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skull-shore · 2 years ago
06&07.july23, fri; internship
my last day at the internship AND the "final" stage of my To-Do List with PHP, HTML and CSS:
add tasks by adding a date, the task, choosing a priority and "+" for submitting
tick off tasks you did with a checkbox
delete tasks
(make it look a lil bit prettier with CSS)
i had to present it (nightmare) to my coworkers at my internship today and it was... quite amazing? i could perfectly explain almost all of the data i put in the code and was able to answer ... most of their questions! :o it was SO amazing they even offered me an apprenticeship???? ahhhhhh (that's what i wanted i'm so so so so happy jkokjrjejjddkfkdkdkd)
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flowcodes · 2 years ago
In Ao3 say you are making a newspaper clipping. Or a fake essay for your character to write. Whatever you need a title for this is how you do it in HTML.
First, make sure you are in HTML in the text box and you will need to put the title that you want (or you really just want some big text. I won't judge) and put a < h1> without the space at the beginning of it. So for example
< h1> Hola
Again without the space. Then at the end of the text, you will put < /h1> again without the space. example
< h1> Hola < /h1>
Now say you think this is too big for your liking. Or you need a subheading for whatever reason. Well, you can use the same basic format: <h_> and </h_> all the way up to six.
Now you may be thinking "Wait I want it to be smaller. Why would I go bigger in number? Won't it be bigger?" No, the bigger the number in this case would be smaller the text. So a little bit of a guide if you are still confused or you just want it. Without the space.
< h1> </h1> Heading
< h2> </h2> Sub Heading
< h3> </h3> Sub Sub Heading
< h4></h4> Sub Sub Sub Heading
< h5></h5> Sub Sub Sub Sub Heading
< h6></h6> Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Heading
You can only go up to (down to?) 6 with the heading stuff.
I hope this helped!!
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makemychance1 · 1 year ago
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code-b · 2 years ago
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See how i create this
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code-with-bilu-2023 · 2 years ago
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pretty-nun-machine · 2 years ago
Soooo uh, for anyone who's interested, I have a neocities website!
Please note: not mobile friendly, best viewed on desktop, also for viewers 18 years or older
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saudtechzone · 2 years ago
404 redirect page css and jv unique design.
Follow our website
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jtardich2 · 2 years ago
Careers in HTM
Throughout HTM 101, I have learned so much about the hospitality and tourism industry! This industry is filled with excitement about new adventures, cultures, and people, and ultimately can change how you see the world. I never knew how much hard work and planning goes into HTM industries till this class. From cruises, meetings, and events, airlines, to hotels there is so much that goes into these branches that make all the difference. This class made me want to look at the little things when traveling. I won’t see a hotel, plane, or event the same. I will be thinking about all the things that went into making these different areas seem so simple and easy. On an airplane, I will be thinking about all the costs, the budgeting, how airplanes are cleaned, and the safety precautions that are being communicated while I sit in my seat. At the next meetings and/or events I will attend, I will think of the person/people who put it all together and think about their budget and the decisions that make attendees so happy. COVID-19 has changed our lives, especially within these industries, but once again the Hospitality and Tourism Management industry adapted and paved new ways for people to enjoy life. The Food and beverage industry has done a full 180 with people now wanting cleaner and healthier ingredients, which I am totally on board for. After the pandemic, many people chose to focus more on food safety, and this has been great because now, food producers are going to try to go back to safer ingredients. I really like restaurants that have healthy menu items and want their customers to feel great after their meals and have a good time at their restaurants. One industry that interests me is the meeting and events industry. I think I would really like to see an idea come to life and watch people enjoy the event I put on. I think this would be a great job but very stressful however, I think it would be all worth it! I have chosen to pursue Audiology. I don’t think I could combine this industry with my career only when there is maybe a conference and I am bringing a big group so I would look up hotels and flights. I would definitely consider pursuing a career in hospitality after I retire from Audiology. I think this industry is awesome and I would really enjoy a career in it down the road:)
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sambhavconsultants · 5 months ago
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That ‘ah-ha’ moment when HTML's true purpose finally hits – knowledge unlocked!💻
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शुरू करें HTML के साथ: HTML की मूल जानकारी | HTML Tutorial 01
हेलो टंब्लर कम्युनिटी! यह रहा मेरा नया वीडियो 'HTML की मूल जानकारी | HTML Tutorial 01'। इस वीडियो में मैं आपको HTML की मूल जानकारी देने जा रहा हूँ। इस ट्यूटोरियल में आप सीखेंगे कि HTML क्या है, इसका उपयोग कहाँ होता है, और कैसे आप एक सरल HTML डॉक्यूमेंट तैयार कर सकते हैं। इसे देखने के बाद, आप HTML में आपके क्रिएटिव प्रोजेक्ट्स को शुरू करने के लिए तत्���र होंगे। चलिए शुरू करें और एक नया और रोचक विश्व खोजें!
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skull-shore · 2 years ago
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after a week of studying i've completed my first course about HTML!! so far i've learnt the basic facts and syntax about html, like <!DOCTYPE html>, <html> and <body> on top of any html document you build:)
Forms were the most interesting part to me of that course, it makes the website way more interactive and it's so much fun to play around with it.
My next step is to learn more about CSS and designing the website to my liking. I'm excited!
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flowcodes · 2 years ago
How To Put Headings (Larger Text) In Tumblr's HTML Sections
Say you are making a page for your Tumblr blog and you don't have many options for creating. At the least, the buttons let one bold and italicize, and that is it. Or would you like the biggest heading in your post? Or maybe you want a smaller one but still gleam that it is a heading? Here is how you are able to do that.
First, for the page you want to create, you will want to hit the HTML button on the options when adding a page.
And if you want to biggest heading that you can get your hands on for a Tumblr post get the settings button which is a cog that is to the right of your username once you are in the post thing. Then scroll all the way down to the bottom where it says "Text Editor" then on the drop-down menu pick HTML.
Now that you have your process all ready to go and all you need to know is how one makes the heading bigger. Well, you have a good couple of options. 6 in fact.
The basic format of the coding tags is this:
<h1-6> Your curing the world text </h1-6>
Now that is not an actual tag (at least that I know of but even if it is not what you are going to need to do) but what the numbers are.
The biggest one is the < h1> (without the space) and the smallest < h6> (Again without the space) Now this is probably fucking with your brain cause your whole life you have been told that the higher the number the bigger the thing is. Not here baby.
Anyways try them out and find out which one looks best for whatever your fucking amazing creation is.
Hope this helped!
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makemychance1 · 2 years ago
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it-career-tips-and-more · 2 years ago
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flamewheel2001 · 2 years ago
Smol phone mobile friendly
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constantbeginnings · 2 years ago
January 1st, 2023
Today I was able to conquer the first chapter of Easy Spanish Step-by-Step. I debated on whether or not to create another notebook just for vocabulary words but decided against it so that everything is just in one notebook. I also started rewriting my coding notes just to review before I jump back in to the actual coding work. I made my planner set up last night, I’m keeping everything as simple as possible because I’m just not a pretty bujo type of gal, it eventually makes me feel demotivated to keep up. My motto for studying at the moment is K.I.S.S. KEEP IT SIMPLE and STUPID. When I try to do too much and too fast I tend to crash and the goal is to be consistent this year. I would rate today 5/5 for being able to check off things on my to-do list. I can’t wait to continue again tomorrow.
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