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Lesson 10
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<div class="main-box" style="background:#CEB180;border:2px solid #B1560F;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black"> <div class="row details" style="font-family:'Playfair Display'"> <div class="icon" style="border:7px double #B1560F; background:#32612D; position:relative;z-index:7"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ DIAMOND ICON ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="icon-pic" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%;"> </div> </div>
<div class="col"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON NAME & YEAR AND WEEK ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="lesson" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>"Revision"</b></div>
<div class="year" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>Year 1, Week 10</b></div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON CONTENT ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="row" style="padding:0px 10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <div class="lesson-content" style="color:#FFFFFF">It was finally here the last day of classes before the exams next week. Maverick was nervous for his students but he knew that they would do their best. They were good all year. Not long after maverick wrote the lesson on the board his students started to pile inside the door. "Hello, welcome to your final class of year 1. It has been a fun filled year. But every year has to come to an end right?” Maverick paused as a few student’s came in late.<br /> <br /> “Today is going to be an easy day. I have a game for you to play. You will be divided into two groups. On the board I'll be writing 10 trivial questions of what we have learned this past year.” He paused again making sure that the student’s could understand. “ If your need gets the most questions, your team will win a special prize.” Maverick reached underneath his desk and pulled out a plate of chocolate chip cookies. “The winning team will get to enjoy these cookies. Now why don't we get started.”<br /> <br /> Maverick wrote the trivial questions on the board and watched as the two groups of students began to play the trivial game. He was so surprised that the students knew a lot. He was happy that most of them paid attention in class. He knows that these students will pass next week's exams. Maverick rang the bell to signal the end of class. The students left with big smiles on their faces.</div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ AESTHETIC PICTURES ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="pictures"><!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 1 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="mask1" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100% "> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 2 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask2" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 3 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask3" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ HOMEWORK AND REQUIREMENTS ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div style="background:#B1560F;padding:10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <center><img alt="homework" src="" style="width:120px" /></center>
<p> <b>You are to write in RPG formatting. Please remember your sources, and never plagiarise your work. Copying/Plagiarism will result in a FAIL.</b><br /> <br /> ✵ How many questions did your team get right? Did you win?<br /> ✵ How did you like the first year was it too hard or too easy?<br /> ✵ Are you ready for next weeks exams?<br /> ✵ Did you find time to study?</p> <!-- ADDITIONAL -->
<p style="font-size:18px;text-align:center"><b>If you have any questions, major concerns about your task or the lesson, you may ask me or an assistant teacher through a message, <span style="color:#6caf37">Maverick</span>.</b></p> </div>
<div class="row" style="align-items:center;justify-content:center"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ SIGNATURE AND PICTURE ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --><img alt="sophie" src="" style="width:150px;height:150px;border:2px solid gray" /> <div class="col"><img alt="signature" src="" style="width:300px" /><br /> <p style="text-align:center;margin:-20px;color:#B1560F"><b>Animal Care</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ CREDITS; DO NOT REMOVE! ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div id="credits" style="text-align:center;max-width:600px;margin:0px auto 50px;padding:10px;font-family:serif">2021 © Coding by <a href="" style="color:#3999;text-decoration:none">Maze Ford</a></div> </div>
0 notes
Lesson 9
-<style type="text/css">/* SCROLLBAR CSS */
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<div class="main-box" style="background:#CEB180;border:2px solid #B1560F;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black"> <div class="row details" style="font-family:'Playfair Display'"> <div class="icon" style="border:7px double #B1560F; background:#32612D; position:relative;z-index:7"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ DIAMOND ICON ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="icon-pic" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%;"> </div> </div>
<div class="col"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON NAME & YEAR AND WEEK ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="lesson" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>"Farm/Ranch Animal Care"</b></div>
<div class="year" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>Year 1, Week 9</b></div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON CONTENT ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="row" style="padding:0px 10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <div class="lesson-content" style="color:#FFFFFF">As the year was getting close to ending Maverick was getting a little bit nervous himself. He wanted his students to do their best on the upcoming exams. He was nervous because it was his first time giving an exam and teaching a class. He didn’ know how the students would do on his exam. The good news is that he had one more week until the exams to prepare his students.<br /> <br /> Moments later he could hear the footsteps of his students. Moments later the door to the school house flung open and the students came piling in. “Good day class today is the day where we talk about ranch and farm animals. We need to take care of them too. It’s not just normal house pets that need to be taken care of. All animals need to be in good care.”this brings me to the top of today’s lesson. We will be talking about ranch and farm animal care. Meaning taking care of cows, pigs and such.” Maverick paused for a brief moment then continued<br /> <br /> “Can anyone tell me how they would take care of a sheep.” No one gave him an answer then he started talking again. “It’s ok I’ll tell you how to take care of a sheep. First you feed them. Make sure their pen or litter is cleaned daily. It is also a good idea to give them a little trimming so that their wool doesn’t get all tangled.” a few hours later it was that time again. “Well it’s that time again. Where we have to say goodbye.” Oh wait I forget about your homework for the week. It is up on the blackboard. You may leave if you want to.”</div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ AESTHETIC PICTURES ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="pictures"><!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 1 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="mask1" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100% "> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 2 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask2" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 3 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask3" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ HOMEWORK AND REQUIREMENTS ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div style="background:#B1560F;padding:10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <center><img alt="homework" src="" style="width:120px" /></center>
<p> <b>You are to write in RPG Essay or Diary entry. Please remember your sources, and never plagiarise your work. Copying/Plagiarism will result in a FAIL.</b><br /> <br /> ✵ What are ranch/farm animals?<br /> ✵ What are the steps of taking care of sheep?<br /> ✵ What must you do to a sheep's wool so it doesn't get tangled?<br /> ✵ Why is it important to take care of ranch and farm animals more then normal pets?</p> <!-- ADDITIONAL -->
<p style="font-size:18px;text-align:center"><b>If you have any questions, major concerns about your task or the lesson, you may ask me or an assistant teacher through a message, <span style="color:#6caf37">Maverick</span>.</b></p> </div>
<div class="row" style="align-items:center;justify-content:center"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ SIGNATURE AND PICTURE ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --><img alt="sophie" src="" style="width:150px;height:150px;border:2px solid gray" /> <div class="col"><img alt="signature" src="" style="width:300px" /><br /> <p style="text-align:center;margin:-20px;color:#B1560F"><b>Animal Care</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ CREDITS; DO NOT REMOVE! ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div id="credits" style="text-align:center;max-width:600px;margin:0px auto 50px;padding:10px;font-family:serif">2021 © Coding by <a href="" style="color:#3999;text-decoration:none">Maze Ford</a></div> </div>
0 notes
Lesson 8
- <style type="text/css">/* SCROLLBAR CSS */
::-webkit-scrollbar {width:5px; background-color:transparent;} ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {width:5px;background-color:#B1560F}
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<div class="main-box" style="background:#CEB180;border:2px solid #B1560F;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black"> <div class="row details" style="font-family:'Playfair Display'"> <div class="icon" style="border:7px double #B1560F; background:#32612D; position:relative;z-index:7"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ DIAMOND ICON ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="icon-pic" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%;"> </div> </div>
<div class="col"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON NAME & YEAR AND WEEK ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="lesson" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>"Animal Training"</b></div>
<div class="year" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>Year 1, Week 8</b></div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON CONTENT ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="row" style="padding:0px 10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <div class="lesson-content" style="color:#FFFFFF">The year was soon coming to an end and the last few months had flown by for Maverick he was hoping that the students are ready for the lesson. He was going to teach them about animal training It wasn't long before he heard his students coming through the front door of the school house.<br /> <br /> He greeted his students with a smile then began the class. "Hello guys today I'll be teaching you about animal training. Animal training is usually done with your pets. Like training your dog to sit roll over. These are known as tricks." Maverick went to a cage in the corner of the classroom. He brought a dog. For today I want you to come up here one by one and teach this dog how to sit or roll over. If he does it successfully you will be able to give him one treat."<br /> <br /> "Before you start I want to know. Is it a good thing to give a dog a treat every time he or she is good? What does that do for the dog?"<br /> <br /> "After you have done training the dog to sit or roll over you may leave." Maverick then turned to the blackboard. Every student knew what it mean't when he went to the board. They would be getting homework. "On the board is your homework for this week. I want it done by next week."<br /> <br /> After Maverick explained the homework the students all rushed to the front of the classroom to teach the dog to sit and roll over.<br /> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ AESTHETIC PICTURES ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="pictures"><!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 1 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="mask1" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100% "> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 2 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask2" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 3 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask3" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ HOMEWORK AND REQUIREMENTS ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div style="background:#B1560F;padding:10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <center><img alt="homework" src="" style="width:120px" /></center>
<p> <b>You are to write in RPG Diary or essay format. Please remember your sources, and never plagiarise your work. Copying/Plagiarism will result in a FAIL.</b><br /> <br /> ✵ What were your thoughts when you saw the dog?<br /> ✵ Do you think it's a good idea to reward your pet with a treat?<br /> ✵ What trick did you teach the dog to do?<br /> ✵ Did you give the dog a treat after he did the trick?</p> <!-- ADDITIONAL -->
<p style="font-size:18px;text-align:center"><b>If you have any questions, major concerns about your task or the lesson, you may ask me or an assistant teacher through a message, <span style="color:#6caf37">Maverick</span>.</b></p> </div>
<div class="row" style="align-items:center;justify-content:center"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ SIGNATURE AND PICTURE ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --><img alt="sophie" src="" style="width:150px;height:150px;border:2px solid gray" /> <div class="col"><img alt="signature" src="" style="width:300px" /><br /> <p style="text-align:center;margin:-20px;color:#B1560F"><b>Animal Care</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ CREDITS; DO NOT REMOVE! ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div id="credits" style="text-align:center;max-width:600px;margin:0px auto 50px;padding:10px;font-family:serif">2021 © Coding by <a href="" style="color:#3999;text-decoration:none">Maze Ford</a></div> </div>
0 notes
Lesson 7
- <style type="text/css">/* SCROLLBAR CSS */
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<div class="main-box" style="background:#CEB180;border:2px solid #B1560F;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black"> <div class="row details" style="font-family:'Playfair Display'"> <div class="icon" style="border:7px double #B1560F; background:#32612D; position:relative;z-index:7"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ DIAMOND ICON ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="icon-pic" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%;"> </div> </div>
<div class="col"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON NAME & YEAR AND WEEK ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="lesson" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>"Exotic Animal Care</b></div>
<div class="year" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>Year 1, Week 7</b></div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON CONTENT ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="row" style="padding:0px 10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <div class="lesson-content" style="color:#FFFFFF">Maverick knew that the days were getting warmer so he decided to have another class outside. He waited for the kids to arrive at the school house. It didn’t take long. He looked up from his book and saw the first group of students arrive outside of the school house. Maverick looked behind him and saw a ring tailed lemur. He picked it up and put it on his shoulder. “Hey kids how is your day so far? Do you want to come and pet this exotic animal?” A lot of the students nodded their heads and stepped up to pet the lemur.<br /> <br /> “I know you're all wondering why I have a lemur on my shoulder?’ “Well let me tell you.” “ A lemur is one type of an exotic animal. Exotic animals are animals that are very rare and there aren’t much of this animal in the world. It is best to leave them alone and don’t try to bring them home as pets.” “Do you have any questions so far?” Maverick looked around at his students for any questions they may have.<br /> <br /> Moments passed and none of the students had any questions. “No questions? Great, let's move on to today's homework. I want you to name three exotic animals and tell me a brief description of each. When you’re done you can have another go at petting this nice lemur one last time.” The students weren’t happy when they heard that they had to look up information on these types of animals. “You are free to go after you turn in your paper.”</div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ AESTHETIC PICTURES ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="pictures"><!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 1 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="mask1" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100% "> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 2 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask2" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 3 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask3" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ HOMEWORK AND REQUIREMENTS ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div style="background:#B1560F;padding:10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <center><img alt="homework" src="" style="width:120px" /></center>
<p> <b>You are to write in RPG Essay or diary entry. Please remember your sources, and never plagiarise your work. Copying/Plagiarism will result in a FAIL.</b><br /> <br /> ✵ What three exotic animals did you pick?<br /> ✵ What are the characteristics of the animal?<br /> ✵ What do those animals eat?<br /> ✵ Did you have time to come up and pet the lemur at the end of class?</p> <!-- ADDITIONAL -->
<p style="font-size:18px;text-align:center"><b>If you have any questions, major concerns about your task or the lesson, you may ask me or an assistant teacher through a message, <span style="color:#6caf37">Maverick</span>.</b></p> </div>
<div class="row" style="align-items:center;justify-content:center"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ SIGNATURE AND PICTURE ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --><img alt="sophie" src="" style="width:150px;height:150px;border:2px solid gray" /> <div class="col"><img alt="signature" src="" style="width:300px" /><br /> <p style="text-align:center;margin:-20px;color:#B1560F"><b>Animal Care</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ CREDITS; DO NOT REMOVE! ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div id="credits" style="text-align:center;max-width:600px;margin:0px auto 50px;padding:10px;font-family:serif">2021 © Coding by <a href="" style="color:#3999;text-decoration:none">Maze Ford</a></div> </div>
0 notes
Lesson 6
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<div class="main-box" style="background:#CEB180;border:2px solid #B1560F;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black"> <div class="row details" style="font-family:'Playfair Display'"> <div class="icon" style="border:7px double #B1560F; background:#32612D; position:relative;z-index:7"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ DIAMOND ICON ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="icon-pic" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%;"> </div> </div>
<div class="col"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON NAME & YEAR AND WEEK ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="lesson" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>"Feline Care"</b></div>
<div class="year" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>Year 1, Week 6</b></div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON CONTENT ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="row" style="padding:0px 10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <div class="lesson-content" style="color:#FFFFFF">January crept up on Maverick he couldn't believe how fast the year has gone. He heard a little meow by his desk. He looked down and saw the classroom cat. "Well hello there. You're just what I was looking for." Maverick picked up the cat and put it on his desk.<br /> <br /> Soon the students made their way to the school house. They open the door and saw a cute cat sitting on their instructors desk. Maverick got up from his desk and greeted his students with a smile. "From the animal on my desk can anyone guess what we will be learning today?" A brown eyed girl raised her hand as high as it could go. "Yes?" Maverick said pointing to her. " It's a cat. We are learning about cats." The girl said with excitement.<br /> <br /> Maverick nodded his head. "That's right right we are learning about cats today. They have another name some people call them felines" Today I'll be talking about some facts about felines that you should know. One of them will be on your exams at the end of the year."<br /> <br /> "Shall I begin?" The students said nothing and nodded their heads. "Alright felines/cats are different the dogs which we have already learn about earlier this year. felines are easily scared by loud or quick movements. So try not to be too loud when leaving the classroom today. Unlike dogs cats don't have to be fed every day. They could go every other day with out being fed. Also you don't have to take your cat out to go to the bathroom. They go to the bathroom in their kitty litter box. Make sure you clean that you won't be able to get out of." Maverick turned to the black board and started to write this weeks homework.<br /> <br /> "And now for your homework I want you to write me an essay about how to take care of a feline. Answer the questions to the best of your ability. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me. I want it on my desk by the end of the day." "That's all I have for the day. You are free to go."</div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ AESTHETIC PICTURES ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="pictures"><!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 1 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="mask1" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100% "> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 2 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask2" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 3 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask3" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ HOMEWORK AND REQUIREMENTS ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div style="background:#B1560F;padding:10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <center><img alt="homework" src="" style="width:120px" /></center>
<p> <b>You are to answer the following questions in an essay. Please remember your sources, and never plagiarise your work. Copying/Plagiarism will result in a FAIL.</b><br /> <br /> ✵ How often should you feed a feline/cat?<br /> ✵ How often should you change the litter box?<br /> ✵ Do you need to bring your cat out to go pee or poop?<br /> ✵ What did you think when you saw the cat on the instructors desk?</p> <!-- ADDITIONAL -->
<p style="font-size:18px;text-align:center"><b>If you have any questions, major concerns about your task or the lesson, you may ask me or an assistant teacher through a message, <span style="color:#6caf37">Maverick</span>.</b></p> </div>
<div class="row" style="align-items:center;justify-content:center"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ SIGNATURE AND PICTURE ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --><img alt="sophie" src="" style="width:150px;height:150px;border:2px solid gray" /> <div class="col"><img alt="signature" src="" style="width:300px" /><br /> <p style="text-align:center;margin:-20px;color:#B1560F"><b>Animal Care</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ CREDITS; DO NOT REMOVE! ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div id="credits" style="text-align:center;max-width:600px;margin:0px auto 50px;padding:10px;font-family:serif">2021 © Coding by <a href="" style="color:#3999;text-decoration:none">Maze Ford</a></div> </div>
0 notes
Lesson 5
<p>- <style type="text/css">/* SCROLLBAR CSS */
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<div class="main-box" style="background:#CEB180;border:2px solid #B1560F;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black"> <div class="row details" style="font-family:'Playfair Display'"> <div class="icon" style="border:7px double #B1560F; background:#32612D; position:relative;z-index:7"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ DIAMOND ICON ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="icon-pic" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%;"> </div> </div>
<div class="col"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON NAME & YEAR AND WEEK ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="lesson" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>"Chicken Keeping"</b></div>
<div class="year" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>Year 5, Week 1</b></div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON CONTENT ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="row" style="padding:0px 10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <div class="lesson-content" style="color:#FFFFFF">Maverick was siting at his desk waiting for his students to arrive he was teaching them about chickens today. He had chickens in a cage on top of his desk. He left the cage door open so that they could come out and stretch their legs. As soon as he let them out of the cage a cat came up on the desk. Maverick tried to shoo him away but it was too late the cat had scared the chickens all over the classroom.<br /> <br /> The student's came in they were laughing at their instructor for chasing chickens around the classroom. Well I was going to teach you how to care for chickens but a cat scared them which is why I changed my plans for the lesson." They looked up him with a strange look.<br /> <br /> Don't worry I'm not going to make you write a essay or any time of formal paper. You will be playing a game. I want you to go around and catch the chickens around the classroom and put them in the cage. The one with the most chickens in the cage wins a prize."<br /> <br /> "I know you guys like games so what are you waiting for find those chickens." Maverick said with a smile on his face. His students scrambled around the classroom trying to catch the chickens. Maverick just sat at his desk reading a book.</div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ AESTHETIC PICTURES ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="pictures"><!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 1 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="mask1" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100% "> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 2 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask2" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 3 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask3" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ HOMEWORK AND REQUIREMENTS ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div style="background:#B1560F;padding:10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <center><img alt="homework" src="" style="width:120px" /></center>
<p> <b>You are to write in RPG formatting. Please remember your sources, and never plagiarise your work. Copying/Plagiarism will result in a FAIL.</b><br /> <br /> ✵ What do you think of the change of plans?<br /> ✵ Did you like the game or would you rather learn how to care for the chickens?<br /> ✵ How many chickens did you manage to catch?<br /> ✵ What was the prize you got for catching the most chickens?</p> <!-- ADDITIONAL -->
<p style="font-size:18px;text-align:center"><b>If you have any questions, major concerns about your task or the lesson, you may ask me or an assistant teacher through a message, <span style="color:#6caf37">Maverick</span>.</b></p> </div>
<div class="row" style="align-items:center;justify-content:center"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ SIGNATURE AND PICTURE ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --><img alt="sophie" src="" style="width:150px;height:150px;border:2px solid gray" /> <div class="col"><img alt="signature" src="" style="width:300px" /><br /> <p style="text-align:center;margin:-20px;color:#B1560F"><b>Animal Care</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ CREDITS; DO NOT REMOVE! ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div id="credits" style="text-align:center;max-width:600px;margin:0px auto 50px;padding:10px;font-family:serif">2021 © Coding by <a href="" style="color:#3999;text-decoration:none">Maze Ford</a></div> </div>
0 notes
Lesson 4
<p>- <style type="text/css">/* SCROLLBAR CSS */
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<div class="main-box" style="background:#CEB180;border:2px solid #B1560F;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black"> <div class="row details" style="font-family:'Playfair Display'"> <div class="icon" style="border:7px double #B1560F; background:#32612D; position:relative;z-index:7"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ DIAMOND ICON ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="icon-pic" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%;"> </div> </div>
<div class="col"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON NAME & YEAR AND WEEK ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="lesson" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>"Canine Care"</b></div>
<div class="year" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>Year 1, Week 4</b></div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON CONTENT ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="row" style="padding:0px 10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <div class="lesson-content" style="color:#FFFFFF">Winter had arrived finally, and Maverick had been looking forward to the winter months for a long time, he was very excited to teach his first years about canines they are also called dogs. Maverick had a pciture of his dog he had when he was a little kid. His name was Buddy. He got sick two years ago and died. Maverick didn't want his dogs death to ruin his day. He thought of positive things. He was interrupted by the footsteps of his students. He must have lost track of time he didn't realize it was time for class.<br /> <br /> "Hi guys I not what you're asking why is there a picture of a dog on my desk? Well that's because today's lesson is on Canine care. Canine is another word for dog." Maverick paused for a moment or two to let the students take in the recent information given to them.<br /> <br /> He started to talk again. "Anway that things must a person know about canines?" He waited for them to answer but no one knew. " Alright I'll give you this. Canines have very good hearing. They also tend to be very hungry at times. That's why people with pet dogs feed them twice a day." "It is important to let your dog go to the bathroom. You can do this by taking the dog for a walk outside. Make sure to bring a poop bag with you. So, that when it poops you can pick it up safely. It's also a good idea to take your dog for a walk to give it exercise. You can get exercise as well while you walk your dog." Maverick took his photo of Buddy from his desk. He passed it to a boy in the front row.<br /> <br /> "You may look at my old dog name Buddy please give it back to me at the end of the class. It's the only part of him that's with me. Buddy died two years ago. Some time before I came here to West End." Anyway I know he's a better place now." "Don't worry I didn't forget about your homework for this week. You are going to write about caring for a dogs/canines. How many times must you feed a dog? What would you do if your dog poops outside in the park? I want the papers and my dog picture on my desk by the end of class. You are free to go once you're done." Maverick sat back down in his seat waiting for the students to get going on their work.</div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ AESTHETIC PICTURES ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
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<div class="mask3" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ HOMEWORK AND REQUIREMENTS ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div style="background:#B1560F;padding:10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <center><img alt="homework" src="" style="width:120px" /></center>
<p> <b>You are to write in any format Q&A DIARY ENTRY Essay or RPG formatting. Please remember your sources, and never plagiarise your work. Copying/Plagiarism will result in a FAIL.</b><br /> <br /> ✵ What do you know about canines?<br /> ✵ How many times must you feed your canine?<br /> ✵ Why should you pick up your canine poop with a poop bag?<br /> ✵ What did you think of Maverick's old dog Buddy?</p> <!-- ADDITIONAL -->
<p style="font-size:18px;text-align:center"><b>If you have any questions, major concerns about your task or the lesson, you may ask me or an assistant teacher through a message, <span style="color:#6caf37">Maverick</span>.</b></p> </div>
<div class="row" style="align-items:center;justify-content:center"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ SIGNATURE AND PICTURE ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --><img alt="sophie" src="" style="width:150px;height:150px;border:2px solid gray" /> <div class="col"><img alt="signature" src="" style="width:300px" /><br /> <p style="text-align:center;margin:-20px;color:#B1560F"><b>Animal Care</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ CREDITS; DO NOT REMOVE! ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div id="credits" style="text-align:center;max-width:600px;margin:0px auto 50px;padding:10px;font-family:serif">2021 © Coding by <a href="" style="color:#3999;text-decoration:none">Maze Ford</a></div> </div>
0 notes
Lesson 3
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<div class="main-box" style="background:#CEB180;border:2px solid #B1560F;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black"> <div class="row details" style="font-family:'Playfair Display'"> <div class="icon" style="border:7px double #B1560F; background:#32612D; position:relative;z-index:7"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ DIAMOND ICON ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="icon-pic" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%;"> </div> </div>
<div class="col"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON NAME & YEAR AND WEEK ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="lesson" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>"Cattle"</b></div>
<div class="year" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>Year 1, Week 3</b></div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON CONTENT ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="row" style="padding:0px 10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <div class="lesson-content" style="color:#FFFFFF">The days were getting colder, winter is coming very fast which was why Maverick can barely see because of the sun that shine on the bright snow. But he's inside the school house today as it was very cold out. that won't stop maverick from having the lesson. Today they will be learning about Cattle also known as Cows. He waited and waited until finally the first students have finally entered the school house.<br /> <br /> "Welcome to another class of animal care. This week we will be covering Cattle care." "What is cattle?" A young boy from totem bearer stuck up his hand. "Yes you there in the back?" "Cattle is also known as a cow right?" Maverick grinned and nodded his head. "That's right another name for cattle is a cow. But what cattle really is. It's a animal that travels with herds. Cows or cattle mostly eat hay. It is important to know let cows go into un known field there might be clover or clover hay which can kill them. It is poising to cows. If they eat it they will get gassy and bloat and eventually die. So, be careful on what you give a cow.<br /> <br /> Maverick moved on to the next part of the lesson. "You know that we get our milk from cows. Farmers milk the cows by sqeezing the utter which is located underneath the cow." "I know its gross but we have to milk the cows its part of taking care of them." Maverick looked at the clock in the room and realized it was time for the class to end.<br /> <br /> "Wow would you look at the time. it's time to go already. "Before you go I won't you to write a essay about how to take care of cattle. Just give me brief information on each thing we talked about in class."<br /> <br /> "I would like that essay on my desk before you guys leave." "Well that's all I have for today I'll see you next week." Maverick smiled the students came up one by one and handed in their essays. He was pleased to have such good students.</div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ AESTHETIC PICTURES ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="pictures"><!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 1 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="mask1" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100% "> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 2 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask2" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 3 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask3" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ HOMEWORK AND REQUIREMENTS ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div style="background:#B1560F;padding:10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <center><img alt="homework" src="" style="width:120px" /></center>
<p> <b>You are to write in ESSAY formatting. Please remember your sources, and never plagiarise your work. Copying/Plagiarism will result in a FAIL.</b><br /> <br /> ✵ What do cattle mostly eat?<br /> ✵ What should you not feed Cattle? What can kill them?<br /> ✵ In your own words why is it important to milk a cow?<br /> ✵ Do you like cows?</p> <!-- ADDITIONAL -->
<p style="font-size:18px;text-align:center"><b>If you have any questions, major concerns about your task or the lesson, you may ask me or an assistant teacher through a message, <span style="color:#6caf37">Maverick</span>.</b></p> </div>
<div class="row" style="align-items:center;justify-content:center"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ SIGNATURE AND PICTURE ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --><img alt="sophie" src="" style="width:150px;height:150px;border:2px solid gray" /> <div class="col"><img alt="signature" src="" style="width:300px" /><br /> <p style="text-align:center;margin:-20px;color:#B1560F"><b>Animal Care</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ CREDITS; DO NOT REMOVE! ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div id="credits" style="text-align:center;max-width:600px;margin:0px auto 50px;padding:10px;font-family:serif">2021 © Coding by <a href="" style="color:#3999;text-decoration:none">Maze Ford</a></div> </div>
0 notes
lesson 2
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<div class="main-box" style="background:#CEB180;border:2px solid #B1560F;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black"> <div class="row details" style="font-family:'Playfair Display'"> <div class="icon" style="border:7px double #B1560F; background:#32612D; position:relative;z-index:7"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ DIAMOND ICON ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="icon-pic" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%;"> </div> </div>
<div class="col"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON NAME & YEAR AND WEEK ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="lesson" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>"Equine Care"</b></div>
<div class="year" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>Year 1, Week 2</b></div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON CONTENT ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="row" style="padding:0px 10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <div class="lesson-content" style="color:#FFFFFF">Maverick Was excited to have his class outside today. It was still warm enough for him to keep his horse Lucky outside. Me patted her mane and smiled "Don't worry you'll like them. They should be here any moment." Maverick said to his horse. Moments later he saw his students walking up to the school house. They were surpised to see that they will be having class outdoors today.<br /> <br /> "I'm glad you were able to notice that we are having class outside today." "We are having it outside because, well I don't think a horse would fit in the school house now do you?" Maverick got a few stares from his students. but still continued to explain what was going to happen?<br /> <br /> "Today we will be learning how to take care. You guessed it a horse. Here are some tips you will need when taking care of a horse." Maverick stopped to feed his horse an apple. He turned to his students. "This is my horse Lucky she loves to eat apples. Apples are good for horse to eat as a snack. Horse are supposed to eat oats that we put in their trough." He looked around to see if anyone knew what a trough was?"Does anyone know what a trough is? I'll tell you a trough is like a sink and it's job is to hold the oats for the horses to eat." "feeding a horse is just one important thing to know while taking care of a horse. "Wich brings me to the next important thing."<br /> <br /> "The students looked confused what could it be? Maverick pipped up again. "So, the next important thing you need to know when taking horse of a horse is how to groom it. You'll need to brush it's hair on it's mane clean it's shoes. Oh and I almost forgot to clean it's stable. It isn't fun for horses to live in a messy stable. So make sure to clean the stable when ever it needs cleaning."<br /> <br /> Maverick knew that he was starting to lose his students attention when they started to talk. "Ok I'm finished talking for the rest of the class you can come and take a look at Lucky but remember not to go behind her with out letting her know she will get scared or spooked and possibly kick you.".<br /> <br /> "Before you go I want you to write some one a letter and tell them how you would take care of the horse don't hesitate to use the information that I gave you in this class." "That's all I have you are free to go now."</div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ AESTHETIC PICTURES ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="pictures"><!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 1 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="mask1" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100% "> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 2 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask2" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 3 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask3" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ HOMEWORK AND REQUIREMENTS ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div style="background:#B1560F;padding:10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <center><img alt="homework" src="" style="width:120px" /></center>
<p> <b>You are to write a letter to someone explain to them how you would take care of a horse if you have one. Please remember your sources, and never plagiarise your work. Copying/Plagiarism will result in a FAIL.</b><br /> <br /> ✵ What happens if you walk behind a horse with out letting them know?<br /> ✵ What Do horses eat and what do they eat as a snack?<br /> ✵ How did you like meeting Lucky did she like you?<br /> ✵ How would you take care of a horse if you got to take car of one for one day?</p> <!-- ADDITIONAL -->
<p style="font-size:18px;text-align:center"><b>If you have any questions, major concerns about your task or the lesson, you may ask me or an assistant teacher through a messenge, <span style="color:#6caf37">Maverick</span>.</b></p> </div>
<div class="row" style="align-items:center;justify-content:center"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ SIGNATURE AND PICTURE ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --><img alt="sophie" src="" style="width:150px;height:150px;border:2px solid gray" /> <div class="col"><img alt="signature" src="" style="width:300px" /><br /> <p style="text-align:center;margin:-20px;color:#B1560F"><b>Animal Care</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ CREDITS; DO NOT REMOVE! ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div id="credits" style="text-align:center;max-width:600px;margin:0px auto 50px;padding:10px;font-family:serif">2021 © Coding by <a href="" style="color:#3999;text-decoration:none">Maze Ford</a></div> </div>
0 notes
Lesson 1
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<div class="main-box" style="background:#CEB180;border:2px solid #B1560F;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black"> <div class="row details" style="font-family:'Playfair Display'"> <div class="icon" style="border:7px double #B1560F; background:#32612D; position:relative;z-index:7"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ DIAMOND ICON ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="icon-pic" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%;"> </div> </div>
<div class="col"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON NAME & YEAR AND WEEK ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="lesson" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>"Meeting Maverick"</b></div>
<div class="year" style="background:#B1560F;font-size:18px;color:white;"><b>Year 1, Week 1</b></div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ LESSON CONTENT ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="row" style="padding:0px 10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <div class="lesson-content" style="color:#FFFFFF"> Maverick' was excited he couldn't wait until his first years to come so that he can start teaching the wonderful class of Animal Care. He loved animals He even has a pet horse named Lucky. Maverick was excited for the year to began but he was also very nervous. This was the first time teaching. He often wondered how well he would do. He didn't have to wait very long as he heard the students coming up to the school house. <br /> <br /> Eventually the students sat down in their seats waiting for Maverick to begin the lesson for the day.<br /> <br /> Everyone was now seating so Maverick began to speak. "My name is Maverick, it means Independent person. I have a brother named Jesse and I grew up in the old west. I have a mother who works in the saloon and my father works in the craftsman's shop. for the next year I will be your Instructor of Animal Care I'm new just like you are so I'm just learning to." Maverick paused for a few seconds then began to speak again. "That's enough about me what about you?" <br /> <br /> "I want all of you to get in to groups of 2 to 3 and introduce yourself to the people in your group. Once you have done that. I want you to come up to the front and tell the class what you learned about that person." The class grouped off with either other and started talking. Maverick was pleased with how well his first years were doing with this little activity. It was time share information with the class. Maverick spoke. "Times up who want to be first on telling the class about the people in your group?" Maverick pointed "You first".</div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ AESTHETIC PICTURES ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="pictures"><!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 1 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div class="mask1" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100% "> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 2 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask2" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻ PICTURE 3 ༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div class="mask3" style="background:url(;background-size:100% 100%"> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ HOMEWORK AND REQUIREMENTS ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --> <div style="background:#B1560F;padding:10px;font-family:'Neutron', serif"> <center><img alt="homework" src="" style="width:120px" /></center>
<p> <b>You are to write in RPG formatting. Please remember your sources, and never plagiarise your work. Copying/Plagiarism will result in a FAIL.</b><br /> <br /> ✵ What's your name? Group? Age?<br /> ✵ Who did you group up with?<br /> ✵ Did you learn any fun facts about the people in your group and What fact did you learn about them?<br /> ✵ What's one fact they learned about you?<br /> </p> <!-- ADDITIONAL -->
<p style="font-size:18px;text-align:center"><b>If you have any questions, major concerns about your task or the lesson, you may ask me or an assistant teacher through a message, <span style="color:#6caf37">Maverick</span>.</b></p> </div>
<div class="row" style="align-items:center;justify-content:center"><!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ SIGNATURE AND PICTURE ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ --><img alt="sophie" src="" style="width:150px;height:150px;border:2px solid gray" /> <div class="col"><img alt="signature" src="" style="width:300px" /><br /> <p style="text-align:center;margin:-20px;color:#B1560F"><b>Animal Care</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁ CREDITS; DO NOT REMOVE! ❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺༻❁༺ -->
<div id="credits" style="text-align:center;max-width:600px;margin:0px auto 50px;padding:10px;font-family:serif">2020 © Coding by <a href="" style="color:#ECA992;text-decoration:none">Maze Ford</a></div> </div>
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Animal Care Course Outline
<center> <div style="background:url("");width:600px;padding:40px;background-attachment:fixed;"> <div style="background:rgba(244,244,244,0.85);padding:15px;margin-bottom:5px;font-size:15px;font-family:'lucida sans';"><img alt="318ca6a7a2227d0de14c643909b901ce.png" src="" style="max-width:400px;margin:0px;" /> <p style="margin:10px;font-size:14px;"><i style="color:#444;font-family:garamond;font-size:20px;">Year One: The Basics</i><br /> <br /> <br /> <img alt="elephant_in_tanzania.jpg?h=f507d761&itok=Ei8OXcGi" src="" style="width:300px;" /><br /> </p>
<div style="width:330px;text-align:justify;margin-bottom:20px;">Welcome, guys. This year, we will be going over the basics of Animal Care<br /> <br /> I hope you are all excited about learning how to care for the animals on this earth. This year we will be going over the basics and introducing you to the animals you might take care of.<br /> <br /> For this year you will need: Animal Care<br /> <br /> If you have any questions or need any help at all feel free to send myself or my AT a message.</div> <b><i>Sincerely,</i></b><br /> <br /> <img alt="tumblr_paf8suJ2I91s9mcrho1_500.gif" src="" style="max-width:500px;margin-bottom:5px;" /></div> <a href="" style="font-size:10px;color:#000;text-transform:uppercase;text-decoration:none;">Code by Maze of mazefordcoding</a></div> </center>
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