#hq 395
busra-tr · 1 year
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🖤 DREAM PJ SET-395 BD1073 & BD1074 🖤
10 Colors
Adult-Elder-Teen-Young Adult
For Female
Compatible with HQ mod-
-New Mesh
-All Lods
- Custom thumbnail
**-Please do not re upload or claim as yours feel free to re color but do not include the mesh .
* Early Access * It will be open to the public 2 weeks later.
I hope you like them.  ♥
💖 You can check out my Patreon for special cc and other early access content. 💖
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airkewld · 1 year
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Saturday July 1st, 2023 | Airkewld HQ | Setting up PRObuilt Spindles on PRObuilt Beams with the right tools
Weekend Warrior I am, I went into the shop this weekend, and you could hear a pin drop, a weird site for sure, as the TEAM has grown tremendously over the last year.
Part of my Zen is enjoying the assembling Classic Volkswagen Suspension, which is weird. Having the right tools to figure out math problems accurately makes me feel amazing. Today, I assembled two Stage 1 PRObuilt Link Pin beams, 4" narrowed with Adjustable RideTech shocks and PRObuilt Drum Drop Spindles.
The upper and lower arms are not parallel, which is by design. Not from me, but VW. Measuring that offset between the edges takes a couple of straight edges and an mm gauge or the Matra VW 270A or our NEW tool, the Matra VW 270A RX, with the reusable Link Pin Chart with a grease pen.
5.5mm on the left and 7mm on the right, ideally spec'd out.
Because the PRObuilt Link Pin arms are QC'd (Quality Controlled), and the Carriers are QC'd, along with using quality German king pins and link pins, this assembly went together effortlessly. We will get into our quality control inspection later, but preparation is crucial in getting the outcome you want.
Stage 1 PRObuilt Beam - https://www.airkewld.com/Stage-1-PRObuilt-Adjustable-Beam-Complete-2201-p/2201.htm - $3054+
PRObuilt Drum Drop Spindles - https://www.airkewld.com/Classic-VW-PRO-Built-Drum-Drop-Spindles-2441-p/2441.htm - $672+
Reusable Link Pin Chart - https://www.airkewld.com/Link-Pin-Chart-p/2441f.htm - $22.95
PRObuilt Link Pin Arm Set - https://www.airkewld.com/PRO-Built-Arm-Set-1949-65-Beetle-Ghia-Link-Pin-p/2449.htm - $395+
Matra VW 270A RX Tool - https://www.airkewld.com/Matra-VW-270-A-RX-Version-Link-Pin-Offset-Tool-p/2442.htm - $38+
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bspolink1348 · 2 years
Les nouveautés de la semaine (28/1/22)
A la une : La découverte de la théorie ancrée : stratégies pour la recherche qualitative / Barney G. Glaser, Anselm L. Strauss
Cote de rangement : H 61 .24 G 265661 / Domaine : Méthodologie
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"The Discovery of Grounded Theory (1967) est l’un des ouvrages de méthodologie les plus importants dans l’histoire de la sociologie américaine. À l’origine d’un vaste mouvement de redéfinition des paramètres de l’enquête de terrain, de l’analyse des données et de la production théorique, la méthode novatrice qu’il présente a connu des développements constants et suscite un intérêt de plus en plus large à l’échelle internationale. Longtemps resté à l’écart des débats qu’il suscite, le public francophone peut enfin accéder, grâce à cette traduction, au texte fondateur de ce courant. À partir d’une critique des démarches statistiques et expérimentales en sciences sociales assortie de nombreux exemples, l’ouvrage promeut une forme nouvelle d’analyse comparative pour produire une théorie « ancrée », c’est-à-dire enracinée dans les données du terrain. Parce qu’il pose les bases de cette approche dans un style à la fois simple et rigoureux afin d’en diffuser la pratique, ce classique peut également être considéré comme un manuel d’introduction." - Quatrième de couverture
Marketing (plus) durable / Pierre Volle, John W. Schouten
Cote de rangement : HF 5413 V 265659
L'art de la guerre dans le business / David Brown
Cote de rangement : HF 5386 B 265663
Économie internationale / Paul Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc Melitz
Cote de rangement :
HF 1359 K 265660
Le temps de la démondialisation : protéger les biens communs contre le libre-échange / Guillaume Vuillemey
Cote de rangement : HF 1713 V 265670
Time for things : labor, leisure, and the rise of mass consumption / Stephen D. Rosenberg
Cote de rangement : HB 99 .3 R 265674
The spirit of digital capitalism / Jenny Huberman
Cote de rangement : HB 501 H 265675
A theory of subjective wellbeing / Mark Fabian
Cote de rangement : HN 25 F 265673
La parenthèse boomers / François de Closets
Cote de rangement : HN 425 .5 D 265662
Des femmes qui tiennent la campagne / Sophie Orange et Fanny Renard
Cote de rangement : HN 440 .C6 O 265665
Demain le bon sexe : les femmes, le désir et le consentement / Katherine Angel
Cote de rangement : HQ 29 A 265669
La revanche de la province / Jérôme Batout
Cote de rangement : HT 395 .F7 B 265668
Une histoire naturelle du futur : ce que les lois de la biologie nous disent de l'avenir de l'espèce humaine / Rob Dunn
Cote de rangement : GF 75 D 265664
Sciences politiques
Understanding contemporary Africa / edited by Peter J. Schraeder
Cote de rangement : DT 30 .5 U 265676
Divided not conquered : how rebels fracture and splinters behave / Evan Perkoski
Cote de rangement : HV 6431 P 265679
Justice and international order : East and West / Richard Ned Lebow and Feng Zhang
Cote de rangement : JC 578 L 265682
Developments in European politics / edited by Veronica Anghel & Erik Jones
Cote de rangement : JN 15 D 265677
Autonomy without collapse in a better European Union / editors : Mark Dawson and Markus Jachtenfuchs
Cote de rangement : JN 30 A 265681
Les nouveaux outils de l'entreprise de demain : nouvelles stratégies pour travailler plus vite et mieux ! / Philippe Mounier
Cote de rangement : HD 30 .28 M 265667
Leading professionals : power, politics, and prima donnas / Laura Empson
Cote de rangement : HD 57 .7 E 265672
Organizational misbehaviour / Stephen Ackroyd and Paul Thompson
Cote de rangement : HD 58 .7 A 265680
Collective skill formation in the knowledge economy / edited by Giuliano Bonoli, Patrick Emmenegger
Cote de rangement : HD 5715 C 265671
La république autoritaire : Islam de France et illusion républicaine (2015-2022) / Haouès Séniguer
Cote de rangement : BP 65 .F8 S 265666
Random matrix methods for machine learning / Romain Couillet, Zhenyu Liao
Cote de rangement : Q 325 .5 C 265678
Tous ces ouvrages sont exposés sur le présentoir des nouveautés de la BSPO. Ceux-ci pourront être empruntés à domicile à partir du 12 décembre 2022.
0 notes
starojo · 4 years
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these panels were so adorable, look at iwaizumi lowkey fanboy-ing over ushijima's dad ajsjs
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muffins-puffins · 4 years
Meanwhile in Irvine, California.
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[EDIT] oho there's a continuation, apparently there are five stages of grief.
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paunchsalazar · 4 years
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ushijima joins iwa-chan fan club
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mistermrbee · 4 years
friendly reminder that when tendou saw the article of ushijima not being in his top form, his first response was to call ushijima
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and just from a few sentence of catching up, tendou easily picks up that something was weighing ushijima down thru the phone and just by hearing his voice and instantly goes
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and ushijima without hesitation, responds easily on the next panel and opens up
and tendou without fail, successfully cheers him up at the end
ushiten nation here are your crumbs
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rhetorical-ink · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Observations:  Chapter 372 and 395 Parallels
Have I established that Furudate is master class in terms of narrative? The parallels in Chapter 372 and 395 of Haikyuu!! are stunning, and need to be discussed.
First off, though, is the establishment of a timeline. Because this final arc has been a mess to make linear sense of...I have no clue how the anime will handle this, other than putting title cards in every single flashback to keep us on track!
For starters, the Ushijima flashback in Chapter 395 happens nearly TWO YEARS before the events of Chapter 372. We get this evidence because at the start of Chapter 395, we have this shot of Ushijima: 
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Not only does it establish he’s 19, but he’s not on the Schweiden Adlers, yet. He’s in his debut year, playing for the Japan national team. I wonder if he made the switch to play because Hoshiumi joined the Adlers, or Kageyama? And then, in Chapter 372, when we get his selfie reaction -- MORE ON THAT BELOW -- we see that he’s 21 and on the Adlers. So two years difference in those flashbacks in 395 vs. 372, and a total of FOUR years’ difference between the events of Chapter 395 and the present Haikyuu!! timeline. Simple to keep up, right?
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So, if the current timeline is November 2018, then it’s around 2014 when Chapter 395 happens. Hinata is considering doing Beach volleyball in his second year, as evidence below, and Oikawa has already joined the Argentinean League right out of high school, which will get brought up below, too.
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Okay, getting on track now that we’ve established the timeline -- the first major parallel is Iwaizumi meeting Ushijima,  similar to Oikawa and Hinata meeting in Chapter 372, only, of course their meeting is so nonchalant and chill, versus Hinata and Oikawa’s dramatic sand reunion: 
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BUT HERE, my friends, is where the parallels of Hinata/Oikawa/Iwaizumi/Ushijima create a magnificent Venn Diagram of Narrative Magnificence! You have parallels of:
Hinata went to the beach in Rio to train in beach volleyball to become a more well-rounded trainer. 
Ushijima went to California to get advice and practice training with his father’s foreign league team, much like Oikawa did with joining the Argentinean League...
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Oikawa establishes in Chapter 372 that he immediately went to Argentina after high school because he wanted to play under the guidance of Jose Blanco, the famous Argentinean setter that he idolized as a kid and still very much respected as a young adult and player. He ALSO, and this is important, establishes that he was going to break into the foreign leagues to get stronger anyway, and that his overall goal is to make it into an Olympics-playing team some day. Given that Hinata’s encounter with Oikawa happens in 2017, he’s been playing with Argentina about three years at this point. 
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But THEN, we also have Iwaizumi, who back in 2014, went to California after high school to go to college at USC-Irvine in California. His whole reasoning is that a famous Japanese trainer works with the volleyball team there and that Iwaizumi has been a huge fan of him and his published work. He also wants to major as in Sports Science, as we the audience are led to believe, to become a Physical Trainer and intern with the author, Takashi Utsui, once he graduates college. 
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And of COURSE, there’s the reveal then that Iwaizumi’s actual idol in real life is also the real-life father of his team’s long rival, Ushijima himself. It’s worth posting this reaction alone. Iwaizumi, you beautiful dork, you. If Oikawa ever saw that face, though...
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It’s also worth noting at this point that clearly Oikawa and Iwaizumi keep in contact, as evidence in his conversation with Ushijima. I have to say, this chapter showcasing Iwaizumi as the peace-keeper; able to be friends with both Oikawa and his hardest rival, Ushijima, is fantastic. It calls back to when Oikawa was making fun of Hinata outside the bathroom, and Iwaizumi chided him for it. Iwaizumi is just an honest, straightforward, nice guy. 
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Well....Nice to a point. Let’s all revel in the fact that it was IWAIZUMI, y’all, who started this selfie war. Keep in mind, this was 2014 when he and Ushijima supposedly sent the selfie to Oikawa of themselves. And then, three years later, Oikawa pays them all back: 
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The final parallel, interestingly enough, with Oikawa and Ushijima, who admits that he has hit a wall and has to move forward to get stronger. Revealing that just maybe, he’s not quite the “genius spiker” that Oikawa pegged him as. That maybe he really is just a normal guy that got “lucky” in terms of the father that helped protect his unique attribute of being a “south paw” and, like Kiyoomi in Chapter 394, was lucky to have those around him that he did to help foster his strength as a player. 
Basically, Furudate has given us so much to work with in showing how these characters, who seem so fundamentally different, have so much more in common that we realize at first glance. It’s so masterful to see these moments of set up and payoff happening with so much satisfaction for the reader. I love it.
OH, and of course, I wasn’t going to leave you all without this little set of notes from Chapter 395: 
* Tendou in this chapter wasn’t current time skip Tendou. It was 2014 Tendou. So technically, we have no clue what his hair looks like now -- though he’s fabulous either way!  So there’s that.
* It’s shown at the end of the chapter Ushijima’s father watching him play from California. We also see, since it’s 2:20 am there, that Iwaizumi is asleep, still in California, too. If it’s 2018 currently in the series, it means that Iwaizumi did graduate college, and has been interning for Utsui for likely a year, now (because it showed he was a sophomore in the flashback):
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@tatakunara-orerumade​ and @hopipp​ have already posted my headcanons ahead of me, but basically -- if the Olympics happen in 2020, a year and a half from now, that’s plenty of time for Iwaizumi to take his Bachelor’s in Sports Science, internship knowledge from working under his idol Utsui, and make it back to Japan to be a physical trainer for the same team as Ushijima, and more importantly for my shipping, fangirl heart, potentially Oikawa at the Olympics. It would be a beautiful payoff for all the set up these chapters have given us, and a beautiful wrap-up for the series. If we don’t actually get to see the Olympics happen in Haikyuu!! though, you better believe there’s going to be fanfiction about this. *runs off to write* 
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akakeiiji-main · 4 years
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Some tiny Iwa-chans to bless your eyes
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chashaodao · 4 years
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onanimeicons · 4 years
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haikyuu icons - c 395 
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sapphicssukii · 4 years
haikyuu!! 395
furudate has really been delivering everything lately 
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iwaizumi is studying sports medicine like we all had headcanons about because of oikawa’s knee and everything 
and he’s studying in california, probably at UC Irvine’s school of medicine 
bonus snippet: 
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buddupboop · 4 years
Iwaizumi and oikawa are on the same side of the world... how intimate😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
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msbybokutobeam · 4 years
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aaack so cuteeee 😔 the fact that ushijima did not even bother to update tendou's picture after all these years.
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starojo · 4 years
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these mini interactions between iwaizumi and ushijima added 20 years to my life span, look at iwaizumi's smile ajhduwu
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akdjs he's so annoying i love him
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crystal-shine06 · 4 years
Oh my god, this is not a drill, there's Tendo and Iwachan in this chapter and I'm freaking oooooooooUuuuut
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