#human cooler
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amiz06-certified-b1mb0 · 1 year ago
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They both have something going on, like Fricell but more sophisticated. Since Frieza has Yamcha already, Cell moved on to a new victim Cold member to annoy. What is this ship name? Celler?
These guys have potential manhwa material.
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New Perfect Cell uniform design???
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It might take a while for the DBZ art style to come back to me after so long. But for now, let’s just enjoy a very ��manhwa artstyle’ of my fav DBZhumans. My standard-ish art styles.
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lord-bleed · 8 months ago
I was watching the fourth season of Kimetsu no Yaiba, I saw the hashiras and imagined @amiz06-certified-b1mb0 freeza family as hashiras or Onis, first I imagined cooler and decided to put it into practice, I confess that I loved the result!
If cooler was a hashira, what type would he be? Maybe a music hashira?
And what would your breathing be?
I liked drawing kimetsu no yaiba style
Human cooler designer credits go to @amiz06-certified-b1mb0
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majunju · 2 years ago
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heat pack
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marlynnofmany · 1 month ago
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(Manual reblog; apparently the OP was getting too many notes or something.)
Anyways, I wanna see more love stories where the human gradually grows more monstrous, and that is 100% the happy ending. We all deserve it.
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bananadramaaa · 6 months ago
I'm curious if you got a specific job for Mimzy. She canonically worked at a club but nothing canon mentioned what her job would be besides "flapper". In your AU is she a singer or dancer or instrument player?
She's all that, basically XD She's a performer, but she's working as a singer in a speakeasy. Her other 'job' is theft, fraud, quackery, and the like (she's a bit of a kleptomaniac in my AU).
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year ago
"The Mechanisms were Jonathan Sims college band" and "Jon is the secret real past of Jonny D'ville" are both great takes but I present "Jon's descend into an unwilling antichirst figure is The Mecs new album and Jonny plays him in the songs because they just have very similar voices for some reason."
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artuurle · 21 days ago
Do u think drainfolk put their babies in cut up socks like we do with small animals. Like sweaters? Rubs them?
They can and most likely do yeah. at least until they aren't 90% fluff and can wear normal clothes without it being a disaster in waiting (and EVEN then younger drainfolk almost all agree most clothes are itchy while the rest of their baby coat sheds out.)
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teamjacobthot · 8 days ago
talking w irl bestie abt twilight and he made a good point. if alice can’t see the shapeshifters in her visions then telepathic vampires (or vampires w any psychic abilities really) shouldn’t be able to use their abilities on the wolves either
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coochiekrab · 2 months ago
Aubrey's eyes are green, right? like the color of Evans one eye?
I know i don’t draw him in color a lot but
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Das bloo son. But yes Aubrey’s eyes are “””””””blue”””””””””””
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angelfoodscake · 1 month ago
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peter sam and sir handel !!!!!!!! 💚💙 (ft. rusty)
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I gotta blabber for a sec about how much I appreciate how unique and SO not-simple of an antagonist Olrox is.
like he's introduced as the Vampire Who Kills Richter's Mom, and it was a straight-up murder. Like he fully sought her out, she was in the process of sending her kid overseas most likely because she knew he was coming - even before we fully get Olrox's side of the context, we can tell that shit was personal. Right down to the vivid green eyes, he's giving weirdly chill disney villain vibes. But the entire rest of the show? He's the dude in the bad guy car of the villain train just sitting and judging (OH is he judging) every other person there.
Olrox tracking down and killing Julia Belmont is the most confrontational we ever see him get. Every other scene he's in? He's watching, assessing, sometimes philosophizing, and eventually pulling his own chess moves, but fighting? Rarely! And the additional context of his character makes him even more fascinating!!
Olrox is really one of the only vampires in both Castlevania and C: Nocturne that seems to hold onto a connection to a human's life - even after he's no longer one. He reminisces to Mizrak about being a human during the fall of the Aztec Empire, he chooses to spend his time more like a human than any vamp since Lisa sent Dracula traveling like a human way back when.
Homeboy crossed the Atlantic by fucking ship, at a time when the trip took literal weeks and weeks and he can't even leave his quarters except at nighttime (granted, idk if he *has* a faster way to cross the ocean but it kinda seems like he'd do the ship trip anyways) he chooses to rent a room at an inn instead of staying at the chateau (and boink a cute human in said room, cough cough), and really seems to avoid other vampires - although I'm not sure if that's cuz he just doesn't vibe with 'em in general, or because he really doesn't vibe with the current hot vampire philosophy of the century, which seems to be very heavy-handled colonialism + elitism
I kinda wouldn't be surprised if it's both honestly - given that the only other vampire we meet besides him who spent time in the americas/new world was a literal plantation owning slaver (and unless I misremember, Annette says there were multiple vampires among the rich in St. Domingue), it seems pretty likely to me that whoever turned him was probably a vamp who had a direct hand in the downfall of his nation - coming to the New World specifically for conquest and to seize resources seems like it would be hella appealing for vampires. It would make a LOT of sense for Olrox's standoffish behavior around the other vamps to go back to him having been turned by someone very similar to them, who was probably not just an enemy to him, but part of this massive wave of destructive change in his human life.
like he really gives an impression of actively disliking and withdrawing from every other villain's motivation in this show - and it makes a lot of sense if my speculating is even a little bit close. The vampire's goals in Nocturne would be very nearly the same thing that drove the fall of the Aztec Empire - desire for power and control, justified by some """""natural order"""" hierarchy which really just boils down to 'we want all of this and we're going to indulge in making up a dramatic jerk-off reason why we're entitled to it, since you can't stop us taking it anyways and we've got time'
Dude seems to make little effort to be vampire-like - we rarely see him revel in his power like many other vampires do, as well as seeing him nonchalantly rubbing elbows with humans. He speaks fondly of a man he loved, who he fell for while said guy was still human, TO the other human he is currently crushing on! And I do mean crush, like he doesn't react to or treat Mizrak like a plaything, almost every time we get an Olrox lore-drop it's because he's talking to Mizrak sincerely about things that matter to him. He LIKE-likes this human, to the point of jumping directly into a fight to whisk Le Crush to safety in front of a vampire so powerful he won't directly oppose her! Absolutely fascinating behavior all around.
MAN but I want to see some flashbacks from this guy - as far as we know, vampirism is completely an Old World thing - Europe, Asia, Africa, every other vampire we've seen in both Castlevania shows has been from these continents. Were there even any vamps there at all before europeans landed on the shores of the americas???? I mean, I've heard of one of the old religions in mesoamerica having a suspiciously vampirelike god, but how would that connect to Olrox getting vampirized as a 30ish Aztec man?
MAN OH MAN but I am looking forward to seeing what Olrox gets up to in s2 -I'm burning to know if he's gonna survive the series or not, because despite him being the first villain we meet in Nocturne and doing a deed that usually gets villains the 'karmic death' ending, overall he's not really being written like a bad guy the audience wants to see go down. especially since he's not actually in opposition to our protagonists and has a vested interest in keeping one of Team Good Guys newer members alive. My guess is he's either going to get a similar ending to Isaac, a villain that we root for who actually catches a break and doesn't die, ooorrrrrrrr he's gonna get a Highly Tragic sort of death
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amiz06-certified-b1mb0 · 2 years ago
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The terrific Human! Cold family art. This is my peak art skills atm, took me days to make. To think I almost gave up on these, so glad I didn’t! Look at them, so handsome! I love making cover arts! Yeahh ik,the title for my human au is so ✌️‘creative’✌️ but accurate.
No texts:
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lord-bleed · 1 year ago
I don't draw much full-body characters, but I decided to train and decided to draw human Cooler.
After all, I had never drawn him in full, a quick sketch in art class
Honestly, I love the cold brothers very much.
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chocodile · 4 months ago
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Small character detail I have no good excuse to mention: Hyden hates anything remotely similar to "fast food". This applies to all AUs. He finds greasy, cheap, oversalted/overly sugary food disgusting. Additionally, he hates--HATES--messy food. The only foods he will eat with his hands are ones that are very clean and dry and leave no residue. Getting some sort of sauce or grease on his hands is one of the worst sensations in the world (doubly so when he's a bunny… to be fair, can you imagine eating barbecue while wearing fur mittens? Ew!)
When he was younger, he was slightly more flexible on these limitations. Here he is eating a "ham burger" normally to show how normal he is. He is fitting in with the common man. He is pulling it off. He's got this. Look how relaxed he is. You could almost miss the Rolex on his wrist.
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Of course, every rule has its exceptions. As has been mentioned before Hyden often has no idea where food comes from or what goes into it. At some point, somebody failed to mention to him that Cinnabons come from kiosks at the mall and cost less than $100 each. Therefore, they escaped his "fast food is disgusting and I hate it" filter, and, in a modern AU, became one of his favorite desserts. He has a pastry or two each morning with his coffee and then wonders why he never seems to lose any weight.
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s008m · 3 months ago
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drew this pretty quickly
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achillesdaily · 1 year ago
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DAY #11
>posting Achilles until he arrives at my doorstep.
you don't have much in common, do you
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