#hudini records
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dajkag · 6 years ago
Első demónk fényes hullócsillagként száguldott el tegnap a hazai garázspoppunk egén.
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333kkku-blog · 6 years ago
Hari Houdini
During her career Hari Hudini managed to escape from the unbelievable situation, he had been buried alive, thrown in a suitcase in the suitcase, jumped in a crazy shirt in the ice-lake and poured into the water reservoir.
Hari was born as Erik Vajs, in Budapest in 1874. His family emigrated to America for a few days after his birth. Still as a child, he had the opportunity to entertain his mother by hiding coins in his pockets and hair, saying, "Shake me, I'm a magician."
As a teenager he dropped into one of the clothing factory, where he developed his ability to lock the lock, which will change his life as he will. After reading the memoirs of magician Robert Hudan, young Erik leaves the job and joins the traveling circus, where he performs under the stage name Hari Hudini.
In 1895 Hudini came to the idea that gave him world glory. Instead of the fox-picking he had made, he sparked local cops to tie them up, from which he was just as easily fired. It brought him publicity, and he gained world glory by performing in London in 1900.
During his career he succeeded in fleeing from unusual situations, he was alive buried, thrown into a suitcase in his suitcase, jumped in a crazy shirt in an ice-lake and poured into the water tank.
Hudini presented herself as a great opponent of false magicians, putting everything in his power to have been pre-established. He also did not tolerate any copying of familiar tricks, reacting immediately to the lawsuit.
He was also an actor, producer, historian, but also a pilot, entering into history as the first man to pilot a plane to
. He died in 1926 from a snappy creek because he had hit a young man in the wardrobe of the theater in Montreal, whom he had previously challenged to do.
His steel will made him famous, and his genius was legendary, and whether he was cheating on his tricks or not, one thing is for sure - Hari Hudini was and is the greatest magician to whom this world is a video.
Magician Steven Frejn, known as Dinamo, has presented a number of how do mentalists read minds, where we see him coming out of the water wall, floating in the air and driving the bus to the floor like a skateboard. The Illusionist from Bredford (West Yorkshire) celebrated a television series titled "The Impossible Magician", which was only seen in Britain by over 30 million viewers, and recently discovered the secret of his illusions, claiming that everyone could shoot them - using a mobile phone and some accessories.
In this illusion the magician uses a chair set in the background of space. When placed in a line with objects in the foreground, the person sitting on it acts miniaturically, as in this case, compared to Dynam, which is much closer to the camera. "I wanted to take a snapshot of water," Dinamo says. "I managed to record this incredible picture of how I came out of the water wall by turning the picture." To create an illusion, the magician and his team dropped a huge mirror in the pool. The resulting photo on which Dinamo, in the hall and with the umbrella in his hand, comes out of the water wall is spectacular.
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dajkag · 7 years ago
Lassan aktuális!
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dajkag · 8 years ago
Két sör + az új aRosseb = egy remek este
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dajkag · 9 years ago
Csodálatos dalunkhoz mától vizuális inger is párosul!
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dajkag · 9 years ago
Teljesen váratlanul kiadtunk ma egy számot. Tavasszal lesz teljes EP is.
Tölthető is INNEN
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dajkag · 9 years ago
“Te! Neked igazad van! De mire jó ez? Gondold meg, hogy mit beszélsz, hát ezzel nem használsz magadnak...”
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dajkag · 10 years ago
Nyomassátok, mert ez kibaszott tökéletes 90s-elektro-szobadühöngés a Menj Kapálni oszlopos tagjától. INNEN sok egyéb fasza lemezzel le is tudjátok tölteni.
“Elolvadt Magnumok, vízbe fúlt gyerekek
Ellopot íratok, meleg sört vegyetek!“
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dajkag · 10 years ago
Reakciós szerzőtársaim és cimboráim új lemeze. Erős dob, brutális, disszonáns basszusgitár, valamint dallamos, duda- és citerajátékot idéző gitártémák adják a hangzás gerincét, kiegészítve az agresszív énekkel. Év lemeze meg egyebek. Mit mondhatnék még? Élvezzétek!
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dajkag · 10 years ago
Mi Kutyánk Kölyke - Csölle (2014)
Súlyos kilométereken átívelő ungarische folk-punk barátság az arcotokba.
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dajkag · 10 years ago
Na szóval: Nagyjából ilyen az, mikor Timúr úrral legyőzve a százvalahány kilométer távolságot monoton synth-punkot csinálunk.
A dal egy másik KK szerzeménnyel egyetemben a hamarosan megjelenő Ne Minket Szapulj! című válogatáslemezen lesz beszerezhető.
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dajkag · 10 years ago
Majd pedig zuhanjatok vissza egészen nyolcvanas évek közepéig ezzel a kiváló 2011-es synth-punk lemezzel.
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dajkag · 13 years ago
Öt Percünk Maradt - Ősz
Nagyjából így fog szólni az 5PM/MDC split lemezről a mi részünk. Ez még nem a végleges keverés, de jövőhéttől már valószínűleg le lehet majd tölteni az egész, kész cuccot. Ha esetleg valaki szeretné kézzel fogható formában is magáénak tudni, akkor lesz 40 db CD is.
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