#hum tv live streaming online
achievement unlocked 🔓 (part two) || Streamer AU! Reddie (IT)
Part 1
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Inspiration: this prompt
Summary: Richie liked to play video games, and by some stroke of luck, it became his job. Being primarily known as Trashmouth on stream, he found his own little group of streamer friends and they became intertwined: The Losers Club. It never did feel quite complete, though. Well, until, he got his very own backseat gamer in chat.
TWs: innuendos, lots of talk of sex (it's Richie), vague mention of one night stands, low self-worth, a little angst, loneliness, imposter syndrome, cursing, and shameless flirting.
[[A/N: This one is kinda more angsty than I expected so like. Beware. It's mostly loneliness and low self-esteem. Something cute does happen though. Enjoy :))]]
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"Stan," Richie stressed, "-Hear me out."
"It is 2 in the fucking morning where you are, Rich," Stanley replied, kind of flatly (as it always was), "-what are you doing?"
Right, Stan was in Atlanta and he was in San Francisco. The Losers were kind of scattered across America, although, Bev was the closest to him (also in San Francisco). They met up a lot and streamed at Richie's sometimes. (Richie had the better apartment, mostly because of his parents. Gotta use them for something-)
This had nothing to do with that though.
"Debating streaming, obviously," Richie answered -unflinchingly.
"Do you ever get any sleep?" Stan commented, but Richie could tell easily that he was worried. Sometimes, Richie felt a little like he knew him his whole life even though it was only a few years.
"Oh, Staniel," he hummed, deflecting, "-don't stress your dick off, I am fine."
It should go unsaid that he wasn't.
Richie Tozier, in his empty apartment (at least in terms of people), felt lonely. He kind of always felt a little lonely, even on streams or with friends. He would still, at the end of the day, say goodbye and eat his shitty food and watch shitty shows in his dimly lit living room (with a too-big TV that he definitely shouldn't have purchased). So, maybe sometimes he streamed at night because the feeling of just being alone swallowed him whole when he tried to sleep-
"Right," Stanley spoke in a way that Richie knew he didn't believe him (he was right to be fair), "-Richie, why are you calling me?"
Because I felt like I might not be missed. Would you miss me? Stanley, would you miss me?
"To bother you, fucking obviously," Richie said instead.
"Cut the shit," Stanley replied -flatly again.
Richie pressed his lips together for a second, debating just what he wanted to say. If he ever wanted to be truly honest. He debated that every day, he remembers debating that before coming out. If he ever could be truly honest to anybody.
But now, here he was. An openly gay streamer.
He'd had a few public boyfriends too (parents met them, not they cared-), before his Twitch career, yeah, but still.
He hadn't needed to worry about being with someone online though, that was a plus. If he was totally honest, he wasn't sure how he'd handle a public relationship online. He didn't want to fuck it up, or have someone love the fame more than him. He'd seen it before and with everything in him didn't want that.
But Richie... God, he fucking yearned.
Like it was the 1800s and he was forbidden to love who he wanted to. Or maybe like he wanted someone to curl up against on the couch, make his brain shut up. Because it was so loud sometimes, and not in the fucking fun way.
Richie was a balance of self-hatred, emotional repression, and attention starvation. Sometimes he thought that was all he was, that he was annoying. Better in small doses, if you will-
"I don't think anyone is gonna stick around."
He spoke before he could stop it, Richie was never good at shutting up, or controlling himself for that matter-
"Not for-" he echoed out, into his empty apartment, on his bed -staring up at the ceiling, "-Not for me."
Stanley seemed to process it for a second. Like maybe he was running over the words in his mind, getting ready to say some shit laced with wisdom. Like he always did.
"I'm gonna stick around," he decided to say, carefully, "-I'm always gonna be here, Richie."
"I know," he didn't really, but he tried to believe it, "-I know that. I just mean... I mean like you and Pats."
Stanley was married, which initially was a red flag. Marrying your high-school sweetheart was testy, and often ended up in a shitshow. (Richie would've married a closeted guy, so maybe he has no space to judge but-) But Stan and Patty? He's pretty sure they ended up together in every universe, like the kind of love that was inevitable. They could be two fucking birds in a universe and they'd still stick to each other, or at least Richie thought so.
"You mean love?" Stanley questioned, somewhat for clarification.
"Yeah, I don't think-" Richie felt something twist in his stomach, "-I don't think anyone will want to stay with me. I'm..."
"There might be someone as crazy as you out there, Rich."
He laughed a little then, but it still felt so heavy.
"But seriously, you're annoying, yeah-" Stanley continued, voice still scratchy with sleep, "-but you're a good guy, Rich. Don't let this get to your fucking head, but you're funny, and caring, and loyal. Just because you've only dating shitty guys before who didn't see what they had, doesn't mean you aren't good."
Richie stayed silent a moment. He really hadn't had the best relationship with anyone. At all.
"And Patty wants me to say you're handsome too," Stanley added, flatly.
He could hear her voice distantly, "I would snatch you up if you weren't batting for the other team, honey."
"Wow," Stanley responded, offended (but not really), "-you know that we're married, right?"
"We'd obviously be a throuple," Richie commented -casually, before calling out to her, "-and love ya, Pats~"
"Love you too, Richie," she chimed back, and something in him felt a little lighter.
There was a pause there, laughter and smiles hanging in the air. It felt like he was there with them for a second, that he wasn't alone in his apartment... like he always was.
"Richie," Stanley interrupted the warm buzz, "-I know you'll find someone. And I'm never fucking wrong."
He really never was.
He's not sure why he didn't expect it, but when he woke up that morning, Bev was at his door. Stanley probably set her on him, which was something he didn't particularly like... but otherwise, it would be Stanley flying to California to beat his ass. Verbally. Sorta. Stan was complicated-
"Heya, Trashmouth," she grinned, as he opened the door (it was almost too bright for his barely awake eyes), "-I got you some breakfast."
Richie watched as she extended the bag forward and let herself in. It was a little her place at this point because she was here so often. Although, it should be said the whole place screamed Richie Tozier.
Bookshelves full of comics, limited edition signed movie posters littering the walls, an entirely separate display full of trinkets (he had one of Garfield in a bird feeder), and action figures (all posed in... interesting ways, of course). But every core piece of furniture was sort of neutral, Bev's doing. She said, it "balances out the space more", and he frankly trusted her.
"This a fucking welfare visit?" Richie remarked, aimlessly, closing and locking his door, "-You gonna send me to the loony bin if I say stupid shit?"
Beverly responded with ease, turning to patronizingly pat his cheek, "If I was going to do that, I would've done it a long time ago, sweetie."
Richie laughed out loud at that one.
She quietly led him to the living room, and the two of them sat on the floor with the food on the coffee table. He remembers when he didn't even have a coffee table, when all he had were some cardboard boxes-
"Stan told me you called him last night," Bev spoke, cautiously, still eating and not quite looking at him. Like he didn't have to talk about it if he didn't want to.
Well, at least Richie was right about why she was here.
"Yeah," he decided on, softly, "-I did."
She looked at him then, blue eyes posing a question. Do you wanna talk about it? They screamed, right in Richie's face, all caring and fond and shit he couldn't handle. It made something in his stomach strung tight, and his eyes burned like he was going to cry. He wondered for a second if she could see that.
"You wanna stream?" Richie said, instead.
Beverly didn't flinch, understanding that it wasn't the time, and promptly agreed.
They were setting up a tier list, one of those sites -Richie was trying to make sure his adblock was working currently. He really didn't want to be suspended at this point, especially because of a sketchy ad, streaming meant a lot to him. If he lost it, he didn't know what he'd do, honestly.
Bev sat closely beside him (in an older gaming chair he didn't use anymore), blue eyes peering over the monitor as she carefully ate some chips. Plain lays, if he remembered correctly. Or maybe sour cream and onion, it did smell like that.
"We're doing the Disney princes, right?"
"Yeah," Richie answered fluidly, gently running over audio and video input (just like routine), "-just not sure what we're ranking them on."
"Right," she hummed, eating another chip, "-What about how toxic they'd be as a boyfriend?"
He turned to her then, brainstorming, "How good they fuck?"
Beverly tipped a chip at him, before proposing, "If they can talk dirty?"
"Ooh," Richie grabbed a chip out of the bag, leaning backward in his chair slightly, "-Those kinda go hand-in-hand though, don't they, Red?"
"Let's do it."
She grinned, and Richie felt a little less alone. Even just for a second.
It was the moment in the stream where they were waiting for viewers, Richie tapping along the desk as Beverly sang some lyrics gently.
"Sweet Caroline," she sang lightly, moving her head a little to the beat.
Richie responded on instinct, low and under his breath as he tinkered with the settings, "Bum, bum, bum-"
Honk, honk.
eddie.kaspbrak donated $5: pay attention to chat dipshit
"Eddie, baby!" Richie called out extending his hands out like he could somehow hug him, "-And you are freakishly early, there's only like 30 people here, chat is dead as fuck."
eddie.kaspbrak: well fuck me then for clicking on this notification
"Awe, Bevvy, did you hear that?" He held his hands on his heart for a second, pretending to fawn, "-Spaghetti has his notifs on for me."
Beverly laughed, before turning to chat -responsibly, "What he means is thank you, Eddie, for the support."
Richie didn't get to see a response because everyone kind of flooded in after that, chat filled beyond belief in mere seconds. Most of them were Bev-related, but Richie understood, he loved her too.
Finally, they got to the tier list.
"What should we rename the tiers?" Richie asked Beverly directly, fingers tapping along the keyboard (light enough to not press).
She hummed, fingers dancing along her chin.
"Hear me out," he suddenly had a thought, typing it as he said it, "-bottom tier, disgusting (bad). Second highest tier, nasty (good)."
Bev paused, digesting his words for a moment, before nodding her head, "No, that's good I like that."
"B-tier is obviously just mid," Richie continued, mindlessly, typing it in, "-nothing special."
Bev hummed, questioning, "What about S-tier?"
"Hmm," he tapped his chin dramatically, before turning to his monitor, "-chat? We got some opinions?"
"Toe curling," he read out, "-Okay, I like that one, but is it better than good nasty?"
unicorny-boingy: sheet-gripping
slay.to.the.death: spicy novel
girlie-pops: what about a cardinal sin
younganddumb: we are all going to hell
the_turtlegod: are we really talking about this right now
mommy-boys: the perfect fuck (trademark)
jessies_girl: euphoria
Richie pursed his lips, Bev over his shoulder -skimming the very same chat.
stan.the.man: I leave you alone for a few hours and you're already doing this shit
They both laughed for a moment, before Richie decided to comment.
"I don't know what you expect from me, Staniel," he retorted, "-If you expected anything else, you simply do not know me."
stan.the.man: it is 11 AM !!!
"Yeah, okay, well," Richie replied, teasing mostly, "-some people want to know what Disney princes would give 'em a good time, and you know what? I don't blame them."
eddie.kaspbrak: you act like this was requested which it decidedly was fucking not
stan.the.man: @/eddie.kaspbrak I like you
He frowned, adjusting his glasses on his face, "Chat, are you not interested to know my rankings? How good me, and Bevvy, think Disney princes would fuck?"
betty.bugs: of course
tozier-trashy: this is exactly the content I expect of you so yes
gen_gennie: absolutely
hog-inthebog: I'm just here to say you're wrong
minecrafter.on.main: yes
cartoon-cursed: obviously
capngown: obvi
genuine._.disappointment: your name is trashmouth this is so on brand
dizknees: if flynn isn't in S you've lost a sub
catastrophically_me: @/disknees its eugene
tag.ur.self: why would I be watching the stream if I didn't
lightnin-queenie: will you rank the cars characters or no
babey-baby-oh: is this including pixar
"The chat has spoken," Richie echoed out with a melodic sort of deep tone, before switching fluently, "-and they want to know so fuck you two."
They ended up deciding on: god-level, nasty (good), mid, better be hot, disgusting (bad). He thinks it works pretty well for their purposes, at least.
And, so, they started.
"Aren't the first few of these shitty?" Richie commented, "-Like with no personality?"
"Except for saving the princess," Bev agreed, tapping along the desk, "-Prince Florian? Who's that?"
Richie's eyes darted to chat.
dizknees: snow white I'm pretty sure
"Oh," he chimed, frowning, "-boring. Is he hot?"
A quick Google search provided him with the prince. Beverly and Richie peered over him, critically; eyes set in total seriousness.
They both looked at each other.
He wordlessly added him to 'better be hot', and Beverly succinctly nodded.
"Tiny waist," he spoke, "-I don't think he has anything else otherwise."
"Yeah," she agreed, "-I doubt he'd even care about you. Just himself."
"Some people like that shit, though," Richie commented.
Beverly paused, turning to him, "Do you?"
He thought about the fact that it was all he kinda knew, that he's not sure anyone actually loved him. And then, he said-
They moved on pretty quickly after that, but not without Bev looking over him -cautiously. Richie ignored it.
"Prince Charming," he read out, before clarifying, "-Cinderella's prince. I remember this fucker."
"Face blind," Beverly mindlessly added, "-but he's pretty cute. Super committing, on that note, wanted to marry the girl he danced with once."
"Is that good or bad?"
"Uh," she hummed, tossing a pretzel in her mouth, "-maybe both."
tozier.trashy: rate him higher he has personality
tag.ur.self: you should see him in the sequels
bevs.boa: he's a himbo
girlie-pops: can confirm himbo in the sequels
"He's a himbo?" Richie questioned, before stressing further, "-There's fucking sequels to Cinderella?"
eddie.kaspbrak donated $10: it's disney fuckwad they're bloodthirsty
"Fair point," he relented, dismissively, "-capitalist pigs, yada, yada, so on and so forth-"
Beverly suddenly spoke up, in recognition, "Oh, yeah! I remember one of them was good. Something about like a different timeline? And he was definitely a himbo in that one. Jumped out a window I think."
"Is that himbo or dumbass behavior?" He asked.
catastrophically.me: you don't understand
dizknees: no it's himbo
eddie.kaspbrak: the whole thing of being a himbo is being dumb stupid fuck
"Stupid fuck, wow," Richie laughed, "-You running out of words, Eds?"
eddie.kaspbrak: fuck you
"Maybe later," he winked dramatically into the camera, before hovering over the list, "-Anyway, Bevvy, how are we feeling?"
She pursed her lips, "I'm not sure, he'd probably be loving. Soft and shit."
"I don't know if I'd want him to be soft-"
Beep, beep!
stan.the.man donated $1: don't even
"Like his dick," Richie continued, ignoring the donation and talking to chat, "-do you get it guys? Guys, like his dick-"
tozier.trashy: richie we love you but that one just no
trashmouth-for-me: yeah that was terrible
only-here-for-trashmouth: almost unsubbed
dizknees: 😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣😆😆🤣😂😆
stan.the.man: wow he's a comedian
plz_stop: you should do a villain run on stardew
benny.boy: I'm so sorry but that was bad
eddie.kaspbrak: you're not supposed to explain jokes trashmouth
Richie smiled, holding up his hands like he was being humble after finishing a set, "Please, please, hold the applause-"
Beverly laughed a little, motioning to herself, "Richie, Richie, come back to me."
"Oh, yeah, we're doing shit, right."
Taking a breath, Richie put him on mid and then looked at Bev. She squinted for a moment.
"No, I agree," she pulled her drink to her lips (water, he thinks), "-he probably doesn't know where the clitoris is."
"Hot take," Richie mindlessly commented, before moving to the next one, "-but I agree 100%. I'm gay, and I could find the clitoris. I did find the clitoris-"
"Too much information, honey," Bev chimed, moving a hand to cover his mouth, "-let's move on."
Prince Phillip was hot, and they ultimately labeled him good nasty. Which was controversial in chat, but it was not Richie's first rodeo.
"Oh shit, we're getting real," his eyes skimmed over the next on the list, Eric, "-Bevvy, S just might see the fucking light of day."
Both of them looking at the picture they pulled up, they carefully eyed him. Beverly's eyes flicked to Richie's and back to Prince Eric.
"You could do a good cosplay of him."
He posed like him in the photo, carefully, and Beverly laughed a little, kissing her fingers like she was eating some really good food, "Perfect."
It came out before he could stop it, "Am I handsome enough for it, though?"
Bev immediately frowned before opening her mouth, most certainly ready to say something-
Beep, beep!
eddie.kaspbrak donated $10: of course you are fuckface
Richie's lips fell into a straight line, and he felt something flutter a little in his chest. Shit, when did that happen?
He was mean to me, it was only a matter of time really-
Beverly grinned a little, eyes scampering along his face -somewhat knowingly, "What he said."
On instinct, he deflected -ignoring the way his heart beat in his chest, "You could do Ariel, Red."
tell.me.why: WAIT
bevs.boa: reddy.bevvy and trashmouth.tozier cosplay collab when
trashy.tozier: anyone else see him blush
plz_stop: that reaction was so gay
minecrafter.on.main: BEV PLEASE
gay.shit.guy: 🏳️‍🌈 GAY SHIT MENTIONED 🏳️‍🌈
cartoon-cursed: bev would slay as ariel wait
dizknees: do it do it do it
trashmouth-for-me: can't believe I just watched trashmouth go speechless
catastrophically.me: please guys 🙏
betty.bugs: you could stream from the convention
genuine._.disappointment: if you don't do it, I'm unsubbing
Beverly laughed, which made Richie laugh too. The embarrassment sliding off his skin, he felt more in himself. He could always think about that later. Way later. Maybe tonight, when he couldn't sleep.
Not that it needed to be said, but Eric was put on S-tier.
Carrying on in the stream, he relaxed. It would probably be easy from here on out anyway.
"The Beast?"
He stands corrected.
"Bev, Bevvy, I'm not a furry," he turned to his monitor, "-Chat, I am not a furry, but-"
"You know he has a human form," she laughed, "-right?"
"A shitty one," he retorted -completely serious, "-he doesn't even have a beard and he's not... big like he fucking should be."
"Okay, okay," she raised her hands in surrender, "-I can see this is something you're very passionate about. You can run this one."
"Hear me out," he repeated, defensively, before hovering over god-level. Bev raised her eyebrows in response, stopping the chip on the way to her mouth.
"Wait, wait, wait, listen-" she hummed in acknowledgement, "-he's very caring, and has a little bit of an angry side. Which, in the right circumstances, is very fun-"
"Richie," she chastised with a laugh.
"What, it's fucking true," he offered, "-We're adults here, we can acknowledge the kink community."
"Is that a kink?"
"Technically," Richie leveled, a little uncertainly, "-anything you like sensually is a kink, I think."
Bev shrugged, putting the Beast in god-level and popping a chip into her mouth, "You've convinced me."
They moved on.
"Aladdin," Richie through his head back, "-Oh my god. Bev, do we even need to question this?"
She shook her head, sipping her drink before responding, "You could do a good cosplay of him too. Personality-wise."
He placed a hand on his heart, "Aw, Bevvy. That's the nicest fucking thing anyone has ever said to me."
"I just called you handsome."
"Personality over physical looks every day, baby," he chimed back with a shit-eating grin. She promptly shoved him.
"Alright, next up," Richie recovered from the shove, skimming over the next square, "-John Smith? Who the fuck is that?"
dizknees: pocahontas
"The colonizer?" He retorted with a laugh of disbelief.
Bev frowned beside him, shriveling up her nose, "Ew."
With the flick of his wrist, he put him in the disgusting (bad) tier. Unhesitatingly.
Beverly spoke this time, reading, "Captain Li Shang."
"Ooh," Richie spoke, "-Mulan, yeah? He's definitely hot."
"Oh, definitely," she reiterated -agreeing.
"Captain too?" He raised his eyebrows, eyes shooting to Bev's, "-A man of power, Bevvy."
"Who says I don't wanna be the power?"
"Oh my," Richie fluttered his eyelashes for a second, "-Bevvy, Bevvy. Chat, let's clip that."
"You fucker," she hissed, and promptly pushed him out of his chair.
Richie fell into a laughing fit, loud and brash against the floor. He even thinks he snorted out loud, big breaths forcing out of his lungs. Bev looked down at him, blue eyes sparkling.
"You alright down there, Trashmouth?"
"Bev gets off on a good one," he chimed back through laugh, "-Chat, let's applaud."
He pulled himself back up into his chair, wiping at his eyes -still laughing a little. Moreso, embarrassingly, giggling.
trashy.tozier: he's ALIVE
girlie-pops: 👏👏👏
babey_boy: our prayers were answered
hello-everybody: 👏👏👏
tell.me.why: 👏👏👏
bevs.boa: still reeling over bev being a top
trashmouth.for.me: RICHIE THANK GOD
big.bill: what did I miss
tell.me.why: 👏👏👏
dizknees: trashmouth.tozier dead, more at 3
burly-bear: just joined why did we think he was dead
elliot-turbine: 👏👏👏
trashy.tozier: @/burly-bear bev pushed him off the chair
minecrafter.on.main: 👏👏👏
Richie kept giggling.
"Alright, woo," he took a deep breath in, shaking his head and blinking, "-Bev, Li Shang, what's our ruling?"
"I think good nasty," she said, casually -choking back her own laughter.
He laughed a little at her laughter, with ease putting him in the tier, "Good nasty it is!"
And then, his eyes went to the next on the list.
"Oh, fucking easy," Richie tsked, placing both Naveen and Flynn (Eugene, really) in god-like.
Bev nodded dramatically, mouth full of snacks, and clapped her hands in achievement.
"Flynn Rider, he could r-"
stan.the.man donated $1: just stop there for the love of god
Richie saluted, speaking in a deep voice -mimicking a soldier, "Sir, yes, sir."
"There's one more," Bev pointed out, hand over her mouth, "-um, Kristoff."
"Oh," he squinted, "-that's the one from Frozen, right?"
dizknees: yeah he's a consent king
Richie furrowed his eyebrows, "Consent king?"
dizknees: he asked anna before kissing her
tag.ur.self: asked before he kissed
babey_boy: him and anna are so special to me
tell.me.why: flynn supremacy
trashy.tozier: it was a cute lil moment at the end of frozen
betty.bugs: "i like you better in leather anyway"
dizknees: @/betty.bugs SJSJZHSJJANAHG
plz_stop: he did have the weird thing with Sven tho
babey_boy: @/plz_stop Sven was like a dog to him that's not weird
girlie-pops: where are my jack frost/elsa girlies at
dizknees: @/girlie-pops NOOOOOO
"Shouldn't they all ask for consent?" Richie questioned, "-Why does Kristy get fucking... brownie points?"
"Disney hasn't done it before," Beverly clarified, "-It's like a big deal."
"What the fuck?"
"Yeah," Bev popped another chip in her mouth, "-world's fucked."
"Well, shit," he huffed out, dragging Kristoff around the chart, "-I dunno, I don't think he'd be good in the sack. Wasn't he like raised by wolves or something?"
"Rocks," she clarified, completely serious, "-magical rock people."
Richie took a breath, digesting that information, "Oh-kay. Well, all that being said, I think he's mid."
"Yeah," she agreed, "-He's like very loving but that doesn't necessarily mean that he fucks good."
"Exactly," he cemented, before clapping his hands, "-Well, Chat, we have our final rankings of the Disney princes and how good they'd fuck."
"How good we think they'd fuck," Bev clarified.
"Well, obviously," Richie laughed, "-You want me to teleport into Disney worlds and fuck these men?"
"You would," she teased.
And he very wholeheartedly agreed, "I would."
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ystk-archive · 1 year
[Translation] Perfume discuss recording “Love Cloud” (TV Bros, 23.06.06)
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“At our first London concert in nine years, we performed a new song!”
A~chan: We performed our new song "Love Cloud" at our show in London! Nakata-san made it specifically for this overseas appearance.
Nocchi: Nakata-san did advise us that it might be better to perform songs that the crowd would be familiar with, rather than debuting new material at a foreign show. But we wanted to ask him to make something new anyway since the London concert is the best version of our live performances so far and Japanese fans would be watching it too through online streaming and the ABEMA TV broadcast.
A~chan: Yep, we totally did. When we were able to meet with him, that was the main thing we discussed. After that was the "how about doing a 'Polyrhythm Pro Max' version?" conversation (editor's note: they're referring to the iPhone's top-of-the-line Pro Max model). So something where when the song starts, the audience will be like "huh, what song is this? Is this a new song?" and then they get all hyped up once they realize it's one they already know. We're doing that at the [Primavera Sound] festival in Spain and also at the London show, and it was because we could talk about it with him that this new arrangement exists.
A~chan [continued]: We also talked about the new song. I told him that since it was going to be our first overseas concert in four years, I thought it'd be good to have a new track to showcase specially for all the people who waited for us. I wanted to bring a surprise along with us, so he made a track just for the overseas show... During the recording he was like "I made something seriously awesome." He was in a really good mood, huh?
Nocchi: He was!
A~chan: He kept saying things like "isn't this good?" and also expressed that he wants Perfume to have the kinds of songs that other artists on the chart would envy. Though I understand that there are all sorts of artists whom appear together on music shows and sing certain songs that they can only do because of the point they're at in their careers, or artists who specifically pick a particular song to perform, and singers each have their own reasons and sense of timing that explain their choices in music. He said he wants people to think the songs that Perfume sings are really cool. We were extremely moved hearing Nakata-san tell us his dream for us. It was one thing after another while we were sitting there like "Nakata-san, you really thought of us this much..." We were simultaneously excited and moved to tears from hearing him talk like that.
A~chan [continued]: The new track turned out really, really great. Usually when we record he has his back to us the whole time, but while we were working on Love Cloud he kept turning around and saying things like "oh, isn't this awesome?" He was in a super good mood. That said, even though I think the song is cool, when it came time to record the vocals it was insanely difficult. It might've been our longest recording session ever. I must've spent at least three hours in that recording booth.
Kashiyuka: It's because it's a new type of melody for us, isn't it? Nakata-san himself seems aware of the fact that we couldn't pull off this kind of melody in the past but now we can, and he said that when he was young he could never figure out how to put vocals to this sort of thing. So even though we received this song from him and it's really good, it was so tough to sing.
A~chan: It was~ (cries).
Kashiyuka: It's like I couldn't pick up on the notes in the melody at all, even though I can hum it no problem.
A~chan: In my case I was struggling to understand Nakata-san's instructions. "It's not (while humming) 'uuu, uuu~,' it's 'uuu, uuun." I was like...huh? What d'you mean??? All while the song was still playing and I had to sing to it. Like what am I gonna do...
Kashiyuka: It's been a while since we've seen Nakata-san's strict, Spartan side (laughs).
A~chan: He was super aggressive (laughs). Normally the songs play about four bars ahead of us as we record, and before we start a section we discuss it and say things like "I get it" or "I'll try" in response to his direction. Then we usually get a signal to begin but this time it was just, "Like I said, it's 'uuu, uuun.'" And then it was like a phone call getting disconnected, the way I was suddenly thrown into it (laughs). What's worse is the song was played two bars ahead and I had to start singing immediately while still trying to understand what he wanted and I just couldn't keep up. I was so confused that I stopped the recording for the first time by saying, "Um... I really don't understand, I can't pinpoint the melody."
Kashiyuka: Yep, you really did.
A~chan: But when I took a look at the demo, the sound that Nakata-san was talking about wasn't there. It was missing one note. So that's the reason why I wasn't getting it (laughs).
Nocchi: Hahaha!
A~chan: Nakata-san even hums songs like he's shy, so the notes don't come through properly.
Kashiyuka: He sings like he's in a hurry (laughs).
A~chan: Exactly (laughs).
Kashiyuka: He sings and plays the piano in such a rush that I have to ask him for more time so I can process the notes properly.
A~chan: I totally didn't get it. Of course Nakata-san thinks very quickly, and his mind and imagination are moving at speeds so fast that the average person can't keep up with him. Seriously. "Huh? Uhhh, umm, gimme a second..." (laughs). I always try so hard to understand him, but this time I had no choice but to be like "I'm sorry but I'm confused." He said "well, then sing it this way" and then he altered it to how he was originally instructing it to me.
─ This was the first tense recording session you've had with him in a while, isn't it?
A~chan: It was, but we were laughing? Nakata-san was too. We all laughed ourselves silly.
Kashiyuka: While saying stuff like "let me see here, it's supposed to be like this" and "no, hold on..."
A~chan: When we said stuff like "I don't get it," he laughed (laughs). At first I was about to cry trying to figure it out, but I was struggling so much that he broke out into laughter and then I laughed too. Jeez, this track really was hard to record. It's a house-style song.
Kashiyuka: It's probably because the rhythm is so tricky. He wanted to include a lot of syllables and the pronunciation of all the words became complicated. It was a tough battle.
A~chan: It really was.
Kashiyuka: But even Nakata-san was like "try singing it a different way," "no, maybe this way is better," and "whoops, my bad!" (laughs). It was a trial and error process for everyone. We were all trying to find the easiest way to communicate the song.
Nocchi: Yep.
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j0kers-light · 2 years
His Lighthouse: Tuning In  (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Tuning In - Oneshot
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Author’s note:  
I’m still in recovery mode but my mind is so bored and filled with ideas! I managed to use my voice to text software to make a little oneshot to hold me over until I can type on my laptop again. If you want to timeline this oneshot in line with the series, I’d say it takes place between Breakfast for Two and Three Steps Back. Roughly? I dunno. It’s a scrap idea I wouldn’t be able to squeeze into the series as it stands right now.
As always, enjoy! I’m actually going to rest my hand now.
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A joyful tune escaped your lips.
It didn't have words much less a title, just a string of musical notes you hummed on the fly as you styled your hair.
It was any other day at your penthouse. The sun was beaming into your living room on all of your streaming equipment that was on your desk, ready to go. You had scheduled a virtual meet and greet for your fans that couldn't travel to Gotham to see you.
Cindy thought the idea was marvelous and wanted to make the event bigger than it already was but you toned her down the best you could. You wanted this to be intimate and fun, despite the expected turnout.
You posted the date and time months ago and the original message had already been liked over half a million times on different social media platforms.
In no way were you scared of your fans but that many people on a video? You had some pre-stream jitters.
Thankfully Cindy assigned IT and some background software programmers to make sure the event ran smoothly. But after that, it was all up to you.
She gave you free creative reign. Two hours of content completely up to you to plan and execute.
Saying you were excited was an understatement.
You made a flow chart to keep everything cohesive but added in Q & A slots in between segments for fans. Moderators would be standing by to keep the chat under control and to give you some breathing room so you didn't have to multitask. You planned this out thoroughly after all.
And rightfully so! You had a lot you wanted to cover.
Limited edition box sets were dropping next week and you purchased a main booth at the upcoming GothCon and you wanted everyone to know about it.
Signatures, private photo opportunities, timed book discussions, and new merch for sale at both the event and your online merch shop were available. You name it; it was happening.
You couldn't end the stream without giving a shout out to all of the recent art your fans had created since your last blog post and near the end of everything, you wanted to tease everyone about your new work in progress.
You couldn't help it! So what if you were a little troll? Your community loved that about you.
All of this and more, you hoped to talk about during the stream — if only you could get your hair looking right! You were so busy taking care of Joker these days your daily hair routine had fallen to the wayside.
It was still healthy and gorgeous just.. not right now. Trying to plait multiple braids to the scalp and letting the bottom portion be free and curly while pressed for time was nerve wracking and seemingly impossible.
It also didn't help that Joker was watching your every move.
Apparently he was in a good mood today. He acted more and more like your fake adopted cat by the day.
He wandered outside of his room after breakfast and decided to silently annoy you by parking himself smack dab in front of your desk.
His mind was originally focused on the tv but over time his eyes gravitated to you or rather to your hands that moved like magic through your h/c locks.
You were still working on the first braid and parted your hair with a fine tooth comb - how you did that so neatly without a mirror was mind boggling, and you positioned your hands to move hypnotically to form a braid.
He was also in awe with how fast you moved.
You braided about halfway back to the crown of your head before stopping. From there you let your natural texture be free and wild, spraying it with a curl defining product and incorporated it in thoroughly with a comb to set.
He fought back the urge to walk over and bury his hands into your fine silk. It looked softer than cashmere and it smelled intoxicating from far away. Were you trying to seduce him again?
You were doing a great job if so.
You started sectioning out the second braid but an incoming text on your phone stopped your progress.
It must've been IT in the way you wiped your hands free of any oily residue and fiddled with your computer setup with a huff.
Joker remembered you saying the stream began at the top of the hour. He glanced at the clock and began to worry if you would make it on time.
You were already dressed in a crochet top, a pale cornflower blue that hung off your shoulders, with a choker that proudly sported Will's family crest hanging from a leather band. Once again, fan made art pieces. You looked stunning as always but he knew if your hair wasn't perfect, you would cancel the entire thing.
And since he was secretly a big fan of yours, that was totally unacceptable.
He knew it wasn't his place. You two weren't close by any means, but that didn't stop Joker from standing up and limping towards your desk.
You noticed his presence a little too late.
Before you could open your mouth to ask what he was doing, Joker had already picked up your comb and began sectioning your hair right where you left off.
You turned into a statue.
His presence behind you was ominous yet you felt the gentle way he smoothed your hair back and clipped it out of the way with a hair claw. He used your previous braid as a model and carefully crafted the same halo pattern you began on your scalp in earnest.
Then the unthinkable happened. Joker started to do your hair.
You felt the moment his hands gripped the three strands and wove them up and over, back and forth to follow the pattern you created.
You had so many questions. Where did he learn to braid hair? Who did he practice on? How was he this good?
He applied just the right amount of pressure, not too loose but definitely not heavy handed, to make neat braids within his section. You felt the confidence in his grip, this wasn't his first rodeo.
And just like you did before, he stopped halfway and brushed out your ends, spraying it with your curl pattern styling agent and left it alone to develop into the effortless curls he liked (loved) so much.
IT messaged you again about performing a quick last minute bandwidth test and you gave them the okay while keeping your head straight. Joker paid you no mind and was working on the middle section when you couldn't take it anymore.
"Um.. how did you know how to do this?" You gestured at your head.
Joker's hand froze for a millisecond but continued braiding unfazed. "Would ya believe me if I said prison?"
Your snort told him no.
He smirked to himself but indulged in your curiosity. "But it wasss. One of my prison mates had nice long hair just.. like.. you. Although he's uhh, not alive, to brag about my work, he received all types of comp-li-ments before his.. untimely demise."
He felt you tense up. "You have nothing to worry about my dear Y/n!"
Joker brushed out a new part and caught a snag in the comb making you yelp. Your head followed the tug making it bump into Joker's abdomen. You could feel his muscles through his cotton shirt "Sorry!"
"Hm. That's my line." You tried turning around to apologize further when Joker forcefully jerked your head back straight. "Stay still."
Now that scared you. It would be so easy for him to snap your neck. Is that how he offed his prison mate with the good hair?
You gulped and bobbed your head but instantly regretted that action.
Joker's hands slid from your hair down to your neck where he massaged it gently. He bent down to whisper in your ear. "Now bunny... whaT. Did I just say?"
You felt horrible for being turned on. His hands felt so good around your neck and it took all of your strength not to moan out loud.
He snapped you out of your thoughts. Your mouth flopped like a fish as you tried to form words that weren't about Joker choking you during that activity.
"You ah.. said to stay s-still." You stared straight ahead at the countdown timer set for your stream.
Thirty-six minutes left. Joker had well over half left to braid. Would you make it through this torture?
"Then be a good girl and.. stay still." He purred in your ear. He stood up straight and went back to work, adding in the golden beads you had scattered on the desk to a few braids that he finished.
Ohhhhh he knew he was cruel and like the obedient girl you were, you listened to him. If you had a tail it would be wagging.
When did you stoop so low?
With five minutes to spare Joker finished your hair for you and you dashed over to the floor length mirror leaning on the living room wall.
You turned your head left and right, admiring Joker's handiwork up close. It was incredibly neat and it matched the first halo braid you did perfectly. You couldn't believe that he did the rest.
You were about to turn and thank him but Joker was already behind you in the mirror.
At times you forgot how tall he was compared to your height. If you moved back any further you would bump into Joker's chest. Not like you minded but!
Once was an accident, twice and he might get curious.
You wanted so badly to rest your weight on Joker or feel his hands in your hair again, scratch that. You wanted to have his hands around your throat again. There was so much power you gave up in that brief moment that had you reeling. You wanted to surrender it again.
"Y/n. I asked if you like it?" His voice startled you again out of the naughty thots.
"Y-Yeah Joker, I do."
His green eyes flickered down to your colored ones, eyeing you warily.
Your reply came out way too breathless, almost like it pained you to answer v He hoped this video stream wasn't making you nervous. He'd stick around (out of sight of the cameras of course) and keep an eye on you.
It's not like he wanted to hear any book announcements or anything. He quickly acclimated to the fact that he was staying with one of his favorite authors but it was still an exciting reminder. You were right there! He could bombard you with questions or annoy you until you fled the room.
Right now, he just wanted to admire your beauty up close.
Joker singled out a strand of your hair that didn't want to curl and wove it around his finger to help it. He lifted the lock up to his nose and sniffed.
Your eyes widened witnessing his soft gesture until his eyes met yours in the mirror. They grew heavy almost instantly with an emotion you feared to say aloud.
"Alrightyy your hair is done. Off you go."
And just like that Joker was back to being a jerk, roughly pushing you over towards your desk chair.
You were forced down into it and Joker's hands came to rest on the armrests beside you.
"Now... have fun doing your video blog.. thingy. I'll be here watching." He spun you around to face your laptop and towards the countdown timer that had less than a minute left.
Joker took up his original seat within your line of sight and licked his lips slowly. His smug look did nothing to help calm your arousal as the timer ticked down from thirty seconds.
You had half that time to wipe your mind clean and plaster a big smile on your face as your dear readers joined the stream and flooded the comment section with love and support.
You couldn't think about Joker as the participant counter jumped past three hundred thousand and rising. Did you even have that many active readers? Cindy must've ran a promo behind your back.
It didn't matter, this was your time to shine. "Welcome! Welcome everyone! I'm so excited you all joined!"
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goharshahi · 2 years
New Video: Hum Ne Imam Mehdi Ko Kesay Pehchana? | Podcast Panel | ALRA TV
Sufi Master Younus AlGohar, joined by ALRA TV Podcast Panel, Amjad Ali, Ghafoor Alvi, Hafiz Nadeem and Tanveer Hussain discussing how they came to believe that His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi is the Awaited Imam Mehdi.
➡️This video is a clip from Sufi Online with Younus AlGohar, a daily show on ALRA TV streamed LIVE on YouTube at 10 PM GMT - join us here: https://www.youtube.com/alratv/live
❓Have a question for Sufi Master Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +44 7472 540642 or Facebook messenger:  http://m.me/alratv
Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com
🎥 Find this video on Daily Motion and Soundcloud http://www.dailymotion.com/mehdifound... https://soundcloud.com/younusalgohar/
New monthly publications!
The True Mehdi Magazine: http://www.thetruemehdi.com/
Messiah Herald Magazine: http://messiahherald.com/
--- Read more about Sufi Master Younus AlGohar's work against terrorism: www.younusalgohar.org.
📱Social Media Instagram: http://instagram.com/alratv https://www.instagram.com/younus_algohar
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Websites: http://www.goharshahi.us/ http://www.theawaitedone.com/ http://thereligionofgod.com http://www.younusalgohar.org/
*NEW URDU LANGUAGE WEBSITE* http://www.mehdifoundation.com/
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hungama123 · 2 years
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dangal-play · 25 days
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Bhojpuri cinema, also known as Bhojpuri Films Online, has captured audiences with its lively storytelling and strong cultural roots. Bhojpuri films have become incredibly popular with Indians around the world over time. Bhojpuri films are culturally significant because of their capacity to portray the Bhojpuri-speaking community's daily lives, customs, and values. Dangal Play, a top OTT platform, has become a go-to place for viewing high-quality Bhojpuri films, with an exclusive library of classic hits and new releases. 
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Conclusion:For fans of Bhojpuri Films Online, Dangal Play is the best place because it has a vast collection of excellent, unique content. Dangal Play offers an unmatched entertainment experience with tailored recommendations, community features, and a streaming experience. Become a part of the dynamic Dangal Play community and explore the fascinating and diverse world of Bhojpuri film. Investigate, delight in, and enjoy the newest and best-selling Bhojpuri movies.
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shrutim12 · 8 months
Navigating The Digital Moolah For Musicians
In today's digital symphony, musicians are not just crafting beats; they're mastering the art of making money. Let's groove through the ways musicians are cashing in, sans the financial jargon. Get ready to tap into the rhythm of financial success!
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1. Streaming Services
In the era of instant gratification, streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music have become the heartbeat of music consumption. Musicians earn revenue through the number of streams, turning melodies into moolah. The more plays, the merrier the payday.
Also Read: Must-Listen Songs to Boost Your Mood
2. Virtual Concerts
With physical concerts taking a backseat, virtual gigs have stolen the spotlight. Musicians now connect with fans worldwide through platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and Instagram Live. It's not just about applause; it's about the digital ticket sales and virtual tip jars that fill their coffers.
3. Merchandising Magic
Merchandising isn't just reserved for rock bands with die-hard fans. In the digital age, musicians leverage their brand by selling merchandise online. From funky t-shirts to custom accessories, it's not just a fashion statement but a revenue stream that hits the right note.
4. Crowdfunding Crescendo
Enter the world of crowdfunding, where fans transform into patrons. Platforms like Patreon and Kickstarter empower musicians to fund their projects directly through fan contributions. It's a musical symbiosis, where fans support their favorite artists, and artists deliver exclusive content in return.
Also Read: Craft Your Ultimate Playlist With These Apps
5. Syncing Success
Ever find yourself humming a tune from a movie or a commercial? That's the magic of sync licensing. Musicians license their tracks for use in films, TV shows, and advertisements, turning their compositions into auditory branding. It's not just about making music; it's about making it memorable.
6. Digital Royalties
Welcome to the realm of royalties, where musicians earn a share every time their music is used or played. Whether it's on radio, in a cafe, or as a ringtone, these digital royalties ensure a steady flow of income, making musicians feel the financial vibes of their creations long after the recording session.
Also Read: 6 Must-Have Music Apps for Every Music Lover
In the digital dance of notes and numbers, musicians are orchestrating their financial destiny. From streaming royalties to virtual stages, they've found harmony in the digital realm. So, whether you're a music enthusiast or a budding artist, get ready to groove your way to financial success!
0 notes
34565436 · 1 year
Welcome to naagmani.net- Best Website for Watching Desi Serials
Welcome to naagmani.net- Best Website for Watching Desi Serials
1. Online streaming platforms: Many online streaming platforms like Hotstar, Voot, SonyLIV, Zee5, and MX Player offer a wide range of Hindi serials for free. You can create an account on these platforms and start watching your favorite shows.
2. YouTube: You can also find many Hindi serials on YouTube. Many channels upload full episodes of popular Hindi serials for free. However, you may have to search a bit to find your favorite show..
3. Mobile Apps: Some mobile apps like JioTV, Airtel Xstream, Desi Tv, and Idea Movies & TV offer a selection of Hindi serials for free. You can download these apps on your mobile device and start streaming.
4. Free platforms: Overall, there are many options for watching Indian dramas but here we are discussing the most popular website for watching Hindi Serials Like Desirulez, Apne Tv, Desi Serial, and Yodesi..
Here You can Watch Online Hindi Shows for Free, Written Stories, Twists, Indian TV Serials, Arts and Entertainment Updates, written episodes, the latest news, fresh reviews, articles, synopsis, and much more on Desiserial.
5. Television: Indian dramas are primarily broadcast on television channels, and this is still a popular way of watching them. You can subscribe to cable or satellite TV and tune into popular Indian channels like Star Plus and Hotstar, Colors TV and Voot, Sony Entertainment TV and SonyLiv, Zee TV and Zee5, and others to watch Indian dramas. Many channels have their own apps and websites where you can catch up on missed episodes or watch shows live. naagmani.net will always be the first to have the Episode so please Bookmark Us for Latest HD Episodes Update !!! Enjoy.
Hindi tv Serials
"Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai":
This long-running family drama revolves around the lives of Naira and Kartik and explores the dynamics of their extended families. It portrays the journey of relationships, love, and challenges faced by the characters.
"Kumkum Bhagya":
A highly popular serial, it follows the life of Pragya and Abhi, highlighting their love story amidst various trials and tribulations. The show is known for its dramatic twists and turns.
"Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah":
A light-hearted sitcom, it revolves around the residents of Gokuldham Society and their humorous interactions. The show addresses social issues in a comical way and promotes a positive outlook on life.
A supernatural fantasy drama, "Naagin" features shape-shifting serpent women who seek revenge and protect their kind. The show blends fantasy, drama, and romance to create an intriguing narrative.
This romantic drama focuses on the lives of the Oberoi brothers and their love interests. It explores themes of family, loyalty, and relationships while showcasing the opulent lifestyle of the characters.
"Diya Aur Baati Hum":
This serial revolves around the story of Sandhya, an aspiring IPS officer, and her supportive husband, Sooraj. It addresses social issues and challenges faced by women in conservative societies.
A psychological thriller, "Beyhadh" explores the dark side of love and obsession. It follows the story of Maya, who becomes obsessed with Arjun and goes to extreme lengths to possess him.
All Dramas List
"Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai"
"Kumkum Bhagya"
"Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah"
"Diya Aur Baati Hum"
"Kasautii Zindagii Kay"
"Saath Nibhaana Saathiya"
"Kundali Bhagya"
"Yeh Hai Mohabbatein"
"Bade Achhe Lagte Hain"
"Devon Ke Dev... Mahadev"
"Balika Vadhu"
"Sasural Simar Ka"
"Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chasma"
"Bigg Boss"
"Kasam Tere Pyaar Ki"
Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein
"Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein" is a popular Hindi television drama series that has captured the attention of audiences with its compelling storyline and emotional depth. The phrase translates to "Lost in someone's love" and serves as a reflection of the intense and sometimes tumultuous journey of love.https://www.naagmani.net/
The show revolves around the lives of three individuals: Virat, Sai, and Pakhi. It explores the complexities of their relationships, the conflicts that arise, and the sacrifices made in the name of love. "Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein" delves into themes of love, duty, loyalty, and the profound impact that relationships can have on individuals.
"Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein" portrays the conflicts and dilemmas faced by its characters, highlighting the clash between societal expectations and personal desires. It raises questions about sacrifice, selflessness, and the boundaries of love, as the characters grapple with their own ambitions and obligations towards one another.
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Its the Most Popular Malayalam Television Serial Now. The Malayalam Version at Asianet is created Records. Suvarna TV Showing The Serial as Akashadeepa In Kannada Language. Its Reade in Bangla as Tomay Amay Mile on Star Jalsha Channel. Its dubbed in Tamil as En Kanavan En Thozhan. The Original Version, Diya Aur Baati Hum Started 29 August 2011 On Star Plus. This Serial Started on Asianet, 22nd July 2013 at 9.00 P.M. ISL- Indian Super League Live Malayalam Story Padmavathi Is Her Mother In Law, Rekha Ratheesh Playing that role. Gayathri Arun is Playing the role of Deepthi in Serial Parasparam. The Central Character Of Serial Parasparam Is Deepthi. Its The Malayalam Remake of The Hindi Serial Diya Aur Baati Hum. Asianet Showing Parasparam Serial On Every Monday to Saturday at 9.00 P.M. Its The Top Rated Television Serial Now In Malayalam Television Channels. Parasparam Malayalam Television Serial On Asianet.
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bokuroskitten · 3 years
c-cockwarming with kuroo kenma bo ushi and iwa? 😳
I’ve got some real big brained anons asking me real big brained asks😌
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ℌℭ ❦
〈 Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Ushijima and Iwaizumi and how they like cockwarming
✵ genre: NSFW 18+ (Minors DNI)
✵ warnings: cockwarming, dom/sub dynamics (daddy, papa, & sir titles used), mentions of voyeurism
Kenma would have you warming him up all the time if he could, so every chance he gets he’s calling you over. Gaming, streaming, watching tv, doing just about anything, he loves sliding you down nice and slow on his cock. Your walls have been fit to his cock by now, so it’s always the perfect squeeze when you sit on him. Typically he’ll have you sit in his lap, back against his chest so you can do what you want as well, but mostly it’s so whenever he is live steaming he can suddenly thrust within you, watch the way you desperately try to keep your composure so the chat won’t start talking about how flushed you suddenly look.
“K-Kenma...” you murmur softly, feeling the warmth from your face slowly begin to spread along your chest. A smirk flickered over Kenma’s features, only for a brief moment, before he was back to that serious look, eyes glued to his game. “Yea babe?” He spoke, nonchalant as ever. That had your cheeks puffing up briefly, eyes darting from his game to the webcam that had the little green light on. You knew very well the stream was on, and considering the number in the bottom corner just kept steadily rising, you couldn’t just blurt out loud ‘Quit moving your hips’. Before you could even really get the thought out, Kenma knew, thrusting his hips up once more. One fluid motion of his body and his cock was hitting perfectly along your sweet spot. This time you couldn’t hold back the little Yelp that bubbled from your lips. Kenma had to laugh, quick to mute his mic as the chat began to pop off. He wouldn’t turn it off though. Oh no. He just got close to your ear, whispered in that voice he knew you loved.
“Better relax Kitten, or I’m gonna have to fuck you right here on stream. So sit pretty for me... unless my naughty girl wants it... you want it, baby?”
Kuroo is on his computer a lot, doing work and attending online meetings. He has set up a nice little office space for himself and he finds himself in there a little more than he likes. Especially since he has such a cute little kitty at home just waiting to be played with. Sometimes, when you just can’t stay away from him you poke your head in the door, the little mewl you let out making Kuroos brows twitch. Only a couple of pleas from your pretty lips has him caving. He likes when you straddle him, your little cunt fluttering so perfectly around his cock. He also likes how hard you cling to him, face in his neck and fingers getting lost in the hairs at the nape of his neck. Whenever he feels your hips begin to rock he’ll tsk, putting an easy stop to it.
“Kitty, don’t get greedy,” Kuroo speaks right beside your ear, goosebumps easily rising along your arms as you let out a needy whine. You hope it’s pretty enough to make Kuroo cave, or at least enough to make him let go of your hips. “P-Please Daddy, needa feel more of you in my cunny.” And it was true, you’re puffy walls were currently hugging him so perfectly, squeezing along his cock. Your legs tightened about his waist, wanting to add some friction to your clit that was currently throbbing for it. But Kuroo still had work to do, and even though your pleas made him weak at the knees, made his resolve wanna crumble so he could fuck you right here on the desk, he had to teach his pretty baby some patience. So he gave your rear a swat, a warning along with a hum.
“I know baby I know... your cunny is just fluttering like crazy around Daddy’s cock today. But just a little longer. So no more whining.”
You clung to him tighter, muffling your whines into the side of his neck and suckling the skin there instead. You stilled your hips though. Kuroo had to smile, fingers beginning to tap away at his keyboard again while your perfect velvet walls hugged his cock.
Part of Bokuto’s job was staying fit, considering he was constantly active out on the court. The gym he set up in your shared apartment was nothing short of impressive, and you couldn’t help poking in there while he was grunting away. Skin shining with sweat, muscles ripping as he lifted the next set of weights, you couldn’t help but lick your lips, or the little flood that happened between your thighs. Usually, Bokuto could wait until he was done, but sometimes you just looked too good, so desperate and needy as you clung to that door frame, basically drooling at him. He would take a seat, pulling you into his lap.
“12...13...14...” Bokuto’s voice was strained in the best possible way, his chest fluttering as you suddenly clenched down around him. He slowly lowered the weights to his sides a grin growing on his face as he felt your little nails dig deeper into his thighs. He pressed up into you, grin growing at the yelp you released. You could feel your cheeks heat up, pussy desperately milking his cock when it slapped against your cervix. “P-Papa!” You whined, looking back at him with tears swimming in your pretty eyes. “‘M sorry pretty Birdy... sometimes I can’t help but tease you when this perfect little cunt is squeezing me so good.” He pressed a few kisses along your cheeks, before he took hold of your jaw, forced your eyes back on the mirror in front of the two of you. “But Papa needs more motivation so he finishes his workout. So spread so legs back open, wanna see your pussy splitting.” And you had no choice but to listen, only thinking of how he’d pin you to the mirrors later to fuck you stupid. So you lulled your legs back open, biting your lip as he moaned at the sight of your stuffed hole.
“Perfect...” he breathed, keeping his eyes glued to the reflection as he hauled the weights back up to continue his count.
Ushijima isn’t much for PDA. Those little touches you always give him, running those pretty fingers along toned arms in public. It’s just too much for him. But Ushijima is a collected man, knows how to hold himself back. And know very well you’re doing it all on purpose. You’re his pretty baby, after all, he knows how you like to tease, pressing into his side on the subway or leaning down to look at something with a skirt that’s just a little too short. Ushi knows, when the two of you get home, your frame already vibrating with excitement, he had no problem pulling you onto his cock.
“More... more Sir....” the whine you release around his fingers as he stuffs them between your lips is high pitched, almost a little offended as tears swirl in your gaze. But Ushijima doesn’t budge, doesn’t move one inch other than his long fingers which are now pumping in your mouth. Your left whimpering around him, his cock throbbing within your walls and stretching you open without even moving an inch. “Maybe if you hadn’t been so handsy today and just asked for some dick like a good girl, you wouldn’t be in this position.” Ushijima huffed out, brows knitting together at the mess of drool that already started to bubble down your chin and around his knuckles. “But because you can’t keep your hands to yourself, you’re gonna keep my cock warm until I feel like fucking, are we clear.”
He knew you couldn’t respond, but the mewl you release as your fingers dig deeper into the skin of his thighs is satisfying enough to have a subtle smirk twitching on his lips.
Iwaizumi likes the closeness that comes along with cock warming, especially after a long day. There are some days where your schedules just don’t aline until late into the evening when the sun has already set. You’re both too exhausted for any sort of sex, but still want to be close to one another, want to share soft kisses and embraces. So once you two have dressed down for the night you curl up on your shared bed, finding a comfortable spot together.
“Princess...” Iwaizumi sighs into your ear, his palms slipping under the fabric of your shirt so he could the warmth of your skin. You mewl in response, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck before pressing wet kisses along the column. “Love you so much daddy...” you murmur back to him softly, your eyes fluttering a bit as he twitched between your walls. He was slowly growing, filling you up inch by inch until that familiar squeeze was apart between your thighs. It always felt so good, being stuffed by him when you drifted off into sleep. A smile curled on Iwa’s sleepy features, the familiar grip of your cunt around his dick making him sigh out in content.
“Love you too, my pretty princess.” He kisses along the crown of your head, hands massaging down your back as you cling to him tighter, sleep weighing down your eyes.
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90stvshowgoth · 3 years
—ch.1 —ch.2
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summary: after dabi was seen leaving your apartment complex last week, the commission has sent a lesser known hero to help guard the building until new cameras are installed. however, no security measures in the world could keep dabi out.
w/c: 5064
tags: dubcon, cuckolding, creampie, voyeurism, humiliation, exhibitionism, arson
a/n: this is the final chapter to this little duology, and the reason why its so much shorter is because the first one was really supposed to stand on its own, but i got so many requests for a sequel i couldn’t help it. so i just took the kinks i didn’t get to use last time and pay off some setup and voila. however, just ‘cause this is the last chapter of this story doesn’t mean i’m not gonna write a fuck ton of other stuff for him. ily burn man. plus i’m working on a huge, multi-chapter fic for him while i post smaller one-shots >:) that being said, enjoy.
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The impact Dabi left on your life was far bigger than you thought it would’ve been on the night you snuck him away from the law. As he was running from the cops someone saw him climb through your window, and a different person also saw him climb down the fire escape. With witnesses like that, the other tenants were downright furious.
You almost felt bad for the landlord, it wasn’t his fault you were insane enough to willingly let a villain come inside both you and your apartment.
Your landlord and the police department came up with a solution. The apartment complex would be installing new state-of-the-art locks on all fire-escape adjacent windows free of charge. This wasn’t exactly an issue with seeing Dabi again, since all you had to do was purposefully leave yours unlocked.
It would take two weeks to install all the cameras, but until then, a community-assigned hero would be stationed to guard the complex.
His name was Kao, a middle-ranked hero with bright orange hair and a winning smile framed with dimples. At first you thought he might’ve been one of the better heroes, waving you off to work and walking you there the other day, but recently he’d begun to creep you out. The friendly conversations about a tv show you both enjoyed began to turn into invasive questions about your love life.
A week of lingering glances and uncomfortable prying culminated that Friday as he had flat out asked you to dinner moments prior.
“C’mon, I just— I said that wrong, lemme try again,” He stuttered, keeping pace with you as you marched towards the building.
“No, Kao, look, you’re cool and all, but I’m really not looking to date anyone right now.” You huffed, striding into the doorway and towards the elevator. That might not’ve been the whole truth but you obviously couldn’t tell him that you had the hots for a terrorist.
He groaned, rubbing the back of his neck, “Well you just got off work, right? I remember which room you stay in, maybe I can swing by tonight?”
You whirled on him, your jaw slack in shock at the insensitivity of his words. The reminder that he knew where you lived sending a shiver down your spine, “Kao, this conversation is done. I don’t want you following me around anymore, hero,”
Deep down, your words sounded familiar. If they were raspier and said behind a thin veil of indifference, you might’ve realized that you were talking like Dabi.
“What is that supposed to mean? We’re the good guys!” You slammed your fist down on the close-door button, your mouth a thin line, daring Kao to make a move and stop the doors. He didn’t, and soon the reassuring pull of the elevator set your shaking body at ease.
‘Who does he think he is?’ You were bitter, rightfully so, you think.
You were so frustrated that you had difficulty inserting your keys into the lock, twisting it with a growl and throwing open the door, ready to collapse onto your pillow and vent to whoever was online about your heroic stalker.
When you noticed the scent of cigarettes in the air.
“Hey, doll,” Warmth surged through your chest at the sight of him, the villain’s feet kicked up onto the coffee table.
You were hanging your coat on the hook before moving beside him to the couch, “What took you so long?”
“Not happy to see me? You seem a lot bitchier than I remember,” The crude edge of his humor was a breath of fresh air compared to the stifling niceties of work, and you smiled for what felt like the first time that day.
Shaking your head, you toed out of your boots and made your way to the frayed couch, “I’ll tell you all about him,”
That got his attention, “Him?”
“A hero,” Dabi’s frown worsened, an accusatory look in his eyes, “before you ask, no, you idiot, I hate this guy, there’s not a chance I’d sleep with him.”
The tensity in his shoulders relaxed, bring the half-finished Newport to his lips as you continued, “Since you broke in last week all my neighbors lost their shit. They threatened to sue if my landlord didn’t assign a hero to watch the building for a bit. I thought he was cool, but I’ve just decided that he’s a total prick.”
He hummed, nodding understandingly, “Want me to kill him?”
You gaped, hitting him on the chest, “Wha—No, Dabi, what the hell?”
He just shrugged, the intensity of his words almost funny to you, and as you recounted the last twenty minutes the ashes of Dabi’s cigarette fell to the floor. The dying lights of the sun streamed through your window, the smoke oddly beautiful in the glow as he handed you the last hit of his cheap cigar.
“You know why heroes are like that?” You shook your head, enjoying the numbing calm of tobacco, “It’s cause they’re spoiled. They go their entire lives being praised for everything they do so they don’t know how to take no for a fuckin’ answer,”
Apparently your smoking buddy was feeling talkative, much to your delight. His words made you pause, remembering the relieved faces of your neighbors whenever they’d see the gaudy costume Kao wore as he strode by.
“Shit... guess you’re right,” You mumbled into his side, not minding the ever-present aroma of burnt skin and smoke that clung to Dabi’s coat.
He scoffed, “I’m always right, baby,” His words earning him a pinch on the arm.
“No, you ass, just about the hero stuff,” He grinned, the staples on his dimples taut against his skin as he pulled you closer, his breath hot against your ear.
“Careful, doll, you’re starting to sound like a villain,” The drop in your stomach sent heat down your skin, yet somehow you were still shivering under his predatory gaze.
You shook your head, trying to will away the red that dusted your cheeks, “No way, my quirk isn’t strong enough to be a villain,”
He raised his eyebrow expectantly, broadly gesturing for you to go on.
“Well...” God, why is this embarrassing? “I can give people headaches.”
You didn’t know if he would laugh at you or belittle you for your meaningless quirk, but he did neither.
“Think you could practice it more? Get better at it?” He was serious, staring at you and expecting an answer.
You looked away, unable to hold his gaze, “I mean, maybe? It’s not hard to do, I guess,”
Dabi smirked, pulling you onto his lap. It felt as if the week hadn’t happened at all and you were right back where you started, your face flushing at the memories of that night. He dragged you close, eyes dark as he whispered something into your ear...
“Think you could split someone’s head open with a migraine?”
Your gut wrenched, flinching at the gory idea and making you sit up in Dabi’s lap. The atmosphere in the room hadn’t changed, his stare as menacing as before.
That is, until he started to crack up. Louder than you’d ever heard before, his fit filled the apartment until he had to cup his stomach from laughing too hard; the wheeze in his rough throat echoing around the room as your blush spread all the way down your neck.
“Oh, you asshole!” If anything, your shove against his chest only made him more giddy. The panic-fueled adrenaline was still surging through your body, unwillingly making the wetness between your thighs spread, even as you tried to wrap your head around the fact that Dabi had been fucking with you.
Your legs shook as he held on to you for balance, his cackling dying down but the shit-eating grin never leaving his face, “You were so freaked out, huh?”
“Yeah, no shit!”
He hummed, running a hand through your hair and suddenly yanking you forward, basking in the sharp yelp it brought from you, “You’re cute when you’re scared,”
You’d missed the way his scabbed lips felt on yours more than you’d ever admit. There was something about him that left you breathless, eager and questioning your life choices. Groaning into his mouth before pulling back and laving your slick tongue along his disfigured lower lip, you rolled your aching heat against him to force a truly pornographic moan from his mouth.
“Oh, fuck—” One of his hands slid down your back, grabbing your ass through your jeans, “Fucking hell, you missed me that much?”
You nodded dumbly into his shoulder, pressing chaste kisses along the ragged skin as he slid his finger past the band of your jeans, cupping your dripping sex with wide eyes.
“Goddamn, s’no way you’re this wet for me already,” His eyes were scrutinizing, trying to figure out why you were hiding into his neck, “What’s got you so worked up, doll?”
You couldn’t come up with a good excuse in time, Dabi thinking back to how your thighs had tightened up when he asked if you could kill someone, your eyes were frightened back then, yes, but there was something else. Something you wouldn’t tell him.
When the realization hit him, it hit hard.
“Holy shit, you get off on being scared?” He couldn’t believe his luck, the embarrassed groan you buried into his shoulder confirming his suspicions.
Dabi ran a hand through his hair, a childish wonder over his features, “Aren’t I fuckin’ lucky?” He sneered, pulling you back til you were at eye-level again.
“I’m gonna try something, baby,” there was an edge to his voice as he settled one hand on the small of your back, pressing your tits against his chest as he held your bra strap back with the other.
“What are you… Dabi, what are you doing?” The scent of fire and burning fabric filled the air, the ends of your bralette smoking between his fingertips, embers turning to ash and sprinkling down the couch until it was flimsy enough for Dabi to rip free, teeth sinking into your neck as he held you still to keep your skin safe.
It was jarring and a bit terrifying to be restrained against someone like Dabi without knowing his intentions. But nothing in you could deny the blinding rush of pleasure it ripped down your spine.
“It’s all starting to make sense, doll-face, I guess I was right the first time,” His hands tossed the smoking bra into hallway, reaching between you and torturously pinching and pulling on the rosy blush of your tits, “you do have a thing for villains,”
“Can’t wait to fuck that tight pussy again, doll,” Without warning he shoved your torso forward, your body bouncing against the couch, his hands flying to the button of your jeans.
“—Didn’t have time to take you right last time, didn’t get to taste you,” his words made you whimper in his grasp, keeping your legs somewhat raised as tugged down the tight denim.
You fully expected him to take you rough like before, make you choke on his cock before having his fill, but as he tugged off your black panties he crawled down the trembling body beneath him, slowly moving over your ribs, your stomach, and finally your drooling cunt.
He never broke eye contact with you as he pulled your thighs closer, keeping them spread wide as the hot fan of his breath on your pussy sent a thrill through your neglected nerves.
“I want you to scream my name,” It was an order, not a request. The unhinged tremor in his hands was unsettling, an unspoken threat hanging in the air.
Dabi’s tongue immediately found your clit, mouth wrapping around the glistening bead and sucking all at once, the moan it drew from your lips unholy. He moaned at the taste, hiking up your hips onto his shoulders.
“Christ, you’re sweet, doll, like fuckin’ candy...” He muttered in disbelief, more to himself that to you, licking a wide stripe along your drenched lips, diving into you deep enough to have your limbs spasming around him.
On instinct your hand flew to your mouth to muffle the sharp cry that the villain drew. He didn’t warn you before bringing his hand up high and slapping it into the bare skin of your thigh, a scream echoing through the living room. Distantly, you wondered if your neighbors could hear...
“Don’t you dare hide a single sound from me, slut, or this ends now,” his ultimatum was scary but the insult felt heavy in a way you’d never felt before, and you nodded without a second thought, breathlessly bunching one hand into the arm of the couch above you and the other into the ashy black of his hair.
You nodded down to him, silently saying to continue; the villain fixed on watching as your chest swelled in time with your breathing, a rush of blood going to the heat of his cock.
His pace was hungry, nipping at your thighs whenever he thought you were too comfortable, spinning circles into your clit with his tongue and chuckling at the noises it brought, “You gonna cum, princess?” You could only respond with a scream of his name, the plea music to his ears, but he needed you to be louder if he was to get what he wanted.
“Louder,” Dabi called your name like a prayer, moaning into your cunt as you practically suffocated him between your thighs, “Fuck—Louder, baby, scream it,”
“Dabi!!” Your orgasm was hot against his tongue and he drank in every last drop of your climax until you were wrenching away his greedy mouth, your pussy swollen and red from his care.
Just as you started to compose yourself, a frantic banging sounded on the door. Someone from the hallway was slamming down their fist, screaming your name.
“Hey! Did you just say Dabi?! Are you okay in there?” It was Kao.
Horror clawed away any kind of afterglow as you cupped your hand to your mouth, leaning up on your elbow and whispering, “What do I say?”
Dabi’s voice was just low enough to hide behind the pounding of Kao’s fists, “Do you trust me?”
Before you could answer the hero behind the wall called your name again.
“If you don’t answer me in five seconds I’m breaking this door down!”
Your gaze flickered from the front door to the villain that was wiping your slick from his chin.
Dabi grinned, grabbing your wrists and holding you against his shirt, one hand wrapped painfully around your tits and the other erupting with blue fire in his palm.
“Come and get her, hero!” You made a confused squeal, thrashing around in his grasp, eyes wide and afraid as Dabi shushed into your ear, trying to calm you down.
‘Like hell if you’d calm down, he’d practically just signed your death sentence!’ you heaved against the fugitive, trying to shake yourself free to no avail.
All you could do was squeeze your eyes shut and imagine you were somewhere else as door was jolted in its hinges, the doorknob falling with a distant clang, and before you could beg Dabi to stop whatever stupid game he was playing, Kao ran into the room, eyes furrowed and fists raised as the door squeaked on the loose hinges behind him, blissfully unaware.
“Where are y—“ Kao’s voice paused mid-sentence, you flinched in Dabi’s hold, the heat of the redhead’s stare washing over you, naked and wet, making you tilt your head down, trying to hide yourself from the world.
“Isn’t she cute, hero?” Dabi rasped against you, the heat of his fire illuminated against the sweaty sheen of your trembling body. Kao didn’t know what to do, flustered and struggling to hide the tent in his latex costume.
You knew fighting back against the villain was pointless, falling limp in the strength of his arms as he chuckled into your neck, looking over at the bump in his pants, “You were right, babe, I think he likes you,”
“Get your filthy hands off of her!” Kao screamed, diving towards the couch with his fist raised back.
Dabi simply grinned, carefully hovering his flame ever closer to your now bare tits, you couldn’t help but scream at the proximity, and whatever plan Kao had in his mind died before his fist could make impact.
His novocaine laced voice spoke calmly beside your ear, “Any closer and she’s dead,” The hot rush down your legs wasn’t due to his flames, as one hand took to rubbing your sensitive sex, the sounds it elicited from you unintentional and mortifying under the presence of Kao in the room.
“What... what do you want, you bastard?” Dabi laughed at that one, tweaking your clit between his fingers and conducting the most beautiful notes from your pillowy lips.
“I think It’s pretty obvious what I want, don’t you think?” Your name on his lips sent you keening against him despite the inferno roaring inches away from your skin. He couldn’t move without Dabi’s flames hovering ever closer to your heaving chest, and to Kao, you were very clearly about to die. Although you didn’t believe Dabi would hurt you, he had asked you to trust him before he got Kao’s attention, after all, the line between foreplay and conflagration was becoming blurry.
Kao backed up into the half wall that separated the living room from the kitchen, barely making an effort to try and hide his erection anymore, “I’ll send you to fucking Tartarus for this, Dabi.”
“Oooo, scary,” His unlit hand trailed down your jawline, tilting you to his side until he could slide his tongue into your open lips, humming into your mouth, “What do you think, doll?
“Dabi, please... wait,“ The strength in your voice wasn’t as heated as before, and even you had to admit it sounded half-assed.
Kao’s quirk must be no good for long range because all he could do was stand there, trying to avert his eyes from your drooling cunt in favor of glaring daggers at the coy villain pulling soft mewls from your lips, “I swear... I’ll see you rot in prison for this. You’ll be fucking executed, you rapist—“
“—woah, woah, that stings, hero. Doll, is that really what I’m doin’?” You groaned, not exactly answering because you couldn’t hear the question, your eyes still shut tight in embarrassment.
The growl in his voice sent another soaking rush towards your pussy, as his hand grabbed you jaw, pulling you up, “Look at me,” Your eyes widened at the sight of Dabi so close to you, his chest warm against your back, the aches of your last orgasm fading into something new.
“Tell me to stop, princess, your call,” Time stood still as Dabi kissed a soft pathway along your neck, weirdly gentle as he listened for your response, his clothed hard-on pressed firmly against your ass.
Too flustered to speak, you merely wrenched your arm free from his grasp, carding you hand through his hair and pulling him to your desperate lips. You could feel him tug into a smirk against you as your hips eagerly ground themselves on him despite the audience.
Kao choked on his own spit, stepping backwards, but stopped when Dabi aimed his ignited hand towards the hero who was having difficulty piecing together your actions in his head. “What,” His voice cracked when he called out your name, “are you...?”
Dabi pulled away, a feral glint in the blue hidden beneath his hair as he licked a disgustingly wet stripe along your cheek, chest rumbling behind you as you squirmed at the gross feeling, “I’m still gonna need you to beg, sweetheart.”
Your dignity was hanging by a thread, hinging on whether or not you followed his lead, but the insane buzz your anxiety had stirred up under Kao’s confused stare and Dabi’s aching cock was impossible to ignore. He rut himself into the dripping curve of your ass, his jeans soaked with your slick as you found the courage to speak.
“Fuh...” Carefully, Dabi pressed a loving kiss to your temple, his stare fixated on Kao’s as you strung the syllables together, “Fuck me, Dabi,”
The hero couldn’t believe his ears. She’d turned him down countless times despite his pursuits, yet she was somehow fine with this? Kao briefly thought that perhaps his crush was a villain this whole time, but that couldn’t make sense with her weak quirk.
You felt Dabi twitch beneath you, the shameless way you showed yourself off was as humiliating as it was hot, and he laughed in lightheaded disbelief against the back of your neck, taking your ass in one hand and slipping the other down his pants, tugging off the painful metal zipper until his boxers were pulled down just enough for his cock to finally be met with the soft warmth of your cunt.
“As the lady commands,” Dabi grinned, reaching around your waist to take his pierced dick in his hand, rubbing and tapping his swollen head deliberately against your clit, pre-cum drenching your pussy as you felt boneless in his arms.
“Ah-! St..S-top tea-sing, Dabi!” You babbled, squirming to try and find an escape from his grasp or maybe trying to force him inside you, but all your struggling did was make him harder. But before you could beg, you froze at the sight of Kao a few feet away, his legs bending into a sprinter’s pose. He was going to run?
Dabi was having none of it, a controlled jet of flame grazing Kao’s knee, scalding the skin beneath the latex. The hero cried out into the bite of his fist, collapsing into the wall a few feet away.
“Nah, hero. You’re not leaving just yet,” The villain rearranged you on his lap, “See, the thought of you jerking off to my girl? It kinda pisses me off, actually,”
The color in Kao’s face drained as he had no choice but to sit and watch as Dabi slowly sunk you down on top of him, one hand drawing soft circles into your stomach as you reveled in the feeling of his piercings hot against every part of you.
“Though, I’m wondering, what did you think about, huh?” Kao sputtered, unable to form words just like you, formless noises falling from your lips.
His scarred hands grasped at the flesh of your thighs, raising you up only to shove you back onto his cock, the flames that still extended to threaten Kao suddenly flared up in time with his thrusts, the weight of him felt so much deeper at this angle and it was hard to breathe, let alone speak.
“I... nothing! I didn’t—“ Another whip of fire cut through the room from Dabi’s fingertips, a cast of blue leaving bubbling skin in its wake, pain flashing across Kao’s face.
“Fuckin’ liar,” You yelped as Dabi shoved you down, moaning into your ear as you squeezed against him, sobbing his name into his chest as he picked up a steady pace in your guts.
Kao cried out, stuttering and gripping along the inflamed line of skin, “I-I thought— thought about her... fuck— I just wanted her to suck me off, alright? There, I said it! Are you happy now?”
He must’ve realized the mistake in his words as soon as he said them, squeezing your eyes shut but having no choice but to smell the stench of burning flesh and hear the sound of muffled screaming as it filled your apartment, “Can’t blame you though, her mouth is God,”
Your hands scrambled for balance against Dabi as the screaming of his victim made him downright feral, filling your tight heat so well it had you crying.
“Damn, you’re soaked for me, doll, I just knew you were a kinky fuck deep down. You’re a slutty little girl for me, aren’t ya?”
As much as it hurt to admit it, he was right. He was painfully right, and you told him so. The unhinged, unstoppable force that was Dabi ignited a passion in you that’d never been fed before. He was torturing the hero you hated all while taking your cunt in deep, harsh thrusts, the metal imbedded into his cock and his chest behind you were blisteringly hot against your skin.
“Tell him, baby,” His question fell on deaf ears, your tongue lolling from your mouth a bit at the pleasure.
It caught you off guard when he drew his hand back and slapped you across the cheek, a blistering red handprint in its wake, saying your name so softly, turning off his quirk to run his hands through your hair, he whispered, “Tell that fucking hero who you belong to,”
The world tipped over as Dabi gripped your shoulders, pushing you onto the wooden coffee table so your ass stuck in the air. In an instant he was on you again, pounding into your cunt with a glazed fervor, your words downright biblical in his ears.
“On-ly... Dabi ca—Ngh, Only Dabi can fuck me this good,” You forced the words from your throat, thankful for the table serving as an impartial shoulder to cry on as Dabi lined himself up with your cunt.
“More, princess,” The snap of his hips had you drooling onto the table, catching sight of Kao’s slumped body in the corner as Dabi’s breath sounded much louder than before.
“Fuck, baby—” You cried, craning your neck back to look at him. Sweat glistened at the crown of his dark hair, steam shading his breath as he took you hard, “Your cock is— shit its so deep in me,”
Your nerves were spent from exhaustion as he railed you, being more vocal than before as he choked at the feeling of your walls tightening around him, his fingernails digging future bruises into your hip dips, “Wanna feel you cum in me, want you to fill me up— Dabi, wanna make you feel good,”
“Fuck, doll, I can’t...” He ground his teeth together, making you squeal as he mounted you from behind, spreading your legs out wide so you had no way to hide yourself, “Gonna fuck’n cum-gonna cum in you- fuck, fuck, fuck—!“
You both hit your highs at the same time, Dabi accidentally digging your face into the wood as he held you as tightly to him as possible, his cum running hot due to his quirk as he pumped you full, that broken cry of yours like music to his ears, humping you a few times to ride out his climax.
You felt warm and safe, Dabi’s weight a comfortable blanket even with your shivering skin pressed naked into the coffee table. However, the quietly groaning hero in the corner made you quickly come back down to earth.
“Dabi... did you kill him?” Your voice was small beneath him, but he just shrugged.
“Nah, not yet, don’t worry,” He kissed your neck one more time, his thumb rubbing circles into your indented stomach, pulling you off the table and back into his arms.
He pulled out of you and grinned at the sight of his release spilling down your thighs, “Damn...” he whispered, taking in the sight with a satisfied whistle, “C’mon Doll, forget about him.”
You were grateful he carried you bridal style to your bedroom, your legs gelatin at this point, and as he laid you down to rest he grabbed one of your discarded shirts that hadn’t made it to the hamper and wiped down the remains of sex from your twitching cunt before leaving the cum-stained top ignored on the ground.
“You doing good, baby? Didn’t go too hard, did I?” His concern was diminished somewhat by the grin on his face, satisfied with the mumbling, love-drunk form he’d reduced you to.
Shaking your head, you burrowed into the warm blankets, peeking your eyes out from beyond the covers in a way that even Dabi couldn’t deny was pretty cute, “No, just... what are you gonna do with Kao?”
His face was unreadable as he leaned closer, “Do you really want to know?”
Truth be told, no, you didn’t, you were just a civilian, far removed from the complex fight between heroes and villains. You were only in this situation because you’d grown to care about Dabi. In some small, sarcastic way, he’d wormed his way into your life, and he hadn’t hurt you so far, only going as close as possible to bring you over the edge again and again.
“Good answer,” he stood up, tucking himself back into his jeans as he went back into the living room. You heard a muffled thud and what sounded like Dabi cursing before he reappeared in your bedroom, Kao’s unconscious body slung over his shoulder. For such a wiry guy, Dabi was pretty strong. Moving to the open window he basically threw Kao’s body onto the outside metal grating, his lungs uneven after carrying him.
Just as he swung his leg onto the windowsill you shot up in your bed, hand outstretched, “Wait!”
He turned back to look at you, genuinely confused as to what you could want.
“Kiss me before you go?”
He froze, then grinned, scoffing at the innocent gesture you gave so openly to a murderer like him. There had to be something wrong with his little villain-in-training to make her okay with it, just like him. Dabi ignored that thought for another day, striding forward and finally giving you the goodbye kiss you’d been denied last time, his tongue trying to map out every detail in case he could ever forget before pulling away with a warm softness to his ocean eyes.
“I think I might be starting to like you, Doll,” A feint rush of color fell on his unmarred skin and you’re sure your heart stopped beating for a good three seconds.
His words were a worn record being played over and over in your head long after he crawled down your fire escape, the teasing, sated haze in his voice hidden beneath a rasp of smoke. You weren’t sure how much he meant what he said, but you’re sure that the first thing you said in return was exactly what he wanted to hear; at least judging from the boyish smile that lit up his face when you said it.
“Come back soon, okay?”
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@effmigentlywithachainsaw @touyasfatcock @thicchaikyuuboys @awritersometimes @chey-the-simp
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goharshahi · 2 years
New Video: Hum Manazra Nahen, Mubahila Karen Ge! | Sufi Master Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV
Sufi Master Younus AlGohar poses a challenge to the religious scholars who vehemently oppose the spiritual knowledge.
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mcyt-imagines · 3 years
Hey, can you do a dream x fem!reader where the chat hears the reader mumble to herself in the background of dreams stream and he introduces her to his fans. I hope this is ok, thanks in advance xx
Thanks so much for the request! I hope you enjoy :) Also, I’ve used she/her pronouns, as requested!
Once A Silent Bystander
Dream’s quick rise to popularity left little space for you to believe that introducing yourself beside him in the limelight was ever going to be a good idea. Part of you thought that you wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure of so many eyes being on you at all times. You’d seen firsthand the highs and lows that came with internet fame, you had shared countless sleepless nights with Dream in the early days. His popularity was still rising but now his drama and controversy had begun to plateau nicely, leaving him far more mental energy to focus on bigger and better projects to further his channel. One of these ‘projects’ was a commitment to stick to a concrete streaming schedule for as long as he could.
This had led to Dream frequently texting you whenever he would start streaming, knowing you could come into his streaming room unaware of him being live. However, Dream is merely human and quite forgetful if he’s distracted, and he is easily distracted. Dream hadn’t planned on streaming for at least a few more hours but upon receiving several messages from George and Sapnap pestering him to join them in a discord VC he gladly joins them, going live as he does so. This spur of the moment stream decision is what allows you to slip from his mind as his friends’ laughter reaches his ears upon his arrival into the VC.
“Hey, babe! I ordered your usual from the Chinese place, is that okay?” Your voice pours into the room, Dream’s door now wide open as you look up from our phone to realise the damage you had just caused. Your eyes lock onto the microphone sat on his desk the little red ‘on’ button tauntingly blinking at you, silently mocking you. Dream stills for a moment when you initially enter, looking over to you.
He presses something on his stream board, you assume he’s muted his mic. “I’m streaming, and they definitely heard you. And yeah, my usual is fine.” He motions for you to join him at his desk as you groan. “You’re sure they heard?” You shuffle over to him, when you grow close, he happily pulls you onto his lap. His chin comes to rest on your shoulder, arms wrapping tightly around your middle. “Look at the chat.” You tentatively cast your gaze onto Dream’s second monitor; the chat is running a mile a minute and you can only make out a few phrases. Most of them being a mixture of, ‘WHO WAS THAT?’, ‘IS THAT A GIRL?’ or ‘DREAM HAS A GIRLFRIEND??’
You both knew this day was going to come eventually, keeping it a secret, unfortunately, couldn’t last forever. “What do you think we should do?” You peel your eyes away from chat to watch your boyfriend hum thoughtfully, he’s spent a decent chunk of his time online dealing with controversies and drama. So surely, he has some idea on where we should start with this whole thing, or if we should just refuse to open that can of worms at all. He can always just lie and say it was a tv in the background, or someone passing by a nearby open window.
His suggestion catches you off guard, “Why don’t we just tell them? You don’t have to come on stream or anything but there’s no real point in denying it now. They heard you clear as day babe.” He offers a hopeful look, hand moving to intertwine with one of your own and squeezing. “But it’s entirely up to you. I’ll follow your lead.” Dream presses a soft kiss to your forehead watching as panic continues to flash behind your eyes, his eyebrows are drawn together in worry. “I wouldn’t have been able to survive without you in the early days of my channel. You know I will always return the favour. I’m here for you sweetheart.” His tone lightens at the cheeky pet name, giving your waist a soft squeeze.
With a deep breath, you make your decision. “We’ll tell them. You’re right, there’s no point denying it. I mean, we were gonna tell them eventually anyway.” You shrug a little trying to relax your tense shoulders, he notices and places his cheek against one of your shoulders. “Exactly, this is just a natural progression! Plus, the guys have been asking me for ages about playing with you on stream.” He chuckles, “But we’ll only do that when you start to feel more comfortable obviously.” Dream adds pressing soft kisses to your neck, you feel his grin against your skin as you giggle at the ticklish sensation. “Alright, I’ve been muted long enough. You ready angel?” You nod with mock confidence.
Dream presses a blinking button on his stream board, “Sorry for the short break guys! But I’m back and with a special guest.” Dreams tone lightens as he looks to you expectantly, “Hi chat.” Your voice sounds foreign when you speak mouth feeling as if it was filled with cotton. You watch as the chat explodes with messages, “To all of you who guessed she was my girlfriend, give yourselves a little pat on the back.” 
He mocks knowing that the whole chat was begging for that outcome, “Now be nice or I’ll end the stream. Yes, that is a threat.” He smirks as you blush, “Baaaabe.” You smile softly shaking your head exasperatedly, somehow the chat runs by even quicker. “Sorry mods, I’d planned on giving you guys a heads up for when we were gonna announce this but uh, not everything always goes to plan.” Dream chuckles his own eyes widening a little at the sheer number of people who are tuning into the stream, obviously, news has already gotten around Twitter.
Dream leans forward to type furiously on his second monitor trying to control chat as you stammer through your personal introduction, refusing to use your real name of course. Chat runs by with nicknames to call you akin to the naming conventions of ‘Drista’ “Drearlfriend? Like dream and girlfriend? Is that really something I just read in chat?” You laugh, Dream watching as your shoulders relax and a soft smile grace your face. “C’mon chat you guys can do better than that! I was hyping you guys up earlier and this is the reception my angel gets?” 
Dream looks to you happily gauging your reaction as you blush and stammer, “Baaaaaaabe.” You groan, trying to cover your face with one of your hands. “Oh no, I want to see that blushing face.” He grins, “Hey! Not on stream!” You cry, face only growing a darker shade of red. He continues to grin but backs off to stop pestering you, your phone buzzes. “Okaaaay. But you’ve gotta stay and keep chat company, because I need to go and grab the Chinese.” He is quick to hop up from the seat, placing you gently back down where he had been. “Wait don’t leave me here!” You cry as he waves with a cheeky grin and disappears from your view.
You audibly gulp before looking back at Dream’s screen pulling on his headphones, “Now that he’s gone put in chat what kind of embarrassing stories you guys want me to spill before he gets back.” You giggle lightly watching chat explode with cheers and suggestions.
Dream returns in a few minutes to see you interacting with chat and laughing along with their jokes like a natural. He simply stands in the doorway for a few moments dumbfounded over how lucky he is to be able to call you his.
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darlingpetao3 · 3 years
House of W (Multiple!Wells x Reader, Chapter 2)
Rating: T
Summary: After having to deal with the deaths of an infinite number of Harrison Wells in the Multiverse, you, a magic-wielding meta, have a breakdown and unwittingly create a happy, fictitious sitcom life with some of your favourite men. In a world of comedy and cameos, can Team Flash and an out-of-town magician break through your powers to save you? And what if you don’t want to be saved...?
Tag List: @fandomdancer @bluesclues-1234 @pinkdiamond1016 @crissymadlock @ensign-tilly @disneyoncerlover815 @marvel-lady10 @thecaptainsgingersnap @noctvrnalmoth @alexxlynn @dontbedumb3 @heyl0lwhatsup @ryou-cosmos​
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Birds tweeting, sun shining…
Big strong arms around you.
“Well, well, Wells,” you say with a scratchy morning voice and twist your body around in bed to see who’s got you in his grasp. Ah. “Good morning, Harry.”
“Good morning, (Y/L/N),” the scientist replies. You just love how strands of his hair stick up in place. Harry arguably has the best bedhead.
“You know dear, since we are married after all, don’t you think it would be more acceptable to call me by my first name?”
Harry chuckles and pulls you closer against him.
“You do raise a fair point. (Y/N).”
“That’s more like it.”
He kisses your nose. Shortly after he does, it starts to feel itchy. You feel like you’re about to sneeze. It wiggles and wiggles until—
Suddenly, Harry, who had been clad in his silky pyjamas is now- oh my.
“(Y/N), did you just sneeze my clothes away?”
You can hardly answer the Wells in your bed because you’re so enthralled by his lack of clothing under the sheets.
“Happy accident?” you offer innocently. Harry shakes his head and smiles as if to signify that you’re up to your old antics again.
“Come here, you,” he says and pulls the covers over you both.
* * * *
The scene is really quite comical.
Harry walks briskly with his long legs into work at S.T.A.R. Toys Manufacturing Inc. as you try to keep up with quick little steps and a clipboard… while H.R. trails behind you like a maniac with a tray of coffee.
“(Y/N), I believe you have some explaining to do,” Harry speaks to you over his shoulder. “Can you remind me why you’re at work with me? And why the numbskull, too?”
“Handsome numbskull!” H.R. jokingly clarifies. Harry rolls his eyes.
“I told you, honey,” you begin, “I decided it would be best for me to get a job instead of sitting around the house. Plus, an assistant here was the only position available. I thought that was terribly convenient. We can spend more time together now, isn’t that wonderful? As for H.R., I hired him as my assistant!”
“My assistant has an assistant?”
“Don’t question it, honey,” you tell him and pat him on the cheek. Just then, two young employees walk up to you. They look rather familiar, but you can’t place why at the moment.
“Good morning, Mr. Wells,” the pair greet Harry. “And Mrs. Wells. ...And Mr. Wells.”
“Ah, good morning Garcia. Runk,” Harry answers. “I trust your projects are coming along?”
“That they are, Sir,” the young man called Runk replies.
“We should have them finished and ready by end of day,” Garcia, the young woman, adds.
“I’m glad to hear it-”
“-Well done, chaps!” H.R. interrupts. “You’re all doing such magnificent work. All for the children.”
“All for the children,” Garcia and Runk agree.
Harry clears his throat and whispers to you, “I think assistants to the assistants should be seen and not heard.”
“I’ll have a little chat with him,” you tell your handsome boss husband. “Now, let’s build some toys!”
* * * *
After a long day at the factory, you, Harry, and H.R. all return home. The delicious scent of dinner greets you as you walk in the door.
“Mmm, I wonder what Sherloque and Nash are cooking up!” you think out loud.
“I hope it’s nothing French,” Harry says semi-bitterly.
“H.R., can you go see what they’re up to in there, sweetie?”
“I most certainly can, dearest!” he responds then disappears into the kitchen. You are sure to take this opportunity to have some more one-on-one time with Harry on the couch. As you sit, he sets his briefcase down on the coffee table and removes from it a small rocket ship. After turning it around in his hands, Harry hands it to you.
“I’d been working on this today,” he says.
“Oh Harry, it is so groovy. You do such fine work.”
“The idea came to me in a dream.”
“You make dreams come true for children every day.”
Harry turns to you. “I think I’ve always wanted kids. But I guess it’s never happened for me.” He looks into your eyes. “I think I’d like to have one with you someday, (Y/N). How do you feel about that?”
“I feel… I feel…” Your nose starts to wiggle again. “Achoo!”
“(Y/N), are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
“Oh, yes, I’m completely and totally, whoaaaa!” You stand up to get a better look at yourself, finding that your tummy has a noticeable roundness to it.
“Are you…?” Harry asks. The rest of the Wells men come rushing into the living room.
“Qu’est-ce qui se passe?”
“I heard another sneeze!”
“Jumping juniper, (Y/N)’s pregnant!”
They all group around you in a half-circle to admire your belly and to declare their delight at the very abrupt surprise.
“Is this really happening?” you ask all of them, falling deeper and deeper into your happiness.
“I couldn’t imagine a better life with you,” Harry says and punctuates his final word with a kiss. Everything about this moment just seems… so much more colourful and vibrant.
And perfect.
~ ~ ~ ~
Barry had urgently messaged Cisco and Caitlin to meet him back at the Grand Central City Auditorium, where they had just seen Zatanna’s magic act. The plan—what very little of a plan he had—was to race to find Zatanna, the Mistress of Magic, and ask for her help.
Word on the street was that Miss Zatara’s act wasn’t mere illusions. People have said that she really does possess a special magical power. And if this was the case, she was their only hope to retrieve you from whatever world you’ve gotten yourself into.
They say sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
Well, now Team Flash is going to fight magic with magic.
It took a bit of making a scene inside the venue with the security guards for Zatanna to finally come out of her dressing room to see who was causing the commotion.
“Hi, excuse me, what’s going on here?”
“Zatanna? My name is Barry Allen,” your brother introduces himself. “I was at your show tonight.”
“Flawless,” Cisco can’t help but add.
“Sure,” she says, probably very much wanting him to get to the point. “How can I help you, Barry Allen?”
“We have a bit of a magical issue. My sister has gotten herself into a situation. We need your help.”
Zatanna’s big round eyes squint slightly, but whatever she sees in these three strangers surely isn’t threatening.
“Your sister, you say?” The Mistress of Magic always did have a soft spot for family. “Where is she?”
“You better come with us and see for yourself.”
~ ~ ~ ~
“Wow, this is quite the setup,” Zatanna says, taking in the Cortex upon her arrival. “Now, you said that your sister is broadcasting her own sitcom?”
“That’s right,” Barry confirms. “I switched on the TV earlier, and there she was in black and white. But the weird thing is that her set looked almost identical to her home, except not because her real home exploded-”
“Yeah, that’s the weird bit,” Cisco pipes up sarcastically. “Definitely not that she’s married to four different versions of the same man.”
“What?” Zatanna looks entirely confused. “Okay, you guys are going to have to catch me up.”
“No problem. The episode is streaming online. On repeat.”
“Cisco, pull up the show on the monitors,” Barry orders. The engineer does so, and the crew proceeds to analyze the sitcom episode.
“This man... or these men, rather—you said they died?” Zatanna asks the room. The rundown the gang gave her on the way to S.T.A.R Labs was quite rushed, so naturally it would only generate more questions.
“That’s right. I saw them disappear before my eyes,” Barry confirms. “They sacrificed themselves for us.”
Zatanna hums in thought. “Whether they’re truly dead or not, she must be using an incredible amount of magic to create this world and broadcast this across the airwaves.”
“Guys!” Caitlin raises her voice. “We have an incoming broadcast!”
The monitors change after a bit of static. Now, instead of the episode Team Flash was watching, a brand new jingle comes through the speakers.
“Is this…?” Barry starts.
“She released Episode Two!” Cisco cheers. Everyone in the room shoots him a look. “What? I’m invested.” As they watch the new episode, they take frantic notes, searching for any kind of clues.
“Look!” Barry points at the screen to the familiar faces.
“How did Allegra and Chester get in there?” Caitlin wonders.
“They have a guest-starring role…” Cisco notes, possibly with a hint of jealousy.
“And who are they?” Zatanna inquires.
“They’re our friends,” Barry clarifies. “At least, I think they are. They can't be illusions, can they? Created by (Y/N)?”
“I’ll call them and see if we can hear their phones ringing in the show,” Caitlin suggests. As she attempts the call, the rest of the team stands and stares at the screens hoping for some form of ringing sound. This episode seemed to be styled more in the Sixties, so it was unlikely that they’d actually see Chester and Allegra pull out a cell phone.
Nothing. No sound.
They must not have their phones on them…
A little while longer passes, with even more analyses by Team Flash and Zatanna studying your power on screen. Once in a while, she’ll ask Barry for background information about you. Which brings her to ask the all important question:
“How did (Y/N) get her powers?”
Barry goes on to explain your origin story, which coincides with his own. It was that one fateful night where Barry was in his CSI lab at CCPD, and so were you. You had stopped by to see how he was doing after the whole debacle of Iris getting her laptop stolen and Eddie saving the day instead. (To Barry’s credit, he tried really hard to catch the criminal, he just wasn’t fast enough). But you were checking up on him when the Particle Accelerator exploded and sent a wave of extraordinary, uncontained power across the city. You saw the lightning in the sky and tried to get Barry away from holding that metal chain, but in doing so, you also got caught in the crosshairs of the accident. Your brother fell into the shelf of chemicals as the lightning struck at the same time you knocked over a box of evidence—stolen ancient crystals from the Central City Museum.
Zatanna takes in the story silently, nodding in the right places. She’s deep in thought when a voice comes from the entrance to the Cortex: “Hey guys, what’s going on in here?”
Barry rushes to the two younger members of Team Flash, Allegra and Chester. “How did you two get in there? How did you get out?”
“Get in where?” Allegra wonders.
“Come on! In (Y/N)’s sitcom,” Cisco says. “Did she send out a casting call or did she just tell you that you got the parts?”
Chester and Allegra glance at each other with identical furrowed brows.
“You really don’t know what happened, do you?” Caitlin asks them.
“What happened?” they reply in unison.
Cisco stands up immediately. “I’ll get the popcorn.”
As he replays the footage, both of the ‘guest stars’ shake their heads in disbelief.
“Wow, nope, don’t remember any of that,” Chester says.
“No,” Allegra agrees. “One minute I’ve got my feet up in the Lounge, and the next I’m here walking into the Cortex.”
“Interesting,” Caitlin muses. “Interesting, but beyond strange. It’s like they’ve been mind wiped of the experience. We need more answers.” The rest of the episode plays out to reveal the big cliffhanger at the end.
“(Y/N)’s going to have a baby?!” Cisco shouts. “Oh man, things just got real. I wonder who’s the father... You don’t think (Y/N) would turn her show into a Maury episode, do you?”
“Zatanna, is there anything you can do?” Barry asks desperately. “This is getting out of hand.”
“I can cast a locating spell. All I have to do is say the words of what I wish backward for it to take hold.” Zatanna readies herself. “(N/Y) etacol,” the magician utters with her eyes closed. Everyone in the room stands silent in case making any kind of noise would ruin whatever spell she has cast.
They hold their breaths.
“I’m getting something…” Zatanna says eventually. “It’s like a signal of sorts. I can see it in my mind. And it’s coming from… here.”
“What do you mean, ‘here’?” Barry presses.
“Here. As in S.T.A.R. Labs.”
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pakistanidramas · 3 years
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