#html css complete course
syed-m-ali · 3 years
CSS3 Animations, Transforms and Transitions - From Zero To Hero Course
CSS3 Animations, Transforms and Transitions – From Zero To Hero Course
What you will learn? Two-dimensional and three-dimensional transformations: translate, scale, rotate, and skewBringing life and interactivity to your page with transitionsAdd advanced and complex movement to your page with keyframe animationsDiscovering the true power of CSS3 animationsStunning hover CSS3 transitions and effectsElegant CSS transformations with examples and a complete…
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eggdesign · 5 years
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I may or may not be turning my revamped base code into a crash course of my classes that I teach. 
It’s going to explain/feature how to toggle between a grid and single column layout, toggle between a header and sidebar layout, and help explain the basics of HTML and CSS.
I noticed a lot of base codes don’t go into a full explanation of HTML and CSS syntax ( at least the ones I used didn’t). I think it’s totally fine to have base codes for people who are already a little familiar with the languages, but I wanted to make one for people who have 0 experience and are not sure where to start. I think it’s really important to understand syntax before you really get into theme making. 
Not learning the syntax first was a big mistake when I first started, because it caused a lot of bad coding habits that I didn’t catch until I learned more about HTML and CSS. 
I’m almost done with this, and I will release it as soon as I’m done writing all of the instructions!
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mistersingh-1000 · 3 years
How to Clone a Website and Edit it in 5 Minute?
How to Clone a Website and Edit it in 5 Minute?
HTML Website Development If you want to make a website, then first of all we should know how to make an html website, it is very difficult to create a website on HTML, for those people who have created a single website of their own and whose basic is not clear yet, that’s why they People always think that they can never become a website developer, but today I have brought you a complete playlist…
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idrellegames · 2 years
when did you start working on wayfarer? did you always wanted to make it in this style of gameplay or were you just interested on telling a story, and the game style came later? did you previously knew a bit of coding?
i feel like wayfarer is more similar to choice-based games like the telltale ones, not interactive fiction (i’m not saying IF is bad, i LOVE reading them and the authors are v v talented! the mechanics and play style are just quite different to the majority of IFs i’ve read, imo).
and sorry if this is confusing or sounds demeaning to any game, english is not my first language 🥲
I started working on Wayfarer in different stages. The original root was a 2018/2019 Dragon Age fan game that acted as a both a prototype and my first attempt at coding an IF game. I didn't know any coding (no SugarCube format, no CSS, no HTML, no JavaScript) prior to this; I'm completely self-taught.
In 2019, I dropped the DA fan project idea and converted my original characters for it into an original setting. I took a video game narrative design course that year and drafted Wayfarer's original concept for the class. The class was a little restrictive, so it was very much throwing ideas at a wall and seeing what stuck.
I spent 2020 drafting multiple outlines for Wayfarer as it exists now, experimenting with more prototypes, a first draft of a Prologue that now doesn't exist. It wasn't really until the end of that year before the game as you know it now started to take shape.
I set out to make a game because I was applying for junior video game scriptwriting positions and I wanted to have a game on my portfolio. Wayfarer's mechanics are more video game-y than contemporary IF on a whole because that's what I enjoy and what I find interesting. I read and play a lot of IF, but I could never find exactly what I wanted in terms of story and mechanics. So I'm basically filling that gap by making my own. 😂
I occasionally get folks asking if I designed Wayfarer as a novel first and then transferred it to the IF medium; this isn't the case. The storyline was always designed to be non-linear and choice-based. It's a narrative game before anything else.
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manonamora-if · 2 years
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A bit late since we are well into September already (I forgot it in my drafts...), but here is hopefully the release schedule of my ongoing projects.
Below the cut for further notes/explanation.
This month is just for finishing my IF Comp entry. As of today, there are about 2 weeks for me to finish and submit it. While the "public" (on itch) version won't be able until November, you can always play it (and be a judge! * ) during the judging period.
I'll be probably sleeping for like 2 days after that.
Whatever extra writing from MelS I get to (re-)code during that month, TTATEH will be released in October just in time for Halloween. It will most likely be only a partial demo (Prologue to Chapter 2) since MelS is busy again.
I will also add 3 more rounds to Exquisite Cadaver. I just need to write the endings for each round and code them. Expect the update in the first half of October.
I got a few issues with the MtP code raised, so I'm going to fix that (and add the new intro animation too... :P).
If the writing goes well during October, the new Scene may get into Beta the second half of November.
During testing, I will try to add 3 more rounds of Exquisite Cadaver and pop out the sci-fi template that has been haunting me since last month :P
And The Thick Table Tavern will be released on Itch.
If the Beta gives me the green light, Scene 5 may be online by December (I would want it to be before the Holidays if I can manage).
And that month again, another 3 rounds for Exquisite Cadaver (which will make 18 total online).
I will probably post another Yearly (very long) Wrap up as well.
2023 Expectations
Like I have this year, I expect a lot of myself next year. I would want to complete Exquisite Cadaver (which should be doable in a rate of 3 rounds/months) and The Thick Table Tavern (I won't be able to add all NPCs I want). I also would love to finally resume working on SPS Iron Hammer and give it the ending(s) it deserves.
While it may be possible, I would want to close Act 1 of Crimson Rose & White Lily next year and start its next chapter. Depending on how busy I get, it could potentially be doable?
I've also been enjoying creating a bunch of templates and learning more on how to code with CSS/HTML. So my hope for 2023 is continue release templates. And maybe learning more JScript to make them more interactive... MAYBE.
Aside, from ALL OF THIS, I would want to participate in more competitions/jams. I've been learning a whole lot by creating smaller projects and they have really be helping my push myself to become a better creator. But that comes with a big caveat of: If I actually have time/the bandwith.
Of course, the schedule above is a rough guideline. Life may get in the way and make some release impossible. I still hope to achieve this, tho :P
*Please consider checking out and rating at least 5 other entries if you want to judge the competition so your review will be taken into account.
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examhelper97 · 2 years
Hello everyone? FALL IS FINALLY HERE.
my name is smarttutor, MATHEMATICS// STATISTICS//PHYSICS//COMPUTERSCIENCE//CHEMISTRY AND BUSINESS RELATED COURSES tutor. You can get me through discord smarttutor#2355,
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Ø Waves
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code-es · 2 years
26 july 2022
Lol so i made this blog and then my mental health decided to be like "hey, it's me again!!!" and i just completely fell out of the loop for a couple of days, but now i feel relatively back on track! I'm finishing up the JavaScript beginners course on codeacademy before I start studying (in only 13 days ahhhh!!)
I'm excited but also very nervous, like how will I compare to my other classmates? I have basically not used html, css and JavaScript until now since all my high school programming classes were in Python. But oh well!! I'll just keep learning (:
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phoenixkratos · 2 years
Hi there. I was wondering how I could create a website for my random creative musings, similar to your own. My attempts in the past have been unfruitful because web design is an utterly inhospitable place if you don't know where to start. Is there any advice you could give?
This, uh, went on for a bit, so full suggestions under the cut:
how to do a website, kind of?
Web design can definitely be a bear if you're not familiar with it—although I do think it's fun and worthwhile to learn if you are interested! You don't necessarily need to engage with actual HTML and CSS if you don't want to, of course.
That would be the first thing to decide: are you interested in learning to create websites from scratch or having total control over their design and layout? Or do you just want to focus on your content and not worry too much about site maintenance or a custom design?
website builders/software
If you'd rather keep things as simple as possible, then you'll probably want to sign up for a service that lets you build a website using visual site-building tools. Most free hosts/site builders are going to display ads of some sort on your site, though, so you'll need to be comfortable with that. WordPress.com may work for you if you're okay with ads on a free site, although I feel like WordPress's page creation interface can be a bit hit or miss with new users. Worth a try to see if you like it, since it's reliable software if it does click with you. A while back I feel like I remembered a lot of people using Weebly for free sites but I can't really speak to how good it is myself.
In general I don't have a ton of great suggestions in this area, unfortunately, because it's just not something I have a ton of recent hobbyist experience with. But if you're okay with the limitations these come with and the ease-of-use (assuming you can find an option that clicks with you) is important, then they're a perfectly reasonable choice! There are a lot of options, so shop around a bit, sign up for free accounts and mess around to see how comfortable you are with each one.
do it yourself
If you are interested in doing things the old-fashioned way, then you'll want to learn at least a little bit of HTML and CSS. There are a million resources out there on the internet, of varying degrees of quality, accuracy, or actual beginner-friendliness. Here are some guides and resources that I'm familiar with and/or generally trust:
These days, if you want to learn to code, you'll probably end up funneled toward online courses of one kind or another. Some of them are probably pretty good! Many of the good ones are probably also not free, and I assume you're not looking to spend money on a course like that if you aren't yet comfortable with HTML/certain you want to use it for your site.
FreeCodeCamp is one I've actually used a bit before, back when I was a bit rusty and wanted to brush up on some things before moving on to more advanced stuff. It's intended for people who want to get into web design and related fields as a career, but you don't need to go that far with it: the first group of HTML tutorials does a great job covering all the basics you'll need, and each step of the course builds comfortably on the previous steps. It comes with built-in HTML editors/previewers pre-filled with its examples so you can complete the exercises and check your work without needing other software. The intro course is geared toward the design of a "Cat Photo App" (not actually a functional app, just what the design of the page would look like; no need to worry about any weird software coding) rather than a personal website, but it'll give you a great grounding in HTML and CSS themselves.
Specifically, you'll want the "Responsive Web Design" course, and to follow it up through the section "Applied Visual Design" (though you likely don't need all of the lessons in there, as many are features you probably won't use on a personal site). The basics of the section after that, "Applied Accessibility", are also important if you want to make your website accessible to the visually impaired and other disabled folks! Everything beyond that you can ignore, unless you decide you're interested in trying that stuff out on your own. :)
mozilla developer network/mdn
MDN is primarily a developer resource (hence the name), meant as a huge reference document for web development standards rather than helping with personal sites and such, but this is basically the place you go when you need to look up details on how a given HTML element or CSS selector works. If you're ever not sure how an element mentioned in a tutorial works, or if you think you need an selector that you haven't seen explained before, this is where you go to look it up. (You'll also commonly see a site called "W3Schools" recommended for this, and it's an okay reference as well, but most folks tend to prefer MDN since it's not commercially-motivated.)
MDN does offer a "Getting started with the web" tutorial that covers the basics of HTML, CSS, what to do with all the files, and things like that. I actually only just learned about this while working on this post so I'm not sure how good it is as a beginner's reference, but it looks decent, and I trust it'll all be accurate information. I do like that it suggests taking the time to make a sketch of what you imagine the site looking like first—it's a good reminder to have a goal to work toward rather than trying to decide what you want at the same time you're trying to learn how it works.
So, that's general HTML stuff. What about tools meant more for actually creating personal sites?
bogleech's website ingredients - a good simple starting point
Bogleech has a fantastic "website ingredients" post with all the basic files you need for a website along with helpful instructions:
The files in that download will let you produce a (very simple) HTML website, and explain how basic HTML works, how to add images, how to keep files together, and things like that. You'll want to find other resources to learn how to put together a more complex layout, but this is a great tool for just playing around and learning how all this stuff works.
the cave of dragonflies' webmaster guides - more in-depth html tutorials and content advice
Also consider checking out @antialiasis's webmaster guides, which are all geared toward creating your own personal website from scratch. (And, if you're not already familiar with it, her site The Cave of Dragonflies in general is itself a big personal/creative Pokémon fansite, and a great example of what you can put together if you really get going!)
There are also free layouts available as a more structured starting point than Bogleech's simple page, so if you want a template to customize after learning the basics, this is an option for that.
html editors
If you're going to write your own code, you'll want software to write it in (please do not use word processing software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, it really isn't meant for this and will cause headaches down the line). Many basic tutorials (including Bogleech's) will recommend Notepad to view the page's code—if you're on a Mac, TextEdit would be the closest equivalent—and that will work for the bare basics and doesn't require you to install or download anything new or complicated. But if you think you're likely to want to work with HTML, I would strongly suggest getting a text editor with syntax highlighting capabilities; it makes telling the various bits of your code apart much, much, easier. For Windows Notepad++ is a good suggestion, while for Mac you'll probably want to look at TextMate; I haven't used it in a while but I used to use Brackets (cross-platform) a lot and found it generally good at getting out of my way when I needed it to. I personally use Visual Studio Code (also cross-platform) at the moment. There are tons of other options out there and I won't muddle things by listing them all here, but just know that if none of those options click with you, you'll be able to find another one that suits your needs.)
However you put your site together (with the exception of the site builders mentioned earlier, which generally also host your site for you), you'll need a place to put it online. Nowadays it's not common to find reputable HTML file hosts for free; you'll usually end up paying at least a small amount per month/year for hosting, it'll include other features you probably don't actually need for a simple personal site, and that's not counting the cost of the domain name (though those are usually just one low price once per year for a common extension like .com, .net, etc.). But there is at least one great free option: Neocities. Neocities is totally dedicated to bringing back the days of small, personal websites that you can design yourself, and while I haven't used it myself it's been really great to see the kinds of fun sites and projects people have been able to create with it. Would definitely recommend checking this out as a first stop for hosting! This looks like a good absolute-basics starting guide for Neocities (and includes a link to a "layout builder" if you want a more structured starting layout than Bogleech's ingredients, with a few more options to choose from than having to manually edit TCoD's): https://learn.sadgrl.online/absolute-beginners-guide-to-neocities/
(Neocities appears to have an online file editor with syntax highlighting, so in theory you don't need one of the editors mentioned above. However, I would still recommend writing your code as local files in your computer, and then just uploading the files to Neocities. That way you have a bit more protection from things like browser crashes if something happens to go wrong, and you'll have a local copy of all your stuff just in case.)
are there any other options?
There is the third option of purchasing hosting, and then installing software on that hosting to run your website (for example, you can also install WordPress on your own site rather than using WordPress.com; Altered Origin is currently running on a PHP CMS called Grav). Depending on the software you choose you can get an experience more or less like using a site builder, but with more control over your content, the design, etc.. The tradeoff is that you'll likely end up managing all the more technical aspects of software like that yourself, which can be more work than either having a company take care of it for you or using something that's a little harder to break outside of code typos, like a static HTML site.
The amount of coding you need to worry about can also vary with this; my current Grav site provides a simple way to manage adding new content, but the design/layout of the site around that content was still written entirely by hand with HTML and CSS. With self-hosted WordPress you can just use and customize themes without (necessarily) needing to touch the code, and can have more flexibility about which themes and other elements you can install than WordPress.com's free hosting allows.
But either way, I'd recommend trying one or both of the other options before bothering with this. Buying more advanced hosting and maintaining the software on your own website is something you probably don't want to worry about unless you already know you require it or will enjoy it!
okay i'll shut up now
I always love hearing that someone's looking into creating their own space on the internet; it's really a shame that so much of that creative spirit has disappeared over the years. I wish you the best of luck with your site; I'd love to see a link to it whenever you've got it up and running! (And if there was anything specific you were wondering about that I didn't cover here, or if this wasn't the sort of help you were asking for at all and I totally rambled on past your actual question, feel free to send another ask and let me know!)
If any of my other webmaster friends want to chime in with further advice or suggestions, feel free!
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haruharuz · 2 years
Hustlers goals of the day are to complete every single task I didn't finish in the last week! From cleaning my window sill to watching a video on algebra. I'm also going to be doing more stuff to the side so 🥴
Here's the list:
Deposit money
Order car part
Buy tool box
But groceries
Prep groceries
Clean window sill
Watch 2 hour GED math review video for one hour & FOLLOW ALONG
Speedrun Khan academy algebra course for 20 minutes
Take notes on the pancreatitis video (from yesterday)
Finish watching biology review & take notes
Watch 15 minutes of this & take notes
Watch 20 minutes of this
Korean flashcards
Begin designing web page + start the CSS and html files using sublime
Follow entire codecademy tutorial on HTML & CSS
Compile resources
Look into new laptop/PC and create savings plan
Order more moisturizer
Order birth control
It may not seem like a lot but trust me it IS!! This is a full day. This doesn't include the cooking, stretching, exercising, or work prep. Whew.
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suiomi · 4 years
Learn to Code for Any Platform
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Many people dream of being able to create their own web templates. What they don’t know is that getting there isn’t as hard as it seems.
This article lists some tips on how to learn to code for any platform, and how to start your own Tumblr theme blog. Here’s a quick summary:
Learning to code
Getting started with your own templates
Styling your website
Running your website
Sharing your content
Learning to code
The very first step on your journey is to invest a bit of your time on learning how to code. Make sure to read the basics of coding and start practising - practice makes perfect!
Not sure where to start? Here’s some help:
Codecademy. By far the best place to start. Codecademy has great introductory courses to begin building your foundations on coding and they also offer a wide range of coding languages. For web design, you’ll need HTML and CSS, as well as JavaScript. Other languages may be necessary depending on which platforms you use, but these are absolute basics.
W3Schools. One of the most popular code-learning websites out there. Perfect for beginners, it offers starting tips on pretty much everything you need to start creating your own templates.
CSS Tricks. If there’s any complete CSS masterlist, this is it. You can learn pretty much everything about CSS on this website with accessible explanations and clear examples.
HTML Dog. Despite focusing on HTML, this website also offers CSS tutorials in order to complement both languages.
JavaScript for Cats. A funny and cute way of getting started with JS!
Working on Tumblr? If you’re coding for Tumblr, make sure to read the Tumblr Docs. This explains everything about Tumblr blocks and will help you structure your template correctly.
Starting your own templates
Once you’re comfortable with coding, it’s time to start creating your own templates. Here are a few tips based on my own experience:
Start for yourself. You may be confident in your skills, but it’s a good idea to start creating templates for yourself before sharing them with the public. This way you’ll be able to test your work on your own website and debug things that would have slipped past you.
Find your style. Many designers don’t know what their style is and that’s perfectly fine. Finding your style means that you should find a way of coding and designing that you’re comfortable with. Your templates will have your identity all about them even if you design entirely different things.
Resist temptations. It’s easy to slip into someone else’s source code and see how they’ve done something - stop right there! Even if you have no intention on doing so, you might end up copying someone else’s work and this could bring you some unnecessary headaches.
Ask for help. Don’t be afraid of not knowing everything. Asking for help is advised but make sure to do your research before reaching out - doing so will allow you to learn a lot more than if you were to contact someone immediately. 
Styling your website
Your website will be your main connection between you and your work, and the people interested in it. Here are some tips on how to make it appealing:
Keep it clean. Avoid unnecessary elements. Exaggerated zoom effects, distracting elements such as overly thick borders, shouldn’t be used. You want your audience to feel comfortable on your website, so make it as inviting as possible. The ideal design will use a maximum of three font families and colours.
Ditch small fonts. A 10px font isn’t readable in most screen resolutions, which makes your website very hard to use. A minimum size of 14px is ideal.
Watch out for the colours. Keep your website clean is also about being smart with colour usage. Make use of black and white or dark greys for backgrounds, pairing them with an accent colour. If used properly, gradient background look amazing as well.
Running your website
You’ve learned your coding, you’ve found your style, and you’ve got your website. What comes next? Running it.
Stay organised. Running a website isn’t only about having it. You’ve got to have a plan as well. Think about what you’d like to address or share on your website and create a plan (e.g. article schedules and topics, template releases per month or week, etc).
Be polite. You will come across harsh feedback at some point, so don’t expect it to be a smooth ride at all times. People won’t always appreciate your work or agree with your opinions and that’s fine. Regardless of how you’re spoken to on your website, don’t fall into the temptation of responding on the same tone. Stay polite!
Interact with others. You won’t be successful if you’re isolated. It might be intimidating at first, but interacting with other designers and even your readers places you one step ahead on the game.
Don’t just disappear. Life takes unexpected turns but do your best not to vanish without a trace. Leaving a quick note on your website about your absence takes but ten minutes and your readers appreciate it.
Sharing your content
If you’re at this stage, then you’re ready to start sharing your content.
Use social media. Social media makes wonders these days, but you ought to stay active. Regularity is key for a successful use of social media (along with appealing posts and interesting content, of course), so make sure that you use these tools for your own advantage.
Boost your SEO. Your website won’t get far unless your SEO is good enough. It might sound complicated but it’s easier than you think. This great article by Moz guides on how to get started with SEO.
Schedule your content. If you suspect that you can’t stay active on your website or if you’re going through an inspiration surge, you might want to take advantage of scheduling features for a more consistent updating of your website.
Submit your work. You might also be interested in sharing your content with other designers or bloggers of your industry. These people will often share your content and grant you the visibility that you need to start off.
Ready to take the web design community by storm? Good luck!
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themekets · 4 years
Customizable Audio Player
There's probably at least a few of these kicking about nowadays, but so far none of them have suited mine or my wife's purposes well enough.
So here we are, I made my own.
Github Link
Follow the instructions in the readme to get started. I'll be keeping the links in there up to date as I make any necessary changes, so refer to that for up to date information.
The player consists of a couple of pieces:
HTML code for the player's visual elements on the page and the audio playlist.
Javascript for the player's operation.
CSS code for the player visuals, with some provision for simplified adjustments to fit whatever theme you need.
Because the player essentially just becomes part of your Tumblr theme itself, you have full control over how it looks. I've given it some base styling to make it usable as-is, but if you want to completely change how it looks, where it goes, that's entirely up to you.
If you have specific needs that are't met with this implementation, feel free to file a Github issue or just send me an ask. I'm much more active on Github than I am here, though, so those will tend to get seen more quickly.
If you want to submit your own custom themes for the player for others to use, that's where I'd ask you submit them to as well, please!
Of course, you're more than free to send asks if you run into any difficulty using it.
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freecoursesite2 · 2 years
free course site
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collegedisha2k21 · 4 years
Top 10 Trending Computer Courses to Get a Job
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Here we will share some information about the top 10 computer courses in demand. These are the courses which we can choose after our 12th standard. What computer courses are in demand or Which computer course is best for the job, are some common questions that commonly popup in student’s minds after their 12th. 
Here we will divide computer courses into 4 types:
Long Term Offline Courses:- Students can choose academic courses for their further careers. In this category, students can choose 4 years courses in engineering technology like BCA, computer science.
Long Term online Courses:- In today’s time students can also avail themselves of online courses. There are lots of online courses also available for the duration of 1 year.
Short Term Offline Courses:- Most of the institutes also provide 2 to 3-month duration courses. Students can also enroll themselves in these courses too. 
Short Term Course:- Students can also enroll themselves in these types of courses. These courses are available in the form of videos and pdfs.
List of the Top 10 computer courses:-
Cyber Security
Software and Programming Language Courses
Hardware and Networking Courses
Web Designing Course
Digital Marketing Courses
Artificial Intelligence Course
Data Analyst
Diploma in IT
Diploma in Computer Science
Data Science Course
Now let  discuss in brief these computer courses:
Cyber Security:- As we know very well that cyber crimes are increasing day by day. Hackers are continuously performing suspicious activity on the daily basis. As we know that people are executing financial activity online so there is a higher risk that hackers can do unauthorised activity. So, the demand for Cyber Security is on its boom in the market. Students can choose this course and can get a high-paying job.
Software Development:- The demand for web development and mobile apps is increasing day by day. For software development, students can choose different programming languages like C, C++, .Net, and Java. Software development is on its boom nowadays because of digitisation. Companies working on different projects like creating mobile apps and web apps. Most of the institutes provide courses on these programming languages. Students can avail themselves in one of these languages and can get a handsome salary. 
Hardware and Networking Course:- This course will be forever in demand. Students can enroll in these types of courses as well. Many institutes provide these types of courses.
Web Designing Courses:- Most of the students love to do designing. For those who are passionate about designing, this is the best course for them to get a handsome salary after completing this course. Web Designing includes creating designs for logos, web pages. For web designing, students have to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and many more. After completing this course students can get a good package. 
Digital Marketing Courses:- Anyone can do this course. There are no age restrictions on this type of course. This is one of the best computer courses, where students will learn about the basic strategy of marketing, blogs, etc.
Artificial Intelligence Courses:- As we know technology is updating itself day by day. This one is also the best course to get the highest paying job. Many institutes provide courses on AI, students can enroll in this course and get a good package.
Data Analyst:- The job of the data analyst is to extract the proper data from the pool of the unstructured data after applying their logical and statistical techniques. According to most of the research a Data Analyst can earn up to $105,000 annually and as low as $69,000. This is also the best course for the students to get high pay.
Diploma in IT:- This is the best course for the students after their 12th. Students can enroll themself in this course. The duration of this course is long but after completing this student will be a master in computers.
Diploma in Computer Science:- Diploma in computer science covers most of the major parts of computer technology like hardware, software programming language, computer application, etc. Most of the reputed institutes and Universities provide these courses. 
Data Science:- In today’s time the approach of data scientists is increasing. Companies are approaching Data Scientists for data analytics. This one is also the best course where students can make their career. Research says that in the upcoming years there will be high demand for data scientists.
Wrap Up: Above we explained the Top 10 best computer courses for the students which are best for the students to start up their career in the computer industry. Students can enroll themself in any of the above courses and can boost up their career in the computer industry. 
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izicodes · 3 years
Week 1 of Programming
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Hello and welcome to my first post ever! In this post I will be noting down the goals that I want to complete this week, touching on various programming languages. I've already learnt HTML & CSS and need to learn JavaScript again and I will be looking into learning Java this week.
Anyways, here are my goals for Week 1 - 11/10/21 to 17/10/12:
☐ Work through the Java tutorials on Programiz.com
☐ Work through W3School's tutorial for Java
☐ Watch the 'Java Full Course' by the Youtuber BroCode
☐ Read Java Programming books in spare time;
☐ 'Head First Java' by Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates
☐ 'Core Java Volume I & II' by Cay S. Hortsmann
*For these books, I got it from a site called ZLibrary.
With my goals in place for this week, hoping I am one step closer to eventually creating cool projects using Java! Wish me best of luck!
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wahsidin · 3 years
Ethereum, Solidity, Food Supply Chain & Cryptocurrency, The Complete Guide for Developer Course
190 Lectures in 23.5 Hours
Using Smart Contract to build Real-World Blockchain Ready Apps - Food Supply Chain? Yep! 
Solidity complete course? Covered. 
Truffle - World Class Ethereum Framework? Yep! 
ERC20 Token ( Cryptocurrency )? Yep!
ERC20 Token Security Audit or Checklist? Yep!
Because of the potential Benefit that blockchain can bring a lot to the table. Blockchain technology has become so much popular and one of the most demanded technology in this recent years ( and is predicted will be one of the biggest markets in more years to come ).
More and more companies had invested in this famous amazing database ( blockchain ) and made the demand for blockchain developers ( skills ), has skyrocketed over the last few years throughout many countries, such as Asia and Europe. and because of the lack of blockchain developers, made the salary of blockchain developers is higher than developers working with other technologies.
Because is not easy and fast enough to produce the developer that can really fastly understand :
What is the Blockchain and How does it work? 
How to write the smart contract with solidity well?
( Because as a programmer, By learning the programming language ( solidity ) well, then you can create, by means, of any application with any condition )
How to Automation Test the smart contract?
How to really build the applications that support the needed in certain industries ( such as Food Market, Healthcare, Cryptocurrency, and more )?
What is Cryptocurrency ( Token ) and How it works?
How to write the token smart contract that really followed the rules of the ERC20 Token standard?
How to find the token Bugs, Error, and Vulnerabilities? By doing the process of security audit and checklist
Why ??? Because of the very tiny complete resources out there.
So, the purpose of this course is to show and let you learn steps by steps from the very basic ( remix, solidity, smart contract, truffle ) until you can create your :
1. own real-world Food Supply Chain Dapps that can be accessed from Web Browser, plus beautiful design for your application front end ( that created from React, Next JS, and React Semantic User Interface ).
2. own Real-World Ethereum ERC20 Token Smart contract by following the basic security audit and checklist. so, make sure that your tokens can have functionality that is recommended by the rules of the ERC20 Token standard.
Just for some information for you, you are come to the right place, Starting in 2019, 75% stating that they are likely to leverage Ethereum Platform ( Public blockchains ) in the future for business applications.
What you’ll learn
Food Supply Chain - Real World Blockchain Dapps
Lucky Draw Dapps
ERC20 Token ( Cryptocurrency )
ERC20 Token Security Audit
Solidity - Complete Course
Remix - Complete Course
Truffle - Complete Course
Mocha & Chai - Automated Testing
React JS & Next JS
web3 JS
Metamask - Ethereum Wallet
NPM - Node Package Manager
Full Stack - HTML, CSS, Javascript
Mining , EVM , Gas
Smart Contracts
Coding ( Programming )
Solc - Solidity Compiler
Ganache - Local Ethereum Blockchain
HD Wallet Provider
Dapps - Decentralized Applications
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fretzine · 3 years
I am currently a month into my ‘exploring maths’ and ‘technologies in practice’ modules which will last 24 weeks. Within these modules I will be looking at concepts such as engineering mathematics, scientific notation, trigonometry and how these are applied in three different sections of computing:
1. Robotics
2. Networking and Communications
3. Machine Learning
I am still in the process of learning HTML, CSS and Javascript. I had a fairly good understanding of HTML from a teenager so I have been using the YouTube video below to help me if I’m stuck (and as a complete overall refresher):
I have also been using the W3Schools website as this is invaluable and gives you examples of every item. The MDN Web Docs (mozilla reference guides) is amazing also you can get that here: 
While studying these modules I have also purchased the following Udemy course: 
This course is going to help me develop a real working knowledge of HTML and CSS to the point where I am able to create static and dynamic websites that look beautiful on both desktop and mobile clients. This is in the hopes that by September I am confident enough to move onto Javascript ES6 and learn this in great detail so I can confidently tick off ‘front end development’ by the end of the year.
Learning Roadmap for 2022:
React and other JS frameworks
That being said, I have been working on a project website (a fake Starbucks website) to test out the CSS and HTML knowledge that I am developing. I am currently looking at Flex box and Grid display in CSS which helped me make the following website: 
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