#BRB Fangirling
wildbluesorbit · 1 year
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alynnl · 1 year
I’ve cleared TGAAC 1-2!
To be honest I kind of did a marathon of the middle and ending deductions because my work schedule is about to be ridiculously demanding this week and I didn’t want to lose any details of the case.  (Stress makes for a shoddy memory.)
I’m satisfied in some ways, but not others.
The ending of this case seems like a very complicated way to give Ryunosuke a call to adventure and a motivation to keep traveling to Great Britain.  I’m intrigued but at the same time there’s the elephant in the room.
I’m still early game, I realize but what happened to Kazuma in the beginning of this case should be on a list of how not to end a character arc because his story was nowhere near finished!
I did enjoy the twist though.
“The death was an accident, but the coverup was very intentional.”
Also this is one of the many ways a narrative can tell you “panicking and knee-jerk reactions can lead to irreversible consequences, so it’s best to think things through.”
But can we talk about our man, Inspector Hosonaga for a second?
He’s incredible.  it’s like if Detective Gumshoe were actually taken seriously and given way more scenes to be the MVP.
I adore him.  I don’t care how contrived it is, I want him to follow Ryunosuke and Susato on all their cases.  He’s the voice of reason to Herlock Sholmes and his antics.
Speaking of Sholmes... the more I do deduction the more I enjoy it.  It’s like wanting seconds of my favorite food.  I want more!
Overall this is the most mechanically fun game out of the franchise because it combines the classic courtroom, a bit of perception (when noticing other witness’ ticks on the stand), and Investigations type debate and rebuttal.  It’s amazing!
I will play more when I have time, for certain!
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justproblematic · 7 months
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Thank you for the follow, Foxy! ⭐️
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
“Don’t leave my sight again” for Kennedy and Bucky! Only if you want! I love your writing! <3
HI SWEET ANON!!!!! thank you so so much for popping this in the askbox and for the love on my writing! it means SO MUCH!! i had a lot of fun with this one - we went in a direction i wanted to explore a bit more with the kennedy x bucky dynamic, especially their ever-present bickering about sports with their (respective) red sox and yankees, hehe. i really enjoyed this prompt because i could still utilize the dynamic i wanted, but inject the prompt into the writing in a way that was more heartfelt and meaningful than anything, so, please enjoy!! :D
lips itching to grin
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(a/n): kennedy x bucky girlies, we're back and better than ever and focusing on the early days again with these two, specifically in the ever-present baseball rivalry (with a side of heartfelt and slightly flirty banter that neither side may or may have not predicted.....). ps: there's a whole lot of baseball references in here along with a deep dive into the red sox and yankees baseball almanac of 1942 players, as (to preface) they discuss a yankees x red sox game from 1942, with some of their own perspectives (though we enter the conversation in the middle lol). please enjoy!!! <3333
"Alright, well, runners on first and second, game-tying run at second, bottom of the 5th," Kennedy started, as she watched Paulina offer one of the newer replacements a dance as Billie Holiday sung with those swing trumpets over their heads, "you got Joe DiMaggio coming up with two outs. Dick Newsome's already at 78 pitches."
"Easy," Bucky offers as Paulina and the replacement move out towards the center of the floor and start dancing - Kennedy likes seeing her smile, "DiMaggio hits an RBI double and makes it to second base. Then you ain't even tied up anymore. Score's 4-3."
"But," Kennedy started, glancing upwards at him with a look as she tilted her head, a smile on her cheeks, "you got Charlie Keller up next. Getting to that point in your roster where it gets a little….hairy."
"Says the one with Joe Cronin on your-"
"Focus." Kennedy said snapping in front of his face, bringing a smirk onto his lips as he looked back at her, "We're talking about the fucking Yankees right now, Bucky."
"Don't call them the fucking Yankees."
"They're the fucking Yankees to me, got it?" she said and she watched Bucky turn from his position leaned up backwards against the bar to actually facing her, "What?"
"You get really passionate about your Red Sox, huh?" he said, leaning his hand up against the side of his face and watching her, "I'd hate to mess with you-"
"You already have." she told him in a sing-song voice as she turned and took a sip of her beer and looked out to the dance floor again, "Try growing up as the only girl in a house full of brothers. You either play baseball or you are the baseball, I'm afraid." Bucky snickered at that and sipped his own drink - bourbon maybe, she could smell it on his lips from here.
"What the hell kinda baseball did the Farley brothers play?"
"Wouldn't you like to know."
"Clearly not that great of baseball, you're all Red Sox fans."
"Says the one who willingly became a Yankees fan."
"At least I grew up in the area! It makes sense!"
"Can't knock me, Yankees' got a fan all the way from Wisconisn - can't say the same about other teams now, huh?" Bucky said leaning towards her with a grin, "Gotcha there, huh?" Kennedy watched him.
"Bill Dickey comes up and goes out swinging," Kennedy said, staring him down, "Red Ruffing's taken outta the game. Atley Donald's up on the mound. Johnny Pesky's up to bat. Donald walks him. Tony Lupien comes up - an absolute bomb outta the field. Rest of the game is a no-go. Red Sox win. 6-4."
"For someone who despises the Yankees, you sure do know a whole lot about them." Bucky said, sipping his drink again, "It's cute. You trying to impress me with that Yankees stuff."
"I just know a whole lot about games where my Red Sox win," Kennedy mouthed back, the tops of her cheeks burning, "you'd know if I was trying to impress you."
"When's that happened?"
"Exactly." she said, sending him a look and he smirked again, his eyes watching her in that manner they always seemed to, "What's that look for?"
"What'd you usually play?" he asked her, that lazy grin growing on his face, "C'mon, I know you were probably in a group of kids that got together to play. What were ya? No….let me guess. First base, you're pretty tall." She stared at him and raised a brow. "No?"
"What about this," she started, standing up straight and holding out her arms, "screams first base, huh?"
"Fine. Shortstop. Speedy, quick-witted-"
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"Don't get in over your head."
"Continue…." Kennedy said with a smirk.
"Shortstop." Bucky said, "Final answer."
"Ding-ding, you're correct," she said with a smile, "usually my older brother and I fought over that position. He usually gave in."
"You were convincing enough." Bucky said, sipping his drink again.
"I was better than him." she offered back, catching that look on his face, "What, like it's hard to believe?"
"Nah, nah," Bucky said shaking his head back and forth and grinning, before avoiding her questioning entirely, "you like hitting?"
"Usually was middle of the pack, sometimes cleanup, I flip-flopped." she said with a winning smirk, "Wasn't often I got cleanup though, my older brother, he's a fucking giant, like 6 foot 5 or something - Bobby - he usually could drive in any and all runners. Sometimes he let me in the spot. It was usually some stupid fight we'd have, but he'd let me have my ways sometimes. Which was nice." Bucky grinned at her again and she couldn't tell whether that was just how he decided to look at people or if there was something else going on behind those eyes and that smile. But she just left it for the time being and took to sipping her drink again.
An upbeat Ozzie Nelson beat came over above them, which immediately sent Kennedy thinking of home again - its summer, the windows are open, her mother's got the radio playing the music she always used when cleaning the house; a mix of Artie Shaw, Billie Holiday, Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman. Sometimes even some Ray Noble. Any sort of music as such would remind her of that time in her youth, racing around the house with her brothers, this music in her ears, the kitchen smelling like lemon soap and freshly scrubbed, the linens hanging outside, the sound of her mother sweeping and shooing away her brothers or their dog, Gunny.
"My ma loves this music," Kennedy said with a smile, looking out to the dance floor as people danced and clung onto one another, as if it were the only thing they had apart from those flying coffins - human touch, more important than anything when they were here, "she played it all the time at home."
"She a big band fan?" Bucky asked her, and she looked to him with a smile and nodded. The corners of his eyes grew soft - she noticed he did that sometimes when he was really listening to you; really, really listening. When she had first noticed it, she'd been taken back at the intensity with which he would watch and listen, but he did it so subtly she had never really noticed until now.
"Always has been." Kennedy said with a nod, "I mean, with five sons and one daughter, there isn't a whole lot of space to listen to quiet jazz, or…something or other. Everyone always wanted big band being played." Bucky let out a bark of a chuckle and then got quiet again, glancing her way with that cautious look painted on his face. He knocked her shoulder lightly.
"And you?" he asked her, a slightly playful look on his face, lips itching to grin again.
"What about me?"
"What do you like?" he asked her, "What does Kennedy Farley dance around to her when no one's looking?" Kennedy couldn't help but laugh, a real genuine laugh and shake her head.
"Usually Benny Goodman or Glenn Miller."
"Like mother, like daughter." Bucky said with a smile, "What's she doing now ya think? Your ma?" Kennedy shrugged, feeling slightly homesick at the thought of her Ma, at home, with all her children off to war, or college, or school, her husband off to work, leaving her in that big house all alone. Her stomach twisted unpleasantly and she couldn't fight the sad expression off her face.
"Probably getting dinner ready - she makes a damn good beef stew. Chop the carrots, onions, celery. Let the beef sit and marinate for a while. The whole house would smell almost like Christmas Eve," Kennedy said softly, before quirking out a grin, "waiting for Dad to get home from work." She stared at Bucky who watched her back. "Your ma?"
"Much of the same probably." Bucky said, leaning up against the bar and schooling his features evenly, "Cooking up dinner, waiting for my dad to get home." Bucky smiled almost bittersweetly. "Wish she didn't have to be there alone, ya know?"
"Yeah," Kennedy said quickly, her emotions warping with her intense want to berate him yet again over baseball, but her softer side took over and she looked at him, "I don't doubt though if I went home, she'd be telling me 'Don't leave my sight again.'" Kennedy said with a small smile. "Broke her damn heart for me to come out here. Only daughter. One of the youngest." Bucky watched her, his face quiet, his expressions even and he seemed at once, intently focused purely on her.
"She didn't want me to come." Kennedy told him honestly, feeling like if she didn't get it off her chest now, she never would tell a soul, "Here. Flying B-17s, being a gunner, getting my hands on a .50 cal. She hated the idea of all of it. But I guess she let me go because she knew it was what I wanted. What I needed. For me." She looked over at Bucky and saw nothing but that gentle, fond expression on his face. She smiled slightly. He smiled right back, almost instantly.
"Well, I'm glad you're here," he said, watching as her face morphed from sadness to mild surprise, to which he laughed at, "yeah, I swear to ya, Farley. I really am. Hey, who was it that saw you shooting that .50 cal back in training and hand-picked you for my gunners, alright?" She was quiet. "That was me."
"And then of course Birdie took you under her wing and the rest is history, but I didn't forget that at some point in time, you were one of my waist gunners," he said, knocking her shoulder lightly again, "a good one at that, you know that?" Just hearing Birdie's name made her heart squeeze.
"It's really nothing special-"
"You shot Expert, Farley," he said, holding her gaze with a firm look, "that sends eyes wandering, I promise ya."
She watched him for a moment before her fingers were getting twitchy and she needed something for them and to get herself to look away from that look in his eyes.
"Cigarette?" she asked him, pulling from his gaze to dig her hand into her pockets and produce the slightly crumpled cigarette packet she always had on hand. He watched her before slowly nodding.
"Sure." he said, as she innately popped open the top and produced two cigarettes, sliding one onto her lip and the other into his own hands, "Thanks."
"The least I could do for a compliment like that." she said, almost bashfully, as he placed it on his lip with a chuckle.
"First time anyone's ever told you that?"
"People don't tell me a whole lot of things like that ever so," Kennedy started, before attempting to smile, "yeah, first time for everything" Bucky watched her curiously as he produced a lighter and leaned forward to light up her cigarette before doing his own.
"Really?" he asked her, almost surprised - why would he need to act surprised, why did he even bother to care? She nodded. Bucky watched her for a moment, fingertips drumming against his cigarette as he stared at her; his gaze not one she was entirely even turning away from or wanting to.
"Cleanup." She stared at him, raising a brow.
"Tell Bobby Farley that you shoulda been in cleanup in the lineup." Bucky said, turning towards the bar again and calling for another drink, "Shortstops are usually closer to the top of the lineup anyway, right?" Kennedy watched him, her heart pounding.
"I woulda put you in that clean-up spot any day of the week, believe me." he said, smiling at her, with a grin, before turning to the bar and getting his drink. And she recited deep from within her mind, something Bobby Farley had taught her well and good in their screaming matches - 4th slot in the lineup, cleanup spot, usually one of the more or most important players in the lineup; they're powerful, drive in runs and more than anything are one thing - consistent.
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This scene. Gets me every time.
When Nathan says “what, I ain’t important?” And Gabriel just gives him this look like OF COURSE YOU ARE DUMBASS before giving him a pen so that Nathan can obviously write his name in the book. And then of course it’s what cures Mercury’s memory potion.
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ohtobemare · 1 year
name your favorite––
*me, aggressively* who is Val Kilmer for $500
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aiura-stan · 2 years
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look im not a Saiteru shipper, but Teruhashi’s thoughts being the last and most extensive that break through to Saiki, and her request being a prayer to God, which Saiki answers, and then immediately admits that he likes troublesome things, really fucking gets me
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derschwarzeengel · 8 months
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17020 · 4 months
AMOR!!!! I hope ur doing well, pookie 💗💗💗🫶🫶🫶 SENDING LOTS OF LOVEEEE💞💞💞
MY LOVE!!! i am well pookie 💘 i love u sending lots of love to you and ryusei !!!!!
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devdevlin · 5 months
omg — b&g and peremo — two of the most iconic tom’s in the fandom.
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 8 months
following the (soon to be) completed 3 pink roses au, I have an alternative au to the cannon universe where gojo finds a partner
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tenrose · 10 months
Ok, fresh thoughts (might change later because you know, fresh emotions are never the most reliable in the long term but still)
OOTD: well........ It's a disappointment. I mean you can find a bit of their rock signature but it's not doing for me for various reasons. Ironically Scream is my favourite TT and it's arguably their least Rock song, but their signature is still here. But here the song sounds messy. Why are music producers nowadays unable to give us a well structured song anymore???? I mean I know the answer, it's the tiktokification of music but I'm not gonna start that debate now, just no. The singing part are very good thoug, and I know now why they chose this part for the medley, because it's the best part. I love Yoohyeon and Handong parts, they honestly slay it and it's kinda new for me to find anyone having better "rock parts" than Siyeon. Anyway, I understand the need to do different stuff and renew yourself, and I'm probably too negative but usually when you renew yourself it's to do something different. And the problem is that while it's different for Dreamcatcher, it just sounds plain basic for the mainstream Kpop scene. Like sorry but many groups have done this. I'm not gonna say it's bad because taste is subjective (also I do listen to bp so I don't think I'm legitimate to say what's good or bad djdjdndjdns), I just don't expect this for them. And the lyrics.... That's the worst fucking part. Tbh it's not a surprise at all. When I saw "OOTD" I knew it was gonna be cringe. I just kept my mouth shut because I don't like giving an opinion on a 30 seconds snippet. Also I find 90% of the English lyrics in Kpop cringe, it doesn't stop me from listening, I just pretend I don't understand lmao. Also, Everglow could have pulled something with these lyrics tbh (no shade, I love Everglow, it's their signature brand and they do it better than anyone else imo). The MV goes well with the music so yes it's not mindblowing, and I was expecting something more after the hype they pulled before the comeback. Gotta say the editing is absolutely insane and whoever worked on it deserves more recognition. Also it's visually way more pleasing to watch than Maison or Vision. And no matter what the concept is, the girls are always pulling it flawlessly. They are genuinely so good at adapting to whatever they have to work with it. Also the choreography is interesting. Anyway, what I'm saying is that it's pretty basic and I guess that's the curse of loving an artist, it's that you always have higher expectations for them than anyone else.
Rising: I said it and I will say it again. It should have been the title track. I know there's little chance they will ever have a rock heavy song as the TT again because now they are more popular and they have to cater to the general audience and their sensitive ears. I mean Kpop, American music or whatever, heavier songs are always ignored by mainstream audiences. So yeah it's not a surprise that they decided to choose a sound that's already familiar for a general public, with just a bit of rock underneath to satisfy everyone and called it a day. At least I can listen Rising ten times a day if I want.
Shatter: I don't really have an opinion on it. I just don't have any comparison in DC's discography or my own music to say anything. They tried something different and I appreciate them for that.
We Are Young: they just are so good with nostalgic EDM songs aren't they???? I'm gonna need it when I feel down.
Anyway, overall the album is good, proof that the producers do in fact produce good music when we let them do so, I just think the title track is more made for general audience first. And I mean, it's a very competitive industry, if you want to survive you have to adapt to what the public is able to digest. What I really mean, is fuck capitalism.
Now that I've complained a lot, you are about to witness the biggest hypocrite move from me because of course I'm gonna reblog everything, gif everything and being always lovey dovey from them. You need to understand that my rational brain and my fan brain are two different entities lmao
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will80sbyers · 1 year
Not my favourite writer reblogging my GIFs
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seesgood · 1 year
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❝ oh god --- was i supposed to curtsey? ❞          /          @wornkindness​   +   liked for a starter ! 
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goldencherriess · 2 years
Did I just meet my favourite author?? Yeah, I did!! Let me scream about it really quick-
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sw33t-as-h3ll · 2 years
Garou is so ambitious, sexy, badass, and noble.
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