#html css dropdown menu
divinector · 2 years
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CSS Animated Drop Down Menu Get Code from divinectorweb Website
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codenewbies · 2 years
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Multilayer Dropdown Navigation Menu
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codingflicks · 2 months
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Drop Down Menu HTML CSS
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revooks · 11 months
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codesbyana · 1 year
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page 001: juliette — preview + code + spreadsheet
a minimalist responsive character page with no images, but with enough imagination, it can be used as a media or network page. instructions are in the code.
a huge thank you to @nonspace for helping me with the google sheets integration and taking a good look at the javascript part of the code!
google sheets integration
css variables
navigation links, toggeable filters menu and hide/show controls
endless muses boxes with a title and an optional subtitle, description, a section for any extra information and a section for love interests and links in each box
customizable colors (backgrounds, text, gradient, links and accent), font-size, body font and title font, boxes width, optional glow
reblog this post if you like it or use it. reblogs are more than appreciated!
do not edit, move or delete the credit
do not use as a base code and take credit for it
full terms of use
credits and notes under cut:
google sheets integration by @nonspace
masonry layout by desandro (+ tutorial by @suiomi)
isotope combination filtering by metafizzy (+ tutorial by @magnusthemes)
dropdown menu by @acuite
hide/show controls by @seyche
phosphoricons by helena zhang and tobias fried
full list of credits
html/css knowledge are necessary to edit and adapt the code to your needs
instructions on how to integrate google sheets are both in the code and in the spreadsheet, as well as on this page
if you prefer to add boxes manually, you can find the template in the code
to change any of the icons in the code, visit phosphoricons, find the icon you want to use and change the style and icon like in the example:
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beedesigns · 1 year
Free Responsive Guidebook Template
I've wanted to do something to give back to the forum roleplay community for a while. The last couple of weeks I've been focussed on a private project, but when it came to working on the guidebook I finally had a ahah! moment where I knew what I could do.
Here's the result, a responsive tabbed guidebook that's got some super basic styling. It's HTML and CSS only, and the code is annotated throughout.
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On small screens, the left sidebar collapses down to a dropdown navigation menu positioned at the top of the page instead. 
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You can find the template on my ko-fi page here. I would like to create an installation and set-up guide, but just need to carve out a bit of time to do it. 
For now, I'm going to release the template out into the wild in the hopes that I might actually be able to read some of the fabulous looking site lore out there on my mobile. You can restyle it however you want, it's a base to be used. Enjoy!
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1eos · 2 years
Would you consider making a list of the books/readings you're doing for your degree/certificate program? I love learning new things
sorry for sitting on this but the professor locks readings and only opens them week by week but now that it's midterms i figured it would be a good time to link everything so far! html/css resources under the cut!
week one reading:
interneting is hard-intro
w3 schools-html intro
w3 schools- html elements
w3 schools-html attributes
w3 schools-html comments
w3 schools-css intro
w3 schools- css syntax
digital ocean- how to view the source code of an html document
mdn-debugging html
mdn-what is accessibility
week two reading:
mdn- intro to html
mdn- what's in the head
mdn- html text fundamentals
mdn- creating hyperlinks
w3 schools - html images
w3 schools- html quotations
mdn-document and website structure
week three reading:
interneting is hard- hello css
mdn-css getting started
mdn- styling text
mdn- css selectors
mdn- combinators
w3 schools- css colors
w3 schools- css float
w3 schools- css important
week four reading:
interneting is hard- the css box model
w3 schools - css height and width
w3 schools - css border
w3 schools- border width
w3 schools - border color
w3 schools- border sides
w3 schools- border shorthand
w3 schools- rounded borders
w3 schools- background image
w3 schools- background repeat
w3 schools- background attachment
w3 schools- background shorthand
w3 schools- css gradients
w3 schools- css box shadows
week five reading:
interneting is hard- css floats
mdn- multi column text layouts
mdn- css positioning
week six reading:
interneting is hard- flexbox
interneting is hard- advanced positioning
mdn- grids
week seven reading:
w3 schools- lists
mdn- styling lists
mdn- the anchor element
w3 schools- tab index
css tricks- css dropdown menus
interneting is hard- semantic html
week eight reading:
none lol its midterm time!
week nine reading:
interneting is hard- responsive design
interneting is hard - responsive images
w3 schools- width and max- width
w3 schools- min-width
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anupama01 · 5 days
A Guide to the Best CSS Frameworks for Web Developers
CSS frameworks are an essential tool for modern web development, enabling developers to create responsive, mobile-friendly websites with less effort. They come with pre-built grids, styles, and UI components, saving developers time and allowing them to focus on functionality and user experience. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top CSS frameworks that are widely used in the industry today.
1. Bootstrap
Bootstrap is the most well-known CSS framework and has been a popular choice among developers for many years. It provides a rich set of UI components, a responsive grid system, and a consistent design language, making it an ideal choice for rapid development.
Key Features:
Responsive Grid System: Bootstrap's 12-column grid is flexible and adapts to different screen sizes, making it easy to create responsive layouts.
Pre-designed UI Components: Includes buttons, forms, carousels, and navigation bars that are ready to use.
Extensive Documentation: One of the reasons for Bootstrap's popularity is its comprehensive documentation, making it easy for developers to get started.
Customizable via Sass: Developers can easily customize the framework using Sass variables.
Use Case:
Bootstrap is a go-to choice for building responsive websites quickly, making it suitable for beginners and experienced developers alike. It is commonly used for creating corporate websites, landing pages, and admin dashboards.
2. Foundation
Foundation by Zurb is a robust CSS framework designed for professional developers who need flexibility and control over their projects. It’s built with a mobile-first philosophy, ensuring that designs are fully responsive right out of the box.
Key Features:
Advanced Grid System: Foundation’s grid system is highly customizable, giving developers more control over layouts.
Mobile-first Design: Every element is optimized for smaller screens and can easily scale up for larger devices.
Comprehensive UI Components: Offers pre-built components like dropdown menus, buttons, forms, and more.
Foundation for Emails: In addition to web development, Foundation also has a version tailored for creating responsive email templates.
Use Case:
Foundation is ideal for larger projects where flexibility is important. It’s widely used for enterprise-level websites, web applications, and complex projects that require a mobile-first approach.
3. Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first framework that provides developers with low-level CSS classes, offering maximum flexibility to design their projects without predefined styles or components. Unlike traditional frameworks, Tailwind allows developers to apply styles directly in their HTML, giving them full control over the look and feel of their sites.
Key Features:
Utility-first Classes: Tailwind’s utility classes allow developers to style elements quickly without writing custom CSS.
Highly Customizable: Developers can override default settings to create their own themes and styles.
Responsive Design Utilities: Tailwind makes it easy to apply different styles based on screen size using responsive utility classes.
Minimal Overhead: Tailwind doesn’t come with pre-built UI components, keeping the framework lightweight.
Use Case:
Tailwind is perfect for developers who want to create unique designs without relying on predefined components. It’s ideal for projects that require a lot of customization and creativity, such as web apps and portfolio sites.
4. Bulma
Bulma is a lightweight, modern CSS framework that is built on Flexbox. It’s known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a great option for developers who want a minimalistic approach to web design.
Key Features:
Flexbox-based Grid: Bulma uses Flexbox for its grid system, which makes creating responsive layouts a breeze.
Clean Syntax: Bulma offers a clean and readable CSS structure, making it easy for developers to work with.
Pre-styled Components: Provides simple UI components such as buttons, cards, and navigation menus.
No JavaScript Dependencies: Bulma focuses purely on CSS, making it compatible with any JavaScript framework or library.
Use Case:
Bulma is an excellent choice for developers who want a minimalist, clean design with modern UI components. It’s well-suited for smaller projects, landing pages, and personal websites.
5. Materialize CSS
Materialize is a CSS framework based on Google’s Material Design principles. It provides developers with ready-made components that follow Material Design guidelines, allowing them to create clean and intuitive user interfaces.
Key Features:
Material Design Components: Includes all the standard Material Design components such as cards, buttons, and navigation bars.
Responsive Grid: Like Bootstrap, Materialize uses a 12-column grid that helps in creating fluid, responsive layouts.
Interactive Elements: Comes with built-in JavaScript components like sliders, modals, and parallax effects.
Sass Support: Materialize is built using Sass, making it highly customizable.
Use Case:
Materialize is perfect for developers looking to implement Google’s Material Design system in their projects. It’s commonly used for web apps, portfolios, and other projects where a clean, modern design is essential.
Each CSS framework offers its own set of features and benefits, so the right one for you depends on the specific requirements of your project. Bootstrap is a versatile and popular choice for most websites, while Foundation is great for more advanced, flexible designs. Tailwind CSS gives developers the freedom to create custom designs, while Bulma offers a lightweight, minimalist option. Lastly, Materialize is perfect for those who prefer Google’s Material Design aesthetic.
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adskylar · 14 days
How to Enhance Your Shopify Store’s Mobile Loading Speed and Performance
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As mobile commerce continues to grow, ensuring that your Shopify store performs optimally on mobile devices is essential for maintaining customer satisfaction and driving conversions. A fast, smooth mobile experience can significantly impact user engagement and sales. Here’s a detailed guide on how to improve your Shopify store’s mobile loading speed and overall performance.
Optimize Images Images are often the largest files on your website, so optimizing them is crucial for fast loading times.
Resize Images: Ensure that images are not larger than necessary. For instance, a thumbnail image should not be larger than 150x150 pixels. Resize images to the exact dimensions needed on your site. Compress Images: Use tools to reduce the file size of your images without compromising quality. Compression helps decrease the amount of data that needs to be loaded, speeding up your site.
Improve Page Load Times The speed at which your pages load can directly affect user experience and SEO.
Minimize HTTP Requests: Each element on a page (like images, scripts, and stylesheets) requires an HTTP request. Reduce the number of elements and combine files where possible to minimize these requests. Enable Compression: Use gzip compression to reduce the size of your CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files. This technique compresses these files on the server, which are then decompressed by the browser.
Implement Lazy Loading Lazy loading defers the loading of images and videos until they are needed.
Deferred Media Loading: Implement lazy loading to ensure that media files load only when they come into the viewport of the user’s device. This reduces initial page load times and saves bandwidth.
Simplify Navigation Mobile users often navigate with touch, so your site should be easy to navigate on small screens.
Streamlined Menus: Use a simple, intuitive menu structure. Consider using a hamburger menu or dropdowns that can accommodate smaller screens without overwhelming the user. Accessible Buttons: Ensure that buttons are large enough to tap easily and that there is adequate spacing between clickable elements to prevent accidental clicks.
Optimize Checkout Process A complicated checkout process can lead to cart abandonment, especially on mobile devices.
Simplified Checkout: Reduce the number of steps required to complete a purchase. Use autofill options to speed up form completion and ensure that payment buttons are easily accessible and prominently displayed. Mobile-Friendly Forms: Design forms with larger fields and buttons to make them easier to use on mobile devices.
Minify CSS and JavaScript Minification involves removing unnecessary characters from code to reduce file size.
Clean Code: Minify your CSS and JavaScript files to remove spaces, comments, and unused code. This can significantly reduce the file size and improve load times.
Leverage Browser Caching Browser caching stores static resources on the user’s device, so they don’t have to be downloaded again on subsequent visits.
Set Expiry Dates: Configure caching rules to specify how long browsers should store certain files. This helps speed up repeat visits to your site.
Optimize Third-Party Apps Third-party apps can add functionality but also impact performance.
Evaluate App Performance: Regularly review the apps installed on your Shopify store. Remove any that are not essential and ensure that the ones you keep are optimized for performance and do not excessively impact load times.
Regular Performance Monitoring Regular monitoring helps identify and address performance issues promptly.
Conduct Performance Tests: Regularly test your store’s performance using built-in tools within Shopify or other available resources. Look for metrics like page load times and overall site speed to identify areas that need improvement. Conclusion Enhancing your Shopify store’s mobile loading speed and performance involves a combination of optimizing images, simplifying navigation, and streamlining the checkout process. By implementing these strategies, you can create a faster, more efficient mobile experience that meets customer expectations and supports higher conversion rates. Regular performance monitoring and adjustments will ensure your store remains in top shape, keeping your mobile users satisfied and engaged.
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kumarom · 19 days
DropDown Menus in CSS
We've collected several free HTML and CSS code samples for dropdown menus in this post from dependable sources like CodePen, GitHub, and other trustworthy websites. Dropdown menus are a common and efficient method of organizing and presenting navigation choices on your website. You may choose the ideal design for your website's requirements from our selection of dropdown menus, which includes horizontal and vertical menus, mega menus, and multi-level menus.
A drop-down menu is a visual control element that enables users to select one value from a list of options. Until a user taps a value to start a drop-down list, the drop-down list only shows at one level.
When a top-level heading of a menu is clicked, a drop-down menu with more options appears. You may use these menus to explore the website and access all available content, including all subcategories. Your website might be a well-organized space for your consumers if it is well-designed.
CSS HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are both used in DropDowns. Along with HTML and CSS, JavaScript may create unique DropDown menus. However, this guide only covers CSS and HTML. Thus, JavaScript is not covered in this lesson.
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divinector · 2 years
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Animated Dropdown menu Check out Divinector YouTube Channel For more  
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codenewbies · 28 days
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Drop Down Menu CSS
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codingflicks · 1 year
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CSS Dropdown Menu Our Telegram Channel
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skilluptolearn · 21 days
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HTML Course Content
HTML, or *HyperText Markup Language*, is the standard language used for creating and structuring content on the web. It defines the structure of web pages through the use of elements and tags, which dictate how text, images, links, and other multimedia are displayed in a web browser. HTML provides the foundation for web documents, allowing developers to format content, organize sections, and create interactive features. It consists of a series of elements enclosed in angle brackets, such as <p> for paragraphs, <a> for links, and <img> for images, which together build the content and layout of a webpage.
 HTML Contents
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the foundation of web pages and web applications. It structures content on the web, defining elements like headings, paragraphs, links, images, and other multimedia. Here’s a breakdown of key HTML contents:
1. *Basic Structure*:
   *<!DOCTYPE html>*: Declares the document type and version of HTML.
    *<html>*: The root element that encompasses the entire HTML document.
    *<head>*: Contains meta-information about the document, such as title, character set, and links to CSS or JavaScript files.
    *<body>*: Contains the content that is visible on the web page, including text, images, and interactive elements.
2. *Text Elements*:
    *<h1> to <h6>*: Heading tags, with <h1> being the most important.
    *<p>*: Paragraph tag for regular text.
    *<a>*: Anchor tag for creating hyperlinks.
    *<span>* and *<div>*: Generic containers for grouping inline and block content, respectively.
3. *Lists*:
    *<ul>*: Unordered list.
    *<ol>*: Ordered list.
    *<li>*: List item, used within <ul> or <ol>.
4. *Images and Media*:
    *<img>*: Embeds images.
    *<video>* and *<audio>*: Embeds video and audio files.
    *<figure>* and *<figcaption>*: For adding images or media with captions.
5. *Forms*:
    *<form>*: Contains form elements for user input.
    *<input>*: Various input fields (text, password, checkbox, radio, etc.).
    *<textarea>*: For multi-line text input.
    *<button>* and *<select>*: Buttons and dropdown menus.
6. *Tables*:
    *<table>*: Defines a table.
    *<tr>*: Table row.
    *<th>*: Table header cell.
    *<td>*: Table data cell.
7.*Semantic Elements*:
    *<header>, *<footer>**: Defines the header and footer sections.
    *<nav>*: Navigation section.
    *<article>*: Independent content item.
    *<section>*: Thematic grouping of content.
    *<aside>*: Sidebar or additional content.
    *<main>*: Main content of the document.
8. *Metadata and Links*:
    *<meta>*: Provides metadata such as descriptions, keywords, and viewport settings.
    *<link>*: Links external resources like CSS files.
    *<script>*: Embeds or links JavaScript files.
 Importance of HTML
HTML is critically important for several reasons:
1. *Foundation of Web Pages*:
    HTML is the core language that structures content on the web. Without HTML, web pages wouldn’t exist as we know them. It organizes text, images, links, and other media into a cohesive and navigable format.
2. *Accessibility*:
    Proper use of HTML ensures that web content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Semantic HTML elements provide context to assistive technologies, making it easier for screen readers to interpret the content.
3. *SEO (Search Engine Optimization)*:
   Search engines rely on HTML to understand the content of web pages. Properly structured HTML with relevant tags and attributes improves a website’s visibility in search engine results, driving more traffic to the site.
4. *Interoperability*:
   HTML is universally supported by all web browsers, ensuring that content can be displayed consistently across different devices and platforms. This cross-compatibility makes HTML the most reliable way to share content on the web.
5. *Foundation for CSS and JavaScript*:
   HTML is the backbone that supports styling and interactivity through CSS and JavaScript. It provides the structure that CSS styles and JavaScript enhances, creating dynamic, interactive, and visually appealing web experiences.
6. *Web Standards Compliance*:
   HTML is maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which sets standards to ensure the web remains open, accessible, and usable. Following these standards helps developers create web content that is robust and future-proof.
7. *Ease of Learning and Use*:
   HTML is relatively simple to learn, making it accessible to beginners and non-programmers. Its simplicity also allows for rapid development and prototyping of web pages.
In summary, HTML is essential because it structures and defines web content, ensuring it is accessible, searchable, and interoperable across various platforms. It is the foundation upon which modern web design and development are built.
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sohojware · 28 days
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How To Create A Fully Functional Registration Form Using HTML, CSS And Laravel - Sohojware
In today’s digital age, having a functional and user-friendly registration form is crucial for any website or application. It allows users to create accounts, subscribe to services, or register for events. A well-designed registration form not only enhances the user experience but also helps you gather valuable data.
This comprehensive guide by Sohojware, a leading web development company in Bangladesh, will walk you through the process of creating a fully functional registration form using HTML, CSS, and Laravel. Laravel, a popular PHP framework, provides a robust foundation for building secure and scalable web applications.
What you’ll learn in this guide:
Understanding the components of a registration form
Building the HTML structure for the registration form
Styling the registration form with CSS
Integrating form functionality with Laravel
Components of a Registration Form:
Before diving into the code, let’s understand the common components of a well-designed registration form:
Input fields: These are where users enter their information, such as name, email address, username, and password. There are different types of input fields like text boxes, dropdown menus, and checkboxes, depending on the information you want to collect.
Labels: Labels identify each input field, making the registration form intuitive for users.
Validation: This ensures users enter data in the correct format. For example, email addresses must follow a specific format, and passwords must meet certain length and complexity requirements.
Submit button: This button triggers the form submission process.
Confirmation message: A clear message appears after successful registration, informing users their account has been created.
Building the HTML Structure:
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This code defines a basic registration form with input fields for name, email, username, and password. It also includes a submit button. Note that the action attribute in the <form> tag specifies the URL where the form data will be submitted, and the method attribute defines the HTTP method (POST in this case).
Styling the Registration Form with CSS:
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This code styles the form elements, making it visually appealing and user-friendly. You can further customize the styles to match your website’s design.
Integrating Form Functionality with Laravel
To make your registration form functional, you’ll need to integrate it with Laravel’s routing, validation, and database functionalities. Here’s how:
Create a Laravel Route: In your routes/web.php file, define a route to handle the form submission:
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This route specifies that when a POST request is made to the /register URL, the store method in the RegistrationController class will be called.
Create a Controller: Generate a new controller using the Artisan CLI command:
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This code first validates the form data using Laravel’s validation rules. If the validation passes, it creates a new user record in your database using the User model. Finally, it redirects the user to a success page with a confirmation message.
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Configure Database: Make sure your database connection is configured in your .env file.
Additional Considerations:
Security: Implement proper security measures to protect user data, such as hashing passwords and using secure encryption techniques.
Error Handling: Provide informative error messages to users if their form data is invalid.
Email Verification: Consider sending a verification email to users after registration to confirm their account.
Customization: Customize the registration form to match your website’s design and branding.
By following these steps, you can create a fully functional registration form using HTML, CSS, and Laravel, providing a seamless user experience for your website or application.
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cssscriptcom · 1 month
Accessible Dropdown Menu With Smooth JavaScript Animations
The DropdownMenu JavaScript class provides a simple way to create customizable, accessible dropdown menus with smooth animations on your webpage. Built with TypeScript/Vanilla JavaScript, CSS/CSS3, and plain HTML buttons, this JS dropdown solution avoids relying on the <select> element for a truly custom look and feel. Features: Smooth animations for opening and closing the menu Keyboard…
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