. Belphie moans your name, his face buried in your neck as he cums a few moments later.
You grin as you lay satiated at his side, sweaty and feeling like you’re floating on a cloud.
“Wait until we break in my new bed,” Belphie teases. “You won’t be getting any rest.”
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omisubi · 1 day
ushijima x reader. some angst, mostly fluff, suggestive content. timeskip spoilers.
plot: your long-time coworker turned friend, Kuroo, sets you up on a date with one of his finest clienteles.
To stay unattached is to keep a distance.
Ushijima Wakatoshi knows this well enough. He had gotten accustomed to it at an early age, when his parents divorced. It was pretty clear that his mom hardly wanted anything to do with him, and neither did her family.
His intention is to keep this maxim walking into the date. Though, it doesn’t deter him from being the gentleman he is, even when you show up 15 minutes late.
Your first impression of Wakatoshi is that he is a man of few words. You aren’t put off by it, however, you prefer a man that knows his points, speaks it, and waits for a response in deliberate silence. It’s endearing in its own way.
It’s endearing now, when you can’t help but find yourself staring at him. His dress shirt and pants—Armani— are tailored to fit him perfectly. You saw when he stood up to greet you, even pulling your chair out for you (swoon.) His jawline is sharp, eyes stoic, and his shoulders are so broad—
He’s turned to you with expecting eyes.
“Oh- sorry, what did you say?”
Wakatoshi clears his throat and straightens in his seat. “I said because I’ll be in Europe soon, I’m not looking for anything serious right now.”
Oh. Okay… you can work with that. You usually don’t do one-night-stands, but the longer you look at him, the more amorous you’re getting.
“I’m sorry if that disappoints you.”
You perk up, realizing you haven’t given a reply. “Not at all! I’m not really interested in that either.”
A lie. You fear you are quite the hopeless romantic at heart.
As you resume to your dish, he takes a moment to watch you.
Wakatoshi might not be too well versed in pop-culture, but he has picked up a few magazines in his free time and reads enough ads to know that you’re quite the public figure yourself. Quite the vivacious one at that— according to some headlines.
He isn’t too sure of what your job is, just knows that you’ve worked alongside Kuroo for a while and recently ventured into the fashion world. Your confidence in style illuminates under the dim lamps of the restaurant: classic, chic, timeless. He hadn’t missed the wandering eyes when you walked through the door.
When Kuroo had called him during his off-season trip back to Japan, Wakatoshi had initially declined, not wanting to start something he wasn’t sure if he could finish. But, Kuroo had insisted, saying that you thought “his eyes are pretty” and wanted to see for yourself if they were olive or brown. Safe to say, he was intrigued and figured he’d quell your thirst for knowledge.
When dinner concludes after some small, but interesting talks, Wakatoshi insists he pay for the bill, and before you can deny, his card is already given to the waitress without even looking at the check.
“Thank you for dinner, Wakatoshi. It was delicious.”
“Of course.” He says as he holds the door open for you. You both walk to the marble water fountain placed in front of the parking lot. “Have you decided what color my eyes are?”
You freeze.
(“They’re definitely brown.” Kuroo assured.
“We’ll see. You didnt tell him I said anything about his eyes though did you ?”
“Not at all!” Kuroo gave his salesman smile to your glare. His two thumbs up acting as a shield from your valid accusation.
He did.)
You make a mental note to leave a scathing voicemail later.
“Oh!” You laugh, bashful, a hand coming up to rub your neck. “That….”
It appears Wakatoshi is still waiting for an definitive answer. You suppose he’s the not the type of man to tease, but still comes off just as humorous through his bluntness. It’s lovely, you think, you prefer to be the one teasing anyway. You step closer, leaning in close enough for him to feel the surface of fabric on your evening wear against his own. The string lights around the restaurant have given you both a warm, golden hue. It’s brighter out here.
“…Right now, they look olive. In the restaurant, they looked a dark brown.” Your voice is quieter now, but you’re still looking at him with that inquisitive gaze of yours. And he can’t help but study back. He scans your face and absentmindedly thinks those magazines don’t do you justice. He watches as your lips curve upwards into a small smile. “I guess it depends on the lighting, but my verdict is olive.”
Neither of you have moved, still inches apart. It feels… intimate. “What color do you say they are?”
Wakatoshi never thought about it, never really cared, but right now, he just wants to agree with you. “Olive.”
He watches as your smile grows, feeling his heart beat at a quicker pace. “Ah, I love being right.” There’s a moment of silence until you take a step back and extend your hand, “Well. Goodnight, Wakatoshi.”
Wakatoshi gives a nod, breaking out of his short-lived trance. He takes your hand, thinks your skin is some sort of magnet the way he can’t bring himself to pull away.
And before he can think clearly and go through with his plan of saying goodbye and leaving it at that to go your separate ways, he leans in closer, gently tugging you in with his hand still in yours.
You don’t move a way, instead you purse your lips as you look to his and back up at his olive eyes.
His voice is just above a whisper.
“May I… kiss you?”
He’s not sure who kisses who first after he asks. He just knows that for the following weeks, Wakatoshi sees you more than he should be. He becomes accustomed to your presence in his apartment, your smell on his bed, and the way you call him ‘toshi against his lips.
The weekend before his flight(weekends of which you usually spend the night) you don’t come over. He doesn’t play dumb at the fact that he had been the one to say it wasn’t serious in the first place. You seemed to take that to heart. He remembers the sadness in your eyes the last time you were in his home, telling him you weren’t good at goodbyes. Did you think he was?
Wakatoshi spent that weekend mulling the last few weeks over, missing you. He mentally scolds himself for letting it go this far, but how was he supposed to know his heart would cave at your simplest touch?
This kind of issue can only be resolved by talking to one person: a best friend.
And Tendou Satori rarely misses a phone call from his.
“I suppose me leaving is for the best.” Wakatoshi had rationalized, the afternoon before his flight, filling Tendou in about the heartache that is you.
“The more distance the better.”
“Ah, but Wakatoshi-kun, doesn’t distance make the heart grow fonder?”
His flight landed in Poland around noon. Many hours on the plane, Wakatoshi decides he isn’t good at goodbyes either. He calls you when he reaches his hotel.
“Hi.” His voice is caught on the air, surprised you’d picked up so quickly. “I just landed. I…I—“
To be unattached is to keep a distance. But, even thousands of miles away from you, Wakatoshi is bound, tied true to the anchor that is your voice and the mirage of your face when he hears it.
“I miss you too.”
He wants to laugh because really, it’s only been three days since you’ve seen each other. Have you both grown lovesick?
“Can I see you when I get back?”
“Wakatoshi, that’s weeks— months away.” You laugh. He smiles upon hearing it. Yeah, lovesick. “Who knows what will happen by then?”
His smile is replaced by a confused frown. “What will happen?” Before you can answer, he has spoken again. “Nothing will change. For me, at least.”
You hum. A beat of silence. “‘Toshi?”
“I’ll be thinking about you until then.”
Wakatoshi thinks he might just fly you out and attach you to him forever.
(On a random weekday, Kuroo receives a box of Parisian chocolates and a typed out ‘Thank You’ card on his desk. The card flips to show a man with red hair and red eyes.)
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a/n: ty for reading! long distance sucks, but this couple will make it thru :’)
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niqhtlord01 · 2 days
Humans are weird: Strangely compassionate
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
*Alien and human having lively discussion in a crowded café.
*Human enthusiastically continues conversation before looking at something and breaking off.
Alien: Something wrong?
Human: One sec.
*human picks up napkin and an empty glass before walking over to window.
*alien watches as the human traps a flying insect inside the glass and then slides the napkin underneath. They then proceed to take the trapped insect outside before removing the glass and letting it fly away. The insect however flies directly back into their friend at which point the human recoils in horror and flails about before hopping back inside.
Alien: *watches as human friend returns to seat.
Alien: Do you want to explain what that was all about?
Human: I hate it when they fly straight at me.
Human: Makes me think they’ve just committed themselves to taking me out before I get them.
Alien: I meant, why did you take it outside at all?
Human: Well the poor thing was trapped in here so I just helped them get outside.
Alien: But…why?
Human: It seemed in trouble and I felt sorry for them.
Alien: They’re an insect.
Alien: I have seen you kill dozens of them in your apartment before without hesitation.
Human: Yeah, but this one was different.
Human: They were trapped and needed some help.
Alien: *Looks unconvinced
Human: Alright, picture it like this.
Human: You are out and about exploring the world when suddenly you find yourself trapped in a strange room.
Human: One entire wall is a large window that lets you look outside in the world you were just in yet denies you the chance of ever getting back to it.
Human: No matter how hard you bash against that window it does not break and with each passing day you feel yourself getting weaker and weaker until finally you just lay down and die.
Human: Your last thoughts of the world outside and the possibilities that could have been had you simply not made a turn.
Alien: …….
Alien: Not gonna lie, but that’s pretty frakked up.
Human: Pretty frakked up indeed.
Human: So that’s why I helped them get back outside.
Alien: But don’t those things have an average lifespan of a day or so?
Human: A day to us is a lifetime for them.
Alien: You are a surprisingly deep fellow for someone who orders off the kids menu.
Human: *Slowly continues eating hamburger while wearing cardboard crown.
Human: I regret noting…
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son1c · 23 hours
in a fit of what i can only describe as "pure madness," i wrote this entire thing from 12AM to 4AM last night. it's for 10verse. it's related to these drawings. i hope you like it
Plants roared in the great forest of Boscage Maze. Not literally, of course. They didn't have mouths. But as vines whipped and branches slashed, sending a flurry of poisonous leaves exploding in every direction, one could be fooled.
Sonic and his friends-who-weren't-his-friends had to be mindful of jagged wooden teeth as they reached down from the treetops to snap at them. While passing by one such monster, Whirley nearly lost an ear, but was saved by Windthrow. It was hard work navigating the dangerous forest, but between Sonic's spindashes and Thorn Rose's hammer, they managed to bash their way through the foliage and into the deepest part of the Boscage.
This made the plants angry. Since they'd connected with a mind greater than their own, they'd learned how to feel. And now, the hive buzzed with its collective rage as it convulsed its million limbs.
Thorns shot out from the brush like arrows. Prim had to fold in her wings and drop down to avoid becoming Swiss cheese. Although, maybe that would've been preferable to the dirt and bugs crawling on the forest floor. She stuck her tongue out in distaste.
But it was too late to turn back now.
The heart of the Boscage was just up ahead--that much was obvious to Sonic. Sure, it was just as green as the rest of the forest, but the way the vines weaved around each other, creating a tangled nest of knotted foliage gave it away. That, and the sickly light of the Green Prism Shard leaking through the cracks.
With the killer plants hot on their trail, Sonic motioned for everyone to stop. Wasting no time, he curled into a ball and slammed into the wall of snarled vines at top speed. His sharp quills sliced through the plants with some trouble--because they were so thick--but his will was stronger than their defenses. After successfully sawing a door through the vines, he stood and turned back toward his companions.
"Did someone call a gardener?" he quipped with a wink.
Everyone rolled their eyes.
"Tough crowd," Sonic muttered.
But then the vines began to squirm. Realizing they were already starting to regrow, everyone hurried through the gap Sonic had created. It closed behind them shortly after.
Gnarly gulped. "You don't think they're gonna eat us, do ya? The a-a-aliens?"
Thorn Rose slammed the handle of her hammer down in front of her, making Gnarly jump. "We're as good as eaten if we don't fight back!" she snapped. "The Green needs our help. Without it, we're all alien food."
Gnarly grimaced, but didn't argue.
Halcyon turned to face Sonic. "Your plan is unlikely to succeed," he said matter-of-factly. "However, I will allow you to attempt it. Once. In the case that it fails, I will do whatever it takes to dispose of the Black Arms."
Sonic grinned. "One shot's all I need," he said confidently.
Halcyon considered this. After a moment, he nodded.
Sonic tried not to think about how much Halcyon looked like Shadow when he did that. Not like it mattered, anyway. Because they would save Shadow. Together. Right here, right now. No matter what Halcyon thought the odds were--Sonic would beat them like he always did.
Squeezing his hands into fists to hide their slight tremor, Sonic turned to the group and said, "Let's whack some weeds!"
The forest shuddered. Prim yelped as the ground seemed to shift beneath her feet. Windthrow and Whirley growled as the vines trembled, their hackles raised in warning. Gnarly looked like he wanted to bolt, but realized he'd probably be safer with the group than on his own, so he stayed where he was. Thorn Rose, Halcyon, and Sonic shared a look.
It must be him.
It must be Shadow.
A moment later, they were proven right. In the middle of the clearing in front of them, vines slithered apart like waves of snakes to reveal a dark form wrapped in flowers and thorns: Shadow. Or, what was once Shadow. His mind had been overwhelmed by the combined might of a billion plants--the Megaflora, as Halcyon had called them. The result of Gerald Robotnik's research. They were plants mixed with Black Arms DNA, and they were hellbent on planetary conquest.
Shadow opened his eyes, but Sonic knew it wasn't really him in control. The dark hedgehog locked eyes with his rival. "Earthling," he cooed. "You have returned to us."
Sonic wanted to jump into action right then and there, but his hastiness was what had gotten them in this mess in the first place, so he forced himself to act cool. "Yeah," he said casually. "What can I say? I just couldn't stay away."
Without looking away from Sonic, Shadow said, "You brought the others."
Sonic was surprised to hear disdain in Shadow's voice. So, the plants had finally gotten the hang of emoting, huh? Well, it didn't make them any less creepy. With a wave of his hand, Sonic replied, "Don't mind them. This is about you and me."
The vines squeezed tighter around Shadow. Sonic could see the thorns dig into his fur, drawing blood. Sonic had to keep talking in order to stop himself from abandoning his plan. "I get it," he said, a little tightly. "You missed me. I'd miss me too. Thing is, I did some thinking while I was gone..."
Shadow didn't move. Didn't blink. He just stared at Sonic, listening.
It seemed as though the whole world had gone quiet. Maybe it had.
"...And, well," Sonic continued, "I changed my mind."
Finally, Shadow reacted. He leaned forward, his body moving like a puppet on strings. "Is that so?"
Sonic stepped forward. Not too fast, not too slow. Deliberately. Shadow--but really, the Megaflora--tracked his every move. Good. That was what he wanted. "Uh-huh," Sonic said. He folded his hands behind his head calmly. Then, with a lopsided smile, he added, "I wanna stay here with you."
At last, Shadow left the center of the clearing. The Megaflora had gotten better at moving his body since the last time Sonic was here, but "better" was relative, and plants were never meant to walk in the first place, so was it really any surprise that now that they could, they did so with stuttering, jerky steps?
As Sonic watched Shadow come closer, his stomach twisted uncomfortably. But he kept his eyes on him. He didn't dare look away, especially not up and over the dark hedgehog's shoulder, where Thorn Rose and Halcyon now were. No, Sonic kept his eyes on Shadow just like he said he would. Because that was the plan.
When he was directly in front of Sonic, Shadow finally stopped his scary marionette-walk. Unfortunately, he did something even scarier next: he smiled.
"Do you take us for a fool, Earthling? These eyes are not the only ones that can see."
Thorn Rose gasped as eyeball-covered, alien vines suddenly shot up from the ground and grabbed her ankles.
"Loathsome vermin," Shadow said darkly. Then, he turned his attention back toward Sonic. Now, his voice was soft. Almost sad. "If only you could have seen... but no matter."
Vines anchored Sonic's feet in place as Shadow wrapped his hands around the blue hedgehog's throat.
"Your corpse will make fine company!"
Suddenly, Halcyon shouted, "Now!"
Windthrow tackled Shadow, and his superior size sent them both tumbling to the ground in a flurry of fur and foliage. Sonic, meanwhile, instinctively touched his throat. Oh, yeah. That was going to hurt later. But there was no time for that now--he shook his shoes free from the vines before Shadow could get back up.
Everyone was on the move. While Windthrow was wrestling with Shadow, the scavengers had taken to beating back the plants attempting to stop Halcyon and Thorn Rose from cracking open the cage of vines in the heart of the forest. Halcyon had transformed his jelly arm into a saw, while Thorn Rose used her hammer to block the vines from growing back. Soon, Halcyon was able to break through to the core, and from it he pulled out the glowing Green Prism Shard.
Shadow shoved Windthrow off of him. "No!" he roared, and it was like all the plants in the world did too.
But it was too late.
Halcyon threw the Shard. At the height of the chaos, it seemed as though time slowed down. Sonic watched as the Shard began to arc through the air before reluctantly tearing his gaze away from it. He turned instead toward Shadow. Using his super speed, Sonic snatched Shadow's wrist, hauled him up, and then with his free hand, he took the one chance Halcyon had given him.
And he didn't miss.
Sonic's fingertip connected with the Shard.
A brilliant flash of light filled the forest.
When it cleared, Sonic and Shadow were gone. But the sounds of the wailing Megaflora seemed to follow them through the Void, their agonized screaming licking at Sonic's heels, lamenting, "We almost had you!"
But Sonic didn't believe in "almosts". He kept a tight grip on Shadow as the two of them careened through the Void. It was the bright blue gate of No Place that swallowed them up, and after the suffocating green of the Boscage, Sonic welcomed it.
The portal spat them out in the sky, which was frankly quite rude of it. Sonic blinked, realized the two of them were now falling down instead of horizontally, and brought Shadow--who hadn't moved since he'd touched the Shard--into his arms. With any luck, they'd land on the same small island Sonic had discovered the first time he'd come to No Place.
It felt like they fell for a long time, but it was probably only 10 seconds. Sonic's spines hit the sand first, and it knocked the wind out of him, but not in a "linebacker just punted me across a football field" kind of way. It was more like a "shopping cart just hit me unexpectedly" way. In other words, because Sonic was tough, all he really did was let out a quiet oof.
"As far as landings go," Sonic said, "I'm gonna have to give that one a 4 out of 10. Forget about style points--we're totally beached!"
Shadow didn't respond. In fact, he still hadn't moved at all.
Sonic sat up, pulling Shadow up with him. Shadow's eyes were open, but they were glassy and unfocused, staring at nothing. Frowning, Sonic said, "Hellooo? Earth to Shadow?"
When Shadow still didn't respond, Sonic's grin faded. The blue hedgehog's nose twitched before he bent his head down, pressing one ear against the Ultimate Lifeform's chest, listening for a heartbeat--which he heard immediately. "Geez, Shadow," Sonic said after lifting his head back up. "You really had me going for a second there, bud. Trying to ruin my awesome rescue by..."
Sonic trailed off. He didn't want to admit it, but he was starting to get a little nervous, and he didn't feel like making jokes anymore. He just wanted Shadow to say something--anything. Because the longer he kept quiet, the more time Sonic had to think about why that might be.
Could his rescue have actually ended in disaster? Sure, he'd saved Shadow's body, but what about his mind? Was it still trapped in Boscage with those awful weeds?
Shadow blinked.
Sonic snapped out of his thoughts. In a small voice, Sonic asked, "Shadow...?"
Slowly, so slowly they would give molasses a run for its money, Shadow's eyes moved from staring straight ahead at nothing to looking up and over at Sonic.
Sonic's face lit up with a dazzling grin. He pulled Shadow into a hug, pressing his cheek against Shadow's in a way he knew was annoying and that Shadow would hate. Except, Shadow didn't push him away. Unlike the last time he did this in the Void, Shadow stayed still and let Sonic hug him.
For a brief second, Sonic worried that he had just imagined Shadow talking, and he was actually still catatonic. But thankfully, Shadow said something else, although his voice was a little muffled by Sonic's quills.
"I'm... free?"
Sonic pulled back so he could see Shadow's face. The dark hedgehog was looking down, his normally unreadable expression clouded with confusion and... something else. He still didn't move other than to breathe, almost as though he was afraid to do so.
For the first time, Sonic let go of Shadow. With his typical cocky attitude, he flashed his rival a thumbs up. "Yup!"
Shadow's expression grew more extreme. His hands shook as they reached out to grab Sonic, and in that moment Sonic realized what else was shining in Shadow's eyes: fear.
Sonic let Shadow pull him into an embrace. "Whoa, hey," Sonic said. "It's alright! Those weeds won't be bothering you anymore, Shadow. Promise."
Sonic felt Shadow's grip around him tighten. Then, Sonic realized with growing horror that his shoulder was getting wet. Wet from tears he couldn't see. He thought about how time flowed differently between the Shatterspaces, and how while he had only been separated from Shadow for a few days, Shadow had been alone with the Megaflora for much, much longer.
Sonic squeezed his eyes shut. However, he quickly set his jaw. The guilt could wait in line with his feelings about breaking the universe. He had something more important to deal with right now: Shadow.
"Sorry I was late," Sonic said quietly. "Didn't mean to make you wait, Shadow."
Shadow didn't reply, but Sonic could feel him press his face into his shoulder. So, Sonic asked, "Not up for small talk, eh?" Because he already knew he wouldn't get an answer, he continued, "That's fine. I got you."
Sonic watched the waves lap against the shore while Shadow cried. He didn't say anything else. There was nothing more to say. It was hard not to think about how he'd almost lost him, how Sonic was almost alone with nothing but the pieces of their broken world to pick up on his own, but Sonic didn't do "almosts". He just sat in the sand and rubbed his thumbs gently against Shadow's back.
Eventually, Shadow grew still. Sonic didn't want to move him, but when he didn't respond to his prodding, he did it anyway and found that he'd fallen asleep. Sonic could've said something about how they didn't have time for power naps, they had a world to save and a multi-verse to fix, but he didn't. The truth was, he was tired too. He hadn't slept since...
Well, he wasn't sure how long it'd been. But if Mr. Ultimate Lifeform was tired enough to sleep, then he got a free pass for a nap too. That's how it worked, right? Come to think of it, did the Megaflora even need to sleep? They were plants, so probably not. But that would mean...
Sonic looked at the bags under Shadow's eyes and winced.
Without a word, Sonic laid Shadow down in the sand. Then, Sonic laid down too. The sun was setting on the horizon, and the first stars of nighttime were becoming visible in No Place's sky. Sonic thought that they looked identical to the stars he saw in Green Hill, but quickly stopped thinking it when his heart squeezed painfully.
Wait in line with the rest, thanks.
Eventually, the steady sound of the ocean foam lulled Sonic to sleep. Now, was it a good night's sleep? Was it free of awful dreams and fitful rolling? As a matter of fact, yeah, it was. He must've been exhausted because he slept like a rock despite all the baggage weighing him down.
In fact, when the stars faded and the pink-orange sun began to drift over the horizon, it was Shadow who woke up first.
Though, it was hard to tell, because he didn't open his eyes. For several horrible, horrible seconds, he didn't remember the events of last night, and he thought he was back in Boscage Maze. So, he waited. He waited for the Megaflora to tell him what to do, as they had been doing for the past month and a half. But their instructions never came. It was quiet inside of his mind, their raucous hissing absent.
He remembered what Sonic had said.
You're free.
Shadow opened his eyes. He was greeted by the beautiful blue ocean of No Place, so much nicer than the suffocating green of his old prison. After sitting up, he turned his head, and saw Sonic asleep next to him.
A cavalcade of unwanted thoughts rose to the forefront of his mind. All things that the Megaflora had wanted--had told him that he wanted--had forced him to want. Conquer the planet, kill the scavengers, save the Earthling.
But as it turned out, the "Earthling" had saved him.
Shadow swallowed thickly. It was difficult to put those thoughts out of his mind, to remember what was his and what was theirs. For what felt like an eternity, there was no difference. It was simply them. Theirs. We. Us.
Sonic's ear flicked in his sleep. Shadow stared at it.
"I'm Shadow the Hedgehog," he said to no one in particular. "I'm the Ultimate Lifeform."
A soft sea breeze blew across the tiny island. Sonic stirred. He cracked an eye open, then grinned. "’I'm the Ultimate Lifeform’," he said in his best Shadow impression.
Shadow scowled. He looked away from Sonic and out at the endless ocean. "Hmph."
"Back to your old self, huh? Good. I was starting to think I'd need to find a new rival!"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Shadow lied.
Sonic sat up. "Aw, c'mon, Shad," he teased. "We're not doing the forgetting-important-events thing again. Once was more than enough! Besides," Sonic leaned in close to Shadow, "it's a lot more fun when you play along."
"This isn't a game, Sonic!" Shadow snapped.
"C'mon, dude. You're back. I'm feelin' good. What's wrong with a little--"
Shadow interrupted, "You still don't get it. We-- I--..." Shadow said again, putting heavy emphasis on that first word, "I saw things. All of their memories. These aren't just facsimiles of your friends; these are whole worlds you've created with your mistake."
Sonic grew quiet. After a moment, he asked, "So they're real now, huh?"
Shadow glared at Sonic. But then, all the anger drained from his face. He just looked tired. "The accursed Megaflora has been around for longer than my Project. I witnessed its conception and subsequent failure. It... is real. And the suffering it’s inflicted on Boscage Maze can't be denied."
Shaking his head, Sonic said, "Yeah, well, that's what they made you for."
Shadow tensed. But Sonic waved his hand and said apologetically, "Halcyon, I mean. The other, uh... you. He's supposed to fix it." Sonic cleared his throat awkwardly. "Now that you're outta there, those weeds won't last long. Don't sweat it!"
Shadow pinched the bridge of his nose. "Sonic, you..." He was aggravated. "No, I made things worse. They probed my mind. They have my intelligence. I couldn't... there was nothing I could do to stop them. They kept pushing until I..."
"...It's okay, Shadow. Really."
"How can you say that?" Shadow was shouting now. "How can you possibly... understand?"
"I don't," Sonic admitted. Then, he patted Shadow's arm. "But I know you. And even a faker like Halcyon has gotta have some of you in him. And I know you don't take the easy way. You don't quit. So, it'll be okay. Cuz I trust you."
Shadow laughed bitterly. "You're still the same idiot," he said.
"Maybe," Sonic said with a shrug. "But I got you back. Right?"
Shadow's mouth went dry. He remembered--both through his own two eyes and the thousand eyes of the Megaflora--seeing Sonic fight against the immense might of the Boscage Black Arms. He conceded, "You did."
Sonic's mouth quirked up in a small smile. "And why's that?"
Frowning, Shadow searched Sonic's eyes for a hint of what the answer might be, but he couldn't figure it out.
Sonic didn't look away. "It's cuz I need you. I'm big enough to admit that."
The thought of having to fix the world all on his own was almost too much for Sonic to bear. He'd been faced with that awful reality while separated from Shadow, while Shadow had been suffering under the Megaflora's control. Thankfully, Sonic didn't have to see the reality of that "almost".
Sonic held out his hand to Shadow. "Let's fix this, Shadow. Together."
Shadow looked at Sonic's hand for a long moment. In the end, he took it and said, "Together."
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eevees-hobbies · 14 hours
What Happens at Ume's Summer Bash, Stays at Ume's Summer Bash! - NSFW
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Author’s Note: Well, here it is. I didn’t mean to make the title as long as an old Panic! At the Disco song. God, when I was writing Togame, I had myself feeling a certain type of way. Idk if I’m leading us into a potential Sakura x Togame x Reader threesome or what. Help. Anyway, I’m never beating the Haruka Sakura simp allegations! Giving the people what they didn’t ask for, shit-talking, dominant Sakura.
Synopsis: You’re invited to Umemiya’s Annual Summer BBQ Bash! Pull up a chair, pour yourself a drink, and have some fun with old friends! I hope you can avoid temptation from Togame; he’s kind of into you! But as a good girlfriend, you only have eyes for your boyfriend, Haruka Sakura. Wait…what are you doing on that bed? 
Content Warning: Fem!Reader x Haruka Sakura. Mention of alcohol and bodyshots. This may or may not be the same Togame that saw your nudes in Sext Me Like You Mean It. Brief mention of sharing, but not explicit. Aggressive flirting, jealousy, shit-talking, dirty-talking Sakura, teasing but not too mean, fucking where you shouldn’t, fem!reader receiving oral, squirting. Tis smut. Minors Do Not Interact.
Word Count: 3.4K
Dividers by Saradika. Invitation by me
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They say there are very few things in life that are guaranteed. Yes, taxes and death are undoubtedly imminent, but the other life-altering event that should be added to that list is Umemiya’s Annual Summer BBQ Bash!
Every Summer, Umemiya invites his closest friends to his home in hopes of hosting a space where you all can exist without the stresses of day-to-day life. 
You and Sakura are excited to attend, but who can blame you? Umemiya’s Summer BBQ Bash is always memorable; this year will be no exception.
The parties can get relatively wild as the alcohol tends to flow freely, and it isn’t unusual for the lines to blur between friendship, one-night stands, and sharing of partners. Plus, the food smacks! Bofurin alums and Jo Togame, who has always felt like an honorary member of the friend group, make up the attendee list.
It isn’t long before libations in shot glasses and red cups make their way around the party, and all the popular Summer hits blast through the stereo speakers loud enough to break a few city ordinances.
You’ve long since abandoned Sakura, who still sits at the table, to dance with Kotoha. Sakura can’t take his eyes off you as you bend over, place your palms against your knees and gyrate your hips to the beat as Kotoha delivers a heavy smack to your ass. It takes every fiber in his being to look away. 
He needs to avert his eyes, not because he’s embarrassed, but because if he doesn’t look away, his head might just pop.
He knew he was going to have a hard time today when you emerged from the bedroom in your outfit: jean shorts that stop barely stopped above mid-thigh, a black band tee that is cropped at the bottom and exposes some of your tummy when you raise your arms even slightly, and low-top black and white chucks. It may be a simple ensemble for you, but it’s a wet dream for him. 
Togame slips into the chair next to Sakura, letting out a deep sigh, “Your girlfriend is insanely hot. Just my type.”
Sakura’s fists clench instinctively, and he has to remind himself that while Togame seemingly has a crush on you, it has been harmless thus far. 
And Sakura isn’t delusional; he knows how attractive you are. He can practically see it now as you and Kotoha dance together. You’re sexy, uninhibited by the judgment of others, and radiating with confidence, all things he admires, and that doesn’t go unnoticed by other men—even some of his friends. 
“You think I don’t know that?”
“It's been a couple of years for you two, right?” Togame continues as he does the mental math, remembering the first time he saw you holding hands with Sakura and mentally berating himself for not being the first to make a move.
“Been together this long and still haven’t put a ring on it or knocked her up? Dangerous game, my man. Women don’t like to wait. Someone else might snatch her up.”
Fuck off sits on the tip of Sakura’s tongue, but despite his annoyance, he can silently admit that what Togame is saying has consumed his thoughts as of late.
The idea of making a baby with you is enough to push him into cardiac arrest, so he tries to think less of that and more of asking you to marry him. 
Baby steps!
And if fear of rejection didn’t cause him immense paralysis, the engagement ring tucked snuggly away in his underwear drawer would already be on your finger.
Their eyes snap back to you as you turn to Sakura and cup your hands around your mouth in an attempt to be heard over the speakers, “Haruka! Come dance with me!”
Sakura shakes his head. You should know better than to ask him to dance outside the safety of your shared living room.
Togame’s eyes light up, however. Your request and your boyfriend's refusal opening an opportune window for him. “I'll dance with her.” 
Before Sakura can protest, Togame’s already pushing himself out of the chair and striding over to you. He can’t hear what Togame says to you over the music, but whatever he says makes you offer a smile and take his hand.
As Togame pulls you flush against his body, you can’t help but feel the pang of disappointment in your chest that it isn’t Sakura coming to dance with you. “I’m going to guess that you didn’t ask Sakura for his permission to dance with me?”
Togame looks down at you, his leer making you shudder from under the immense pressure of it. “I need to ask permission from your handler to dance with you? Didn’t know you were into that, lamb.”
Laaaaaaaaaamb?! If you’re the lamb in this dynamic, Togame is the wolf, licking his pointed fangs as he sizes you up and expands his jaw, ready to bite.
You’re trying not to wilt at his given nickname for you, but Togame knows precisely what he’s doing. 
You aren’t naive to the fact that he’s hot—all 187 centimeters is dripping liquid sex appeal, and he obviously desires you. Still, you don’t take too kindly to being hunted, especially when you’re already smitten, head over heels, and obsessed with a certain cat-eyed hot-head. 
Togame’s hands find refuge on your hips. His grip is solid and arrogant, as though you and he have danced this way before, and it’s a regular occurrence. He’s ducking down between you both so his hair, which has grown longer over the Summer, brushes against your forehead. 
“What would you do if I kissed those pretty glossed lips of yours?”
You crane your neck to look at him, making direct eye contact and challenging his stare so your message is clear: “I’d smack the taste out of your mouth.”
Your response earns a deep purr from Togame’s throat; he loves how firey you are, and it only stokes his desire for you. You can feel his hands snaking around your hips, his fingers pressing firmly into the exposed skin of your midriff until they rest dangerously close to the top of your ass.
“Sakura’s lucky he got to you first because in any other situation where he hadn’t, you’d be my girl.”
“There’s not an alternate reality in which I wouldn’t be Sakura’s girl,” you pause as you hear familiar heavy footfalls. “And if it keeps you up at night, which I desperately hope it does, I pursued him.”
“Of course you did. Because you take what you want.” Togame’s jaw clenches, not in anger, but in something more primal, and his eyes don’t betray everything he wants to say and do to you at that moment, but he’s interrupted when Sakura places a hand on his shoulder.
“You heard my girl.” The way Sakura says “my girl” makes you shiver; his voice is low, offering an unspoken threat to his friend.
Togame steps aside, that predatory look in his eye dissipated as he shoots you both a half smile. His absence allows Sakura to take his place, hands resting on your hips.
Hiragi sighs, finally dropping the water hose he was fully ready to unleash on Togame and yourself. “Why does this party always make people act like they’re in heat?”
Umemiya chuckles as he pours himself some punch, “Good question! But, hey, at least you haven’t had to use the water hose this time…yet!”
You beam up at Sakura, your stomach practically executing Olympic-level summersaults as you lean into his frame—close proximity and PDA all subsets of a love language that you so desperately crave from him.
“He is obsessed with you.” His cheeks are tinted red, more than likely from the combination of your affection, the interaction he had witnessed between you and Togame, and the beers he has ingested 
“Hadn’t noticed. Hey, I have to go to the bathroom. Come with me?”
“You need my help in the…bathroom? Ok.” You’ve certainly had stranger requests, but he refuses to leave an opening for Togame to corner you again. 
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As you enter Umemiya’s home, you immediately pull Sakura into the room closest to the left, which also happens to be Ume’s bedroom. The master bedroom is simple and minimalist, but it benefits from an extensive amount of natural light from the sliding glass door that leads out to the backyard. You can see your friends, and they presumably could see you if they came close enough and weren’t so distracted by taking body shots off Tsugeura’s body.
“Wha??? This isn’t the bathroom.”
“Sakura, that was an obvious cover. I wanted some alone time with you.” 
A crimson blush crawls from his neck to the tips of his ears. “In here?”
The silken sheets of Umemiya’s bed smell freshly washed, somehow still warm from the dryer as you pull them back and sink into them.
Sakura bites his lip as you hold out a hand. You are temptation personified in your jean shorts, with the skin of your tummy peaking out and beckoning to him. 
You’re going to be the death of him.
He climbs on top of you, already making quick work of the button to your pants. “A-are we about to fuck in Umemiya’s bed?” Your voice is shakey, but your eyes are unblinking and mischievous as you stare at him. 
“I don’t want to think about it.” As he tosses your shorts—and underwear soon after–aside, he disappears under the covers. You let out a gasp as his tongue pokes at your pussy, pulling each labia into his mouth and sucking hungrily. If you two intended for a quick romp beneath the sheets of Umemiya’s bed, that’s now suddenly out of the window.
It isn’t long before Sakura is eating you out like it has been too long without his favorite meal, delivering gentle nips of your folds in between intense suckles to your clit that make you buck your hips. He lets out a growl and wraps muscled arms around your thighs, pulling you closer to him so that his mouth is suctioned against your clit.
Your moans are uncharacteristically soft and tempered out of fear that if anyone were to enter the house, they’d be able to hear you. But it’s hard to contain yourself as Sakura fucks you with his tongue, loud, messy, wet lapping sounds as your essence dribbles onto his tongue.
He briefly pulls away from your drooling cunt, “Oh, don’t try to be quiet now.” Then he’s back to burying his face in your heat, shaking his head from side to side, swiping his tongue against your clit. As he devours you, slurping and his needy moans fill your ears. Your eyes flutter closed, and you can’t help but take in the scent around you. It smells exactly like Umemiya and makes you feel like he’s in bed with you both. You cover your face with your arm as the thought has you clench around Sakura’s tongue.
“Mmm, that’s my girl..”
The continuous, unrelenting licking and slurping contribute to the intense buildup of flutters deep within your abdomen until you finally release, warm and thick in Sakura’s mouth. He moans, swallowing happily, enjoying his much-deserved reward. 
You’re lightheaded, but you still crave more. Mental gymnastics have you thinking that if you haven’t been found by a party attendee yet, why not take a chance on some extra fun? 
“Sakura, fuck me, please. I need you.”
Sakura raises himself from between your thighs, bringing the bedsheet with him so you’re both trapped in the confines of it, and despite there being so little light, your eyes quickly adjust to the smirk on his face.
“Yeah? Say that again.”
“Sakura, I’m not going to beg for it.”
“You sure about that?” You can feel him dragging the fat tip of his dick against your folds, pressing the leaking head against your entrance with so little pressure that it feels cruel.
Ok, maybe you could beg for it a little.
You raise your hand to his face, dragging a thumb against his bottom lip, which is still saturated with your cum.
“Baby, please, I am literally begging you to fuck me.”
The corner of his mouth twitches. His pretty girl asking ever so nicely for his cock. The power play turns him on—hearing you, his queen, treating his dick as a much-needed commodity. 
But he thinks you can do a little more begging.
He grips his cock and delivers harsh smacks against your sopping wet hole, reveling in the buttery, sharp wet sounds it makes. 
“Sakura,” you growl, “if you don’t put it in-“
His eyes snap up to meet yours. They’re narrowed and intense, almost setting off your fight, flight, or freeze response. “You’ll fuckin’ what?” 
You swallow thickly, realizing that maybe you misjudged which Sakura had joined you in Umemiya’s bed today—shy, blushing Sakura was probably still at the table outside. You were under the covers with ex-Bofurin leader Haruka Sakura, the Sakura that likes to fold you like a pretzel and fuck you raw until you’re weak and out of commission for a few days.
Bedroom dynamics are funny like that. 
So, you, ordinarily headstrong and unfaltering, now speak to him in a softer and pleading voice. 
“P-please, Haru.”
He snorts, grabbing one hand of your plush thighs and pushing it up so it’s pressed against your stomach. “Glad you fixed the attitude, brat.” 
As Sakura sinks into you, he can’t help but look down at where your bodies meet, the length of his cock disappearing into the mess of you. He lets out a shaky breath to steady himself and not cum in you before he can leave his mark. As his eyes return to your face, he can’t help but grin, delighted by your blissed-out face. 
“Feels good, yeah?” He asks as though he can’t deduce the answer from how you’re already gripping him.
“Soooo good, baby!”
“That’s all it takes to calm you down? Good dick?”
You would literally build an altar in his name and pray for absolution if it meant access to his dick, so yes, But words are hard when your cunt is stuffed to the brim of the aforementioned good dick, so you simply give him an enthusiastic nod.
“Tell me how you want it, pretty girl.” Once again, he knows the answer. He can feel it the way you desperately choke his cock with your walls, but he wants to hear you say it.
“Hard. So fucking hard, Kitten.”
The only indication that Sakura planned on slamming his cock into your cervix is the sudden way he pressed the tips of his fingers into your thighs, but it was so instantaneous that your brain hardly had time to register the act. The alarming nature of not having a warning or much time to adjust almost made you clamp your legs shut around him, but a low growl and a “No.” keeps you wide open for him.
You gasp and wiggle against him, panting; the sound of shifting linens and his drumming into you roar in your ears as the sheets around you create an echo chamber. He’s fucking you like you belong to him. As though he has the god-given right to mold a path in your cunt. 
“Gonna make you squirt.”
Oh, and you absolutely believe him because you can feel it looming over you like a creeping, ominous shadow. 
“B-but, Ume’s bed-”
“Oh, Haruka, what about Ume’s bed???” he mocks you in the same whiny tone you’re using, then shifts back to speaking normally. 
“You should have thought about that before you were begging for cock.”
Your stomach muscles tighten. His words are so harsh, so aggressive, so good. Your eyes roll back as the unmistakable feeling of a spring so tightly wound up finally uncoiling. Absolute pleasure shoots through you, and a flood of hot fluid coats Sakura’s pubic hair and Umemiya’s sheets. 
“Theeeeere you go,” he praises. Still, he doesn’t stop the abuse of your pussy, fucking you with the added saturation of your cum, making him throw his head back, dual-colored eyes closing, and silently praising whatever god is listening. 
As another orgasm crashes into you, Sakura chuckles and flips you over, so now you’re straddling him, shaking as he holds you flush against his body with fingers wrapped around the back of your neck. “Tapping out already? I’m not even close to being done.” 
His cock doesn’t miss a beat, continuing to fuck at your hole with desperation, trying to prove that his cock is better suited for you than Jo Togame’s. 
“Fuuuuck, Haruka!” 
While you would never encourage the flirtatious behavior of others to incur Sakura’s jealousy, feeling him use you like a cock-sleeve will not garner any complaints from you. You latch your mouth onto one of his nipples, earning a whimper from him.
“G-gonna cum if you do that again.”
You grunt as it hardens against your tongue, amused that his words were meant to deter you.
You both freeze as the sliding glass door to Umemiya’s bedroom opens. Sakura’s pistoning of his hips comes to a halt immediately, and you both cover the other's mouth with a palm.
Kotoha sighs at the sight in front of her: clothes strewn across the floor and the bed unmade with the blankets bunched up into a large mound. She doesn’t attempt to pay attention to the ladies' underwear on the floor, not wanting to think about Umemiya’s extracurriculars too much. 
“You could have cleaned up your bedroom before inviting us over! Now, where did you say your wallet was?” she calls over her shoulder to Umemiya.
Umemiya, too busy flipping burgers in the air with the practiced precision of a grill master, shouts back, “My room is clean, Koooootoooohaaaaaa! My wallet should be on my nightstand!”
You and Sakura are staring into each other's eyes, panic-stricken as Kotoha rummages through the drawers closest to your heads. 
Your mind can’t help but wander as you imagine her pulling back the sheets and finding Sakura’s balls plastered to your slit, messy love-making evident under the puddle of saliva and cum soaked into the sheets beneath you.
Your cunt twitches erratically, still wrapped around the base of Sakura’s cock.
Sakura glares at you, in disbelief at your depravity but not too shocked because he knows you. His eyes seemingly scream, “Pervert! Pervert! Pervert!”
“Here it is!” the sound of footsteps receding and the sliding glass door closing, quieting the voices and sounds of the party, allows you both to relax.
Sakura pulls his hand off your mouth, “Were you seriously squeezing my dick at the idea of being caught!?”
“Couldn’t help it,” you whine as you wiggle against him.
“You love the idea of someone watching me fuck you, huh? That’s fucking filthy.” his hands return to the top of your ass as he gives you a few upward thrusts.
“Fuck, you’re wetter now than when we started. You want me to go get all our friends, let them watch me fuck this pussy?”
“Y-you would never,” you say through moans.
“You don’t have a clue what I think about at night. Heh, how about we grab Togame? I know he’d love to see you spread open.”
“Baby, I’m going to-”
“Then fucking cum.”
A rapturous, otherworldly, blissful orgasm rips through your body, and Sakura follows soon after. Your mouths crash into one another in a messy and loud kiss as you exchange groans and moans. 
Sakura’s half-lidded eyes open as he looks at you, “what should we do with the sheets?”
“Hope they dry on their own? I mean, it’s probably not that bad, right?”
After you and Sakura get dressed, you pulled back the sheets and cringed at the sight of wet stains covering the expanse of his sheets. 
“I hope he has a mattress protector on.” Sakura slowly turns to you with a raised eyebrow as if this is your fault!
“Shutup, shutup!” You push him out of the room, hoping the sunlight shooting in through the sliding glass doors can dry the linens. 
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As you enter your shared bedroom, Sakura quickly closes his underwear drawer and turns to you with a blush on his face.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to look at your naughty magazines. Ume just texted me.”
“I dont HAVE naughty magazines!” He registers what you just said and shoots you a look. “Texted you…?” 
“He said that there was a spare bedroom that we were more than welcome to use if we had just asked.”
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pnghoon · 2 days
clay impressions
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୨୧ pairing : !nonidol hoon x fem potter!reader ꒰wc : 590꒱
୨୧ genre + content warnings : fluff, slight skinship, not proof read
୨୧ synopsis : in which sunghoon, the new guy in town spots a pottery club and joins because of the pretty girl he saw mentoring in the window.
writer's note ─ what the...juno's first ever work that isn't c.ai bot related??? this must be a dream.. (hehe im joking) anyways enough with the sarcasm--I finally decided to upload this story that's been in my drafts for a while. ik it's not what you're usually used to but lmk what you think of it and if I should continue >< if you enjoyed reading it, please be sure to like & reblog !! ♡
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sunghoon hadn’t planned on joining a pottery club. in fact, he hadn’t planned on much beyond unpacking his boxes and finding the nearest coffee shop. but as he mindlessly wandered down the charming main street of his new small town, something—or rather, someone—caught his eye.
the large window in front of the small building cramped between a bookstore and a bakery offered a glimpse of what lay inside: clay-covered hands shaping a delicate piece, laughter echoing softly, and cozy lighting. but what truly captivated sunghoon was the girl behind the wheel. her hair was tied up in a messy bun, a few stray strands framing her face as she concentrated on the clay piece in front of her. she looked like a masterpiece in the making, even with all those smudged beige streaks on her cheeks.
without thinking twice and perhaps blindly urged by his smitten heart, sunghoon pushed open the door, the bell above chiming cheerfully. he approached the counter, trying to appear casual as he signed up for a beginner's class.
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the next day, he found himself sitting in a circle of eager faces, dressed casual in a stone grey knit zip up—clay ready at hand. his heart raced when the girl from the window stepped forward, your features even more captivating in person.
"hi, everyone! i'm y/n, and i'll be your mentor for today.”
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sunghoon's attempts at crafting anything remotely vase-like were laughable. his first piece looked like it had been crafted by a particularly enthusiastic toddler, another imaging more of a lopsided pancake recipe gone wrong. so—maybe pottery wasn’t his thing. he glanced around, hoping no one noticed, only to lock eyes with none other than you. you smiled, a glint of amusement in your eyes as you made your way over to him.
"need some help?" you asked, your voice warm and gentle.
"very. turns out pottery isn't my hidden talent," sunghoon replied with a soft sigh and bashful smile, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.
you chuckled, your laugh like music to his ears. "don’t worry, you're here to learn right? let's start from the basics.”
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as you slowly guided his hands with your own clay covered ones, sunghoon couldn't help but notice the spark in her eyes, the way your fingers danced with the clay like it was meant to be sculpted and formed with your delicate digits. through your gentle ministration and shared laughter, his lump of clay began to take shape, though it still resembled a vase only in the most generous sense.
by the end of the class, sunghoon had a crooked pot he was oddly proud of and a heart that felt a bit fuller. you handed him a wet cloth to clean his hands.
“not bad for your first try,” you spoke out, nudging him with your elbow as you stared down at your clay-stained apron. “with a bit more practice, you might even make something useful.”
sunghoon grinned, feeling a flutter of hope. “i guess i’ll just have to keep coming back then.”
you couldn’t help but crack a smile at his words, eyes sparkling with amusement. “i guess you will.”
and as he left the studio that day—he swore he saw your gaze on him through the window. suddenly moving to this small town felt like the best decision he’d ever made, and if learning pottery meant more time with you, he was more than ready to become the next great potter.
or, at the very least, the guy who made you laugh.
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𝓢igning off... @penghoon
── 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 [OPEN 🗯] @onlyhees @amouriu @greentulip @enhluv1 @samiikeu @hoonwhile @dearrwoni
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sweetsuo · 2 days
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as per usual, I wrote WAY MORE than was necessary cries. Sakura may be a bit ooc but i was trying to be consistent with the concept of him getting used to affection over time ;v; also color coded speech bc i wanted to try it out
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𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐲
Suo Hayato x Sakura Haruka x Fem!Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆! For the love of all that is mighty do not take this as actual psychological advice or a viable treatment for you! More of this disclaimer and information is after the fic.
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cw. exposure therapy. systematic desensitization. cucking. fingering. edging. masturbation. use of 'she/her'. praise. pussy smacking. friendly competition. hair pulling. Genre & Syn. [ SMUT! ] Your boyfriend Sakura has always been shy and easily embaressed. You help the best you can until you're at the very last rungs of the desensitization ladder. Your bashful boyfriend offers that Suo help with the last demonstrations. wc. 7.2k thank you to zevie, dahlie, and adele who all beta'd this bitch for me!!!
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Sakura’s sense of responsibility was always something you admired. He’d always been a natural leader, whether he wanted to admit it or not. He’d come a long way in Furin since he first arrived as a teen, and now even lead municipal patrol programs on his own while Umemiya handled teaching the next generation at the reform school. You had a crush on him ever since you met him as a server at Kotoha’s cafe. So after a long road to romance, you both finally got together once you were in your twenties. There was just one problem with your devoted boyfriend. 
Sakura always had such a volatile reaction to intimacy. Holding your hand and giving compliments were few and far between simply because he’d blow up red whenever he even attempted to. You thought it was charming, but it is impossible not to have some sort of strain on the relationship in a circumstance like this. You want cuddles! Affection! You know Sakura has the potential to give it and that he desperately does. He just needs a little help. So you research exposure therapy and come across something called ‘systematic desensitization’. Your boyfriend agreed to this without a second thought. He’d do anything for you and he knew he had to grow past his aversion to affection. 
After work, you talk with Sakura about intimacy and ask him if he’d be comfortable trying this out. You just wanted to try it out casually as Sakura was never afraid of intimacy, just uncomfortable by it. So first you both practice meditation and breathing techniques to calm down his heart and head. 
Then you compile a list of exposures. Thinking about intimacy, watching intimacy, engaging in intimacy. You ask about different types of intimacy to see which ones he is most comfortable with to least comfortable with. You set a strict rule with him that you both are to not engage in intimate acts until everything was done and good with. It’s hard to keep. You don’t compliment one another nor do you touch. Luckily, holding hands and minor touches like on the back or arm he is perfectly fine with at this point so that was alright to engage with. It was a trial in your will power!
After about two months, you got through most of the list without a hitch step by step. Anytime Sakura was uncomfortable, he’d breathe deeply and slowly and try to focus on sounds around him as opposed to his internal dialogue. Pride overwhelmed you when he could engage in those acts with you without panicking! It also was a cute little game to see at what points he started to breathe slow to calm down. It added to his charms. 
It wasn’t until you got to things like kissing that you hit a bump in the road. You separated witnessing acts versus engaging in them versus seeing them through a screen. PDA like kissing is not super common out in public unlike holding hands, complimenting someone, or just being appreciative of someone. That’s when Sakura offered something unusual. 
In a mutter, the calico asked, “Why not ask Suo?” He shifted on your couch, arm draped over your shoulder and leg crossed. 
“Don’t make me say it twice! Just. Text’im or somethin’...” His cheeks were red and you could tell he was focusing on his breathing by the rise and fall of his chest. The thought of you kissing his friend riled him up in a way he didn’t expect. He wasn’t anxious or uncomfortable by it. It was late so you weren’t even sure if Suo would be up. Then again, the martial artist did seem to have an odd sleep schedule. 
“Think he’s still at work?” You asked aloud, not really expecting an answer. It was about 11:00 at night now as you sent the first message.
“Nah. Pretty sure he gets done at 8.” Sakura tilted his head back, emptying his mind and counting the sounds in your apartment. His chest fizzed and bubbled. It wasn’t uncomfortable. It felt different from when he’d see PDA in the past. He retracted inside his mind, searching for where he recognized this pop-rock sensation. He already could tell he’d felt it before as you both moved through the ladders of exposure. Usually by the time he’d grown accustomed to something, he thought about you in that very act. That’s typically when the hot pink crackling began. 
That’s when it hit him. 
Because romance movies had such an onslaught of different displays of affection, you had to go through multiple rungs at the same time. Once you could watch some cheesy chick flicks together, you had offered to watch porn. It wasn’t awkward because it was you. And of course, the first few times Sakura had to stop to take a walk. The lewd moans from your laptop being a bit too much for him to handle at first. Eventually he could sit through an entire clip with self-soothing techniques. He’d realized then that he’d be doing this with you. To you. The thought of touching your bare skin was tantalizing. And his chest bubbled all in the same way when he thought about you kissing Suo. 
Sakura let out a slow breath. 
“Oh! He responded!” You jolt, curling over your screen. Sakura peered over you, attempting to read upside down. The light of your phone illuminated your pretty cheeks in the dark of the living room. Even with the TV flickering colors, Sakura could see the tinge of pink. 
“What’d he say?” 
“Well, I gave him my address and he said he’d be right over...” Your voice trembled and your lips rolled together. 
The calico leaned forward, pressing his forehead to yours. His cheeks flushed at the act, but he’d grown somewhat accustomed to physical touch enough for him not to freak. “You don’t have to... ya know –“ He cleared his throat, “do any of that if you don’t want. Jus’ figured it’d be easier.” His voice is low and soft despite that obvious falter at the mention of an act. Sakura had always been such a sweet boyfriend. He cared more about you than he could even say. He wouldn’t have ever agreed to your little experimental scheme if he didn’t want to do better for you in the first place! So if anything made you uncomfortable, he’d be sure to fix it. Even if that meant sucker punching Suo. 
“No, no. Ah. I don’t know how to explain this,” You chuckled awkwardly, “But w-would it be bad to say it’s a turn on?” 
“A what?” 
Oh he was dumbfounded. Gob-smacked, even. 
You dropped your phone in your lap and pressed pretty digits against your warm cheeks, “You know in that one porn we saw with the girl who had the-“
“The flower on her h-hip?” Sakura completed your sentence, hand now coming up to his neck. 
“YEAH! How’d you know?!” You leaned into him, “I can’t believe you paid attention to that! I mean I can because you’re trying so hard!”
He flushed, searching for words amidst your excitement only to stutter, “I-it was hot.” 
The porn in question was a woman cucking her partner with another guy. It was a random video you clicked on at the time, but you were sucked in. It was hard to ignore the growing sensation between your legs when you watched. You were so enamored that you completely missed the hard-on your boyfriend sported while watching. Or that he masturbated to the sounds of your moans while you showered shortly after. 
“Do you think Suo would-“ You trailed off, considering the comfort of your boyfriend and his progress with sensitization. 
“He would,” Sakura muttered again, “Don’ worry ‘bout it.” He averted his eyes, sucked in air, then let it out in a stream, “We can ask. I’m good with it.” His romance detector might be over-reactive, but it almost was never wrong. He knew Suo had a thing for you from the way Suo teased you. Once in a while you’d take one of Suo’s MMA classes and he’d tease you about your form. Or sometimes the three of you would take Jou’s judo class. It was hard to miss the way Suo looked at you when you were pinned under him. It never quite irritated Sakura because he knew you were his and he’s known Suo was a good guy since high school. Plus, he actually didn’t mind watching someone more skilled than himself handling you in ways he didn’t know how to yet. Since then, Sakura knew he could spar a little more roughly with you. 
There was a knock at the door. You hopped up and down the hall to greet your guest. 
Sakura shifted his posture to sit upright, head tilted down, and hands folded at his lap. He breathed in and out. In. and out. He wasn’t nervous, surprisingly. He was excited. His body twitched at the chit-chat approached the hall. He didn’t think about the words, just took note of the sounds around him. Calm. Nothin’ to be nervous about. When weight shifted on the couch, he opened his eyes to Suo politely sat a cushion away. 
“You called a good teacher, Sakura.” Suo grinned, “Education is the best way to grow beyond nervousness~. We’re kissing, correct?”
You and Sakura sported matching blushes. You part your lips to answer. Sakura beats you to the punch, “The whole th-thing. If you want.” His brows are furrowed and his eyes shone with conviction you hadn’t quite seen yet.
Suo’s lips formed an ‘0’ before they settled into a wide grin, “You want to be cucked? That’s surprising!” There was no judgement in the words, simply a question. A teasing question, but still just a question. 
“Jus’ show me what to do,” Sakura whipped his head to the side in an attempt to hide the raging red raising to his ears. He pouted. Can’t deny something that’s true, though. Can’t deny the way his body reacted, either, with his jeans growing ever so slightly tighter. 
Meanwhile, you glanced between the two, sucking at your bottom lip nervously. You stood between them, fiddling the hem of Sakura’s T-shirt. It was big on you. Big enough to reach mid-thigh. It was thin as well. The fabric loosely folding at the pique of your nipples. Everything felt bare and real. Their exchange, this situation, it all was tangible now. Your own inexperience and insecurities had been helped as a byproduct of helping Sakura. You mimicked his steady, meditative techniques. 
“Are you comfortable with this, dear?” Suo’s gentle words drew you back to reality, “You seem like the nervous one, now.” He laughed musically. It broke the tension. 
Sakura’s hand covered yours, brows curving in concern, “If I kick his ass would that make you feel better?” 
You snort, holding back your own laughter. He was so sincere! “I’m okay. Just nervous. I uh... don’t have much experience myself. Missionary basically.”
“Oh my! I hope the foreplay was good,” Suo exclaimed. As soon as you grimaced, he understood, “Ah. None?” You shook your head. The auburn tutor let out a shoulder-slumped sigh, “Men can be so disappointing.” He gestured for you to step in front of him, your legs standing beside either of his. He leaned forward so that his hands could graze the sides of your thighs. Their touch gentle yet electric as they caressed up and then down. In one feel movement, he hooked his hands behind your knees and pulled you to a straddle onto his lap. Heat circled the shell of your ear as Suo whispered to you, “I’ll teach him right.” The corners of his lips curled mischievously, loving the way your pretty lashes widened. 
“We’ll start with the kiss.” Suo peered to Sakura, reading his reactions and posture for any objections. Sakura’s chest rose and fell in semi-controlled, audible heaves. His hands pressed onto his thighs, denim imprinting against Sakura’s palms. Pupils were dilated. Perfect. Suo now shifted his gaze to you. You, who had caught his attention from the very beginning. 
You had been friends with them since high school and left with sorrowful goodbyes for university. When you came back more beautiful than when you had left, Suo sorely regretted letting Sakura shoot his shot first. He was happy for his friend. You were a catch! And quite frankly, you were suited for one another. No other person would be as patient as you with Sakura’s intimacy issues. Sakura loved you for it, too. Everyone saw it and knew it. However. Every time you came to Suo, tears in your eyes over the lack of physical touch and words of love, he saw red. 
Suo thumbed over your lower lip, sticky with gloss. He brought it to his own lips, licking up the flavor. Mint. Divine favor of the God’s, was it? Surely, he was blessed with this opportunity tonight. He hummed contently upon the realization that you’d been staring. Just to give you a show, he licked his lips. When your thighs reflexively squeezed his, he chuckled. 
“Hand placement is important. You have to be observant of their reactions,” Suo’s hands first rested on your thighs. As they worked up, you felt an anticipatory roll in your stomach. They reached the crease of your hip, giving a gentle squeeze at the plush roll of flesh. The muscle of your thighs flex, resisting a grind at his touch. Hoping he wouldn’t notice was wishful thinking. He picked it up immediately. “Did you see that?” The tutor’s gaze didn’t leave your body and neither did your boyfriend’s, “That’s a good sign. Try it. Just like this –“ Suo gestured for Sakura to come closer, which he obliged. He took Sakura’s hand and placed it at the same spot. His thumb pressed into the crease of your thigh and hip while his digits squeezed the fat of your side. Your practically purred. Suo’s hand at your right and Sakura’s at your left. Both feeling the way your muscle restricted your naturally desired movement. 
“Oh.” Sakura exhaled, practically breathless from this interaction alone. Suo narrowed his eyes, amused at both of the reactions he elicited. 
“Then put your hand here –“ Suo guided Sakura’s hand to the back of your head, “Keep it there. A hand here is intimate if you enjoy eye contact.” He takes the hand guiding Sakura’s away and takes your chin between his thumb and index. His grip is strong, but not forceful as he tugs your head down. A suggestion to meet his gaze. When you do, you’re locked in. His eyes are warm and darkened honey, catching you like a fly in the half-lidded gaze. 
Sakura was enraptured. Suo didn’t even need to ask this time. Sakura saw it all. The shift in your posture and reaction of your body to their touches burned into his memory. You were a perfected movie reel played in slow motion across his mind. Heat singed his cheeks, digits, and most importantly, his lower abdomen. Maybe it was Suo’s subtle antagonism – how he’d slip a challenging glance to Sakura, that washed away some of Sakura’s bashfulness. He’d always be able to show face for a fight.  A gear had clicked into place. This was like a fight. A style to communicate and Suo was fluent. 
“Now you kiss.” Suo pulled you into him by the jaw, opposite hand gripping your hip. Your lips met, exchanging heat and gloss. Sakura weaved his fingers into the hairs at the nape of your neck. Reflexively, his fingers curled into a secure tug against Suo’s pull. You mewl, mouth opening as your head tilts back with the pull. Your whole body quivers. 
“Shit! S-sorry. Sorry. I didn’t mean to pull.“ The calico panicked, grip loosening. 
Suo moved his hand to lay on top of Sakura’s. To reinforce good form, the tutor curled the student’s fingers firm at the scalp, “She liked it. Didn’t you see?” And then he pulled.
You mouth opens in a moan. Always the opportunist, the fox juts in to slip his tongue past those pretty open lips.  He makes a point to invite the sleek muscle in your mouth to dance in the open. Hand at your chin now along your whole jaw, opening it for Sakura’s view. Saliva dribbles from the writhing dance onto the loaned shirt. Sakura’s glued to the slippery strand dribbling down and the way your lip-gloss glistened, smudged between your lips and Suo’s. Words dangle in his mind about your reactions. He gives a shy, tug to your hair now. It’s gentle, light, practically a tickle compared to the accidental first. 
You break contact with Suo with a giggle, “You can tug harder, I won’t break.” 
“Aren’t you brave~” Suo coos. His hand snaked up to your hair next to Sakura’s and with a firm tug, you’re a whimpering mess with your neck exposed.
Sakura’s heart lurched into his throat. For only a moment, fight or flight had kicked in. He released your hair from his grasp so that he could do a full scan. Suo wouldn’t do anything to legitimately hurt you. Rationally he knew that, but this was all so new. It wasn’t until he saw your hips sway with mindless need that it registered to him. You liked this. Sakura decided that he’d sit back and learn as a natural progression. 
Suo noticed the shift. It was hard not to considering that Sakura leaned back onto the arm of the couch, eyes fully on you. The teacher was now a performer on a stage and you were his lovely assistant. 
Hand in your hair tugs your head to the side, further exposing the smooth skin at your neck. He leans up so that your hands grip the fabric at his shoulders shakily. The wet tip of his tongue traces the lines at your throat. The position, the tilt of your head, everything was for Sakura’s perfect viewing. The calico could see every line of saliva made, illuminated by the flickering of the television. Your whimpers and whines, the way your body rolled against Suo’s every touch only reinforcing the act more. 
Maybe it was shameless of Sakura. Maybe your desensitization had worked some kind of wonder. Either way, Sakura was fully enraptured by the movement of your body. Any prior urge to look away or feel shy or ashamed had been washed away by the angelic sounds you made. Having a front row seat to your pleasure, seeing every reaction you made only made Sakura crave to see more. The bubbling fizz at the pit of his stomach flourished and without really thinking about it, Sakura began to unbuckle his belt. 
From the corner of your lust-lidded lashes, you peered hungrily at Sakura’s shivering fingers. Walls cinched on nothing but the thought of his arousal. You squirmed on the lap your straddled, uncaring of your previous attempts to look strong and controlled. 
“Is someone excited?” Suo teased as he followed your line of sight. Words rumbled off the curve of your jaw, eliciting another pitiful plea for satisfaction. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t dripping himself. You were so desperate to move forward, and Sakura was so desperate to watch. Their teacher and performer was more than willing to oblige. 
“Let’s take this shirt off, dear.” 
“Mhm,” You agree shyly. You take the hem of the shirt and begin to tug, but as you do, Suo’s hands grip your waist. He raised his hips and pulled you into a grind along the hardened shaft of his cock, hidden under trousers. You suck in air and flex your core to steady yourself as your legs and walls tremble. The act overrode your prior command, arms loosely resting on your head as the fabric of Sakura’s shirt hangs from your fingers. 
“Oh? I don’t think I said stop taking the shirt off. Did I Sakura?” Suo’s kind, cruel smile faces your boyfriend, allowing his input. He was helping, directing Sakura to play an active role in your satisfaction if he was just going to sit back and watch. 
Sakura all the while had his belt slipped off, jeans had been discarded onto the coffee table. The dampened circle of pre saturating the cotton front of his boxer briefs did nothing to hide the imprint of the thick shaft twitching against fabric. Suo didn’t show a reaction to it, but Sakura was well endowed to say the least. Your boyfriend groans, impatient for the next act to happen, impatient to learn how to better communicate with your body. “Don’ think so.” He responded simply, the gruff and awkward response has your shivering. 
You hurried now to yank the shirt off and toss it aside. Where it landed didn’t matter. Your arms cross over your chest as a sudden flurry of embarrassment overwhelms you. 
“T-take a deep breath, babe.” Sakura’s voice is now louder than the trash TV host in the background. You meet eyes, his desire to see you pleased overwriting his own carnal urges. The calico near choked on his spit when you shine a radiant smile to him in pride. You can’t help but feel proud now that he wished to coax you out of your own comfort. He leads and you imitate the pace of his deep breathing. Suo all the while takes your forearms, softly pulling them away from the bosom he so desired. 
Suo’s hands fall back to your waist. His mouth explores the curve of your breast as they rise and fall with each cycle. He’d work within the calming routine that you and Sakura had developed, moving his teeth and tongue slow to your pace. The nips of his front teeth causing your tempered exhales to turn to shudders. He guides you to a rhythmic grind. Each movement churning your shudders into pitchy pants. 
Sakura, who had been taking mental notes of each action that cause your reactions, now perked at the writhing of bodies. Inadvertently, he had synced his breathing to yours and in effect, vicariously poised himself in Suo’s spot. His own hips rocked with the air subtly and subconsciously. You were so gorgeous as you leaned back on display. Sakura practically could feel the twitch of your fingers on his knees as they did on Suo’s, desperate for steady contact. Sakura’s own tongue twitched as Suo’s circled your perfectly perked nipple. He wondered how much self-control Suo had to not just undress and fuck you like that. 
“Fuck. You’re so hot, baby.” Sakura’s hand reached for the hem of his boxers. 
Suo clicked his tongue in the way one does to scold a dog, “Sakura, I thought I was the teacher here? Shouldn’t you be paying attention to her?” He halted all movement, barely breathless while you heaved and greedily ground on him for more, “Pause, my dear.” You were broken from your own world, pouting at the man who commanded you to stop. Not that the command registered as serious. Defiantly, you tried to wriggle, but the clasp around your waist prevented further movement. “You both are needy little things, hm?” Suo smiled so very sweetly to you, “I said pause. Now be a good girl and try to stay quiet while I teach, alright?” 
The slick between your thighs drooled at the saccharine command. It had subtle authority behind it, numbing your mind to be pliable to his will. You hummed with a nod in response. He made note to reward your good behavior later. Reinforcement was important, after all. 
Suo’s smile now curled into something Cheshire, “Let’s move onto the next lesson.” He shifted, practically lifting you by your waist to a stand in front. Sakura listened, but his eyes traced the trail of wet lines down your thighs. His fingers gripped at the cushion – his own tempered restraint.
“Sakura,” He began, fingers working to remove his slacks, “Before you please yourself, you should be more imaginative with your lover.” Once the slacks were off, he began to unbutton his shirt. “Women more easily orgasm multiple times,” The shirt fell to the crease of the cushions, “so her cumming on your fingers first,” Suo cupped the silk-covered lips between your thighs, the pad of his middle finger pressing onto your throbbing hole. His cock jerked in response, yet he ignored it – leading by example. “Or cumming on your tongue first-” Suo licked a stripe from the line of your panties to your naval, “won’t deter her from cumming on your cock.” From below, his caramel gaze softened on you before another friendly challenge was poised to his student, “I can’t imagine a virgin like yourself lasting too long, so do what you can for her first before you’re spent. Otherwise, it might be someone else satisfying her desires.”
With subtle circles of his middle finger, he massaged you, testing how quiet you could be. Just because he gave a command didn’t mean he’d try for your disobedience. It was natural for him to play with his food before he ate it and you were a luxury dish he’d been waiting years to be seated at. His starved gaze feasted on your frame. Sakura had such a lovely, obedient girl. He wished you could be his to nibble on day in and day out. Jealousy wasn’t exactly the word for what Suo felt. He was happy for Sakura. But maybe... Sakura would let him dine on you while he learned which fork to use for what. Learning curves could take some time and it would be such a shame for you to run cold. 
“Then stop yappin’ and show me,” Sakura practically growled the words. He was willing to learn. He wanted to learn. He’d put all the work in to get to this point and he desperately wanted to see it through – see you through. Suo’s jabs felt no different from a spar. It was exciting to see who would please you best. Obviously Suo had the upper hand now, but later? In a month? Two months? He’d treat you so good that you wouldn’t be able to see straight.
Suo laughed like chimes at his friend’s fervor, “Let’s all get more comfortable, then. Take the boxers off.” While Sakura followed instruction, Suo hooked the crotch of your panties to pull them down. The knuckle of his index purposefully nuzzled across your clit as he did so. Your knees wobbled and your restrained voice broke free, but you stayed steady standing. Suo then took his own boxers off. 
Your shadow obscured his length from your vision, while Sakura’s laid bare in the light of the white static snow. Your tongue slides across your lips at the precum dribbles down the underbelly. He was a lot girthier than you initially thought he'd be, but you were certain you could lick him up and down all the same. Regardless of your fixation, your tutor had other plans. 
Suo shifted on the couch to sit upright. His back rested against the left arm and his right leg bent and propped against the back of it. He faced Sakura and Sakura shifted to mirror his posture on the opposite end. Suo tugged on your writs, “Put your back to my chest, dear.” And so you did. With his guiding hands along the outer sides of your hips, Suo positioned you how he pleased. Your head rested along his pecks, his steady heart beat loud and thumping. The mystery of his size resolved as his cock imprinted into the crease of your glutes, tip leaking pre at the base of your spine. His body was hot against yours. Against your back you could feel how tense his core was. He was restraining himself from moving while making it look natural. Your pussy throbbed at the idea of it – how he wanted to fuck you so bad but wouldn’t just yet. He was a gentleman. 
Drunk on the concept alone, you sway your hips against him, lascivious gaze watching for when he might break. In one short moment, Suo had your limbs restricted. Your right leg, which had been resting against his at the back of the couch, was now held up by the underside of your knee and against your chest. Your left leg was constricted by his and dangled over the edge of the couch. Suo’s left hand cupped, then smacked firmly onto your cunt. The sound sticky and loud over the TV static. He pressed his fingers onto you to sooth the sting. You cried out in both pleasure and pain only to be shushed. 
“You weren’t quiet the whole way through when standing~. Punishing disobedience is also the job of a teacher,” Suo’s voice bounced in delight at your pouting lip, “Did you think I forgot?” You shook your head. “Good girl. Now, be a good doll for a moment while Sakura explores” You nod, eyes wide on Sakura. 
Your breathing mimicked his naturally. The gentle ‘shhhh’ as he breathed out between his teeth. He relaxed his jaw as to not clench it. His shoulders wound back to release the tension there, too. Your smile inviting him over. You kept your hands to yourself, but pat the inside of your thighs to signal for him to come to you. Sakura in that moment thought of you more like seafoam. He feared that if he touched you the wrong way, you’d fizzle out beneath his grasp. Never-the-less, he knelt before you, taking up the cushion space between Suo and your legs. 
Suo nodded approvingly. The hand cupped over your sex moved up. He gave an overview of the parts on the off chance Sakura’s sex education had been lack luster, fingers grazing at each as he spoke. Your rested the back of your head onto his chest and closed your eyes. His voice so close to your ear and delicate touches along the labia majora and minora relaxing you. 
“I implore you to touch for yourself,” Suo chirped, hand now moving to trace shapes on your stomach. 
“S-sure,” Sakura stammered. He pet the trimmed pubic hair, tracing the shape of your labia gently and carefully. The slick that stuck to the curled hairs had him swallowing saliva hard. The veins of his cock pulsed, drawing out precum to drool onto your folds. “You’re so damn p-perfect.” You opened your eyes to look up to wonder-filled irises. He looked as if he’d found the garden of Eden. If you hadn’t been told to be quite, you’d thank him, but seeing you like this was thanks enough to your loving boyfriend. 
“Past this,” Suo interrupted, “is the clit.” His index and ring finger separated your lips, reveal the apple beneath. In anticipation, it pulsed and you bucked. Both men huffed a single laugh in response. Suo in satisfaction and Sakura in admiration. Suo’s middle finger pulled at the hood to reveal the plump nerve. “You have to be gentle with it at first. Too much stimulation and she might not enjoy it. Some people do, though.” He rose his fingers to your mouth and watched as you welcomed them into your maw. Tongue lapped at the digits, hungrily accepting whatever it could. “Oh? Someone has a fixation~ How cute!” Suo teased, swirling his index around your tongue. 
“Mmm,” You respond, eyes trailing the saliva strand that connected you both as his fingers left your lips. At your back was a thick, heavy throb. You wondered how he kept such composure at times like this. He always had a level head. Meanwhile you were swimming in sweet arousal. 
Suo took newly sodden digits to your clit, the tip of his index finger tracing circles around the bud but not yet on it. Your back arcs and a loud whine reverberates in your throat. 
Sakura swallows, bristling at the sounds you made. His hand hovers above you, uncertain about what to do next. Suo chuckles deeply, jostling you against his chest. The fox spreads you open, index and middle finger running down and around your entrance before coming back together to tease over the sensitive maw and bud. You crane into the touch, pitiful in your attempts to get them in. Your walls shiver with every rotation. He’s such a cruel tease! Suo is slow, deliberate, repeating the same motion. Your whines grow in volume and pitch until you’re practically on the verge of tears. 
Your boyfriend tilts his head, mind switching gears. A hand cups your cheek and his focused eyes hone right onto yours, “Breathe, baby. Everythin’s okay. Ya look so fuckin’ perfect  right now, too.” His voice is low, husky, mixed with both sympathy and hot honied lust. His praise urged you on. You gifted him your loveliest smile in return. 
“Check if she’s ready, Sakura~.” Suo instructs, “Gently work a finger in and tell me what you feel.“ His lips rest at the shell of your ear and then he presses a kiss to your temple, muttering just for you to hear, “You’re doing so well, my dear. If he says you’re ready, do you want me to fuck you?” The question was innocuous. You shiver, mind melting away to an unfamiliar space. Dazed, you peer up to him then to Sakura. You nodded, teeth gnawing at your lower lip. Suo stops his caresses, the pads of his fingers resting and pressing into your clit. There was no rub or stroke. It was curious, but the purpose was soon discovered.
Sakura mimicked his teacher, pressing two fingers past your lips. He held his breath, hips swaying to rut into air as your tongue and lips worked his digits. His composure was shot, face aflame and muscles trembling. 
Suo cleared his throat, garnering Sakura’s attention and snapping him back to reality. Right. Attention on you. Another deep breath. His fingers retreat from one maw to the other. He paws at you so delicately at first, uncertain but determined to draw out the same moans as his teacher. At first his pam is down. It’s uncomfortable at first and you scrunch your nose. 
“Palm up,” Suo corrects quickly, noticing your expression, “About two knuckles in and you’ll feel it.” 
When you look up to him, his half-patched gaze is glued to your pussy. His cock pulsates against your ass, body still as tense as it was before. If he even let loose a bit, he’d lose it all. He’s resisting so much. 
Sakura’s obedient shift in position has you gasping. He’s pawing into you and against you gummy wall. Sakura didn’t question what he should be feeling. He felt it as soon as he worked his way into you, just as teacher taught, “Sh-she’s-“ he swallows hard, “drippin’.” 
You press your back into Suo, desperately trying to work your hips to ride Sakura’s calloused hand. Years of hard community work, fighting, and building paying off in the form of  the textured drawl of his digit. 
“Tsk, tsk, not yet.” Suo grips at your waist, his legs pressing against yours to keep you still in their spread. Sakura had stopped his strokes, thick finger left motionless inside you. You whine and pout and throw your head to the side. A laugh came from behind you, “You can keep going, Sakura. She’s being good now. If she tries to fuck your hand again, just stop until she’s still.”
You huff, frustrated. 
Both men shared a look, silently in agreeance to continue. The calico learns through your reactions what strokes work you best. Actually, the reactions of your pussy herself rattles him to the core. She quivers and quakes when he strokes you right, gently prodding the sponge-like tissue inside. You cry out, every fiber of your being trying to keep your body steady. 
If you faltered, Suo held you firm. Suo moved one hand back to press at your clit. It wasn’t overwhelming. It was a pressure to work with Sakura’s quickening pace. Each stroke against your inner wall striking like a lighter while the press against your nerve sparked with kerosine.  You’re moans grew into loud cries. Without the ability to work against Sakura yourself, all of your energy went to your lungs. The neighbors would be bitching in the morning, for sure. 
The violent pull of your muscles was more than you could control as you sprinted toward the edge of the cliff, ready to dive for sweet release. You held your breath, body still writhing as your lower back arched with all its might. Just as you were about to jump – Suo ripped Sakura’s wrist away.
“F-fuck! Why?! No, no, no, no, put it back please! Please? More?” You crane your neck to plead with him, gasps and trembling body pointed to the wrong-doer. 
“What’s the fun in that?” Suo teased with a triumphant grin, “I said it’s easier for women to have multiple orgasms. That doesn’t mean there aren’t alternatives.” 
You pout petulantly, “Please Suo? Sakura? I-I-” 
Just as tears squeezed from the corners of your eyes, Suo lifted you by your thighs. “Since you asked so sweetly,” He angled your trembling frame until you were poised against the absolutely soaked head of his cock, “You wanted me to fuck you, did you not?” His chest began to rise and fall in quickening pace. Your pleaded left him like crackling class, “What if I wanted to feel you cum around me, darling? I’ve been so patient.” He kissed away the tears and turned his attention to Sakura, “Watch and learn, dear student.”
Sakura leaned back, eyes wide at all that transpired. His throat was dry. Yeah. Yeah. He wanted that. It hit him hard, but in that very moment, Sakura realized that he’d never be able to get you to beg and pant and cry like that by himself the first go around. His shy ass would have done everything you wanted and more. He would have gotten you there. He wasgetting you there. But shit, did you look so stunning when you begged. He covered his mouth with his free hand. He leaned into the opposite arm, giving his close friend enough room to fuck his girlfriend how you deserved. 
“Match my pace, Sakura.” Suo’s challenge rang clear and concise, “Perhaps if you last longer than me, I’ll let you have her next.” 
Sakura perked. He spat into his hand, saliva mixing with your slick. Challenge on.  “Pretty sure my stamina’s better than yours, Suo.” 
You gripped Suo’s forearms, the back of your head craned so your lips met Suo’s exposed throat. You needed something, anything, to occupy your mouth as he lowered you onto him. He was long. Much longer than you estimated. His tip split you and your mind drained of any and all thought. He filled you up comfortably, your pussy and his size forming to each other. It was then you realized Suo was losing composure. 
He began to sigh heavy, prettily. He was gaging how far into you he was by the way Sakura fucked his own fist. You’re heavy lidded gaze latched onto your boyfriend, piecing it all together. He started from his tip and slowly slid his hand down, matching it to how deep Suo sank into your greedy cunt. 
Suo began to rock his hips into yours.  At first it was slow. Every time he nearly pulled out only to thrust back into you with such force, you thought he was in your throat. The slapping stick of your sobbing hole against him matched with the smack of Sakura fucking himself. 
The intensity of his duochrome hues burning at your very core. Being able to see him, him able to see you – it was a blessing gifted from whatever deity gifted you all this moment. He was imagining being in Suo’s spot, fucking into you, holding you hostage at the edge. 
The fox bit into your shoulder, no longer caring of Sakura’s matching speed. His thighs beat into yours, cock searing its very shape into you. It reduced you to shuddering, shivering smithereens. A sheen of sweat licked at all your bodies. Your stomach rolled with increasing tension, a string held taught at each end. You held on for as long as you could, really you did. For every heavy thrust up, you bucked. Suo’s head struck at just the right spot. Again. And again. And again. 
It built from your core to your throat to your head, burning you up until you couldn’t see straight through the smoke. Your toes curled and your nails bit into Suo’s arm. He hissed at first only to breathlessly laugh. The sound grounded you. 
Suo bit into your shoulder, eyes now hard on Sakura. He hadn’t cum yet. Impressive. Even more impressive that you hadn’t yet despite your begging for that delectable finish. He was devouring you whole, memorizing your every sound. He’ll dream about the way your pussy felt cinching around him until his death. Suo was a greedy man at heart, despite how much he cared for you both. He wanted you to beg for his approval - to call his name more. He wanted you to remember him through it all. 
Sakura’s thick cock rolled through his fingers. His abs tensed as he withheld his own finish. Like hell he’d lose when you were on the line. You tear-stained lashes, your breasts jostling with each thrust, and not to fucking mention that he could see the curve of Suo’s cock massaging at your belly – it made Sakura wish he had a camera. Porn was nothing compared to this. Seeing you get your guts rocked burned into Sakura’s psyche. 
“F-fuck Suo, you gonna let her cum or what?!” Sakura growled. Their eyes locked and like two apex predators lapping at the same spring, they struck a bargain.
“Pretty girl~” Suo sighed hoarsely, “Do you – h’ah – do you want to cum?” He fucked you hard and steady. His controlled pace held you right where he wanted. With the way you clamped around him so desperately, he knew you were holding it just for him, too. You weren’t in your body anymore anyway. You’d been fucked to purgatory without passage to heaven or hell. Mentally you were fucking them both. Their synchronicity thread the three of you together in both sensation and in spirit. Surreal. It was surreal. 
“My dear,” Suo’s hand moved to your throat, palm resting at the front while his index and thumb gripped your jaw again. He pulled you to look him in the eye, “Do you want to cum or no? I can leave you like just like this if you don’t answer.” 
His threat invaded your headspace, ripping your back to your body and back to clarity. Your legs shook with a violence, your belly and sides and arms trembling as you withheld yourself from orgasm. All you could do was nod as your throat had become sore from sound. 
“Get ready~. Your pace now!” Suo let your boyfriend have a taste of control for desert. 
Now Suo fucked you to Sakura’s increasing pace. Not only did he match pace, but he match ferocity and depth. Your cunt was the same as Sakura’s very fist, linking you to his heavy handed masturbation.
The burn of your muscles, the chill of sweat, the cigarette burn pleasure clawing at your cervix all coalesced. Your toes curled and you pressed Suo’s hand harder to your throat til you felt dizzy. Each pound and pulse of your finishing show worth an eye-rolling encore. Hot and thick, Suo coats your insides. Each pulse of his cock followed by the cinch of your walls in argument. Against your stomach, Sakura painted his own mark. His growling ‘fuck’ a sweet chorus against your mind. 
The three of you panting together, letting the soothing snow of the television calm your nerves. Once you all had caught your breath, Suo grabbed his shirt, ready to catch his cum from seeping out of you and onto the couch as he pulled out. You shuddered, muscles too weak from exertion to even attempt to help. 
“N-now onto aftercare,” The martial artist sucked in air and let it out in a stream, “Could you run the bath? I think our little darling here is too tired to stand.” 
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Warning con't. Consult a licensed therapist or psychologist if exposure therapy interests you as there are specific rules and regulations to the practice that a professional will know more than some schmo on tumblr. If done incorrectly, exposure therapy can reinforce and worsen phobias, trauma, and rituals so it is incredibly, incredibly important to seek a professional. Contact your insurance, your pcp, your therapist, whomever you need to refer you to a specialist if you are interested in exposure therapy.
It can be beneficial for PTSD, OCD, anxiety, phobias. Do your research on pubmed as pubmed is a proper and peer reviewed source for any type of medical information. If you need assistance navigating pubmed I would be happy to help as while I do not have a license for therapy nor a Psy.D., I at least have a degree in psych/neuro to know how to find reliable resources. The least I can do is offer help with finding proper peer-reviewed literature.
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cressidagrey · 3 days
Lightning in the Bottle - Chapter 9
Eira Archeron was neither a Valkyrie, nor a Seer, nor the High Lady of the Night Court. She was actually pretty much useless. The only thing she wanted was to be somebody's first choice for once in her life.
Also known as: Azriel's shadows decide that if he doesn't treat his mate right... they'll just do it for him.
Elain Bashing, Rhys is trying to be a supportive big brother, This is officially the penultimate chapter of this story, but the series will eventually go on!
(super pretty dividers by @tsunami-of-tears)
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“When was I supposed to tell you?” Eira asked Feyre calmly. “You said you were busy with more important things. You were busy with running this court.”
She didn’t give her sister the fault for that, but…
“I would have…” Feyre protested but then cut herself off. “No, I wouldn’t have,” she sighed. “That’s on me. I gave you no opportunity to come to me, no reason why you should ever trust me again…” Feyre said softly, trailing off, staring at Eira with wide blue eyes. “I am sorry.”
“For what? Saying what you were thinking?” Eira asked her sister, her eyebrows furrowing. “You are allowed to do that, Feyre. Even if I don’t like to hear it.”
Even when she didn’t want to hear it…even then.
“Talking to you like this,” Feyre pointed out, reaching out for her hand.  “When I told you that I had more important things to do when you were only trying to be nice to me…or when I put my nose into what happened between Azriel and you.”
Eira swallowed at that. 
“Don’t be,” Eira assured her sister, forcing a smile on her face.  “It was time for me to…to realise that he’s completely uninterested and that any hope of him changing his mind is a fever dream.” Azriel wasn’t interested and he never would be. It would be better for everybody if Eira just accepted that. 
She would get over him. Find somebody else…maybe somebody that she wouldn’t annoy… maybe some long-suffering male… who was willing to take pity on her.  “You don’t need to worry about it anymore, Feyre. I won’t try and talk to him again,” she promised her sister. 
Feyre had enough other things to worry about. Eira’s feelings weren’t going to inconvenience anyone any more. 
“No!” Feyre exclaimed and she stared at her sister. 
This was what Feyre had wanted, wasn’t it?
“No?” she repeated questioningly, a hand still gently running over Nyx's back that was happily cuddling with her, playing with her fingers. 
“What Feyre means is that…you have every right to…handle your relationships as you see fit,” Nesta hurried to add. 
Her relationships?
“There is no relationship. There never will be a relationship. I’ll get over myself,” Eira promised. Eventually. “You don’t need to worry about it. I won’t annoy him any longer or inconvenience you.”
You’ve never annoyed Master, the shadows hissed at her, suddenly appearing and wrapping themselves around her hand. 
“It’s very sweet of you to say that, but we both know it is a lie,“ she said quietly, blinking back the tears that threatened to run over her face. It was so sweet. So sweet of them to do that…but it was useless. 
Don’t worry, I’ll find somebody else,” she said with a confidence she didn’t feel. Somebody that…somebody that maybe wanted her…somebody that she wouldn’t annoy…somebody that… “Is everything alright with Elain’s wedding planning?“ she asked, changing the topic. Eira hoped everything was alright with that, otherwise poor Elain would be so stressed once again and…
“Eira, forget that fucking wedding for a moment,” Nesta snapped and she flinched, worriedly looking at Nyx that didn’t seem to care one way or another about Nesta’s cursing. What was wrong with the wedding? Had something gone amiss? Was it her fault? Was it something that Eira had done?! “Look at me,” her older sister said with a sigh. She did. Eira’s eyes met Nesta’s, silver and grey, so similar. “I am sorry,” Nesta told her earnestly. 
“Why are you apologising?” Eira asked. What was…
“Because I threw everything I could think of at your head when I…during those weeks and you still came to visit me every week. You wouldn’t have needed to do that but you still did,” Nesta said quietly. 
“You’re my sister. Of course, I came to visit you,” Eira said fiercely. Of course, she had come to visit Nesta. She would have…otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to live with herself. ”You don’t need to apologise,” Eira assured her. It was fine. Nesta had…had a really bad time and…
“Yes, I do,” Nesta snapped. “You should be angry with me!”
Furious…Angry…But then Eira had never really been angry quickly. She had never…And even when she had gotten angry, it had never held for very long…even her anger at Elain had gone away in a few hours. 
It sparked and then it went out again.
“You should be furious with me! For belittling you, for telling you that all the dresses you make are ugly, for behaving like I did!”
She repeated the words, and something deep inside Eira curled together once she heard them again, even when Nesta was sorry about all she had said. 
It was fine. Nesta could… her dresses weren’t as perfect as some that one could buy maybe…maybe Nesta was right. Maybe she should keep to hemming them and shortening sleeves and alterations and stop making things from scratch…maybe she should…“You are entitled to your own opinion,” she said softly. 
“Not when I use it to hurt you on purpose!” Nesta yowled. “You never told me you made me a wedding dress,” she said, her voice dropping, sounding weak. 
How did she…
For just a moment it felt like Eira’s heart was stopping. Then she swallowed, and she looked down at Nyx, still cuddled up to her, as she answered.  “You wouldn’t have wanted to wear it, so what did it matter? It’s ugly.”
Not good enough. Not pretty enough. Worthless.
“It’s beautiful,” Nesta responded, her voice splintering. 
Eira just closed her eyes. 
She couldn’t stand it. She could deal with the harsh words but she could not deal with the outright lying. She could not… “You don’t need to tell me that to spare my feelings, Nesta. I understand,” Eira said weakly. She did understand it. 
It was alright. It was…
“I am not lying to you!” Nesta snapped.” “Be angry at us. Scream at us. Throw us out, Eira. But don’t just…accept it. Don’t just turn the other cheek. Don’t just…”
What good could that possibly do?
“So I am angry and then what, Nesta?” Eira finally asked, for the first time feeling so utterly tired. “Is screaming at you supposed to make me feel better or you?” she asked, for the life of her not understanding what Nesta wanted from her. “I love you, but I don’t know what you want from me.”
“I think it may be better if you all take a break,” a voice came from the doorway and she looked up to see Rhysand there. 
Gods, couldn’t she at least be spared that? 
At least…
“I am not…” Nesta started, but Rhys cut her off quietly. 
“Nesta. Please.” She had never heard the two of them talk to each other like that. 
But now they did. And to Eira’s shock, her older sister listened. 
“Fine,” she agreed with a sigh, as Feyre scooped up Nyx, who gave her a toothy smile as she waved at him. 
Both Feyre and Nesta left the room, leaving her alone with Rhys. 
“If this is about my ill-hidden puppy crush on your spymaster, you don’t need to worry about that,” she told him, trying to make her voice seem frosty and probably failing horribly. “I promise I’ll do whatever you want so that he’s not uncomfortable.”
Maybe then she would get out of needing to have a conversation about it with Rhys…maybe then he wouldn’t start making fun of her or laughing at it…
God, it must be utterly ridiculous to a man who was over 500 years old. She probably was just…
The last thing she had expected was for him to watch her with his dark violet eyes and then say three words: “I am sorry.”
Why was everybody insisting on apologising to her today?
And why was Rhys of all people apologising to her? Was it because of him looking into her mind? Seeing her deepest darkest secrets? Stripping her mind naked for him to see and gawk at? 
Was it that?
“About taking a peek into my mind? Weren’t you trying to keep my pain at bay?” she asked, crossing her arms, ignoring the pain that appeared again in her ribs. 
“I was,” Rhys agreed. “But I should have known better. I was arrogant and not careful enough. You have a right to privacy, Eira, and I violated that. And then I violated it further when I told everybody what you felt when they were talking to you.”
Oh great. It just got worse and worse. 
“It’s fine,” she said, waving him off meekly. She didn’t have the strength to argue with him right now. 
“It’s not,” Rhys disagreed with a sigh. “And that’s not the only thing that I am sorry about either. I am sorry about the role I played in making you feel like you have no place here in Velaris,” he continued and her head snapped up to him. 
How…of course. He had seen everything. 
 “Like you are worthless…that you don’t matter,” Rhys continued softly. “I should have never talked to you like that, and I should have realised that we have taken you for granted a very long time ago,” Rhys said. “Even now you are wondering why Feyre and Nesta even bother to apologise to you. Eira, it wasn’t right how we treated you. When I finally got to pull myself from your mind, I threw up, because I was so utterly disgusted with what members of our family said to you. And I am counting myself onto that list as well.”
She didn’t even know what to say to that. 
She didn’t…
It was everything she had ever wished anybody would tell her…Everything right there offered to her on a silver platter. 
She could feel the tears burn into her eyes because she was…”What do you want?” Eira finally choked out. “What do you want, Rhysand? You wouldn’t say that if you didn’t want something. So what is it?”
What did he want that…
But she hadn’t expected him to reach out, one warm broad hand settling on her shoulder. 
“Oh, little one,” he breathed. “I don’t…I don’t want anything from you. This isn’t me manipulating you into giving up even more of yourself. The only thing I want is for you to be happy. I want you to know that we love you. I want you to know that none of us took for granted what you did…that you took this knife for Nyx. You were willing to give your own life for my son, Eira.” 
She had. 
“I am sorry for the role I played. I am not expecting you to forgive me now, but I would…hope that you may let me earn your forgiveness. May let all of us work for it.”
She had no idea what to think of that, didn’t know what to say about any of that, as the tears ran over her cheeks and he handed her a handkerchief from nowhere, his magic easily answering his call. 
“Think about it?” he requested softly. “If you don’t think you can ever forgive us…we’ll figure out somewhere else for you to stay…you won't ever need to worry about money or anything else…but if you were willing to give us a second chance…I know that Feyre and Nesta would be so happy to have you here.”
She didn’t want to go anywhere else. She was too connected to her family for that, she loved them too much that she thought that she could be happy anywhere further away from them. Maybe a smarter person would have taken Rhys’ offer with both hands, would have made herself a nice little life somewhere near the Summer Court maybe…but…
So finally she just nodded. 
She would give them a chance to fix things. She could try. 
And if it didn’t work out…maybe she would find herself somewhere else then. 
“There is…something else, I need to show you, if that’s alright, though,” Rhys continued quietly. “And it’s not..going to be…nice,” he warned her. “Elain had a vision.”
A vision? A bad one? “When?” Eira asked tonelessly. Were they in danger? 
“Close to two years ago,” Rhys answered gently. “Soon after you were made…and since then Elain has…manipulated circumstances so that it wouldn’t come to fruition. She didn’t tell anybody about it.”
This didn’t sound well. This didn’t sound like her sister either. 
“Is she alright?” Eira demanded and Rhys nodded. 
“She’s fine,” he promised her, his voice even. “I think it’s better if you see it if you’ll let me show you.” 
She nodded her agreement, swallowing…steeling herself for death and destruction and then getting…neither. 
Actually, that vision was…the softest, sweetest thing she had ever seen. 
It was…It was everything she had ever wanted. 
A little girl with her caramel brown hair…dark eyes…hazel and green…and wings. She had wings? Illyrian wings?
Eira watched herself with the little girl…watched them pull the carrots out of the ground…watched the little girl grin at her, gap-toothed and beautiful…everything she had ever wanted. 
And then…then she saw these violently scarred hands that had only ever touched her with so much gentleness…scoop up the little girl, her daughter…her mud-sprinkled dress decorated with little floral embroidery and settled her on his hip in a move that looked like he had done it hundreds and thousands of time. 
It was…
What? How…why…the wings. It was his child? Her child? His child? Their child?!
He lifted up the basket that they kept their harvest in and then helped up her…the touch gentle and…intimate in a way that spoke of their…that…
One hand was pressed against the swell of her belly…another child slumbering inside her. 
A baby. 
Her babies. 
Their babies. 
No, this…this…
Her blood rushed in her ears, her breathing rapid as her vision cleared and Rhys looked at her quietly…nearly pitying. 
“The mating bond snapped for Azriel during dinner a few days ago,” he told her, his voice quiet. 
No. No. No. 
“This isn’t funny.” She wasn’t even sure how she forced these words out of her mouth. She wasn’t sure how she did that…How she…
“It’s not a joke,” Rhys assured her quietly. “It’s the truth, Eira. Elain saw that and decided to stop it from happening.
Not Elain. Not her twin sister. Not…
Azriel. Azriel?
At least I found two males in my life willing to marry me. The one you have your ridiculous puppy crush on is never even going to look at you!”
But you do need to realise, Eira, that that is never going to go anywhere. 
Azriel is completely disinterested. And it would be better for you if you finally realised that.
I want you to be happy. And thirsting after a male that will never return your affections you won’t do that. He’s not going to change his mind, Eira.
You should just stop your pathetic attempts to flirt with him. All you manage is to make him uncomfortable. 
There are plenty of fish in the sea… You’ll find somebody else one day.
It’s still never going to go anywhere!
He’s completely disinterested.
Her breathing came in sharp gasps. Blood rushed in her ears. 
Elain had said all of that. Elain. 
Elain, who had known that Eira had fallen in love. Who had seen this vision…who had seen her…her children. Her babies. 
Azriel’s children. These perfect babies? 
And Elain had tried to make sure that they never would exist?!
Her babies…
The first sob that broke out of her chest, the first fat tears that spilt over her face as she buried her face in her hands…as she cried. 
“I know. I know, little one,” Rhys whispered quietly. 
“Why did she do this?” Eira forced out, forcing a deep lungful of air into her constricting lungs. Why would she do this? Why had she…Why had Elain seen this and then…then behaved like this…why had she…Why…
“Shhhhh,” Rhys shushed her softly, gently brushing a hand over her hair, smoothing it over “It’s alright. It’s alright.” 
It wasn’t alright. None of this was alright.
And she couldn’t stop the tears or the sob that shook her…even as she didn’t know how long it took until Nesta crawled into bed with her, hauling her against her body and holding her tightly. Even as Feyre curled up next to her, holding her hand…until it was the three of them, just as it had been in that cottage…lacking one sister. 
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witherwallflower · 2 days
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cold bf!matt sturniolo x oc (isa brown)
summary: isa is a bright and sunshined girl while matt is the cold boyfriend. what if one day he takes it out on her?
° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
isa pov
matt has been known for being my “cold hearted boyfriend” at first it was cute and thought it was funny calling him ‘tuff boy matt” but it stopped now.
he’s completely shut me out. stopped holding my hand in public, never wanted to go out with me and was just distant.
i came into the kitchen having a view of matt sitting at the table, concentrating on editing the upcoming video for the triplet account. “hi baby” i smiled at him. he just looked up at me and went back to editing.
i bit my lip as i pulled up a chair next to him. i leaned closer to his computer to see what he was doing, but once i got close he scooted his chair away from me.
“can you actually get the fuck off right now isa, your pissing me off god.” he snapped, rolling his eyes. i was shocked, yeah he can seem harsh but he’s never yelled at me like this.
“oh uhm im sorry..” i mumbled at him, i got up from the chair i was previously sitting on. i went towards our bedroom and before leaving the kitchen, i turned back to look at matts face and it was the same stone cold face he has.
after that i realized he wasn’t the boy i first met, when we were in freshman year of high school he was always so kind to me and made sure i was okay, never wanting to raise his voice at me because he knew how much i hated being yelled at, especially over how much i talk.
i hate being talkative, people would bash me for always having something to say or a story to tell and bla bla. matt was one of the first people to want to listen to what i have to say but for some reason he’s been changing.
when i reached his bedroom, i laid on my side of the bed wanting to sleep this feeling away but i just couldn’t. closing my eyes just for tears to fall, i’ve never felt this hurt before especially by matt.
° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
the next few days have been hard. i’ve been trying to change who i was, mostly because i didn’t want to make matters worse with matt and also because i found myself more annoying.
no matter who i was with conversations became short and dry, never wanting to talk about my day and i overall became a listener.
then with matt i stopped trying to hug him, kiss him or hold his hand, nothing. i just wanted him to try doing it first but it never came.
i think matt has noticed this, while we were sitting on the couch doing nothing really, i made an uncomfortable space between us. through my peripheral vision i could see him looking at the distance between us then at me. i tried showing off that i didn’t care and it was nothing to me but really i just wanted to cuddle up next to him and talk to him about how my week has been.
matt put his phone down and scooted towards me, “how was your day?” he asked me. i was still acting as if i was more intrigued by the instagram models showing up on my timeline, “okay.” i responded in the most monotone voice i could find.
“isa what’s up with you?” he asked me trying to put his arm around me. i moved myself more to the edge of the couch so i couldn’t feel his touch, “i don’t know what your talking about.” i said putting my phone down and finally looking at him.
his face looked upset, he definitely knows somethings up. “you haven’t been your talkative self. not touching me or anything! you’ve been so dry lately, what’s wrong?”
there’s no way he just said that to me, “matt im just treating you like how you treat me,” i paused looking at his face which was more concerned. “you seem to never want to be with me anymore, you treat me like a stranger! matt, you have no right to call me dry when that’s how you’ve been for the longest of time. i thought it was funny but now it’s tiring. im so done with it.” i finally lashed out standing up and feeling tears start to flow.
he stood up with me trying to pull me in a hug which i declined. “no don’t try to hug me and tell me it’s okay, what’s wrong with YOU? why not you tell me that.”
he opened up his mouth, “i’m sorry baby, im so sorry. i never want to make you feel like a stranger to me but i did. i regret it so much. you mean the world to me..” i interrupted him, “matt stop. no matter how many times you try to sweet talk me it’s not going to change how i feel. im done with this. it’s over with us, im sorry.” i said looking away. matts face dropped as he started crying, he reached for my hand and instead of me taking it away i let him.
he held my hand as he cried and struggled to get his words out, “matt please calm down.” his breathing didn’t seem to slow down. i pulled him in a hug trying to calm him down, “it’s okay, i’m here.” i try shushing him.
after his tiny attack, i took him to sit with me on the couch, i allowed him to hug on my side and i just had one arm wrapped around him, rubbing his back.
“im sorry isa, i know that apologizing over and over won’t do anything but i genuinely can’t lose you, you mean everything to me. i know how harsh i’ve been and i don’t deserve you. i will change how i act,” he stopped to take a breath, “i shouldn’t of waited for something like this to happen between us for me to realize this but i really need you in my life baby. you don’t have to forgive me but i just need you.”
i stayed quiet, thinking in my head. i faced him and said “im not forgiving you right now but just know if you ever treat me like that ever again, you know what’s coming.” as i planted a soft kiss on his raw lips.
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mahli talks 💋 hello my fellow babies. this was lowkey based off a fight ive had before but whatever anyways IM SO SORRY AB THE TSOU SERIES i promise i’ll start working on it soon and ily all happy late 4th of july 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🏈🏈
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cc--2224 · 3 days
Late Night Caf
Pairing: Tech x Jedi!Reader
Summary: From the ask found here; You were recently made a jedi knight and as your first assignment, you were placed with Clone Force 99. A sleepless night on the Marauder turns into late nights watching Tech work.
Warnings: A ton of fluff!!! Brief mentions of insomnia?
Notes: Thank you for the request and I'm sorry it took so long!! As a reminder, requests are open if you'd like to make one!
Word Count: ~2.1k
Tags: @lady-violet @booksandtitts-blog
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future fics!
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It hadn't been long since you had gone through the trials to become a Jedi Knight. With the war in full swing, there was a need for knights more than ever, so while you didn't feel ready, you were able to pass.
You were given your first assignment almost immediately following your appointment. You were to accompany a squad of clones on their missions.
It was easier than being assigned to an entire battalion, but when you heard some of the other clones' comments about the squad you were assigned to, you began to feel anxious.
Clone Force 99 had a reputation of not following the rules and doing things their own way. They weren't like the clones you had gotten to know during your time as a padawan, and that intimidated you – not that you'd let anyone know.
On the day you were meant to meet them, you stood in wait on the landing platform in front of the Jedi temple. They were late. You sighed to yourself and did everything you could to avoid pacing. In fact, you could almost hear your former master's voice echoing in your head, telling you to be patient.
Finally, you saw their ship approach. It landed on the platform rather harshly but by now you were just ready to meet them, rather than criticize their flying ability.
When the four of them disembarked their ship, you had to do a double take. Not only did their reputation define them as unlike most clones, but so did their appearance.
You looked at each of them from right to left, starting at the tallest one.
"You must be the new general!" He said, his voice echoing across the platform.
"Oh no, I'm no general, just a jedi," you corrected. "What can I call you?"
He grinned, "Wrecker."
"Nice to meet you, Wrecker." You told him, then looked at the next one, the one with a tattoo covering half of his face.
"Hunter." He informed you before you could ask. "What should we call you? If you're not a general."
"You can call me by my name." You told him before providing them your name.
The next clone looked down at you with a sour expression on his face. A crosshair tattoo adorned his right eye, and a toothpick was slotted between his lips.
"And you are?" You asked.
He said nothing else, instead just stared at you before your attention shifted to the final clone.
"I'm Tech." He said before you could ask, adjusting the goggles he wore.
Your gaze lingered on him longer than you had intended, before you looked away, growing embarrassed.
It wasn't like you to be bashful, and yet looking at Tech seemed to erase any confidence you had. You didn't speak; all you could do was give him a small smile and a nod before Hunter spoke up again.
"Now that we've been introduced, I'm sure that you have questions."
"I've heard reports about your squad, how much of it is true?"
"Hah! All of it, I bet!" Wrecker said, a bit too enthusiastically.
"Depends on what you've heard." Hunter added.
"I have read the reports that come through regarding our squad. Most of them are accurate," Tech began, then held up his datapad to gesture to the reports he had available. "However, some disciplinary reports come through with slight embellishments. We do not start every fight."
"Usually finish them, though." Crosshair adds in with a shrug.
"Despite the reports, you will face no difficulty to fulfill your duties, and we will ensure your safety remains a priority."
You smiled at Tech's reassuring tone, and soon the others started boarding the ship once again.
"If that was your only question, c'mon up, we'll give you the tour." Hunter offered as he walked up the ramp. You followed after him with Tech following behind you.
– – –
Your first night in the Marauder was strange, and unfortunately, sleepless.
You could never fall asleep comfortably in a new place. You had this problem as long as you could remember. It was a hindrance on all the planets you visited with your master as a padawan, he had tried to teach you meditation techniques to help with insomnia, and you used them, but the unknown always kept you awake.
You used to joke about how it was residual anxiety from when you were first brought to the temple as a toddler, but the council was not very pleased when they heard that joke.
After giving up on your meditation, you decided to roam the ship silently. You exited your bunk and walked through the empty corridor, now much more quiet than it had been when you were first shown around. The only sound that could be heard was the hum of the engine and the muffled snores of one of the clones.
You walked toward the cockpit and the door wooshed open, revealing that you were not the only one still awake.
Tech turned around in the pilot's chair to see who was there, and he raised an eyebrow when he noticed it was you.
"It is late, you should be asleep." He chided.
"What about you?" You countered.
"I am often awake much later than the others, this is the best time to focus on any tasks I need to complete."
It sounded like he was hinting that he'd prefer to be alone right now, so you turned back toward the door.
"You do not have to leave, if you do not wish to."
You looked over your shoulder. "I thought you wanted silence?"
"Yes, however you are much more quiet than my brothers. You are welcome to stay."
A smile tugged at your lips, and you crossed the cockpit, sitting down in the co-pilot seat next to him. He was typing into his datapad, and there were open crates next to him.
"Inventory." He explained, noticing you raising your eyebrow. "I am just about finished."
After a few moments, he turned and closed the crate before standing up to put it back where it belonged.
When he sat back down in the chair, he swivelled the chair to face you.
"So, why are you still awake?"
You shrugged, "I've always had a hard time sleeping in new locations."
"Is that not difficult considering you are a jedi?"
"Only when I go to new planets. It's not like I never sleep, I'm just most comfortable with places I know."
"I suppose that makes sense. Eventually, you will get accustomed to the ship."
He turned back toward the console and began to tinker with some of the panels, unscrewing the plates and fixing the wiring beneath them.
You watched him as he worked. Your eyes trailing from his hands delicately holding the tools he needed, toward his arms; his armor had been discarded so you could see the way that his undersuit wrapped around his muscles– he looked much stronger without his armor, and eventually up to his face; his look of concentration behind the goggles he wore, his lips pressed in a firm line.
You were mesmerized watching him work. There was something about him that was so inviting and comforting. You wanted to get to know him better, but you weren't sure how that would be possible.
As you continued to watch him, you didn't notice yourself beginning to drift off to sleep in the co-pilot chair. The engine humming and the quiet whir of the hydrospanner must have lulled you into a place of comfort. Tech glanced over at you once, noticing your arm perched on the armrest, holding your face in your hand, your eyes closed, and your breathing steady.
He quietly said your name, checking if you had really fallen asleep, and when you didn't answer, he smiled slightly to himself before standing up. He gently scooped you into his arms and brought you back to your bunk.
– – –
Late nights spent with Tech had slowly become the norm during your time with Clone Force 99.
Even after you had gotten used to life on the Marauder, it had just become a habit to sit with Tech as he worked long after his brothers had gone to sleep.
Tech didn't question it, he seemed to enjoy being able to ramble on about his latest projects, even if he had to take a break from them on several occasions to bring you to your bed after you had fallen asleep in the chair next to him.
One evening, you had left your bunk and stopped at the caf machine before making your way to the cockpit.
You left a mug in front of Tech before sitting down next to him with yours in hand.
"Oh, thank you." He said, reaching out and eagerly sipping the hot beverage. He glanced over to you, noticing the mug in your hand. "You do not wish to be carried back to your bunk this evening?"
You felt your face heat up slightly. You were mortified when he told you about that, and the fact that it had happened multiple times, and it had never become less embarrassing. His teasing tone did not do well to ease your embarrassment.
"Really, I do not mind," He said, a smirk tugging at his lips.
You shook your head and took a drink from your cup without answering him.
Silence soon overtook the room. You looked out the viewport, watching the stars as they passed, and Tech continued drilling into a panel, fixing something that likely wasn't even malfunctioning to begin with.
He said your name, pulling you from your thoughts, and when you looked over at him, his focus remained with what he was working on.
"I have been wondering. Are you still uncomfortable being here?"
"What do you mean?"
"You had told me that you had trouble sleeping until you were comfortable, and you still spend most nights out here despite the time in which you have spent with us." He looked over at you now. His expression was new to you. His normal confident demeanor had seemed almost sad. There was something in his eyes that you couldn't quite place. "If you are not comfortable, you can request a transfer. None of us would be offended."
You offered him a reassuring smile. "I don't want to transfer, Tech. I'm comfortable here."
His eyebrows furrowed slightly. "You are?"
"Of course. Why do you think I fall asleep so easily out here? You make me feel comfortable and safe."
His head snapped back to what he was tinkering with, trying to hide his flushed face from you.
After a moment, he spoke again. "I see. I am glad for that, then. It would have been... regrettable if you had chose to leave."
You raised an eyebrow. "Why is that?"
His jaw clenched slightly. You could feel the tension as soon as you asked, but eventually, he sighed.
"I just meant that I would feel responsible if, after all this time, we did not make you feel welcome." His tone was resigned, and you knew there was something hiding behind it.
Part of you had hoped that what he was hiding was in line with what you had felt since the first time you had met him, and you figured now was as good a time as any to finally talk about it.
"Tech." You began. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, but you did all you could yo avoid focusing on your anxieties. "I don't think either of us are very good at this, if I had to take a guess. But I... Enjoy spending time with you, I have ever since the first night I spent here. I would not choose to leave the squad, I wouldn't choose to leave you."
He stared at you wide-eyed. This may be the only time that you'd see Tech completely speechless.
In his silence, you stood from your chair, setting your mug down on the console and quietly stepping toward him.
You reached out a hand, gently resting it on his cheek and tilting his head up to look at you before you moved in and kissed him softly.
His hands hesitated before one of them held your free hand, squeezing it gently as he deepened the kiss.
You smirked at him. "Maybe it's a good thing that I was placed with your squad then. You don't follow rules either."
Before long, he broke the kiss but stared up at you, finally speaking, "I did not know you felt as such. I thought that the jedi had... rules to follow, that they could not..."
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frost-queen · 3 days
To be truthful (Reader x Enoch O'Connor)
Requested by: anon Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @alex–awesome–22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m
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Emma was finishing setting up the table with Fiona. Holding some of the plates, she tilted her head to look into the hallway. – “Didn’t I call for diner a minute ago?” – Emma said out loud, turning around to look at Fiona for confirmation. Fiona shrugged her shoulders, placing a bowl with fresh cut carrots on the table.
“Should I call again? Miss Peregrine insists upon punctuality.” – Emma rambled on, getting nervous that no one was coming through the door. Setting the plates down on the table she had made up her decision. – “I’m calling them!” – she made clear, holding her hands to her hip.
“You’ve just called.” – Fiona answered with a roll of her eyes. Emma was about to shout when Hugh and Claire came running in. Almost running Emma over with their game of tag. Fiona jumped in front of them to stop them before they would bump against the counter.
With her calm hands, she brought them to a stop. Both were panting loud. Fiona simply had to point at Emma then at the table for them to understand. Horace and Millard entered a moment later. Horace chattering loudly as he blindly went to his seat.
Olive and Enoch joined as well. Olive having a soft smile on her lips. They both went to their seats at the table. Emma looked into the hallway with a worried look. – “Where is Y/n?” – she asked. – “Didn’t you call her?” – Emma turned to Olive and Enoch. Enoch sat down, pulling his shoulders up.
“Do I look like her babysitter?” – he answered rudely. Olive gave him a little glare to not be so negative from across the table. Emma’s gaze fixed on the clock, knowing Miss Peregrine would arrive any moment for diner. It made her panic that you still weren’t here.
Enoch jumped out of his skin, startled as he gripped the edges of his chair with a tight grip once you had popped up behind him. – “Bloody hell Y/n!” – he cursed out that you had scared him. You placed your hands on his shoulder, coming to lean over his shoulder.
“Did I startle you Enoch?” – you asked sweetly as he pushed your grip off him. Groaning in annoyance. – “Good of you to join us Y/n.” – Miss Peregrine said entering the room. You quickly went to your seat right across from Emma. – “Good day Miss Peregrine.” – you all called out in unison as she went to sit at the head of the table.
“Fiona splendid work with the vegetables.” – she complimented. Fiona smiled sheepishly, leaning back in her seat rather bashful. – “Now shall we eat.” – she unfolded her napkin to lay it on her lap. The moment was set as everyone got in motion. Reaching for food, chatting and laughing away. From at the other head of the table, you noticed Enoch staring at you or rather glaring at you.
You moved a bit forwards so he could see your face fully. You returned his glare with a sweet smile. Enoch only narrowed his eyes more, swallowing hard. Olive gave him a nudge. – “Stop glaring.” – she whispered to him. Enoch exhaled soft, turning his head away. – “It’s okay Olive. I know Enoch means well.” – you told her with another smile.
Enoch clenched his jaw, trying not to freak out about that. – “Don’t make assumptions for me!” – Enoch replied. – “Why do you dislike Y/n so much?” – Horace questioned as everyone adored you. Enoch leaned a bit forwards. – “Stay out of it.” – he shout-whispered. Miss Peregrine observed from afar. When you turned your head, you caught up with her gaze. With a soft smile, she winked at you.
After diner, the youngest ones were free to play, while the older ones were left to clean the table. You started collecting plates, stacking them on each other. Emma stood by the sink, letting water down to start the dishes. You popped up beside her, giving her a soft fright. – “Goodness Y/n.” – Emma blurted out, one hand on her heart. – “Can’t you just walk. The table is right there.” – she pointed out at how close it was.
It would only take one a few steps to reach her. Yet you chose to teleport yourself beside her. – “Y/n likes to be special.” – Enoch mocked holding a few glasses. You teleported away from Emma, appearing behind Enoch. – “I like teleporting.” – you told him as he had jumped back. With a loud groan he handed the glasses over to Olive.
You started collecting the cutlery. – “Y/n.” – Emma said daringly with a warning finger to not pop up behind her. You puffed soft. – “You are no fun.” – you mumbled, walking up to her instead of teleporting. – “Satisfied?” – you asked dropping the cutlery in the sink. – “Very.” – Emma responded, patting you on the head.  – “Now help me.” – Emma took a towel, laying it on your head, having a laugh at it. You pulled it down.
Giving her a nudge with your hip against her to make some room. Emma started washing the dishes as you dried them. Olive and Enoch putting away the left overs into the fridge. Whilst Enoch was working, he couldn’t help himself but admire you. Gaze upon you and watch what you were doing. Olive noticed it, giving him a little nudge in the side.  – “You are staring.” – she whispered in his ear. – “I am not.” – Enoch grunted out.
He quickly averted his gaze, yet he kept being drawn to you. Emma and you were chatting whilst finished the dishes. Olive joined the two of you, putting the dishes away. Enoch cleaning the table. After cleaning, you immediately popped away. Emma shrugged her shoulders, leaving the room to head outside. Enoch left as well with Olive right behind him. – “Are you going to play with your dolls?” – she asked, holding her hands behind her back.
“Maybe.” – he responded, looking over his shoulder to her. A part of him wondered where you were. With a soft sigh, he went upstairs with Olive. Pausing almost at the top of the stairs, he saw you walk across the hallway to your room. There you were. Olive poked him in the back to move. Enoch got in motion, heading for his room as he couldn’t help himself but glance at your door. Olive noticed it, stopping to knock on your door. – “What are you doing?” – Enoch panicked.
“Asking if Y/n wants to join. Don’t you want that?” – she said having a sense of his feelings towards you. It had become clear to her for a while now that his act of dislike towards you was just a charade. A façade to hide behind. Enoch tugged his hands in his pocket, looking away. Olive knocked again as you hadn’t opened the door yet. Grabbing the handle, she opened the door. – “Y/n?” – she asked softly, popping her head inside.
To her surprise your room was empty. – “Must have teleported out.” – Olive let out, closing the door once more. With a smile, she returned to an almost sweating Enoch. – “Now you mustn’t worry. She’s not here.” – she teased, patting him against his shoulder. They entered his room as Enoch went to sit. A doll in front of him on the table. Olive picked up one of his tools, already presenting it to him.
“Thank you.” – he said accepting the tool. He started working on the doll. – “Enoch.” – Olive started, hearing him hum loud. – “You like watching Y/n do you not?” – she asked as he nearly had a heartache. With wide eyes, he dropped his tool. In shock turning round in his chair to her. – “What?” – he called out. Olive giggled amusingly. – “I’ve noticed you watch Y/n a lot from afar.” – she explained. Enoch puffed loud. – “I do not.” – he replied turning back to his doll.
“It’s alright Enoch, you mustn’t be frightened of it.” – Olive went on handing him another tool. – “Of what?” – Enoch answered bitsy. – “Of having feelings for Y/n.” – Olive finished. Enoch’s hand slipped as he broke a piece off the dolls porcelain chest. He turned around getting up. – “I do not have feelings for Y/n!” – he shouted as Olive was unimpressed. – “Enoch, just admit it. Why are you even scared to admit it?” – she asked. – “I don’t have anything to admit as it isn’t true!” – he made clear with a glare.
“Liar!” – Olive shouted back, having enough of him lying to himself. – “You like Y/n and you are too afraid to admit it.” – she started, poking him in the chest. – “So you better stop being so scared and let yourself love her!” – Enoch fell back in his chair with her sturdy poking in his chest. Speechless, he stared at her. He had never seen her speak so loudly or react so vibrant. – “So Enoch O’Connor, you are going outside, find Y/n and be nicer to her as a beginning.” – she ordered him, pointing firm at the door.
Enoch shook his head, not wanting to do it. Olive removed a glove, showing her hand that caught fire to him. – “Don’t make me burn your puppets.” – she threatened. Enoch stumbled out of the chair, sweating with shock as he rushed downstairs to do as he was told. Too afraid Olive might actually burn his puppets or himself for the matter if he didn’t act upon his feelings. Olive sniffed out the fire, having a satisfying smile on her face.
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buddietommer · 23 hours
weekly fic rec
since the bucktommy nation was on a ship whatever you want week, i decided to include some other ships this time too lol
and i'll use you as a focal point by @evansboyfriend (E | 2,253 | 1/?)
It’s not until three days later that he realises their friendship is well and truly beyond platonic.
They’re hanging out at Tommy’s apartment again, watching a fight Sal was keen on but Tommy didn’t care about all that much, and Sal catches him looking. Tommy’s on the verge of a panic attack, straightening up where he’s lounging on his couch, when Sal gets up from the armchair and flops down next to him and grabs him with a hand at the back of Tommy’s neck and pulls him into a kiss, and Tommy thinks, yeah − he could get used to this.
Tell Me It's Not Too Good To Be True by @princessfbi (G | 9,690)
Buck had texted Tommy in their group chat that they were going to be late when the negotiations pushed them into their first hour of OT.
Tommy had replied with a quip about the last one home buying dinner.
Eddie had pressed down on the message until a little heart popped up on the side.
Then the hostage-taker had agreed to let first responders in to rescue a wannabe hero who’d been bleeding out on the floor from a gunshot for over three hours.
Buck’s Big Bisexual Birthday Bash by @bucksboobs (E | 18,818 | 9/9)
Buck has a fantasy about being used. For his birthday, Tommy and Eddie help indulge him.
amber glow by @buckttommy (T | 5,844)
Tommy Kinard enters the room with an entourage at his back—men, women, and people of all races and ages clamoring for him to sign this form, or remember this interview—but all that ceases to exist the moment Buck gets a look at his face. All the blood in his veins run cold as memories of a shitty night with too much alcohol and too much honesty clobber him over the head. The memory of that deep voice at his side comes rushing back to him like a tidal wave.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck.
Tattered jeans. Jacket. Gold chain around his neck, and that goddamn cleft, how could he have forgotten the cleft?
"Eddie," Buck whispers.
He has no idea where Eddie is but he knows he's close enough to hear him because Eddie is always close enough to hear him. Sure enough, Eddie appears behind him.
"What?" he whispers back.
"I think I fucked up."
“What did you do?”
“I think I remember how Tommy Kinard knows me.”
or; Buck is a down-on-his-luck photographer, and Tommy is the industry It-boy that just wants to help him out.
Both Bermuda and Golden (Lost but Doing Just Fine) by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (E | 62,600 | 9/12)
In which everyone has two hands and two holes and is keeping their options fluid.
(Or: a collection of threesome fics.)
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nethhiri · 3 days
Marooned: Chapter 50
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: Rape, torture, body horror, loss of body part, violence, forced pregnancy, infertility (Seriously heed the warnings. This one is dark.)
Warthin had fallen asleep next to you. If you weren’t chained, you could have bashed his head in with the weight if the seastone. The first hit would disfigure his face, lacerate his skin. The second hit would cave all his facial bones inward, maybe exposing the tan, jagged edges of bone, and the indent would fill with blood and viscera, appearing like a bowl of soup. The third hit would splash this soup everywhere and crunch the rest of his skull. Gray-pink, gelatinous brain would squeeze out of the cracks from the force of impact. This is what you replayed in your head when he woke up and raped you again. 
He left and came back some minutes later with some “good” news and breakfast, which you refused. The “good” news was that you weren’t pregnant with a Kid Pirate baby and your womb was open for business for his own. He tried to feed you and you moved your head away or knocked it from the fork. He didn’t like that. He forced your mouth open by squeezing your jaw and shoved food in your mouth before covering it with his hand so you couldn’t spit it out. He wasn’t very gentle and you gagged a few times, but eventually he had force-fed you the entire plate and then some vitamins, “nourishment for his child”.  
He visited you a lot throughout the day, alternating between raping you again and force-feeding you. He got quite frustrated with you by the time dinner came around. This time when you refused to eat, he had a pair of pliers handy. If you didn’t want to eat then you didn’t need teeth. He loosened some up by punching you square in the jaw, then he took the pliers to one of your molars and pulled. It hurt. It felt like he was yanking your whole jaw out. You screamed and pulled against your shackles. You could feel blood run down your arms from the metal digging in to your skin. When your tooth finally came loose, your mouth was filled with blood. At that point all your screaming and struggling had made him hard, so he fucked you again, a little rougher than he had been. You knew it would only be a matter of time before his rapist instincts overtook the procreative ones. Afterwards, he fed you cold dinner, which you had to choke down because chewing hurt too badly.
Later, you vomited from all the blood you had swallowed. You didn’t have enough chain to lean over the edge of the bed so you were forced to vomit next to you. You couldn’t even wipe your mouth. Warthin accused you of doing it on purpose to starve his future child and proceeded to beat you for the transgression. He didn’t even let you clean up or change the sheets. You felt like an animal. You felt dirty. 
This cycle repeated. Every time was a little bit rougher, until you were covered in bruises. Every part of you was sore. There was dried blood in many different places and dried semen all over your thighs and between your legs. It wasn’t that bad. You could take it. You could survive this. Only a few more days you before they would come for you. You could last a few more days. I hope.
“Look at me.” Warthin demanded as he fucked you. “You never look at me, my darling.”
You ignored him. 
He grabbed your head by the hair and slammed it into the headboard behind you. “Fucking look at me, you pirate fucking whore.” He slammed you into the headboard again. “I bet you looked into their eyes when they fucked you. Didn’t you? You liked being violated by their diseased, dirty cocks.”
Tears spilled over your cheeks. Your head still hurt from him ripping out your tooth and all the times he had hit you already. 
“LOOK AT ME, CUNT!” Warthin choked you out until your consciousness faded. 
You blacked out and woke up to him still on top of you, not sure how much time had passed or if this was even the same rape.
”There you are.” He was holding a small, sharp blade. “I’ve thought of something that’s fair for both of us. You don’t have to look at me, but you’ll never get to see anything ever again either, especially not those pirates you give yourself away to.” He pressed the blade below your eye.
”Please don’t.” You rasped, throat raw from screaming. You felt the point of his blade cutting into you. Losing one eye was bad enough. Losing both would be your end. You had no observation haki. You would never be able to sense your surroundings. You would be rendered useless. If he removed it completely, you wouldn’t be able to use your power to bring it back. And then what worth would you have to Kid? What worth would you have to yourself? 
He withdrew the blade. “You’re right. I have to take the other first so you can see me crush it.” Warthin roughly stuck his fingers into your right eye socket, taking out your log pose and inspecting it. “So this is what you used to track us. You’re a smart one, aren’t you?” He held it up for you both to see before crushing it in front of you. “All gone.” He took the small blade back out.
”No. Please. What do you want? I’ll look at you. Please don’t do this.” It was rare for you to beg, but you would have no pride left if he took your eye anyway. You would have nothing left. You would be nothing. The Kid Pirates wouldn’t take you back. What use would you be? You would be an extra mouth to feed with no benefit to the crew. Even your devil fruit power would be dubious since you needed to visualize things to make it work.
“It’s too late. You had your chance, darling. And as much as I love seeing the hate in your eyes, I want to be the last person you ever see, so that I’m burned into your mind.” He slowly pushed the knife under your eye.
”NO! NO!” Your pleas devolved into screams as you felt the worst pain of your life. You could barely struggle under his weight pinning you to the mattress. The restraints were pulled taught until your hips and shoulders ached constantly; you couldn't move even if his weight was absent. Hot, semi-vicious liquid dripped down your cheek and onto your chest. The sickening sound of wet, tearing flesh reached your ears. 
“Oh fuck yes keep screaming. Just like that.” Warthin didn’t want to rush this but it was difficult to resist finishing. “Fuck!” He came inside you again but didn’t stop. He was enjoying this too much. He grabbed the collar that was still around your neck and ripped it off, noticing for the first time the writing on the back of the tag. “If found, return to Kid Pirates.” He had a tone to his voice that you didn’t like. “They won’t want you back when they see how much you’re enjoying yourself here.”
You didn’t know what he was doing. The pain was so intense that it was all you could feel. You were pretty sure your eyes were open, but you couldn’t see anything. You couldn’t hear anything either over your own screaming. You blacked out from the pain soon after that. Welcomed into a dream state by familiar faces, you were happy to see them, and that you could see. Their faces weren’t welcoming. They were frowning. Kid was there telling you how useless you were to him, nothing better than a set of holes now. Killer wouldn’t even look at you, your face too grotesque. Your hope was faltering.
Kid and Killer were reunited with the Victoria the day following the incident. Everyone immediately knew that things were dire when they returned with Mini, and you weren’t accompanying them. They expected Kid’s rage, not Killer’s. It was rare that the first mate got angry, but when he did it was scary. Kid was very outward with expressing his. Killer held it all in. He answered in clipped tones and few words. They could tell he was boiling inside and no one could tell when it was going to erupt. 
They met with Heat and Wire to explain their plan and afterwards, made themselves scarce. Kid was in his workshop, facing away from the door that led to the infirmary. It made him too upset when he looked at it and expected you to be there. Killer was in his room, unable to come out again until Kid came to check on him. When he did, he saw a crumpled metal ball. A blue and white metal ball. Killer had crushed his own helmet in his rage. He kept thinking about his regret that he hadn’t told you more about how he felt, and he may never get the chance now. They were both emotionally triggered by the event, reminded so much of Victoria. 
Kid returned Killer’s helmet to its original state. “Are ya ok, Kil?” 
“I’m fine,” he lied. Killer was far from fine. He was pissed at himself for not being there for you or for Kid. If they had taken Kid too, he didn’t know if he could come back from that. “Wish I had told her that I cared about her. Wish I could have done more for both of you.”
”Ya can tell her when we get her back. And I’m here, aren’t I? Ya still saved me from being taken prisoner.”
A few days passed. They used your clothes and the blood of Warthin to track in the right direction. Mini would sniff the items and then point in a direction that they would follow. Sometimes the trail dropped off when the wind changed and it delayed them greatly. It frustrated Kid to no end. He was thinking too much. Left alone with his thoughts, he was ashamed that his mind kept creeping in the direction of questioning your loyalty. The doubts crept in the more he was left alone. Maybe this was all a setup. Maybe you planned it all from the beginning, stealing his heart just to lure him to his capture. 
Killer joined him for dinner, bringing it to the workshop, where Kid had been holed up. “What’s wrong?” Kid had skipped lunch earlier.
"Maybe we shouldn't be trying this hard."
"M'sayin that I have doubts."
Killer narrowed his eyes, feeling his blood starting to boil. "What do you mean 'doubts'?" His skin got hot at the mere thought of Kid turning his back on you. His temper was getting the better of him, yet he was torn between his loyalty to his captain and his protective instinct when it came to you.
”Don't ya think this could be a setup?” He stared down at the plate of food. “Maybe she wants us to follow her so the marines can capture us. Don’t ya think it’s weird that they didn’t kill her right there, but they tried to shoot me in the head?” He felt guilty for asking it, but he had to know if he was being rational or irrational at this point. The lack of sleep wasn’t helping his anxiety about the situation.
Killer slapped him across the face, not hard, but not gentle either. “KID! She tried so hard to earn your trust, don’t you dare question it when she needs us the most!” Killer’s voice cracked. His index finger dug into Kid’s chest. “You saw how scared she was, Kid! You think that was fake?” Killer put his fist down on Kid’s workbench. “YOU WANT TO QUIT ON HER BECAUSE OF A SCENARIO YOU CREATED IN YOUR HEAD? WHEN SHE’S SUFFERING AND PROBABLY BEING-“ Killer didn’t finish, putting his head in his hands and letting out an anguished growl. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to explode at you. I just-“ He didn’t know if he did it because of fear or anger, or some combination of both.
”I know, Kil. Yer right. Sorry.” Kid shook his head and rubbed his cheek. “I needed that.” Kid felt bad about piling so much of his own feelings on Killer when Killer was dealing with the same anguish. And he felt worse that he questioned your loyalty.
They ate in silence. Neither of them could truly comfort the other. They were both hurting. Killer tried his best to stay strong for Kid, as he had in the past, but he was in pain, too. He didn’t have the capacity to carry the pain of two people. He struggled with his own, ready to lash out again at any moment. They spent the night curled together in Kid’s cabin, before sleep vowing not to let the same thing that happened to Victoria happen to you.
In the following days, tensions rose significantly on the Victoria Punk. They were stalled. The scent stopped coming back to Mini and she was unable to track you further. She paced back and forth across the deck with just as much anxiety as anyone else. Kid and Killer poured over maps with Wire, trying to figure out where they may have gone, where they may have taken you. They argued about what the best course of action was. Kid's intrusive thoughts only became more intense. Killer was snapping at everyone who got in his path. It was looking bleak. Then in the afternoon, about five days after you had been stolen, the Kid Pirates received a package.
There was a scream that rattled the windows on board the ship. Quincy was the one who grabbed it, thinking maybe it was something she had ordered on the last island, or maybe new wanted posters. Heat rushed to her, being that he was the closest, eyes drifting over the package on deck. He froze. Staring back at him were three eyes: 2 belonged to a video transponder snail and the other was irrevocably yours.
Heat hurriedly grabbed the box, suppressing the urge to vomit or cry or both. He didn’t want the rest of the crew to see it. Quincy followed closely behind him, worried about her friend. The four commanders and Quincy stood around the package. Killer pushed Quincy and Heat aside, zeroing in on the jar. He knew what it was when he saw it, and still brought it closer to make sure, to ensure his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him. There was a Y/E/C iris staring back at him, complete with the trailing optic nerve and attached muscles. Kid, on the other hand, assumed it was a gag, a fake, some kind of taunt. Everyone was waiting for the other foot to drop, for Kid to explode. When he didn’t, and instead went off about cheap tricks, Killer delicately explained that it wasn’t a trick. Then, Kid went ballistic.
“THEY TOOK HER FUCKING EYE?! THEY TOOK HER EYE!” All Kid could think was how devastated he would be if his remaining arm was taken from him, and applying that same feeling to you. 
Heat quickly grabbed the jar containing your eye before Kid could smash it in his rage. 
Killer attempted to quell Kid’s anger. “Kid, if they’re sending us this, it’s likely she’s still alive.” Albeit, alive purely for the purpose of torturing. 
”AND SHE PROBABLY DOESN’T WANT TO BE ANYMORE! WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT TO HER, KILLER? WHY?” Kid let himself be enveloped by Killer, burying his head into Killer’s shoulder. Kid felt hot, angry tears roll from his eyes. He was pissed on your behalf, upset that someone would maim you in this way, more upset even, by thinking of the pain you must be feeling. It brought him back to when he woke up after losing his arm. He had been livid, scared, and he did question his ability to be a pirate captain. But he had another arm. And he could make a prosthetic. You had neither equivalent. 
”That may be so, but that’s all the more reason we have to get her back.” Killer embraced his captain. “We have to change her mind.” He held onto Kid until the broader man pulled away.  Kid scowled, but said nothing. Who was he to try and change your mind? Keeping you in a state of misery just so he wouldn’t lose you would be selfish. He pushed that line of thought from his mind. He didn't want to explore that possibility until it was a reality, if it became one at all. 
As soon as Wire saw the transponder snail, he told Quincy to leave, even with her protests. He knew nothing good would come from it. She didn’t need to witness whatever happened next. He didn’t want to entertain whatever taunts would surely come from the other side, but he wasn’t sure what would happen if they ignored it either. Before they did anything though, he was going to figure out how to use it to pinpoint your location. It was a feat to keep Kid from calling on it right away. Wire convinced him to hold off until they could create a device to track the signal. 
A bad feeling settled in the pit of Killer's stomach. He could only imagine what they would see on the other side of the transmission. It was already difficult to keep himself from replaying the terrified look on your face when you tried to warn them about Warthin. What if he saw something worse? And what if that was the last thing he saw of you? Bile burned the back of Killer's throat. 
Time was a continuous stream. There was no start or stop, no beginning or end. You couldn't say how long you had been here or even when the start of a new day was. At first, you could, but lately Warthin had been depriving you of sleep. He almost never left, constantly feeding you either his twisted perception of reality and how you were going to be the perfect wife and mother or cruel depictions of how worthless you were now. He went on and on. You were starting to believe him. Maybe you would be better off pretending to go along with his sick fantasy. At least he would want you. 
Tears pricked the corners of your empty eye sockets. Falling between the skin of your eyelids into nothing instead of rolling down your cheeks. Even if they found you, the Kid Pirates would leave you there once they saw your sorry state. You were weak from being chained in bed. Your face was swollen, probably beyond recognition. They would see how you've been used and how could they ever look at you the same again? You wouldn't blame them. You were disgusted by yourself, allowing yourself to be caught and abused, becoming the very thing you had been trying to protect. You were too pathetic to be a Kid Pirate. Maybe they would be so kind as to put you out of your misery before they left, if they were even looking. 
All fighting it did was exhaust you and excite your captor, so you had given up. You stared at the ceiling, well, that's what you imagined you were doing. You did your best to ignore the soreness between your legs, the movement of the bed, the horrid breath against your neck. In a way, you were glad you couldn't see. You didn't want to see the satisfied look in his eyes when he was done defiling you, or any part of him at all. Instead, you tried to remember the molten iron orange of Kid's eyes and how they burned with anticipation when he looked at you; you tried to remember the crystalline, icy blue eyes that you could tell were looking at you with amusement and patience from behind Killer's mask when you tried to do anything in the kitchen. Every night, or what you thought could be another night, you went through the faces of the crew in your head. That stubborn part of you refused to let Warthin's face be the last thing you saw and you were afraid if you stopped, their faces would fade from your memory altogether. 
The lines of your sanity were beginning to blur as you went from wanting to die to desperately wanting Kid or Killer to break through the walls and scoop you up to safety. As much as you told yourself you weren't worthy of them anymore, a small part of you hoped they could look past this and they could still care for you. You had finally gotten a taste of what it felt like to be loved, not just romantically, platonically as well. Hanging out in silence with Wire, joking around with Heat, gossiping with Quincy, listening to Dive's wild stories, all of it was precious to you. The shame of what was happening to you was what held you back from embracing the desire to return. They knew you as a strong, ruthless, independent pirate. You didn't want them to know you as a victim, not strong enough to help yourself.
There was an intense pressure around your neck and you struggled to get a breath, coughing and sputtering. For a minute, you thought maybe you would be granted the release of death. There was no way to know since you could no longer tell if your vision was going black. You experienced flashes of color as your brain was deprived of oxygen and fired neurons at random. Then your throat was released and your lungs greedily expanded with air. 
"Angel, you're not paying attention again." Warthin grabbed your face, licking his lips as he took in the dark maroon blood around where your last remaining eye used to be. It pooled under the skin and went nearly all the way down your cheek.
You spit at him. "Fuck you." If he really pestered you to react, you tried your best to make him snap. You knew he had it in him to kill you. You wished he would. 
"Come now. Don't be like that." The back of his hand trailed down your cheek. "Don't you think a child should be made with love?" 
Every word made your throat ache. "I fucking despise you."
"But I love fucking you." He laughed and grabbed your breast roughly. "I wish we didn't have to chain those long legs down. I want to see your ankles next to your ears. Maybe I'll chain them up by your arms instead. That way your pretty little pussy would always be wide open and welcoming for me." 
You had to fight the urge to dry heave at the feelings of his fingers playing with your cunt. Sometimes you wished you weren't so revolted by him so you could get wet. The dryness made every time he entered you painful. If you were lucky, he would spit first. You winced as he pressed his cock against your entrance.
"You know this hurts me, too." Warthin removed the pressure against you and brought his fingers back instead. "Why don't you imagine what those pirates did to you? Make it easier for both of us. Let me guess. Obviously, you fucked the captain and he's a large guy. Did he split you open on his fat cock?" He moved his fingers inside you, testing to see if anything he said made you react. "I bet you liked feeling him fill you up. I bet you liked when he chained you up. How is this any different?" 
Was there a difference? Kid was mean to you. He had fucked you under dubious circumstances. You did like being chained up. Had you just been manipulated to believe that there was a difference? You had an emotional connection with Kid didn't you? What if that was just a tactic to keep you around longer? 
Warthin leaned down to whisper in your ear. "You stupid girl. We're the same. You just like being used. So let me use you." He pumped his fingers. "What else did they do? Did Eustass share you with his pals?" His fingers felt the beginnings of wetness. "You were passed around to Killer, hmm? Heat? You open your legs for any freak, you filthy whore." He could feel your pussy twitch. "And what... they weren't enough to be stuffed by so you let Wire fuck you, too. I bet his cock is huge. Just look at the guy." He chuckled as he felt his fingers become more slick. "That's it." 
"S-stop." Your lip trembled. You hated that the memories you held close were being used against you. You hated that you could feel yourself become wetter. It was an involuntary response. "Please." You would be forced to forget even those treasured moments just so he couldn't use the images in such a sick way. He was taking everything from you.
"Good girl. Cry some more for me." He removed his fingers and was about to rut into you, when he heard the transponder snail ring. "This is perfect timing." He got off you to answer it.
That was out of the ordinary. He usually ignored everything when he was with you. 
"Hello, Captain Kid. I've been expecting your call."
Your heart froze in your chest, cold tendrils of fear snaked through your veins. 
"WHERE IS Y/N?! WHAT HAVE YA DONE TO HER?" The sound of Kid's voice made your heartbeat quicken.
"Oh what haven't I done?" Warthin sneered. "Would you like to see her? We were just in the middle of enjoying ourselves." 
See her? It dawned on you that he might have a specialized transponder snail. You heard him get closer. "No. Please don't." Your voice shook. 
"What's wrong, my love? You don't want him to see how much fun we've been having together?" 
You thought you could hear a sharp inhale on the other end of the line. "Don't look. Please don't look." Tears spilled down the sides of your eyes as you turned your face away. 
"Uh uh." Warthin tutted. "You look at them." He roughly grabbed your face and turned it back.
"What do you want?" Killer's voice was calm, but cold.
Warthin laughed. "I'm not sure I understand. I have what I want right here."
You yelped as he pinched your nipple through the silk of your nightdress. Although you wanted nothing more than to see their faces, you were simultaneously glad that you couldn't. The immense shame you were feeling couldn't be hidden except to your own eyes.
"What do you want in exchange for her?" Killer questioned.
You could hear Kid in the background screaming unintelligibly as someone tried to calm him down. 
"Nothing. I think you've misunderstood the situation." Warthin pulled the fabric of the dress until it ripped from your form. "She isn't my hostage. She's my prize, and I'm gloating." 
You felt the mattress shift under his weight and you understood what was about to happen. "L-leave them out of this. I'm- I'm begging you." 
"Sweet Y/N. They called me. They put themselves in it." Warthin snickered. "And now they're gonna watch while I put a baby in you." 
Your stomach dropped at Kid's words. That was the only layer of protection between you and the true cruelty of Warthin. 
"What does he mean by that?" Warthin picked your head up by the hair and slammed it back down when you didn't answer. "I SAID WHAT DOES HE MEAN BY THAT?!" 
Kid and Killer were hurling threats through the transponder snail. You could tell by the tone of their voice. You couldn't make out any of the words through the ringing in your ears. The chains rattled and were pulled taught as you instinctively tried to cover your face with your arms. Hearing Kid and Killer's voices again, how they wanted you back, washed away all the feelings of despair that had brainwashed you. Desperately, you wanted to be back with them and everyone else. You wanted to survive in the hope that this could be your future. But even that small flame of hope would be snuffed out.
"YOU LYING FUCKING SLUT." Warthin punched you in the gut. "You let me believe all this time, that you could give me a child?! There are consequences for lying." He leaned down over you and spat in your ear, "Your wretched crew are going to watch me rape you." His voice was slightly quieter, like he was addressing someone else. "And if any of you look away, I'm killing her right here." 
"BASTARD! PRAY THAT I DON'T GET MY HANDS ON YA BECAUSE WHEN I DO, I'LL BE TAKIN MY TIME KILLIN YA! AND I'LL KILL EVERY LAST FUCKER IN MY WAY." You could picture how viciously Kid's golden-orange eyes flashed as he said it. 
The dread that closed in around you was suffocating. You turned in the direction of Kid's voice. "You can look away. It's- It's okay." He was going to kill you anyway now that he knew the truth. The least you could do was spare them from seeing you be violated in your last hours. You tried to smile, but the tears that had been flowing turned to sobs, enough for salty streaks to finally coat your cheeks. "I- I- love you." It pained you to choke the words out in this setting. "Please don't remember me like this." You gagged when you felt your mouth forced open and fabric be shoved inside. 
"That's ENOUGH. You were supposed to love ME!" Warthin grabbed you by the throat. 
"We're coming for you, Y/N. Please don't give up," you heard the sad, sweet voice of Heat.
You could hear the low growl of Killer's voice, "You have no idea what's coming for you, you bastard." 
Their promises were like a shell coating what little was left of your resolve. They did want you and they were coming for you, but that also meant they weren't going to let Warthin make good on his threat, and they were about to see what brutality he was capable of. 
Tag list: @bbnbhm @nocturnalrorobin
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