#huey duck mention
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drawingducktalesducks · 1 year ago
Webby: Is Huey glaring at you?
Lena: Probably, yeah.
Webby: Huh. Why?
Lena: Secret.
Violet: Lena Vesuvian Sabrewing, what did you do.
Lena: I said rocks are boring.
Webby: GASP! To HUEY?!
Lena: Twice.
Violet: You are lucky to still be among the living.
Webby: ARE YOU OKAY?!!??
Lena: I'm missing a few feathers around the bite mark and kinda disappointed it didn't break skin, but yeah, great. A for effort.
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webbytbh · 11 months ago
random Webby art that I have
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ducktoonsfanart · 8 months ago
Don't belittle yourself by saying that your drawings turned out bad because your drawings didn't. Yours are great, they even turned out good, even though you were in a hurry and I like your style. Your duck drawing style is still at an excellent level unlike others. Keep it up in the future! 😊
Thank you very much, I'm trying my best. :D
Thanks, I use mostly styles from Italian comics, which I really like, especially styles from Giorgio Cavazzano, one of my favorite comic artists. I also put some of the covers and pictures he drew and it just inspired me to draw in my own way. Although Cavazzano learned a lot from Romano Scarpa, he still did it his own way and inspired many to make drawings using his styles. I also like other styles, so I combine them in my own way. Yes, although there are times when I'm not in a hurry so my drawings don't turn out bad, although it depends on my mood and where I end up.
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Maybe one day, when I'm more perfect at drawing, I'll do a tutorial for many how to draw Disney ducks the right way. Thank you for these compliments and I appreciate it. :D
P.S. What I do is unique, please don't copy my ideas without mentioning me. Thank you! I say this because there were some who copied me and took my ideas without mentioning me, which I really don't like. It's not about you, it's about those who use my steps. Although, if I inspired someone to draw like me, I like it. But again that's just my opinion.
Thank you again for your compliments and sorry for this and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. And thank you once again for the criticism and for good advice. I will try to make my drawings better in the future and I accept and remember your advice. :D
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chaotic-and-mentally-ill · 9 months ago
So, Ducktales x Cult of the Lamb, am I right?
Ok it's not actually a Ducktales x Cult of the Lamb au, it's more of a weird Mickey and friends Cult of the Lamb au, but it mostly focuses on the duck triplets.
(Huey, Dewey, and Louie)
I, sadly, don't have a whole lot of art for this au yet mostly cause i'm still figuring out how to draw all the characters, so bare with me cause this is gonna be a long text post until I have art I can/am willing to share.
Cult of the Lamb au but make it Ducktales/Mickey and friends because i've been watching Ducktales and recently got back into Cult of the Lamb again. I'll mostly be focusing on Louie for this au sense I have the best grasp on his character as of right now, but others will show up.
Sense Louie is the main focus, Louie with be the one taking on the role of The Lamb for this au, meaning he will bare the crown.
(But that doesn't mean I haven't thought about the "what if" of if Huey or Dewey got it instead.)
Cult of the Duck
So, before I really get to this I need to explain one very important detail:
All the ducks? Yea, they're dead. All expect Louie of course. (or one of the other triplets but we'll get to that later). This, of course, means Donald, Della, Scrooge, his brothers, and frankly and other duck within the series are, well, gone.
Like the lamb, Louie as the last of his kind. There are no other ducks. He has no one to protect him, and no one to protect. He is completely and utterly alone.
So when he's sent to be sacrificed in order to prevent the "prophecy", there was not much he could do. Sure, it was absolutely terrifying! No one wants to be sacrificed, and he was damn well sure that "prophecy" was bogus!
"Come closer, little duckling, for I still need you. I will grant you back your life, in return, I ask for a cult in my name. Do we have a deal?"
But as he looked up to the Bishops, gods amongst the people, those who always knew what was right, those who should not be questioned, as all he could do was bow his head and squeeze his eyes tight, hearing his heart beat agents his ribs as he prayed.
But when no pain had arrived, curiosity got the best of him as he opened his eyes and looked up. It was so bright.
Something beckoned him forward, and he followed. A voice gently assured to him as he made his way forward.
And with new found life, Louie escapes with the help of one of Oswald's children, a previous vessel to The One Who Waits.
And the story continues as per usual from there with one of Oswald's kids taking the place of Ratau (at least until I think of someone better). The first follower to be saved by Louie would be Max, who after this point is pretty darn loyal.
Louie, at first, is pretty upset about having to work and build the cult in the first place. He wasn't used to doing so much hard work, nor did he enjoy it very much. But, it was better then basically every thing else he'd been through, so he'd learn to tolerate it.
After some time of going on crusades (which, frankly, he hates more), he'd get a pretty good flow going between growing the cult and relaxation. He'd upgrade quickly, recruit (or as he'd call it; "Sweet talk") people, and find ways to make it so everyone could care for themselves so he'd have more time to relax.
Occasionally he'd go on crusades, but only if he absolutely needed to. (Food, supplies, gold, stuff like that.) He'd avoid the Bishops as long as he physically could, only caving when he didn't have a choice but to face them.
Sure, it be a heavy learning curve at first (learning to be selfless and what not for the sake of the cult), but eventually he'd be a pretty decent leader. His favorite days are when the whole cult (also known as his "community") would take one big break and not work at all, but he also enjoyed the days where everyone would hand him gold and/or do all the work for him. Because man does he hate having to do hard work. And yes, he's still the greedy, money loving guy we all know and love.
He'd often have Max be the one looking over the "community" when ever he leaves. Max would also probably be the tax collector and such considering he was the first follower and is the most loyal. Him and Max are close.
I can also see Louie marring many people, for tax purposes of course.
But what about the other 2? What would happen if they were given the crown instead?
Well, the sacrifice process may as well go the same. Oswald kid still takes Ratau place, Max still being the first follower and being loyal beyond belief, but that's likely where the similarities would end.
Dewey, being the prideful and adventures guy he is, would absolutely LOVE crusades. Sure, he'd love his cult and would enjoy being around them, but he would be nowhere NEAR where Louie would be in growth in the same time frame. He'd spend far to much time doing crusades and fighting monsters or even the bishops. Tbh I can see him taking out the most amount of bishops in the shortest amount of time out of all his brothers (with Louie taking the longest).
He'd probably come back to a hungry, angry followers because he'd be gone so long thanks to his crusades, which would inevitably lead to a LOT of damage control after. Would he ever learn? Probably not.
That's basically all I got for now, still a lot of stuff to work through and think about, but it's a neat idea that's been plaguing my mind for the past few days.
Huey on the other hand would spend an equal amount of time on crusades and with his cult. He'd most likely have everything under control from the get go. Plus, he now has a healthy way of letting out "The Duke of Messes" via crusades. Occasionally he'd have to preform damage control, especially with any new stubborn followers, but for the most part everyone is happy and capable of functioning orderly with or without him (mostly due to his schedules). Let's be honest, he's just glad people are finally listening to him.
His cult would probably embrace nature to it's finest, tents and all. It would probably be more put together and more advance then Dewey in most regards, but not nearly as advanced as Louie.
In other words: Louie is basically running a really weird town, Huey is running a camp, and Dewey is uh- doing his best.
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ducklooney · 1 year ago
After these holidays, I'll make some ideas of my own and pick up where I left off with my fanfictions and make posts here slowly over time. And I will definitely express that through my drawings. I would only ask that you do not use my ideas without my knowledge and permission, and I will not repeat that a hundred times.
If you are going to use some of my designs from my drawings and some of my ideas, then at least tag me so I know. I hope I was clear and you understood what I said. If not, feel free to ask me.
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ducklooney · 1 year ago
It's drawing by @eyefocusing . Why didn't you mention the author? Taking and giving other people's work without mentioning it is wrong. Sorry, but I have to say that others would know what this is all about.
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hollowwish · 6 months ago
List of arosepc headcanons I have below (it is quite long) (list subject to future updates/suggestions (you can send me propaganda for your blorbo))
Ford Pines - he literally just has the vibes tbh. Crazy uncle who doesn't want anyone bc he's aromantic and obsessed with portals. also it would make billford worse.
Mable Pines - she literally picks her crushes and then stops 'liking' them in week. Do you know how many aromantic people have done this.
Hollyleaf warrior cats - fallen leaves was her qpp. Okay. The website family tree is lying to you. If Lionblaze asked her when she would get married she'd respond with "I'm already married to the warrior code."
Sonic T. Hedgehog - it's in character. Sega themsleves said he would hate settling down.... (I also think hes bi)
huey dewey louie or webby duck(tales) - at least one of them is arosepc I just can't figure out which one. Or maybe it's all of them
Della duck - cool aromantic lesbian mom. She does not need a husband or a partner she just needs her ducklings (and donald ig)
lapis lazuil - ngl I was rewatching steven universe and I just had a Feeling. Also she's one of my favorite characters, so.
Rise Leo - he's like Mabel he's doing comphet. (I think he's gay aromantic specifically and just keeps mistaking "I want to be friends with this guy/wow they're attractive" with "I want to date him") (also makes the fandom wide headcanon of aro donnie really funny. Wrong twin guys..)
C!pearl and c!gem - especially empires s1. Pearl being aroace and gem being arospec but she hasn't figured that out yet (insert "I'm probably nonbinary but I have a job" image)
On that note, empires 1 fwhip has and will always be demiromantic in my mind
No idea what e2 fwhip has going on but he is somewhere on the aro spectrum. Maybe it's why he's so weird abt jimmy.
ONE Jimmy solidarity character is also arosepc I just don't know which one. But one of them is i know it in my bones.
grian and scar - they are both aros who fuck and 3rd life was world shattering platonic love.
Donatello tmnt - I haven't seen every tmnt iteration but like. ONE of them is aro and it is NOT rise donnie
Scott smajor - @/funkily suggested he was cupio and it made way too much sense
Saiki kusuo - do I even need to explain this one. It's basically canon (unless it is canon and I just missed something)
Wednesday Addams - most aromantic coded girl ever and I'm going to fight netflix for making her kiss barista boy
Shadow the Hedgehog - he's arospec but has no idea bc he sucks at recognizing his own emotions. ("Im probably aromantic but i have a job and trauma")
Twilight Sparkle - if you asked her what love is she would give you the dictionary definition
Rainbow Dash - it came to me in a vision
Silver the Hedgehog - also came to me in a vision
Byakuya togami - I've never seen a more romance repulsed fictional character tbh
Kyoko kirigiri - she is demiromantic to meeee
Rantaro amami - he has the weed smoking aro energy. Also hes green
Korekiyo shinguji - aromantism would save him i think
Honorable mentions -
Oli theorionsound (suggested by sage thinkingabout-girls)
Whatever the fuck was going on with divorce quartet in double life specifically
Violet and lena saberwing ducktales
Also ducktales gosalyn
At least one of the powerpuff girls
Adrien agreste because (iirc) he sucks at romance and I need to escape love square hell
Mumbo jumbo
Arospec mythicalsausage
Maud Pie (I think if I finished mlp she'd be on the list)
Someone in the danganronpa 2 cast
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michimonie · 23 days ago
Do you have any ideas on a body swap story?
You may have meant in DT17, Warner, or other Duckverse stuff, but my brain went right to this AU.
After finishing it, I felt like I should've swapped who was in who's body, but I can rewrite that another time.
Quack Pack Adult AU Bodyswap Story
try saying that three times fast
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Dewey in Huey's body: WHAT Louie in Dewey's body: THE Huey in Louie's body: DUCK
Dewey: are you kidding me?! Of all the things that could happen.... WHY THIS?!
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Dewey: WHAT WENT WRONG!? Louie: *yawn* Dude, how are you awake? Your body is so tired... Huey: Yeah, I think he uses energy drinks as meals. Quick question: How much can you lift, again?
Dewey grabbed his goggles off Louie (Dewey's body) Louie: Wha— Dewey threw Huey's jacket and tie at him (Louie's body) Huey: Hey, be careful with those. They're expensive. Dewey: And lastly, a usable jacket.
Dewey, in his regular gear: You two go find something to so, and don't you dare mess up my body. Louie: Honestly, I think I need a nap... Huey: Hey, don't frown so much with my face, you're going to ruin my complexion!
Dewey pushed them both out of the lab. Dewey: OUT! Louie: zzz....
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Huey: Hmm... I think we need a good pick-me-up. What do you think? Louie continues to snore. Huey: My thoughts exactly.
Huey enjoys the cat cafe without allergies because he's in Louie's body.
Louie, holding up his large cup of just espresso shots: I'm concerned that this is both working and not exploding my heart... After this, we gotta take away his energy drinks.
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Louie's phone beeps. Huey: Oh, dude, you've got some weird phone alert. Criminal activity nearby?? Louie: Wh-what?! Wait, hold on— Huey: Oh, it's your other job isn't it? Well, I could fill in. Louie: What? No! Who knows what kind of trouble you'll cause.
Huey: But what about those helpless people in trouble? Louie: Urrrgh... Fine, but you have to do whatever I say. Huey: Duck yeah! With your body and my skills, this should be no problem!
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Meanwhile, Dewey stares at his board of calculations. Dewey: UUUGH!
Huey's phone vibrates. Dewey: Huh? I guess Huey left his phone in his pocket. Oooh, look at these financial reports... Looks like I'm gonna need a bonus.
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Louie: You didn't listen to ANYTHING I said! Huey, covered in bruises: Yeah, yeah. Louie: I told you to use the claws, but did you? NO! Huey: I get it!
Louie: My superhero cred is gonna plummet! Huey: Yeah, yeah.
Dewey's phone dings.
Louie: Looks like Dewey fixed the machine. Huey: Finally.
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Huey, back in his body: Why did I recently send you a ton of money?! Not to mention the plenty of desserts charged to my card! Dewey, back in his body: It was out of the goodness of your heart. Don't you love your bro?
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violetganache42 · 8 months ago
And now, a compilation of highlights celebrating our favorite trouble making triplets (so troublesome that they would not stop causing technical difficulties throughout the stream):
The first highlight before we began the watch party proper
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Lottie doing pre-stream entertainment until WriteBackAtYa's laptop was working again… not realizing that it was working again all this time.
"Donald's Nephews"
Dewey wearing an orange shirt
quiltedmushroom: Donald is almost unintelligble Me: "I'll show you unintelligible!"
Me realizing why my "I'll have the duck" comment was considered as "spoilers"
WriteBackAtYa: Why does Studio Ghibli food always look so good?
"Allowance Day"
The return of whitewashed Daffy
The music when the triplets were pretending to be a radio station
WriteBackAtYa: *suggests Bubba Night* puffywuffy8904: uh oh
WriteBackAtYa: Can't get whiter than 87 Fenton talking amirite!??!
Tokuvivor and I quoting one of the best moments from Scoobynatural (I was HOPING he would reply with "Son of a bitch" and I was not disappointed. XD)
Remembering the triplets broke the economy during Scrooge Night earlier this year
Scrooge making deals with a Banana Republic
Launchpad appearance!
Scrooge attacking a dictator. Why? Because he can.
The entire episode in a nutshell:
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Caro pointing how this episode feels like a premise for a Regular Show episode
Uno and "Dead Duck" mentions???
The expectation of Scrooge saying "Come back here, you little shits." (After what happened, he deserves it. lol)
"The Split Sword of Swanstantine!"
Scrooge failing a spot check and noticing Lena and Violet had tagged along
Speaking of which, Sabrewing sisters appearance!
Scrooge getting suplexed by a woman after mistaking her for Black Heron
Violet: "Should I change out of my pyjamas first or—" Me: "NO TIME! CUE THEME SONG!"
Just. Dewey it!
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All the constant Dewey puns lol
Scrooge and Black Heron getting trapped by societal convention (It was SO awkward for them. lmao)
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Background buff wolf girl!
Missy: smash rockerduck
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Sky pirates cameo!
The Spice Baron saying all cheetahs are cheaters
The Duck-McDuck family revealed to be a global legend thanks to their ongoing adventures
Violet's scream after eating all the spices (I fucking love how her character was fleshed out throughout season 3. lol)
Praising the writers for giving us the three children duos in this episode
Steelbeak appearance!
"And I… I love you?"
(Play dumb!) "What sword?" (Not that dumb!)
Lena being a big sister to Huey
Huey unleashing the Duke/McDuck temper on Steelbeak:
puffywuffy8904 pointing out the similarities between Huey and K.O. accepting the Duke and T.K.O. as the respective parts of them
"Your bazaar adventure is over."
"Um… BAIL!"
"Can't Take a Yolk"
Donald suddenly having a six pack
The salesman reminding me of Wes Weasley from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
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Everyone freaking out about the humans
Us getting secondhand embarrassment from Huey trying to flirt with the blonde twin girls
Donald's OG design appearance
Uncle Doofus (I'm scared. ><)
Praising the fact that Quack Pack gave us one of the best versions of Daisy
Hair color inconsistencies for the twin girls
Remembering Donald was in the Navy
Missy: the fearsome five can split me limb by limb
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Llewella (Don't deadname Louie like that!)
The Discord lag making this episode an experience™
This episode reminding us of a Darkwing Duck episode
Elvira Coot mention?
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Me seeing Donald holding and going after a red balloon:
The irony in Dewey trying not to let Donald's egg fall
The episode ending with Donald becoming a giant
All of us needing to process what the fuck happened
Us concluding that this episode singlehandedly caused Discord to break
"The Fight for Castle McDuck!"
Dewey and the viewers learning why Scrooge says "Bless me bagpipes" (thus leading to the implications of a cursed kilt)
"No! Bad nerd!"
WriteBackAtYa commenting how something always ruins Webby's trip to Castle McDuck
Missy fucking thirsting for Matilda
Huey and Louie walking away grumpily after Dewey hits the former, causing the latter to fall off the chair
The noise Scrooge makes while being put in a headlock
Learning that the art book says Hortense and Quackmore are both alive and living at Elvira's farm (I honestly thought they were dead because of Disney's mandate of the Sensational Six's parents not appearing/having major roles!)
Phantom Blot Naruto running
This shot of Webby
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"If one of these bagpipes kills me, I'm gonna be so mad at you."
Scrooge rubbing Webby's back to comfort her! 💖
This episode showcasing how it accurately portrays sibling dynamics
Pepper's sneeze
The entire scene of the McDucks struggling to flip the table (My assistance didn't make a difference.)
Us spamming the DedDewd emoji during the BEST scene in the entire episode
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Everyone inserting McScrooge in the family's surnames
Nathan: Does this family do anything other than fight?
Titus, aka Dirty Dingus, biting Fergus
Webby's anxiety about the family splitting up and guilt for causing so many arguments and fights 😢
Scrooge, Webby, and Matilda all sharing a hug!
Puffy and Missy fighting more than Clan McDuck
"Music Day"
Mortimer jumpscare
Horace mention!
Clara Cluck and Clarabelle Cow appearances!
Pete jumpscare
Imagining a House of Mouse reboot with the DT17 triplets as a boy band (Jet, Turbo, and Rebel are their band names)
puffywuffy8904: I don't know what's hapoening anymore and at this point I'm too afraid to ask
The return of Squirrels in my Pants
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Quack Pack jumpscare
Kid HDL being voiced by Tony Anselmo instead of Russi Taylor for some reason
Story Blossom: Louie eats hot dogs in it Me: DT17 Louie is gagging
Us saying DT17 Donald would beat the shit out of the short's version of him
Godfrey: "You're alive?" Me: "You're alive! *faints*" Godfrey: "You forgot to tell Donald?" Me: "Whoops. 😅"
EllaKai: tbf Donald had it coming Godfrey: *singing "Cell Block Tango"*
"Day of the Only Child!"
Us looking forward to this episode!
Dewey picking up Webby and spinning her around (Don't you fucking tag this as ship, you sickos.)
"And this is why we need Only Child Day." *smack!*
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Another Launchpad appearance!
Jamie and Tokuvivor fanfic shoutouts!
Huey bonding with Bouncer and Burger
Missy: cumin CUMin
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(Not during Huey time!)
Learning that the art book also says there were plans for a Bouncer redemption arc and him becoming Scrooge's personal chef, but it unfortunately got scrapped (I remember @real-life-pine-tree and I talking about that idea a few years ago, long before the art book was a thing!)
Doofus' debut in general (I don't blame Louie for spamming the elevator button. ><)
Duckworth mention
"We're dead inside."
"What is he gonna do with the umbrella and walnuts?!"
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Dewey Dew-Night!
Monseuir Saucy
The severe Discord lag making the stream a funnier experience
Dewey's Louie voice sounding like Miss Piggy
Me: "Webby, you can come out." Everyone: Webby having lesbian thoughts about Lena (I love it! XD)
"'She knows.' Shut up, Louie."
"Brothers again? Brothers again. Triple threat!"
Dewey looking back at Webby as she was singing the Dewey Dew-Night theme
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alex31624 · 8 months ago
Duck Comic Reading Club Week 8: Dangerous Disguise
Ok, I'm finally finishing up the week 8 reviews. Let's go right away into Dangerous Disguise, is my first Carl Barks reading and I sure that is going to be greaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!
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Humans? Regular, everyday, no question about it, humans? What the hell man? This is not right, no, no, no. Also...
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Where in Dismal Downs are they? Crime Villa? Is this place safe for the babies?
Gosh… everything here seriously creep me out… anyway…
Imagine how mad Scrooge was at Donald and the babies that he actually sent them to another country. That crazy old bird is a pro hater.
After Donald mentioned the spies, HDL went crazy about it. They started seen spies in every corner, and drove Donald insane. In this situation, I have to be on Donald side, kids can be annoying.
I'm a grown man, and if that guy starts talking to me, I'd run to another city, but Donald thinks it's a good idea to help this stranger hiding under a pier.
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Turns out that Donald passed a secret message to Madame Triple-X, professional spy. Spy that buries the message in front of witnesses that later recover that said message.
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The kids show the message to Donald that takes the obvious choice, confront the spy.
Don, buddy, you're not PK here. Call the police.
Donald and the kids took the train directly to Chiliburgueria, just to realize that Madame Triple-X is in a plane to the same destination. Bad luck.
But the surprises are far from over.
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Another spy is ready to take down the Ducks. But, do not worry, Huey has a plan…
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He killed him.
Huey killed him.
Look at this. Look at it. That guy is dead, is deader than my dreams of Ducktales season 4.
Well, for reasons, Madame Triple-X is now in the Ducks' wagon. Donald tries to steal her purse, only to be discovered, and he and the boys are thrown out of the train. Luckily, they fell on a pond.
The kids complain, but Donald was one step ahead, because he now has Madame Triple-X's purse.
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They now can make some lunch.
Madame Triple-X is also thrown out of the train, and is once again, face to face with our heroes.
And she proceeds to...
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Oh, for duck sake!
Guys, the lunch thing was a joke! Don't eat the salami sandwich the evil spy offers to you!
And of course the sandwich put the Ducks to sleep. And of course Donald's neck fell directly on the tracks.
Thank God, the trainmen strike saves Donald.
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The Ducks steal the train and arrive to Chiliburgueria where they find Donaldo.
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So, Donaldo is a bullfighter, therefore, I hate him. I'm against that barbarism wrongly named culture.
But, the guy was taken down by his doppelganger, and treated by evil ten-years-old triplets. What a day.
Donald took Donaldo's place in order to capture Madame Triple-X, and I wonder…
Donaldo has the same voice impediment that Donald has? They look identical but, the voice… Donald voice is the most recognizable voice ever.
And back to the looks one second, how is that Donaldo looks exactly like Donald? I think Quackmore has a lot to explain.
After a bullfight where, thankfully, no bull was harm, Donald finally convinces Madame Triple-X that he's the spy. Only for Donaldo to break free and end the charade.
But then…
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Madame Triple-X was a secret secret service member all along! And she almost fail her mission, because those damn Ducks.
Donaldo then, jump through the window. No second thought about it.
The Ducks then came back to Crime Villa to enjoy their vacation.
What can I said about this one? It was weird, and fun, and crazy, and stupid, and I loved it.
More of this, please.
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popculturebuffet · 8 months ago
Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Finale: The Richest Duck in the World "And As Usual, He Was!"
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Hello all you happy people and welcome to the finale of my life and times of scrooge mcduck retrospective! It's been a duck blur, from starting this years ago, to a years long hiatus to Kev paying for me to finish it, btu we're finally here. The final chapter of Don Rosa's masterpiece. Coming out the other side of this LIfe and Times is still one of my faviorite comics of all time and I'm glad to finish it. Kinda. There are a ton of bonus chapters Rosa did throughout the rest of his career, as well as an upcoming new chapter from another author entirely, all of which i'm up for covering at some point. There's a few I definitely want to get to in paticuarl: The three goldie stories (one pre life and times two with the label) that help flesh out here and Scrooge's past, the wonderful "Letter From Home" that gives ups Matilda's return and ties up that loose end, and my personal faviorite "Dream of a Lifetime", a one shot tale that goes through just about every chapter of life and times via Scrooge's dreams for one hell of an epilouge. None of these are necssary but they all feel like good companion pieces to the story and i'm glad Rosa did these interquels among others. I also have an itch to cover more duck material in general as while it has the cynical boost of having more viewers than normal for my content, it's also something I forgot HOW much I loved in the content lull after Ducktales end. And as a wise man once said.. there's always another rainbow. What it'll be i'm not sure yet, but you can expect at least one duck adventure next month.
For now though we're finishing the main story and it's while a lot of plans changed or shifted over this 12 issue saga, one thing was always in the cards: he wanted to end the story where Scrooge's story began all those years ago, with the finale taking place the day after the bulk Night on Bear Mountain. For those less familiar, and I wasn't when I started this though i've since covered the story, Night on Bear Mountain is the very FIRST Scrooge story, with Scrooge inviting his nephews for Christmas to scare them but being impressed by the end and thus inviting them for CHristmas Diner. This story shows what happens in between while also explaning the discrepency between the Scrooge we see in that story and who he'd be in the rest of his meaty cagalogue. In night on bear mountain Scrooge is diffrent, wearing a long robe, living in an isolated mansion (Keep in mind comics scrooge just lived at the bin), with him being more myth than actual person Donald just.. visits every day.
This story bridges that gap, explaning how Scrooge got his groove back, shows his first proper adventure with his nephews, and how he went from only a poor old man to the greatest adventuerer who ever lived once again. If this sounds familiar Ducktales 2017 did something similar, having Scrooge having mostly retired after loosing Della and years of searching for her, with the boys and webby reignting that spirit in much the same way, with Donald busy with a job offer that turned out to be an elaborate scheme. I still love they did that and it's a testiment ot how much impact this story had on the reboot: while a lot of Scrooge's past was changed, including his parents still being alive, the comic was, as I belivie I mentioned in the first entry, required reading for staff and stands as an important inspiration for one of the greatest cartoons ever made and quite possibly my faviorite.
So let's dive into the bin one last time as Scrooge rediscovers himself, Huey , Dewey and Louie discover a legend and Donald won't shut the fuck up.
We open with a Citizen Kane Homage as Scrooge whispers goldie while holding a snowglobe. He isn't dead, won't be till the 60's in rosa's eyes. For now though he's become a recluse as a newsreeel overs over his life and how his last public apperance was 17 years ago, when he threw out his family seemingly for good. We get some neat cameos as we see Grandma Duck again, this time in her glory days, who hasn't seen Scrooge since she sold him most of her land bar the farm.. and Gus when he corrects her that the old coot also came by to forclose on the chicken coop. Gus is Donald's cousin. He eats a lot, sleeps more and is somehow lazier than our boy. Which is possible. We also see Gladstone, the bastard and donald who shoves a hand in the camera.
At this point the Bin is just a legend, with no one really knowing if it's actually full of cash, something four familiar fowl talk about as they watch the newscast: Donald and his nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie. After 12 chapters we're to the present day of duckberg and where it all began as they prepare for that christmas dinner I mentioned. The boys wonder if it could be true while Donald dismisses it: no rich person could've EARNED IT and he assumes Scrooge inherited it.. somehow. Which baffles me a bit as while I'm sure Hortense, like 2017 Donald, tried not to bring Scrooge up, she wouldn't of.. not brought up her childhood in scotland or the rest of her family. They didn't throw her out. Granted Donald does have a talent for self delusion and we don't know how young the kids were when she died, so there's wiggle room it just annoys me a little
What Annoys mea lot is Donald who throughout this whole story constantly says everything about Scrooge is fake. That he probably bought it on crusies. It annoys be a bit less this readthrough as having become fed up with most present day billionares.. yeah most do. This just happens to be the one whose a bastard AND worked hard to earn it. But it's still a very one note gag: Donald is up his own ass and dosen't know what we know or has seen what we've seen and thinks his uncle's only a poor old man.
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It's not story breaking, but it is repetitive.
Thankfully we move on to the mansion proper as Scrooge's butler Jeeves, and no that's not me goofing up Duckworth was created for the show, ushers them in.. and as Scrooge slowly stirs.. we see him, in a truly awesome panel
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I love all the detail here: the bits of stubble, the tired eyes, how sunken he looks in genearl. This is a Scrooge who has given up: he's retired from work to rot in a mansion, having nothing left and is a shell of what he once was and will be again. I also give Rosa credit for using Scrooge's first apperance design still: he had the time for Scrooge to change.. but him not having done so is a symbol of just how deep in the depression hole he is: as someone whose been in them I relate to clearly not having taken care of yourself in some time, just sitting there letting time pass as you feel you have nothing left.
The boys being their usual charming hive minded selves are delighted to meet their great uncle. Though we get a really sad bit as he notes most family he has has.. disappeared. He dosen't know matilda is alive, and he certainly heard what happened to Hortense. The boys do genuinely welcome him in but he balks, figuring their all after inheretiance. Donald claps back that you spent it all on this place ya jackass.
Scrooge insscensed decides the time has come to do something he rarely does but is sacred to the rich: flashing his cash. Specicially he has his butler.. dress him. Okay Scrooge you need either boundries with your butler or a more equal relationship if you want to keep fucking him. Trust me i've hit on the help too. The help was a gorgon's head but I didn't make her dress me.. hades didn't give me that option because their sane.
He takes them to the Bin, which is decayed.. though Scrooge has been keeping the booby traps fresh and keeps the weeds simply because it's good security: if a place LOOKS abandoned and unloved, people will think that. And it mostly has been, Scrooge having retired isn't using it. Still he kept the most important part of it, the cash ocean itself, but our heroes pass the second most important part first
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This little tirade, while very in character.. is also very Rosa speaking his piece, as he hated stories (even barks own) where the Dime was implied to be magic. Whlie his old man yells at cloud behavior often has me shaking my head.. I agree on this one. The dime is better as a symbol that motivated scrooge than as a plot device and it cheapens the man's skill to say the Dime is responsible. I don't mind Magica trying to use it for a power source as THAT makes sense: it has a lot of emotional energy from being around scrooge as he got his fortune, the weight of having traveled the world with him for most of his life and being what started a great man on his path. I like the idea that kind of object with that kind of emotoinal baggage has power, kinda like what adventure time did with Hambo and PB's Shirt she got from marcy. It's magical yes but it fits the world better and makes it clear the dime is impressive because of SCROOGE not the other way around. Somehow Lorcana didn't get the memo
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The description and image are perfect, as is the fact it's SHOCKINGLY powerful I just don't get why Number One Dime wasn't considered.
One he unveils the bin though it DOES shock his nephew and even DONALD can't say anything for a change
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I do like that explination.. it dosen't scan with every Scrooge story as there are countless that say his bin really is the McDuck version of one piece, from the aformentioned Christmas for Shacktown to the very first Scrooge lead story "Only a Poor Old Man". I'm not against this: Rosa had a tendency to pick and choose which parts of Bark's stories to make canon to his stories, wanting a more cohesive universe and while clearly respecting the man to a sometimes stifling degree, recognized not everything from stories not really built to have a continuity was going to stick together. As reverent as he is to barks, to an annoying degree at times like his feeling put out at having to include Fethry despite being an entirely valid character with loads of potetial simply because one man didn't create him (Not saying barks isn't fucking amazing, he is, but it's a petty reason not to use good characters).. I can respect Rosa for knowing what he wanted in his own canon and what to keep as well as having said multiple times his stories dont' stack up to his idols. I disagree on that statment as while Barks IS better in some ways, for all I gripe about the guy sometimes... Rosa is a truly talented writer, one of the best duck writers there ever was and while Time's made me see the cracks in the guy.. ti dosen't make him any less special or any less vital to duck canon. Ther'es a reason most writers either honor his stories or consider them canon alongside barkses. The man has a degree of talent, care and love that's hard to come by and while I may disagree with some of his choices at times... I can't help but love the guy still.
So anyway that suspcious santa might have set you off.. turns out the santas near the bin were beagle boys, scoping out a hesit and lead by Scrooge's old enemy blackheart, whose descendants indeed got to fucking as he hoped.
As is duck story standard they easily capture our heroes despite scrooge being way more badass than all of them combined... Donald too honestly... the boys also. Honestly a paper bag could probably beat the beagle boys and they somehow win when the plot says so, though this time at least theirs a valid excuse; Donald and the boys are new at adventuering, having gone on a few solo adventures pre scrooge while Scrooge has given up on the world and thus surrenders to being thrown.. though he is pissed they once again bring up the lucky dime thing. So before he can snap out of it let's talk about this dperession and self loathing: honestly while he'd never say it, even Ducktales 2017 scrooge both hides what happened with Della from the kids and refuses to apologize to Donald for a decade despite being almost entirely in the wrong, it's clear loosing his sisters did hurt him: he had his money but nothing else and with nothing to really fight for and his lifelong goal achieved he just.. gave up. It dosen't feel like scrooge ... but that's the point: just as his horrible actions in africa weren't really him, not striving, not searching not trying to build his empire simply because he's seemingly won.. isn't him. Without anyone to share it with... his bin is just a pile of coins, memetos of better days.
So the thing that busts him out of his stupor... are his nephews. The boys search furiously for some way out, unlike Donald and Scrooge not ready to give up and find his old mining gear... while Donald.. well Donald inspires him in his own way
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I love this and it's something I really hadn't thought about before but think of now, especially since again Woo-Hoo! takes some steps from this, having Louie take Donald's place as the doubting asshole, and have the boys as a whole, like Donald question if Scrooge really was this big or is just some old man, leading him to ragefully prove them wrong.. granted Scrooge's attempts in Woo-Hoo are more laughable as he plans to go diving to prove children wrong, something Beakley lampshades, but he still gets the step of showing them what he cna do by dealing with everything they unleash in his garage, similar to how here the combined menaces of Donald's jerkassery and the Beagle Boys scheme finally awakens the beast. I also love the subtle note of Scrooge taking off his coat, revealing his usual coat underneath. It's something I again hadn' tnoticed before this re-read, but ti's a very ncie touch... Scrooge the doddering old man given up on everything is gone. Scrooge McDuck, Last of the Clan McDuck, Master of the Missippi, Buckaroo of the Badlands, Raider of the Copper Hill, Laird of Castle McDuck, Terror of the Transyval, Dreamtime Duck of Never Never, King of The Klondike, Billionare of Dismal Downs, Invader of Fort Duckburg, Empire Builder from Callisota... THE Richest Duck in the world is back.
And since he's back he decides to go after the beagles, having the boys haul his trunk. I also really like this joke.
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Look donald is my boy, and even in a story where he's not on his a game.. he's still Donald. He's bound to have at least one good moment or two.
The two notice scrooge a coming and take off.. but they left an other Sleigh which Scrooge quickly takes, and begins using a cavlcade of his skills. We've seen his mining, now we see his ablility to tame any animal. It's not as impressive as a lion but he dosen't have time to get to the zoo so a horse'll do.
We also get ANOTHER choice gag. While not all of rosa's comedy lands for me.. the guy really nails it a lot of the time and it's a part of his writing talent that dosen't get praised enough.
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Honestly this chapter is easily the funniest next to the invader of fort duckberg, likely because with the dramatic part of Scrooge's life mostly worn down, we have more room for some comedy.
Blackheart has them step on it as he realizes he's no longer dealing with a hollowed out shell of a man but the guy whose beat him twice and is ready to abide by rule of three. We get some fun callbacks as scrooge uses his gold pan as a discus to knock out the driver of the beagle boys then takes out the rest, minus blackheart who grabs the dime for leverage, with his boomerang from his time in australia. This also leads to another fucking phenominal gag
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Scrooge then ties up the rest of the non blackheart beagles using his roping tricks, with the officers that poor woman called rounding the boys up. All that's left is blackheart who naturally, as our big bad for the chapter, final antagonist of the story and the foe Scrooge has fought the most on this journey, gets the best takedown of all
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Such an awesome moment: The same thing that finally brought Scrooge's dream to reality... is what helps cement his return to his truest self: he may be a mean old man.. but he's tougher than the toughies, sharper than the sharpies, smarter than the smarties and he made his money square.
That said the adrenline does wear off slightly.. until...
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I had to share the scene in full.. because it's so damn good. After a whole journey, after seeing Scrooge at his lowest.. we see his core. Something that speaks against ageism: your body may age, but your never too old to start over, to have a second chance.. to chase another rainbow. The quality of your lives are what you make of them also really gets me.
IT's also a nice return to form as the bin being public.. dosen't bother them. Let them come: he's fought off worse and he'll fight them again. I also love him kicking donald's butt. He's just enough of a jerk in this story to well deserve it.
So Scrooge is now fully back: he decides to reopen the office, sell the mansion and get back to work.. and take the boys with them. While he dosen't say it being the stubborn old bastard we know and love... he needs these boys. Adventure is nothing if you don't have anyone to share it with.. .and once again he has someone to share it with. Once again he has family.
So he celebrates with a swim, with the boys astounded at his ability btu Donald unable to understand his uncle: all he seems to have is cold metal... but he could be wrong...
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This ending gets me... a reminder it's both never too late (Something I need at only 32, which in tumblr years is 90), and that a life well lived is one not lived alone, that the things that make us who we are good and bad.. are the greatest adventure of all.
The Richest Duck in the World is a well done capper, feeling like a lost modern scrooge adventure, that missing piece in the story that Rosa happily filled in for us. Donald again can be a bit much, even in the stories final page he still hasn't quite got the hint, it's not one of his better stories.. but it dosen't take away from this as an ending.. and a beginning. Of a man who lost everything that mattered finding it again. Of an epic story of one man's life, what made him who he was, and what he gained, lost and ultimately found again.
Life and Times.. is one of the best comics of all time,the best duck comics story ever, and only not currently the best duck story PERIOD because ducktales 2017 is so freaking good. And even then while that series beats it over all as an individual story this 12 part epic still trumps it's worthy successor. It's a labor of love that's massive in scope, character work and gorgeous art work. It's a true masterpice that needs to be read again and again and one i was very happy to cover. I found stuff I disliked sure, a chapter or two had pacing issues, some things didn't land.. but ti's hard to deny what a fucking triumph this book is. Only one other comic I can think of comes this close to distilling a characters essence down into 12 issues, and even then All Star Superman, while excellent didn't also have the task of trying to be in continuity. Life and Times is a masterpiece and it was a joy coverinmg it and the dream of a life time finishing this journey> Thank you all for reading.. and see you next rainbow.
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tokuvivor · 6 months ago
Due to circumstances beyond the control of any others, @violetganache42 and I are splitting duty on this week’s highlights post (Competition Night edition). She did it for the shorts and episodes, I’m doing it for An Extremely Goofy Movie.
So without further ado, here we go.
“Polar Trappers”:
We bring ‘em back alive
@puffyducks: bro where is pabo
Donald hunting a penguin, which is now illegal to do so
Not the kid!
The baby penguin’s tear becoming a massive snowball
“Need 4 Speed”:
Disney Ducks meet The Fast and the Furious
@spamtoon: huey you guys aren't in phineas and ferb
Daisy appearance!
The idea of Comet Guy Night
@ducklooney and puffy going off about humans being in the Duckverse
Us calling Donald and the authorities to kill Rocky the Rocket Throttle
From Negaduck ass car to Ratcatcher
@writebackatya: "This is like the Family Guy of the Duckverse"
Ludwig appearance!
puffy: "where's dick dastardly"
Puffy, Missy, and I using 90s slang
Daisy seeing the triplets in the race:
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RIP ethnically stereotyped racers
WriteBackAtYa: "DuckTales 2017 needed a car race episode"
Violet: "Would Huey and Launchpad be commentators?"
WriteBackAtYa: "Yes Always"
Violet: "SOLD!"
Ludwig's toy kangaroo winning the race
@tealottie: erection joke
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“The Missing Links of Moorshire!”:
Webby giving Scrooge semi-permanent hearing loss
Launchpad: "This lake will be used for the swimming portion of the competition."
Huey: T_T
Violet: "Cue theme song!"
Missy betraying Della with Daisy
Tony the Tiger?!
The entire coin toss scene 🤣
Us praising Glomgold
Missy commenting how Scrooge and Glomgold can't tuck their tails for golfing
The audio glitching like CRAZY
Fluttershy and Bubbles the Kelpies
Webby: "Talking animals wearing clothes?! :D"
@fantasticenthusiasttale: "Webby…"
Violet, internally:
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"Bologna. Trampoline."
Louie yoinking money out of Glomgold's sweater pocket
Emo Dewey
"You people are no fun."
Webby: "Not everything has to be a life lesson."
Violet pretending to be turned to stone by the Medusa Mist (as I like to call it)
Launchpad ending the episode with a life lesson… before trying to devour golf balls
“Dog Show”:
puffy: "you know who else is an orphan"
Dreamy: "Everyone in this shit is an orphan"
The dog show people being dogs
Goofy literally begging
Pixar ball
Mickey unleashing his inner dog
An Extremely Goofy Movie
Calling out all the characters from the previous movie as they show up
The fact that Pete is celebrating his own son leaving💀
How is Goofy single?
Goofy having major rizz (this point comes up quite a bit during the movie, and for good reason)
Max’s character development from A Goofy Movie being undone
Sad Goofy☹️
HDL mention!
Bradley Uppercrust III
@kaitosduckmania: “god this shit is so pretentious LMAO”
Will: “I want this review on the back of the DVD”
Max/Roxanne vs. Max/Bradley on Tumblr
Beret Girl!
Puffy: “you know who ELSE is called tank”
Violet: “MY MOM”
Puffy: “they’re snapping at us…MENACINGLY”
Bradley having the same VA as Johnny Bravo (also, The Man with the Yellow Hat)
Max’s horrified face when he sees that he and his dad are in the same class
Bobby wearing pink panties/briefs
Hidden Mickey
Goofy’s mispronunciation of the word “trigonometry”
Puffy: “the WHAT decimal system”
Sylvia being adorable
Goofy does a Donald-esque voice
Will: “Max’s whole character is that he doesn’t want to be like Goofy but like he is so much like his father that he doesn’t even know it”
More cheese pull (pizza in the last movie, nachos in this one)
PJ has rizz, too
Goofy and Sylvia dancing to Shake Your Groove Thing
Papa Dog
Us dumping on the inherent cult-like nature of fraternities, sororities, and the National Honor Society
The German judge low-balling everyone
Dreamy: “Is this the olympics all again”
Puffy: “this is MY olympics”
Max shooting down Goofy in the worst way possible
Goofy’s weed/acid trip dream (plus the Goofy holler!)
More Goofy sadness
Meta humor about almost everyone wearing gloves
Missy betraying Daisy with Sylvia
PJ flying off
Dreamy: “He went to visit Della”
“Mud! My only weakness!”
Will mentioning that the scene with the X crashing down was removed from the broadcast version of the movie after 9/11 (which we completely understand, because holy shit)
Also, sort of a Hindenburg reference
Goofy graduating! (And then telling Max he was getting a job at the school)
Sylvia having the same VA as Emma Glamour
Spam floating the idea of Max vs. Gosalyn for the X Games
Disco end credits!
Also, that was a goofy movie. Extremely, even.
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ducktoonsfanart · 25 days ago
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Donald and Daisy Duck with their children finally as their own Duck family - Donald and Daisy with their newborn children - Happy Valentine's Day - Quack Pack AU - Quack Pack, Duck comics and Duckverse - Donsy - My style and my version
I wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day and sorry for the delay! Although Valentine's Day is on February 14th, February is certainly a month dedicated to love, unfortunately due to my circumstances I didn't get to do anything related to that holiday, but I didn't neglect it either, so I drew my drawing as a kind of redraw from my last year's drawing, but different with my favorite couple Donald and Daisy Duck in my Quack Pack version.
One of the things I liked about the Quack Pack series was the relationship between Donald and Daisy Duck and how great their relationship was. In some situations, awkward, but in some situations, really great. They certainly seemed like a couple, and Donald's nephews were like their children and they seemed like a real Duck family. Unfortunately, the 1996 Quack Pack didn't last long so there wasn't a chance to see the wedding between Donald and Daisy Duck, which would have been a perfect ending for me. So I decided to draw my own version of Quack Pack (Quack Pack AU) where Donald and Daisy Duck are married, but they also adopted their nephews and nieces plus they have their own children and that would have been a great status quo as a Quack Pack finale, at least for me.
Yes, if anyone is asking, Donald already has his own son named Donald Junior Duck or Donald's son and he only appeared once in the classic short "How to Have an Accident at Work" from 1959 so I added him here sitting in the arms of his mother Daisy. Donald is holding Daisy's and his own child named Daisy Junior Duck or Daisy's daughter and that is also my OC (original character). Yes, Donald's son and Daisy's daughter are both wearing baby clothes. Of course, there are also Donald's nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck as teenagers, Daisy's nieces April, May and June Duck, as well as Daisy's distant niece Dottie Duck and Donald's fourth nephew Phooey Duck. There's also Donald's pet dog Bolivar and Daisy's pet Dinky Trixie the Cat (from Dutch comics) and they're all together in a house on the slopes of a mountain in the winter. And they all seem like a family and that's the real Duck family for me as I imagine them. Like some Disney version of The Loud House. I hope you like it and I apologize for any mistakes I made.
I hope you like this drawing and this idea, as well as this Duck family and feel free to like and reblog this, just don't copy the same ideas and these versions, without mentioning me. Thanks! Also, happy Valentine's Day to all those who celebrate! Also this is a gift for all of you who love Donsy or Dondaisy (the love couple between Donald and Daisy), as well as their adopted and natural children. And yes, Donald and Daisy's daughter is my OC, all the others are canon characters. Of course Donald Junior and Daisy Junior are natural children of Donald and Daisy, at least in my version.
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knuckles-junior · 10 months ago
Here are tonight’s highlights from tonight’s watch party! This is my very first time doing this so without further ado, here are the following highlights:
“Sea Scouts”
•I’ve never watched any of the old Donald Duck cartoons lol
•The cartoon ended with
“Something Fishy”
•this is my first darkwing duck viewing ever.
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•I’m the only one that thinks that Neptunia’s design is so odd.
•Missy simping for Darkwing (I will not bother doing the thirst count).
•3 Bonks were heard.
•Neptunia loves litter lol.
•Missy: Litter killed my grandma.
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WHY MISSY WHY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
•Overall this episode was really random. I have no idea what was happening. lol. Moving on.
“The Lost Harp of Mervana!”
•Me geeking out over mermaids throughout the episode.
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•Missy being a simp for Della as usual. XD
•”Arming torpedoes”
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•I quickly forgot that I made my Mervanan Scrooge AU back in 2021 💀
•Me: Scrooge made some really adorable drawings! Why reject them?
•”I have no family.”
-Della Duck
“Peace and Love! Follow your bless!”
•Scrooge would be the merman ever.
•”It’s just okay.”
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•I think we can all agree that Louie is the best at motivational speeches. Can we appreciate him for that?
•Will: Bye! See ya in the finale!
The wonders of the deep
•We could’ve gotten the au’s during the scene where Mickey and Donald saw Minnie and Daisy as mermaids.
•Their designs are the prettiest!
“The Little Mermaid (1989)”
•This is my favorite Disney movies of all time and I’ll never get tired of watching it again and again.
•Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Kermit made a cameo in the beginning of the movie!
•Also @puffywuffy8904, I f*cking hate you for calling this a 🍆 castle.
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•Missy: King Triton is kinda…
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•Violet asked her to behave for me lol
•Ariel being adorable throughout the movie.
•King Triton being a bad dad.
•Iconic song incoming 🧜‍♀️✨✨ 🎵
•Max my beloved.
•Reprise time 🎵
•Stitch interrupting other Disney movies was mentioned by Will.
• @violetganache42 shared a little mermaid lorcana card every time a song came up. Starting with the reprise.
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I won’t share all of that were shared due to the 10 photo limit.
•Another iconic song incoming.
•The art for the lorcana cards are incredible.
•Everyone talking about Triton being an awful dad because he IS ONE. Until the end of the movie.
•Ursula’s best song incoming.
•Ursula giving off Magica vibes.
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•Ariel being the most expressive character ever. ❤️
•Ariel and Eric being the cutest couple. Some we’re discussing that the remake improved on the relationship between them and I do agree with that.
•We were also talking about some of us that watched the remake really enjoy it, including myself. Halle Bailey really nailed the role for Ariel. Screw those racists. Sebastian in that version is not that great.
•”Fish are friends. Not food.”
•melcat33 getting hungry for seafood.
•🎵Kiss the girl🎵 ✨✨✨
Also please listen to Ashley Tisdale’s version. It’s so good.
•Eric littered. Someone call Neptunia.
•Everyone pumped up for Vanessa before she kicked Max. Poor dog.
•The contract reminding some of us of the papyrus of binding.
•Stabby Stabby 🔪
•Triton being a good dad for once in the end.
•Sebastian slay ✨✨✨
•I love everything about this movie and the remake and I will cherish them equally.
I had a lot of fun making this highlight and I hope you enjoyed reading it as well. If you have any highlights that you’d like to share, please do for those who participated in the watch party! Special shoutout to @writebackatya for making this watch party happen and has thought of me as a mermaid fan! Thank you! And Happy Mermay! 🧜‍♀️✨✨💕💕
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ducklooney · 6 months ago
Unpopular opinion, but I kind of wish Disney would focus a little more on other characters from the classic Disney universe (Mouseverse, Duckverse, Dogverse) and not just the Sensational Six characters (Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Pluto and Goofy) plus Chip and Dale and Pete. By this I mean Scrooge, Horace, Clarabelle, Oswald, Huey, Dewey and Louie, Gyro, Ludwig, Grandma Duck, Fethry, Gus, Gladstone, Ortensia, Mad Doctor, Beagle Boys, Magica, Glomgold, Rockerduck, Sylvester Shyster, Phantom Blot, Darkwing Duck, Jose Carioca, Panchito Pistoles, Aracuan Bird, April, May and June, Gosalyn, Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse, Chief O'Hara, Detective Casey, Scuttle, Mortimer, Figaro the Cat, Max Goof, Neighbor Jones, Brigitta MacBridge and others characters.
By this I mean with regards to the latest Disney animation shows "A Whole New Sound", Hot Ones and these What If Marvel comics. Like you can't make superheroes and super villains out of these characters I mentioned?! Scrooge as Professor X, Glomgold as Magneto or Magica as Red Widow? It seems to me that Disney (I mean the American official one, not the European one for sure) ignores these characters and thinks they don't exist. Really disappointing in my opinion.
Feel free to reblog this and comment if you agree or disagree with this.
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Oh phooey or Hi!
I am the best duck in the world and my name is Donald Duck. I'm all trades, and the fact that I wear a navy suit is thanks to my girlfriend, Daisy, who keeps asking me to wear it. I've been a member of the Junior Woodchucks, a military veteran, a pilot, a postman, a margarine factory worker, a reporter, a wizard, a TV cameraman, a secret agent, a superhero, a super villain, a detective, a spy, an astronaut, a dad, a businessman, a mayor, a policeman, a fireman, a doctor , a cleaner, a farmer, and maybe one day I'll be both president and king.
Since I'm celebrating my 90th birthday this year, you know me everywhere I've been in cartoons, comics, video games, various plays, books, etc. I love playing sports and there is no place where I am not. I also have a big family and I am raising three children, my nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie, I have my best friends Gyro, Jose and Panchito, my worst neighbor Jones, my sister Della, my horrible uncle who doesn't pay me Uncle Scrooge, my cousins, my girlfriends like Daisy and Reginella and not to mention. Yes, I also have Goofy, Horace, Mickey and Oswald as my friends. Yes, I'm speaking for all versions of myself, even though I'm not quite myself.
Only those blogs that have rp in their name as well as muses blogs are suitable here.
No NSFW like no fetishes or pornography here.
Especially not pedophilia, zoophilia and incest, it is forbidden here.
Any franchise with RP and muses blogs is welcome, but mostly just my family members and friends from Duckburg, St. Canard, Spoonerville, Mousetown, Mexico, Brazil and other places.
I do this just for fun and partly out of boredom, since I'm the only one communicating here from my family and I'd like the others to join me as well.
Don't ask me if I'm okay, or if I'm throwing you out. I can be very awkward, and I am very angry.
Don't reblog from me unless I give permission!
I hope it will be good here.
My family and friends:
@daisy-duck-rp - My girlfriend Daisy
@pick-and-shovel-laborer - My Uncle Scrooge
@louie-duck-quack-pack-rp - My nephew Louie
@worldsbestmom2007 - My sister Della
@may-and-june-duck - My adopted daughters (DT17 version)
@flintheartglomgoldrp - Rival of my Uncle Scrooge
My main blog: @ducklooney
P.S. No, I'm not the Duck Avenger (Paperinik), actually I am, but I don't like to reveal my secrets to anyone.
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